r 6 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS -FRIDAY , MAY 29 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE. BLUFFS , Friday Morning , May 29 1 BATES. flUtwofurnoH . . . . . . _ so cnl ! [ i week y u MINOB MENTION Get your dinner nt the Thronl twenty-five cents , 505 Broadway. ] The county board of supervisors wlllf meet next Monday. Get yon dinner at the Phcunbc , twcnly.fivolcents , 005 Broadway. The fire department vras yesterday busy flushing out sowers. Bricks for sale lu largo or small lots by J. A. Weaver , 815 Seventh avenue , J. E , Ratokin , the Rrocor on ( Blroat , has boon enlarging his store. Go and see the display of pictures at evening. 502 Broadway , Friday "X Y Z" [ art museum. Two car loads of Iron for the now jail and expected to arrive nro on the way , dally. The fire department Is making great preparations for appearing nt their best on decoration day. A number of the cellars of the business blocks of Glonwood were badly flooded by tbo rain of yesterday. In the district court yesterday the time was mostly taken up in the trial of the case of Leisure vs.jQalusha. Leonard , the barber at No. WO Broadway - way , has added oomo Improvements to , - his shop , ono being another chair. The Bluff city band has offered Its services to Abe Lincoln post , grand army of the republic for docoratlou day. Jostlco Schurz yesterday performed the ceremony which made ono of Arnold Schafor and Lucy JPlckol , both of Shelby county. Heller Is offering great bargains at his merchant tailoring establishment , No. 310 Broadway. See his goods and got his prices. The X Y Z society will servo supper for everybody Friday evening at 502 Broadway. Admission 25 cents , supper free , served from G to 10. Two of the prisoners who lately broke jail in Harrison county hayo boon cap tured , ana passed through hero yester day for their old jail homo. ' The Rev. H. Krueger has arranged to preach in the bible alone church on the evenings of the first and third Sundays of each month at 8 o'clock. Henry J. Volght will shortly put his cigar business Into one of the now stores on Main street , corner of Story , which waa lately erected by John Morgen. In the district court yesterday the di vorce case of Andrew Hill vs. Anne Hill was heard , and submitted , the claim of the plaintiff being that ho had been deserted. " The track was yesterday in such a muddy condition as to render It Impos sible to carry out the programme , and another postponement was taken' to this afternoon. The only differenca thus far aeon hereon on account of the prohibition law is that the saloon men , Instead of paying license money Into the city treasury , are paying It Into the pockets of the attorneys. There has boon much talk about the sewers being all filled up , bnt the exam ination yesterday showed that they were not in bad condition , and now they are flashed out so that they are as clean as can bo. Gcorgo Holmes , of the Platlsmouth live stock company , yesterday took another drove of colts to PJattsmonth , Nob. , which were bought of Messrs. Slouter & Bowloy , of Kiel's barn , ibis city. city.Mrs. Mrs. E. J. Balcear , of San Francisco , a hair and scalp doctreas , Is In the city , and stopping with relatives. She will next wcok opan her oflioo nt 34 North Seventh street , near Mynstcr , In the for mer residence of James Smith. L. Wolnstoln , of Burlington ; Governor 0. 0 , Carpontor"of Fort'Dodge , and tbo Hon. B. F. Clayton , cf Macedonia , the 'board of trustees of the Institution for the deaf and dumb , are In the city city , look- over the affairs of the institution , Last evening Grace Hawthorne ap peared at the opera housj in "Qaoena , " and this evening she will appear In "Miss Mulion. " To-morrovr afternoon and evening "Qaeona" will ba presented again. 