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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1885)
r THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , JUNE 2 , 1885. DYSPEPSIA 1 * n rt i s we'll la ( li'liroring cnrnpIUnt. It . It tpnAit , IT Impairing nntritltm , nil de lm tone of the fjstem , to prepare tb w T s BESTTQNiC. 3 Qolcllr and eompletrljr flnrra Dynnr-pjila'ln all tfafnrait , llrnrlliiirti , IlrlrhliiK. Tnntlnq Ino IKooil. do. It enrlcbefl and parities the blood , ntlmn. latAfl the appetlto , and aids the Bmlmllatlon of food. HUT. J. T. Ilossmn. the honored pastor ot the Finn Informed Church. Baltimore , Md. , IMS * > 'HaTlnuuneU Drown' * Iron lllttera for Djupcpn * and IrullgeRtlon. I take Kteat pleasant In rrcom- ciendlnc it hUchlr. Aim contidor ItA aplendld tonlo and IntUorator.und Terr rtrenirthonlnif. " Genuine bun alxrrn trade mark and rrmiMXI nxillnos nnwrnnrmr , Tnkr no other. Madnnnlrlij' 1IUOXVN III-.l ! IOAI.CO. , IIAI.TIMUHK. Ml > . IjADirs' HAND HOOK niefnl and at tract Ire , ron- talnlnit Ilit of prize * for reel pen. Information about cairn , f to. , ( then away br all dMlern In medicine , or nulled to anr addmni on receipt of 2o. Mump. CIliro7iIc .ft Ncrvou * Diseases sTSQiilclc. Sliro Cures. tST .1 coso . tS7"8ona t o KlamiH for Olobrnted 3Iedical Works. Adro ! < . * ' . 1) . DL/VIlKi ; , W. D. , ISO Mouth C'lnrk Kfeet. CITICAUO , ILL. " ' "la'OONDUOTED HI Soyal Havana Lottery I ( A aOVEBNUENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Bvorv 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac tions pro rat a. Babject la no manipulation , not ooatrolled by the tleiln Intirost. It la tba falieoi thing In Iho naturi of chaoao In erletonoo. Bor tlokota apply o SaiPSETA CO. , 1212 Broad wayH. T. City ; SOUNDER & CO. , 103South 4th81 BL Louis , Uo , or If. OITEN8 ft CO , 010 Main 81. KuuaCItv. Mo. , . A PERFECT SHOE ; TOR LADIIO , MISSES & CHILDREN. OUR PRODUCTIONS REPRESENT THE PERFECTION OF SHOE-MAKING. ( IN THEM EVERY OBJECTION FOUND IN READY-MADE SHOES IS REMOVED. THE SUCCESS AT ONCC ATTAINED BY OUR GOODS WHEREVER INTRODUCED 18 OWING TO THE FACTTHATTHEY ARC GLOVE-FITTING. ELEGANT IN STYLC ANOnNISH.OFTHEFINESTMATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP , AND MODERATE IN PRICE. THE HORRORS OP DREAKING-Irl ARC AVOIDED : THEY ARE COMFORTABLE FROM THE VERY FIRST , t WE MAKE is SIZES I IN 14 WIDTHS ) AND 6 SHAPES OF TOES AND HEELS. Looifor tur A'ame on the Salts , J. & T. COUSINS , NEW YORK. I (8000ZS30113TO ( JOHMQ. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS I At the old Bland 1417 Farnim SI. Crd < > by late graph solicited anjprooptl altcndod to. Telepbom JAS.H.PEABODYM.D. Physician & Burgeon Roelldenoa Ho. 1(07 Jones SI. Offloe , Ho. 1(09 r < namslreti. Offloo honrs.lZ m , to 1 p. m , nd fiom 0 0 p. m. TaVnhnn ' .or nftlro 07.r * M nn ' " AVINGS BANK ! Cor. 13th and Donglas Sts. Capital Stock , - - - Liability of Stockholders , 300,000 FiYG Per CentlntetM OB Deposits LOANS HADE ON REAL ESXA 2 JAUK3 E. BOYD . - . President W. A. VAXTON . VIM P e ia r. L.II. nKNNJTTT . UjuiUf'jJS ' Diroclor JOUNE.WtL.UUa . CMUlcr CHAH. K.UAXDKU30H , TIIOB. L. KlUDAUr J. W OANNKTT , MAX JUEYEK , 1IENBY I'HWOT B L. 8TONK. I bare a poiltlre remedy tor Ibo aboro dliem i bj IU nw lhoai uJiote > o ol lb woix Lludaudof | OD < UDtftochftTutceu cured. luje.d , oitroncii rovfalt lalt ne crlhill lll i.niTVS HOTTI.E.S FIIKB tmtlber vltli a VAI.fim.KTrtmTIbB pn ibtt dlltaa. Waayiu erer. flrAVKpmikndr | u.aArcts. _ HU. " " * " 'JiiTiHi mi-.Mlbt. . N Y 'rt Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlanx r . Uavmli I Culmbacher . lli\arla I'lUner. . . . . , liohemlin KaUcr. , . , . . , .Dromon UOilKSTlO. PuJwelacr . St Louli I Aubauter . Et , Louis Jlont'n . . . . .llllwaukeo | Bchlltr I'liner.UIUaukee Kriu'a . . . . . . . . . Ouiilia i Ale , 1'cttor , DoiuestloanJ Khlua ED MAUEEB , 12 ] 3 Tarnaiu St , LE&AL LOBE , Tc8tc ltt > 'i I'rocccdlriRS of the Jnno Term of the Dlitrlot Cnutt. JodgeaWakoly nnd Novill convened the JUDO term