Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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    mr = - = , . . - . - - - -
Tie Fiist Expedition \\mi\ \ \ Kansas ,
Nebraska end Colorado ,
i.'no Change of Uulcra Annunncert to
the PRWHOOB Plfeo's Ponlc
Death of the Great
ron THE BEE.
NO. it.
Jefferson regarded the acqulaitlo n of
Louisiana Territory a * of the most vl tal
conicquonco to the future .welfare and
growth of the United Statoi , No human
Intelligence can over fathom , no human
Intelligence can over estimate , the re
sult * that would have como to pass , ha d
this tcriitory tcmainod four or live years
longer n province of Franco , for , in that
case , it was morally certain to bo cap
tured by Great Britain , and it would
then have remained a British provinco.
The whole aipect of the Americm con
tinent would have baon changed , the
United States would , In all probability ,
have been but a third or fourth-rat o
power ; immigration would have as
cended the Mississippi and Bottled the
vast region of country to the westward ,
which would have made Now Orleans
the great Intropot of trade tnatoad of
Now York , and would have fixed the Boat
of commercial power on the Gulf of
Mexico. It was a magnificent etroko of
public policy to have acquired it ; and for
V ita acquisition Jofloraon is entitled to the
* ' gratitude of the American nation through
nil coming tlmo.
Having obtained it ho sot
on foot chat the people might obtain aomo
knowledge of ita valoo , and Ita probable
fnturo development. The present state
of Louisiana was admitted into the union
! n 1812. All the rcma'nlng ' territory
treat of the Mississippi river , including ,
of course , Nebraska , wan thereafter
Ii" r S known as Missouri territory. The prcs-
) ; ont atato of Missouri was admitted into
the union In 1820. There was a long
and exciting controversy ever l < a ad
mission connected with the question of
slavery , the result of which was the
adoption of the Missouri compromise
line of 30" 30\ which permitted slavery
to exist In the ptato of Misionrl , but for
ever prohibited it north of that lino.
Out of the remaining portion of what
had been the Louisiana purchase , the
territory of Wisconsin was organized in
1830 , Iowa in 1838 , Oregon in 1848Min-
nosota In 1849 , Washington in 1853 , fol
lowed by Kantas and Nebraska in 1854 ,
Dakota In 18G1 , Montana and Idaho in
1862 and by Wyoming In 1808. Thus all
of the original Louisiana has been ab
sorbed into states and territories , and
provided with organized governments.
Soon aftorlts acquisitionMr. Jefferson ,
then president , caused two exploring ex
peditions to bo organized ; ono under
Lewis & Clark , to proceed up the Mis
souri river , and across the mountains to
the Pacific ocean ; the other under Lieut.
Pike , In 1800 , to proceed up the Mis
souri &s far as the Osigo country ; then to
explore the OJORO , Kaasax , Republican ,
and PI it to , or Nebraska ( the latter being
the Indian name for the Watte , meaning
wide , wide water ) , rivers , and then to
return by the way of the Arkansas and
Bed rivers of Louisiana. The writer
will fust follow the latter expedition ,
with a lieutenant and sixteen men with
Dr. Robinson as surgeon , natur&lUt and
botalnlst in two sail boats , and reached
the Ojage about the middle of August.
Hero ho abandoned the boats , and to-
curing thirty friendly Indian warriors ,
struck into the intoiior alone the Osage ,
the Kansas , the Republican and
the Platte rivers. Oco object of the
expedition waa to make known to the
different tribes of Indians , the transfer
of the country and Its sovereignty from
Spain to France , and then to the United
States. So short a tlma had elapsed be
tween the cession to Franco and then to
the United States , that they had not
learned of the changes , and still supposed
they were under the jurisdiction of Spain
and on feast days , and in council , still
iloatod the Spanish Hag. Another object
of the expedition was to exert an in
fluence In favor of putting an cud if pos
sible to the wars that were constantly
carried on between the various tribes.
The Indians generally received the news
of the change from Spain to the United
States favorably , and were furnished
with American Hags. PJko found the
Pawnees to ba the great warlike tribe In
all the region couth of the PJatto , as the
Sioax were in all the country to the
northward. Those two tribes wore never
at ponce ; bands from each of them could
never meet without engaging In deadly
conflict , nnd the strength ana
bravery of each was attested by the
number of scalps they had taken from
the other. The Pawnees were also con
tinually lighting the Totans , the Arapa-
hocs , Klowaa and Sacs and Foxes. Pike
visited them at tholr vlllgao , and urged
them to cease from war and live at
peace with the neighboring tribes , jast as
the writer visited them at the same vil
lage on the south side of the Platte , a
llttlo billow Fremont , forty-nlno years
afterwards , to insist on their putting a
stop to their depredations upon the set
tlers on the Elkhorn.
