Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1885, Image 1

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    NO 255
A Terific Slora strops Dowu Ih
M&onrl Valley ,
The Deaf and Dumb Asylum a
Council Bluffs Destroyed ,
C. I.ltniicM's | New Four 3tr ry Buthi
liiK Crushed line n MBHS ot
Itnliw Ono Man Injured ,
The elements were very angry for n whll
last evening. They roared nnd plunged nn
rolled , venting their wrath In wild peals o
bunder , wicked flaahesof lightning , aweepin
wind nnd thu heaviest fall of rain that ha
been seen hero for a long time. The day hac
boon hot and sultry. Old prognosticates
predicted storm and they were right
Between G aud 7 o'clock ' black clouds began t
loom up nway to the north nnd little gusts o
wind flirted with miniature waves
of dust about the streets
In n few minute ? the henvena became dar
kontd with clouds of inky blackness and th
air was filled with a stupendous mountain o
dust that wns dfivcn with terrific force ncros
city and country. Incitement reigned BU
promo and hundreds of people were fnghtenec
lor their live" , Following Immediately upot
the heels of tbo first heavy burst ot win ;
came a very hard rair , accompanied by n co
pious supply of hail , which continued to pour
down about half , in hour GO bard that the
streetn run rivers of ruahiug wate
aix inches deep. As a natural resul' '
the wind left in its wake evidencoj of mon
or leas damage. Omaha eulferoJ somewhat
The piiutipitl and greatest damage waa thn
which'befell Mr. C. Llnquest's new whole
sale Btoro building , a four story brick
structure , occupying NOB , 1005 and ICO ? Jone
street , which was in course of erection , Thi
walls of the buildicg were up nnd ready t
receive the rc-of , which would have been pu
on next week. With the tirat awcap of heavy
wind that struck tin uncompleted edifice
there was ) a frightful crash , a fearful duit
nnd almost every particle of the ontir
structure laid in a broken , shapeless mass iu
tha cellar nnd on tha ground round about.
Caused by thU wreck , Peter Olson , n car
penter , ia the BiilFernr of what are believed to
be fatal injuries , Mr. Olbou lived nil nloni
inn small frame shanty on lot 1003 which nd
joins tha fallen building on the east , At thi
time of the catastrophe , tbo injure (
man was in hia abode pre
paring to retire for the night. About one
quartoi of tha east side wall tell on top of thi
little khanty , completely crushing it to tin
ground and burying the iiulortunate victim
beneath a largo pile of bricks and mnrtar
lie managed , however , to txtric&to hlmsel
nnd staggered , bleeding profusely , out int <
tha street , P , Wilg , who keeps the Boston
dry goods atorj on the opposite corner , Ban
the injured man and ran nt once to nis assist
auco. llo waa carried into a barber shop on
the corner of Tenth and Jones streets am
Dr. Galbraith was summoned to attend him
On examination it was found tint Mr , Olsoi
bad the top of his head laid r.pan , the gnal
boine about six inches long aud to the scull
The doctor thought that no bones wera bro
ken , though Mr , Olson seemed to be suffering pain and talked very irrationally. Ilav
ing no family here or other home to goo t
than the one that had been laid low , hi
friends took him to St. Joseph's hospital
Hij condition was considered very critical
and it Is extremely doubtful whether he re
The Ill-fated building is a total wreck.
Tbo two side walla were blown down to tha
very foundation atones , and the rear wall baa
gone down the center to the topa of the first
story windows , leaving standing at each cor
per high columns of bricks which loomed a
in the gloaming nnd looked liku dark smok
stacks. About two-thirds of the front wai
remained , but It was all taken down last nigh
to prevent further accident nnd possible los
of life.
Thu brick and stone contractors of tbl
building are Bally Olson , und the woo
work contractors are Hamilton & Wooloy
They were to turn the etruc
turo over completed to It
wner , Mr , hinqueat , for § 22,000. What the.
had done before last evening's disaster Is n to
tal loss , and will not fall fur abort of § 10,000
The contractors had until within the past tw <
days a builders' policy on the job , but Mr
Hamilton stated to a ! ! EK reporter last even
sngthatho thought they had let It tun out
Of course soma of the material ,
biicks and timbers can bo usei
in rebuilding but much of it will have to hi
replaced with new , A large crowd of poopl
collected after the rain waa over to look n
the tulna. At ono time a sensational rumo
spread around that n man had been seen ii
the building not throe minutes before it fell
and wai burled underneath the ruin ? , bu
this rumor prove J to bo groundless ,
Several small out buildings were turnoi
over.It wna the hardest rain that has been seen
hero for many jean.
A street cnr was blown from the track nl
the corner of Tenth end Famam.
A few very funny thing j were noted ,
Duuglns street looked like a river at on
A large number of cellars were flooded.
Portable tigns were transported in nil
A hack with two people in it wna turnci
over , nu Douglas street , but nobody sulloret
by reason of injuring.
The roar witdov of Bell's drugstore a
820 South Tenth utreet was blown In ant
fame damage resulted to ono or two cises o ;
A buggy , containing lady and gentleman ,
i oming down St. Mary's avenue , was caught
by n stray guat of wild wind aud tipped over.
No serious damage. |
In one of the Sixteenth street horne cars
when u blinding glare of lightning lit up the
Hirrounding teeno , n great big woman sud
ilenly fainted nnd flopped over into the arms
of a little man.
Liming the very hardest of the rain nn
n'arm of tire was turned In from box 5 ( .calling
the department to extinguish it sinnll coal
liuuea blazp , At tha rear of IMwin Davis'
block on thu corner of Sixteenth nud Jiurt
Special Telegram to The linn.
