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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1885)
THE DAILY BBB. MASU. Omra Hej. M4 wro m VWAK B . HUT TOM Om , Boon 63 TMBCW Bnao- m nto | , dally , TlftXI It Milk . .110.00 I TfcmMonBi * 1.00 I On. Month h W aklr Bee , Publlhisd ever nuis , rosn-iia. evtYtar , wtth premium . . . . . .l * J Oni T ar , without premium . * ! ! ttx Uontfct , without premium . ' MonSi.on trial. , " All Ocamnnicatlon. teUt uatUrt ihould b additued Ru. fotnrasi Lxmu. AH Bnrtneu UM f ar.4 R B'ltJ . Mdrt i d to T Bis PtuttimHa OciijaW. OmaA. fei ftiejh oks and Tort offlo otdm to b n d pv- abb to ih * orJei ot the eompany. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PfOBS , E. EOSEWATEft , KDITOB. A. H. Fitch , Manner Dally Circulation , f , O. Box , 408 Omaba , Neb. _ AT list the gratifying nown has beer rocolveel tint thn ao-ctllod Omnlu biso. bill club Is going to disband. Now that Mr. Kittle , of Sow&rd , Imi bson made postmaster , wo imy oxpod Prof. Klltlo , of Fremont , to loom up In a position In the ontomolofiioil depart mont. * AT lust wo have discovered when Punch gets Iti froah jokoa. An aim nun 3,000 years old. found In Egypt , ia io th- - British musoum. It Is nuppoaod to b the oldest In the world. r CuMumas contlnuos to holi the fort , and It now looks as If the republican publican members of the city conncl propoBO to fight Ib oat for him on thi line if It takes all summer. ESGLAND has had considerable tiiflicnl iy with the Rnsdan boar , and no' Canada 'is wrestling with Big Boar. ] would oeora that England'a depression i owing to boar movements , and that he troubled ara constantly brain. Tain oourl of claims has adjourned Among Its last transactions Traa the com putatlon , by exports , cf the amount du the government from the Union PaclG under the act of 1802 and the Thurma act. According to this computation th sum duo is something over $1250,000. THE Indian outbreak In the doparl ment of Arizont ia now acknowledged b General Crook to bo of a very eorlou character , and that It will bo a dlfficu ] matter'to nuppreaa It. It is hoped tha Gen. Crook will make some good Indian out of the murderous savages. "A dca Indi&ads a good Indian. " IT ic & little singular that not ono No braaka democrat bai applied for the , pc altlon of Indian ogent at tha Sante agency , which SB now vacant by reaioi of the resignation of Agent L'ghtnei ' There mujt bo some mistake abont thle It has probably been overlooked owln to the excitement caused by the ssrambl for postofficca. It Is a $1,200 prize tine should not bo allowed to bo captured b ; any ontcldo man. Tun general synod of the Lutheri church , ia session at Harrisburg , Penn. has selestod Omiha as the place for ih nest annual moatirg. This will bo quit an event for Omaha , as the Lnthciai chnroh IB cno of the most nourishing re llgious bodies in this country. At th protout ey&od the establishment of a college lego woat ol the Mississippi was prott ; thoroughly discussed , and the matter wa finally referred to a committee of mem hers from the western synod. Perhaps i Omaha makes the proper effort she cai secure this college , which would bo quit n prlzi. So far &a location is concernoi wo doubt if a belter phco than Omahi can bo selected. Ail , the public buildings in Washing ton , oxcapt the cipitol , have water coolers distributed throughout their cor rldors , The reason that there are n water-coolers in the capital is oxplalaei by the fitot that according to the con tracts or piivileqoi given to the keeper of the senate or house reslaurants th restaurant keepers reserved the right t keep water-coolers out of the building , s that it would not Interfere with their sal of baor. There is a law on the ntatut books which specially prevents the sal of beer or any other Intoxicating llquo In the capital , and yet beer and all othei liquors are constantly sold there openly and no effort Is made to prevent thi t radio , notwithstanding all that has boei said on the subject. Hero , then , is i splendid opportunity for Miss Cleveland If she esc only succeed In having water coolers placed la the capital , eho will bi doing a practical temperance work itha will make her famoni. A niLL rdatldg to convict labor , In troduoed in the Illinois legislature , pro ivldea that tcertain percentage of thi revenue derived by the state therefron shall bo set aeldo for the support of thi families of ccnplcts who arc left In deatl tnte clrcumstano3i. Thla Ii a now departure parturo In deallng rlth the difficult question tion f prison labor , and li certainly j huinana provision. The plan haa beet suggested from time to time , and it It if. to hoped that It will bacome a law In II1 < inols , as well ai in .every other state. In .connection with thli plan , a curtain percentage of the proeeida of hla labor ahould bo act aside for the benefit of Ilia convict , so that when ho ii released from prison ho will have jsome fanda with which to supply hfa immediate jvants aud keep him from committing crimes f jr the purpose of Rotting money. The convict knowing that ho will not ba turned oat upon the world penciled will have tome Inducement to tohavo hlmeelf while in prison and to continue his good oondcot when set free , j m THEiNKW YORK ELECTION. TTho coming campaign In Now York iromises to bo a very exciting political vent. Atido from the beating tliat it may have upon national politics , the 1m- monsa local patronogo that la dependent upon the roiultwill bring oat the fall orco of the two contending parties. The republicans having no federal offices , will naturally make every possible effort tc carry the day , not only for the utato patronage ronago , bnt In hopen of eccuilng and ro alnlng control of the itato adralnlstra ion nntll tlianozt presidential campaign The oflicos are many In nnmbor , ane some of them are lucrative enough t justify the politicians In planning , evci at this oatly day , to capture them. Th railroad commissioners , whoso -term I five years , each rdcolvo § 8,000 suporlntccdcnt of ntato prisons lotm five years , § 0,000 ; super Intcndont of public works , § GOOC superintendent of banko , $5,000 ; tupo : Intendentof lnsnranc , $7,000 ; one member bor of the court of claims , $5,000 ; thro quarantine commissioners , $2,500 each ono health ofllcer , paid by fens , amount ing from $40,000 to § 75,000 per yoai ojmmlsslonor of Immigration , $ COOC with fat pickings ; deputy at Oastlo Garden don , $1,000 ; nlno port wardens , $3,50 to $4,000 each ; commitslonor of laba statistics , $3,000 ; three state atsseson $2,500 each ; three civil service cominl : slonera , $2,000 each and traveling ex pauses ; commissioner In lunacy , $4,00 ( These are but a small portion of the aj pointivo oflicos. The list includes BO\ oral hundred , among which are 'India ogonts , salt snporintondoats , attornoyi gaino nnd 'fish ' protectors ; ooinmlssloi era of the { Niagara reservation commissioners of state survey ; stal entomologist ; managers , trustees , an commissioners cf the various state Inat tuttons , and so on. Most of thesa ofl cers have a good salary attached and tr. terms of nearly all of the incumbents e : plro during the next-two years. Bosidi the governor has a largo number of po oonal appointment ! , Including a privu' ' secretary , a military soorotnry , and a ha dczan executive clerks , messengers , an stenographer , and n , staff composed of tl adjutant general , Inspector-general , con mlsoary-gonoral , englneor-ln-chkf , jndgi Ddvocato-gonoralquarier-master-gonora paymaster-general , general Inspector < rifla and six aldea-dc-cam practice , - - ] Then thora ara numerous "ornament and sentimental offices , " as the pollliclat detcribo them , to bo filled by the rjovoi nor , who generally appoints to sue places men of wealth , lolaun cultnro , and Influence. The stoto officars to bo elected are goi ornor , secretary , controller , treasure ) attorney general and state engineer , a of whom draw good salaries , employ largo force of assistants and have heavy salary list. So It will bo seen tht the Inducements for exerting every effji to capture the state government are < the most tempting character. Shonl the republicans bo victorious they coul with this immense ) local patronage b able to bold the state and give it to th next republican candidate far presldonl The republicans under ordinary clrcnm stances can , according to the New Yor [ Times , elect a majority of th thirty-two senator * , and unless the ara very much moro demoralize than oppears on the eurfaco , the are very likely to do eo. The democrat roallza this fact , and it Is intimated the they will UEO extraordinary eifoits t copturo the senate. Some of them nr sanguine enough to assert that the nos governor will bo of their own faitri Conservative observers , realizing tha nothing Is certain In politics till it 1 actually settled , are willing to bdo ! the ! tlmo before making predictions , the Omaha taken snuff the Lincoln Journal snoezee JMo matter what position the Republics taken on any question , the Journc , promptly supports it. The colored pec plo ot Omaha need not be surprised therefore , that In the civil rights con trovcrcy which has arisen In this cli ; the Lincoln Journal endorses the attitude tudo of the Hcpublican , and at the sam tlmo attempts to ridicule and belittle th matter as if it wore a question of n moment. It asserts that the men wh have taken sides with the negro li Omaha "havo rushed In for a littl buncombe appearance as the champion of a colored man irhosa grievance i microscopic , " and "tho Inception of tin affair" la declared to ba ridiculous. ThI Is , indeed , n remarkable position fo a stalwart republican paper to assume The case which Mr. Woodby has instituted tutod in court la not so much In his owi posonal behalf as it la in the Interest o every colored man In Nebraska. Th object la to establish the fact that th negro In Nebraska IB entitled to "equal ity before the law , " both under the con atltntlon of the United States and fltat legislation. It Involves the qnestloi whether ho Is to have acceis to public re aorta , such as theatres and hotels , am to have accommodations upon , railway upon the tame terms aa white men. Thi grievance la far from being microscopic It Is visible to the naked eye , and thosi who are so blind that they cannot nov see It illl ba made to see it through thi medium of tbo courts , EXAMINATIONS are to b * hold at varl- ous places in Nebraska for admission tc he state university. It la hoped thai he young men and women of oar state will take advantage of this opportunity uoro numerously than they have in tbo a > t. So far the university lus been moro of a Lincoln Institution than It has state college. The list catalogue shows mt about 140 students out of a total of 73 came from the city of Lincoln , while IB balance are from other patU of the tato. Thta Is creditable to Lincoln , but cos not opoak well for the ttato at largo , 'hero ' ought * o bo five pupils from the ther sections ot the state to ono ram Lincoln , With the attendance that t-onplit to have out of a population I n early "SOOjOOO , tbo university could bo