THE DAILY BEE-EJRIDAY , MAY 29. 1885. ones who helped to crystnlllza and tnako the city what It is , THE BAn Or THE FUTURE. The yonngoat member of the bar , en so doslgntktod by the chairmin , Mr. Arthur Wakoloy , responded to this subject , "Tho Bar ot the Futaro in Doughs County. " Mr. Wnfcehy wld : "Tho Fa- tura Bar Jof Doaa.Us County. " By A graceful flight of the Imagination ho plo- tnrod the bar of three decades hence , representing a city of 500,000 people , with 1,250 instead of 125 member * , and instead of 7CO caneo awaiting trial a total of 5,000. A bur of specialists will on that day bo created. "There arises n re former , through whoso Influence legal writings have boon shorn of useless ver biage and appear in A modest girb of simple English. Another , by a careful se lection , has condensed the cumbrous bulk of law reports to a manigoiblo system. There rises still another , ills calleagnoi call him the corporation lawyer. The lean and hungry Cassias of our youth feeds upon Jaw-suits , and is grown ple thoric with property. I cod another member of this fuluro bar. They call him the ladles' lawyer. The graces of a ChottorQeld raat upon his person , and his persuasive eloquence , like a second Web ster's , excels nil others as the advocate of Injured innocence and woman wronged. I BCD the criminal lawyer o ! the future bar. Like Domotthencs , of old , ho hai vexed the looklngglass until his gestured body forth his every sentiment ; no jury on withstand him Ho ad dresses them not in the formula used In ' 85 'gentlemen of the jury * but la now 'ladies and gentlemen of the jury , ' and woo to him it perchance ho say , 'gentle ladles ' forin that future men and , for - goilded ture of Trhlch I speak woman not only symbolizes jastico on the outsldo of the temple , but on the Ins'.do takes an im portant p'ut of its administration. " . Tno speaker then pointed out earnestly and ably npon the responsibilities of the people - plo for the moral support of the law , for no imid , "the lawyer ij the advocate of the law , yet ho can but volco the aontl- mont of a community. " A FEW sunrnisKS. This closed the speech making , but Chairman Ambrose asked the audlonco to remain a few moments longer , then requested Mosers. Mean. and.Coots to stand up. They complied , and ho read to them the following testimonial : It la by the board of county commls- > slonors of Douglas county , Nob. , in nos- nlon at the court house , In the city of Omaha , In said county , this 28th day of May , 1885 , Resolved , That the now court house being completed and accepted by the county commissioners , after com plete compliance with the con tract for the conslrnctlon thereof , the thanks of the county of Donglas 'arc duo , and are hereby tendered , E. E Myers , Esq. , of Detroit , Mich. , for his skill in preparing and furnishing to the county complete plans and apacliicatlona whereby , from the inception of the work , its progrots could bo traced to the close , and for his close attention to the work as it progressed , and the assistance and aid ho has so ably and cheerfully ren dered to the commission , and bo it further Resolved , That the thanks of the county are likewise duo and tendered to John F. Coot ; , Etq. , the .contractor , for the construction of the building ; the greatest credit is also duo from ua for the faithful and excellent manner in which ho has performed his work. TUB LAM ACT. To a crowning and closing act of the evening was the presentation of a handsome - some gold-headed cano to Mr. John E. Shine , superintendent of the building , by the commissioners. Mr. Richard O'Koofeo made tho.presentation speech , to which the audlcnca applauded lustily and called for Mr. Shane. Ho responded briefly. The audience then qulolly wended its way out into the moonlight. The goddos of justlco looked down from her high porch on the lofty dome and another psijo in the history of Douglas county had been completed. AVOMBN AVHO SWIM. Pretty Now Yorlccro in Picturesque Costumes IVIio Knjoy Themselves , Now York Sun. A man of compact phyalquo and healthy color , who was dreseod ID a bithing cult , loaned against the rail of a small swim ming bath up-townand carelessly knotted a bit of rope us ho talked of his bathers. "I'vo been Instructor of the better ele- incuts of Now York society for mnuy yeara , " ho nald , "nnd I may eay that I'vo bsen satisfactory. " "You do not deal with the hnmblor elements , then ? " "I uovur tonoh anything that ii not of the upper crust , " Bald the Instructor , compoaodly. "Tho tone is every thing. I oflbot the upper tone. Thia ia partly because I llko It , as it ia always ploaa- untor to moet ladles and gontleracn than parvenus and upstarts , and partly be cause i find it pays to bo exclusive. If f i yon lot people know that yon cater to the ' * bettor elements they will patroniza yon. " Tha place Is near Fifth avenue , ono of the moat aristocratic parto of New York. A liveried attendant opens the door and n number of English and French illus trated newspapers Ha about. No Amor- Icin papers ao in sight. This would in dicate that the "better element" docs not affect native journals. The bath Itself was a good-sized pool railed in handsomely , and nearly aovcn , feet deep In spots , and spring-boards , swing- inc-rlngs , swimming goac and con trivances for frolicsome , athletic and dar ing swimmers overhung various parti of the pool , while commodious dressing rooms-were arranged around the four tides. A small platform overhang the deep end of the bath. It was at least ton feet aboyo the water and was designed for aorlal diving. "Have you many puplli of the other loxl" the professor was asked. "Oh , yes , a very considerable numb jr. Their hours are from 9 In the morning till 4 p , m , i and they are the moat do * lightful of bathers. " "They are , eh1 ? * "Oh. ye " ( warmly ) , "the most de lightful. What Is more beautiful than a beautiful woman In a bathing suit ? " "What aoit of costumes do they wotr ? " "Tho majority of the ladies uio their icasida costumes , but qulto a number of export swimmers use the single garment , that Is , without skirt or tunlo , you know , and with tbo arms and neck bare. No men are admitted hero duting ladies' hours ; oven the swimming Instructors are women , aad BO the ladles' are perfectly safe from obiervation. I am here coca- ilonally , but then I don't count , you know. "It