LINCOLN. Me * otto Day al tie Cipilal t Mat ; . A Few People Hippodromod by n Pair of Thacs , The Governor ana Treasurer In n lltul Light in Court tiCRnl , Eilucntlonftl and Personal , AT TI1K STATE CAPITAL. THE HIPPODROME. Imported by Tbo DEB'S Bureau. LINCOLN , Neb , , Juno 14 , Tha toft glove contest Saturday evening was opened with a friendly eot to between Miller of Chicago , and Smith of Omaha , which for six rounds was uninteresting. At 0:20 : It WAS announced from the stage tlmt nn intermission ot twenty minutes would tnko j > lnco to nllow the mer chants , who could not closa their e lores before 10 o'clock , to attend the contest. When 10 o'clock cnmo the homo did not fill up , so another adjournment of thirty minutes was announced to glvo the saloon keepers an op portunity of attending , However the saloon keepers did not coma and at 10:30 : Driscoll appeared upon the stage and entered the ropes. Ho is n laigo , well built man welch ing about l2o ! pounds , his flesh being rather soft. Ina few minutes Milto Haly entered the ring Ho is compactly built , hard ( loth and wiry , weighing about 105 pounds. There was some dispute about the refforeo during which some party thinking to settle the whola business climbed upon the stage , but was soon cj .ctcd by n policeman , lid llennesy was agreed upon with John Shocdy for time keeper , lid Miller , of Omaha , seconded Driscoll nnd John .Ithoin , Haley , Time was called and the men shook hands. The first round showed that Haley intended to wear his opponent out by dodulng nnd falling , Driscoll got in ono lick on Haley's shoulder , knocking ; him under the ropte , nnd Haley _ struck Driscoll once ia the stomach , staggering him. The round ended without interest or harm. Befnro the closa of the second round Driscoll throw off his gloves , and the referee announced that Haley had forfeited the Tight lor falling down without being hit. This ended the grand farce nmid hisses and groans from n very meagre audi ence ot bidly mixed people. It will ba a long time before thu people cf Lincoln will bo naked to entertain another soft glove contest for gate money. Saturday evening another test of the new water works wan given. Soon after the hose bad got to working nicely the euglno opened out and part of the time thrown stream higher than that of the water works , although not iiuito ns steady. At times the water from the engine hose would fall far below that of the water works. It Is claimed there was a leak in the mains , Ic scorns very sttango n test cannot be made without there being n defici ency somewhere about the water works. In the dittrlct court Saturday , Judee Brandy , of Tecnmsch , presiding , there was tried tha ciso of tha State vs. John 13. Me- Gnlre and Ueorgo Howard for entering the store of Messrs. Mirger & Miller , of this city , and stealing silks nnd other goods amounting to over SIOOJ Tbo goods were shipped to Omaha where they and the thieves wore captured , A pica of guilty was entered by the dofente and tbo judge pauad n ono year sentence , first upon McGuire Guiro , who | s only seventeen years of age , and has a widowed mother living in Omaha. Then turning to Howard the judge sentenced him to three years in the penitentiary. Al though Howard is but twenty-two years old he has served ono term In the penitentiary. The fitato vs. Alvin McGuire for partici pating in the robbing of the state treasury last winter was called Saturday. Tnis (9 ( a case which has many pecularitios from the fact that the governor and state tro.isurar seemed to have been engineering the ntfuir or at leant counselling with the detective associa- I , v tion which claimed they were cognizant of the If < N f intention of the roboera , nnd assisted in planning the ciptura of the trio andjthe mur der of one of them. It sounded very strange to have ono holding the exalted position of governor of n commonwealth testitylng and acknowledging in a court room tint be assist ed in planning the cnptnro of some thieves whom ha was aware intended at eomo futnro time to attempt robbery. It lookd Tory much as though the governor had bsen inveigled into n schema to assist in booming n new detective agency , and certainly tbo blood of Griffin will hover near tbo governor's door step. From the evidence given it would seem that the drtectlves worked the case up nnd encouraged the project of robbery. The jury were out about three hours and brought In a a verdict of not guilty as against McGuire , which verdict voices the sentiments of a Urge number of citizens. Mr. C. O. Whedon nnd li. D. Steam * , counsel for the defense , handled this caio caretully and developed many facts , from the witnesses which wera not generally known , and which certainly were no credit to the detoctlvoj or state officers the governor and treasurer who took part in the scheme \ of capturing the robbers. ' ) Chancellor Manatt dclivorod ono of the commencement uddrrsses ut Daane college , Crete , last night , The chancellor u now on a ten days trip through the plate , holding eliminations lor ontrancJ to the university nud wilt ho nt the following places : Omaha , Tuesday , June 10 ; 1'alls City , Wednesday , .J ma 17 ; Tukainah , Thursday. Juno 18 ; .Kearney , Saturday , June 20 ; Jtod Cloud , Monday , Juno 122 , It Is tha intention of the supreme court to adjourn the coming term from July 7 to Aug ust 11 , nt which. , time cases will bo heard us follows : First district , August 11 ; second , August 23 , third , September 15 ; fourth , September 2 ? ; fifth , October 0 : ilxth , October i0 ! ; sev enth , October 27 ; eighth , November ; ninth , November 11 ; tenth November 1U. Briefs inuit bo served by plaintiffs in error or appel lant , fifteen days before commencement ol bearing of cauios from thia district. In all cases filled after Juno C , printed abstracts of record ara required to ba prepared and served. The calendar for the term will be printed nnd f n a copy sent ta each attorney having causoi for , ? l argument , early in July. V The board of canvassers met at the office of the superintendent of public insructlon this mcrniuK and canvassed the result as given below , The oanvass was delayed n few days in order to let nil possible votes come in before counting. The following ballots were caitfor board of directors : W. W. W. Jones , 5liJj G. E. Howard , 314 ; H. H. Bowers , 318 ; II. M. James. 