THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , JUNE 10 , 1885. WOMEM Wtt&lam renewr 1 rtrrnctti , ! who mflVr from l nrmltlc pccnllor to their , nhnnlit try THE BEST TONIC Thi ! mwllcln enmblnM Iron with pnro vrscUb'e ionlcn. K.aA In inwlatlilo for Diwunm iwcnlUr to n. and Ml wfooteM N npntnrT lirrfl It ln ! rlfJi "nd rnrlllPi the Uloml , Jlliinilnloi the Apprlllr , MrrimthPtiN thn ,11llf rlcH and Nrrvln f t , tlionniffhlr Invlcornten. C Jlpara tbncompmilon , finil mokPB tbo Rkln Rnnot n. It tlom nf > t blackrn the teeth. CAIKO h adftcho , or produce constipation alt Mfr Iron mettiefntt do. Mns. I'riZAnrrit IUllil > . 7 < rnrwcll AnvMUwsa * km.Vli , nr . unilor data nf Dec % th. IS&4 : 'I hnrn n l llrown'slron Bitters , und It row item mom thin doctor to mo , harlne rnrrd me n't he wonknwi IftdlPH h ro In life. Alno cured moot I.ITJ or OompliUnt , iiml now my. complojl l floar und Bond , ll ( i b m beneficial to mr clilldren. Genntnahu nbotn trade mirk and cropped rrriilncs onwraptwr. Tnhr no ntlirr. Madoonlybj ' . LADIES' HAND BOOK uwful and itttrartlve , con- UlnhiB li t of pri oB for ri > cli w information abont txilnn. o o. , ( rlron away bj all doalpri In medlclno. or mallet ] t < > nnjr addrwui cm receipt of So Unuip. BROAD ClAlftjiutt \ SA1ICKEST' ' SELLHT& v * CDmmlc.t Ncrvnm DIiciiscs Quirk , Siiro Cnri"i. fif * A urtttcniftinrantra fftrtnti fr/1 y criA itttttcrtrittrii t c > Hanin ( | for C" > lelirnti'il Jtedisn A0ilro < . if. I ) . I.AIUvi : , J\I. M. , t l.irlr st'wi-t PIITOAIIO , lu. CONDUCTED UY Eoyal Havana Lottery t ( A. OOVKHNMENT IHSTmrriON.l Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets iu Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac tions pro rata EalJocJ to no ni aiiiaiaUon , eel ooatrolled by tb parlieila Intoroat , II la the Wrest Ihlnz Intb nitare of chanooln eilatence. for ticket * apply to SI1IPSET & CO. , 1212 Broad ny.H. Y. City ; 80LINQRR & CO. , 108 South 4th a Bt Loub , Ua , or U. OTTKN3 ft CO , CIO Ifaln St. . Ma Town Lots in Denver Junction , Weld County , Colorado. Denver Junction Is a now town of about 20 ( inhabitants , laid out in 1884 , on the Rreal trunk railway across the continent , nt the junction of the Julepburg Branch , 107 miloa from Denver. The town is on eecot.d bottom land of the 1'Jatte Klver , tbo iincBt location between Ornahn anil Denver , aiid IB surround ed by the linst-layinR lunda west of Kearney Junction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ; altitude 3,0 , 0 feet , Denver Junction bids to become an important point , < u < tlie U. P. H. R. Co. , are putting up many of their buildings here , while the 15 & At , 11. R Co. . are expect ed Boon to connect at this placa. Thu present chance for good investments in town lota will scarcely ever ba equaled oleeuhcro. i'or eub by the lot or block in good terms by H. M. WOOLMAN , Agnnt , Denver Junction Colo. I bavea pOHltlTO remedy 'or IDA aboro iH0ea fl ; by 1 Qlo thoutinilaorc&BosoI the. worat LIndHiidof lou itindlnRtiarohecncurod. In > ! r il , > oirraniliinir.tlt lolt emc crtlmtl will i nilT 'c. HO1TLE3 MIMZ to fth r 1th a YAI.riGI.HTnEATJbK on tlilidlieu to uf nuflemr , i llT eiproi n > l 1 * O. n/Jr. . . , . . _ * * M > OMTt n t I * * * „ * * * THB ONLY BXOLUfalVB IN OMAHA NKH. COWING & GO , WROUGHT ° IRbii PIPE , h Load Pipe and Sheet Load , wonTiiiauros BTUX nilDIUXalDDlllTII IIKU , ITOrD , Hmnliea'Ca ! and mm Hlteis' ' IRON Si BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUf i.lES , Utli&DodaoSts.OMAHA.NEB OMAHA SAVINGS BANK I Cor. 13th and Douglas Sta. Capital Stock , - - - ? 