Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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PAID TJP OAPITAIj . . . . 8230,000
8UKPLU8 NOV. 1,1881- 22,000
Prccideut. Vice President.
K. KHnyJenABa't. and Acting Cashier.
The Iron Baiilr ,
INTEREST allowed on time deposits upcr.
favorable terms and upon accounts of banks
and bankers.
Bonds and County and City securities botifht
and Bold ,
In its treatment of customers the most liberal -
oral policy Is pursued consistent with Bafotv
and Bound banking , and wo Invitocorrespond
ence or personal Inquiry In connection there
NlVf YOBK , Juno 1 , Moaoy Easy at 1
per cent. Prime mercantile paper , 4@C
per cent.
Foreign Exchange Sterling bills , 51.801 ,
demand , $4.88 ,
Governments Firm , 3' * nndIJ'a showing
the greatest strength.
Stocks were more nctlvo today , but the in *
creased business was at the expense of a fur
ther decline in quotations for the moat active
stocks , n portion of which , however , was re
covered shortly after 3 o'clock. First prices
thla morning were generally 3@g lower than
closing quotations of Friday , and considerable
weakness was developed in early dealings.
The Gould stocks were not active , nud losses
lu quotations wcro only small. Lackawnna ,
stock was on the active list and shows J ad-
advance. There waa considerable strength
developed in final dealing" in Northwestern ,
which arose in the lost hour from 02 to 02 } ,
nnd closed a Bhade lower with a loss of g ,
while St. Paul is down 1 per cent. Other not
losses are from i to i par cent , above the low
est figures reached in the afternoon.
coupons ,
B't . 1(31 (
i's Coupons . llL'j
U. 8.4'a . 122i
r&clfioC'acf ' 25 . 127
Caatnvl paoiti . . . . . . . 2'JJ
Chicago & Alton . 1 KG
do do pfd . ICO
Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy . 120J
Dataware , Iiackawana & Western . 101 jj
Denver & Rio Grande . C
Erlo . OJ
do pfd . 19
Illinois Central . 124
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western . SJ
Kansas & Texas . 17 ]
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern . D1A
Louisville & Nnahvillo . _ 31 ?
Michigan Central . . . . MS
Missouri Pacific . . . * 85
Northern Pacific . 10
do do pfd . 87i
Northwoatorn . ! )2 )
pfd . 120 :
Now York Central . 8 ? :
Oregon Trans-Continental . 131
Y Pwifiollail . D4
Pnllman Palnoo Car Company . 110
Kook Island . 1131
St. Louis & San Francisco . 18
do do pfd . 31
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . CG |
do do do pfd . 104. "
St. Paol&Omnha . , . 18
do do pfd . CO :
Texas Foclfia . 11 {
Union Pacific . 52 !
Wftbash , St. Louis & PodCo . 3
do do do pfd . CJ
Western Union Telegraph . 599
U. R. &N . .T. . . 74
CniOAQO , 111. , June ] . Flour Exceedingly
dull ; winter wheat. § 1,50@5.55 : Wisconuln.
$4.60@5.30 ; Michigan , S1.60@5.00 ; soft
spring wheat , $3CO@4.2.'i ; Minnesota bakers' ,
$3 50 ® 1.50 : patents § 4.7o@5.75.
Wheat Active , lower , unsettled and ner
vous nt times , particularly at the open ;
opened l@Hc under Friday , rallied Jc , fluctu
ated slightly aold elf Ic , nnd closed i c under
Friday ; 8 @ 8IJc for cash nnd June ; 8G@
8CJo for July ; 8S@88Jo for August ; No , 2 red ,
92 Jc.Corn
Corn Active , but unsettled ; opened i@ Jo
under Friday , later strengthened , advanced
Jc { , eased oil jc , and closed jc under Friday ;
M Jo for cash ; 44j@Hio } for June ; 41 0 for
July ; 44g@UJo for August.
Oats -Quiet ; about jo easier ; Juno and
July opened lo lower , advanced rapidly Ic
for June and go for July , later weakened , re-
ncted g 'gjc nud closed steady 4@flo better :
32ic for cosh ; 32i@32Jc for Juuo nnd July ;
27ic. for Auu > t.
Kyo-Quletnt C8@081c.
Barley Nominal.
Timothy Seed-Steady ; prime , Sl.GO.
Flnxseod-Firm ; No. 1 , § 1.37J.
Potk Arodorntively nctlva early ; tradinc
rather light toward close , ruled lO lSo higher
early , nnd closed lower ; $10.15@10.20 for
cash ; for June ; 810.22J@
10.25 for July ; $10.33@10. 7i for August.
Lord- Steady : only modcratlvoly active ;
ruled 2i@5o higher , and closed rather loner ;
$ G.37j@O.IO ; for cash and Juno ; SO 454 G. 47 j
for July ; ? O.C5@C 57J for August.
Balk Meata Shouldora. § 3. < jr @ 4.00 ; short
clear , $5U5@5.70 ; ihort riba , ? 5.t5@5.1U ,
Whiskey-Steady at SLID
Butter Easy nnd dull ; good to fine
creamery , 13@lCc ; cholco dairy , 12@14c.
ChocBo Voiy dull ; cheddara 7i@9ic ; skims
EKga-Easy nt Ilj@l2c.
Hides Qulot ; heavy , green aalted , 74c ;
light , 8@14c ; damaged , UC 3l2o ; bull hides , tic ;
dry Baited , H@12c.
Tallow Weaker ; No. 1 country , § 5.12 ®
KeoeipU , Olilp'ti.
Flonr , bbl . U.OOO 12,000 ,
Wheat , hnshela . 71,000 00,000
Oorn , bushela . 378.000 276,000
Oats , bnahol . 270,000 1S7.000
Kye , bnshoU . 8000 3,000
Uwley , bnehcl . 10,000 7,000
MlLWADKKlt , Wla. , June . 1. Wheat-
Weak ; No , 2 Milwaukee , Saic ; July , 8.r > lc.