303 ; Anna Gray , 176 ; M. 8. Honn , 159 ; W. W. Dmmmond. 105 ; B. J. Barr.OOjW. Rich. 05 ; J. P. Sprecber , 91 } Jennie Owens , 88 ; William Valentino , 8Gj M. 11. Morgan , 85 : K W , Parsons , 70 ; M. B. C , , True , 74i u. O. Greonlee , C9. Supt. Jonof , > , Prof. Howard , Bupt. Bowers , Jupt .James , r and Supt. Anna Gr y h ve received the highest numbsr of votes and are tber-fore elected as the first board cf directors. The boird will meet at nn early day and lettlo upon n plan of wotk nod organization , i The following address was presented to tha Hon. John Dillon Sunday afternoon , at 3:30 : , on his arrival at Lincoln , en route frou Colorado to Ireland , tha Irish citizens meet ing him at the depot as the train came in * ' 0nr people hero in Nebraska , growing wit ] the growth of tha boundlesi west , gaining under a benefilclenjt government the llveli hood that has been denied to s many of our people m Ireland look with loving eyes nnd warm hearts to th way of hope that is surely dawning for the dear old land , and we watch with unremitting ardor for every Indication of approaching na tlonhood , We remember with heartfelt fttA tudo the noble part that John Dillon , Ire land' * patriot sou ; Imi taken in the itrugl u | the past few yearn , his manly bearing to ward our Saxon enemy , his burning eloquence his scathing rebuke * to the oppre sois of ou country , his sacrifices and Bufferings as n prU oner for the cauoa of Ireland ; and we oaruett ly pr y God that he shall again confront , wit the courage that hai ever characteruod th worthy descendant of the gallant rebel of IS John : 11. Dillon , the s mo enem tha * still Blonds between Irelan and independence ; tlmt , havln . sojourned , oven for so brief n p ce , under tn "V kindly ttars and stripes , and having drank li the exhllirstlng atmosphere of America , tin very esicenca of which ii liberty , he will b' ' rfllnvigoraled to again enter upon the good "In once more commingling with our borth' era in Ireland , wo ask you to bear to them from us a message of Jove and sympathy Tell them for u to bo brave and peuevere ; the end to bs gained Is worth all the lacrlfic they have made or ever can make , Tell them wo watch and pray with them , and that w look with'tho lame yearning , hearts that they themselves do , to the cherished goal of ou national hopct ; that we shall not waver in ou to the grand old cause till th end is reached , Tell them itbat though wi bo tckttored from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from thohkea to the gulf , wo nrc M one man where Ireland's good is at stake. "Finally , we beg you to convey to Mr Parntll and his faithful followers our heart felt congratulations In tbo splendid victory which they have just achieved over the Glad stone-Spencer ministry the authors of the most cruel And infamous regime that has over cursed our country tlnco bloody 'US. "lu kidding you , dear friend , good bye , wo need not toll you that you carry with you oui sincereat well wishes for your safety am happiness , and , not far Intho future , wo shall we nope , have the honor of Erecting you again amongst us as the representative of prosperoun people and n victorious cause , JOHN Fm.GKRAU ) , state delegate , Irish national league of America ; JOHN A. TEM- rr.EloN. secretary , Lincoln branch , Irish na tional league ; MALACIII GRACE , president Colts club , Lincoln ; CHARLES HEOAIITT. president idont division No. 1 , ancient order of hiber- nians , Lancaster county. MJD OUT BY LIGHTNING , Brnkcmnn on Itnblnaon's Circus Train Suddenly Killed. During the heavy etorm that awopl aoroaa control Nobraaku yesterday Thorn- la Sullivan , n brakeman on John Robin eon's circus train , which had just lofl OolurabaB , was atruck by a bolt of light ning and instantly killed. Mo damage to the train ia reported. Snlllvtm's body nrlvcd hero oil tbo 4 o'clock ' train lost ovcning In a rough box , and was con voyed from the depot to BurVct's nndcr- taklng establishment on Sixteenth atroot , whcro It wna drcesod , placed in a neat coflio , and will bo sent this morning to DOB Molnoj , Iowa , for burial. Cholera's Third Year. Chicago Herald , The cholera usually rnna for nix years and makea a circuit of the globt before disappearing. The present epidemic ia now on its third yoir and has proceeded from the jungles cf Ash a3 far westward as Madrid tuid oaino oilier places lu the Spanish peninsula Two ycara ago It raged meat novoroly in Egypt. Last year It was epidemic in Southern Franco and Italy. Thia year it resumes its march westward at Madrid. An to the probability of the plagno crossing the Atlantic this year opinions differ , but that ouch n vhltstton la now possible la not denied. Although the epidemic of 1817 , the first cno known , did not roach America , that of 1B2C , starting in the aamo place , was speedily communicated to this continent in two places , cases ap pearing almost elmultanoonsly at Quebec and Wow York. The disease followed the water routes west and south , and did not entirely aisappear from United States territory until 1832. The epidemic of 1812 broke out in .Now Orleans and con- tinned for seven years , but the visitation of 18G5 and 1871 , ono beginning In Now York end the other in Now Orleans , were of ahortor duration. The track of the disease ia always along the great routes of travel , and when once gaining a foot hold In a country its progress in thcso days is rapid. The last rovcro experience