150OU ( ) Liability of Stockholders , 300,000 Fiye Per CentlntetPaiil oRDeposl's ' LOANS HADE ONJtEAL JAMES K. DOY1) . PtcslJent W. A. . P&3TOI1 . V'oe JOHN R ' C1IAB. F.HAMDKRBOH , " TUOa. L. KIUBAU , J. W OANNETT , UAX UEYKU , t , KTONK UK&IK0T KttKB. A victim ot yojtkful Imprudence caiulng rretn tur Doujr , Nervous PebiUtr , Lo t ilioliood , Jc..Ii vlaK tried lit ln e r/ known remeii/.likj dlioovure.T a nlmplu ru > ni o > eelf-jura , KKKlf to bU fellovruttfi > r ; - - - 'PJi 4intlTi * * ilSt NuH Kttl SUCCESS ASSURED. The Omaha Fair aid Expsitrn Stcci SQtaib tana Parses laic , A Mcctlnp of the AsuncUtlon Ij st Night Business Transacted , In rosponno to previous call , a mooting of the board of directors of tht Omaha Pair and Exposition Association was held In room 1 , Oreighton block , last evening. President Garneau was in the chair and the following dlrootora wore present : H. G. OlarK , D. H. Wheeler , Church ill Potker , J. T Clarke , J. H. McShano , W. H. McOord and 0. F. Goodman. The committee on subscriptions made a report , which showed that the $50,000 In stock had M boon taken , with a con sidcrab'o surplus over the amount needed. A vote of thanks was tendered the com mittee for Its faithful work in securing subscriptions for stock , On a prevailing motion the president appointed Directors J. T. Clarko.Ohurch- 111 Parker and J. H. McShano an execu tive commit t co. J. II MoShane , W. H. McGord and D. II. Whcclor were appointed a com- mlttoo to eoloct a general superintendent of fair grounds. Mcaara. W. H. McOord , J. H. Mc Shane and D. H Wheeler were appoint ed a committee to recommend n superin tendent of police. Messrs H. G Clark , 0. P. Goodman and Churchill Parker were appointed to solicit special premiums. Tlio president , treasurer and secretary were instructed to visit the railroads and determine as to what nrransoruents re specting rates and donations could bo made with them. The committee on printing reported that Thornia Cotter had offered to pub lish the premium list without coat to the association and give a bonus of $50 for the privilege. The treasurer was Instructed to make the contract with Mr. Cotter on those terms. The matter of the speed department of tbo fair waa then taken up and thorough ly discussed The following programme was adopted , subject , however , to such changes as the board may sco fit to mako. Monday , Sept , 7th Three minute class , purse $400 ; thron-yoar-old's stake race with a purse of $200 added by the association. Tuesday 2:40 : class , trotting , pursa , $500 ; 2:35 : pacing , purse , $400 ; run ning race , milo dash , purae , $150. Wednesday 2:28class : , trotting , purse , $790 ; stake race , 4-year-old colta. with a puno of $300 added by the association ; running race , throe-quarter mile heats two in throe , purse $150. Thursday Froo-for-all trotting race , purse $1,000 , ; 2:33 : class , purse $500 ; running race , mile heats , tno in threa ; purae $500. Friday Free-for-all pacing , purse $000 ; 2:48 : trotting , purse $500 ; run ning race , two mile dash , puiso $250. It la probable that a alow mule race , with a puree of $100 for ton entries , will bo added to the special programme. The subject of having a chariot race was also broached. Tbo secretary was Instructed to enter Into a correspondence ) with the proper parties and If possible securs terms. The matter of a bicycle race was like wise discussed , but no definite action was taken. It will bo noticed that the speed pro gramme will bo ono of exceptional worth In all , the association will expand $5,100 [ or prizes aa against § 3,000 by the state Fair , the excess value of the purses being 75 per cent. Tbo board of directors expect to visit ; ho grounds this afternoon , with \iow : o determining the nocooanry ropalrr. The fair will ba called the "Nebraska Fair. " It will begin on Friday , Sept. 4th and. end on Friday , Sept. llth. WIOKED WALKS , A. Continuation of 71io"Beos T .lc of Defective and Poorly Cnn Btrncted Sidewalks. An announced Monday the BEE pro poses to give Bomo more facts relative to the defective sidewalk business , thn eocond chapter commencing on the MOUTH SIDE OF HAUNKT. The walk In front of two-thirds of the block , between Sixteenth and -Fifteenth btroota , ia old and rickety and full of dilapidated boards , making traveling dangerous. In the center of the next block coat there is no walk , and the path is obstructed with building material. Thn firat three lots east from Fourteenth street are fronted with only nn apology for a Bidowolk , a number of the boards of which the