Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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Holes of tlic Day FlckeA np at the
State's ' HGaflqnarlers ,
Soldiers and Freight Agents on
Their Exoursionsi
Tlio Railroad Commission Uctroncli
mont on IjlRht Ml iho IIISKIIO
Aoylum General Kvcnti ,
llcported by The Bus's Bureau.
LiNCOLN.VNeb , , Juno 1. An iramonso po-
tttlon in before the council asking that the
streets ba lighted with electricity ao that the
bolatcd pedestrian may BOO his way char to
liis home. As Mayor Burr and most of the
council claim to cotnpoeo "tho most progres
sive city administration Lincoln over had , "
wo may bo reasonably sure the city will bo
grandly illuminated ,
Three companies of the fitth United States
cavalry passed through bore last week , under
command of Major Htraner , cnronto to Ar
kansas City , where they xvill relieve ft like
number ot the ninth United States cavalry ,
The ninth nra all negroes except the commis
sioned olficerf , and as they will probably
reach hero about the 4th of July , the attrac
tion of 300 colored soldles would bo sufficient
to build up a reasonable 4th of July celebra
tion. The battalion of the ninth cavalry will
probably bo commanded by Capt , Cuslck.
The board of county commissioners cet to
day as a board of equalization , when all the
kickers who own buildings and blocks of the
value of S 10COO or moro will object , whore
the assessment exceeds $1,000 or mere , and
the peopln who plant the corn and garner the
wheat will to allowed as usual to pay the
tax on the real value of their property. The
said board will bo allowed to continue their
Bitting for twjnty days.
Up to noon yesterday the assessment re
ports for only ton precincts wore in , leaving
eighteen to come in the afternoon ,
Tiio SaoRorfest society having secured the
privilege of the Historical equate for their use
during their grand festival tins month are
now putting up an extensive building with a
seating capacity for 5,000.
The fair ground is about enclosed with a
tight board feuco and begins to present a fair
A fine delegation of railroad men , some with
their ladler , wore yesterday noon en route to
Denver to i.ttcnd n meeting of the general
freight agents und of tlio Pacific coast nssoci-
tion.tTlie pnrtr consisted of Judge McDill
and wife and L'oter A. Dey , railroad commis
sioners of Iowa ; W. I. Johnson , of the rail
road comuiifBion of Illinois ; J. W. Midgely ,
and wife , commissioner of the southwestern
association ; O. W , Wicker , cotnmtssinnor of
the Chicago freight bureau ; Fred 1'rench ,
secretary of general freight agents association ;
O. L. Wellington , nssistaat general freight
agent of the Wabash railroad ; Thomas Miller ,
general freight agent of the Burlington & Mis
souri railroad ; Will McMillan , assistant gene
ral freight ngant of the Burlington & . Missouri
railroad ; 1'nul Morton , assistant general
freight agent of the Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy railroad ; D. B. Iliploy , and wlfa ,
general freight agent of the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy railroad ; Bird , general
freight agent of the Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad : Messrs. Wicker and McCtillough ,
general freight agents ot the Chicago & North
western railroad ; Messrs. Sago and Johnson ,
general frelghtVgonts of the Chicago. Rock
Island Pasifio railroad ! Mr. } ] P. Vlning ,
western trunk line association ; V. L. Moore ,
claim agent of the Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy railroad.
Six plain drunk * were disposed of yesterday
morning , five if them at SI apiece and costi ) ,
nnd onu at S3 and ccets , with ouo to hear
This week is examination time in the public
schools , and the good children wear upon
their faces the determination to pass orjbrust ,
while the good teachers heave a sigh and cp-
pear to say that they are glad warm weather
nnd vacation came about the eamo time.
The click of the hammer is hoard In every
portion of our city , while several ffno business
houses are in process of erection , making it
quite a busy time for mechanics nnd painters
who want work.
Tbo railroad commission bill which was
passed last winter was supposed to taka eltect
on the first of Jnnebutowing to a proviiionin
the constitution which says that whan no emer
gency clause is attached three calener
months shall elapse between the passage of
the act and the time it stall take effect , the
law doea not take effect till the last of this
week. Wo learn the commissioners have de
cided upon the gentlemen who are to bo their
secretaries. They are , C. H. Gere , nf Lin
coln , for the first congressional district ) C.
1' . Bushixw , of Blue Hill county , treaiurer of
Webster county , second dintricti R. R , Cow-
dry , of Columbus , third district , The
The meeting for the appointment of these
gentlemen will probably be held next 'Mon
day. At about tha same time there is tobo
appointed by the governor three live stock
commissiont > rs , who draw S per day nnd expenses
penses for time actually employed ) a'so ono
veterinary surgeon and ono matron of the
insane asylum
The board of public lands and building ; , at
their last meeting , placed In the insauo asylum
226 incarulcecent lights , or batter known ru
Tilaxlm lights. This will bo a saving to the
state of ? lt00 , ! to § 1,500 per year , besidej
being muci safer to an Institution of that
The secretary of state says that the nineteenth
toenth seMlon laws of 1885 will probably ba
ready for general dhtilbutlon about the 13tl :
iust. , and th&t advance copies for the stata ,
district and couutv officers will probably bo
sent out about the 8th inst.
The Hon. James Scott's child died yeiter
day morclug , The little follow , Irvm , was
. about three years old , and has been in pee
health for several months past , although h
was not considered really iu danger tint !
within the pait few days , The ramitins wil
be taken to Kearney to-day , Mr. Scott anc
his estimable lady will hare the sympathy o
a largo circle of fnonrfs both in Lincoln an
Kearney. There will bo a short servieo holi
at the residence of the laud commissioner al
11 a. in. The party will go thence to tin
Burlington & MIcsouu , depot , whemo th
parents , with several friends , will accompany
the remains of their son to Kearney , where
the regular service will ba held on June 4 at
2 p. m. at the mothodlat church.
Among to day's prominent arrivals wore
Mrs. G , II. Collins and son , Brownville ; John
Brown , Ssward ; G , W , Frank , Cor nil ) ? , la ;
August Frank , Warsaw , N. Y. _
The grand army republic memorial
service ] were hold at the Ma-
eonio temple on Sabbath morning ,
the K v. K. II. Curtis , of the Ilirst presbyte-
lian church of this city , delivering the ad
dress. Over 100 comrades marched from the
post room to the chapel room , The bouco was
crowded ,
A healthy and now insurance company has
recently bom organizad here and will proba
bly ba in running order within tha next thirty
days. With such men as Mather , D. K.
Thompson , Raymond Wnleh , and S. J , Alex
ander and a few like them , it is sure to be
the company in this section us they have al *
ability , money and energy. With them import
ant commcdltle * they are boutd to win.