that Chicago cage had with the cholera was in 18GG , BO that there ere now thousands of pjoplo hero who hayo no conception of tbo na ture of the ordfiv' . While the dijoaao haa never boon aa destructive of human life In this country as it has been in Eu rope , Asia and Africa , its prcsonca here has Invariably filled the paoplowlth alarm and rasnltad in radical changes in habits , diet and clothing. Probably the fact that Americans read extensively and are well posted through the medium of the preis may acconnt for their immunity from the frightful ravages which the dis ease has invariably made among the more ignorant and wretched communities of the old world. The epidemics of 1830 , 1815 and 18GG caused the people everywhere to adopt preventive measures which were thought to have great efficacy. Care in diet wa considered most Important , of conreoand frnits were almost entirely discarded. Watermelons and cucumbers were looked upon as poisonous , and oven ripe peaches and other harmless fruits were per mitted to rot. So heavy wore the losses by fruit growers and dealers in the east in 1830 that for a few yearn a'tor the plague disappeared no ono wonld raise melons and other objectionable vegcta blea and fruit for tear that they could neb bo disposed of , Boiled rlcs , mush and milk , and oread and milk became thu principal articles of diet in many families , and meats and other heavy foods were pirtakon of very sparingly. Camphor came into universal nso as a disinfectant , and nearly everybody were come of it on the person. Flannels were woin all summer , and plasters of various * inds were need on the chests and backs. Of courto many things were done under each circumstances which wtra without flense or reason , but the most .mportant measures were thoio relating .o diet. Tompsracco nnd simplicity in rlnking and eating , at all times deslra- lie , are never mora no than during a iholcra season , Care in these respects , with elcnnllnotfl otpatson and habitation , rill accomplish about all that it is poasl- lo to do in the nay of prevention , and t is none too early for a general adoption if simple rules to this end in every American household and municipality. THE BEST WASHING COMPOUND f. tbo day Is undoubtedly JAMES 'YLE'S PEAHL1NE. It cleanses the irtlos * . and most elegant fabric without njury and with little labor. For ailo by ; rccers. Cleveland wild tbo Children. WASHINGTON , Juno 14. Cleveland attend- d chlldrena' day services nt Dr. Sunderlands ihurch this morning. Ttat pure , sweit. sale , and effcctho American dlstlllatUn ct Witch-Haiti. American Tine , Canada Fir. Uaileold and Clover-Iilownn ) , called Stnford'r Raolcal Cute lor CaUrrb. with one box Catarrha Itesolrent acd one'Sanford'i ImprovedInb ] lerall la ackage , may nowbo bad of all druggists for SI Askfor8anford' lladicalCuie Complete Local and 1 Constitutional Treatment to -very formof Catarrb , from n Simple Cold orlnfluon i * to loss of Smell. Taste , and lleirlnfr.Cough.Dron chilis and CaUrrhal Contumptlou , in every pack , Clergymen , Vocalists , And Public Speakers without number ono their pres ent utefulnctu and tacccM to Sanford's lladlcal Curler lor Catarrh. Hev.Ur. WlgKloi lavi ! "Ono of the best remedle lot Catarrh nay. the bett remedy we ba > e foundlu alifotluiecf suffeilng Is Banford'g Kadlcal Cure It clears Iho b < oJ and throat 3 thoroughly that taken each morning on rising , there are no unplcos ant secretions and no disagreeable hawking durin the entire day , but > u upproccd ented cletrnoei o voice and retpmatory organi. " Sold by all druggliti , Price $1.00 Potter 3rug & Chemical Co. Boston Weary imlTcrer from niicumatura , Neuralgia UftminP * * ! FirCTTllOWe ' k u-d > era Lungs HatUC'810Coujh and Coldi , Wca Fl AG-rCQSt Hack * , Weak ttomach an " * /lalC v Bond * , Ijer > ep la , Femal \\'MVnt8 , Shooting I'llns through the Loun an Uack.lry lhe e p'oatcrs. PlaoiO e > cr the pit of th .tonuch . , they pretent and euro Ague Palm , lllllloui Colic , Utcr Uomplaints , and protects tha lyitom rom a tbo'uand ( Ui. Z6& SPECIAL NOTICES ' MONEY , MOTKT TO LOAH On r at estate In unm * of ? P0 MI upvirds , to An ; amount. Omaba Flnano'a Eichange , 1M)3 Farnam SI Money to loan On cc'J tcra'8 In sums ot $25 ixn upnardt , tinny amount Oaaha Financial Ex change , 1505 FtrnamSt. Money to bin-On chattel ! In am < of $5 and up wards to anv amount , at low rites. Omaha Flnanclt Exchange , ICOJFnrnamSt. Money to loin On peed securities ol any kind , li any amount , at the Omaha Financial Exchange , 150 ? Farnam St , up-stalrs , 228-tf to loin * t lowest rate ] 1 Intercjt by Botnl MOSHT Douglas Sts. 07811 TlToNKT toloan In rums ol 9200 nod upward * on IVlflrst-olass real osUte security. Potter & Cabb 1615 Farnam st 6IJ-U VfONEY To loan on chattels , Woolloy & Harrison 'VI ' Room 20 , Omaha National bank building 838 II MONEY TO LOAN-On real estate and chattels D. U Thomas. B37U. Vfosir I MOSRT 11 voxKr 111 Money lo Loan -On 1V1 chattel socmlty by W. It. Croft , room 4 , With cell building , N. E. corner 15tn and llirncy A tier years ol experience aid a carctul study o ( the bust ness tt loaning money on personal property , I Imvo at last perfected a system whereby the publicity usual In such catoi \ donn nway wltn.nnd I am now In a position to meet the demands ol all vho become tcmpoiarlaty embarrassed and dcslro to ralio money without delay and In a quiet manner. Housonccn- ere , profcsjIonM gentlemen , mechanics and others In this city can obtain advances from $10 to $1,000 on such eccurlty ns household tnrnituro , pianos , ma chinery , horses , wagons , warehouse receipts , secur ed notes ol hand , etc. , without removing tame from owners residence or place of business. Ono ot the advantages I odor Is that any part ot anr loaa can be paid at any llrao which will reduce the Interest ire rnta and n't ' loans renewed at the original ratns ) l Interest. I hare no brokers In connection with my office , but personally superintend all my lo n . Ihiue prhate offices connected with my general oflico so thai customers do not come In contact with each other , consequently making all transactions trlctly piUatc W. H. Croft , room 4 , Wlthncll building , N. E. cor. 15th and Haruoy. B37-J-U \,1 ONRY Loaned on nhattols , cut raM , II. ITJ tickets DoughtandtoU. A. Forman.IlB 8.18th 81 838-tf V f ONEY LOANED at C. F. Reed & Oo's. Loan office > 1 on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal iropeity of all kinds and all otho rirttcloB ot value , rlthout removal. Over HI National Bankcorner 18th nd Farnam. All business strictly confidential 833If MONKTf SO LOAU In snma of SSCO and upward. 