of the dlatrtot oonrt , yca- crday morning , In the now and beantlfol court raDtn , of which the lawyorn , con- mlatloncra and t r-payora of Donglaa county arc jastly to proud. On taking their ao ts upon the bench , Jndgo Wako oy made a forr appropriate and oloqaont romarka rolatlvo to the occasion , the eur < ronndlngs and tha future , olovatlon of lav practice in Douglas county. Ho con- trtatod the old with the now and what a hosltby invigorating effect the modem tcmplo must nccosasrlly have upon court , jury , lairyora and clients. Iho court then appointed Henry Orobo , Lenis Grebe , Jatnco Ewlng and Edwin H. Orovroll , bail Ida for the term , The gtand jury was alto sworn in as followa and given their instrnctlona : Jamca Orlghton , foreman ; W. F. Stod- dard , Darid JRodman , A. W , Fullorsido , B. F. Ifndoon , Morris Scanlon , Fred Brnnlntr , TLomaa 0. Polio , Martin Grnco , H. G. Krauto , William Soyelko , Adam Waybright , F. P. Hnnlon , A. S. Mojna ban , Hugh Murphy , Charles Wllklna. On motion It rras ordered that Messrs. William A. Radfck , 0. S. Montgomery , Isaac E. Oongdon , Edmund M. Bartlett and James W. Savage , bo appointed a oommitteo to examine all applicants for admleaion to the bar. NEW CASES. Several now suits were commenced , among them being the case of Joseph Goolbucr TS the Omaha nail works man- nfacturlng ccmpany. On the 4th day of December , 1881 , phnlntlDf waa made a cripple for Ufa by n heavy plate of iron falling on , and badly crashing him. Ho suoa the company tor § 28,500 damages. The United States national bank enos Fred Hockstolu , Peter N. Dceraon , and Sohl on a promlesory note of 81.0CO. * Potcr Ltppcrt sues I. S. Haacall and Sarah J. Hasoall for mortgage forecloa- uro on an unpaid note of § 000. COURT 11ECOKD. The following cases were disposed of : James E. North vs , William L , Pea- body. Continued as per stipulation on file. file.W. W. H. B. Stoub va. Andrew Wallbaum. Dismissed at cost of plaintiff , without prejndlco. Henry D. Jaquith vs. William W. Lowo. Dismissed at ccst of plaintiff. William Gaslin , jr vs. James S. North , et al. Continued as per stipulation on file. file.William William Gasllu , jr. , va. Llda L. Bart- lott. Continued as par stipulation on file. file.William William H. Boardsley vs. Wilton & Lariaon. In this case plaintiff had en dorsed a check for $1CO for William Nichols , who was then traveling agent for defendants , but they proved that the check , or rather letter of credit , had been raited from $75 to $175 , and the court gave plaintiff judgment for $75. The CIBO of Kelllngor vi. Hartman waa dismissed from court. Several yoarj ago what was known as tbo Dubuqne homestead company had an existence in Omaha. They purchased a tract of land adjoining the city and had It platted Into town lota. There weio eighty lots In the platt. Soon afterwards the company dis solved and deeded all the lots over to Hartman In tcnat , on condition that he deed to each holder of company shares his quota of the property. The work went on until 59 lots had been disposed of , then Kollingar brought suit to have Hartman render an account of h's ' trust. But It seems that Kel- linger bad received his proportion of the lots , therefore the court hold that such being the case he had no right to ask for an accounting , and dismlesed the suit. In the iJnitod Slates court Judge Dundy issued an order overruling the motion for a new trial In the celebrated caeo of Nledlg vs. Gormanla and Han over icsuranca companies , which was de cided last summer. So far as any action n this tribunal is concerned this disposes of the case. The Opera Homo Question , Editor of the UKE : The exclusion of the colored man from the paiquotto of the opera house having , to my mind , been the occasion of much unnecessary comment In the public prlnta , and cf so much wilful mltropresontatlon in public meeting by champions of the "would-be" marlyr , it seems but proper that I , know ing all the facts In the case , should offer a few remarks , by way of explanation to