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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE- THURSDAY , JUNE 4 , 1885 . THE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , Jniio 4 , LOO&L BREVITIES ! Look oul for the Bellevue Sociable at the Dadgo street church , Friday night , Sonta and good times , | The Unity Club will Riva a social , 1'rf- day nlgbt , at Masonic hall. The Musical Union will furnish the music. A freight engine on the 11. & M , run off Uia track yesterday morning In the yards. After an hours' work , it was replaced , Deputy Marshal Mullen of the Bluffi was In the city yesterday looking up a witness to the Wolf slugging affair ot Saturday night , The deposition of testimony In the Brighton Kancho case has temporality come to a dote , but will probably commence to day. The county commissioners wont out to South Omaha yesterday to lot the contract foi ( trading 3OCO yards of the section line road , runnin ? east and west. Chief Clerk GrlfGn received , yesterday , the official commission of James JJruckmnn , ol Denver , who will run as postal clerk on the JtlcCook i ; Denver lino. Ex-Inspector Stccn of the postal department , was in the city , Tuesday , and made a formal transfer of his books and nc couuti to h ! successor , A. bl , Ilobinton , ol San Francisco. Owing to the heavy shower Tuesday evening the mooting of the Omaha Fair and Imposition Association was not a success in point of numbers , and an adjournment wac taken until 1 o'clock this afternoon. The members of the Emmett Monument society are requested to bo present at their hall Thursday opening , as there will bo busi ness of importance to be transacted. 13y order of the committee. The now boat club proposes to buy a four eared and a six-oared shell , two single Eculls , a working boat and a barge to start its fleet , and will probably build a boat house on the southwest side of Cut-off lake. August Nelson , the South Omaha con. stable , H getting ready to leave for Sweden in abuui thirty days , after tfco girl ho left behind him , \Vhon there on a visit twi years ago August engaged himself. Mat Carrel , on Omaha bruiser , of unsavory reputation , was arraigned before his honor , Judge Stenberg , yesterday afternoon , and fined $10 for assaulting a stranger , in a saloon on Twelfth street. C. S. Baldwin , a well-known sport , sudden. ly disappeared from Omaha yesterday , leaving parties to weep and walk the floor , on account of his absence ) . Ono of them has aworn out a warrant for the gentleman's arrest , In Tueaday'd report of the board of edu cation meeting , the name Charles O'Connor was twisted into "Charles & Connor. " This gentleman has been awarded the contract to do certain paving for the school board , The xnatorial used will bo "Euclid Flagging. " Our citizens will bo surprised to find how much baa been done at Bellevue college last yoir. Go to Unsociable at the Dodge street Trosbyterian church Friday night and aee the students. College eoogs and a good tims generally , Refreshments served by the ladies. Alexander Wishart , the South Omaha hotel keeper , who was shot some six weeks ago byV , E. Jones , in a drunken row , made bis appearance on the streets yesterday : He Ifl recovering from the effects of his wounds very nicely. Jones has not yet been heard from. Major Samuel Brock , assistant adjutant , general , having reported in accordance with paragraph 2 , epocial orders No. 85 , current series from the headquarters of the army , i ; assigned to duty as adjutant general of the department. During the heavy thunder shower Tuea- day'night , a bolt of lightning struck in the operating - orating room