At the tlmo of Pike's visit ho estimated
tbolr numbers to bo 0,223 , with 2,000 of
them as fierce warriors and expert horse
men , with some firearms.
with one as the chief or head one , whore
the piincipal chief resided , cultivating a
llttlo corn , melons and beans , but de
pendent upon buffalo fcr tholr main sab-
sistenco , From time to tlmo they sacri
ficed prisoners taken by them in battle ,
to the sun to obtain good crops. Lieut ,
Pike sought to induce them to abandon
thlo bsrbaroui practice , but without suc
cess. It wes continued down to about
1820 , when Ptterlosbaroo , then chief ,
put an end to the cruel custom. This
Peterlesharoo was the father of IMirlos-
haroo who was the chief of the Pawnees
at the time of the capture of the trlbo in
] 839 , by a force of 200 volunteers under
the command of the writer , at what is
now the town of Battle Greek , In Mad
ison comity. PJko was Inclined to re
gard tbe Pawnees as Iireclaitnablo sav
ages In regard to war. In that respect
his jadnment proved to bo erroneous ,
for they have attained to some degree of
civilization , and they became friendly to
the white race , having furnished eovorol
companies of Pawnees for scouts In aid
ot the army in fighting tholr ancient en
emies , tbo Sioux.
The various tribes had some Spanish
emblems which they used for lUgi ,
which had been given to them , as they
said , by some missionaries who
among them many years previously , but
they were now glad to adopt the flag of
the United States , and In making tbo
exchange they raadotbp decision ono of
great festivity and caniod out the trans
fer In a formal and ceromonloui manner.
In the morning of the day when It waste
to take place , the Spanish fUg was at *
tachcd to the lodge pole of tbe big coun
cil tent , and at noon all the Indians
wore gathered In and around It. Lieut ,
Pike addressed them , tolling them of
the change of government , and
that they must henceforward recog
nize the United States as their
superior authority. Then the great chief
harrangnod them on the important event
which had taken place , and exhorted
them to bo friends to the people of the
United States. It seems ho did not
differ In ono respect from the white race ,
which succeeded his people as possessors
of the coll'for ho was somewhat given
to boasting ; according to the interpreter ,
ho predicted that the Pawnees would In-
crosse In power and numbers , and bo-
comp ono of the great nations on the
continent. Ho requested the lieutenant
to convoy the assurance of his high re
gard to the great father at the capital ,
and to invite him in the chief's name to
visit the Pawnee nation , promising him
good hunting and fishing. After the
speeches the Spanish emblem was low
ered , and the American ensign was raised
lu Its place. Than followed
for which the hunters had boon put
several days gathering in gamo. Similar
scones transpired with most of the trlbos
on changing tholr allegiance from Spain
to the United States.
Leaving the Pawnees , Pike and his
party sot tholr faces westward , following
along the valley of the PJatto on the
south side till they reached the Rocky
mountains , whore Pike discovered the
sourcoa of the two forks of the Platto.
Ho than turned southward to find the
Arkansas and Rod rlvors , passing di
rectly through the present state of Colorado
rado from north to south. It was on
this muroh that his eyes first rooted on
the lofty peak which rises llko a grim
soutluol , keeping guard ever all the other
mountains , or
"Like some tall clilf , whoso awful form
Swells from the vale , and midway loaves'tho
storm , "
Ho gave to it the name of the "Grand
Peak" which was , subsequently , very
properly changed by the government to
"Pike's Peak. "
Ho continued on his coura3 and
reached the Arkansas on the 18th of
October , and after exploring nome of its
branches he then sought the Rod river ;
and after Buffering from scircity of pro
visions ho came to what ho took to ba
that stroam. The season being so far
advanced , savoroly cold weather was set
ting In , no decided to go Into quarters for
the winter. The party built a temporary
ary fort , and sought to make themselves
comfortable as they could. They were
then wholly dependant upon hunting for
their support , their provisions being en
tirely exhausted and gaino was very
scarse. About mid winter
under command of a lieutenant appeared
at his fort and stated that the governor
of tbo province desired to know who he
was , and what ho was doing thera ?
Lieut. Pike informed the officer that ho
was engaged In exploring the country ,
and it being so late in the season ho had
been obliged to construct a temporary
fort on Red river for the protection of
his party till spring opened. The officer
Informed him that Instead of being on
Red river In the United States , ho was
on the Rio del Norto in ono of the pro
vinces of Old Mexico. This was the first
Intimation PJpa had that he had lost his
bearings and was not on Rsd river. Tno
officer also informed him that the gover
nor desired him to report in person at
Santa Fe , a few days journey distant.