Corn -Dull ; No 2 , 401o.
OaU-Stoady ; No , 2 , 32go.
Rye Lower ; No. 1 , CDs.
Barley Weaker ; No. 2 , BOo.
Provisions Firmer ; mpes pork , cash and
June , § 10.85 ; July , 810.45 ,
BT , LOUIS rnonucK.
HT. Lonw , Mo , , June 1. Wheat Active
and untattled ; cloied about lo under toi
fipures and a fractl n below Friday ; 09jt@
tl.09 for caah ; 09o for June ; Sl.OlJfor July
* l 02I@1.0. ' ] for Auguit.
Corn More done but lower ; 43 ® Uo fo
cash ; 42o for June ; 43o for July.
OaU Lower and slow ; 31i@31o for cash
SO Jo bid for June ; HOJo for July ,
Kye Firm but alow ; 76o asked ,
Whisky Steady nt 81.13.
Afternoon Board Wheat -Jc off.
' 'prn About etpady ,
iivHirooL ,
Iverpool , June 1 , Wheat -Quiet an
jf dy ; supply large ; red western winter , 7
7s 6d.
* Jrn Dullj new mixed , 4s 7d ,
YOB . June 1 , Whsat Weak ; re
r. C25roO bu ; eiports , 12,000 bu ; un
rVfd , 85@93e ; Np. 2 red , nominal. Ax
gi-ct closing at Sl.OOj.
, * orn Heavy ; rcoelptfl. 40 J.OOObu ; export *
115,000 bu ; ungraded , 4952cj No. 2 , 51c
levator , MJc afltnt ; Augmt , closing at 5Ji < 5.
Oats-Higher ; receipts , 33.000 bu ; exporw ,
22,000 bnj mixed westcin , 3840e ( white , 42
Egis ITuchargodi western , 13i@14c.
Pork Dull and heavier ; extra prime ,
Lard Lower and mnro ac.tivo for export ;
wostenusleam , spot , $ G.C71@0 75 } August ,
Butter Quiet and steady ; western , 8@17o.
TOLKDO , O , Juno 1. Whcfct Dull nnd
weak ) No. 2 , cash , 89Jc asked.
Corn Dull and lower ; No , 2 c&th and June ,
7c naked.
Oats Quiet ; Ko. 2 cish Mjc naked ,
CINCINNATI , O , Juno 1. Wheat Dull nnd
leavy ; Nn. 2 rod , $1.00.
Corn Weak and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 4G&
@ 46 c.
Oats -Drooping ; No 2 mixed , 31@3IJc.
llyo-Dull ; No. 2 , 73@"lc.
Barley Dull nnd heavy ; No. 2 spring , EOc.
Pork-Quiet ntSlO C2\10.7C. \
Lard-Dull nt S0.15WC20.
Whisky-Steady at 81.13.
KANSAS Onr , Mo. , Juno 1 Wheat Low-
r ; ci h , 70S SSTOJo ; July. 80s ; August , 8 le.
Corn Lower ; cash , 37jg37fc | ! ; July ,
lid , S'Jio naked ; Atigutt , 41o asked.
Oats Nominal ; 35s bid ; 35ic asked ,
onioAoo ,
CntOAOO , III. , June 1 , The Drovers' Jour-
nl reports ;
Cattle Kowipte , 0,000 ho d : atoady and
rm shipping steers , § 4,70@5.75 ; common to
oed butchers' . 6.MO4.8S.
Hogi KeceJpts , 20,000 head ; brisk and
rmer ; lOo bighoy ; Jrough nnd mixed , 33.G5
@ 3.8j ; packing nnd shipping , $3.80@4 OJ ;
light. S3.G5@4 00 ; skips. $3.00@3.CO.
Sheep Receipt * , l.GOO head ; ( toady : shorn ,
S2 20@3.80 ; wooled , S3.75@I.7G.
Drovers' Journal special Liverpool cable :
American cattle in heavy supply , but beat
trades steady at 14Jc droised.1'
KANSAS Omr , Mo , Juno l.-Oattln Re-
elpts , 000 head ; abinmonts 400 head ; alow
nd weak ; exportorc , $5.20@5.4U ; common to
loico Bhippintr , ? 1.GO@5.15 ; feeders , $1.20 ®
GO ; COWB , S2.80@4.00.
Hogs Uocelpls , 4,000 head ; shipmentp ,
,000 head ; opened stronger nnd 5c higher ;
osing weak ; asjorted § 3.70@3.75 ; heavy and
mixed 53.00@3.G7i.
Sheep Receipts , 128 bend ; ehlpraents , 118
ieu ] ; _ quiet ; common to good muttons , 52.00
> 3..j ,
Bi. Louia , Mo. , June 1 Cattle Receipts ,
,400 head ; shipments , 3,500 head ; very quiet
nd weak ; light to good shipping steers , 54.05
@B.40 ; exporters , S5.CO@5.70 ; good butchers'
toera , § l.00@483 ; mixed butchers' Bluff ,
3.50@4 25 ; stockers and feeders , $3.GO@4.75 ;
Texans , 54 C0@5.00.
Sheep -Receipts , 2CO head ; shipments ,
.000 head ; demand good and exceeds supply ;
lipped , 52. 50@4 00. AIA.RKBIS.
Monday Evening , Juno 1 , |
The following pncea are charged retailers
> y jobbers , wholoaaloand commission mor-
lanta with the exception of grain , which is
noted at the prices furnished by the elova-
era nnd other local buyers :
atook Market
Hogs Receipts were liberal at the "Union
lock yards ; the market advanced fully Cc nnd
uito a number left over unsold. Common
ough mixed packing , S3 25(23 ( 30 ; good to
loico mixed packing , § 3.35@3.40. Common
ough hogs and skips unsaleable. All
ales of stock in this market are made per
wt live weight unless otherwise stated.
end hogs soil at lie per pound for weights
' 200 pounds and upwards , nnd lo for under
00 pounds. Pregnant sows nro docked 40
lonnda and stags 80 pounds.
