Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Ttcrr strain or cold attatVn tint ncnk hack
and nearly prostrate *
Strengthen * Ilio Mtiaclrn ,
Btcnillc * tlic Nerve * ,
Eiirlchc * the niooil , Give * New VJgor.
B..T.U MTrnHF lrfipM.IowfiMn ! !
"Brown's Iron Hitters Is iho lxt iron medicine I
hare known In mi an roam1 practice , I h vo found
It dpccMly bonolicl l in ncrrond or phrf IcM oiliauii-
tlon. and in all debllltMIng ailment * Hint boar wj
the Psntcm.Uno It freely In my own family , "
OcnnlDo lian trade mark and pro "cd red lines on
wrawcr. Tnlin nn oilier. Mndo only l > y
into WN < IIIIMIOAI. : co. , nAi.TiMoitr MD.
IiADlFft' HAND DooK-uwful and attractive , con
taining ll t of Jirlzci for recliwu. Information about
coin' , etc. , Riven away by all doalcni In medicine , ot
mailed to any address on receipt of So. Marap.
Chronic & Nervous Dlscnsr"
Quick , Sure Ciin-s. K&A
- - - , . - * tjrit ten aiiaruntcn at vtn in
IM1. I , . , . , , . , , , ' , ,
t37 SeriU tuo clamp * for Celebrated Medical
Works. Adilrow , I1. 3) . CiLAKKi : , HI. ! > . ,
130 South Clark Street. CmrAOO , Ir.u
Boyal Havana Lottery I
74 at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets in FifthsWholes § 5. Frac
tions pro rata.
Subject to no manipulation , not coalrolled hy the
itirllesln Interest. It Is the fairest thing Inlbe
o tnie ol chanoeln existence.
101 tickets apply to BUIPSEY At CO. , 121 ! Broad
w yN. T. City ; SOUNDER & CO. , 108 South 4th St
BL LoalB , Mo , of U. OTXEN3 ft CO , 619 Main St.
KansasCltT. Mo.
Mo.S :
I am an old man. For 28 years I eutforotl with ul >
cenon myiihtlcjaa the result of typhoid tmer.
Amputation waa suggested as the culy means ot pre
serving life. The doctors could do nothing ; for mo ,
and thought I must dlo For three yoara I never
had a shoe on. Swift's Specific has made a perma
nent cure and added ton years to ray lite.
WM. R. HEKD , nail Co , Oa.
I have taken Swift's Spoclflo for hlool poison con
tracted at a me Jlcil college at a dissection , while-1
as n medical student. I am grateful to eay tbat It
gave rae nsfeody and thorough euro after my pa
tents had spent hundreds of dollars ( ortreatment
Auausiua WENDSI. , H D. , Nowatk , N. J.
My wife from early girlhood bas been suffering
from rheumatism. She hag tried many remedies ,
and I must frankly say has derived moro benefit
from Swift's fpoclflc than from all tue ethers , altoi
long and faithful trial.
ItEV. JAB. It. PIERCE , Oxford , Q .
Swift's Specific Is entorely vegetable , Treatise on
B ooI and tikln Diseases mailed free.
The SAirr SPECIFIC Co. , Drawers , Atlanta,0a , , o
JtOW. ! 3d8t.N. Y.
Town Lots in Denver Junction ,
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction Is n now town of about 200
Inhabitants , laid out In 1881 , on the great
trunk railway across the continent , at the
junction of the Julenburpr Branch , 107 miles
from Denver. The town is on second bottom
land of the FJalte River , the finest location
between Omaha and Denver , and Is surround
ed by the best-laying lauds west of Kearney
Junction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ;
Altitude 3,0X ) feet , Denver Junction bids to
become an Important point , us tbo U. F. 11 ,
R. Co. , are putting up many of their buildings
here , while the B. & M. R , R. Co. . are expect-
etl soon to connect at this place. The present
chance for good investments in town lots will
scarcely over ba equaled elsewhere. 1'orsalo
by the lot or block In good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction Colo.
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts ,
Capital Stock , - - - 8100,00 ?
Liability of Stockholders , 800,000
Fiw Per CcHtInlercstPaid onDeposKs
J&mi-J K. UOJD , - . I'reaMout
ft A. FAXTON . > o frum * !
