Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1885, Image 6

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Monday Morning , Juno 15 (
. | 5yC.\rrUi - - - - - - - > 0 wnh ptt week
SyWall - - - - - - - 110.00 p r yew
Aba Lincoln pojt had a merry camp
fire Saturday night.
The Rov. Dr. llulbertof Chlo gooccu
pled the baptist pnlplt here yesterday ,
The Rov. Joseph Smithof , Lamonl , la ,
preached In the Saints' church yesterday.
Twenty-fiTO per cent , reduction on
ladles straw hats at Mrs. 0. A. Rogers1 ,
341 Broadway.
Genuine Now York turtle HOUP at 10
o'clock. St. Louis house' , No. 709 Broad
way. A. Doorfllngor.
The board of trade Is to mnot this
evening to consider the question oE put *
ting up a board of trade building.
Mr. Hellion has sold his restaurant
business , located next to Uapp's on
Broadway , to William Brk.
The district court adjourned Saturday
until Tuesday morning , at which tlmo
the trial of criminal cages will commence
The strawberry season Is drawing to >
close. There are few , If any , being
shipped in here now , and the homo pro
duction will bo oxhauitod In the course o
n wook.
A supper will bo given by the woman's
exchange on Tuesday evening In the
vacant building next to Officer & Pusoy's
bank. Admission and supper , twenty
five cents.
A short distance foot-raoo on North
Main street yesterday , between two well
known residents of the city , was declared
a foul , because one of thorn took a tumble ,
and foil In a soft spot In the street.
There seems to bo a good deal o :
trouble between the two colora on Florco
street , the whltos and blacks living in
that locality getting into rows almos
dally. There was ono Saturday after
noon and the police wont up , but made
no arresta.
Under the recent action of the conucl
the city engineer la to kcop the city
uowors flushed ont and as often as he
dooms it necessary ho can call to his help
In this work the fire department , the
firemen to be paid for their time at the
usual rates , except those working by tb
The suggestion la made that when an
alarm of fire causes the department to
turn out , that all teams on the streets
along which iho hoao carts pass , shouli
turn to the sldo of the street , thus leavIng
Ing a clear course for the department
and doing away with the rhk of colIU
Besides the mission at the corner o
Sixth avenno and Fifteenth street , the
Broadway mothodlst church now opens
mission in the church formerly occoploc
by the united brethren , on Tenth avenue
batwoen Sixth and Seventh streets. Prof
MoNaughton la to have ohatgo of the
Sunday school.
Complaint is made of the water
allowed to stand on certain lota on Tenth
avenno , between Third and Fourth
streets and there Is every prospect for
I' disease being caused by the stagnant
pools , as the green scum has already
gathered thoro. The board of health
should look after It.
It was understood at the close of the
trial of Dr. Montgomery for taking the
chain from one of his patients that ho
would voluntarily give up the chain and
have no moro trouble about it , but , It
scorns that ho does not propocc to glvo
the property over , and Saturday Justice
Fralnoy issued a search warrant.
George "Woollvor , the contractor , Is
Buffering from severe injuries received by
being thrown from n dirt wagon while
driving along Fifth avenue , there being a
hole in the street which caused him to
fall off In front of the wheels , the wagon
with its heavy load passing over him ,
breaking several of hie rlba.
The Mueller music company Is the
name of the house formerly known as J.
Mueller. The many customers and friends
of Mr. Mueller wlllba glad to learn that
ho Is to contluQo to look after their mus-
cal wants , and that he has so arranged
buainenj mattora aa to carry forward the
enterprise In a more successful and satis
factory manner than ever.
Messrs. Sttaub , Herman , and Brown
nro at work repairing tbo damages
caused to the Institution for the deaf anc
dumb by the stonu Friday night. A
temporary rocf ia being put on , one
other repaits made , BO that the building
cun bo protected and occupied. The
damage to the building Is now estimated
as not exceeding $4,000. ,
Poor "Sport" Miller made A sad show
of himself on Broadway , just as the foils
wore on their way to church. Ho was so
drank that he could not keep on his foot ,
and could not keep his clothes decently
.on. The police finally picked him up
.and took him to the station. The man
who cold him the whliky Is the ono who
ought to hare been locked up.
J3. T , acd 0 , J. Best who have made
and kept mcny friends here , have Issued
the r t nurab-jr of their papar at Nellgh ,
Neb , and have r.hrhtened it the Leader ,
und drosted It up In democratic dottier.
