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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1885)
THE DAILY BEECOUNCIL BLUFFS-THURSDAY , JUNE 4 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Juuo 4 Thursday Morning , t aUBaoiumoN RATES , Bj 0 inlet . . . . . . .so MnU'p f week - - - 110.00 pet yen MINOR MENTION , Friday evening , at the opera honso , Iho high school prlzo contest takes place. McOlnrg's cracker factory Is so busy as to compel running nights as well an days , " Three carloads of soldiers passed through hero yesterday from Columbus to Sidney and Nlobrara. The Mutual Itfo and accident aitocla- tion has removed from No. 201 Main street to No. 12 North Main street. The Iron for the now county jail has arrived and la being put In place. The jail will probably bo done by the 20th of July. Roller Is offering great bargains at hi merchant tailoring establishment , No. 310 Broadway. See his goods and got his prices. Equalization of taxes continued to oc cupy the attention of the board ol su pervisors yesterday ; also the allowing of a few bills. Harry Hardin and 0. Mynstor are to liavo a shooting contest at the driving park somotlma this wool : , the match to bo a glass ball ono , The Eastern hotel , Broadway near Northwestern depot , has boon thorough ly rofnrnishod and renovated and la now ready for business. The strawberry festival in the masonic temple , given by the ladles of the catholic church , continues this evening. Supper served from 5:30 : to 12 o'clock. Eva Lament , who waa nrrcatodpn the charge of robbing a young man named "Whito of § 40 , was discharged yesterday , the ovldenco not bolng sufficient. Still Bates and Tom Brooks are now charged with kicking up n row at the "thrco nines" and beating n fellow badly , who is a hanger on at the house. The sodding cf the ground of the Pierce street school Is completed. The Third atroet school needs sadly tbo same attention and the bringing np to grade of a malaria-breeding pool there. In the district court yesterday argu ments were heard on the motion to trans fer the injunction case against Wagner & Skerlock to the federal courts. The matter was taken under advisement. The fnnoral of the son of Mr. Fanble took place yesterday morning from the catholic church. JEHa schoolmates at tended in a body , and there were n largo number of the friends of the family. C. H. Sholes , who has lately bought . an interest in the Council Bluffs Herald ' , Las been elected secretary of the company In place of Mr. Spencer , who retires , and who Is thinking of embarking in business In Nebraska. The renovation of the Baptist church la sufficiently advanced to judge of its appeaianco. The baptists -will have a neat and attractive place of worship. The work will be finished this week , so that it can bo used Sunday. Tramps continue to work the outskirts tsn of the city , especially in the southern pait near the depots , A few officers to tew run them into the city jail , and a few days on the streets shoveling off the mud would Boon clean them out of town again. The Graves family , who have been at the dlmo museum , have boon engaged by the pastor of the Afrlcin mothodlst epis copal church to glvo a concert on the 15th instant , the proceeds of which are to go towards lifting the debt of the > row church for the colored people. jrL.DoBovoisBrtho tickofagent , has received the rates for those desiring to go from hero to the reunion at Portland Maine , The faro fox the round trip will bo $37.50 , the tickets to bo on sale from . June 14th to 21st , and there being the choice of nine routes from Chicago. A handsome young barber of the city now mourns the sudden and mysterious disappearance of his best girl , to whom ho was soon to be wedded as ho thought ; but who has loft for parts unknown taking with hoc all his gifts andjthe Parisian diamond ring , and leaving no word or motsage. The Nonpareil , poor old grandmother oho ii again accused ot stealing his tlmo It appears she "hooked" a big item from the Cedar Rapids Gazette and an It In