THE DAII 'BEI 30. 1885. EMANCIPATION. The MceliDg Held Lasl Night at Capitol Avenue Mm Binl HtlrrlnR Speeches InOonilomnntton nt the Indignity OlTcrcil to Colored - orod Cltlr.on , The emancipation mooting hold at Gip * Ital avenue skating rink last night was fairly well attended , but those who were there came late. A few ladies graced the occasion with their presence. Music was furnished by the Omaha Bee band. Mr. E. R. Overall called the mooting to order and stated Its objects. The Rav. 0. M. Frost was called to preside. Mr. Frost , on taking the chair , said that ho stood In such a place 40 years ago , at Boston , where probably ns much was done to emancipate the colored race as any other spot In the country. A mooting then would not bo attended by over fifteen or twenty pooplo. They came together to bo ridiculed and laughed at. The speaker waa In Boston when Anthony Burns , at the cannon's mouth , was taken back to slavery. The mooting this evening Is of great Importance but n paper , so said the speaker , called It inconsequential. Sup pose Dean Mllltpaugh had gene to the opera house and boon thown down stairs , the matter would have boon looked on by the paoplo of this city as an outrage , and the Injury done to Mr. Woodby is equal ly as great , The speaker related now the muthodiat church had been working to lift up the colored pooplo. The re sponsibility of that Insult to Mr. Wood- by , declared Mr. Frost , don't , rott with Manager Boyd. It rests with Mayor Boyd. Had ho have como out the next day and condemned the fist , there would have boon nothing thought of it. it.A A letter wai read from A. J. Popple- ton , saying that It would glva him pleas ure to spaak at the meeting , hut ho could not bo present on account of absence from the city. A. H. Willis was elected secretary. P. J , WllliamB , Gen. O. 0. Howard , J. R. Simpion , W. H. Stephonaon , and J. M. Haskoll wora nominated and elected vice-presidents. The Rov. G , M. Woodby , the man who claims to have boon refused admis sion to the opera house , waa called out and lie road to the audience his state ment as U was published last week in the BEE. BEE.Tho The next speaker was the Rov. Mr. Harris , of the baptist church. After a faw preferatory allusions to his own ex perience , and events , coming within his personal knowledge , relative to the civil and political rights shown by men to other men , ho addressed himself to the question In hand , substantially as follows : In the woman's Christian temperance union meetings hold recently , one man waa present every night , and was finally called on to speak. As a compensation for bis services , a complimentary ticket was given him to hear Mies Oathoui at the opera house. Those women had rcntsd that establishment , and It was their property for the tliua , and any other mau hsd ai much right to go there and rofuio Mr. Woadby admission as Mr. Boyd. The rejection of Mr. Woodby was an insult , declared the speaker , not only to him but to the woman's Christian temperance nnioa of Omaha. Mr. Harris referred to the course taken by the Republican In this matter as an outrage. Mr. Edward Rosowaler was Intro duced as the third speaker. One of the most impressible lessons In his memory taught him by his father was that our forefathers were slaves in the land of Egypt. Remembering this badge of in feriority put upon his ancestry by caste prejudice ho would repeat the language of Disnull , whoa taunted In the house of common ] about his origin by a British aristocrat , "While your ancestors wora worshipping Idols In Druid groves , mlno were ministering at the high altar In the temple of the Lord. At all times ho had labored to lift tto burden from these who are oppressed. Mr. Roiowator related how , when n more boy , ho carried letters to John M. Lang eton , Bushnoll , P/of. Monroe and Prof. Peck , who were In jail at Cleveland for the Wellington rescue , whereby a colored slave waa assisted to hb .freedom. The only timu ho had over been discharged from a position was at Murfrooaboro , Tcnn. , while an pparalor , when the su perintendent notitiod him tbut his place was made vacant because of his free neil ssntlmenls. , Referring to the matter concerning Mr. Woodby , the speaker eUted that the first ho know of It was when the article first published In the BIK : came io his hands. I published It of course , and was surprised to learn that any paper , republican or democratic , had refused to do the same thing. As an ll'ustratlon ' to show how the affair Is treated by the Jlspublicao , the following paragraph was read from a seriously witton article which appeared in that paper : A portion of the opera honss in Omaha has been sot apart for the use of the colored people and thcro are not many whlto people In Omaha who would care to have a seat among the negroes to wit ness a performance , In preference to among will to people , bat , as sniprlslng M it may appear , one person and a min ister at that , bec m- offended because the management of the houio would not permit him to have a seat smong the colored biothron , and actual ly brought suit against the manager of too opera home , claiming that under the amendment to the constitution a whlto man ahonld have every privilege to which ] negro la entitled. The speaker had seen Mr. Boyd , and hoard hli lido of thi story. Dwelling uponthe absurdity enter tained by some people that they would I bo contaminated by sitting in an opera honso where there were colored men and women , Mr , Rose water said that he had loon Senators Oonkllng , Lamar and Bay ard walking arm in arm with B. K. Bruce , the negro senator from Missis sippi. At Chicago last spring ho saw the distinguished men of this nation sitting jj on a stage with black men. The con ' veution , composed of gentlemen whc represented tbo best and brightest ele ments of Ampirlcan culture and cltlzou ship , was presided over by a negro , What soneo is there In supposing thn colored people going Into the opera home would contaminate the dudes and dudlnc of _ Omaha. _ He had seen white womei raise their