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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS-TUESDAY , JUNE 2 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE . OOUHCXL BLUFFS. Tuoslay Morning , Juno 2 , SUBSCRIPTION KATES. la > nlti - - - - - - - 10 wntofper week s' UlU- - - - - " JIO.OO pel jcai MINOB MENTION , The loss on the Ohloigo , Milwaukee & St. Pool tool house was settled yesterday , the sum being SOI. Roller Is offering great bargains at his merchant tailoring establishment , No. 310 Broadway. 803 hla gooda and got his prices. Henry LtHart's ' team took a run Sun day , and dashing Into Mr. Morkcl's yard did not stop before they had smashed In the front door. The tickets for the ptizo contest in declamation , to take place at the opera house next Friday evening , will bo put on sale nt Bnahnell'fl ' this morning. In the pollco court yesterday morning there wore a number of offenders , the following being these who were fined the usual sum for being drunk : J. L. Stray- or , Pat Sullivan , James Olnrk , James Rind , John Gowan , and Ton Colts. Last evening the township trustees up dolntod Wall MoFaddon as constable to fill the vacancy caused by the death of J. J. White. Although MoFadden Is a republican - publican the two democratic members of the board voted for him while the repub lican member voted for some one else. To-morrow and Thuraday evening ! the ladles of the cathollo church will give a strawberry festival at Masonic tomplo. The largo doll , hand-painted mirror , ofco , loft over from the fair , will bo raffled off. Supper will bo aorved from 5:30 : until 12 o clock. Dancing both ovonings. Prof. Lercho , the German editor , who was arrested for burglarizing the office of Qelao's brewery , has loft for parts un known , and the trionds who wont his security in the sum of $200 will now have to pay the bonds , the forfeiture be ing declared In the district court yester day. day.Tho The Springvillo grange hall company , of Garner township , at Its annual meet ing elected the following officers : A. J. Hart , president ; Mrs. A. E. Dillon , vice president ; J. B. Atkins , treasurer ; Wil liam H. Smith , secretary ; board of trus tees , Henry Swolgart , Caroline S. Swel gart , and William H. Hitter. Dr. Sweet , of Dubnquo , who Is to bo connected with Dr. Palmer In the surgi cal and medical Institute to be established hero , has arrived , and was among yoster day's callera at the BEE office. Ho has the reputation of being a most skillful surgeon , and has been educated In the best schools of the old world , as well as having had largo ozparionco hero. Hanthorn sells wood at his feed store. PERSONAL. Dr. H. S. West ia planning on a visit soon to Vermont. Sheriff Dan tfarroll , of Mills county , waa in the city yesterday , Mrs. H. S. West left lait evening on a visit to friends in Dubuque. Mr. and Mrs. E. Houghton returned from their eastern trip on Sunday. The Hon. John Y. Stone was among the prominents in court yesterday. George Smith , of the Phicnix , has gone to Oolfax Springs for rest and recreation , Alderman Gciso's son , Eddie , has gone to St. Louis to attend the business college there , T. S. Couch , the Rev. T. J. Mackey and J. B. Atkins are to attend the grand lodge o masons at Cedar Rapids this week. Dr. T. W. Stone , formerly of Imogene , la. , and later of Bvansville , Ind. , with Dr. A. M Scott , of Bvansville , Is looking for quarters In this city. Dr. Stone will practice medicine and surgery , while Dr. Scott will cantinue in It his specialty , the eye and oar. ' Road Judd & Smith's offar of 81,000 reward in another column , FINANCIAL EETRENOHMENT How tlio Polloyof the Now City la Working. As the now city council has started in with the policy of financial rotronchmon the reports of the amount of bills nllowec naturally causes moro than naanl Inter oat. It appears