LINCOLN. Inctels of Ihe Day at itc Capita of Ihc Slate , Trials of These Hold for the Treasury Eobbory Begin. Sporting Men Prepare for a Honm' ' Up Movomcntfl of Prominent I'coplo Notes. AT TJIH STATE OAIUTAU NOTES , Iteportcd by tie ! lisa'a LINCOLN , Neb , , .Tuna 12 The nunRorfcst building la now receiving Ita finishing touches. On the west ia ft ghoel thnt w'll be filled will booth * . Tha building contains fourteen nrchei , which will bo draped nud decorated , thui Riving the building on the inside n pleas ing appearance. The Beatrice excursion was a success In numbers and pleasure , nnd although tlrad when they relumed , all seemed to feel that It was well that they went. "Bobby Shafto" will be played at the opera liotuo on the 2'JJ of Juno for the benefit of the homo for the friendlosp , It will be a pleasant treat to the children and should bo liberally patronized. Iho casoof the atato va. J. J , Daui , for assaulting Dr. Lucu , a dentist here on _ Stm- day , the 'U of May , occupied the attantion of the court the forger port of two dayn , and was given to the jury yesterday _ noon. The defendant put In a plea of inianity , while the origin of the troublu ia reported to have l)2en a baU case of woman's infelicity. The only excitement which ia near at hand IB the coming fix round contest with soft gloves , between a couple of eporta who want gatomonoy. ' 1 his happens to-morrow evening - ing at the opera house , which the first part of the week was filled with intelligent and re fined nuJioncea listening to clajslcal reclt.v tlonn , tinging and prayer , 'llio professor of history of the state uni versity , with his assistants , are arranging and i lasntfying the matter , the hjstotlcal society have collected and \\ill ha\oiushnco matter and material which will not only bo very intorcstlcg , bui of material 1190 to all who may desire to Investigate the history of the staU' , nation and scienufic matlora of the universe. Several Indians , with their equawa and n few papooeo * , nro ticro giving the children a golden opportunity toiovv the noble red mah who loveu ncalpa and fire water. Among the many improvemrntu which are going on in tbu capital city ia a two-story brick on Tenth street , between N and O. The building will bo two-stories , 00x70 foot , cost ing S10.COO , nnd belonging to ColVllson , an old resident here ; H threo-story brick build ing , with Chicago pressed brick front , corner of Tenth nnd N , costing 815,000 ; n five- atory brick corner of O and Kighth streets , costing S35.000. Kaymond Brothers , whole- aalogrocorymen , expect to occupy the last named building nbout the last of October , this year. The contractor who has the state uni versity baildlng hopes to complete it by No vember 1st , this year. This will cost SI5 ! , 000. Tha regents have gone homo , having done nothing In particular except to audit bills and iccounts , and have a general talk nnd consultation over the condition of this university. Thoyaeomtobo much pleased ' with ita healthy condition and the rapid atridea it ia taking in the educational race and think that under its presentmnnpKement the university will soon bo not only in sympathyo but will work in harmony with th , public schools throughout the state. The ro- genta decided that some tf the professors should attend the Teachera1 County Icsti tutea , thus inspiring new vigor into the insti tutes which have heretofore boon run largely by homo talont. The regents also decided to make the secretary of the board a porinnnent position , and instructed him to look up the university and agricultural lands and learn their exact condition , nad also to act as a financial secretary with purchasing power. The rf cents adjourned to meet December 1st , 1885. 1885.Tho lion. C. Ilostettor , register of the United States land office at Grand Island , in company with Gen. McBJlde , postmaster here , vvcro ploasnnt cnllors at tbo BEE oflico. William H. Ball , Omaha : J. B. Parmeleo' Nebraska City , end P. S. IJcaeock of Falls City , were among the Nebraskans hero yos- torday. The tnormomoter stood at 80 ° to 00 ° yesterday torday , and s'.ill everybody was happy , for corn is king. In tbe cise of the stito vaDavu for assau't i ith intent to kill Dr. Lewis , the grand jury found that the defendant was insane. The lunacy biard have been sitting on Mr. Davis and sent him to live at the asylum for a time. The cisoof the stats va McGuirefor connec tion with the robbing of the state treasury last winter , hcs baen cilled. A Urge venire of jurors waa drawn and late in the evening twelve intelligent men warn found and duly empnnnelled. 'Ibey will proceed with the ca o against Pound nd the other dotootivo for killing Griffin during the li t legislature when ho waa robbing the atato treasury , will come for trial on Mon day. _ Keal F.staio Transfers. The following transfora were tiled Juno 11 , Fltlx tlio connty clerk ntid reported for the BEE by Ainos' real eatato agency : William Ridfr ( widower ) to George F. Lymun ; It 2 , Galirey's add to Omaha ; w. d. SIJ.SOO. AddiaO. Ambrose and husband to John P. Scheming ; H 5 , blk 114 , Omaha ; w. d. 88,500. GuorRO P. Bemls and wife to Ssmucl Mottnaon ; Its 10 and 11 , blk "F , " Pros- post Piaso. Orauliftr. ; . d. § 050. Polar S. Himraer ( single ) tt ) Florlnn .7. Ueiiaole ; It 1 , Barkalow'a subdiv eco 32-10-1 3 o : w. d. $1. Byron Reed nnd wife and others to George E Barker ; Hsl , 5 , C , 0 , 10 , 11 , ID and 1C , Yatco & llsed's subdiv of It 7 , llngon'a odd to Omrha ; Tr * d. S2.1CO. , Itaw S. Unscill and wifd to Frank Swobodo , Its ! ) and 10 , blk 0 , Konntza'a Third add to Omaha ; w. d. § 1,300. John A. Jlorbach and wife to Nile Lwson ; f of It 8 , blk 3 , Horbach'a Second ami to Omaha ; w. d. ? 