Shoop-53.00g3.75 for good sheep.
Cattle Butchers' stock , S3.25@4.JO ( ; dressed
> oef steers , strong at Saturday's quotations ,
10 so averaging 1,050 to 1,150 pounds , $4. GO
© 4.75 ; food , averaging 1,200 to 1,400 pounds ,
Wheat Cash No. 2 , G7o.
Barley 45@COc.
Rye Cash No. 3 , 54r.
Oorn No. S , SGo.
Oata No , 2 , 30o.
Steady : green butchers' Gc ; green cured ,
i@7Jc ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@llc ;
amacrod hidea two-thirds price.
Tnllow 4i@5o.
Grease Prime white , 34o ,
Sheep Pelta-25c@75.
Flonr and Mlllstoffo.
Winter Wheat Finnbest ; quality patent nt
Second nuality 82.7C@3.00 ,
Spring Wheat -Best quality patent/at S3.10.
Second quality-S2.40@3 00.
Bran 70o per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 Iba. , 95o@$1.00
Corn Meal 81 00@1.20 per cwt.
Screening No. 1 , GOo per owt ; No 2 , GOc ,
Hominy $1.50 per ovtt.
Short ) 76o per cwt.
Orahani S2.00 per cwt.
Hay-$18.00@19.00 per ton.
Gonortl Produoo
Egga Stronger , strictly frcah brine ; 10 ®
Butter Only the best grass butter taken
y the trade and nothing above 12Jc obtaln-
Poultry Old chickens are steady at ? 3.CO@
,00 per doz , according to quality. Spring
hlckena , mostly very small , selling fairly well
t 83.00(23 ( CO ; larger sizes in good demand
nd will brine batter prices.
Potatoea Ileceipts very light and demand
good at C0@75c , according to quality ; Cnhfor-
la uaw potatoes selling at 3@4o per Ib.
Onions Now southern sell at $6 25 per
larrel , and California choice at Bs per Ib.
Beans In moderate requeat ; navy , per
lushel , $1X1,60 ( ) ; medium , per bushel ,
" * V
Grocer * ' List
SCOABH Powdered , 7Jo : cut loaf , 7jfa ; gran
ulated , VJoj confectioners' A , 7o ; btandard
extra C , Die ; extra 0 , GJo ; medium yellow , 63 ;
dark yellow , 6Jo.
CorrEES Ordinary grades , lOot fair , 12 ;
good , 116412a ; prime , 12@lSo ; choice.
lG@17oj fancy green and yellow , 16@l6ic ; old
government Java , 20@2Co : Arbucklo'n roast.
od , 14Jo ; McLanghlin'B XXXX roasted , 14Jc ;
mltatioo Java. lCJ@181c.
Hops Si al , i inch and larger , 7io g Inch ,
8c : 4 Inch , 8 < c.
SALT Iray ) loads , per bbl , 126i Aahton ,
n sacks , H CO ; i Backs Aahton , 100 ; bbla dairy
2 60@2 75.
SriOEa Pepper , 18e ; iplce , 14o ; olovea , 20o
aaaia , 15c.
BTIIDP Standard Com. , 27o , bbls ; Standard
do 4 gallon koga , $1,30.
DBY KBOIT& No 1 , quarter apples , bbla
> jcN ] 0 sliced , boxes , O o : evaporated , boxea ,
ijc ; blackberries , boxea llic ; peaches , J.
aoxea , 9Jo } peactias , evaporated , none in the
market ; raspberries , FO ? .
OANDI Mixed , 10@11 ; rticV , 8@llc ; twist
etlck , Oo.
CltACKKBS Garnoau'a soda , butter and pic-
nic. 4 } ; creams , 7i ; ginger snapa , 7i ; City
soda , OJ.
FISH No. 1 mackerel | half bbla. , 7 CO ;
Family i bbls. , 3 50 ; No. 1 kita. 1 06 ; family
kita GOc ; No. 1 whitelith , hoibb . ,0 50 ; No ,
1 kits , 95c ; family hall bbla. , 300 ; family
kita and palls , GOo ; No. 1 trout , half bbk. , 6 25 ,
STABCII Pearl , 4o | Silver .Gloea , 8ci Corn
Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Oorn , 7ic.
UANNIO Goona. Uyatoia ; ( Btandard ) per
caao. 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per case. 3 50 ;
raapberrioi , 2 Ib , per caao , 2 CO ; California
peari per case , 5 60 ; aprlcota , per case , 5 00 ;
peaches per case , 5 60 ; white cherries per
caae , 6 76J plmne per case , 4 50 ; whortleber
ries per caae , It 00 ; ess plums , 2 Ib , per case ,
3 SO ; green gogea , 2 Ib , per case , 2 VOj pine
aplea , 2 Ib , per caae , 8 20@5 60.
OAVDLEa Boxes , 401b , 16a , 121(0 ( , 8s. 12io ,
boxwa401ba , 16 or , Ga , 12Jc ; half box , 201bi. ,
, ,
MATOHM Per caddie , S5o ) round , rlc
255jqaaro , cascn , 170 ; Oahkosh , cases grl.20
SODA In Ib papers 3 25 per ICAJO ) keg , pe
PiOJtLia Medium In barrels , 5 00 1 do In
half barrels , S 00 ; small , in barrels , C 00 ; do In
half barrels , 3 50 ; pherkim in barrel * , 7 00
do in half barrels , 4 00.
TEAS Gunpowder , geed 46@55ct eholoo ,
CO@7Goj good Imperial , 40@48c | choice G0 < ? ,
G5c ; Young Hyson , good , ( ( ? .SOo ; choico. f *
( ill 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 76c ; .Iftpan choice ,
G075fl ! Oolonf good , 85@40c : Oolonpr choice
40@65oj Bonohong , good , 8040c ; oholco , 81
RIOB Ixinisians. prime to choice , Gi@7io.
