Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1885, Image 8

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    * . - - - - H.--I-M iiMMi " " iwmi
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ways in the
1307 and 1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Nebraska ,
For to-morrow Smith will offer several special sales and will make prices lower than ever before
Read this page carefully andfsee what there is in it for you
From 9 till 12 o'clock to-morrow , Smith will sell Standard Ginghams , at 5c per yard.
HOSIERY , HOSIERY , HOSIERY. To-rnorrow Smith will make a special sale of Hosiery and will make prices so low that the
most skeptical cannot help admitting that Smith sells goods cheaper than any other dealer. I5doz ladies colored ingrain
hose , extra long at 20c ; sold elsewhere at 4Oc. 25 doz ladies unbleached balbriggan hose at I5c ; sold elsewhere at 3Qc.
10 doz ladies black and colored ingrain cotton hose , extra long at 30c ; sold elsewhere at 55c. 8 doz ladies striped drop
stitch hose at35c ; sold elsewhere at 6Oc. 10 doz ladies brilliant black lisle thread hose at 25c : sold elsewhere at 60c 10 doz
ladies colored Ingrain brilliant lisle hose extra long at 4Qc ; sold elsewhere at 80c. 10 doz ladies brilliant lisle hose , colored and
black at5Oc ; sold elsewhere at $1 IO doz ladies silk hose , black and solid colors at6Oc ; sold elsewhere at $1.25.
LINENSLINENS , , LINENS To-morrow Smith will offer Turkey red table damask at 35c worth 6Oc. Turkey red Table
damask at 49c worth 7Oc. Unbleached table damask at35c worth 55c. Unble'ached table damask at 45c worth 60c , Bleach
ed table damask at 39c worth 55c. Bleached table damask at 69c worth 90c , Bleached table damask at $ i worth $1.50.
Bleached table damask , extra choice goods at $1.69 worth $250 , Extra large huck towels at I5c ; worth 25c , 10-4 crochet bed
spreads at 75c worth 95c. 11-4 crochet bed spreads at 9Oc worth $1,25. 11-4 crochet8 bed spreads at $1 worth $1.50 , 11-4-
crochet bed spreads at $1 15 worth $1,75 , 10-4 Marseilles bed spreads at $1.47 worth $2 11-4 Marseille's bed spreads at 1.89
worth $2,5O , 12-4 Marseilles bed spreads at $2.17 worth $3,25 , A beautiful line of embroidered robes , both white and in col
ors , just received , less than one half the price asked by others ,
CARPETS , RUGS AND GURTAIUS , Smith is bound to reduce his stock of carpets , rugs and curtains before the first
of July and until that time will slash things right and left and you can buy these goods almost at your own price. This is
an opportunity such as you will probably neyerhave have again , so do not miss it.
Monday Mor ning , JnnelB
Louii Rubin is the proudest man in Om
aha. Gauso , an cloven pound daughter.
None of the tolog raph wire ? , stiango to
say , were much affected by Friday night's
There will bo a mooting of the Canadian-
American society at tbolr hall this
I evening.
The two-year-old boy of William Nichols
haa recovered from tlio small pox , contrary to
first expectation. Tbo family will be dis
charged from tha pest houio this week.
Arthur lines , a former newspaper man
bore , has been hoard from. He ia in Chicago
and has left the field of journalism , being
employed by the Scranton Manufacturing
The congregation of Free Methodists
who have hitherto been worshiping in the
now engine houao in Qouth Omaha , are erect
ing a small frame church on Eleventh and
Center streets.
W. H. Dates , the colored man charged
of arson , by attempting to burn a house nn
Kleveath street several weeks ago , was re
leased from jail Friday. No Indictment
wns found against him bv tlm errand jury ,
The local Turner Society will give an ex
cursion to 1'remont June 21. A grand can-
test of state societies will ba held on tint date
in that city. Five prizes are to bo offered
for high jump , long jump , hop , skip and
Jump , hurdle race and putting the stone ,
The members of the West Knd Literary
club on Thursday last went on nn excursion
toiZIorsothoo lake. The day about that resort -
sort was spent in the delightful pastime of
pulling out fish and largo numbers of the
finny tribe were ( lain by theee literary Sain-
sona with the jawbone of a fish-hook ,
Tha officers of the various school dis
tricts throughout the .county met at 1 p. m ,
Situiday in Superintendent Uiunner'j oflico to
taLe tuch action as may bo deemed best on
the changa cf the text book on physiology
required by au not pasted last winter. Tha
object of the change is to adopt some work
that will treit ( < u the hygienic effect of lca-
/ , hello stlmuU&t ? , tobacco and other uarcotiie.
Tha follofiag marriage Hcwises have bcn
ieaued by Judge : ACcOnlloch sinca last Sun
day : Anders ( T. Wahlstrom to Emma
Danielson , ( Jar ! A. Jloltgren to O.UrUtiua S.
Donaldten , Kills L , Bierbower to Kleanora
i , Doyd , George II. Kilner to Anna Kltse ,
; . ; Aufu ? t Schtoeder to M.irta Itudolph , Albart
13 , T. FJeuitniag to Mar'a Buruoek , O ivor
A , Nolan to Mie. Qarrie Tate.