noses to aa ant li of forty-five degrees when a frei negro entered the car where they wen riding , but as slaves their presence wa always ngncablo to these same people lie bad also seen people so iqueamlsl that they could not elt in an entertain mont wlthja negro , rush Into the kitchen end of tt dining-room car and eat or drink victuals given them by nogrobands. When Manager Boyd said that to allow negroes in the parquet circle of his house caused complaints that wcro ruinous to his business , ho could give no good ans wer to the question why the business had not been injured before ho ruled them out. out.Hon. . J. M. Thurston , the next speak er , did not with to utter a word that would appeal io any men's passion or prejudice , The question at Issue is neither now or strange , but the revival of a sentiment and doctrlno thaH has lived In this country over since she assorted her Independence. The Unite was , whether one race of people nro superior to another or not. At Appomatlx this question was settled by Gen. Grant for over. The question of superiority how ever , never will bo the question of social rights. The question ot social privileges and whom a man shall choose for his as- scciato is ono for every man to settle himself. But the iasno Is whether a respectable colored man shall bo barred out of public places. It has always been a matter of discussion whether colored people should bo allowed to associate in public places or not. The speaker paid a high compliment to the progress of the black race since they become freo. Twenty years of liberty and a black man sat upon the floor of the United States senate and Wade Hampton didn't got up and go out of doors on ac count of It. Twenty years of liberty and the grandest convention of men over held on earth was presided ever by a chairman as bhck as any man in Omaha. I believe , declared the speaker , that had James G. Bltinn boon elected presi dent of these United States no such a scene would ever have been committed in the city of Omaha as was committed at Boyd's opera house. It is rather strange , thought Mr. Thurston , that some respectable - spectablo business men of Omaha , can bo found , who say that they are rather glad Mr. Boyd has made such rules down at his opera house. Ho had scon men who conduct the most notorious gambling denu in this city'occupy ing the choicest seats , but nobody became contaminated by sitting by them , and the men who sit by thorn would not associate with them , The only bar to any man's entrance into any public place Is the bar of Indecency , and if you fight It out on that line you will win overytlmo. A man is wrong and narrow in his individuality , who raises the race question in any public place. To the colored men , ho Implored them that In all places and all tlmei , act as men , regarding this opera honso matter - tor , and lot the courts of justice settle it. Can't afford to retaliate in a business point of view , for any public wrong. You should never rotallatoin any other than a manly way. The Rev. Mr. Copeland was introduced as a Boston man. Ho went to the schools In Boston years ago , when they had no distinction of races in the schools. Ho eat at the feet of all great men who befora the war were at the heads of every anti-slavery movement in the oast. Was also in Boston at the tlmo of the John Brown riot and wont to hoar Wendell Phillips speak , when it was necessary to go armed for protection against mali cious attacks. Mr. Rickotto , a colored man , talked briefly. Ho by request of the committee gave a distinction , as is regarded by the colored people , of social equality. The colored people , ho said , understood that social equality could not bo fixed by law , but what they want , is to get the best society within their roach. By civil rights , however , the speak er understood , that all places of public amusement ehould bo open to them. The colored people pay taxes , help keep np the police who protect Mr. Bovd's opera house , but when they are willing to pay for amusements at that place they are denied thorn , and ho con sidered it an outrage. Wo are peaceful , law-abiding , think as much of our wives and chlloren as any white man , and so long as the laws of this state protect us , ire should see that our wives and daughters are not denied any privilege or ploasuio which they are justly entitled to. Wo are condemned because wo pub licly thanked the man and the paper who stands ready to como to the rcecno of the oppressed. The speaker declared that at the mooting where thoie resolutions were adopted they could net bo mistaken in thanking the BEE. After the following resolutions had been read and adopted , the meeting aijourncd : Whereas , Such proscription aspracticed by the management of the Boyd opera honsa of this city , as shown In the exclu sion of a worthy citizen of this state from a seat in mid house , for which ho he'd a complimentary ticket , on the 9th of May , is not only a violation of the laws of this commonwealth , but an insult to the moral and religions sentiment of the community. Therefore , bp it Rsolved , In mass mooting assembled , that wo enter our solemn protest agains ; all disrmiaatiou ! on account of raca or color , Rssolyed , Second , Whenever any ouch indignities era offered to any citizen , the offender should rocolvo the fullest penalty of the law. Resolved , Third , That wo ballevo the time has como when every man should award with the incai jealous care the civil and political rights of American citizen ship.Resolved Resolved , Foarth , That we think that th3 Hon. Mayor Boyd of Omaha , whoso ntmo graces the fine edifice known as the opera house , If ho did not approve the intuit offered to the moral end religions sense of this community , should have Informed the people at large over his signature. Hml Estate Transfer * . The following transfers were filed May 28 , with the county clerk and reported for the BEE by Amos' real estate agency ! Salome H Uapgood ( widow ) to Adolph H Gladstone lot 121 lu Nelson's add to Omtha , w d $4,200. Gee P Bomls and wife to Jacob Sohmllis lota 10 and 11 In block 0 In Prospect Place in Omaha , w d { 550. George E Barker and wife to Joseph Barker , e } of ne and ntI of sei of tec , 14-15-13 , wq o 91. J B Evans and wlfo to P 0 Stone lol 7 block 15 of E V Smith' ' * add to Oma- ha , w d , ? 