All report corn and grain at booming rlghl
Three now churches are fast approachinf ,
completion , of which detailed mention wll
teen bo made. illd
A crxuft'Ja movement seems to be sUrta :
against the canine race hare.
Fine residence lots can now bo secured ir
several o ! the now and commodious addition !
to Liuculn.
Gen , S. J , Alexander and family are \l > t-
ing at thtir old homo in Alexandria. The ;
are expected home some time to day , eyw
John Schneider , of Buda precinct , Lancai
tor county , committed euicide last Frlilaj
Ho threatened to kill bis wife , and his sun-In
law gjtjout a warrant for Ids arrest. Whe
, the constable went to ariest Schneider heU
iirwl at th ) constable and then shot himieli
Ik Gnvwnor Nance placed his famillq
signature upon the Commercial houtereglsta :
J. L. MUcholl. of Nebraska City , an
J. 0.1'aat , of York , ate In tha city.
12. P. Keynoldn , of Omaha , is at tl
Lot Brown , formerly ot Nebraa Cil
Prom , now general traveling frefoht , agent oi
the Chicago , Burlington & Qnlncy railroad ,
coma m yeiterday noon with the freight
agents who passed west and returned to Oma
ha In tbo evening , Ho waa accompanied by
Charley Harvey ,
J. W. Dickson , of the Nebraska and Iowa
Insurance company , spent yesterday in the
Revenue Receipts
Tbo revonno receipts for May at th
office In this district are as follows :
Lists S 10145
Beerstimps 0810 13
Spirit stamps 200,03940
Cigar stamps 3,01)0 ) 00
Tohncco stamps 1G2 08
Special tax 70,87020
Total 5285,06340
The amount received daring the month
jast closed la the largest known In the
history of the oflico. The receipts for
May , 1884 , were $100,492,09 , nnd for
the eleven monthi of the present fiscal
year have boon over $2,000,000.
The nro ono hundred and fifty cigar
factories and two distilleries that pay
trlbnto to Undo Sam in this district.
Color In Cattlo.
National Live Stock Journal ,
Each variety of cattle the world over
Booms to possess typo colorj peculiar to
Itself , modified , perhaps , throughout the
breed , by the caractor of soil and vegeta
tion , the intensity of boat and cold , and
the moisture of the air. It is curious to
sco how persistently the shorthorns have
clung to the red , white and roan colors ,
and the Devon to a permanent , deep ,
unmixed red tholr universal character
istic. In the United States , fashion ,
however unwisely , has tended to discard
the nesociato colors of whlto and roan In
the shorthorn , In favor of rod , approxi
mating that of the devon , So thoroughly
has color associated Itself with the lead
ing broods , that a black durhnm or devon
would bo as much an anomaly to us as a
green ono.
The origin of those typical colors wo
must , in a great measure , leave where
time has obscured it. There are , how
ever , accidental varlot'oj ' of plants and
animals being formed under our eyes ,
and from those unique Individuals wo are
able _ to trace entirely now varieties , as
for instance , the short-legged ancon
ehoop of Connecticut , dating from 1781.
It Is claimed for man that cllmato and
environment have bleached or darkened
him , according to the intensity of cold
aud heat , and BufTon has assorted "that
nations wear the livery of the climate in
which they live. "
How considerably climate , food , and
other external agents affect the colors of
the human species has no means of satis
factory demonstration , and , likewise ,
how far Its .enacts are traceable in the
colors of cattle con not bo moro certainly
solved. Thcso subtle extornalliifluoncos ,
such as environment , are GO constantly
and slowly doing their work that the
casual objervcr Is blinded in determining
tholr effects upon color. Wo know that
the Shorthorns , sent from the stables and
thn blue grasa pastures of the east to the
hot , dry plains of Texas , change tholr
coot very perceptibly from a soft , rich
rod to a coarse , tawny color , which de
cline seems to increase in a few genera
tions of offspring. It is rare to find
among the cattle of the plains and llanos
a deep rod. The sandy or tawny is the
prevailing color.
Leaving aside the30 external effects ou
color , teoro is an Inherent ; force which
stamps an ogspring the prevailing colors
of its ancestors , and the moro pure the
llneego , the truer the color to the lineal
typo. This Is the index 'of the breeder
which often guides him as unerringly as
the very pedigree itaolf , nor can climate
warp it to any graat extent In these old
established varieties , which own their
color as nature's trade-mark , to distin
guish them from Imposture and baser
Train Men Strike Against a Cut.
CINCINNATI , 0. , June 1. Owing to n re
duction of ten per cent , in wages , freight
crows on the Kentucky Central railway struck
this morning , and no freight trains are moving
on that road. The men in the roundhouse in
Covington have also gone out , except the
master mechanic and apprentices.
Testing Two Now Projoctlles ,
Now York Sun.
Col. Baylor and the other ordinance
officers at Governor's Island will go to
Sandy Hook this morning to test a new
projectile for mortara. Nltro-glycorlno ,
dynamite , gun cotton , or any other pow
erful explosive may bo used in the pro
jectile. It Is the invention of Joseph
Garrlck , a machinist of Michigan City ,
who has been at work on It for ten years.
Mr. Garrick came here from Washington
on Sunday night , and on Monday exhi
bited his invention to the ordinance
officers , who determined to give it a trial.
The projectile consists of en outer and
inner iiou shell independent of each
other. The outer shell la cylindrical In
shape , with a curved spherical basa. The
ndgo of its mouth hai a curved annular
flaring flame , which projects over the
mouth of the mertar when the piojectil
is In place for filing. The Inner shell Is
spherical , and has a tube fitted to it. Th
tube projects through an aperture in
flit vertical brace , which IB bolted acrae
the mouth rf the outer shell. The inno
shell Is supported in the outer by cush
Ions to prevent too sudden a jar. Tin
cartridge which explodes the projectile 1
placed at iho end of the tubo. When th <
projectile B'rikoa the cutter hits the car
tridga. There la also an arrangement fo
using a tlmo fuse.
Mr. Qmlck'a claim is that his projectile
tile con bo sent further than any now In
use , and Is moro destructive , and that it
is safer for those handling it. Experl-
monts will also be made with an explo
sive shell to bo fired from a musket ,
which li said to bo powerful enough to
destroy a Gatllng gnn eighty rods distant.
fh9 Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago !
, .
JOM of nppetlte , Howel coitlve , 1'nln In
he bend , wlt > i a dull ensatlon la the
tnclt pnrt , i'nln under Iho .boulder.
d blade , l'ullnc 8 after cntlnc , wltU a.dl -
luclluntlon lo exertion of body or mind.