0. 7. D vla and Co. , ItcM KiMi and Loan Agents , ItOS Farnara SI. ' 810 tl WANTED FEMALE HELP. [ ITANTKD A good girl Immediately. Mrs J. II. V T Cornea , No 2813 Charles street , botwo n Irene nd Jones 983-lflp WAMEII A [ oed competent Gorman elil for general housework ; none ether need apply , 917 Chlcngo etrcc ! . 283tf WANTKB Good laundry finisher , am ) number ct glrl for general boost work. Apply at the 0d ! tollable Omaha Emr.bymcnt ofllcc , 217 North 10th. S7Z-18 RANTED Olrl for general house wort ; email fam- V ? lly ; Sowaidttrcet , 5th house abo\o King. Mra Vilght. 255-lGp T ANTED Pcam'.trcss who cm cut and fit , 1210 Dodge St. 211-13p 'J17AMBD A Rood cook and n nurie slrl to RO to 'V Chojonno ; good wages Mrs. Towar , 714 N. Dth St. 270 16p \ girl for hcuse work. Inquire at 2311 California 6t. Oormstn priferrod. 21D-16p AVTKU Nurse clrL Apply Mrs F. II. Howard , CanOeld Houso. 261-tf TTASTKD Olrl or middle aeed woman. Oermin fT or Swede preferred. Apply Immediately 1103 lowatd tt. 253-lEp Tt7ASTtD A coed girl for genoralhouse wcrk Apr - r V ply to N W. corner of Leavcnworth and South \onue , ( i2d. ! ) 257-13 A elrl to do general house work. X. Steven' , 917 .tf. 21st st. 25'J 16p T7 ANTKD Nurse jrlrl who lives in the city to come t V In daytime and t > Ke CJra of infant. Apply 110 outh 24th St. 243-lf TfT Immcillately , a second ttomnn cook at r V Uccidcntal Hotel. 24 } tf WANrKD-Hrstcossglrlfor kitchen work ; mu't be pool cook , wnehtr and Ironar , $5 per week , 318 Capitcl avc.between Itth snd 14th tit. 195-13p TTAKTP.D An old lady to assist In kitchen , Apply rV 102 North 12th street. 218-13p TX/AXTF.D A girl to cook ana nlsa a dining room V t Rlrl at 1811 DoJeo et. 109-13 Olrlat 1640 Sherman n\enue. WANTED 109-tt J. M. Counsman. ANTED- First class cook end laundress , -303 W Farnam. Sirs J. JL Thunton. * 171tl Tt7AXTED Three dining ro'm fit's , 2 laundry girls r V 6 kltehcn girls or.d dish ashore , 8 nurse girls. 120 Farnam Street. 10J-tf - good girls for Drat and second work WANTKD-I3 la go < d families ; wtges * 3 , 81 and S4 0 , HSO arnam St. 108-tf AKTtD-Qcod female cooks for hotel ) and private W bocrdlng houecs , oil 11SO Farnam 6L ANTED Thrao ezpeilenced women cinvasfors , Wi fO per day , guarantee ! ) ; room 7 , Hcdick block. 870 tf AXTED FIret-claes dining room girl at the Met W ; ropolitan hotel ; none otner need apply. 824-tl WANTED MALE HELP. iT7ANTED 100 men and teams for now railroad VV v/ork. Free transportation to and from o.-k. Ayplyat 1012 Harnoy St. - F. K. Irwln & ? o. 287-15 Live agents to work Life and Accident V > Imuranco far a strong Now Yorit company in very town In Ncbinskfc and Iowa Good comin'a- on to workera Addrcan E C. Wllccx & Co. , Qen- ral Agents , Kansas C.ty. Mo. 276.27 i * ANTKD A. worklngman \vholoralo flour store , InquireSunday rnurnlng , between lunnd 12 , at chlei-ingcr's Clothing eta re , 1219 Farnam 81. 81 13p WAXiKD-lmmedUtu y , 40 good stroru men that aiousid to track v.oik , 11JO 1'aina'ii street ? o othersned apply. 2iOtf 'TTC/'AXTF.D Thraomtn toielltt new an ! popular book on monthly paynigcti , b'g catnmlsilon. Addreaa It. L. butler , Omalm , Neb , 145-13 T01 im clgarraaliO9 wanted. Inquire of Oco. B Godfrey , Ficmont , Neb. JbaW W ANTKD Flo good paper hanger at 118 North 18th : street. W-tl SITUATIONS WANTED. TXTANiiD Byyoungmm cf larce llus'iiess cxpsr V T fence , of good adddrces. a good naleiman and mrd wcr cr.apoaltbn with a giud house whore mer. rlt will be rocognlzsd , Acdieia "F. K. " Ueeofflco 70 ISp rponoTCLii HltuatlonHanted uy an ictlvo joung JL manwbols accuitomcd to right work ; have worked In otEce , lunch counter and bar , Address A , B. A. , Uee olllce. 271-15 Situation. Voung man of 28 years de- WASTKD a position as collector or to da general nutsldo work ; references and cash security. K. C. B iteo olllce. 270 15 ANTED-Bluatlnnmlddleiged | ; man , anything W huncrable ; boiita ana goaa rcferenccir.iddresis Y n , 510 814tn ct. i W0.17p TlTANmD Situation by ttjoungrranajgotiil baker orvtillworkat nytbln ; good cfercuccs. Hugh UcAllUtar.QeDcnl Demery , Onuha. 23S.2p ANTIII Ey an Auieilcnn laly a poiltlon to d W housework In a email family. 610 Blunders et lBl-12p - fojnlon i o travel In NebraskaKeneril dry WANTKUfojnlon ; preteriol ( mm July litlargo ; acquaintance In statebc ; l referenru f rompietent cm- ployeri , Addiewbox 45 , Wymoie , Neb , 100-16p ffOU xvENT IIOUHES AND LOTS. 17 < OR Bt.vT-Kurulsbeil hou'o on car line , during JL1 July and August , to family without children. S27-15 Ball & Shrlur. ij'OR BK.IT-5 room ci/ttaija ou i'ui | > ieiQUiavcnuti I ? boiutlful location ! will icll ibuturnlUre n ninthly | aymeutf , or rent It lurnUhed , or Bill th propoity on aay piMnentr. C : K Mayno & Co.B \V. corner 1Mb and Farnaro. _ _ _ TioiiBiXT A n w hou.e , earner v eb ter and ISi J btreet. Acdr w 3. 1) . Ihomas , Pott offlco - near Clark lt 1 stable room tit 4 Iursea,8l5p r m nth. Inqulr UK. A 804 norto 18th. S72-tf n OEBE > T Cottage roora and bouse rooms. J IJ I'pln'tHoeUl2S.BthBt. 