tbat since the 10th o March they huvo allowed bills to near ] ; the amount of $13,000 , hut of thla amoun it la claimed that about 0,000 was fo bills contracted by the old council. There were on iho auditor's table last evening for "allowance , bills to the amount o $3,500 , so that In round figured it ap pears tint it has coat the present councl for running tbo city two and a hal months about 810.000 , or n little over $4,000 a month. The old council epon In twrlvo months over $89,000 , or abou $7,000 a month , It i ) predicted that the present council will cut oown the rnn nlng oipsnso of the city over $2,000 a month , and If they cau do this wlthou any interests of the city tailoring they will bo entitled to much jiralao There is altraya danger of swinging to extreme * , and while the old council may have been too lavlsb , the danger now la that the present council may bo too ccon omtcal , but. tills foerisioldom realized with city council ? , and if a council should be guilty of balng too economical they wonlc spring into national reputation The iaklug away of aaloon licenses has been ono of the csntes for the present ocon- omtcal policy. A Flro Scuro. The alarm of fire yesterday forenoon was caused by some paint catching file while the workmen were engaged in mixing it and putting it on the roof ol the baptist church , The paint was being cooked in a great Iron kettle cloio to the church wall , and quite near to an adjt- cent dwelling , and aa the paint caught fire , ind sent forth u great volume of emoko , it eeemed at first sight that a big tire had got nndvr war , hut tbeie waa no damage , and no gtre&m had to be thrown. OFFICIAL SHOWINGS , Boino Interesting ; Facts Concerning the City. The following is the monthly report of ho city auditor presented to the council ait evening : GENTLEMEN I herewith submit the following report of bills audited and allowed for ordinary expenditures during , ho month of May , 1885 , aa well as the ; otal amount allowed by the present council since March 1C , 1885 , to dale : May. Total , Streets and alloys $1,302 Cl $2,103 , 10 Grading 1,10015 2,01081 , General fund 1,217 43 1.U3G 30 Fire department 723 CO 2,10110 Damages 32000 30300 City engineer dep't. . . . 3J3 83 088 CO Gas antf oil lights 45543 03865 1'nrks V 10000 23000 1'rintmg 7021 3G7 CO Police department 092 BO 1,890 , 80 Bridges 7022 Total S0.877 74 812,841 , 20 City warrants wcro issued during the same time on bllla previously allowed for ordinary expenses for May , $7i704.38. Total amount issued to Juno 1 , § 13- 282 84. Respectfully submitted , F. A. BUHKE , City Auditor. Mr. Clausen , the city treasurer , re ported tho. several funds of the city to bo In the following condition : CASH ON HANIl. Police S 1,091.70 Loan O.OSS.Ot Old sewer 872.78 Grade 239.00 Park 1.25 Library 1,120.41 Levee 00.25 Judgment 101-37 Curbing nun sidewalks. . . . " " . . . . 550.1D District No. 1 paving 12.302 78 District No. 3 paving 107 40 Interest sewer 675 01 Special sewer 4,558.60 0. B. city water works 12.09 Total 831.730.12 OVEllDllAWN. General fund 85,72X07 Intersection paving 1,242.00 District No. 2 paving 7,150 30 0,118 50 Total overdrawn 89,118.50 Total cash on hand 822 620,02 The chief of pollco reported that dur ing ; the month the force had consisted of a chief , a captain , five regular policemen and two specials. The following were the arresta made : Larceny 4 Assault 11 Drunk and disorderly 37 Disturbing the peace 34 Seduction 1 Suspicious characters 9 Deserters from United States army 1 Resisting an officer 1 Pickpockets 3 House breaking " Robbery 1 Witness 1 Vagrancy 40 Total 15-1 DB , OEOSS' ' OASE , Ho Gets So Far as the Depot on Ilia AVay to the Penitentiary , Dr , Croga Is still confmod In the Jill at Glcnwood , although Judge Loofbonrow ordered him removed to the penlcontlary at Fort Madison. Sheriff Farrell , on getting the order , started for the depot with the prisoner Sunday night , but jnst as ho was taking the train , ho received a message from the judge to hold Dr. Cross there In jail until further orders. Thia change was duo to the fact that Grots' attorneys on hearing that bo waste to bo taken to Fort Madlaou opened com munlcatlon with the jndge , and presented some points of law , which the judge felt should bo at least examined and thought oror before the change was made. The sheriff was hero in consultation with the judge , and It was decided that the doctor should remain in the Glenwood jail for a few days , while the law points were be- Inp considered. The sheriff seems to bo clearly of the opinion that thera Is no discretion allowed him , but that the law requires him to take the prisoner to Fort Madison , to remain there daring the pendency rf the appeal. Judge Loof bnrow has been rather In clined to the view that the 'matter was discretionary , bat authorities have been presented to him showing tbo contrary , and on the other hand the attorneys for Cross present a strong csso in favor of keeping him at Glenwood. The defend ant's attorney have also prepared a show ing and presented it to Judge Rood , of the supreme court , and asking him to issue the necessary order for the doctor's retention at Glonwood. The milter will bo decided In a few days. Sheriff Farrell says the reports con cerning Dr. Cross' falling health are all false. The doctor looks well , and seems to be in good spirits , talks freely , and In fact haa nothing in his condition or demeanor meaner which warrants any such sensa tional stories. Ho felt very badly aboul going to the penitentiary , and was relieved lioved when the sheriff started biok from the depot Sunday night for the jiil. The doctor is kept with the other pris oners , being allowed no special favors or subjected to any special durance. During the day ho is allowed the freedom of the corridor in common with the others , and each night la locked up in hla cell , Slnnld ho bo taken to Fort Madison ho will have to como under the discipline ol the penitentiary , but will bo given hla choice of working in the shops or not. If ho does not ciro to work ho will bj obliged to remain locked in his coll. A OtmtiKu ! ' Key. LYON & HEALEY. suooofsorj to J. Mueller , DEALERS in PIANOS , ORGANS , MUSIUAL iNSTUUMBNTa , SlRINOH , SlIEET MUHIO and Fancy Goods. The largest Block of TOYS In the west. 103 Main stioat , Council Blullj , Ia. Sport 1'ur the Bliootern , Saturday afternoon there was a little shoot at the driving park. In the first match D , Stubbs , Harlo and Mnllls tied for first money , killing ten birds each , They divided the puno. G. W. Thomp son , Cert Evans and H. n. Metcalf tied for second money on eight birds each , In the shoot-off , five birds , twenty elx yards , Thompson won , killing every bird. The next shoot was on clay pigeons Qarlo and Thompson tied on eight out ot a poseibli ton , and in the shoot cfl Thompson won. For second Ilarlo and Pasey tied on seven each. Cesspools and vaults cleaned. Addrojp , R. .tK , , BEE office. Doings or the Ciiy Council , At the meeting cf the city council .ait night the bill of ex-Chief Fira Engineer Walters from the time of tha election of his successor was disallowed , A permit was grinted the flro depert- uuut to prfuclpa'.s la the Daveupou onrnsmont , and ono of thostcamon will JB sent there. The council will meet on next Thurs * day afternoon to draft o now license ordinance. A communication from bnslneni men asking that peddlers' licenses La in creased was referred. Property owners on North Market street'presented a petition for the paving that street from Washington nvonno to Fletcher. It waa referred , Cobi at Gaorqo IloatonV , G28 Broad' way. VKSW i , E3 OUTl'ITS. TO rtJBLISUETU. . The Western Newspaper Union , at Oinnha , in addition to furnishing all sizes and styles of the best ready printed sheets in the country , makes n specialty of outfitting country publishers , both with now or second-hand material , selling - ing at prices that cannot bo discounted in any of the eastern cities. Wo handle about everything needed in a moderate sized printing establishment , and ara solo western agents for some of the best makes of Paper Cutters , Presses , Hand and Power , before the public. Parties about to establish journals in Nebraska or elsewhere arc invited to correspond with us before making final arrange- mc'uta , ns wo generally have on hand second-hand material in the way of type , presses , rules , chases , etc. , which can bo secured nt genuine bargains. Send for the Printer1 a Auxiliary , a monthly publication , issued by the Western Newspaper Union , which gives n list of prices of printer's and pub lisher's supplies and publicly proclaims from time to tlmo extraordinary bar gains in second-hand supplies for news paper mon. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION , Omaha , Nob. MANDEMAKERS & VAN , AROH1TEOTS , OONTRAOTORS AND BUILDERS 201 jricper Bread way , Council Bluffs , M A without Shoulder Brace , $1.60 ncM , with Shoulder Brnco , made of line Coutil , double stitched 3.00 Nil ruins , without ShoulderBrace , 1.75 Abdominal , " > > 3.0O Misses' , 10 to 14 years J.CO Youug Ladles' , 11 to 18 years 2.00 Highly recommended by the leading Modistes , the Fashionable Dressmakers and the most eminent Physicians in the United States and Europe. Circulars free. LEWIS SCHIELE & CO. , Sole Owners of Talent and U&nnfactartn , 390 BROADWAY , NEW YOUK. STOR SJiuXjB 33-2- CHARLES H. PATCH 1517 Douglas Street , Omaha , And leading houses everywhere. Irwf | M taOAPITAL PRIZE.SISO.OOO. "We do hertly certify that ue supervise the ar rangementsfor all the Slonthly and Semt-Annua Drawings of the Louisiana State Lettery Company tmd in person manage and control the Drawings themselves , and that the same are conducted vnth hanetty , fairness and in goodjaith toward all parties - ties , and we authorize the company to use this cer tificate , withfac-similes of our signatures attached in ill advertisements. ' COMMISSIONERS. UNPRECEDENTED ATTfiACTION. OVER HALF A MILLION DUTUIBUTKD. Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated la 1603 for 25 yoara by the legislature for educational and charitable purposes with a capital of ? 1,000OCO to which a reeorvo fuadof orei 1650 000 has since been added. B ) ac overwhelming popular veto Its franchise was made a part of the prevent etato constitution adopted December U. A. D. 1879. Hi grand single number drawings take place monthly. It ncncr scales or postronca. Look at tha following distribution. 181st Grand Monthly aud the EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING In tbo Academy of Music , New Orleans , Tuesday. Juco 10,18S5 , under the personal tupcivlslon and management of Oen. Q. T. 11KAU1UGAIID , of Louisiana , and Gen. JUUAL A KARLN , of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE $150,000 /arNotieo. Tickets nro Ten Dollars only. Haves , § 5. IfJftbu , S2. Tenths , 31. LIST OP I'llIUW 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF. . . . ? 1.0,000 ( HEO.OOt 10UANDPH1ZEOF . . . 60.COO 50.0CO 1 do do . , 0,000 20,000 2LAIiaEPIlIZKSOF. . . 10,000 25,000 4 do do , , 6,100 20,009 SO Prize , of 1.000 20,000 , 0 Prizes of , . , MO 25,000 100 Prizes ot 00 80,000 2001'rlieaoi . . 200 40tOO 000 Priiea ot 100 60,000 1000 Prlzos of (0 65,000 100 Approilmation Prizes ol $200 0COO 1U ) do do 100 10tOC 100 do do 78 7.GCO 2279 Prlzoe , amounting to $ ! > 22,5CO Application for rstca to cluba tlioulJ ba made only to tueoltloe of Ilia Company In Now Orleans. For further Information write clearly ( riving fa address. POSTALNOTK3 , Eiproea MouoyOnlers , 01 New York Kxchango In ordinary letter , Currcnoj by Kiprcsa ( all eums of | 5 and uuwardj at our oz- penee ) addressed , U. A. DAUPDIN Or U. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La. 607 Bmenth St. , WashluKton V. O. Uake P 0. Mouey Orderi payable and addren RcgUtcred Letters to NEW OULEAN3 NATIONAL BANK New Orleani La , 'I ' ought to know jbont lt , " as the re- nark of a gentlemtn to h'a companion In lnir the exhibit of lilgu'H Food" at * re sent fair , 'I hue reared the children ou t. " testimony is lhl , coming yoirs if time , Is Utter than ill argument ) , llldge't Kooj still inilotalos Jthe IsttJ ai beet suited to all Uuocs aud uniuuiou * of child 11 e. Ia conr , 85s , 00 ,416 and 81.15 Sold by DruigUU Head oWorliloh k U\ , Palmer , Mm. , foi pamphlets liw ) oouctrulos ivt-ilug ol cklldieu , W. P. AYLESWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick buildings of nny kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed , Promo hem moved on Little Giant trucks , the best In the world. W. P. AYLSWOUTtt. 1010 Isinth Street , Council BluOa LIVE STOCK. STOCKERS AA'D FEEDERS. Ilellcrj and cows ol all ages lurnlihel In any desired numbers ; ranchmen should correspond with bcfcro purchasing elsewhere. WINDOW & CRAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa. AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The only all night house in the city. Kvorything served in first class style and on shor notice , liot and cold luuchos always ready. SMITH & TOLLER , AGTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand , Keep Horses and Muloa constantly on hand which wo will cell In retail or carload lota II Stock Warranted as Reoresented \Yholcs lo and retell dealers la Grain and Baled Hay. Prices rea sonable Satisfaction Guaranteed , OHCIHTJTEIB. So HBOLBTST Cor. 6th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffa. TO Brs. Judd & Smith's Offlco and Factory , No 30 , Fourth St , Council Elutls , Iowa. A.XIR JYill Discount all Prices. MRS. D. A. BEHEDICS , Broad wey , Council Bluffs , Iowa 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Wholesale and Metail T JL N IV A H ! Charter Oak and Acorn Stoves neea no comments. Leonard's celebrated cleanable Dry-air Refrigerator. These Refrigerators excoll all other in cleanljness. A refrigerator which cannot ba cleaned becomes useless , it becomes a miie anco instead of a benefit. with latest improvements. With this washer wa do not ask you to risk confidence or money. Wo know that a 1 that is nece-sary is a trial. TAKE ONE , and if after one or two fair tests you are not pleased return it and we will rotund your money. BOLDII STAft UASOLIK 11M1S. Manf/es ore a complete d ep a r ture from tJie retjular Vapor per Stove , and possess many new and val uable ' features Ji at will We have the exclusive agency oil the celebrated Hen Ti Put Steel in this city. Do not be deceived by MISUEI-UKSKNIATIONB. at bottom price : . Mall orders solicited. * TVR ? TTfYT & 0 ± Broadway , , IUJEl VUlJj COUNCIL ULUFFS , Norene & Landstrom , © reliant T Suits to order ia It.lost styles at cheapest posslbla prices. prices.No. . 205 Main St. , Council Bluff * . SPECIAL JNOTIOBS NOTICE. Spcc ! l a vertkcmento , nv.0 ts toll tonal , To Loan , Tor Sale , To Heat , Wants , Board ing , etc. , will ha tunortod In this column at ( he low rate ol TEN CENTS PKB LINK for the fink Insertion tnd FIVK CKNT3 PER LINK tot aoh nbeoqnent trtlon. toare nlvcrtljoraonU ak cnr elSe * , ' Ho. Featl Street , nut Eroadwar WANTS. ltlT4 : o 8 looms. No chid- AtldmiZ. , Bee oinro. Foil RALK Team o latRO lilnck liDrecs , tnltaulo fcr farm or heavy work In rltv. One ICM'I time on Rttlifactory socutltj. Hoiaco E\cio.t , Cou ell lilufls , low n , \V NTKD-Flrst-cUj cake baker u Smith A LocrcktV , 623 Main itrect , Council Illufl * . \\7ANTKD-A flfil-ch'S coolf , at the Cieston \ t Homo , Council lllulTf. IiMJIl UKNT House , 7 roomi and 8 lulls , corner 1 lUimonv and licnton Sis. Apply 0 lUrrlson \VANTS 1O TUAUK.