Tha Cboyenno Bun ov' the 10th cays :
lion , John A. McShane , when lu-Cheyenne
on Tuesdi- | * aJ'8 tliat ha would meet the gov
ernor of Nelraska at Lincoln to-da.V , anil it
wai probable tlfat cattle quarantine m easurcs
at tha Mlticuri river would ba determined
upon. Th'j commlitlon cf the state is being
appointed , ncd then acomp'jtent veterinattau I
for the Omaha stock yards nill bj selected ]
; ? ) td tkirc , .M.MSuie ! ftr'hj-
stated that Mr. Hammond , the dressed beef
man in Omaha , is killing from ICO to 200 head
daily. The first of this beef haa reached
Boston in splendid order , and the eastern
papers are praising it highly. Mr. Hammond
will take as many good grass cattle as this
country will send him , and there Is little
doubt but that tha stock growers of Wyoming
will appreciate n market COO miles nearer than
ever tefora.
Judge MoCulloch listened Saturday morn
ing to the arguments ia a habeas corpus cose
brought by Klmira AVIllIams to obtain pos
session of a youog girl her sister Jennie
Butler , who was stopping at the house of
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Williams. The
plaintiff stated in her petition that the young
girl was detained by the defendants , and she
feared for immoral purposes. These latter
assertions ate denied by Mr. and Mrs
Williams. The girl has been released and is
now with her sister.
Some days ago it wai noised about town
that one of the members of a grocery firm on
North Thirteenth street had fled from the
city and that the condition of tha firm's busi
ness was b.ftl. So far as this latter statement
is concerned , the story Is entirely incorrect.
It appears , however , that the yonng man re
ferred to , who la inclined to be cay and gal
lant , had boon caught by an enraged brother
under circuinstancss which reflected no
credit upon the virtue of his sister. The
said enraged broth'.r haj been gunning for the
young grocar sines that time , it is aald , and
tha y. g. has taken i short trip o&st for h > a
Aboard the stub from Omaha this morn
ing , was n puty of eight mon from Glenwood ,
atnoog them Sheriff Dan Fnrrell and Curt
White , who had bean Inspecting Bellevue
Uland up the liver , searching for any possible
clue to the gang of horse thicvoi that has boon
operating in southweslorn Iowa. The party
were upon the Island all day yesterday and
nil nisht hut night , but were unuble to find
anything of interest. They are of the opin
ion that tha gang that once made that retired
spot Us headquarters , had sought soma other
rcndezvoun. The boyJ report having had
quito a picnic killing cranes and other game.
I'luttsmcuth Journal , 12.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To-
MUKKA.Y-IU this city , Juno 13 , Lottie ,
wife cf Win. Murray , aged 21) ) yoarj.
Funeral took place yesterday , at 10 a.
in , , fiom her late residence , 1312 Jones street.
Fiiondj invited.
The funeral of Mr * . F. R. Hodges , who
dledinUockSpiIngB , Wyo. T. , took placa
yeatercUy from Drexal ctMaul'j underUklntr
rooms , The interment was had at Pros
pect Hill , The body arrived Lere Saturday
morning fron Wyoming.
Owing to the lovcrci'onu last evening ,
there was no meeting of the Nobu.ika
Ooinuierriil Blen'd anaocUtlou. Moinbe.'Ji
are requested to mtot at Paxton & Ualln-
tjer'd ottico this ( Saturday ) evening nt 8
o'clock , prompt , Baslmsi of impoit ncc ,
Jjst overmoailer tarn out.
Border of the president ,
OEO C Croscv S crc'a-y
J. L. Gage , Portland , Oregon , Is at the
Frank Corruth , of Plattsmouth Sundayod
at the Faxton.
Mrs. Judge Dundy of this city Is spending
a few daya In Lincoln ,
Mra. Ezra Millard and Miss Carrie Millard
started Friday for Now York ,
D. J. Graves , of Keoknk , Iowa , was a
Sunday guoat at the Paxton.
Guy Barton , president of the Omaha smeltIng -
Ing works , went to Chicago yesterday ,
W. F. Smith , Webster City , Ia. ; E. Me-
KitterlcV , Burlington , are at the Arcade ,
" " " '
" "
"ErHrCole ancrwifo"and"Er"Fr7Cole , of
Brooklyn , N , Y , , are guests at the Paxton.
Phil. Jacobs , of the Cleveland Leader , ar-
arrlved in the city Saturday and is stopping at
the Pax ton.
John A , McSlmno , president cf tha stock
yards company , returned home last evening
from Chicago.
Ex-Senator 1'addock was at the Canfield
Saturday , and left on the Union Pacific l.SO
train for Beatrice ,
Miseea Emma and Cora Hoagland have re
turned from Cincinnati where they have been
attending school ,
C , W. Baker returned yesterday from his
seven months stay in Now Orleans. He is
looking hale , hearty and happy.
Jtlte , S. J. Callaway left for Chicago last
evening in her husband's special car. She was
accomoanied by Mrs , Morsman , and by Mrs.
