Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1885, Image 3

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    v _ u fcue . .M f NT n ot. ; r rijunr 1 , x. _ i5flR *
PAID UP CAPITAL . . . . 8250,000
SURPLUS NOV. 1,188 1 . . ; 22,000
8. W , YATBS , A , E. TonzAtm ,
President , Vleo President.
K , K.IInydcn.Asa't. nnd Acting Cashier.
The Iron Bank ,
OOB , 12th AND FARNAM 8T8 ,
INTEREST allowed on time deposits upen
favoiMiln terms and upon accounts of banks
and banknra.
Bondi and County and City securities bourn !
nnd Bold ,
In its treatment of customers the moat liberal -
oral policy IB pursued consistent with safotr
R.r.J sound banking , and wo luvita correspond
enc < < ar personal Inquiry In connection thera-
with ,
NiTf TOBK , Juno 33. Money-Easy at 1
per cent.
Prlmo mercantile paper 1@5 per cent.
3oreiijn Exchange Unchanged ,
Governments Quiet and unchanged.
Stocks Opened wcnk led by tha Pacific
Mail , which showed a loss of 1 Jo duo to notion
of the postmaster-general in refusing to disburse -
burso all subsidies. The other shares wore
J to go lower , but the market gradually re
covered and became dull nnd steady , and
closed generally i to go above Ia > t night's
pices. The Pacific Mail and Lake Shore ,
however , are each down Jo and New York
Central AC , Northwestern is up Jc , St. Paul
unchanged ,
S'B . 1041
4Va Coupons . , . 1128
U. S. 4'a . 1231
Pacific O's of ' 95 . 127 }
Central Pacific . 30J
Chicago & Alton . 135
do "tio prnferred . 160
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy . 124
Delaware , Lacka wana & Western . 102
Denver & Rio Grande . 0
Erie . OJ
do preferred . 19
Illinois Central . 123
Indianapolis , Bloomington & Western . . . 8
Kansas & Texas . 17 ;
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern . C3 >
Louisville & Naihvlllo . S3) )
Michigan Central . 49'
Missouri Pacific . 95
Northern Pacific . 10.
3o do preferred . 884
Northwestern . ; . 92J
do preferred . 127-
Now York Centra ) . 84 ;
Oregon Transcontinental . 13 ;
Pacifio Mail . . . D3 ;
Poorla , Decatur & Evansville . Sj
Pullman Palace Car Company . 118
Rock Island . 114
St. Louis & San 1'rancisco .
do do preferred . 31 *
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . C7 |
do do do pref erred. . 103
St , Paul & Omaha . 20i
do do preferred . 70f
Texas Pacifio . US
Union Pacific . 538
Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific . 3J
do do do preferred . . . 8
X Western Union Telegraph . G18
OhioRiver& Nashville . 72
CHIOAOO , III , Juna 14 , Flour Dull and
Wheat Fairly active ; unsettled ; ad
vanced go ; weakened ) declined lapidlyljjc ;
fluctuated ; closed | c under yesterday ; l)7 | @
07io for cash , C7gc for June ; C86So lor
July ; 908(390 ( 0 for August ; No. 2 red , 94e.
Corn Quiet during most session ; early
firm ; later ruled weak ; declined | @ } c ; closed
4@Jc under yesterday ; 4747Jc for cash ; 47c
lor June : 46jo for July ; 45J@4Gc for August.
Oats Dull and weak , especially for near
futures , some sales being mndo l@ljc under
yesterday ; 33o for cash ; S2jc [ for June ; 322c
for July : 28o for August.
Rya Dull at 65a.
Barley Nominal.
Timothy Seed Weak ; prime , 81.48@1.50.
Flazseed Very weak ; 3c lower ; No. 1 ,
$1 30 ,
Poik Moderately aciivo and irregular : 5c
higher early ; eased off later ; declined 10J8lDc ;
$10 25@10.30 for cash and June ; $10.274 ®
10.30 for July ; S10.35@10.374 for August ;
S10.45@10.474 for September.
Lard Fairly active ; ruled 2J@5c higher
early ; declined 5M74c ; closed quiet ; SC.CO ®
O.C24 for cash , Juno and July ; SC G74@0,70
for August.
I3nll Meats Shoulders. § 3.85@3.9D ; short
clear easier but about unchanged ; short ribs ,
steady at 85.824@5.35.
Whisky Unchanged.
Butter Firmer for choica liuo grades ; good
to fine creamery , ll@10ic ; good to choice
dairies , 10@l2c.
Cheese Steady and uncharged.
Eggs Firm at ll@12c.
Hides Unchanged
Tallow Unchanged.
Keceipta. Bhln'U.
Flour , bW 7,000 12,000
Wheat , bnahela 70,000 47,000
Ooin , bushels 202,000 216,000
Data , bushels 193.CCO 119.000
Kyo , bushels. . , 2,000 2,000
Barley , bushels 0,000 O.OCO
Nxw YOHK , Juno IS. Wheat Spot dull ;
options opened a shade batter , afterwards
weakened , and closed steady ; receipts , C9- ,
000 bushels ; exports , 7,000 ! ) bushels ; ungraded ,
! )5@9Gc. ) No. 2 rod , nominal ; August closing
t S1.024.
Corn Spot quiet and steady ; options
heavy and lower ; receipts , C9.00U buihels ;
exports , 110,000 bushels : ungraded , fi3@574c ;
No , 3 , 53c , No. 2 , Cljo elevator , 5Go afloat ,
53g5-Jjo | ( c i f , August closing at file.
