If 6 JLJfOlt' JLMJk.JUUJL XIJLUJLV x O THE DAILY 'J ' BQUNCIL BLt Satnrclay Morning , May 30 , MINOR MENTION M * - Gut your dinner at tbo Phcnnlx , Iwcnty-fivo cents , 505 Broadway. Brick , for sale In largo or Bmalllota by J. A. Weaver , 815 SoTonth nvonno. Permit to wed was given jwtwjv | ° Andlclt.both Barney Sworman and Mary of Noola. Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey yesterday afternoon of her lady friends , entertained a company | | with a coffee. | In the case of Leisure VB. Gnlnstm , in the district "court , the jury yoslotday found for the defendant. The prohibition caws como up before Jadgo Connor hero today. . The decision IB awaited with great interest. Miss Graca Ilawthorn appeared at the opera honso in mstlnco this afternoon , m East Lynne , and this evening In Qaoono. Roller Is offering great barRalns at his merchant tailoring establishment , No. 310 Broadway. See his goods and got his prices. The congregational ladies will servo lunoh to-day between the houis of 1 and 2 o'clock at 502 Broadway , next to Officer & Pnsoy's bank. Two fellows , giving their names as William Bramor and William Dowaroj , wore picked up by the police sleeping off a drunk in the alloy near the pollca station. There are about f prty children of the catholic schools who will observe their . first communion at the church to-mor row. The services will bo of unusual interest. The caio of Charles Sundew ogalnot the city , In which Sanders claims heavy dam ages for injuries on account of a defective street , boa boon Battled , the city paying him $200. Robinson's circus is to bo hero to-day and the attractions offered under the big tents will cause a great crowd to gather. Robinaon'a name Is of itself a big draw ing card , and the show Is said to excooc all his previous efforts. The Rov. G. W. Crofts has recovered his usual health , and will preach at the congregational church to-morrow morn Ing and evening. Subject in the morn Ing , "Ruth the Gleaner , " and In the evening , "A Practical Faith. " The case of Mrs. Whitney against the city , in which damages are claimed on account of her breaking her collar bono by falling on a defective sidewalk , about tbrco years ago , has boon settled by the payment by the city of S220 In general warrants. o Services at the baptist church to morrow morning nt 10:30 : o'clock , and In the evening at 8 o'clock. Preaching by the pastor. Morning subject , "The Opened Heavens. " Evening subject , "Tho Christian Soldier. " Seats free. All cordially luvited. N. J. Bond and F. W. Olmntead have dissolved partnership. Mr. Olmstead baying out his partner's Interest , will continue alone In the grain buslneis , In which ho has been long and successfully engaged. Judge Bond goes to Nebraska to look cp a now location. Mrs. J. H. Safely died yesterday , morning about 3 o'clock , at her homo on : * Eighth avenue , ot consumption , her ill ness being a lon < j and trying ono. She leaves a husband , but no children. The funeral services will bo hold in the bap tist church to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. There should bo a full attendance of the board of trade next Tuesday evening , to make the nocotsary arrangements for giving a reception to the Iowa editors , who meet hero on the 9th of Juno. On aver/ previous occasion of this kind Conncll Blnffd has allowed Omaha and other places to qot the advantage , and It seems that for once this city should do something to show Its ontcrprlso and activity. The Western Union telegraph office Is being moved Into the Baldwin block , corner of Pearl and Broadway , and will occupy the rooms.over the United States express office. The now office will bo open on Mo3ay morning , and It is be lieved that the pnblio will bo as fully EC- comodatod , or more no , than in the old location , and the employ os will find the change an advantageous ono for the pleas ant and speedy transactions of business Manager Brown makes no changes but those which ho thinks are for the benefit ot the public , and his judgement seems to ba about right so far. Deputy United States Marshal Mo- * Creary left yesterday morning for Mln- ' noapolls with a prisoner named Carlson , whom ho arrested In Stanton , on a charge of forging the name of knottier Swede , Jensen , to a receipt for