Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Al this reason nenrlr rrerj ma n xl to nee iwmo
wrt of tonic , IKON tutors Into almnet CTITT pay.
tidan'l prescription ( or thoeo n ho need building op.
Tor < Wcnkncfw , I.nnBltmlp. J.nrk of
! nrrBy. iVc. , It HAS ISO IXM/AI / , , . and
I tlin only Jron.medjrjno lhatjs not tnjnrio nil ,
t Knrlrhcn tlio Jtlonil , InvlHo ten llio
It dot * not Llackcn nr Injure the l ) Ui , cauno head ,
ncho or produce constlpatlon-o'Aer ' Iron mnllelnti da
Dn , ( I. It ntKKLKT , a leading phrtlclan of
Bprinirfielil , O. , MfH
' "Rrmm't Iron Bitten lid Ihoronghlr Rood medl-
elno. Inm It In mrpractlco , ncl llnd lt ctlon
eioom nil other fonnfi of iron. In TveaVnefn. or a low
condition of the gjBU'in , I3rmrnfl Iron Dltteni In
nmallr a poritlre npccmltj , It la all that Is claimed
for Ito
Oennlnehiui tradanmk find rronwl red lines on
wrapper. Tnko no ntlirr. Madeontfby
nitowN niEJiioAi. co , , i
mallM to anj addreca on receipt of Co. Btamp.
, * viCbntH ! ? tts S3ROAD CLfllft. i U'
fcSiiy BES3 ? OHSaATlNflj
IflfWSTS !
otfvrcrt fo tjio Dublin
l1' Mm > Cllrt" ' .
6" " " ' " ' " " < ' ' Olrrn in
, . , , , . .
p/ , „ , „ undertaken.
two Hiamps for OlelirAtccl Jlcdical
} Jorkd. Addro-B. if. I ) . OI.AKUK. M. 1J. .
I'-C ' bouth L'tirk Ktrppt. CmcAno , Jr u
Hoyal Havana Lottery i
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac
tions pro rnta.
Cnbjjcl to no manipulation , not coatrolled by Iba
I nllea In Interest. It Is tba fulresi IMne In Iho
Moic of chinooln ezlBtenca.
> cr tlckota apply to BUIPSET ft CO. , 1212 Broad
> yN. T. City ; SOUND ER & CO. , 108 South ith 81
Bt , Lonli. Uo , 01 U. QTTENS b CO , 019 Main St.
KanBaaCltv. llo.
llo.S :
I am an old man. For 23 jeara I Buffered with ul-
ccrionmviijbtlojras the result ol tjpbold lover.
Amputation was suggested 8 tbo only means ol pro-
Borrlngllle. The doctors oould da nothing ; lor mo ,
and thought I must die For three years I netor
had ft shoo on. Swift's SpcclOo baa made a perma
nent euro and added ten years to my life.
Wii. It. UBKO , Ball Co , Ga.
I h&vo taken Strut's Speclflo tor blood poUon con
tracted at a meillcil college a. t a dlsiactlon , while I
was R medical student. I am grateful to say tbat It
Ravemo asecdy andthoroDgh euro after my pa
rcels had spent hundreds ol dollars for treatment.
AUQCSTUS WBXDKL , M D. , Newark , If. J.
My wlfo from early uitlhood baa been Buffering
from rheumatism. She has triad many rtmedles ,
nnd I must frankly say has dorhcd moro benefit
from Swift's fpecluo than Iroin all tie | ethers , alter
long and faithful trial.
HBT. JAB. L. PIERCIC , Oxford , Q > .
Swift's Spoolflo Is enterelyeeetable , Treatise on
II QOd and dktu Diseases mailed freo.
The SAirr BrEcmo Co. , Drawer 8 , Atlinta.Ga , , o
UOW.ISdBt , N. Y.
Town Lots in Denver Junction ,
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction IB a now town of about 200
Inhabitants , laid out In 1884 , on the great
trunk railway across the continent , at the
junction of the Julrwlurpr Branch , 107 miles
from Denver. The town is on second bottom
land of the Platte River , the finest location
between Omaha and Denver , and U surround'
cd by the bait-laying lands west of Ksarnoy
.function , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ;
altitude 3,0)0 feet. 'Dcn ' > er Junction bids to
become en Important point , as tbo U. F. It.