yesterday's scrap book to fill up , on know , forgetting of conrto , to give credit to the Gazstte oven worse , tried to make It appear as Council Bluffs nows. Yesterday morning as Officer O'Brien ' I was standing on Broadway ho not'ced I young man fingering norao ( hoes thai were hanging outaldo of Phillips' store and was rewarded by seeing this meter person slip the shoos under his coat , aftci cutting tbo string that attached them to long line of shoes with a ploco ef lip , Ot being arrottod ( ho thief denied his guilt although witnesses claim him , tc bo guilty. The council having given permission Rescue steamer will go to Divenpjrt tc the atito tournament. The tteamer it being fixed up for this occislon , and If II had been kept in good condition all the time , this trouble necotsary would have been done away with , as It ii understood notwithstanding there era plenty of men employed In the department who could " * tavo kept In It order the , etcamor is In t bad condition generally. Tie movement to eocuro the creclioc of a , soldiei'd monument is assuming dtfi nile rhipo and plim. An scssolation bus been oigan'zol ' wi h K. L. Shugart ai president , J. J. Brown as vlco-prcsldont , Pti Pj . M. Phillips , treosnr , and J. 0. Dc- Ilaven , secretary. An executive com mittee has been chosen consisting of Joseph Lyman , J. L , Foreman , and John Ltndt , who are to draw up circulars and subscription lists to circulate through the country , A largo council for the recognition of the baptist chnroh and Its pastor Is called for Juno 1C. Some-twenty churches are expected to bo represented. The Rov. Mr. Watron , of Sioux City , will preach In the a'tcrnoon , and the Rev. E. B. Hulbert , D. DM of the union theological seminary , In the evening. Various other paits , both afternoon and evening , will bo taken by other ministers. It will bean an occasion of great Interest to this young church and the citizens who will attend. The city council is to meet this after noon as a committee of the whole to con- alder the matter of a now license ordi nance. It Is proposed , In vlow of the loss of revenue from aaloens , to Increase the rovonno from other kinds of business so as to help make up the deficit. The general plan Is to make every sort of a business psy license so far as possible , the present licenses to bo Increased , and a number of occupations not now in eluded among those requiring licenses to bo put into the list. The Western Unian telegraph company la now nicely located In Its now office and Manager Brown rightly fools proud over his now quarters. The rooms , a the corner of Broadway and Pearl street over the United States express office , on very conveniently located , and they are fitted up in a very attractive as well as bnslnoss-llko manner. The public office Is In front , and Is as handsome an office as there is in the city , while there Is room in the rear for supplies and bat teries. The change la for the bettor , and will bo appreciated by the public. Tom Baldwin Is closing up the affairs of the western trunk line association , the 11 general agent's committee office hero 11 being closed , and Baldwin taking tempo rary headquarters in the old BEE office. The now association Is known aa the western freight association , with J. N. Faithorn as commissioner , Instead of Mr. Yining. It is not known just whore the Council Bluffs headquarters will bo. In the closing of the old office hero Mr. S. S. Stevens , the general ngont of the Rock Island , has moved his desk Into the United States express office. The managers of the decoration day exorcises desire through the BEE to ox < press their appreciation of the kindly assistance of our citizens In successfully carrying out the arrangements for the day , and especially to the ladles for their work and generosity in providing floral . offerings. While It Is impossible to do linatice In particularizing , the gratitude of the managers Is none the less , and the individual efforts of those who helped In | so many ways will not be forgotten , and each and