Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1885, Image 6

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Tueslay Morning , Juno 9
- - - - - 10 enM p i week
fTO trtn - -
If Sin . . . . . - - - lio.oo p f r "
SpocUl nslo lo-day at L.
A now sidewalk ha * been ordered on
the aldo of E ghth street from Six-
tooath to Eighteen avonuo.
The oltjr coaDoH has ordered the prop
erty owners on the north tdo of Eighth
arenne , from Ninth to Seventeenth
itrook to ropiir their walks.
Special tale of coraati to-diy only at
L. nutria' , 731 Broadway.
It la reported that an Omaha dry gooda
houao la preparing to occupy the atoto
recently need by Mr , PorterGold , and
will pnt Into it aomo atock for epeclal
AtthoPaclGc Homo yesterday afternoon -
noon the Rev. T. J. MoK y uultod in
wedlock Miss Ktto Williams of Buchanan
county , Iowa , and 0. G. McCUuley of
Oni a ia
The Evening Herald has boon rmpply-
ing itself with a water motor very ap
, propiuto for a prohibit ! ) n organ. The
Hcrild IB to bo congratulated on the Im
provement , anyway.
Mr. Albert Rtyor and Mrs. J. S. Mc
Allister , of this city , were married at
Lancaster , Neb , on Sunday , nnd arrived
here yostordiiy , and will take up thtir
rotidince in this city.
E. P. Sanders , who caused BO much
trouble to the p > lice Saturday night , by
having h'a ' whole family , babies and all ,
loft on the ateps of the p illco station ,
was yesterday flood. Ho got off ohotp.
John Gorman , John Mulligan , James
Mapletou , and B. W. Adams were fined
In the p illco court yesterday for indo.1i ;
log in Sunday drunks , and yet there
k were no saloons open. It ii a great rays
tory ho w all these men got the r whisky ,
In a irohibltli n slate , but they acted aa
If they Lai gat tholr whisky straight.
The remains of Frank Wickham , who
was drowned at Atohison , Kas , were
brought home yesterday , and thu funeral
will take placa from the Oatholio church
at 9 o'clock this morning. The doith uf
this promising young man , just on the
eve of hU finishing his cnirco in college ,
has caused great aadnois among a largo
circle of friends and acquaintances.
The water works company , being
. naturally much Interested In the sewerage
of this city has made arrangements with
the engineer , Harry Birklnblno , BO as to
make a tender to the city of his uorvlcea
and the benefit of his experience and
keowledge In toworago matters , no nddl-
tlonal expense to attach to tbo olty.
This offer is gladly accepted by the city ,
and the services thna secured will provo
T. A. Beebe , of the firm of Leatnan &
Boebe , No. 14 Pearl street , loit his gold
watch on Saturday. The watuh was
lying on his desk in the office wten ho
was called out for a few minutes , and on
his return It was mlealng. Ho thongbt
at the time that it had boon picked up
aa a joke , but as ho can find no traoo oi
it , ho is now pretty well convinced that
nome sly sneak thief has got away
with It.
The funcnl of Wilson 0. Jackson Is to
take place this morning at 10 o'clock , at
tbo residence of A T. Rico , corner of
Fourth Btreot and Willow avenue
Friends of the family are invited to at
tend the services , and arrangements have
boon made for all desiring to accompany
the remains to Glonwood , wlioro the do-
pitted ono will bo laid at rest In the
family grounds , bosldo his mother , who
WAS buiiad there several years ago. There
will bo carriages at the depot , and a
special train will taito thorn to Glen wood.