a registered letter - tor , In Houston county , Minnesota , The two men had been working together on a farm in Minnesota , and Jensen left for the old country , soon after which this letter came for him , Carlson took the letter out of the office , signing Jensen's name , and appropriating the money , amounting to about four hundred dollars , skipped out fcr Missouri , and was plan ning to buy a homo for himself. Ho etinds a good chance fcr Uncle Sam to provide him with a homo for a time at least. He is an oidlnary farm hand , and sterns to have Illtlo appreciation of the gravity of the offenio. O rspools ana vaulti chaned. Addrois , R. &K , BEEcuica. Cobi fit Goorce Uea'.on't , G28 Broad. DECORATION DAY. < I I | The Ammicients Cflmplelei for Its ObsMce- Various Announcements. Extonslvo preparations ; h vo boon , rondo or the observance of the day In which 11 dcllaht to join la honoring the fallen ) ravo. The proocailon will form promptly 11:30 : o'clock. FORMATION OF LINE. Oily marshal and his deputies , chief of police and force , commander , general ommitleo of arrangement and staff ; all ocioties represented to furnish an aid , mounted , and to report to John Llndt at 10:30 : o'clock ilurp. ORDER OF SOCIETIES. 1. Abe Lincoln post and veterans , and { siting posts , 2. Pupils of public echoola. 3. Deaf and dumb pupils , t. D nebo and band , 4. Odd Follows. 0. Knights of Pythias and Ancient Order United Druids. 7. St. Patrick's benevolent society. 8 , Ancient Order Hibernians. 0. Oatholio Knights of America. 10. Fire department. 11. Carriages containing orator , chap- alns , mayor , city council , judges , connty and city officers. ORDER Or EXERCISES. President , 3. M. Phillips. I Assembly at the grand flUnd by the drum corps. 2 Prayer by the chaplain. 3 Music by brass band. 4 Short addrets by Qraco Hawthorno. 5 Song by the choir. G Oration by Gen. Joslah Glvons. 7 Song by the choir , 8 Docorntlon of gravoi of unknown aoldiors. 9 Mnaio by brass band. 10 Decoratinn of monument of Prof. Maisoy by the public schools , under con trol of Prof MoNanghton. 11 Song by the choir. 12 Decoration of the cross at the graves of the unknown. It } Muaio by the band. 14 Song and benediction at the grand stand. COMMITTEES. Exercises Judge Heed , Col. Sapp , John Llndt , Prof. fifoNanghton. Finance J. M. Phillips , W. F. Sapp , J. 0. DoHavon , D. B. Dalley. Invitations William Sears , Edwin J. Abbott , John Llndt. Carriages Theo. Bray , J. 0. Deliaven M. Wise , Wheeler & Bennett , Theo. Lund , Schlutor & Maxwell , J. Rogers , John Dohany. Printing Stoadman , Bowman , Til ton , Spencer , Smith and PfoIfFer. Platform H. Qenolmer , G. M. Wash' born , L. Hammer , E. Mott and E , F. Holmes. Ice A. Gilbert and J. Rlnlholland. Religions exercises The Rev. Me dreary , chairman ; the Rev. Mackey , the Rev. McMenomy and comrades Barnes and Kilgoro , Reception committee to meet comrades of post or veterans at the depots. MAIN STREET , E. J. Abbott , Joseph Ciomor , JohnD. Nicholson , John Metcalf , and E. Bower. BROADWAY DEPOT. William Roper , Henry Genholmcr and I. Sacket. Mis. W. F. Sapp , chairman of the committee on How era and floral offer- Ings.All All committees are requested to per form the duties assigned them promptly. SUNDRY NOTES. The fire department have decoratoc their apparatus in very becoming and at tractive manner. The orator of the day , Gen. Glvcns , will doubtless give a grand address. Hii reputation as an orator is a guarantee o : that. that.Tho The letter carriers will make only on o delivery and collection this morning. The postoffico will bo open from 9:30 : to 1 ] o'clock a. m. , and from 7 to 7:30 : o'clock p. m. No collections will bo made in the afternoon or evening. The employes of alHho railways in the city , except the Rook Inland , will be re lieved from duty for the afternoon , BO that they miy join In the exorcises , Substantial abstracts of titles and raa estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street. Got your dinner at the Phoenix , Twenty-five cents. C05 Broadway. CLAIMING CHIEFTAINSHIP Captain l iclicr M ko his Demand on the Old Chief of the Flro Department , The nowly-electod chief of the fire do- paitmont , Captain D. F. Etcher , has been taking matters very coolly , and there have been many conjectures as