Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1885, Image 3

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    THE DAILY BEE-ERIDAY , MAY 29 , 1885
PAID UP CAPITAL . . . . $250,000
SURPLUS NOV. 1,1884 22,000
B , W , YATES , A. E. TonzAiw ,
President , Vice President.
1C , K.lInyilenAis't. tuul Acting Cashier.
Tlio Iron Bank ,
INTEREST allowed on time doposita upcn
frworablo tcriua and upon accounts of banks
nod banker * .
Bonda and County and City securities boucht
nud told.
In its treatment of customers the most liberal -
oral policy is pursued consistent with safety
end sound banking , and wo invite correspondence -
once or personal inquiry in connection there
New Yoni , .May 28. Money Cash at 1
per cent. Prime mercantile paper , 4@5
per cont.
Foreign Exchange Qalot and steady at
31.8CSj aemand , $1.88.
Governments Quiet and steady at un
changed quotations except an advance of Jo
in currency C's.
Stocks To-day was practically a repetition
of yesterday. Opening prices showed no ma
terial change from closing prices last evening ,
nnd quotations for the next four hours were
limited to email fractions of 1 per cent with
out any material incroaio in lha amount of
business done. In the last hour , however ,
there was increased activity accompanied by
Blight yielding In quotations of the general
list and a decided brenk in Lackawanna , and
Iho market finally closed weak generally at
lowest prices reached. Lackawanna shows
n loss of 2fc per cent , but other declines are
only from J tog per cent , except St. Paul ,
which is down J per cent ,
oonrons ,
B'i. . . M 1C3J
tfl'iOoapons im
tf. B. 4's 1221
EaolfioG'ao ! ' 05 130
Central pccibo. . . . . - . . . . . . - 30
Chicago & Alton ISC
do do pfd 160
Chicago , Burlington & Qninoy. . . . 121J
Delaware , Lackawana & Western. 1004
Denver & Rio Grande 51
Erie. 9J
do pfd 19
Illinois Central 127
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western „ 07
Kansas &Toxaa 173
Xiako Shore & Michigan SouUiorn „ 52j
Jjoulsvlllo & Nashville 32 ?
Michigan Central 18
Missouri Pacifio 951
Northern Pacifio 10 $
do do pfd 38 ?
Northwestern 934
pfd 127- -
Now York Central ; 83 :
Oregon Trana-Contlnental „ 13 ,
PwifioMail 65
r. D. &E 19.
Pullman Palaoo Car Company 117
Book Island . ' . 114 $
Bt. Louis & Ban Francisco 19
do do pfd 334
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pan ! 081
J ? ° . d ° do pfd 104J
St. Paul * Omaha. . . . . . . . , 19 :
do do pfd 71 : ;
{ Texas Pacific M. 11 ;
Union Pacific . , . 53 :
Wabaah , St Louis & Pacifio 2i
do do do pfd 01
Western Union Telegraph . . CO
0R. &N _
OniOAOO , III , May 28. Hour Dull nnd
unchanged ,
Wheat Active and unsettled ; opened about
at yesterday's close , became strong and stead
ily advanced | @go , then became weak , de
clined Ic , fluctuated and dosed Jo under yes
terday ; 85J@851o for cash ; 85J for May ; 8GJc
for Juno ; 88l@b8Jc for July ; 90 Jc for August ;
No. 2 red , OSJc.
Corn Active , unsettled and irretrulnr ;
early it ruled strong , advanced jo , weakened ,
declined Jc , ruled steady , rallied slightly and
closed J&lo ( under yesterday ; " 4GJa for caah ;
4Gi@10 iur May ; -15J@45o for June ; 45g@
454o for July ; 462 for August.
BLOoU- Opened strong , advanced J@gcover
yesterday's close for near futures , jo for de
ferred , but later lost the improvement and
closed tatno ; 3233Jo for cash ; 32Jo for May ;
82i@325cfor June ; 32a for July ; 28Jo for
Auqutt ,
u Rye Dull at 70c.
Barley Nominal at GOc ,
Timothy Seed Unchanged ; prime , Sl.GO
@ 102.
Iflaxaeod Unchanged ; No. 1 at 31.38.
Pork In fair demand ; advanced 12Jc , de
clined 12ic. and closed steady ; 810.15&10.47J
for cash and May ; 810.47 10.50 for June ;
steers , 85.10 ; corn-fed rangers , ? 5.20@5.47 ;
55.40 ; corn f > d ranger * , $5 20@0.47 ; ahipplug
natives , S10.07J@10.CO for July ; $10,51 for
August ,
Lard-Quiet and firm : advanced 7Jc , and
closed easier ; $ G.45@G.471 for cash and Mayj
SG.4 G,50 for Juno ; § 0.650.574 for July ;
$ G.G2J@G.G5 for August.