I. M JiKNNElT , . U n glEg Director
JOHN K. WIIBDR . . . . . „ . Cashier
A State Man FIOBES with a Brace
of Wives ,
The Deserted Hustiftiula In Oninhft
Looking for Ihclr Faithless
Sponccs IIow They Got
Thursday night two gentlemen from
Stromoburg , Nob. , wcro In the city lookIng -
Ing up the Omaha end of a sensation
which la of considerable local Intoroat.
Late In the ovenlng Marshal Gum-
mlngs was summoned to moot those gentlemen -
tlomon , to determine what asala
tanco the police could render
in a search for two runaway
wives , who had skipped out from Stroms
burg with a young man , and , It was bo
liovcd , had come to Omaha.
Ono of the gentlemen gave his name as
as W. E. Marshall , a jeweler of Stroms
burg. On Tuesday last an ox-saloon man
W. B. Fagg , ( now under a federal Indict
for sailing liquor without a license ) hat
mysteriously disappeared with the wif
of Jake Gablor , a harness man of tha
place. The next day , Wednesday
Fagg returned , and went t
Mr , Marshall's housu and persuaded Mrs
M. to follow him out of town. Before
leaving Mrs. M. told her husband tha
oho was going to Oscoola in compan ;
with a lady and expected to make a shot
visit there. Instead of this , however
she followed Fapg and , It Is alleged
joined Mrs. Gabler at some point not fa
from Stroxnsbnrg.
Pretty sonn the story of the trlpartlt
elopement leaked out. Both husband
were furious. A posse of citizens undo
the sheriff gathered and for many hoar
searched the surrounding country for th
gay gallant who was responsible tot th
whole affair. Tar and feathers were prepared
pared , It Is said , for use in case ho shonli
bo found. Ho was not located thatnlghl
however , and the search was temporarily
The next day Marshallcamo to Omaha
thinking that the runaway party mlgh
have started oast. Ho was assured b
Marshal Oummlngs that the police woulc
bo notified to bo on the lookout for th
party , and all assistance possible woulc
bo given him In his search. Into Thnrs
day night , however , he received a tele
gram which showed conclusively that th
party were not In or near Omaha. It wa
from J. A. Frawley , a prominent citizen
of Stromsbnrg , reading : "Wero las
seen at Columbus. Look out for then
at Schnyler. " Ho ihimodiatoly gainoc
the consent of the Union Pacific official
to take westward passage on the mid
night freight , determined , If possible , t
roach Schnyltr In time to head off th
eloping nnfaithfuls.
As to whether he has succeeded In hi
chase , nothing is yet known hero. A
private telegram received hero Saturda ;
from Stromsbmrg says :
"Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Gabler are
expected hero to-night. "
All of the parties to this affair are well
known in Omaha. Mrs. Marshall Is a
young girl of but 10 or 20 , and has a
child of throe years of ago. Mrs
Gabler formerly resided In this city whor
she had the reputation of being fast.
Daisy Love , " allAB'Ijytlta [ Briarloy
Makes Another Attempt to
Kill Herself A. 1'ccullar
C se.
Some tlmo ago mention was made in
the BEE of the case of a girl , calling
herself Daisy Love , who twice attemptec
anlcldo at tha Child's hospital where she
was working. She afterwards startec
out , It may ba remembered , with the
avowed intention of procuring poison anc
killing herself. She was traced to a num
her of drug stores by Dr. Bridges who
vainly essayed to dlacovor her where
abonta. Ho finally gave up the search
The truant girl afterward turned np in a
day or BO , aliva and well. Since tha
time , under surveillance , aho has not one
ceeded in making away with herself.