Irritabilityoftcniper , i.ov plrlti , vrltU
nlocIInBofliavlncneslected omoduty ,
IVcarlncii , DlzzlneB. , IMutlerlnB rtl the
- Heart , Dot * buforotbo erei , Headache
over the right ere , Uo lle nnei , with
ttlful Urrnnn , lllchly colored Urjne , and
- TtJTT'S i > itrS , are especially adapted
' .o Buoli coses , ono close offecta sucu a
- ImnBoorfoollnffRStoftstonUUtnoBufloror ,
They Inrrenso th Appctlto.and cauae the
Body to TaU ou U - * li l , - tliut the y tem . , , u
-i Jt-Jl- fn
nourUhctt.nnl bytnelrToiiIo Action on
, nUtoolaro
produci I l'rl" 'J5o.
* "
nd 1 VW U B * & ! " 7
. . ohnngea U > n
OlUT IUm or WuisuEiiB % * M.O - -
lltACK by a ttnglo application ot
this DIE. It imparts n luiturnf coloa acts
i nstantuneouily. bold by UruggUta , or
fw I aent by expression receipt of 81.
yOfl1oe,44 | Murray St. , Now York.
Moxpr to loan On Real tstato In any amount and
tlmotoeult , tiom8SOto000. !
On collateral I on thirty to ninety days time , In
Bums of fifty dollirs and upwards.
On chattel' , In turns of fho to flro hundred dol-
ar at low rates and time to suit.
Miscellaneous ltortg gc , ecured notwclly claims
and judgement bought , adtancm made to o ntrac-
tors , and general financial buslnces of all kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly and without delay , at the
Omaha financial Kxchango.1601KarnamSt.up stairs ,
" \fONHT to loan In sums of $200 and upwards on
1VIfirst class real osUtosecurlty. Totttr & Cobb ,
UlSFarnrtmst. 019-tf
To LOAM One first das ? security , JlfioO for 6 joars
Ames , 15C7 Fatnam st , 636-2J
MONF.T TO LOAN On real estate security , la sums
of $ SCO to 10,000 , at reasonable rites. 0. E.
Uayne & Co , S W cor 16th and Farnam. BCO-Jll
MONKT to LOA't In amounts to suit , on chattels ,
collaterals or anv goo < l security , Omaha Finan
cial Exchange , 1503 Farnam St. , up italrf. 185J9p
7V/TONKY / To loan on chattels , Woolley & Hatrlaon ,
'VI ' Room SO , Omaha National bunk building
MONEY TO LOAN On leal estate and chattels
D. L. Thomas. Otetf.
MONKYI MoiKVll MONFY ! 11 Money to Loan-On
chattel security by W. R. Croft , room 4 , With-
nell building , N. E , corner 15tn and Itirncy After
jcara of experience Aid a careful study of the bull
ntBa of loaning money on personal property , I 1m o
at latt perfected a system whereby the publicity
usual In such casoi Is done anny withend I am now
In a position to moot the demands of all ho boccmo
tcmporarlaly embarrassed and desire to ralco maney
without delay and In n qu'ct manner. Ilousoicep.
crs.profcsdonil gentlemen , mechanics and others In
thisclty on obtain adMiicua from $10 to $1,000 , on
such security as household tnrnlturo , pianos , ma-
chlnery , horses , wagons , warehouse receipts , secur
ed note ] cf hand , etc. , without remixing tame from
owners residence or place of business. One ef the
advantages I offer Is that any part of any loaa can
bo [ aid at any time which will reduce the interest
pro rata and all loans renewed at the original rates
of Interest. I hate no brokers In conncctlcn with
my offlce , but personally superintend all my loan * .
I have private ofllcos connected with my general
oflico so thai customers do not come In contact with
each other , consequently nakltg all transactions
strictly pilvatc , W. K. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell
building , N. K. cor. 15th ( ml Harney. 637-J-U
A/jfosKV / to loan on furniture , horses , wagonsplanos
1VJL personal property , olbtcmls and anything o-
\aluo , everything strictly conQdor'tiixl ; Roods Fmau
clal agency John T Echmlnko , Cashier. 2J3-J11
\fONEV Loaned ou nhattols , out raki , R. R
U4 tickets nought and sold. A. Forman,213 S , 13th St
YfONEY LOANED at C. F. Uoed & Go's. Loan office.
if ! on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal "
property of all Hindi and all othe rutloloa of value ,
without rcmrral. Over let National Bankcorncr 13th
and Farnam. All business strictly confidential
050 tf
VtTOhRT TO LOAM In trams cf 1500 and upward ,
if I O. F. D vls end Co. , Heal lUUIt and Loan
s , 1505 Farnam SI. 051 tf
W 'ANTKD-A god cook at 711 North 18th St. Mrs.
To war. 848 ! p
Wi AKTKD A pill ( or general house work ; good a *
ges Riven , No 2213 Cass street. 859-Sp
Wi ASTED Qlrl for light house nork ; two In fam
ily. Cal. Martin , 106 South 14th St. 8DS tf
WANTEII A gosd girl for general homo work ID
family of throe Mrs J. II. Cornes , 2314
Charles St. , between Irene and Jones 808-3p
"TXJEVTKD An experienced girl ; must l > o a ( rood
TT cook , wailior and Ironcr. Apply at 7S5 S. 18th.
AKTKD A wonnn cook ud chambermaid at
Doran house , 013 Farnam street , orposlte Bco
olllco. 8il-tf
W AMR ! ) A good table girl at orco. Apply at
; Canfleld House. One not afraid to work.
TTtTAMBD One first-class laundrecs and one girl to
\ \ do kitchen work at theCozzens 813-tf
W girl for ccncral house orksmall , family
AddreJ3 "IJ" this offlrc. E6Q2p
WANTSD Good glil for general house work ; mutt
bo good ccok , 1017Ihlogo. 860 tf
WAMFD 8 good cooks ; good wages ; Orraha Em-
plot mcnt liurcau , 11 0 Fatnam St. 781-tf
WANTFD Good sirla for 40 ot the first rrlvato fam
ilies in this city ; \\agoi $3 , 84ard 5 per week.
Omaha tinplojmeut liuieau , 11 0 Farnam St.