would anrprlto you to leo aomo of our more eipsrt swimmers. We hare a dozsu young women who iako head en from that platform up there , and we have only one man who attempts It. A ten- foot diva Is not to bo sneezed at , jou know. Well , the ladles spring from it hold first , with tbo feaTleisnesi and grace of birds. It Is usually the case wltb women that when they make up theii minds to do a thing they tro it for Ml they nro worth. Ono of my patrons Is as pretty in the water M she Is in the drawing-room. She Is n great society woman , aud her name appoara constantly In the pa pers. Her face is ai delicate as a cameo , and she has a soft little voice llko n nun. The first tlmo she cimo hero I supposed sho'd ba timid , and expected to send MI attendant in with her. While I wes thinking of it she came pattering down the walk , ran out , g vo n Wg jump to the end of the spring-board , aud took n dive that I never saw beaten in my life. Then aho came up , went hand-over-hand to the rail and n up the slops to that platform up thuro Over she went llko a swallow. She comes hero regularly , ui aho is the queen. There are crack tennis , crcqnct , and badminton player * , expert sailors , run ners , and dancerj , nnd tboto who can drlvo anj thing in hcrjo flesh from a mule to n four-in-hand among the ladies of Now York , but when yon corao to swim- ' mlnpr , I have the champion. She's as reckless as a dock rat in the water nnd as proper as a qiiakor on the land. " MTATK JOTIINQS. Burglars cracked n hardware store In Co- umbus Sunday night. A temperance revival IB drying up many { the modernto soaks of North llepd , President Terkln ? , of the Chicago , Uurling- ; on k Quincy , .wni serenaded in 1'lattsmouth Monday night and throw open the commissary epartmcnt of his special. John Castile , a human reptile , aicaulted a welvo-yoar-old fjlrl nt Sownrd In 1883. lie was convIctoJ , and last week the eoutenco of oven years WAS atllrmod by Judtga Harval. The Lincoln News sneers at the Omaha fair ubicrlption list of SG.COO , while the state fair ontribution box , which is being paseod round in Lincoln , contained only $500 at a ate hour last Saturday. The people of Wnhoo socm to have drank bo swindling Boveridge to its bitter dregp. ! he btuinoss men who are BtilTereri have of- erred $1.000 reward for his capture , and it is iresmned they would make It "dead or alive , A parly of emmurranta camped in a ravine , ino miles cast of Indianola , Tuesday. Dur- UK the night a terrific rain swept down upon Item , drowning nine persona three women nd sir children. Throe bodies were re- orered , Vf , D. Jones , of La Flatto , protests against lie statement that ho was deputized by SherI - I Eikenbarry , of Cass county , to arrest frank Williams , the tramp who shot Brown n Plattsmoutb. Not being an officer ho did tot feel justified In attempting to arrest ' \VI1- ams , although ho followed him into the tim- isr south of Omaha , but was obtain ny trace of htm. The train woa going at the ate of thirty miles an hour when Williams umpod from it. John Burke , a distributor of "B. B. " at Vcoplng Water , braced up on his own medl- ine and picked a quarrel with the town marshal. Ho was "powerful gay" _ for n min- to or two , but was finally jugged. His mates pried off the doors of the cooler Satur- ay night , and tendered Burke the freedom f the town , The marshal demurred at this , lipped the nippers on Burke and landed him n the Plattsmouth jail. A massive ditching machine has been con ducted at the Burlington & Missouri shops t Plattsmoutb , An ordinary platform car is upplied with a frame reaching out several eot on each side , from which are suspended our ponderous scoops or buckets , one op- loslto each corner of the cur. Thoao ire constructed of boiler iron und ore large nough to scoop up a i cubic yard of earth ach. Thcsa are so attached ttmt they will ig into the ground and remove u cubic yard t earth each , and can then be raised , lowered r up-ended to allow the contents to fall out , nd all by means of air from the engine , op erated by means of a couple of air-cocks on ho car. At the annual meotinc of the stockholders f the Fremont , Missouri Valley & Elkhorn railway company , held at Norfolk , the fol- owing directors wcro elected : Marvin Hugh- Jtt. Albert Keep , M. L Sykes , J. B. Rsd- ield. P. B. Hall , Horace Williams and David ? . Kimball. General Manager Linsley and uperlntendent Lawler remained at Norfolk ver night and then went to Sioux City , via lie St. Paul road. They are enthusiastic ivor Nebraska's prospects , the wonderfully ncreasing emigration w.eatward , and the [ rowing business of their roa.d generally , /onstructinn trains were running Gl miles vest of Valentino on tha 23 j , and the ex- ectation is that Chadron will bo reached by ho midllo of July. Plattnnouth is troubled just now in a nancial way. The city treasurer has do- Ided to ) keep in his has hands all moneys laid on account of special license tax. Ho lolda that under a recent decision of the su- irerao court all funds collected from that ource should ba turned over , to the school und , nnd , inasmuch as there is a great surplus of ecbool money already on hand the fund lollected from upecial license taxes amount ) ; o just as much moro of a urp'.us for the treasury to hold and control during the year. The Herald ays : "Tho attitude of tha treasurer is a very unfortunate ono both fcr him and the ity , for while it leaves him open to the sus- ricion that for the sake of having the uao of > 10OCO or 812,001) ) for a yonr or moro ho would ilock the whole machtnury for the improve ment and well being of the city. " A. Practical Illustration. ioston Courier. "So you say you were ouco chased by ndians ? " said Ethollnda to her bashful over , Geergo. "Yes , " replied Ooorga , "threo of us vero chased an entire day by a band of h'ostllos. " "And you received no injury ? " "No ; wo got away from them , bat it was a pretty tight tqueeze. " "Awhatl" "A tight equecza. " "What's that ? " "You don't ' know what a tight squeeze a ? Well , or that is to aoy by Jove , ou know I , or guess it's about time on did know. I or will glv i you an llustratlou. " And ho did. Senator VnnWyck's Politics. The Inter-Ocean correspondent at Washington claims Senators Van Wyok and Sabin have Hone over Into the ad- minutratlon camp for the purpose of controlling patronaga la Nebraska and