II , Co , , are putting upinanyof their buildings
bore , while the B. & M. II. It , Oo..nrouipcct-
ed eoon to connect at this place. Ths present
chance for good inTostmenta In ( own lota will
ncarcelv ever ba equaled elsewhere. For aolo
by the lot ot block in good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction Cole ,
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
Capital Stock. - - - ? 150.0J ( ( !
Liability of Stockboldore , 300,000
Fire Per CentlntetM oBDeposils
J1UEJ K. 15QTD rrcsldcat
> . A. PAXTON V'M ' fi w
LM. BSNNEIT , , Uiniffxg Director
J HH E. WILnUR , . . CiuUltr
A Re-Location of Fort Omalia Being
Dined ,
The Present Quarters Too Small
Personal nd General Items ,
For some time past there has been a
growing fooling that the present military
quarters ; at Port Omaha were too small
for the purposes for which they wora Intended -
tended end should bo used. For drill
pnrpoaea they do not afford one-half the
room needed. The reservation ( if such
it can bo called ) Is In dimensions only
about 800 by 800 yards.
This feeling of dissatisfaction will prob
ably result In the removal of the post
from its present position to a point
further out , whore moro room can bo
obtained. A gentleman troll posted In
local military affairs , Informed a reporter
to-day that n number of prominent -
inont citizens wore interesting them
selves in a movement to Induce -
duce the government to purchase a aquaro
mile of land on the line of ono of the
railroads , the B. & M. or the Union PA-
clGc , at a dlatanco of about eight or ten
miles from the city. This would give
the officers and soldiers plenty of room to
drill , and would dieslpato that feeling of
"crampcdncis" which renders the present
military quarters so uncomfortable. An
other advantage would bo that the change
would settle , for many years to come , at
least , the question of the location of the
rifle range. To bo sure , the range has
boon temporarily located , but the tract is
necessarily small and the adjacent prop
erty owners are not Inclined
to bo generous. If larger
accommodations could bo secured , the
rlflo practice , could bo carried on in a
manner free and untrammelled. The
question of the removal is being seriously
debated , and it la probable that some
definite stops In the matter will bo taken
at an early day.
An agreeable reception was given by
Gen. and Mrs. Hawkins , Saturday evenIng -
Ing to Gcn'le. Henry and Break and their
wires , the now arrivals In local military
"In your Saturday issue , " said an
army oflicer to a reporter yesterday , "you
referred to the one-armed , ono-ltggcd
ind one-eyed members of the local mil
Itary staff. Cant. Sladon , the man of
: > ne-lcggod distinction , mot wi.h his misfortune -
fortune in a peculiar way. Ho was not
isactly thrown from bis horse , for ho Is a
? ery fine rider. Some of the cavalrymen
jnco thought to put up a joke on him ,
ind gave him a vicious horao to ride.
Cho animal ran away , and the bridle
eia breaking , Oapt. Sladon was dashed
igoinst a tree. In this way his log was
iroken and bad to bo amputated. Ool.
Elenry lost the use of bis loft eye at the
lattlo of Rosebud Agency with Sitting
Bull in 1875. Gen. Bandy is also ono
if the stall who has received a sorlons
njnry. Ho boars on the aldo of his
toad a ocar where ho was wounded dur-
ng the war. "
Much regret Is expressed at the do-
iarture of Ool. Stanton for Salt Lake
Jlty. Ho Is very popular hero. It is to
10 hoped that the climate and surround-
ago of Salt Lake City will be agreeable
o him.
The score cards for tbo annual depart
ment competition , which have usually
eon printed at each department head-
uarters , are now printed at the war
epartment , and a supply of these has
ant boon received at the local hoad-
The office of Col. Henry , inspector of
iflo practice , has boon removed to Room
0 , ono door west ot his old quarters.
'bo ' Sana to Committee to Visit Omalia
Next Week.
Senator Mandcraon baa received the
allowing telegram from Senator Oallom ,
f Illinois :
"Juno 14th 1885 Oommlttoo on Inter-
: ate cDmmorco will reach Omaha Man-
ay or Tuesday of next week. Please
otify those who should be heard.
