Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    i'ii'vmiitHif : > li * ' ' * *
Gossip aofl Eycnts of the Day at the
Capital ,
Instances of How the Wealthy
' Avoid Taxation ,
A Newspaper , A Mrtyor , ami Others
lit a Biul Flight Events
ThrotiRliotit tlio City.
Reported by The BF.E'H Bureau.
LINCOLV , Nob. , Junq 3 , The BEE epoko of
the matter of unequal asscBaments n few days
ago. A. few instances will show how these
who are "in the ring" manage to escape the
payment of anything like n half tharo of the
public burdens. The State Journal not is only I
voracious tax-cater but is a very chilly tax
payer , Tholr "hundred thousand dollar
establishment , " at they delight in denominat
ing their building and machinery , coat , in
1680 , about SGO.COO , as follows !
Tlirco lots , corner Ninth and Pstrcots.S 7.GCO
Building 3.-,000
Machinery 20,000
Total 302,000
This , together with the increase in the
vnlue of property tinco 1880 ; the increased
amount of machinery would reach a sum not
short of § 100,000. At tlio tiino the assessor
calls , however , they are very poor ! they can
only find property valued at $12,000 not
over one-tenth , when you take into account
the immense stock of papsr , etc , , carried by
the concern.
J , U. Webster , tha attorney who lias eo
Biiccpssfully got along with the commissioners ,
owni the fine block on Eleventh street , near
M , which would bo very cheap at $40,000.
He is voiy poor , also , when tha assessor ap
pears , and Ilia property Is returned at thn
princely uum of S3.800-not one-tenth of Its
value ,
The palatial roaldonca of Mayor Burr ,
which lid holds at § 50,000 the mido of the
city IH found to bo appraised at $3,590.
The poor , unknown farmer is assessed $20
on a SCO horse and 812 on a $30 cow , and so
on , There is no dodging for him , because
every ono knows the value of his property.
There Is a considerable wager among some
of tha prominent business men of the city as
to the number of Inhabitants to bo returned
by the census takers. Some but there are as
high M 23,000 in the city.
The badges which were voted by the de
partment encampment grand army of the re
public at Its last cession one to Oapt Palmer
for his services as department commander ,
and one to Brad 1 ? . Cook were recently re
ceived by Maj. Franklin , and have been sent
to tha parties named.
The state Sunday chool convention meets
hero on tha 231 , JMth , and 25th of this month.
A committee of entertainment has been ap
pointed. The Ilov. E. II. Curtis delivers the
welcome address.
leThe Lancaster county people are thinking
/ / tetting a new court house.
Examinations at the state univeralty began
yesterday afternoon and continue till Satur
day night ,
Ex-Chancellor Fnirfield lectures this evening -
ing at the opera house.
Tha I'hllo Da Cean , a now society just
formed this term , give their first entertain
ment at the opera liouso Friday evening ,
A brute by the name of L Lunson , who is
said to bo In the habit of whipping his wife or
any other woman , was placed behind the bars
for whipping a Mrs. Wylock.
Work on the capital balding is going stead
ily pn. At present there is quite a turce at
work on the tower.
Capt. Marsh , of the revenue department ,
wan headed for Omaba yesterday.
The Hon. S. J. Alexander Is loaded for
bear and started for Omaha , The general
steps high since the organisation of the new
company ,
Secretary of state Roggon departed for the
metropolis yesterday morning.
A. C. Hill , of York , and M. A. Hartigan ,
of 1'latts mouth , are viewing the capital city.
James Peabody , of Fairmont , is at the
The census bureau report everything mov
ing along slowly and smoothly. Be on the
lookout now , for it may bo a preacher , lawyer ,
doctor , or pcssibly a book aeent who will
prance up to your front door and tell yon he
is the Nebraska census taker. Tell him the
truth and toll it all , as it don't cost you any-
thin ? to tell the truth in this case.
Crop reports from the wet are very favor
able. Although drouthylNebraekais suffering
a little bit at present from en overdose of
' arrivals J.
Among to-day's prominent wrro
M. Campbell and A. A. Allen , Omahi ; A ,
Moore , Auburn ; Dr. Wells , Aurora ; J. E ,
Bagler , Suiton ; Jnmoa Benahaw. DenVer ; A.
W. Mnrtonior , Georgia ; O. M. Mead nnd
and wife Plattsmouth ; Robert F. Burke , am-
bridge ; Harry White , York ; Major Bannan ,
Nebraska City.
Several tramps and ono plain drunk were
run in last nigh.
The graduation exorciics were a complete
BUIOGS , six o ! the scholars bearing on" honors.
A Great Blixny Crmlo Ilclng Blocked
nnd Quarantined at Clicycnno.
For the past two or three days ramora
have boon floating about the otreela oi
Omahft tbat an immoneo blockade of
cattle , waiting for shlpmont east , waa
agitating nnd exciting the people of Ulah
at various polnta In that torritoiy.
Coupled with ihla tumor nho owno a
K atory to the olToot that this blockade was
duo wholly to the railroad companies on
account of either their Inability or do
alto not to farnlah cara fast enough for
moving the csttlo. Then it was farther
stated that the railroad companies had
entered Into an alliance with the mor
mons , whereby all mormon cattle ahouli
bo given the proferonoa and shipped on
shod of other people's cattle. But i
Boemi that the whole thing la mythical
At least uish must bo the conclusion
deducted from an . Investigation
madu of the matter by a
reporter for thoBKEyesterday , Theroaio
a largo number of cattle Jn quarantine at
Obtyenne , but they ro cattle from
pluri-pneumonia , Infested districts of
eastern states that ate being shipped Into
the wcit'rn territories for btoedmg par.
. Evidently with this state of af *
E0308. at Cheyenne to base a sensational
rumor on , la whore the report started
thai there is a l rte blockade of cattle In
Utah.H. B. Jennison , superintendent of
construction for the Western Union and
Union Paclfio telegraph Hues , returned
yesterday from Salt Lake and other terrl
torUl points ,
A freight onglno on the Burlington &
Missouri ran elF the track yesterday
mornlnc In the yards. After an hour's
-work it wai replaced.
J. T. Clark , general superintendent ol
the Ohlcigo. Milwaukee & Bt. Paul rail
road , is in the city , at the MilUrd.
George S. Norfolk , ganoral ticket and
patsenger agent of the Ohlc go , Rjcl
I land & Pacific road , la at the Mlllard ,
The rates from the aoaboard , whlcf
have boon In a badly demoralized stuti
since August last , have now reached i
phenomenally low figure. Within tin
Jail two d ya the roada in tha trunk lim
pool have bseu quoting n rate of $1 If
flat billlup. with no robito.
W. N. MoDearmon has been appointee
traveling pataetigcr * gent for the Nlagar.
Kails short line , with headquarters a
Kanaia City.
J , K , Johnson , snparlntondont of th
PaciQo ozprois companywai in the city
yosteiday ,
8. G , Eaton , superintendent of the
American expriss company , with ho&d-
quarters at DCS Moinea , was in the cl'y '
yesterday ;
The Union Pacific Rives notice that
hereafter the silo of discount tickets
frill bo ditcontlnnod between all stations
In Nebraska , and agents will return to
the general ticket agent's ofllco all card-
discount or spaclal dlsount ticket a on
Previous to the transcontinental pan' '
mcotintr , which convened at Denver yes
tcrdny , n board of arbitration had been
appointed to prepare a table of percent
ages on both freight and passenger busi
ness , The board of arbitration consisted
of George M. Bogne , D. 3. Gray nnd
A. Ford , The paisongor trafllo Is dl
vldod among nine lines , ns follows :
Per cent
Union Pacific , mam line 4
Union Pacific and Denver k Hlo Grande
via Denver 2
Burlington k Missouri lltvsr and Denver
it Hlo Grande 1G& &
Burlington & Miisourl Hiver and Union
Pnciiio vi Denver. . . . . 2
Atchison , Topeka k Santa Fo and. Den
ver & Hlo Grande via Pueblo. . . . . . . . 2
Atchlion , Topcka & Santa Eo aud Atlan
tic & Pacific via Albuquerque 10
Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo and South
ern Pacifio via Deming ( !