3,500. " 2he most complete line of read } , mixed paints in the city at J. A. " it Co's. Ul/tand Douglas Sis. See the boautle . Our store la opened every nlqht. TUB DIOKMAN BAZ&AII COMPANY. B U Mra. Sorol & Co. , 1519 Dodga streor new store , toll atrltohoB , wares and inilli nory cheaper than any otbor house. is Genuine Kcjutone Wringers c n bi e.ih bought for $2.50 at Martin's Inatallmen ih Store on weekly payment * . Tbo am < o- Wrnger ! ai is sold ehowhore for § 8.50 ) . , "A FOUL PLY , " Floldor Jnok Sncctl , - ol tlio Union Pucillcs "Does Up" Ills Creditors nml At * tcmpta Some iimo ago It was announced thit Jack Snood , the opera honao cigar man , had Bold oak to J. J , Phllbln and was abont to leave the city. Slnco that tlmo certain circumstances hnvo developed which look rather anspicloui for the quondam right Colder of the Union Pa cifies. It has boon discovered that a portion tion ot the cigar stand fixtures were mortgaged eomo tlmo ago by the owner 0. J. Dooltttlo to n firm in this city , but were leaned to Mr. Snecd temporary use , nntil the mortgage 3 ould bo taken. Another caio WAS transferred to the cigar man by Ool. Floyd , but never paid for. Those fixtures wore sold by Sneod to Mr , Phllbln who bought the property In potfect good faith , supposing that everything was 0. II. When this state of affairs bectuno known Mr. Phllbln immediately oworo out a warrant for Snood's arrest , in Jndgo Dartlott'a court , the charge preferred bo- log that of soiling mortgaged property. The warrant was placed for sorvlco In the hands of Constable Edgerton , and that functionary dltcovcrcd last night that the subject of the complaint had quietly sold out his household goods and had mndo all preparations to start west In the evening. Ho Immediately went down to the Missouri Pacific train , bat found that Snoed had gene out on the 8:20 : "overland Denver" on the Union Pacific , leaving his wife to follow him on the Missouri Pacific. Constable Edgarlon at once telegraphed to Deputy Sheriff B. 0. Yonmaua at Weeping Water'giving Snood's description and ordering hi5 ar rest. Into In the evening a telegram was received , stating that the fly base- bslllst had boon captured. Edgorton wont down to Weeping Water yesterday - day on the 11 o'clock train to Interview Snced , and It nccossarv to brin ? htm back. Ho says that If Snced will settle up ho will bo re leased ; if not , the lair ba allowed to tike It ) conreo. It his further developed that Sncoi has loft creditors hero on numorons no- counts , which will probably run up well Into the hundreds. This at least Is the statement of Oonsttblo Edgorton who Is pretty well acquainted with the facts con nected with Snood's departure. ANOTHER "BUKGLAEY. Mr. / . B , Knight's Residence Catered byXhlovca Thursday I Ono of the most richly rewarded bur- glailcs that have been committed for many months in private ronldencoa ocsnrrod Thursday night , the victim being - ing Me. Z. B. Knight , the book-kocpor of the Herald , realdont nt 2204 Webster stroot. The thief , or thlovca , effected an en trance Into tno honao by prying open n door inta a coal shod which connects Trith the homo , and then opening the rear door. There is no cine to the iden tity of the rascals. Most of the plunder was In the shape of silverwara of costly description. The articles stolen were a now coat and vest , ono pair black pants , ono old sack coat , pocket-book with $ G and two checks on Miller & Richardson , ( Omaha National bank ) for $20 each , ono old Rusilaa leather pure , 5 largo solid silver spoons , marked S. P. R. , 3 solid silver spoons ( small ) marked S. P. R , 1 aolid silver table spoon , marked G. M. H. , dated 1792 on back , 3 dozen forks , 1 dozan marked K. , 1 dozsu marked "Kalght , " andldczjn marked S. J. R , , 5 eolid napkin rings , 1 marked Sarah , 1 marked Fred , and one marked "Julio , " 1 plated napkin ring , marked Mary Knight , 1 dozan plated silver din ner knives , 1 do/.m plated silver tea knives , 1 largo silver soup ladle , 1 largo silver gravy ladle , 1 butter knife , 2 fruit knives , 1 carving knife. TEUSONAI/ . Mra. Lyrnnn Richardson left Thursday for Kansas City. Alexander Swan returned homo from the west yesterday. Dr. Galb.'nith returned Thursday night from Grand Island , G. G. Wnllaco has returned from a flyinpf basilicas trip to Iowa. lllchard Frowin , the blf ; cattleman , left hero yesterday for St. Faul. U. A. Gouldinjr , Lincoln , and B. W. Kysn and wife , Blair , are nt the Arctdo. James Turner , the wide-awake news man of Missouri Valley , was hero yesterday , look ing after businoaf , on the jump a ] usual. JI , D , Royer , the well-know attorney of Council Bluffs is in the city , looking up a lo cation for an office which lie will probably open In Omaha , J. T , Hoag ; , California commissioner of Immigration with headquarters nt Chicago , was In the city Thursday on big way to the Golden Slope , Ezra Millard , Eraalus YOUDK , W. B. Wing , 0. A , Coe , Dr. Worley , comprise the porty of fishermen who loft Omaha Thurtday evening for Eagle Lake , Minn. They expect to be gone about four days , W , J. Footnor , superintendent of the Northern F cifio Express company , returned to Omaha Thurtday on his way home from the 1'aclfic coast , Mr. Footner WRJ a mem ber of the Omaha-Portland excursion , Rav , W. K. Beam , pastor of the M. E church at Beatrice , formerly In charge of the Eighteenth street church here , is In the city visiting his old friends. He will occupy the pulpit of the First M , 1C , church next Babbath morning and the Seward Street M , E , church in the evening , H. Hlghley , W. Hiijhley , Grand Island ; George H. Towers , Beatrice ; G. W. Newcom , Hastings ; 0 , H , Miller , McOook ; Henry Brink , St , 1'aulj John Connor , Grand Island ; Edwin T. Ziegher , Cincinnati , ' Ohio ; F. H. McAndrew , DBS Moines , la. ; George E , Wai- lick , St. Paul , Minn. ; D , H. Hamilton , De troit , Mlch.j J. C. Swan , Buffalo , N. Y , are registered at the Metropolitan. The Omaha Sliootlsts. The Omaha gun clab held Its bi monthly shooting match , Thursday after noon , at which tlmo contests wera had for the champion bidgo and for sweepstakes , firjt and second money. la the budge match , twenty Peoria black birds were . sent from the trap at B rise of eight o yards , and the rcara stood as follows : 'Lane 10 , Kennedy 10 , Strasaeberger 10 , Cotter 9 , Loodor 9 , Burgees 9 , Smith 4 , Bedford 4 , In the arrocpstakcs for first money tbo score was : Lnno G , Iloges 5 , Strasiebarger 5 , Bedford C , LecdorD. Smith 4 , Burgess4 , Uolter 1. Swoopntakts , second money , 'Oollor 3 , Hughes 2 , Strassobergor 2 and Bnrgosa 1. The fruit and cigar store ot Joseph 1'uo- clnelll k Co , , Thirteenth , near Douglas street , was entered night bsforo last nnd robbed of about $25 worth of clgan , The thieves gained entrance through the cellar , I wonld adviio parties going to Horss- shoo Lake to keep the old round by Can non's and OoiTman'a farms ns the late rain Imi made the now cutoff road very tllppery through the timber. The road from Otlhoun to Horseahoo Lake Is closed. No way of getting down jot. DAVID NEOLE. Buy a straw Hat at Sale's. largest stock nnd lowest prices. Go to B. Newman & Co. for your spring and summer under wear. Largest stock in the city. See the beauties. A gentleman In the audience asked Dr. McCosh If it was not true that A largo number of persons were unable to obtain employment qocauso their education and teneiblllties wore above the wantn of the society tu which they lived. Dr. McCosh replied that ho did not know of nny case where education had hurt anybody. Ifa [ man was In good health nnd Industrious n good education would qualify him ton dozen different things , where au Ig norant mau could only do ono. Education properly used would enable a person to rise in any Bjiliero of labor. 25 the Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago' ' SYMPTOMS OF A Loeiofnppctlto , UoweUcoBtlve , 1'nlnla the bend , wit t n dull ccnsatlan In the back part , 1'uln under the ibonlrler- Ulado , i'ullnpsn niter catlnj , wlthndli- Incllnntlon to exertion of body or mind , Irrltnljllltroflomper , io\r nplrlti , vrlth afccllncof ImvlncrncElcctcd nomoduty , \Vonrincsa , Dlzzlncsn , Fluttering at tbo Ucnrt , Dots before the cyc , Headache over the right eye , Kcstlcninesa , vrltu fltful dreams , III chly colored Urine , anil CONSTIPATION. rrtJTT'S lULT.S are especially adaptoi ) to such cases , ono doao cirects ouch a .Imngo of fccllnfrns to astonish the auffcrcr. They Increase the Anpetlte.and cauio the body to TiiUo on Klcsh.tlius the system H noiirlohcil.nnit bytnclr Tonic Action on Clio l > lccgtlveOrcanaltcKUlnrti oolHnro rroducpil. 1'rloeafic. 44 Murray Mt..WfV. OHAT ItAin or WmsiCEna ohnnced to n GLOSST ] > LACK by a slnglu npplloatlon of this DTE. It Imparts a natural color , acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists , or cnt by exprost on receipt of 81. dfTico , 44 Murray St. . Now York. THE BEST THING OUT FOB Washing & Bleaching In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water. SAVES LABOR , TIMK and SOAP AMAZINOLY , and glvce unlrem'eatUifactlon. No family rich or poor ebould bo without It. Sold by nil grocerr. BBWABB of Imitations well do- elguol to mislead. PKARUNK la the ONLY SAFE labor saving compound and always bcara the above eym- bcl and name nt .1AMKS PYLK NEW YORK. 185 nml 1S7 Wubaeh Avenue , O 3HC I OA. . Gr O . Hair Cloth and Wire Bustles , Hoop Skirts , ' Hair Cloth Skirts/ AXPAI'1'LI.USEOr ( BLACKCOLORED COLORED _ S JERSEYS. Thfs cut represents The LnnKtry , the mott popular SomWatlcm of Uusllo ar d Hoop Shirt ever mode. A Inly who lias worn ono will never wear any olber ftyle. hach Skirt la Etanipc < l . ! ' , or > Vl0 li.ind ! rilenlfd June ! ! J , l "i No. J 10,411. tar.xr.y ono cell. inff B.imoBtyloor bWrt not o blunipcJ , will bo g'fj' , J" ' ! ! aerorillnfftolaw. Sold by all lna4lngriitaUdrygooa house4 THE ONLY BXCLUblVB IN OMAHA NEB. SPECIAL NOTICES All ado erltiementi in the ipectal column ! uil tit tharytd at the rate of 10 cents per lint for firttimtrtion , and7centiper line for each lutiie- quent inttrtlon : No adcertitement vlll lie inierted for leit than IS centt or the fint time ; Theie adttrthementi uill be inierted in both Horn- njant JSventnj Sdttioni , reprtientint/ circula tion of over Eight Thoutand. Thit clan of adecr- titementt muttpctittvely lie paid in advance. TO LOAH MONEY. MONKT to loan OnllnaUsttta la any amount and time to BUlt , f , orn 950 to tlOOO. On collaterals on Ulrtv to oloety days time , In sums of flftr dnllirsandupwari's. On chattel' . In sums of flv to five handled dol- ars at low rates an J time to suit. Miscellaneous. Uortgagesiecured notefcity claims and judgement bought , advancns made to o'ntrao- tors , and general tlnancli ] buslneis of all ilndl trans acted promptlr , quietly and without delar , at tbo Omaha financial txcbango.UOJ Farnam St.up stairs , 057-10 MOXST to loan In sums ot $200 and upwards on flrst-olais ical estate security. Potter & Cobb , 1619 Farnam st. filJ-tf LOAN One flrst class eecuiity. J1C03 for 6 years Ames , 16l7Fainimst , C3i-2J MOXKT TO LOAN-On r , al estite security. In sums ol cote HO.OOO. at reasonable tatcj. IJ E. Uayne liCe , H W cor 16th and Faruam , BCO-JU MONKT to LOA -In amounts to suit , oa chattels , collaterali or anv good security , Omaha Finan cial Exchange , 1SC3 Farnam it. , up-ttilre. 