783 tl
W ANTBD Oool Eirl for general house work1908
larnam 77B-tf
W ANTFD Woman cook nnd dining roomiirl 418
south 13th itrect 7G3rlp
W One flrst-clags dialng room girl at the
City Hotel. 229 Ip
ANTED -A girl to do kitchen n ork ; apjly at the
W Cozzens. 723-tt
ACTED Girl for general bouse work at 2511 St
' ary's ave. 703 SOp
WAMKD-GIrl to do general housework ; app'j to
lira Jas Cotter , 1621 thcrman A\o. I.J7 t
At once , a good wet nuno 102 , 25th st
WANTBD Dodge. 148 tl
ANTED Flr t olats dining room girl t the Met
W ropolitan hotel ; none otner need apply. 824 tl
- - experienced brorm maker , ( ten
WAr-TiiD-An given to Iho right mm ; ono \ \ \
family pteferroJ. Apply to F. L. Thompson , Noi
Bend , Nob. Sll.p
TANTEU-26 men to work en Sioux City and
W I raolrto U R , Free tiansportatlon. Omaha
Fmployment Agency , 1221 FarnainSt. fOO-1
AMFU Good live canvasser In Nebraska ; apply
W to C. t. Mayii" , 15th and jfarnam street" .
802 2
ITANtni Dead tallorJ at 1220 Farnam street , n"ar
* 13ta St. 708 30
'ANTFD A giod b ker can find employment at
. . Mr Untzln or , 134 Broadway , LounoU D'ufla ,
Town 7iiO 2p
AT7AML3-A flrat clasi tall r by tha month. Art -
t > U , at the Famous Clothing 1'ailors , 1310 Do-
IOH 780-1
A good barber 1120 Farnam si.
Carpenter tor alow diva woik cithc
WAMFD or without tools. Inquire al tlnonclo
Exchange , 1663 rarnam street t cmotrow ironiin
from 111 1 , or on Honda ) . 701-30
' - trimmer and alst maker ,
Api ly nt N W corner ol Davenport and Ititl
St. Anderson Block , room 1 and 2 755 SOp
Good canvasser/ , three dollars a day
something new , soils In every house , 418 noitl
10th , up-ttilrs. 760-lp
TTTA.NTBD An azont In every county to sell "Daisy
W Pillow 81 am Lllter. " Address W. I' Mcllor ,
Stita Agent,448 5 16th St. , Omaha Neb. 721-lp
D By oin ot the largest ani oldest whi lo
WAnTF clothing houses o ! 1'n lajclphia , aBalca-nit
to represent them In this state. Anpllovtlona will be
conildercd from sucn only as can furnish approve'
security ; If r sample &o , and n y thel
own triM'HnK exportcs The house la willing to pa ;
\ery liberal oommls'ion and to the right man
iplendld opportunity offers. Addrc&a I * O III :
11651'blUdilphU , Pa. 658-0
1CUII clgarmmora wanted. 'ILnqulro of Goo. B
F Qcdfrey , Fiemont , Uob. 670-2
IANTKD-Active ealcu Jian 105 North 18th.
W 18th.503J2p
VXTANTRD Five god paper hanger at 418 North
Tl 10th strret. 812-tf
) Live energetic nun with hone ai-d car-
WAXTKI to haadle Ursclu < article th ough the
country : call at onoa. U. U. Eaton , 111 S. 14th.
316 tl
" \TTAMVD Hy n Amoiloin woman , BltuMIon ai
> > house keeper In a sent 11 famllj or as nurre. Ad.
drcsi 1516 Uaundera St. 866 3p
TTTAMBD Uluatlou IB house keeper or nuri . Ad.
VT drtsi 022 llarnoy St 788-6p
'Antro By an experienced nnras , eltuatlon to
WA ) for an Imalld laly cr aa ho ma
keeper. Addrws for eight daj , "Nurss" Iloe o nice
VT/'AMED A BcooBd cook at tbo Einmet Housp ,
Agents , both icxei ; mlary urlargecoc
WANTKII , buelne BOMJ a'd highly reipectablc
Apply st Pallor one , 1418 Dodge Strcttlrom 3 to
o'clock 816-Jp
To buy eneor two ttorebulldlrgs , tha
WAMKD boremoied , peiKinshaUng inch build .
ngs for ( tit. Address ' 'store buj cr , " Bee office
To Kate mu boure of 10 cr 12 rocn
WANTKD S Uockt ol Peel office ACiJrfM "N . ,
I B e oaice. 8 J- ' . '
" \\7A\T8B 4 g od Jecoid hfinil r-abr cirrlagc. Jttl
V > orctj ttatlng prlco Ac.V. . " n & M Hflidqua
ten , 774-nii
-MI persons wnntlci ; hclpor sltu\tonstv. [
bosk-kcipcrs , cishlcrc , llme.ko'pors , bill nd
nitty clerk' , cto , , watchmen , porters , tcatuterj
coachmen , Janitors , engltceri , flremtn , butlers , wall
erj , bMtindcrs,3ouni men for wholesale and retai
flrmi , etc. , etc. Apply at the Omahl Employment
Bureau , 1KO Farnam nl. fSl tt
ITlTJNTiti ) To bay drag stock Insrao lira town in
YVNeb Addrcs4thtjofflco"A. 6 , or A. 6" Test
office. _ _ _ 70l-Sp
riTAOTRDMlddlo g man and wlte ; man to tend
I V thecp and gcnml urm work ; woman to keep
house must bo a good cook , clean and smart , steady
home and good pay Kansa * . Inquire 14th and Far-
narn. A. D. Monc. "A child on buy AS cheap an a
man. " Boots and ( hoer. 763 1
For a cintoroor , a furnished house ol 7
VV to 9 rooms with all comcnlcncts.untll October ;
licstnt references. C : K. Mayne 4 , Co. , Itth ana
Tomato , 782-2
Two unfurnlihod rooim , with bovd for
WANTRD and wife west of Sixteenth an ! S.
of California preferred. Address "Prompt Pav" V.
O. Box SOI , city. 702 tt
WAVMHP-ICO TVams for HolcreJjc , Nob. , on n.
& it. II. U , no office fees and Iron tran > porta <
tlon , 1150 Farnam st. 613 tf
A OKNTSWASTKD. Address St tools Electric Lamp
jC\Co , St Louli for circular , cuts and terms ol the
68 candle poiror alarsh Electric Lamp , 811-J12
WANTFD-Everybody to try our Prepared Corn
Heal , ready for Instant use with the addition of
milk or cold water. Pot up In 3 and 6 Ib. packages.
Bold by grocers * \V. JVel hani & Co. , Manufact
urers 070 tf
WANTED Every ady In need of a Bowing ma
chine , to see the now Improved American No.
P. K , Flodman 4 Co. agents ; 220 N 16th. o5 !
RUNT JJon'o of five roomi , fifteen dollar ; .
Apply at ? 110 llarnoy St. 820 2p
UOR RENT A 0 room cotta o on Davenport near
JP 2tjtlist , 0. K. Mi } no & , Co. , 16th ami F rnam.