Dots Lower nnd heavy ; receipts , 111,000
bushels ; exports , 17,000 bushels ; mixed west
ern. 384@40o ; white , IO4Sc.
Egfis QuUt.
Pork Dull ; inesi. spot , 811.25.
l ard Dull and heavy ; western Bleain
epot , SO.80 0.85.
Butter Qui t and firm ; demand fair ,
Liverpool , June 13. Wheat-Quiet ; red
western winter , Ga ! ) J@7s Id ,
Corn Quiet and steady ,
KANSAS Our , Mo. , Juno 13. Wheat-
Weak ; No , 2 red , caih , SOJo ; July , 81i@82Jc ;
August , 8 to.
Corn Weak ; No. 2. cash , 38c ; July , 39gcj
August , 40ja bd ! , 41utaieJ.
Data Ni > . 2 cash , SOc.
CINCINNATI , O. . June ! . Wheat-Weaker ;
No 2 red. 81.00@1.02.
Corn-Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed. 174
Oats Fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , SGJ ®
Hyo-Dull ; No. 2. 73c.
liarley-Quiet extra No. 3
; spring , nom
inally S8c.
Pork Dull at § 10,75
Lard-Quiet at SO 374.
Whisky-Steady ot $1,13.
TOLEPO , O , June 13 , Whefct Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash aud June , 92c } ,
, Oom-Stoft'ly ; No. 2 , ouh and Juny , ISJc.
Oatj-Qulet ; No , 2. , 33c.
ST. LoDis , Mo , , June 13. Wheat Active ,
qntettleil nnd lower ; opened ! @gc higher ,
noon broke nnd ruiataadlly down aud cldicd
Z@lge under yfi8trday ; 91.00J for caahjSl.Ol'i
for July ; Sl.Oai for August
Corn-Lowtr and rery slow ; 43a@44Jo for
cash , according to location ; 431c for July ;
441(3 for August.
O ts Eatier but slow : 33o for cash ; KJs
for September ; 1l3a for the year.
Rye-Dall at C3c.
Whisky Steady at 81.13.
MILWACKKI , WIs. , Juno 13. Wheat-
Steady ; No. 2 Milwaukee , SSJc ; July , SSfc ;
August , 904o.
Corn -Scarce and Inactive ; No. 2 , 4uo.
Oats Dnll and lower ; No. 2 , 33o.
Rye Lower ; No , 1 , G5o-
Barley-Dulls ; No. 2 , 48s. '
Provisions I-iowor ; me s pork , cash and
June , 810.23 ; July , 810.30.
CntOAQO , 111 , , Juno 14 , The Drovers' Jour
nal reports :
Cattle KawipU , 1.000 head ; strong ; ship
ping steers , $4.8J@5.76 | stockers and feeders ,
$3 GO@u.OO ; cows , bulls and mixed , S2.40 ®
4 GO ; bulk SS.KOfaJ 100 ; slop fed steers , cows
and bulls , 83.50@5.3o.
Hogs Receipts , 11,000 boAd1015o ; high
er ; rough and mixed , 83.93@4.05 ; packing
and shipping , C4 I u@4 45 ; light , (3.90@4.30 ;
skips , S3.00g3.CO. (
Sheep Receipts , SCO head ; firm ) native ? ,
S2.50@4.30 ; western , $2.CO@4 00.
BI , Loms.
Bi , Locia , Mo. , June 13. Oattla Ro-
oelpts , GOO head ; shipmentj , 1,800 head :
fair local trade ; mixed butchers' stock 83.00 ®
4,09) ) light to good butchers' elects , 81.25 ©
4.7f > ; grass Texans , $3 , 00 ® 3.80
Sheep Receipts and shipments not report
ed ; only local trade ; previous prices.
KANSAS OUT , Mo. . Juno 13. Cattle Ra
ceipts , 430 head : chipping grades stronger ;
common butchers' lOc lower ; exporters , 85.16
(85.30 ( ; common to choice shipping § 1,00
@ 5 10 ; feeders , 81.25@5.75 ; cows , 83.00 ®
llogs Receipts. 55,000 head ; steady ; as
sorted , 83.10@3.7o ; mixed , 83.65@3.GJ.
Sheep-Receipts , 550 head ; steady ; common
to good muttons. 82.00@3.00.
Saturday Evening , Juno 13 , J
Trrulo Itcviow.
Tbe live stock market has been nctivo her
during the past week , and the receipts of bet
cattle and Logs liberal , Tbo hog market ha
been on the decline during thia week , but thi
evening , on acceunt of favorable eastern ad
vices , closes at an advance , but 10@20o lowe
than last Saturday evening. Sheep are I
fair demand at a slight advance o 10@1G
over last week's quotations.
Butter remains at lOc for fresh grass am
3@Gc for Inferior , Siles are made ver ;
At the beginning of the week it seemed * a
if the egg market was going to strengthen u ;
some , but receipts being boavy they woulc
not move above lOc.
Grocers report a fair trade at about th
same pries with the exception of sugars
which sustain an advance on all grades o
All otheer branches of business are ropoitec
lair ior the Benson at same prices.
The following prices are charged retailer a
ly jobbers , wholesale and commission mer
chants tvith the exception of grain , which is
quoted at the prices furnished by the eleva-
; ors and other local buyers :
LITO stock Market ,
Hogs Receipts were light at the Union
stock yards to-day , and on account of favor
able eastern advicoa the market advanced 10(3 (
LOc. Common mixed packing , $3.31
© 3 'JO ; nnd good to choice mixoc
packing , ? 3.50@3.G3. Common rough
logs and skips unsaleable. All sales
of stock in this market are made per
cwt live weight unloas otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at lie per pound for weights
if 200 pounds and upwards , ana lo for under
200 pounds. Pregnant BOWS ore docked 40
pounds and stags SO pounds.