walk Is constructed being loose , while others are missing , making plt-fdlo lot the unwary. A number of now walk are bolog laid between Thirteenth an Twelfth strootf , but several trees ar growing flvo feet 'Insidp the curb , coin polllnp the walk to ba laid at that dig anco from the curb , or else build arotmi ; hom. There is also a tree growing li , ho middle of the walk In front of th first lot east of Eleventh street. SOUTH SIDE or IIAUNEY. Plain mother earth Is the only witlk in rent cf the first bilf of the block be tween Ninth snd Tenth streets , no nrtlfi clal ono having been laid. The walk in 'ront of the balance of the block is In rood condition , but Is constantly ob struotod by quantities of merchandise itiewn Its whole width. In front of 1013 he walk Is depressed a foot below its neighbors , while in front of 1017 It sud denly narrows to six feet. Just before caching Eleventh street the walk stops , eavlni ? a stretch of bare ground for about wenty feet. The walk In front of 1117 s also mioalog. Between Twelfth and 'hlrtecnth streets the walks In front of bo different lots arc built at elevations aryiog trom two to six inches. There Is Isn a slight variation in elevation in the walks of the next block , In front of tweets ots In the block between Fourteenth and Wteontn streets there is no sidewalk , htlo the walk fronting two other lots In jo same block Is only shout three feet ide and In a rlckoty condition , Bo twf on Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets tbo walks pxttont a crizy appeaiance , being built all out of lino. NORTH SIDE OK UOWAKD. All the walks on this street from Sixteenth toenth lo Eleventh , are in fair condltiou , although vwylog In width from six to [ twenty feet. In front of tbo first two lots west of Eleventh atrfot there are the remains of what was once a sldo walk , bat now only a few boards are left place , with Intervening patches of bare prnnnd. A row of fall crown trees Brace the middle of iho walk for htlf a block between Tenth and Ninth streets , and the othnr half of the block Is without any artificUl walk whatever. SOUTH SIDB 0 ? HOWARD. Thorn is a short break In the walk be tween Ninth and T-n'h streets , while between Tenth and E eventh for half the block , trio walk is narrow and thn rest irldo. The width also changes in the next block from wldo to narrow and narrow tn wldo. Between Twelfth n < 5 Thirteenth street ) thn walks - > ro built In zag fushinn some being laid at the odgoof the euro , while others hug c1ns to the edge nf Iho lot. Between Flf tecnth and Sixteenth the walks are nnr- row and built considerably above the curb , and contain n number of pi tees not In the boat of condition NORTH SIDE OF JACKSON. The walk between Sixteenth and Flf toenth streets for half the block is built two foot out of line wi h the balance. In front of loh 1416 to 1.410 no walk Is laid. Between Fourteenth nnd Thirteenth streets the walks vary a foot in elevation. hilo iu the next block west they are bant ontof line , with short gaps between lota and at different healths The walk In front of nearly the whole block be tween Eleventh and Tenth streets Is covered ored with dirt and atones to such a depth as to mnko It worse , If any thing , than thu road to travel on. SOUTH SIDE OP JACKSON. Between Tenth and Eleventh streets the line nnd olnv.vion of the walks vary considerably , although otherwise thny are In fair condition. A similar etato of ifftlra exists in the next block. Betweou Fifteenth and Sixteenthijtreois the walka vary In width and are built out of line KOUTH SIDE Or DODOE. The walk in front of 1414 contains several bad places nnd Is built several Inches above tno curb. There ia a abort stretch of biro ground batwoon the walks In front of the first two lots west of Fourteenth street. For a distance of t'wo lots west of Thirteenth etreot the board walk fronting the promises is in poor condition. Between Eleventh and Tenth streets there Is a difference in the elevation of the walks of six Inches , The walks In the block between Tenth and Ninth streets are in