Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE DAILY BEE-FHIDAY , MAY 29 , 1885.
Friday Morning , May 29 ,
_ "V" Incoming
The Internal revenue office will ba closed
on Saturday , decoration day.
A nine-pound black-haired , d rk-oyed
bftllo arrived at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. Owen McCnffrty , last Tuesday. Mother
and child down , but Owen wear * a smile a
loot long and n yard wltJe ,
"V" will goon bo here.
The State Medical association concluded
ita labors at ( J rand Island Wednesday. This
rooming a portion of the delegation of Omaha
rnodici returned , including Drs. Carter , Lor ,
Wilcox , Merriam and Stone.
"V" will please you.
The Omaha team astonished Itself and
the country at largo by winning n game from
tha Indianapolis team Wednesday , Scare , 10
to 14. Mayor Bojd should declare to-morrow
n holiday for thanksgiving and feasting.
Constable Edgerton returned Thursday
from Lincoln having with him the soldio
Richard Killegrew , who is accutcd of swind
ling Mrs. Minoio Wirth out of $80 in March ,
1883. Killcgrow haa been released on $300
ball to appear next Monday for trial.
It was learned , yesterday , that W. H.
Brown , who was ahot In Plattamouth latt
Sunday morning by Frank Will'oms ' , is grow
ing bettor and will ultimately recover. The
man caught nt Springfield on Monday did'not
provo to bo Williams , and ho was subse
quently released.
The officers of school district No. 10
( Ulkhorn station ) \voro in Oinaha Wednesday
to secaro the signature of County Clerk
lionvitt to the $3,500 in bonds recently issued
by that district , The proceeds of the sale of
those bonds will bo used to build a four-room
school house this season ,
The funeral of the lamented Mrs. Emma
W. IIull took plnco yesterday afternoon from
tha late residence of the deceased , 151-1 Bar
ney street. Alarco number of sympathizing
friends were in attendance upon the obao-
qucs. Tha temaina were interred in Prospect
Hill cemetery ,
"V"Is liable to crcato n stir.
Mendelssohn & Fisher have just com *
plotod a rough sketch of the plan for the pro
posed Exposition building 'or the corner of
Fifteenth and Capitol avcnno. It will be 201
foot long by 120 deep extending from Four
teenth to Fifteenth street and facing on Cap
itol avenue , reaching back to the alley. It wil !
bo surmounted by four turrets and when com
plotecl will bo one of architectural beautiei
of the city.
The Friends of tlio Late Charles B
Trablng Follow His Remains
to their Zinst Resting Place.
The remains of the late Charles A
Trahlng who died so suddenly In thi
city Sunday , arrived In Laramlo 01
Monday night's train , and were mot a
the depot by an Immense concourse o
friends. Accompanying the remains 01
the train were the hrothar , Mr. A. Tra
blng , Mrs , Djloman , Mrs. Charles Tra
blng's mother , with two children of tin
deceased and Mrs. Will Swan , of Chey
The funeral took place at the rondonc
Tuesday afternoon , the parlors of the
mansion being thronged with the frlondi
of the deceased. The services were con
ducted by the Rev. Huber , of the Molh
odiit church , who preached a funera
sermon at once Impressive and eloquent
A choir , especially chosen for the occs
slon , rendered several beautiful selec
The casket wo a literally covered wit !
floral tributes of every design , includln
a massive harp , lyre , broken column
cross , anchor and many others , nil c
them Immortelles.
The body was followed to Ha final rest
Ing place by an immense funeral cortege
The pall bearers at the residence and c
thn grave were : Robert Marnh , S. Dm
lacher , Ora Haley , 0. Prahl , A. S. Pea
body , W. H. Holllday.