Thither Pike proceeded and gave such a
satisfactory explanation that the gover
nor became fully convinced of his perfect
good faith , and permitted him to depart
for Texas , when he returned to the Uni
ted States. The governor was the more
suspicions of Flko and his party for the
reason that at that very tlino Aaron
Burr was agitating the establishment of
an empire In the southwest , embracing
Texas and the northern provinces of
Mexico , and he at first suspected Pike's
party of being connected with the move
In the war of 1812-15 Pike was made
a brigadier general and commanded an
expedition against the town of York , now
Toronto , in Upper Canada. After ho
had captured the first fort , and while
preparing to move on the next , the foit
was blown up , supposed to have been
mined by the enemy , and
His remains were taken to near Law-
roncobnrg , Ind. , and laid away in a lone
ly plsca by the wayside , hard by the
banks of the Ohio. Thus ended tbo life
of tbo Intrepid explorer and discoverer
of the majestic poakwhoso name it boats ,
and which has been the beacon light for so
many weary travelers ever the
desolate plains In pursuit of
fortune or of death , and
which will bear his name to the latest
period of time. Millions of tongues have
uttered it , while ho , all unconscious , has
been sailing o'er the unexplored sea from
which no ono ever returns to bring us
tidings. JOHN M. TIIAYEU. , j
G it AND ISLAND , Juno 12 , 1885.
Street Beggary.
To bo n successful street beggar a man
must look forlorn and debilitated , and
unable to work. It would not do 'for a
street beggar to take Brown's Iron Bit
ters , for Jhat would tone him up and give
htm a wholesome ambition to labor , and
he would have to go ont of the beggary
business and do something bettor. Mr.
Josiah Morse , Hennlkon , N. H , says ,
"I received much benefit by using
Brown's Iron Bltterd for general debil
ity. " _ _
Plattfunnutti People ,
Plattsmouth Journal , 12 ,
S. H. Atwood wont up to Omaha to
Hon. J , M. Patterson was In Omaha
B. D. Stout was called to Omaha to
day on business.
Eugene Mayfield , of the Greenwood
Hawkcye , was In town all day yester
Bjron Clark went out to Greenwood
this morning on aomo professional busi
Julius Pepporborg wont west this
morning with his sample case full of
Miss Mary Kisner returned last evening -
ing from her visit to Omaha and points
In Iowa.
JacobHauck nnd family , of Omaha ,
will make Plattamonth their home after
the IBth inst.
Mr. and Miss Frank Smith returned
thismoruing from a visit to Omaha.
The fast express was due at 8:30 : p. m. ,
but made no stop there. It made no
stop this tide of Vaudeville , a station
about fiftdon miles beyond Vornon. It
wont through Yernon , when the track was
clear and the signals all right , llko a me
teoric flash and with n nolso something
llko a cannon ball through tho-alr.
Charley Mott was ticket agent and
telegraph operator at Vernon ; and ho
also tended the switches and signals at
evening , as tholr were only two trains
that passed his station after dark. Ono
was the fast oxpresi and the other an
empty freight train , both going west. Ho
was at his post on this winter evening
waiting for the express to arrive. It
was duo now In about ten minutes ,
Charley was not thinking just now of
the express so near duo , Hi * thoughts
were all cantered upon the freight train ,
which should como In soon after it ; and
Joe Hill was the engineer of the freight ,
and ho was Charley's rival for the hand
and heart of Mollie Dean , the pretty
young telegraph operator at llyo , the first
station beyond Vernon , distant six
Mollie was a sort of "Child of thpRsp-
imont , " so to speak , among the railroad
folks in this section of country. A bright
happy , pretty girl and a great favorite
among all , from the humble switchman
up to the conductors.
Joe Hill was a straight , stalwart hand
some , honest young engineer , and also a
great favorlto among his follows on the
road ; and It was no wonder Molllu rather
encouraged his Intentions from the first ,
for ho was so frank and manly In his
Charley Mott was a good-looking little
follow of another typo altogether. Ho
was of a slender make , with delicate
features , and moro of a fop In dress and
manners. Besides ho was naturally jeal
ous , quick tampered and implacable when
once angered.
In their peculiar manner , each of these
men had striven for nearly a year to ob
tain the "right of way" to Molllo's heart ;
and thus far Joe Hill seemed to have the
inside track.
If there were two things that Joe Idol
izad thpy were , first , Mollie Doan , and
next , his noble englno , No. 210. Before
ho saw Mollie his whole noatt was given
to his first love the engine ; but after
ward ho made room for Mollie , and she
now hold first placo.
Charley Mott's ' thoughts were on his
rival to-night. Ho know that Joe rrould
go with his train direct to Rye and stop
there long enough to have a pleaiant
chat with Mollie ; and for this , and other
causes of a like nature , he hated Joe
Hill intensely.