thoao Interested. Flrat. My brother , Mayor Boyd , knew nothing of the occurrence until the publication of Hie letter of grievance. Second. Mayor Boya uuppoied the colored people had access to all parts of the opera houeo , and when Informed to the contrary , told mo that I bad made a mlatiko , especially so on this occasion. I asked him to make a public denial to this effect , as ho was not in any way re sponsible , but ho replied that ha did not deem it necessary ; that ho had become accustomed to newspaper miastatomonti ; that if ho rushed into print every time justice demanded that ho bo sot right before the public ho would have little time for anything elso. In rcgaid to the muoh'nbnsed individ ual hairing been "refused admietion to the opera house , " "thrown down stairs , " "Insulted and threatened,1" and the false hoods of like Import which have been given to the public , I dealro to say that the complainant was twice tpokon to in the most polite manner and requested to go up in the balcony. In answer to this bo said the house was rented , and that It was for the time out of my hands , &c. I replied that although the bouse waa rented no ono was furnished to look after it , and ( hat I was there for that purpoio. Further , complainant in his letter refers to coming up to tbo door of the opera house twice for admis sion , when in truth he came up the third time , from which one would naturally Infer that the "abuse , Insults and threats , " of which he complains , could only have existed in his Imagination , in his over anxiety to assert his rights and malntiin his dignity , the truth of which will La shown at the pioper time. THOMAS F. BOYP , Manager Optra Houto , Ainusenionta. The"Power of Money" company , played to a packed house at Wood's Dlmo Museum Sunday night and gave-ltha best of Bktisfactlon. The company Is a well organized cne and the play tuffi- clently supplied with sensational situa tions to make it interesting. Mr. Bach , Mr. Monlhan , Miss Lchtid , and In fact the entire : aat are deserving of mention. The Beauty Show at the Omaha Dlmo Museum closed last night. It waa ono of the moat enjoyable attractions that Insti tution has had and created a great deal ataniomont. Qoo. O. Morrla' "World" company closed its season at Plattsmouth , Satur day night , playing to an Immense audl cnco. cnco.W. . H , Shllty , the advance agent for Grace Hawthorne , is at the Mlllard , Harry S. Richards , buslnrsj agent for the French Spy , Is in the city. 95OO Howard , The former proprietor of Dr , Sago's Catarrh Remedy , for years made oatand leg public offer in nil American news papers of $500 reward for a case of ca tarrh that ho could not cure. The present proprietors have renewed this offer. All the druggists sell this remedy , together with the "Douche , " and all other appliances advised to bo nicd in connection with it. Ho catarrh patient l longer able to say "I cannot bo cured. " You got $500 in case of failure. A VISIT TO KOSBUXH. How the HungarlAn Patriot Appears nt the ARO ol 83. London Light. How long I bad baen standing at Koa- snth's door before it opened 1 can not toll , but the cl'ck ' of the latch recalled mo frcm my dreams. I addressed the man-servant who appeared before mo in Hungarian , supposing that Kosinth would only bo served by a Hungarian ; but , to my astonishment , ho replied in Italian ! . According to his account , it is a practice of Kossutli to commence the day with a cold bath. After that ho had his break fast. After his breakfast ho goes for a walk. On his rotnrn the remainder of the day is mapped out , and all appoint ments with him have to bo made a day in advance. The man departed , and in a moment , as I was standing in the lobby , I heard a voice raying that ho would see mo almost immediately. I waa at once admitted to the eittini ; room of hia sister , who lives vtith him. She informed mo that I should not have long to wait , for Kossuth's breakfast consisted of a tum bler of milk , a few cracker * , nnd a glass of wino. Her perdlctloa was