Sheep-S3.25g3.75 ; a few wanted.
Cattle Strong ; butchers' stock S3.EOS (
4.50 for good cows and heifers ; dressed beel
steers , averaging 1,100 to 1,200 poundsS4.70
@ 4 90 ; peed to choice , averaging 1,300 to
1,400 pounds , So,00@5.80.
Wheat Cash No. 2 , 71o.
Barley 45@50c.
Rye Cash No. 3 , Sic.
Oem No. 3 , 33o.
OaU No. 2 , SCo.
Flour and MUlstnffa ,
Winter Wheat Knnbest ; quality patent at
Second quality S2.7C@3.00 ,
Spring Wheat Best quality patent'at 53.10 ,
Second quality 82.40@3.00.
Bran Coo per owt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 90o@S1.00
Corn flloal $1.00@1.20 per cwt.
Screening No. 1 , GOo per cwt ; No ! 2 , 60c.
Hominy $1.50 per cwt ,
Shorts 75o per cwt.
Graham 32.00 per cwt.
Hay S18.00@10.00 per ton.
General Produce
Butter The market remains in its dull con
dition and prices have not changed any. The
choice out of all receipts of fresh grass butter
is still going at lOc , with fair qualities at 7@
gc , nnd inferior at 3(5Gc ( ! ,
Eggs-Steady at lOe , but are a little more
active , and there is some prospect for an Im
provement before long , Candling is now
neceesiry , and shippers would find it to their
advantage to do it before shipping , instead of
paying freight on rotten egtrs.
Poaltry Receipts of old chickens continue
to be quite heavy and sales era not very brisk
at 3 00 per dozen ; spring chickens are less
plentiful , but being mostly small eizoJ , don't
go above 8310 , Lareer sizes ore in strong re
quest and will bring better prices.
Potatoes Receipts have been heavier this
last week , and show a good > deal of inferior
stock , spongy and sprouted ; mixed stock Bella
at SOo and peed quality at CO&GSc , which is
the boat price now obtainable. New potatoes
are already coming from the south and selling
at 4 00 per barrel.
Onions New southern eell at 850(1 ( per
barrel , California choice at Co per Ib , and
Bermuda at § 3.00 per bush crate.
Beans In moderate demand ; navy , per
bushel , $1.50@1,60 ; medium , per bushel ,
SI SO # 1 40.
Fish Market. -
Fisn No. 1 shore mackerel hall bbls. ,
8 00 ; fat amily J bbla. , 4 00 ; No. 1 shore , kits.
03 : fat family , kits { .Oc : No. 1 whitefish , half
bbl. , 6 7fi ; No. 1 kits , 93oj family half bbls. ,
S 10 ; family , k > 3 , 65cj No , 1 trent , half bbla. ,
46P ,
Grocoro' Lint
Su < uns Powdered , Tgojcut loaf , 7&cgran- ;
Ulatodj7jjc ; confectioners' A , 7o ; Standard
extra C , CJo ; extra 0 , C ; ; medium yellow , CJ )
dark yellow , 6go.
OOMKBSOrdinary grades , I0oj fair , 12 ;
good , lltaiL'o ; prime , 12@13o | choice ,
I6@17o ; fancy green and yellow , IGffllCJc ; old
government Java , 20@26o : Arbucklo's roast ,
od. 141c ; MeLanghlin'B XXXX roasted , 14 c ;
Imitation Java , 10J@18ic.
PICKLES Medium in barrels , C 00 | do In
half barrels , 3 00 ; omall , in barrels , G 00) ) do In
half barrels , 3 50 ; gherkins in barroli , 7 00
do ia half barrels , 4 00. '
DBT Fnuns No 1 , quarter apples , bbls
51cj N O sliced , boxes , Gici evaporated , boxes ,
8jo ; blackberries , boxes lljc ; peaches , ibexes -
boxes , OJo ; psacnof , evaporated , none in the
market ) raspberries. SO1.
OANDI Mixed , 10@11 ; itick , B@llci twist
stick , Oc.
CitACKSia Garneau's soda , butter and pic
nic. 4J ; cream , 7J ; ginger snaps , 7i ! City
soda , OJ ,
ROPB HisM , 1 inch and larger , 80 B Inch ,
SJc ; i inch. lj. )
BALI Uray loads , per bbl , 1 60 | Ashton ,
In Backs , 8 50j J sacks Ashton , 1 00 ; bbls dairy
Snow-Pepper , 18c ; rplce , lie ; cloves , 20c
aisia , 15o.
StEDT-Standard Com. , 2Sa , bbU ; Staadard
do 4galbnkogs , 81.35.
, uSPA Inlb'paPo : ' * 325 per case } keg , per !
ID , SJc ,
ViNKQiB New York pplo , I6c | Ohio op- !
pi ? , 15e ,
STABCH Pearl , 4)c ; Silver Glow , Set Corn
Starch , 8c ; Exceliior Gloss , 7o ; Corn , Tie.
OAKnio GOODS , Oystfts ; ( Stand rd ) per
cane. 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per CASB , 3 60 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib. pot CMS , 2 0 ; California
pears per case , 5 BO ; nprlcota , per case , 6 00 ;
peaches per case , 680 ; white cherries per
case , 6 76 ; plums per case , 4 50 ; whortleber
ries per case , 8 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case ,
3 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 W ) | pine
spies , 2 Ib , per 0.110 , 8 20@5 CO. -
GASDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 12Jo , 8f , 13 Jo ,
boxers 401bs , 16 oz , Gs , 12Jc ; half box , 201bs. ,
8s , 12 Jo.