Coi'Ki'lL Ur.GFF8 , Juno 12 , List evening
B cyclone struck the institution of the deaf
and dumb , located about three miles out from
Council BlutTj. Thu cloud wna of funnel
shape and of greenish color , and came rapidly
and straight from tha northwest , Mr ,
Georga S. Landis , ono of tbo teachers , was
sitting oti the porch chatting with Mrs , Ham-
momwife ) cf the iuperiuteudeut of the in
stitution , and they watched its npproacb , but
felt no alarm , until the wind began to grow
to strong s to bend the trees , and scatter
light obiectu about , There were only
about twenty-no ( persons about thu
Institution , tha term having closed U'
d y , an 1 tbo pupiU with the eicc'.ctkn of
four , having poi-u tothtir homes ,
SupeiJateiicienS Hammond was in tha city ,
and his family und thu i mploym were nt the
institution. The cjclone struck the center of
the mam building , Ui which woo attached
two \viuge. Thin insin bulldirg wns stir
mounted by n Ur o cupola about twenty fret
hi'h. This wai oio of th ? first Ihiu stopo ,
and it vent nlmoat bodily , striking tha
prouuri at u dUtauco of fifty feet from the
. \ large-window ia the eecnJ tory wa
blown In , Mr. Landit sounded the alarm am
got all the persons into a soit of tunnel
which is wd for coal , nnd which proved a
place ol ssfety. They had no sooner got In
thru before the cupola , roof and upper stone
nf the main building were toin off , nnd _ tlm
b ° rr , bricks and boards were ecnttsred in nl
directions over n space of two hundred feet
The tceno of terror lasted but n few moment
but It wai thrilling ,
Superintendent Hammond was on his way
with n te m from thu c ty nnd was ncnring
the institute when th4storm'.came up , At Mos
quito crook , the win J blow so that he nbin
cloned the wagon , cut the traces , and apriLfl
ing onto ono of tbo horses , nnd the driver i n
tha other , taoy hurried to the buildings
arming just 111 time to help euro for tin
frightened group , , , , . . , ,
Aa soon as the ttirm had ( subsided enouRl
to mnko i > survey of llio wreck pouible suet
obcervatii na wota tiKen ns tha darkness am
thodebrU would permit , It w s found tha
the roof of the main building had not only
gone , but the whole of the fifth story nnd n
portion of the fourth , whllo the heavy
torrents of rain had drenched everything.
The wlmrs which are not so high as the
main building had suffered some , but inamlj
by tha tearing nway of connecting timbers , as
the main building w s carried olT. The long
corildor leading back from tbo main build
lug was swept nway , nnd a part of the root o
the now chapel was Injured , while the fron
of the now chnpelrai damaged by the teurln ;
awry of ttiu corridor leading to the
main building. It could not bo determine !
last night how extensive this dnmago to tb
front was , but it was not thought to bo vary
ereat ,
Superintendent Hammond last nigh
roughly estimated tha damage to the main
building at S5.0UO , but it eeems that it mua
far exceed this amount.
In the front of the main building waa a.
very Urge window nbovo the entrance nnc
ono of tin first waves of the cyclone was to
blow this In , and thus get inaido of the build
ing , procuring au oxcillent chinea to
lift the roof The roofless building with Its
shattered walls nnd Its upper stories gone ,
eeems very much na if a mammoth cannon
ball had struck it in front nnd gone righ
through it , tennnf ? it away in n sort of \
shape , the wings of the building being dam-
need only w here they connected
It waa moat fortunate that tha calamity die
not occur n few days ago , whan the ecboo
was in progress. About fifty boys usually
sleep on the Grst floor , in the very part of the
building which waa carried oil' , and , as the ;
would have bean in their beds at that time in
the ovcuJng , there must have been a great fa
tality , As it was , not n person w.u
injured , the alarm given by Mr
LuncJis causing nil to leave the building
In time. The grounds nro strewn with tbo
debris. Some of the heavy timbers wore car
ried 250 feot. The loose brick , as they won
broken from the walls' , aeemod to ba whirloc
in a circle nnd brought bick through the win
dons of the lower floors , smashing tha glas
aud allowing plenty of opsningj for the rain
to pour into the lower rooms in addition to
what poured down from above.
Sioux Cm , la. , June 12 Two men hav
just arrived from nlno miles north of tbi
city. They were passcngeis on the Sious
FalU train of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St
Paul road duo hero at 7:10 : this evening , Th
train was struck by a cyclone and every ca
thrown from the track and emashadto pieces
There wcio tbreo passenger coaches and n
baggage car. A largo number of persons were
injured ,
A wrecking train lian just left for the acona
of the wreck. The accident occurred nenr Me
Cook , a small station across the line in Da
kota. about seven miles northwest of here.
The train was going nt nearly full speed when
the cyclone struck it. Kvery car waa blown
f rom the trac 's. and the engine partially de
railed , Between sixty and seventy passen
gers wore tu the cars nnd most of them mirnc
ulously escaped with slight injuries.
Ij. M. Scott , express messenger
was badly hurt , nnd ia suppose !
to be internally injured. An old couple
whoso names were not learned , were nisi
quite severely injured , but it ia thought no
fatally. Nearly every passenger on tbo train
suffered from scratches , bruises or contusion
but save thoeo mentioned no one was badl ;
Thoetorm was a very severe one , and the
telegraph wires nra prostrated in nil direc
tions except along the line of the St. PAU
road. Along the Pacific aix miles of wire ai
lying flat. So far as learned there was no se
rious damage to cropi or buildings , no bai
nccompaning the storm ,
Tha wrecking train will be late in arriving
na the track at tbo eceno of the wreck ia con
siderably torn up. The above report of the
accident is substantially correct , as gloanec
from the passengers and railroad men who
have reached the city by prlvato conveyance
Tootnor ClinllcnK H Hanlon ,
PITTSIIUHG , Pa. , Juno 12. John Teorner
issued a challenge to Edward Ilaulon to-day
offering to row one race of either four or fh
miles for from 81 , 00 to § 5,000 a side and the
championship of America , or five races eact
of 81,000 n bide at the following distance !
Three miles , three aud one-half milop , four
miles , four nnd oua-half miles , five miles
The races aru to ba rowed on auy waters
agreed upon. As an evidence of good faitl
Tooiner deposited with the PitUburg Leader
§ 300.
John Tooiner is arranging for n grand ro-
Rotta open to the world to bo hnld nero dur
ing July. Prizes aggregating § 3,090 will be
offered nnd it is expected that tbo induce
ments will bo suflicleut to attract the besl
scullers In the country ,
Tlio Dny On the Turf.