Texas k Pacific/ and Southern Pacific via
El Paso 0
Gnlvoston , Harrinburg & San Antonio
nnd Southern Pacific 0
_ Tlio freight traffic la divided between seven
tines , as follows ;
Per cent ,
UnionPacIfio Q 10
Burlington & Missouri Hiver and Deiner E
&llio Grande 10
( Uchlson , Topeka k Santa Ko nnd Denver
& Hio Grande vin Puobelo 1
A.tchieon , Topolcn k Santa Fo and Atlan
tic & Pacific via Alberquerque IS
A.tchison , Topeka k Santa Fo and South
ern Pacific via Darning 3
lexas k Patific and Southern Pacific via
El Paso 10
jftlvcaton , Harrisburg k San Antonio
and Southern Pacihc 17
The cow percentages apply from January 1 ,
1885 , nnd roads distatlsliod may withdraw
rom the aesociatiou after giving ninety days'
A private telegram was received In
Dmahn last evening from Denver , slui
ng that the propoaitlon of the Chicago
md St. Louis bualnes ] men , for a clatalQ-
sation on freights over wcatorn roads had
} cen refused.
] QB of Coniicil Blflffs' ' Boarfling Honse
Ho Gotlllo S tool a Propcrtylut ] FA ! led
to Li tire the Thief Back Into
Iowa Saw the Shining
Stocl of a Revolver.
Oharley West , ferryman at the river ,
a credited with a very clever piece of de-
: ectlvo work. It eoema that about 3 or 4
) 'clock yesterday morning Oharles saw a
white figure restlessly Hitting np and
lown on a sand-bar on the Hawkove eldo ,
} f the rlyor. Ho supposed that It was a
lomrnon every-day ghost , and of coureo
thought no more of the circumstances.
But he was wrong , &a ( to usa a time-hon
ored phrase ) "tho sequel Trill show. "
( Vbout dark , Tuesday evening , D. J.
achrcmling'a boarding-house , on Tenth
itreet In Oouncll Binds , waa Invaded by
t tnll , slim , heavily veiled female who
( ranted lodgings for the night. She was
icioramodntod and ehowa to a room ,
where the proprietor left her , supposing
of courbo that everything was all right.
Bat when tbo family arosa yesterday
morning end Schramling wont to call his
female lodger for breakfast , ho discov
ered she had departed and taken with
her about § 50 worth of his wife's clothing
and jowolry.
It was the thief whom West saw cross
ing the river , and when ho was accosted
early yesterday morning by the boarding
hoDss man nnd told of the robbsry , both
cimo np town and made n lively rustic
to iind her. About 10 o'clock she was
discovered in lower Dodge street and
captured. She had the stolen property
on and was wearing i1Tho tiio
wont into a boarding house at the cor
ner of Dodge and Twelfth etrcota , whera
the women waa taken to a room and made
to dlsrobn herself of the drcsica nnd
jewelty that she hai taken from Mr.
Schratnliog's lioubo. Ho then started
with her to the depot , intending to takn
her bjck over the river , but was mot by
her "colid muldoon" on Ninth street , who
said that she was not forced to go unleai
SohraraliDg had a reqneitlon
from the governor , to tike
her. About that tlmo the eolld
muldoon waa pulling a revolver from his
hip pocket , and advising Schramling to
hunt a more healthy locality. Ho lot
the woman go , but wont direct to police
headquarters , and reported tbo cise
there. Officers started out to search for
the woman , and about 4 o'clock she was
run In. Sbo says that her name Is Mary
French , aud n harder looking crook has
not bsenoaoturod in Omaha for many
months. She Is tall , slim , bony , hag
gard , and has short , nnkopt hair.
Another suspicious character , giving hli
name M J , L , Halaoi , waa run in latt night
lie i the chap who prevented SchramlinR
torn taking Mary French back over to Coun-
il Blufli.
Chn Oreatert .Tedical Triumph of tha Age !
I.oia of appetite , Howeli costive , 1'nlnln
tbo head , wlt-i a dull .cnimtlon tn Iho
6ack part , i'aln under tbo.houldrr -
blade , Fullnea * nrtcr eatlne , wltU n-dU-
Inclination to exertion of bodr prmln-l.
Irrlialtllltr of temper , /.owiplrlK , wltb
mfeellncofhrivliiir neglected lomodutr ,
\Veni Inoos , Ulzilncn , 1'lutlerlntr ai tbo
Heart. Ilotn bcforotbo cyci , Ileadacha
over the rldUt eye , Koatlciineii , wllh
atful drenme , Hlchlr colored Urine , an J
TOTT'H OTI.I.8 arc especially adapted
to tuch cases , ono dose oflTccts Buoti a
The Iiiercaio the AppctUe.andcauie the
Body TaUo ou Flcilifthu * the sritem tl
uo iirlilicitan < l byineirToMlo Action on
. ar
| 'rl e 4 t Miirruy st..nj.V.
URAT IUin or WUISUBUS obanged to o
OL039T IILACK by ft slnglu npiillcatlon ol
tbl * UrE. It Imparts a natural color , act
.nstantaneously. Bold by Uruggiiti , 01
nt by express on receipt of 1.
ce , 44 Murray St. , How York.
Tnr\lllnTrnioiii > rnncc , etc. , nnvof Cnkci ,
Cro m .l > iililliiit..Vc.m ilrllcalcly nnil lint
lirnllyaidiori nil from litcli they are innile
fatFKKtO at TMI
Price Baking ; Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. at. Loulo , Mo
Er. Price's Gronin Oahlng Powder
Dr. Price's Lupuliii Yens ! Gems ,
Deal II ry Hnp Yenil
NIG Body of Mi GoBiliiDg Rafcefl
From the Riycr.
aia Sudden Disappearance Jtrom tlio
Central Hospital on Qaturdny
Night Expliilncd An
Inquoit Hold.
Tom Roaoh , George Cleveland and
Fohn Ruali , three laborers , were down
> t the river's edge , just above Jackaon
itroot , about 3 o'clock yesterday , when
Ruah saw the dead body of a man lloat-
ng down stream and called the attention
) f his companions to it. They sccnrod n
iklff , rowed out whera the body nna acd
Iraggod It to the shore. Coronet Droxcl
uraa Immediately Informed of the find ,
md soon arrived on the spot. In the
ncantimo qntto a largo crowd of men
md boyo nad congregated , curious to
leo and learn all they could about the
; hen unknown man. Coroner Drexel
lumrnoned E. GIsh , William Gilbert , H.
3. Dodge , G. Whftney , Charles West
md John Kelley to act as jurymen , and
lold an Inqnojt there and then.
After hearing the testimony of Tom
3oach , George Cleveland and John Rush
hey returned as their verdict , that the
lecoaaod had como to his death by volan-
aty drowning. The body waa placed In
k wagon and taken to Drexel tt Maul B
mdcctaking ootabllshment , where It was
Ircssod and packed in ice to await further
In tho-doid man's pockets were found
i watch , inamorjndntu book , ono letter ,
'rom a lady who slguod herself alster and
> ther papers of no particular value. In
; bo mcirorandnm appeared an account
yithBell , the druggist at 820 South
Denth street , and remembering what ho
lad seen in the BEE Monday about Bell's
icractiptionolork Louis Goething , having
iiiddonly dlaappearcd Saturday night
'rom the Central Hospital , Coroner
Drexel made up his mind that the dead
nan was none other tban the missing
jlork. Ho wont to Bell's store with the
nemorandum and watch , and both were
dcntllicd there as bpiug Goetbiag's
iioporty , thus establishing the fact tbat
aeyond any doubt the body Is that of
Louis Goothiog. His patonta and family
relatives llvo at Westoa , Mo. , and thpy
I7oro telegraphed to last night.