The lawn cutters , of the Paoplo's
store , Messrs. Maes , Aarons & Morris ,
after their experience jostorday , era
talking cf "doing" different cities on
lawn and other salon they being ao wol !
pleaatd with the w y the crowd of ladles
handled them. It is suggested that Billy
Mass g ) Into the auction basinets , Pail
Aarono become bookktoper ia n shooting
gallery , and Obarlio Morris go into an ox-
j olatlvo mourning goods store as salesman ,
" * " being such a dignified , eodato young
Myron Burns and Obarlca
Gardner , both employes of Bray's llvory
at&ble , had a lively ao'-to y < stordy
morning at an early hoar , tbo dlrpntu
arising ovtr the nunuor uf bedding the
horecs. ' Gardner
rtruck Burua with a
pitch'oik ' iifl.otiig ; : q iiio a si rloaa wound
over thw rignt eyi- , the cut being thren
Inches 1 ng , and balng t ! . < oai > h to ih
* bone. DC 0 ioc ! was o.llod oi > to sow np
the wound , and soon had the man lu
condition to bo up aud nb.m. Gaidner
was arroated , and until for a disturbance
of the pi nod.
The judges In tbo contest between
Jui'gfs AyUaworih and Loofhurow mot
at DBS MiiiuiB Saturday and held a tun
Buliatlun , but srrivtd at no decision. It
was tUKRBtted by one of the judges that
' BCIUH witiiettot from Ort-ou comity bo
recalled fur iXiuiiuatton in some points
ou winch they worn tiot quito si well
lulnrnifil UB they desired , but Ill's ' idea
did not nitot with favor , urd July 8th
WAS fix d up u at thtt date f > r A final de
cision ou thn G * H itst-lf , The pub'lo ' * ill
therefor ? Iwu'o ' w it till then to ku w
vrliijli < f ti o c > iitratmits Is onti > ld l to
the iliani t biiici.
Tbo ao o t f thn cl'y council in doing
away * i'h irio poHco fnrco will n fc
leave th 8 o ty si poorly protected KB on
at tri th. ugh wonl't ' snppo Tlnr
MO tevorit ] i thur > (11 ( ore , n aUurlff , Btvor-
1 deputlov , three constables , a deputy
United States marshal , several prlva'o
watchmen , the otty marshal and his dop-
nties , nnd all tbo minute men of the fire
depirtuiont arc to be aiado npoctal police
with no salary , and the aldeimen are to
be appointed as police , BO that the total
regular force will roach about twenty or
more , while In ease cf need the mayor
tias the right to pat on special policimen.
The roughs who think that O.mncil Bluffs
is a goiid place to vtait oo account of the
lUttlng down of the regular pallco force ,
may find themselves mistaken If they
try it.
The case of G. A Walker against D.
GMditoln cimo up before Judge Eton-
drloks yesterday. Walker claimed that
a banj > which Mr. Goldstein had in his
pawn shop had boon stolen from him by
one named Djnglas , and uat he ( Walker )
had bought the Ins'rument last January.
Goldclcin proved that this verymmo
banjo bad boi-n pawned by Douglas
several times at his place , the first time
befog a year and a half igo , and that It
could not therefre bo the same instru
ment which Wftlkrr had bought new in
January laot , Tfio court therefore do-
cldid in favor of Goldstein.
The action of the cninty board of sup-
orvltora la cntrg down the email-pox
bills certified up by the city council has
oausi-d some foflifg < n the part nf th
nldermen. Thov o a < m that the handling
of the patients was brat in the control o >
the o iiiniy , but that the county turned
the matter ovtr to the city , and that
after doing the best pnsslolu ia hiring
help and securing uoctBsaries , tbocouuty
now gees back on the bill * . The council
feels that the ngn cinents made by the
city boord of health with various Indi
viduals must in all fnirnesa bo car
ried out. and that If the county
will not pay those portions ah agreed , the
city vrlll bo hold liable , and that the
county board hav'ng ' put the wc.ik onto
the city , should stand by it. Some of
the aldermen are In favor of tuit against
the county right awy , wbilo the moro
cmeorvatlva ones adviao arbitration and
further consult tijn with the supervisors ,
with the hope that the latter mry be per
suaded , on learning all the facts , to meet
tbo bills as contracted.
The annonncomoat that there would
bo lawn drotBes given away at the Pee
ple's store for an hour yesterday morn-
lac spread ao like wild-tiro , that long be
fore the hour appointed tboro was t > great
crowd gathered there , and this kept in
creasing until the store was picked , and
the sidewalk and street were blickod.