WooDXNWAnH Two hoop pnlls , 1 85 ; three
hoop pail , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; pioneer
washboards , 1 76 ; Double Crown , S SOj woll.
buckets , 3 75. . .
Roirs Kirk's Bavon Imperial ; B 16) ) Klrk'a
atinot , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 55 ; Kirk's
White Russian , 4 85.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans In case
3 -Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 90) ) An
tnor'ball , 3 dor , in eiun , 1 50.
VINMAB Now York apple , tGc | Ohio ap
ple , ISc.
Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the
West. GOc ; Fount tin , 74c : Golden THread
i"c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , 50c ; Rocky Moun-
ain , 50at Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , -tOc.
Plug tobacco Climax. 44o per Ib , ; Horse-
hoe , 4Gc : Star , 4Go ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our
Rope , 60c ; Piper Uoidalck , COc ; Punch , 40o.
Smoking tobacco-O , . , 22ct Meerschaum ,
80c ; Long Tom 80o. BUckwell'a Durham , 16
or. , Clc ; 8 oz , , 65c ; 4 oz. , B7c : 3 oz. , GOo.
Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz. , 42c ; 8 oz. , 45c ;
4 oz. , 48o : 3 oz. , 50o , Navy Clippinci , 2Gc ,
Ktlllkinlck cz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28c.
DIIUUB AND OHKMIOALS Aold , earbollo , 4 to
acid , tartaric , 65o ) balsam copaiba , par Ib.
> 5c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12o ; cMomoi , per
b , 90o ; cinchonidla , per oz. , 00 50 ; chloro-
orm , per Ib , 51 00 ; Dovors powders , per Ib ,
81 25 ; epsom aaltsf per Ib , 3c ; glycerine ,
pure , per Ib , 25c ; load acetate , per Ib , 20c ; ol ,
caator , No , 1 per gnl. , 81 GO ; oil castor , No.
per gal. , 51 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81 40 ; oi
origanum , 50c ; opium , 84 50 ; quinine , P. k
iV. , nnd R. & S. , per oz. , 8100 ; poUsaium ;
bdido , per Ib. . $3 50 ; snlicin , per oz. , 40c ;
ul hate morphine , per oz. , $3 50 ; sulphur ,
pd b. 4o ; stryclmlno , per oz , , 81 SO ,
Pftlnta Olla and Vnrnlahoi.
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lie ) 150
headlight , per gallon , ISc ; 175 ° headlight
per gallon , 16c ; 150 ° wotorwhito , 15c ; lln-
eed raw , per gallon , 2o ; linseod.boiled , per
gallon , 55c ; Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c ;
fo. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor X2LX , per gal *
on , 1 50c ; No. S , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00 ;
perm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. ,
> or gallon , G5 : neatafoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
lo. 1 , 76o : lubrisating , zero , per galloD.SOo ;
ummor , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per galen -
on , 35c ; No. 3 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon
Oo ; turpentine per gallon. 4Gs ; uaptba , 74 c ,
per gallon , IGo. , '
Spirits ,
COLOQNB Srinita 188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101
roof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof ,
9 : do , 188 proof. 1 18.
ALCOHOL 188 poooi alcohol 2 SO per wine
WuisKiKa-Redlstillod whiskies , 1 00(31 ( 50 ;
fine blended , 1 50@3 00 ; Kentucky hour-
ons 2 00@6 00 ; Kentucky nnd Pennaylva-
la ryes , 2 00(2 ( G 10.
BiiANDiEa Imported , 6 00@1G 00 ; domes-
ic , 1 50(0.3 ( 00.
GINS Imported , 4 C06 00 ; domestic , 1 50
© 300.
RDMS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; Now England ,
00@4 00 : domestic , 1 50@3 00.
CHAMPAONIS Imported , per case , 28 00@
1 00 ; American , per case. 10 CO@1G 00.
Dry Pnlnta
White load 8Sc ; French BO , So ) Farij
whiting , 2&c ; whiting gilders , l o | whiting
; om'l , IJc ; lampblack , Germantown , 1455
ampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , a
intramarino , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8cmnbo ;
nrnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burn 4ctr
oncn , raw , 4c : Paris green , genuine , 25o
'aria preen , common , 20c ; chrome green , N. Y
Cc ; chrome Rreen , K , , 12o ; vermilllon , Eng
So ; vormilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , rod
Oc ; rose pink , 14o ; Venetian , rod , Oookson'e
Jo ; Venetian , red. American , IJc ; red lead
Jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yol *
ow , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle. So ; ochre , Frenh
ic ; ochre , American , 2c : Winters mineral ,
Ic ; lohigh brown , 2c ; Spanish brown. 2Jo ;
. rince's mineral. So ,
VABNISKES Barrels , per gallant Furniture ,
xtrn , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex
ra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra ,
1 75 ; Japan , 70o ; aaphaltum , extra , 85c ,
hellac , 83 60 : hard oil finish 81 50.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P.
> 4'o.whlto ' ; lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 50 ; Marseil
ea green , 1 to 5 tb cans , 20c ; French zlno ;
joen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ,
touch tine. In Tarnish asst , 20c ; French zinc ,
n oil nsst , 15a ; raw and burnt amber , 1 'b
iaru , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke
, rown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c : coach
> Iock and ivory black , IGo ; drop black , 16c ;
Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ;
hromo green , L. M & D. . IGc ; blind and
butter preen , L. M , & D. , IGc ; Paris green ,
8c ; Indian red , 16o ; Venetian red , 9o ; Tus
can red , 32c ; American vermlllion , I. & P.-
; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & P. 0. , 18c ;
ellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 16c ; patent
ryer , 80 ; graining. colors , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut nnd ash , ICa
Dry Goods *
BBOWN SnEEnnas Atlantic A , 71a | Allan-
lo P , Co ; Atlantic LL , CJc ; Brunswick , 74oj
leaver Dam LL,5 c : Lawrence LL , Cic ; Pa-
Ifio H , 7 c ; Royal Standard , 6Jo ) Indian
load X 7c ; Wauchuaett A , GJo ,
porell R , Ole ; Salisbury R , Go.
BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon. 4-4 , 6ic ; Bal
on , 7-8 , 5Jo ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 7io : Davoll DD ,
ic ; Falrrnount , 4c ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
Ic ; Glory of tha West , 8 o ; Golden Gate.8jc ;
Hill 7-8 , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Lonsdale , 7c ; Now
York Mills , lOJc ; Wamautta , lOlc.
DDOKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz , , lljoj Boa
on , 10 oz , 10ioBoaton ; , 9 oz , , 12io ; Fall River
o.DCOES ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; Woat
Point 10 oz. , 121c ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , lie.
TIOKINQS Amoskeaft , 13o Continental
fancy , 0c ; Oordta 13c | Pearl River , 21c ;
York , 13c ) Hamloton Awninge , 12Jc ,
DENIMS Amoskevg , 13o : lieaver Oreok AA
lc ; Beaver Creek BB , 10c ; Beaver Crook
CO , 9c ; Haymakore , 8c ( Jaffrey D & T , 12c ;
Jallroy XXX , 12lc ; Pearl River , 13o ; Warren -
ren AXA ( brown ) . Ho ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
lie : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo.
OAMBBIOSFifth avenue glove Enlsb , 4&o ;
iCeystono glove finish , 5o.
ICoBsiT JEANS Amory , 7iq Hancock , 8c ;
tCearsarge , 74c ; Rockport , GJo.
PBINTS Aliens , SJc ; American , 5oj } Arn
old's Gc ; Oocboco , Go ; Harmony , 4&c ; Indigo.
re ; Indigo 7-8 , Hie ; Indigo 4-4 , llio ; Steel
[ liver , 5Jc ; Charter Oak , 4)0. ) |
PRINTS SiiiBTiNas American , 4Jo ; Oocheco ,
IJo Gloucester. 4jc ; Bouthbr'dgo , 41c ) Wnvor
eya 4c ; Rcsedale , 4Jo ,
Hear Hnrdtvnru List.
Iron , rates , 2 10 ; plow stool , special coat , 4c ;
crucible , 5e ; cut tools do , Ioo20c ; wagon
apokei , per set , 2 25o3 00 ; buba per act ,
1 25 ; telloet aawed dry , 1 40 ; tonguoa ,
iach , 70o ; nxles , cash , 75c ; square nuta per
Ib , 7allc ; waahora , per Ib , 8al8o ; rivets , per
Ib , Her coil chain , per Ib , Gal2o ) malleable ,
3c ; Iron wedges , Gc : crowbars , 6ai harrow
teeth , 4o : spring stool , 7a8o ; Burden's horae
shoes , 4 30 ; Burden's muleshoes , 5 30 ,
BARDKO WIDE In car lots , 4 00 p r 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to GO ; iron , 2 25 ; uteol ,
HllOI Sliot , 1 60 ; buckshot , 1 85 ; oriental
powder , kegs , 3 0a4 00 ; do , half kegs , 2 00 ; do
quarter kegB , 1 50 blasting , kega , S 35 ; fuze
per 100 feet , 50o.
LEAD Bar , 1G5.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor
ria run Bloasburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreaat lump
6 00 ; Whitobroast nut , G 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00
Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra
det , 11 ICall 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 per on.
Dry Lumber ,
Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha ,
No. 1 , 6 inch. 12 and 14 feet , rough.$17 CO
No. 1 , Cinch , 10 ( cot , roufih 1750
No. 2 , 0 Inch , 12 And 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 30
No. 2. G Inch , 1C foot , rough IB f > 0
No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 nnd 14 foot , rough. . . . 17 f > 0
No. 1,4 Inch , 10 fee' , rough 17 60
No. 2 , 4 inch , 12 And 14 foot , rough. . . . 14 C > 0
No , 2 , 4 inch , 16 feet , rough 15 50
lit Com. , 12,14 and 10 foot ? 22 00
2d Com. . 14 and 10 feet SO 00
8d Com. , llnndlG feet in 00
Fence , 14 And 10 foot 1100
1st Coin. 8 inch , Norway 16 60
2d Com , f Inch , Norway 14 50
l t Com , Cinchwhite pine ? 38 00
2d Com. I ! Inch , whlta pine . , 85 00
3d Com. C'inch , white pmo 28 00
Sol. Fcnco G Inch , whtto pmo 20 00
let and 2d Clear yellow pmo , 4-0 inch. 21 60
Bllir LAP.
No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 inch $18 00
No. 2 , Plain lOinch 1010
Nc.l , 0. G. . . . , ID 00
1st , 2d and 3d Clear , 1J Inch , B , [ 2 $50 00
let , 2dnnd3d01oftr.liand2inch , 8. 2s 60 00
B Select , 1J , 14 nnd 2 inch , a. 2s 36 00
1st , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , B. 2 45 00
A Holcct , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000
B Select , 1 Inch , B. 2 30 00
A12 Inch , B. IB. 12,14 and 1C foot 45 00
1112 Inch , B. 1 B. 12,14 and lOfoot 41 00
0 12 inch , s. IB. 12 , 14 and 16 foot SO 00
D 12 inch , B. 1 B. 12,14 and 1G feet 23 00
No. 1 Com. 12 in. , 8.1 B. 12,14 and 16 ft 18 00
No. 1 Com. 12in. , B. 1 8. 10,18 nnd 20 ft21 00
No. 2 Com. 12 in.s. 1 B. 12,14 and 10 ft.14 76
O.O. Bute , 8 inch $ ,85
O. G.Iiaf , 2ilnch 75
1 inch Bate , B , 1 a 40
3 Inch well tubing , D. & M 23 00
3 inch well tubing , Bov 23 00
Pickets : D , k II. Flat , $21 00 ; D & U.