Something strange and myatotious sur
rounds the circumstances of this aulcido.
Eo waa a bright fellow , faithful to his
amployors nnd said to bo ono of the bott
prescription clerks in Omaha. Last
Ihuraday ho vrai atticked with hemor-
rage of tbo lucgi and placad himself
under the rare ot Dr. Darro for treat
ment. Tbo doctor had him taken to the
central hospital on Fourteenth street ,
whore ho could bo well cared for and
made comfortable. On Frldny he ox
pcctoratod o omiU quautlty of blood , but
didn't appear to bo very badly effected
by it ; waa lively with other inmates
of the institution. About half
onat 0 o'clock Saturday night ,
ho walked out cf thn hospital , and that
was the last seen or hoard of him until
his body was raked from the dark and
muddy river yesterday. It Is supposed
that while laboring under a tcmporery
aberration of the ir.ind , self-destruction
supgosotd Itself and the plan selected fur
committing the dreadful act was that of
drowning. Goothnlng came to Omaha
about two yours ago from St. Joe , Mo.
A. Partnership Squabble.
Mr , J. J , O'Connor returned , yesterday
from a few days' trip to a town tn centra !
Iowa , whither he was suddenly called
Monday night. It appears that bo wa ;
ummonod to Iowa to settle np a dlffi
culty between two partners , ono of whom
had been guilty of some crookedness in th
firm affairs. Mr. O'Connor found things
in a terrible tangle , both of the partners
refusing to settle peaceably. While thi
negotiations wore in progress in the prcs
ence of Mr. O'Connor , on
of the partners he who hac
beta guilty ; of tbo erookednois
whipped ont a revolver and presented i
at the ho d of the other patty to th' '
negotiations , demanding that he sign
written agreement which he , ( sad
crooked partner ) had drawn np for hi
own exclusive benefit.
The paper was drawn up In a vary one
aided style , and would not only have re
leased him from all liability , but would
have- allowed him a lion's share of the
btislneis Interests. The other partner
refuted very naturally to sign the paper ,
whereupon his antagonist fired , wound
ing him severely , though not danger *
The matter was finally compromised ,
everything being adjasted tatlsfactorly ,
The shootist waa not arrested and every
effort in fact la being put forth to hush
up the affair. Aa both patties are well *
kaown In Om ba , have relatives her ? ,
the addition of names ii not advitable ,
The tondal 'Ja one of long hUtor ? and
involves nnny polnti of sensational and
mysterious interest.
II. McKay , contractor at Atl.mic Uuj ,
la. , for tha new school building being erected
there , is in the city to get hla cornice woik
< mr To loan. 11 ; Oco. V , Bcml , nt tlio lowc t
M :
rates of InlcicM * 031-tf
OnUfftUstitoln any amount nod
time to lull , ( torn ? JO to$1000.
On collateralion tftlrty to ninety dais time , In
suing ct llfty dolUraandupwtr's.
On chattel' , In sums of Ota to ( Uo hundred dol-
ara nt low rules Mid thno to suit.
Miscellaneous. IfoifgAgcs , ccurod nntcp.clty claims
MU Judgement bought , adtancosmado to ccntrac *
tors , nil general llnancl l buslneta nf all kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly nnd without dtlay , at the
Omaha financial bxchingc BOl Farnam St.up stain
? t pmr to loan In suras of $200 and upward * on
illnrsl-olass real estate security. Pottor& Cobb ,
1615 Farnam t. 015-tt
TO WAN On rial cstito security. In turns
MONKT 110,000 , at rcdSOtuUoate * . 0 K.
llayne &Co , S W cor Uth and Htiutn. rtco-jll
TO LOAN In amounts to suit , on chattels ,
collaterals or anv good eccurlty , Omaha Flntn *
rial Exchange , 1603 Farnam ft. , Up Btilra. 185j8p
TONKY To loan on chattels. Woolloy & Harrison ,
1 Itoom 20 , Omihn National bank building
I ONKY TO LOAN-On KM estate and ch&ttols
D. L. Thonna. 018U.
71 foviivl MONKrlluoNKVl II Money to Loan -On
iUchaltclBccuiltybyW. 11. Croft , room 4 , With-
bell building , M. E , corner 15tn and Ilirncy Af-cr
jcars ol oxporlcnco aid n careful study of the bull
nets of lo nlnT ( money on pcrBinilptopcrty , I IIMO
at lust ptrlrctod a 8 } lcm whotohy the publicity
usual In such casoii \ donnntrny with , nnd I am now
In & poiltlon to meet the dcmanila of & ! ) M ho become
tcmpOTarltly embarrassed mid dctlro to ralto money
without delay end In a quiet manner , Ilousonccn-
cm , iirofcplon\l trentlcmcti , inochanlciniul oihora In
thl city can obtain adMiicm from J10 to $1,000 on
encli Eccurlty an liouiclicild frulturo , pianos , in\-
chlncry , horses , waRons , w4rehouso receipts , secur
ed notci cf hand , eta. , with-ut icmoIng rnme frnin
o nciarcldencgorptaDootbu ln98i. Ono el the
adinntajjes I offer Is that any part of any Ixvi can
bo pall nt any tlmo which lll reduce the Intcrrnt
pro rUa and a'l ' loans rcno od at tlio orlnmnl rnt ° n
oflotcrcs' . 1 h o no broken In connccttcn nith
my olllcc , but personally Bupeilnttud nil my loin ,
Iha\o pttxato onict > 9 connected with my goncriu
ollico eo thai customers do not COMO In contact with
each ether , cca'cnucntly trakltp all tiansactlora
Etrlclly nilvjte , W. 11. Crolt , room 4 , Wlthnell
bulldluK , N. K. cor. Uth and Harney. B37-J-S4
VToiKT to loan on furnlturo , horses , wagons , planoi
Hi personal property , oilUtorali nnd anythlnj ; o-
value , everything strictly condde'tul ; Koods Tman
clal agency John I' Schmlnkc , Cashier. 2)3 jtl
Loans 1 on nhsttoli , cut lati , II. R
lil tickets oanghtanJ sold. A. Foruun.SlSS.lSth St
VTONKY LOANED at O. T. Uood fcCo's. Loan ofllcfl
1TX on furniture , plinoj , horses , wagons , peraonal
property of all kinds and all otho rtitlclea of value ,
irithout romcrnl. 0or Itt National Bank.corncr IStb
md Farnam. All buitacsEi strictly coafldontlal
050 If
\ffOITrr TO LOAN la Bums of tSCQ tnd upward.
J 0. F. Divls and Co. , Bwtl EtStto wid Loan
Icrento , 1505 FsmaroSt. 851 tl
7"ANTKD Experienced cecocd girl. S. W. c < r 21th
and Cass. 903 fp
WAMF.D T\\o ippruntllcs for drossmakini ; : oil
at 218 N. ICth. 0133
IX/'AMTD-lstclasi drofsmakors ; good WORCS on
11 16th between llowird and Jackton. II. Orcn-
icrg. D10-4p
r\7"A\mD A coed dining room gltl otonce ; ca'l ' at
Norlh West corner of JicUson and 14th stclty.
rraaiiii. 035-r )
D-At 003 north 17lli street , a ncai corapo-
; l fcntglrl to dogencrilliouio work ; wages S3 00
ercek. . 032-lp
riTAMFD At once , a neat competent Klrl to do
VV general house work for a sm Il famllr. Apply
1 1009 Cass street . 891-3p
CfAMED - Middle-aged woman to cook , 1810 Fnr-
nam 902-3p
B One lajy In every tonn to sell gocds
that are household neces'lt'cs. Salarv $10
cr month No Expmlcnco nee-fcl. Adilros with
amn fr full pitt'cuUts , WajlanJ & Clubournc ,
)3 ) State Strost , Chicago , 111. 871 8p
rT7A\TED Good conk and liundrcjs 418 S IBtb Ft.
rt JIrs Ooa A. HoJKland. 8SI-U
TAMFD shirt Ironcrs at thu Empire Stcim laundry -
dry 877-1
T'ASTPD A ghl lor general hiuee work ; good wa
ge ) Riven , No 2213 Cass street. 859 3p
rASTED Oirl for light house worltwo ; In fam
ily. Cal. Martin , 100 South 14th St 8" 3 tf
nrTAMfD A good girl for general hou o work In
VV family ol thrto Mrs. J. II. Comes. 2814
h rlC3 St. , bctwacn Irene and Jones. S03-3p
TK < TFD An experienced girl ; must ho a cold I
r cook , watlicr and Ironer. Apply at 7251 > . 18tb.