The new born is a healthy appearing ,
and vigorous one , and in Introducing it
to the public the prediction ii made Uat
iho writer of iti obituary la not yet born.
The report tl-at Mr. Spanser and M * .
Lynchard , iato of the Ojuncll Blurt's
Eersld , ate ( bout to start a encloty
piper in Ooiaha proyoi to bu a little off ,
theeo gentlemen luring doclaod not to
make their paper of that nature , bat to
publish a general family weekly , to be
largely devoted to stories , poelry , nnd In
fact to bo more of a literary paper than
anything olao.
In the case of Royor vs. the Wabish
In which the plaintiff claimed damages
on account of property burned by sparki
from a passing engine , the jury agreed
on * verdict Saturday night , after the
adjournment of court , and returned 1
scaled. It Is understood that the jury
gave the plaintiff § 0 a ton for sixty ton
of hay destroyed.
Mr. Otto Volgor and Mies Emma
Smith were joyously joined Saturday
evening by Juitlco Schurz , the ceremony
taking plice at the residence of Mr
Theodore Beckman , on Washington
avenue , In the presence of a happy gath
erlng of friends. Mr. Volgor la ono o
the firm of Bockmon & Oo. , on Main
street , and both of the parties are well
known , and the oongrotulatlons arc
many and hnarty.
Some of the catholic citizens who in
dulged In the sleepy task of reading 'rh
old lady's scrap book yesteiday , wor
surprised at the position the Nonparol
has now ttkon In regard to Catholicism ,
ono [ of Its loading editorials yesterday
being devoted to a discussion of aonv
troubles in n church at Aurora , 111. , In
which financial differences arose between
priest and people. What makes tin
catholio blood tingle Is that instead o
giving the public the facts , the Nonpi-
roll takes occasion to charge the catholli
church with superstition , and to predlo
that the people are soon to icvolt. The
old lady In trying to turn her scrap-book
Into a bundle of tracts against romanism
has got ont of her sphere.
A young Gorman girl , on route for
some small town in the western part o :
the state , claimed Satutday to bo most
foully used by Borne strange young man ,
who , In pretending to show her the way
to the depot , where she wanted to take
the train , misled her , and getting her
into a rather unfrequented place on the
bottom tried to rob her of what little
money she had. She screamed , and
somebody chancing to bo within hearing
the fellow ran away and left her. Such
WCB the substance of the story told by
her , and she showed In corroboratlon
some marks on her neck , where the man
had choked her. The girl waa n young
simple , woiklng girland she was so badly
frightened that she was only too glad
get the train for home , without stopping
to have the police hunt up the case ,
Iho Testimony of Ono of the Nnrses in
tbo Slicnandoah Epidemic.
There have boon a good many reports
of an exaggerated natnro , aa la usual in
such casoa , about the small-pox at Shen
andoah , Iowa. Yesterday a BEE ma :
had a talk with ono of the nnraoa who ha
bean employed there , and who has had a
good deal of experience In like cases else
where , and who knowa the usual mode o
handling the disease by the authorities
This informant stated that he had nove
seen more or better care shown in thi
handling of anch an epidemic. There
hare been twenty-five cases
and four or five of them
have proved fatal , bat now all are getting
along well , and there is no more fear
felt about the further spread of the dis
ease. The quarantine haa been rigorous
and every house Infected haa had a guarc
constantly on hand to prevent cgreaa or
ingroso. "With all the close quarantine ,
there has baen no neglect of the wants
of these shat off from the rest of the
world. Nurses have been provided each
place , nnd these nursea have been com'
polled to lay aeido their usual clothoa
before entering on their duties , and it
don others , which are burned on the fin
ish of their duties. The nurses have
only been required to make their
wants known to the guard outside of the
house , and in n very short tlmo the sup
plies would arrive. There waa no starv
ing or neglecting of patients. Lately an
old church was purchased , and thla has
boon moved out of town , to ssrvo as
post house , and every possible means has
been taken to prevent the spread of the
disease , and to provide the nccessaiy
comforts for ihe sick. It is thought tha
all danger of further trouble la now at an
Wanted Immediately , a brass bando
about seven piecea on a six months en
gagomont. Apply to Dr. J. Palmer
Lone Wolf , the medicine man , at thi
Scott honso , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Pleasing Services at tbo Mcthoflla
Gliuroli ,
Tbe oarvicoa at the Broadway moth
odUt church yeatordi.y ivoro of a epoclallj
intcrealinf ; natura , and very appropriate
to the day , which was known aa "Chil
dren'a "
The Interior of tbo lUidleuco room wna
made very attractive , the jjnlplt anc
platform being transformed into
a veritable summer bower by
tbo generous and tatty arrange
uiont of plants and lion era. Festoons
of green were hung acrots tbo chnrcli ,
and from tbo center , over tbe palplt , was
suspended a floral lyre , made of Rrcon
and Yrhlto , irhllo In largo letters of pare
white , an a background of groan appear ,
ed the words , Children's D j , "
Iho services consisted of responsive
readings , mualo , recitations , etc. , the
whole being so arranged as to rnako a
harmonious presentation of truths and
tesoblnga of the church , appropriate to
iho day , The maslo WAS especially fine ,
the Bocompinlniont onslttlng of a ( Into
cornet , viollncello and organ. Aqaartotto
ed in the singlug , and tha chorus of
children's voices was eweot. Several
ilcsslng recitations More lvon , they
) elng scattered through the programme ,
L'ho tjrvieu thus varied proved very In-
erestlutj , and though r ther long ,
eo mod to bold the attention and interest
of eycn the llitld folks.