TT'OR ' SALK Flno residence , modern Imcrovcmonis ,
Jt < flno view ccntorly located ; prlco 310,003. Andreas
' F. W."HeoolTloP. _ 7T8-tf _
F Ion RENT Furnished house 0 rooms corner King
St. ; , and Patrick ave. 767-8p
OR RKNT Two flo room houses. Cull at 2715
Lcnvonwcrth street. TCE-lp
"IT'OR ' RUST 1 new houao S rooms , S closets , collar ;
I1 on South Walnut St. Inquire ol Aug. Jlandow
1217 Ch'caRO Ft. 703 Ip
TTion REST Six room cotta/o N W corner 24th and
JL ? Da\onport8S ! per month. Apply to B. D. Chap ,
mm , 1217 Howard St. 743 tt
"monnrvr On street cir Una Norlli Omaha , fur-
f nlihod hou < o 6 rooms $35 per month. 0. K.
Mayno & Co. , 16th and Farnam. S33 2
niwT-Houso 7 rooms S4lh nnd Harney by 0.
F. Da\i&Co. 697-tI
RFM Snull stiblo 1012 Farnam street ; In
quire ol Dr. buctnam , Cor. 15th and Farntm.
TTIori KKXT A house of 0 roomi 8 olosats , well , els-
JT tern , ono block eouth ol the U1' donot. Inquire
otJI Lee , grocer , 22d andLeivcmvorth. B13-tf
T7V > R RENT V S room cotUgo on California etrcot ,
JL' between 94th and 25th streets. I'J Creed on.
430 tl
IR BKVT Cottage 5 ronms and homo 7 rooms. J
F Phlppl Roe , 1512 S. Dth St. 'SSl-tt
T fhrcoptory brick store building ; enC -
C quire of Edward Nor rig & Co. , room 19 Crounso
Rlook. 951 tf
itxsT Nicely Tarnished fr ; nt and back room
FOR 1714 CollforsU st. E47 3p
TTlO R ! RENT Two nice unf urnUhod rooms for gentle
Jb iR i > , at 818 Howard St. 8IB-3p
FORRKXT-Nicely furnished Iront rocm ; also a
small bed room , 1812 Butt Street. 81-tt
I OR RUST A furnished frrnt room sultaHo fortwo
F ccDt'cmcD , 107 Sjutb 17th st. 814 3p
F OR KEN K A largo h nd omely furnished room ,
bath room , 1720 Capitol av o. 754-2p
> R RUM Nicely famished racms 1013 Dodge.
"IpoR BUNT Furnished room with board 1G17 Chicago
JP Bt. f 49 tf
TT01 rt RENT -Elegantly furnished front room 710 N.
Jb 17th i Look at it. , 7S7-4p
TT'OR nv\r Nice turnhbed rooms and day board ;
_ T can ba had at No. 1418 Dodge st. 785-SJp
In RFNT I'leatsnt furnished rcom at 22180ass st.
' JRRFVT rumlshed roomandboard fiio dollars
JP per I wck ; best locality , 1814 Davenport. 7(3 4p
TfJOH RFNT A i le ant room for ono or two gentle-
I * uien in private family with baths and board 1421
Jonea St. 733-1p
I OR UFNT Boom 1th hoard suitable for one or two
F icn'lcmin ; , 1812 Dodge St. 704 tf
IIKNTlarge furnlihed front room , closet , bu
reau , tvanh ettnd and everything cin\emont with
hoard for 84.25 per week , git o ui a trial and sector
yourself , 13J8 Capitol to. . 747-Zp
RFST Lur o hindsomelv furnished cool rocm
FOR convenience , with oxeello nt board for
two goi tlemon , 1718 Dodpn 037-tl
M RKNT Boom ; Inquire Drug store 10th and
Douglas. 621-tf
.R BST A rnorn for gentleman and wife or for
two gentlemen , tint-class beard 1622 Burt st
TTOR RUNT Lirgo front room on flret floor with or
JL : with board ; inquire at 1001 Faruam St ,
FORRBNT-Furnished rooms. 1818 Dodge street
1 } 947..Tln
1J70R RRST Furnished rooms with or without
I' board , 2112 JJarney St. , one block from street
car. fQ4tf )
TT'OR RENT With board.nlcely furnished ( rent room
JL1 gaj and bath , 14t9 Jones. 007 tl
FORRENT-Nlccly lurnlshed rooms 1517 Divenport
T > OOMS With boird.itcttrablefsr summer. Appl >
± i St Chailea Hatol. OU-tl
HFJIT Bevera flnocfncosln Crouneo' block ,
FOB Ed. Korris , room 10 Crounse blooii
942 * *
OR HALK Improved farm 2(0 ( acres ; ton acre
F w thin 1 HOOKS cf po tollico , Weorlng Wafer ; 17' '
acres 4 rnilos fioal Wcaplng Water , Will si.ll or trad.
IT Omaha prorerty. W. 11. Gricn , over UtNatlcna
Bink , Omana , Neb. 852-tl
TTiort SAIB Good farm In Washington Co. ; 171
1 ? icrcs ; 80 acres cultivated ; good buildings ; fine
orchard ; running water ; all loaced. Edward NorrU
Co. , room ID C/ounse Block. 47411
OR SALK \ 610 acre ntook and grain larai , a'l Im
F proved ; lour hours' rldo from toe 0 naha Btook
Yards ; eeoa miles from the o'ty cf Fremont ; twtt
railroads within tbrcn miles ; 300 acres under , plow ,
tha ro < t In pasture ; bjurd tenet , tunning stream
through pasture ; house with ton rooms ; will be a < 'ld
cheap It sold immediately ; oa termi to suit. For
further particulars Inqulro ot Ceo C , Qrodlror , Fie-
mont , Neb. 157-tt
BAtH OR KWIANOK ! or stock. Resilience In
FOE losatlon In Stuart and Basset ! Neb. ; rent
i y 25 per cent ; al o timber chlm near f oimer. Ad.
Ilrus "H. " Hcnld office , Bisaett , Neb 810-Sp
OR BALK Good fi room house , lot 50x132 feetcut
P Iront , 81400 ; $100 cosh , balance $15 per month ,
W , n Green , ovorlet National bank. 854U
BALK House full lot , well , cistern , bun , all In
FOR condition , one block Irom street cars { 1 B 00
eaty terms. W U Qreen , over lit Nat'lDank. 653 tl
At a lurga'n 143 feet front on 13th ft
FR ith small houro , 2,800 , clme quick or } oi
lose It. C , E , Maj lie & Co , , 1Mb and Farnam rt ) .
T7V3R SALK In the wlo'esile district on Harney fat.
1 ? alot 44U32 Itcc foi812,000 ; one fourth cash , bal
auceon easy teniii. Lobeck & , Co , 1212 Farnuu
corner 13th 772-3
TT'ORSILK Twoloti In Hanscom place , ono bloc !