185j8p \f ONCV To loan on chattels , Woclluy & Hairlson , 'f ' 1 Uoom 20 , Omaha National bank building 917-11 ONEYTOLOAN-On nil Wt and chattels U. L. Tuomaj. Olt'tf , A fosiiTl WOXF.TH KOMKT ! II Money to Loan-On i > 1 chattel tecutlly by W. n. Croft , room 4 , With- neil butldlnc , N , E. cornet K > tn and Ilirncy After jc rs ol experlcnso aid a careful study ol the tunl ntM ct loanlnj money on personal property , I have at last ptrfccwd system whereby the publicity usual In mrch caet Is done away wlth.ind I am now In a position to meet the demands of all ho boco'ms tumporarlaly embarrassed and dcjlro to ralie money without delay nd In a quiet manner. Ilou eicp- cr , profession * ! gentlemen , mechanic ! and others In this city can obtain advinccs from $10 to 81,000 on such security as household ( nrnlture , pianos , ma chinery , horses , wagons , warehauas receipts , secur ed notel ol hand , eta. , without rcmivtng fame from owners resldencs or place of business Ono f the advantage ] I offer Isthal anypartof any Ion can be paH at any tlmo which will reduce the Interest pro rata and a'l ' loans renewed at the original r tn cf Interest. I hare no brokers In connection with my offlcc , but personally superintend all ray loin * . I rmvo prlvata office * connected with my gincral oflico so thai customers do not como In contact with each other , consequently iraklng all transactions strictly pilvate. W. H. Croft , room 4 , Wltbnell building , N. E. cor. ISth and Uarnsy. 637-j-U Vfoxnr to loan on furniture , horses , waon , planes lil. personal property , oallitorals and anything o * value , everything strictly confide' tial ; Roods Ftnanf clal agency John P Schmlnke , Cashier. 2J3-JU MrONEr LoanoJ on rhaltels , out rati , U. It til ticket * oaught and sold. A. FormanS13 B , 13th Bt It/TONKY / LOANED at C. F , Rood & Go's. Loan office iVJL on furniture , pianos , horses , wagon ) , personal property of all kinds and all otho rirtlclcs ot value , K-ttbout romcvnl. Over 1st National Bank.corncr ISth tad Farnaro , All business strictly confidential confidentialBEOU VffONETTO LOAII In snmsof WOO and upward. IU O. F. Davb and Co. , Heal Keiat ) anil Loan Icenta , 1605 Famam 81. D51-tt WANTED FEMALE QELP. Wi Two apprentices nsd ono good drcts- mikcr , U05 Davcnprrt. 769 top "Vl/ASTr.D Sileilaily nt the 03 cent store , on o tint V' can ( peakGorman and English. Call after 6 In the evening. " 702-2 ! ) "IX7"ANTRB A neat capable Rlrl for general homo- V > work ITI small famllv ; good washer and Ironer , 001 south 18th st , 7G3-30p Wi PAXTKDWoman cook and din'ng ' room ; lrl418 eouth 13th ttrcot. "Corlp WiW W Axrxn Ono first-class dining room girl at the ; City Hotel. 223-lp WANTED Olrl for general house work In small family. Ajiply to Mrs Jon U Clarlson , Cather ine street , south of Mt. I''casant. Tale tit. Mary's Avcnuo Cars. 731-20p W ANTED At 1019 Capitol a young girl ta dolUht work. 7J4-20 WASTED girl to do kitchen work ; apply at the Cozzcns. 723-tf wSGirl for general house work at 2511 St. Mary's avo. 703 SOp WANTKD-Olrl to do general housiwork ; app'y to Mrs. Jas Cotter , 1621 thcnnan Avc. CU7 t TTTAXTKC A joung girl at 118 north 18th St. TT 872-28p 'ANTKII Good girl for general homo work ; ap Wi ply Fred Drexel , cnncr 10th and Williams. 031-tf WAMRD At once , a good wet nurco 102 , 26th st corner Dodge. (48-11 w ANTKDOocil girls , experienced cooks ; Omahn Ktnploj-mcnt Bureau , 1120 Farnam St. 701-tf wWASTED WASTED Flret-claea dining room girl nt the Met ropolitan hotel ; none otner need apply. 824-tl TTTANTED by Kcntlngton Art Co. , female help VV In all parts of the country , to do our light , pleasant work at their homes. Scat by mall to any address , no canviaisntr , easy to learn and nny one can cam from $7 to $10 pr week. For full Informa tion address Kcntlngton Art Rooms,35 Congress St , , Boston , JU83 Box 6078 , MO-SOp WANTED MALE HELP. - skirt trimmer and walit maker. WANTED-Good Apply at NV cor jcr of Davenport nd 10th St. Anderson Block , room 1 and 2. 7C5-30p "VT7"ANTED Good canvasscrr , three dcllars a day ; TT something now , iclla In every house , 416 north 10th , up-iUlra. 760-lp WAKTKD-A good boy from 12 to 16yeir3 at S. E. Lchmaon , candy and Fru'.t stcre.COS South 10th St , Gernnn pretcrrtd. 7SO-29p WANTED An agent In every county ty sell "Daisy Pillow Slam Litter. " Address W. P. Mcllor , SUt3igcnf,42S H 16th St. , Omaha Neb. 721-lp WANTED By cm of tbo largest aiU oldest whclc- sal > clothing houses of I'n'laJclphla , nanlcsmui to rcprcson t them In this state. ADpl'ottlcns ' will be considered from such only as can furnish approved security ; fcr sample &o , and pay their own tratcllngcxporccs. The hcuse Is willing to pay a very liberal cjmmlsiion and to the right man a fplcndld opportunity offers. Address P O Bx , I'a. 653-8 W ANTKD A traveling calesman , ono who haa bad Fcreral yearc experience In che ci ; r bus iness , and has been traveling In Western IOWA and Eastern Neb i ask a. Qocd references rJqulrcd , Ad- drcs liathinann & Beruor , Cigar Manufacturers , Stunt , Iowa. 5S8-29 FOUR cigarmiEera wanted. Enquire of Goo. B. Godfrey , Fremont , Mob. 070-2 ANTKD Active talesman 1C5 North 18th. W 18th.D03J2p w 'ANTKD Five irocd paper banger at 413 North ICth street. WANTKD Live cnorx'vtlc men with liorsj and car- rltgo to ha dlo Ilrst-clasi article throuch tbo country ; call at onco. 0. U. Eaton , 111 S. 11th. 310-tf SITUATIONS WANTED. WASTED Sltmtlon bya } oung mm In & groceir ft ore , IIM hid cocslderahlo cxoerlenco ; best ot efercnscs. Address "A. O. E. " Bee odlco. 7Cl-30i ; WANTKD Situation by ft butcter , cltbf rln city or country ; addrecs a W. Veon , 111 North 13th treet. 7S9-29p WANTED Situation by rt joung man to work around the hooes , cauforoish btstof references , AddropnT O. " Hco nfflce. 710p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. (17AOTKD-MMd'a ' ogt man and wile ; man to tend VV cheep and goncrtl firm work ; wonnn to keep IOUBO mult bo a good cook , clean and smart , steady lomoand Rciodpay Kansas. Inquire 14thend Far- am. A l ) . Uor o. "A child can buy as cbutn an a man " Biota and tlioee. 769 1 WANTED Two pleasant ( urnlahid roomilnarrl vatofamily withorwltbout board by two young cntlctrcn. Addrcea "J. " 1'axton lioto' . 7iO-30p WANTKD For a customer , furnUhcd house ol 7 to 9 roorna with all convonlcrtcee.untll October ; icst ot rifcrciices. C : K. llayno & Co. , Itth and arnam. 