. .
D A wonun cook cud chambermaid at
VV Uoran house , OlSFarnam btreet , orposlte Bee
flUo. 811-tf
-One nrst-claes laundrcts and ono girl to
du kitchen \ \ otl : at the Cozzcns. 813-tI
fTTANTEn QDOd glil fcr general house work ; must
VV bo good ocok , 1017 Uitcnga. SM ) tf
WANTED 8 good cooki ; good wages ; OcahaKn-
plOMiicnt Bureau , 1110 hainamSt. 7Sl-tf
nTAMi D Oocd Glrla fcr 40 of the first i rltlo fam.
VV IIIfBlnthlicltj ; agoi 81 , Slard S3 per week.
Imaha lmplo } moot Bureau , 1120 Farnaumt
WAMFD Geol Ctrl for general house work 1003
. - -
Mrs Jta Cotter , lt < 21 ehcrmin Me. LU7 t
'ANTKD First-class dining room girl Rt the Met
ropolitan betel ; none otner need apply 821-tl
" "
W""ANltl > yjlicldr , liberal Inducement ? , po -
roancnt fosl'lon ; cill on II. II. Kad8Canllcld
ilouce , Oa. in. or 1 p. m 937 4
A good horshocr , nnuo other iced op.
WAMKU Good waifcu and steady orl. Address
flics Melono , Slous lily , la , ! Jox211.
'AVTKII A girl to a h sllier thiee tlmoi a day
W for her board , Metropolitan Hotel. 01tJ-5p
'ASTJD A Btoidj rellihlo roan w aalesman , for
W ; city , fall 421 south I0h street. OiE-lt )
P ANTED-Active salesman 105 North 18th
W 18th603JDp
WANTED Immediately , 10 experienced men with ;
teams to broik prairie at $1. ! > 0 per aero Doggs
k Illll. EG5 B
AM ED A Orst-eliss baker at York bikcry
W Bmlth 4 , Knecsh&w , Prop. , York , Neb , Good
references required. 801 Bp
WASTED By cm of the largest an. ! oldest whclo-
tala clothing houses of 1'u lalelphla , asalesmm
to reprcaen t them In this state. Aur-llo - ttlons will bo
considered from such only as can furnish apprnud
aecuritr ; fcr sample < to , and pay their
own tmellng expenses The house la willing to pay
a \ ery llberd commiaMon and to the light man a
iplendld opportunity offers. Address 1 * O 11 sx
116U'hlU.lelphl . l' . B5H-B
AMTKD Five good paper banger at 418 North
: 10th street. 312-11
\/AKTBD U\e energetic men wltb horse and car-
YV rligeto haadle nrst-clis * article thioutzh the
country ; call at coco. 0. U. Eaton , 111 B. Uth.
WANTEDSituation by young German girl , ( atrar
WANTED- ) do general liousewcrk or aa eeoond girl
In a prhate family ; apply 617 10th street mar
Jones. 033-1 p
'ARTED - Any kind of work to make a living by a
boy of 17 , Addteia "W D" Bee otflce. 9l-0p
Situation by * thoroughly experienced
WANTXD ; reglitered In Michigan ; 74 jeira ill.
0 yesri espcrfence. Addreta "Druigltt" cue Sweet' .
Hotel , draod Rapldr , JIltK 020-lp
WANTED Bltutllonlnareipectableprlvtle fatnllp
10 do liouto ork. Addrets UOS Jackson s * .
8 7-lp
WAITED 111 aieap ctab'eloTip rate voungma"
wltb good references , employment In a imvat"
fimily to tike c reel tier n and ct la drhfr ; i tt I ,
lit K 10 make hlnuclf gtLcrrJly UoeluL Adkre a "I'1
ceo ollice , KU-lp
Dyan Aniuiloin woaiao , Bitui'lon a >
T T house leeper lu a smill family or at nurce , Ad
dieal 1616 M.uudera 81 , & 5S-8p
W ANTKD tiltuatlcn as house keeper or uurtc. Ad.
drrs < (022 Harnev ht
\J7AMTEU Emilthouse 4 oiC rooou f r man and
> V \tlfc. Bta'.o rent and Iccitloa. "J I K" IJco
Offlco , 911p
- shot gun and complete outfit
cheap , addreai "J. " ll. &M. lltudquarUrs.clty.
_ VI/AMKD A icOLd cook t the Emmet Houie ,
WANTKB Accnti for the twin Dotllo Ink Krn-icr.
deed front , Call or address with ttarnp , Jin-
Ilo & bakctt , 1100 t'arnam street , Omahi , eb.
020 Pp
WASTED Kipcilcnc'd help , apply to l'cer ] | 3
Steam Laundry , Lincoln , Neb ,
\\7AKTrn Address of a ntlem n ho has tyro.
f wiltor who wishes to do work In e onlrga only
llox & 32postolucc , city , 911-1
r\7ANTED To buy onoor ttto store buildings , thlt
T T must to removed , persons having inch bulld-
nga for talc , Addroaa "store buj cr , " Dec nfflco
821 Sp
WASTKD To lease uew houio nf 10or 12 rooms
within 8 blocks of PostoIIlcu. Addreea "N. "
11 e offlcc. 855 tf
n Ono ic iion lhle nnd well knoitn person
Ineachooun'j NorthWest acd South , to m n-
tgo the Agoncv for the bale of the house hold 1'riar-
muc.v.n family Drug store and Ho'lIcO Instltuto com-
blued. Prlco only lOdollirs. A household noMS'Hy
and host Belllnir urtlclo cm In tha market. No competition -
petition ; sttadv emplorrccntall the ) car round For
particulars aid clrcuhrs addrnsa "Tiio Sun Chemical
Co. , " Incorporated , 43 W. 4lli St. , Cincinnati , O.
\X7ANTPD-Mlpcraons wantlni ; help or altuitlnnsa *
TT bojk-kcipcreciahlorr , tlmo-koipera. bill and
entry clerk * , etc. , watchmen , porters , icvcater ] ,
coachmen , jinltora , cngloccn , firemen , butlors.nalt.
or , bnrttiidora.jojnBrncn for wholojalo and rctill
firnn , elr , , eta. Apply at the Omaht Employment
ISurcnn , 11SO Faroam lit. 734 tt
WANTED-Tno unfurnished roomi , with board for
ecnilemanand ttlfo west of hktconth nn1 S.
of fa'lfornlapreferred. ' Address "Prcmpt 1'av" P.
0. Box 301 , city. ; eMI
A OENT3WAXTED. Addteis St touts Flcctrlo Lamp
i Co . St Louli for circular , cut ) and terms ot the
5i candle poffor Harsh Electric Limp. 3I1-JI2
WANTED Kvery ady In need of a sowing in-
clilne , to see the now Improved American No.
I' . E. Flodman & Co. aycnta ; 220 N 10th.