1' east ol Park gate , cast Iron' , rorncr lot , fenced
part cash. Addrcls'lO. " P Obox 483. 780 Ip
SALK F.irty loin for B.VO on Burt and Cumlnc
FOR 10th and 31st cheap , Inside propert ;
Italian ) A , Fouer. 1vi \ [ _
LKis * Usst un/)03upl d ground In the oity fi
FOR house. 87 teetfrout oa Luivenwortt
north bat 10th and lltliwlll leaae lor 09 J cam. Be
lori&Souer. 2ilL _
rpORBALB 53 feet oaCuimng between IBth nd2f
V with house , 82.70Q. lladlord & Soucr. MO t
SiLB-Flve lots 47x130 ; together oa Learc
ms. ' " FIB atreet ; beautiful location , 00 Oi
fourth ovm , balaao oa lonj time , cur U > u
rills t Jon tl. 210 tt
Make No Mistake !
Up-atairs , Up-stairs
1312 Douglas Street
Up-stairs , ITp-sfeairs
Make No Mistake !
FOR SALS-Cho p , $100 cish , balance on monthly
payments , some choice lota fronting on street car
line. Jlorfo & Bnianor. 681-J2
T710R SALK Twenty-two feet on Farnam street , a
P bargain It taken Immediately. W II Greco
"IToR BALK At a bargain , throe good houses 817 and
JL ? 817418th , south ot Lei\cnwotth ; rent $05 per
per month ; pi lee $5,500 easy payments ; must bo
sold before June 1st. Apply 3. Morteuson , tailor ,
1418 Farnam Btffet. 131-J4p
. " "OR SU.K 8"0 will buy a good eocond-hand piano
! 218 N. litt. 818 2p
f7oa SALB Ice box at P. W. corner ot 18th and Chi-
JD cngo for a boarding bouse or grocery . 09 Ip
TTVm BALK A line double hainees nearly now. Club
J1 Stable. 18th St 662 Ip
770118AM ! OR TRADB A good track sulky , Omaha
JP Merchants Rxpress , 14th and Leavennorth.
SALE Wagon umbrella ] , fine new stok at
FOR and 1411 Dodce st. 572 tf
"V , > R BALK-A. four hundred dollar piano at a liar-
1 gain , 1918 California St _ . E16-tt
I OR S4LE Eight marble top restaurant table
F A. J. Handel , 325 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
I OR 8ALK-300.0CO brick , lor sale at Bellevue or
F Omaha. U. T. Clarke. 208 tf
BAU ! l o No 1 second hand bug
FOR . Apply 1409 ml 1411 Dodge et. 145 tl
8u : . A full corner lot , two HOCKS nest of
FK cir lino-S.r.50. . This Is positively a bargain.
J. F. niley & CoJIB J. 13th St.
For Salo-Lot 60x110 , 22d St. , near Orac ? , fcOOO.
TbislBeUoabJigaio. J. F. niley &Co.,215S 13th St
For Bale Thras lots 50x140 , south front , 4 blocks
f rom street car ? . t350o ch ; bargains. J. E. Hiley L
Cp.,216H13th t.
< ) For H lie Two loti on Ocorgla vRoi'lckVndd ' cast
front , no griding , near I'lmam , 76x140-82000 each.
Ihesu nro icisonabl" . J. F Illloy & Co,215 S 13th Hr.
TorSalo Mne lots on Virginia ave. , ? 00 ti > WIO
each J. r. lllley & Co , V15 S 13th tt
For Sale Ten lots ouCumhig st. , and nine on
Hurt St. , fourblocks Irom mllltarj bildgc. J. E. Rl-
Icj & To , 215813th s .
ForSsle E'ghtccn lots on Vlnton Bt. . nno block
from terminus 13th street car line. I'ojitUcly cacnp.
J. E RII y&Co,2l6SJ3thU
We deelre to say to our patrons thit In tha above
list wo can glvoaBSunnoo rf safe and profitable. In-
tcstm'Dt Wo also have property In almost every
quartern ! tbo dty ttnrihy ol InvettljktKin. .I.E.
Hlloy & Co , 215 S 13lh tt 823 tf
rpo EicifANB-A 80,001 stock ol now hard.
X w are for good Nebraska land.
A flco farm for crocerioa or other merrhandlss.
For Bale A full lot and house on U 13th it , facing
east a'ong car line , price W.EOO.
For sale Two lota on Farnam et between Iflth and
2Cth , $8,600 oich.
For ale fine refPonco lots \ory cheap , In Hans-
com Place , piles J560 , ti > 8300 each.
For sale-Four cottages , one $1,050 , ono lor 82,050
ono for $2COO and one lor 2,700 ;
To loan82,000 on Hrst-clatsclty fccurlty.
For aab Two fine residence and lull lots , one on
Dn onport at 80,5,0 , and ono on Chicago 8t , at ? 0,000
For salt A fine residence and 12 full lots In splen
did locality , for 815,000 , * asy terms.
For sale lUtil nd ailoon In 1st c'aes locality ; re
ceipts 8100 per daj ; price 81,000 , easy terma.
For aale Eoautilullota In Patterson's Sub-r'hUlori
at 800 each , on monthly paymenta ol 810. Any per.
non busing a > loUn fhi < addition will ba assisted to
build a nlco home and I Mill take emtll moatnly pay.
merits lor same.
I'artlcs M ! 1 be thown propert ; In any part of lb <
cltv tree ol charge.
To rent nfllce , 810 per moath , Address or call upot
R. 0 , Patterson , 13th and Farnam Bt , 770 If
O rtciAL bargains by 1'aulpeu i. Co ,
5 tli-.loo loti on Michigan ve. , 1 equara from Far )
Cbolre Iota with natural timber In I'urr Oak $300
Corner ' 4th and Center 8ltOO.
2lot l block from red line , well located , fOOO each
130x150 feet , Park 1'laco , 81,200
Slots B rker'a tub-dlvision , ? 350 each.
fOxlO ( oil oa 0th near Elm , 900.
S3 feet Iront on Jonesedcet near 13th , 3,009 , goo
location for wholesale.
Choice lot on Center , near 18th ; good bouse on
bain 2,000.
4 choice Lts In Purr Oak add 800.
Cot COiUO on lOtli niar Mason , * 1,8(0.
< Qxl27 feet , 1 square Iroai rod line , Bhlnna nn
dd with B room cottage , well tl-tern etc. , S2,35 (
l.OOOcnh , 8iO par month can be exchanged It
wild land . ,
110x174. Burt strott , Patk place , good house.stab
t3 , ? , C > 00 , can bt exchanged fcr farm
Choice Iota on Cuinmlng struct , O'Ncll's Sub-dhl
gsy. inBiS feet front on 17tb and Uth with 1 D roorc , cli
Kant hou'o cu 17th , and good oottiga on 18th > tro (
itc$5000tb'Blioneottne ; ' best bargains over otlere
lor 09x132 feetta > tlcnt 18th near Center , good I
, rcom hoiibc.focd large itablo 12,203 , 'osy termi.