sufficiently correct , for in a few minutes I was ushered into Koasuth's atndy or sanctum. It waa a handsome room , with two largo windows overlooking the beautiful gar den which I have mentioned. Ulosa to the light were a writing table and a bu reau solidly and handsomely made but hardly sufficient , according to Eng lish ideas , to equip the room. Hero and there was a picture on the walls. What most struck mo was the almost total ab- enco of books. Myself a man of letters , I always expect a large library. I had forgotten that Kossulh was a man of action , to whom a single map is worth moro than a hundred volumes of history. Kossutli , when 1 entered , was standing at bis writing desk. I could ecircoly be lieve that the man was 84 years of ago. Ho stood as upright as a dart. His eye glanced around the room like that of an eagle. His hair is white , and his beard and mustache are nearly whlto , but they are not whiter than those ofmoat men at CO , and when wo had Interchanged salu tations and I had asked him about his health , ho told ma that ho was at present not so well as usual , but added , with the old fire. "I wish I were now climbing up Mount Blano or any cf the higher moun tains , as some years ago ; bnt I am un * equal now to the task. " And hero ho expanded or , as the French wonld cay , gonfla his chest. "You know I am a keen botanist , and like to gather rare plants. I hive always had a great pas sion for flowers. " Do You Moan Business ? Well , If yon have strength to push your bueiacsa , it Is well. Bub many a man's business has broken down because the man waa broken down , and had no push in him. If you want to make a success , build up your system by tbo use of Brown's Iron Bltterj. Mr. W. M. Wlnfreo , of Petersburg , Va. , saya : "Thero is no medicine equal to Brown's Iron Bitters for general debility. " It cures dyspepsia , enriches the blood and strengthens the muscles. Tbo cpmuiiesioEors of the new state asylum for the insane , located at Clarmdo , la. , have decided to lay the corner stone on July 4. The corner stone of tba new county couit hoiiBO at the same place will bo laid on the same day. Horslord's Acitl Phosphate. IN DE11ILITY. Dr. W. H. HOLCOMBE , New Orleans , La. , svya : "I found it an admirable remedy for debilitated state of the sys tem , produced by the wear and tear of ho nervous energies. " The elxty-fiftb convention of the Now Jerusalem , in session nt Cincinnati , haa re ceived into lull membership tbo society at Topeka , Kin. Chicago's ptonpor wholesale druggist , the Hon. Peter Van Schaak , thinks that the most popular medicine In America will shortly bo the Red Star Cough Cure on account of lis great efficacy and free dom from poisonous matter. His house purchased ever five thousand bottles during January. Ural Estnto Transiora. The following transfers wore filed May 29 , with the county clerk and reported for the BEB by Amos' real estate agency : Jefferson W. Bedford and wlfo and others to James W. Logan , lots 11 and 12 , blk 3 , Hawthorne add to Omaha , w d , 81,000. Jefferson W. Bedford and wife and others to James W. Logan , lot 3 , blk 3 , Hawthorne add to Orcaha , w d , $150. Pierce 0. Himebangh and wlfo to Ma rlon S. Coe , lot 24 , in Heimbaugh Place add to Omaha , w d , $525 , Andrew J , Hanscom and wlfo to Jas. J. Skew , lot 10 , blk 1 , Hanscom Place in Omaha , w d , $500. A Dime Mutcuin Desperado , Saturday night Special Officer Moallo , who is connected with Wood's Muieum , was quite dangerously stabbed by Clem Foster , the white oogro boy who la ono of the attractions In the curio ball. Mr. Mealio bad ordered him to get out of the w y as bo was eating In n manner rather freth , The Caucasian Ethiopian failed to obey and Officer Mealio pushed him to one side of the ball. Quick as lightning the negro pulled a knife and stabbed Mr. Bloillo in the wrist , and then commenced to blto and gnaw like a wild animal , The boy was arrested yesterday morning , and being oba'roperoua was placed In the old Angostura Blttcm are the beat remedy