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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1885)
U . THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , JUNE 4 , 1885. OH ! MY BACK F.tcrr tr ln or rolil uttaeV * that vc V b ek and nearly prostrates -THE = BEST TONIC ? HtrciifztliciiK Uie 7IIu clr , Hlcntllm'ilin KcrrM , r.nriclim llieltlooil , Given New Vigor. Dn. J. Ij.MTFnn.Titfrflrfit.Icm * . MM : "Jlmwn'ii Item illrtorn In the txit Iron mfldlclno I liavfl known In my IM lonra" prnctlco. I li vo fnona it tiwditlr foonntlclM In TKTTOH * or phj-Mciil Hindus- lion , iind In nil ilblllt tlr nllmontii that Ixwr in honTllr on the nyMrm.Uno it frwdy in my own fnmtly. " ( tanulne Tifui trfclo mark and < TWK il rod HUM on wrapper. Tnlic no nllicr. Itliidoonly uy iniowN inr.MioAi. co. . tiAi/ri oKiMi : > , I.imrs' HAND IlooK-usefnl and att etrraam > tAlntnit list nf prizes for rvdpoii.lnfnrraiitlnn nbont ooini , fin. , clvc-n wny liy ll uralc-nt In rnoulclne , 01 mailed Ui any lulilrons on nwlpt u Sd. rtmnp. ttiitKitet to tu BROAD GLA ifc SWOKEB.1 ? SELL1HC2 yt. A B irfjj Cliroulp ft Nervous ] Sure Curl's. C2T t veil ll tno fctniniu for Celebrated Jledisa Works. AiMro < a. if. I ) . CU.AItKi : , M. D. 1"G South dark St-fct. CIIIRAHO , ILL. 13'COHUUOXKil MX Soyal Havana Lottery j ( A OOVEIINHENT IHSTITUTION. , Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in'Fifths ' , Wholes $5. Frac- v tions pro rata Bubjoct tVpo manipulation , not ooatrollod by the pirUouIn Inimical. It Ia Iho fairest thing In the aloio o ! chanoi\ln existence. f or tickets applV to 8UIPSKT& CO. , 1212 Broad way.W. T. City : SU INORR & CO. , 108South 4th 81 SI. Lools , Mo , or U\\OTTEH3 ft CO , 019 Main St. Kansas City. Ho. Y\ \ taucoESSOHS i o JOHN o. ; AOOESI At the old eland HU'Fivrnun St. Crdon by telegraph graph solicited and promptl attended ta. Telcphon JAS. H. 1'SABODY , Bff. D. urgeon Reilldcnoo No. 1407 Jones Si. Office , No. 1(09 Tir nametrcui , OlDoo hours,12 m. to 1 p. m. tnd lion o 0 p. m. Trtlflflhnn 'or nflloe 07.TrwMi ni 1 ( , Cor. iitb ! nn'd Douglns Sts. Capital Stock , - - - 5150,001 Liability o Stockkolden , 300,00 C Five Per GcHtlnMPaid onDeiiosi1 LOAMS HADE ON REAL fis XSixrootox-.w K. BOYD . .i . I'rcslilon W. A. PAXTOH . Vine Fn.tu t. M. BBNKBTT . Minnzlnu' Dlrecto JOUNE.WILBOH . . Cislilf CUA8. F.UAMDCnsON , TH03. L. KIMBALl , J. W OANNKTT , UAX HKYKU. IIGNRY PONDT K L. BTONK. THE ONLY EXOMTblVB IN OMAHA NEB. COWING & GO , jotuiaa ix WROUGHT IRON PIPE , , Lead Plpo and Sheet Lead , MOBTIIIXUTOli BIKAn rial's , Plnmtieis'OasajidiiKainnttefs1 IRON t > BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUSIES , 60N SUMPTION. I tire a poiltlx rouwilr foe Ibt * bOTdlt > < : br III Bit thotmudtotcuMot . th * word kind ma ot ( on HttJloitli tcl.e i\cut d. IuJ * il , oicro licit ttt fill loltleBlctcr.thul will , nJV"O BOn'I.Ka HlBll toctlbf r wllb > VAU'ABMiTitilATlSE on JUU dliVu 19 Ell * 8Uff r r rjlvfiipr t ted I * O. fcifartli. UK,1 * - " ' ' > lflIU , HI P..rlHt N.-V'rt Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlanfcr , UaiatU I Culmbacber..Ui > ar > a 1'iliucr llohcmlan I KaUer . . . . .Urcmou DOlTtMTlC. iludwcltcr St Louis I Aubausor St. I.oul , ] ! e t'ii _ , , , , Mllw ukej | Sclilltz 1 < I iierUIU iikco Kruk-'n , , , . , , .0iu > ha \ Ale , 1'ortor , Domotlcand llliluo Wines. ED MAUEER , 121.3 Fariiam St , SEVENTY-ONE BELOW ZERO. Lien , , Schwalka Tells Som&tbiDE & Atont Ooli WcatliBr , Tjlfo In tlio Arctic Kegloni A Journey "With the Mercury Slity-KlRlit Decrees Below Zero. Now York Times. There ere n few places In ( ho United States proper ( the word "proper" being pnt In to exclude onr colony of Alaska , ilmost n third of which lies in the arctic regions , ) where the winter weather la in- tenioly cold , and whore even the snmtnor weather la to cool that both acorn like the polar regions , but those few places are BO far in the west , among tbo high moun tains , and so thinly populated , that I fool quite sure that the more mention of .71 ° below zero or 103 ° below the freezing point will make the chills run over my readers , and if it bo n warm day when they paruso it they will be accordingly thankful , and , I hope , will not 'cast ir nsldo with a more qlanco at the heading , oven if it bo not. The author was inn heavy atom , last- Ins ; some two or throe henrs , on July 8 , 1870 , while oik hunting In the high spurs of the Bit ; Horn mountains of Montana , and when returning to camp learned tha' ' another hunting party hud crossed tholi horaeo on the ice of a lake on the 4th ol July at a still higher level , the ice nol having molted from the winter's deep freezing. The 14th of August the same year ice formed on the water in out camp kettles and buckets , and , in abort in that portion of the country it is cole enough to give a person who may live there long a chanca to see a snow atom : every month in the year as the anthoi has but it is neb of those districts we will wrlto In describing 71 ° below zsro It was In tbo Arctic regions , not ftii from Bl&ck'a Great Fish river , when the author was conducting a homowarc sledge journey to Hudson's Bay , in the depth of an Arctic 'winter November December , January , February ant March. Severe ircnthor that IB , inten sely cold had set in just before Christ mas , lu 1879 , the thermometer sinking to 05 ° and 68 ° below zero , and novel getting above GO0 below , wo wore having a very hard time with onr sledging alonj the river , our camps at night almost It sight of thoao wo bad loft in the mornlnf so close wore they together and so alow ly did wo labor along. Reindeer or which wo were relying for our daily sup ply of food , wore not found near the river , aud being seen some ten or fiftoer miles back from it , I determined to leave its bed and strike straight 'for ' homo ir Hudson's Bay. Wo had been gone three or four days and ES wo ascended the higher levels th thermometer commenced lowering , anc on the 3d of January , 1880 , at 4 o'cloct In the afternoon , reached .71 ° below zero the coldest wo experienced on our sledge journey of nearly a year In length anc the coldest over encountered by white men traveling out of doors , for that da ; we moved camp some tfn or twelve mile to the southeastward. The day was neat at all disagreeable , I must say , unti loog toward the early nightwhen a sllgh zspnyr , the merest kind of motion of the wind that would bardly rnlllo the loaves on a tree , or even ouflicion to cool the face on a warn : day , sprang up from the southward , and slight and Insignificant as it was , it cute to the bone every part nf the body tha was exposed , and which fortunately wac only tne face from the eyebrows to the chin and about lulf of the cheeks. We turned our backs toward it as much RS possible , especially after wo lutl gotten into camp aud got to work building oui snow bouses and dlpglng through the thick ice of tbo lake for fresh water , anc so lazily did our breath 'that congealee Into miniature clouds float away to the northward , like the little light cirrus clouds of a summer tky , that we Itnav , well enough how terribly cold it must be without looking at the thermometer tha stood at 71 ° below zero , Fahrenheit. It is not so much the intensity of the cold , exprcBsad in degrees on the thermometer momotor , that determines the disagree- abloneas of arctic winter weather as it IE the force and relative direction of the wind. I have found it far ploaeantei with the thermometer at CO3 , CO' , or over 70 ° below zero , Fahrenheit , with little or no wind blowing at the time , than tc face a rather still' breeze when the little tell-tale showed 60 ° warmer temperature Even an arctlo acclimated white mai facing a good strong wind at 20 ° or 25 ° balow zero ia almost turo to freeze the nose and cheeks , and the thetrmometei does not have to sink over -4 ° or 5 ° tc induce the Etqnimaus thcraeolvoj to keep within their anug snow houses under the came circumstances , unless want or famine ino demands their presence in tbo storm With plenty ia the larder for all the mou'hs , brute and human , none of them venture out in nuch weather. It is very consoling to add , however that the intensely cold temperatures o the arctic are nearly always acaompanlee by calms , or at least by very light wlnda and such was the case on our memorable 3d of January , 1880. In fact , with the exception of a very few quiet days during the warmest weatbor of the polar sum mer , those clear , quiet , cold ones of the arctic winter ore about the only times when-the wind is not blowing vigorously from some point of the compass , or so II seemed at least in th t part of it whore my travels warn oast. 1 doubt , however , if there are as many fearful storms dur ing low temperatures in the arotlo as in the far northwestern part of our own country where they are known as "bllz- zuda. " Certainly , In proportion to the ability of withstanding extreme oold , and the methods the polar inhabitants have of combating it , there are no such dan gers run by them of life or discomfort as by our brotliern of the far Northwesl when the "northers" comedown on them In the dead of winter , There wore a few exceptions to this general rule of quiet weather with ex treme cold , and when they had to be endured - durod they were simply terrible. One morning the thermometer at 8 o'clock showed us that it ws G8' below zero , but as U was calm and quiet wo p id little attention to it , and harnessed onr dogs and loaded our sledges for onr day's jour ney , which was an exceedingly short one of throe or four inlleg to the snow house of an Esquimau where wo could buy reindeer - doer meat for ourselves and doge. We were just ready to t rt when a sharp wlnu sprang up from the northwest that felt like R acore of rizw bladoj cutting the face. Had it started L5 or 20 min utes sooner wo would not have thought of going , but the distance ahead was such a short one and the road so good over a gently rolling country that wo choceto go ahead rather than unload our sledges and go hick Into the same old camp. We kept the dogs at a good round trot and ran alongside the sledges the whole way except one ihoit rest , and I can assure my readers that when wo reached the now honso of the Klnnepstoo Esquimau t was as welcome a refuge as if It had > Bon a first-class hotel. I was frozen ilong my left arm from , my shoulder 0 my wrist , and it was quite palufnl for 1 number of clays ; and many of the others , Scqulmnus as well as white men , were ilso "nipped" hero and there more or ess severely. The wind was strong enough to drift the loose anew along the [ round , but I suppose our Imaginations luring such a strain made us think it was very much stronger than it really was if wo could have measured its rate with a proper instrument. When wo got to the end of our journey I again ooked nt the thermometer , and It indi cated 55" below zjro , that is , it had got warmer by 13 ° In a half hour to throe- quarters of an hour , the tlmo it hoc taken us to got through , although it might hare been thirteen times thirteen degrees colder , judging by the way we felt. I told the Etquimaus , who hoc boon with us on the abort trip as pledge drivers aud so on , that It was much eoldor as shown by the Inetrumont In the quiet air just before wo started than i was when the wind was raging the high est , but I think from the inorodulou glances that they took at each ether tha they voted the thermometer as the mos accomplished Ananias they over mot , ant wondered how wo could bo duped intc such preposterous Ideal directly agnlna onr common aoneo and personal objcrvn tlons of cold. They might believe the world was round and turned over over ; day without the polar bear * eliding o ) the elippory icaborg when it was upsld doi n atmply bacaiisa the white man their acknowledged superior in intelligence gonco , had said so , but nothing wonli persuade them that when they felt par- fcctly comfortable and warm loading th alodgo and harnessing the dogs it wa colder than when their , arms and log were fronan , and tholr noaea and cheek "nipped" moat ferocioualy with the frost Wo tried to explain the effect of th wind , bub they ( aid they had known th wind to blow them off their feet in th summer and not freeze them a particle and very much preferred to believe tha the little thermometer told a fib , or a least wns badly mistaken. They sail they know it seemed colder when th wind blow , but that was because it act ually was colder at those times than others , and not simply beciuso it soeme < so , and hero they stood firm. The thermometer stood at 71 ° Far ouholt , the unclouded sky in the vicinity of the sun , hanging low in the aouthorr horizon , assumed a dull leaden hue tinged near the aun'a rim with a faint brownish rod , not unlike the aklcs w aeo coaraoly painted on cheap chrome lithographs displayed for sale la third rate picture shops. At nighttime th stars glitter Ilka diamonds under th electric light , and fairly seems on fir with their brilliant radiance. Shonlt yon pour water cold water taken fron the well dug through the ice of the lak near which yon are camped upon th surface of the ice. it greets yon with ar astonishing crackling nolsa like fire run ning through cedar brush , or like dozen bunchca of miniature firo'crackers and the ice that waa so clear before tha you almost ielt timid about putting yon foot on it for fear that it really was no there , now instantly turns as white a marble and as hard to see through as a much anew , caused by the infinite num ber of little seams running in every dl rcctlon through it from the nncqua expansion. Many of the Esquimau cbil dren amuse themselves trying this almpl experiment until the white spots on th clear ice of the lake give it a most inottlci appearance. Vapor and steam seem to roll awn ; from everything of a living nature , ant the sledges with its ton or fifteen dog and ita four or fiva humans in harneai looks like a starting locomotive onvolopec in its escaping steam , and leaves a trai of vapor behind them resembling the dust stirred up on a well-used road by wogon wheels. Should the party halt tc rest In a baain-llko valley this vapo rapidly collects as a fog bank , and in n little while becomes so donee so as to obscure scuro the originators from a person & a distance , but really makes their where abouts easily determined by this verj sign. Herds of musk oxen and rolndoo inn Ice their positions visible by this mean at quite long distances if the herds b largo , four or five mllea away , and at from favorable height ! , even three or fou times this dlatancs , BO the E'qnlmau hunters claim ; BO far away , in fact , tna it has been known to take two days sledging to reach them ; but my reader must boar in mind that a day ia the arc tlo winter Is very abort , often only on hour or two loug. Even at these won derful aud extreme distances the mot koon-oycd hunters claim ( and theec Esquimau are never given to premedit ated falsooood ) that i hey can toll whothc the herd is one of musk oxen or relndee by some varying peculiarities of the va pora which I did not clearly understand and which 1 never took an opportunity to practically apply. Even the foot of a person walking along as it Is lifted from the ground leaves a little puff of vapor to float away from the spot us if the walker had stoppoc upon a sponge saturated with smoke which was liberated by the pressure , anc this , too , when there are four thicknesses of heavy reindeer akin between the bare foot and the anew underneath. So acarco was the game through thia part of the country , and 00 absolutely de pendent wore we upon It for onr daily supply of food , that to increase our chances of securing it wo separated inte parties , one and two days' journey aparl /rom each other , ( although traveling the tra'l ' , ) and thus each apace between oampi wis gone over twice or throe tlmoi , and onr chances of seeing reindeer or musk oxen increased proportionately. Occa- riontlly my elodgo would be ia the rear , and before wo atarted in the morning ll would aomotlmes be useful to know 11 the pirty ahead had moved on , and Too- looan , my sledge driver , would climb a Dear hill , and if the weather was in tensely cold and clear waa almost cure to be able to tell mo , although the measured sledge journey to the snow house that he bad discerned by Ita ascending vapors was often eight and ten miles , and probably throe-fourths as much in a straight Una. Whenever the sledge was traveling along Its iced runners dragging over the line gritty snows would give forth a clear musical rin ? in the bitter oold air that sounded very much like the drawing of a ealnod bow over a tuning fork , a well- enow experiment in acoustic lectures , ilauy of tny readera who live , cr have Ived , in countries where the thrrmomo- er gets down to zero and 20" below In the winter , have heard this sound coming rom the iron runners of the swift gliding sleighs , and especially upon a ploar quiet light with but a single sleigh within lotring. Could you Imagine that clear roaty ring as much louder as the wbdtlo of a steamboat it above the whlatlo of a man , or certainly multiplied manifold Imes , jou could reallza how the Iced ledged runnera fairly alng with their loliihed aurfaca dragging over the marble jkeenoiraof the Intense Arctic cold. By holding the ear near to the anew this mualo of the cold can bo hoard a couple of miles aw y , and at this great distance sounds like tho'aoft mormurlngs of ar . . -Ejllan harp or distant mingllnga ol ; ultors. Sometlmoa when breathing thia ox .romoly cold air my tcngno felt as if II was freezing in my month , but I conic readily rid myself of this uncomfortable feeling by breathing through the noatrlli lor a minute or two. Naturally you wil aak "Why not breathe through the noj- trlls all the tlmo T oa you have BO often hoard advocated , This bitter cold air pissing through the nostrils keeps up an Irritation so that the consequent catarrl makes it desirable to use the month nearly altogether In broathing. Alsotho nose is more liable to frcczo when breath ing through It. Thoao freezings of the nose and chocks are very common offalr * occurring over a times a day It very low temperature , and especially i there bo any wind blowing in the face The Ucqulmaus euro these ellgh frost bitoa by applying the hand warm from the reindeer mitten , dircctlj to the spot. They know nothing of rub bing frost bites with snow , so extolled In our own cold climates , and I doubt its efficacy myself in these extremely low arctlo temperatures , when the snow 1 like sand if loosa and like granite rock i In niaas. Another fnllacloua idea ex ploded by my Esquimau , at leaat to a great extent , was the use of anew to quench thlrat , which every arctic wrlto has been so unanimous In condemning a hurtful. My Eiqalmaus used it at nl temperatures to alleviate tholr tbirat first breathing on the piece of snow few times before putting it in the mouth I have often seen Esquimau boys place ateol snow knlfo to their tongue and lo it froeza fast , and then swing it back ward and forward until it fell , and try and make it stick upright in the enow. FllEDEUICK SCHWATKA. OF SOCIETY GIRLS. A IJmck of Men the Trouble nt th National Capital. Gail Hamilton. "What are society perils for youn women ? " I just asked a "society girl , and she paid : "In Washington , lack o men. " For girls this la true , There or plenty of men in Waahington. Porhap In no city In the United States is soclol worth so much &s in Waahington because so many distinguished mo gather there. In no party do yon fate to see groups , any one member of whlc would bo considered worth making a feas for in other cities But the distlnguishoc men of Waahington scarcely come at an earlier period than their catly mlddl life. They are in Washington boeauso they have already won more or less eminence. They are pas the uncertainty , the hoeitancy , the un reality of life , and are bent on dofinit pursuits. Too young men , the natura mates for the girls , are in other cities am districts practicing law , learning to odl newspapers , cantering over cattle ranches preaching sermons to young women ant probably making a poor fiat of it , cxplor ing mines , earning moneyj wincing fame By and by they will come to Washington but in that day our girls will not bo girl cny more. A very few of those youn men are in Washington , but very few hardly enough to go round. Consequently quently a girf who goes into saciofy en counters the peril of not finding man ; stimulating minds among her yotinge comr&doa. And there are parils of five o'clock teas ruinous to digestion and always the perl of confounding the cakes and candles o Ufa with its roast boef. "Society" Is so fascinating that girls are in danger of for getting that it is refreshment and rest not steady work. A "Well-Known Doctor's Experience 'Dr. 0. Fawcett , resident physician o the Union Protestant Infirmary , Baltl more , Md. , publishes a card certifying that having recently had three ciaea c consumption under treatment whor obstinate cough was the moat promlnon symptom , ho concluded to give lied Sta Cough Cure a trial , and in every cas whore it waa used the effect waa mos marked and beneficial , as it seemed to have the power of controlling cough anc thereby promoting sloop , especially a night , when cough Is always the mos troublesome. A Trump titory on Its Travels , Fock's Sun. Perhaps a more surprised and warmo tramp novet1 lived than the one who turned up in Omaha , Nebraska , recently Ho was strolling along when his eyes caught eight of a brick kiln that stoo : hard by. While gazing at the kiln the idea suddenly struck him that ho caulc ascend to the top and oujoy a nice quiet little anoczo without being disturbed. Later in the day some workmen started a fire in the kiln and were going aboal their various duties , when they ere atartod by a whoop that would have done credit to a Piute. They gezad in the di rection from whence tbo uoiao cams just In time to step one side as Mr. Tramp came sailing down from his lofty perch. When the ( ire was started it was nol long in searching out the tramp , and when ho awoke bin clothes was all ablazo. The men extinguished the flames , and when the victim atarted off In the direc tion of Omaha , there wasn't a hair on his head , and his clothes were a tad wreck , Switched On ? on Another Track. Chicago Herald. At a station down in Indiana the Like Shore company employs a lady ticket aoent. ; She Is a good agent and attends closely to her business , but she Is a woman still , The other day a lady trav eler stopped up to the ticket window and inquired about a train that was a little late. late."Will the train bo long ? " aho asked , meaning if it would be long in arriving. "Oh , yee , " was the reply of the fair ticket-agent , "longer than laat aoaaon , ant without ao many r a files around the edge. " SICK HEADACHE. Thouianda who IBVO suffered intensely with sick head ache aay that Hood's Sarsaparllla has cured them. One gentleman thus re lieved , writes : "Hood's Sarsaparilla is worth ita weight ia gold. " Reader , If you are a sufferer with tick headache , ive Hood's Harsiparllla a trial. It will lo yu pocitive good , Made by 0 , I. lood & Co. , Lowell , Macs Sold by all drugglata. 100 doata One Dollar. When I ! by wts elck , w a gave tier Cutorift , When elio was a Chili , she cried for Caatorla , Ylien ilie became Mils , Uo clung to Caitoria , yU n ibo liul CliUdrtii , ehe g re them Caatorla . . . . 1'reo from OjnciiY.i , /'mettc.i unit A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE lnr Couch * * Pore Tlirnnl , Itonrponc * * * Inflncnzfi , ColilA * IlronehUla , Croup , AVIiooplnc Cough , Attlimm Uulnir , 1'nlnn In Chrtt. n < loUitr nfTt-cttonmiftheTlirout an ! Lung * . Trice no cents n tiottlp. Sold by Drnsalit * nml Ic ) l- tif , J\trlln unaMe ta fnrtwo theirttetiter ( ojirom/iilv att lljor them id/I rtctirt lien tiottle f-'jrtircn c/uirffef ftatil , tentllna | one dollar M TIII : A.uii.rt.FR rnnr.iNr , tnnl Minufi.ctnrrri ( Ililllnurr. Jlnrjlind , r. B. A , 017 St. Cbsrlos St. , St. Unls , No. rrKBlr nr < lo it oriwollMleiuCeU jit htfllitcu 'i * dfrigfd In theirtltltrei.ine.u < > f Ci.oMf Nnvr'i.C * x ncu BIC l < ii utDin inr e'.ber rr.jtlel rj | c B' > . ' . ' ; , Nervous Prostraticm , Debility , Mont * ! wif Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otrx. ( ' < ! < : iinns ol Throat , Skin or Bones , ( llood Poli r. tiVt old Sores And Ulcers , in tr > trd itb < nt t 'i _ - , .trcM.on unit iel < otll ) ( irlncljilci. riVIr , 1'rltitil. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excctj , Exposure or Indulgence , Thick t < ro < iG com of tti "ilo ! ltiK etlietit omouincu , < tet > IIU < , dlnictii cr n'fj uiO deftetlT * mrtn-jry. plmpUi on t&n ree * , pLjtle&t decay. Mer"lntotti * .oeltty of leto&ietCo3lul i 4flcuct&fc r ndCTtnc Mnrrlnge Improper or utihalip' * , ti ; DfrmnDtitljeurcJ , rablik ! l(3n pac lotitbo htorr irj l < ititrd entrlopc , rrccto my kdltrm , Cor.mlHllen i' ' CcctrbjimllrrecnndlQTIitd Wtlic rorquititoci. A Positive Writiert Guarantor | TC * la kll cnrnr.toci.c3. Vc.Ililncs tint orcrjTtirr. X'amshJeU , > : nrlUli or Ocrraan , 04 face1 ! Krlbluc nbovo rtinconos , la main or fcmalt , " ' jyiARRIACJIS James Medical Institute Chartered by theStnteof 1111- jnois for thcexprcsspurpose 'of giving Immediate rellelln [ all chronic , urinary and prl- : vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , Gleet andSyplulls In all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permancntlycured by rcme- dies.testedina.Farl'i/l'car' * , _ bpcclall'ractlcc. Seminal Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhood , fiM/fdv/f/rici-eif.T/irro / Is no cjrjverfiiic'if7117. The appropriate remedy is at once used in each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMESNo.204WashlnglonSI.Chcagolll. ! . . . f urif , futo tiiu LIVER aii'i Kiuritvs , d linsroiiic IJIH UHAL/J'H .jci vraon or VOUTH. D/ * o psliVunt nrAppetite 1'j 'liri'hltnii , lnc. ol M > eTicttr : nriil. llcoen , uiusclcian' 11 rvs receive m-wlorcc . , l.rlufn-i IIiu mlnU a.ik . Si7S5rnlo 75r , t-upBilcs ! < r.ilii I'.iwcJ * $ f-i rliiftlrorti iOtnpla'nt.i ' Sm jfa Eoi' Ct " O > pu ll.irto : lic > i-e ; > v 7. ' > nil lu DK. J.'l > B nill'S IFvOir TONIO ll rafft L , - - - r. tlcai.tiwUUjy cimiiilfxio GIN \L V\l > IJI1ST i r } Trtj-uuuiiicirexatol ho r Ilurrwaift'l OaV ' | j ! . . > MCfcfoiloi > ' < lREA'U. BOOB * Clover Blossom Irruci , lllch. , Feb. S , 18S2. 3. M. Loom it Co. . Moiraox , Mich. OEST > 1 am using your Fluid Eitract Red Clorcr Dlosiom and Wet Com press far Cancer on the bri > Mt , and am well. 1 am satisfied It la the beat remedy for Cancer known. You are welcome to mo this for th benefit of tutrerlnfr humanity. Itcspictlully , MRS , L. A. JOIINSOK. TOLEDO , O. , January 17 , ISIS. J. M. IXIOSE ( t CO. , MONBOK , Mlcll. OENTLIIIKK My wlfo lias fornomotlmo boon afflicted with Romethlng like a fcrotalous dlnoM o , and found no relict until ehei gai o your Extract of Itcd Cloveratrtal. 1 em linppy to ay ebe lias experienced crcat relief. Tllli Ia but a ( light testimonial oC ray appreciation ot your cirorts In behalf of humanity , which you are welcouio to use for tholr benefit. I am , ery respectfully , IL AMIS. TOLEDO. O. , Doc. 1st , 1882. J. M. Lee & Co. , HovnoB , lllch. a NTS I commenced tAkliiB your r . lied Clover , Vo yeam ago , for Konlnelas , anil hare not been lilpd > lnco. It Is hereditary with rao. Think you ha\o the best blo'o'd in'odlciVio known" Youra truly , W. SI. SE1BEIIT. R. U. flyman , of Qraml nanldn , Jllcli. , ay After two Doctors advised him toiibol.ooge'n Kit. Hod Clover for n bad case of Kczcma , or Xtirer Koro on the loir. Only used t o pounds of your Solid lUtract Itod Clover. Am now \vclL AnnHprlnB McdlclnoTonlannd ( rcnrnil lllood Port ( lerltliaanocqaal. For BOO by oil druKt'l ti , orJ. U. Ixioto o ; Co. , Monroe , ilich. PINKEYE. Remarkable euro of a Horse In the tall ot 1883 I hal aalu blo borio ttken with the pinkeye , resulting In blo"d poison. After nine tnontha ol doctoring with Ml tbe remedies to be oundlnhoreo boove , i dc p lred of n cure. Ills Ight bind leg waa M largo BBamao'd bed ; , and baden on It o > er forty running roroa Ho was a most piti able looking object. Atl t I thought of Swift's Ideclflo , an commenced to ese It I used fifteen bottles. In AugustHet ll ninptoms of tbo disease lliapneared There h > e been no elgne of a return and tbe horse has done a raulu'o work on my farm ever nlnce. JAS L. YLUIIVO , AuguiU , Oa. January 9,1882. Bwllt'a Bpeclflo Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Dloed and Skin Dlxaees mailed free. The Swift SpeclQojCo. , Drawer S , Atlanta , Oa. or W. 26d SL. N. Y. Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jn Will Bland lor stock at Omaha Fair grounds the easonotlKSS , Uets IB ) lianJs h lfh , weight 1286 bs , bis lire JACK BIIEITAKD li full brother In blood to ) EXTKR 2:17j : , also to DiCTATOatbe sire of JAV.iriMiiH :10 : , KALLAB , 2:18 : } and DIBCCIOE 8:17. : Call at tbe air grounds and nee him and get nls peolitree In fufi , terms J25 for the neason. A. TI1011SON. Lots in Denver Junction , Weld County , Colorado. Denver Junction Is n new town of about 200 nhabitantu , laid out In 1881 , on the great runk railway across tba continent , at the unction of the Juleeburpr lranch ! , 107 mllea rom Denver. The town ia on necond bottom and of tha 1'latte Itlver , tha finest location > etween Omaha and Denver , and ia eurrouud- aj by the bast-laying lands west of Kearney unction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ; altitude 3,0 JO feet , Denver Junction bids to lecome an important point , on tte U. V. H. 1. Co , , sro putting up many of their bulldinga icre , while the U. & fit. H , K. Co. . are expect- 1 eoon to connect at this placo. Tin present lance for good investmenta in town lota will carcelv ever bs equaled elaeivhere , For ealo > y tbe lot or block in good terms by II. M. WOOLMAN , Agent , Denver Junction Colo. Deal Estate 213 S. 14th STREET , BET. FARNAM AND DOUGLAS. Have a large list of inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the city. Wo have business property on Cnpitol Avenue , Dodge , Douglnp , Fninnin , Homey , Howard , Otli , 10th , 13th nnd 16th srcets. Wo hnve fine residence property on Fnrntun , Douglas , Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , California streets , Sher man , St .Marys and Park Avenues , in fact on all the host residence sheets. We have property in the following ad ditions. MiUard& Caldwell's Lakes , Elizabeth Place E.V. Smith's , Horbach's , Patrick's ? Parker's , Sbinn's , Gise's , Nelson's , Armstrong's Godfrev's , Lowe's , Kirkwood , College Place , Park Place , West End , Capitol , Reed's First , McCormick's , Kountz & Ruth's , Impr'nt Association Wilcos , Burr Oak , Isaac < & ; Seldon's * Manscom's Grand View , Credit Foncier , Kountz' First I ountz' Second ? Kountz' Third , Kountz' Fourth , Syndicate Mill , Plainiriew , $ Hill Side , Tukev § c Kevsors , Thornburg , Clark Place , Jtf Mvers < & Richards , Bovds , And ail the other Additions to the City. Adjoins the stockyards property in South Omaha These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo cated and will make convening cheap , and de sirable homes for the employes of the stock yards and packing honses. Tukey & Keysors Sub-division , , Located in West Omaha , two blocks south of Leavciiwotth street , t fine location ard Hie cheapest lots in Omaha125 ; for inside lots and 2150 for comers ; terms § 10 down , balance 85 per month ; dent fail to see those if you want a bargain. Kirkwood. We have a few lots left in Kirkwooi addition , which we offer at low I-rices , terms 525 down balance $10 per month. These lots are on high level ground and are desirable. Hawthorne , This addihon is mere centrally located than any other new addition near the best Schools in tbe city. All the nh-eets are being put to grade the grades have oeen established by the city council , and is very desira ble residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower than adjoining additions for a homo or investment. These lots cannot be beaten. Foil SALE-Lot on Davenport with fine houae. 82,000. FOR BALE Full lot 21et nnd Clark street , 6 room house , $2,800 , FOR BALK Beautiful Acre lot in Giso'o add , 81,200. Fen SALK J lot on Chicago street between 13th and 14th , $2,500. UKAUTIFDL lots corner Feraam and 20th street cheap. FOB SALE-Lota InWalnut hill , $200 , Fen BALE i lot wlthG room bouse 21st atreet easy payments , $2,000 , Fen BALE Lot 28th and Farnnm street , good property , $1GOO , FOR BAlB-1 aero on California , east of Sacred Heart : boose , barn , an1 cistern , cheap only $1.C09 Fen SALE Lota In Hanscom place oacb , $500 , Fen BALE 103 feet front on 15th streetwith small bouao lust south of Hartman School , only - ly $1,700. FOR BALE Full lot and 5 room bouao corner llth and Caatellar , $2'100. FOR SALE Lot and 2 housea 18th and Nlch. olu $5,000. ITe will furnish conveyance free to any part of the city to show propertyto ourfriends and customers , and cheerfully give informa tion rcyartlin Omaha Property. Those ivlio have Itaryains to offer or wisJi property at aWaryain , are invited to see us. Bedford Real Ejtate Agents 213 S , 14th St. , bet. Farnam& Douglas