The jam was a complete demonstration
that It pays to advertise. Miiiy
cyuld not get Int3 the store , and
while the crowd Insldo was struggling
for bargains , the crowd outeido was hav
ing a no less straggle , bundles of goods
being thrown out the wliidiws to them ,
and as the hundreds of h-nds reached
frantically np In the air , eigar to bo the
lucky grabbers of prlza , the hundreds
of volcea Indulged In laughter , shouts and
cheer J , calling a still greater crowd. The
police were sent to clear the streets , but
It was impossible to got folks to move on
BO long as they wore getting giods for
nothing , and as they all suomed good-na-
turodthe police could notneo foroeandso
gve np the Usk and lot the crowd have
its way until the fun was over. It was a
great day for tno People's store , and one
of tha blggeit s rta of advertisements.
There wore fortunately no serious mis
hap ? , such as seemed to be liable in such
great crowd of eager , pushing , jamming
men , women and children. Insldo the
store the crowd was so dense that two or
three ladles Muted , but aside from this
there was little to rrur the succon of
the event.
N .
COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa , ll y 28 , 1885
Notlio in liHruuy yivcn that the regular
annual m > o'ing of the ft ckho'ders of thu
Council BlulTi City Wati r Works com-
piny will no ' o'd ' at the flioe of the onm
pany , No 2G Pourl street , in ttie city of
0 uuoll luffIow , n Wortno dsy , the
10 h day of Juno , 1885 at 2 o'clock , p
m , for the election i f direct > rs to servo
the enaning year , and tbo itansaotlon of
such other baoinosa as may lawfully como
bn'oro ' it.
The transfer books of the company
will cln nn Wfdn"sdey , the 3i day nf
Juno , 1885 , nr 3 oVlock , p. m , , and will
reopen n Thur d y , the llth day of
June , 1885 , at 10 o'clock , a. m.
By ordvr i f 'he boud of directors.
B. W. HOPKINS Jn , Secretary.
Eli Clayten wa in the Bluffa yesterday ,
Dr. M. M. McCandltss , of Fhiladejphia ,
was ut the Pacific yoaterday.
Ed Wright , the stenographer , will shortly
leave fora visit in Akron , O ,
Mn , W II , Trejnor will leave in a day
nr two fur Nebrabka on n suunnor visit
to friends.
Cjrua D , Kellry , of North PJatte , Neb. ,
who U largely Interreted In landi , IB spending
a few days in the city , making his head-
( [ iiurtera at the Paciflo.
Mrs L Peters leaven to day for Helena ,
Montana , on a viit to her oldest daughter ,
and Uter io the eraion will go to Uilllogfi ,
Montana , to vlsil her daiuhter lately married ,
Oubi at Gooruu llu * oil's , 028 Broad-
! { ( ! KntAlIt T
The following tuo the tranrfer * of real
estate as roojrdod In the cifll.oof tbt-
rdiis'rir , end reported to the BKE h )
A. J. Sttpheuson , for blond * y , Juno 8 ,
1885 :
I. W Darnsll to William E. ; rT rdi ,
I t B , Hock 2f > . " "Uin1. uh , S135 00.
S unit. ) H .In yg n tn W M. Brown
i n | .33 7 8 81,01000.
J W Di n ii nEiz.'i'tn AnnJnnes ,
I t 7 M k 29. l\Tul u'n suh , $150 CO
rn 0. 0 lUu , ct al , tn I'ona'gi ' y A
li. loin 2 ud 3 bock 11 , Avuo ,
r o.
8. L. Miful'oog' ' ' < > A Preston , o i
iJT77 45 fi 1 , 275,00
Totil B.lxn , ? , % ( Ml.