Sr. LOCH , Mo , , Juno 12. At to-day's
races thero-waa weather threatening , but the
track was fast and the attendance large ,
JCirst race Milo , tnd an eighth ; Jim Doug
las won ; Preelaud , second ; Valet , third ,
Time , 1:505. :
Second race \Jila nnd n quarter ; Pearl
Jennings won ; liinuetto , eocondj McCreary ,
jr. , the only other starter , beaten off. Time ,
uUt ! > g
Third roce Mile and a quarter , threo-
year-olds ; Volante won ; liootblni-k , second ;
Irish Pat , third. Time , 2:12.
Potirth rac9 Three quarters of n mile , two-
yenr olds ; Syntax won ; Silver Cloud , second ;
HattleD II. .third. Time , 1:17. :
Children Piny AVJth an Oil Can.
TAHKXTICM , Pa. , Juno 12 , Hen y Alte
meyer'a three sons , aged 7 , 5 nnd 7 years
respectively , wera terribly buined this morn-
ng by the explosion of a can of refined
letroleum , The children obtained possession
of tha oil in aomo manner nnd were playing
with It In nn outhouse. Ono of them applied
i match to the can nnd an explosion followed.
1'hu burning fluid was scattered in all direo.
ions and tha children were with dlfllculty
escuod from thu flames. Two of them will
die and the third is in a serious condition.
Testing the Dolphin ,
W.\BlirNOTO.v , Juno 12. Secretory Whif
ley tnlepraphed Captain l ! lknap , now In
few York engaged lu testing tha dispatch
joat Dolphin , that yesterday' * trial wai en-
Irely valueless , ni the test desired was for
lie purpose oj proving the boat's ability to
land a heavy sea. Tha secretary oidcted
notlior trial to settle thu point.
aliiijurd has returned frcm the west.
The Transcontinental Association ,
CiiiCAuo , 111 , June 12. The Traneconti-
ental association met here to-day , but fur-
lies than appointing n committee to consider
ho question of percantige- accomplished no
asiuess of importance. The sa'eion will be !
ontmued to-morrow. I
The Harnnis of Salisbury SnminoDcH
Baiioral Casilc ,
InvitaU by the Queen , He wil
Organize a New Government ,
Tlic Grand OKI Ainn lloHl rtH am
Goes Ills IVay-'l'liorny t'Mli-
wnys. lor tlu > How Ad
ministration ,
Special Telegram to'tho BF.K
NET Yonu , Juno 12. The Sun cablegram
from London says :
There Is nn exasperating slowness about thi
march of events In connection with the gov
eminent crleis , but the people bavo got eve
the first flash of impitienco and now seem
content to nwaittho return of the queen am
the result of the audiences at Windsor whiiti
will immediatelyifollow. She is expected t
arrive Saturday nnd everything will reman
In obeynuco until that timo. All journeys t
Balmoral which bavo been planned havi
been abandoned. The ministry will havi
nothing to say to the house when It reasaem
blcs nnd further adjournment will probably bi
taken till Monday. There is absolutely no
accecB to the premier. The ministers are
equally inaccessible , but their movements cat
ba moro easily watched. It is underatooi
Gladstone still is determined to go out ,
Special Telegram to The KEK.
NEW YORK , Juno 12. The Herald'
Madrid Cablegram says : The choler ,
Is slowly but steadily increasing
in the provinces , spreading like oil from its
first contact. In Madrid the greatest excite
ment prevails , consequent upon the romova
of the troops train the city. All cases to date
In Madrid can ba directly traced to excess or
unhonlthful life.
By Associated Press.
LONDON. Juno 12. It is learned from an
authoritutlva source that the Marquis of Sals
bury , having been summoned by the queen
storied nt midnight last night for Balmoral
Now that It baa become apparent , by the de
parture of Salisbury for Balmoral , that the
tories will assume the reiua of government
1'arnellito members of parliament have begun
conferring with loading conservatives with
regard to the government of Ireland. 1'nr-
nell and his followers strongly urge the tories
to adopt home rule measures for Ireland ,
stating that the advocacy of such a step by
the conservatives would completely dish the
The Quesn his accepted the resignation o !
the Gladstone ministry and baa aummonec
Karl Salisbury to form the new cabinet.
Gladstone announced in the house of corn
mons this af torncon that ho had resigned office
and that the Queen had accepted bia reaigna
tion nnd had informed him that aho had sum
moned Salisbury , leader of thn opposition in
the house of lords , to Balmoral for the pur
pope of entrusting him with n formation o :
a new ministry.
Gladstone , continuing , said that under the
peculiar circumstances surrounding the out
going government , ho would a little later pro
pose that thn bouse of commons adjourn un
til next Monday. The question had arisen ,
he proceeded , whether It would be best for the
public confidence and Interest to go on with
pending legislation concerning tha redistribu
tion of seats bill. The present government
would only do so with the consent of the
house. He did not boliave that any differ
ence of principle In roi.ird to this important
measure could now possibly arise between the
parties , and he ri minded the house that the
government nnd opposition were both under
a compact regarding the redistribution bill.
It would however be gratifying to himself and
colleagues in retiring from the cabinet if be
fore they ceased their public duties they
could regard the bill as sealed and delivered
Northcote , on behalf of the conservatives
responded that bis party desired to proceec
with the redistribution bill as rapidly as pos
sible. There wai no reason why amend
ments to the bill by tbo house of lords shouk
not at ones receive assent of the house o :
commons , but he thought it would ba desira
ble to have them printed before formally
acting on them. Gladstone acquieseed in this
view nnd it was decided to make the amend
ments n subject of discussion on next Monday
and adjournment was then taken to that
At 5 o'clock this afternoon Gladstone re
ceived a communication from the queen , in
which her majesty acknowledges the receipt
ot the resignation of tha prime minister and
cabinet , nnd nleo states that pending consid
erntlon of tha resignation of the Gladstone
ministry aha had summoned to Balmoral tbo
Marquis of Salisbury , In the liouso of lords
Grnnvllle announced that Gladstone had ten
dered tlio resignation of himse'f and cabinet ,
and that the queen bad accepted the ; same.