387.50 The lllinolH i ) , ILLS. . Juno 12 , In the house the general election bill was taken up and tbi quorutnbrokBn nt o n the previous d y. A cal of the house showed ono hundred present. A resolution was offered for the purpose of IBBU < Ing aumnuma on witnesses before the Inveitl- gating cjmmitteo who refused to testify. Sev eral republicans objected to consul oration of the resolution for tha purpose , saying they would object to any buiinesa whatnver until the election bill WM advancod. However , the investigating committee was allowed a week' * futthor time to contlnuo the investigation. The dead-lock then continued until the time o adjournment , and no butluets was tram- . . In the senite tilts morning no business o importance wai tranracted and adjournmen wa taken till 6:30 : Monday. No business waa done lu the house this of ternoon except to finally agree to djourn til 0 p. m. Monday. The republicans state that no business will be transacted In the house until the election bill Is pmeJ. F Justice Miller was entertained at tea lail evenlog by Judge Woolwoorth and lady nt their residenca Courtland place , corner ol St. Mary's aud South avenues. Juetlce Miller' * daughter has been the guest of Judge and Mis. Woolwoorth ee.veral days. The Union Pacific overUnd train that went out lait evening waa eo Ion ; and heavily loads 1 that t.vo enplnei wore required to take it. _ Dentil of iv UnUroad I'reblilent NEW YOBK , Juno 12.G , H Kuttur. pros. tdontof the New Yoik Central rilrosd , died this morning at his home In In legion , A. Il77.y A giddy yoang dude with a blond mustache. . Whom nothing on earth conld over abaih , Ah1 the man is a glorious sight' ' Uo waa out of brains and out of cash The tailor ho owed for cutting his dash , "Oh , where la my bay to-night. " Ho went to the house to see his "maih" A pretty youngglrl whoso name was IN ash , Ab , lair Is the Boston bean ! lttt ! ho paid most dear for being to rash , For the barbed fcnca gave him quite a gash. Oh , wasn't that awful mean ? Ho got some "cuts" from the coachman's lash \nd the old man's boot soon settled his hash Please "see that his grave is kept green ' [ Qorman Mountaineer , 3 An Important Folltlcnl Question. A woman's ' broil the president Has now on hand to nottlo. "Who shall the leadinirlady be'1' Must test the Cleveland mettle. Poir man1 he'll flndfof all hit woe This is the very worst , To soy , when dinner Is announced , Whoso petticoats go first , Ono way , indeed , remains to him , For , should ho choose to wed , The leading lady of them , of course , Is the ono by whom he's led ! EDUGAT1ONAU Then ate 1,033 homrrpathlc students In the United States. Y&lo professors own over § 500,030 worth of real estate in New Haven , One-fourth of the students la the Female Normal collpgo of this city ( so says a Boston paper ) are Hebrews , Miss Mnrv King ( Km Yamel ) graduated at Woman's Medical college of the New York infirmary , Friday. She is tha first Chinese woman over granted a degree of M , D. in this country. Tha Michigan university will be tbo recipi out of o collection of rare Arctic plants made by Edward Israel , of the Greelv expedition , and by his wish sent to Prof. M.V. . Harring ton , In Germany there has been nn unprece dented increase in the number of university students during the last docado. From a population of 15,200,000 there are 23,000 stu dents attending the universities , while In Kn- gland , with n totil population of 28,000,000 , there are but 5,503 students at Oxford aud Cambridge , The Harvard faculty , wishing to oucouragD vacation ntmly , authorize ) any instructor tJ announca to his classatjursa of roadmg or investigation suitable to bo pursued private ly during the summer , livery such courio shall bo calculated to occupy a student of or dinary ability not more thin &k hours a day during a smglo month. The following are some of tin rules which are enforced at the Soldiers' Orphan school at Mount Joy , PH. , Itiso at C:30 : in the morn ing ; breakfast nt 0 , which consists of bread , butter , ayrup , boiled rice , crifeo or milk for the smallest ; worship at 7:30 : ; school at 8 ; dinner at 12 , Dinner consists of balled or roasted meat , vegetables , uonu , etc. School at 1:30 : ; drill at 1 ; supper at 5:1)0. : ) For tut > - per the > - have bread , butter , plcklea , boiled rico , fruit , cifTeo and milk. Worship at 7 ; retire at 7:30. : Tha children , 252 in number , are all In fine spirits , lively and healthy. Goethe and modern science , bv T. Stcrry Hunt ; Goethe and re'igion ' , by llev. Dr Jt. A , Holland , Goethos roUtion'.to Kant and Spinoza in philosophy , by F. L. Soldan ; Goethe's "Faust" and the Novelet ! In "Wil- heltn Meiitor , " by Prof. Harris ; G-cthe'a youth , by Prof. H , S. White of Cornell uni versity ; the "Kvvif-WelblichB , " by Mrs. Kdnah Doan Cheney ; Goethe's "Faust , " and Weilkelm Meister" as a whole , by D. J. Snider ; Goetho's relation to English literature , by F. B , Sanborn ; Poesioj Lytl- quoa do Goethe , by Henn do Poyen Belleisle ; CJoetho and Shlller , by Rev. Dr. Cyrua A , Itortol ; the women of Goethe , by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe ; the Klectlve Aihnltw , by S II. llmery , .Ir , ; Goothe'a titanism byThoraai Davidson ; Goetbe'd self culture , by John Al- boo : child-life as portrayed in Goethe's works bv Mrs. Carolina K. Sherman of Chicago ; WilhelmMeUterand Hawthorne's Donatollo , by Julian Hawthorne ; Goothoas playwright , by William A. Partridge. There will ba a real synopsium on the matter of pantheism } and modern eclence , in which Rev. Dr. A. P , Peabody , John Fisko , Prof. W. T. Harris , Prof , llowison and others will take part in papers or by speech. The school will open July 1C , Thursday at half past U In the morn ing , and will continue three weeks with eleven lectures a week , delivered morning and even ing except Saturday evenings and Sundays. The Latest News. The editor went to the church and heard Tha preacher preach the sacred word Of how the Egyptian host was drowned And their foes walked through on solid ground. Ho nished from the church to his office near And be yelled in the telegraph editor's car : "Havo you got the news from the seat of war There was nothing about it in the Morning Star ? "But th ° preacher told all about the fioy , And is giving tbe whole blanked snap away ; Now hustle , boys , or there'll bo a fuss , For the Snap Shot shan't get a scoop on us. "Wo'll get an extra edition ouf , Sn go and tell the newsboys loud to shout , 'Great Kngliah victory In the Soudan ! 1'gyptian army drowned to a man ! ' " -1C jlumbus. 0 , Dispatch. MUSlOAIj AND im.\DId.TIO. Annip PUley's company will play In Buffa lo , N. Y. , Auc-ust 31 , one week. Misa Emma Thuraby and Mna I'sther , Ta ooba are to held a concert company under Max StrakoEch'fl direction. The Walnut street theatre , Philadelphia , is the oldest theatre in America. It was built seventy-seven years ago. Adelina Pattl will appear in "Carmen" dur ing the current month at Covent Garden , London , untfer Mapleson's maiisgement , The Duke of Edinburgh played a violin solo and Marie Koza sang at a recent concert In St. Jamuj Hall , London. Miss Helen Standish will go to San Fran sco until the beginning of her term at the oston Museum next season. Lester Wallack bai presented Osmond Pearle with the jeweled sword that Fechter aod in "Ruy Bias. " JohnK. Owens says he will pUy a short our of largo cities next season , aud thea re 're. 're.Verdi Verdi denies that ho intends writing an pera t < bo called "Othello. " Ho eaya his jareer is ended , nd ho proposes tJ lot younger 1011 till his place. During Sulvini's ' coming tour he will visi lian Francisco for the first time. The Vienna opera house employs 030 per- ions all told , including 105 members of tin irchcstro and as many in the ballot. The soli ingeis are about twenty ladies and twenty 'entlemen. The chorus includes 100 singers , .hirty . one for soprano , twenty two for alto , .wonty . two for tenor , aud twenty-two fo- \sa , Rose CoghUn wilt give "Our Joan" a do clalve trUlat the Grand Opera house , Now York , this week. Frank Farrell , who was , o have managed "Our Joan" tour nex leason , claims that Hose refuses to fulfill ho part of the programma , Mua Coghlau d er ratio conduct prevents any announcement M , o her future plans. Washington is havinga season of light sum mer opera , of which Miss Mary Beebe end William H. Wast , the parties spoken of In the late Haskell divorce suit are the stars Mu-sBeebeisavery pretty woman , a mu singer , and she is the daughter of the formei St.xto Law Librarian at Columbus. Hei father used to rent Senator Thtinnan'a hous and Miss Beebo was a great favorite of th Old Hainan , While at Boston at the con erv atory ihe dm elo > ed a decided musical talent , and she becime a nifinber of the Boi ton Ideal Opera Compiny , a Josephine h Piqafote. While on the ntnge sto met Mr. HaelceH , a rich merchant , aud nwnod him The causa of the divorce was her alleged In timacy with Mr. West. Her mairbeeltrou- bles have not aifectedher ; voice ami ano and Mr. West take lovers part in "Tha Merry War" as though their names vvero not in tbo newipapeu. Rubinstein , the 'pinnut , It H s-i'.fl. fears nothing in the con cert room , and innbi mi audiences whenever ho taken olleiuo at a lark ofattBiition , lulhas one terror coneaAntly lu mli d , the crlticum of Li * mother , A cnr respondent writes about this peculiarity of this great pianist as follow * : "When , at any of his concerts In the Ku Un capital , he hap pens to play a few wrong note. " , being out of health or temper , it Is not his audience or even the critics of whom ho stands In dread , but the old lady in question , ( she is nearly eighty ) , who scolds him with a wealth of high-flavored invective until ho shakes in his shoes. No matter who may be present , she bullies him to her heart's content , the while ho stands speechless before Inr , hanging his head like a shame-stricken and repentant child. " POISONS IN THE PASTRY IF VnnlllnI.FniniiOtniigc , rlc. , flavor Cnkei , Cre mil > iiililliiiri.l-c.ii > ilrllcntelynml nut- rinillyiii the fruit from xtlilch they lire mmle. FOIl STHEMiTII AND TUCC TIll'lT FLAVOR THIIY STAND ALOXE. rniptRio or TH Price Baking ; Powder Co. , : ccOf lit * 6ti Louta * Mo UAKCKB Of B ? . Prics's Croarn Raking Powder NO Dr. Price's Lupulin Yens ! Gems , llcst li y Hop Vcii.t. WE J1AKK LUT ONE QUAL1IV. SPECIAL NOTICES. All adu crtisemcnts in the fjieeial columns will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line far the first insertion , and 7 cents per line for each suite- litcnt insertion : Jfo advertisement icill le inserted for less than fJ centi or the fit tt time. Thcie advertisements mil be interted in both Morn- nj and J-'teninj Klitiona , representing a arciila- tiono/ner Eight Thousand1. This clan of adver tisements mutt jmiltnely tej > aitl in alliance. TO LOAN MONEY , Moxrv TO UHN On real citato In eums of S'O and upward ? , ti any amount. Oinahi Flnano'al Kxcliangc , IbCJ Karnam Hi Money to loan On co'litiris ' in turns of S25 nnil upward ; , teen } amount. Oaaha 1'lnuiclal Ex change , 1501 Farnambt. Jlnncy to ban-On ihatteli tn sum" of $5 nnJuD- [ wnrdsto anvamount , M low rates. OmahaFmanclil I ExchanKC , 1503 Pitnamht Jlonej to loan Oti good securities ol any kind. In inj amount , it the Omaha Financial Kxciiaiice , 1503 Farnam St , up-stalrs. 228 tf Movnvto loin ot lowest rates vf Interest by Bcrnls 13th and Douglas its. 978 tl [ MoNnr to loin In sums of 8200 and upwards on I' first real estate security. l > ottjr& Cobb , o 1510 Farnam at. 619-tf A/TONKY To loan on chattels , Wotllcv & Harrison , 'VI ' Hoora 20 , Omaha National bank building 838 tf ONKY TO LOAN On real estate and chattels iVl D. L. Thomas. 837tf. H P ! vo > rII MONKT ! II Money to Loan-On chattel eccntlty by W. It. Crcft , room 4 , With- neil bulldlni ; , N. K. corner 15tn and Huney Af'cr ' cara of experience a'd a careful study of the busl I ness of loaning money on persnal property , I have at last perfected a sjstcmlicroiy the publicity usual in such ca o < la done anay withand I am now I tn a position to meet the demands of all ho become tcmporarlal } embarrassed nd desire to ral'o money without deli } and In a quiet manner. Ilousetccp- I B era , professional Kontlcmon , mechanics and others In this city can obtain advances from 810 to $1,000 on JeW such security as household tirnituro. pianos , ma JoI chinery , horses , wagons , warehouse receipts , secured I [ 1 of hand . without from ed notes , etc. , rcmiMng eamo onneia residence or place of baslnsas. Una f the adtantageslofler Is that any part of any loai can bo paid at any ttmo which will reduce the Interest pro rata and all loans renewed at tha original r t < " 8 of Interest. I have no brokers In connection with my office , but personallj superintend all my loui" , I have prhate oOlcos connected with my general oflico eo thai customers do not come In contact with each ether , consequently maklcg all trausactlona strictly piliate. W. R. Croft , room 4 , Wlthncll building , N. K. cor. 16th and Barney. 637-J. 21 C \CONEY Loaned on chattels , cut rati , K. R Ii tickets nought and Bold. A. Forman,213 , S. 13th St 838 tf Vf ONBY LOANED at C. F. Reed &Co' . Loan office IVL on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds and all otho rtrtlcles of value , ulthout rcmoal. Cher 1st National lUnltcorner 13th mil Farnam. All business otrlctly cocfldentlal ITOKKT SO LOXK In antns cl tSSOanr ] npward. 7l O. T. Davlj and Co. , Basl KrtMo ard I.r , n I cents , 1805 rMnaruBt. 810 U WAfTTKDFEMALK HELP. WAVTKD Nurse Klrl who llt-es In the dtj to como In dnvtlrno and t.kc ciro of Infan' . Aipv ] ) 110 South 24tli St. 518 tf VSTKU ? eam'trts3 who cm cut and fit , 1210 W lodoS3t. 211-tfp ITMsTFii-A prlrl for aentral tomu v\orl < ; Goiinaii AA jirofcireil , 1018 C intel avenue. SOO-tf AAW TASTKD-Ininiedlatcl ) , aitconJ oman cook nt Occidental Hotel 21 Ut WASTED Urst CB3Svlrl for Kitchen work , rru t be gcoi cook , washer and Iron3r , S6 per week , t > 1318 Capitol aio.between I'.thand lUb sU 136 13p TTfT/NTKD Immediately , 1 llrst-clm 'i.m lo cook ; V > wagtaSlO to5rrmcnth Call at 1120 Far- ,1111 , St. 235-12 ITAMPD-Oood lady cook at the Commercial hotil > Oth and Leavenivcrth street. 103-lJi | VlTANTrD Aladv to taliocarc olacd educate my V > llltlo daughter. Pieaso address " 0 F" Bte illlco. 218-12p -An old lady to aeblst In Kitchen , p 102 North nth atroct. 21S 13p ANTXD-Aelrl to cook ana also a dlnlncr room girl at IBIl Dodge bt 103-13 IANTKD Olrlat 1510 Sherman avenue. W JflD-tf J , if. Couniman , FI'Bt class roolc end laundress , 2303 W Karnara. JlrsJ. M Ihurston. 171tt \T17AMKD Three dlalnu ro-m glr's , 2 laundry frlrli V > fi kitchen glrlt aud dlshwaihcru , S nureo girls. 10 FArnaru Street. 101-tf -23 good clrla lor first and aooond work WAMFD . < 3 , $1 and $160 , I1JO Farnam at. 108 tf . . . . D-Qco.1 female co > ki for hotels and prlv ate toirJlntf houiee , oil 1110 Ktrnam st. 101-tl TT7AMHI ) Thrae eiperlenced womoi cjnvassorr , TT { Uier daBU r i.toe , j room 7 , RoJick b'ock. ( i70-tf I AVTED flrit-ol * idlnlri5 | room iflrl at the Uet- 1 rojiollUn bottl ; noue otocr nfed upply 62J-H WANTED MALE HELP. - , 40 good strong men that arousid to track vtoik , 1180 F ruatn street. No others need aprly. 20tf Three men toiella new en-l pojmlar book on inonillypa neDt , big cominlsilon Addrtw 11. L. butler , Omaha , heb. 145-13 clgaruiakeriiwaritcil. Imiulroof ( Ice 11 FOIR Qodfre ) , Fumout , Nub. 1 rfiNTrD-rivat'oi/diiarcr haoger at 418 North > ICth § trtet 437-tf SITUATIONS WA TKD. V\TAS D-UV a v luni" man with btn of rocotnon- \ > rutloni , iiuneBtlui ai bunk tctir | er cornjst A II Waite , ttCharleilioUmarnevS W Up \\TA' ' Trti ) = i u tionn.ldd'oeB'td ' man , amthlng 11 h n rahlc. botds and good rifereiac tddresu Vn , 5 0 d 14ta bt S3017p \-TTANtin Situation I > a voucguianaigo < 1 baker M crvtlllunrkat nn > tbin.Koolrcfcroucc ( llu McAllst r.O-cuilPe'lur . Cm lu , ISB.12 ? r\"A\i D ry an AmeilMn h y a poiltlon to dj TT honsawork In a Bm Ilf m ly 615 S uru1crs It 16112p \ \ * vrKD-FojItlon loravelIn ( Jicbraskaicncraldry ; V > goods ; ( iprclil line ) rcferioJ from July Itt.lariro acqualnttncc In't reference fromprc'cnt crn- ploycri. Addrcw box 46 , W } more , Neb , 15G-16p JFOH AKNT UOUSES AND LOTS. IJViR RR\T Furnished hcii'c on cu line , during ' July ami August , to f&mtlj vv Itli nit children. S27-15 Hell&Shrlvor. TTOR RFM-B room cottape on Potplrton avenue , X1 bevullful location , will tell Ihefurnltire on mor.thlv jnjmcntf , or rent It fnrnl hed , or sill the propelt > on fttsy pnvuient' . 0. 1' Mnyno k Co , S W corner 15th anil Farnam. 221-18 jVm Kr A new houta , corner Webster and ISlh ! street Acdrcss J. D. 'jhomas , Toil otllco 191-lSp Foit RUNT Two cottages lion am street between S3d and 25tli li stores 6 and S rooms. Inquire at 2110 Harnor St. 17M2p FOR BF.rlloU3indlot on 22il neir dirk with stable loom fr 4 ! rr c , S15per insntli Inqalra at K. A Mar-h , 004 nortD Hth , 872 tf FOR SKvr Cottage room ! and house rooms. J Phlppi Roe , 1512 S. 6th St. 33Mf FOR RUNT rhrceetorj' brick store bulMIng ; en quire of Kdtvard horrla & CD. , room IB Crounso Block. B31 tf MISOKLLA-NEOUS WANTS. WAXTKD To bur n house and lot for about $2,300 ; can l > ty onn third c h. Address J , U Wliklo , clt } . S2MS WAMFn-Uooni In a prlv ate family vv Ithout boar J , near depot , In city cvcrv other dav. ObJ.ct , pleasant hcmo. Address II. B. Wright , P , 0 S2t-12p WA > TRII Onnd agents to eell book's anil albums on innntbly pajmcnts , salary or commission ; call at nr a.Mrc R M2 r > lllh it .Onnhx 17E-15r > WA > TED Ono icsponelble and well known person In each coun'j NorthAVcst ard South , lo rnan- > go the Agenrv fir the sale of the homo hold Pliar- niacy.a family Drug store and JMIcil Institute com. binod. Price ocly 10dollars A household nccos'lty and beit selling article cv er In the market No com petition ; tteaJj employment all the v car round For particulars and clrculira addre a"Tho Sun Cliunlcal Co. , " Incorporated , 248 W. 4th St. , Uluclnnatl , O , f 08-lSn - _ _ VX7AMFH 3 unfurni lied rooms Hiitab'o ' for light TT house keening In aprlvatohomo by aminnnil wife. Address "TJMV'Uco clllco 130-17p A ORNTS-WAMKD. Adil'cs3 St Louis Elcctrlo Lamp \ Co , St Lou I ) for ctrcuhr , cuts and terms ol the 58 can dip co or Marsh Electric I.vinp 3I1-J12 WA > < TK1 > Kvcrv ady In need of a Bowing ma chine , tn eoo the now Improved American No , P R Floilman t Oo. nccnti ; 220 N 10th 830H KOOMS FOR RENT. BFXT A riloelv lutnl hcd anil ttull vcntllateil Fen front room , with bath room attached , In prlvnto ainllv ; ttret cliss locution anil roldcnce Applj o Paulscn A , Co , No. 1513 t'jrniui St. 239 ICp Foar.t\T A handsomely furnished room , liitli room ; 1729 Cnpltcl nvc 200-13p rron Rt.\T Vcrv pleasant liiifurr.ljlnd 10 ins lu L1 pllvitchou c , 07 N. 17thst 23J16p fT'oani'AT ' Nicely furclthcd ( rent room 1023 Dodge L1 Street. 228 13p foa RK\T Nowlv furnished rooms ioi Caoltol ' aveiiiio , corner 17tb. 2l5-17p LIOIC nrsr A Ititnlshctl loum at 1811 Lioige bt P 210-13 rjon Hi-ST Furnished room 1017 Chicago St. D 220-11 7 0a iiKST Ttvnunturnlsh J IOOIIH and a stali'o ' at ? IBlorjruamSt. E23 13 FOR RKNT-2 furnished rcome , 1711 CalitotnU I02-13p FOR RR\T J iccly furnished dent room 312 N. 17th 3 diva. 20312p 7oRRRM--E'c ' ant newly furnished roorna with ' boar I at 1015 Capitol avenue , bath room and gag , lillla to climb. Ev ci.v thing new. 177 12u mvr PurnUntd rooms , 1810 l > od u street. B10R lE3-Julyfl F I OR RFNT 4 email furnisbcd room ; j leisintly 0- catulS5pcr monthCOS ; N 17th st. 181.12p 70s. \T-2nlccIj . . fuinlihcd . . . room , suitable for igcatlcman nd wife or Kenthmoo wither with- ut board , tine location 2020 St. Mar , } 'a tic. . 182-13p T 3 rooms furnished for houEelioeplni. 18IB Calllornu St 108-15. RFM1 Furnished and UDfurnished roimi at 1510Hatne > St. 167-tf OR RUST Elegant'y furchhcl room , eaandu o lo cfhath room suitable lor two gentlemen , 1421 0. ones at 16M5p 7OR * Rr\T Nicely furnished larze South front room ? with boardflrkt--lass ; residence ana location ; icdern improicmenta , home comforts , 635 Pleasant 891-13P FOR Rrvr- Centrally locatsd furnished rooms at 6t3 south 15'.hut. ' 125-U _ ' RR > T For manufrc'urlDc purposes or hall , b'OR l r ornom44x75,3dlloorNo 110 S 14th tt . F nmiiro at 1403 Do < Uo tt. Simoson. Fi 111-tf i fTTon nr > T Handsomely furnUtied rooms suliable y for gtntliman and wife or two gentlemen at r 203 no < lBO t. 10M2p W fOB RKST Large lundsomclv furnlthed cool room L' modern convenience , lth excellent board for wo gentlemen ; al'o table boird , 1718 Dadirn 6S7 tf < OR RKM MooTy lurnishedroora sultable 7oir t o H gentlemen , gis and bath , 3225 Dodge. 054-tt T burni-lioi largo front room with alcove L' ' grate bath , cto. , 1710 Cass street. 949 tf IJ OR RKNT Hoomvvltlihoarilsultibloforoneor two f gentleman , 1812 Dodge St 701 tf on np\r Largo front ro"in on tlrnt lloor with or 1 with hoard ; mqulro at 1901 foiium St. fo fj OR RPNT Furnished lo m and board fhc dollar t1 tor week ; best looliU 1S14 m\onp rt. 11M P Wlta board.doslrablf f ) r summor. Appl > ROOUH Clinics Hotnl. 633-tf ' JT Pevera line clllced In Crouneo1 block , FOlllU' Ed Norrls , room 19 Crouneo blocl B34 tf FORSALE FARMS. " KAtK-Impio\ed farm 240 acres ; Ca s Co.N'eb Sl.oicn acres wl'liln ' 3 blocka ef Po-t olT.cs , Weeping Water ; wIl | fell cr trade for Ornaht i r > P \ \ W H. ( Itecu , Omaha Neb. 233-tf TToi' BAtKOttTHAiiK-210 aero farm and llfiof bot- f torn Uml In Kearnej county , Neb , will trade for stock of hardware la Iowa or Nebraska. J , W. t'olc , 1MB P St. , Lincoln , Neb , 113-12p Tjion BALK Uood farm In Mtshlngton Co. ; 171 1 ? icrcs ; 0 acres cultivated ; good bulldlnfs ; flne . oiclmrd ; running water ; all fouced , Edward Norrls Co. . room 18 Ctounso Block. 835tf _ - feet oiCumltij.'bo'ttecn IBthandSOth FORSALK-SJ wltb house , $2,700. , Bedford Si Souer. OBO-lf HALR Uilf a section of land In Loup Valley , 1TOK t'c > , well Improved house , good barn , corn cilb and grQ lngcrpsalsoaKood ; house and lot ID Fullerton. Apsly to K. Brlngbam , Omtlia. 