MATCHEa Per caddie , 860) ) round , rl.CAsa
265eqohro | , cases , 170 ; Oshkosh , coses grl.20
TEAS Gunpowder , good 4666ci choice ,
607Cc ; good Imperial , 40@4Sc < choica , COO )
C5c | Young Hyson , good , 850c ( | choice , 6B
© 1 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 7 Co ; Japan choice ,
G0ffi75c ; Oolon ? good , S5@40a ) Oolong choice
40&A55o ; Souchong , good , 3040c | choice , 36
@ 4Sc.
Rica Louisiana , prime to choioo , 6i@74o.
WOODUITTABB Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; three
boon pailr , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 DO : ploneor
washboanls , 1 75) ) Double Crown , S 90 ; well-
buckets , 3 75 ,
Soars Kirk's ' Savon Imperial ; S 15) ) Kirk's
fttinet , 330 ; Kirk's ' standard , 3 53 ; Kirk's
White Russian , 4 85.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans In case
3 85 ( Babbitt's ball , 2 dor. In cose , 1 DO ) An
toor'tall , 2 dor. in case , 1 50.
TJino cut Hard to Beat , 70o ; Charm of the
West. GOc ; FounUln , 74c : Golden Thread
G"c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , 50o ; Rocky Moun
tain , DOct Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c.
Plug tobacco Climax. 44c per Ib , ; Horse
shoe , 4Gc : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our
Rope , 50c ; Piper Hcidslck , GOc ; Punch , 40o.
Smoking tobacco O. H. , 22ct MeorBChanm ,
80o ; Long Tom SOo. Blftckwell's Durham , 10
oz.,51c ; 8 oz. , 65o ; 4 oz. , G7c ; 3 oz , , GOc.
Seal of North Carolina , 1G oz. , 42cj 8 oz. , 45o ;
4 oz. , 48o : 3 oz. , 50o , Navy Olippingi , 2Cc.
Killikinick , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28c.
TJnvuB AND CHEMICALS Add , carbolic , 44
acid , tartaric , 55o | balsam copaiba , per Ib
G5c ; berk , sassafras , per Ib , 12o ; calomel , pe
Ib , 90c ; cinchonidla , per oz. , $0 60 ; ohloro
form * per Ib , 81 00 ; Dovors powdoro , per Ib
81 25 ; epsom saltaf per Ib , 8Jo | glycerine
pure , per Ib , 25c ; lead acetate , per Ib , 20c ; o
castor , No. 1 per gal. . 551 60 ; oil castor , No.
per gal. , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. . 81 40 ; oi
origanum , 50o ; opium , $4 DO ; quinine , P. c
W. , and R. & 8 , , per or. , SI 00 ; potassium
Iodide , per Ib. . $3 50 ; solicit ) , per oz. , 40c
BU ! bate morphine , per oz. , $3 50 ; inlphur
po b , 4e ; strychnine , per oz , , $1 80.
Faints Olla and Varnishes.
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lie ; 150
headlight , per gallon , Uo ; 175 ° headlight
per gallon , 16c ; 150 ° water white , IBc ; lin
tDcd raw , per gallon , 2o ; linseed boiled , po
gallon , 55c ; Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c
No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor xxx , per gal
Ion , 1 50c ; No. S , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 100
sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 CO ; fish W. B.
per gallon , G5 ; neatsf oot extra , per gallon , 90c
No. 1 , 7Cc ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc
rammer , IGo ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal
Ion , S5c ; No. 3,28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon
9Cc ; turpentine par gallon. 4'Jo ; naptba , 74c
per gallon , IGc.
Dry Goods
BBOWN SHBETiNas Atlantic A , 7Jej Atlan
; Io P , 5c ; Atlantic LL , 6Jc ; Brunswick , 74o
Beaver IJatnLL , Cc ; Lawrence LL , Clc ; Pa
clfio H , 7fc ; Royal Standard , GJoj Indian
Head A , 7c ; Wouchusott A. Go.
perell R , 6Jo ; Salisonry R , 6c.
BLEACHED COTTON3 Ballon. 4-4 , GJcj Bal
Ion , 7-8 , 5Je ; Cumberland , 4-4,74c ; Dovoll DD
8Jo ; Falrmount , 4o ; Fruit of tbe Loom 4
§ | c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gate.Sfc
Hill 7-8 , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 74c ; Lonsdale , 7 c ; Now
York Mills. lOic ; Wamautta , lOJc.
DDOES ( tielotad ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljo ) Beaten
ton , 10 oz , 10 8 ; Boston , 9 oz. , 12ic | Fall River
DnoBB ( Gray ) West Polnt,8oz. , llcj West
Point 10 oz. , 12&c & | Point Boar , 8 oz. , llo.
TlosiNaa Amoskeoft , ISo Continental
Fancy , 9ci Cordls 13c | Pearl River , 21o
York , 12jcj Homleton Awnings , 12c.
DENIMS Amoskerg , 13c : Beaver Greek AA
lie ; Beaver Creek BB , lOcj Beaver Creek
CO , 9o ; Haymakers , 80 ; Jeffrey D & T , 12f o
Jallroy XXX , ISJo ; Pearl River , ISc ; War.
ron AXA ( brown ) , lie ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo.
CAUEBICQFifth avenue glova finish , 4 c ;
Keystone glova finish , 5o.