831-tt on BK.NT Three itory brick ttoro liulljlug ; en F quire ol KJviard Korrla & Oa. , room 19 Crouce nt. 1 * GUI - tI M1SOELLANEODS WANTS. YlfAMKH One good carpenter to rent ! rostra in \V stead ) ' woik. S , S. Hardy , 10168. CentcrSt City. SCMBp TTT ASTKDTcr r uv a honso n d l > i tor abon * t'JStO ; W ean pay eniMhlrd Cllh. AddrtuJ. I , WlSk , 1J5-18 \Tt7AsntD-OooJ agents to Mil book ) anl Albums V cm monthly jnrrnents ; dalary n ? corrm'Mlon ! call at or nddrc SOrtf ISth tt , Om\ha. 176 ICp IXT'ASTFO One miwntlbls and well kno n person V r In each conn' y North , West akd South , to rnin- Iga the Airenrr f T the sale ol the hotisv hold .I'tar- rnncya firrllr Dru ; store n,1 Jlfilcil Imtllnte corn. bined. Price o l.v 10 dollars. A household bccotnl'y and bait stIIInir article t\et In tb market' No com * fctlllon ; tiad7 raploTnicnt&.l the year rotrad For Particulars airt drcuhrj adilrees "The San Chcmlial o. , " Incorporated , 243 W. 4th St. , Cincinnati , 0 , W ANTKD D nnfnrnhhcdrocmnnltabte tor nous * keening In a private hoase by a mm and wife. Ad Jresi "TUP. " Ute f tfl.-e. 130-17p A OKSTSWAXTFD. AiVlrcss St. LoubElcctrlo lAmp xlCo , St Louit for circuUr , cats and terms ot tha { (1 ( candle poser Marsh 7.lcctrlo L mp. 311-JlyH tTAHTKD Every ady In need of a sowing maT - T chine , to sco the new Improved American No , P. K. Flndman & Co. azent * ! 22(1 ( N Iflth. 830W 1100MS FOB RENT. T7V3H RKSTEl.'gant sulto ot oltica rooms In lluili- .C1 man's block. Apply to W. > t. Uushman O'li and Douglas. 28-15p FOR mm Elegantly lurnlilied ( tent room suit able ( or 2 Koutlcmon or roan ana wife , 61 ? North 7th. 585-lOp ITMui RUST Hous9 ol 3 rooms , kitchen , cclUi , at L1 OCa tfrrth 13th St. ZSMCp ] T\OR RENT A suit ot elegantly furnished rcomi ; 1 tcnni reasonable to doslrablo lurtlcs. Inquire at 01 South 18th it. ISi-lSp a RUNT Handsomely furnlsleil rooms sttllalile for gentleman and lfo cr two Kcntlcnicn at Fen RKSI-A nicely fumlshcd and well ventilated front room , with bath room attached , In pihate amllr : First-class location aud rosldcncc. Aiiply o 1'auhen & Co. , Mo. 1513 Ftroam St. 20-Si ] > FOR RF.ST A handsomely fuinlshej room , bnth room ; 1720 Capital ao SOO-ISp OR RR1 ! ? Very i > lcft ant unfurrjlihcdT ro"ms Tu pilvito hou > u , E07 N. 17thSt. 232-15p [ 7 < ORRENT-Nlccly ( urolsbod frcntroou 10Z3 Dodge JL1 Street. 228 13p [ 7V > ii RK.\r Newlv furnllhcd rooms 1701 Capitol L1 a\enuo , corner 17tb. 21M7p [ T < OR RUNT A furnished loom al 1011 Dodge St. 21 ° ' 1 . , TtOK REST Furnished room 1017 Chicago St. - 220-tf TV RUM Twonnfurnlsh.d ID DUD and a stabta at 1019 FJrrmm Hi. 223 13 7on RENT A 0 room house 7.22 south ICth Ft. J S71-10p T'OR ' RKSI One latRC front a'cove , room , K iOMfand . e\ory convcnlcnco , 11'2) Ftrnam St. iOMf l ? I OR rtr.xi2 furnished room ; , 1714 Cilltarnla. 202-13p /on RKXT FurnlshkJ rooms , J 183-JulyB TIOR BRVT 2 nicely furnished room * , suitable for . gentleman nnd wife or ironllcmci , with orlth - ut beard , Brio locatlou 2020 St. Mary's at o. 182-13p on RKVT 3 roc ins furnished for houcckoeplni ! . 1010 CalifornU St. 103-15. ? IOR RKNT-KurnUhcd and uofurnlshcd roomi at 1510 Hartley Sb 107-tf 7on RPNT Elegant y furnltheJ room , gaiand U'o / of hath room suitable for two gentlitncn , 1421 ones St 10M5p T ort RRNT KIcoly furnished lar o South front room " . with board ; first-class rosldenco ana IJCitlon ; odera Improvements , homo comfort } , 635 Tltasant 891-lSp FOR RKXT-Centrally locabil furnished rocms at _ Oi < lBouthJ5tli t. 125-tt If OR RBNT For manutic urlnp paroosca or hall , ; JL1 Urge room 44x75 , Sdlloor.No. llo 8. 14th et , enquire at 1409 Dodge tt. Slmuson. 111-tf ciF. F. : F.Dl f 'OR : RK.VT Hioely furnished room euliable for two Dlai gentlemen , gaa end bath , * Z225 Dodge. 054-tf ai roa ' BUNT Furnl-hol largo front room with alcove aiP ? gratu bath , etc. , 1710 Cass street. 040 tf P ; 70R HKNT Room with board suitable for ono or two f cntlcmnn , 1812 Dodge St. 704-tt , 'OR BEM Lirge front room on first floor with or ? with board ; inquire at 1DOI f arnam St. 887-tf / OR KENT Furnished lo m and board fho dollar ' per week ; best locillty 1814 Davenpcrt. H-13p Tl 00Mb With boarddeblrable for summer. Apply \it Bt. Charles Hotel. < 633-t T\OR " \ HENT Severa flno offices In Crounse' block , Inquire Ed , Norrie , room IB Crounse blooi 834-tf FOR SALE FARMS. : | IT OR WALK Improed farm 210 acres ; Ca > ? Co.Nob. I JjAliotcn acres within S block" et Pott oulca , WecnlnR Sv'ater ; will tell cr trade for Omaha pr.p. o-ty. W. H. Green , Omaha Neb. 233-tf TIOK " BAH Good farm m Washington Co. ; 171 acres ; 0 acres cultivated ; good buildings ; flno F. cbard ; running water ; all fenced. Edward Norrla Co. . room 18 Oiounse Ulock. 835tf 70R8ALB 33 feet oaCuming between IBtband70th wltn house$2,700. Bedford & Soucr. CBO-tl TORHALK Hklf a section of land In Loup Valley , 1 Nance Co. , well Improved house , good barn , corn II ) and growing crips ; oeo agood IIOUEO and lot In ullerton. Aply to H. lldngbam , Omilia. 135-15 70RBALK V870aerootojli andgiain f r"J , all Im- ? pro\od ; four hours' ride Irom tac O.naha 3tolc 'ards ; seven miles from the o'ty cf Fremont ; two allroadanitbln three miles ; 300 acres under plow , [ 10 rot In pasture ; b > ard fenoo , running stream T. trough pasture ; honao with ton rooms ; will bo a ild icapif sold iinmodlatclr ; on terms to suit. For urlber particulars Inquire of Qeo , C. Qrodfrov , Fio- raont , Neb. 8Sfi if [ FOR SALff HODSES LOTS. JOR HALB Uousj and lot 6 rooms , 2 closeti end 2 7 pantries , cellar and cittern , nearly lmpro\oj ; oed Ice tlon , < aat front. Call a' 8228. ISttt. P80 Hp on HALB vonr lota on Oeorgli av , n . ' | lice , gooJ locatlan ; nil ! fell In a body or fopi- al l c ! y a t bnr 'il J. Terma to euit AdJrP 8"A" i eomje. _ _ . _ BALK -Full lit on IFth ttrcor , three e lt co Foil lot , 3 cisterns , well oio. , wou'd rent fir < SO per tnon h ; if seld in 3J daya 9ZM , Potter & ; ebb , 1H15amam etieet , 2S5-21 rron HALE-Cheap lots on 2Ut flrect In lllllard P ) lica.catt front , otly JITOO. Potter and Cobb , § 5161'urnimHt. 