BUIK Meats Shoulders , $3,95@4.00 ; short
clear. 85.80@5,85 ; short rlba , $5,25.
Whiskey-Steady at Sl.10.
Butter Uuchanged ; line creameries , 11 ®
IGc ; fmo dairy , 7@14o.
Cheese Unchanged ; chodders , 71@9oj
akitns , l@5c.
Eggs Unchanged ; 12@121c.
Hides Unchanged.
Tallow Uuchangedj No. 1 country , 5@Bflc
Ueooipu ,
Flour , bbls 14,000 13,000
Wheat , bushels 50,000 81,000
Corn , bnshej 258,000 210,000
Oats , buahola 337,000 110,000
Rye , bushels. . . 4,000 0,000
Bular , bushel 18,000 1,000
MILWACKKK. Wla. , May 28. Wheat-
Steady ; No. a Milwaukee , 8GJo ; Juno , BOJc ;
July , 88 0. B t
Com More doiDKj No. 2 , 4Glc.
Oata Steadier ; Ko. 2 , 82Jo.
llyo-Inactlve ; No. 1 , 73o.
Barley Firmer ; No. 2 , 680.
Proviaiona Lower : UIPBS pork , cosh and
June , § 10.52 ; July , $10.02.
New YOBK , May 28. Whaat-Recelpts ,
10,000 bu ; exports , 32,000 bu ! apot lota weak
nnd dull ; options opened S@ljo higher ; after
wards lost moat ot tbe advance , closing steady :
ungraded red , 8I@91c ( ; No. 4 red. 01 c , de
livered ; No. 2 red , 101 } j , elevator ; July clos
ing at lOlgc.
Corn b toady ; receipts , 149.000 buj ex
ports. TO.OOO bu ; ungraded , OSMfCc ; No. 2 ,
535i ; , after July cloding nt 6 , 0.
Oats Moderatdy active ; receipts , 13,000
bu ; export * , H.OOObu ; mixed western , 38 ® 10j
white , 45c.
1'gifs Steadyj fair demand ; western , 13 (3 (
rork-Dull ; mesa spot , Sll.62J@ll.75.
liird Fairly active ; contract grade epoi
( juitsd at S0.70@0.75j July , SO,78@O.B2.
Butter Uull and eaay ; western , 7@17c.
Toutno , O'.May 28 Whent-Qulet am
lowers No. 2 , rash , May and June Olio.
Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 caih and May , 48Jc.
Oats Dull ; no. 3 oiab , 35c.
KANSAS Orrt , Mo. , May 28.-Wheat-
Lower ; caib , SOJa bid , 60io naked : Jnnt
SOic ; Julv,82gB2io (
June , 40icJul'y ; , 41Jc , '
Oatu Nominal ! no bids.
Br. LOUIB , Mo. , May 28. Wheat Active
opened steady ; advanced , broke and clos d Ic
under yf steidayj Sl.Oli for cash ; 31,01ii fo
June ; $1.021.021 for July.
Corn Unsottledi closoi lower ; 41jc for
cash ! 44Jo bid for JuneHlJo' for July.
Oats Very slow ; Sljo for cash ; 31o for
May ! SOJc for Juno ,
Rye Nominal.
Afternoon Board Wheat Closed Jo
bolter. ,
Corn jo higher ,
CINCINNATI. O. , May 28. Wheat-Steady !
No. 2 red , Sl.OO.
Corn Active but lower ; No. 2 mixed , 48 ]
@ 19s.
Oats-Steady ! No. 2 mixed , 351@35Js.
Rye Firm ; No. 2 fall , 70o.
Barley Steady : No. 2 spring , C8c.
Pork-Dull at 510.874.
Lnrd Nedectod ; S0.25.
Whisky-Fair demand at 81.13.
tivinrooi. .
Liverpool , May 28. Wheat -Dull ; supply
good ; red western winter , 7s 8d@7s lid ; rod
western spring , 7s 3d@7s Cd
Corn Dull ; new western , 4s 7id.
OHIOAOO , III. , May 28. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports :
Cattle Ko joints , 0,500 head ) fairly active
and weak , but about steady ; shipping steers ,
S5.00@5.30 ; cows , S2.40@4,50 : stiller , 84.75
@ 5.40 ; stockers and feeders , S3 r > 9@4,7C.