The select committee of the United
itates senate on Inter-state commerce is
ompoaod of Senator Callom , of Illinois ;
lenator Warren Miller , of Now
fork ; Senator Platt , of Connecticut ;
lenator Gorman , of Maryland , and Sen-
tor Harris , of Tonnoesee. The com-
ditteo has been taking testimony and
aaklng Investigations through the east ,
nd ia now In ueeslon in Chicago , It is
ircaumed that at least Senators Cullom ,
'Jatt and Harris will bo In Omaha on
'uno 22d or 23d , and porbapj the other
Qombors of the committee. Ita purpose
sto Irjqalro Into all abuses and grlov-
noea Incident to commerce between the
tates , and take counsel with those whey
y thoaght , study , or oxpsrlonco , can
ugRuat remedloi , j
Senator Mandorson at the request of
bo chairman of the committee Invites
ho following gentlemen to appear.beforo
bo committee when It shall roach Oma >
B. Of course any other gentleman
ealrlng to bo heard will bo welcomed.
t is understood that the Board of Trade
ad perhaps the Omaha olnb will do
> metblng toward the entertainment of
IB committee.
Names of witnesses for examination
f the senate committee on Interstate
immerco at Omaha , Nob. :
Thomas L. Ktmball Assistant general
lanagor Union PaclQo railway , Omaha ,
feb. '
P. P. Shelby General freight agent
loion Pacific i all way , Omaua , Neb.
Percy S. Enstls General passenger
; ent Burlington & Missouri railway ,
imaha , Nob.
Thomau L , Miller General freight
; ont Burlington ifc Mltsanrl railroad ,
imaha Neb. ,
F. B. Whitney General traffic agent
hlcago , Minneapolis , St. Paul & Omaha
illroad , Omaha , Nob.
James McCabe Superintendent Chi.
igo , Minneapolis , St. Paul & Omaha
illroad , Omaha , Nob.
Robert L , Euaon , of Paxton & Ga'.la-
ie. , shippers , Omaha , Neb.
W. H. McOord , of N ve , McOord &
rady , shippers , Omaha , Neb.
Henry T. Clarke , of Henry T , Clarke
Co , , shippers , Omaha , Nob.
N. B. Falconer , dry goods merchant ,
maha , Neb.
EJwaid Rosewater , editor BEE , Oraa-
\ , Neb.
George W. Doano , attorney at law ,
aabit , Neb ,
0. H. Gere , secretary railroad com-
iaslon , Lincoln , Neb. '
Bonjimhi Oowdry , tccretary rallroao
commltalon , Colnmbns , Neb.
Mr. BuBchon , secretary railroad com <
mission , Red Cloud , Neb.
Alien Root , farmer , Omaha , Nob.
J , Burrows , farmer , Tlllcy , Nob.
D. M. Nqttloton , attorney and mem
ber state legislature. Spring RanchoNeb.
William 0 , Holdon , editor Press ,
Kearney , Neb ,
J. H. Stlckel , farmer , Hebron , Neb.
8 , S. Raynolds , grain dealer , David
City , Neb.
Delicacies Afforded by the Local
Mnrts Prices.
The local markets are becoming well-
stocked and the housekeeper has on
trouble In finding plenty of material to
select from In cooking the three meals a
day , The situation Is briefly summed up
below :
In the froah water article , whlto fish ,
trout and bass retail at 15 conta per
pound ; whlto pickerel la soiling at 10
cents ; cropplo and porch cm bo had for
12 $ cents ; catfish sell for 15 cents a
pound. Blao fish BIO coming Into the
market and bring 20 cents a pound.
Fresh Columbia river salmon are worth
25 cents a pound. Fresb mackerel
15 to 20 cents aploco. Salt
water fish , codfish and haddock are
worth 15 cents a pound , halibut 25 cents.
Shad sells from CO to 80 cents each.
Eels sell for 20 cents a pound.
Codfish tongues are rare , but retail for
20 cents.
The best cuts of sirloin sell for 15
cents , rumps and upper part of round
ttoak at 12k Roasting ribs , firm and
jalcy , can bo bought for 10 to 12 cents.
Veal is extremely scarce and comes high
from 25 to 20 cents , according to the
cholconcss of the part. Sweat broads
can bo purchased at 25 cents a pair.
Corn beef Is selling at from 5 to 10 cents ,
according to cnts. Prime leg of muttons
can bo had for 12A contsmutton ; chops
12i to 15 cents- Ham IB a staple article
in good demand at 12A cents In bulk , 25
cents sliced. Pork 10 to 12J ; cents.