1le % < \ Judd & > nut ' fl'ur of § 1,000
ronari in auotbur column.
ilie City Con-cil - Propose to Mate
Eraylio y-PaL.cene. $
ThoExpens'B of the Oity to bo
Eeduoed by Doioe Away
With Police and Qas (
All on Account of Prohibition ,
The city council held an important
mcolirg yesterday morning to ctrry out
the programme already outlined In the
BEE. The doing away with the oaljou
Licenses , which amounted to $20,000 or
$25,000 a year , has caused the aldermen
to puzzle their brains as to how the city's
bills can bo met , especially as last year's
council was rather lavish , and lapped over
Into this year's receipts. Aid. Llodon-
topf prcpand the following rssolutlon ,
which was unanimously adopted :
For the purpose of bringing the ex
penditures of tbo city within the llmUn
of ils revenues , which hive bon greatly
curta'led ' by the Iocs of thoealoon licensee ;
therefore , bo it
IUsi > lved , That on nnd after the 15th
day of June , 1885 , the following expoud-
Itun a bo ditcoutinuod :
All of the g a nud gaiolino lights to bo
cut oil , and the gts lighters dlschar od.
All of the regulnr and apoclal police bo
discharged , except the chief and the cap
tain of police.
All the bro department Bhall bo BO or-
ganiz-'d by the committee on fire BO as to
rotaln the drives of teams only and th
chltf ; kll other tnnn herotofora employed
with a salary shall act as mianto men ,
ana be paid as such.
That the engineer department bo re
duced to the engineer nnd ono chilnmau
That the number of jailors bo reduced
to one.
That all work on the Btronta bo dla
continued except the work < f poll tax
payers , whicti , togoth rwih ( ho repair
ing of sidewalks , shall bo In charge of ono
pursoti , nht se pay shall bo 82 , In general
fund warrants , per d y for each ten huuri
of work.
Alto that the committee on fire and
police oh nil b * instructed to call upon the
telephone company with a view of get
ting a reduced rate for the nso of tele
phones , and if unBueccss'til , to report if
any Imtrumonts may be cut off without
B rlnus injury to the workings of the fire
d loartment and police.
It IB proposed thns to cut down all
possible expenditures.
Mr. Jotoph ItoBB was chosen as the
man to take charge of the street woik as
provided lu the resolution above.
Having thus at ranged to cut down the
expenses , the next raovo was an attempt
to shove np tha tovrnuec. A resolution
was presented directing the citv attorney
to prepare an ordinance providing for
licensing in ndJition to the occupations
already requiring license , the following
classes oi business at the following ; yearly
rates :
AH retailem S 25
Hotels of first-clues lull
Hotels of Becond-claes 5C
Restaurant * 23
Livery B xbles 2E
Loan agents and money brokers 15C
Bauka 200
Insurnncs aeentR k5
Physicians and Bur eocs 25
Attorueya nt law 2C
Frtjo delivery wagons 2C
Dentists 25
Real estate sganta 1C
Abstractors of titles 25
Hakers 25
Barbers 10
Bath room * 1C
Private boarding bouses having lets than
ten guo-tn 1C
Private bosrdiig houses having-more than
ton guests IF
Book agencies , 2f
Bottllnc works 25
Cnmtntesiou merchants SE
CufTeo roasting and spice milln 2c
Coal and wood dertlen C
Contrnctors and builders ; 15
Dairies 20
Express companion 2f
Gram dealtra 2f
lea doa'era ' 2 (
Lauurtrlea U
LiRhtning rod dealers 21
PhotogrHpliers H
Plumders and ( ? ns httora 25
Dealers in rags , socoud-band goods and
old irou 1 <
Meiointlle agencies K
Meat markets 2c
Merchant tuilors K
Oil merchanta 25
Oil peddlers 20
Sowing taathli e aitonciei G
To OI/IKII e companies 2'
Tick t brokers fi'
Unu > riak-rB 2.
Vetoiiuary Burgooes 25
Mrs L. A. Smith will hold her Juno
oxhibi'lnii of art nvfdlowork ou VVednts
day afiorm on a > id evening at the et"re oi
thrt Onuncil Blnffi curpot company
Lidli'S and gen Itmtm are coidially in
vited. No caids , nr obromos.
R il'nr la fiorlnK gruttt bircalm at hi
mo'chant tailoring eBtabliBhmont. No
310 Broadway. Sue hta gouds and get
hiB prices.
Good New * tn SnlTorcrB.
The new anrgloal and medical insti
tute , of which mention was recently
made in the BEE , will ba started up just
as soon as a favorable location can bo
secured. In the meantime , Dr. J.