-Uood Iowa cr Nebraska IT land lor n small stock of banlwiro or general merchandise , \\cll located. SWAN & WALKRR , TfOK 8&LB A rare chance to get a line , well lin- JP proicci farm ol 400 acres , vlthln a few miles ol Council Bluda , at a bargain. Low jnlco and easy terms. bwAN ft WAIBRII 17Oll 8ALB ARO.xlpalDK hotel property with 1 II ) oiy tUblo , In one of the best small towns In western IOWA will sell wither without furniture , or will trade for a small ( arm with ( took etc. SWAN & WALKXR , TOIl HALE Lands lmpro\od nad unimproved. X ? If you want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , lot us hoar from you. SWAK a WALKSK. "ITIOU SALE A larco number of business and reel- JL1 donco lots In all pans of Council BIuHs. Sco us bo lore you buy , SWAK & WALKIB. H1OU tlALfc Parties wlshlnffto buy cheap lots to build on can buy on monthly pajmonts of from g2 to 810. BWAN& WAI.KKR ir OH UKNr Wo will rent you n lot to build on J ? with the prUlingo to buy If you with on Tory liberal term- . SWAK & WALKKR. j'Oll HALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J. J ? Ptopben on , EOS First avenue. AtO'HD body m Council UluOe o IHe W Tniliin. led by carrier at only twenty ti week. Tport KXCIUXOR Ni . 16S , 10,000 acroa land ten X1 mlleseouth of Sidney , Neb , , lor Council BlulTs property. No. 165. A good etcam flonrini ; mill In Cedar Co , Iowa , lor a Block ol general merchandise or hard ware , value toCOO No. 169 Hotel property In Tajlor Co. , Io\ta , ( or paod farm property , value $1,000. No. ICO. LMiJIn II.V.landLlticcluCcs. , Nob. , ( or Council BlulTa nroncity. No 101. line lmp < o\cd ( arm ( or cheap western land. land.No No , 10) . Ons of the beat ( arms In 1'ottaTittamle Bounty , Iowa , . < 00 acica for wild Kacens or Nebraska land. land.No. No. 1C9. Hotel In Pueblo , Col. , worth SD.COO , ( or Iowa , Kinpn' , or Nebratlia laud In par and long time on balinco. No. 171. Good ( arm , ( or stock ot gooda or hard ware. ware.No. . 172. Wild lands In Rook ] Co. , Neb. , ( or stock ot dry goods. No. 175. IIouso and lot In Clarlnda Page Co , Iowa , for Ncbrwka or lena 11114 ; value gltOi ) . No. 177. Hotel In ona ol Uaitota'a bait totvns , value 50,000 , for stock of drugs for part and I.mi unproved or unimproved No. 178. Hploadld bargains In Klcth Co. , Neb , wild land ( or landa In western Iowa or gocd stock of drugi or hardware. No. 13) . A halt Interest In n flrst-chss plow works , well located , for lands valued $ : ) , D30. No. 182. 00 icro ImpTOvcd farm In CisaCo. , Iowa also ono In Pali , Alto Co , , of 31S , for stock of goods No. 183 , btoro bul.dlng and stock ot gciural mcrcbandlso , In a II\o western town for wettern and , lmpro\o-1 or unimproved , \alU5 $14,609. And hundreds ol ether special rxchan o bargains or particulars , call and see or write to BTANVALKRR , Council bl ulfs , Ia XIIOS. OFFICEll , W. H , M. rtJSR Officer & Fusev. Council Bhiffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Dealers in Foreign and Domeatic Exchange anil Homo Securities. SIMS , COUNCIL BLUF1S , IOWA. Office , Vain Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Bhugartand ] IIcuO block. Will practice In Stateuid tate courts , j. L. DBBETOISE. Ho. 507 Broadway Oonnoll Bluflj. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the tlmoo ot the arrival and do rartnra ot trains by central standard time , t the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mla otoi earlier and arrive ten mlnutos later. DEMriT. taioino and Nonnrwiama. 0:25 : A M Mall and Eiprcsa CXO'v J 12:40 : i' u Accommodation 4tO : r M 6:30 : r u Exprena 9:05 : A M C11101UO AND ftOOK ISLAND , 0:25 : A M Hall and Express 0:53 : r u 7:25 : A tt Accommodation 6:16 : 5:30 : 1' M ExpreES 9:00 : A M emoiao , HILWAUKBI AND sr. ri 0:207A : M JIa'l and Exprcs ) A:50 : r x 5:25 : ! u Kxprea ) 0:05 : A t oracAoo , inauaaroii AID qunor. 