135 lu T710R BALK \ OJO aero stock and grain farm , all Im I ; proved ; four hours' ride from tbe Omaha Sloak Yards ; oen miles from the o'ty ' cf pierr.or.t ; tna railroads ulthln ttirue miles ; 300 acres under plow , thero-t in pasture ; bJird fence , running fctrcam through pasture ; bouse with ton rooms ; will bos"Id cheap If aold immediately ; on terms to suit. For further particular ) Inquire of Deo. 0. Qrodfrev , Fre mont. Neh Blfltt FOR SALE HOUSES-LOTS. tioutli 10th street , corner lot COxHO fee' , cast front ; 7 room hourc , barn , all Imj rovementi , ihiulitry eto , for Jl.ftO ) . Must bo told. W II Green , 01 er lit Nat'l Bank 231 tf mi K targe ; house , newly built , 0 room , all FOR Improvements with t lot , at 171U Casn et ; Inquire at premises. 128tf BALK-A choice lot In Ilinsiom I'laoo on FOR icoricta Avenue ; will HO' ) at a bargain on term tomlt ; address D C. A. , Bionlllce. ISOtf J BALK -I'he lots 1'xlSO ; together on Leaven , FOR street ; beautiful location , 31,000 One- fourth cash , balacci on long time , easy terms. Cralle& Jones. 210 tf HAIP Thru ) I dutiful ruidunco Shlnn't FOR add. BplendU vlw. . filiJ. Cimlr , 16th and DsujUf 978-tf \ SALK 7he cheanrst bta in the c ty only It I7\OK north west of the Post otlkc , rrlces ranting 'roraS ' 25to il.OOJtadi , terms to suit 13unle,16tk U78tf _ Litsln Credit F'utler a 1,1 , and cranO lturtf.iear V. andjl & 3fdeie/l , 50 and L'tmU , 15th and Dou Us. i' SALSlliM'icsj lot on 18th i troct 123 Last Iron . ' JI2.5CO , usonuiro h mi , lot near Na'l ' worktVtGOl Benil * , 15 h anl Dou.'las 07tf I' ind a half la 1'irhcr'i a < 14 ) I,6CO or I' ' UU ) for lull loti , t o loti lu Shlnu'a VJ ajj StOO c > cli _ ll tn , llitli nJ Doug a _ B7a t n.a Tuo Ion lo Uke'i a lu jl.UuOtt'Jtl Jl.SiC FJK thr .c lUffillton , i t tl Faimc'crt utrnJ5JD , ftVJJU-j j'Qtf ' Ji UcmU , t It ) e " - "Ml DJVO" ? b- o 1312 1312 Need not mention location to you who have paid ug n visit , but for Hie benefit of you who bnve not , \vo wisl1 to impress upon your mind that \ve The only and original headquarters for Merchant Tailor Misfit and Uncalled for clothing in Omaha , as locnted U For reasons of economy , our margins are siuml , and in order to mnko both ends of the string meet , we must ? occupy cheap quarters ; by this we make our suvin < r and our saving is your benefit , You will find studying the interest of fcl < o public every hour ; if you labor in any doubt , visit your tailor , then SOB the same goods with us , made up in the highest art , to bo sold for loss than half your tailor's price ; -ve aie Emporium handling merchant tailor misfits and the only place where a $00 merchant tailor made suit can be bought for $25.00 and others in same proportion. For genuine bargains m clothing come to the B F , 1312 DOUGLAS STEEET-UP-SfAIES , 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock' Saturdays until 10 o'clock .W. B. Merchant tailors with misfit and uncalled for garments left upon their hand will confer a favor iy addressing The Origindl Misfit Jlothirg Parlors. 1812 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. TUrn SALK Aero lot on Carnlu ; s'.icct fronts on 7 tines ttrEctD , ? 4,500. Tr.rtc quarters ol an aero on California streetneir icrod Heart Acidcmj , 82,503. Bcmls , nth and 078-tt 7V > R8AL.p tots on Sounders street , $1,030 each ; * caiy terms. Bctuls , 15th and Doughs. 978-tf 7V > B BALK -Bern Is' new traps ot Omaha , ? 3 pach 1 Bcrnls , 16th and DougUe. 078 tf _ T OK BALE Tno chftlco lots In Iltnacom place on ? Oeorgli no , one block east of Park 2 to ; corner S ! , fenced , oaot front , part cish. Address "O " P. , box 483. BOS 13p JKW norm of 4 rooms and Btablo with full lot on N Hamilton , near 30th and west of Saundersstreet , ,100 ; oi = j terms to suit purchaser. IIEMH , 16th id Doughs streets 883-tl J ODSES and lots In an > part of Omaha , $1,100 to ISI6,000. Bemls. 16m and Douglas. d78-tf TViii SALS Flno residence , modern Improvements , 1 flno view cenlerij located ; price ? 10,000. A-ldress F. W. " Bee office. 778 tf 710R SALT Good 5 room houae , lot 60x132 feeteait 1 rout , $1400 , $100 cash , balance $16 i per month , Green , over let National bank. ? IOR SAL * Homo full lot , well , cistern , barn , all In J good condition , ono block from street cars 11 000 ay terma. W U Green , over lit Nat'lBauk. 853-tf Ton BALE Forty lota for ea'o on Irurt and CurainnH J between 28th and Slst cheap , Inside property odford & Soucr. 701 tf 7 < OR LRASB Best unoccupied groutid In the ty for ? vtarohimso house,87 feet fronton I-oiuonnorth , orth bat 10th and lllli.will leajeforOD 5cars. Bed- ) rJ i , Souer. COS tl [ JioRSALK Twciitj-t n feet on F rnam street a 0 bargain If taken Immcdiatelx. W II Green FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ( ) STCCKMfN I'Oll SALE A cirload fcry r flno halt Ca loua > and boll Shorthorn bulU for iloatU Ion S.ccU Yards , b ) Wasner , SaMuo A. indcre. 548 15 miK-A good horic suitable for a lad ) to Foil , ilicnp , n oAuer his no use lur him. I' . J. tenters , 111 Ciiltolft\o. ] 213-18 A-flrBtclasilreeh joun rallchcow , not over 4 jears old ; give breeding and price , lock lox 517 , Omaha. 219 tf BALK Valuable Checkering grand plato nearly FOB and little used , at large discount nt 1718 .ats streit. 