As expressed in a Laramie journal
"during the entire afternoon , and untl
the last sad rites wera over , all the place
of business wore closed , and the ontlr
town eoemed to wear the garb of griel
The loss to the community in the deal
of Charles A. Trablng Is one that wl
not soon bo forgotten. Ho filled a plac
few can hope to fill , and his support an
assistance In all business enterprises wi
bo sadly missed. "
Usnal Business Transacted Pitts R (
In the police court yc
torday morning , Mrs. Schal
who had been indu'glng in ot
ofner periodical uprcoa yesterday was ii
atructed to sober up on a fine ot $5 an
coati. She produced the money , pal
the asaeeimcnt and was released.
Frank 1'otoNon bad been arrested a *
vagrant. Ho clearly disproved tb
charge yesterday morning , and ehowc
that ho had oomo west In aoarc
of troik at his trade of a mechanic.
TVilliam Morgan , a icml.ldlotlo yout
was arrested on a charge cf lightinj
Taking Into consideration the inonti
condition of the boy and tbo fact that h
waa under 10 yeans of age , the judge coi
eluded to release the nnfortoimto.
Mlko McDonald ( colored , and no roll
tlon to the great Ohlcsfjo b ss and win
puller ) wes up before Judge Stenberg o
n charge of belnp ; a suspicions chnracto :
Ostensibly ha barns a living by runnin
a boot-black stand on Douglis , but 1
has been neon prowlicg around a joc ;
deal of hto at night and at early raori
and the police aireated him as n su
pcctcd crook. Jndgo Stenberg release
him with areptimsnd. ,
Cbarha Pitts w s brought from ja
yesterday morning , but no comphint wi
filed against him , es tl
evidence was hardly strong enougl
flo is the man , it may bo remcmberci
vho was nwsted on suspicion of rot
blng thn drug store of Field & Farn
worth , Monday. Do has been dUohargo <
A complaint was li'ed sgalnst Lon
Ueimrod fcr asi&ult end battery I ,
Slajmond IIr ! < chbotg. The latter wi
a' o the tubjtot ; of a complaint pri
fcncd by Mr. n. charging him wit
cruelty to a dog , Hlrsohborg , It i
rlalrnrd , ramuucl a broomalick dow
tbo throat of Mr. Il.'a dog tnd Hi
oviur veiy naturally toicnlinii the It
u't ' offered to his ojnina , rttiHated b
strking iho ro a with tie br.-omstlcl
f > n thcaa grounds the comrhlnts wei
filed ,
The Story of a fomanUifc ,
Deserted In North Carolina ami in
Colorado A. Fruitless Olinsc.
"Yesterday morning's Denver train
brought in among other pas
Bcngers a lady whose out
ward appearance plainly indicated that
the WAS ot the poorer class. Her fea
tures wore of a refined typo , in strange
contrast to the rude and uncouth Iwblll
nments which clothed her person. Her
general appearance and actions , barring
the matter of dress , was that oE a perfect
lady , ono doubtless who had scon the
world and had passed through the bitter
est and most trying hears which life af
fords. With her was a small boy , prob
ably five or six years of ago , who won
neatly but coarsely dressed and upon
whom , it could bo plainly teen , had
boun lavished the wealth of a mother's
care. , The lady , while waiting- for ono of
south-bound train entered Into
the - , con *
voraatlon with Officer John Tnrnbull ,
who chanced to bo in the depot nt
the time and told him the story of an In
teresting portion of her Itfo. Her name
is Mrs. Alary Benton ; her homo is , or
was , In North Carolina , near Raleigh.
"Eight years aijo , " she said , "I was
married in North Carolina to a man by
the name of Jaruos Benton. 1 was then
nineteen years of ago. It Is needless to
cay that I entertained for my husband
that wifely love and respect and honor ,
without which no married Ufa can bo
truly happy. Ho seemed to return , in a
reciprocal motuuro , these feelings. For
five years everything went smoothly.
My father had died in the meantime and
loft us a farm of seventy-five acres , not
very valuable , but as good as the major
ity of. farms in that neighborhood ,
Wo moved upon It and lived there
happily , enjoying the peace and quiet of
a farming Itfo. My husband was a rar-
pouter and always had plenty of work
because . ho was a steady , reliable man
and well liked In the country where ho
was known.
"About three years ago there came a
change. My husband's feelings eoeinod
metamorphosed. From a quiet , gentle
and tender man and husband , ho devel
oped into a moody and morose being ,
whoso traits wore any thing but admirable.
It Is not necessary to dwell at any length
npon this painful topic. I could not un
derstand the change , could assign no
reason , though I racked my brain iu the
vain attempt , and tried every expedient
to solve the mj story. My husband to all
inquiries was grimly tilent.
" On the 15th day of Juno ,
1882 , ho disappeared.Vhoro ho went
no ouo know. Ho disappeared as com
pletely and ai mysteriously , as though he
had been obliterated from the face of the
earth. Ho took no money , ( ho had some
thing over $200 treasured up in an olc
tin chest ) and loft all the valuable papori
untouched. No note was left behind
him to explain the cause of his departure
For weeks and months I grieved over tb <
matter , until at ono tlmo the doctor , as J
afterwards found out , thought that mi
brain would give way under the crnshin {
weight of the sorrow. The neighbors
who had noticed the vast change whicl
had coma over my husband , wcro in
duced ta the belief that he had tnrnoc
suicide. But I did not believe that sucl
was the case ( though I do not know HOT
and did not know then why I was led t <
think so. )
* ' 0no day about a year ago I received i
letter written by my husband and datei
at Denver , bearing the stamp cf tha
postoQico. In It ho said nothing of thi
causa of his strange disappearance , bn
eont mo a chock for $250 and told mo ti
come at once to Denver. "Sell thi
farm , " ho said , 'and do not delay comlnj
a single day. ' I closed up my affairs a
quickly as I 'could , sold the land at i
great sacrifice and started out west , tik
ing with mo my child , who had then de
volopcd Into a handsome little fellow o
five years * of age.
"It did not take mo long to make th
trip to Denver. On the way I foil to think
Ing abont the strange circumstances connected
noctod with the letter and wondered If m ;
husband were really alive and had wrli
ton the missive , or whether it was som
sttango hoax. The moro I thought of i
the moro 1 realized on what olende
chances rested the hope of finding m
husband. I did not bcllevo that I shonl
over find him in Denver , but made up m
mind to prepare myself for a bitter dli
"I was in the wrong. I was met c
the depot by my huaband , ( I wrote a lei
tcr betorehand , tolling of the time of ai
rival ) , and was token to his homo , a rud
house constructed near a mining camp
many miles from the city. Oar meetln
I cannot describe. My husband ha
B- changed grcat'y , had lost all tlu
melancholy and moroseness of charactoi
which I had discovered stealing over hii
jnst before ho had detorted mo tbre
years ago. And under the rough o
toiler of character which a mining HI
had glvon him , I could dltcover the trait
of the husband as I had known hlr
years ago. The firtt night after the jo ,
of meeting was over , I asked him to ez
plain the cause of hii mysterious do
parturo. He seemed strangely agitated
and told mo to trait a day or two and h
would explain everything.
"The next day I wokoup to find hie
gone. I thought It rather strange , bu
supposed that bis business had called hlr
away , and that ho would soon return
But a day pasted , and ho did no
come back. A month polled around am
sllll ho did not return. Again ho had dc
ecrted mo and the child in the tame myi
terlona nunner. The most thoroug !
search failed to reveal any clua ta hi
sirango departure ,
"I am going to Mlesonii , where I hav
a brother living near Golden City ,
have given up my hatband for good. Th
mystery of his strange actions I cannc
explain. I do not believe that I wl
id over see him again. That I care to ,
can not cay. "
ill The story waa told Officer Tnrnbull 1
as a manner calculated to carry covlotlor
10 Mrs. Bfnton refuted all proffers of alt
h. She lad mocoy enough to reach Golde
City and there , she eald , a livlrg won !
be provided her and the child.