Last Wednesday morning the same glr
called at the residence of Dr
Spragao on Capitol avenno anc
Sixteenth street and asked for
for a position. She gave her name as
Ljdla Brlarly. MM. Sprague was ir
need of female hired help , and ongagec
hsr without looking at her references , in
tending to do so a day or two later. The
girl wont to work , being apparent ! ;
fitted to give good satiafaotion. The
next day Dr. Sprague and his wife wont
down town. When they returned thoi
plscovored that the girl was misalng
Some one had been rummaging through
the house. Everything was In topsy-
turvoy condition , clocota being ran
sacked , drawers and trunks being open
and evidently having been searched
thoroughly. Continuing the hunt
the doctor found the door of the
girl's room waa locked anc
that he could got no response from with
in. Ho waa finally compelled to barat
the door open. Ho discovered the young
woman lying on the bed with the bed
clothes tightly drawn over her head , a
towel s&turatod with chloroform being
placed over her face. All respiration
Had seemingly ceased , her pnlae showed
no signs of beating and she waa appar
ently dead. Dr. Sprague set to work
and In an hour succeeded In restoring
the unfortunate young woman to con
sciousness. That afternoon she left the
house , but waa soon afterwards discov
ered and taken to her mother.
The girl appears to have a mania for
sulcido which la decidedly mysterious. It
would ba well for tbo druggists of thla
city , who have been furnished a descrip
tion of the girl , to bo on the lookout for
her appearance with a demand for some
suicidal drug.
The Mother [ ol his Young \Vifo Ap
pears on the Scono.
ReaJars of the BEE ] -\rlll doubtless re
member the small eemation created a
few days ago , by Ezra Ebrlght and Cora
Bowman , who had considerable'difficulty
on account of an old woman , in trying to
; et married. They finally managed to
evade their phoatly pursuer long enough
for Judge McOalloch to perform the
: eromony and lot them get out cf town ,
rtiia womau claimed that aho waa
Ebrlght'a wife end had been for yuare ,
hough they lived apart. He stated to
ho conit that they had been divorced but ,
she denied the 'statement and uworo to
be revenged , Not long elnco Ebrlghl
and his now wife returned and took np
their abode hero. In the moan time
wife No. 1 haa not been idlo. So
It sooma employed a lawyer ,
who has been investigating mattcra anc
finds that Ebtlght made false represen
tations about having n divorce , Satur
day a lady visited Jndgo McOulloch'a
who claimed to bo the mother of Cor ;
Bowman and wanted to know by what
right ho had married her daughter ,
Being Informed that she was represented
as 10 yoara of ago the strange woman
seemed very much aggravated end de
clared that the girl was not yet 17. She
also gave out the cold information thai
aho proposes to raise a disturbance witl
the newly marned pair.
The Grain Coutrncts For the Coming
Your Personal ixntl General.
Gon. Dandy , chief qu&rtermaator u
this department , made the following
awards Friday for grain during the
next fiscal year :
I. D. Olark , Papllllon , 000,000 pound
of corn and 1,000,000 pounds of oats.
F. E. Booth , Arlington , 400,000
pounds of corn.
Thoron Nye , Fremont , 400,000 pDund
of corn.
G , H. Jowotl , Sidney , 300,000 pound
of corn.
Wells & Nloman , Schuylor , bran a
different points.
Goo. H. Jowott , Sidney , 375.0CC
pounds of oats.
Samuel Hams , Linier , Wyo , , 375,000
pounds of oats.
A. T. Wilson , North Fork , Wyo. , 350 ,
000 bushels of corn.
Goo. T. Beck , Becklown , Wyp. , 450 ,
000 pounds of bran.
Ool. Mason left Saturday morning fo
Chicago and will go thence to St. Pau
and take post immediately at Fort Sncll
Ing. Hia successor will arrive here abou
the first of next month.
The news of the suicide of the son oi
Gen. Whlpplo who was preparing for ex
amination before the army modlca
board this week , la received hero with
profound regret.
Ono of the army officers was comment
ing Saturday upon the fact tba
there are throe members of the
department staff , ono of when
has lost an arm , another a leg am
another an oyo. Gen. Howard lost his
arm at the battle of Fair Oaks , Oapt
Sladen lost a leg by being
trown from his horse and Col. Henri
M rmtUB ono eye , though an artlficla
optic so well supplies the loss that one
could with difficulty detect the fact.
News has been received at the Iocs
military headquarters of the change :
which will bo occasioned by the death o
Col. Grover , of the First cavalry , de
partment of the Dakota. Lieut. Col
Dudley , now at Fort Niobrara , will assume
sumo command of the First cavalry
while his place will bo filled by Maj
Brlsbin , now of the department of the
Columbia. Maj. Brisbin is well known
in this city and state.