732- WANTKD Two unfurnished rooms , with board for eemlcman and wife wrat of Sixteenth aril 8. if California preferred. Addresi "Prtrnpt 1'av" P , 0. liox 301 , blVJ t 702-tf \ , 'A.STKD Uy a family ot throw tu rent a B room bouse near Et Miry.a or Park avenue. Address "N. I * N. " Bee office , 703-28p WANTIU Uy a gentleman , a room on the hill vet of i io to ill co. reference given , address P. O , box 307city. 720-20 ANTKD A second cook at the Emmet House. W WAKUBD-100 Teams for Hokredgr , Neb. , on D. & M. It. U. , no olllcs fees and free transporta tion , 110 Farnam st. B13-1I A CENTS WANTID. Address tit , Louis Eloctrlo Lamp jt\Co , 8t Louli for circular , cats and tcrmiot the 60 candle poner atarsh Zlectrlo Lamp. 311-jU WANTED Everybody to try our Prepared Corn Meal , ready for Instant iue with the addition of milk or cold water , Put up In 8 and 0 Ilk packages. Bold by grocers * W. J , nelihanb & Co. , Manufact urer * 070-tf WAKTED Every ady In need of a Mwtng ma chine , to see the new Improved American No , P. E. Flodman & Oo. agents ; 220 N 18th. FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. F I OR KXT Furnished house 0 rooms corner King Bt. , and Patrick ave. 767-p FOR R XT Two five room bouseg. Call at 2716 I avenwortb Itreet. 765-lp FOR BENT 4 new houses rooms. S closets , cellir ; onfouth Walnut Bt , Inquire of Aug , itandow 117 Ch'cago f t. 701 lp T7VR KKNT Six room ootta/e N W corner 21th and X ? Davenport 86 ! per inontb. Apply to E. II. Chap- m n , 1217 Howard St. 743 tf FRBKST On Itreet or Hn North Ornaba , fur- nlihol hou < e 0 roomj ? 35 ctr month. C. K. llayue & Do. , 15tU and Farnam. 83t-2 T7oa Riur-IIouse 7 roomi 24tb and JIurney by 0. ± < F. Davll&Co. (87-If Fo * RK.NT Smill stiblo 1C12 Farnam ntrcet ; In- quiroolL'r. twituain , Cor. Ulli and 1'Vn.m. COOtf FORRKNT Znewe room cottigea 13th and Ylntou st , Inqu'ra ' on prcmltej or of S M ifoxham , at 1'tclflo Express Co. OOl-iDp "I710R RL\T Store on Cumlog street betwe'n 10 ( rid L1 20th st , (25 a mouth Juo , Erck , 015 N 16th nt C17-23 F OR REXT-A house on Hickory ana 8th strrtt at Wamonlh. John Krc , 016 N 10th ft. 619.M TTtaRRKXT Aboussof Oroami 8 elonts , wll , els- 1 ? tsrn , one block south ot the U 1' depot , Inquire of M Leo , grocer , 22d and Lcavenworth. B18-tf IToR RR\T SroomcotUge on California ( troet , I ? bitvrcen nth and 26th streets. V J Creed on. 430 tl IpOR RitNt Cottage 6 rooms and house 7 rooms. J 1 l'hlpplKoe,16lSS.6th8t. 331-tl | J > ORRRXT three story brick store building ; en- A.1 quire of Edward NorrlaA Co. , room 19 Crounra Block. 053 n ROOMS FOR KENT. F hind omely furnl h d room , bath room , 1720 Capitol avo. 751-80p F ( OR RUM Nicely famished rotm ItlSDcdgo. FORRRNT l'Arlor1wdroomprlratOritranceiround ! fljnr. Goatlcmen preferred , N' . W. corner 17th acd Davenport. 701-33 > R RUT I'leaiint furnished rcoai at 2sI81ojs st. 70Mp F ORRK.ST Furnlshtd roomandboard fho dnllirt pot noik ; txnt locality , 1811 Davenport 7(3 4p "JjV > R RKNT Futnlihod rooms with modern conven- l : if ncf , tt pentlcmcn only ; references ( requited , 1MO Cuts it. 737-SOp FORRKVT UoonslauoK-bullJIrp corner cf lOlh nnd Il'ckory ' stveotf , room In ( table for ono ho sa cn bo obtained ! city water. Inquire on Iliopremises. 720-30 tJoRRRNT Two handsome futnUbod rooms , Ka t 1 tide ol ! 2Ut ttrcct , second door noith o ( Ht Mary's avenue , Olfl-SOp FORIU-.NT A t bifivnt room for ono or twogontlo- men In private family with baths and board 1421 Jones St. 733-1 p FOR RitXT-lnrge fumlihod front room , closet , lm- rotu , with sttml ani cvtrjtMnc cin\onicnt nlth bsard for SI.25 per week , gl\o ma ttltl and see lor yourself , 1318 Capitol lie. 747-2p FOR RENT Room with board sulUMo for ono or tno Fcnllcmtn , 1812 Uoilgo St. 701-tf FORREST Two clcjrintlv furnished rooms , term ! reasonable , CIO N. loth Et. 714-DOp FOR nrXT riearant furnished front room 411S IGlh Street , opposite Herald ofQce. Oi4-C0p FOR RKNT Lnro hindsomelr tiirnltlied cool room modern oinvonloice , with excellent board fcr two ROttlomcn , 1718 Dodsrn. 037-11 FOR RUST Boom ; Inquire Drug store 10th and Kouglaa. 821-tf TTiORKNT A room for Kontlcuian and wife or for JU two gentlemen , Qret-cUss beard 1022 Hurt St. 703-tf Fi Ioit RKNT Imgo front room on first floor with or nlth board ; Inquire at 1001 farnam St. 387-tf noRRnxT-Furnlshtd rooms. ISlUDodge street FOR RENT Furnished rooms with or without board , 2112 Harney St. , ono block from street car. 09Uf FOR RSXT With board.nlcoly furnUhcd front room fjnt and bath , 1409 Jones. 907-tf FR HB.XT FurnUhel rooms 1821 Capitol ave. 907-ruEO FOKBENT-Nlcely urnlshca rooms 1617 Davtoport 722.j5p p OOM8 With board.detlrable f01 eummtr. Apply jttat fit. Chtiles Hotel. 011-tl FOIl HUNT Severn flno offices In Cronnso' block , Inquire Ed. Norrlfl , room 19 Crounso blook . B42.U FORSALE FARMS. oir AEB Uo d Ta7nPTn vrMhK r 1 ; TST JL1 seres ; 80 acres cultivated ; good buildings ; One orchard ; running water ; all fouccd. Edward Norrla Co. , room 19 Ciounso Block. 474tf T70R SALB A 6 JO aero stock and grain far ji , a'l ' Im- I. ' proved ; four hours' rldo ( rom the OnahaStojk Yardj ; seven rnlloi from the o'ty ' of Fremont ; tno railroads within tares miles ; 300 aero under plow , the rott In pasture ; bjarcl fence , running stream through pasture ; house with ton rooms ; will bo sold chcnplf sold immediately ; on terms to suit. For further particulars Inquire of Goo. C. Qrodfrov , Fio- mont , Nob. 157-tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. FOR BALK A fine residence property on California street , lot 81x13 ? , this is ctuilly SlO.OfO ; mmli lela will buylt U eM at once. If you want a ephndl t hoiro with every convonloncedont ; neglect to tcs us about this. C. JJ. Maj no & Do. , 15th and Farnati. 735 CO FOR BILK Two lots in llanscom place , one b'.ock ea t of Park gate , eist Iron' , corner lot , fenced , pattcash. Adaress .0. " I1 O box 483. 7F01p FOR BALK-Forty lots for Ba'e on Hurt and Cumincs between JOlh and 31st cheap , Inside property. Bidford &Souor. 