of the Western4Unlon , jumping from the transfer board to a dead or discon nected wire and running down stairs. A few of the fine wiroa were burnt , but no serious damage WAS done. The annual election of Capital Lodge No , S. A. F. & A. M. , was bold on Monday even , ing when the following officers were chosen on the first ballot in each case : M. C. Wilson , Master ; G. M. Nattlngor , Senior Warden ; 1M. . White , Junior Warden ; M. Hellman , Treasurer ; John Bamlord , Secretary. The Installation will take place in the latter part of thia month , alter the mooting of the grand edge , which is to be held in this city , Aery delicately written , though not liighly perfumed , note came to the BEE'S night lustier yesterday , In which the author mikca timely complaint against the daily ciuslty to some unfortunate animals that cornea under observation , Continuing she declares that it is moat shameful to see howa few of the street cir drivers abuse their horsoi , Kand refers especially to ono drfver on the Thir teenth street lino. The lady says that she IE a lover of hones , and hopes these outr gOE will bo looked after , A veiy pleasant party was given Tuesday night at tha residence of Mr. A. Pollack , Nine , temth and Farnain , in honor of hta niece , Mlaa Dollle Rojcnstock , who loft Omaha yes torday. About thirty invited friends were present and a most enjoyable time was had. Music , social convene and splendid refresh , meets w ere features of the evening's enter * lainment , Miea Kosenstock will go to St , liouh , where the will vult friends , and then proceed to Baltimore and other points in the oast. Shn hai been a popular member ol Omaha society since her arrival , and hoi .friends sincerely hope that she may return al an early day , An innocent German lad , F , M Drusen appeared in police court josterday with an ap plication fcr an appointment 'on the polio force , duly filled out and eigncd. Amoni those who bad signed for him were "Uucl John Stantru , Jclm Connolly , former ! ; known us "Whisky Jack , " and ono or tw othoia , Th poor fellow was unlucky euougl -to fall liito the hands of Jailer Tom 1'erronol who Uscinewhat oa practical joker. Toi told the would-be "cop" that ho would hav to go through a eories of tests with the dum btl'a , to atcertiin his strength , etc. Druse me lily submitted and for half an hour wa twitting himself Into all sorts ot uncomfort abla shapes , in trying to obey the orders c kin persecutor. lie was finally told that h would ' 'do" and that his application woul bo considered "when the clouds rolled by. " Now la the time to build , Get lo pcicts ou lumber from Goo. A. llcaglan AstlsUmt boolleepef in clHsaof l > r ; rtt.vli.ture ; ycuuy mem of good habit ami e oxpuiienco and first-ol 's 10(0 ( ivrc . Address for three dayr , D , M , E liuu iflio. A LIVELYSCRIMMAGE. . onlh Onalia Constables Hare a Lil Expericucs , Uoml > rile < l with Cugpulors nnil I'ur nlturc An Angry Looking Onn on the aconc Jaatlco Wright's Court , Jnstico Wright's court was the scent 'istorday afternoon oE a oomowhat non- ational trial , the partioa intoroatod belnf osldonta of the flourishing and active -onng village of South Omaha. The acts revealed implicated four mon , throe f thorn constables , and two women , one f whom has long ago rounded the nl ottod thrco score yoara and ten , Thi irinclpnls , however , were August Nolsor e. Josie Patrol and Nick Powers. I corns that the Inttor were in posse ajlor f property belonging to the la to W. E onoa , on which Nelson , as an officer o : ho laV , hold attachments nod oxpcotoc ; o R&H before long for the purpose o : aUatylng debts contracted and left un > aid