9:50 : A > 1 Mall and Express 7:10 : r M 311.Accommodation 2:00 : v'a 8:5CA : 8T. MUIB AUD PACIrlO. 2:10 r H Local St. Louis Express Local 3:00I'M : Transfer " " Transfer 8:20r. : 7:49 l' H Local Chlcigo & St L Exp Local 8CO : A t 7:35 : I'M Transfer ' " Tranjfer 0C5A : XAMlla OUT , ST. 10 * AND COUNCIL ELUITS. lOiO.1) A u Hall and Exprees 6:40 : r > KM r M Uxpreea 6:25 : A u ( IODX CITT AKD PiOinC. 7:20 : A H -Mall for Sioux City 0:50 : r 7:80 : l' M Eijirets for St Paul 0:25 : A u UMOS I'Aeinc. 11:00 : A u Duivor Express 4:35 : r M 1:05 : iM Lincoln Pots O'a & U V 2:35 : r u 7:55 : r M Overland Express 8:30- : > DUMMY TIU1.S3 TO OMAHA , Loive Council Bluff j - 6 65-7:65-9:80-10:80 : : : 11:40 : a. m. l : 0-2ao-3-4:28-5:2B-6:25- : : : : 11:46 : p. m. . Leave Omaha 6:25 : 7:26 : e:60 : 10 -11:15 : a. m. U:60-2:00-Soo-4uo : : : : 4:55-6:55 : : 11:10 : a m. OMLY HOTEL la Couuo Bludi balu a And all modern improvements , call bells , fire alarm bolls , eo. , ia the CRESTON HOUSE Noa. 21P , 217 and 1210 , l I&in Street. MAX f' > UN. - PROI'IUKTOB H. SOHTJEZ. ornov evan AUKEIOJLH sxrum COUNCIL BLUPFB. IOWA. : , Rice M , D , n 01 * thtr tu ori intnti irtlfcott tbi Jj lulli it invrtar of UtU. CHHONIC DISEASES- " * mm. BLUFFS IARPET COMPANY CARPETS , Ourtaiiisj Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Caieful Attention Given to On of Town Orders , Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Our stock Is the and i ] brin ; ccntitiDnllf replonlahod by all the latest ncd choicest novoltloa. 405 Broadway Council Biufis , ( OR BALK BV S. A. 101) ) M-tiii St. , Council Bluffs He till tSont nndSbao etorolioro big bargains can \\nja bo louml. Mammoth. Dime Museum AND THEATEK. Cth A\c. and Fcarl Street , ( Formerly Martln'fl Rink. ) J" . W , PAUiEit , Proprietor. CARPENTER'S MAMMOTH Co \ TWENTY PEOPLE. Every Evening for Two Weeks. June 2d. CommencingJWonday , , . In Onr Ourio Hull : Replete with now curiosities every week. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD NO. 2 , Ia the Hiffficst Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With rnly 39 lieys ( o learn an operate. It prints 70 characters Including caps mid Email letters , punctuations , flifuriN , signs and fractions It 6 the efinplest and ' raplJ wrlttig machlno ic incut durables for free illustrated pamphlet. WyckofF Snr- tins & Benedict , Chicago. 111. . Solo Agents. 0. II. SHORES , Crmneil Bluffs Agent for Waitern Iowa VlHO 13 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS' COUNTRY WILL 6EE DV EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE { * J CHICAGO.ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY i ilSS tatlon whkli Invlt , , , umi i illUaii. tri.t. ViiUiramo UnT uiIiof Vi'tolSmn " "tliJuullrt I'1" ' ' < - ' ° " " 1" Ic The Croat Rock Island Route rllv ire led'W'itS ' ' ? ! i7ililillu/i'"ltriuk" / of ' ' ntlnuiim iul mil milulan- iwrfwtlou ! ] ' J y'.1'.1' " " ' " 'I. ' ' ' . [ < > * . lollliiu > ( ! k u. near ux liiiiiiuii Tlio Kut Kiiirif ) Trains Lclnicn Oilman ftncl I'eorja. Cauni.ll llliiir * , Kuuiui < lly | j-at i nnarlli an I Atililnon uru KiiupuKcil or ill tinllluliil , ilmir iin. luy CnMic | ( IjuiMilllmil ruHiuau I'ulaio i' ' ChilrC i 7 The Famous Albert Lea Route ' rri c - " i" t Mill anotlur UIKf.tT LINK , via ' . Bfnooa * and Kan , , , kakoc ! ouinca Ixtwcrn Clnrlnn Inilltn Biioll * and Ijifuy. tic. au.l Council llluir.Kaiii.iIc.-lt5 I afliintaiinll * slid Ht I'aul and liiU.rroeolai IMI | * | ' ' , tor dtulled jiifoniiatloii iiiTi ? loidcn1 olilaliiauli' , udl . , i W hrlriili'ul 'll. V7/ > llckot. t all 1 . / ffi'lffiii" ' ' " " " 8latt > * " * " < S i iy la. R. R. CABLE , B. ST. JOHN , l' l't 4 ; Oin'l W'g'r , Oen'l T'kt & lin. Agt , OIIIC .00.