Square 23 00
10 inch , Clear $3 25
* A" Standard 2 60
> inch , Oloar 1 40
No. 1. 1 20
Lath 2 EO
Vhito Cedar , 0 inch , hnlvoa 11 a
Vhlto Cedar , 5J inch , halves 9o
Vhlto Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 9j3
White Cedar , 4 inch , round 12 c
Julncy white Hmo ( best ) 90c
Cement SL75
Master ( Michigan ) 2.40
'nrred felt , per cwt 1.70
traw board , per cwt 1,60
FLOUB Colorado , 100 Ibs , 215 ® 2 20 ; pat-
nt , 100 Ibs. , 2 7C@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 75
© 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibe , 1 63 } rye , 1 00 Ibs.
GBAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat 100 Ibs , 8135
orn , 100 Ibs , 11561 2)oats ; , Nebraska
mlxod.lOO Ibs 1 G0@l Go ; Nebraska oata white ,
G5@l 70i bran , ton , 17 00 ; chop , corn , 100
bs , 1 20@125j76 ; chop mixed , 100 Ibs , 1 60
@ 1 CO ; cmn meal. 10U lb . 140(3150. (
HAY Loose , .per ton , 10 0012 CO ; baled ,
ocond bottom , 10 50(1)11 ( ) 00 ; baled , uplann ,
2 0014 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 C0@15 OOj
traw , ton , 6 007 00.
BDTTKB Creamery , fme t , ib , 27@28 : ;
roatnory , rgood , Ib , 21325 ; ; Illinois and
onn , dairy , Ib , 18@29 ; Kansas and No-
irasia dairy , Ib , 15@ljc ; common , lbC@8c ;
luttcrino creamery , Ib , 20@22c ; butterliu
airy , Ib , 16@lSc.
OiiKEflK Full cream , Ib , 13@lCo ; half
roam , Ib , 10@llc ; akira , Ib , So | SwIsn , Im *
lortod , S2o ; Swiss , domestic , Ib , 2022 ; Llm-
rarger , 20o.
Baas State , fresh candled , * doz , 1416o ;
resh ranch , doz , 16@lGc.
POULTBT Live old chickens , doz , 560@0 00 ;
rosacd chickens , Ib , 15@16o ; dressed turkeys ,
b. , 20@ 22c.
POTATOEa 100 Ih * 1 6J@195 ; Salt Lake ,
00 Iba , 2 00 ; new Calitornlo , 100 Iba , 2 ? 5 ®
VEGETABLES- Onions , 100 Ibs , 400@125 ;
turnips. 100 Iba , 1 75 ; cabbage , new Callfor-
ia , 100 Ibr , 3 C0@3 25 ; lettuce , doz , 60c ;
j10c. . ralifloKcr , Ib , 18c ; cucumbers , doz ,
50@1 75.
GBEEN FBUITB Apples , bhl , 850 ; Messina
emons , extra , ' box , 0 00@G 00 ; cranberries ,
) hl. 12 00 ; Messina Granges , box , 5 76@COO ;
/ulifornia osangea , box , 2 25@2 75 ; bananas ,
unch , 2 00@1 00 ; pine apples , doz , 4 00@
50 ; Strawbarrles , California , 15c qt , 3 00 a
25 box ; strawbenies , eastern , crate , 3 fiu@
; 50 ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25@
00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots , box , 3 25.
CUBED MEATS Hama , sngar oared'lo , 10i
OJcj Dacon , breakfast , Ib , 10J@llJo } salt
Idea. Ib , 7l@7o ; lard in pails , 9Z@9cj lard
n tlorcea , So. >
TTtuau. MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , par
00 Its , 7 Oo37 25 ; hogs , dressed , 100 Ibs ,
25@G 75 ; mutton , 100 Iba , 0 10@G CO.
LIVK STOCK Beef grata cattle , 100 Ibr , 4 00
@ 4 60 ; hogs , 100 Ibs , 4 50g4 75 ; sheep , 100
bs , sheared , 2 75@3 50.
Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , lli@12cj
ft > . 2. Ib , a@10o ; green steers and cows ,
b , 4@5c ; green calf , Ib , 0@8c ; preenkip ; ,
a , 5' J6c ; brando3 calf , Ib. Gc ; shearlings , Ib ,
O lOo sheep skins , dry , Ib , OgGsj deer skina
b. 1291Gs : antnlopo skino , lo. 1215j elk
kins , Ib , E@10c ; tallow Ib , 4@4io
Woot Colorado choice , per tb. 14 < ftl6cl
icavy , 12@13c } ; Now Mexican , aver/we , 7
@ 10o.
FISH Mackornl. No. 1. 140 .kit , HE ®
35 ; m < w . 160@2 00 ; California salmon ,
halt bbl , 0 50r Holland hnrtinp , koff , 1 25 ;
reeh lake trout , bbl , 15@lCc ,
( SccoEsson TO )
3ear Cfeek Lime , Louisville Cement
Poitland Cement , Iowa and Michigan PJa ;
tor , Hair , Etc. Etc.
Cor. fitJt & Douglas St
Direct Line for England , F/ance
nnd Germany.
The iioanuhlps of thla well known line ore built
cf Iron , In water-tight compartment * , and are far-
nlibed with every requisite to make the passnge
both safe and agreeable. They carry the United
ttitea and ICuropean malla , and Icava Now York
Tbaadaya and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON
berbouif.a'AIUa and irAMDURQ.
lutes , Vint Cabin , ? dO-loo. Steerage , to or
from IlambutK , (10. 0. 1) . KICIIAItU & CO.Qen
eral Pass Agents , 61 BroaJway , New York and
Washington n,1 I a Belle ttruetu , Chicago , or ITenrv
Pundt , Mark Hansen , F , K. Uoorea , Harry Deuel In
Oinahaaronenlg&8chPen ; ( 'en , lu Council bluffs
Paid up Capitol , $100,000
Surplus Fund 100,000
N. W , Cor. Farnum and 13th.
FHANK Munruv , President.