Minnesota , and all tha corporation organs In this state are shouting "that's sol" although they hadn't noticed it themielves.Wo don't bo- iavo anything of the kbd. That the late chairman ef the national republican committee should do ft thing of that sort ! unreasonable , and It is well Known that Senator Van Wyck doesn't change his politics for a llttlo offloa brokerage. His political views are grounded on principle and that Is one good reaaon why he al ways makes it so eternally hot for corrupt noati of politicians who put up jobs to rob the government. Fremont Tribune. Bait nnd Muttnril Antidote. If a person swallows any poison what ever , or has fallen into convulsions from having overloaded the stomach , an in stantaneous and very edectlvo remedy la a helplug Ctoispoonful of common tal and as much ground mustard , s'.Irred rap Idly in a teacup f water. It Is soarsely down baforo It begins to come up , bring ing with U tbo remaining conUnti o the stomach j nnd lest there bo any ren nant of poison , however small , let th whlto of an egor , and sweet oil , or butter or lard several spoonfulla bo snallowec Immediately after vomiting , becant these very cDmmon articles nullify u larger number of virulent polecat thin any medicines la the shops. COURT NOTES , A Day AinonR tlio Vnrlons Mills of Justice. James McOord brought suit in ( ho county court yesterday against Otron Slavins for $401.51 , an amount ho claims duo him on a bill of goods , A motion was made and argued before Jndgo Dandy yesterday In the case of Olark vs. Lewis , for a rehearing on the notification of orders and decrees hereto- 'ore entered , but it was overruled. Plaintiffs in the caio of Boone county vs. the Burlington & Missouri railway secured an order from Judge Dandy yes terday giving them twenty days moro itmo to complete taking testimony. In the case of Abram Poole ot a ) , vs. West Point butter and chcoso association ot nl. and the Middle- : on national bank ot al. vs. West Point Duttor and chocss association et al. Judge Dandy yesterday requiring the receiver : o permit aud allow the btnk. its recstvcr and trustee and their counsel and ngont , o examine all books , records and ac counts of the association , in his hands , at all times when it is necessary for theme ; o do so. In the district court yesterday M. B. 3oaron and J. J. Moore , the whilom iroprlotora of the Times-Dispatch com- nonced suit ngaiust George Wallace , K. tVallaco and Samuel Flnlayson for § 6- 200. The amount is claimed as dam ages incnncd from the alleged action of the defendants in practicing doDoptlon upon plaintiffs , in the transfer of the Evening Dispatch , as to the financial condition and business worth of the mper. The Nebraska Lumbar company > rought suit against M. New for $150.23 material furnished , and alleged to bo un paid for. FIELD O'OONNOB ' , AWcddlng ivhlcli Joins for Life Two Happy Hearts , A charming little wedding was that vhich occurred last night at the resi dence of Mr. and Mra. U. 0. Walker , 010 South Tenth street. The contracting parties were Mr. /hrlatophor Field and Mies Anna O'Con nor , both of thla city. The words of the eromonv were pronounced by the Rev. 7. J. Harsha , In the presence of n select number of Invited guests , the friends md relatives of the brldo and groom. Af- or the ceremony was over , an Informal ecoption was hold , the couple receiving ho congratulations and good wishes , In nllest measure , of each nnd every ono jreoont. An elegant supper was then orvcd , to which duo attention wa ? ac- ordod by all. The presents were numerous and of : ostly and elegant description. Among lie quoits present were Mr. and Mrs. rlcCune , 0. M. Walker and wife , Mr. nd Miss Farnsworth , William Chborn , osoph Rowles , Marlon MoOJurp , Henry Milzsl , Ernest Belle-Isle , L. R. Webster , S. G. Walker and wife. The bride is a beautiful and accom- > llshedt young lady , and a favorite in ) maha society , the groom equally popn- ar and well known in social circles. The BEE joins in the general well wishing , and coders to the newly married oouplo the most sincere of congratulations. PEUSONAI ; . Chief Justice Reese la In the city , Mrs. 8. T , Smith and mother , of Kansas City , are at the Hillnrd. Hiss Elsie Ilarpster , one of the pleasing ady clerks in Smith's dry goods store , ro- urned Wednesday night from Hebron , where she has been visiting friends for several ays. ays.D. D. J. O'Donahoe , of the firm of O'Donahoo ; Shcrfy , left yesterday evening , accompanied > y his \vifa and child , who will spend the sum mer in the east. Aftei selecting a few nov- Itiea for tha summer trade Mr. O'Donahoe will return , Wm. Stewart .and wife , McCook ; T. II , Davis , Galesburff , 111. ; Mrs. Dillon , North 'latte ; Prank Kioty , Toronto , Out , ; Z. D. Iswkr , Deer&eld ; S. M. Churchill , Monroe ; C. G. Thompson , Chicago ; II. S. Stratton , Blair ; S. S. Ulanchard , Arlington ; J. Wis- lord , DawBon , Mo. ; Misses L , and E. Gus- in , Towellsvillo , Ohio ; A. G. Edward * , : iba ; J. I' . Yates , T. Guerdon , Wahoo ; P. t. Prick , Laporto , Ind. ; J. Hesse , Leadvillo ; Irs. McCoy , Oecoola ; Prank Sandere , Ilock- iort , are at the Oaniield. Charles lllcliardson , Hastings : G. F. Lewis , Albion ; A. J. Bailey , Grand Island ; I. 1 * . 84''tin. Wayne ; A. L. Howser , Hoskini ; V. G. Hastings , Wilber ; G. W. Gulp , Ne- maha ; A. P. Hay , Slmbert ; J. P. Murray , Holdridge ; Charles Chase , Lincoln Neb. ; J , 3agloy , Marsballtown , Iowa ; J. N. Shahan , Inlvprn , Iowa ; M. S. Calloy , Bonaparte , own ; Bon Ron. Glonwood ; M. G , Caughlins , 'oledo , Ohio ; B , P , Hhaw , Oodar Ilaplda ; N , ) , Carter , Chicago ; George Dana , Burlington ; . W. Morrison , Denver ; Mrs. L. Morrlll , Irr. M. Pennin < ton , Cheyenne ; P. A. No- om , Boston ; D. M , Coel , .facob Wltte , Harlnda , and Joe Smith , of Honolulu , N. r , , are at the Metropolitan. Civil Klght * . The civil rights commttteo are doing great work to make the skating rink meeting a grend BUCCCSJ. They have se cured tbo Rev. P. A , Hnbbard aa ono of heir speakers. They now have some of ho beat talent In tbo state. It Is no lonbt but what the skating rink will bo illod to iti. utmost capacity. Ilclcasrd on Ball. The gentleman mentioned In these columns yesterday as , W , O. Swattwood , a crooked postmaster from Silver Greek , was arraigned yesterday for preliminary ; rlal , but not being able to get his wit nesses here ho gave bonds In the sura of $1,000 $ to appear at the November term of the United States district court. John 3isco , of Silver Creek , Hugh Olark and D. W. Duncan , of this city , are his bondsmen. Summers&Jennings Oenl , Western Agts. Iron , Steel ' a i , Galvanized Jrn , Pat. 8to\o Pipe \ > i , Etc , Growl's Patent Iron Hooting. Only double capped corrugated roofiogand ; the only one prepared by tbo manufacturers read' for laying. 