Palmer , whn Is known n "Lone W' If , "
and Dr , R. Seot , the surgeon , will bo
located at tbo Sco t house , where they
have secured five parlors for the accom-
mudutii n iif their patients. Dr. Palmer
has been doing a lar o butinesa
ri'ico his coming h r , and
s ma rpm rk blt > cures BIU iupor > o < i ,
among them th t < f Mrs. J Morris , ho
ivrs nu.rttio It > ek InUnd round hou.o ,
and whn is u suter-ln law of Mr. N rris ,
who has a restaataat , This lady hat had
a stiff arm for ninn yiarn. and witb ono
Dock's 'robtujent uudur Dr. Palmer sht <
finds her arm at good as ever. SHOBIJH
tnut sin h s tiitid a great many tri-a -
uiHiita , bcth in this country and the i Id ,
aba being a Dine , but has been uiubletu
aecuro help b f'ro ' Another ciso rn-
( i.ini . d la that ( of Miis Molllo Stevciie ,
hn lus brt-n uhj ct to hysturla for
hirtf on yours , and who ia said to have
been euro1) ) by D' PaJmurin eight da > s.
Substantial abs'ran s of title and real
0 rau la * > s J , W. & K. L. Squlru , 101
Peail fctreet.
0 ( spools ann v , uit chuned Address ,
R As K , BEE ofiice
About eighty of the Iowa o'l'orM '
excursiou parly urrlvod last tv-niiu and
were qutrtored at the Union Piciiio ho-
t"l. Tuo others will arrivoou this morn-
1 g' tialn.
Juit uo N Shnrz ras taken quitu ill
yusterHaf t'loruooa ' with wh t uppuared
to be a slight stroke of piealysis.
And other wares. Attend the
At 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
One tot handled cnps and saucers 38c
Ono aet knives and forks . , f > 8j
One bowl nd pitcher flgc
Ono 6-bottlo trlplo plated cnstnr 1 08
Ono BRt Rogers triple plncd knives 1 93
One dec rated tea set (56 ( plecw ) , 4 98
Ouo decorated dinner set (98 ( pto : e ) 13 98
Ono dtcorated dinner tot , [ 131 pieces ] 17 93
Call nnd SOB : Yours very respectfully ,
Holfcrt and com of all ages ( urnlebcd In r. desired numbcn ; ranchmen should carrcspocid nlth
bcfcro I'UtchsBlbg elsowhetc.
WINDOW & OR A wiP TON , Waverly , Iowa.
Norene & Landstrom ,
Suits to order in Itttoat styles at cheapest pocsib prices.No.
No. 205 Main St. , Council Blnffg.
Keep Borers nnd Mules constantly on hand which
wo will i ell in retail i r carload lots
II Stock Warranted as ReoresentPtl
Wholoalo and retail dealers tn Grain and Baled liar. Prices rcn-
'atlofaction Guaranteed
Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bmffa.
505 Broad-way , - - Council Bluffa ,
The only all night bouso in the city. Everythirpr served in firrt cleat etylo nnd onsbor
notice Hot and cold lunches always ready.
For any ooof Kiilnoy or liver dinonno or dyspepsia rbeumntifm , or any diaoaflo inrludcecl
by n lack of natlvn power , thit cannot he cured by the use of Dra. Judd & Smith's Electric
Bella and Apt ) icea No. 30 , Fourth St , Council Bluffa.
P. C. DeVOL ,
504 Broadway , Council Blufis.
Wholesale and Retail
= z = T I N W A. IS
Charter Oak and Acorn Stoves neea no comments.
Loonard'fl celebrated cleanabln Dry-sir Rofileratnr. These Refrigoratora excell all otho
in cleanliness. A refrigerator which cannot bu cleaned becomes useless , it becomes o uuls
nucc instead of a benefit.
with latest improvemeu
With Hn's vr.isher wo do not ask you to ri-k coufirlenc- money.
We know that * 1 t' ' at i nuce sary is a rial. TAKrt ONE , and if nfier
one or two fair trsts you aie no' ' , pleased return it and we will re u d
your m > ney.