SAUL E. ItoaEiis , Vice President
BKN D. WOOD , Cashier.
LCTHKI ; DIIAKE , Asa't Cashier
Acceuntl aollcltid and prompt attention given t
all business latruitcd to our care ,
Pays 6 Per Cent on Time Deposit
Council Bluffs
and Chicago.
The on y to tafco for DCS Molne . Mirthall.
own , CciUr lUpMi , Clinton , Dlilo , Chicago , Milwaukee
waukoe and all points cast. To the people ol No <
irasktt , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada
Oregon , Washington and California It offers suptrlot
advantages not possible by any other line.
Among A few of the numerous points of anpetlor
ty CD jo ) cil by the patrons of this road between
> raaha and Chicago , MO Its two trains a day of DAT
20ACIIKS which are the finest th t human art and
ngcnulty con create ; Its PALACK SLl'.F.rlNO OAKS
which are models ot comfort and elegance ; Its PAH
LOU DRAWING KOOM OAUS , unsurpassed by any
and Its widely celebrated PALATIAL UININO OAIW
ho equal of which cannot be fourd ohewhero.
At Council Blufli ) the trains of the Union 1'aclOe
ly. connect In Union Depot Hh those of the Chios
CO & Nortliwceteru Ily In Chicago tha trains of thlf
Inom&ko close connection with those of all orntcrn
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati.
H&gara Falls , Buffalo , Plltsburg , Toronto , Montreal
lloeton , New York , PhlladelphU , Baltimore , Wash.
ngton and all points In tha East , ask the ticket
agent for tickets \Ia the
f von wlan the b 9t ncoommodatlont. All ticket
gents sell tickets via this lino.
M. nuoiiiTT. a s HAIR ,
General Manager , Oen. P/es. Agent.
Ocn 141 ! FarnamSt. , Omaha , Neb.
Chicago , Minnonnollfl. Milwaukee ,
t. Paul , Cedar Rapids , Davenport ,
Hlnton , Dubuque , Rockford ,
lock Island , Freeport .Tnnpsvillo ,
tiffin , Madison , La Crosse ,
Joloit. Winona ,
And ail other Important points East , North
east and Southeast.
Ticket office at 1401 Farnim street ( In I'axton Ho
cl ) , and at Union I'aclllo Depot ,
rultaan Sleepers anil tbo Finest Dining Cars In
bo World BIO run on thomaln lines ot the CHICAGO
IIIAVAUKBS & ST. PAUL R'T and every attention bpatd
o passonzcra by courteous employer ot the company.
. S. HRUUILI , , A. V. II. CAllPfiNTEU ,
General Manager , Gca'I I'lxsscncer Aeent.
Aea't Gen'l Manager. Ass't Gcn'I Pass Afcnt
J. T. CLA11K , Gcn'I Biirerlntendent
Eailway Time Table.
InEDteot April 5th. 1885.
The atlentloa ot tha travelling pnbllo It called ta
> o ( act that this la the only complete ncl aboolntely
orroct time-table pnbllshoa In the olty ,
All trains irrho at and depart Iram Omaha by
Central Standard Time.
Tralna ot the a Ot. P. V. h 0. arrive * l and ds
srt trem their depot , corner ot Uth and Wobstei
iroots ; trains 01 the O. & U. , 0. D. & ( ] . , and E , 0
t. J. & C. IS. ( romthe H. ft U , depot ; all others Iroa
10 TJnlonPaolflc depot.
a , Dally ; b , except Saturday ; o , except Saodayi d ,
xcepl itooday.
Dummv Trains Iave Omaha at 0 W,7 CO
CO , 10 03,11 1C a ml60 , 2 00 , 8 00. 4 00 , 4 CG , C CO
110pm. On Sundays the 7 60 and 10 00 a m and
00 and 4 00 p m trains do not rnn. Arrive at trans-
er depot IS mlnutet later : Broadway depot SO min
utes liter ,
LOITO Conncll Blaffs ( Erctdnay depot ) at 715 ,
BO , 10 80,11 10 a m ; 1 BO , 2 M , 3 80. 23 , 52f
nd 111C p m. On Hundaya the 9 80 and 11 40 am
and 3 80 and 6 25 p m trains will not run. Arrive at
Transfer 7 minutes later , Omaha iO minutes Ittcr.
Tran forTralno Leave Omahaat B 15 , Sit
a m , 12 SC , 4 20,0 16 and 7 COP m , dally.
Ar/lvo at B 46 and 111C a in , 1 20 , 3 CO , 7 SC and
81C p. in. _
To and Irom Chicago via the Tripartite Alliance Lines.
I Mil I 111. I N-W I M-W | lt-I | til
'ebruiry. . 1C 1-22 BI 81 7-28 li
llarch . . . . 8-29 1C 1-22 I 14 21 7-J8
April 19 C-29 IS I 4-25 11 18
Way 10-31 17 8-21 I IB S-23 9-80
ijnnday cvcnlngitnd Monday morning trains arrlv
n oorretpondlnz order. 0. li. it Q. trains run ova
Leave Union Pacific depot at 8 40 a m and 0 13
Arrive from Stock Yards at 7 25 a m and fl 25 r m.
Seventeen years Experience.
. . .
Ueader ot Ulscaac of Men anl Women. Klcctrlc
Magnetic and Hcrbillst Phyalrlan Now located al
1210 DoutiUs Bt Omaha , Neb , up-ttalra.
Acarreut dlaunoeU given without any explanation
( rom the patlea ) . Connultal lou tree nt olhce.
/ Treat the Following Diseases.