7 < OR RKVT-810 per month , No 1610 South 10th St.
i ? ft D loom h ViO. Inqulr 1020 Doughs st. 024 tp
FORIIKNT Two sturts oa Cuai'nj atroJt Jno.
tick , C1BN. IJth street E97-7
TT'OR REST OR i.RASK-I riO house of 8 rooms mod-
l. orn luprotcmcntaabl716C > 8gSt. BSC-tt
KENT-House And lot nn22dnoir Chrk nlth
stable room IT 4 Irrajs , 315 per msnth. Innulro
t K. A. Mnr.h , 801 nortn 10th , 872 tf
FOR REvr-2 house ! 4 rooms eich. JOth mil Doug
las , SIO per month. Boggs & Illll. 030
niORHE\T Nloo 7 room cottigo on Convent streo' ;
P city water an J cistorn. Inquire ut Ticket office ,
521 Farnam S ) . 875-tf
rj OR nK\T Furnished house 0 rooms corner King
t1 St. , and Patrick ovo. 7B7.3p c
[ 7 < oii RK\T Six room N W corner 24th anil
J Dacnport $2C pur month. Apply t ) E. B. Chap .
un , 1217IIovtaraSt. 743 tf
TIGR Riur-Uouso 7 room ] 24th and Harney by O.
J F. Da\Is& Co. ( .07 tl
TOR nr\T Simll stiblo 1C12 Farnam street ; In *
1 milrootrr. auetnani , Cor. Uth and Fanum.
TIOR RENT.8 room cottigo on Calltornla etroot ,
. bitnccn ? 4th and 25th Directs. I1 J Creed on.
430 tl
port HILNT Cottairo 6 ro"ms and housa rooms. J
I'lilpruRoe , 1512 S. Bth St. SSl-tf
T Three story brick atore building ; enquire -
quire of Edward Norrl3 & Co. , room 19 Crounso
ock. 053 tf
" "
" T Alurga liwl'omclv fuinljhed room ,
bathroom , 1720 Capliol ate. 754-4p
HORRENT A rhi well fnrn'shod and \ontllated
1 f < ont room lo pihate family. Aonly on pretnUos
6 south iSth street , or B22 south 13th st. SSS-lp
J ORRENTNicely furnlaho 1 largo south frnntroom
1 with board ; flrEt--la9 rasldcnco ana looatlen ;
odernimprcujaiciits ! honn comfott ] , C35 Plinsint
reet. S81-0p
70R ' RKXT Unlurn'shed front roams for geut'cmcn '
only. Apply at023 North 18thstreet. 833 4
jVm RENT Furnished or unfurnldiol rooms corner
. lethaudCaiSBtrseio cr Wm.aentlemansttoro
roRRPNT AgoTdSroom tusomeut at EDO South
IGinSt. 881 lp
port RF\T Rooma ; nleasint Irrnt room with south
! lay KlnJcAY , N. W. corner lOlh and Harney.
Tlon RFVT Nicely furnished frsnt and back room
f at 1714 CallfomU Bt. E47 3p
JTOR RUNT Two nlco unfiimlbhod rooms for gen tlo
mei , at 818 HonardSt. 810-3p
HORRENT Nicely furnished front room ; also a
Email bed room , 1812 Buit Etreet. 8 J4-tt an
oR IIFNT A furnished front room sultavlo fcrtwo
eont'cmen , (07 Siutb 17th et. 814 3p ? c
Nicely famished rocrna 1813 ;
TUm RKNT Furnished room with hoird 1017Cblcago
! "stt
± :
? oii RUNT Klesantly furnlbhed fionJ roim 710 N.1S
1 17th. Look at it. 797-4p
JiOR niar Nloo lurn ! hed rooms and day board ;
' can bo had at No. 1118 Dojgo et. TS.I-Ep
TORRKVT Furnished room and hoird fito dn'lara
per woikjbtst locillty , 1814 Davenport. 763 lp
7"OR Rr\T Hoom tIth hoard suitable for one or tn o
pcnllcman , 1812 Dodge St. 701-tf
T OR RH\r Lir < o hindsomelv furnished cool room
. ' modern mnvonloic * , with cxcallont board fcr
ro gentlemen , 1718 DaJirn 037 tf
7 < OR r.pM Room ; Inquire Drug store 101 h and
1 Doujlas 62l-tf
ENT A room for grctloman anil wife or for
. two gentlemen , flrct-cbea beard 1622 Burt st
703 tf
TOR Rivr L rgo front roo.n . on first floor 1th * or
. ' with board ; inquire at 1001 furnam St.
-Furnished rooms , IBlODodgostreet.
fJ'OR REM Furnished rooms w 111 or tvlthcut
1 board , 2112 Uarney St. ono block Irom street
ir. Oflltf
fT'on HKST With board.nlcely furnished front room
L1 gai and bath , H',0 Jones. 037 tt
F OKKENT-Nlcely furnljhearoomal617 Davtnport
With board , dettroblc for eummtr. AppI )
ROOM3 ChtrlM Untcl. OU-tl
[ 7 0H KENT Soiera flneefflocsln Crounso'block ,
L' Inquire Ed. Norrls , room 19 Crounso bloot
942 tf
B-8 Jcot oiCumlng be'ween 18th nd0th
with bouso,92,700. lioJtord & Bouer. tea-it
' . - ed arm 210 Bcr i ; tea acres
F'ORSiLr.-Impn of poitoRloe , Weeolng Water ; 170
icres i mlloi from Wtaplag Water , Will sell or trade
' rOiaiha property. W. H , Orien , over lit National
Sink , OmanaNeb. 852-tf
T7VOB BALE Good farm In Washington Co. ; 171
JL1 icrea ; 0 acrM cultivated ; good buildings ; Ono
Diehard ; running water ; all foocod. Edward Norrls
Co. , room W Orounso Block. 471tf
170R8AI.S A 090 acre stook and grain tire , all Im ,
P nto\edfour ; hours' ride from tnf Orah 8tojk
VardBae\enmlIcahom ; theolty cf Fremont ; tw >
rallroaJi-tlthln tbreg miles ; 200 actet under plow ,
the rot In putuic ; board fonde , funnlnir stream
tbrouxh pasture ; houBo with tea rooms ; will box Id
cheap it sold immediately ; on terms to suit. For
further particulars Inquire of Oeo. C. Qrodfrev , Vie-
mont , Neb. 1D7 tf
T7VJR DILI The tchoul houua In theOmaba District
I"Na37 ; will bo sold at auction next Saturday ,
Juno Bth betweeu the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock , p. ui.
4 rjnma and stable with full lot on
Hamilton , near 33th an-i west of EaunJ raelrect ,
8I.MO ; OKI terms to gult purobassr. lliill' ' , 16th
< nlIougl.88trcBt 3tf
BALK Fine rc ldonoo , molcrn lmrovementr ,
1 flnoviiHrcenteilyloaateJpilco ! ; jlO.tOJ. A idrcai
"F W."IUooHoc ( ,
| jOB 8AIK OR l.XCIUNOK for Stock , lle.ldeDCO lu
I1 bfet lontlou In btutrt knd Ilisettt Noli ; rent
I \s25 cer cent ; alto timber clilm mar f > imcr. Ad
ilu "if. " Herald otllLC , llM'ctt , Neb , 8lC-Sp
DUE Good C room bouse , lot 0x133 fctcait
Foil , 81100 ; S1CO cash , UUnccr g5 pel nunth.
\V. U U > oo > crlit National bank. SM'.f
BALK House full lot , will , clitorn , biro , til In
FOR condition , ou block from street cars 91 000
eatyteruii. W U Green , o\cr let Nat'lIUnk. H3-tf
OR BALK-Forty hla fcr Ba'e ' on Hurt and Cumlnzu
1 btUcoa t ti ! and Slat cheap , kblde piojieity.