by Jones. Ho sent Constable Man ling to got the property , but JoaloPowo nd Nick Powora refused to lei tfr. Manning BOO or touch a slnglo ar , ! clo. When ho commenced to take the mil by the horns they broke loose ot ilm with a terrible tirade of nbuso and tircatouod to do him bodily Injury unices 10 left the promises immediately , II corns that Nelson had accompanied Man < nlng to the place and was a spectator ol ho picnic until matters had became ac warm that Manning either had to secure tatiatanco or rotlro. Then Nelsin Ealloc n and the battle was on once moro. Ac ntlquatod old grandmother also joined ho gang. She bombarded Nelson's heat ! rith a cuspadoro and Mint 'owclmndo an extraordinary effort tc ctatoh his oycB out. Nelson finally so nrod the two women and was about tc jcct them from the house when Poweri ho mounted his 'frame. But being wel : > ullt and endowed with plenty of Blrcngtr. 10 encircled the ontlro trio and pitched hem all out doors into ono hoip. Bj his tlmo Lilts Powol had been relieved ) f nearly all her clothing. The fight , Drover , ended thcro. Nelson went tc ustlco Wright's court and swore out warrant for the arrest of Potvel and Pow < n. It was placed in the hands of Con- itablo Edgerton , who arrested and > rought them up yesterday. The charge ilacod a inst them was that of resisting n officer. They gave baU to appeoi or trial next Thursday morning. There was also a rumor current in connection with thfs affair that Nelson had boon ar- ested and lodged In jail , but that was c also rumor- Miss Nelson , It scorns , was oen to have a desperate looking rerolvei n her possession which she tried to use n Constable Manning , but was pro- onted from doing so. GRADING DAMAGES , An Interesting Opinion From Git } Attorney Gonnoll , Some time ago the supreme court ol is state rendered a decision in the case f Harmon vs. the city of Omaha , akcn up on appeal. The gist of the do Islon was that property holders conic ; aln damages from the city In cases where > roperty hai beou Injured by grading when Improvements had been put upon : before the grade iraa established , With reference to thia decision and the nllnenco it ought to have upon the polloj f the city , Mr. Connell has filed the ollowing decision : 'o the Honorable the City Council of the city of Omaha : In rwponao to your resolution , concerning IB establishment of grades , I would respect 'ulljr submit , as my opinion , that the recent ecislon of the supreme court , in the case ol [ armpn va. Omaha , need not prevent the atablishment of grades , nor will such action n the part of the mayor and council rendet in city liable for damages. The decision in the ese referred to , merely ; ces to the extent of establishing the liability E the city for damages for the actual grading ; a street , when such grading will result In amagea. The rule o'damages not being in * olved in the Harmon case , was not discussed > y the court , but I rfm satisfied that the true ule is the depreciation if any , of the market aluo of the property by reason of the tjraJ- ng , and is not the cost of cutting , filling up , r changing the property so as to conform to 10 street as graded. In cases whore the improvements are made ubsequent to the establishment of a grade , doubt very much , if damages to euch iin. irovetnents by reason of the grading of n ; reet , can be recovered. In fcuch a case , it would seem to me , that a lurty making improvements without refer' mco to the then established grade would be ullty of negligence , and would bo estopped rom recovering damages on account of such inprovemeuts. Such being my views of the law , I would ecommend anil advise that as rapidly a ; oaeonable proper grades can bo determined ipon , that the same bo fixed and established > y ordinance , so that all property owners in making future improvements will have uc eaaon for placing them FO that the grading ol lie street will occasion damage. W. J. CONNELL , Ulty Attorney. OMAHA , Neb. , June 2d , 1885. V Light Day in the Mills of Justice The BIurphy-Boyd ciso was oRaln con- Inued , and this tlrao until 10 o'clock Friday morning. The caio of Gannon vs. Tagart , jrought by plaintiff to gain poiecsslon o. horao , waj decided by Jadgo JVIcOul- oagh , yontcrdty , in favor of dofemUnt An application for writ of mandamua was filed yetterday In the case of ntat < ex rol on relation of Johannes Bales vs 0. W. King. Pliiatill applies for the writ compelling defendant to call threi dislntoreated patties , who ahull opprals ; certain property that has been levied ot o taUsfy an execution , bat which de 'endant claims is exempt , by rootou o his being tlio head of a family. The United States commenced oul yoalorday In the circuit court againa Luke Yorhece , to recover § 14,852 25 , a amount alleged to have been ovor-paii on a mill contract , between Fargo am Pombrluo , in Dakota , Tunt M. J. Golaton Is the dry goods cler nho figured prominently In the alusglu ( fftlr en South Thirteenth street Sund. night , in which he clalnnd to have bee Inookod down and robbed of $10 , Tb all'itr Tvr.a investlq&tid by Oaptaln Bull A an , and bo made up his miud that it thraihing was well merit id , as ho vi t Id Colston had Icsultod a young Uc and tad hit n thumped by her brolhe So far ni the loss of the $40 ii concerned , his , ho ft y , la all ft myth. In the presence of Marshal Camming ! ? oo3tlay afternoon Goleton told a fat llileront atory\rhlch is biiclly reproduced or what It Is worth. Ho says that with broo other young men ho had gone o n dilnklng roiort on South Thir- conth street , and bad been drinkln thorc about an hour , when the proposal wae made that the quactctto atop up to the > ir and have n acltzor all around , Gola on , aa ho claims , uiado the remark , "We musn't drink boor unless wo have oui Hirls with us. " Ho Bays that ono of tl > y.stnndcrs walked up to him and sale hen , "Don't you make any inanltlng in inualiona , " Soon afterwards , ho claims 10 was followed out by the yonng mat who beat him severely with a cano vrhlct 10 had dropped , It certainly acorns that the motive foi ho attack rras ridiculously Ineufliclont 3ut as both aides toll diametrically op petite atoiioi , the exact truth will prob ably never bo known. Seal of North Carolina Tobacco IB thi J , A. Crelghton aud wife have Rene ti Chicago. S , J. Alexander , of Lincoln , Is at thi ? axton. B , Kussoll and v ito , Creston , nro guests ni bo Mlllnrd. E. S. Van Kuran arrived from the wosl yesterday morning. Frank 0. Damon , of the Snlom Evening Jews , Is m the city. P. , F. Kllley and wife , of Hiawatha , Kn ? . , are guotta at the Mlllard. C. D. Cuinmona and wife , o riattsmoull are registered at the Paxton. Miss Forbes , ot Now Yoik , Is visiting Mrs. V. II. Coffman for n few days. Cupt. II. B. Freeman and wife , of Forl Laramie , are guests at the Mlllatd , J. W. Golden , wife and sister , of Sherman , Wyo , , are guests at the Paxton , Judge J. Wesley Tucker , a prominent at' .orney of Valentine , is nt the Mlllard. Geo. W. Post , collector of Internal revenue , and wife , of York , are at the Millard. Mrs. Max Meyer loft for the east last nighl and will spend the summer at the watering places , Thomas Carr , of Seward , was in the cltj rosterday and made a pleasant call at the ! KE office , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Doual