every one of these should take the "thank " If tendered you as person- ally. ally.A A middle-aged man , of good health and fine education , is taking a rather queer way to get help , by writing letters to many ol tbo prominent basinets men of the city , stating at length his grea need of money , and pleading for help ol Borne sort. Ho claims to be a good bookkeeper , and to be thoroughly con' versant with JJ tha'fc Holland , English , French and Gorman languages , and that he Is dally expecting a remittance from . the old country , but Is at present In great need of money. The number and peculiar wording of these appeals has caused some curiosity on the part of the recipients , and they hardly know what to make of the f el low. Cobi at Georqe Heaton'a , G28 Broad way. _ . _ Read Jndd & Smith's offer of $1,000 reward in another column. , 1'EUSONAU Mies Nellie Abbott has been seriously ill I for several daya. W. S , StvanBon , postmaster of Crescent was in tbo city yesterday , 8. T. Clark , superintendent of the St. Paul , was in the city yesterday , John Todd , secretary and treasurer of , Tabor college , was In the city yesteaday. II. J. Chambers nod family hare Mrs. E. A , Connigny and Mrs. K , W. Dayls , of Avoca their guests , Henry Spotman , of Xell'a ' hotel , bis father , mother and sister , nil left yesterday morning en rotate for Germanv , Dick Ityan baa returned front Northwestern Nebraska , where bo baa tbo contract for building a railroad extension , Mrs , II , W , Tilton left last evening ovei the Northwestern on a trip to Wisconsin . where she will spend several weeks with her I relatives and friends , a The Ilov. G. C , Ilico has gone to Vermont on n peculiarly interesting trip , his intention beintr. to attend the reunion cf bis old class , , which was graduated from Burlington unl vorslty forty years ago. There wera twenty- four members in the class , and there are now B fourtaen surviving , and all of these expect ito be protent. They come from various parts I ol the United States , being scattered from Maine , , to California. Many cf thorn ha ; o not met since tbey wore graduated , Tha reunion can not but ba an interesting one , with some nec , esiarilyead features , as forty years brlcg many changer , some of which are not the happiest , isf Mitloney Falls In with Unmans. Ino.v MOUNTAIN' , Ark , , June 3. A row oc curred in Walter MMoney'a taloon at Vulcan Sunday night , during which Maloney shot , , two Italians , one fatally. A mob of Italiani drovu Maloney and family out of the buildIng * I Ing , blow It up , and et tire to it , Maloney narrowly asoiped lynching , al Hereford's Acid IMiopplmto , IN COSSTII'ATION. Dr. J. N. - " Roblneon , Medina , 0. , siys , "Inojaea cf Indigestion , constipation and , j nervous prcatia'bu ' Ita results arc MI happy. " HOKLE FEMALE , alio BlioTCfl Ilor Gratitude for n Night's IJodginK by HtcnlltiR the Family's Clothes niul Jewelry , On Tuesday evening a gentleman on Tenth avenue , near Drovers' hotel , was accosted by a finely dressed lady who wished to find a place to sloop that night , as she was intending to take the train the next day for Denver , Col. The gentleman kindly took' ' her to his own homo , It bolng a boarding honso , and in troducing the traveling lady to his wife and family , they chatted in the parlor until quite late ; the family being con siderably exhausted entertaining the lady , all retired , and on ( ho family's awakening yesterday morning they found they had boon robbed of considerable clothing , jewelry , etc , by the traveling lady , who i ad , from all ap pearances , gotten up and dusted before any of the family wore much more than In their first sleep , as It was oftcrivards learned , by John Qaiun , the night watch man at the transfer hotel , that she was soon about 3 o'clock yesterday morning walking np the dump to the bridge across the Missouri ilvor on her way to Omaha. The watchman on the Iowa side of the brldgo refused to allow her to walk over to Omaha and suggested shogodown on the bottom , below , and