, Smoke Seal of North Carolina T <
Don't fail to rend Motlcr'a price list c
th groceties on 5th page of this lesne.
n Douglas Comity Teachers' Asaocla
tlo ii.
Under the direction of J. B. Brunei
county superintendent , the Dough
County Teacher * ' association will hold
meeting Jnno Oth , In his rooms In th
new court house. The following Is the
programme :
MOIWIKO 8ISSIOX , 9:3) : .
Model Recitation . In Primary Geography
Miss Lottie F. Mitchell.
l' por. , . . , . Rocof s or No Recess
Mr. A. W. Parktr.
Model Training. . . . ' . Language Training
Mils Fnnnlo Brown.
Paper Supplementary Reading , Its Use and
Alms 9.
Mr.F..ritch. .
Phyiiology and Hygiene A Model Lesson to
Primary PupiU.
Miss Sarah II. Yonnfj ,
Paper . The Dally Programme
Mr. 13. Messenger. *
W. J. McCandloss.
Discussion : . ljlr'
} Mrg UjttioE. Cook.
Model Lesson . The Participle
Mr , James lit Fntis.
-LlscU88lon ) . I Miss Annn M. Carroll.
- f Mr. E. E. Fisher.
A full attendance is earnestly dcslrod.
The executive commttteo Is composed
of Goo. VV. Qlll , Max Il&ndall and Miss
Annie E. Evors ,
So l of North Carolina Tobacco is the
beat."V" IS OOMINoT
A Thief Driven Off at the Point ot
the Pistol Frightened Damsels.
About 1 o'clock Wednesday
night there was a raplt
succession of revolver shots near
the corner of Seventeenth and Capitol
avenno which told of oomo tragedy or
comedy that was being enacted In the
Investigation reveals the fact tha
about the hour indicated , a solitary
burglar broke into the house of Mr. F
A. Schneider , on the southwest corner
of Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. HI
efiected nn entrance by opening a side
window and pasting Into the hall through
an unoccupied side bedroom. It appears
that the front 'door had been loft open
for Mr. Schneider's son who ex
pected to bo homo late , and when
MM. S. , .who has her bedroom on'
first floor , heard the uolso as of eomo ono
groping in the dark , aho naturally ( sup
posed that It was her son. She called to
trim repeatedly , but the supposed scion cf
ilia house of Schneider made no roply.
Finally , becoming suspicious and alarmed
she arose and wont to the door which
opens out into the ball. She called to
him again , asking him eomo question and
ho replied as though ho were her son.
Then , by the strange tone of voice , she
know that oho had boon deceived. Poor-
1 ing cautiously out oho saw the bnruglar ,
with a Hghtaa match overhead , groping
his way , evidently about to 1'ght ' upon a
trnnk-iull of valuables which stood In the
rear of the hall. Quietly turning
around , Mrs. Schneider irent to her hus
band and told him of the state of affairs.
Mr. Schneider at once jumped from the
bed and seizing a revolver rushed out
Into ilio hall. "Lot mo alone , lot mo
alone , and I'll leave the house 1" shouted
the intruder , as ho bolted through the
open side window. Mr. Sshnelder
jumped through the door and rushed out
into the yard , with no garment to protect -
tect his flguro from the chilling winds
save the tcanty night-gown. Ho fired
several shots at the fellow , none of which
appeared to take i ( Feet. After chasing
the thief up to Dodge street , Mr.
Schneider returned. Examination of
the premises revealed the fact that noth
ing of any value had been taken.
The thief is supposed to ba
a Dane who was employed
a few days before in watching the house
while the family was in California , and
who has several times before been detect
ed In crooked operations.
Miss Molly Fagan and Miss Curio
S Heed are a brace of fair damsels who
room at ICO-t Farnam street.
Wednesday night abont mid
night they were awakened by
the noise of the turning of tha door knob
on the room of their door. They resorted
to the usual maidenly expedient oi
screaming. They screamed until their
melodious voices caicased with warbling
„ tenderness tbo high leger notes
t _ above the staff. The man , whoever
0 he was , Immediately retreated through
[ j. the _ front door , evidently afraid that they
girls wonld get after him , and
quite probably , by the awful thought
d y that ono of them might propose to him.