Cobi st Qeoige Hea'on1028 ' Bccti- ,
A Decision on the Qneslion of Mm
the Saloon Cases Into Uncls
Sam's ' Conrt.
Llko discs Still Pentllng Here.
The move made recently hero to have
the Injunction cases , brought against the
saloon men , removed from the slate to
the federal courts , has canted much inter
est , and there has been much anxiety to
learn what would bo the decision of the
judges before whom these cases nro pond
ing. The same motion has boon made In
the courts in other parts of the state , but
thus far no decision has boon reached by
any of the Iowa judges. In Kansas , however -
over , there has boon a decision reached
on this same question , and the result is
against the ealcon men.
This decision waa rendered by Jndgo
Martin , of the district bench , st Atchl-
son , last week. It was a criminal prose
cution brought by the atato for a viola
tion of the prohibitory law , it being
claimed that the dofondont had kept a
place for the snlo of intoxicating liquor as
a beverage and not for medical , scientific
nor mechanical purposes , and without
having a druggist's permit therefor.
The defendant applied for the removal
of the case to the federal court , under
section 041 of the statutes of the United
The defendant claimed that the state
legislation was repugnant to section 1 of
the fourteenth amendment , and that a
federal question bolng raised by his ap
plication for removal , the ease comes
within the section 041 , providing for re
moval of certain cases.
The court refused to grant the desired
change , the following being the reasons
as given :
The application for removal does not
show that the defendant ia denied any
right scoured to him by any law providing
for the equal civil rights of citizens of
the United States , or of all persons
within the jurisdiction of the United
States ; and therefore , the case does not
coma within the provision of said sec
tion , G41 ; and , in the opinion of the
court , the application for removal should
bo denied. If the construction con
tended tor by the defendant should ob
tain , then said section C41 would bo of
doubtful constitutionality.
By section 2 of article 3 of the consti
tution , as modified by the eleventh
amendment , it waa certainly never con
templated that the Inferior federal courts
should have jurisdiction of an action ,
civil or criminal , between a state and one
of Its citizens and that to the exclusion of
atato tribune's. The spectacle of a
sovereign state being compelled to go
into the" tribunals of another jurisdiction ,
In the first Instance , to enforce her penal
laws agalns her own clt'zena , could never
have entered Into the imagination of the
framera of the federal constitution.
In the forcible language of Judge Field
In his opinion concurring specially In the
csso of Virginia vs. Rivers , supra , "it i
difficult to believe that the wise men wh
eat in the convention which framed th
constitution and advocated its adoption
ever contemplated the posslollity of a
state being required to assort its authorl
ty over offenders against its laws In othe
tribunals than those of Its own creation
and least of all In an inferior tribunal o
the new government. I do not think . '
am going too far in assorting that , had i
been supposed that a power so dangerous
to the independence of the atato and so
so calculated to humiliate and degrade
them lurked in any of the pro
visions of the constitution , that Instru
meat would never have been adopted. "
The judiciary act of 1789 , which being
coeval with the actual operation of the
constitution Itself Is the best possible con
struction of the judicial article , it was
only the supreme court of the United
States that had supervising jurisdiction
In aoyvactlon to which a state was a par
ty. By the 25th section , which appears
almost in its original form as section
709 of the revision , a final judgment or
decree In any suit in the highest court of
a state In which a decision In the suit
could bo had , whpro there is drawn In
question the vslldity of a statute of , erin
in authority exorc'sed ' under any state on
the ground of the same bolng repugnant
to the constitution , treaties or laws of
the United States and the decision la in
favor of the validity thereof , it may be
re-examined and reversed or affirmed in
the supreme court upon a writ of error.