1'laln and corrugated Iron lloof lug , 1'iint , ICtc. Send for circulars. 1511 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb SPECIAL NOTICES. Xtl ado ertiitmtntt in tht fptdal column * lri ( to charged at the rate rf 10 tentt per tine for th frit intertion , and t tentt per line for taeh tutrte qutnt iniertion : No adrtTtitement icill be imertti for Itel than tl eentt or the first time. Thtteadnrtltementi iiutrttil in both Morn njanii Xrening Sditioni , reprttentinj a circuM tion ef oner Eight Thovtanti. Thtt clatl of adtcr titemtnt * mtiltpotitivttil lie paid in adrancc. TO LOAN MONEY , tolo n OnltonlesUto In ivny amount nn. MOVXT to suit , f cm f 50 to 85000. On collateral ! on tnlrtv to ninety days time , In sums of flltv dollirauulnpwir.'s. On ohutcK Insunnof ( U talUo hundred dollars lars at low rate ! ( ini ttm < to suit. Miscellaneous , MortK jfc , iccurodnotcc.cItTclaims und Judgement bought , dM ncns Kudo to c nlr&o- ton , indgeneral llnircUl buslneta ct&ll kind ! trnci acted promptly , quietly ami without delay , at the Umahs JlnacdMtlxchinKo,160)l'ttrnamStmRt ) Irj 057-SO 1\Tox Tl MOKKV 11 MONKY 1II Money to Loan-On 1U chattel tceuiIty by W. lUCrclt , room 4 , With- nell bulldlt ? , N , E. corner IGtn nnd Itirncy Atcr ; years ol csperlciiM n < id a careful study of the busi ness of loaning money on personal property , I have at last ptrloctoJ a system whereby tbo publlolty usual In ( inch casoi Is done away withami I am non- la & position to meet the demands of all ho become tcmporarlaly embarrassed ind dcslroto r&leo noncy Kltlioul delay nd In a qu'ct manner , Housoicep- er , profcsslcnat pcntlemcn , mochaolo and others In this city can obtain alyincoi from $10 to $1,000 on inch security as houtehold firnlturo , pianos , m - chlnory , horses , wagons , watehouso receipts , secur ed notoi of hand , etc. , without icmnung came from ownetsreiIdeDC9orplacoobu ( > lius9. Ono ef the advantages I otter Istbat anypattof any IOM ran jo paid at any tlmo which will reduce the Interest no raU and a'l ' loans renewed at the original rut's > f Intcres' . I have no brokers In connoctlcu with ny olllco , but personally superintend all my loin Ihruo prlvAte ofllcos connected with my frtnci oflico to thai cmlotrcrs do not conic In contact with each other , consequently making all transactions strictly nihate.V. . It. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell building , N. K. cor. 15th Bill Hartley. 637-j-U ARUCIIS & JOiX80N'1b [ iikorsln > cstmont securities ; Of nortaapf loan ; loans negotiated on city prop erty and Improved farms B per cent Interest a'lowcd onilmo deposits. 682-tt " | \ TONKT ro loan In sums of $ iOO and upvardj on Jtlflrst-claM ical caUto security. Fetter & Cobb , ISlSFarnamet 018-tf o LOAN Ono first class gocurlty , $1603 for 5 j cars . Ames , 15C7 Fa'iiam st , 635-2J JlToNF.v to loan on furniture , horses , wagonspUnoa LrL personal property , oollaterals and anything o- raluo , ororyttilng strictly confidential ; Roods Finanf dal agency John r Schmlnks , Cashier. 233-J11 MOSKT TO WAN On real estate security. In sums ot$8COto $40,000 , at rea enable rates. U K. May-no & Co , 8 W cor 16th and Farnam. SCO-J11 MONET TO LOAN In amounts to suit , on chattels , collaterals or nnv good security. Omaha Finan cial Exchange , 1503 Farnam et , up-stilrs. 185J8p VTONFA'ToloiTi on chattels , Woolluy & narrlson , 'VI ' Uoom 20 , Omaha National bank building fll7-tf < ( TONEY TO LOAN On ical estate and chattels 1V1.D.L. Thomas. 91811. l/TONEY Loaned on chattels , cut rat ) , R. R J.l tickets naught and sold. A. Forman,213 S , 13th St LOANED at C. P. Rood & 0o'e. Loan ofllca MONET , pianos , horses , wagons , personal iroperty of all kinds and all otho rtrtloles of value , frlthout romrval. Over 1st National Bankcorner 18th nd Farnam. All business atilctly conOdonUal850tf 850-tf \f. \ OHXr TO LOAN In rams ol KM and upward. .VI O. V. Davts and Co. , Real Batata and Loan tirenta , 1605 KarnauiSt. 051-H WANTED FEMALE HELP. IITANTED Tivo or three young ladles between 10 VV and20yctriof ? c A good engagement to the Isht pirtlcs. Call for two days at Drug Store 012 B. Glli St. 741-28p TJrANTKD-Cornpctent girl for house work 424 N. W 17th St. 741 28P WANTED A ncitoipahlo girl fir general houee- wcrk In a email family. Apply at ones at IGtG Capitol ave. 740-28p W A glil far dining room and chamber maid at the Planters House. 742-5dp WANTf.n Girl for general house"worte In small family. Apply to Mra Joa H Clark son , Cather ine street , south of lit. I'.casant. Take St. Mary's Avenue Cars. 781-2Dp w"ANTXU At 1019 Capitol a young girl to dolljht work. 7i49 CT7ASTKD A girl for general house work ; must be V aRocdcooK,1017ChIc goit. 710-tf WAISTKB girl to do kitchen work ; apply nt the Cozze'ns. "Z3-tf WANTED A girl for general . . bouse . _ work . In a f mall . family ; npp'y at ojce , 1824 Burl. 712-23p TTTAXTED Olil for general house work ; also a nurse TV Girl , 2214 Douglas St 703-28p WAXTKD-GIrl for general house work at 2511 St. llarj'sive. 701 SOp WANTKD-Qirl to do general housework ; app'y to lira. Jia Cotter , 1621 thermal ! Me. ( ii)7 ) t WASTED A girl lor general hhute orkat S218 C'ass St. C05-28p D Girl for general house work. . Inquire nt 107 louth 14th St. OJ7-2S TyASTEC-A joiing girl nt S18 north 18th St TT 872-28i > WASTED Oord girl for general homo work ; np- ply Fred Drexel , orncr 10th and Wllllann. 031-tf W ANTED At once , a good wet nurto 102 , 25th et corner Dodge. 148-tf W ANTED- Good girls , experienced cooks ; Omaha Hmployment Bureau , 1120 Farnam St. 701-tf Wi Firet-claRS dining room girl nt the Met ropolitan hotel ; none otncr ncod apply. 824-tl Tt/'ANTKD by Kensington Art Ca. , female holfi V ? In all parti of the country , to do our light , ilea'aut work at their homes. Heat by mall to any ddrcss , no canvasisnir , ca9y to learn and any ono can oan from 8Mo $10 pir week. For full lnlorma < ion Kddros KcnilnKto'i Aitltcoms,35 Congress ht , , R09ton , Macs Box 6078. 