The yunng Isdies naturally expected o
3. return of the felonious visitor and at
once determined to remove their bed up
stairs , instead of remaining alone on the
first floor.
They worked like beavers at this job
for abont twenty minutes , until they
were completely tuckered out. Just as
they were lugging the last pair of bed-
slats up stairs , they heard the front door
open again. The burglsr was again in
the houso. Allowing two pierc
ing screams to gurgle forth from two
pearly mouths , the conragous young
ladles seized their bed slate with deadly
grip , and started to pounce npon the
c flendcr , at the foot of the stairs. But
the desperado had fled. The girls re
turned to theiyip-stalrs conoh and peace
reigned supreme.
"V" is liable to create a stir.
New Evidence to bo Taken in tnta
Important Btilf.
United Statoa Marshal TTaslWa returned -
turned to this city joaterday
morning' bringing with him
aoveral cow witnesBoa who arc
expected to give teatlraony in the matter
0 of the Brighton Rinoho caao , on bahalf
of the government. The names of those
gentlemen ara E , K. Lichtohburg , Jnraea
A. Pike , Frank Daltcn , Bernard Whip-
pie , B , O. Shedd and William Ponn.
They are expected to testify in relation
to the amount of laud Inclosed by oqi
corporation , the treatment ol
homoitjadorp , olo. , paints which arc
at preterit Involved in doubt. Thotaklnc
nf teit mony will bo done bofora Judge
nail , the Examiner in Ohancory , com
mancing , probably , to-day ,
Mr. Uautinns says that 0. H. HoweSj
the special eurvojor tout out to make e
aurvcyi tha tract , is already on the
acenp , buey ut work.
Matters just n * ; present ate poBcaful ir
Ouster county , thiugh there la considerable -
able tnpproeiod egilutlon. At the re
cent session of the district court , Pawl
end Dillou , tbu two nun accusad of kill-
iog tbo homesteader , secured a continu
anoa of tlitir cases until July.
Don't fail to read Mutter's price list Q :
groceries on 5th page of this latuo.
The frprt of tlio Oily Ennineer on
last Year's Expflites ,
TVbat Grading , Curbing mid Gutter'
lug , Paving , Etc. , Drive Cost.
Oily Engineer Rosowatcr has filed with
the city dork his report of expenditures
for publid Improvement during the year
ending May , 1885. The main points are
given bolovr :
The total of grading done was 700,000
cable yards at a cost of $157,483.88.
This work was done on twenty- live dif
ferent atteots , aggregating 10 80-100
miles of street , equivalent to abont sixty
miles of railroad work with an average
ill of 5J feet.
The most notable changes from this
; tadlng are manifest on Farnam , North
Ightoeuth and South Sixteenth , and the
radlcatlon of the old crock bed on Izud
The roanlt of this work , notwlthstand
ng _ the strong reasons for bollovlng it
was injudicious , has advanced the VAlno
f adjoining property moro than triple
ho cost of the work. Every foot of real
state on Farnam street has advanced
'com $20 to $40 , and tbo property along
'zird street has advanced at a still
reater ratio.
In all for the past year , there wcro 40-
79 lineal feet of caiblng laid and 40- ,
78 of guttering , or a little over 7A miles
f each. The average cost of curbing
ran $1 10 per foot , and of guttering
1.00 per foot fcr a width of 2i foot
12.39 for nix feet width , and $2 1)3 ) for
light foot width. Tho. coat of inspection
i this work was 3 | cents per foot.
The gutter stones used are of the di
monslons of paving blocks , and the curb
tones are In length 3G Inchon , and In
opth 24. The curb-stones ate nov
malnlv sands'ono from the Colorado
.aanies. For gutter ] , the beat material
used is Sioux Falls granite.