made ono of the best Institutions of earning In the west. The local examin ations as proposed by the culvert ity authorities , is , M the Lincoln Journal aps , "evidence of the doairo cf the uni versity faculty to co-operate wllh the loading public echools of the state In n harmonious nnd'systomatlo way , as well cs to bring the subject of attendance upon the university close to homo to a : many as possible of the young people who ohould attend It and to facilitate their matriculation. Incidentally i exposes to vlow a freak and doslrnblo in fusion of energy Into the management and an activity that will result In thi moro rapid growth of the institution It numbers and Influence , not to speak o the wider diffusion of its good work. " MAHSIIAL ODMMINOB has requested thi city council to Increase the police forci from 28 to 50 mon. Wo admit that thi present force la too small , bat the In croneo asked for by the marshal is a llttli too large. If the force wore Increased ti forty men wo think it would bo abou right. Bnt wo are opposed to any In crease whatever of Iho police force nntl It is thoroughly reorganized and the ap polntmonts are made upon an entire ! different basis. Civil service rulta shonle govern the appointments , The mei should bo selected with some re gard to slz3 , phyeical condition character and ago. Wo want young active , well-built , Intelligent and sobe men on the police force , and they ahouli bo appointed without &ny question as ti their politics , and when onca appointee they should not bo removed withou some good cause , no matter how of toi the administration may change In It political complexion. When the polic force is reorganized upon such a bas wo shall be in favor of Its increase t forty or fifty mon , but not boforo. Ther are some good policemen now employed bnt there are some that are utterly unfi for the position , The first thing to do i to wood out the latter , and roplaca then with first-class men. THE Rev. Heber Newton's recent cei anon on funeral customa has attracts considerable attention owing to his cover denunciation of the praotico cf following the dead to their burial placea and o mourners standing beside tbo now-mad grave. The frequently fatal illness con tracted in this way should bo a suflicion reason for doing away with the practice It should bo remembered that the buria of friends generally takes place when thi mourners are exhausted by watching o grief , and that they are , therefore , mud moro liable to contract disease than whoi the body and mind are In ahoallhfnl con dltlon. The lesson sought to bo im pressed by the Rev Newton Is that ou : duty to the living should not be lost sigh of while attending to our duties ta thi dead. Ay effort Is being made in Kansas Cltj to create a fund for tha erection of i Young Men's Christian association build ing , and the prospects are that It wil prove successful. It is regretted that i similar attempt in Omaha was a failure The more public buildings that a city hai the moro ovidenca it affords of enterprisi and liberality. Wo hope tbat anothoi effort will bo made. There Is no gooc reason why money enough cannot bo secured cured to purihaso a central site and erccl a handsome building , which , beeidea fur niahing ample quarters for the associa tion , would produce a good revenue fron : rentals. The way to accomplish this ob ject is to organize a stack building com pany , on business i rlnoiplea. ACCOIIDINO to a recent letter fron : Agent Gasman , in charge of the Or or Oreek reservation , the proclamation oi President Cleveland ordering the white sqnattoia off the Indian lands has beer obeyed by only a portion of tbo in- trudera. Ugly throata are made by thest who remain , bnt as yet the Indiana have kept the peace with astonishing patience , The agent also tays that the stones of the loss which will accrue to'tho white squat- tore when they are finally ejected arc greatly exaggerated , as the shanties they have built do not average In value more than ton or fifteen dollars. The squat ters have engaged counsel and have sent an agent to Washington to make a special effort In their behalf. THE pleasure that Is afforded First As sistant Postmaster General Hay In decapi tating postmasters has restored him to health to saoh an extent that ho now confidently states that ho will not be compelled to resign. His physical condi tion Is 10 much Improved and bis appe- tlto la BO much Increased that it require ! about a hundred postmasters a day to satisfy him. . THE proposed Eogllah tax on beer and spirits has created great Indignation among the guzzlers of the United Kingdom , Diead and butter csnld prob bly be taxed without a protest , but when It Is proposed to derive a revenue from beer there is a great howl all along no line. WE notice that several base-ball players have been convicted and fined In Cleveland - land for playing base-ball on Sunday , Iho Omaha .club would ba perfectly safe u Cleveland. It cduld not ba convicted if playing base-ball on Sunday or any ither day. IJT the matter of widening the walks on Fflriwm street to the curb line every ought to be treated alike. Some persona have boon compelled to widen tholr walks , while others hftvo done noth- ng. They either pay no attention to ho orders of the chairman of Iho board of public work ; , or else , for some reason or other , they have not boon notified. N Iho last batch of postal appoint ments Nebraska waa not overlooked. John Ivtttlo captures Iho postoflico at Soward. Nevertheless the Nebraska democrats continue to boll over with Im patience at the slowness of the adminis