7 < ! l-tt li'OR LKA Uest unoccupitd groucdm the city for JL1 warehouse house , 87 feet front on Loivenwjrlh. north bst 10h and llth.wlll lease for 03 years. Bedford - ford & Souer. COS tf TT'OR ' BALK 12 good lots lt rlon pltco three blocks JL1 from strfet oars oneny terms. W U Green , over 1st l at'lbank. OOitl FORBALB-33 feet oiCumlng bo'ween ItthamlSOth wltb house , $2,700. Bedford & Souer. 660-tf FOR BALK -Choin , § 100 oish , bilanca on monthly iiyr&enti , potno choice lota fronting on street car ' Morfo & Drunner. 631-J2 FOR BALK a jvcn room house , liarn , and two lott. S2.2CO ; would take 8501 In ro taurnnt flxturcs , -tears , etc. , 8503cash balanso on time ; apply 310 8. Ithetrcct. 4H.m30 FOR SALS-Five lots 47x130 ; together on Lca < rcn- worth street ; beautiful location , 00 One tmrlh nafch , balacci on long time , easy tormi Jralla & Jones. 210-tf TIOR SALK Twenty-two feet on F rn m street , . bargain If taken Immediately. W II Green * ! - Ton BALK At A bargain , three good houses 817 and 1 ? 817118tb , couth of Lcivcnworth ; rent $35 per icr month ; pilca $3,600 oisy piymonts ; must bo oldbcfiro June 1st. Apply S. Mortenaen , tailor , 413 Furnam Btrfor. 131-Jln FOR SALB House full lot , well , cistern , Inrn , all In good condition , ono block ( rom street cars 91.800 iwy terms. WU Green , over lit Nat'lllink. Olt-tf FOR BALK OoodB room houno , lot 60x132 fceteas front , $1300 ; $100 cash , balance $15 per month. "iV. II Green , over 1st National bank. 88111 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. nvjR BALK A flno double harnetg nearly now. Club X1 mablo , 16th St. 062 4j > FORHALK Two low priced 2 wheel carts , and ono light e f ress wigon. Giatton &Dummond,131E Ilarnoy et. 742-29 TJ'OR BALK OR TRADB A. good track sulky , Omaha JD Merchants Kxpress , 14th and Leavenwortn. 083-jlp F OR BALK-185 dollars will buy pool table at Padflo houie , 10th and Davenport , Omatu. 178-SOp TOR SALI Aflno lot ol younsr graded cows with JD culven , nolsteen.IIerfords Short horns and Jer- seje ; als ] borsts , wagons , harness tc , for aale or ex change at Major Crott'a place , near fair grounds. O.E 29p BALE Wsgon umbrella ) , floe new stojk at FOR ) and 1 < U Dodge st , 672-tf I OR aiLK-Afonr hundred dollar piano at a bar F gain , 1818 California St. (18-tt RaLE-ElgAtmarblstop restaurant table FOR J. Uandcl , 326 Broadway , Council Blufft. 85 9-t nXiB BALI SOO.OCO bilok , for sale at lljllevuo 01 C Omaha. U.T.Clarke. 2CB-tf FOB BALK-AWO No 1 second hand bug gy. Apply 1109 nd Ull Dodge st. 145-tf REAL ESTATE. OrKCiib bargain ! by Paulren & Co , 6 chslco lots on Michigan ave. , 1 square from Part aveLue , Choi elctl with natural timber In Purr Oak $300 , Corner Utband Center 91,100 2 lot * 1 block tiom red line , well located , $ GOcach ISUxUQ feet , ftric Place , IOD 2 lots I ) .rker'd t ub-dlvlslon , (3SO each (010 ( loit on ! 0th neai Kim , ? 1HO. 93 feet front on Jontsitreet ntarl3bW,00 ! } , gco < location lor whulrsile , Choice lot 03 Cvtiter , near 18th ; good house am . . 4 choice l.ts In Pcrr OaV , Cf.t 60x180 en 19th mar Masjn. l,8Ca 40xl2Meet , 1 square frotn red Hoe , Blilun'u flr'l aid Mlth 8 room cottage , well cl-t rn etc. , 92,860 Sl.OOOcish , 810 jur month can bo exchanged fo wild land. HO 17J. Durt ttrott , Park place , good boim.lUU tt3 , $2,600 , , ciu bttxchangtd fir farm ChuUu lots oa Cummiug ittcct , O'WL'll'a Eub-dhli Ion. 821 ( eet front on 17th and Hthwl'.h 1 Oiootc , ele ganthoit'o tu 171h , and good ootUx on UDi treel etc. ,65,000 ; th'vls ' one of t&e be t bargains ever offered 99x182 : feel , ea tfilit 18th near itntcr , good rcom bousegbod large stable (7,203 , 'any terms. 767-4 PA.UL1EN & CO. , U13 F twa Bt. | 7VR ruin Two full lots , house S roomj Uthand I1 Pierce , t5COJt ; im easy. Tveiro r days In whlshto ta7 room honwi , JlantUsallon In Hie city. Park avf. lot worth | 3to ) , home north i , qj , can buy all for .OOJ on eair tcrn ; will positively bo withdrawn from market next nonilar , this Is a rate chanca t J get r. nlcs pln nt hotiecheip W have two neatly new cotlazcs of 4 crS room * , on h If lots on Stuth avecm three b'ockB Mtith ot St Mary's , which wo caa sell at bugalos and on owy terms. if you want the prelttc t < vtf ! st little eotltaio In Omaha , brand no- , nice lot with natural trtc , cltr water , half block from trcet cars , not far tut fi,8Xi , onveryeny terms. U. K. Mayoo &Co , nth ma Farnan. 72440 ( TOR f ALROn south 22J * t , an e 4 room and ono 6 room cjttocc , barn , w ll , els crn , Ac , on same lor , rent forf23pcrmonth , fn'y ' $3,200 ; would cll separately , Pottrfc 'lohh ' , 15l6Varn\m St. 850 tf F OR XftUt-Ixjta In Hillside add chiarctt and best Ins'.do lo'i Irr tl-o city , I7CO to $050 exclusive cents VMtr k Cobn. 651-lf _ _ I/OR sAtic-7 room cottage , wo I , burn an I elnUrn , A1 on 18th sl cot 6 blocks framshOH | 81,600 , on easy te rns. Potter & Goto , 1816 Farnam St 8VJ-H IJVmfULR Uns of"ttnost residences InVlly"wltaTr ? ' fibl rksof Pott clllee , t ] lots corner , chc.ip at $16.000. I'ottcr & Ojbb , 1514 Farnam St. 053 If TOR sAtr - Thrss choicest lots In Hansccm place. JP OS4.W l-ottcr & Cobb. MARrox rLAci-8 gacxl lot * In this addition with- In ShUcksot street cars , can bo had on may terms. W U Green , over 1st Nat'l lUnk. HS-tf MOBSK & CRDNMT.R s-llargalns For rent Tw o fine brck dwellings , moccrn Improvents , 550.00 per month For Kelt-Store hotsca , rooms , furnlshtd and rfurnlsa For Sajo icro lotnoa SaunJcrs s'lcct , no r street cars , SljtB. For SiV < Ten acres throe lljckj from etrool ( at for $10,000. For Silo I'lcjsn * lioufo and other Impravcinrnts , Including cljjht full lots , all for S',000 ' , ono blook from itrcet car. For ta'o Homo , S room ) , firm homo , fu'l lot on Sumltts street , $1,000 For Hilu A splendid bulao ! > 3 Orncr lot on Far nam , 09x132 feet , SS.COO. For Sale House , 6 rooms , an j | | ] t oa street car , Vor'sals-LotB In "Hansocm ri'co , " $500 , e sy terms ; nho lots In Shlnn'a adilltlon , ? 