a very dilapidated condition , boards missing and loose , built out of line and at various hclguts , making the walking dangerous. SOUTH SIDE OF DODGE. A mud walk answers for foot-passen gers between Ninth and Tenth streets Between Eleventh and Twelfth there are two strips of narrow plank walk in poor condition , while between Twelfth and Thirteenth the walks are built out of line and vary in elevation. Several bad places exist in phnk walks between Fourteenth and Fif'eenth s roets. The walk In front of 1518 and 1521 ia laid at an elevation of six inches higher than that of other parts of the block. HOW IT STRIKES THEM. JSdHor Bee : Noticing your strictures of yesterday on Farnam street sidewalks and moro particularly your reference to the wooden walk in front cf the P xton hotel , I wish In reply to say that I would be glad to see good , substantial walks of stone or * similar material in front of every proper ( y on the street from Ninth to Eighteenth , and when such an order is made by the proper authorities the Paxton hotel will r.ot be the last to comply with it Yet , like a good many others on the street , I want a rest , not that I do not admire and like good th < cga , but bocausa I nm not always In such financial shape that I can gratify all my own desires or the whims of every public-spirited citizen. Tbo Paxton hotel people have not lived in Omaha for twenty years , but they have done more for your town than many rich people who have resided hero for that length of time. I know the tidowalk in front of the Paxton Is neither goad nor orna mental , but It is no worse than many others on the street , and can bo made to do for another year. Still , if the authori ties will make nn order covering every b d walk frtm Ninth to Eighteenth , the Paxton will reapoot the order If tbo other propcr'y owners do. Respectfully , J. B. KITCHEN. Oon From Our Gn/.e. Bill Barlow , in the Rawllna Tribune , gives this p'tcluro of a frontier character who has "whilomed" to the sweet pra- viously. Ho has gene from our gaze , but no shall not deplore him : Tbo dsy of the "Bottling Onyoto from Poiaon Crffk , " alias Bob Brown the Inebriated Cowboy , Is OYO ; in this lati tude. Tlmo was when hecould shoot out lamps , perforate hits , rlda hiscnyaeo lute saloons and hoto'aand ' stand on" the town ; but now his glory has departed forovcr. The real article ot cowboy knows this , and doesn't attempt any of thoto old-time pltasautiic' ; but occasionally a cowboy of tbo tenderfoot variety , whoio brain is stored with tales of border life nt found In nickel novels , attempt to revive the customs of the good old days but ho never i f peats the experiment. Lately wo had a caeo of this kind , A young Philadelphia belonging to a good fam ily and agentleman whensobor , probably , who is undergoing his first oxparloica as a cowboy , came in to take in the g'ovo fight. Ho bold a glass under his nose a few times , and then started out to pivo the streets with human skulls. Ho aeon found out that the contract was a big ono Ho made a "gun play , at a hotel pro prietor , who knocked him down , and a St. Joe drummer took tbo weapon away from him and spanked the bosom of his panto with It. Then ho braced up and started to kill the traveling man with hi * bare knuckles , but was knocked Into a cocked hat and hang over the p'azza ' bannltters "Iko a wet towel Inside of thirteen sec- > nds. Finally ho revived and started out 'or more skulls , He itrnck at a railroad man who laughed at him , and the rail road man uncorked hfs claret jag andlatd him oat In thn second round. Frlondu carried him off the field , and the express train took htm east that night. Ho prob ably won't stop till ho reaches Philadel phia if he is permitted to have his own way. ' and Musical hlntcrtalnmont. The following programme will bo given under the auspices of St. Phllomena's Temperance Society , tbla evenIng - Ing , June 10 , In their hall , corner Ninth and Howard streets. After the pro J gramme sapper will bo terved. The pro seeds to be devoted to repairing the cathedral. PROGRAMME , Music by the A. O , II. Band , Lecture "Tempt ranee" Hon , John Hush Soj.rano S"Io "Tit BetterSo" I Mian Mary T. O'Connor. ' . leading , .Miss HUci < Orowley Vocal Solo "My Mother's Grey liuir" Mr , 0. Callighan. Mu o A. 0 , II , Band [ Supper. f Admission to entertainment and BuprerSSc. OULLED FEOM THE OOUETB Jnry Completes Its "Work nnrt Adjonrnn Slno DIo. The grand jury corap'o'ccl ' its work yes- tercUy and wai discharged , Among the Indictmentsre turned , wasonoapalns' ' Olara Thomas , who la charged with grand lircouy , atid n'po ' ono against Frank Martin for 'ho name crime. The jury alto handed to Judge Wakoloy the following - lowing report of tholr vitit to the county To the honorable , the district court of Douglas count ) , Neb : The gtnnd j'iry ' for s ld oounly , of Juno term , 1885 , of said cunrt , bog leave t' > report that in pursuance of law and dtreo'ion ' of said court , they have vleiiod the j 51 of said county and rnadn a fall and th trough oiatninitlon of the same. The discipline end treatment of iho pris oners la humono nnd kind , dlot ample and good , the jail iu n healthful condition and the system and management thereof rtilectB credit upon the officials In charge , Thiro should oho bo a bilcony arontid the upper tier of the main cage. The present jury heartily concurs In the re port of the grand jury of the Feb ruary term as far aa repairs are suggested In said report Wo find that In the caio of the slat a vs. Lydla Baltics , indictment for grand larceny , Frank Da' g tery has born hold KB witness and conhmdlu jail since the llth day of March , 1885 , Iu thn case of the state vs. Patflrk Oib'oti , indictment tor forgery , John Green baa bom hold ns a witness and confined In j til since the llth day of May , 1885 Wo hereby rec ommend that the above nomnd witmuaea bo allowed the sum of $1 25 and their board during the tlmo they have been confined in jail. JAMES CKEIGUTON , Forotuau Grand Jury , Ferdinand Slreitz commenced suit iu Iho district court yesterday nguitist John G. Hartman , Christian Hartman , Susan Von BorrleBj Edward 'Arlnscow nnd Walter Black , to recover three and two- third shares of stock In the old Duboqna homestead society , which entitles him to several lota lu Hartman addition to Omaha , The case of Thomas va Rlttcr , which was on trial all of yesterday before Judge Neville , was given to the grand jury laet evening. Jndgo Wnkeloy struck a jury in the case of Winshlp va Dee yesterday , and iho trial WBB commenced. Iho action is ono brought to replevin a cow. Oliarlty Union ol Omaha. The following la the report of tbo sup erintendent of the nnion for the four months ending Juno 8 : Number of persona Admitted 1 285 Number of lodgings provided l,2iO N umber of inenh given 1,324 Situations secured for 19 The executive committee , feeling that Indiscriminate almsgiving is not charity , but that it tends to fouler Improvidence and fraud , Intend to make this charity organization to the various benevolent interests of the city what a clearing houss in to banks not a substitute , bat a cen ter of intercommunication between them all , detecting fraud and facilitating the business of each. Charily organization Is no longer an experiment. It haa been effective in London , Boston , Philadelphia , Now York , Buffalo , Chicago and other cities for a term of years. It has ren dered moat efficient aid to the clergy , churches , benevolent societies , Institu tions , charitable individuate , and the city almoner by Investigating all cases apply ing for relief witi > a thoroughness which it would be impossible for any ono person or society to carry out. It has resulted , whenever introduced , in an immense s v- ng to the city and to benevolent Individ uals and societies. No city can afford to neglect charity organization , nor can any citizen afford to 30 Indifferent to its success. It saved the : ax payers of Buffalo in ono year $5,000 ; Philadelphia , from $50,000 to 875,000 ; wliilo the saving to the public In the re duction of mendicancy and improvement n charitable administration has