Therefore , Granvlllo said , ho hoped the house
would abandon nil ordinary business ,
Thorermicder cf the session was occupied
in reading for the third time the redistribu
tion bill and passing the amendments
Telegrams from principal paints along the
routa taken by the Marquis of Salisbury to
Balmoral show that tha journey was made
through n continued series of popular ovations.
On nil that part of the way which lies ir
Scotland , crowds of peoph assembled nt ol
railroad stations nnd cheered ' 'Tho coming
man. " At Aberdeen station , where the tralri
stance' ' ? , the demonstration was particularly
enthusiastic. Hero some ono called out "threo
cheers for Gladstone , " and the Invitation was
greeted with groans nnd hisses ,
add Gladstone in commons
It is reported to-day that the Marquis of
Salisbury , after the consultation with the con
servative loaders , had decided to advlsa that
efforts bo made to induce Gladstone to recon
sider his icaolvo lo resign , and should these
{ llorts fail , then to suggest that Sir Stafford
Northcote bo called upon to form a cabinet ,
SIMLA , June 12 , It la understood here thnt
Iho change of ministry in Knglacd will not
involve a change In tiio position of Earl Df-
lerin as viceroy of India.
LONDON , June 12. The immense bulldlag
occupied by the international invention ex-
ithition ia en fire and burning furiouely , It
a feared that moat of tba inventions on ex-
ilbition will bo totally destroyed ,
The fire originated In the Indian museum
annexed to the greatbuilding nnd spread rap-
dly , owing to the itillnmablo condition of the
naterlal with which It waa filled , Vialtors
nud attendants fled immediately on
be firet alarm and escaped with
out accident. The fire department quickly
responded to tha alarm and soon fifty engines
were sending heavy streams of water into tha
mildiug , The fiiemen finally obtasned cin-
rol of tlio flam as , but not until many articles
n the Indian museum wera desteoycd and the
uulldiog efrious'y damaged , The flames did
not extend into the main building and the !
Ireaded calamity was preuented. The dam-
go to the main exhibition is , however , caneid-
HOMK , June 12. It ia publicly announced
hat the popohaa gi en sanction to the de
iiioua of the Irith blthopi upon the question *
ubmltUd to then , at the recent ineotinp in
Home. It Is al o stated thnt he has given ap
proval of the programme for the meeting ol
the Irish bithops soon to ba held In Dublin
MONTREAL , Juno 12 It Is estimated thai
at least 10,000 people witnessed the fnnera
ceremony of the dead atchbiihop. The ser-
vicrs began punctually nt ! ) this morning , the
officiating clergymen being Bishops Williams
of Boston , Wndham of Ogdenaburg , Btahop
Fabro of Montreal , Bl'liop Dulmmol of Ot
tawa , Archbishop Kayo delivered the ser
mon. After this the precession proceeded to
the church of Notra Dime do I'llo , where
the remains of Mgf , Lirtlque , first
bishop of Montreal , bnU lam. Those were
exhumeJ j'fpterdny nnd have been lying in
state ever since. The prococftiou headed by
two hoar-ies containing tha bodies of the
bisliap and archbishop then proceeded teSt
St , Peters catludral , where another cereMony -
Mony took place , afrer which the remains of
the two bishops were laid to rest within the
same vault.
ST PKTKEHBURO , Juno 12-An earthquake
occurred in eastern Caucasus , The town of
Likuch was completely swallowed nnd the
township suffered damage to tha extent of
several million roubles ,
PARIS , Jgno 12 , In view of cholera In
Spain , tbo French government has given or
ders to Piibject arrivals from Spain on the
Franco Spanish frontier to three days' quar-
CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 12. Before the inter
state commerce committee to-day nn import
ant statement wna mndo by Gen , John Kina-
ker , president of the state railroad commis
sioners. Ho said it was apparent that con
greas thould take some nction on the subject
of equal rates in freight transportation.
In some casea notably on the Wabaah road
in this state rates were lower between points ,
one of which was in the state and one in an
adjoining etato , thnn between points in this
state of shorter distance. In the former case ,
that this was a discrimination was admitted :
that it w s an unjust discrimination was
hardly to bo questioned. The shipper was
not on equal terms with the carrier.
Senator Cullom naked what moans congress
should take to remedy the evil ? Gen. Klna-
ker said the government should furnish tome
means to ascertain the facts by preaentlng
some moans of investigation , some moans or
agency by which facts could be gathered.
The officers of roads should be made to fur
nish information ns to the methods by which
they do their business. llo thought a com
mission would be the beat agency congress
could furnish for that purpose , but if thic
commission undertook to fix maximum ratea ,
the dillicnlty of the problem would then
Senator Harris naked if any powers should
be given to such a committee in regard to fix
ing rates. Kinaker said that they should bo
clothed with powers of n board of arbitra
tors , nnd after having ascertained the facts
should ou them make recommendations to
congress. Ho then explained to the commit
tee the law of Illinois under which the rail
road nud warehouse commissioners acted.
Senator Harris aaked wbatho thought ought
to bo the unit of transportation , ono car or
five. General Kinsker was inclined to think
that one car should be the unit of transpor
tation. He did not aee why the small shipper
should be discriminated against.
Senator Cullom aaked it the witness thought
that it would be wise to embody a provision
in any law congresi might pies providing that
there ehould be no unit quantity but that the
same amount might ba cuargpd per pound as
par car load. Iho witness thought that they
had better start with aomo unit of trans
Senator Plntt askoi what wna his exper
ience of railroad companies in regard to fur
nishing information'Iho witness stated that
lie found railroads very prompt in furnishing
all the information desiied. Specific com
plaints in this state were overcharges and dis
crimination. He thought a federal commis
sion would have the power to fix rates after
consultation with the roads ; that their rates
should ba published to tha world , and should
not be changed without notice , say twenty
days. The question of fixing rates was one
full of perplexities , on account of the immense
size of the country and the diver
sified conditions of the different parts
of the country. The commison : ! should not be
so large ns to be cumbersome , and yet too
small to meet the exlgercncies of tbo caso.
