I | H ijf. ? * n H THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS-EftlJDAY. JUNE 12 , 1885. ! I THE tDAlLY BjSE. COUNCIL BLUFFS Friday Morning , Juno 12 , stjiwcRirTioN BATES. SO tonhjptt we HrCanlil - - - " " - - 10- ° ° * ' yM MINOE MENTION , The trial of criminal ca ca in the dis trlot court will probably commence on Monday next. The fonc'o nronnd the new Rovornmon building la being ballt by W. 0. Unthank who will neo It as an advertising medium Portland cement sidewalks are bein put down In front of Cy Danforth' ' bnlldlnRB on Broadway between Sovcnt and Eighth streets. Permits to wed were yesterday give to Luther Mlkcaoll and Uertha White both of this county ; alao , to J. 0. Han son and Anne Peterson , both of this oily The approach to the bridge over mos qnlto creek on the road to the Inalitut for the deaf and dumb , that was men tlonod in yesterday's ' BEE , has been fixed Messrs. Spencer and Lynchnrd , late o the Council Bluffs Herald , are said to b planning to launch another society papo onto the troubling vratora of Omnhi journalism. Strawberry festival and literary sucla at Smith's hall , corner Sixteenth nvonu and Eighth street , this evening , by th young men's chtistlau association mission Cordial Invitation. The now chief of the fire dopartmon does not noom to ba taking any very sc tivo stops to got possession of his office And Is allowing the old chief to do th' ' work , while ho dr&wa the salary. The now episcopal church is fast show Ing what It will bo when finished , thi walls being well along. It Is safe to predict that while It may not bo th largest church In the state It will bo th most handsome. It will certainly be i great credit to this city , and to tin church. The work on the now county jail I progressing well , but it will hardly bo completed within the ninety days provid ed for In the contract. The building promises to bo a very strong one , anc well adapted for the jail purposes , the only mistake so far discovered being In the arrangements for the jailor and his family. Those accommodations will bo small , and not very conveniently arranged. The stockholders of the Council Blufl'i water works company hold their nnnna mooting yesterday afternoon for the pur poao of electing directors. There were 1,7CC shares represented , and the follow ing persons chosen as directors , Hoberl Sowoll , George P. Wright , Sldnow W. Hopkins , James F. Pierce , Harry Allen , George P. Sheldon , John B. McGeorgo. All these gentlemen are residents of New York , with the exception of Mr. Wright of Council Bluffs. A woman , claiming to bo from Omaha , created a sensation yesterday by indulg Ing In an uproar while drank on the street. It took several policemen and a wagon to got her into the cooler , and then she spent her time making that place re-echo with her howls. In the straggle of capturing her Deputy Marshal Bates had the rim of his now summer hat torn off , and the other ofiicers hnvo several memoranda scratched down on their faces and hands. Ira Scofield was the victim cf a loaded cigar yestor'day , at the Opdon house , where ho was quietly chatting and smok ing , when a whole fourth of July broke out , there being a shower of sky-rockets shooting nut of the end of hia clear , tak ing him eo by surprise that ho waa not able to lot go of the explosive roll , but kept pushing It away from him , while at the same time banging on to It with an affrighted , convulsive crip. Ho carries an accidental policy now , and a gun , ane It la hardly safofor any of his friends to offer him a cigar. The very nnfortnnato delay In the building of the now court house Is being caused by the difficulty whloh the city has In providing any way foi the building of the needed eowcr on Fifth avenue. Until arrangements are made for this eowor the county docs not feel like mak ing the contract for the building of the court house , for sewerage is one of the es sentials to bo provided forfirst. The city is troubled about the financial obstacles In the way of the laying of the sewer , It not appearing plain how the work can ho paid for. Unless some way Is aoon found leading out of the difficulty , there will bo no work done on