Sausage 10 to 12 J cents. Spring lamb
IsBolliugfor $1 for fore quarter and $1.25
for hind quarter. Spring chickens are
worth from 30 to 40 cents apiece.
Early Rose potatoes are In fair demand
at 85 to $1 00 ; the Peerless and Whlto
Elephant bring 75 toSocentsabushel The
early Ohio , $1 a boshol. The Colorado
and Salt Lake varieties are worth $1 00
to $1 25. Asparagus is worth 5 cents
a bunch. Rhubarb can bo booght for 3
cents a pound , water cress 5 cents a
bunch. Parsley is sold at 50 cents a
dczen. California cabbage can still bo
bought for G cents a pound. Freeh rad
ishes are selling at 3 bunches for lOc
Spinach Is worth 25 cents a peck , whllo
encumbers soil at from 8 to 10 c onts
ipieco , according to size.
Fresh homo grown lettuce , a delightful
lalad delicacy at this season of the year ,
.a ' sold at 35 cents a dozen. Fresh
tomatoes are In lively demand at 20 cents
ipontid , whllo green peas sell for G5 cents
i peck ; string beans 10 cents a quart.
( Vax beans can ba bought for 12i cents a
juait. New potatoes ore worth CO cents
i peck. Green onions are selling at 3
junches fora dlmosoutliorn onions throe
pounds for a quarter , Bermudas two
pounds for a qnartor.
The local markers are well stocked In
; he fruit line. California oranges bring
: rom 25 to 35 cents a dozan ; mcssina
> ranges are not so plentiful , brlng-
ng higher prices. Bananas , fresh and
ripe , are very plentiful and can bo bought
'or 25 to 35 cents a dozen.
Strawberries are plentiful , and are
it present bringing from 8 to 10
: onts per quart. Nice bomo < grown
jerries , 10 to 12J cents per quart.
California cherries are an appreciated
lelicacy , being worth 25 to 35 cents a
Eggs have a standard price of 12 cents
k dozen. Butter , best dairy and cream-
jry , is selling for 20 to 25 , cents a pound.
Report of tbo "Woman's ' Christian As
sociation for April and May.
The association acknowledges the fol-
.owlng donations : A generous gift of
? 30 from Mr. Galloway , which was of
roat assistance to the society ; alao
nonoy from the following ladles : Mrs.
EVilbur § 1 , Mrs.Gilmora $1 , Mrs Hawes
51 , clothing and Infant wear from MM.
H. T. Patrick , Mrs. Cogswell , A Friend ,
yirs. James , Mrs. Bolt , Mrs. McCoy ,
rhubarb. Seven lost children were
nought to the home by policemen and
voro provided for until called for by
, holr parents , Four young girls wore
'ornlshed shelter and help by the ma-
ran. Three mothers with children
bund rest , and one poor woman taken
: are of during three weeks lllneoa. The
tails of the poor daring the warm
voathcr have been mot In a certain
neosnio by the association , bnt the
Imlted cpaco of the rooms was found In
deqnato during the past winter , It it i
he hope of the ladies ongtgod In this
vork to have their building erected by
tarly fall , and they are much encouraged t
n their efforts by gentlemen of Omaha
rho have offered money , building mate
ial , furniture , and worklngmon have
olontoerod their labor. It Is the inten-
lon to make the homo self-supporting ,
9 encourage golf-respect and indopen-
enco of character In those who ask for
Id by giving thorn employment , and the
solely ask the public to recognize tholr
( Torts in this work of benevolence.
Recording Secretary ,
"Olcnr tbo Way. "
Complaint is made that the streets of
10 cily are so clogged with dirt and gar-
ajjo that It is impossible to puss along.
'bis ' Is bad bualnois , but not ho If eo bad
a when the ducts and passages In the
uman system become blocked and
lofgsd with Imparities , and the liver has
o chance to do Its work of cleansing the
lood. Bat even this state of affairs
lelds to Brown's Iron Blttuis , the great
tmily tonic , which you can got at any
rag store tor a dollar.
Ai a result of the extensive advertising it
M received the orders for Mils Cleveland' *
> ok are BO large that the edition first In *
nded will be much increased.