Boy Who is Looking for HI
Mother Shannon Held for tbo
District Court ,
William Desmond and William Rob
Inson are the namoa of two small boya
who were arraigned before Jndgo Sten-
borg Saturday morning. The ;
woze charged with using ob
scene language in a saloon
Friday , when refused a drink on ao
count of their tender ago. Desmond IB
a youth povrerinlly addicted to watering
at the eyes. Ho plead tearfully fox
mercy , which iron finally dispensed to
him In a liberal chunk by Judge Ston
berg. Deamond , It seems , Is In Omaha
on a peculiar misalon. Some weeks ago
his mother ran airay with a
paramour from her homo necx
Sioux City , Iowa. A shor
time ago , Mr. Dosnrond discovered tha
she was living In Omaha with a man , a
some placa on Tenth street. Ho was un
able to examine into the matter himself
and deputized his son , n 17-year-old lac
to make the search. The boy has boon
here for some time looking tor his ma
ternal relative , but has not succeeded In
locating hor. Ho will return home a
once , in accordance with Jndgo Sten-
berg's order , as ho has fallen Into a hard
crowd whoso association ia not Improving
his morals.
William Yoat , a colored man. was
arraigned for taking from a fellow Ethio
pian two blacking brushes , as ho claimed ,
In satisfaction of an unpaid debt. He
was Bent up to the county jail for five
Nela Eskdall , who had been intoxi
cated , was discharged , as was also Mary
Dohl , a kitchen maid of bibulous pro
Wi H , Shannon is the man accused of
assaulting John 1. Paynter Tuetday
night. Ho was arrested the other day ,
but managed to make his oacape from
the unfinished cells cf the now city jail.
Ho waa arrested afterwards , and Saturday
morning was cent to the county jail , in
default of § 500 ball , to await the action
of the district court.
The CJufortmmioa ,
The unfortunate fellows who have mot
with serious accidents within the past
breo days and been taken to St. Joseph's
lotpltal , wore called on there yesterday
jy a BEE reporter , who went to nscer-
: ain their condition.
Carl Dolfs , the young man struck by a
msfllng train at the Union Pacific depot ,
Friday , Is suffering greatly and grave
doubts are entertained for his recovery ,
BLis inj nrlos are of an Internal nature
and very much more eerloua than they
were thoucht to bo at first. The poor
'ollow suffers constant and terrible
Peter Olson , the Danish carpenter ,
who was burled beneath the wreck of the
Jinqnlst building Friday evening and re-
selved such an ugly wound on the head ,
s much better and getting along nicely.
A rumor wis started yesterday that ho
iad died , but this proved to be faleo.
Saturday afternoon a brakemen In the
Tnlon Pacific yarda named Nlchola had
iia right hand badly maahcd while
onpliog care , and waa taken to ( he hos
pilal. The doctor amputated ore finger
cd he is reeling easy.
There are npw fifty-eight patients in
lie hospital.
Soil of North Carolina Tobacco la the
oat. ,
More Wind , Haiti , and 1111 Xho Es
timated Loss of Friday Evcnlng'tJ '
Wreck 1'lacccl At $1O,000.
Another storm of nlnd , rain , hall , anc
fierce lightning , almost cqnal to that o
Friday evening. In its extent and savor
! ty , though not so damaging to property
passed over Omaha between 3 and
o'clock Sunday morning. Unlike its pro
dcccssor , it cimo up from the south ant
traveled at on unnsilnlly high rate o
speed. A brisk aprlnkllng of hall accom
panled the rain and many who hoard the
storm foil great apprehension lost some
loose cyclonic fragmouta of wlndmightcro
ate harm and leave in their pathway dlsaa
trona destruction , But , fortunately
thotr fears In this direction were nn
founded. While it la n fact that the
wind rattled things np In lively style
and made hldeona noises , still no icrlotis
results , In the city at least , have boon
The UKE'S estimated loss of $10,000 on
Friday evening's disaster , ( the wrecking
of Ltndqnlst's now building ) , proves to
bo correct. A force of fire dopartmon
men were sent to the ruins Saturda ;
with Instructions to tear down all of th
walls that remained standing abov
ground , which order they compiled vrlth
Iho contractors , Messrs , Bailey & Ohon
and Hamilton & Wdolloy , were also on
the scene trying to figure out the extent
tent of their losses. Presuming tha
much of the material can bo used in re
constructing , the estimate was final !