While thus engaged in murdering his
rival in his heart , ho hoard the train approaching
preaching ; but in his present state of
mind , and knowing that the express al-
came along first , he did not notice that
the sound of the Incoming train came
from the direction of the branch road to
the southward. It was the freight train
which passed In hero upon the main road
and wont to Rye if the signal was right.
Charley glanced up at the signal in a
mechanical sort of way , and saw it right
for the express to dash along. Ho was
so absorbed In the great problem of his
heart troubles that the freight train ia in
upon the maia road , by an automatic
switch and is dashing by him before he is
aware of the fatal blunder.
Jco Hill waved his hand to Charley as
ho rushed by and it Is too late to stop
"The fast express mast have gene
through n little ahead of tlma to-night , "
said Joe to his fireman , letting his engine
ont now.
"Good heavens 1" yelled Joe , as a
shrill whistle In the roar shrieked out up
on the night air. Wo are trapped.
"That's the express behind us ; and that
scoundrel has signaled us to go ahoad.
There's no switch until we reach Rye
six miles and the track's as crooked be
tween hero and Rye as a snake track
They can't oven catch sight of our signal
lamps at the rear in time to prevent a
collision 1"
There wore two intrepid mon on 210 ,
but they realized In an Instant their ter
rible situation and worse than all the
danger It meant to the passengers in tbo
Charley Mott , when he realized the
situation of affairs , stood still , complete
ly dazed. Ho was trying to grope his
way out of this terrible dilemma ; but his
was not a prompt brain toact , and a cool ,
steady hand to move qnickly llko that of
Joe Hill's. So before ho could decide
whether to signal the express to stop ,
and by so doing reveal his blunder and
reap its sure reword a prompt dlechargo
from service or let it go on , the exprees
came down upon him with almost light
ning speed. The signal was set for tbo
"light of way , " and the flying train
dashed by like a rocket , and left Charley
as white as a ghost standing on the sta
tion platform , and shaking like an aspen
But , brief as the warning to Joe Hill
had b sen , and with only about fifteen
minutes start of the express , and a run of
tix miles before him over a serpsntlno
road , he had not lost a second in u dazed
study ever the fcavfnl problem of safety
to the express.
The furnace under the boiler of 210 re-
tomblod Pluto's regions , thanks to the
activity of his bravo fireman ; his englno
was carrying all the stoim that could be
generated ; and already ho had nearly
doubled his speed to run away from the
pursuing oxproes.
It was a cold , starlight night , and the
wind was blowing almost a gala as 210
went tearing on her way with , fortunate
ly for all concearnoj , a long train of omp.
ty freight cirs at her heels , thumping
and croaking and swaying to right and
to the left SB the changing curves were
struck. In the cab of 210 tfcoro was no
conversation. The tire men Jntultivo'y
realized tto situation and tacitly did
everything thit could bp done to Incroaro
the speed of the train , jnit as minutely
and harmoniously as though they com-
inunltlon carried with It all that was
necoiuary now. It wai a wild , deeper-
nfo ride. Jro stood , pale but firm , with
his hand on the lever , peering into the
darkness ahead end occasionally , glanc
Ing backwards to see If the headlight of
the express was in sight ; but the carves
In tbo road were to numerous and con
stantly changing that this had not yet
been seen. Thpy were jjolng now at the
rate of fifty inilei an hour , which seemed
the utmost limit of opcciof which 210
wai capable , deipUo all the artifices
known to practical engineers , and to
which Jon had resorted. Ho could do no
more , evidently ,
"It'll bo a mercy If them roar cars
don't swing off the track yet1 ' ho eaid.
"The'ro light , and these curves snap 'cm
icund like a whip-lash. "
Joe knew by the sound of tbo express
whistle tint she was gaining a little on
him. His month was dry and pained him
as though he had sharp clinkers In It ,
LOistcoth were tightly net except when ho
occasionally tried to wet his parched lips
with an equally pirihod tongue. His
eyes were hot , and ached as though thty
were crammed full of cinders.
The oxpreis wai pursuing him at a
frightful Bocod. Its engineer , supposing
ho had a clear track for fifteen miles , was
making a froa run to gain n little time
with which to offset any possible delay
beyond th&t point.
Bat going at fifty ml'oi ' an hour with
the wind blowing a gale about his engine ,
and all the added noise of the creaking ,
thumping freight cars behind him , and
the hissing of steam in his oars WAS as
nothing compared to the fearful whirl In
Joo'a brain.
The slower movement of his train , wit !
its monotonous ollnkety-cllnk , when Jo
had first become aware that the lightnin
express was behind him , when the placii
mind cooly keep time to its mothodlca
rhythmic music , had now been trans
formed into the rapid chattering , clatter
Ing , confused sounds of a raving maniac ,
till , finally , nil sounds were merged Intone
ono Indistinct and Inseparable roar am
whirl , and added to this was tumult o
hope and fear In Joe's brain ,
Tearing away for llfol Yes , for the
precious lives of the hundreds In the ex
press , who were all conscious of the clan
ger that threatens them. Rushing fran
tlcally for the switch at Ryo- for Moll !
for lifo perhaps death.
"But the swlth will bo open upon th
straight main track for the express , " ho
thought , with alarm , "and wo'll take it
too. And oven if tro roach It ahead ol
the express can they or will they switch
lior off upon the siding ? "
"I guess It's nil up , " said the fireman ,
as though ho read Joo'd thoughts. They
were nerely there now. .Joo said noth
ing In reply , but took his place on the
side of the cab nearest the station they
were rushing down upon and coolly
opened the oab window and thrust his
head far out into the cold air.
* # * *
Mollie Dean la sitting nlono in the little
room at Rjo station , waiting for the ex
press to go by ; and her day's work la
dono. She ia thinking of her two lovers ,
but Joe has the larger part of her
thoughts. "Ho Is a noble follow , " she
muses , "And I'm sure I should llko
him bettor for a " eho blushes , and stops
short of the dear word. She is aroused
by the click of her telegraph instrument.
She sits down and listens. She has
never before taken n message in such
frantic haste ; but it is clear and perfectly
"Good heavens ! " shp exclaims , turning
palo with fear and anxiety. " What decs
this mean ! " It said :
"Switch off first train on siding , and
put up danger signal. "
Charley Mott had just recovered from
his stupor of fright , and had done the
wisest thing that could bo done under the
circumstances. Ho was giving the ex
press the "right of way" and patting the
freight train on at the si ling. Whichever
train took the siding took the the terrible
chances of breaking up in a short run of
only about throe hundred yards going at
a terrible speed. Added to this risk was
the danger of finding the freight cars on
the elding which might shorten the run of
clear track to one-half or less.
Like a flaih , it occurred to Moliie
who was a thoroughgoing railroader
that the exprees came first , of course ,
"Why should the express bo switched often
on a siding ? It is all wrong. It Is horri
ble to think of. And yet there are my
orders ; if anything should happen through
my disobedience of them , then I should
bo- "
There is a train coming now , and at
such speed as no one over hears of except
in connection with the fast express.
"Father1 ! ' Moliie shrieked , running to
the baggage room door. But old Amzl
Dean , the cDtnblned baggagemastor and
switchman Is fast asleep , and Mollie
knowa too well the vsluo of every precious
moment now to spend ono upon him.
She Is out at the switch in lesj tlmo than
she could have wcke up the old man.
Thank God ! it does not require strength ;
only a quick , deft band and prompt act
ion ; and all this Mollie possesses.
Joe Is just upon her with unabated
speed , for the express Is close behind him ,
but a sharp curve beyond the station con
ceals her headlight yet. Joe is still
leaning half way out of the window of his
cab , hatless , and his face whlto as a sheet.
Ho sees Mollie , and his quick , practical
eye sees the rails at tbo switch.
Ho knows ho la to take the siding now.
Before ho could toll nothing of what was
in store for him. Mollie recognizes him
as he crashes by ; and JOB , making a fun
nel of his grimy hands , shouts to her In
tones that can be heard rbove the Winter
blast , and above the roar of the quivering
train , and the hissing of the steam , and
the clanking of the piston rods or the
groaning giant , 210 :
"Shut off the express chaugo the light
for God's sake , Moliie I"
"Yes , " screamed the terrified but heroic
girl. And Joe hoard her and know it was
all right with the express now. And he ,
poor fellow , rushed on to his fit to.
Mollie shifted the switch and changed
the light just as the exprets came around
the sharp curve , and she stood like on
ivcry statue at her post till the express
shot ] by ; she did not oren fall to note the
respectful salutations of the engineer and
fireman as they passed her like a rocket.
And tbo express wont on her way , un
conscious of the danger that had started
her In the face all the way from Vernon
to Ryo. Her engineer never know that
for six miles ho bad been chasing Joe
Hill llko a cannon ball and had been the
moans of developing more speed In No.
210 than she had ever shown before.
It was a leap In the dark for Jos after
ho passed the switch , All tras dark on
the sldbg , and the two men held their
breath , expecting to crash Into some
standing cars. With the some promp
titude and alienee that governed their
actions during the terrible race for Ufa
they now automatically set about chock
ing the speed of the runaway monster.
No engineer on the road had his ooglno
better in hand than Joe , and she respon
ded as promptly to the checking process
as she had to the accelerating methods.
Fortunately for Joe the short piece of
road was clear , and ho was soon backing
his train out io the station again ,
Mollie was still standing at the switch ;
she seemed rooted to the spot , with her
pretty head stretched forward in the di
rection of the siding. She expected that
Joe was rushing to destruction.
Joe saw her still standing there with a
face like marble , her long tresses blown
aboutby the wind ,
Ho leaped from the onglno and went to
her ; ho put ont his hand with a smile ,
and she took U eogoily , and with a hys
terical laugb said : "I thought you would
bo killed , sure , Joe , What does all this
mo in ? "
Jo a explained as far as ho was able to
do so , and then , with a sudden impulse ,
ho took both her little cold hands In his
and drew her to him. "Moliie , I love
you batter than I love 210 , " ho said ten
Mollie blushed In spite of ( ho cold end
looked up smilingly into his honest face.
"Moliie , " said Jco , drawing her still
closer to him , "who has the 'right of
way' to your dear little heait now ? "
"Why , you , Joe , of courso. "
The happy follow hold her close to hta
breist And kissed her repeatedly.
"Then I'll it " ho Id "
keep , B , "sgalnst
all the 'wildcat * trains on the road. Un
less , " ho added hesitatingly , "yon 'switch
me off , ' Mollio. "
"Bull never will , Joe unless you arc
on the wrong track end it la fur your
good , M it was to-night , you know. "
"What's up , Mollie ? " Inquired her
father , who had just become fully awake
to the fact that something was wrong.
"Ob , nothing , " sild Joe , laughing ,
"only Moliie and I wore talking about
misplaced switches. And by the way ,
Mr. Dean , I'vo got ono now that I llko n
good deal bettor than 210. "
"What ! " Bald the old man , anrprlsod.
"What's her number , Joe ? "
"Sho hasn't ' any number that I know
of , but her name IB Mollie Bean. "
"I thought It would como to that , "
Bald the old man , looking pleased ,
Ir the joy of their hearts Joe and
Mollie kept Charlie Mott's secret and ho
holds his position yot.
Tlio CltyFntlicrs AVnnt n Mais Meet
ing of Citizens to Discuss Iilconso
mill Finances.
The city couucll mot in special session
Saturday afternoon. The following reso
lution adopted by the council explains
the position now taken by the council In
regard to the proposed licensing of all
sorts of business :
For the purpose of learning the desire -
sire of our citizens in the matter of rais
ing a revenue for the city by way of
licensing the various trades and occupa
tions , as suggested at the mooting of this
council held on the 8th inst. , bo it
Resolved , That the business mon of
the city bo requested to moot at Masonic
hall on the 18th day of Juno , 1885 , at
8 o'clock p. in , for the purpose of get
ting an expression from the meeting , as
to the proposed license , and for the
farther purpose of ascertaining the opin
ion of the business mon and citizens gen
erally as to the best mode of obtaining n
revenue from other sources in place of
the ono heretofore obtained from saloon
licenses ; and that the chairman of tbo
finance committee present to said mootIng -
Ing a report of the financial condition of
the city.
It will bo remembered that the council
at Hi previous meeting decided that the
police and gas should be dine away with
after the 15th , but at the meeting Satur
day it was decided to extend the time
until the 13th of Juno. It was decided ,
however , to suspend all street work from
and after date ,
A Closing Cut Halo to Commence
lucid ay.
To-morrow morning the well known
dry goods house of Harknoss Brothers
will commence a closing out sale of their
entire stock of ladles' and children's
hosiery , and the prices at which they
will bo offered will cause a stir. There
will bo no need of going ont of the city
to get bargains in this line , and all should
look ont for the announcement to bo
made In to-morrow's BEE , and should at
tend the sale , and see the stock and the
prices for themselves. Harkncss Brothers
lave just received new lawns , and will
iavo a word to Bay about them to-mor
row. "They will also put tholr elegant
aces and embroideries at way down
prices. In the carpet department , and
n tha line of curtains and.cuftaln stock ,
hero will be special Inducements offered ,
[ u fact , with all of their immense line
hero will be something to interest and
ittract purchasers. Look out for what
hey have to say In the morning and
itep into their store and see If their
promises are not kept in the spirit a ?
veil as the lottor.
Mrs. Jerry Myers baa gone on a visit to her
nothorin Ames , Iowa.
N. J , SWDHBOD , of tbe Mueller music com-
iany , left yesterday to visit the Nebraska
ausla trado.
Mr , J. M , Mills , an attorney from Wiscon-
in. and a son of Judge Mills , of that state ,
s spending a few days in the city ,
13. F , Clayton was m the city yesterday ,
nd was ainonp the interested attendants nt
ho services in Broadway inothodlst church
Mr , and Mrs. L. H. Powell , living at No.
515 South Sixth street , now rejoice in the
nival of a new boy , who lilts the been nt
on pounds.