TUB VOLTAIO CKLT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. ,
far to Bond tholr celebrated KlBOTBo-VOL-
ial for thirty days , to men ( young or old )
dieted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
id manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also
r rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
any other disoijea. Complete restoration to I
> alth , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No I
ilc is Incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. I
'rite them at onoa for Illustrated pamphlet I
IlCBolntlon of Thanks for Mcmoila
Day Services nd Contribution ,
No. 7 , G. A , R U
OMAHA , Juno 1,1885. j
At aregnhr meeting of Gcorgo A CDS
ier 1'ost No. 7n cotnmlttoo was appoint
oil to draft resolutions of thanks to the
different organizations who assisted ns on
Memorial Day , and at n meeting of the
Dmmltteo tbo following preamble and
teaolntiona were adopted :
WllKnBtg , Deeming It our duty and esteem,1
ing it a pleasure to tultably demonstrate ) our
resptct for tbo memory of our deceased com
rades , In the proper observance of tlio day sot
aside for the decoration of tbelr graves ; and
beinp unable to do to without the nisiatanco
and oo-operation of the public ; the Post ,
through the committee appointed for that
purpose , called upon the loyal citliena of
Omaha for aid , and
WHKBEAB , On Memorial Day , the public of
Omaha and vicinity not only aided us finan
cially , but closed their places of business and
joined us in our services at the cemetery ;
therefore bo it
Resolved , That wo hereby tender o r
thanks to all the 10 who In any way assisted
us on that day.
Resolved , That wo cipecially return thanks
to the military of Fort Omaha for their ma
terial assistance , and to the lion , John L ,
Webster for the able and appropriate address
delivered at the cemetery.
Resolved , That the following organizations
and societies who participated with us on that
day In our services bavo our sincere thanks ,
namely : The Mayor and City Council , the
Omaha Light Guards , Lodges No. 1 and 10
Danish Brotherhood , the Bohemian Turner
societies , Omaha Post No. 110 and 1'nil Kear
ney Post No. 2 G. A. R ; Gate City Drnm
Corps ; Band of Hope , West Omaha , W. O ,
T. U.
ResoheJ , That wo hoieby heartily thank the
following persons for services rendered on
that occasion : The quartette , from St. Philo-
menln cathedral choir ; the thirty-eight young
ladies representing the sisterhood of states ;
the Rev , George S. Pelton , pastor of the Third
Congrecational church , who officiated as chap
lain ; fllojsrB. Dewey & Stone , who tendered
the use of four wagons , Also to the follow
ing lor a liberal contribution of flowers ;
Mesdamca George M. O'Brien , Milton
Rogers , J. W. Petty , Charles Uurmoster ,
Miss Mary Poppleton , and the children of
the public schools.
Rsol\cd , That those resolutions bo gl\on
to the press for publication ,
Two tViTc-Bcatcrs Sciitonoctl A Ma
"With "Bras nnchlcs " Tlio
Usual BuslncsH.
There was tbo oaual Monday morntn
array of culprits before Jadgo Stonborg
yeBtordoy morning.
Pat Delaney had been guilty of abas
Ing and grossly maltreating his epouao ,
Ho cquared thlogs up by the payment o
a fine of $10 and coate.
John Dowling was run in by thopollc
Sunday night , and A chnrgo of carrying
concealed weapons was booked oppoalt
his name. Yesterday morning he plead
guilty and was fined 85 and costs.
Mary Wellington , a female addicted i
a fcnbit of making too much noleo was
Sued $5 and coats for raising a dls
Mat Keith , a bellicose hackman , paid
i fine of $5 and costs for fighting.
Jerry Donovan was arraigned for carryIng -
Ing a pair of braes knuckles. It appcaars
that ho went ont to KtBaler'ahall Sunday
night , whore a dance rraa being hold , for
the express purpose of raising a row.
Ho was pat ont by Officer Turnbull , who
told him that ho needn't trouble himself
about coming back. Donovan stepped
down and made a motion SB though to
draw a revolver , but instead pulled
pair of brass knuckles. Turnbull at once
placed him under arrest and handed him
over to Officer Matza to bo taken to jail.
On the way down , Donovan made a ter <
rlfic straggle to free himself , and would
bave succeeded in his purpoeo had not
Officer Fuller como to his relief. Dono-
ran was fined $5 and coats.
James Johnson , T. 0. Smith , James
Smith , J. G. Johnson and Charles Nor
wood , paid a fine of $3 and costs for dls
tnrbanco of the peace.