707-4 1-AUL3EN & CO. , U13 Tarnam St
f ALKOn south 221 fct , Doe 1 room and one
th FOR cottage , brn , will , cls'ern , ic , on tai
tl lot , cnt lor $25 perniMtb , c nly 83,200 ; wou'd
tlen teparatcli. 1'ottor.t lnMi. 1515 Carnim Bt > 6 0
enne SALS Lots In nillslde a'ld chcaptit and b
nemi FOB ' lo't In tic city , 97(0 to WO xclu9
agcuta. 1'uttcriCotjD. 631-tt
F ort SALK 7 room cottage , v.e'1. barn and cletcrn ,
on 18th st'cot 0 blocks from shops $2,51,0 , on easy
Potter & CoM . 1516 Farnam St 652 tf
ITVm SALR One ot Unctt icsldencea la city within
J ? 5 bljcksof Post oflico , 13 lots corner , cheap at
$16,000. I'otter & Cobb , 1616 F rnam St. 663 tf
F [ OR SALK-Tbree choicest lota Inllansccm place.
I ? 654-tl rotter & Cobb.
MARION FLAGS 8 peed Iota In this addition with
in 3 bUcks of street cars , can be had on easy
terms. WII Green , over let Nat'l Bank. llB-tf
. OFfER FOR SAI.B East halt of block 3 Smith's
add , 600 lent front , tno acre lots , nicest In
Omaha , full view of city i n J Bluffs , making 10 lots
105 feet o ch , v III sell half or all.
Lots 44 and GO , Nnlaon'sadd , S700 each or nil !
sell half of cither ; tots 60x145 Kountz's 2d add. near
Oth and Center , 8100 each.
lot B , block l.Kouutz's 4th add , being store on
10th st , full lot $2(0 , also lot 9 eatuo block $1,350.
Two lots la Sjuth Omaha , by Ooodiiun's , with
house , orchard , cistern , and nell , all $400.
16 ave aero lets In Vlnoland , 5 miles north city
limits o\eilooklng city and lllufls , 836 per
Lots 10 and 11 , block 19 , Il&necom place very
sightly , 81,203 for both.
Half acre ISO foot front block B , Park phce , with
bouse , barn , ell , > nd cistern.
Corner , 2 lots in Hawthoino on Cosa it , OCO f .r
both etc etc.
Call and see us , Dexter I/ . Thomas & Bro , Real
Estite ; Room 8 Creighton llock. D78-tf
TpOK 8ALK-Iy 0. F , Davis & Co. , 1505 Farnam St.
J * Omaha ,
House and let on south Eighteenth St , $1,000.
" " " ' ! Twentieth " 81,403.
2houfC9 " Dolge near ? eth St , ? 2,200.
3 old In Uanscom Piece , each , 8B25.
House and lut on Park n\enuc , $4,100.
" " DncnortSt,812C100 ,
" " > g 2.COO.
" " " south 13lh " 84 000.
15,001 oic3 of land in Boone county , $7 to 310.
20,000 " " " Stantin " 67 to S12.
Land In Madison , Waj ne , Hitto and llall counties
on easy term' ' .
Money loaned on long time , t > 00 tf
ITiOIl HALE Dy ilorao & , Bmnner A full lot on
I1 lOthfat near farnaiu Et. A gicat bargain at
§ 15,000.
I-OU SALE 03 feet on Jonca St. , a ccrncr. a
eplendld p'aco for a ware house or fine location
fur loliblnir house Hermrkot Iv cheap at W.fiOO.
toll hALE-rinobUblncBslotrOxHU on 13th St
n-ir 1'i rco St. , corner la only partly Improved
mid renting for 840 per month , & 5.000
FOK SALE I'.no propertj on Dod o and 12th
FOB SALE A cholca rnrncr ffi ffct front on
Harney 8t , a gold ImchtmcritatfcU.OOO.
toil SALK -n splendid corners on Karnam St near
the now comt house ,
FOrt SALh-Eomo line business lota ono a corner
on 1 Oth St , f rom $ I 000 to S3 f 00 u ne
roil SAlK Onu ol tlu finest res donees In the
clU , foil lot , an elegant lioacc , centrally tnd bcautl-
ful'y ' loss ted.
1O11SALK-132 feet square Ui a switch nlly , a
corner. Virv cheap. 83,600
FOK SALK A splendid cor f ron 10th St. south
ot ruralrj , ' * IS * " "tlrollt. ? 500.
FOR SALE 132 feet square south front , a corner
on 0 1 fornla tt. , 3 blocks from tied car line a flno
location , for a block of 9 well front biick houses ,
will rent rcudilv at $50 to 400 per month llcmarU-
a > ly cheap at 85,000. . , . ,
FOK 8 ALE A corner lot ti"d house on Dodge St.
neir veth bt , lot 49-76 such corners are bard to get
FOIl SALE House and lota ol oll/lescrlptlona In
all | arti ol the city at prices ind locations to suit all
I'OK SALK A splendid cottage , lot 30x127 , a
block and a halt f rotn Hod car line , $1,000 , will Bell
on monthly payment ! .
Foil HALK I cw two ttory hoiifo D rooms , lot t
fOU27 , one block aul a halt horn Saucdire st , easy
terrrs , $1,000
FOK SALB A number ot very choice lots In Han'
icom Place , Iltlmbnugh place , llcdick's subdivision
and nil ib'lnb'o'addltloin In the city at prlccu In
many Imtancis belo * any ono el > , Alto come fins
cut > lid eouth front lots on KCd Cur 111 e In I'atricU
addition on the mont fatorabletcrma , the cheapcs
of any lots In the city conalilci Ing itieot car COLif
enccs , Lo
l.'OH HUNT Honrca and ftorea In all parta ol the
oity. HOUSE A DHUNNini.
t05-J12 1'tatoii'i tl ck cor 16th A. Fnrnam.
Bargains In reeidaocu property olti red h |
BrrciAL , rpposlte Pcetofllce. 148 feet frmt 01
South JSth , bloin Irom ou line , nearly three loti
good cottage , fruit , ticcs , dim view only 82,600irrta
D&rgaln *
Corner property In Shlnn'talr1 , good G Ufge
Oorrerlot near High Pnvo3l , with t o ,
block from car Hue , $1000 , Good In cor 113 frcn
rental ,
Good elgtt room house , full lot on GocruK
near Hanscon 1'arkdeulrable for a Im'j o , 87,000
Cottage and full corn' r lut on south JOIlt two block
rom car line ; reasonable prlcu and term * .