I lOonsET JEANS Amory , Tic ; Hancock , 8c
Kearsaige 7Jc ; Rockport , Cjc.
POINTS Aliens , 5Jc ; American , SJoj Arn
old's 60 ; Cocheco , Go ; Harmony , 44a ; Indigo.
7c ; Indigo 7-8 , 114c ; Indigo 4-4 , 144 ; Steel
River , 54c : Charter Oak , 44c ,
PRINTS SmBTiNas American , 44oj Oocheco ,
44o Gloucester. 44c ; Southbrdge , ijo ; Waver-
leys 44c ] Rcsedale , 4 Jo.
Spirits ,
COLOGNE SPIRITS 188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101
proof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof ,
1 9 : do , 188 proof. 118.
ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol 3 30 per wine
WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 1 0001 60 ;
Fine blended , 1 502 00 ; Kentucky bourbons
bens 2 00@6 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva
nia ryes , 2 00(30 ( tO.
BRANDIES Imported , G M@1G 00 ; domes
tic , 1 50&3 00.
GINS Imported , 4W@600 ; domestic , 160
© 300.
RUMS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; Now England ,
2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 28 00@
34 00 ; American , per case , 10 CO@1G 00
Dry Paints
White lead 889 ; French cc , Co ) Faiii
whiting , 24c ; whiting gilders , Ifoi whiting
com'l. IJoj lampblack , Germantown , 1455
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , o
untramnrino , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , So ; um be
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burn 4ctr (
sienna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine. 25o
Paria preoncommon,20c ; chrome green , N. Y
20c ; chrome green , K , , 12o ; vermilllon , Eng
76o ; vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , red
lOc ; rose pink , 1-lcj Venetian , rod , Oookson'a
2c ; Venetian , ted , American , IJcj red lead
7ic ; chrome yellow , genuine , SOc ; chroma yellow
low , K , , 12c : oclirp rochelle , 3c ; ochre , Frenh
2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral ,
2ic ; loliigh brown , 2Jcj Spanioh brown. 24c ;
Prince's mineral , So ,
VARNISHES Barrels , per gallon : Furniture ,
extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , $1 ; coach , ex
tra , 81 40 : coach , No , 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra ,
61 75 ; Japan , 70c ; osphaltum , extra , 85o ,
shellac. 83 60 ; nard oil finish 81 60 ,
PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha , P. P.
5Jo ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , G CO ; Marseilles
les green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o ; French line ;
green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , llo ,
French zinc , In varnish asst , , 20o ; French zinc ,
In oil nest , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b '
liacjj lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke
trown , ISc ; refined lampblack , 12o ; coach
black and Ivory black , 16o ; drop black , IGcj
Pruseian blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue. 18c ;
chrome green , L , M & D , . IGo : blind and
shutU rrocn , L. M , & D , , IGo ; Paria green ,
18o ; In i 'an red , 15o ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tus
can red , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & P. *
; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , 0. & P. O. , 18o ;
yellow ochre. . Do ; golden ochre , ICc ; patent
Iryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dork oak ,
walnut , chestnut and unb , lee
Hardware IiUt.
Iron , rates , 2 12 ; plow stool , special cast , 4c ;
uncible , 5o ; coat tools do , 15a20c ; wagon
ipokes , per set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per sot ,
L 25 ; telloot lawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
Bach , 70c ; axles , eath , 7Bc ; square nuts per
Ib , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , SalBc ; rivets , per
Ib , lie ) coil chain , per Ib , 6al2o ; malleable ,
3c | Iron wedges , Gci crowbars , 6ct harrow
teeth , 4oi spring steel , 7a8c ; Burden's horse
iboea , 4 80 ; Burden's mulesboes , 6 80 ,
BABBKD WIRE In car lota , 4 00 pnr 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to 60 ; iron , 2.35 ; steel ,
SHOT Shot , 1 60) ) buckshot , 1 85 ; oriental
owder , kegs , 3 50at 00 ; do , half kegs , 2 IX ) ; do
quarter kegs , 1 60 blasting , Jtegi , 3 85 } fuusi
per 100 feet , 50c.