tration In displacing "offensive partisans. " STATK .JOTTINGS. Two ttccl cells will bo put In Iho county jail at Dakota City. Crops in the Wood river valley are repotted 3 looking unusually fine. The Methodists of Bonv ° r City have raised 81 , ( 03 as a starter for a now church , The bank of Nelson , Nuckolls county , has been reorganized with a capital of 550,000. Columbus cries out for moro toncnieut houses , The domaud far exceeds the supply. Tha Ueatrlco creamery has closed tip because - cause there wera not cowa enough In the country to keep It growing. It is reported that Ord and Grooloy count ; are ready to give n bonus to the Union Pacific to build through the county. The horses stolen from Morris and Wagon- knoch at MhideD. were found loose on the prairie twenty miles west of town. _ B. lindo , of Nlobrarn , has been awarded n contract for furnishing 70,000 net pounds of beef nt the Snnteo ncency the coming soar. Mrs. Mary Callnwny , a woman of D5 , eliod suddenly of heart dlsonso nt tha residence el ] J. P. Draper , in Nebraska City , Sundnj morning. The twelve year old sen of Anton Kramci o Nebraska City , waa drowned while swim' minp in a pond near town , last Saturday , The body was recovered , Two hundred guests nosomblod Saturday evening at the residence of Charles A , Spiell , in Columbus , to calebrnto the silver wedding of the host nnd hostess , who have been resi dents of that city tines 1SES. Tracklayiug on the Sioux City end Pacific had reached a point last week sixty-six niloi west of Valentino. Eighteen miles moic ol the tand bills country yet remain , when the fertile region of tboVhito river slope will b ; reached , Chas , Monamy , a boy of four teen , wa : drowned iu the lake at Timbervillo , Dodge county , Sunday , The bout in which ho wltt others wera rowing , cip ized and being unabl ; to swim , sank to the bottom. The body wai recovered. The Bancroft Journal says that it If ixuthoritjvely informed that that part of the reservation lying north of the railroad track , and consisting of saven or eight thousand acres , will bo appraised and come into market In the early part of June. The Wyoming Stage company , it is p.iid , will change its base to Chadron on or about July 1 , connecting with the old route at Buffalo Gap. A lareo number of men ate now engaged building stations , etc. , prepara tory for the contemplated change. The Dakota county commissioners are mak ing assessments for the drainage of the big slough. The strongest fight against the ap portionment of expense was mtdn by tin lit. Paul and Omnha comyany , which had be-.n assessed Sl.'JGO as its share of the oust. Congressman Dorsoy , oi the Third congres sional district , hai selected Profs. W. P. Jones , A. H Clarendon and Dr. li , J. Abbott nnd Munloy Rogers , of Fremont , and Prof. G , H , Woodward , of North Bond , as a com mittee to examine candidates fur the West Point cadotshtp , The reunion grounds at Beatrice contains 2-10 acres and are situated on bath sides ot the two roads , two miles southeast of the depot there. The parade ground is south of the tracks , nnd the camp ground 10) ) acres on a slope facing the southeast , and laying north of the tracks. Syracuse society is hiphly wrought up over a case of scandal , wherein a young man of that village of hitrh standing is eonn to be come a father. The young man's father will fight the case in court , thus siting publicity to his sou's evil ways and give the erring yourg lady some notoriety. The Fremont city council has passed an ordinance requiring two days labor from evsry mala resident between the ages of 21 nnd 00 years upon the highway , or fay a com mutation of throe dollar * , excepting these who are by law exempt by being inerabors in peed standing of the lire department of the Ne braska National Guaids. Arthur H. Loveloy , a son of the defaulting land ollice roplstor , writes from his homo iu Wilininaton , N. 0. , to the Norfolk News , stating that since big father's troubles some' two years ago , himself nnd mother have offered the father a home , sent him monoy'ht different times , but all to no purpose. Whisky had the upper hand nnd kept it. The man ia n complete wreck nnd ruin The body of Henry Finke was discovered hanging from n tree in Kobert Hawke's farm near Nebraska City , last Friday. The body had boon hanging there for about four weeks , and was almost entirely decomposed. Ho wore n "Jersey jacket , " n pair of overalls and a cheap pair of shoes. Uy the side cf the tree was his hat , handkerchief and pipe and tobacco , where he had laid them before jump , ing into etoruity. The man was a German , and had bean m _ this couutry some twenty years. Rheumatism drove him to death. The Lincoln Democrat brings out the fact that the bill providing for the erection of the pflico of register of deeds , is shown by the journals of the two houses to have passed the senate in ono form and the houEo in another - the senate bill providing that it should apply to counties liauog more than 15,000 inhabf. tnnU and the house record shows thst it bhould apply to counties having moro than 1,500 inhabitants , There is no record of amendments in cither homo. It was signed Jy the governor with the record of the two houses in this form , and on have no binding fmco. us the constitution provides that every bill shall have the concurrence of both house ? , as well ns the signature of the governor , be fore it can become a law , \VESIEIIN NKWB. MONTANA. "Tho contract for building the new Miner's Union boll at Butte has been let for $12.000 , Thomas McLees , a brakeman , was