been va riously estimated from $250,000 upwards , against this saving 13 a c st of from $500 to $10 000 far mulntalnanco of charity organizations. The Ouiaha cockty boo been organized but four months , It lias done all that could be dune in that tlmo with the moans at Its disposal in securing relief For the deserving and in supplying food and lodgings fjr these in need. The society alms to help tbo able bndled poor to bo self-supporting by establishing and operating a wnod yard where they may earn the right to a wholesome and a nit ; lit'a lodging , so as to render alms giving unnccesiaty In tbolr case. Italeo propoS' a as fir as possible to prevent tno pauperization of the poor who are com pelled to ask for charity by prc curing adequate help , by cutting off all charity when no longer needtd , by finding em ployment , by stopping indiscriminate almsgiving , by preventing the able bodied from living on charity , to atop s'roat and door begging and to prevent children from growing up paupers , To do all this it la necessary for the society to ask of all charitable Individu als and Ihose who have been asked for alms that they report all coses of relief and all applications for charity to the superintendent. They atai ask of the business men that they will contribute to ; ho support of the organization , and se cure K/eater efficiency and economy in the administration of benevolent funds , and help the poor to bo self-supporting The executive committee , appreciating the aid that has already been extended them by the citizens , and wishing a con tinuance of tbo same , take this opportu nity of thanking them for their kind do nations , They have secured commodious rooms at ? 19 North Sixteenth street , In cluding sleeping , dining and school rooms , together with an office and a li brary. They further request donations of books for the library and of wearing apparel. Anycommnnlcttiona addressed l as above will bo thankfully received. E. 0. NEWTON , Supt. { DIED , ROBKUTSON In thin city , Juno 9 , Charles W. , f on of E.t. . and Mattie Robertson , cged 3 yean and ten months. Funeral takes place to-day , June 10 , at ! p. m , , from the family realdence , Twenty- ' tUtli and Leavenworth streets , Filendsof the family rrtpcctfully touted to attend. The marruKe of Kills L , lilerbower to till ) Kleonorn Boyd will be the event tc- lay at high noon In Trinity Cathedral Iitenelve preparations for a ceremonial lebration have been made , and the nllalr iroislses to be one of the most brilliant tocial vents of the seajon , The Denver overland train cimo In on me yesterday morning , with a heavy load ! passenger * , I r " o Rheumatism "Neuralgia , , Sciatica. Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , tore Tlironl.Su oil ltic.S | > rnliti , Itriil r > , Iltirtix.tSniliU , front llllo , Att , nrurn nnoit.r i'ii\s AM > . Sold If UruMliii mil Ilf ! M eirrr * litre , nnjr OtuU l-HIK Mrpclloni In 1 1 lAnstiAFPS. TUB CIIAKI.K A. % OUUI.i : ! : CO. ( SitoiMii to 4. TOQILXB * CO ) Bllllmort , J1 J. , V. 1. A. (517 SI. Chnrles St. . St. Louts , JIo. 4 rrfnlnr r 1u le of two MnimlCBtr ! < M , hm tm-n ! : n < ! . 0 tt | llD tte pn.littret.ttnfitt r OM&oiHf , Nn vo"r 0 i and 111 COB Pi.iuitnlhMi tnt .i i I'tjMcltoIn CUlxnU ueltj I Arc" PhowftTiil All of J rrUmilhkBow Nervous Prostration , Debility , Men ! * ' eut physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otnotc. . Hens ot Throat , Skin or Cones , Olooil ? , sld Sores and Ulcers , KM trt.iej < uh oDi-tm" . . - icrrtM.on IMi t > tltntl ? : rrlutli.lti 8 > ' lt > I' Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Exceea , Eipo.iuro or Indulgence , * Mch noH-rc gotir or ii llowlnit rfTc Ui uervouistki , detliit , , illume , ! of.tiS Mid defectlfft toraiorj , plmolffien thn fife , | > tjlo\1 iw y rTBlon to tht coclftj of reniilt. , ccliititi gr rrndcrlni ! Marrlnsro improper or unharrr. * ' * p rmtmtitljtrartii , 1'ntnplilft ( Jft pnrrijcintlA utotr. r * U ttaled tnrrlnie | , rrrc lo ADJ tJiUrn * . Ooniultitfpn * l C 9t crb } tulirnc , andlurltt 1 rlui for ( Ji.e llon. . A