placed at $10,000. Of conrso this fall
entirely upon the contractors , but in th
generosity of his natnro Mr. Linquea
has very kindly offered to boar a part o
the loss. The building would have beei
completed and ready for occupancy b ;
July 15. At first a few chronic growler
were inclined to charge that the maionr
work was defective , but these who knot
anything about the work repel all sue !
Insinuations and attribute I ha wreck
wholly to the fact that the walls wor
green and unprotected.
Among other eminent church dlgnlta
rloa is the Right Reverent Bishop Gil
incur , Cleveland , Ohio , who has publicly
added his emphatic endorsement to th
wonderful efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil d
cases of rheumatism and ether palnfa
Casca Bet for Trial lo-dAy Tlio Crini
inal Itocorcl to bo Opened.
In vlovr of the fact that the ttial of the
criminal cases will commence to-day th !
promises to bo quito an Interesting woe ]
In the district court. Saturday suits fo
damages , caused by grading streets , wer
commenced against the city by S. T
Peterson , M. W , Poiorson and Elmlra T
Sampson , S. T. Petersen sues fo
S4.000 , M. W. Peterson § 3,000 , and
Mrs Sampson for $2,000.
Following are the cases sot for trial to
day before Judge Wakeloy :
Stcolo ot al vs. Mount et al.
Shipman vs. Forbes.
Hobble vs. Croft ot al.
Cunningham va. Kennedy ot al.
Siason vs. Woodworth.
Ohendberg vs Smith.
Dorman vs. Connors.
Eatabrook va. Coots.
Halo vs. Hartlgnn.
Reea va. City of Omaba.
Kahn vs. Kahn et al.
Jndgo Nevlllo will have the crlmina
docket to attend to In his branch of the
court , and the first case to bo called for
trial is that of State vs. Tom Ballard
who la charged of murder in the firs
Weak lungg , spitting of blood , con
sumption , and'klndrod affections , curei
without physician. Address for treatise
with two stamps , WORLD'S DISPENSARY
EDioiL ASSOCIATION. Buffalo , N. Y.
\VlintTlio States Pay.
The Internal revenue receipts of las
year were § 121,000,000 ; this year they
will probably be about § 110,000,000 , dis
trlbuted about as fellows ; Alabama , § 35 ,
000 ; Arizona. § 2,750 ; Arkansas , § 00,000
California , § 3,300,000 ; Colorado , § 200 ,
000 , Connecticut , § 425,000 ; Dakota
§ 10,000 ; Dolawaro. $200,000 ; Florida ,
§ 173,000 ; Georgia , § 375,000 ; Idaho , § 2 ,
500 ; Illlnoi ) , § 25,000,000 ; Indiana , § 5-
600,000 ; Iowa , § 2,750,000 ; Kantaj ,
§ 1,070,000 ; Kentucky , , § 15,000,000 ,
Louisiana , § 500,000 ; Maine , $50,000 ;
Maryland , § 3,150,000 ; Massachusetts ,
§ 2,400,000 ; Michigan , § 1,500,000 ;
Minnesota , § 500,000 ; Mississippi , § 50-
000 ; Missouri , SG.500,000 ; Montana ,
§ 125,000 ; Webratka , § 1,500,000 ; Jfova-
da , § 5,000 ; New Hampahlrp , § 375,000 ;
Now Jersey , § 3,475,000 ; Now Mexico ,
§ 70,000 , ; New York , § 13,500,000 ; North
Carolina , § 1,000,000 ; Ohio , 813,500,000 ;
Orogon125,000 ; Pennsylvania , § 7,500-
000 , Rhode Island , § 130,000 ; South
Carolina , § 93.000 : Tonne seol,250,000 |
Texas , § 225,000 ; Utah4,500 ; Vermont ,
§ 30,000 ; Virginia. § 3.000,000 ; Washing
ton , § 7,000 ; West Virginia , § 550,000 ;
Wisconsin , § 3,000,000 ; Wyoming , § 1 ,
_ _
Tlio Homo of the Clevcliimls ,
Holland Patent la aplotutcaqus country
village of about 500 Inhabitants , situated
on tbo Utlca and Black River roads ,
.welve . miles north of Utlca. The Clove-
and homestead ia a rambling wooden
structure , two and a half stories high ,
with wiags attached , erected when timber
was more plenty than at present. The
grounds surrounding are set with over-
; roena , oinamontal shraba and bads of
lower * . A long row of majostlo olma on
he east side overshadow the homestead
and grounds , and mabbles on the eouth
add to the shade , Mlis Cleveland at-
ends the Presbyterian church on the
Illago green. It was the pastorate of
hla church that her father wan called to
n 1853 , and it h from here that his
uneral was bold a few months later. In
his church Mies Cleveland , her mother ,
jrothors and elatora regnilarly attended
ivlno services for over twenty years
'hen ' the family ecatterad , but their paw
n the south tide of tbo church , near tbo
rent , ia still preserved for the children
vhoQover they are present.