and wife , of Lo : Augoles , Oal , , are yinting Mr. Harry Dene ! f this city. J. M. Harwood and wife , Columbus , Neb. , and H , B. Van Sickle , Lo Mars , Iowa , are al ho Arcade. J. W. Bailey aud Chas. T. Page , represen- atives of a largo agricultural Implement icuso at Monmouth , 111. , are Millard guests. Mr. Frederick Bock , of Now York city and .lisa . Jessaline Ilodgers , of Cincinnati , were married ou Tuesday , Juno 2 , by Rev. C. W , lavidgo , Dr. Darrow and wife lefcyesterday forCin- innati. Mrs. Dariow will proceed from thai ity to Weir's Springs , Va , , and will ther pend the summer. Alfred Clark , a former Omaha nownpapoi man , and for a number of years connected with the wholesale drug trade , Is in the citj or a day or two. Peter Gees was yesterday celebrating hi : 7th birthday. His twins were ono year olc yesterday. lie declares that the 3d day a 'uno is the luckiest of the year. Mr. Wilhelm V. Kroge , with Henry Bolln : Co. , wai yesterday morning presented b ] us wifa with a ten pound boy. Mr. Krogo ii 'setting ' 'em up" very freely. Denman Thompson , Frank Thompson , Miai Annie Thompson , Miss Isabella Coo and E , A. McFarland , of the "Uncle Joshu * Whit' omb" party , are at the Millard. Dra. Mercer and Sherwood left last eve ning for Nebraska City , having been sum moned to amputate a leg for a citizen of Otoi onnty. They will return Thursday. The marriage cf Mlllard F. Funkhousor tc Miss Marlon Franklin , formerly of Brownoll iol took place yesteiday at the residence ol he btlde's family , in Shrewsbury , N. J. Mr. and Mrs. 0wings , Atkinson ; R. Mal ory , Wilber ; W. J. Short , De Witt ; H. B. Sricodemua , Fremont ; W. J. McLean , Shos- lone ; J. D. Locourao , Denver ; J. W , Millan nd wile , Ayr ; Thoa. Hobbs , Oaeeola ; J. F. Parkins , Weeping Water ; C. L. Talbot , Cheyenne ; J. II. Day , Buffalo , N. Y. ; W. J. Short , L. H. Palmeter , Do Witt ; W. M , lowen , C. W. Eggleaton , A. Clark , Chicago ; E. V. Snlvely , Muthows , Kan. , are ot the 'anfiold. At the Metropolitan yesterday A , K , larsh , Sutton ; 0. O. Swan , Kearney ; J , W , Thompson , Netuaha ; William McCormlck , Alyeo Perkins , Blair ; C. W. Wheeler and vlfe , Brownville ; T , K. Morgen , Grand Is. and ; A. J. Finloyson , Blair ; G. W. Gulp , femahii ; J. 0. Kami , Schuyler ; S. If. Smith , V. Williams , T. B. Btalnaid , Hastings , fob. ; M. N. Sanford and wife , Dubuque , la. : i , A. Brooka , Minneapolis ; F. A. Jennings , ) unlap , la. ; 0 , Burnes , Kanias City "harlea F. Norton , Boston , Mass , ; E. 0 , Jook and wife , Marshaltown , la. ; L , J. Ab bott , B. F. Herrington. Troy. N. Y. ; Phillf lone , Chicago ; II. Winfield , Detroit , Midi. A. Q , Dart , Yankton , D. T. ; A. Currier anc vife , Maple Park , teas. ; E. Linvllle , Carson la. ; Q. C. Weber , 8t.Paul _ , Minn. Beauty , that transitory flower , car only bo had by using Pozzanl'a Mcdlcatec jomploxion Powder. Police Court. The police dookot was painfully alin yesterday morning , and Judge Stonberj iad a comparatively oaoy time of it. Charley Mela paid a fine of $5 nee costs tor committing an aaasult upon Oar Beckmau. Tom Bntko , a chronic vog who haa fre quently been arraingod , was aent up oa i tivo-day eontenco to the county jail. Four eeedy looking individuals wer brought up on a charge of intoxication They were upon trUl released as thei epreeing was proyen to Lava boon of tin the rmrmlcta owt , Clllt KioA-n , n ccgro boy , was fiuo $25 end coit * for disturbance of th peace It apposn that he went Tuei day to ihtt rtiiideuco tf a colored woman Mr * . McRill , mti c muionccd to ute foi and icaoltirg lan iuyu , Shn ordered hit