Positive Written Guaranty Alr ttlo all ctmuitoct * * * , iirdletcelKCBt erfrywb * ? ? . JJArophot ! Xngllnh or Qertrnn , 04 pagre. tip bovo divefr&ea * in mAle or fem lo , FllV f.rtrltttj. rblr t .1 la Malh enl r i * e i iu , | pu ti e . Sis. Tbu i uct > U ! ! t'e urtoLi , JounrLl tr UgcUltlrs tml ctuv & bvt 1 Krt t IbtfrMi H Cl 'inlft , .r f JT ( * * ft' M 1 1 > XV * * V T V James Medical Institute Chartered by theStateof Illi nois for thcexprcsa purpose of givinuimmcdiatc rcliclin oil chronic , urinary and prl- ; vato diseases. Gonorrlicca , Gleet andSyphihs in nil their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and I31ood promptly relieved and permanentlycured by rcme- dicstcstedtna2'u , > f/lV ( ra tiptetall'racltce. Seminal Weakness , NiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaccLost Manhood , li < > iltli < eluciirc < l.3licro Is no cxpcrlincntlmi. The nppropriatc remedy 13 at once used in cnch case. ConsuItatUns , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address * DR. JAMES.No. 204Washinglon SChicngolll. ! . Metiie LIVCRai.d KIDNCV3 , ll ItffSTllliB Tllh. UliALTIJ n viaon or YOUTH . peiifl.i , Want ol Appetite i eurcil. Hone.luuscltsnnv rc.lvciii.wlorcc' 'n ; thu mlnil ui-.t . . . . . .Ilca jUralii l'o\tet J : rnflcrhix Ironi complaint ! J9 ppcsl'crto ' llielrei r wi ! ' ind In DR. K 1's.TI TEH'S IBOH "IONIO u fata at , . > fcdy cure ni csa clear , tieaiUiyfoniplejtlo. i'rcijucnl &titniil | < * t r < " fiV > ny on > > atfii ij'hciuinj't | | | ) otdieurlal > i' Do otni.e < JCIlt | 76tlllL OU'UI.V.M. ANU 11KS1 > ) beiityiiutnildri-r3tollialr ) JlnrtirMio oc . W tI/j'ilj. Mo. , fur ujr "DltJUAM BOO ( ? " g l&TMIt'l ? fctTMnO' < lt t lifltl IrifO'Tnii. PI ItlOA * lam a coppxr'rol'h by trade , nrl the Fmail par- tfclcs of biass and copper from filing cdlnto rn j on my anna and poisoned my whole nvetcm Mercury administered brought on rheumatism , nml I became a liulplest liiv HJ. I took tno dur-n bott'cs of Swift's Speclllo Mj If Re , aim ? and bnnd are a 1 rlghta aln. I UBO them without pain. My riBtom'ion Is duo to H. S. 8. 1'BTBt " . I JVB , Jan. U. 1836. Augusta , Ua. Poison. "Wo have ueedHntft'a Specific In our family ai an antldcto f ir pjlsun for two or ti rco years , and ha\o never Know nit to fall In a ulntUo Instance. w. o. Sumptcr county , Oa , Sept. 11 , 13:4. Ulcers. For six or eljjlit j'fik'B I suffered with ulcers en mv tight log. I &s trcBtl'd with lodldo of 1'otnsnhnn and JItrcury , nnd I became lielpka tibottlea ol Swl t'a M > eilfia inadr a pormniiuit euro Fob. 2s , 1S S. 11 I ) Wiuo.t , OnlnisUllc.CIa. ITIUOI. Ulch. , Teb. 8 , 1812 , I.M Ix , , . OESIS I am uilniryour Fluid Eitract Bed Clorer Blos&om and Woe Compress for Canceron the trc&tt , i l am well. I am sitUfled It ! tbo belt remedy for Cancer known. You are wfloome to UBO Uil > for the A. JOUKSOK. ; TOLKDO , 0. , January 17. U82 , J.M. toot ! ! & Co. MOKROS , Mich. UxxTUUfix Mrirlfo tins forxomo tlmo been afflicted Yrlth something like A wrof aloui dlsenRe. and found no relief until ibe rave your Kitnvct of Kcd Clorer a trial. 1 am hippr to uebo hag experienced great relief. Toll la but Ailleut testimonial of my appreciation o { your ofTorta In behalf of humanity , which you wo welcome to use for their benefit. 1 am , very respectfully , H. AliMfl. otroo , O. , Dee lit , 1(32. I. JfLooflAOo..lfo > rno , Ulch. OHTB I commenced taking your Ext. Red Clover , iwo yeara ago , for Kryilnelas , and hare not been troubled elnce. It li hereditary with me. Think you ta toe b t blood modloJne known. . _ _ _ Your * truly , W. M. BEIBEBT. It. 71. Hyman , of drand lUpli" , JIlcli. . aay > irter two Uocton advlied him to UM Ixxue'i Kit. Ited Clover for a bad caie of Kcsema , or ITorcr Bore on the Jeff. Only uied two poundj ot your Bolld Kxtraot ICed ClOTec A > a. Spring If edldne Tonic and central Illood PorV tier It tiu no ouaL For aale by all drugfflitf , or J. 11. LOOM A Co. . * iWoe , Mick , Stallion , Jaok , Sheppard Jr , Will BtanJ lor Itook at Omiha Pair grounds the oiBonof 1R86. Uel ) 18 } high , weight 1286 , bit tire JACK SusrriHD li lull brother In blood to jiunH 2:171 : , > ! > to DiCTATOBthe Blre of Jir.Bm-siti 10 , FALLJLS , 2.