Bjdford 4 Bouer. Tiltf
T7 ORpALE-tn ) the wholwile district on Harney St ,
JL1 alot 4lilS2 feet foiJIS.OOO ; ono fourth ca .h , bal
ance on rasy teims , Lobeck fc Co. , 1212 Farntra ,
cornerISth. 11t-3
IjVm Lr.iiB ltrst unoccupied urntind In the cltv for
X1 * r rioinoho.m ,87feetfionton I a\on\vorth ,
north hat 10th and lltli.nill leaiofor 0) yemn. BeHl <
ford , * . Souer. r < 15 tf
IiVm sAtn-Fltolota47x130 ; together on Ix".ren *
1 worth street ; beautiful looation , 00 One-
fourth c * > * h , balanci on long limp , caatnrmi. .
ralle & Joncn. SlOtf
| TkR ) At.ii Twenty-two feet on F in\-n street , a
t ? bargain If taken Immtdlatelv. Vf U Green
Ii"OR SMr. At n bargain , three good houri8l7 and
' 81718th , eolith of Lok\enwo > th ; rent W I1"
per month ; piles 85,50 } cuy { ntments ; must ba
acild before Juno 1st. Apply S. itotlonsen , tMtor ,
l4J Fjvrimni trfet. _ _ * 31.jn )
TpOR BALK Cheap atil oil easy firms , ono horss lull-
i ? able lor ilelltcrv agcii or family ute , cno ptlr
nonlcs , harnciK and top ilolhirf Mnjon ; eco set
hoiiy double hainets and t o Icmlicrwignns " 0.
I'"lice office. I05flp
rfcm S.UK-1 "pin oldilv'iiBponl'E ; ml onorKH'p
pontj tanbj ilrltcn M' a lady. Inquire at Stoit-
ihrclft Hughes , oppotltoJedcrsju Equire , nn Friday ,
JunoBlh. O.'O-Sp
TJ O R SILK -Old papcrf , corner 12th anl Honaid
JL1 St , at the Newjpipir Union. Ificinta > cr 100.
FoROAtR Fine Jerssy calf thsap. Inqu'ro ' 1313
Far mm street. e 993
TpOR BUR-Horse , bu-g ) nil lutnois , choapV Ap-
i : ply to "C. W. " 23d and tharloi St. 8.0 8
FOR Rtin Furniture cf boarding home , 10If I'AC !
Ilo street , 870 Op
F'on 8AIH Canadian pony goatlr , not atrald ol the
ciMjgbod lady's horae. Jno. l > . Oottlc , at K 1-
RSALK AflnodouWohaniMS neatly now. Club
R Wtjjon umbrclhi , flue new 8tok at
1401 and 1411 Dodge st. S72 tt
fTORSAU . ( our hundred dollar piano nta Inr-
P gain , 1810 California St. Elfl-tf
Foil RAMC-Kiit-it inarbli top rcitturint table
A J , Mandcl , J25 UroiJway , Council UlufTa.
rpon. BALK-300.030 brick , for sale nt IMIovuo or
L1 Omaha II. T. Clarke. 2CO tt
[ jV > R glut A\TO No 1 pluctun.onc sccoui hand bug.
P RJAjiplyJJOO ndUUDodgosi. 145 tf
s At nbatcalo , homo 8 roims , rait front
. * at W W corner ef lUnsJoma 1'irk ? 3,2CO , tcra 8
HoUFo4 rooms lot OOxUO on south 13th street ,
! , o0 ; ? 300 do nand fc5 per month. Thlilsa bar-
I\MI cottage ! of I anil Ii rooms on lul ( loti south
! d street , $1C03 cnl $1.700 ; 5300 donn in J 1 , 2 and
Cottagd (1 ( roomi ccrner lot Charles eticei ccar
un-lns ; Sl.OCO ei9 > tenni.
Brick IIOUFO lull lot , llarcov street , near J4th ,
, KO , C PJ terms
Let at north-west corner cf Hantcom park 8JOO ,
onthlj payiicnts.
Full lot small house , south 12th street SISCO ,
nnthl pijraentj. U. E. Mno i. Co.V cor
th and Faumtu. B23-G
( on RF > T FurnlsluJ touse ; 0 room , north
Ore aha. $33.00
Furnlshai house on St Mary's a\cnuo car line fore
o mor.tln , $35.CO.
Two nvo rcoai ccttagce , Eoutli 13th tt , on car line ,
II cicli
UrusoBvo rooxs Da\cnportbsUccn25thana 26th
eels , S 7.
jtoiooii lOthstlctt. 0. E. M jne& Co. , Uth and
rtiam. 022-5
) ui'o\T i LACK Cliurcst loti In cltv , nvo
time C. B.Kchallcr , solo agent. N. W. coitcr
Duel's and 13th
1'ark atcnuoamlGcorgla a\onuo ; six mo t sightly
. for silo choDp. C. It. iicrnller , N W corner
lUgltB and 13lh.
[ } a Iforn'a ' street , tv , o Io5a for sale ; price $3,000 ; alao
aldencc with all modern lmpro\cnil > nta , lot and
If , price 89/00 C. . Sch Uler , N W corner DODR-
iatidl3tli 0700
E UyGeo. P. Bimla , 16th nod roughs
I streets.
Lots in "Colleiro 1'laeo , " "Ptoapo't Placa" and
.awe's let addition , " ultliln 1 1'2 miles nor th-wcit
post oUlrc. Prices rauglog from S225 to $1COO ,
las to cult.
Lots In "Credit Foncln" addition and ' Grand
etv * near U P and B & M U'y t'cpoty , $250 and up- d <
Forid'o h ? Gco. P. BcmlsarohoU33 lot near
II works , ? 2,500
Hugincja lot oa 13th street , 1S5 fait cast frontaa
tor Sale Bj Qeo. P. Bcrnls , row map of Onntii ,
Ice S5.
Want id Persona IntorilinR topurchaao houses ,
irehouecs , or cthar property In Omaht to
U on Oco. P. Bettdjandeet p'atts ttc. , of lots In
iO oa addition , " Col ego PUoe , " "Prospct Plac , "
: \tt\o \ chctpcst lots In the city.
o-Hy Geouo I > 11 im s , houses and M * In
y part cf the city at prlcoa ranging from Sl.luO to
liottndn hilf in "Parkers addition" at $1,60 } , or
: for half lotK.
Pivolota In Laics addition , $1,003 and Sl.tOO
rnrco Iota near l'or Clalro convent , S5CO , $ BCO ,
Fwo lot ) In Snlnn'd 2d > d > ltlon$800 cab.
Burpaliis In o\ery part of the city and suburb ? ,
11 bafoio purchttlng elsewhere. Gco. P litmlg ,
th and Douisl IB streets 000tl
" \1 EXCIIANB A $0,00 } Btook of new hard-
. v are for KOOJ Nobmska land.
A flco farm forcrncerloi or othf r raorchandUj.
For Bulc A full lot and lioum on 3 13tQ it , facing
st a'onR ' car line , prlco $3,600.
I' r silo Tno lots on Farnam st beUoui 10th and
th , 83,500 oich
For falo flno roitdcneo lotiory cheap , In liana-
m rinc e. \n\ci \ \ { 560 , to S3CO each.
For silo Four ottopoj , cine $1,020 , one for $2,030
le for $2,700 and ono lor $2,7CC ;
To lo ! n-S2ooon ; flrst-clifscitv rccuilty.
For Bill TAO line ro'ldenos and full lots , onn on
n cnport &t $3,510 , acd eco on Chief go ( t , at $0,000
y tetinp.
For sale A flno roatdenca and 12 full lets In splen-
d lrcillt > , for $15,000 , cny terms.
For fVo llt'.il and silnon In 1st c'aea locallt ) ; re-
liita $100 per da ) ; p > lci > $1,600 , raay torma.
For tale Cciutllul lots In 1'attcihon'a Sub c'i\lslon
$ r00 each , onn ontbly paym6nta0(810. ( An } per
il buj ing a lot In thli addition will bo asalstcu t ?
illd a nice homo and I will take Email moatnly pa )
onU for samo.
Parties wll bo ilnvin rropertj In any part cf the
tv Irco of charge
To rento lies , $10 per tnoatb , Address or call upon
, C. 1 Mtcrtion , ISili and Farnam St. 770 tf
> ricub oargiina by Paulrcn & Co.
6 clr.lco lots on Michigan a\c. , 1 cquaro from Park
riioUo Ictj with naturil timber In Dim Oab 8300.