too court house this season , The Interior of the baptist church has been greatly Improved by papering painting , now carpeting , etc , making one of the most attractive audience rooms In the church lino. The church has had runny hard knocks the past year or BO , bat under the pastorate of Dr. Cooley Is now getting into a prosperous condition , with flattering proupects. Next Sunday evening there will bo the baptism of two now members , the ceremony Laving to bo postponed last Sunday evening on ac count of the condition of the baptistry. The congregations seem to bo steadily increasing and the membership growing a in numbers , Wanted Jrnnu dial ely , a brass band of about eovcu pifce& on a fix months on Kigcinpnt , Apply to Dr. J , Palmer , Lone Wolf , iho mediciuo mou , at the Scott houte , Ccuticll Bluffs , Iowa. . . . Ctbj at UeoiQo Iluaion's , 023 Btond Substantial abctraor scj title nnd real citato loans. J. W. A ' L. Squ'rj ' , 101 street. i non van'.ti cli.me(3 Addrusr , AK , BEJ ; iflica. CHATTING ABOUT OBOSS , _ * How tlio Verdict "Was Itcacltcil and tlio Doctor' : The reports about Dr. Cross having broken down In health and spirit seem to have fallen to the ground , wlthoul strength of truth enough to holt them up , oven for a llltlo while. It Is reported from parties who have soon him within a few days that ho Is growlngfleshy and la enjoying bettor health than over before. The only tlmo ho has shown any signs of woaklng was the other day , when the sheriff slatted to the depot , to take him to Fcrt Maklson. The prospects of facing locked up in the peni tentiary made It seem moro real to him , that there were not so many chances be tween him and the gallows. Ho ap parently gave up all hope of the future , and Bcomcd to bo In despair. When at the depot the telegram came asking the sheriff to wait for a few days until the necessary papers could bo made out for keeping the doctor nt Glonwood , ho cheered up almost in an instant , and re covered his usual confidence as If by miglc , Ono who claims to bp posted as to what went on Insldo of the jury room , while a verdict was being reached In the Cross case , says that It was ono of the most carefully considered cases ever decided by a jury. On retiring to the jury room a ballot was taken and It resulted in ten for hanging and two for murder In the first degree , but favoring Imprisonment for life. Tno second ballot resulted In twelve unanimous votes for hanging the prlsaner. Then the foreman told the others that this waa so serious a matter , Involving the llfo of n man , that they ought to do nothing without the greatest deliberation and careful thought , and while ho had fully made up his mind , yet ho did not want to sign the finding until later in the night , and ho did not want any of the others to do so , lost they might after wards regret the act. Ho thought that they had bettor take too much tlmo than too llttlo. This opinion seemed to meet the favor of the otbcrs , and there they sat and talked over the case for several hours , and then each stopped up deliber ately and signed the verdict of death , The question as to whether Dr. Cross should bo taken to Fort Madison , pend ing the appeal , or remain in the jatl In at Glenwood , still remains unde cided. The sheriff seems pretty well convinced In his own mind that It la his duty to take him to the penitentiary , but he does not propose to be In undno haste about It , and IB giving the attorneys time to make all objections , and get all the or- dnrs from the courts that they can. Then if Jadgo Loofbourow docs not flatly revoke the order to take the prisoner to the penitentiary , ho will start with him. Such is the latest gossip about this no ted case. There seems to bo little or no change In the feelings of the people. The friends of Dr. Crass do not apparent ly weaken In their belief that ho was moro sinned against than sinning , while others feel that the man Is guilty , and should bo given the punishment ol the law. There are few , however , that seem to feel that Dr. Cross will ever bo hanged , there being more of a sense that ho will finally get off with a term In the penitentiary. PERSONAL. Dr. C. 13 , liobyahell , of Glenwood , was in the city yesterday , Mrs. W. B , Porter , of Plattumouth , Neb , , a In the city , visiting her son , J. C. Williams , ono of the old residents of Uromwoll , was n the city yesterday. Col , W. F. Sapp has returned from Du- juque , where he has been attending1 the United States court. James and Charles Record , of Glonwood' whoso mother is n sister of the late W. C. Jackson , are n the city on a short visit to heir relatives hero , Fred Spetman yesterday received word from ila father , motbet , Bister , and brother that they sailed from Now York on Wednesday , and that they were all in good health , and iad enjoyed that much of their journey greatly. Itoal Estate Transfers. The following are the transfer" of real estate no recorded In the office of the registrar , and reported to the BEE by A. J. Stephenson , for Thursday , Juno 11 , 1885 : D. W. Grimes to James But'er , lota 1 to 5 and 18 to 24 , block 37 , railroad add 81,000. W. Sledentops to Elizabeth Cromlo , lot 4 , block 7 , Boers' add § 140. Adam lllng to 0. W. . Torrlstnll. n i nw 1 4-74-40 $1,050. D. W , McDermid to G. L. Wyckoff , lot 12 , block 3. Park add $800. George N. Remington ot al , , to Har vey & Beard , part lots 15 and 10 , block 32 , Noola § 100. Total sales , $3,507. Art Need InVorJr , The development of the taato for fine art needle work was evidenced by the number of ladies , and gentlemen also , who visited the atoro of the Council Bluffs carpet company , Wednesday after noon and evening , to ndnilro the exhibi tion given there by Mrs. L. A. Smith , of ; ho work of hewolf and the class of ladles who liavo been studying under her In struction. Now , as a genera thing , a gentleman does not go into obstacles over pillow-shams and tidies. Bat so long ns > no must cnduro thorn , or bo called a "horrid thing , " ho prefers that ( be pillow-shams possess some artistic merit , ind that the tidies do not violate good : a to or common sense by representing B green sheep with blue lambs feeding on link grass. Ono of the first articles that at- .racted the attention of the gentle men was an elegant smoking cap , exqlsitely embroidered , the handiwork of MM. Smith , herself. Beside It were .wo very handsome hat linings , executed jy thoaamo lady. The lacms partlcu- arly admired a lambrequin , the second ilece of tbo kind by Miss Zarmullon , and plash table cover by Mlsa Lou tlol- : oinb , who had several pieces of her laudiwork on exhibition. A largo , beau- I fill wall banner of plush embroidered pith ribbon embroidery , by Mrs. George I , Camp , was hung in the window , where ic attracted much deserved .dniiration. The piano cover worked by MM. M. loblnsou was a beauty. Miss Lottto rorinnn contributed same linen work hat wan especially admired. Mra fieorga Felt and Mrs. Andy Jcckson bch had on exhibition a number of rotJcs of necdlo work , art , and beauty. Ulra Jda Rlieso had finished a handoomo 'or ' able cover and fire'ecreen - which drew "ohs" and "aha' ' from the ladioc. A handsome wall basket embroidered with the leaves buds , flowers nnd bursting bolls of the cotton plant , by Mrs. John Baldwin , wai n beautiful novelty. A table spread bv Mra. I , A. Miller waa among the many articles much admired. It would bo Im possible to mention all deserving of praiio where everything was beautiful , but tbo exhibition reflected great credit on Mrs. Smith as an instructor , and on her class. PKOFIT FEOM PAUPERS , How Docs It 1'ny to Fnrnlih n Coflln ml Hold aJ.i'tuicrnl For n Dollar ? Pott&wattamio county , with Its wealth and KB freedom from debt , with a now $150,000 court house in prospect of crec tlon , and its now $30,000 jail , pays the munificent sum of nlnoty-fivo cent ] for coflins in which to bury Its poor. The undertaker who had the contract n time ego used to bury the paupers of the county for a dollar each , but a sharper competitor came along and got the con tract for five cents loss. For this ; sum the undertaker Is expected to go where the body is , care for it nnd got It in con dition to bo put in the coflln , furnish the coflla , take It to the cemetery , and see that the proper bnrlal is given , and all this for