killed at tha Northern Pacific tunnel near Livingston , by falling from the train. Helena's new water company has a reser voir with a capacity of 100.000 barrels. It cost $25,000 to construct it. A Deer Lodge Valley man has undertaken , on a wager , to hatch out a dozen hens eggs by tha process which the hens pursue , The round upa of cattle is progressing very favorable , The weather is fine nnd the calf crop meets the highest expectations. The output of tha Drum Lummonlmins for May is estimated at at $100.000. If it keeps on increasing comparatively with the last three mouths it will soon equal that sum. Forty-four new buildings for residences and business purposes are in course of erection In Helena , with twenty-one others prbjected and yet to be contracted for tbo prcaen season. _ W. 0 , Child , of Helena , has advices from his Meagher county flocks stating that the year'd increase amount * , up to the 21st to about 95 per cent of the total number of iwes , Of 6,000 Iambi dropped leas than a core had been lost , Petrltz , the man who shot at Postmaster Mooie , of Annaconda , was tried at Deer Uodge last week , the trial ending on Satur day lait , and was fined $1,000 , That be was i ory drunk when the crime was committed , daved Pertlz from thn penitentiary , William CourUworth , a etone maion , died in Helena last week of suffocation produced by excessive smoking. Tha doctors say is it a ' 'clear cue of strangulation occasioned by the combined effect upon tha throat and lungs earned by incecsant utaof tobacco. " The spring round upg fn eastern Montana , now about over , point to the Lrgett calf crop ever known In that part of the territory , In some Ui-iUtlea the lucreaio is 75 per cent , and some others even above tbat figure. Late rams h&ve cauied a fine growth of grass and cattle ore in. ft Cue condition. Never befoie In the history of the > ncidd of the totlhwfs 1m vo there lern tuch premising remits ns at the present tlmo , Thn influence of the "refined enst" is mak ing glMit ktiiilo in 1'ovcrty Gulch. The best evidence of Helena's growing greatness and metropolitan nirs was shown ln t week when the saloons reduced the price of whisky straight nnel trimmines from 25 to 12J cents n horn , or two for n quarter , CALIFORNIA , Bids were received by the postoffico com- iniuionrra for n roslollica site nt Sftcrnmento , tnsging from S1B.OOO to S38.0CO. A few Menticnites frcm Southern Kussin have already settled in California , and moro fro expected , both from the states and Kuropo. Borers on lha Dobbol oil ranch , nbovo Pes- cndero , have juit completed ono well , Having struck oil nt n depth of CCO feet , nnd tboy nro preparing to sink another near by. Millions of small bugs have npptmred in vineyards , nenr Cnlistogn. Thny nro believed to bo what Matthew Cooke terms the "false chinch bug , " nnd have done no material dam- ngo eo far this season. A reduction of about 20 per cent in Iho force of the United States branch mint in Ban Francisco , hns boon ordered from Washing ton , There nro nearly 170 persons employed in the mint , so that about forty employes will bo dismissed , Flth nro dying in great numbers in Suitor- villo lokc , uenr Sacramento , nnd in other ponds. The treubln is attributed to grass * hcppurs , which , ns food , nppear to be fatal to fish , when taken in largo quantities , as well ns to turkeys. Tbo board of education of Oakland is con fronted with n piexpectlvo deficit of 810,000 to 420,000 in tliu fund of next year , with no apparent wny of saving , except by reducing the salaries of teachers or closing the schools or a wbilo , A cave inhabited by an old Spanish hermit , has been discoveied iu the cliffs overlooking the ocean Iu the vicinity of Santn Barbara. Tbo man is supposed to besoma fugitive from justice who has for years made this uninvi ting locality his retreat , Ono day last week , as eomo laborers on Iho Coburn ranch , near Pescadoro , were cutting down thistles near n ledge of rocks , tboy were horrified to find themselves iu Iho midst of n den of rattlesnakes. After a lively skirmish they killed cloven of Urn reptiles ; some others crawled off and hid among the rocks. Iho snakes killed were nil laruo nnd well grown. The number of standard dollars in the branch mint in San Francisco has rapidly grown of late. At preterit there are about $33,009,000 in silver coin in tbo vaults , and in addition to this , there is a largo amount in the sub-treasury. The branch mint in San Francisco coins the bulk ot the gold in the Umtod States , nbout 82,000,000 a month be ing transformed from bullion into money. Information has been sent to the office of the state board of Viticulture of serious rav ages committed by tha grasshoppers among the vineyards of Napn and Sonoma counties , At present these pests confine themselves to the foothills , and having not yet gotten their wing8 their only means of locomotion ii their legs. In attacking a vineyard they commence with the nearest row , and aitor eating the vines down to the old wood , proceed to the next , nnd so on. 81 It AY NOTES. Watermelons nnd figs are ripe in Yuma county Arizona. The present populntion of Portland , Oregon gen , exclusive ot Chinese , is 629,000. Reno , Nevada , has 685 children between the ngos of G and 18 years , aud UGO under 21 jears. The tin mine recently discovered in Anto- iopo valley , Nevada , Is pronounced by ex- parts to bo the true metnl. ' ' Tbo owners of the famous Tintic mines of Utah have leorganlzad a company with a capital of § 2,000,1.00 to operate them. Tbo editor of the Ogden Herald congratu lates