to go out , but he refused tu leave. Fir ally bur husband cmua In aod forclbl ; ejected the foul-rr.ouihcit icltudn Brown then comiuoaced to throw ctuuc and br'c'ihite , ono of which natrord miaied hitting Blra. McGill. Dr. Hamilton Warren , Physician ar Surgeon , 019 N. IGth streoi rear Wel itir. Day and nv ht culls pjomptly a1 leaded to. THE HA.QEN MYSTERY , Important Clues "Worked Upon Mr. KKRII Ilcturns , Mr. James Morrison , the father-in- aw of the misting Lincoln tailor , James lagon was In the olty on private busi ness Tuesday , Ho called upon Coronet Droiol and briefly discussed the matter mt said that ho had no points which ho could yet dlvnlgo relative to hla missing non-lu-law whom ho firmly believed was murdered and then thrown in the Mis souri. Ho has two dotootlvos working jpon the case , however , and ono or two mpotttvnt clues are being watched which nro expected at an early day tc yield substantial results. Just what thcso clues are ho did not say. The case , however , Is so deeply Involved in mystery that it would seem as though only by the moot rnastoily dotectlvo skill .t could bo finally worked out. The ; hoory of murder Is the ono now enter < tatned , and to prove the tnith of this every effort is being made. Mr. Egan , who was in the city Tuos. day , endeavoring to establish the identity of the bloated corpse found In the Mis- lonrl river lost Juno with that of hla Brother , who left his homo in Dos Molnoa two years ego , loft for Polk county , Iowa , Tuesday night. His [ ournov was fruitless , as no doubt can low bo entertained that the drowned man was not tha Don Moines tailor , James Kgan. Altogether the mystery leone ono which the public would like to see solved , however far remote that desider atum of accomplishment may bo. Coughs , Cold and Sore Throat yield readily to B. H. Douglass & Sonn' Cap- mm Cough Drops. Estate Trnnsfero. The following transfers were Clod Juno 2 , with the county olork and reported for the BEE by Amos' real estate agency : Elizabeth Moranot al. , administrator , .oDanlol . 0. Moran ; nw } cf sec 19-15 11 e , Douglas county ; q c. $1. Charles 0. Honsoi and wife to Freeman W. Manville ; It 8 , blk 12 , In Parkot'a add to Omaha ; w. d. § 500. Robert L G rUchs ( ainglo ) to Henry OsthoiF ; rA of ItI , blk 24 , in Omaha ; w. d. S7.200. Francis B. Hays ( 'ingle ) to Mlrlon Moore ; vA of ni J sec 8 10-13 o , 8'Jacros ' , Douglas county ; w. d. $040 George T. Mills ( dingle ) to Anna M. G. HcOarmick ; Its 15 and 1C , blk 2 , in Clarendon add to Omaha ; q. c. § 1. Anna M G. McCormlck and husband ; o John L. Luke ; 1's ' 13 , 14 , 15 aud 1C , > lk 2 , in Clarendon add to Omaha ; w. d. 52,250. Anna M G. MoOormlck and husband o George T. Mills ; It 22 , blk 2 , and it 22 , b'k ' y , in Clarendon add to Omaha ; < i. C.-S1. Gunnard A. Llndqulst and wlfo to Ulnnlo 0. Niedieck ; si of It 13 , blk 10 , n Kountzo & Ruth's add to Omaha ; w. d. § 2,100. oS lately Pure lilti powder never varies. A. marvel ot pointy , troDKth ndwhole30meno83. Moro economical than ho ordinary kinds , tnd cannot bo eoM In corapctl- IOD with the multitude o ! low test , eborl weight Blutn of phjaohrte powders. Sold only In oant tOVAl , BAKING POWDER 00. . 108 Wall 81 ; N.T MEDICAL AND SURGICAL FOll TUB OF ALL GimoHic AND SURGICAL DisEflSEs , The largest Medical Institute ) V/oot of Mississippi River. n 'Ittjr ' rooma for the nccomodMlon of pallcnt . Th ! 'lw&lclnn : and Burgeon In chnrco of tha Institute hai mu elxtccn yearn * of uuccciwful practice * ana is rtiaei ] by asBlfttfinti * of rnro cxpcrlinco as EpecloJutJ In tnolr various derailments. U KITE roR CutcuijAunn Peformlllcs and Erares. PISKIB KSofUOMK * , riloi , Tumon , Cnnciro , Catarrh , HioncW III , Inhalation , FUctrlclly , Paraljili , Ppllepujr , Elduc ) Uje. anil Ulnoil I > IIOR.