1193-SOp WANTED MALE HELP. WAMKU A good boy from 12 to JByenriat P. K. Lohmann , candy and fruit etcro.MS South 10th t. aernunprolcirad. 70-20p WANTED -Tdn men for Iljlse City , Idaho ; work on * stage line ; giol wtger , fros transucrtatloD , maha Kmrljymcnt Agenoy.1221 Farna-n St. 70-6p ! WANTBD An ngont In every county to cell "Daisy PiH6w8ham Litter. " Address VV. I1 , Mellor , Ma Agen > ,4 < 8 < T 16th St. , Omaha Neb. 721-1 p WANTED A good rclliblo man as city mlesmin ; by West & Frltchcr , 103 and 110 N Hth. 7l8-2j ) Wlvnto-Birber , will pay good wages ; will * n- BTor all letter ) concerning business , Address O.K. IlOD8fw itfolntNeb. 711-23 Tot taleiman to represent Few Yo'ktca WANTIP bouse. Addrrss "R"caro U f ) Rusull , 107 rTater fit. , Now York City. 0738p WANTED Employers to know thattht Omaha Em ployment Agency , 1S21 FarnamBt , la now pro- area to furnish all kinds of help free of charge , ftuntry otdeis promptly filled. 870-28p By crn of the largest anil oldeit whcle- WANTED houses of Pniladelphla , a eilosmi n o reprcsen t them In this state. Applications will be conildered from such only as can furnish approved security ; fcr sample &o , and r > ajr their own tr ellog expecees. The hcuu U willing to pay very liberal commission and to the right man a lendld opportunity offers. Address P O 111 1105 Philadelphia , Pa. 65B-0 YX7ANTCD-A traveling talesman , one who hai V V bad several yean eiperlenco In ehe cigar bus- Inets , nnd has been traveling In Western low * and CiitcrnKebiaalia. Oocd references required. Ad- drcs llathmann b Uerner , Cl/ar Manufaciurori , Stunt , Iowa. 688-20 OUR cIzaroiaKers wanted. Enquire of Oeo. 0. Qcdfrer , Kienont , Ueb. ' 670-2 TX7ASTED Active ealesman 105 North 16th. YY 603-J2D W ANTED Five good paper hanger at 418 Nortl 18th street. 812-tf II/ASTEB Live energetic mtn wltb horn and car Y ) rltgdtn handle flrst-cl a article tbiouih tbi country ; cell at once. 0. U. Eaton , 111 8.14tn. 818-tf SITUATIONS WANTBD. WANTED Situation by a butcber , dthtrln cltr n cjuntrj ; addriBiO. W. > ton , 111 North 13th itrcet 780-29p ANTED-Situation firet-clus tinner furnace w - by a - or nace man. AdJrcsi"Q. It. UeeoUlee. 707-23) ) WAMKD Situation by a } oung man to wor aroundthehoaae , can firoiib beet ol references Address'-T. 0 , " Bee omcc. 710Xj ) WANTIID A situation as running engineer , hav had IS yran experience and nm R graduate o Kitroixan mining aoadomy , would accept sltuatlo : as civil enRlneer ; addrcsi Ktrl Scljle care Gcrtke ti Kittle , SowatJ Neb. 031-2p V\7AXTnD Sltuat'onbv K yonng man by three years r > experience at watoh making and Jowcleryre pairing. Address "AH"Bee ofllee. OSO-27p WANTFD A iltuntton , by * competent youagrnan as talesman clothing preferred has B yearn ci perlenco and speaks Knpllso , German andRcandlna- \lan ; Address ' Clerk" lice Oflico. 83C-27p M1SOKLLANKODS WANTS. Twopleaitnt furnlihtil roomi In a > rrl > > > valotamlly wllhonvlthotit beard by twa young gentlemen. Address "t. " Paxton hotel. 740-SOp A gold delivery horse ; mustVogood and WANTED for cash. Addicts "A. 1' . " t 748-SSp A second hand boiler and cnglre from 0 to 10 horse power ; must bo In good order an I cheap lor cash , Address "Engine" this ofllee , stating price. 718-8p , Kor a cuitomcr , a furnlshcil house of 7 WANTXD with all con\cnleaces.untll October best ot references. C : ft May-no fc Co. , llth an < Farnain. 782-2 WAXTun All persons feeding employment to call at tha Omaha Employment Agency ; 12S1 Far nam st , room 3. (09-3p - -O unlurnlshod rooms , with bovd fat WAXIKD-T trcnilcmin ami wlfo wf t ol Sixteenth nnl 8. of Ca'lfornla preferred. Addreu "Prompt ! ' " P. O. Dox SOI , city. 102-tf \ , -ANTED ly ) a family otthroo ; ta rent a G room > V house near St SUry.s or Patk uvanuo. Aildresa 'N , L. N. " IJcd onice. 70J 29p Uya gentleman , aroomon the Mil west WANTSII . reference ghcn , address I1. O. box 3C7clty. 750-29 " \ 7NiKD A eccond cook at the nmmct House. V > eozsiop 'ATKsn-2or 8 unfcr 'Ijhcdroo-us for light hotfc W keeping , Addresa"J. 0. M. " HoooTIce. 0'5-28p ' WASKKD-lCOTfarasforllolcrcdRC , Nob. , ou P. ti M. n. U , no olllco fees and trco tratiRjiorta Ion , 1120 Farnam st. 013-tt A ar. > TSWANiiiu. AddicM U TbaiTElcctria Lamp l\Co . St Louis for clrcuUr , call nnd terms ot th o 63 candla potror Marsh Zlcctrlo Limp. 3U-J1S K\crybody to try our Proparoil CornMeal WANTKD Meal , ready for Instant mo with the addition of milk or cold water. Put upln 3 and G Ib. pickagcR. Sold by grocers. W. J. Wolihaab & Ql , , Manufact urers 070 tf VTl/'AHTED Every sily In need of a sowing ma V V chine , to see the now Improved American No , P. K. Hodman it Co. agents ; 220 N 16th. p,52tf FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. T7V > n RRNT Six room cottage N W corner ! 4th and JL' Davenport $25 per montb. Apply to E. B. Chapman - man , 1217.Uoivard8t. 743 tf TjtonRKNT Onetroctcir Hni North Omaha , fur- JP nlthel hou'o B rooms $35 per montb. C. K. lay no & Co. , 15th and Farnam. 835-2 TjVHt RSXT UousowlthOrwmB , modern Imorovo- JD mcnta and bare , $26 per monlli. Apply at 1510 at 1610 Ltavenworth fct. 703-2p RRST HOUB3 , 7 rooms , good well , cittern , Eon per month Inquire ol 0. E , Thomp'on S. W. corner llth and Ilarncy. 055-tf UMT-HOUSO 7 rooms 24tb and Ilarnoy by O. FOR Davh& Co. 107-tf RENT Snnll stiblo 1012 Fornim street ; In Foa . b etnam , Cor. 16t COOtf FOR RUNT 2 new 6 room cottages I3th and Vlnton st. Inqulro on promtsoj or of S U iloxlmm , at 'aclda Express Co. 6012Bp rion BENT Store on Cumlng street between 10 and ! 20th st , ? 25 a month Jno , Erck , 015 N 16th st 017-29 F&RIIKST A house on Hickory ana Oth street nt $9 amonth , John Erck , 615 N 10th st. 618.29 "TTiOR KP.NT On Cipitol hill , cottaga 6 rooms ono J ? block from street cats. Apply 2440 Caplt 1 ave. 581-28p 17 < on BENT A house of 6 roomi 8 olossts , well , els- JL1 tain , ono block south of tie U1' depot. Inquire of U. Lee , grocer , 22d and Loavenworth. 513-tf R REST V 8 room cottigo on California street , itwccn ? 4th and 25th streets. 1 * J Creed on. 430 tf FOR RENT The south-east i section 2,15 , 12 ; five miles from Omaha , fir a term of years. 0 W Hamilton , at U S Nat'l liink. 427-23 BENT Cottao C rooms and house 7 rooms. J FOR Roc , 1512 S. Bth St. 381-tf r R. RENT rhrco story brick store building ; en quire of Edward H orris & Co. , room IB Crounso Block. 