Thomas Creek , a gentleman who had
bad some trifling difficulty with his wife
ind had emphasized his remarks by boat
ing her rather severely , contributed to
the city's exchequer thu sum of $10 and
rras released.
Heal Estate Transferu. .
The following transfers were filed Juno
13 , with the county clerk and reported
'or the BEE by Amos' real cstato agency :
Samuel D. Merger and wlfo to America
7. Rosbaum , lota 10.11 and 12 blk 8
iValnut Hill , w d , $600.00.
Samuel D. Meroor and wlfo to Peter
3hrls Hanson , Icti 13,14 and 15 blk 8
, Valnut Hill , w d , § 750.00.
Peter Chiia Haneou to Jans Bfrtelsen ,
ot 15 blk 8 Walnut Hill , w d , $250.00.
John Rush to Joseph Mtchal , o 11 ft
f lot 3 blk 259 Omaha , treasurer's tax
lecd , 82.91. '
George P. Bemls and wlfo to George
t , Emblen , lots 1 and 2 blk "E" Lowes'
it add to Omaha , w d , $225.00.
George H. Bogqa and wife and others
D Thomas 0. Wallace , lot ) 17 and 18
ilk 0 Omaha Vlorr , w d , $700.00.
George n. Bogga and wlfo and others
9 Peter Itasmnson , lot 5 blk 2 Boprgs &
Illl'a 2d add to Omaha , w d , $1,250.00.
Win. A. Itadlok to Hnlda Arvidjsou ,
1 of lot G Wm. A. Redlck'a add to
Iniaha , w d , $200.00.
Resolutions oflleapecr.
The following resolutions of respect
rere passed by the teachers and students
f the Omaha Commercial college :
WHEnBAa , It has pleaaod God In Ills pro-
idenca to take from us a dear student and a
eloved Bcbool-mato in the prime of life ,
'rank ' McOo ? ; therefore , bo it
Ileiolved , That the newa of hii ead and
id d oil death came to us with mingled Borrow
ad deep regret.
Ilctolved. That wo recognize In him a gen-
rous impulse , a eoclalcoinpanionahip , an able
udetit , and n lasting friend ,
Kesolved , Th t we extend our sympathy
ad condolence to hia prief-stricken parents
ad friends , and trustingly commend them to
in love nnd sympathy of our Heavenly
ather ,
Keeolved , That theie resolutions bo printed
i the Omaha Commercial Age , and the sev-
al papeis of the city , and that copies of
leiu bo nent to his sorrowing parents ,
iThcn Baby waa sick , wo are tier Ctatoria ,
iVTicn alto iraa a Chllil , elie cried for Caatorla ,
Vtien alia became Mies , olio clang to Castor ! * ,
iHten the hid CbildrMt , abe gate tLera Cutoria
- - - 1
/ rce from Qplatcn , Xmctlcs and 1'olsons
ere Thron ! , Honr cnc s Inflnrnco ,
Colil * . Ilronclilll. , Croup , U'liooptnjr Cough ,
Atllimmqulniir , I'nlnnlnC'hril , andothtr
ir H < .M of ih Tli rout n < I Luna
1'rlco no ccnl a bottlp. Sold by DrncElrts nnd TfM.
crt. 'fartlf ' * vnable to Induce lite trriraler toitromrtly
Ottflfor them trill rtcrlre IM bottles , Kzprets chargti
poM , l/y tending one dollar la
IIIK nunics A. onttrn rojtnsr ,
8cUUwntrl nlM nnf ctnmi ,
lUHImorf. a.rjUnit , C. I. i.
817 St , Chnrles S ? . , 8J. Louis * l
ttr Jl rnr , lQ ' oft iVdiflc = itttj , I % iliion lo ji' .
fftreilln tbf lp ctiltrFitlTncatof ) Cf , .Vti Drt *
in ! Btoor D i uihu -
in. ] > | i
Nervous Prostration , Deblllti , MenH Wt4
3hyslcal Weakness i Mercurial end nth < * < tv , '
lions ol Throat , Skin or Bone * , Biped Pol ; ; . , , iiu.
lid Sores and Ulcers , * ttt\ci itb tnc > n'i ' -
' *
e orl > 7ro Ufrco' , nillniltrJ. Wilto forivtiileu.