Thompson , of Troy , Mich. , who had been her
guest here for several weeks.
Chancellor Manott , of the state university ,
together with Mr Bennett , principal of city
school ? , will conduct an examination at the
county superintendent's oflico on to-morrow.
They hope to meet all candidates for the uni
versity from the city and surrounding country.
Mrs. B. Gray , Fremont ; G , II , Botland ,
Mindenj DauUl U. Wheeler , Platts-
mouUi ; Miss Scruggs , Sioux City ; J. D. La
Courjo , Denver ; A. W. Ldwis , Shoahone ,
Idaho ; Oeo , Peck , Hannibal , Mo , ; Mrs , U ,
K , Hall and child , Westonj U. P , Scruggs ,
Kansas City ; A. AUop , ChiCDgo ; A. H ,
Gnerin , Council Bluffae ; J , 11 , and J , A ,
Starkty , Cedar llapids ; O. N , Griffon
Poughkcepsie , N. Y. : W. L. Milwell , Saug-
trlies , N. Y. , are at the CanQold.
' 'For onouoiny and comfort , every
spring , wo uao Doad'd Saroaparilla , "
writes a BuiMo ( N. Y ) lady. 100 Doaos
0ns Dollar.
We beg to infirm the public , OUT H-
troi.-a and friouda ut large , that vo man
ufacture and h ve In stock ready fcr
fthi | > nunt , a variety of latest designs of
lUr nnd Bar F'xtarep. ' tnclndltg Bar
Uwltra Wo guarantee the beat and
fiuest Kooo.8 t the Iono3f. piicer. Bl'l- '
turd , 1'col Tsbka , and Blllurd Miteriil
ni redocod prices , 1'jrtlea wishing good a
in onr line will find it to tholr Intoroat to
I'linitiie onr gooda and prlcea before or
dering elsewhere ,
10th Street.
H The United States mail wacoii mat with
an accident yesterday by being backed into a
deep ditch at the U. P. depot. Onaof the
bones attached to it alee fell into the ditch
and there was great trouble getting him out
The police here were making hot search tor
a Lincoln thief yesterday , who came up from
that place on the morning train. He managed
though to give them the slip and get across
the river to Councill Bluffs. The fellow ia
wanted at Lincoln for stealing a S10 suit of
clothes and a gold walch.
Absolutely Pure.
Ths ) powjcr ncvM vines. A rrurvel ol pmcty ,
ttti Dgth nii wlioUsimcnuEa. Mom uconomloal than
tlio srJIniry kloJs &id cannot bo sold In compel ! '
HOD with ( tie multitude ol lov tcct , thnit weieht
til ro ot plijei'hito rowdeia. Hold only la ont
7lio largest Medical Institute * Woot of
fVllsslBBlppI nivor.
Fifty roomi for tlio aecomodatlon of ration ! ! . The
HirilrJin and burgeon In charge of the Institute haa
had tlilcen yeanof curcosiful practice , ami li aided
lir otbl tanta of rare ripcrlcnco ca nixxlalUU la
Ilielr rarloua derurtmrnti.
URitzroKCiKCDLiKon J ) ( orraUlcjanil DraroiDmii
norU'O KX , 1'1I > , Tumon , 0 nc ri , Catarrh , lironebl ,
III , Intialatlon. KUctrlcltr , Tiruljilt Krll'Ptr , Kidney ,
Ke , Eir.Bklo and Blood l ) ( . i.pi Wiltefor
on I'KiviTr. SrnciJi. and MCKTOCI DUfiiti , ftrnloul
Wcakntfi , 8p rniatnrrhaa , Brrhllli , Olccl , Hlrlcture , VarU
roeela and all dlseu i or the Urloarj and Koiual orRaQi
Ctsei treated by eorreiiK ndtnceorr rioDallr > i'nuQd otlal ,
yeJUUrnent tj-m Ilcr ipr l without roarki tu loJU
atQ coateiita or tender , Aitre all Ivlteri to
' ' '
1312 1312
Need neb mention location to you who have paid us a visit , but for the benefH , of 3'ou who have not , we wisk
to impress upon your mind that we
The only and original headquarters for Merchant Tailor Misiit and Uncalled for clothing in Omaha , as we are
For reasons o economy , our margins are email , and in order to mnlce both ends of the string meet , we must
occupy cheap quartera ; by this we make our saving nnd our saving is your benefit ,
Lrou Avill find studying the of t"e public every hour ; labor in any doubt , visit your tailor , then
es the same goods with us , made up in thu highest art , to bo sold for less than hnlf your tailor's price ; we are
nn.i.r mmmmim , iff.n n 1
Emporium handling merchant tailor misfits ar > d the only plnce where a § G ( ) merchant tailor made suit can bo
bought for ? i5.(50 ( and other j iu same proportion. For genuine bargains in clothing come to the
Open Evenings until 9 o'clock5 Saturdays until 10 o'clock
N. 13. Merchant tailors with misfit and uncalled for garments left upon their hand Will confer a favor
by addressing The Origindl Misfit Jlothirg Parlors , 1312 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb.