Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1885, Image 1

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Scrips , Capital of Csstaw , Drops in
tHePremceof an Earihuoak
Many People Thought to Have
Perished in tbo DebriSf
Anti-Jewish Illot t Vienna Dylnj ? in
i Ilnco'd Ailinlrcrs
Beat n Baron ,
LONDON , Juno 2. News has just reached
lioro of a disastrous earthquake in Cashmere ,
a county of India. The shoots began on
Sunday and have continued at Intervals of
ten minutes ever since. The shocks were very
zevero at Serigas , the capital of Cashmere.
The barracks In which savoral hundred sol
diers were quartered , was completely de
stroyed , collapsing BO suddenly that nearly
half the men were Imptlsoried in the debris.
[ Fifty aru known to have been killed ,
and fully cno hundred tnoio or less
injured , Many other buildings wcro demol
ished and nearly all tha remainder partially
wrecked. Thu people became panic stricken
at the tlm > of the disturbance and took rrfugo
In boats and fields. The total number of
killed and wounded cinnot bo ascertained
owing to the Interruption of tolrgraph wires.
It is foired that the loss will bo heavy. The
latest Information from thuro calU lor help ,
saying humlteda of animals wcro killed and
that great ( listrcaj exists among the people ,
The terrified inhabitant are now camoed
in fields which surrouud thn town. The
town Is nnar'the center of the vale of Cashmere
and the wl ole territory experienced terrible
shocks. The damage cauod throughout the
yale Is enormous , the loss in cattle alone be
ing very great , The nfrlghted people scorr
to be utterly helpless and succor is being sonl
them as rapidly nj the Indian
authorities can organize relief. Alan )
bouses on account of the largo rents It
the walls caused by the shock , must ba razat
to the cronud. The shocks have not ye
coated and this fact greatly retards the worl
of rescuing the people buried in thodobri _
nnd it is feared many of these must perish before
fore they can bo reached by relief parties ,
VIENNA , May 2. Serious anti-Jewish riot
have broken out. The inciting cause now i
the excitement of the people growing out o
the election agitation. The Carmelite Flat
was filled with a howling mob and free tight
were frequent. The shops of the Jews wer
raided and ruined and the owners violent ! ;
assaulted. Not less than forty per
sons wera savorely wounded. The polic
made many arrestn , but were powerles
to suppress the rioters , and were obliged ti
call the military. Other rlpta of like violonc
have taken placj in the Wioden nnd Nouboi
districts , whore the entire police force are 01
duty to prevent the gathering of crowds. Th
German liberal party have three candidate
defeated in Vienna , which is a loss of thre
eoata in that ono city alone.
PARIS , JunoS. On avenue DCH Champs K' '
eyases , at Rue do Bootie stands the fine rest
denco of Baron Rogier. Desiring to protoc
his grounds from the Intrusion of crowds wh
were gathering even at midnight to secnr
good places wherefrom to view the funeri
procession of Victor Hugo , the baron err
ployed a number of masons to imbed on th
garden wall a quantity of broken glasa. Th
crowd objected to this proceeding , eayin
that though the baron had a legal right so t
act he was morally wrong , becauao in tli
event of a crush people would be torn and ci :
by the glass. The masons eiving no heed t
the protests of the people , the latter con
polled them to desist , demolished what wor
they had alrnady done , and took possession c
the wall , The baron called upon the polici
but under the circumstances they refused t
SUAKISI , Juno 2. The Italian consul hoiste
the flag of his government here to-day. Tl
fact that this is the first appointment sini
peace reigns causes much remark.
LONDON , Jnno 2. The Berbar rallwj
plant haa been offared to the government '
Cyprus as a free gif ( .
TAIIIS , June 2. The government ia no
prepare I to carry out the projected organiz :
tion of the depoasossioos on the Congo rlvi
into a French colonial state. Da Brazi , tt
rival of Stanley In central African explor
tions , will be governor of the French Coiif
LONDON , Juno 2. The steamer Mtssoui
of Boston , has arrived In Liverpool , bring't '
the captain of the bark Themis , his family ar
crew , in all sixteen persons , who were e
days and ulghti in a small open boat bofo
belop ; nicked up , and were all in an exhauutc
condition owing to terrible sufTerlnga , Tl
Themis had been lost in a collision with :
TIENTSIN , Juno 2. An Imperial dcon
dlroctB thecnnm.inder of the black flags i
evacuate Tonquin by the time agreed upt
by Trance ana China ,
LONDON , June 2. A mass meeting w
held In her majesty's theatre this afternoon
protest against the budget proposal tolncrea
the tax on beer and spirit ! . Kosolutions we
adopted denouncing the propoidl ,
HEIU.IN , Juno 2. Prince Charles Antoit
ot Hobenxollorn. head of tha Catholic bran
of the toya ! family , is dead.
MADRID , Juno 2 , Cholera has broken c
in the prison at Valencia and among the B (
diers of tha garrison at Albocata ,
BOMIIAY , Juno 2. Cholera in spreading
Hindu near Quotta.
WASIIINQTON , June 2.Tho surgeon-ge n <
of the matlno hospital service Is Informed tl
junk dealers in Baltimore are purchasi
largo quantities of bed ticking used on stoa
ihtpi by emigrants , most of which is proem
from quarantine stations. This bedding
viewed by the sanitary authorities ns especl
lydangaious. The matter will b ) brought
the attention of different steamship authorlt
with a vltw of having tbo practice discc
The comptroller of currency to-day extci
ed the corporate existence of the first nitloi
bank of Henry , Illinois , to Juno 5.1000.
The cabinet meeting to-day WAS attend
by all the memberj except tbe secretaries
state and of navy. The pnncipal topic of d
cuislon was In regard to the explication ofla |
concerning pleuro-pneuiiionU and other la
relating to the oittlo heided iu the large pu
ho reservation in a part of Texas popiilai
known ai "no man tf laud , " No coucluel
waa reached ,
Among to-day'd nppointmenta were :
Collectors of Customs Charlea H. Hob
son , for the dlitrlct ol Wilmington , N. i
John 0. Byble , district of New Hav
Poitmaiteri William II. Cullinwor
Ilichmond , Vi .J ThoniM J. StoVetr , Maci
Miss. ; Marshal 1' . Jlaxon , l/nion City , Mic
Norman K. Ives , Marion , la.l Cyrus
Iteider , Anthony , Kin , } Gottlieb Chr :
a , Kan ; Gcorgo H Sitcombe , Water-
ville , Kas. ; Kugene II , Bancroft , Mnnksto ,
Knn. ; William Strohmor , Arhland , 1'a. ;
Jacob K. lllchhollz , llunburg , I'n j Saniupl
P. lUnet , Shen ndoah , 1' * . ; Harvey F.
Snivoly , Knwllns , Wyo i David J. I aitburt ,
Kowltr , Ind : John Lctzel , Clear Lake , I'M '
David F. Uakos , Ouray , Col.i A. H.
Simpion , North Clarendon , Vs. . John
A , Btunt , O < ago Mission , KM , ;
O , N. Ilcsposs. Marynvillc , Ky , ; John Kittle ,
So ward , Nob. ; Joieph F. Aendorson , A'cdo ' ,
Ills. ; Jmtln Mayberry , Durllngamp , Kan ;
W , II. Gibbons. Columbia , S. C. ; Alex
Wentz , Mechanlcavillf , 1'a. ; 0. A. Glldea ,
IJrackettsvillo , Texas ; Martin V. Meredith ,
Krut Saglnaw , Mich.l.o William Gate ,
uspondrd because ho was found fzullty ot ap
propriating to his own use n part of the olio w-
nncn for ollico rent end of sub-letting a portion
tion of tbo premiies without accounting for
the rent received for the same ,
llccoiver of ptibllo moneys Tully Scott ,
Oborlln , Kansas ,
William II , Armstrong , assistant to the
( elicitor of the internal rovcnuo doptrtincnt ,
has tendered his rcsigcitlon , to take cilect on
Juno 30.
John B. Hussy , of North Carolina , was to
day appointed a chief of division in the office
of the third auditor of the treasury ,
The jury In the case of John W. Drew , on
trial for proeontinc false vouchers against the
bureau o' medicine and turcory of the navy
department , to-night brought in a verdict of
I'rrrsBuna , Pa. , Juno 2. The iron strike
situation remains unchanged. No signature !
to the scale have been obiained since yester
day and bath sides anxiously await develop
ments * At 1 o'clock this afternoon It was re
ported that no further move had been made
by the manufacturers outslda of Pittsburg ,
At Youngstown the contest \ more exciting
than at 1'lttsburg , All the mills there and
throughout the Mahoning valley , with out
exception , shut down , Tbo manufacturer !
Bond word that they aru tirm ; the workmen thai
they are solid as as rock. Notnithstand
Ing these report ? , n majority of thosa directly
interested bullevo the etiiko to bo of shor
duration. The differences between tha twi
associations are slight Concessions hav <
been made on both tides and it is generally
believed that the whole affair , which is tin
cause of about sixty tbousand men being idle
can bo amicably settled.
POTTSVILLK , Pa. , Juno 2. A labor disturbance
anco occurred hero this morning , which tor i
time threatened serious trouble. About tl
o'clock 200 Italian and Hungarian laborer
employed on the Reading & Pottsvillo rail
road , between this city and Schuvlklll
haven , who had struck for iiftoei
cents advance In wages , rnarchei
into the town , carrying clubs and red flagE
and proceeded to Coal street , where a larg
force of their countrymen were employe
laying track. The former attempted to in
duce them to join the strikers and failing be
came threatening , The police then nttoaipte
to arrest tbe ring-leaders , but the mob reslste
and bloodshed seemed Inevitable. Final !
some 20 strikers were captured and taken b <
fore n magistrate and sent to jail. Th
strikers scattered and all is now _ quio
although a renewal of the demonstration I
anticipated ,
SriUNOFIELD , 111. , Jnne2. In the senal
this morning the Carbondale normal echo
bill was again brought up and an effort mac
to kill it but failed and now thu bill Roes I
the house. It appropriates $157,000 for tl
robui din ? ot the school at that placo. It hi
met with strong opposition from the first ii
trodnction nnd it was only by the most pe
eiotent effort that Senator Hill got it througl
The general state institutions appropriatic
bills , amounting to 8101,270. woie passed at
the sonata proceeded to the reading of bills
second time. It
In the house , after the reading of Fridaj
journal , Graham moved to expunge from tl
journal all that part relating to the sona
appropriations bill. These bills wore re :
i and declared advanced by the speaker in di
) fiance of the wish of the house. Graha
spoke on the motion , scourging soyero
Speaker Haines for bis arbitrary and illeg
actions on Friday. F. W , Parker nnd Bo
tell also denounced Haines. The speaker , i
justification , said his actions were for the pu
pose of restoring order in the house , Tl
matter was expunged from the journr
with five negative votes , West asserted tin
the enrolled and engrossed bills commit
were stilling certain bills. His rcsolutic
that his bill in regard to the sale o ! live atoi
having been engrostod be returned to tl
house after bolug amended to Include all bll
ordered engrossed to third reading , w
adopted , The senate bills making appropri
tions for the institutions wera then read tl
fimt tlmo and ordered to second reading.
In tbo house this afternoon all the appn
priatlon hilli ) that passed the senate we
read the first time and ordered to ECCJI
reading. The senate bill regulating telephoi
charges was read the first time and a quoru
broken on referring it to a committee. Wi
the exception of about ten the eighty inembc
present favored sending it to second roadh
without reference. It will probably be call
up again to-morrow.
Gov. Ogloeby , to-day , pardoned "John
aliai "Dock" Lvanu who was sentenced
1870 to31 years Imprisonment for murder
Jefferson county. Representative Yarni
interested himself in behalf of Kvans.
The election committee have about coi
plotod the connt in the Willoughby Marsh ;
contest. The result is unchanged.
ST. Louis , , Mo. , Juno2. II W. Keynolc
late first auditor of the United States trei
ury , killed himself this morning in the Soul
era hotel , There Is an air shaft in the ho1
over the rotunda , which cuts through the d
Cerent floors. At rive minutes to six I'.oynol
either jumped or fell over the railing on t
third story nut into the shaft. His bo
struck the marble floor of tha rotunda with
report heard all over the hotel. Hev
picked up qulto dead Ills skull was fri
turod and ono leg shattered , A vitlt rna
to ll-ynolds' room discloted the ti
that was full of gag , although the stopco
was turned , hence the theory is held in t
hotel that It must bo suicide and that afl
the failure to asphyxiate himself he took t
terrible dive to the marble : floor below , lie
nolds bud made a careful toilet this mornln
He haa been in St Louis sines Saturdi
stopping at 0. II. Albera , but loft that ge
tlenian'd house and put up at the hotel li
night. He waa in excellent ipirlts when 1
BOUU alive and no motive can bo suggested ;
self-killing. He was on his way to Kansas
buy land. Ho left the United Status treat
i. ry only two weeks ago , and was about fill
years of age and a fine , healthy looking me
'Xho Day on iho Turf ,
CINCINNATI , O , , May 2 At to-day's ra
at Latoula park the weather was fine , I
attendance good , tha track clew ,
First race Five furlongs , maiden t\
year-olds ; Danfox won ; King Light , secoi
Duke , third. Time , 1.02j.
Second race Mile nnd three-eight
Uinetto wou ; Irlih Pat , second ; Powhatt
third. Time , 2.23
Third race Mile and a quarter , all ap
Monogram won ; Bwlney , second ; W.
Woodward , third. Time , 2.03 .
1'ou'th rae Mile and an eighth , mati
three-year-cldsj Sparland won ; Singlet
second ; Thundercloud , third. Time , 2.00.
< Fifth race Milo beati , over four hurdi
first heat , Ascot ! won ; Judge Jackson , tcc-
end ; Bagdad , third ; time , 1.52i second heat ,
same as first ; time , 1.50.
JEROME PAIIK , N. J. , Juno 2. At tha races
the attendance was good , the weather delightful
lightful and the track fast.
First race Half-milt ) , two-ytw olds ; Opli-
mm Colt won ; liuffnlo , second ; Hock and
Kjo , third , Tlmp , fifty seconds.
Second race -Mile and ono furlong , three-
voar olds and upwards ! Miss Woodford won ;
Pamper , second ; Hevoler , third. Time , 1 C8J.
Third race Milo and n half , all ages ; Kata-
plan won ; Slgnor Monroe , second ; Wallcnze ,
third , Time , 2.-13.
Fourth race Mlle and halt n furlontr , all
ngrs ; Huport won ; Comnnche , second ; Little
Mlncher , third. Time , 1.53.
Fifth race Milo and a furlong , all ages ;
Krco Gold won ; Windfall , second ; Carry K.
Stewart , third. Time , 3.01.
Sixth toco Steeple chnso , short course ;
McUownn won ; Echo , second ; Abraham ,
third. Time , 3.23.
CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 2.-Shortly after D
o'clock this afternoon a heavy storm of thun
der , lightning , wind and rain struck this city ,
lasting an hour , No damage was done in the
principal biuiuoss portion ? , but reports trom
the outskirts and suburbs toll of numerous
buildings struck and several demolished ,
John Montage , watchman at the McCoroick
reaper works , whllo standing near the fire
alarm box , received a shook from the effects
of which ho his since died. A number of
other persons were Injured , but none
fatally , Thu lightning struck the south
will of the now base bkll grounds , which in
of biick ton fxot hiidi , demolishing three hun
dred feet of the wall and badly shattering tha
The storm was especially severe in the town
of Like. , ono man eUndiug near a chimney
getting hid skull fractured nd a child being
rjndly biuised in n * hanty which a bolt stiuck
and nearly burst The Ibgstaff on tholTranslt
house way struck and splintered , and a num
ber of persona near by temporarily disabled
by the shock.
At 10:45 : o'clock to-night thora wai n repe
tition cf this afternoon's storm. The light
ning was blinding , the rain fell In torrents nnd
some fears were felt regarding the safety ol
vessels en the lake.
At 12:10 : this morning , it his just been
learned , that within the last hour
and a hall four moro persons have been killed
outright by lightning. The names are uol
yet reported. Much damage la reported froir
washoutK , and tales of devastation como fron
the southwestern part of the city whore tin
storm raged fiercely. The wind has nov
nearly subsided and the storm seems to havi
spent itself.
CEDAR HANDS , la. , Juno 2. A terrific rain
hail and wind storm passed ever this sectioi
to-day. Hail fell lu largo as hen's eggs , do
ing much damage. Ono hundred and fift ;
feet of the ( pan of the Burlicgton , Cada
Ilaplda and Northern railroad's Cedar rive
bridge was blown down and several cars war
blown from the track. Thousands of light
In the houses wore broken.
Amntonr Marksmon.
CHICAGOIII. , June 2. Tha annual shootin
tournament of amateurs was commenced to
day at Grand Crossing. Tbo first shoot wo
at clajr pigeons , 15 single rises ; Maid , o
Knoxvillo. won first money ; Still , of Jacli
sonville.IH. , and Smith , ol Kosodalo , Wis ,
divided second ; Stic ? , of Jacksonville , 111 ,
Sud Bndd , of DesMoinos , divided third ; an
awartz. of Crown Point , Ind , , and Shermad
of Woodstock , 111 , divided fourth. In th
second shoot at fir pairs of clay pigeons doubl
rise ; , Tiepol , of Cincinnati , and Hayjvard , o
Hammond , Ind. , won fi'at and second n
spectlvely. In the first class Still and Straw
of Jacksonville , Ills. , and Allen , of Mnr
mouth , Ilia. , divided second money. Va
Vlack , of Waterloo , Iowa , and Budd , of De
Momes , won first and second respectively i
the third class. Still , of Jacksonville , an
Smith , of Rosedale , Wis. , divided fourth o
the day's shoot , Tiepol won the first genpri
average ; Slice , second ; Van Vleck , thirc
Still and Smith divided fourth ; Swartz wo
fifth , and Howard sixth.
The Korttrwest 15atlro d War.
OTTAWA , Ont. , Juno 2. The Canadia
Pacific railway company have notified tl :
American railway lines that it will no longe
carry passengers from the United Statea an
the eastern provinces into Manitoba and tli
northwest at immigrant rates. It is the it
tention of the Canadian Pacific to force trffi
over1 its own lines to Lake Superior to whic
it is now completed. The effect of this ia t
arouse competition on the part of th
American railways , and the eottletnent of th
western region miy be advanced at the e >
pence of Canadian territories.
"Weather Reports In Detail.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 2. General Hizei
of the United States signal service , will , dui
ing this month , direct the observer at S
Louis to furnish copies of dally roporta froi
stations in the cattle regions of the counti
to the national cattle and horse growers' asc
elation headquarters here -and also weekl
statements showing the maximum , minlmuir
mean temperature and rainfall at the statioi
named by the association. During sevei
weather a special bulletin will bo furulshe
from the localitisa designated by tha assacli
tion ,
Apnolios Taken Into damp.
BOWIE , Arizona , June 2 , The troops fc
lowing the renegade Indians' trail with scou
from Apache , on the headwaters of the Gi
river are reported as having captured tl
main portion of tha bands , including tl
fquaws , and are now en route for Apacl
with their prisoners. It is supposed th
only about fifty all told got away to Mexic
A small band is supposed to bo in tbe moui
tains north of hero , but the number Is n
known. Too campaign Is virtually ended <
this side of the line.
The United AVorlcmon ,
DBS MOINSS , la , , Juno 2. The suprci :
ledge of the ancient order of united worknv
convened i a thla city to-day , Every state
the union and Canada are represented t
delegatesand greatinterest Is manifested in t
proceeding * . An address of welcome was d
livered by Mayor Carey this morning and
response was made by Grand Master Worl
man An'lrewa , of Buffalo , New York , Ti
day's exercises were taken up with repor
from oflicars of tbo grand ledge and tbo se
fllon will probably lint through the week ,
A I'rlzonnrt n. Free
NEW YOBK , June 2. A prize fight wi
bareknucUoi w fought yeatardty asoord
ing to Qaeonibury rules at Flushing , L , I
between John Lynch , of Laurel Hill , ai
Jos. McGlinn , of Brooklyn. Lynch is
years old , weiehs 175. McGlinn , 23 year
weighs 109. Five rounds were fought , Lyni
had everything his own way. A free fig
followed tha formal mill.
Explosion n a Kesldonr
DBNVIU , Col , , June 2. Karly this rr.ornl
a barn near the residence of O , U David ,
Hour mill man , was blown up with gli
powder or dynamite. Some time ago the e
plcyos in tha Davis mill struck for an incre ;
of wagon , which was reluacd and now ir
emplcyea iu their places , This outraga
attributed to the vengeance of the dUchar ;
employee , who had made various threat * .
Alexander the . Great . was born In the yi
' 3G5 B. 0. He reigned eleven yi
8 ; i months , dying at Babylon ,
Prices on flic Chicago 'Change ' Advance
Wheat Loads , and Ooru , Oats , and
Provisions Trail Behind.
Prices At Ilia Stoclc Yards Lois Iltiojr-
nnt in Iho Fnco of Usually
Stimulating Conditions ,
Special Teltitram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , III , Juno 2 The beats deserted
the wheat and corn pits this afternoon , some
what dazed and thoroughly dlicomfittod.
There was an early reaction from the low
prices prevailing at the close ycstotdny and
then , despite the renewal o ! onslaughts made
by the bears during t > o preceding week , the
markets not only strengthened in tone but
moved upward strong end sharply. The ad
vance was so strong tlmi some of the smaller
boars took flight and began to cover their
short sales , The receipts of wheat were un
usually libev\l , numbering -150 cats , but the
cash demand was good and the property was
cared for on the advancing mtrket. Outside
orders to buy word more numerous , based
upon the belief that the crop outlook was bad
and had not boon exaggerated , ( while the pre
diction miulo of n probable shortngo of 00,000-
000 bushela of wheat In England and on the
continent gnvo cnurago to the local bulls
who made predictions of ono dollar whoM
within a fortnight. The decrease in the visible
supply when an increase had been confidently
expected and the drop In British consols hid
strengthening ( fleets , Statements wcro also
made of ravages by ths U-essian ily In grow
ing fields in Kansas , Missouri and Virginia ,
The market uponoil ntSOJo for July , sold ur
to 8GJe , back to SGgo , up to 87go , with form
fluctuations , and closed on the regular board
at 87fjc , and rose aain and closed on' th <
afternoon board at b7jc , or 2Jc over the clost
The receipts of corn were 8SO cars , but thi
visible supply thawed n reduction and tin
shorta were anxious to cover. Corn wa
bought up freely , and tha premium over Julj
was advanced from Jo to Jc. The marlie
opened ij'a'Jo higher , advanced irregularly li
moro and closed lj@ljo | ever yesterday ,
The firm markets for other grains and th
reports for smaller receipts for to-morrov
created a firmness in oats and a moderate ad
vance In prices. Near deliveries advance
i@ic , whllo the deferred options advanced Jc
Provisions were considerably firmer , per
advancing IG HOc , while lard advanced 5@10
and closed steady.
The market opened quiet. The receipt
are comparatively light , being about 1,000 le :
than for tha same time last week. Beg
heavy , solid corn-fed steers may be quoted a
S5.50@5.70 , and the ordinary run of mediut
steers at $5 25. Light and plump , fat , littl
steers are EC uce this week and nro eollin
relatively higher than big cittle. Rough an
common steers ars making S1.60@-1.C5 , an
along there. Distillery steorj are selling t
SD.20(35.40 ( ; , and corn-led rangers are sellin
ntJ.76@5.25. Coin ted Texsns are makir
-10@-1.OJ , and grassers and thoao part cert
fed are selling f.t S3.00@-l.00 ; 1 350@1,5 (
pounds , S5.30@5.70 ; 1CO@1,350 pound
S5.10@G40 ; 0301,2CO pouuds St.70B ii.2 (
stillers , & > 0035 3o ; Taxans. S3.60@4 6 (
stockers and feeders , S3.GO@4.'JO.
The market opened active and 5@10 higlu
than on Monday , but latar.fronr some ur
known cviie , the demand fell off and the ad
vane } of the morning was lost , the marki
closing weax and not all sold. The cause <
the decline was not cu account of receipt
as they are compa atively light , and 23,01
head less thai for the corresponding tin
last week. Then again , provisions we ;
firmer , so that the praminent and usual fa
tors for making an advance were favorabl
yet the market closed dull and weak. Kouj
and common sold down to S3.25@3.G5 ; fair
good , SJ.753.8'1 ana best heuvy § 3.90@4.1
largely at $3.03.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , 111 , , Juno 2. There was an ir
portant conference of tha friends of Jud |
Smith this afternoon , Steos toward makii
an clFectivo contest for Carter Harrison's se
nro being slowly but cnrefully taken. All tl
morning was spent in" going over the lists
voters which have been found to ba fraud
lent upon careful investigation. Evident
haa been complied to show that Col , Felto
on election day , voted over 309 prisoners fro
hit place , and voted them all In the district
which the bridewell stands. On that nip ]
the nine guards who were deputized to man
tha men ouc and vote them were so drut
when the returned that they were unable
get to their beds , but throw themselves dow
in the corridors , Affidavits will bd offer !
from certain prisoners at the pU
to show that they voted , and of course at tl
precinct where they had no right _ to vet
Too committee having the matter in chari
have a list of 1,200 an a odd votes ( Which ti
most honest kind of an investigation has shov
to bo fraudulent. The 300 members of tl
bridewell were marched out by Fclton ai
voted , everyone for Carter Harrison , Tl :
makes over 1RCO votes for the present I
cumbent which It will bo necessary for him
explain in eomo manner.
Application will bo made this week for
quo-warrmto writ. An effort will ba mai
to keep Itut of the county court who
Judge Prendergasts tits , he being a democri
The most unpleasant proseuro would
brouaht to befriend Harrison.
"There wllll be , " said a gentleman wl
was at the conference this afternoon , "a me
earnest and serious contest. It will bo rna
with all the energy with which Judge Smltl
campaign was made , and in pretty certain
be successful , "
Harrison's pi n is to offset this damagi :
and conclusive proof of the f rudulency of 1
election by charging frauds upon the repub
cans , liven since the mayorality elect !
Harrison has charged that certain medii
students , not legal voters , voted in the taell
ward , This is the chief and only count
charge co far made ,
CINCINNATI , Juno 2. Shortly before
o'clock thii morning Dr. K. E , Loy , a w
known physician , iliot and killed his brothi
In-Iaw , Harry Champlin , at their residea
377 West Seventeenth street , Champlin
an unmarried man , and for same time p
has been Idle , living with bis mother who
In comfortable circumstances. He has be
in the habit of demanding and obtaining mor
from his mother , and when it was refused
would abuse lirr. Last night ha return
home after 1 o'clock in a partly drunken cc
dltloa , went to his mother1' bediida and
gan ubuiiog her , Mra. Glenn ,
tiding there went to him and begj
h'm ' to deiiit. He then struck
with a chair and returned to abate his
mother. This aroused Dr. Lay and Mrs ,
Loy , Champlln's siiter , and they came to the
room. The coaclmrati also came , and ho and
Loy , after a struggle with Champlin , got him
Into the hall , intending to put him to bed.
Ho broke away , however , and rushing down
stairs got a carving knife end returned. Dr.
Loy warned him to stop , but Champlin , with
an oath , rushed at him with the knife. The
doctor fired and Champlin foil. The doctor
said ha fired only to scare him , but it was
found that the bullet had entered botwpon
ClnmpHn'd eyes , and that ho was dying , The
grief of the mother was unbounded. Dr , Loy
was taken to the station and locked up on the
charge of murder. Ho made a clear state
ment of the affair , showing ho acted solely In
In the police court 1407 was charged with
murder in the second degree , which In this
state carries the single penalty of imprison
ment for life. His examination was post
poned till to-morrow and ho wan released on
S10.000 bail. Riven by Herman Dechtne.
Coroner Cartlck hold an inquest on the
body of Harry Champlin to day. The testi
mony of Mrs. Champlin showed that her son
had frequently assauled and beaten her and
that last night In the darkness ho threw a
chair at her bed breaking a bedstead and
window. The coroner found tint Dr. Loy's
shooting was in self defense , and done with
n view of Intimidating instead o ! inflicting
bodily Injury.
luKtlroKl MitinROinonr.
CINCINNATI , 0. , Juno 2. The announce
ment is made to-day to tha directory of the
Cincinnati , New Orleans & Texas Pacific rail
way company that John 0 , Qault would assume <
sumo the duties of general manager on < luly 1
in the place of J Scott resigned. Gaultlsot
prctcnt arbitrator of the western trunk lines ,
with hoadqiurters at Chicago.
Assassinated by x Ilrtitnl Son-in-Ijjiw ,
LITTLE HOOK , Ark. , Juno 2 , While plowIng -
Ing this morning , Martin West , a plantei
near hero , wan assassinated by Al demons ,
his eon In-law , who fired two pilots from u
Winchester rills. The trouble developed
from Clemens' ill-treatment of his wife.
The police are tcourlng the woods for the
murderer. _ _
The XJniuii 1'rltitors ,
NEW YORK , Juno 2 , At to-day's session o
the international typographical union M , U
U. Witter , of St. Louie , was re-elected presl
KANSAS CITY , Juno -Kansas City. 11
Uuiaha , G.
The Weather.
WASHINGTON , Juno 2 , The nppor Mlssiss
ippl valley : local rains ; variable winds , gent
rally westerly ; no change In the temperature
The Missouri valley : loctl rains , variabl
winds , stationary temprature ,
BBBO B ll.
TOLEDO , 0. , June 2. Milwaukee , 3 ; Tole
do. 1.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. , June 2.--Indionapolic
Gj Cleveland , 2.
Jim had Quito an Experience.
BOSEMAN. Mont. , June 2. Jim McMurph
attempted to kill Widow Allen became sh
wouldn't marry him. Ho was pursued , she
at , and comm'tted suicide.
En Ronto for the Celestials.
SAN FBANCIS o , Col. , Juno 2 Ex-Gov
ernor Hubbard , of Texa ? , United Stat <
minister to Japan , sailed to-day for Yoke
hama. _
A. Meeting of the old Pioneer Hoe
and IJailclcr Company
Iinst Night.
The old pioneer hook and Udder con
pany commenced a eorles of mootin ;
last evening at police headquarters , I
which they expect to conanmito a a all
factory disposition of the company
offoots and get its business closed on
At the meeting lost night several articl
were donated to different members , tl
present being in keeping with and appr
priato to the position the recipient lit
in the organlz itlon. For instance , tl
foreman's trumpet and thoprcsldent'ecliD
wore both given to Charles Fisher , wl
was at the time of its dlebandanmontpn
Idont and foreman cf the company. M
E. 6. Rlloy , the EOcroUtry , took the so
rotaiy's desk. To Lon Litton and Hoi
ard K. Gray were presented the first at
tocond assistant foremen's trumpets ;
Josaph Schecly , a table ; to Oeorj
Schmidt , tbo foreman's belt ; to Frai
Roasters , the secretary's frontispiece nt
bolt ; to Oharlts Fisher , a photograph
Dr. J. E. Sticklers , who was the fit
president and lint foreman of tbo coi
pany : The old photograph called Bend
was given to EdVittig , and other p !
turcs to O'Brien and O'Neal. The cor
pany will hold another meeting no :
Ciillea from the Courts.
lloaana Se.xiuor commenced suit In tl
district court yesterday against the Clef
of Omaha for $5,500 damages which si
clolmi her property , on Thirteenth nr
Davonpott streets , has sustained by rei
son cf grading the street in front of it ,
Noise E , Dobl , a man badly frozi
ono cold night last winter ono year og
commenced suit for damages in the di
tiiot court yesterday ogalost Oharlts Ri
mmson , an cx-saloociat. Dohl plac
the extent of his Injuries at $10,000. ]
his petition ho sots up that ho was
Riemasaen's saloon intoxicated , and th
the latter throw him out doors into tl
col3 , wherj he was so badly frozsn as
bo rendered a cripple for life.
The case of Rodlok ot al. vs. Woo
worth is now on trial in the district con
before Judge Neville and a jury of twol
men.Tho following caioa are sat for trl
Perry ot al. vs. Borthold ot al.
Shepherd ct al , vs , Borthold bt al.
u Cincinnati atovo works vi. Bertho
ilti oUl.
tiir oUl.Oo'o ' Brothers & H ri vs. Hclh
ir . ,
ot al.
Cincinnati stove norks vs. Froai
Ilebbard ot al. vs. Frcsiln ot al ,
liadly UrulBcil.
About 4 o'clock yesterday aftorno
George MacLeod , who works for t
Grand Union Tea company , was standl
on the northeast corner of Fifteenth a
Douglas atroots , when suddenly hij
lentlon was called to a largo gray her
with buggy attached , but no drlv
daubing up tha latter thoroughfare at
wild lalo of tpued. M
Lsod made an attempt to cat oh and B !
him , and got very badly bruised up
his bravery. It scorns that MaoL <
grabbed the lints that wore dangl
along the homo's side * , and as ho gave a
pull in them to stop the animal , ho was
thrown violently Into a pile of atones and
iron laying in Iho street , where repairs
are being made to the slucoways. Ssolng
thnttho man was severely injnrcdand soon
commenced to bleed freely about the
face two or three parties assisted him
into KUDO'S drug utoro where a phyti-
olan examined and drcsicd his won ads
It wai discovered that bo had stutaluod
a fracture of the left knee cap , and ono rib
bejldca receiving an ugly gain just above
the light oyo. The horsa went on In hi )
mad flight down Fifteenth to Farnam ,
thence to Fourteenth and a block or BO
on that street , when ho was headed off
and stopped.
C , C. Beverage , the AV hoe Crook mul
Forger , Taken in at Harper ,
OScor Turnbalt , received a letter yes
terday from ,7. A. Williams , of Harpci
county , Kausfio , la which Williams naked
Tnrnbull to telegraph him a description
of 0. O.Bovcrago , and the nmonnt of re
ward offered for his cnpluro. Bovorngc
Is the man from Wahoo , who rocolvec'
$1,000 , about ton days ago , from tin
Commercial National bank of this city
on a personal chock , cla'mlng ' that hi
had money In the bank at Wahoo , bul
when the chock wont there for collcctloi
the bank people hero noon learned tha
they had been literally roVboi
out of $1,000. Bavoiaso hac
nloo secured , on falao ropnsBcnt.iUons ,
a similar Bum of money from patties al
Wnhoa. Ho wont dirootly from hero , i
nppo-irs , to Harper , Kanaai , but ohingc
his name nnd was knovrn there aa Jama
Audoraou. Beverage git into troubl
wllli a school ma'ain at Wahoo , nnd t > .
hldo her own ahamo from thoto wit'
rrhom she haa b on aaioolatod a Ion ;
time , aha wont to Harper , and was me
there by her mother. It h aupponc
Beverage followed her , but when ho gc
there the girl had leit and ginp oast.
The telegram was sent to Williams an
It was not moro than two hears until 1
nnsworod , saying , "I have got your mat
Sand nn officer alter him at onco. " Th
was followed very sbottly by another dl
patch from Williams , saying not to BOD
an officer , as ho had concluded to brlr
the prisoner himself and will start wl <
him for Omaha to-day ,
Men in Search of Kmployinci
Fleeced by an Employment
Some twenty-five or thirty men , o
and young , suddenly discovered yeato
day that they had been made the dup
of a very mean and mdiclous trie'
and they were all around with bs
blood In their eyes looking for tl
same man. Only last week Frai
Noonan , who for the past two yoarBun |
quite recently , had held the position
olork in J. MoYUtlo's grocery store ;
1101 Farnam street , went ono block fu
thor up tonu and opened i
Intelligence cfliio , or rath
an employment agonoy. Cu
tomcra commenced to pile in on tl
young man thick and fast , and it appaa
non that agllterlng thought of "do the
up in fine shape" worked its way Into h
wicked brain. Every mad who made a
plication for work was promptly cmployi
out It waa necessary that he should i
away out into Idaho for it. On recol
of $3 cash down from each man ho w
given a card at IdontiGcation and told
como back Tuesday , when there wou
be enough of them to make up a carloi
and tbo employer weald have transport
lion for the whole lot. At least thlr
tuckers caught on and bit ti
bait. Ycsv.crd y morning they begi
to congregate at the office , but it w
locked. The crowd hung out until nee
but still no ono put in an appearance
give them the expected traneportatlo
Then they tumbled to the sltnat on , ai
such searching through tbo hlgl
ways and byways of Omaha asv
made for that agent was never made I
fore for any man , But ho could not
found. It w.ii ascertained that Noon ;
closed up his bnsiucsj about 12 o'clo
Monday nl/'ht / , and early yesterday mor
log slid ever to Council BluiTa. Fie
there it ii no tolling where ho wont I
A very severe communication was sent
to the city council lost evening by Char
Woxman and otliars , violently criticising 0
cers Hencho and Buckner for their actions
the Wcxman wedding festivities about t
days ago , when it became necessary
nrroit , three or four parties. Olliorllenc
declares that he had nothing moro to do wi
the nifalr than to arrest a man by the nai
of I'Jannigan , who it was claimed raised t
disturbance , and wlioto arrest was demand
by the other parties , lie thinks that t
charge against him Is made by mistake.
Got Aw/iy with ilioJUanlc't * Fund
NEW YOBK , Juno a. Between 11 and
o'clock to-ntght J , 1' . Baldwin , cashier of <
Manhattan company , visited the odiccs of I
newspapers nnd gave to each a copy of
statement eont by hia bank to tbo cloniu
house this afternoon. The ttatemuit v
signed by L" . 0. Hayes , president , and a
forth that ai the paying teller did not nppi
ac the bank this tnornlnc , and nont no exci
for bis absence , a meeting of the direct
was called. An Investigation
tha tellcr'd accounts enowed
deficiency ot § 100,010 , Tits paj
rnada known that thu fact waa given out tl
tha exect amount of the defalcation might
officially published. It was added that I
unimpaired uurplui of tlis binlc , after
ducting the above deiisit , was SOlJi.flOO.
of Mlsb Julia Jaukson ,
KICIIKOND , Va. . Juno 2 Miss Julia Ja
10 son , daughter of Stonewall Jackson , i
married this evening to William K. Christ !
'B ' of this city. Tha church W B crowded wit
id brilliant aesemblagp. The bridal party
eluded friends of thu contracting parties fi
Hiuth Carolina , Kentucky , TimnoeaBo , Mo
Jnnd , AVa hlngtoo , North Oirelina , t >
York and Virginia.
a The HitpilHt Union.
c- SARATOGA , N , Y. , Juno a. The
> P the baptist missionary union continued to i
or Tbe report of the finance committee iho
on aggretato debt of ? 50OOU. Dr. Kdw
Judton , of Now York , waa elected
of the union ,
The Export WficalSflDiily at Hie Lowest
Point in Fifteen Years ,
Bnroly Enough Grain to Moot the
Exigencies of a Second Failurd
The lloiio of tlio Country Dependent 0
Upon the Spring Sown Crop
An Alnrinlnn tittimtlon.
Special Telegram to The BKK.
GiiicAflO , 111. , Juno 2. Commenting on
the crop report which was sent out by the
Associated prosr , Sunday night from advance
sheets of the Farmers Hoviow , that paper
says to-day : The statistics uin bo under
stood by considering the facts connected with
the sleeks on hand and the probable yield.
On March 1 , 1885 , wheat loft In the farmcis'
hands was estimated nt 109,000 000 bushels ,
and the visible supply in the United State *
was 43,000,003 bushels or an aggregate of
212,000,000 bushels. Since that date the experts -
ports have been 22.003,030 bushola in wheat
alone , not Including the wheat in flour and
homo consumption. For the three months
intervening , biwrd on tbo recognized nvenigo ,
that is 8,000,000 bushels daily tha txport
baa been 73'iOj,000 ( bueheU , Io vlng
110.400,000 bnshols on hand ou Junol , 1H83.
Or subtracting the visible supply ofU lOU-
OCO bushels , this loaves 75,000,10) buihels in
the farmeru' hunds. The prnb iblo consump
tion to August 1 , 18SD , will bo 4S.SO > ,003
barbels , end estimating the exports i > t 1 COO-
000 bushels weekly , or 12OCOUO , I bushds for
the entire period , it will leavoC5GCOOCO , bethels -
ols lo bt ) carried over into the now crop yoor.
If the crop for ISSjprovua no larger than la
nt present estimated this surplus , added to
the prouablo 330,000,0(0 bushels yield , will
give a total of nS5COlCOO ) buiheh as the stock
in hand for th coming year , against an aver *
ago oi 404,000,003 bushels for the past five
ytars. Tbo average homo consumption ii
V92,000f 00 bushels yearly , baaed on the cen
sus population of 1830 , which would allow
93,000,000 bushels for export , or as the surphu
to meet the possibilities of another short crop.
"This is a smaller amount than the United
States have been accustomed to export in the
shape of wheat and Ihur yearly during the
past fifteen years , end the significance of the
shortage in the growing crop can bo appre
ciated and understood , It is also to bo ro-
moibbercd that present estimates of the prob
able yield are based upon good weather for
spring wheat until it mature * . If any dam-
ge should result to that crop in the mean
time the situation would bo considered a
little short of alarming.
"Tho'full crop statistics presented in the
current isfuo of the Farmers' lloview are be-
lloved to 1)3 tha most complete and significant
which have been given to ilia public In many
years. It is usolots to longer deny that the
approaching winter wheat harvest will dis
close a greatsbortnga in the total yield. "
A Rapist Lynched.
WESTMINSTER , Md. , Juno 2. At 2 o'clock
this morning a body of masked men rode into
the city and went at once to the jail , whore
Townsend Cook ( colored ) was imprisoned for
outrage on Mrs Knott , near Mount Airy a
few days ago , Tbey broke down the doors of
the jail , overpowered the sheriff and pro
ceeded to Cook's cell. A rope vrai placed
around his neck , after which ha was led out
by the maskers , who proceeded with tha pris
oner out on the Mount Airy road , At 3
o'clock this morning Cook's body was found
banging from a tree about two miles from
here , with two bullet woundj In the back of
his neck. A piece of paper tacked to the tree
bore the words "This man confeeeed his
crimo. " No clue has been obtained ai to who
was engaged in the lynching. "
Omaha Kuoclcu Out Ijouisvllle.
HARKISDUHO , Pa. , June 2 The general
synod of the lutheran church to-day resolved
to undertake a mission among the Jews In
Chicago , to ba under supervision of tbo bo aid
of Jewish mission. 1'he establishing of a
college beyond the Mississippi river called
forth a very lively discussion. The matter
won forcibly rcfeired to A committee of mem
bers tiom the western synods. Loulsvillo and
Omaha were presented aa the places for tbo
next meeting. The first ballot roaultud in
the selection of
The Universal Pnaco Vninn ,
PHILADELPHIA , P < x , , Juno 2. The nine
teenth anniversary of the universal peace
union began to-day. The annual report
stated that a cotnylnncntary letter had been
sent to Gladstone acd others relative to the
settlement of the Afghan question without
bloodshed. Tha death of Victor Hfigo was
also mentioned. Ho was n member of the
Ficnch branch of thu society. The final ses
sion will bo held to morrow.
Carter B < > tiii8 to
CHICAGO , III. , Juno 2 , Mayor UariUon
this afternoon , through tha rollco department ,
issued an order that all gambling houses not
closed on air ! after the 5th would bn raided
by the police , their occupants arrested and
their apparatus destroyed.
Uoncrc.1 Grnni'N Condition ,
NEW YOIIK , Juno 2 , Gen. Grant Blept
seven hours lant night , and both Dr. Douglas
and Col , Fred Grant stated this morning that
the general awoke feeling first-rate.
Iowa MMHOIIH in fccuMon.
GKAND LOIXIE , la. , Juno 2 The masons
met heia to-day. Four hundred delegates
were present , drand Master Granger de
livered the address.
A direct car was badly wrecked on Tenth
street last evening.
Care for the Children
Children feel the debility of the
IB asons , even moro than adults , ami they bo
10a foino cross , pceUsli , nnd uncontrollable.
a The blood bhotild bo cleansed nnd tbo sybtcm
: e Itivleoratcil by the use or Hood's Sarsaparllla.
xsU 11 Last Spring my two children wcro vacci
ir nated. Soon sifter , they broke all out with rim-
iO iilng sores , so dreadful I thought I should lese
rs them. Hood's Barsaparllla cured them com
ina pletely i and they have been healthy over
inor since. I do foul that Hood's ' BarsaiiarlUa
or raved my children to mo. " JMits. C. L.
18 THOSIPSON , West Warren , JIasa.
10 0- Purify the Blood
Hood's ftarn.iparllla l.i characterized \ \
three peculiarities : 1st , tin cojnlilnutlun < > t
k. rcmuillal ngcnts ; 2dtbo pioporW n ; r l , I'
aa procaxi of Micurlng Iho active mcdli-im
n.i . ( jiialltlcs. Thu icsult is a mcdlchio odl'iUMi ,
i un lUrcnsth , tfVccllMi ; cures liltliurto UIIIIO\M. )
nm Hund fur buuk conUilnliii ; additional ovltlt'nc.i
ny rvoil's BarsnnarUU tones up my ynti
y t't. my lilooO , hliarpoustuy ni > i > i'tlto.
to in.ilio ino over. " .1. r. TiioMm
tur ci Uccur , , Luwull , Wasa.
"HdiidM iiirnapiirim : bells nil others , rrnu
! s worth liHwelclitln wilil. " 1. IIAKULNOI-J * ,
of l o JUuU Siroot , New Yurls City.
kV.ed Hood'o SarsaparHla
ed Bold by all drtipglsts. 8i ; six lor $5 7dT * ,
trd culy by 0. 1. HOUU Si CO. , J.owcll , Mas * .
; nt