A Positive Written Guarantee
t tret ID ill conMe eiun. li JleloM icnt verr tm
f . .L12'It.iJ/1- ! / ? ? ? 1n'.Hl . . P B I * "
I'Heiioal Institute
Chartered by thcStateof Illi-
noia for thccxpresdpurpose
of glvlnclmmcdlatc rcllclln
nil chronicunnaryand pri
vate diseases Gonorrhoea ,
fft Gleet andSyphillsin all their
y complicated forms , also nil
dlsecses of the Skin nnd
Ulood promptly relieved and
permancntlycured by rcme-
. , bemlnal
weakness , NiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Face.Lost Manhood , l > usltlvcti/cnrctl.lltfro
Is no critcrtiiiFiitliid. The appropriate remedy
is nt once used in each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines cent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
OR. JAMES.No. 204Washnglon ! St.Chcagoll. ! !
anil'lii- " ' - ' "niKaliwlHiel ?
oureil. Hones. iun cleiauv
. -f iifri ri-'jahciiL IOIXQ
* K > > Ki livens : li ? nilnd .me !
p " itprllts Kriln 1'onci.
. .
tLi-llnrtii li ! ) r i-e wlji
> nd la DB , LV-H JOai'B UIO/ * IONIC 11 mis kt. .
TeiU euro , imcb.i' Itur , lnjiilhyootuplcxloa
y.-c < i cnt atirninlr .11 c" "TT < IIV nnlv ' 'J
ijliopopnljrit > DoaoteT ar' .
.ent pctlllilOlliaiSAI. M > I1KST-
j bfnayi'uriHlireioto"lh Dr. HurterflfoJ CSn V
MU..IOI oui "DHUAM HOOK , ' Bl
il < nl'inmWnr ' t . f t
a 1 am using your Fluid Extract Bed Olorer
DloMom and Wet Compress ( or Cancer on tbo breaat.
and am well. I am eatlsfled It It tbo beat remedy for
Canerr known. You are wrlcomo to uio UUs f or tb *
benefit of tnlTerlntr bumanlty.
HejpcctJolly , MRS. L. A. JOHNSOH.
. .
ii KV > I r wlf o Jias f or f omo tltno been aflllcted
with something llkoascrofalouidliraee , anil found no
relief until abe triu o your Extract ot Ited Clorir a trial.
I am happy to ay ha hoa experienced Krcac relief.
ThU UbuUf light testimonial of my appreciation o
your cITortj In behalf of humanity , which you ore
welcome to use for tholr benefit.
. . . . . . I am , very respectfully , H. AJUIB.
. .
I oomniMiced taklnsr your En. Ucd Clorer ,
wo .Te ra ago , for hryBlnclaa. nnd hayo not been
tnmklod since. It | 9 uorealtarr wlu > jao. Think you
bar * tto boat blood modlciue known.
Your truly , W. M. SEIBEHT.
n. n. flyman , of Orand lUpldn , Jllch. . ayAfUr
two lloctora advlicd Mm to use J/x > io' Kxt. Hcd Clover
cor a bail ca&o of I.czema , or lover bore on the lefr.
Only u od two pounds ot yourBolld txtroct Uod ClOTeo
Am now well.
jlBASprlnB MedlclneTonlo nnd general Blood Poi *
ncrltnaanocqaal. For sale by til drugglits.orJ.JI.
LOOM & Co. . Monroe , llieb.
ItEMLDY FnEE. Avlotim of routlifulliaiirudence
eauitnK Premature Decay , fierroua Debility , Ixist
llanbood , Ac. , Uatlnij tried In yaln every known
remedyhasdlacorerpl ABliaplo means of aelf-curo ,
wblcu he will annil riUHi fulils/ollow-BuirfrPra.
Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jr.
Will etand for otock at Omaha Fair groundi the
i&son of 1886. UeialOJ hands h lh. ( w eight 1286
'B ' , his rlro JACK BIIFTMRU U full brother In blood to
XXTER 2:171 : , alao to DiciATOathe elru of JAT.ITI B a
10 , KALLAB , 2:18 : } and DIRECTOR ! :17. : Call at tbe
Ir Ritunda nod aee him and get bla pellgreo
jfuli tcitnat" firtheecamn. A. TIIOW-ON
l ) > ll bl audl IIroB
cad Plpo and Sheet Load ,
\10IITJIIM.TO.V STfAH I'l Jlltj ,
? lDm6ets' Gas ana iteam niters1
lUi i Dodae Sls-OMAHA.NEn.