"WTicn Habj WM lck , wo gave her Cist ra ,
Vben the wtw & Chili ) , > he cried for Qoatoria ,
7ken eliu became Hiss , she clung to Cadoria ,
Wlwu ilia Iia4 CLlldieu , the garo tliom Castoria
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Iltini * . .Soalili. l'ro t llllon ,
* \o AII , OTiim ronii.v ruvs n\n Aitr ( < < .
SolJ li Ututtlili nrt Itetleri evf ryw here. I inOeuu * IvtUo.
I'lrrctlon * ID 11 LAngunrttu
Titc OIIAKI.US A. vooii.iu : : co.
( SomiKrluA.TOOCUaC04 Ullllmorr , J1J. , f.3. A.
17 SI. Ohnrlo' . Srt. SI. Louis , IHo.
tf a' r t i1ni nti oSi ( II A , Co > ni,6uljto > l
* J Btocs DnitiMtbtr * ttf d.bft rrjiietfta IA G
Melt/ ietf * io r ml < * tftJJ f if Imtt * * f an
Ncrvdut Prostration , Hcblllt ) . Men- '
( Physical Weakness ! Mercurial and otht-
Hens ol Throat. Skip r Spnes , Blnud PnlEu
5ld Sores and Ulcers , m trt&tM itb aoritt.-
Ufcwt.onUltntli-Unliajvilatlpl" . 8 ' if I'rtTtUI.
Dlscascv Arising Ironi Indlscrcllon.
rendering Mnrrlnse Improper or nnliapp ? , MI
( Q < S or I/ ) mill frcn , indlmilfd TrlV ioqtiCiJcri ,
A Positive Written Guarantes
alrct In tl ear&blc eius. X'MletoM sent eteiywiun * .
I rtinpliet § , JCnKllsh or Oprsran , Ol pftk'ce ,
ttiblnc nbovo riiioo-fleB , la maJo or familei"
Rroi. fc j > I * , Uuitfi- . ! In Pl thaLifilt'il.1
nocey rp < n ci smtaf. fepc CtrKt Ijs. VSlt i
kin ill UQ u-Ioiif Itib ol or laa-SUl ? * tn *
rt t59i i { rre&t Invynl fia O * UjflHj Zji
James Meal Institute
Chartered by thcStatcofllll.
nois for thccxpresd purpose
of giving Immediate rchcl In
all chronic , urinary and pri
vate diseases. Gonorrhoea
Gleet andSyphillsinall their
complicated forms , also ol
diseases of the Skin one
Bloodpromplly rellevcdnnd
fermanentlycurcd by reme
dies , tcstedinnl'uj tt/i'cdrtt
_ _ _ klHclulI'racttcc. Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
th : FaceLost Manhood , ] > o8lttvclycnrcil.Tlicra
is HO experimenting. The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
itu tif ! LSVCR
IU-TO.L : Tin.
VIOCiR of YOUTH ! > ? *
n \\amot
slhi.i , 1 .lc * ot
' '
" trttl. FfOiiP'5. luusclosani
11 ri < - 1 nc v toic-o
I'.i ! . \ i"iljo ! mlncl a i
uiij.llo ; nln I'mitt.