Corner Uth and Center 81 , ' 00
2lotil block from r d line , uell located$000each ,
130x160 feet , I'.rk Paco. $ l03
2loti li.rkct'fl Eub-dlvlslon , (36(1 each ,
( Ox'O fott ox 20th near HOT , $000.
83 feet front on Joneattruet near 13tb$3,00 } , good
jcatlon for wholraile.
Choice lot on Center , near 18th ; good bouso and
tin $2.000.
4 choice lots In Purr OaV add (1,100.
Oft COxlSO on 10th near Mason , HISCO.
40x127 feet , 1 ( quire from rod Hue , Shlnn'a flnt
dd Uh8rooracott gf , well cl'torn etc. , $2,860 ;
I.OOOcish , $ ' 0 pemonth con bo exchanged for
,1'd ' land.
110x174 , Durt street , Park place , good bouie.ttablo
to , $ ? ,600 , can hi exchanged for farm.
Choice lota on Cummlng itreet , O'Ncll'd Sub-dlvli-
OD.8J feet front on 17th and 18th with 1 0 rootr , tie-
ant home on 17th , and good cottage on 18th > treet ,
, | c. 85,000 ; tblg Ii ono of tne best bargains over offered.
09x132 feet , eaft front 18th near Tenter , good 4
oem houee.good large , Btablo (2,203 , rasv teimi.
7074 PAU1Y3KN JtCO.,1613 FartamSt.
FALE-Onsouth 22J tt , one i room and ono B
roomotUge , bara , will , cli'ern. ice , on eimo
ot , reotfor$2Spermontb , cn'y ' $3,200 ; would ell
.eparatel ) . Pott r&0obb , 16llf Farnam at. 850 tf
BALI. A full corner lot , two llccus welt of
FR car line-15&0. TbU ti positively a baigaln.
I , H. Dlley & Co. , ilb < . Uth Bt.
For Halo-Lot tOxltO. 2d Bt , , near Grioe , < aoo.
Ibli la tl90 a bugtln. J. K. Illley & Co.,216 B 18th Bt
Fcr BaU Tbreo lots 10x110 , eouth front. 4 blocki
from itrttt car * . $310 each ; birgilns. J , K. Itlley &
Do , SIGH 13th St.
Foe FaU Toloti on Ocorjla vItO' < loV > , dd cast
front , no gr tdlrg , near Ftrnam , 7xl40-g2000 eich ,
Iheoi are roisoimbl * . J. K. Illtey & Co215 M 13th Rt.
ForSale MOD lots oa Virginia arc. , | { 00 to $9(0 (
eaah. J. K , Blley & Co , > 16 H 13th tt.
for Balo-Teu lota on Coining st. , and nlno on
Hurt B' . , four blocks from mlllUry bridge. J. E , Ki
lt ) fcfo. , 2158 mil Bt.
For Bile E'ghtecn lots on Vlnton it. , one block
from trmlnu I3lh itictt car llur , Poiltlvtly chtkp ,
J , F. Itil y & Co. , 2 IS H 13th tt.
W dcilro to nay tn our ratroni tint In tUe abo\
let no can KlvetMiuriiue rf ial and prolltabU lu-
icitm rt. rt'u tlto havH proptrt ) In elirost over )
ciuiitrol tbo tltyoriby of InvutlgU'iii ,
J , K HILttl' &CO. , 21& S 13lh it.
8J3 tf
tola In IIllMdo Hd chiar tt and belt
FoiiHJLK lo H In tlo clt ) . 87(0 ( to $960 < xclu lvti
lierta IVtUrit'olib. 051-tl
' ot BUI7 room cott.gei , wo I b n tn 1 o'ttcrn '
H' oa iKih tt'cet 0 blockn frouishoin $2 , * > lO , oniat )
tfin Pottsr & CouV I51B farnain Kt , 052 tf
> ott HUK Out of Qneit re ldtnua lu city vtlttln
tj 6 bl ik of fottirlljo , 13 I nt i earner , cheap at
I'Vti-rAt ( Jib1 * , 111 * . " % ( ,
BALK -lljreo ccckc.t loti in llansO'Ui placi ,
FK Gil tf 1'otUr & Cobb ,
Mwoj rwci-8 ftXKl lots In thlt addition Kith *
InSbUclonf street cars , e n l > o had on oasr
terms. W U ( Ircen , over Itt Nat'l a\n1r. HS-tl
\V * ° ! fr * roft * W-KMt liall ol block
T dd , too f ( front. t ro acre lots , nlcst la
pm'.ha , fu'lvlctrofrttvindBlntli , msVlog 10 laU-
IC5 fcc eich , will mil half or all.
& ' " naw Kfllon' " 1rt , 7CO each or trill'
. , , ,
h < „ ' ll llcI '
l'i H' | ! , < ) l R Kounlt's 2.1 . add liBaf
Oth and Center '
, $ 00 rich ,
? ' . ' , . . * < 111 * dd' Mn " ' 0'0 on'
10th t , lull lot f2flO , M o lot 0 dime block * l,3iO
Two ! oU In 9 uth Omabu , by > , with
home , orchard , clsttrn , and well , all $100.
10 hro cro lots in VlocUnd , B miles notth clt/
limits ovcilooVIng city and HlufTj , JJS per n tc ,
Lots 10 nd II , block 19 , Hanscom pbccrr
slRhtlv , S'.JOJforbith. '
Hall aero 150 f iet front block e , Park r * * . with
houso. barn , ! ! , nd cistern.
Corner , s lots in Hantboino on Can It , O.'O for
both etc c'o. '
Call and see u . Dex'cr T , . Tliomaj & Bro , Io l 1
KUitt ; lloom 8 Croljhtoii Hock. 678 tl
H-OR ' sait-Uy 0. F , Dull tt Co.,160SFrnim Bt.
J' Onnha ,
Hou o and lat on smith Eluhtoenth St , ll.OM.
, , " ' ! Twentieth " JJ,40\\
J hout,09 , , " I)0 < 'C ' near teth Kt , f 2.500 ,
ot In llanioom '
J < I'ltca , each , 8525.
Hamc and I it on Park a > enue , $ | , i 00.
. *
, ° lh 13lh ' 4000.
If.OOl * oc9 of hml In tloono couiily
= 0.000 " " " SliBlon
L.ind In MaJl-on , Wa : nc , fhtte and Hall wuntlci
an easy term' .
Itcnoy loaned on long time , ( Oatf
FOnp < tK-DyMowo& mnner-V fall lot on
lOf.iSt nc r faruam St. A gieat birgiln aj
KOIl SllK 03 feet on Jones St. , a crrntr. rt
splendid p'aco for n wnro house or linn loaMlon
'or ' Jobblnit hau-o , Hcm'rk.M If cheap at S7ltX ) .
lull hATjK-Fmo lii ) lnieOctfOxl4 ! on 13th St.
r r Mirco St. , ccrmr Is onlv raitly improved
md rtnt'np ' ; for PIO ptr moiih , $5.000
Foil HALEF.iio property on JDodgo and lth
itrccti ,
KOH SM.Kcholci rnrrcr re ffct ftost on
Jimmy St , a gojd im c tnioiit at $ U,000.
bOU 8ALK Isrltndld corner * on Farnim St near *
be no v court house ,
ion 9\Ih Some line biinlnc < 9 lots ono rt ( orncr
in 10th St , from Si 003 to $3 100 cisa
Foil SALE One ot tin ducat rcadcncra In the
Jtl , foil lot , an clt gant bore , centrally and bfts.utl *
ullj lojitcd.
KOU eALK-132 ( cct fqunrocn i\ snitch ally , a
'Crncr ' Vrv cliotp. 85 0)
FOll SAL1I-A e | Icmhd cor'fr on IDth St. south
> ( Cimlrgi 131 1 ait iront , S5.BOO.