LEAD Bar , 1 GS.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 1000 ; Mor :
ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreast lump ,
00 ; Whitotraaat nut , 6 00 ; Iowa lump , G 00) ) j
OTTB nut , 6 ODt Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra-
det , 11 25ill 50 ; Oinou City , 7 00 per on ,
Dry Lumber. '
Wholesale On Board Can at Omaha ,
12 It. Hit. ion. IB , SOIL 2211. U It
ifl. jn 18 CO IB 00 17.00 18.00 19 00 21.00
U 00 15.00 15 OJ 18.00 17,00 19.60 19.60
x8 10.00 18,00 180' 17.10 18.00 19.00 20.00
xlO 15 00 16.03 15.01 18.00 17.00 18 03 18.00
txti 16 00 18.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 20.00 21.00
16 (0 18.60 IB ( .UU.6C is.'wlmoscuo
1st Com. J inch , Norway 15 60
2dCom , tj Inch , Norway , . 14 60
No. 1 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 16 75
No. 2 boards , 12,14 and 1C ft 14 75
No , S boards , 12,14 and 16ft 12 75
No. 4 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft. ( shipping
cull ) , 10 75
No.'l , C inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough..817 60
No. 1,0 inch , 1C feet , rough 1750
No. 2 , 6 inch , 12 and 14 foot , rough. . . . 14 50
No. 2. 6 Inch , 10 foot , rough 15 50
No. 1,4 inch , 12 and 14 feet rough. . . . 17 Ci"
No. 1 , 4 Inch , 10 fee' , rough 17 50
No. 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 f ot , rough. . . . 14 50
No. 2 , 4 inch , 16 feet , rough 15 50
1st Com. , 12,14 and 16 feet $22 00
2d Com. . 14 and 16 feet VO 00
8d Com. , 14 and 16 feet 15 00
Fence , 14 and 16 feet 11 00
1st Com , Glnch , white pine $33 00
2d Com. 6 inch , white plno 35 00
3d Com. G'Inch , white pine , 28 00
Sol. Fence G Inch , white pine 19 50
1st and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-0 inch. 24 50
No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10Inch , , , . , $18 00
No. 2 , Plain , lOinch 16 CO
Wo.l , O , 0 1U 00
1st , 2d nnd 3d Clear , 1J Inch , s , 2s 850 00
1st , 2d , and 3d Clear. 14 and 2 inch , s. 2a 60 00
B Select , 1 | , 14 and 2 inch , s. 2s SO 00
1st , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , s. 2 45 00
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2a 40 00
B Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s SO 00
A12 Inch , s. Is. 12,14 and 16feet 45 00
B12Inch , s. Is. 12,14 and 16feet 41 00
C 12 Inch , a. la. 12 , 14 and 16 foot 36 00
D 12 inch , s. 1 a. 12,14 and 16 feet 23 O
No. 1 Com. 12 in. , a. 1 a , 12,14 and 16 ft 18 0
No. 1 Com. 12in. , s. 1 a. 10,18 nnd 20 ft21 0
No. 2 Com. 12 in.B. 1 s. 12.14and 16 ft.10 0 (
OG. Bats.Slnch 8 ,8C
O. G. Bat * , 24lnch 7
4 inch Bats , a. la 41
SInchwell tubing , D. & M. . . . , 23 OC
3 inch well tubing , Bov 23 OC
Pickets : D. & H. Flat , § 22 00 ; D & H.
Square 24 OC
16 Inch , Clear $3 2 :
* A Standard 2 6
5 inch , Clear 1 G
No.l 12i
Lath 2
White Cedar , 6 inch , halves 11
White Cedar , 54 inch , halves 9
White Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 9
White Cedar , 4 Inch , round 12
Qulnoy whits lime ( best ) 9C
Cement $1.8
Plaster ( Michigan ) 2.4C
Tarred felt , per cwt 1.8E
Straw board , per cwt l,7
Steady ; green butchers' Gc ; green cured
4cdry ; flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@ll
( red hides two-thirds pnce.
Tallow 4t@5c.
Grease Prlmo white , 34o ,
Sheep Polts-25c@75.
FlOOB Colorado , 100 Ibs. 2 15(22 ( 20i pat.
out , 100 Ibs. , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibe , 2 75
© 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 03 ; rye , 1 00 Ibs ,
GBAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat'100 Ibs , $135
corn , 100 Ibs , 115(31 ( 2Doata | , Nebraska ,
mIxoil,1001balGO@lG5 ; Nebraska oats white ,
1 G51 701 bran , ton , 17 00 ; chop , corn , 100
Ibs , 1 20@12575 ; ; chop mixed , 100 Ibs , 1 50
@ 1 GO ; corn meal , 109 lb I 40(3160. (
HAT Loose , per ton , 10 C012 CO ; baled ,
second bottom , 10 50@11 00 ; baled , upland ,
12 C0@14 CO ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00@1B 00
straw , ton , G 007 00.
BDTTEB Oraainery , finest , Ib. 27@28av
creamery , rgood , Ib. 2125o ; Illinois and
low n. dairy , Ib , 18@29s ; Kansas and Ne
braalra dairy , Ib , 15@je $ ; common , lbG@8c ,
butterino creamery , Ib , 20@22c ; buttering
dairy , Ib , 16lEo.
CHEESE Full cream , Ib. 13@lDo ; half
cream , Ib , 10@llc ; skim , Ib , 9c ; Swlsn , Im
ported , 32o ; Swiss , domestic , Ib , 20@22 ; Llm-
burger , 20c.
Eaas State , fresh candled , 'dor , 14@15c ;
fresh ranch , doz , 15@lGc.
POULTBT Live old chickens , doz , 550(20 ( 00 ,
dressed chickens , Ib , 15@lGc ; dressed turkeys ,
Ib. , 2022c ,
POTATOES 100 Ibi , 1 Gt@l 95 ; Salt Lake ,
100 Ibs , 2 00 ; new Calilornla , 109 Ibs , . 2 75 ®
VEGETABLES-Onions , 100 Ibs , 400@125 |
turnips , 100 Ibu , 1 75 ; cabbage , new Califor
nia , 100 Ibr , 3 C0@3 V5 ; lettuce , doz , COc ;
raddishes , doz , 40c ; young onions , doz , 20c ;
parsley , doz , 40c ; pie plant , doz , 20e ; oyster
plant , doz , EOc ; spinach , doz , 8c ; asparagus ,
Ib10c. . callfloner , Ib , 18c ; cucumbers , doz ,
160@1 76.
GREEN FBCITS Applrg , bbl , 850 ; Messina
lemons , extra , box , 5 00@0 00 ; cranberries ,
bbl. 12 00 ; Messina cranges. box , 6 7o@GOO ;
California osanges , box , 225@275 ; bananap ,
bunch , 2 00@4 00 ; pine applea , doz , 4 00@
5 50 ; Strawberries , California , 15c qt , 3 00 ft
3 25 box ; strawberries , eastern , crate , 3 6U@
G 50 ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25 ®
3 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots , box , 3 25 ,
CUBED MEATS Hams , sugar cured'ID , 104
lOjc ; bacon , breakfast , Ib , lOJfflllio ; salt
sides , ib , 7i@7io ; lard in palla , 919o ; lard
In tierces , 80.