Jl' ' ' < - " ! > ! l"1'1 it-ouipli'ulr
n..Par to liirirsi-r w (
mCNTQMZO n Bafs au
. ( llTcsaileir. liciulij'i-oniilcvio ! ) _
'reiiiiLiil attrmpisat i" " " fajl''ing oiilyao1
j'hepoi ) ilaiiiyui ilioonclml t c OIB > JB i
jant pcttliuomothAi , VD UFST
xryi'aijyiiaruildrf"3to"lnolr. llarturNnl * > / 'i
a < l.laali , itu. , for unr "UllIiiM BOOK " B
in * aifnuur u , rf r. .rpl Inft.'niqt.n' . ff
Clover Blossom
. . o. . <
OI.NTI 1 am mine your Vluld Extract Bed Clorcr
Blossom and Wet Compresa ( or Cancer on the brent.
and nm well. I am utisnod It Is the boit remedy for
Canoer known. You are wr-loomo Co lute tills zor Ura
benefit of Buttering humanity.
Ilejpcttfnlly , MRS. L. A. JOHNSON.
TOLEDO , O. , January 17 , 1882 ,
J. If. LOOSK & Co , MOVROE , Midi.
OENTLEKE-J 5Iy wife has tor pome time been afflicted
with ftomethlng llko a scrofulous dlscAso , and found na
relict until the gave your Extract ot Keel Clovir a trial.
t am happy to say ehe has experienced ercac relief.
Tblf la but a plight testimonial of roy appreciation oC
your efforts In behalf of humanity , which you are
welcome to use for their benefit.
I am , very respectfully , H. ARMS.
, . . , . . , , TOLEDO , O. , DCO. iBt , 1881
J. M. Loosi & Co. , JtovnoB , Mich.
OE-JTS I comnuiiccil taking jour Ext. Ited Clover ,
S o years ago , for 1 ryuJnclas , and liave not been
troubled Blnce. It Is hereditary with mo. Think you
hare the boat blood medlclno known
Yours truly , W. M. SEIDERT.
H. II. Ilyman , of Grand Itapldg , SIlcli. , payn After
two Uoetors advised him to use Loose's Lxt. Hid Clover
for n bad case of J'ezema , or Kover Bore on tha lej ; .
Only 11 < iod two pound ! of your Solid extract Ited Clover ,
Am now wclL
Asa Spring Jtedlclne Tonlo and ccneral Ttlood Purl-
flerHhaanoeqnal. Kor solo by all druggists , or J. M ,
l.ooso & Co. , 2ionroc , Mich.
H , S , ATWOOB ,
Plattsmoulh , Neb.
Brooder of thoroughbred and high grade
Hereford and Jersey Cattle ,
And Puroc ? nd Jersey lied 8winn ,
Manhood Restored
HEMLUY 111EC. Avictlm of youthful liunrudenco
causing 1'remature Decay , Nerroui Debility. Lo t
JIanbood , Ao.liavlne tried In vain orery known
remedyhiBdinco rered nnlmploraoanaofBelr-curs ,
which ho will fln < 1 KIIKK tohl ellowulTfrera ;
Addrou J ll-KICkVr.S 43 Cli U-iiil bUNsW Kirk-
Stallion , Jaok , Sheppard Jrt
Will starul ( or ttock at Omaha Knit grounds the
onori of 1H8S. lie U 16) ) hands h l h , weight 12S5
is , hla tire JACK Simi-piuu Is ( ull brother In blocxl to
) KXTKR 2:17 : } , klao to UiCTAToathe elro or JAV.BTS HIS
:10 : , FAU.AH , 2:1S : { and DIRECTOR 3:17. : Call at the
air grounds and BIO him arid got bla ret Igtco
t'luli rcruvS'tirtlie ' ecajou. A. TUOV-ON
jouoeiu W
Uillrillolniir * ! ! Irou
3f I PO ? I KT Gr El ,
.cad Pipe and Sheet Load ,
.lthADodn Sls. OMAHA. NF.B ,
Imported Beer
IrlaiiKcr. , UaMiiU I Culrabaclitr Il arla
ilsiier , . Ilohtrulan KaUer Ureiccn
) udncki.r..i. , Bt. LouU I Aiihautor , . . , St. touli
Jctt'a . . . . .Mlltvaukeo I BehliU I'hrier.Mllwaulice
[ ru.r'8 , .Omahi , Ale , Tutor , Poinutloana
Kliiuo Wlnca.