The opinion of tbo court therefore is
that this case does not come within said
section G41 of the revision and cannot bo
removed to the United States circuit
court for trial ; that , if natd section
should ba given such a broad constrac
tlon , that It would bo unconstitutional.
For the jurisdiction acquired by the
federal court by removal from the state
courts is original , not appellate , and congress -
gross hag no power or authority to re
quire a state to resort to the fedora
ronrts to enforce its penal laws ; that , Ii
a federal question Is raised by the defen
dant , it will bo the duty of atato courts
to pa S3 upon such questions in the first
instance , and , if the ruling be adverse tq
the defendant in the supreme court of his
statu , then he may resort to the supreme
court of the United States by a writ ol
error under section 25 of the jniiiclary
act of 1789. being section 709 of the
revision , for the final decision of such
federal question.
Roller la offering great bargains at hi
merchant tailoring establishment , No.
310 Broadway. See his goods and gel
hia prices.
"IionoVoll" Will Stay ,
The form and face of Dr. Palmer ,
known as "Lono Wolf , " on account ol
his long connection with the Indians , are
getting quite familiar to the residents of
this city , and ho purposes to make them
still moro so , as ho has decided to re
main here peimanontly , and as soon as a
location can bo selected ho , with others ,
will start a surgical and medical Institute
icro. In the meantlmo he is making
jeadqnarters at the Scott house on North
Main street , and at his parlors there Is
receiving and treating many patients.
"Lono Wo'f" Is
an occentrlo character ,
and ho deports from many of the old
piths of travel iu the treatment of disease
easeHi ) pat theory is that trie true
euro la to put the system In such a
icalthy condition that nature will do the
rork of getting rid of the disease. Ho
ias craated a large demand for his remo-
lles , and bii rooms are crowded dally by
hoeo seeking hia advice and help.
Substantial abstract i o title and real
state loans. J. W. A L. Squlra , 101
Rad Jndd & Smith's offr cf 91,000
reward In another column , '
A. J.Stcicnfon
. . ,
Real Esiate Dealer ,
Council IMuir * , Iowa.
Office No , 518 Mjrn ler SI
Dry Goods , Groceries , Flonr ,
I'ccil , rto. ,
Lowest Market Price ,
Cor. oCMilnsal lliath ATS ,
Commonly known as
Grandy & Oo , ,
Citj Mi Store ,
Fine Cigars , Toilet
Articles , Cto ,
Prescriptions n Specialty.
No. 21 Jlnln St.
H. 8. WEST ,
No. 121'carl St ,
0or Dec office.
r ttlulit Attiatlca Qltin
to tbo Frmrutloa of
tie Hitnul TtetL
All kinds of
Fresh and Salt Meats ,
Ko. 709 Itnln Street.
No. 104 JIAIN 8T.
All kinds of
Frails , CODftclloriirj&ClKars
The cheapest store and
ho best stock of Trulls.
Farmers' Commlislon store ,
OremUi itl
Fralti , Cosfeetleaery , Clgtn
ul Tolieej.
rorwnv A brKcuLiY.
619 S. Main SI. ,
Highest nmrkcl price paid
for farm produce.
Latest Styles of
Millinery MODS
Al * ; s at legist ttlcei.
No. 328 llromluiiy.
Dr. W. L. Capell ,
Special attention Riven to
Elmics cf Wonen and
Chicnlc Citeitii ,
Office In Doliany's
Opera House.
JOBH 2VEBO , Ttep.
Fresh and Salt Meal ,
Lard , Dried Beef , etc.
Wo. 023 Main Street ,
lit Dr 0. cf Ct. Je. Ecusc.
Cor. Pearl St , A 1st Arc. ,
Cctscll Clnfi , ICT .
Fine Boct and Shoe Hater ,
No 22J Main fct ,
Council lllulTs , Inwn.
E , I. 8EILE8 ,
Boots and Slices
1O2 a < Ttxlti. Stxoot ,
Council Blsfft , Ii.
Heifers and cows ol all . ageg furnished la any desired numbers ; ranchmen should correep end with
bcfcre purchasing elsewhere.