FBiBH MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per
100 Its , 7 Oo@7 25 ; hogs , dressed. 100 Ibs ,
G 25@6 75 ; mutton , 100 Ibs , G 10@G 0.
Live STOCK Beef grate cattle , 100 Ibe , 4 00
(94 60 ; hogs , 100 Ibs , 4 50g4 75 ; sheep , 100
Ibs , sheared , 2 75@3 50.
Hide : . Dry Flint No , 1 , per Ib , 11413cj
No. 2. Ib , 9@10c ; green cteers and cows ,
Ib , 4@Cc ; groeu calf , Ib , G@8c ; greonlklp ,
Ib , 5a6o ; branded calf , Ib , Go : shearlings , Ib , [
I0@15c : sheep skins , dry , Ib , 5gG : ; doer skins
Ib , 12@lGo : nntolope skins , lo. 12@15 ; elk
skine , Ib , f@10c ; tallow Ib , 4@4Jo
WOOL Colorado choice , per Ib. 1416ci
boavy , 12@lSc { ; Now tloilcan , average , 7
@ 10o.
Fisn-MacksroI. No. 1. 1 40 , kit , 116 ®
L35 ; menu. 1 C0@2 00 ; California lalmon.
half bbl , 9 50r Holland hBrrinK , keg , 1 25 ;
fresh lake trout , bbl , 15@lCc ,
9ear Creek Lime , Louisville Cement
Portland Cement , Iowa and Michigan Plas
ter , Hair , Etc. Etc.
Cor. GtJi t ? ftoiiglas St
Direct Line for England , F/anco
and Germany ,
The tieamtblpt ol thlj well known line are built
! Iron , In wtter-tlght compartments , and are Inr-
ilibed with every requisite to make the paasage
> the fo and agreeable , 'They carry tbo United
tit09 and Karopcan malls , and leave New York
Cansdayi md Saturdays lor 1'lymouth ( LONDON
Jherbouf.tPAUia andllAMBUHO.
lutes , Hrtt Cabin , 8M-100. Steerage , to or
'rom Hamburg $10. Q. II ItlCIURD&CO ,0en >
ral Paaa Agents , 61 Broadway , New York and
iVashlngton in1 La Hells streets , Chicagoor Ilenrv
'undt , Mark Hauien , K , E. Moorcs , Harry Deuel In
Jmahaj Oronewig & Bchneneiren , In Council Matti
* r T * * H vy iftj < CBT H B a D U B VO * B 121 l >
I bate a poilttTe reocd r for lb abort dli i ; br t. .
me thouun < l or ie rtt > * worn kloUnniloI [ ou
lUndlnrhaTe t fn cured. I Ddetd. , o itrorElimr fall
ID III fflctcr , thill will 6H < } TUIO BOTTLKa FUXII
totctbcr Ub a VAI.I'ABI.ETftElTISK oo iblt d
l arjatrsrtr 1 * Or | iiprniindI.U.
Council Bluffs
and Chicago.
The on y to take for Dei Molnw. Uirahall-
town , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil
wauko * and all points cast. To the people ol Ne
braska , Colorado , Wyoming. Utah , Idaho , Nevada
Oregon , Washington nnd California It odors superior
advantages not possible by any other line ,
Among a low of the numerous points ol superior
ity onjo ) o < l by the patrons ol this road between
Omaha and Chicago , are Its twottatn ) s day ol DAY
COACHES which are the finest that human art anil
Ingenuity can create ; Us PALACE SLKEFINQ CARS
which are models ol oomtort and elegance ; Its PAIt
LOU DRAWING noOSI OARS , unsurpassed by any
and Us widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS
the equal of which cannot be found elsewhere.
At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union I'lClHo
Ry. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chlca
zo & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains ot thli
line make close connection with thoee ol all eastern
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati.
Niagara Falls , Buffalo , Plltsburg , Toronto , Montreal
Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash
ington and all points In the East , uk the ticket
agent ( or tickets via the
- ,
Hvouwtsntho b st accommodations. All ticket
agents sell tickets via this line ,
General Manager , Oei. Piss. Agent
Gen lilS FurnamSt. . Omaha , Noi.
& St. Paul
Chlc&go , Minneapolis. Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Cedar Rapids , Davenport ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Rockford ,
lock Island , Freeport Janeavillo ,
Elgin , Madison , La Crosse ,
Bololt , Winona ,
And all other Important points East , North
cast and Southeast.
Ticket office at 1401 Farnam street ( In Pax ton Ho
tcl ) , and at Union Pacific Depot.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In
the World are run on tno main lines ol the CHICAGO
MILWAOKRB & ST. PAUL R'rand overattention I * paid
to p&Baengera by couiteous employe ! ol the company.
Ocneral Uanagcr , Gcn'l Paesonccr Agent
Aea't Oen'l Manager. Aes't Oen'l Pisa Agent
J. T. CLAUK , Oen'l Superintendent
Rail-way Time Table.
In Effect April 6th. 1885.
The attention ol the travelling public la oiled t
tbe tact that this la the only complete and absolutely
correct tlmo-tablo published In the city ,
All tralna arrli e at and depart fiom Omaha by
Central Standard Ttmo.