11 , 0. Lingo having received tbo ap pointment of deputy revenue collector at this place , the great rush of the demo cratic candidates will now bo centered on the potitlon of constable , left vacant by tbo death cf the veteran officer Jaok White. To-morrow will bo a Hyely ono for this city. Besides the other doings of the day John lloblnson's great olrcns is to bo Loio , and there fill bo a rush for the attractions gathered under his canvas which are said to ozcood any cil'arod in this line of amusement this season. Next Tuesday evening thera will bo mooting at the board of trade rooms to take action In regard to giving a reception tion to the Iowa editors who gather here on the Oih of June , and who will star from heio on their great western excur slon. slon.The The fauorsl of Mrs. 0. 0 , Cook wa held yesterday | morning from the family residence , No , 731 First avenue and vras attended by a largo numbsr o frlenda. The services were conducted by the Rev. McKay , assisted by the Rav , Mr. BMoi , of the Presbyterian church The caikct in which the remains wer was an degMtt cno , trade of rci cedar and covered with black broadcloth , silk lined and satin draped , with taxtlle trimmings. The floral trlbntoi were nu-i morons and beautiful , ! ; ' Dr. Palmer left Sunday morning for Council Bluffi , where ho will remain several weeks. Ho is certainly a peon liar man , and while street selling of goods generally Indicates the snldo , the sudden cures the doctor made hero , notlcably In the Frank Fisher case , indir cato that ho understands his business | pretty thoroughly. Ho is a genial gentleman - tleman , nnyway. Atlantic Democrat. The clerk of the courts , J. J. Shea , got rattled in ono of his duties yesterday , making much merriment for the lookers- on. A good old Quaker lady was called on as a wltnois , and naturally she objected joctod to taking the oath , as she did not bollevo In swearing by anything , either n the heaven above or the earth beneath , and so the ] jadgo directed that she should 'affirm. " The clerk had not had any occjslon to handle such a witness , so when ho wont nt the form of affirmation hii tongno got back Into the old rut ? , and after starting out well with "You do lolomnly affirm that you will toll the rath , " etc. , ho wound up by adding , ' o help you God. " The old lady did not discover the mistake , so with all her J scruples she really took the oath. | The Honored Pond. By request of the committee the BEE presents the complete and corrected list of the soldiers whoso graves are In this county , and who will bo specially re membered to-morrow : In Falrviow cemetery Chris Wolrlch , Alexander Shoemaker , Dr. W. H. Os- born ; Joseph Wheeler , A. B. McEuno , T. W. Phillips , Valentino Fleak , William [ vnox , Prof. Matslo , Louis Honn , Wil- iam Springer , D. A. Cunningham , E. M. 0 , Mansfield , A. E. Stolnmetz , Jason Hubbard , William Fuller , William J. Fuller , J. J. Jaoklen , Thomai Seymour , James Allison , H. Fisher , Rust , F. B. Danigcr , Orrln HorsheyH S. H. Oasa- dy , Herman Boscho , Homer 0. Ball , Martin Huffman , W. H. TVler , H. Smith , Tooob Bolz , Dr. Oolo , John Watts , John . Butcher , Fred Lord , Prof , George Houser , Allen Forbes , ( colored ) , Charles B axley , Oflborn , Oaborn , Tyler , Tyler , Lieut. A. A , Overion , Thomas Long , Lorenz Fanl , 0. F. Ovcrton , Wil- .lam Stevenson , 0. H. B. Arnd , Homer Oaughoy , E. P. Oilman , Samuel Weiiich , George Bowers , John Schorfiold , John Slagg , H. 0. Packard , E. P. Geiger , John Berry , and John Armour , a soldier of 812. Catholic cemetery Perry Smith , John Dally , Lon , Lon , Walter Burke , nd Ed Butko. i George Zimmerman at Walnut hill. < Ed .7. Clark and Mudga at D. B. Clark's cemetery. MOJCB Nxon at Hazel Dell comotory. is 0. H. B. Marshal and Jerry Wells at 11H ! arnor cemetery. In Bowen township Joseph H , Nlch- .8. .8.In Honey creek Samuel Allen. In Crescent City H. Arnold. Police Pointers. In the police court yesterday a young man giving his name as J. T. Solon , but who was not wise enough to know tha "tonoaty Is the best policy , wp loforo the bar on a charge of stealing a : lt of fish from the Wabash depot. Ho loaded guilty and was sant to jail for five lays. J. Fredericks , the colored man who waa arrested for assaulting another Afrl can named Boacham with a razor , was lent to jail for a few days. Ho insisted that he was afraid of Beacham , and bogged the court to grant him an injunc tion against him. This Injunction busi ness seems to be catching among all ilacses. The frail llttlo lady who gave her name as Mlnnlo Davis , but who is better known as Eva Lament , was yesterday fined for being drunk , and the marshal ' ; ook her trunk for security. Jo Hoffman was yesterday fined for a plain drunk , getting off easy , consider ing the way ho was conducting himself toward ladles on the streets. Fonr mollqw follows , claiming to bo from Malvorn , were yesterday arrested for fighting on Broadway. 1'hoy gave their names as John J. Moloney , Morris Duncan , N' . liensen , and George Field- housd. They seemed to bo well provided with moans to continue their spree , had not the police interfered , the qnarteto assaying over § 200. TJEUSONAIj. C Lieutenant Governor Manning is tbo chosen orator for Cedar Rapids on Decoration Day , J. 0 , Reagan , the Den Molnea paving con tractor , wup in the cltv again yesterday , Mr , Stoftdman , of tbo Nonpaieil , goes to Jllssuri Valley to deliver the Decoration Day oration. Ernest Brock Is expected to arrive homo to night from ono cf his missionary trips for Perfgoy & Hooro. Joseph Donaboo had a party of friend , pasted east over the "Q" yesterday morning in the directors' cu. J. R. Hardy , general superintendent of the Kansas City & St. Joseph & Council liluffa was In the city yesterday , @ 1'rank I'inloy Harlo , of Saint Joe , a grand- Eon of City Auditor Burke , is in tbo city , vis iting his relatives and friends. K , B. Kttonheimer , a capitalist from Koch- eater , N. Y. , la at the Pacific house , and to day starts on n tour farther west. Mm , McLean , whoeo husband is agent for Wells , 1'argo & Co , , at the transfer , baa gone to Jlurliogton on a visit to friends there , John 0. Luscb , who ably represents the Philadelphia shoo manufacturing company , was In the city ymterday looking after the 1 interests of the trade. Hiriy liiriinbine , engineer of ( ho water works company , left last evening over the Milwaukee & Saint 1'aul for tba east , to visit kls old Philadelphia home , and other point * In the oait. A. J , Glass , of Janeavllle , Wlr , was at the 0/ilen / yesterday , lie is president of tbo Janeavtllo manufacturing company , \vhoae agricultural machicca are found pretty wel scattered over tbo western fanning districts K , 0 Swan , nuoof tha largest stockmen o Wyoming , has b ea in tha city for several A day , mid with I.U vvlfoUiting her father W. II , KIrkendull , and have gene toDaWltr. Mo. | near which plice he ia thinking of pur clnalrg n ttcck faun. lie has been very tucces-ful ! o tha stock business , \ BUSY BURGLARS , | A Heavy Hani Made From James & Hayerslock's ' General Store , Other PUccs Entered , It has boon noticeable lately that every rainy ( night Is Improved by burglars , a gang of whom seem to ba hanging about the city watting for every favorable chance ' to plunder , without much apparent ont " choice as to what kind of plunder they got. Night before last was no ex ception , and several places were entered and nothing known of it until the open Ing of business yesterday morning. The most Important haul made \ras at James & HnvoratocVs etoro , corner of Main and Willow avcnuo. Thera on entrance waa obtained by moans of a chisel , wMch was used In prying open Uio front door , The follows iroro evidently judges of Roods , and did their selecting lolsaroly. for among the laces they only took the best , leaving the cheaper kinds. They took a largo number of scissors and shears , silk handkerchiefs , pocket books , jowely , and neckwesr , and It Is thought that they packed these goods Into n largo gripsack. They opened all the cash drawers but got only a litlle change. The whole amount of goods taken is estimated at ' $200. There was n light loft burning in the store , aa usual , and any piosor-by could easily have discovered the burglars nt work , as the atoro fronts on both Main and Jfcarl atreots , Connor's saloon on lower Main street , waa also visited , and an entrance nns evidently gained there nleo by uao of a chisel. There was llttlo taken , some cigars and a llttlo change being all that was missed by the proprietor. Mulllon'a saloon , on Broadway , was also burglarized. The front door was found unlocked yesterday morning , and whether the proprietor torgot to lock up the night before , or whether the fellows had a key , is a matter of doubt. Some cigars and a little- money were taken. O The police sociu to bo able to got no clue to the tbievea , and tbo plunder by this time Is doubtless far beyond tllolr roach. Wanted First-class steak baker at Smith & Loorke's , 533 Main street , Council Bluffs. Oeispoola and vaults cleaned. Addrca ? , R. &K , BEE office. Decoration Day. To the ladles of Council Bluffs and vicinity : I am requested by the commltteo of arrangements of the grand army of tlo republic to nrgo that all persons having flowers they are willing to contribute for decoration day , will please send the simo to the atororoom recently occupied by Mr. James Fortorfield , No. 411 Broad way by noon of Friday the 20th Inst. It earnestly hoped the donations will bo onerous , that at least ono wreath and bcquet may be made for each soldier's rayo. It is alto requested that the adies of the committee , and all others who can , trill assist on the afternoon of Friday and the morning of Saturday in arranging the flowers. MBS. WILLIAM F. LAPP , Chairman Committee , on Decoration. Cobs at Geortjo Beaton's , G28 Broad * "JJono 'Wolf. " Dr. J. Palmer , who is known aa "Lono Wllf , " and who for over twenty years was medicine man for the Cherokee trlbo of Indians , is stopping at the Scott house. He claims to bo the only Indlanjncdlclne man travelling , who uses nothing in his treatment only roots , herbs , barks , flow- ore , grassess and balsams , nature's own remedy. The doctor will remain herd about a week. His lectures on the street corner each evening draw great crowds , and he seems to bo doing a wonderfully successful business. N. J , Bond and F. W. Armstoad have dis solved partnership. Mr. Armstead buying out his partner's interest will continue in the grain business alone. Mr. Bond goes to Neb raska to look up a new location. Substantial abstracts of titles and raa estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street. Got your dinner at tbo Phoeaiv. Twenty-five cents. C05 Broadway. COfifMEUOlAIj , COUNCIL BLurra MABKET , Wheat No. 1 milling , 70 ; No , 2 , G5 ; No. 3 , CO. Corn Now , 28o. Oats For local purposes , 0o. Hay 8 00 per ton : baled , CO. . Ryc GOo. Uorn Meal$1 .CO per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , t.00 ® 60 , Oonl Delivered , hard , 0.50 per ton ) salt 4.CO per ton Lard Armour's , wholesaling at 71 x Flour Olty flour , 1.50@2.00 , Brooms 1,75@3.00 per doz , WVK STOCK , Cattle Bntohor cows . ? 5@3.76 , Bntcbfii stoora , 3.76@-J.00. Bheop 3.00@3.50 , Hoga-3,00g3.76. ( PBODUOB AND THDITS. Eggs Receipts moderate ; demand peed 9Jc.Butter Butter Receipt ! liberal and much In ex cess of tbe doraund by the local trade , who care only for tbo choice lots of fresh grass ; mixed and streaked lots slow sole. Sales to day were made at 10@Kc ! for frceh country , solid packed in tuba or jars ; 80 for unwrapped rolls , In boxes and for streaked lots of freeli stock ; old stock , 4@5c ; creamery dull at 18 20c. ASfVSXSMJBSNTS. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. Mb Avo. ani Pearl Street , ( Formally JUrtln'a Hlnk. ) & SANDEU , Prop'rs & Managers , Engagement Extraordinary ! Two Weeks Only , commencing Monday evenIng Ing , May 18 , of the Eminent Young Actor , MB , EDWIN BAIIUOUU , supported by his Hunerb Dramatic Company , In one ot tha following choice repertoire of standard p ] yc l ok Uloiiicindi ! Iron AVillt ( as played in Now Ynrk over a 1,000 times under the name of H zal Kirke. ) Oimlim-i ! JOSHUA Wmicoiiul KATHLKZK MAVUUUNKKN ! A.C. , & . In Our Curio 1111 : JiUMA. tha wonderful living hilMady. PROl" . STKUDELL , and bis wonderful Tlmumuscopa. PHOF. E , M , DUNTON , the Illusionist. MADAME DKVERK , tbo bearded lady. llesxt for Lidlea. A I'rtort for Cli'IJren. ' i'ationlzeil by the elite , nothing fcuomcds like mo- ecu. Muteutu o ) > on 1 to fi anj 7 lu 10 p in. TlioHro pcrloimtuce every Etcnlug niilHMuriiaj Matlneo UJie c n iil.ly Unit thh p'pillar ( lice ol mnuso ment ltliout an cicort ta tbe umiigement : person l gimtDtro tint uothlcg wiU be dona to otleuJ th in it l fwtldkus. > HARKNESS BROTHERS , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , CARPET , CARPET . CARPETS. A large stock and choice patterns. Prices clear down. DryGoods , DryGoods All the novelties in Dress Goods , Silks and White Goods , Always Lowest Prices ; We make a snecialtv of Store Shadings ? Office Mattings , 'tlie furnisliiiio * of churches offices and public buildings. ,401 Broadway Council Bluffs W. P. AYI.ESWOETH , , Biiclc buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed , Frame fccui moved on Little Giant trucks , the boat in the world. W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs JT. JR. OtlOttER AKDDEAUIR AND Vegetable Plants and Fruits. Orders from abroad promptly filled. Sweet Potato Plants a specialty. Plants will bo ready for shipment by May 10th. Orders should bo placed early. J.R.-McPHERSON , 2181 Pierce St , Council Bluffs Good Agents Wanted TO Brs. Judd & Smith's IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office and Factory , No SO , Fourth St. , Council Huffs , Iowa. NOW AT FULL FLOW AS NEVER BEFORE AT The Leading Store in the City , the Grand est and Greatest Dry Goods Stock in the West , Prices neyer before spmuch in favor o th epur chaser. Late grand arrivals AT'DEPRESSED prices from the manufacturing districts , g purchases just opened up in Silks , Dress'Goods , Cloaks , Linens , Domestics , Hsiery , Gloves , Fans , Parasols , Laces and Embroideries , In all the above departments during this week. Goods to be sold for less than half the regular retail prices. FOLLOW THE OEOWD * To the leading and largest Retail House in the citv. You-will always get more than value for your money. EISEMAtf , EODDA & CO , Peoples'Store , 318 and 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . Council Bluffs , MONDAY , soMONDAY 1st OLD JOHN ROBINSON , Circus , \Cotiibined ! 1 tldfenagerie jjs > r III III. BJLusewnjShoivs [ \ , \ { jAyuariain. EXhibit at CouncL ' Will Exhibit 'at Omaha Bluffs.SaturdayMay ; Monday , June 1st. 30th. < Tvfm * * 1 No Exaggeration Advertisement , No Gross Misrepresentations. * A Show that Depends upon Performances Not upon Promises. An Unrivaled Menagerie,51 The grand gorgeous st efc disp'ay. ' is infinitely greater tlian any of the kind over wituessod in this city. John Robinson will donate the public school fund Ono Tltousan Dollars if his show is not far superior , and au extra ODO thousand dollars lars if his street display is not pron'ounced larger , batter and grander than auy other show here this soason. For details oi this great show sec pi ogrammes , pictorial and descrip tive bills. Two performances at 2 nnd 7:30 : p in The jraud street display will take olaco at 8 a in A.IIR 'Will Discount till JPr/ees. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 3 Broadway , Council BIuITs , Io ra L.IVE STOCK . STOCKERS AMD FEEDERS. Hclfcrj and cms of all . ages furnljhol la auy JcslrcJ numbers ; ranchmen should correspond u Itbu before purchasing elsewhere. WINDOW & ORAMPFON , Waverly , Iowa , SMITH & TOLLER , ACTS , LKADINO Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA. AGomplete Line of New Goods to Select From , i KIEL SALE STABLER Keep Horace cud Muloa conilantly on hand which tell in retail cr carload lota All Stock Warranted as Renresenteti Wholmle nd rotull dealers ID Cr ln tnd llalcd JUy. I'rlcojroi' HitltfactKD Ouauntced , Cor. Oth Av. and 4th St , , Council Uluffa.