Two lot' , cottairc , barn , 1411 and Illckory.barga'i
Two good resl < km.o properties In Mlllird jilico t
blocksfromfet Jlarv a\oairline. Jtntwtll ,
Flnoicsldtnio Inilillanl plate S'.OOO.
Nina roim hou o end lull lot < m c. r llto In blilnii
lo- aildltlon , ,600 , Olhtr good residence same add
lost EaVe'Moi In vactnt loti In (11 the leading addition
. RILVT & CO. Lets Linds Loans , 21D sou
Jr. tbetween Fainam and Uoujlai. Lan
$2(00-TKo of bt t rctlJcDCu lots In thu : rty.
8l , Oi-Ilcautllul corner ruildoaoe I it , a tiargsln
$1 OCO Corner lot on Grace , cleslribla Ice
tlon for roldcnco.
bos $300 Desirable roMdenca on ! 2d ( t , near St cai
" ' " " '
she ; , buslneaj location ca
31,800 Now house 4 rooms , cellar and cistern , full
ot , 2 llooliafroiubtroet car ; easy pi > meats ; a great
bargain. Si ; ! ;
Farnam street business property that will double
n value In toea a.
83.0CO to loan. J. E. Uilcy & Co.,215 South IStU
street. 32 tf
FOR SALK A dressmaking ostabllshmont , Incluri-
IcKfurjItmo etc. , ot fl\o room ? . Business ol
260 , steady customer. . ) . Address lire "E. M W."Bco
olllco. 780-Ip
FOR RFNT OR SALS First class restaurant good lo-
otlon , ovcrythlug complete. Inqulro Doxtcr L-
Thomaa & lire. , room 8 , Crolgiiton block. 821 Op
FOR SALK Drue Btoro In a desirable locality , wll
invoice about { 1.600 H C Patter eon , NE corner
13th and Farnam. 439 tl
T.10K SALE Or exchange at full stock of clothing
JT boots an4 shoes , pent' lurnlshlngtfoodB , will ex
change ( or Nebraska Lands. Q. H. Peterson,804 B.
10th St. , Omaha. Mch. 016-tl
FOR SALB GoodbusincsalnOmalm ; proflta 00 per
cent ; capital required , three or four thousand
dollars. Persons meaning business , addrcsa Lock
Box 801 , Eca Moincs Iowa. 2C2-J11
ITORBALB \ well ostabUthcatallora business be-
JL' tweon now and Juno 16th , low rent ; good loca
tion ; hold lease of atcre for twoycars ; only email cap.
Ital . Address " . . " .
rcqinrBd. "N. O. Bca olllco. 132-j-4p
? oa BALK A well established bakory. Address
"K. " thla offlco. 125 H
{ TOR BALK In Oakland NOD. flrat-clasameat market
JP also the furniture ot the St Paul hotel. For par-
tlculUB , Inquire or write Wiggern & Uehling , Oakland
Neb. 674-mia
? RXCIIANOI Kobtaski Unde and Iroproved Iowa
1 properly t t merchandise or business. Address-
W WWIIdo , 1208 Douglas tt. 0:9 J5
rrto FXCIIANOK 410 acroa well Improved land ] mlle
.Lfrom Essex , Iowa , for a stock of goooralmercban-
cllso or hardware. Addrcai John Lludcrholm , Easox
va r > 84 tt
_ _
IJnisoNAillra.Tl M. Hooter , trnnco cltli\o\ant7
X aiil healing medium , cvor 710 Norlh 10 h St.
TVi. A ciiKSiFiiriFLD ll gmTue imyilclaii , test and
JS dcvoloj.lng medium , o\er 010north 16th St ,
celVfiirmerly Crolfhton house , newly
furnished ; term ] molerate , lath and Capitol ave.
428-17p |
ORRIS' Parlor Hestaiira t.
N Board by tbo week , 83,25.
MealticVotx , S3.60
Sliu'le mo I , SB centr.
107 N. )6th street , near Dodge. 713-juno-2S (
IJIRESII lee cream plea and cakei"ovofy day. Oraora
1 ? promptly attended to. Carl Scbrnld , SOI south
16th St lia-jl.
KD on NTOLF N > rom near corner Baundeisanil
STBAI ard street , a sorrel hcrio six jears old abtut
Ul hands high ; single white B ! rip In fore h 1 , The
return ol the he rss or any Intoiinatlon will bu liter.
ally rewarded by W. F.Swtejoy. 851-3p
- " morningUiy SOtb , Utwcen the
Losr-Satnrda" .orral am Wakifltldi Lumber V rd
aleithcr po : i bode oontalnmi ; tun notoi and
small amount o ! money. A rena'd will bo raul lor
the return olsamu to Fred No'son , 613 N 16thi St.
( - htnd tatchtl containing a small
L08T-AUdit8 , and some trunk koyn valuable
alone t the owner. A liberal reward willbopaldon
return of tanw , or kejs enl > to lira , J. W. Paddock ,
1817 Cafltol avo. 710 28p
HAR S Partloa wishing to purclme brood
BROOD . for ranch purpvoj pkasa till at Homan's
Lit cry ( table , 413 BO ith ISthstreat , Orn h , E03-tf
wsiL\KttiAO , does not giro jou hearc-hurn ,
lagsieideemeda * one cent , each by the dealers ,
o Una. , Ai'cnti. B83-H
IJAUIUKK On Klkhuru ana 1 Ui tto. 1 , Murray.
, lta fruit fUvorod , Us redeemed
contiachby tha diulera , I'oycka Bros.
llgCIjtS. 03J tt
T BrRtJCTlOI ( on banjo given by Q K Ocllon. sI
beck , at 11W Capitol avo. 480 tf I
f \ ur.vKU TAU , It dtcsnot taint tha breath , taga
H VJrudcciinedct ouct t st ( .th by tha dealers. 1'eyck 1
Jl BrojAkCnt am II
vault * , and crajp icls cleaned at rhorteat no- "
PRIVY tiuiocit theilay , Innn intlrtly ordorlest ;
way v "li ouc Improved i unit and dcn g n appara
tus , 6)11 ) laces clmuol by illtcnfoctcd fine , ihariiei 9
ith loaeonalilu. A , Hvarn , 12t > g podgo iitru t up stalrn.
OR HKVTNloo 7 room cotUgo on Convent ttree ;
city water and clittrn , Jniulro t Ticket rffco ,
ca- i. 80tl
r. i , \inilti , flnlt inA c pnou cleaned at the
( ihci'cst in tlce and utH9'au ! jrUMiatwii by K.
Abll , V. H , Box SIS * W mS ?