These Jlatiyea ore a
complete tl ep a r t u r e
from the regular "Va
per StovCf and possess
many new and val-
tiable feature * that
4vill Ite appreciated.
Wo have the exclusive agency of the celebrated
Gllen Tie Point
in this cily. Do not bo deceived by
byg g and JOD
at bottom prices. Mall orders Bollelled.
T\T ? "WOT R04 Brontlwnv ,
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch
esetc. , ready made and made to order 'Prices
cheaperthan ever. Call and see for yourself ,
Formerly MRS. J. J. GOODE.
29 M in treet , Council Bluff.
Sold by the 'cad ' ug dealer in every
city ntd town ,
. B rhorn ,
E7X J57 It , A GJEJNy
17 Mni-i St. , ( Jinuipil MlufTs ,
: . JP.
sDer , flainjifl tai Psimiiii
( Jrali lag , Gliding , I'apcr HaTi Ini ! and r scolnx 110 Main 8t , Council Bluffs.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
A Complete Line of New Goods Always ou Band ,
Brick builiHupa of any kind men ! or movrd nrd snttefactiou gunrnutood. Fraroo boas
moved on Little Giant trucks , the bwt In thu world.
1010 Ninth Street , Council Binds
NOTICE. Special a Tortleotnonta , OHO at Loci
round , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Docrd
ng , eto. , will be Inserted ID Ibl ) column at the low
'ate ot TEN CKNTB PER LINE for the flrst Insertion
> nd FIVE OEins PER LINK for each tnbeequent
ertlon. Leave adverilsemeni * at our oflloa. Hn
yl Rtr . n * r Prn r1 ri >
Vl'ANTI'D Immediately , a tra-8 bmd if abnut
Vv Bov > * n plorts on i. six months tn < i0mint
A ) ply to Dr. J , P < I > or , Lon W If the rmdiclno
man , at the S.'ott house , Council 1 1 Ha , U.
BALE Six m bh conn with o > l > ce. tha
ci ht two yeir old hei'rn ' Al o four good
work h rtes Apply at ofllcu Horace Everelt ,
ouucll BlufI' , low >
XXJANTEO Live , cnereotlc men miUnir less than
VT $ ! > i or wet to Oilift ) hi Occidental Hotel
tctwoen 10 alii 12 a m O M. Qmcfco
WAKTKD Boar J nnd room for irputUmin and
wife in a B rlct'y ' ( rlvat.i fumlh , near iho
Mcthodlut church. Address U. , Dun OlDce.
W ANTBD AgiKdRlrl tone houeework. Inquire
at 831 Ihlrd Aiuuue , Council H luff 9
WKNl'BD Book and stationery business in Ilrilp
town or 6,0 0 to 10r > uu Ii habitant * ; or would
like to hear of Rood open ! j ? to s art business In
tilhcrlcjttaor Nebraska , ihos. J. Oorle , loronto ,
TO THADK Oood Iowa ( r Nebraska ,
land ( or a small stock ot hardware or general
merchandise well located. BWIN & WALKIH.
| /02iStliK A rare chan < o to Rot fine , nell 1m.
.T proved ( armof 400 aoiee , within a fnw miles of
Council bluDe , at a bargain. Low p'lce and easy
FOR SALE A good palog hotel property nlth
llvory etablo In ono of the best small towni < n
western Iowa will sell wtth ur without furniture , or
will tiade for a email farm with etncit tto.
FOR HALE Landa Improved aad unimproved.
If you want a farm In wo > torn Iowa , Kansaa
Nebraska or Dakota , let us bo > r from vou.
F'OH SAi E A laruo number of buslnons and resi
dence lots In all pans of Council Dluda. Sea
us before you buy , HWAN & WALRUS.
F'OH SnLfc Parties wishing to buy olu-ap lota to
build on can buy on n onthly payments o' from
J2 tn $10 SWAN It WALKKR
F > 011 UhMl We will rent jou a lot to bum on
with the prlvllage to buy If jou with ou very
liberal term . PWAN & WALKKR.
IH UAI.K Hi UBC . Lots and Land A. J ,
° toi > l en-on , M3 Hrbt a nnuo.