FOR 8 Al.K 132 feet square south front , a corrcr
in C'Ifo-nlaSt ,3 b'oclta ' from lied car line a flno
oration , for a block of ! ) ( w ll front lnlck htiura ,
illl rcnticidllv at $ :0 to $00 per mouth Kemark-
Mv cheap at $5,000.
FOB \LE-A corn r lot a-d Imu'oon Dctlt-eSt.
o r 10th 8t , lot -75-biicli corncrl nro hard t3 iit ;
FOll SALK House and lots ot ill descriptions In
11 1 arti of the city it prices tnd locations to suit ill
urcha ers.
FOll 8ALE-A Bflenlld cottai-e , lot 30x1 J7 , a
lojk nnd a half from Rod car line , $1,000 , will Mil
a monthly pa ) rount .
FOll HALK lvcw two story bou o G roorm , lot
) x27 ! , ono black anl a half fiom Siuiml rt a' , cany
irirs , Sl.fiOO
FOU Sii'C A number of votv cbo'co ' lota In Han *
lorn PUce , Hclmhiugh place , llcdlck's aubdltUlon
ul nlldo'lrib c nddltlom In the city at prlcroln
any Instanus below any cna else , Alto tomotlno
.st nnd south front loti on lieJ Car ll < o In PatiloU's
Idit'on ' on the moat ft\ornble tcrnw , the cbeapiet
any loti In the city cona'dcrinj itcct car convin-
iicca , &a.
FOU UKNr-lIontcs and itortB In all t > art9 of the
' 5.J12 Pjxton'atl-ck cor ICth A , Fnrnarc.
ron. HALE Meat market dolrg a Rood bualnco > .
elckncss the cause of selllrg ; oddrccs M.t. . L'eo
Ico. 007 Op
Pen SALE At a bargain , oa acount of my health
falling. Iwiah to dlpo-c of my billiard hall. It
In the bet location In the cltv , nnd iIolDg a good
jlng buslues' at all times. For fall particular )
dress C. L. llerman , Platt'mouth , eb.
035 Jnlylp
roR REST OR BALK First c'.aiB reutturant good In.
cttlon , everything complete. Inquire IJextcr I-
lomaa & Hro , rooms , Crelghton block. 8J1 6p
joit BALE Druz store In a doalrablo locillty , wll
1 Imolco about $1.600 B C Patterson , NE cornel
th and Farnam. 439 tf
, * iOt ! SALE Or cxchingc full stock of clothing
1 boots an J shoos , gent * furnlebtng goods , wlllei *
ango for Nebraska Linda. G. II. Peterson , SOI 3.
th St. . Omaha. Nob. _ QIC tt
r OR BILE Goodbminoisln Omah.i ; nrouta 93 per I
centcnpltalrcqulrcd ; , three or four thousand A
ilhia Pcrsoni meanlii ! * business , addrcaa Lock
) x 301 , Eca Molnca , lo\ra. 2C3 jll
jonsALR 4ne'lostabll'hcdtallora ' biislnois be-
1 twco.i now and Juno 16th , lovrrontgo ; > l loo-
in ; hold lease of strro for tnoyrarioaly ; email otp *
d required. AddroB8"N. O. " Bee ollico. 132lp
roR BALE A well established bakery. Addresi
" 1C. " thla office. _ 125 j-4
jOR SALE-IU Oakland Nob. flrat-chnmoat market
1 also tbo furnl'uro ol thu St Paul hotel. For p r.
: ulars , Inquire or urito Wiggcrn & Uobllug , Oabland
ib. _ 874-m. . ;
J'oa KXCiiANQi ! Nebraska land * and linpnn ed Iowa
property f r rnorchindls ] or bualneee. Address
WWHdc , 1208 Douglas [ t. 0:9 jl
lo KXCIIAVOB 4 to acres well Improved land } mlle
.Irom Eaaox , Iowa , for a stock of general merchan-
so or hardware. Addroi ) Johu Luidorholm , Biecx
vva _ f.S4 tr
_ _
i trnnco cTtlioyitut ,
and hoallng medium , o\or 710 Norlh lOUi.St.
n. A tiirstrnHHLD M < gnolloph ) lclan , teat and
) dii\cloiln mullum , over 010 north 16th St ,
NBTITUTR Hotel , f > rmerly Uro'ghton ' houao , nuwly
. furnished ; term ) cioJcrate , 13th and Capitol avc.
1 Parlor llostaiira' t.
\ Diard by the Hook , $ J,26.
Meal ticket i ) , $3.60
Sliu'lonnnli , 25 conic.
107 N. 10th street , noir DoJgc. 713 jitne-S
VTui'sil lou creitu pies and mk
1 prcrnptly attended to. Carl Scbmld , ZQ1 R9Uth
ith St _ 14D-I5
DFTECTtVB 1'rhatoand oonfldent'al. "Detfctlve,1
Ileo ollice. 012 6p
OST largo led cow , T , lluiray. OOltf
f oar On Monday Juno 1st , a $10 note supposed
Li to h\\a boon dropp'.d near thu M. O. window In
iu Test ollice. Flndtr will rtcelte reward bv return.
igtolleeoffloe , 839 If
NTRAMDORBTOLFN-Ared Durlun cow with blunt
hern * . Itenard will be paid for her return to U.
' Larson. EOS Op
jTiiirsu-From the promUcs of undirslgned , Jane
" > lit , a blaclc cmo weUhlng about 1,100 I ha. ,
i led < n tha right cya , Howard t'r Information ,
m Kilz , Urlgbton Meat Uarket , llloBouth IBtbui .
T < AKKK Uf On Friday , Vfav SDIh , by 0 Morton , W
JLof I'oor Firm , one brindleco * wth bell on , ona
arg icotted red and white cojv , OirnercanhaTe the
nine by paying crurj-B. Oyrui ITorton. 928 tp
STRiVKD A bav intre 6 y ara eld , dark b y or
brown , trim bu'l 1 Slid mire ran away about 6.S9
Idonlav il lor no < n. A reward will bo paid by return
Ing her to tbo Bt , Uar/a Btab'ei. fOI-Sp
QTRAYED From I'ioiflo.bu'.ween 7th and 8th Hts.
Cj 1. rue taw , red acd white inotf , uuall hornn. | 5.
rewirdwlll bp ( kid lor ntuin of tain ) , Charlie Ficd.
eilctlon , 882-Jp
OTXiYBDORHTOLKN From near cDinerSaundeiaaud
OseutrJ ttrest , a sorrel hone ilxjcan old about
U | hinds high ; tingle white elrlpin fire Ira ) . The
return of the norm or any Information will bo liber *
ally rewarded by tf. r Swcotoy , 851-Sp
s Parties wUhlns to purcbue brood
| Jmares for ranch purnotui pleaia oill at Hainan' *
Lltery liable , 413 oith 13th-treat , Omh > . 8BMf
fluijw BII.VIIR TAG , doc not giro jou heirt hum.
OlaKiiodeenieilr. * ono ceut , each by the dealers.
I'eycko Uroa. . Agenti. BM-tl
} - Klkhcru anu 1'Uittt. T. Murray. '
/ IUBW siu KB TAO , Its fruit lUvorul , UKI redeemed
i otnteadiby Uu dealers. 1'ojcko llron.
on banjo gHcn by Q E Ocllon.
1 beck , av 1118 Capitol avo. 480 U
> xulti , md ccuptcln rleined at ehortent no-
PKUV tlmo ol iho ihy , In tv.u entirely rdoilB9
V Ith our Improved | umc and ilciitto > u aipir | -
tii3 , all iilao.a cl aae I by ut uhonlcctod free , charzei
eisoiiablo. A. E > am , ISl'S ' D&diro ktreot up etulta.
VKII TAU , It uoesuui lUinttnu titcatli , ug
stj r.h by the dculura. 1'uyck
) , vault ) , tavi ad cesv oU cluinud at tb i
I)1UVY uotlc and wtltf.vcUoa guarantovd by V ,
4.UJ , P. I ZliJll tin * f