Ar n general rule rebates and drawbacks
should ba prohibited , but the law should ba
! lexibl9 enough not to discriminate against the
customers of ono road in case of a cut in rates
by other roads , But any road should bo pro
nibitcd from allowing rebates or drawbacks ,
to discriminate between Its own customers.
He thought it wculd bo cafe to pajs a law of a
joneral character prohibiting pooling
rebates discrimination , and requiring the pub
lication of rates , but that elasticity would
lave to be a prominent feature of such a law
hpeclal Telegram to The BEE.
PHILADELPHIA , Juno 12. John L.Sullivan ,
who has been poalng nt the National theatre , ' i
broke out latt night on an old time spree nnd '
made matters lively about Ninth nnd Chest
nut streets. He made his appearance at the
Girard house bar after 12 o'clock and drank
lilmself drunk before leaving the place. Ho
then stepped across the atreet to the Conti
nental hotel , whcro nil who appeared wore
made to scamper before the Infuriated pugilist.
At 5 this morning ho returned to the Girard
: afe nud demanded something to eat , and go
ing to the oyster bar consumed aix dozen
clams. This is verified hy an attendantwho
; row tired with opening them. Alter this
lie drank considerable whisky , nnd then by
main force hia attendant and several ncquain-
uices took him to the Continental , carried
jim up stairs and put him to bod. Being
riroused nt 11 a in to take the train for the
woat ho became bellgeront and everybody was
compelled to utand back. Finally with much
persuasion ho was dreseed nnd after swallow-
ng a pint of whisky consented to go to the
depot. Several tlinea ho dispersed thu crowd
of onlookers but was nt last safely seated in a
car nt the Broad street depot ,
lUilromlH AKrcoon Arbitration ,
NEW YORK , June 12. At n meeting < '
executive committee of railroad managbra at
Commissioner Fink'd office to-day reports
containing n plan for arbitration nnd another
or pooling were submitted. The plan for
arbitration was unanimoujly Bgreed to , and
he pooling idea was partly accepted. The
oporta were ordered printed nnd will bo
finally considered nt the moating set for June
21th , The WeatShoio
pool win to-day ex-
ended to July ut. Nothing waa done to
ward reatoring freight rates.
IVco After Many Trembles ,
Special Telegram to The BBB.
BLOOUINGTON , NebJ June 12. II , O , Farrell -
rell , held in July last for trial on a charge of
wmmitting the robbery of the Burlington &
Missouri lliver depot at Franklin , and who , ;
in September , broke out of the BJoomington ;
all nud waa captured by Sheriff Deary nt ;
L'areona , Kansas , waa acrjuittad to-day in the
Jiitrist court. . Ho says he will sue the com li
> any for false imprisonment ,
Fire , c
HIUHPOINT , N , O , , June 12.-Tha weav u
ug , dyeing and ipinning departments and tiV
cgmoand boiler rooms of the Randleman t
otton faotiry turned hat night. Loss. 8160 , . a
Olj partially Insured. Seven hundred hands o
vere thrown out of employuent. ti
Coramissioner bparks on-lto Fainon
. . Maiwtll Grant
Soventyono Townships of New
Mexico Gobbled Up ,
Peculiar Action of ex CoiiuiilHBlonc
Anderson llAiikruptcy ot the
Special Telegram to The BEE ,
WASHINGTON' , Juno 12. The reductions in
the pay roll of the agricultural dopnrtmen
for the month of May were a little over S3-
000 as compared with the previous month ! ;
average. Additional reductions for June
amounting to about $500 h.-uo bean made
nnd others nro thought to bo inevitable In
eider to piovent deficiency , The working
force of the statistical bureau has nlrcady
been greatly reduced , but cloaa computation
dlscluson the fact tint the Available funds
kaml nro sufficient to carry the work through
n month npon the present scale , nnd it is np
prehended that the discharge or suspension
of nearly nil the remaining foio
will take place ot once. On the other
side , a considerable fund appropriated for the
bureau of animal industry , and available foi
no ether bureau , will bo returned to the treasury
ury while the etymological burenu and ono or
two others of the department have lusbandei
their resources and will coma out even at th
end of the year.
The chief of the bureau or atasutics report-
that tbo total value of exports of domestic
breadstuff's from the United States duiing the
month of May , IL'65 , and during the five nnd
eleven monthp , ended May 31 , 1S5 , nj com
pared with similar exports during the corresponding
pending months of the preceding year were n
follows ,
1885. 1884.
May 811,358,030 Sll-103r55
Iflvemo'dcn'dMnySl 07,584,303 6ti.5l2.ai7
El'n mo'a on'd May 31 146,131,955 144,550,873
Comml.eioner sparks of the Innd oflice , this
nfttrnoon submitted to Secretary Latnnr a re
port upon the famous Mnxwell laud grant in
Now Mexico , In which nearly 2,000,000 acres
of n public land grant were claimed nnd pat
ented in 1870. The official proceedings lead
ing up to the patent are recited in detail by
the commissioner , who , then a ays IB brief :
"Pending these proceedings a large number ol
iotters , complaints , petitions , protests , and
charges were transmitted to this ollico nnd
the denrtmont from citizens of New Mexico ,
alleging fraud in the location and boundaries
of this claim , Its ex torsion far beyond any
original claim or posaeision by the grantees ,
the invasion of settlement and mining righto ,
and of the rights of native Inhabitants and
fndUn occupants. Nothing moro than a
mere formal notice of these various
: omplainta and allegations appears to have
jeen taken or done by this office.
No investigation was bad , but the claim
'or this enormous region of country appears tq
lave been carried through the office with
readiness but without regard to the interests
of the government or the rights of the citi
zens of the territory in actual occupancy of
, he land. Evidences of fraud wera manifest
n the bold fact of the presentation of a claimer
or nearly 2,000,000 acres based upon a grant
of leas than 1,000,000 acres.