himself nnd his subscribers that the re cent investigation of the grand jury failed to find a plurality of wives in his possession. Revenue collections in New Mexico nnd Arizona during the past year wera § 75.1)03.89 ) , an increase of nearly § 1,000 over the previous year. year.A A number of now lead strikes have been reported this season nenr Leadville , which offer more encouragement to the smelters this year. year.Tha assesfment roll of Tombstone , A T , , for this year , shows § 634,680 in real Obtate and 880,000 in personal property , a falling off from lass year of nearly half a million dollars. A prize fight for $250 a eido took place at Eagle Itoclf , Idaho , on the 30th , between J. J. rfarlau , nt Idaho , aud John Murphy of Montitm One round nnd a blow under the our settled the fight in favor of Murphy , Tha now school Uw in Nevada prohibl the appropriation of county school funds I school distiicts which have less than tei children between the ages of ( i nnd 18. 'ih uien of new pchool districts is limited to eigh miles square. Tt is alleged that the Maxwell land gran contained originally 80,000 acres , Lut a resurvey - survey demonstrated that it requires not les than 170,000 acrcs to make n respectable sizei errant. The claimants doubtless think about tlmo to make another survey. Boston Post , Cjl , R'.ib-rt G. Ingorsoll Is cfton sale to hnvo formed in boyhood a piojudlci against orthodoxy , because his lather , i Congregational clorgynun , reared liln : ci rigorously as to duprivo him of every rational pleasure. The exact contrary ii true. The patorn l IngeisoH. cf when wa3 extremely fond , w s remarkably llh ern.1 , and on account of his liberality wa1 al wo ; a lit trouble with the members o : his church and other e.vangollcal goasons who made him very unhnppy. Thi seemed so narrjw ana unjust to Rober that ho cima to h&to the imrno Calvinism and all Its teachbga. Ilia hatred 1m , iucroEsod with his years , and Is rigor onsly expaessid In his anti-religioni lectures. A native of this state ho wa born In Amsterdam its family led i wandering llfu until they settled , when ho was 10 years old , In Southern Illi nois. For years ho eallod Peorla his homo but cf late ho has spent most of hli tlmo in Wathington , where his lega' ' practice la reported to bo wurth $10,000 per annum , Albeit an ardent politician , his as never held any public ollico ex cept tbat of Attorney General of Illinois. Ho having been beaten in 1800 ns democratic candidate for congress from that state , ho resolved never again to seek the snflVagea of the people , and ho kept hla resolution. Ho refuted In 1877 the mission to Berlin , which had been tendered him by the state depart ment. He Is doubtless aware that his aggrestivo attitude toward orthodoxy would be successfully used against him at the polls. At hla house In Pcoria ono day , a visitor seeing a Cno edition of Voltalr'a worka in hla library asked how much It I cost him , His answer was , "The governorahlp of Illinois , " Per aonally Ingorsoll la exceedingly popular. He Is a delightful talker and Companion , being full of Interesting reminiscences and humoros anecdotes. He numbers among his ftiends many persona whose theological opinions are diamotracally opposed to his own. HI ilio NowBt , LioiiU-Sr. Paul Line , UmtLiNeJTON , la , , June 3 , Today n meet ing of prominent officers of the Burlington , Cedar Hapids & Northern railroad waa held bera to arrange for the opening of the new passenger line between ot , Louis nnd St. L'aul , via Qalncy , Keokuk , Burlington and Dedar Ilaplde , to go into Hfect Junu 14 , A passenger train provided with Pullman cars will leave St. LOUH every night , arrite at Uurlington at 5:25 : a , m , nnd Minneapolis at 7:20 : p , m. The time between these points > nd St. Louis will ba 23 hours. Ferelinaml "Ward Indicntccr , NEW YORK , June 3. Th grand jury has ound an Indictment against Ferdinand Warder or grand Jarcfpy , The cane will be tried at nee. WOMEN OP IiETXERS. I/endcrs ol Society nnd Iiltorntnro nt the Nntiotml Capltnl , Correspondence Philadelphia Times. It cannot bo aald that society women at the capital show the same Inclination toward literature as the statesman. In fact meny leaders of fashion hero have no moro literary taato than the mulds who curl tholr hair. They can , of couno , converse grammatically , give n borrowed opinion ou the litest novel and even know the namcn tf the loading pot.ti and novelists ; but beyond this they elo not penetrate. There are eomo , however , and thu number Is not small , who deserve all praise for thtir talent and learning. Among these two stand pro-eminent , Miss Cleveland nnd Mrs , Dhlgren , widow of the admital. A great deal has been written about the literary require ments of the president's sister , and per haps they have been somewhat exagger ated. Still it cannot bo denied that for solid knowledge , wide reading nnd ab sorbing bvo of books , Miss Cleveland Is clearly lirjt htnong the women of society. Mrs. Dfthlgron Is not such an extensive scholar as Miia Cleveland , nor quite her equal in intellect. She ia just M devoted to lotterj , however , and a great deal moro ambitions. She ia known as the author of three volumes of variable merit. Her first work was the life of Ulrlc Dahlgron , her stepson , who foil in the famous raid on Richmond. Of course thin volume was n labor of love end well written - ton , if wo judge from the favorable criticisms with which it met , "Legends of South Mountain , " her next produc tion was not BO successful , bat showed considerable vermtlllty. The latest