WINDOW & ORA&fPTON , Waverly , Iowa ,
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which
\ve ivill ecll In retail or carload lota
II Stock Warranted as Represented
Wholesale and retail dealers In Grain tnd Baled Hay. . I'rlcca rev
Bonablo Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs.
The Leading Store in the City , the Grand
est and Greatest Dry Goods Stock
in the West ,
Prices neyer before so much in favor o thepur-
chaser. Late grand arrivals AT DEPRESSED
prices from the manufacturmgdistricts.
Big purchases just opened up in
Silks , Dress Goods ,
Cloaks , Linens , Domestics ,
Hsiery , Gloves , Fans ,
Parasols , Laces and Emhroideries ,
In all tlie above departments during this
week. Goods to be sold for less than half
the regular retail prices.
To the leading and largest Retail House
in the eitv. You will alwavs get more than
value for vour monev.
Peoples' Store , 318 and 320 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs *
Manufacturer of
Trunks , Satchels ,
Sample Casci , etc.
Trunks Ropnlrod.
No. 39 Tcarl St , , corner
of First Aunne.
W tl"0
iu iio
ll lvno < mii.\V
General .Agt.
sew York Ufa iDsnrance
No. 506 Broadway , Up
Cent's Furnlihlng Goods ,
Boots , Shoos , otc.
No. 164 Droadway ,
Opposite the OgJcn House
Abstracts and Titles
Tlmt you can rely on.
Monty at Lowes ! Rales ,
XtXABOU i CO , ,
No. 11'cirl SI.
Mandemakcrs & Van ,
Ho , 201 Ufpcr Staiffi ; ,
Fancy and Staple
Ctit lint In th City ,
No , MflBioailway ,
Couacll Blnffi
Kit. JI3 , 210 Srciitt
Rales $1,00 ID $1.25 ner ddT
First Glass Bar
in connection ,
Opposite Osdcn House.
P. 0 , MILLER ,
Wall paper ail DicorailoDs
r ! sli,01Ii 7irthei ! ,
No. 13 IVarl St. ,
COUNCIL BLurr * , u.
, 'f
. . ,
New niul Second Il.iml
stoes and Household GooJsj
At Loweit Trices '
Cheapest Store In Town
> "o , 5H Uromlw ny ,
Council Hlunfr , Iowa.
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Frnma hcul
moved on Little Giant trucks , the beat In the world.
1010 Ninth Street , Council Blufls
Norene & Landstrom ,
erchant Tailors
Suits to order In latest styles at cheapest possib COB.
COB.No. . 205 Main St. , Council Bluffe.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
A Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand.
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
The only all night house in the city. Uvcrythirg scr\ed in first clfiti etyloand on ahoc
notlco , Hot and cold lunchoe nhvnya ready.
KOTIOK. Special vcrtlBcments , euo ae toe
round , To Loan , Foi Sale , To Kent , Wants , BOMI !
log , eto , , will bo Inserted In tbla column at tbe low
rate ol TEN CENTS PICK LINE ( or the flrel Insertion
nd FIV CENTS I'ER LINE lor each tnbaeqnent
ertlon. Leave advertisement ! nt ont offla * , Ho.
> l Hlrcat. oi * r Proadwav
WANTDD Situation to run etatlonary engine
Three joara experience , Q. , DXK office , Couu
oil Blufle.
iOH SALE A stock ol gcncr * ! merchandise , In
j. Oakdole , Neb. liuslno a well established and a
izuod , llvo point for trade , Mest reasons for eclllrn
A'lly or wdtotoll. E. Smith & Co. , or 11 ( .tea 1
WANTS TO TilADK. Uooil Iowa cr Nebraska
land lor a email stock ol hardware or Kencr
merchandise , well located. SWAN & WALKKK.
jNOft HALS A rare chance to get Hoc , well Irn.
J proved farm of 400 aeree , within a few miles ol
Council Bluffs , at a bargain. Low pilco and easy
terms. HwiN & WALKHB
TJIOH BALK A good paying hotel property Hill )
J" llyory stable , In one ol the best small towns In
western Iowa will cell with or without furniture , or
will tiada lor aem * ! ! firm with stock etc.
JjiOIt tMI.K I-audi Improcd Bad unimproved.
1 II Von want u farm In wcitern Iowa ,
Nebraska or Dakota , Ictua buir/roinyou.