for lemovlug indipeutlou and nlldUeaaea orlg bating frcm the digestive organs. Uownro of counterfeits. Aek your grocer or druggiit for the genuine article , manufactured by lr , ( J. G , 15 , Siegert & Sons , THE INDIAN POLICEMAN , Ho Token Kindly to the Occupation , bat Brings Ills Plcturcirino Name With Hun Into the Service. Special Cor. of the Globo.Democrat. WASAINOTON , D. 0. , May 20. After the 1st of July the Indian police will got bettor pay. The increase isrom $5 to $8 a month for the privates , whllo the olliccra will receive $10 a month Instead of $8. There will bo a reduction of the force , but not In proportion to the in crease in pay. Hereafter the detail will bo sovonty-fivo officers and 7CO privates. Policing the reservations with Indians Is regarded as no longer an experiment. The unanimous testimony of the agents is that poor Lo takes moro naturally to tbo duties cf the policeman than to any other occupation In civilized life , Indeed , tbo rod man makes such a good officer that a smaller force is deemed entirely adequate , and the Increased pay is made to ele vate the service nnd encourage the members. Every agency now has Its Indian po lice , and the lists are turned in regularly to the interior department. It appears that Whlto Chief is the captain of the Blackfeot police ; White Buffalo is lieu tenant ; Running Crane , Wolf-Coming- and Rod Bird Tail up-tho-Hill are ser geants , Equally picturesque are the names of the twenty privates. Among them are Fancy Jim and Rattler , prob ably the "fly oops" of the force. Plegan Man and Big Bravo nro the heavy weights. Wolf Asleep is undoubtedly the chap who was caught napping on a doorstep ono night and had his star taken away , for which the board reprimanded him a month's pay. Crow Foot , Bull Shoo , Tearing Wolf and Thin-Robe-In- side-Out are common ovory-day police men. men.Black Wolf commands the Arrapahoo and Ohoyenno Police , Medlcino Pipe is , of course , the office sorgotnt , and Com ing Hortoback must have charge of tbo mounted rqnad. The Bull family have been able to muster the "Infloeonco" to secure the following reprebontalion among the privates : White Baffilo Bull , Bob-Tall Bull , One-Eycd Bull , and Bull. Bnt the Bear family see the Bulls and go two bolter. They have Sergeant Boar , Climbing Hill and Palrolmen White Bear , Spotted Bear , Little Bonr , Bear Louse , High Black Bear and Bear's ' Lariat. Flno Weather Is captrln of the Choy- cnno River force. Straight Head Is lieutenant. Afraid of Nothing , Fish Gut , Moeter and Whistling Hand are sergeants , If there is anything in names , the privates must bo a doubtful set. Fool Boar , Jr. , Ground Hog and Lazy White Bull cannot amount to much. Coming a Flying and The Comet are two of the "fly" tflicers at FortBelknap. Speak Thunder is the big talking ser geant of the force. The Fort Bertbold bobbies are rather a queer lot. Selling-Beer is the digni fied captain , and Bad-Gun must bo a rather uncertain kind of lieutenant. Prolty-Orow , Sot-ot-NIght and Old- Whlto-Man are sergeants. Those five officers direct the movements of the five privates , Wounded-Face , Red-Horse , Strikes-Two , Poor-Wolf and White-Face. It must bo with slightly humorous ft cl ings that tbo agent at Fort Hall calls his roll to see that his six men are all pres ent or accounted for. Just listen : "Jackass No. 1 ? " ' Billy Gibaon ? " "Weisar Jack ! " "Buck ? " "Ape ? " "Jackass No. 2 ? " "Charley Dacp-Water ? ' and so on. Chief Eagle.the captain at Fort Pock , counts among his gocd men and true , Sucks-His-Broast , Runs-After-DogMed- Iclne-Boar-Track , Growing-Thunder and Swings-HU-Thlgh. The Indians who maintain order at Brulo Agency eeom to have "been christ ened ucdtr adverse prejudices. Crazy Bull heads them. Then there ore Fool Hawk , Soldiers' Partisan , Cow Dog , Big Dog , Poor Dog and Little Tail. The Nez Forces police have made a step toward civilization. They have gene the white man's road to the extent of adopting his names. For example , Oapt. Kaln commands the force , and his subordinates are Privates Amos , Thomas , Titus and so on. Similar development is noted in the roll forwarded from the Nitqually and Pay all up Agency , Sergeant Marcells Spot and Privates Jim Webster Skin- skirt and John Smith are fair illustra tions of the borrowed names. At the Omaha Agency ( hero is a divis ion of sentiment on this question of names , Private George Peabody goes down on the rjll alongside of Private Pa- hoo-ga-mo m. The Pftrmeo police still cling to their Indian nomenclature. Seven Stars Is the captain , and ho looks with pride upon a stalwart force In which Big Dave , Big Mountain , Big George , Big Charley and Big Ax are conspicuous. Man-Wbo-Oarrles-the-Sfford very ap propriately Is tbo capla'n ' of McOillcnd- dy's police at Pine Ridge. Ho's got a choice lot of privates , rejoicing in such names as : Standing Soldier , Bear-Runs- in-Woods , Kills Hundred , Man-Above , Welks-Under-Qround , Big-bellied Sorrel Horsb and Bob-tall , Afrald-of-Nothlng - Dog. Attorney General Garland has just ruled that Indians who still maintain tbcir tribal relations to the government cannot bo officers of the United States This ruling was called out by tbo Issue raised over tbo eligibility of some sovonty- five Indians who are now holding post- offices. How far Mr. Garland will carry this opinion of his nobody can toll. It Is earnestly hoped , however , at the Interior department that ho will not interfere with the Indlin polico. W. B. S. A C Q RD. To all who are Buffering ( rom crrori and Indigestions ol youth , nervous weakness and decay , loss of manhood , eta. I will send a recipe that will cure you KHEE OF ClIAUOE. Tlilss great remedy waa discovered by a mUalonar to South America. Send iclf-addrcsfod envelope K v. Jo Kfu T. IKUAN Station "D " New York The execution committee of tbo Western Kansas Cattle Growers' association , control ling tho. passage of Bouthorn Texas cattle across what IB known as "no raoua land , " have decided to mark the boundary and per mit tba passage of cattle Into Colorado , When Baby was elck , wo gav her Cattorlo , When elie was a Child , uhe cried for CaatorU , When ehe became Mlsa , aho clung to Caatoria , lVTiu ahe Lad Children , aho gare them Castoria H , S , ATWOOD , Plattsmouth , Neb. Hrcoder of thoroughbred and high grade Hereford and Jersey Cattle , And Puroc and Jersey lied Bwioe , . Free fiftm Oplntcn , JJmctles and 1'alsoits. A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE For Coufflm , Roro Thrnni , lloiirftcncait , Inflacnia , Colil * . llrnnolilllis Croup , Whooping Cough , Asllirnn. Qulnfty , I'nlna In Chrntan4otti r nirtcttounofthAThront MLnnait * 1'rlco no cents n bottle. Bold by Irncel t and Deal- cm.SirffM unable la Induce Ifielr tlrater lo tx-ompO1 pet It for them ulll rccftre tire boMttKxpren cluirgft paid , tjy ttndlng oni dollar to THE minrts A.vonr.i.rn rouwsr , Sola Owntrt tn I MKnuUctnmfl. lulllmort. Unround , T. B. 1 DOCTOR G17 St. Clinrlos St. , St. Louis , IKo. A rritaUr Kri < 1oite ol two Medleni Cplinf i , hu b ea looffi' ' tngsged ID Ik * p .li Urcutine. l of CWHORIIT , rIh Tni-.ju > i Bad Btoo DifttnutbAn anj atier t'tirtteliQln Qt. LoaJ * It rltr t r * itiav and ll oil mtdMiit aow. Nervous Prostration , Debility , MeritI RA < Physical Weakness t Mercurial and otn < : lions ot Throat , Skin or Sones , Blood Pol old Sores nnd Ulcers , ire trutM icb n < , ineeuion l lr > l idcnllCj rrlncln'ci. n 'H.rrlTtUl , Diseases Arising Irom Indlscrollon , Excnw , Exposure or Indulgonci ) , vMeh rn > iD iom < ot n . Itowlm effeetll ncrromeii , dgSllilr , dlmn < u ot iljn anil dgrtctlre uraiorr , rlranlct on U r f , rbil ? ldw r , arcrilontotht .oclety or fetnalci , cooltiMva orllcu , t , rentlcrlnff Marrlnxo Improper or unhappy , ail permtntaurenrrd , lAinthctJA ] r > R ) entLa aboTt td la ic&lptl cDTClope , rrfeto any addrr.i. ConsulttllQaattf fieeortfntaUrrcoBDdlQtlifil. Vftlto rorqucitl oi. A Positive Written Guarantor r em to ll cnr&blat ue , iiMtel yT bins. Ainphlets , Knallnh or Oeric&n. 04 dfieatOB , la