to why ho has not made some demand for the possession of the office , whluh has been and still Is held by the old chief , Charlie Walters , It hai been though ! that the now chief has been walling for the sqnibblo about the city clerkship to bo settled , thinking that ono contest at a time was about al that his friends in the council cared t ) handle. Since the city clerkship has been settled , however , this reason for de Isy no longer answered tbo pnblla curi osity , and as a fresh explanation It has been given out that the captain was en ntplrant for the position of deputy rev enue collector at this point , and that i ho succeeded In getting this ho ironic not try to oust Walters from the position of chlof , bnt his explanation fails to ans wer the purpose now , as it Is announced that Mr. Lingo has been given the post tion of collector. Whatever the reasons have been for dilay , the captain has at last begun to act , and yesterday ho made a demand on Walters , It was no state occasion , tbo two meeting on the sidewalk in front ol Brchtele'a hotel. The captain opened wi'h ' : "Hello , Charlie ! Well have you get ready to turn over iha belt ? You know the council has elected mo as the chief 1 don't care to have any trouble about it but since I have been elected I suppose ] might a ) well eervo. " "N"o , Din , I haven't anything to tarn over to you , You BCD I was elected chle frr two years , under the ordinance , am until tbo council repeals that ordinance ] don't aee how I can tarn over anvinlntr , I don'c blame yon , but I intend to bold ob until the council repeals the ordinance filing tbo term for two yean , and elects a new chief. Then III step out , unloia ho mayor vetoes the thing , and then , the veto will have to bo settled someway. " M "You ain't going to pjvo np the offio ? , hen ) Well I suppose I'll have to got It omo other way 1" 11 That's about what. Youeco I can't lo any thing but hold on till the council repeals the ordinance , and tells mo I can g ; o. So far as you and I nro concerned gt t's t all right anyway , Dan , wo won't have any bad blood , will wo T' " No , Charlie , that's all right. Well , el's go into Peter's and got a lemonade , " and the two aspirants for the chieftainship - ship diiappoarod from the public gtzs , THE RACES , The Rain Interfered ssaflly , lint le | Sport Goes On , Tlio Victorious Runners Yesterday. The weather continued against the success of the races yesterday. The track was heavy , and the weather bolng chilly and threatening , the attendance was small , A little sprinkle two or three , lmos In the afternoon threatened to jrcak up the afternoon's sport alto- aether , but the sunshine at last came out. out.Tho The first event was the Bluff City cup stake for two-year-olds , a half milo dash , [ n the pools Molllo Bawn sold as favorlto. They started from the half-milo post with the startorj placed ai follows : Big Elaco , May Curl , Oigood and Molllo Bawn. Big Rsco won , with Oigood second end ; May Curl , third , and Molllo Bawn , fourth. Time , 53 seconds. In the next race , a ono mtlo dash , all ages , Rod Buck was the favorite. The six starters wcio placed : Rod Buck , Emma H , Emma Arnott , Hyder Abad , Aristocrat and Ella Rowott. Red Buck took the lead and kept it to the finish. Aristocrat crowded against the fence , broke a girt , and came in lost , Hydar Abad taking a good second. Tlmo , 1:55J. : In tbo hotel stiko race for throe-year- olds , throe-fourths of a mile dash , Derby sold as favorlto. There wcrofivo starters , drawing places as follows , Commancho , Lou , Derby , Annie Madlcs , Minlncheo. There was a beautiful start , and the horses kept snugly bunched , Lou winning the race , with Dsrby second , .Annie Madlcs , third. Time , 1:24 : ] . In the throe-fourths milo and repeat , all ogcs , the sUrtors took places as fol lows : Biddy Bowling , Lottie Kempster , Little Follow , Katie B , Trouble and Lit tie Joker. Little Follow was the choice in the pool box. There was so much trouble in getting the hones off that the pectatoM got tired out and a good portion tion of them left in disgust. At last they got off , and LUtlo Follow came In winner , Lpttla Kemps tor second , Trouble third , Biddy Bowling , ourth , and Little Joker and Katie B. distanced. Tlmo 1:02 : $ . The