ED M ATJEER , 12) ) 3 Farnam St ,
Real Estate 4 t ,
213 S. 14th STREET ,
Have a large list of inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city.
Wo have business property on Capitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Douglas , Farnani , Hnrney , Howard , 9th , 10th , IStlinud
16th sreets.
"Wo Imvo fine residence property on Farnnm , Douglas ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cess , California streets , Sher
man , Sb .Marye and Park Avenues , in facb on all the host
residence sheets. We have property in the following ad
MiUard& CaldwelTs
JLaJkes ,
Elizabeth1 Place
E.V. Smith's ,
Horbach's ,
Patrick's ?
Parker's ,
Shinn's ,
Gise's ,
Nelson's ,
Armstrong's ?
Godfrev's ,
Lowe's ,
Kirkwoocl ,
College Place ,
Park Place ,
Capitol ,
Reed's First ,
McCormick's ,
Koimtz < & Ruth's ,
Impr'nt Association
Wilcos : ,
Burr Oak ,
Isaac & Seldon's *
West Omaha ,
Grand ITiew ,
Credit Foncier ,
Kounts' First
Kountz' Second ,
Kountz' Third ,
Kountz' Fourth ,
Syndicate Hill ,
Plainview ,
Hill Side ,
Tukev $ c Kevsors ,
Thornburg ,
Clark Place ,
Mvers & Richards ,
Bovds ,
And all the other Additionsto the
* 9 A BW9VT * Ti "B
yndicate Hill
Adjoins the stockyards property in South Omaha
These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo
cated and will make convening cheap , and de
sirable homes for the employes of the stock
yards and packing honses.
Tukey & Keysors Sub-division ,
Located in West Omaha , two blocks south of Lenvenworbh street ,
fine location and the cheapest lots in Omaha ; 125 for inside lota and
5150 for corners ; terms § 10 down , balance 9a per month ; deut fail to
see these if you want a bargain.
We have a few lots left in Kirkwoocl addition , which we offer at low
prices , terms 525 down balance § 10 per mouth. These lots are on high
level ground and are desirable.
Hawthorne ,
This addition is mere centrally located than any other now addition
near the best Schools m the city. All the streets are being put to grade
the crudes have neon established by the city council , and is very desira
ble residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower than
adjoining ( additions for a homo or investment. These lota cannot bo
FOB SAiB-Lot on Davenport with fine
house. § 2,000.
iron BALK Full lot 21st and Clark street , 0
room house , 52,300.
Ton BALK Ueautlful aero lot in Qiao's add.
iron SitE-1 lot on Chicago street between
13th and 14th , $2,600 ,
BKAUTiruL lots corner J ? rnam and 20th
street cheap ,
Ifou SALE-Lots InWalnut hill , § 200.
FOB BAtE-i lot withO room house 21st
street easy payments , S2.0CO ,
Fen BAtE-Lot 28th and Ifornain street ,
good property , 31,000 ,
FOB BALB-J aero on California , east of
Sacred Heart ; house , barn , an ! cistern , cho p
onlyl.COO , ,
KOB BALE-Lots In Hanscom place eaoh ,
? 500.
FOB SAUS 100 feet front on 15tb streetwith
email house just south of Hartman School , on
ly 81,700.
FOB BALE Full lot and 0 room house corner
llth and Castellar , 82'100.
FOR BALE Lot and 2houses 18th andNlch.
oUa $5,000 ,
ill Jurnislft conveyance free to any
nartlofflie city to shoiv property to our friends
and" customer a , and dieerjully give in/orma-
OmaJut Property.
iionZre < / < irdin
Those who have baraains to offer or wish
property tit a'ltaryain , are invited to see ns.
Real Eatate Agents
2l3S.I4tiiSt. , bet. Farnam & Douglas