ninoty.fivo cents. The BBC man was a Httlo bit curious to know how this could bo done so cheap ly , and what the object was In bidding so low for the contract , and so asked ono of the trade. "Well , there Is no money In burying the paupers at § 1 apiece. Why , I used to make the coflins out of the boards of old dry goods boxes , just out of plno , and then stain them , and then with the running about , and the work of taking them to tbo burying ground , and ill that , I was really out about three or four dollars on every job. " "What is the use of bidding BO low then ? " "Well , the only object of having the contract Is that It sometimes brings other business. In about half the pauper caaoa there are some friends or some neighbors who want to have a littio bettor bnrlal khan that which the county pays for , and they order extras , which brings the price up somo. Then there are uomo- times strangers who die hero without money , and the county has to arrange to bnry them , but word gets to their friends , and they Drder a decent bnrlal , and as the body Is in the hands of the undertaker who does the county burying , ho is nioro apt to get the job , and thus there Is moro or less buslnets brought in , the profit on which makes up for the loss on the cases In wnlch all that h had is just what the county pays. " Rotter Is offering great bargains at hi merchant tailoring establishment. No. 310 Broadway. See his ( "goods and got his prlcoo. OOMMUKCIALi , COUNCIL BLurra IIAKSET. Wheat No. 1 milling , 70j No. 2 , CD No. 8,60. Corn Now , 28c , Oats For local purposes , SOc. Hay S 00 per ton ; baled , 60 , Eye COo. Corn Meal SI.50 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply : prices at yards , C.OO < Z 6 50. 50.Goal Goal Delivered , bard , 9.50 per ton ; sol 4,00 per ton Lard Armour's , wholesaling at 7Jj , Hour City flonr , 1,50@2SO , Brooms 1.753.00 per doz , LIVB STOCK. Cattle Butcher cowa 3.35@3.75 , Butcher steers , 3.754.00. Sheep 3.00@3.60. HORB 3.50@3.75. PBODDCB AND VBUITB. Eggs Receipts moderate ; demand peed 9Jc.Butter Butter Receipts liberal and much in ex cess of the demand by the local trade , who cars only for the choice lots of fresh groaa mixed and streaked lots slow sale. Sales to day were made at 10@13c for fresh country , solid packed in tubs or jars ; Sc for unwrappec rolls , ia boxes and for streaked lota of fresh stock ; old stock , 4@5c ; creamery dull at IS @ 20c. Poultry Demand strong , supply light spring chickens , S4.00@6.00 per doz ; old chickens , $3.50@4.0q. Game Demand is only for fresh killec ducks ; maUardaS2.00 ; mixed.Sl.fiO ; teal , 100 , Onions None In market ; choice stock would likely bring $1.76 : sprouted and poor , $1.00@1.25 : Beans Clean stock in good demand at Sl.25 @ 1 35 for mediums , and $1.50 for navies ; dirty stock is dull at 75c@Sl.OO. Potatoes Good demand and prices steady. COo for good stock of any variety if of good size and sound. Strawberries S 1.00 per 24 qt case , String beans Per one-third bu box , 75o. Green peas Per one-third bu box , 76c. Eoad Judd & Smith's oiler of $1,000 reward in another column. J , Balcear Who for the past 19 years has been practising In San Francisco IJ now located at No 8 N. ( Ith Street opposite new Opera HOUEC tladamo Oalccar guarantees to restore HAIR OR WHISKERS , ) r to fjhe anj one a hugli mustache or bring out Ino prowl li cf hair or board in from four toelx weeks 'ilcui reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed , Cincsrc , dcalnojs and especially rheumatism OIK all rhroulo diseases cuicd b > a natural gift of tbo doctrcEB. doctrcEB.Dr. . J57. ,7. JSalcau ; 28NorthCthSt , , - - - ConncaiJluirnIn THOS. OFFIOEK. W. II. M. 1'CSB Officer < & Pusev. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Doalera in Foreign and Domestic Eickango nd Homo Securities. 