repeat got an easier start , and" was won by LUtlo Follow ; Biddy Bowling , second ; Lottie Kempster , third , and Trouble , fourth. Time , 1:20. : On the exhibition of Manhattan stock , Pace & Schmidt's bay goldlng three-year-old , Dandy , took first prize and Dr. Macrae's bay goldlng , four-year- old , Judge , second prize. COMMERCIAL , OODS01L BLU1TS HABKBT. Wheat-No. 1 milling , 70 ; No , 2 , 65 ; No. 8,60. Oorn Now , 28o. Oats For local purposes , SOc. Hay $ 00 par ton ) baled , CO , Rye GOo. Oorn Meal $1.60 per 100 poandt , Wood Good supply ; priced at yards , f.OO ® 6 60. Goal Delivered , hard , 9.50 per ton ; soil 4.00 per ton Laid Armour's , wholesaling at 741. Floor Olty flour , 1.50@2.90 , Brooms 1,76@3.00 per doz , L1VBBTOOK. Cattle Butcher cows 8.25@3.76. Butcher itoors , S.75@4,00. Sheep 3.00@3.60. Hoga-3.60@3.75. PEODCCB AND HIUH8. Eggs Receipts moderate ; demand peed OJc.Butter Butter Receipts liberal and much In ex cess of tbo demand by the local trade , who care only for the cho'ice lots of freah grass mixed and streaked lots Blow sale. Sales to day were made at 10@13c for fresh country solid packed in tuba or jars ; 80 for unwrappec rolls , in boxes and for streaked lots of fresh stock ; old stock , 4@5c ; creamery dull at If @ 20c. Poultry Demand strong , supply lljrht spring chickens , S4.00@6.00 per doz ; olc chickens , S3.DOdH.CO , Game Demand is only for fresh klllct ducks ; rnnllards$2.00 ; mlxed$1.69 ; teal , 1.00 Onions None in maikot ; choice stock would likely bring $1,76 ; sprouted and poor S1.00@1.25. Beans - Clean stock in good demand at 81.25 @ 135 for mediums , and Si.GO for navies ; dirty stock is dull at " 5c@l,00. Potatoes Good demand and prices steady OOo for good stock of any variety i ! of gooc size and sound. Strawberries $4.00 per 21 qt case , String beans Per one-third bu box , 70c. Green peas Per one-third bu box , 75c. AMUS EMENTS. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. 6tb Avo. and Pe rl Street , ( FormeibMutln's Rink. ) PALMER & SANDEH , Prop'rs & Managers. Engagement Extraordinaryl Two Weeks Only , commencing Monday even- lngt May 18 , of the Eminent Young Actor , 11 n. EDWIN lUnuouii , supported by his Buperb Dramatic Company , In ono ot the following choice repertoire of standard plays : IlUok Dlmiioiulh ! Iron Will ! { as played in Now York over n'l.0'0 tuaes under the name of Hazel K * > - ) Don BOVB 1 JOSHUA WHIJOOIIU ! KATHLEEN MAVOUIINEKN ! &c. , & , In Our Ourlo Hull : KUMA. the wonderful living half-lady , PUOF. STKUDIILL , and his wonderful Tliaumascopo. rilOF. J3. M. DUNTON , the Illusionist. MADAME DEVEttE , the bearded lady. A Ilesiit ( or Lidlcs. A Hf sort ( or Children , i'atronlzeil by the elite , nothing succeeds like euo- CCBS. Museum open 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 p m. 'Jlioitro porfotminco every EtenlDg mlSaturday l ! tlueo Lidtea can s iff IfMt tlil popularpUcv of amuse ment without an oicort as the tmnagementi person al guarantee that nothing will be done to oOcnd the inwt fastidious. KIR BALI BY S. A. PIERCE , ' , 101) ) Mum bt. , Council bluffr IttUU Bool nJSho stsro * bero big bargains n 5 > ) a te.louml , Council Bluffs , OMAHA , SATURDAY , MONDAY , 3YC.A. SO JUNE 1st OLD JOHN EOBINSON , Circus , I Combined , Museum. \Shoivs \ , Afjfuariaiu. Will EXhibit at Council Will Exhibit at Omaha B I u ffs , Sat u rd ay , M ay Monday , June 1st , 30th. No Exaggeration Advertisement. No Gross Misrepresentations. A Show that Depends upon Performances Not upon Promises. An Unrivaled Menagerie. The grand gorgeous street display , is infinitely greater than any of the kind ever witnessed in this city. John Robinson will donate the public school fund One Ihousan Dollars if his show ia not far superior , and au extra one thousand dollars lars if his street display is not pronounced larger , better and grander than auy other show here this season. For details of this great show ste pi ograinmes , pictorial and descrip tive bills. Two performances at 2 and 7:30 : p m The &raud street display will take elace at 8 a m P. C. DeVOL 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Wholesale and Retail = T J N IV A M M2 Charter Oak and Acorn Stoves neea no comments. Leonard's celebrated cleanable Dry-air Refrigerator. These Refrigerators cxcoll