231-10 fjlon BALK Store and lot 12tb and Will aim street , I * ono from itrcctcir ; can be used aidwell- ng house , Oooilosatloi ; terms easy. Inquire F. , Kaspr , 1122 SouthISthst. SHUT A new convenient 8 rcom houeo on FOR Caldwell street , one block cf Saunders St. Apply , t 1607 lurd Bt. ! 60-lSp ON Kouth 10th street , earner lot CdxllO feeeaet front ; 7 room home , barn , all improvement" , hrubery etc. , for SJ.50) , Must bo sold. W. 11 Green , our lit Nat'l Hiuk. 231-tf FOR BALK largo house , newly built , 9 rooms , all modern Implements with J lot , at 171G Cass it ; Inquire at premises. 128tt 8 iK A choice lot In tUnicom 1'lare on FOR ( leorgia Avenue ; will soil at a birjaln on term oiult ; address D C. A. , IliepQIco. 120tf SALM-Five lota 4'ilStTftoKether on Leaton- FOR atreet ; beautiful location , $1,000 One- ouith cash , balano ) on long time , easy tormi. ; ralle & Jones. 210-tt BAIK Tnico bettitltul rcsidunca Shlnn's Fen ' . Splendid view , $275J. Ecmlf , 16th and Douglas. 978-tf V /M > BALK The < * hiinAflf bts In the cty only Ik FOK north "eat of the I'osl offlco , prices ranting rom $ i2GtolOOJ each ; terms to Bull. Demls , llth aLdDouilu. 078-tt Tpon SALK L its In Credit Fonder odd , and email I1lew ct , near ' . 1 > . and n & JrdeclUS50 and upwaiJe. liemlj , 15th and llouglis. ( -Business lot on 13th ttroot 123 feet ea t FOR froatage.S12.6CO : also a ware him' , lot near Nail works Vi MO. llemla , 16.h and Douilas 07B-tf - . a half In l'irker'i JJ8ltX ( > or fiO ) for half Iota ; two loti In Bhlnn's SJ a > l > i:00 oocb. llemls , 16th and Doutr'a ' i 078.t ITtOK HiLBTwo lots In Uko'n adii il.OOOauU * l,8lO 1 ? each ; three lota on Hamilton , > vea cf gauudors sticot , 8560 , t003 and { 903 each. Bemb , nHh mid - ' Q7&lf / - lot on Coming ulieet fronts on ' tbiuj Uriels , NW Ttrtoquirtera ot an acre on California etreet.ncir Sicrod Iloirt Acidcmy , Si.lOO. lltniii , 15th aud Uouglas. 878-tf . _ u-Lots on Snurulen street , 81.0J8 cash ] c iy terms , liemli , ISlh and Douglas , 078-tI FV < * BALK Beuiisnow n < apa ol Oiuabt , (5 ( acb fc'nli. 16th Anil Diiigl r. t7'-'t ' VJK bALI lUC .IC'U | jt. Ill ti.u4.OIU pUce VII 1 Ueorgu ava. . ono block ent of Parkiote ; corner lo ) , fenod , ust tiont , nait cub , Addr eta ' 0. " P , O.BW483. J93-Up TVTirlcrCTiofroims at.vJ t bl wit * full tot on i.1 Hamilton , nrarSOth an- ) west of Sarrndtrsstrjct , $ IM ; ev.rterrrn toeiiit pardswr. HBMM , 16th tnd Dorvlu streets. EtS-tf Hotnnaod lots In any part of Oinalia , ( I , (00 to S16.CW. Bemls.lStnanil Dou Jas. fc78-tf Fen BALit Good & room hou , lot 60x13 ] feet , mst ( rent , $1400 ; $100 cash baUm-0 tlJ pot month. W. n. Oroon , pier 1st National bank. SMtf FonsKji-lIouM full lot , Trftll , clitorn , Inrn , all In Rood condition , ono bloch from street can II BOO caiy tcrmi W II G'roen , ovtr 1st NafclBanh. S53-t ( tOR BALK Forty lots for We on Hurt tnd Cumlnes X1 Ixtnren S9th and 3st ! cheap. Inside prey rty cdford A Boner. MM < OR LILISI Best unoccupied ground In ttie ly for JL1 warehouse hoa o,87 feet front MI Leareilwort , north bet 10th aad 1 libwill Icaiefor D9 yeani. lied- ford & Souor. OCA tf Fi I OR BALK Twenty-two feet on F rnam street a bargain If taken Inmedlatolr.T II Oreon 139-t.t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS , irpRSAi.i ! Jersey cows at auction. 19 head , ItlRli JL1 class and rcRlsterd Jctssy cows wilt bo sold 'at auction. Wodco'day , July 1 , 18i5 , at2 o'clock , with out limit or bv bid Ha\lr > | f coocludad to tell my entire herd cf 18 cowhand giro my whoo ! Rttontlon tohrecdlnKhlnhbrcdnttlrostKck § nd ehttlaml tin. nlcs , Is my o tuc tcr tclllne. Terms cash N I. V. Solomon , SpilBg Valley Stock farm , Omnln , Ifnb. SS2-JuJy 1 T pii SAW-At M J r Crott's Sfck yard' , a car JJ load cf fine critic- ! cow * nlth young calve J. Or. Jers taken far giaded and full blooded yninit bulls and heifers. ST.I-lC Tf ) SrOCKMEN-FOll SAI.E-A Mrload f very rtno half { U'lowayandhaH ' Bhoithorn bull ! for sale at Uulon Stock Yards , by Wainor , Savaje & Sanders. S48-15 FOR B UK-A good hone suitable for a lady to drive , chtsp , as oncncr his no use lor lilm. C. J. llenters. 111 ! Capitol avo. X43-18 WAKTRD A first chstfrish jounir milch cow , not over 4 years old ; glvo breeding andprlcn , Ibck Dox 617 , Omaha. 210 tf FOR BALK Valuable Checkering grand rlatio nearly new and llttl used , nt largo dlssouQt nt 1710 Cats street. 019-tl F Ion SALB WsRon umbrcllaj , flno new stock at 1403 and 1411 Dodtjo st. 672-tf lORSAl.itA four hundred dollar piano LI a gain. 1818 California St. | i.i- JOR SALR (1 ( wo No 1 phicton.ono soconl hand buff. gy. AqtiHr H09 n-l 1411 r > cxlTn Mi KEAL ESTATE. FORSALK Cliolco lots In I'aulscn's odd , on strutt cnrllne , onojtj tormi for patties w ho want to Im > r > M ) . 2 to at ere lot ? , 2 l-2mllus from cllv , 8123 per acre. It ) ncres sdjcil Ing fort , SS.SOO. lactcljtlaNcwUrouUin , 11-2 milcf from city , D cr 's 11-2 mllca from fort , $ COO. SO crc94 tmlcifrnin city , well improved , 81,310. 110 ncro improved farm , coed orclianl , licarlnp ; , 8 miles from citj , $ M per nirc B crc < ionSiaULdcr3st. , lull improved , licirlnr or- tbard , S3OOJ. 3.EOOacres , mpstlf cultivated hn-I , Hna Imlnnd ivith tame gras > , timber , good pasture , 10 miles fence tnn tenant homes , two mlUj from niter Sioux itUlon In IlirrUou and Jtcnoim county , Iowa , S26 per acre. Best I lock farm In Iowa. 51,000 acres wild land la Central , Woitern Kob. , Ironi $3 to $7,50 per acre on easy terror. A l rgo numburof improved farrrs In Sirpy , Doug , is and Washington Co. , at law ii'lccs. An excellent firm Jolnlr lUaor crossing , a thrlv np countty town In Howard Co. , containing S40acrej "M timbered and watered and highly Improved , 17,003. For rent Desk room * No 1613 Farnara St , and a 0 oam house. Faulsen & Co. , 1613 Farnam Sr.277lt 277-lt FORHAI.K Tencottajtep and floe resHenccs In dif ferent patts of the city , from $1,600 to ? 