053 tf RENT. _ FOR RENT Furnished rooms with modern conven iences , ( or gentlemen only ; references required , 710 Cass st. 737-SOp FOR RENT Rooms In now building corner tf 10th and ll'ckory ' street ? , room In stable for ono ho at in bo obtained ; city water. Inqulio on I ho promises. 729-30 , . -onREST Twohandscmo furnished room ? , East 17 side of 21et streoi , eccond door north of tit Mirj's venue , OJB-SOp FORREST A rljaeant room for ono or two gentle- men In private family with batba and bo.inl 1421 ones St. 738-lp FOR REST Large famished front room , closet , bu reau , witth stind nnd cverythiag convenient with oard for 1.25 per week , gi\c ui a trial and see lor oursalf , 1318 Capitol a\c. 747-2p FOR RRXT Two nicely unfurnished roorcs-No 818 Howards * . C07-28p HKNT Roomnithboard suitihlolor ono or ti\o FOR gentleman , 1812 Oudgo St. 701-tf HUNT Two clcziiHlv furnished rooms , terms FOR , Cl ! ) N. lUth.St. 714-30p RKNT Ploarant furnished front room 411 HI6th FOR , opposlto Herald olllco. OH-lOp RENT Lur o handsomclr furnlihcd cml room FR convenlo-c ? , witli excellent hoanl for wo gottlcmcn , 1718Dadiro 037-tf T7on liF.M Two froat rJOms. Apiily at 15191 > cidgo JD Btroit. fl/0-28 / Tfon RKNT FurnUhed front room 1902 Farnam , 2S02Sp OR RUST Boom ; Inquire Drug store 10th and - , 021-tf I70R RENT TwounfurnUhed front rooms nt No 1612 1 ? Douglas strict ; Inquire up-Blairs. 679-28 [ TVm INT A room for gentleman and wife or for D two gentlemen , flrtt-clata board 1822 Butt st , 793-tl rjORRKNT Large front room on first floor with or U with board ; inquire at 1801 farnam St 887-tf Furnished rooms , 1816 Dodge street. 247-J10 RUNT Furnished rooms wltb or without FOR , 2112 Qarney Bt , ono block from street car. OOltf QViR RENT Furnished front room with board In C private family , 1817 Chicago st. 986-tf [ 7V3R HINT With board.nlcely furnlthed ( rent room L1 gai and bath , 1409 Jones. 037-tf TTtoB HINT yurnlshed rooms 1621 C pltolaye 007-mSO FOB HENT-Nloely luroUbed rooms 1(17 Davenport 722.)6p ) T > OOlfB With boarddetlrabl for summer. Apply liat St. Chailei HeteL Otl-tt T70R BENT Sever * fine oflloes In Cronnso' block , JD Inquire Ed. NorrU , room 18 Crounse blooi FORSALE FARMS. | ? OR BA S Uood farm in rtumnjton Co. ; 171 JD acres ; SO- acres cultivated ; good bulldlngi ; One orchard ; running water ; all feaoed. Edward Noirla Co. , loom 10 Crounse Block. 474tf 170R HALI A. 8 K ) acre stock and grain farm , a'l ' 1m- l < proved ; four hours'ride Irom too Omaha Btosk Yarai ; seven miles from , the o'ty ' ot Fremont ; two railroads ultblu tbrei miles ; SOO acre * under plow , the rett in paituie ; board fence , lunnlntr itroim through pailure ; house with tea roomt ; will be U chtapII sold immediately ; on te.rms to sulk For further particulars Inquire of Geo. 0. Grodfior , F/e rnont , Neb. 157-tl FOR SALfi HOUSES LOTS , OH tun A floe lesldoice p'opcrty on California F tittt , lotHUl37 , IhUll kctu.lly IO.WO ; inucl lees will buy it If s > ! d at once. If you want a iplendld homo with every oonvenlencedont ; neglect to ice u about this. C. E , Mai ne li Co. , 16th and Farnam , 785 JO Fongtut Two lots In IIau com plate , one btcc eatt of Park gate , ist f run * , corner lot , fenced pattcash. Addrcis ( : G. " I10 box 483. 780 lp FOR SALK Fi'rtr lots fcr ta'e on Hurt aud Cumlni Utweco Itlh and Slit cheap , Inside propeit ) Bsdford & Bouer. Til tl TjV > R LRASI Best unoccupl d ground In thertty lo JL1 war hmi < ohonsoS7frctrronton Lccnworlh , north bit lOih and llth.wlll leaiefor 09 years. Hid forJ k Souer. 005-1 ! IpORHAtx lSgoodlot < M > rlon plico three block ' from street can on oaty terms. W II Orcen over lit b'at'l bank , 682 tt ORRRXT V JJ stnry building , sultabto forttoro and txiirdlng house at Stok jard * . Ad drtsj Mrs. John Itccd , 1811 Cass St. 078-29p TT OR SAln-33 feet 01 Cumlng Iw'n-ecn ' 18th and fOth JP Ith house , $2,709. Iledford k Soncr. Mfl-tf FOR BALI , At a great bargain In a fine lot am house 8 rooms , stable and other rut bnlldlngi will grow Into 3 fine biittneis lots In n\ciy few yean ? l,000 < FOR S.U.R-Ctioiii , $ HXci li , ba'anco on monthly Mymtuts , some choice lots fronting on street rnr lino. MOMO& Brunnoi , 631-J2 "ITORSAtR-Saven room house , b rn , nd two lotl. JL1 $2,2CO ; wmiH take * 500 In re t urftnt fixtures cigars , oto. , $50caihbaUnce on time ; npply 310 S , llth strict. 4I4.mSO IPOR SALR-FIVO lots41x130 : togctnor on Loa cn 1 worth street ; boautltul location , 00 One fourth cath , balano on long time , costerms. . Crallo & Jones. SIO-tf "IT'on -Twenty-two foot on F rn-n street , A V bargain If taken Immodlatolr.V H Oreei 419-tf I"OR | BALR AC a bargain , thlco gond houses 817 am ' 817 | 18th , nouth of Leavenworth ; rsnt $65 per per month ; pllce 95,600 easy payments ; lnu < t bo sold before Juno 1st Apply 8. Mortonsen , tailor , 1418 Farnam street. 131-JJn FOR SAW ? House full lot , well , clstorn , birn , nil In good conditiononoblock from streetcars 11.SW caiy terms. W H Orocn , over lit NaVIBtnk. 811-tf Ion SAM ! flood E room house , lot 50x132 front , $1300 ; S1CO cash , balance $15 per month W. U Green , o\crlst National bink. SSltf .KOll SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ifion BALK-TWO low priced 2 wheel carts , and one 1 light express wtgin. Urattnn &lrummond,1315 Hainsy st. 742-29 Foil SAI , A very fin * red Irl h setter pup , nt fi2 Flrtt aienuo , Oouno I Blutlf. 700-2S 'IT'OR HAIR OR TRADB A go9d track sulky , Omaha JL1 MerchantsKxprcss , llth nnd Lcavcnuorlh. OS3-Jlp ponsxt-R A road tiding pony for ? 10 . . . . . ' I'nrnarn. 071-SOp FOR SALE A horse wagon nnd harness cheap. Ap- Ply to Co rga Johns in. AlUntlo hotal. 470-28P T/OH BALK -8ii doilara will buy pool table nt I'adflo L1 house , lOtli and Ua\enport , Umahi. < 78-30.i TOR SALE A fine lot ol yowu graded cows with JL' oHon , Ilolateen , Ilorfotda Short horna and Jer seys ; als3 horsis , wagons , hatncsi &c , for silo or exchange - change at Major Croft'a piano , near fair ground * . 0 6 29p FoiisaK W gen umhiell.ii , flno now stosk at 140 } and 1411 Dodge st. 672-tf [ T'oii HAI.KA coed ro'lablo horse and ladles canopy I ? phaeton , 2410 Capitol avenao. SSJIlSp FOR SALBA. fonr hundred dollar piano at 8 bar gain , IBID California St. 610-tf F 1UR SALE-EIgit marble top restaurant f ble A. J. ManJcl , 325 IliovJwiy , Ojunoil IJliilTs. S5J-6 F1 I OR SAtn-SOO,0o brick , for Bale at llallovno or Omaha. H , T. Clarko. 