got a boat man to row her over ; just about this time the BEE car which brings the BEE over the brldgo and np to the Broadway depot was signaled and upon inquiry It was learned that she wanted to bo taken over to Omaha , which request was politely refused by the gentleman In charge , thereupon aho went down on the bottom and was taken over In a row boat by a family who wcro camped under the bridge , they having just come down the river the night before. The woman now lies In jail In Omaha , having been arrested yesterday afternoon. The goods are all recovered , and it is not yet learned whether she will bo brought back hero or not. TAPPING A TILL , A. yico "SToiHif * Man Subjected to Un pleasant Suspicions. J. G. Melntjro , of No. 305 Broadway , had his till robbed on Tuesday evonlne ; under peculiar circumstances. Ho was at supper and a clerk In charge of the store was sitting at the doorway until the return cf the proprietor , when ho went to tuppor. Mr. Mclntyro on entering the store found that the cash drawer had boon opened and $35 t ! ken. His in quiries led him to have suspicions of a young man named George Mason , who had been In his employ , but whom he had discharged that very day. Ho learned that Mason had been hanging about near the store while ho was at supper , and informing the police of his suspicions , the officers hunted Mason up and arrested him , finding on his person about § 17 , and although the money could not bo identi fied , Mclntyre'fl suspicions wore strength ened , as ho know that Mason had no money of his own. Ho was afraid , however - over , to Insist on the prosecution of Ma * son , as no bad no sufficient proof , and so the young man was allowed to go. A domestio employed in the family of 0. 0. Cook , it was afterwards learned , had no ticed Mason with another young fellow , on the evening of the tlll-tapplng , come down the bluff in the rear of the store , and soon afterwards go away to gether , which gave color to the theory that they had divided the money. The two young men wore soon together again yesterday , taking the Kansas City train , and it was learned that Mason had left without settling his board bill at Mr. Porterficld'e. MOP on has served as one of the ushers In the opera haute , and was quite well known In the city , and it will be a great surprise to his friends that such suspicions should bo pointed towards him. Cesspools ana vaults cleaned Address , R. &K. , BEE office. DOWN ON THE DOOTOB. Tbo President or the Young Men's Christian Association Annoyed by Being Ghurgcd with. Larceny , A case has been started in Justice Frainoy's court whlchjhas a sensational feature to it , as the defendant , win is charged with larceny , is none other than Dr. P. J. Montgomery , ono of the proml. nent physicians of the city , and president of the young men's Christian association , , as well as very prominent as a prohibi tionist. The charge Is made , that while . attending a girl named Davis , who was at work at the Ravoro house , and who was taken sick there , the doctor , not being able to . get any money on his bill , took the gold , chain , belonging to her , and which chanced to bo lying on the stand near her , bed , the doctor saying that ho would keep _ - it until she was nblo to redeem it. The ' girl now claims that oho did not give the doctor willing possession of tbo chain , hence the charge. The cajo Is to bo hoard to-day , when the full facto will como ont. The lisno seems to bo whether the girl gave np , the chain as security for the bill , or whether the doctor'ln hU ness to secure the money d i in cook the chain witbout duo prtostu ut law. The position held by the doctor , and his reputation hero makes the matter a de , cidedly unpleasant ono for him and his . friends , and it Is intimated that tbo real - cause cf the action lies in the feeling which a medical student in another doc tor's office has in regard to the matter. - - Mammoth Dime Museum AND TflEATEK. Mil i\e , and 1'eir ] Street , ( Formeily Martin's hlnk. ) J.V , PALJIKII , Proprietor , CARPENTER'S MAMMOTH , i Hfli Co - , TWENTY PEOPLE. Every Evening for Two Weeks , CommencingJWonilay , , June 2tl. la Our Carlo Bull ; Replete with new curiosities eveiy we ir , WAR N CHINA. And other wares. Attend the GREAT SALE At 23 Mum St. , Council Bluffs. Ono cot handled cups and saucers 380 Ono sot knives and forks G8o Ono bowl and pitcher. )8o ) Ono 5-bottlo triple plated castor 1 08 Ono sot Ilogerstriplo plated knives 1 08 Ono decorated tea sot (50 ( pieces ) 4 08 Ono decorated dinner set ( ! > 3 pieces ) 13 08 Ono decorated dinner tot , [ 131 pieces ] 17 08 Call nud BOQ : Yours Tory respectfully , HOMER , THE CHINA MAN , KIEL BALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on band which wo will ecll In retail cr carload lots II Stock Warranted as Represented Wholesale and retail dealers In Oraln and Baled Hay. Prices rea * eoiiablo Battsfaction Guaranteed. soiBci/crmsiR so BOHEITT Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. IBI. _ P. DSTILIES I draining , Gilding , Taper Hanging anil Frescoing , 110 Main StCouncil Blufli. Sold by the leading dealer in every city and town , E ; Burhorn , JTJEWJE&XJIZ , A.GENT 17 Main St. , Council Bluffs. OO3DS. Will Discount all Prices. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 605 Broad-way , - - Council Bluffs. The only all night house in the city. Everything served in first cUei style and on shor notlca. Hot and cold lunches always ready. P. C.iDeVOL 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs Wholesale and Retail " "in VI J. N W A JR. JH Charier Oak and' Acorn Stoves neea no commerts. Leonard's celebrated cleanable Dry-nir Refrigerator. These Refrigerators excell all other in cleanliness. A refrigerator which cannot ba cleaned becomes useless , it becomes a mils anco Instead of n benefit , with latest improvements. With this washer we do not ask you to rfck confidence or money. We know that n-1 that is necessary is a trial. TAKW ONE , and if after ono or two fair tests you are not pleased return it and we will rolutul your money. BOLDI9 STAE GiSOLUE Itanycs ore a complete d ep a r tie re from tlie reyular "F < per Stove , and possess , many new and Ht liable features t will &e appreciate d. We Lave the oxclusivp agency of the celebrated Tvo Pet uni1 in this oily. Do not bo deceived by and Job at bottom piices , Mall orders noUcIled. P C . DE 1TOT , 60i Broadway , JL V. ASJU V VAlj OOUKC BLUFFS , Noreiie & Landstrom , Merchant Tailors . Stilts to order In Ir.tost styles at cheapest potsib prices. prices.No. . 205 Mnin St. , Council Bluffs. W.'P. ' A.YJLESWORTH , Urick bulldlngi of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. I'nvmo hcut moved on Little Giant trucks , the bcit In the world , W. P. AYLSWOHTH. 1010 N in tli Ht root , Council I3InfI T TTTI STOCKKItS AiD FEEDERS. ITillcri and cows ol all ntcs ( urnlthol la an ) ilcslriJ numbers ; ranchmen shouM corrcspCLd \ > lth bclcro purchasing cleonlicrc. WINDOW & CRAMP TON , Waverly , Iowa. SMITH & TOLLER , AGTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods Always Hand. For any caso-of Kidney or liver dUoaso or-dyipepsia rheunintlsna , or my disown indticlcod bya _ lock ot native power , that cannot bo cared by , the lisa of DIM. J udd & Smitb/d Blectiia lielta and Appliance's fto. SO , Fourth St. . Council Bluffs. AGENTS , WANTED. Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaperthan ever. Call and see f or yourself , MRS.G.II. GILLETTE. Formerlv MBS. J * < J. GOOBE. 