Tralna of the C. St. P. M. ft 0. arrlv at and dt
part Irem their depot , corner ol litb and Webstei
Etroets ; tralna 01 the B. &lf.O. B. 4 Q. , and K , 0
St. J. A 0.13. from the E. * U , depot ) all othera from
tba DnlonPadflc depot.
Dlimmv TrnlnB I * ve Omaha at 8 25,7 25
3 CO , 10 DO , 1116 m.lStO , 2 00 , 3 00 , A M. 4 66 , 6 60
1110 p m. On Sundays the 7 60 and 10 00 a m und
100 and < 00 p m trains do not run. Arrive at trang.
er depot 18 minutes later : Broadway depot SO mln-
ntealater ,
Leave Council BlnSa ( Brcailwiy depot ) at 6 66,1 EG ,
1 SO , 10 BO , 11 dC a m ; 1 80 , 9 SO , 1 BO. i 23 , 6 25.
iqd 1116 p m. On Sundays the 9 SO and 11 40 km
tad B EO and 6 26 ti m trains will not run. Arrive at
transfer 7 minutes later , Omaha iO minutes later.
Transfer-Trains i * * omanaat 8 is , ail
i m , li 85 , 2 20 , i 20 , a 00 and 7 00 o m , dally.
Arrive al 9 30 ind U 00 a u. 1 05 , 8 SO , 7 20 and
155 p , u. _
lo ud from Chicago via tbe Tripartite Alllinoo Clnes.
t Mil. I U-l. I N'W I N.W I H.I I M1
Banday evening and Monday morning tralniarrl
n oorre pondlnK order. 0.1J. It Q. trains ran eve
Leave Union Faclflo depot at 6 40 a m and B IB
Arrive from Stock Tardi at 7 25 a u and B 21 r m.
Seventeen years Experience ,
leader of Uiseaecu ol Men nnJ Women. Electric ,
Jagnotlo and Hcrbollbt I'byelclan. Now located at
1210 DouvUa St Omaua , Neb. , up etalrs.
V correct diagnosis given without any explanation
rom tlio patleu t. Consultation free at oltice.
/ Treat the Following Diseases.
Catarrh ol the Head. Discuses oi tbo Kyo and
Ear , HeartDUeaie , Lucr Complaint , Kidney Com-
3laintNer\ou8Debllltv , Ifmtal Oepreaalon. Ijossct
JauhooJ , Diabetes , Itrlght'9 Dlecoae , Bt Vltuo
Dance , Ithcumat'sm , l' ril ) l , Mhlto Bwelllugs
icrolulo , Fever Bores. Cancers and Tumors remove
idnltbouttbe knlle , or the drawing ol drop of
jlooJ. Woman , with her dollcato organr , Ili-BtoreJ to
Health , Dropsy Cured Without Tappli g , Spctltl
ittentlou Ulvcn to 1'rlvite and Venereal Diseases ol
ill Klricla , Tapv Worms llemo\eil In two or three
lours or No Pay. Ilcinmorrhotda or 1'IIoa Oared or
Xo Chaigoi Mado.
Thoaowhoare afflicted will lave live and hun
dreds ol dollars by callloi ; on or uiAag
DH. 0. W. I'ANOtE'a
Herbal Medicines ,
SeXt nuiBcTfJ c ©
* VJ '
S.KB M 'iod VSfiSSS
Aforoilte prucrlptlon of a noted ( peclillii ( uowrt-
Bred. ) Druesiit. cm fill ii. Addr >
iR. WARO 4 CO. . LOUM14KX- >
Pwfenget Elevator to all floori. ' 120G , 1208 and 1310 1'jwnMn Street
New Orleans Exoosition ,
j I
For' ' Eemrkaable FineQuality of Tone ,
Excellence of Design ,
Perfection of Workmanship
Call aud see these Pianos , which , take
General Western Agents *
( Will pay customers Draft with Bill of Lading attached , for two-thirds value of stock , )
RRFEItKNCEs : / * % . _ _ _ l _ IV 1 Uv
Merchants & Farmer's Bank.David City.Neb. \J IT ! B. M & . . IN 6 Q
Kearney National Bank , Kearney , Neb ,
Columbus State Bank , Columbus , Neb.
McDonald's Bank , North Platte , Neb.
Omaha National Bank , Omaha , Neb.
And Poultry Commission House.
P. H. ALLEN , Omaha :
Consignments olid ted.
I !
ETfi. i
xosao flBtsroo'fi. Oy3a.fa.j2.a.
A Full Assortment ol Air and Kiln Dried Walnut , Ohorry , Ash , Buttemnt , Yellow PopI * * ,
Redwood , etc. Hardwood and Poplar Panel , Hardwood Flooring , Wagon Stock. Bttuf
Builders' ' Material , Uatl Oodar Post ) , Common Oak Dimension and Brldga Timber/
Cedar Boards for moth proof closets.Ktc. Vanoors , Fancy Wooda ( or Scroll 3ftTrlnifEto..Etji |
8.W.0or.9tli and Douglas. - - Omaha. XTeb.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
, ke
It Is'lhu Beat aud cbenpcat food for stock of any klad. Oao no.iud la equal to
three pou ; do of orn. Stock fed with Qroand Oil Oako In the Fal > and Wluton
nstcad of down , will Incro e li ) weight and bo In good marketable oondl-
Ion In the Dairymen , ti well a others , who aso It , can testify to Ita mor-
ts. Try It and d ' 0 for yourselves. PHoo $24,00 per ton. No charge for Backs.
Ooubla and Single Acting Power and ffana
( Engine TrlmmlngB , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings
at wholonale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUKOH
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb ,
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR , 13TD ,