200-tt FOR SAta IwoNol ptncton.onoeeconlhandbuii. gy. Ajplyl4CD ndl4UDodso8t. ; 146-tt REAL ESTATE. PAULSEN&CO. Special bargains-Kor sale 4acres 1 ratio from city limits < S50 , 10 acres Joining Fort Omaha fS.BOO. Lot tOxUl east front on 10th , hetwech nioVorv and Center with now Orjom home , W.OCO can bo traded for farm. Corner 19th and Pierce , D8xM4 S E front , 2 story house 20x40. cistern , well , stib'o etc. , 81 CuO , Choice lot In A < b3r place , $350. Half Interest In a well centrally located grocery business , cbcap on account of 11 health. B acrf a on N Saundois , 4 room houso. splocdld or chard S3oo. 22 leit 01 Leavenworth noli 13th st , SJ.300 , suit able for v holtealc. 2cholco lots east front , Dwlght & Lymann'a add ! 7fiO S choice corner lots In Lalo add 1B71 feet front 03 17th and Lake with 0 rooms , now lijuio , fenced , stable , well etc. , $3,600. 4 lot ! , east franc In Burr oak ad J $2,500. Choice lot on Park ave , 8lf03. Corner lot Dorcas and 12th , Icquaio fjom SS car with 4 room home , stable , cistern etc , $1,700. 7S feet cast front. 1 } square from St Mary's a\o. , 1.450. For rent or sale 21ots noir Iledllno and Cumin ? troet. with elojant 10 room house , with all midorn mpiovemcnts , r ulscn & Co. , 1B13 Farnam St. ' F'OR BALB Two full lots , house 8 rooms 12th and Plerco , $5,003 ; tenns easy. Two moro uayo In which to get a 7 room hiiis" , Inest location la the city , Park nvr. lot worth S3.&U louse north 81'Qi , can buy oil for $1,000 on caiv erma ; will poslthely bo withdrawn from mtrxct ext monday , this IB a rare chance to got a nlcj > loaeant hotno cho'i > Wo have two nearly now cottages of 4 cr6 rooms , n half lota mi Scuthavociu three bloods south of it Mary' ; , wliici o cau eolltt bargains and on easy crmg. if you want the prettiest coziest lltt'o cotttago In Omahi , brand ncx , nice lot with natural trees , citr aicr , half block from ftrcet cars , net far out $3,030 , n very eisy tormfl. C. U. llayuo & Co , 16tli and ' 7S4-SO IpOR eALK On south 221 tt , one 4 room aid ono fi A * rcemcittasio. barn , wsll , cij crn. lie , on eamo lot , rent for$2S pernnntb , rn'y 83,200 ; would ncll s aratclu Pdttor& Oohb. 15l6Parn _ rnjlt. 650 tf FOR BALK Lots In Hillside arid ohcaroit and best Ins'do ' lo'e In tl o city , J7 0 to S350 axcluslve cento. IVttrr & Cobh. Ifotsu.K-7room cott po , ol barn an 1 cistern , on tSth st'eet 0 blocks fromEhops Si,5tO , on easy tpnns. Totter &jCobVlBI5 Farnam St 652-tf Ii oaBAi.11 On of duoit rcBiJtucoa lu cit ) ' wlCnTn JC 6 hi cftsof I'ostotnoo , 1 Ills corner , cheap at 815,000. 1'otter & Cjbb , 1615 l\.rnam at. 053 tf IT OR BALK-Three choicest lots In llansotm place. P 654-tf 1'ottor & Cobb. FOR LKAI.K-A fa'l ooinor lot near 33th ami Farnam fct , will lease for a term of CO or 09 years , Morse &Brunner , Paxton llcck , cor IDth and Farnam sta. 16U27 A/fAniox / riAcu-8 good lots In this addition with- fj la a blicLa of street cars , can bo had on easy crms. WU Green , over latNit'l Bank. llE-tf MOBBK & imn.VNi.RS-Bargolns For rent Two flno brick dwtlUuitB , modern Improvents , J50.00 icr montb For Hoit-Btoro houses , room * , furnlbhed nd nlumlai ForSaU Acre lots on Saunilcrs streetneir street ar8tll . For 9aJo Ten acres three tbchs from etroot ear orSlO.CO ) . For Sale Elcgtn * . house and other Improvemrnts , ncladlng eight full lots , all for ? ) .000 , ono bbck romttrect car. Fii Ha'o Hou'e , 8 roomj , flna homo , full lot ou lunderg street , 81,000 For Halo A splendid bmlnois orner lot on Far. am , 09x182 feet , $3,600. For Sate Ilouse , 6 rooms , and I lot 03 street car , 1,000 , For Sale Lots In "Hansoom 1'lice , " 8500 , easy ermi ; alio lots in Shlnn'a addition , 810J to 8500 , aty terms. Lots In Lowe's addition , 8160. For Salo- House and lot Ilarnoy street , near coutt louse , 8,260. For Hale Lot HOxlSl on Park Avenue Car line , 8600. For Sale Heine 6 rooms , full lot , on Hamilton treot , fine place , $1,000. For Sale Ilouse and lot on Davenport street , 3,600. For Sile House 9 roomt , modirn Improvements , ot 183 tet t front by 70 feet deep , flno nlaoo , e ny erm , J5.200. For Sale-Two lots , one a corner , one-bait mile rom poatofllcc , near oar line , for both $5,0(0 MOUSE & BRUNNKR , 176-29 I'axton Building , Fifteenth and Farna n. TfTKorrERfORaALB East half of block 8 Bmlth'i TV add. , too tot front , two acre lots , nicest In Omaha , full vlevr of city ind Bluffi , uiaklag 10 lots CS feet each , will sell ball or all. Lots 44 andOO , Nnlion'aadd ,8700 each or will ell half of cither ; Lots 6CxU5 Kountz's 2d add. neat Dth and Center , $ (00 ( each. lot t , block ) , Kcuntz'a 4th add , being store en 10th st , full lot,82UO , also lot 0 mo block 81,850 Two ! oti la B.uth Omaha , by Qnodinau'v , with bouse , orchard , cistern , and well , all 100. IB lice acre Uti In Vlnoland , 6 miles north city llmltj overlooking city and llluflt , 836 per aurc. Lots 10 and 11 , block 19 , Hantcom place very fbtiy , 81,201 for both. Half acre 130 feet front block E , Park plare , with bouse , barn , well , ind clatcrp , Corner , 2 lots in nantboine on Cess it , 0(0 ( for both eto etc. Call and see us , Pcx'cr L. Tliomas & Bro , Eca ; Uoom 8 Crclghton block. 678-tf T * . naiT & co , Lnfi Linds Loam , 216 outl 13th si , between Farnam and Doujlas. Land iximn , Law , 8iCOO-T oof b-st rcitdeoce loll In the ; lty. 81,601 Beautiful corner residence lot , a bargain. 81 000 Corner lot on Unco itictt , dcelrable loca tlon for retiJenco. SJlXi Douii abla rotd no9 on 22d et , near Bt car. 85WO-3J , feet , buelqesi location en Cuxliig it pavtd. 8l.roo-Newbcute 4roons. collar ( nd cistern , ful Iot,7llockilromtlruet car ; tk / | ajucnta ; agua bargain. Farnam n'.reet business property thai will doubl IDtati \ In two jea's. gJOlOto loan , ) . E. IllUy & Co.,2'5 ' outh ] 3t street. [ OM1 TTVm ' sun-By 0. F , I ) vli ft Co. , 1605 F nMn St. J' Omaha , House nd 1st on south Klghtwnth St. , M.OXX " " " ' ' " - Twentieth 9I , OX S homes " Dodgi near ' ( Ith 81 , f-Z.too. 8 otii In llanscom Plies , each.J525. HMMO nnd lot on Park avenue , tl/OO. 1 DaxetifortSt.iSlJOOO , " * ' " 7 COO. " " south ISIh " 4)000. ) 15,00 } tore ! of Und In Boone county , 7 to Ito. 20.POO ' StAitin " ? 