29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special a rertUomcnta , ave it Loel found , To Loon , KOI Bole , To Kent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , eta , will be Inserted la thl ) column at the Ion ate o ! TEN CEHT3 PEK LINE for the flret Intartlon ind FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( or eaoh eabgoqnont ertlon. Leave advertleomonti at oar offlM , Ho. F ll Street , no Eroadwar WANTS. ' "cord ami rrom for gent atd WAM'KD In a fctrlctly private linilly , near the Motho- cHst church. Adilreisb. BtBoHIc- . HOUSB with 4 Jofliocms. No abW . WANTED Z , Uce olllrc. TTT'OIl BALE Team of large b'aok lonci , uit tie JD fcrfaimorhoaiyuorklo city. One K& f imo on satisfactory security. Horace E\eic.t , Co- , cii Bluffs. Iowa Wi 'ANTED First-claw cake baker a * So .m , , LocrckeV , 623 Main street , Council Bluff , . W 'ANTKD-A. flr't-cla-s cook , at ita Cioslon Homo , Council Eluffe. TUU KENT House , 7 rooms and 2 ia7 rs comer ? Hatmonv and Beaten Sts. Appl2J o Harrison AMIS TO TrtADK. Good Iowa . . Nnhnmka , land for a small stock of hardwv o merchandise , well located. B uu , & WALKER. F OK 8\LE A rare chance to pit a flno neil 1m. proved farm of 400 acres. , fe'w rnlles o Council Bluff , ) , at a bargain , tow , , ? ice &nd easy Oll HALE Agoodpajlntf not , F 0 ' nrone-tv with llyory stable. In one of tin b 07t .maown in western Iowa will sell with ot w > .thouffurnltea or will trade for a email farm ' F Oll SALK-LandB turns' od aad unimproved. "ou " " 1 ' 1 , wes " > ow Kanuaa K v i Nebraska Dakota Ictuah or , ( . 0 > r rom you. SWAM ii V/ALHBK. F OKBALB-AlarBonap , ber of business and resl- > , , Cou"c" BlulleSo < ! ua before jou buy. H'01 ' , ' Sft "I1 * * Ish'nit ' to buy cneap lots to . l'ulllloncanl , > ut f n monthly pajmcnta of from toS'O KWAN & WAURB HKN IVCjV M rcnt you a lot to u on wftn the prlvSc to buy If jou wleh on very liberal . term SwAN & WAI.KKIL Jb'1 HALE-IT uusos. Lots and Land. A , J. avenue. W AMlKU coayio Uouncil lllaHii o < TniBBB. rod by carrier at only twenty ts a week. FOR BXMi ' son N , ' . 1 , 10,000 acres Und ten miles sa-j'h of Sidney , Neb , , for Ccuucll Bluffs property. No. 153w A good steam flonrln ; mill In Cedar Co , Iowa , for i , stuck of general merchandise or hard. ware\al' Jefl.roo No.Wf , Hotel property In TaIor Co. , Io a , for gerd 4u ra property , \aluo W.OOO. No I a Land In Hall and Lincoln Cos. , Neb. , for Couao1 I Bluff j propci ty , w 101 , Fine Improtod farm for ckeap western o , 101. One of tbo best farms In J'ottawittamig o ° r nty , Iowa , < 00 acres for wild Katitos or Nebraska w , d. d.No. 7 No. ICO. Hotel In 1'ueblo , Col. , worth SD.fOO , far .owa , K n a , or Nebraska land In par and long tluo on baltnce , No. 171. Good farm , for ttock of good * or hard , ware. ware.No. . 172. Wild landa In Hocks Co. , Neb. , for Block of dry goods. No. 116. House and lot In Clarlnda I'aJto Co , loua , forls'chra > kaorloualin-t ; laluo ? 1 , OJ. No , 177. Hotel In oue ot Uikola'j Lujt towns , v lue $8,000 , for stock cf drugs far ] > ai ( and Und lmprord or unimproved No. 178. Sj loaclld bargains In Klclh Co. , Neb , slid laid for lands In uuatern Iowa or gocd stock of diugior hardwaru. No. 18) . A hall Interest In a flr t clisi plow works , well located , far landi Mlued RD COP. No. ] b2 , MO icru laiptoveil farm In Clan Co. , Iowa also ono In Pla , Alt > Co , , cf 316 , for stock of goods No. 183. Lloro liul.dlm , ' and block of gumrtl mcrcliandiso , in a Ihu wtstom to n for wottern and , Improve' ' oruniniprovtd , volua 914,600. And huxdredsof ether ujxcUl rxcdan o bargains or partlculais , call and eit or nrlta to E.W1N & VVALKfR , Council lil uffi , la SOHUBZ. ornoB OTZB AUKRIOAX EXFRBSI ROUNCIL BLUFFS. TllOa. OFFICEIl , W. H. U. 1'UHK Officer & , Pusev. Council Bluffs , Iowa. EstablistwJ , - 1865 Dealers In Foreign and Uomwtic and Homo Heciuitiea , CARPET COMPANY i Curtains. Oil Cloths. Window Shades , Linoleums. Mattings , Hugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders , Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Oar stock IB the ( I I Largest in ttofost - * ; ! and ia being continually replenished by all the latent and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Biufis A YOU HAU UV S. A. PIERCE , ! "ni1 81'00 * torc wne * ° b'if ' l ) fC ( ln can h a 1 JA.CUJU -at-Law , COUNCIL 13LUF1S , IOWA , Office , Jlaln Street , Rooms 7 and 8. Shugart'and iooo block. Will praotloe in Ulateand tate courts. MANDEMAKERS & VAN , AROHITEOTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS / 20 ] TTnpor nnalw 7,0)4i > lt Riiif i . Eico CANCEKS , CHHONIC