work from her pen , a novel caricaturing high Ufa at the capital , lisa had such n wide circulation and has been so much talked about that every book reader has raid or heard of it. She is literary au thority in social circles and was the lead ing spirit of the very oxclnsivo belles- lettres society which flourished heron few years ago. The moet noted members were PresidentGatfield , George Banoioft and a half dozan senators. Mrs. Dihl- gren lives mcsi of the tlmo at her country residence on South Mountain , overlook ing the bittlo field , She is a very prond , handsome woman , resembling In appear ance and in style of living some of the stately duchesses of whom wo road In English novels. Her estate oxtondi over several square miles and Is a perfect typo of Middle Ago feudalism. Her tenants are like BO many vassals , nnd very faith ful ones , too , for a kinder "L iy of the Caatle , " wai never seen. Her Income is spent largely In building churches and school houaos for the poor. For mllea around she la an object of veneration to the paoplo who prosper ou her bounty. All alone , without husband , child or near relative , she rules her llttlo domain. It Is said that she h&a received more ofFers of marriage than any woman In to- cioty , bnt nho aeems to find enough happiness in occasional social enjoyments in tha pleasures of her country homo and In literary work. -\v. \ L. it. The Kearney Poatolllco Squabble. Kearney Prcs. Mr. J. E. Gllleapio , a democratic law yer of Kearney , wrjto to Dr. George L Miller a Utter , on Monday , of last week , in which he gave the Dr. a severa castl- gatlon for seeming the appointment of the "Carpot-bagger" Morgan , to bo post master at Kearney. Dt. Miller returned the letter to Mr. Jaun Boyle , the boss democrat of this tection , and asked him what it meant , and directing him to wrlto him the "wowt side" of the Morgan business. Mr. Boyle conferred with aornp democrats and desired the ono who futniehod us this Information , to write to Miller , and till him tbat Morgan's appointment gave entire satis faction. Our democratic friend declined to do so. He cauld not Ho to aid Mr. Boyle. This letter has caused a declari- tion of war by Morgan and Gillesplo. This declaration of war hsa brought to light Bovoral letters written by Gecrgo L. Miller to democrats here , which go to show him up , as ono of the most Infam ous political liars In the state. Oan gent leman requested that , In the light of recent events , ho desired to publish a letter Miller had written him Miller answered hurriedly and said no ; but If wo wore the party holding the letter , wo would pub lish It and let Miller stand convicted of lying that all might know and measure him at his worth. Mr. Boyle fa showing confidentially e/f course , the Gillospto letter , and Miller's reply to Boyle , In regard to it , and there is blood on the touta of the democracy of Kearney. But Mr. J. Gillespia Is too much for Morgan Miller , Moylo , & Co. , Intellectually and will down them all In the near ] uturo The spalls huntoro , of the democracy , do not control a dczan votoa In Buffalo county , although our frlond Boyle , told Doc. Miller , that when ho came to the Bounty , the highest democratic vote polled was 280 , nnd that after ho and Morgan organized the prrly , they polled over 1,200. Tnls was a most barefaced falsehood. The combined fneion vote was over 1,200 nnd at least 750 of these srotoa were polled by anti-monopolists. Iho campolgn In this county , waa organ ized and carried on by antl-monopolfste md three-fourths of the work waa done by them , and yet , Boyle and Morgan , iway from homo claim all credit for the Nomocracy , and assort that they did it. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To- 3acco , Ibo Official Strut at tlio Capital , Washington Cnr. Philadelphia Times. Department officials , high and low , now mt In appearance and soak the presence rom which flows the milk and honey of ) fflciil life. It IB not generally known .hat . these men are the very pillars of the ; ovormntnt In their own estimation at east. Every ono cf them has a grand , ilmott tragic , strut , as characteristic as .hat . of Henry Irving and scrupulously mitated by the lowest clerks in the do. > artmonta. Men who bavo made a itudy of the matter can oven de ed seven distinct varieties of strut > ecullar to the divisions over which ho seven cabinet officers preside , mt an ordinary observer would not no lee this. Moreover , it is whispered that ; race In the art of strutting waa the aur- ist recommendation for advancement mder the last administration , especially n the ofiico of Judge Lawrence , eoa- rollcr of currency , who was a perfect wagon In this respect. These pillars of tate nourish a vast conception of tholr iwn Importance , They regard thorn- elves BB tbo skilful manipulators who : ecp tha machine of government iu action , and congress as a mere ubsldary power , whoso doty it Is to o a llttlo rapairlng once In a whilo. 