-18J and DIKBCTOB t:17. : Call at the cr und and eeo him and get bla perljtree In ( all , terms 126 ( ar the teuon. A. TIIOUHON. Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. rlanger . BatuU I Culmbachcr . , . . , na\arla 'Miner . Iloheuilan I Kilser . Ureuicu 1)011 KSTIO. lu utleer . St Ixmls I Auh uior , . fit. I.ouli lct' . - . . , Mllw ukea | Bchlltz I'hiier.UiUaukce ituf't. . , , .Omaha , Ale , 1'urtcr , Domt tloand llhlne Wines. SDMAUBER , 12)3 ) Farnam St. JAOOBDI JNDERTAKERS At tb old > Und HIT ftrotm Si. Crderi by ! phgollclt9dandprorapU ndod to. " ' ' RealEstate > ) 1 213 S. 14th STREET , BET , FAENAMANB DOUGLAS , ! Have a large list of inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the city. Wo have business property on Capitol Avenue , Dodge , Douglas , Faruani , Ilnriiey , 'Bownrd , JJtli , 10th , 13th and 10th sreets. We hnvo line residence properly on Farunin , Douglas , Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , California streets , Sher man , St .MaryB and Park Avenues , in fact on nil the best ditions. residence sheets. Wo have property in the following ad 1 I I -4rf Ha-wtliorne , MiUard& Caldwell's Lakes , ElizabeWPlace E. V. Smith's , Horbach's.S Patrick's ? Parker's , Sliinn's , G-ise's , Nelson's , C3-od rev's , > Lowe's. iKirkivood , College Place , Park Place , West End , Boo-gs&Hill ? Capitol,3 Reed's First , McCorniick's , Kountz & ; Ruth's , Zmpr'nt Association Wilcox , Burr Oak , Isaac § c Seldon's * Hanscom's West Omaha , Grand View , Credit Foncier , Kountz' First Kountz1 Second , Kountz1 Third , Kountz9 Fourth , Syndicate Hill , f ] ' * Plainview , Hill Side , Tukev & Kevsors , Thornburg , Clark Place , Mvers $ & Richards , Bovds , And ail the other Additions to the City. Adjoins the stockyards property in South Omaha These lots are &old at $100. They are nicely lo cated and will make convenint , cheap , and de sirable homes for the employes of the stock yards and packing honses. Tukey & Keysors Sub-division. Located in West Omaha , two blocks south of Louvenworth street , w fine location a * d the cheapest lots in Omaha ; 125 for inside lots and $150 ( or corners ; terms $10 down , balance 35 per mouth ; dent fail to- see these if you want a bargain. Kirkwood. Wo have a few lota left in Kirkwooil addition , which we offer nt lo\r [ , rices , terms 25 down balance $10 per month. These lots are on high level ground and are desirable. Hawthorne. This addition is more centrally located than any other new addition ioar the best Schools in the city. All the streets are being put to grade he grades have oeen established by the city council , and is very deuira- > le residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower than idjoininE tdditionsfor a home or investment. These lota cannot be ( eaten. Fen SALE-Lot on Davenport with fine FOR SALE Lot 28th and Vanum street , IOUBB. $2,000 , good property , 81,600. FOR SALE Full lot 21st and Clark street , C FOR BALK-J acre on California , east ot oem IIOUBO , 82,800 , Sacred Heart ; house , barn , an1 cutern , cheap FOR SALS Beautiful aero lot in Glee's add , only 81.600 . FOB BALE Lots In Ilanucom place each , I1.2UO. 8COO. FOR SALE-i lot on Chicago itreet between 8COO.FOR . FOR BALK 109 foot front on 15th Btroetwitb 3th and 14th , 82,000. imnll hotuo | uit south of U&rUuan School , on BEAUTIFUL . lota corner F rnam and 20th ly 81,700. , treet cheap. FOB BALK Full lot and 5 room house corner FOR SAiB-Lots In Walnut hill , 8200 , llth and Caatellar , 82'100. FOR 8AIK-1 lot with C room house 2Ut FOR BALE Lot and 2 houses 18th and Nich treet e&ey paymento , $2.000 , olas 85,000 , We vill furnish conveyance free to any mrt of Hie city to show property to our friends ind customers , anil cheerfully give infowtM- ion rcyardin Omaha Property. Tliose who have Itaryains to offer or wish property at tMaryain , are invited to see us. Bedford < fc Souer , Real Estate Agents ! I3S. 14th St. , bet. Farnam & Douelas