ANTKLI bouy lu Council Bluffs 0 take
W TUIHBII red by carrier al only twenty
k week.
' RXCIIANOII K' . 15P , IP.tOO acres land ton
nnlmbuutb of.Uncy , Jitb , , for Ccuncll lllulld
pro erty.
No. Ifi5. Ago d steam flouring tnlll In Cedar Co ,
Iowa , f r a et ick of general merchandise or bard-
anv > lue 10 , 00
No. 159 lintel property In Ta\hr Co , , Iow , foi
ga d farm property vaUe$4UOu
Nn a bind 1 Hall ana Unoclu Cos. , Nub. , for
Council Ulufli pri/peity.
No 10 . Fine improved farm for cheap western
ard. !
No , Iflt. One of the best farms In IVttawattamle i
cnum ) , Ion a , (00 acres for wild Kanea * or Nebraska '
and.No. . 169. Hotel In Pueblo , Col. , worth SD.rtn , for
loua , K > nra , or Nebraika land In p r and lung
tlu OON balince ,
No. 171. Good farm , for ctook ol good ) or hard
No 172. Wild lands In Rooki Co. , Neb. , for ttock
No. 1 6 House and lot la Clarlnda Page Co ,
Iowa for Neb-a ka or lowaUn' ; vatuo Jl/o' .
No 177 , Iloiel In onu ol Uai < oa' < loit towns ,
v luu ? 8. ( 0 I rst ckof drugs fur pan and laid
uiipnividurunlmirov d
No. 178 " | 10 ' 'Id ' bargains In Kleth On , , Neb ,
MM la d for lands In western Iowa or Kocd stock
of iiuz i r hard'am
No. 18 A i al' Interest In a flrt-cl ecj p'ow world ,
well loratod.firlaiidav lued tnf > 'ii.
No 11,2 200 or * Inp ovcd farm I" OienHo. , Inwa
aUoouoli I'tUlti < 'o , , < .f 316 , for stock of ( fords
, * < > . 181. lore bnl.dlriK anil Block ot yen rl
morchandiiio I'l a live wiuto'ii town f r woiturn
anil , Improve' * or unlm rovtd , valu 8MFO' >
uil hu dredsnf i ther epicUl xc'an o bargains
or p&rilculaiB , call and gte or writs Io
bwN & WALKER ,
rot neil i luffs , la
201 TTnjior Urialw 7 0 > i ml U i'f '
NO a ,
fa the Highest Achievement in Writing
Machines in ( fie World.
with rnh S9 kcjs to learn an
optratu. It | > rlnt 76 characters
Ir oludir K cape and small Itttiri ,
punctual ' B , nL'urta , vlgnii and
tractions It a tinblinplosi and
moHt rail I writing machln
made a well as ) no ra < > dur Lli
forjrr.e illuvtratcd pamphlet.
Wyckoff , $ * ins & Benedict ,
Ublcngo , 111. , Sola Ageutr ,
O , H. 8HOLB3 ,
Ageut for Wvatern Io
Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Rugs , Etc. ,
Caieful Attention Given to Ou
of Town Orders ,
Upholstery and Drapery Work a
Our etock ia tha
Largest in ttie
and ij beim * continually ropIonUhod by
oil the Intoat and choiceat novoltle * .
405 Broadway Council Biufis
Offloo , Ifaln Strett , Itooms 7 and 8 , Shugart'and
Heuo lilook. Will pnntlne In R'alcmd tatu oourta.
THOS. OKKIOKn. vr ii , u. r cm
Officer Pusev.
Couno.l Bluffs , Sowa.
Established , - 1865
Dualcr * lu Korean and DomiMtic Kxcbange
nJ lifiinH Securities ,
In Couuo Dlud * hiving a
And all iiio-lorn lm ] > r < > veinmji , call btlla , fir *
alarm hulls , etc , ithu
No 21C217 and 10 , Main Htroet ,
s. A. PIERCE , ;
lOOMi.nbt. , Cniuicil Ulufls
detail Uooi and8bo < etorelitir big rnrgilMMtt
wa ) Lo fuuuu.