9 5-tf ORSALK Wagon umbrella ) , line now stock at EI 1 1403 end 1111 Dodge st. 672 tf GV > H BALK A four hundred dollar plino it a f gain , 1818 California St. ft- _ IJOR HAUi li o No 1 phaetonone eecon J hand bug. g\ . Ayi < v U09 rtil 1411 IVwliro at REA.L ESTATE. HOR HAtB-Bj HJllou llros , 317 8 18th bt. I ? Corner lot with hcusoon Davenport ot. . * 3t50. Corner lot with liouaj on Burt st. $3,800. IIouso and let near Long 6'chool , $1,600 IIouso aid lot on Division Bt. f 1,000 llouie and lot netr 23d and Leavf n'tli , $1,000. Jlnniio and corner lot In 1'rupect Place , 81,000 Fifteen Iota near Leavenwoith and 1'ark Av.eicb , WOO Flno cast front Uanionm Dace lots , 8300 Detlrable htl Hurt and Lo u AV , 930) . For rtnt , 7 bouses from $7.tO lo $25 00. 178-10 BALB 7 room cottage , we 1 , barn an I cistern , iron iBlh st'ect a blocks from shops $2,600 , on easy lermn. Potter & CobS , 1116 Farnam St tf < OR > ALK On aoutb 22d Bt , one 4 room and one 6 Ir ' room outrage , barn , wtll , cls'ern , &o , on eamo ot , rent for 25 tiermonth , nnly 33,200 ; would tell icparatel ) . Pottarfc Oahb , 1515 farium St. 85011 BALK. A full corner lot , two Hoc us west of FOR cir lme-SW. This U posltlt cly a bargain , E. Hllt > ytCo.tl513lh St For Sa'o- Lot 60x110 , a2d St. , near Grace , 8800. rbls la also a bkigalo. J. K. Blley It. Co. ,215 S 13tli fit Fcr 8al Throa lots 00x140 , south front. 4 blocka from street r r * . JWOoich ; b rj lu J. E. Hlley A ; For Rale T o'lotl on Georgia iv.Be-'lc'i'i.add ' cast front , no jr dpL' | , near F n < am , 7txl40-2000e ch IbMi ore Troisonibl. . J. F. HllwCo,21fi H 13th Ht. For Sale Nine l < > ' on Vlrk'lnli avc , teOO to $330 each J K. llll > i.Co . 16 H 13th [ t. For Sale Ten lots on Cum'iij ' st , and nine on Uurt st , lour blocks from mllltarj bridge J F. Kl- Icj & < o..21SHlSth t. _ _ ForB lo E'ghteco ' lots on VUiton tt , , ono block fromt'rnilnus I3h street cu llu . Pujltlul ) cheap J II 111 ! j t Co. , 216 8 33th it. We dcilre to uy to our ratrons thit In th above llsiwo pangUoawuranoonf tafeand profitable m- toitin rt M' lau bave proi crt ) In tlmost over ; nuiit rul the ilty woriliy of luvwtigU'uo. & CQ jlB3JBht , | 823 tt _ _ _ itB-Lot n llllliilda old cheapest and lee FOR lu lo-a In f-o cltj , ? 7 0 to J3SO < xcluslv icei tl Putttr It Coat ) . 651 U ja Ai. Tbwerjw sUoUlnHan 3.m place F Oil U Vottcr & L'rAjb MARION PLACB 8 good lots hi this addition w Ith- In 3 bUcks of street cirs , can bo had on easy terms. WII Orcco , over 1st Nat'l Btnk. 827-tf "VTE / orrrn ran SAI.R East half of block 3 Smith's VY add , t > CO feet front , two aero lots , nicest in Omaha , full view of cltj > nd Bluffs , making 10 lots IGS feet each , vv 111 soil half or all. Lots 44 nndeo , Knlson'sadd , 9700 each or will ecll half of either ; r.ots 60x146 Kouclr'a 2d add. near Oth and Center , $400 each. Lot 6 , block 1 , Kuintz'3 Ith add , being store on 10th st , full lot-S(0 , ( , also lot D sumo block SI,350 Two lots In Siuth Omaha , by Goodman's , with house , orchard , cistern , and well , all $100. 18 five acre lets tn Vlncland , 6 miles north city limits overlooking city and HlufTs , 335 per acre. Lots 10 and 11 , block 19 , Ilanscom placa very sightly , 8I.20D for both. Half aero ISO f Hit front block 6 , Park phco , with house , barn , well , and cistern Corner , 2 lots In Uavvtborne on Casa tt , OCO for both etc etc. Call and see us , Dexter L. Thomas ' & I3ro. , Beal Estate ; Room 8 Crclgbton block. 678 tf TTtoR BALK-By O. F , Davis & Co . 1505 Farnam SU J * Omaha. IIouso and lot on south Eighteenth St. , f 1,000. " " " ! Twentieth " 81,400. 2 houros " Dodge near 20th St , 82,200. 8 ota In Hanscom Plicc , each , 3 625. IIouso and lot on Park avenue , $4(00. " " Davenport St. , 812 000 , ' < i" J 2,000. " " south 13th " $ 4,000. 16,003 acres of hnd In Boone cxiunty , 87 to 810. SO.OOO " " " Stanton " S7 to 812. Land In Madison , Waj no , Plitlo acd Hall counties on easy terror. Mono-lino 111 bit mo. 608 t Tpon HALR One of finest residences In city within L1 Bblotksof Port office , 1J lots corner , cheap at $15.000. Potter .t Cobb , 1516 remain bt. 053-tf PALK By Jlnrso & Bruiiner A full lot on POU bt near farnam St. A great bargain at 5,000. 1011 SALK Blfcet on Jonci St. , a corner , a ilcndid place for n ware house or line locatK n ur Jobbing Inuso Hem' rkal ly chcaji at $7tOO. HH bALE-Fmo liuslrifM lot fOxUJ on 13th St r Piirco St. , corn r Is only i > attly Improved rid reritlng for 840 per month , 85 000 FOIl SALErjno propirt ) on Dodge and 18th TCttS , rOlt BALK A cholco corctr fO feet fron larney St , a good Imcstmuit nt814,000. I Oil SALK 'splendid corners on Fnrnam St near ic new court house , toil SALh fcoaio line bualnoas lots ono a corner n 18th St. , fromSlOOOto&JfOOcjso FOIl KM F. Ono of th < finest rcsdcnccs In the tv , full lotmi chgant IIDJ.C , centrally and beautt- illv lee ted. FOK SALE-132 feetsquarocn a switch ally , a orncr Virv cheap. $3f03 FOR BALI' A si luultd corner on 10th St. south f Cumlrgs 137 ( list front , 85,500. FOIl HALE 132 feet square south front , a corner CMfo'iila . ,3 blocka from lied car line a fine oration , ! block of 0 tnell front brick lirusfu , will rcntrcadllv at $ 0tou > 0 ptr month Ilomark- bly cheap tt $5,000. FOlt HALE A corner lot a"d houro on Dodge Rt loir f8th St , lot 49-76 uucli corncrj are hard to get 5,600 FOIl SALK House and lots ot all description ) ) In U i art ) of the city at prlcta and locutions to ault all lurcliaiers. FOIl SALE A splendid cottage , lot 30x127 , a jlock and a hall from l\od car line , $1,000 , will eell > n monthly rajniLiiU. KOH WALK .Now two story houro 6 rooms , lot 0x127 , one block and a half from Saundira at , easy erne , $1,000 FOlt SALK A number of very choice lots In Han com Place , Hcimhtugh place , Itodlck'a eubdlvUlon nd all deir ! b'o additions