10) to $500 , easy terms , l.ntaln lowo'snldlllon,31EO. For Sale- House ani lot Hatnoy street , near court house , 87,260. For Sale Lot 110x131 oa "ark Avenue Car line , f 3 BOO. For Sale. ITcuio 6 room > , full lot , on Hamilton street , flno pltco , 91,000. For Sale llouio and lot on Dalcsporl street , 82,600. For Sale Home 9 rnom > , modern Improvements , lot IBOfcnt front by 70 foot deep , line place , easy terms , $ . ' > ,200 For Sale -Two lita , ono a corner , one-half mile from postolUco , near oar line , for both $9,0(0. MOKSi : & UnUNNKH , 470-20 Paxton Building , Fifteenth acd Kama m. WE OVFKR FOR BAU East half of block 3 Smith's add. , too feet front , two acre lots , nicest la Omaha , fu'l ' vlowot city nd Bluffs , making 10 lota 1GS feet each , will sell half or all. Lots 41 and 00 , Nelson's add , $700 each or will cell half of cither ; Lots 60x145 Kountz's 2d add. near Oth and Center , $100 each. Lot 6 , block ) , Kcuntz'a-lth add , being store en 10th st , full lot $2(0 , also lot 9 skmc block $1,350 Two lots In Hjuth Omaha , by Goodnun'e , with house , orchard , cistern , and well , all 8100. 16 hvo acre lets In Vlnclaml , 6 miles north city limits overlooking city and lllufrs , $36 per acre. L6tj 10 and 11 , block 10 , llanscoai plaoa very sUthtly , 8 1 , 20D for both. Half acre IJOfiot front block B , Park place , with bouse , barn , veil , and cistern. Corner , 2 lots In Uawtborno on Cas3 it , OCO for both eta etc. Call and see us , Dcx'.cr L. Thomas & Bro. , ITcal ElUte ; Room 8 Crclghton I lock. 678-tf Jr. RILBT &co. Lots Innds Loans , 216 south 13th st , between Farnam and Douglas. Lands onni , Law. ? 2COO-To of b < st rcildonco Iota In thu : lty. $1,60) Beautiful corner residence lot , a bargain. 81 000 Corner lot on Qraco street , desirable loca tion for residence. SSOO Desirable ro'ldcnoo on 2d st , near St car. ? 3OCO-33 feet , business location on Cum Ing st , paved. $1 , 00 Kewbou3o4room8. cellar and cistern , full lot , Zblocksfromttroetcarjcnsy psiyments ; a great bargain. Farnam street business property thai will double In value In two vca'H. $3 OCOto loan. J. E. Rlley & Co.,215 South 13th street. 60I-U JOR 8AtB-By O. F , lUvls & Co. , 1605 Farnam Ht , ' Omalm. House and bt on south Eighteenth St. , 81,030. " : Twentieth " Sl.403. 2 homos " Dodge nrar "Oth St , 52,100. H otr ) la Hanscom Plica , each , $ 525. House aud lot on Park avenue , $1,100. " ' " Davenport St. , 812000 , " " " " " 3 2COO. " " " south 13th " 9 4.000. 16,00) acres of land In Boone county , 87 to $10. 20,000 " " " Staaton " 87 to $12. Land in Madison , Wajno , FUtto and llall counties on easy term'- . McriDF loaned on long tlmo. 690-tf TO EXCHANGE , FOR KXCIIANOK Nebraaka lands and Improved Iowa properly f r merchandise or buslnct . Address W WWildo , 1203 Douglas tt. 0:0-J6 f po BxciiANari 410 ncrcs well Improved land } mile .L f rom Essex , Iowa , for a stock of general merchan dise or hardware. Address John Llndorhclm , Essex vn 684-tt BUSINESS CHANGES. FOR BALK Drue etoro In a desirable locality , wil Invoice about 81.600 H 0 Pattereon , N E corner 13th nnd Faruain. 433-tf Ti Oll SALE Or exchange a full stock of clothing JP boots and shoes , gent' furnlshlnggoods , will ox. change for Nebraska Lands. 0. II.l'etorson.BOi S. 10th 8t. Omaha. Neb. 01 < l-tf FOR BALR-Ooodbusiness In Ornabu ; oroSts 00 per cent ; capital required , three or four thousand dollars. Persons meaning business , addrcsa Lock Box SOI. Ecu Molnea , Iowa. ZOZ-jll IT'onsALBwoll 09t bllihcd tallora business be- 1 } tween now and June 15th , low rent ; good loca tion ; hold loose of store for twoyearsnnly ; email op- Ital required. Addrcsi'-N. O. " Cce ollleo. 132-j-4p [ OR SAtp.-A well cstabllabed bakery. Address F "K. " this oulco. 126-J.4 TTTloii BALE on KxcitANOK ( Io part ) for rostauran Jj furmturo7 roomed housa , bwn and two lota. Ap ply 310 south llth t. 108-mHO BALK In utltUud Moo. tlrat-claaaraeat market Fen alia the furniture of the 8t Paul hotel. For p r- tlculars , Innulro or write Wlggcm & Uehling , Oakland Neb. - PERSONAL. _ _ ilra KrM.'lloluur. fmnco cTTlivoyant , and healing medium , ever 710 North 18. h Ht. B52.JS1 nVA cilF.siBiiHKED siTgnctlophy lcUn. test and JD developing medium , over 810 north Iflth Ht , HOTELS _ ' ' , Tunnerly Oro'chtoj'tiouso , newly furnished ; terms moderate , 13th aud Capitol vo. i8.17p | BOARDING ORRIS' I'arlor Ilcstaura' t N Hoard by tbe week , $3.J. llealtickets , I3.C.O. Staple mailf , 56 oenU. 107 N. 18th street , near Dodge. 713-Jane-M _ _ _ _ _ _ | T1RERii lee cream pies and cake * every day. Orders _ D prcmptly attended to. Ctrl Schmld , 80 eonth IBth Bt. ! 12J1 _ MISCELLANEOUS. - hind satchel oontslnlng a small sum of money , and some trunk key * valuable alone t the owner. A liberal reward will bo paid on return of lamr , or kojs only to Mrs , J. W , I'wldoclr , 1817 Capitol avo. 710 S8p , TueHay May ZBth , from rrtmliei of un- SniAYBD , JZd f treet near Uavennorl , R lark bay pony about 10 yean old , larj-e whlttspot on foio- h ad , three IfggwhlU , rniuo dark. Reward , for Information - formation by Frank l'ebac. 717-29p DIA roan horse , B whits lets , white spot TAKEN knee of fore leg , blaied fape. Owner con b vo nami by payiog costs. Ctar'ie Cell , Sara toga Predict , mile and a holt w st ot Saratoga School house , 7 1 JOp lURis Parties viUhlntf to purohtie broodmares BROOD for ranch purpvei please oall at Iloman livery itablt , 413 soith IBth streat , Omht. 191-lS . , docs not giro you heart-burn , fags redeemed at one cent , each by the dealers. Pevcke llron. , Airenti 083-tl PASTUBB On Klkhorn and 1'laite. T. Murray. /1llKW BILVKR TAB , IU fruit IlivoroJ , tags redeemed V ati-uo conttaclibytho dialers , 1'eycke Ilros. agents , 035-tt on banjo given by O E Oellco. beck , at 1118 CapHol ave. a80-U fMltvVKR TAQ , It ilees not taint the breath , togs VAcdeernedat oao ctsts * 'A by the dealers. 1'eyck Ilrpn. Agents. , J4t vaults , nd ceusp cls cleaned at shortest no- PRivr time of the day , In an entirely orderlew way lth our Improved pump aoddeneg n appara- tui , all placis cliauea by u < oltonfcctcd tree , chartei leasouable. A. Evam , 128 Dodg Itreet up stairs. TJHIVY , vaults , Dint a and cesspools cleaned at the J JL nhortett notice and ntlstactlon guaranteed by V , 1 Abel , P. 0. IJOJC 878.