1/OH SA1.K A lame nuiubtrol business and reel-
JD denco lots In all pane ( if Council IlluiTs. See
ua before jou buy. SWAW& WALKKB.
laOK bnLli Parties wishing to buy cheap lota to
I ; build on can buy on monthly payments ol from
12 to 810 BWAK Ii WALKBB
J/Oll KKNl We will rent jou a lot to build on
1 with tlio prhllaje to buy II yon wlih on > ery
IbcrtJ term * . &WAN & WAI.KKB.
jiOU HAI.K Houses. Lota and Land. A. J.
j Ptepl onton , EC3 Pirct a\enue.
body in Council IllnOl o till
WANTEIJ red by carrier at only twenty
i * Meek.
Fen KJCIUSOS N. ' . 1(8 , 10CCO acres Und ten
mlltstouthef blclne ) , Keb , , lor Council JJluffs
No. 156. A good steam flooring mill In Cedar Co ,
ovt a , for a stuck ol general merchandise or bard ,
ware , value 19,100
No , 169 Hotel property In Taj lor Co. , Iowa , lor
ecd ( arm property , value $4,000. ,
No 0. I-iQilIallallanU Lluocln Cos. , Neb. , for
Pound ! Ulullj propci ty.
No 101. fine Improved farm lor cheap western
No , 161 One of the beat farms In Pottaw ttamlj
} unly , Ion a , (00 acres for wild Kantat or Iiebraaka
and.No. . 169. Hotel In I'ueblo , Col , , woitb $9 CO ? , for
owa , K nia , or Nebraska land In par and long
> mo on baUuce ,
No. 171. Good farm , ( or etock ol goodi cr bard *
ware.No. . 172. Wild lands In Hooks Co , , Neb. , ( or stock
I dry ( roods.
No. 176. House and lot In Clarlnda I'age Co ,
Owa , for Ktbrwka orlOAiliuJ ; value flC3J.
No. 177. Hotel la oui ol vuota't bctt town
A , P. Hanchett , MD
Physician & Surgeon ,
Council HluiK
OOlcaXolZ 1'cnrl Strcit
Telephone No. lo
IIOUR - 10 to 12 a. in. mid ,
l mnMR : No. 120 llh
slrect , liour > , bcfbro 9
n ni. nml after 7 p. in.
Meat Market.
Cct. Uils aad Oter ; Sts.
Pawn & loan Office ,
i2S ! Droailwny.
n Unredeemed Goods ,
\lusliiil InstrmncnlH ,
, Qnit , etc ,
Real Jstate
Lsiaasl latnriars Agner
rira CMDjanles Representing
$22,000,000 or Assets.
No 130 Main St
Censdl Slnffi , lew *
value 6,000 , ( or stock of drugs ( or pare and land M
imprint (1 or unlmrnovcd *
No. 178 , Splendid bargains In ICIeth Co. , Neb. , i
wild lacd for lands In western Iowa or good stock
ofdru tor hard warn. i !
No , 18' . A liaif Interest In a flrtt-clisa plow works ,
well located , ( or lands valued 83,000.
No. 182 , 200 crn improved farm la CasaCo , , lena
also one In 1'ela , Alto Co , , of SIS , for stock of goods.
No. 183 , tloro bul.dln and stock of general
merchandise , In a Iho nesturn town for wcttcrn
anil , fmproie'1 or unimproved , value 814SOO. 4
Aud hundred to I ether special exchange bargain ) /
or particulars , call and BLO or write to I
Council tluD 9 , fa.
Madame L J. . Balcear ,
Who for the i < ait ID years bus been pntt'slntf ' in
San Kranclsco Ij now located at No 8 N. Cth btrcet ,
opposite new Opera Houao ,
JJadamu Ilalccar guarantees to rotors
Or tnghoanjonna hu h muetacha or bring out ft
Ino growth of halt vr board In f rom four tot Ii weeks.
Price i rcruonablo and satieftrtlon guaranteed ,
C ncor , doafnojs ami especially rheunmtliui Hid
all rhrorilo dlieaseii cured by a natural gift of the
dcctrccB ,
. JE7. .7" . ] $ < tlcear ,
28 North Cth St. , - - . Council Ululfs , In
THOS. OrKICKB. \t , H. II , 1'CflB
Officer & Pusev.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Established , - 1865
Dealers in Foreign anil Domestic Exchange
ml Homo Securities.
Office , Ualn Street , Itoomn 7 aqd 8 ,
L'tuo block. Will practice In Siateuij tate ooatU.
201 Uppei lHuuvib > , CctLiUIi.nli