In the city at prices In many Instances below sny one else , Alio some fine ist end south front loti on Bed Carllto In Patrick's .dditlon on the most favorable terms , the cheapest if any loti lu the city considering btrect car conv IH incoa , &e FOIl UiNT : Iloutcs and stores In all parts of the Ity. MOliaK A 05-JI2 1'JXton'a block cor 16th & Farnam , BUSINESS OHAJfOES. WANTKD To exchange 060 icrogood farm laot In Cueter Co. , Neb , for stock cf general mer- .haudlse. For full particulars , address "J W II cck box No 8 , W } more , Neb. 231 22p BiBiNrwi CIIAMX duldo Rook , Neb. , wanta a Block ot K'Dti furnishing gooda , also a jeweler he rln'ht mm can find a good location ; sultaUo IIIS for rent tt reesonable flgnre ? HALK Jlotcla ; nlio small hotel , good loottlon FOR rent and long lease. Apply "T S" lloo like 161 Up sur. A first ch s stloon , loctto 1 la th e beet Foil of the tlt > ; the prccnt propiletor goirg t : 'mope , Is willing to dispose ( f It on reaionale terms , .nquiru S. TioUlir , 103 S IStn at , 13S-13 OR BAtB-At a bargain , ou a count of iny health F filling. 1 i h to dlpnse of m > billiard hall It is In the beet location In the cltv , nod doing a good p > lngbuelnes at all tlmns. For full particulars lUdrcsa U L. ilcrman , Plitt moutli. M > b. D35 JuljZp I70K BALK ) ruf itore In a desirable looallty , ull I' Invoice about $1 603 HO PMtereon , NK cornel 13th and Farnatn < 2 tl I'/OR SALE Oi exchange a full ttock cf clottilag bvotuanJehovd , cent' farnl hlnfc'gcoJ , wllloi- riiiiige for Netu Uk Landi. U. H.Petoison.hCl ( I Uth f-t. . Oiuahk. J.vb 8UUI on HAW.-In Ocklanu Kea llr t-tla.nmoat marLtt K r.lio tbu lurr.l'urool IlioSt Paul hotel , For p r tl-uhitj. luuulio or wilts WlA'c't & Uibllcg.Oakltnd Ntb. OH wJ ! PERSONAL. I > KUSO\AL Mrs Ii IT. Hoapor. trance cUlrvojant , arid healing medium , ever 710 North Idtli St. _ S52-J81 D B. A ciiRSTKRi'iKi.t ) MoKnolIc iihyticlaii. test nnd dcvcloplrijr medium , over 018 north 10th St , _ _ 653-J21 HOTELS. IJ.STITUTR Hotel , formerly Cro'trhton ' house , newly furnished ; term ] ino Jerate , 13tb and Capitol nvo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 488 | ! 7p IOE CIIEAM. mini rurret , ilchest and belt ice cream ( .1 aj a fresh JL on hind ; orderi for pn\ato arid botrdlnar houo promptly deluerod. C rl Schmlil , 03 South 16th treot , above Farnam. 103jh -9 W -A few table boarders at Z222 Divenporc strost. 115-lSp ORRIS' Parlor Hcstaura t N Board by the wo V , 3 2n. If cnl tickets , $3 60 Sinrlomoilj , 20 cuntp. lor N. 16th street , noir DoJgc. 713-j CHIROPODIST. C All nllmenta of the feet , a iccossfullv treat ed : b > Dr. Birr } , 1512 Douglas street , Otllco for adles. 7D2jly3 LOST AND FOUND. FOIM > A sum of mon y. Owner run ha\o fatno b ) cilliiu at thu olllce , unpropert \ and arges. LOST A bronn COM , tliin In lloih.brandod on light hip and s ratclio 1 on left ehouldLr , crd of leftiar cut till , rlf lit mr tilt Ileturn lOthbiid Ifarnej and rtcelio rtuaid F. I ) Anderson 4"-Si ! | | " OST flay lioreo d > ik imrif , hlud feet white , left I Jhip joint Bwolli'ii , neulvHhoil Under ] > liamro- t i ( y John Tcear , gflth aim l.-a\cri nrlh 21 8-12p roHK A church compendium and gospel hjmn Jbook bitn r en 1'lori ncn nnd Sarat'ga cchcol IK lisa last fcuudiv nenlng , UnJcr jlcase lca\o ramo at Max ( llatlstono's,1211 DovgUu ttrcct.nnd get regard. 212.1'Jp TAKKV ii' A niiull Imyllraiicho pony ; the owner enn ha\o the uarno b/ calling and pit ) Ing the cobt at DennU O'Ulellej'd , half mile west of Union Stock Yards. 206 12)1 ) T OST Largo red cow , T Murray. 001 tf I OST- Water spaniel pup two months old ; lewiril J will be | uld for return to 0. C. Hobble , 22I& Dodge itrect. 1S7.11 \ sorrel horse weight about both hind fee ) white , to ; ft ncut soro. Hew - w rd paid If returned to Cth and Bancroft. John S ndcr' UMlp from Pacific , betAUiiitn nd tthsts , a large cow , red and w hlte spots , i mi II horns. $1 reward will bo paid foi return of same. Charlie Fred * erlckson. ICO-llp MISOELLANEOUS. Tn > ORSAiK-lIandsDrae Inusshcld ( iiinituro of 10 Jl * room houto before July 1st. Parlies going omt , 610 Pleasant Bt. 113.13 OB8AtK-A counter and two cases at a buyain. f O. t" , DM In & Cu , UOJ Farnam troot. 124-11 fTin U V. Park bolted 12 miles H. W. on U. P. Tin , Is now open to the publlo and can bo rented for pic-nlei and social ijitherlnga. Special rates for faruulun. FortcrmscalloraddreMIJ. V Bchwcrck P pllIIon , Neb , 8 > 2 tf HARM Parties wishing to purohaio brood BROOD for ranch purpoioa please call at Ilouian'a Liter ) ttablr , 113 go nth ISthetroet , Omalu. E82-tf A UAMIOVKU liOMKurKtuH Novltw. Persons who 7Vtook homtiitealii In Western Kanita pretloud to Juno 16th , IbbU , and abaudonei them ulthout mak ing Una ! prool , will learn snmcthln to their advan tage bv addressln f mu bv letter at nnoa. tiato Mul- liolliiiJ. laud attorney. Kenneth , Bhcildan Co. , Kau- a > . OJ3-JIJO mi-vrn TAO , Uoen not glvu jou heart liurn , faiisicditmudat ouo cent , each by the dealers. I'oycko Uro . AtienU. am M On Klkhurn and 1'latte. T , Murray. PASIUBK 800 tf itittEJ TAQHi riUtfl vorod , ttKO rodconiod CIIEW o&atouhby : tliQ dealers , Peycke Uroi. Itgents eS3 tf ITION on b.inlo slvt-n by U K IS , VIU'M , and ruuiiKla Uoanbi at ttiorUst rw < PRH tiai9ot the uivlahi untlrtly.rdorl j/ ) my vl'l ouImprnx l iurn ( . id ilrmg u apirn- | tUH , all , 'aoe i cl aidlb ) uiUl entoctu'l taw , cl.irtei .la. A. K\ini , IV6 Dodga ttloat up ( Ula. IIKM TAO , It does not taint the broatb , tagi G rod < moil at one c itl Mh ky ttae Ueiloi ; , l'e > ck BrcB , ' sen'