Charles T. Bray , bookkeeper for the Chicago
umber company , leaves to-morrow on a
aonth'd trip to Boston , Now York , Portland ,
, nd other eastern cities.
W. W , A. Smith , who for a time served as
irlvato secretary for his uncle , Mayor
/aughan , has returned from Atchison , Kan-
as , whera ho has been kept by the severe 111-
io a of hia mother.
Charles Hlckman and wife , who have been
a tbe city visiting H , Hickman end family ,
oturced to their homo in Milwaukee , on
Saturday , taking with them their nephew ,
jeorge , for a visit In Wisconsin ,
W , W , Heed , of Milwaukee , who is con
iccted with the engineering department of 01
he Chicago , ( Milwaukee & , ] St , Paul rail
ray , epont Sunday at the Ogden , Mr , Hoed
ras located hers for tame time , wbilo his road
ras building Its line into this city , and has
nany friends hero who gladly welcome him ,
Ileal Estate Transfers.
The following ate the transfer" of real
state as recorded In the oflico of tbo
ogistrar , and reported to the BEE by
i , J. Stephenson , for Thursday , June 3 !
3,1885 ;
Charles T. Bray to Kimbsll & Champ ,
ot 7 , block 29 , Howard's add § 50.00.
Thomas U , Slattory to Georgn Morrl- '
on , lot 1 In nw 4 , sw 4 , 33 , 77 , 44
Miranda Chapman to Asbury Dehart
jart 2 , sw 40 and o 2 , nw 4 7 , 74 , 38
Rufus L. Craig to Lyford R. Oralg , :
ols 7 and 8 and port G , blopk 2 , Walnut
-1,800 00.
James Da Hart to F. A , Do Hart ,
part BOC'S ' G and 7 , 75 , 38-200.00.
J. M , Foransnn to Franz Krctko , part
18 00. ,
, 7S , 43-S575
Total 83les ? 2(005.00 ( ,
One of ho Best and Largest Stocks in tbe United Statoi ?
To Select From.-
M '
outliful \ Ijrnr and linwpr , irho r8
it and I < Oi i > Kg , nha nrcivcnk ,
mini lor inarrluRO
MEN ofallagos. who find tholr POWER
nuiUitnlltncrnt'niiii '
nuiUitnllt- 'SKXUAl
} - MltUMlTH weakened , tif
curly liitilis nr IlXCKSSHa , cs"ccclxu niHiiltlinand InatlnK
< ; U II I. , NO inntlrr ofliow lout .UiiullnR tlio case iu v be , or wlio
lias l.ilU'il totiirt'.liT n few weeks nr mnnllis it i > ir tlin celebrated
Atliomc\vliliouioxpiuure , InLHSb tlmo , ntulior l.l.SS Tnnner tlian
nny othernictliml InIlic world.VinV luck , licailnclic , RIIISBIONB ,
Inssllilde , 1019 oftplrlls anil auililtlnn. plonaiT thoughts. i | rn ail I til
ilrcami , tlcfoolUu inem r > ' . IMl'tlTliNUK. lln. Inippillniruls to
timrrlncp , nml many oilier symptoms li.idln to ) NblMt"l'ION ) or
INHAMTV , nro jiromptly rcuiuTcd by tills tre tuicut , nuU TlKoroua
inaiiliood nslorcil.
.Married Men , or those who intend to marry ,
RRMKMI1CII. lirrft'cf iioxuil strciiRtli inenns , licatthlsoroiis oiT-
tprlnf ; , lonp llfo nnd'tlm lovc&nil rosprtt of a ralUifiillfo. . Wrnk inciiKtiuulil tiu restored to Tlficr &
nmnhond before msrrl.ifrc 1'rciofs , trntliiKinliilK ntiilTnlnalilu trcntlic H.iiiips.
lEstab.lS770Atldrus3 The Climax Medical Co , 5O4 , St. Louis , Mo.
Remember These Important Facts
The lulua ! Life Insurance Company ,
I. It a the OLDEST nctlvo tlfo In uranoo Company In thU country.
2. It lalhu LMIUKH1' tlfo Insurance Company by many millions ol dollars In tha woihl.
3. Ita rntea ol prcinlnnis are LOWEKthan those ol any other company.
4 It has no "ttockholilor8"tochlm nny part ol Its prolUa ,
B. It ofluts no tjCIIbMES under the name ol Insurance tor speculation by spocUl clxisce upon tbo
nslfortunoa of each otter.
0. Ita present avalkblo CA3IIHESOCHCES exceed thoeo ot any other Life Insurance Company In the
It has received In cash frain oil sourcOB , from February , 1843 , to January , JEffi , f270tD2E54.CC.