3 H.W.WETHERELL ; IBS nnil 167 WahiuJi Avrnuo , JU.VtFAOIVUEB Or Hair Cloth and Wira 1 Bustles , Hoop Skirts,1 Hair Cloth Skirts.f BLACK " " > COLORED JERSEYS. TWa cut rerits''iitu Tha LuutTtry , the muft iiopular iimiblnutlGii ot lluitlu mm ItnoiiMUrti.'virmatlt1. A lady who had worn one will iiPYfr wear any other btjkKajU Bklit In eUnid | upon the liwil J' tfnM Junf ! ! J , J8I1 , I o. 110,111 , rJTAiiyonpt.011. JngKainOfctsluprbUrt rwuo Hainm-ii. wi 1)0 ik'.ilv ultn arSWlninolaw. Bold by all i H' IP , > tAll < lrvcoo < isji0U CJ iDWAED EUEHL MIOIJTEB 07 PAI UrSTERT AND CONDITION M.1ST. CO ) notli itri el , between Furam and Hir , jo-will ffkhtbealdofgiurdltsirlilfg , obtilnln | anone cltncu In tb p it nd prtBont , and on x-rtMiioondltloruln tte future. Boot , and iho i ntlo to order I'ojfcct iitl Uooa : ! eat rioU'3 HARKNE BRO' ixx Summer Sjlks at 25 cents worih 50 cents. Summer Silks at 50 cents worth $1.00. ine bla5k silks > also colored silks 25 per cent less than ever offered ± m the west for the same value. This will be the opportunity of the Season to secure choice silks for the least money. Large stock and prices at the bottom. Bargains in HOSIERY this week which we are closing- out at half price , IBIROTieillSIRS MVE STOCK/ " STOCKERS AA'D FEEDERS. Uclfcra and cows of all . BROS furnlehod In any doslrcd numbers ; ranchmen should correspond with bcfcio purchasing clsouliorc. WINDOW & CRAfVIPTON , Waverly , Iowa. Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which wo will sell In retail or carload lots II Stock Warranted as Renresented Wholesale And retail dealers la Grain nd Brded n y. Prices rea sonable Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. W.'P. ' AYLESWORTH Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame hcui moved on Littio Giant trucks , the best in the world. W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Blufla .For any cnseof Kidney or liver disease or dyspepsia , rheumatism , or any diseasa indudced by a lack of native power , that cannot be cured by the use of Dra. Judd & Smith's Electric Belts and Appliances. No. 30 , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , AGENTS WANTED , NOW AT FULL FLOW AS NEVER BEFORE AT The Leading Store in the City , the Grand est and Greatest Dry Goods Stock in the West , Prices neyer before so much in favoro th epur- chaser. Late grand arrivals AT DEPRESSED prices from the manufacturingdistricts. Big purchases just opened up in Silks , Dress Goods , Cloaks , Linens , Domestics , Hsiery , Gloves , Fans , Parasols , Laces and Embroideries , In all the above departments during this week. Goods to be sold for less than half the regular retail prices. JB UJbJbU " W T'TJ"iili ' ! To the leading and largest Retail House in the citv. You -will alwavs. get more than value for vour monev. EISEfflAN , EODDA & CO , Peoples' Store , 318 and 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Iowa. ' Norene & Landstrom , Suits to order in Intost styles nt cheapest possib cos. _ No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluffs. SMITH fc TOLLER , ACTS , LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLDFPS , - - - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand. AND "THE ENGLISH " KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , Council Blufs. The only all night housa in the city , Everything served in first clasi style and on shot notlco , Hot and cold lunches always ready. SPECIAL NOTICES KOTIOE. Spoolal a vcrtlsomectfl , 6UQ aa Lo:1 found , To Loan , For Hale , To Rent , Wants , Board ing , etc. , will ba Inaotted In this column at ( bo low rate ol TEN CENTS PER tINE for the first Insertion ni FIVE CENTS PER LINK foj each euboequenS ertlon. Leave advertisement ) at out oSco , No. rl B > r n > . near L'toadwnv WANTB. FOR SALE A stock of ( ? cner l mtrchanJIso , In Oakdalo , Neb. Buslno s well established anil a eood.lhc point for trade. Bret reasons for . Arply or write to M. E. Smith & Co. , or Metcalf Bros. , Council Bluff ? . WANTrfU.-Ily a Scotch lady of nilddlo aye , a situation as hou'ckecpcr or to do llpht house work. Itefercncca plenty. Address , C. II. , Dm office. office.WANTS WANTS TO TiUDE. Uood Io a or Nebraska land for a small stock of hardnaro or general morehandlse , "ell located. SWAN & WALKER. T7IOK SALli A rare chance to get fc fine , well 1m- J ? proed farm of 400 acres , within A few miles ol Council Bluffs , at bargain. Low price and easy tcrma. HWAN & Waning TOK SALB A good paj Ing hotel property with J ? Ilycry stable , in ono ol the best email towns In western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or will trade for a Email farm with etock etc. SWAN T710R SALE Lands Improved and unimproved. J.1 If you want a farm In western Iowa , KanBiu Nebraska or Dakota , let ua hoar from you. SWAN & WALKER. TTIOU SALE Alareo number of buelness and reel- i' dence lots In all parts of Council Dlufls. See ua before } ou buy , SWAN & WALKKR. IjlOR BALE Parties wishing to buy cheap lota to I ? build on can buy on monthly payments offrom ? 