"The grants of. the Mexican authorities
were governed by the laws of native coloniz
ation. The grants were limited iu quantity
to eleven square leagues , or about 40OJO
acres , to each person. The outbounda-
riea of the localities mentioned
n the npplcatlons for grants are usu-
illy of a most general character ,
in tbo present case thoeo boundaries might
lave been found or alleged to be found at
uost divorce points. The alleged making of
boundaries under the purported judicial pos
session was of an unstable character , easily
removed aud liable to onrly destruction from
natural and other causes. Nothing was oaeier
, han to find such alleged monuments wherever
ihey were desired , but in the BO called adjudi
cation of this case tha boundaries claimed
and tbo monuments assorted bo the interest
ed parties were accepted as the actual bound
aries and monuments ot the grant , which \vas
thus swollen from a little over four townships
at the most to more than sovonty-five town
ships of the public land ,
' The proceedings of this office In carying
, his extravagant claim through to patent ap-
lears to mo to have been of an extraordinary
: haracttr. The decision o the secretary of
ho interior In ISC'J that the claim under the
sonfirmatory act of congress was limited to 22
eagues but became final under the rules gov
erning this department In its administration
> f the laws , The refusal of Secretary Delano
; o review it rendered that decision us to
bat case res adjudicata so far as any exertion
vaa concerned If the secretary of thu Inter -
or could not bavo reopened the case , certainly
Clio commissioner could not under such rules ,
The commissioner , however , did reopen it
as assumed result of correspondence between
himself nnd the secretary bcretoforo cited ,
An examination of this correspondence shows
that it furnishes no proper or sufficient basis
for the commissioner's action in reopening the
decided case. The commissioner' , ) letter
asked for instructions as to future cases only ,
not to cases previously decided , The secreta
ry roplius to this specific request , nud In
structs the commissioner in uhat , shall
be done in similar case * , but does
not say that anything shall
bo done In the caaei already
settled. Ho is not instructed to reopen any
case that had been decided , The commis
sioner naked for no instructions In respect to
the Maxwell grant und received none. This
grant was not before the comuuoner on a re
view of the decision of the secretary of 18C'J.
Ho had no duty to perform in regard to it ,
but tie proceeded upon his own motion ap
parently , to order a new survey. Ho directed
it to be in strict accordance with judicial pos
session , not according to the grant which
must have been determined by the law ;
not according to tha confirmation which
made no mention of the alleged mounds by
which 2OCO equare miles ot territory waa
claimed to have been marked outtas the
boundaries of tbo colonization grunt limited
under tha Mexican laws to 150 square miles ,
but precisely according to these aggregated
boundaries ; and in accepting the alleged
boundaries of judicial possession as deter
mined of boundaries under the grant and con
Urination no notice appears tp have been
taken of the facts disclosed by the record and
adverted in tha report of Commissioner
Anderson to the secretary in 1600 that the
sketch map , purporting to define such bound
aries , and In subitautlal accotdanco with
which the approved survey was executed , did
not accompany the surveyor gcneral'u report ,
upon which the confirmation was made and
wai therefore no part of tuch
confirmation but was produced with but
slight or no evidence of its authority eleven
years after the report wa made , nine years
fter the confirmation cf the grant and twcn-
ly-slx years subsequent tu the date ef thn doc-
ament of possession , of which it was claimed
o ba a pirt. The claim to poaiesslon of the
xtont so described was contradicted by
ram , claimants themselves befcra the depart-
nest assembly In 1814 when they stated that
ha grant did not exceed fifteen or eighteen
ogaues and exhibited to tha assembly the
udiclal certificates confirming such state
ments , The surveyor general , Mr , II. M.
lUklniou , lied anticipated tha commissioner "
jy making n t jntract for the survey by tbo
urge claimed boundaries -with the same cur-
eyor who had made the private survey far
.he grant of the claimant In 1870 , which uc.
tuthorl/ad contract waa not approved by the
ammiesfoner , The coznmitelohei'a Inetruc-
lena to the surveyor general that a " dl < .
Interestey deputy" should be selected
make the survey "who has n
connection or business trnnsnctlo
referable to the Interests of the owners of the
grants" appear hive beeu Ign jraJ
u ; the surveyor general and hia neplect o
such Instructions alio docs not appear to hav
besn disapproved , for the contract for th
survey was given to n brother of the alleged
owner of the grant nnd the nllrgoi ownc
himself was the bondsman , and this contract
obnoxious as it eeomj to ma , to public morn !
and official obligations , was approved nnd tin
purvey made nndor it approved and patented
No dtcision wn > rendered by the cominii
sioners upon the boundaries or otherwise in
the ese before the issue of the patent , bu
the patent was summarily issued without a
formal decision nnd without nn opportunity
being afforded a jvereo parties or protestantj
to appeal to the ac < retary of the interior to
invoke his supervisory judgement. "
In eact Union Commissioner Sparks recom
mends that suitable action bo taken looking
to n vigorous prosecution of tha suit nov
pending in the district court of Golorado , am
that n now suit ba commenced in New Mox
ice , wnero tha greater part of the lands lie , t <
BO t apart the patent ! already issued undci
this grant ,
DAVE.STOUT , IA. , June 12 The fourth and
best day of the mooting of the State Fire
mens * associatton ended In quarrels. Las-
year contentions almost broke uu the nasocin
tlon and from the present appearances till
year's tournament will ba the final ono. Thi
Waterloo club withdraw from the ground nut
eald it would be tha last tournament they
ever attended. Tbo principal matter In dispute
puto is the atato raw , in which the
state bolt Is n part of the prize ,
The entries for thla race were ten In
number. A pirt of the raca was ran ycster
day and to-day the contest was finished ninii
much excitement. The entries nnd the time
of the company's wore as follows : Marshall-
town. 44 J ; Iowa City , 4 if ; Waterloo , no time
Council Bluffs , 40 ; Clinton , 454 ; Cedar
Itaplds , 4 1J ; Duvenport , no time ; l > al'orto ,
no time. Thus Mtrahnlltown nnd Cadar
Itaptds were n tie , aud Waterloo ( the cham
pions of years past ) had no
time. Waterloo udo the run
and coupling nil right , they claimed ,
and cried , ' 'Time ! Time. " Iho time as
marked , was42i Tbo judges declared the coup-
ing incomplete , and no time wns given.