16,009 , ach ; all on oaty termn. For Sale At a sacrlQcc. two lots la Shlnii's 3d ad- lition. For Sale Four lots In Towe'snddltlonvcry cheap. For Sill Six bu'ino-slotn on S. 13th street. Patterson's ub-divit Ion has the Dcott lits to the ity at 200 each , on monthly p&vmcnta of $10 ench , 'n83na . bujiDR hera will be furnlsh'd money to sulld tight away. HAVK nrar , buy In this addition , ind thus havejour own homo Only a few lots lo't Fcrltont Four houses at 320 , $2 ? , 825 and$27. 0 wr month. Threonlllcts to rent ; call on or address K C. Tat- o'83ii , ISthand Farnnrn. 20S-1C FOR BALK Bj Billou Bro , 317 S 13th St. Corner lot with house on Darcncort st. $3,250. Corner lot with housi on Burt st. . 83fOO. Houao arid lot noir Long Echool , S 1,600 House acd lot on Division Bt.$1,000. House and lot near 23d and Leavan'th , $1 000. Honso and corner lot In Prospect 1'laco , $1,009 Fifteen lots near Lcavenvroith and I'ark Av.e > ch fCOO.Flno Flno cast front Uan > oem Place lots , $000. Desirable lots Burt and T.OTO Av , S30. ' . For rent , 7 houecs from $7.60 to $26.00. 178-10 FOB BALK 7 roam oottige , wo'l. barn ani cistern , on ISth street 0 blocks ( rom shops $2,600 , on easy e rns. Potter & CobS. 1515 Farnam Sb 052-tf ? OR ( ALS-Onsouth 22-J ft , DOC 1 room and ono 6 ? room ootfngo , burn , will , cls'orn. & ? , on came Ot , rent for J35 pormonth , only $3,100 ; would Kelt leparateh. P.ittor& . a h. ISHFVnvn 8t. 610 tt . A full corner lot , two blocics west of rcdctrlme-550. This Is positively a bargain. . E. Hlley k Co. , tlB J. 11th St. ForSale Lot 60x110 , 22d St. , near Grios , $000. rbia is also a bitgaia. J. E. Riley & Cc.,2153 13th St KcrSale Tbroa lots 60x140 , south ( rant. 4 blocks rom street C H. 8350 each ; birgilns. J. K. Kiloy & 3o. . 216 H 13th Et. For Sale T olots on Georgia vHoi1lolt'i' , dd.cast front , no priding , near Farnam , 76xt40-$2000o ch. Iheau are rewonablg. J. E. Itlley & Co,215 * 13th St. For Sale Nine Iota on Virginia avc.,8SOO to $060 each. J. E. Itlley & Co , ! 15 a 13th et. For Sole Ten lets on Cum'n ' ; st. , and nine on Burt St. , fourblocks from military bridge. J. K. 111- lcy&ro.,216818thBt. For Sale E'ghtcen lots on Vinton et. , ono Woo k rom terminus 13th street car line. Positively cheap. . E. Illl y& Co. , 216 313th It. Wo doalro to Bay to our patrons tint In the above list wo can give assurance of Eato ami proflUblo In- tcstmgnt. A'o also liave property In almost every iiutterof the tltyorthy of InvottlRttloD. J. E. UILbr & CO. , 215 813th et. 823-tf SALS Lots n Ulllaldo add cnearcst and beet Fen lo's In the city , 8760 to $9JO axclusive nscnta Puttrr & Cobh. 051-tf BALK - Tliroe choicest lot ] In 11 in B0 < m place. FOR OJ4-tf Potter & Cobb. s * rues fl fraod lots In this addition with- MAHIOS . street carp , can bo had on easy ternia. _ W a Preen , over 1st Nat'l Bank. 827-tt \T ; K orrxR ron BALK East hal * of block 3 Smith's W nilil , ( UO fu t front , tivo acre lots , nicest la y. Omaha , full view ot city nd DIufTd , lUiLlou 10 lots j 1GS leet oich , M III soil ball or all. Lots 41 andOO , N'fbonVailil , 8700 each or nlll ell half ot dther ; feta BPj.146 Kouclz'8 Zdadd. near Oth azJCunlor , 8100 each. v Lo56 , blocltl.Kaintz'iiJth add , beln ? toro en * 10th et , full lot ? 2JCO , also lot D eimo block SI,350 Two loti In B iuth Omaha , by Qoodnun'e , with hcuao , orchard , cittern , and well , all 8100. 16 hi o acre lots In Vlneland , G miles north city limits overlooking city and lllulls , ? 36 per acre. Lots 10 ami 11 , block 19 , Hanscoai j > Uve very siitbtly , 81,203 for both. Half acre 130 f set front block 6 , Park place , with bouse , barn , well , and cistern. Corner , 2 lots In Uawtborno on Cass it , 0(0 for both ete oto. Call and see us , Dex'cr Tt. Thomas [ t Bro , Heal Eattta ; Itoom 8 Crolghtoa block. 678-tf TTVlR fliLK-By 0. F , Davis & Co , 1605 Farnam St , j Omaha. House and lot on south Eighteenth St. , $1,000. ! Twentieth " * 1,400. 2 homes " Dodge near : eth St , $2,200. ft old In Uansoom Plico , each , $625. Homo and lot on Park avenue , $ t(00. " " D venfOtt8tl2000 , n 11 n n 3 2.COO. " " ' south 18th " 4.000. 16,001 acres of land In Boone county , > 7 to 810. 20,000 " " " Stanton " $7 to $12. Land In Uadlson , Wa ) ne , 1'Utto aud Ilall counties on easy term' , ilin I me 1 ai loir me , 6fla-t BUSINESS CHANGES. AW rARTNKESinp A lawyer ct several years piao- L tice In Pennsylvania , and familiar with the bus- Incia In Washington I ) . 0 , veuld like to form a rtrtncrshlp a lawjer In Nebraska , whose pr c- tico requires additional help. B tt of reference glv. en auto ability and character. Addreis "J. I ) " til D. Btreet , Washington , D. C. _ 2l P TTVia BALK * One of the boit located meat markets. V Inqulraat Obcra , Ilooiick & Co. , olllco 519 South 13th St. S5fl-18p ITITAMKD EU8tnes > , ActheTourgman will In. Vt ve8tlronj00 ! to $50) , with t-rvloef , In good payioB buelioja ; addrcsi O. U. C. , llee olllce. To exchange SCO icroi coed farm land WANTED Co. , Neb. , for stock of iceneial mer-1 cbaudlso. t or full paitlcu'.an , addrcit "J W U' Icck box No S , W > mere , Neb. &I1 22.i | , nulls , einVs and ooMpoota cleaned at th PH1VY outlco and Bitblietlou guaranteed by Jf , \bel.P. I ) , tin i l ) -nip 'OH HiLK TToitT ; a im"e enull b < < tel , good locti on , cheap real ana loug leMc. Apply "t h" Ike _ 17 > eu HALE At a bargain , on account ol my health L1 ( tiling. 