2 to gio. i nw vui HWAN & IT Aim UK 1/iOU UKNr Wo will rent you a lot to build on A * with the prlvilago to buy If you wieh onery liberal term * . BWAN fa WALKKR. | OOU SALE Housca. Lota and Land. A. J. JL1 Stcphoneon , COS First a\onuo. WANTED body in Council BluBi o take Timlin * . red by currier at only twenty n * week. FOR nxciiANQK N" . 16J , 10.MO acres laud ten milesBouth of hlJnoy , Neb , , for Council Ulutfa property. No. 165. A good steam flouring mill In Cedar Co , lena , for a stock of general merchandise or hard- are , value IB/00. No , 159 Hotel property In Taylor Co. , Iowa , for J geed farm properly , \nlno $4,000 , i No 0. Land In Hall and Lincoln Cos. , Neb. , for Council 1)1 u IT d property. I No 101. Fine Improved farm for cheap western acd. i' No , 103. Ono of tlio test farms In ! ' ' . ttawtttamie county , Ion a , 400 acres for wild KaiiEaa or Nebraska and. and.Vo. Vo. IC9. Hotel In I'uoblo , Col. , worth $9.000 , for Iowa , Kaniw , or Nebraska land In par and long time on balance , No , 171 , Good farm , for etock of goods or hard ware. ware.No. . 172. Wild land * In Hooks Co. , Nob. , for stock ot dry gooda. No. 176 Uoueo nnd lot In Clarinda. Paso Co. Iowa , for Nebraska or lena Unit ; > auo ! $1,903. No. 177 , Hotel In oiia ot Dakotn'd buit townn value 50,000 , for stock of drugs { or pare and line Improvi d or unimproved No. 178. Splendid bargains In Klcth Co. , Nub wild land for lands In woatern Iowa or gocd stock oldrug cr hardnarn. No. 181. A hail Interest In a flret-chsi plow works , ncll located , for lands valued J3.DCO. No. 182 , too > cre improved farm In Cis-iCo. , Iowa also ono In 1'nli , Alt' ) Co , , of 316 , for Block of Kooil.i. No , 183 , Moro buldlnf , ' and stock ol gcmral merchandise , la a ll\o western town fur wcttorn and , Imprtno' ' or unimproved , \au ! $14,60' ' ) , * ml hundred to fcthcr epcchl ixirian e bargains or j.artiLulaiB , call and BCD or write to SWAN \VALKKII , Council lilulfa , la In Couno liluITi 1m Iiif ; a And all modern improvements , call bolls , iiro nlarm belle , etc. , is tliu CRESTON HOUSE NOB. 21C , 217 and lilfl , Main Street. MAX jnjIN , - PHOPIUKTOU [ FRUIT , AND mm FARM FOR SUE , EUtecn acres , tin In fruit , six In garden and tlmtvrland , elx room house , ctablc , well , ( Intern , &c. alllngo.dccndlllou , or will tiadofor Omaha prop- "ty < V. KELLER , ( ounty Troaturer'j oUIco , Council DluDs. N. SOHUBZ , ornox OTEB AUKBIOAH XXPRKII I 'JOUNOJl BLUFFS. IOWA. . Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , ii Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders , ITpholsfery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Oar stock la the Largest la Die and b being continually roplonlahod by all ' the latest and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Biufis MANDEMAKERS & VAN" , AROHITEOTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 201 Uopor J iirtv > , Ccorfil J31rjff THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TER NO. a , lathe Illrjhc&t Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With only 89 kej a to learn aa operate. It prints 70 character * Including caps and email lettcru , punctuation * , figures , elgna and fractions It utlio simplest and niont rapid writing machine made as well MI no moat duraUo for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Sprmnns & Benedict , Chicago , 111 , , Solo AgcnUi 0. II. SJIOLK3 , A gout for Woatfrn lo JTA.C1U * 8JTlf6t , COUNCIL UWfl D , IOWA. Offlre. Main Ktrott , Koomri 7nud 8 , HbUBart'and ' Htmo block. VU1I ) < i rtlc < > In B.atrand tate courti. E , lies M. D. BHHONIG DISEASES * * " " " "M- * , Over Ihlrtj 7 a j > r ctlr"rl att , Pearl ittMl , Council IMnflh