For the requirement of good drainage
xporlenco has developed thn fact that p
rado across an intersecting street ehoald
bo moro than eighteen Inches between
urbs/and ordinarily not more then six
nclus. The old grades woio created with
a rlsa in aomo Instances cf eight feet , and
no matter with what material such an In-
srsectlon bo paved , the result would b
o upset any wagon traveling over It.
The total BBWFrago laid was 62,237 Hnoa
eot at a cast of $175,290. This include *
sewers if both systems and all oppurto
nances. The city now has a sewerage o
21 10-100 mites at a cost -100,417.34
The cowers run go In size fros six inchei
to eight and a half feet.
The engineer recommends that the gas
company bo not allowed to dlcchargo its
waste water and refuse Into the city
The paving in the aggregate amounted
to 35,213 square yards in street intersec
tions at a cost of $110,643.10 to the city
and 103,729 square yards In street dls-
riots costing $317,013,12. .The inspec-
ion cott $1,571 39 making the total
$429,827.01. The cost of osphaltum
pavement on a concrete base was * $2.98
and of Sioux Falls granite $2.98 to $3 44
per square yard. Colorado candstone
blocks from $2 87 to $3 49. In addition
to the streets fourteen alky districts were
paved aggregating 6,637 square yards at
a cost Inclusive of inspection of $27-
There were 34,464 lineal feet of plank
sidewalk laid at a cost of $11,502 61 paid
by special levy. This , however , does not
represent more than one-half the cullay
for this class of Improvement as at least
that much more has been built directly
by property owners. Fully $50,000 has
been invested in granolithic and other
The contract work ( f the year , as
enumerated above , Is as follows :
Grading . $157,45388
Curhlng and guttering . 98,211.30
Street paving . 435,40078
Severs . 177,200.68
Sidewalks . 11,002.01
Alley paving . 27,339.00
Engineering . 15,000.00
Total . . . . § 922,210. 81
Don't fail to road Motter's price list of
groceries on 5th page of this losuo.
Will Wagner , an unscrupulous tough , con-
fidenced.nn.old crippled lady inNebraska'.City
and wan promptly jailed ,
VnnllIi..reiiionOi-nrite | , etc.flnvor CaUes ,
Ci-c.imiiI iiiltlliiii > , .Vciiii ilrllcnteiytiiid nut-
urnlly in ( UulViiU fro m which they tire in iiile ,
pntMRlD oy TH (
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. Ot. Louis , Mo.
Dr. Prloo's Cream Baking Pov/dor
Dr. Price's Lupulin Ycnst Gems ,
llc t Dry Ifo | > Ycntt.
son SA. S2 Eir ouoc :
adt'ftil Irok
Lead Pipe and Sheet Load.
uoimiiJcnos tiTtm I'tai-h ,
HISDB1U15U HUH K > \ H.L Mil 1-8 ,
Ptetos1 Gas and steani FHteis' '
UUi& Dodoe Sls-OKAHOEB ,
Tills powuor novsr varleii. A msjvol ot paiely
strength nd wholesomoneM. Mora coonomloM tn n
the ordinary klndj.und cannot bo sold In compel !
tlon with the multitude ot low test , Bhott weigh
lam ot phyophrto powders. Bold only In o n
UOVAI , BAKING POWDKB CO. . 108 W ll 81 ; K.V
Oinalia Medical fc Sur
gical Institute.
13th St. , Oor OapitolAve ,
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Diseases of Females , ot the Nervous SyBtcm , .
vato Diseases of the Urinary and Sexu&I organs , and
Dlsoasos ot the Henl , Throat and Lungs , specialties ,
QIscaEcs treated by an experienced specialist , also
llecaaosot the Hour t.Llvor , Stomach , Kidneys , Blad
er , Neurolsla , Kbou'mntiim ' , Hits , Caacere , eto ,
And all other diseases ol the Throat and Lunj-s , treated
od by Medicated Vapors. Send ( or Inhaler
or circular on Inhalation.