1 with to dlpnie ol ray billiard hall. It li in tbo best location In the city , nnd doing a grod pnlntfbiiilncm at all time * . For lull pirtlculars , U Herman , I'liUimoutu , t < eb. W5-Jnlrp 1 " * - * z _ " " " " " Tr * ? * * * * * ' " * * > * ! Miii ir-- " jt Kuhn to Bat DECK. RUN. Messrs. D. M. Steele & Co. Gentlemen : Since I have had the "V" cigar my sales have increased daily and are still growing. It gives the .best general satisfaction of any cigar I have ever sold. The "V" is bound to increase the trade of any dealer who has it in his case. Respectfully Yours , KUHN & CO. Omaha , June 13,1885. Maybe you think this is the ONLY recom mend we have. That's where you make a mis take. Just you wait and see. We can't afford to buy the paper or we would fire off a dozen at a time. But just you wait , and while you are wait ing treat yourself to the finest in the land for the money , straight , honest goods , the NONE GENUINE WITHOUT MLLENCIA CIGAR FACTORY'S NAME ; ON LABEL. 33-sr Kuhn Co. , 15th & Douglas Sts. John "W. Bell , , 820 South 10th Street. Field & 2115 : . : J , Whitehouse , N. W. Cor. ICth and "Wobstor Sts , Jas. Forsythe , N. "W. Cor. ICth St. and Capitol Avo. . Foster & Bro. , Council Blutfs , Iowa. . DEALEBS will receive GRATIS with First order for 1000 "V" Cignrsf .0110- beautiful 7ixl3 advertising photograph in stylish hardwood frame. ; re tail value 2.25 , and one striking street sign. CJEND your order , put out the sign wo furnish nnd if the ' 'V" does not prove- kj the best selling cigar you have over had , you can return within : iO days. , ill unbroken and clean packages. PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER. . WHOLESALE BY D. M. STEELE & CO , OMAHA , 'Write for price and terms. Orders by letter , postal card , telegraph or TELEPHONE NO. 3O4 : will receive prompt attention. BALK. A first civs mloon , looted lu the bjt Fen of the city ; the present proprietor ( jolnrj to : nrope ; la "II Unit to Ulapoge cf It on rcatonalo term ; , ; inquire S. Tiottlcr , 03 H IStn et. 133-13 8ILK Drugstore In a desirable locality , wll FOR about 81.600 U O I'attcrson , NE corner 3th and Farnam. 4SS-tf T/OK SALE Or uxchanee a full etock ot clothing 1 ? boots an J shoes , cent' furnishing Roods , will er. : hango for Nebraska Lands. O. II.retorscm.801 8. 10th Bt. , Omaha , Mob , 01C-U TTOB8ALB In Oakland Neb. Orel-class meat market I ? alto the furulluro ol the St 1'aul hotel. Foi par. Jculara , Inquire or write Vliggen & UohlluirOakland tfeb. 07i-mlB PERSONAL. O OAL John Uamlln , formerly Nebraska city , L ban opened roil estate office at 8118. llth St , S52.18i | llrs. E. U. Hooper , trance cltlrvoyant , PERSONAL medium , over 718 North lOih fit. T\K. A CHEBTsariELD M Kncllo phyilclan , test and \J developing medium , oter BIS north 10th St , HOTELS. TMJTiruiii Hotel , formerly Crdphtoa bouse , newly JL furnlshoU ; term ] molerate , 18th aud Capitolave. ( JOB ORKAM. purett , ilchent and Vsit lea croim \ ty Iresh Tim ; ordcrj for private and boirdln ; houies piomptlr ilelUcrod , Ctritticlimld , 08 Booth 16th 6tree > , abovu Farnam. 193-J1v-9 BOARDING. FHUST-G.ABS table bcinlat 1118 DirvnporkBt. 2H5ISp Wi AyTCI-A ) lev table boirJtrj uti222 Davenport S'rost. 115.18p < IRuiH'r rlor Ucstttira t. N1 lioaid by tbo week , S3.25. Mo3lllcict , J3.60. Blnylo mail * , 25 cea\r , 101 N , 18th street , near DoJge. 71S-J OniROPODJST. - ailments of the foot , BiceoJetullir treat ed by lr. llarry , 161S Dou.'lts atrtet. Offlco for Udles. 7 2-Jly3 LOST AND FOUND. One biv t < ny and cue toiitll lior , IIe- J turn to I'AiUuKbouw , ! 8th and Jzard , and gut r * ard , ? 07-15 ; tPV * * > - > i LOST A yearling Jersey heifer , color la dark tin , . ithn little white ; ntrnycd auay Into South Oma- 1m , Juno llth. I III gtidly reward any ouo for In. , formation of her whereabouts J. W , Mmhall , uart O. K. Maine & Co. , 8. W. coniorlSth and Farnnm. 2tO15 Li' A mouse colored horeo wltifour vhlto TAKKN feet and \IIO\M pcny with wbltoppot In fcro bead. X Waldekcr , barker farm uoitb cl fair ir : uml , | en bottom. 2ED-1C Iroi'ND A aura ol moiipy. Owner CM have , eaojoT JL1 by oillliu at tin olllce , proving property-n ad. p ) Ing charges. 246-16 OST A browrtoaw , lleih.brandod ua tTgtil hip and ucritchod on letk thouldci-end et Ififteiu ; cut off , right far lilt. IUturn 19th atid Haintyarrl rccelrorcwaul. F. 1) . Anderson. 242Up ; T osr Diy hone dark ruaur , lilnd fcct < uh'to , I elt JLjhlp Joint swollen , nevily shod. Finder peoi ' oo- tlfy John 7usa7 , i'Cth ana l.imcimorlh. 21W ! ,2p Loss A cbnrch compendium and KJ ) e\ \ ) , ynTn took bet' . on KIorc3caindH&tttrtrai < a > ioc f iciiso last SuniUv evening. Finder please It aye t * n > ot' Max aiadBtcne' , Ult Douglis tUeetaud get x , warJ. n Map ' OST Luge red cow , T. Uuriay. f * ( .tf MISOBLLANEODS. KOR IULK HarJaorao husahcld fudi' ( tnro 0 | JQ room house bilore July 1st. l rllM eblnirvaat. MOPlca _ ajt | fit. _ _ _ 148-1B rpiiB U. P. l'S 1 Kntod li ! inirestC7 ( VTon U. P. JL ro J , Isnoivopcntijthe publloaml can be rented for plt-nlo anil social githerlnigu 6ecUl rutoa for faro Riven. For terms , call or aodasi , ' j c. Scbwonck l"ipllllon , NeU 002-tf UAruu-fArttui wlnnintf t uurcluio brooa BROOD for ranch purpvca ploanol | [ ftt Iloann't livery BUbK ilS Hoith 13th trof/ , , OjnUii * . Tewi 'A iUKixjj uiigyr.jjKAiis Now'li'w. . ytrsonii'wJi'o JVtook lioimstcafli in WeiUrrj Kansia prcvlouj to Juno 16tU , 1MO , Rnd abandonej them without mak ing Hull rrool. will learu eornV Mltg to tlalr advan tage by addrcailng mu Uv letU rlt once. Isaac Hul. holluU , land attorney , Konry , th , BnorlJan Co , , Kan- 833-JIJ8 itvit Tauu ii i , /i Oiww / giro > uu huni-tiuiu , ' lagBioieeiiiiidaJ one , cfnt , each by the dealers. ) A8ruiiit-Oo Elkhorn i nd I'Uito. T. Murray " BOO-tf pimw BILVKK TAQ , y , /rut | flavoreJ , lam redtemed ' L/Honu otnteacli'jythe Uealem , Pojcke nroi. B" 18. 033-tf f- , , ' . Va ° J ° lvcn hy O K ( Jcllen. k- . t 1111) ) ( ytnvn. \ \ . ( Jjl..vv yjuitb , tuu IOM. , , o | . taj.uaa ut etiortetl i u. lie any t rm of ths diy , la nn entirely erdorlui wa ( with oui linprovud pump anddeneif n appara- tui , ! 1 piaoVj cl-ane'l by ui dlrcnfcctml tree , ohariiei ruasjnaUa. \ . Evtni , 12V8 Dodge btreet up eiairs. CiowtbVKkTdu , IHILWOIIUV ti > ii > li o Uieatu , KK redcv med it ou w st ab bjr Hio dealeri. 1'eyclc . . * IlrnJ / < * nni ft99tf