-S rite for PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN nn I'IUVATE , HPKCUL and Mutvoua TItaieB , btmloa \\'Cfikne8 , Hjiormatnrrhtrn , SjPhlUStUloci , Htrlctiireiirl roceto and all dlbeuHvs ofttie Urlnurr und Foiual orgftus CueatroatuUb } correipooUencoorJ'er onttlly totiOUtiHIfcl MeUlclnosBont tjr niau ur exproit wUhout markti to Indl cato contents or tender , Ailrexi all tettt'm to OUAHA MIUH\L ) AM ) BU1UHUAL INSTITUTR. nth Street. Corner of Capitol A venue. OMAHA , NKIt Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. ' &APOLLINARIS reigns alone among Natural Dietetic Table Waters , " BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. May 31 , 1884. Q/all Grocirs , Dr-uffitti , tifMin , Wat , Dtattrt , BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. TIRfflKEN SPRING VEHICLES. OVER 400,000 am. IN USE. One < lri > moi.citu * i luiiuriirt nil IcuUlPB urriuMO Jliilldc Will tell and so will QUALITY. Genuine MERITis bound to win every time , andthatis what makes the"V" Cigar a dead sure thing , Foran honestreliable smoke look to the "V" It will please you. Call for the best Askforthe 5 'one Genuine Without Vallencia Cigar Factory's Fame on Label. &T RETAIL BY Kuhn & Co , John W. Bell , Field & Farnsworth 15th and Douglas ? fc. 820 S. 10th Street. 2115 Cuming Street. Jas. Forsythe , W , J , Whitehouse , N. W. Cor. 16th and Capitol Avenue. N. W. Cor. IGtn aud Webster. 1 AND DEALERS GENERALLY. DEALERS will receive GRATIS with First order for 500 "V" Ci ar ? , one beautiful 7 x13 advertising photo graph in sty , ish hardwood frame , retbil value $2.25 ; with First order for 1,000 a striking street sign ; and with first order of 1,500 both photograph aud sign will be furnished GRATIS. SEND your order , put out the sign we furnish and if the "V" does not prove the best selling cigar you have ever had , you can return within 30 days alt unbroken and clenn packages. PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER , WHOLESALE m l-'l "Write for prices and terms. Orders by letter ; postal , telegraph or TELEPHONE NO. 30 < I , receive prompt attention. IMPORTANT PUBLIC HALE OP THOHOTJamiRED Horn Wo will eell et Columbus , Neb . June 10th , 1885 , at 1 p. m , , a fine draft of Short Horn Bulls ; 20 head of Superior nnliimlB.Borao fit to lioad any herd , nnd all In fine breeding condi tion ana ready for usa and tbid ealo if you want a teed bull , they are ot all our own breeding and our record In Iowa as breedara of Short Horns , we are proud to refer to , G Months ot 8 per cent interest C. B. BENSON. JNO. OSBORN. Jessup , Iowa. /ddress our Auctioneer , F-M.WOOD , Lincoln , Neb. , for Catalogue or us Betting and General JOBBING AND BRICK Charles Harris , 107 South J4th Bt. , - - - Omaha , Neb , CLAJBK & SELLS , Real Estate Agents 1108 FARNAM STREET , For list ol rropcitles lor sale jcaOffioha Heal * g- tita Q ztte , tq V louad hi the reading \yyzt ol all tttbttela , ( ESTABLISHED 1805. ) , Only Importers'in Omaha ot SMOKERS' ABTICIiES , Guns , Sporting Goods and Notions J , FLAGS , Base Balls , Fishing Tackle , ROLLER SKATES. IFOIR IFIRIOIE Ufaoc fileyer Co. , Omalia , Neb. A Full Aiiortment ol Air and Kiln Dried Walnut , Cherry , Aih , Butternut , Yellow Poplw Kedwood , etc. Hardwood and Poplar Ptnel , mrdwood Iflooring , Wagon Stoolc , Btali Bulldera1 Material , Ited Cedar 1'osts , Common Oak DImenilon and Bridge Ttmberi Cedar Hoards for moth proof closete.Ktc. Veneers , Tauoy Woodi lot Scroll 8awingEto.Bto ' S.'W.Oor.Otli and Dousrlas , Omaia.