[ mported Beer
rlatiger . Iatl& I Culmbidier . Bavaria
liner . Bohemian Kalicr . Bremen
udncUer . Bt Louis I Anhiuscr . St , Louie
Ml'u . . . . . .Mlluauken I Schlitz 1 lincr.Uilwaukee
ruc'u . Ouialii i AIo , 1'ortor , Domestic and
KblUB Wines.
5DMAUEER , 123 FarnamSt.
_ _ _
AI the old eUnd 1117 S rn m Bt Crilen by till
apbgollclUduidptOEintl U nded to.
213 S. 14th STREET ,
Have a large list of inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city ,
We have busiuess property 011 Cnpitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Douglnp , Farnnm , Barney , Howard , 9th , 10th , ISlli nnd
IGth sreets.
Wo hnve fiiio residence property on Fnrnnm , Douglas ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , California streets , Sher
man , St .Marys nnd Park Avenues , in fact on all the best
residence sheets. Wo have property in the following ad
McCormick's ,
Millard& Caldwell's Kountz < & Kutli's ,
Lakes , Impr'nt Association.
Elizabetli'Flace Wilcox ,
E. V. Smith's , Burr Oak ,
Horbacli's , Isaac & Seldon's ?
Patrick's ? Hanscom's
Parker's , West Omaha ,
Sliinn's , Grand "View ,
Gise's , Credit Foncier ,
Nelson's , iKountz' First
oimtz' Second ,
© odfrev's , Komntz' Third ,
Lowe's , I ountz' Fourth ,
Kirkwood , Syndicate Mill ,
College Place , Plainview ,
Park Place , Hill Side ,
Tukev < &I evsors ,
Thornburg ,
Clark Place ,
Capitol , Sivers CL Richards ,
Reed's First , Bovds ,
And ail the other Additions'ito the
yndicate Hill
Adjoins the stock yards property in South Omaha
Fhese lots are sold at $100. They are nicely lo
cated and will ngpke convening cheap , and de
sirable homes for the employes of the stock
rards and packing honses.
Tukey & Keysors Sub-division , ,
located in West Omaua , two blocks south of Lenvonworth ntrect , . ,
ine location and the cheapest lots in Omaha ; 5125 for inside lota and
f50 Jor corners ; terms § 10 down , balance 85 per mouth ; dent fail to
ee thpso if you want a bargain.
We have a few lots left in Kirkwood additiou , which wo ofler at low
rices , terms 25 downbalonco ? lO per mouth. These lots are on high
evel ground and are desirable.
This addition is more centrally located than any other now addition
i ear the best Schools in the city. All the streets are bein put to grade
he grades have neon established by the city council , and is very desira-
ile residence property , only 15 blocks from Posb office , prices lower than
djoinimr additions for a home or investment. These lota cannot bo
K Xot on Davenport with fine FOB SALE Lot 28th and Farnam street ,
ouse. § 2,000 , good property , 31,000.
FOB BALK Full lot 2Ut and Clark street , 6 FOB HAtE-1 acre on California , east of
oem house , $2,300. Sacred Heart ; house , barn , anl cittern , cheap
' . only 81.COU
in Glee's add.
FOR BALK Beautiful acre lot
1'OB ' BALK I ots In Hansoom place ouch ,
1,200. 8500.
FOB SALE- * lot on Chicago street between 8500.FOB
FOB HAtK 100 feet front on 16th streetwith
3th nnd 14th , $2,500.
small hoiue just south of Ilartinan School , on
BEAUTJFOI , lota corner Fornam and 20th ly S1.7CO.
treet cheap. FOB HALE Full lot and C room houao corner
Fen SALB-Lols InWnlnut hill , 5200. llth and C&stellar , $2'100.
FOB SALK-1 lot withC room house 21 t FOB BALK Lot and 2 houses 18th and Nich
, reet easy payments , $2.000 , olas $5,000.
ill JurniaJificonveyance free to any
mrtloftJie city fosliowproperty to ourJrSentle
mdcn8t < nner8 , and cheerfully oive\injormu-
OmaJta Property.
Those who'have ltaryains > lto offer or wish
property at ( Maryain , are invited to see wf.
edford fc Souer.
Real Eatate Agents
! I3 St. , bet. Farnam& Douelas