All diseases ot the Blood , Uiinary and Scxunl Or-
cans , Private BisoaEos oucl Piles Cured or no Pay.
16 Years Hospital and Private Practice.
Consults tlon and Examination Ireo
lt' 9 , Diseases ot Females , Private Diseases ot the
Urinary and Sexual Organs , Seminal Weakness , Ner
vous Debility oi Eihiuetion , etc. , eto. , and our new
restorative treatment ,
All letters and consultations Confidential.
Medicines sent to nil parts of the country bv express -
press , securely packed trom observation , U lull de
scription of case Is ulven , One personal Interview
preferred If convenient. Open at nil hours.
Patients from a distance can obtain rooms and
board ,
Address all letters to
Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute
ISth St. Cor. Caplto Ave , Om b >
Plattsmouth , Neb.
Breeder of thoroughbred and high grade
Hereford and Jersey Cattle ,
And Puroc and Jersey Bed Swine.
Graduate ot tha University "Vienna , Aua
trift. Late Surgeon to the Military Hospital ,
of Vienna. Will do a general Medical and
Surgical practice. All calls in city or country
promptly attended. Offica at the Omaha
Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner 13th
Street and Capitol Avenun.
Imported Beer
. . . . Bavaria.
Erlangor , - - - - - - -
Oolmbacner , . . , . * - . , . * . .Bavaria
Pilsner. . . . , - . . Bohemian.
iiiaor. * . . < . - . - . . - . . .o.Breman ,
BndTreiser. . . v. .Bt , Xiomo.
A.nhnnBar St. Louis.
Best's. . . . . - . - . , - Milwaukee.
Sohlitz-PilBnor . * . . Milwaukee.
Kiru B < , . . . . . . - . . . .Oiunlia
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine
Wino. * "D. MAUEEB ,
At the old stand 1417 Fatnam BL Crdero by Iclt
eraph solicited and prom ptl attended to. Telepbon *
Town Lots in Denver Junction ,
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction IB a now town of about 200
inhabitants , laid out In 1881 , on the great
trunk railway across the continent , at the
junction of the Juletburg ttrancl ) , 107 miles
from Denver. Tlio town is on eecond bottom
land of tbo 1'latte River , the finest location
between Omaha and Denver , and is surround
ed by the boet-lnjinK lands west of Kearney
Junction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ;
altitude 3 , ( ! 10 feet. Denver Junction bida to
become an important point , us tbo U. I1. B.
R. Co , , are putting up many of tholrbuildliiRd
here , while the 3i , & M. 11. It. Co. . are expect
ed soon to concept at tbU place. Th preient
chance for good investments In town lots will
ecarcelv ever ba equaled elsewhere. For ealo
by the lot or block in good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction , Colo.
New Orleans Exposition.
For''Semrkaable Fine Quality of Tone ,
.Excellence of Design ,
Perfection of Workmanship
Call and see these Pianos , wliieli take
GeneralWestem Agents.
Remember that when you buy a lot in South Oma\m \ you got 9,000
square feet of ground , equal to three lots 50x60 , or , six business lota
25x00. With this you nave the advantage ot alloys 20 feet uide and
a street 80 feet wide.
When you are buying real estate ; ascertain how much LAND you are
getting for your money.
To Eecure these large lots white they are cheap. You can get ground
now at 2i cents a square foot that will be worth five times that amount
in three years.
§ § end for a Mao of South Omaha.
Address , 216
MM. Upton. Ass't geo'v and Manager.
Flneit Selections of
Merchant Tailor ,
16th mnd Davenport Sis
, Caterers ,
And Ladies' and Gents'
oclal attention given to
. 'amllles ' , Parties , Wed
dings , Dances , Picnics , Ac.
Cor. 16th and Capitol Ave
F. M. Schadell & Co. ,
218 N. ICth St. ,
Luttro and Kensington
taught at fiOo. a I-enson.
The Complete Coureo
taught for $2.00. I'alnU
free to practlca while
learning. Also cleaning
of real and Imitation luces
Cleaning of lace curtains
n specialty. Ttoe beat work
at reasonable prices.