7toHS Land In lladlsoj , Wftjnc , I Utloatid Hall countlcl on r-any term' . Manor loaned on long tlmo , KM tf TO EXCHANGE , II OR KXCIIASOK Ncbmska Undi anil lmpro\od"iow pmpcrty f r mcrchandlis or Imslncas. AddrrM W W Wilde , 1203 Douglas It. > U J5 /"no / RTCII IVOR 410 acres well Improved land J mile .1. from K ? oi , lonn , for a jtojk of eonoralmornhan. dl o oi hardware. Addrcsi John Lla lorhohn , KMCX * tsitr BUSINESS CHANGES. FOR g .a tirus store In udeMnbto losalltr. wll Invoicj about U03 UOPatUreon , NK cornet 13th and Farnam. 4r,8-tt j > 01l SALE-Or exchange a full stock of clothing -i1 boots an J shoo * . gent1 furnishing iroodj , will i. S.V5 ? ' " N blMll Lands , a. U.Potorson.BOl 8. 10th St. , Omaha , Moli. BJG-tf on giLR-noodbmlnctstnOiinlia ; tiroBU DO per cent ; mpltalrcqulrcd , three or four tlinumml lolla-s. Pcrsom meaning business aiMicM I/Ock X Sol , Pea Mulncs , town. 20J-JH ? ORSILI : * well oHahllihett tailors huilnoia bo- ' , tnooa now and Juno ISth , low tent ; goal looa. lonihoM Icosoof stcro for two yean : only § m\llo p- tal required. AddrcM"N. O. " Bfooineo. lB2'J-4p rr > OR SLH A well ostabllthod bakery. Address L1 "It. " this oflico. 1201-4 " | [ TWRBALROR x\cilAMm-In ( part ) for rostnuran Iily fnrmturo ? roomed house , barn and two lot ? . Ap. ily 31B south nth st. FOR RSLK In Uaklauu NOD. flrst-elasi moat mardct alto the fiirnl uro ol Iho St Paul hotel. For w Icuhrs , Inquire or write Wlggers It Uohllng , Oakland lob. 6J4-m\i TERSONAL. _ IJKR30.VAt- ii'M. lloOicr. tr&neo cTkhTvrTyunt , and helling medium , over 710 North lOihSi. 652-J ! ! D R , A rintstrnnrLD Migncllcphyilrltn , test de\clojlng medium , oxer OtS north 10th St. . BB3-JJI HOTELS. ln n < tly , JL furnlghvd ; tcrmt moJcrate , lUth aud Capitol avo. GROCERIES. LUT Of W. II. Mottcr'd Grocery JL Houee. 10 Ibs Qranulitid Sugar $ 1 00 12 " CutloafSugar l 00 11 "Fine pDndeicdSugar 100 COFFKE. 8 Ibi good Ulooanco l 00 7 " Ooldcn nio coffco 100 7 " g od roasted coIoo. ( . . . . _ l 00 8 " best roaitcd coffco i 00 4 " extra Ja\a esfToo l CO 3 " best Java coffee. . . , lee Si " boit Java and Mocha coftio mixed 1 00 TEAS. 1 Ib good Jnmn 30 1" liestuncolo ed Japan 85 1 " best Krg'lth breakfast _ . . * 6 1" choice gunpowder DO SYKTJP3. 1 keg best Hon y drip 2 00 Ikegbctt Hcneydrlp 160 lg l New Orleans 03 1 Gal Strictly puio mapld lee 1 Gal Vermont maple In cans 00 1 Gal HocU candy. l CO RICE. 1 ? Ibs best Carollaa rlco 1 00 IS" " Loulslanarloa l 00 SOAPS. 4 bin German Mottled 5 6 " Poirl 25 5 " Palm. . 25 CANNED GOODS. 1 can 3 Ib Tabl ) Peaches 15 20 1 " ' Standard Tomatoes 10 1 " " Pumpkin 10 1 " " " Apples , 10 1 " " corn 10 2 " " Itaipbcrrlos 25 1 " French Peas 30 1 " " Mush'ooin 30 2 " rest Oooabeirlcs 25 2 " b-st Blackberries 5 2 " eggPlumbs 25 SUNDRIES. 1 bottle cbolca ( 'otlFS 26 1 cm Sweet Potatoes , 15 3 Ib Jelly , ( choice ) . 26 3 boxes Plttsmirg Lye 25 2 Ibs Baking Powder , 25 8 " > " „ . 76 i ! " newValcnoU liaisons , 25 3 " BOW Prunes 26 2 " dried Plackbcrries 25 2 " dried apples ( evaporated ) 25 8 " dried poaches 25 " Navy boms i 25 Oiackcrsby the box 07 UEATS. Suzar cured bronkfaet bacon 11 Sugarcured Hams 11 Dry ealt 0 OTHER GOODS. 1 broom * * . . . . . . . . . . . * . i . . . . . . .i 10 1 good nnuso broom OQ 1 best carp-.t broom. 25 4 papcis National yoast. . . . 25 1 scrub brush 15 5 b3 Silver gloss starch 25 3 boxes corn sta rch _ 25 1 8 Ibhox ulo8 etaich 05 Ihltfamly maooral 03 IgaUInegar 25 1 wash board 25 INo. 1 tub 1 00 INo. 2 tub BO INoS. tub 05 1 mop allot 20 1 brrfo clothes basVot CO lean condcnsdmilk 20 21bJellyln Jars 15 This Is only a vcryBinall Hat of the \oiy hr o stock I carry , hivlngtha largest tock to eeleot from In tbo otyl ! can and will plvo bitter Induaimonts than anvother house In Ihocity. Call and eeo mo andl Bill save you frem 10 to2Bper cent. Itomcmber the place 111 ! ) Farnain St. W. II. Hotter , Successor to J.B. French is Co. N. P. Our now and complete prlco Hat malledfroo on application. BOARDING. iTonnis1 Parlor Hcstaurv t. X 11 mil by the weak , J3.25. Uoaltickets , $3.50. . SIn/lein tI , 2D cent' , lor N. 10th street . , nor Dodge. 713-juno-20 CLOTHING. riiAKKKOTiCK Onlng to tbo backwardness of the JL season. I am determined to cl s out my onllro stcck of of spring acd summer clothing at a great sacriDco , they are hound to bo sold , so call early and get fine clotbtn ; at low prlcis. Potack the clothier , 1316 Farnam street , near 14th C7-tf IOE OREAai. . . lee crvam pics and cake every day. Orders I.tKKSM attended to. Carl Schrnld , 801 south ISthBt uq.)5 ) H MISCELLANEOUS. T 0"ST-Pocket book. Allteral rew rd will k ? JLJ paid by kavlcg same at Dr. Amelia BuirongbV , 1617 Dodge St. 759-80. LOST Between 13th and Dodge , and IStb and Howard , a , bunch of keys. Finder will r I ale re turn same to 1317 Howard Bt. 728 ! 8p LOST-A ladles hind tatchel conttlnlng a small sum of money , and some trunk keys valuable alone U the owner. A llbml rcwatd will bo paid on return of lame , or keis only to lire , J. W , Paddock , 1617 Capitol ave. 710-t8p Tues'Iay Uay SCth , from prtmlns of un dersigned , Sid ftreet near Davenport , a dark bay tony about 10) can old , large whlt epot on fore- uad , three leg * whltr , mine dark. Howard for lo- ormatlon by flank Pebac. 717-2p OTBATEDon BTOLHii Orithel8ihln t , , oiw , Ugh 3 roaue , nearly white , Durham clock , one horn lightly drooping , red cars ; reward foi teturn to A , 1. BlUlngi ; 2.4 99 JIarney Bt , 453-tl HOOD Minis Parties wishing to purcbate brood 1 Jmares for ranch purpotoi please call at Uouun't llvcty itablf , 418 soith 18th stroit , Omaha. 888-tt T > KICK (3 per in. T , Murray. Efll-t / 1uiw SILVER TAO , does not give you heart-burn. WTags ledeemod at one cent , each by the dealers , Pevcko OroH. , Azentt. 883-tf OABTUBB On Elkhorn ana I'Uttu. T. Uurray. L 600-tf tliKW BILVBII ua , IU fruit flavored , tagii redeemed /attne / ceuteacllby the dealers , 1'oycke Broe. gents , 688-tf T STRtICTI0.1 on banjo dun by O Gellon- i. beck , at 1118 Capitol ave. 480-tl f\utvt VKR TAQ , It de s not taint the breath , tags V/redecmed at one itsta t.A by the dealers. 1'eyck Bros , Aucnta. 888-tl vaulti , ind cwwpiols cljaned t shortest no. PRIVV I any time of the day , In an entirely erderleui way * Ith our Improved pump and denegun appara tus , all placet cltauoJ by us dltoufected ficc , charnei leatonablc. A. F.van * , 121'8 Dodge etrect up stairs. 240-11 , vault ) , elnli > nd otupools cleaned at th PRIVY iborteet notice and utllfactlon guaranteed by Y , Abel , i' . 0. Box 87B 490-rn2t >