'hoy are Batltfiod with only the highest rado of Booltty , and look down with leilablo contempt on the private cltizsn , iot ono of your Philadelphia banker or lerdmnt millionaires oomo to Waablng- igtan and thoio petty officials will con- der It a matter of condescension on iolr part to receive hlrn , although iholr icomes average less thou $3,000 a year. There Is n general opinion hero that tholr ridiculous vanity and strutting should ba Bnpprcsiod by presidential enlist. $ IiOn. Minute , Country Gentleman , Night and day , and ovcry day In the your ! This ii about the rnto at which the United States government Is now paying oflflts Indebtedness , mil Is hardly ono third ns fast an dining several pre vious yours. But $100 n mtnuto amounts tn only $42,5GO,000 annually , or scarcely 75 cents during n whole year for each of the inhabitant : ! of onr great country , The most of it , however , is pnid by the wealthy , who elo not fool It , and by a tax upon n few articles ot luxury. But were It equally divided , there are few who would not cheerfully contribute - tribute this small amount (75 ( cents ) for the sake of sustaining the splendid repu tation our country enjoys throughout the world as a prompt , honest , debt-paying people. The United States could now borrow money at a lower rate of Interest than any ether nation under the sun. There nro several advantages in this. To nsino one : A nation's strength depends - ponds largely upon Ha ability to provide the "sinews of war,1' ' of which money la the grcatoit. Great BrlUIn ia nlronger from thi3 cuiso than from the actual number of fighting mon aho ooulel r.Uso among her own population proper. For thla reason wo are nblo to got along with almost in standing army or navy barely enough to aot aa a pollco foico , and toke care of the fortlfi- c&tlona to cave them from dilapidation , and to keep a score of skilled ollicera In training for any emergency that might arlsu demanding the sudden action of a largo foro3 of citizen soldlcw. Nearly every other nation haa a hr o percentage of Ha most vigorous men In field , or camp , or fort , or on shipboard , with another - ether heavy percentage tolling to sup port thcio and the expenses tnoy Incur. Lincoln ns nn Economist. Washington Latter , President Lincoln , ttarod In the lap of poverty , was very economical. When ho came to Washington ho had saved from his professional earnings $20,000 nnd ho did not ewe a dime. During his presi dential term ho aaved from his Hilary of $25,000 a year , $00,000 , which Henry D. Cook Invested for blinin government securities. Ho was not a slovenly man but ho bought cheap clothes , and cared little whether they fitted him or not. After he came to Washington , Mrs Lincoln used to see that ho waa alwaj s proEontablo , but ho often rebelled , and regarded white kid gloves ns an unmitigated nuleanco. While clothes were to Mr. Lincoln only something to cover him up , ho only ate because it was a duty , and did not know what was good to oat any moro than ho did what was good to wear. Ho never drank intoxicating liquors or used to bacco In any form. Neither did ho know how to play any game respectably well. His Illinois friends Bald that it was as good aa a circus to see him play a game of billiards. While ho occasionally told stories which were "off color , " no ono over charged him with an immoral act , and the moat accomplished olrens of the capital failed in their attempts to beguile him. Faintinc nn Olel Homo Keel. Lafayette ( Ind. ) Courier. A comical incident iu the Illlnola cena- torial contest transpired nt Wataoka , 111. , yesterday. Major Patera , editor of the Republican of that place end republican member of the legislature from Iroquols county , when assured of Logan'o election : telegraphed the boys from Springfield , "Logan Is elected. Paint my old homo red. " Ho meart , of course , for them to hold a jollification in Watseka. but the boys look him at his word , and showing the message to Mru. Peters gained her consent , aud forthwith the ontlro male population turned out and procuring the brightest rod paint imaglonablo painted the house , barn and oat-houses scarlet eoof , chimney and all , not sparing oven the tree-trunke. When the major hoard Df the nffilr this morning ho waa the saddest man In the nation , notwlth- itanding Logan's election. Complete Treatment with Inhale for every wrm of Catarrh $1. Sanford's ' Eadical Cure , Head Colds , Watery Discharges from the NOSOBPBI lyes , Ulnglns Noises In the Head , Nervous Dead- cho and Fever Instantly relieved , Choking mucus dislodged , membrane cleansed nnd caled , breath sweetened , smell , taste and hearine stored , nnd ravages chocked. Coughs , Bronchitis , Droppings Into the Throat , 'alns ' In the Chest , Dyspepsia , Wasting of Strength nd Flesh , Losa of Sleep , eta , cured. Ono bottle Kmllcal Cure , ono box Catarrha ! Sol ent and ono Dr. Sanford's Inhaler , In ono package , f nil druggists , for ? 1. Ask or SANTORD' JUDICAI , emu , a pure dlttlllatlon ol Witch Hazel , Am , Pine , ia. Fir , Marigold , Clover Blossoms , eto. I'orrin EUa AMD CnKMICAL Co. . Iloston. Potter Drug and Chemical Co. , Iloston. , New ll/o for fluttered Corves , Painful Muscles and woaVened Organr. ( Mlina1 Voltaic Electric Plistcr , In stantly aOects the nervous ny > tem and banishes pain , norvousnew and debility. A pereoct Eleo'ro flalvanlo bat. tcry combined with a highly medicinal plaster lor 26a All druggltts. UNITJSD STATES . lational Bank ! U , B. DEPOSITORY. . W. Cor. Farnam and 12th Sts iIooQOO.OD lapital , - , . W , HAMILTON , Prea'fc M , T. BAIUiOW , Oaahlw DIUKOTOES : . M. OALDWKLI , B. K. Sunn , W. IlAaUI/rON , M. T. liABLOW , O. WILL HAMILTON. Accounts solicited nnd kept suboct | to eight PClf. Certiorates of Deposit Issued livable In 3 , md 12 months , bearing Interest , or on da- uml without interest. Advances made to customers or approved imrltles at market rates of interest , The Interests of customers ore closely guard * and every facility compatible with princl- QS of sound banking freely exteodod , Draw nlKht drafts on England , Ireland , otland , an ? all parts of Eurono. Sell European passage tickets , Collections Promptly Made.