all other in cleanliness. A refrigerator winch cannot bo ( .loaned becomes useless , it becomes n nuts anco instead of a benefit , ICE iCHEAM F J jPtaaj l 'i&VaaiBAitCli&YA B with latest improvements. Foil f ayne f estern With this washer we do not ask you to rik confidence or money. We know that a 1 that is necessary is a trial. TAKES ONE , and if after one or two fair tests you are not pleased return it and we will reluud your money. GOLDEN STAE &ASOL1E EANGES , These Manges ore a complete departure from the regular Vapor - per Stove , and possess many new anil val uable features hat ' \ will he appreciated. We have the exclusive agency of the celebrated Tfo Point Steel Bait fire in this city. Do not bo deceived by Mi8RKriiESENrATiox . Tin Roofing and Job at toUom prlcer. Mall orderi Bfillclted. / YVE > 1TYYT fi t "Broadway , P/1 . IMS VU4U , OOUKOIL BLUMS. COOKEi MORGAN 347 Broadway , Council Buffs , Dry Goods Must Go , * ] Cooke & Morgan will make prices this week that . cannot bo duplicated. Como See and bo convinced. BEAD , BEAD , BEAD , . -Bargains In every department. _ Dress Goods. .Brocades , all colors 4o north 8jc. Plaids , Brocades and plain goods 8Jo worth 12J5. Manchester cashmeres lOo worth ICo. Elegant line of Dross Goods at 12Jo and 15o worth 20o and 25. Wo have picked out and marked down , a lot of dress goods to 25o per yard , worth from 35c to COo. This is the best bargain over offered In Council Bluffs. COTTON DRE S GOODS , WASH FABRICS , ETC. This dopartmout has never boon BO complete and never have such goods been offered for the money. Ginghams 7A worth lOc. Dross Plaids , all now , beautiful designs and patterns So and lOo , other morcbants are advertising these goods at 12ic and 15e. 15e.Do Do not got these goods mixed with the shoddy auction goods or old patteras out of style , advertised by others at 3o and 4o , as our stock contains all now goods and now styles. Seersuckers at Ho worth 12ic , Soor- suckers at 12Ao worth ICo. Ohrambays" Scotch Ohovolts , French Ginghams , Sateens. 3000 yards L wn , to worth 8Jo. 2000 yards Lawn at Co worth lOo. A most beautiful line of lawns at 12 A o actually worth worth and would bo cheap at 20o. Sateens 8\o \ worth 15o. Great reduction In Dom oatlcs. Calicos j at half psice. Muslins 25 per cent cheap or than you j can buy nnywnero. Wo will javo yon 20 per cent on 3 sheetings. Wo will save you 20 per cent on 9-4 } shootings. Wo will envo yon 20 per cent on 10-4J sheetings. i Cream Table Linen lee worth 25o. " " " 28o " 40o. " 42o " COc. ' " " C5c " 85c. 11 ' " 85c " $100. Fnro White beautiful patterns. See tncm and you will be convinced they are Gents Furnishing Goods. In this department wo have never offer- such bargains. Gents Gauza Shirts 15c worth 25c. 25a " 40o. " 35c " SOc. " " 50c " ( JOc. Gents Lisle Thread Shirts 75o would bo cheap at $1.25. Gents bleached drawers OOo trorth 75o 75o " § 1. Gents Socks In endless varieties. Socks at Bo worth 8ic ; Socks 8ic worth 12Jc. Seamlesa Socks Oa worth 15c. " ' 12Ao " 20c. ' " 20c " 30c. " ' 25a " 40o. cheaper than you over bought. Turkey Rud 32 o worth 40c , " " 42Jo " 50c. ' 50c " 65c. " " GOc " 85e. " " 75c " 90s. Gents Lisle Thread Socks 50 cheap a 75c. 75c.Gents Ties , Job lot at 25a cheap at 50c EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. | Never In the annals of the dry good business have those Roods been offerer so cheap. Irish points Magic and Swlr embroideries. Colored embrolderlo oomo and look at thorn if yon want t , BDO somothlng pretty and ( rot tbo worth o your money. \ Pure Linen Laces 15o doz. yds worth 2c | u 20o " " " " u ' " We want people to know how cheap we can and will sell goods , to find out , you must come and see for yourselves , and do not take our word for it. We advrtise nothing we do not do. Beimmber the place GOGKE & MORGAN 347 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Leaders and Maintainers of Low Prices ; ladies who wish to look around we invita to come to our fcto 10 wo will show , yo i goods with pleasure. All will ho treated pleasantltj and politely. Von will not ho urred to buy goods but will have our ben ! attention and. efforts tomato your visit to our store pleasant and profitabl F COOKE & MORGAN , 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs , lowi