It has rtitumcil to the ( icopla , In caeb , from February , 1813 , to J nuarj , IbSO , 921P,03J,211OQ.
Its cjsli Assets on the 1st ot January , 1885 , amount to moro than
General Agent fern
n , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming nnd
Dfflca Cor.Farnnm nnd 13th St.Ovcr 1st Nat'l ,
Bank , Omaha , Koh
without Shoulder Brace , $1.50
Imdlc8 > ultli Shoulder lirace ,
made of line Coutll , double stitched 3.00
NurnliiK * without Shoulder Brace , 1.75
Abdominal , " " 2.0O
mise , 10 to 14 years 1.5O
Youug LaclicM' , 14 to 18 years 2.00
Highly recommended by the leading
Modistes , thu Fashionable Dressmakers and
the most eminent Physicians in thu United
States and Europe. Cliculars free.
Solo Owntrt of Patent anil Manufartitrtrf ,
300 imoAinvAY , NEW YORK.
nroia a-A-i-D 33-z-
1517 Douglas Street , Omaha ,
ding housea everywhere.
In Couno JJliimj ha\ lug a
.nd all modern improvements , call bells , fire
alarm bolls , etc. , is the
Nos. 21D , 217 and iJlfl , Main Street.
No. 007 Brotdw&y Council Blaflk.
Railway Time Table ,
Tha following ire tha timed of the arrival ted de
nture of trains by central standard tlmi , at the
ctldcpota. Trulnshnvo trtustor depot Ion mln
tee eiilici nod arrive ten minutes later ,
em oioo and BOBTirwimiN ,
i:25 : A M Hall and Eiproas BCO' ; r u
> :40 : v u Aotonuiiodatloii 4(0 : ( r M
iSO : r u Kxpresa 0.05 A H
25 A M Mall and Express B:53 : r 11
25 A H Accommodation 6:15 : r u
SO r M Kxpms BlCO A M
cmoAao , uiLWAtrui AKD a , rADU
20A u Mail and Exprcsi 6to : v M
2& r u Ksprcsi 0.05 A M
tnioAso , BDRunorox AHD quiscr.
50 A Mall and Expsoss 7:10 : p u
I r * ccommoJauon 2.1X ) V'H
5 r Kxpteva 8:6CA : M
! :15 : r M Local St. Louis Express Loial
1.00 PM Traiiiler " Transfer 8:20 : p u
: l8i'M Lee I Chlcigo li Et L Exp Local 8W : A
:55l'M : Tramfov " " " " Tranefer 0.16AM
) , OS A M Mall and 6:40 : P M
S16 ; p M Kxprets 6.25 A M
Hour CUT AMD FAcinc ,
20 A ii Mall for Sioux City e.M r M
S9 r u Kxrrues for tit l' ul 0:25 : A H
1:00 : x n Dsnvcr Kxpreaa 4:35 : r u
1:05 : lu Lincoln I'lus O'a & R Y 2.35 p U
7:5 : } r u Overland Jxrrcfa 8:30 : A u
Loive Council Illufft - 0 65-7:55-8:30-10:50- : :
,1110 a. in , l:80-S:80-8:80-428-65-fl:25 : : : ; : :
.1:16 : p , ra. Leave Omaha 6:25 : 7:26 : 1:50 : 10
-11U5 m. mo-2.0)-3co-ftg-ii& : : : & ; 6j
Gen. Aftts. for
Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa
and Minnesota ,
Detroit , Michigan.
Special Agent for Iowa , Council Bluffs , Iowa
1 I !
Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Rugs , Etc. , Etc.
Careful Attention Given to On
of Town Orders ,
Upliohtery and Drapery Work a
Oar stock IB the
ia l lest
and is being continually replenished by
all the Ir.toct and choicest novoltlca.
405 Broadway Council Biufis
NO. 2 ,
Ia the Highest Achievement in Wrttcny
Machines in the World.
With only 89 keys to learn an
operate. It prints 76 characters
Including caps and email , letters ,
punctuations , ( lifurts , signs and
fractions , It a the simplest end
most rapid writing machine
made as well ast do most durable
E3 ? Send for free illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff Sormans & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111 , , Sole Agents.
0. H , SIIOLES ,
Agent for T/cstern Io
orotbutruon ICOCTM nllbcat Uu r
Orel tblrtr yeain p'.actlrr"M !
I , Feail itreet,0oonr.llll ] &
of flu Peace.
falxUcn acre/j , ten Io fiult , six In ( . ' "nUn and
tlm' ) ' room rouev , stable , well , ctetirn , &c.
'Hlufu , iluj-.iJlilou , or will trade for Omaha iirjp-
cru ,
V , K&LLRR ,
County licaturci'fl oUlcti , Council L'ludi ,