The Waterloo company protested , but to no
avail and the champions left the grounds in
disgust , aud took tha first train home ,
The tlo between tbo Maraballtown and Cedai
liap'ula wns then run out with a record
of 41 for tha former. Mnreballtown thus secured -
cured the ttato belt. The book nnd ladder
race resulted in n victory for tli3 Wilton
team , the record being : Wilton , 47J ; Stuart ,
19. The awoopatako hose company race was
won by Clinton with the foollwing record :
Council Bluffs , 40J ; Iowa City , 13 ; Marshall
town , 44 ; Clinton , 42 .
Special Telegram to The BEE.
COLUMDIA , S. C. , Juno 12. News has
icon received here of a bloody riot which oc
curred Sunday nt a negro camp meeting at
Jount Zion church , about nine miles from
Yorkville. The country darkies had promul
gated the idea that they did not deserve the
iresenco of the town negroes at their meet
ng , "puUIn" on alra , " and In turn the town
negroes bad boaated they would go down to
Zion and teach the rural darkeys a lesson m
tiquotto. Besides knives nnd razors , nnd
heap pistols , which go to make up the ne
groes' defensive outfit , each party were
veil supplied with whisky. Scarcely
md the first town contingent arrived
when hostilities began . The conflict was dee-
terato and bloody , and raged for over nn hour ,
it the end of which time the countiy "coons"
raid in possession of the field and the town
arkies in full retreat. The casualties as near
.a . can bo learned were on ? man killed , two
atally wounded , and nt least twenty moro or
ess seriously Injured. A general stampede
allowed the first clash. The meeting closed
without the formality of doxology , and the
rtghtoned negroes of both texea nnd nil ages
nd conditions Fcampared off in every direc
ion ,
_ _
SrniNGFiKLD , Me , , Juno 12 , The trouble
vhich has been brewintr for eomo time over
ho enforcement of the prohibitory law cul-
nlnated last night In the Organization of n
mob armed with revolvers nnd atones nnd
made attacks upon a number of housoa in
which the windows were smashed and ether
I am n go dono. The gauc wunt to the house of
Villiam Frost , about n quarter of a milofrom
ho village nnd sent a shower of recks
hrough the windows , accompanied by a vol-
oy of bullets from revolvers , Tukinfj the
llrect rend to the villa ? " tho'mob next atop-
) od at the house of . .TV. . Frost , u trial justice
icre. Shots were fi id into his house whcro
romen , children at il an old ir.nn slept , but
orlunntely no one \v\ Injured though the
windows were demolished. Several olhpr
louees were vhitod and treated in
n similar IL inner. The final effort
f the mob was mido against the oflicj of the
Advocate , wlifio tao editor of the paj-cr
leeps. A porlt at fellatio wns kept up for
omo time , ami tha bullets fairly rained into
ho room , but fu > , too , eicaped without injury
) y what termed r.lmoat n miracle. The
alders tlfii diibauded , Much excitement
revtl'R thin /ruing , end the ufltiiff of the
utility bin Incn telegraphed for.
Short V\'lic b Crop In Illinois.
CHICAGO , Jnnel2. The Journal's .Spring
eld , ( III. ) special eays : A bulletin wns Is-
ued by the state bjard of agriculture today ,
implementing to the Juno crop report , which
ays that in order to prove the accuracy of tbo
atimatcs of the regular correspondents In-
uiries were directed to the leading intlleis
hroughout the stato. Those- subsequent re
) orts confirm the former statement that the
vinter wheat yield will bo smallest in Illinois
n twenty five years ,
Funk , the HnolcStoalor ,
CHICAGO , 111 , , Juno 12. Anthony Funk ,
lias Talbot , charged with syfternatically
tealfng moro than 2,003 volume ? from the
Dhlcago public library in the course of two
ears , while in the employ of the library , and
vho was suspected of n design to How up the
Chicago university by the employment of an
ifernal machine , waa found to be Insane to
ay , and was sent to the Klgln insane asylum ,
Tscklod Tlio AVronB Kflltor.
pecial Telegram to The BEE ,
TECI'JIBKII , Neb , , Juno 12. W. W. Wilson ,
leriff of this county , feolinir aggrieved at nn
rtielo which appeared in the Journal as-
aultod 0 , W , Pool , the editor , on the struct
ils nftornaon and wai knocked out of tune '
n one round ,
ThoFJy t Work lu
KALAMAZOO , Mich , June 12 , The Hesilan
y is doing great damage to the growing
heat in Jtlchhnd township , In this county ,
"t is Mtimated that ono quarter ol thc nla1ka
ire damaged BO that they will not mature , ru-
mlting In a loej of RP.ono butliela ,
Another tt t at Hear ,
HAimisucno , 1'j . Juno 12. Both branches
if the legislature adjourned to-day tine die ,
tot HcafsllieLisialCliiciigoiiiatt
Tom ,
Corn ami Oats Handily Assent to
Bacomo a Good Second ,
Mnrlc n. Drcldcd Iitii > rorrmMt
Cuttle Cominuo to
Sloncy Only
to Grade.
Special Telegram to The BEK.
CHICAUO , 111. , June 12. There was a
firmer feeling and higher market for wheat
tc day owing to eevcral causes. A larr i
amount of short wheat waa put out yoitor-
day with the expectation of much lower
prices to-day , Tha market opened only
lower and immediately sold up to ic. Another
fact that Influenced prices was n report that ,
the millers association , of Minneapolis , ha < !
estimated the next crop nt ! ! 10,000,000 bushels
egalnst 900,000,000 , us put forth by. the Wash
ington bureau. This led many to think that
possibly the latter authority had made a
mistake , and that all the bul
reports heretofore given were at leaat
as well founded na the estimate of tlio govern
ment officials. It seems certain that there
must ba a mistake somawhoro about the re
ported condition of the growinc wheat. As
.ho caee now stands it \Irtually the .Wash-
ingtoii bureau vs all other sources of informa-
Lion. Private and all Plato authorities have
been lying , or the Waslungto bureau ia misin
formed , Both cannot bo light. July oprnid
ntSSic , lold up to b'.tc , back ngain to 88go
August following nt nbout 2c premium.