Catarrh ft the Head. Diseases ol the Ejo and
Ear. Heart DUeare , Liter Complaint , Kidney Com-
S'aint.NcitouaDotllltv , Mental Depression , LOSIC
aubood , Ulabetca , Ilrlght's Wsta c , Bt Vituo
Dance , Hbeuaiat'ain , 1'uriljlllhlto Dwtlllrgu
Scrofula , Fever fiori-i. Cancers and Tumors remote
ol without the knife , or the drawing of a drop c
blood. Woman , with her delicate o'ganp , Kcetored to
Health , Dropsy Cured Without T pi > li > fc' , Spcclt
Attention ( liven to Private and Venereal Disease * o
all Kinds , Tape Worms Demoted In two or thr (
hours or No Pay , Ilcmmorrboldu or I'llei Cute J o
No Chimes Made. .
These who uro afflicted will sate live and hun
creda ul dollars by callloir on or unloi ;
DO. 0. W , F'ANOLE'S
Herbal MedlctnM.
S ( xuie
Xerrout W I Ixi.t . ' \V - kntM
inbllltjr * " * Ucnbood uud llec T
Ahforltt prttcrlrtlon of a noted ipsdillii ( oowrfr-
Kr d. } Druzeiitt ua fill It. Addtt.i
DR. WARD -fc CO.r LOrJ181ANA.Ua
P sscngerKlovAtor ; to all floors. 1200 , 1208 and 1210 1'atnam Street
The Advantage of Settling in the NewTown
The title "South Omaha1 docsnot moan thonouthcrn part of the city of Omahn.hut is the
name of tlio thriving town commoncinr at the Union Stock yards on the aouth , nnd Mtond
ng for n mile and a half north , nearly connecting with thoclty limits of Omaha.
The company Imvo ngain concluded to putonsnlo 1,000 lota , and let the purchasers of
, ho same realize the profit which the enhanced valtio of thcao lots is sure to tnako. It now
being an assured fact that South Omaha is destined In the near future to bo the largest live
stock market west of Chicago , there can bo no doubt that this property In n few years will bo
worth fire or oven ton times the amount thatil can ba bought for to-day.
Some may oak : If this Is so , why do uot the company keep it and rcalizo this nrofit
The i that In order to make lota valuable there
answer , , must bo improvement * on or sur
rounding them , and M is the case in all now towns , special Inducements must bo ottered
iret to pot the paoplo to lake hold and build ,
There are probably morn such inducements offered by South Omaha than were over ini
brth by any new town. The largo business done by the stock yards company and the im.
nenso slaughter and packing houses together with their auxiliaries nro no small feature mm
aggregate of oronla that are destined to make South Omaha n largo place. Again , the town
a not an addition to Omaha , and is not liable for city ttxos , although it onlays all the benefits
rom the growth of Omaha that it would if It were just ixsins the city limits , but being just
OUTSIDE , only county taxoa arc collected , which are merely nominal. The town owns nud
operates its own water works , which furnish an abmulint supply of pure spring water. Dutn-
ny trains will rnn on the B , A M , nad.U. P , railways every hour , stopping nt the north end
if tlmtown alto as well as at the stock yards , The Thlrtoonth street horse cara will mm >
lascall'a park thla spring , nnd to the stock yards at no distant day. The high altitude
and the location a healthy one.
Of course there are those who do not believe that South Omaha will amount to much
This kind of people didn't believe Chicago would over bo anything better than n cranberry
patch that Onrnhn would over outprow her village clothes , that there never could bo any fruit
aised in Nebraska , cto. . etc. Who made it win ? The sceptics , or these that had nn abiding
aith in the energy , intelligence nnd resouracs of this great country ?
For information , maps , prices and terms apply at the company's office , 2tC S. Thirteenth
Itrcet , Merchant's National Bank Building , first lloor.
M. A. . X7JPTMNA88t. Scc'y and Manager.
( Will pay customers Draft with Bill of Lading attached , for two-thirds value of stock , )
M _ l
lerchanta & Farmer's Bank , David City.Neb. IN6D.
Learney National Bank , Kearney , Neb.
'olumbus S'ato Bank , Columbus , Neb ,
IcDonald'a Bank , North 1'latto , Neb.
'maha ' National Bank , Omaha , Neb.
fa ENKY T. CLARKE , Prat , and Trtas. CLARKBViee Prcsiiltn
JOIIN T. CLARKE , Secretary.
" AROE3T Jobbing Drug houjo between Chloaco and San Francisco. CAPITAL STOCK , $200,000. We
_ V shall bo at the bottom ot the nmkot ot all timoa. Will doplicatoChlcigoand St. Louts prlcog with
rolcht added. Our specialty will ba
JPwe Drugs , S'aints , Oils and Window ( Zlasi ?
Es'lmatosBhcn on pl te glass. To thow about to ombitk In the drug buslnosj will do well ton it i
our Interest by calling on us or send ( or our prloo list which lll appear bout January 6th , Mill or Jo
ollcltod. 114 IIARNEV STHKET.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
It la'lho best and cheapest food for otock of any kind. One pound Is cqnsl to
hroo potuda of o orn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Qako in the Fall and Winter
nstoad of nnla down , will increase In weight and bo In good marketable condi-
lon In the Dairymen , as well no others , who use it , can testify to Its mer-
ta. Try It and d 'o f or yourselves. Prlco $24.00 per ton. No charge for eaoka.
" *
Double and Single Acting PoYvor and Hand
"Engine Trimmings , Mining STaohluory , Bolting , Hose , Broxa and Iron FIHIncs
at wholesale or retail. HALLADAY VYIND-MILLS ,
Comer 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha
.C. 'F.
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13Tn ,
A. rULLOOK , Ung. .t Supt. o. r , N , HADLKH , Aaet. Eng. H , w , DIAMOND , Aast. Secy
Mau'/g'a / and Dulltleis of
Wronght Iron , steel , Howe
Truoi and Comblaatlon
For Itallroads and I Ugh way a
Turn Table * , Draw Bpaoa , Iloo
Tiuuet , Plera and Bub.
A. Mol.outli , Agent
II. A. Wise , "
1'leoie tend u > notice ol all bridge work to let. Coireapondecce solicited ( torn englccere nod trlJj