trujci or fetaaU , Chartered by thcStateof Illi nois for * thccxprcs : ) purpose 'ofglvlncimmcdlate ' relletln [ all chronic , urinary nnd prl- ; vato diseases. Gonorrhoea , GleetnndSyphillsIn nil their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanently cured by reme- dicstcstedln a < * ort/lrar * _ _ _ _ , _ , A.iicrfull'rarfJrc. Seminal Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhood , titaltlvclycurcil , Tlicro lanofjcj > crlincnlt < l > The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMESNo.204WaslingtonSI.Chlcagolll. ! r ( lif RLOOTJ.'H'fU- ute tlic LlVtR anil KIOMCVS. and ltsr < > uc TIIK in-Al/l'ii ( intl VIOOIl of'SOUTH. Ils > \Vaiit nl Apiirilte , i1 ! Inii. < > t Slrcnctfr , . .nlTh" ' ' ' " " . n nl cured , bonra. in us CITVCD roaslvo now torco , ICi IIVLH3 ll > 3 tulnd ana . . nupMllus Jlraln 1'owei , S 'iTirtiiKfrom | coinplalntl tfiictllarto \ tliclrsi-t will ! In DK. iJlrun's IKON VOmc n r&te aw 1 r euro. iflHcaaclenr , lieailliy cooiplexloa. jrrcnucnt tticrupts r.t v"Tr v-"liiK only utlff thcpoptilarttv unliouiiKlnnl. nonuterpe/1. . .ent ? eithe OumiNAf. .IM > IIKST /f.Sead jitui Hitdre jtoTha ! ) r. lliirliM Mfnt-fV.1 * , 0SkI nf , Mo. , for Dar"UKEAlJ UOOIt. " Hj Irnici. Mlcb. , Tcb. S , 1SS2. X , M. Lootn * Co. . MOK OI , Mich. OUSTS I am using your Fluid Extract Bed ClOTcr Dlosaom and Wet Compress for Cancer on the brcoat. and am well. I am utlsucd It la the best remedy for Caneerknown. .Yon nro vrrloome to ujo thbi for th * MRS. L. A. JOHKSOK. TOLEDO , O. , January 17,1SSJ. J. M. I > OSK ft Co. , JIoxnoE , Mich. OEMTLKMEN .My-wiroliaarornomotimobecnomiclfd with Bomctbln like a scrofulous disease , and found no relict until Bbe gaa your Kxtract of Hod Clorer a trial. I am happy to say she has experienced Croat relief. Thli Is but a flight testimonial or my appreciation oC your efforts la behalf of humanity , which you are welcome to use for tbelr benefit. I am , very respectfully , II. ARMS. OLEDO , O. , Doe. 1st , 1882. J. H. Lees & Co. , JIOKROB. Mich. GENTS 1 oommmccd taking your Ext. Red Clover , Iwo yearn ngo , for Krjslpclas , and have not been troubVd ntncf. H IB hereditary with mo. Think you e the best blood modlclno known. Youri truly , W. II. SLIDERT. R. n. flyman , of Grand Rapids , Mich. , pny After two Doctors ad % l ed htm t o use Ixx e's Kjt , Ucd Clover for a Itad case of 1 ezetna , or Kcrrr here on the ] e& Only used tw o poundsot your Solid Hxtract Ked Clover. Am now wclL AsnHprlnc Medicine Tonlo nnd general Dlood rurfr flcr It has no criual. Fnr Bale by all di UKglbta , or J. it. l ) ese i Co. , Munroe , Mich. _ PIHKEYE. Romnrkablo euro of a Horoo Jn the fallcf 1883 I ha,1 a M\mbo ! ! horao t kea with Iho pinkeye , rcsnltm ? In Uo" < l no BOH. Alter nlnu rnontha ot doctoiIrK * ith all the rcmoJIcs to bo found In borae booVB , I deci aired of a cure. Ills right hliidlegwai as laiio rsa rnan'a bed ) , nnd had on Ito orforty rUDiiing lorta Uevasa mo < t ritl- able looking object At la t I thought of Swift's Sdeclflc , an commcncoJ to oaa it I uied Qltoon bottles , In Augutt la t ill tjinntoma ot tbo disease disappeared Thorohvve bcunno signa of a retura and the liorso has done n wula'a work on my turn ever Mnco. JAS L. KLEUINO , AugUkta , Oa. January 0 , IB&i. Swift's Bpeclflo la entirely > efctab'c. Trcatiae on DloedandBkln Dlacato mailed ( roe. The Swllt SpedfloJCo. , Drawer S , Atlanta , Oa , or W. SW St. . N. Y. Stallion , Jaok , Sheppard Jn Wilt etand for stock at "raiha Pair grounds the leaaouof 1R85. Deli 16j hunJa h Uh , weight 1285 Ibg , hia tire JACK BUEPFAKD ) j full brother In blood to DKXTKH 2:17J : , also to DiCTATORtbe lto of JAT.IUB-BKH 2:10 : , PAUAII , 2U : } and UIIIKCTOJI ! :17 : , Call at tbo fair L'Kunda and eeo him and got hia reclgree la full , terras (26 for the bcason. A. TI1OUSON. Town Lots in Denver Junction , Weld County , Colorado. Denver Junction U a now town of about 200 inhabitants , laid out In 1831 , on the great truuk railway across the continent , nt the junction of the .JulesburK Branch , l'J7 railed from Denver. Tfao town is on second bottom land of tbo Watte Klver , the finest location between Omaha and Denver , nnd la burrouod- od by the boet-Ioj'iD landa west of Kearney Junction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ; altitude 3,0:0 : feet. Denver Junction bids to become mi important point , aa tbe U , 1 * . It. It. Co. , 6io puttlnK up many of their buildings here , while the 11. k M. H , H , Co. . are expect ed noon to connect at thla place , Th ) present chance for good investments In town Iota will icarcelv ever In equaled olnewhere. Per eale by the lot or block in good terma by U. M , YOOLMAN , Agent , Denver Junction Cole , Deal Estate 213 S , 14th STREET , BET. FARNAM AND DOUGLAS. Have a large list of inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the ci.ty. Wo have business property on Cnpitol Avouuo , Dodge , Douglas , Faioiolii , Unruey , Howard , 9th , IGlli , 13th mid 16tli srcets. Wo have fine residence property on Fnrnam , Douglas , Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cnss , California streets , Sher man , t .Marys and Park Avenues , in fact on all the bent residence sheets. Wo have property in the following ad ditions. McCormick's , MiUard& Caldwell's Konntz & Ruth's , Lakes , Impr'nt Association Elizabeth Place Wilcox , E.V. Smith's , Burr Oak , Isaac & Seldon's' Patrick's * Hanscom's Parker's , West Omaha , Shinu's , Grand "View , Gise's , Credit Foncier , Nelson's , Kountz' First .Armstrong's ICountz' Second , Godfrev's , Kountz' Third , Lowe's , ! ountz' Fourth , Kirkwood , Syndicate Mill , College Place , Plainview , Park Place , Hill Side , WalnuOTilL Tukev & ; Kevsors , West End , Bo gs&HilT Clark Place , Capitol , Mvers L Richards , Reed's First y , Bovds , And ail the otherl Additions to the City. Adjoins the stock yards property in South Omaha These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo cated and will make convening cheap , and de sirable homes for the employes of the ttock yards and packing honses. Tukey & Keysors Sub-division. Located in West Omaha , two blocks south of Leavenworth street , t , fine location a < d the cheapest lots in Omaha-125 ; for inside lots and 5150 for corners ; terms $10 down , balance 85 per month ; dent fail to see those if you want a bargain. Kirkwood. We have a few lots left in KirkwooJ addition , which we offer at low I > rices , terms $25 down balance $10 per month. These lots are on high level gtound and are desirable. Hawthorne. This addition is mere centrally located than any other new adililion near the best Schools m the city. All the streets are beinfj put to grade the grades have neon established by the city council , and is very desira ble residence property , only 16 blocks from Post office , prices lower than adjoininc tdditions for a home or investment. These lots cannot be beaten. Foil SAI.K-Lot on Davenport with fine Foil SALE Lot 28th and Farnam street , house. $2,000. good property , $1,000. Fan SALE Full lot 2Ut and Clark street , 0 Foil BALK-J aero en Onllfornin , east ot room house , $2,300. Sacred Heart ; house , barn , an1) cistern , cheap lieautltul lot in Giuo'0 add. only $ l.GO ! ) Fan BALE aero , . l0lt ( BALE Lota In Hanscotn placa each , $ , l,2i,0. $500. FOR SALK-J lot on Chicago etroet between $500.FOB . FOB BALK 101 feet froat on 15th streetwith 13th and 14th , $2,500. nmall house just south of Ilartmau School , on * BKAUTIFCL lots corner Fvnintn and 20th ly $1,700. etreet cheap. ' FOR BALE Full lot nnd C room house corner FOR SAtB-LotB InWalnnt hill , $200. llth nnd Caatellar , $2I100 , FOR 8ALK-i lot withG rocm house 2Ut Foil BALK Lot and 2 houses 18th and Nlch. street easy payments , $2.000 , oka $5,100. TFe will furnish conveyance free to any part of the city toshow property to our friend's and customers , and cheerfully yive informa tion re yard in Omaha lroperty. Tiose1010 Jiave Laryains to offer or wish property at at > aryain , are invited to see us * Bedford Real Ejtate Agents 213 S. 14th St. , bet. Farnam &Douas