Around SDc for July aud .lie for August , quite
t battle took place between the two forces ,
The bulls came out ahead. Liverpool repott
ed ouly a moderrte demand while cargoes wera
] Ulot nnd neglected , but the quotations
were unchanged. No ono , however , expecU
anything encouraging from foreign markets
while their present clut of receipts continues ,
The weather in Kuclnnd was warmer. Now
York opened Jc lower for July aud go for
August , while St. Louts wns greatly demoral-
teU nt the start , opening IJc off for July nnd
IJc lower for August. But that market for
a long time has been the highest in the couu-
; ry , nnd the decline was greatly needed to
iring it on a level with the others. Whether
tbo change in administration in England
noaut further International complications was
nn open question , but n slight decline in con
sols rather fnvored the chances of moro diffi
culty. So far as can be rxpcfrtnlned the big
mils are still holding onto their wheat nnd
irmly bollevo in better prices for it later iu
, ha season ,
The situation in corn continues dull and !
trong , and will do so until the farmers shell
out more liberally. Trading is light , compar
atively , because np ono cares to sell much
inder existing circumstances. Neither ia
here any great profit In buying. Everybody
s waiting for more corn to come in. When
t gets hero or looma up In sight , trading will
commence again , Liverpool says that corn
was firmly held , And the same is true every
where. Tha receipts hero were fair , but not
icavy , while the demand is steadily good.
ftily and August opened ; } c lower ; but nd-
vancr d about ,3c with wheat , the range run
ning from ICc to JClc.
Oats wore quiet for the speculative , but tba
irmness in wboat and corn circles created !
trengtb , and the nenr futures climbed J@i
ent , while the long futures remained eta-
ionary , July ranged at 33.\33J \ cents nnd
loted ut 333gi cents.
The demand was strong and prices n shade
ligher on best fat steers , either corn or stall
eel. Among the fresh receipts were about
! ,000 Texans , largely of an inferior quality ,
hat aold onslderobly lower than heretofore.
jfv grade native steers , especially canning
tock were dull and neglected , and with the
ncreased aunnlv of Texans will continue to
ell'ower until the eiaon is over. Beat na
ive beeves nro making 35 25(35.70 ( , nnd
tillers are ranging between § 0.00@5. 10. Low
rrndes.nativea and grassy stocknroKoingnnlow
tS-170@J.80 , nnd fair to good steers S4.9B
35.10 and thereabout ; . Stackers were plen-
iful with n most active market , their prices
uling rather high this week. Tbo American
Ilucaue company , of Iowa City , are making
ree deliveries ot fat cattlo. They will chip
bant 4,000 here this season. Omaha
reBBcd beef la beginning to arriva
n uastorn markets , and BO far has been
n peed condition. The Bales were , 1,350 to
,000 pound * 3700@7GO ; 1.20J to , 1,350
ounds , SI U ( § " > 50 ; 030 to 1,200 pounds ,
1. 00 © 310. . Slop fed steer ? , § 5.00 < g5.42J ;
! op fed tows nnJ bu. ! , $3.50@ 1.00 ; through
Vxas cattle ( low nnd 10 lower ; grasacra , 050
o 1,0 , 0 pouDrKSl L'flfel llO.TCOto'JOOponnds ,
3.75@.00i.U ! ; ( ) to 700 puu de , ? : ! .50@3.80 ;
The turn in affairs iu th'.a market was a
cnuioe surprise. With 2ti,0 ( c or HO 000 for
oah reccipti newly evrry OIIM expected n
jarp iliiAii turn of IC lBc , Ini Instead the
i < irbct opened tteady.g.-uduilly i reed up ami
oily clcB'id tr inlaid higher c.ii . the ordinary
un of pac'-tinc norts , and u atioi , ; 10o higher
n special mid fancy assorted Ugh' the market
Noting atiocg at tli3 ad\ni 'js , Hough
nd common xo'd nt $ * . ? @ 3.75 nnd
air to cooJ , $3 ffifeiS 'H , with ti.o b st mixed
rd rwsorud and hemvv nt SI ( ' ' @ 4,10 ; skip
nd common light , ! > 3 GOfali TJ ; fancy light
liilatlelpUnannj. backing nif : it$4,10@4,15 ;
ticking tied bhlpping , 253 o 'ilO peunda ,
V.nfgjl 0. ' ; light WLixhU , 1 , J to 170 pounds ,
I.OOgJ 10 ; 10iHo2lU pounds , $3.8D@3.j. ! )
Apaclio fiuvillry ,
TOJIBVTONK , Ariz , , Juno 12 , The body ol
man murdered by Iho Apaches was found
ear Muln Springs , The dead man Is eup-
xised to ba Charles Thlllman , manager of the
2rio Cattle company. It in feared his two
ompanlona nro also killed ,
-\f \
Scrofula la p < < itiiy mon general than af ;
other dlseaso , U. kl Insidious In charactiij
and manifests itself In running sores , jiustulat
eriiritloiis , boils , swelling * , enlarged Jollity
abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Hood's Barsaparlll *
expels all trace of scrofula from the blood ,
leaving It pure , enriched , nnd healHiy.
"I was severely aflllcted with scrofula ,
and foi om a > 'ear had two running sorc
on my neck. Took five bottles ol llood'n
Sarsaparllla , and consider myself cured. "
C. K. I.OVUJOV , Lowell , Mass.
C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , had scrofuloui
sores for seven j cars , spring uud f al I , Hood's
Sarsaparllla cured him.
Salt Rheum
William Spies , Ulyrla , 0 , , sullered greatly
from erysipelas and gait rheum , caused by
handling tobacco. At times his hands would
crack open and bleed. Ho tried various prep
arations without aid ; finally took Hood's 8ir- :
saparllla , and now says. "lam entirely well. "
" My son had ealt rheum on his haiuU and
en the caHcs of his legs. Ho took Hood's
fiarsanarllla and Is entirely cured. " J. It-
STATION , Mt , Ycruou , Ohio ,
Hood's cSarsaparilla <
Sold l > y all druggists , 81 i six for $5. Matla
imlyby C. 1. HOOD Si CO. , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses Ono