P. .rielB > Beo.320H.16tt
Mrs.TE.McNally ,
1B23 Douglas Street
Corner Sixteenth.
Dr. Hauglmwout
Teeth without i > lnto. Gel
Crowns and uoM I'liite
Work a Specialty ,
at Beasounblo Kt\iei
Leslie & Morrell ,
Central Pharmacy ,
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Soda and Mineral
3.W. Cor. 10th A Dodge Sts.
.nd Copying House.
702-7O4 N. I Oth St.
Irst-Clnss Work done In
lie latest styles ol the art.
Inhlied In India Ink or
: riyon , as desired.
Practlca limited to
Superflous llalr RemoTod.
Crounso Block ,
lOtU St. Room 12.
Fancy Goods ,
119 No. 10th" Street ,
Also , First-Class Dress
making. General Agcnl
for NeuraskafortbeAcmt
Tailor System of Cuttlug
Tlio Old Kulliible
Omaia EmploymeDi Bureau. .
217 N. IGth St. .
Arenlnajs read-In ) fil
orders promptly fw- help
and girls can ataiys fini
( rood Bltuatlons by apply
Ing :
In connectlca with thi
establishment , we Iccrp i
Una stock uf Stationer ;
an A News nutCcr , Fashloi
Haots. Ktc.
MissKatcR.Kenncfl1 .
Dealer in Fancy Goods.
Art Needle Worl
Taught nn < l Kxccutcd.
ladeUbl tamplnca Ppi
cialtj. Mntcrliih for
Vancy Work.
310 No. lOtH Blrco
'ecorators ' , Paper Hangers
Etc. , Etc.
Slot miilnz a spiclalty.
No. fill North 16th St.
Central Dining Hall
104 South ICth Sts.
leal Tickets , $1.00
Meal * at nil Honm
Market ,
16th ami Cumin ? ,
g the place to buy your
Meat cheap for Cnah. do-
tvcred to any part of the
Ity. Meats of all varieties
hcoper licra thau at any
'Ibcr ' market.
B. A. BIAltSir , Prop
Dr. LANE ,
Flyslclan anl
Office ,
Sixteenth & Douglas StJ.
321 N. ICth St. ,
Cor. ICth and Chicago.
Trompt attention give
lo Prescriptions.
Publishing Coiiey ,
117 N. 10th SU
eoond-hand School Book *
Fine Stationer/ .
Hollgloui GUI Boots.
Seydel & Ahlqulst ,
Dealers la
Jewel Stores and
rown IOWEI Vapoi Sluu ,
N.W. Cor. 16th
and California Street * .
tcforo IJuylne Else > -
wlicro , Ilotneml > r
mis NKW
Milliners and
Dress Makers ,
2ia N , letb St.
J. L. ROY & CO.
watttmnseii and leweliH ,
BUrernare , Music * '
Instruments ,
Watches , Clocks ,
and Jewelry.
7atclici Repaired ind
Cleaned and work Oux >
inteed for One Year. OW
tawdry repaired A madi
Ter to Buit. Fine Gold
and Silver Coloring.
607 N. ICth 6U
M.J.O'Ronrie.H.D ' . ,
Cor. 10th A Douclaa ,
13th A Centre Sts. ,
Bouth Omaha.
Illustrated Catalog ? * a
Electricity , Free.
L. W , Wolfe & Co ,
and Dealoia in
Electrical Supplloa
Elcctrlo Dells , Annuncia
tors , Jlurclar Alarms , Mid >
leal Batteries , 'ftlegrapu
Apparatus , Ac. ,
300 10th St. , North.
1409 and 1411 Douglas Stc-1 } KfflS.M 1 Omaha Nebraska
, MannfActureri of Ornamental
Dormer Windows , Window Capl , UetalUoBky-IJfbtJ , io. Iln , Iron aad lUte lloolers ,
rt. W9rkdoj yiaaypMto