Hogs Receipts , 20,000 head ; slow ; n largo
volume of business done at lOo lower : rough
and mixed , S3.50@3.70 ; packing and ship
ping , ? 3,70@3.90 ; skips' . 83. 00(33.50. (
Sheep Rocolpb , 8,000 bond ; steady and
unchanged ; shorn natives , S2.40@3.90 ; woolod ,
Si. Louis , ro. , May 23. Oattlo Receipts ,
2,000 head ; shipments , 500 head ; quiet with
good local and fair chipping demand ; light to
good steers , SI 70@5.CO ; exports. S5.C5@S5.85 ;
good butchers' steers , $4.GO@5.00 ; mixed
butchers' stuff , S3.25@IEO ; stotkers and
feeders , $3.50 ® 1.75.
Sheep Receipts , 1,100 head ; shipments ,
1,400 head ; steady ; fair to choice clipped
natives , S3.25 ® 125. .
KANBAB OITT , Mo , May 28. Onttlo Re
ceipts , 1,209 head ; shipments , CSO head ;
weak and slow ; common to choice shipping ,
84 G0@5.10 ; feeders , $1.20@l.COcows ; , S2.80
@ 3 80.
Hogs Receipts , 11,000 head ; shipments ,
4,000 head ; weak and 5o lower ; assorted
S3.55@3CO ; heavy nnd mixed , S3.453.50. (
Sheep Receipts , 310 hood ; no shipment ; ;
steady ; common to good muttons , S2.00 ®
Thursday Evening , May 28. J
The following prices are charged retailers
by Jobbers , wholesale and commission mer
chants with the exception of grain , which is
quoted at the prices furnished by the eleva
tors and other local buyers :
block Market.
Hogs Receipts were heavy at-Union Stock
yards ; the market is lOo lower and but little
doing ; buy carefully. Common rough mixed
packing , S3 20@3 25 ; good to choice
mixed packing , $3.30@3.35. Common
rough hogs and skips unsaleable. All
sales of stock in this market are made per
cwt live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs soil at lie per pound for weights
of 200 pounds and upwards , ana Ic for under
200 pounds. Pregnant sows are docked 40
pounds and stags 80 pounds ,
Shoop-S3.50.g3.75 for good sheep.
Cattle Butchers' stock , § 3.50@4.25 ; dressed
beef steers , S4.505.00 for good light averag
ing 1,100 pounds to peed choice heavy averag
ing 1,350 pounds.
Wheat Cash No. 2 , 71o.
Barley 45@50c.
Rye Cash No. 8 , 51r.
Corn No. 3 , 35o.
Data No. 2 , 35o ,
Steady ; grtien butchers' Go ; green cured ,
74@7Jc ; dry flint , 12@14o , dry salt , 10@llc :
damaged hides two-thirds price ,
Tallow 4t@Eo.
Grease Prime white , 4@44o.
Sheep Pelts 25c@75.
Floor ana Mlllstnffi ,
Winter Wheat Firmjbest quality patent at
$3.00(33.30. (
Second ouality 82.7C@3.00.
Spring Wheat Best quality patent'at S3.10.
Second quolity-$2.40@3.00.
Bran 76o per cwt.
Chopped Feed-Per 100 Ibs. , 95o@81.00
Corn Meal S1.00@1.20 per cwt.
Screening No. 1 , GOopor owt ; Nol 2 , 60c.
Hominy $1.50 per cwt.
Shorts 76o per cwt.
Oraham ? 2.00 per cwt.
Hay S18.00@19.00 per ton.
General Produce
Eggs Stronger , strictly fresh bring 10 ®
Butter Only the best grass butter taken
by the trade and nothing above 124o obtain
Poultry Old chickens are steady at $3.00 ®
50 per doz , according to quality. Spring
hlckens , mostly very small , selling fairly well
, t S3 , 00(43 ( 60 ; larger sizes In good demand
.ad . will brine batter prices.
Potatoes Receipts very light and demand
oed at G0@76c , according to quality ; Cahfor-
la new potatoes selling at 3@ la per Ib.
Onions Now southern sell at $6,25 per
arrel , and California choice at 5o per Ib ,
Beans In moderate request ; navy , per
inshel , 8l.0@1.60 ; medium , per bushel ,
ISO 140.
Qrocora' List
Boo AM Powdered , 7 Jc ; cut loaf , 7Jogran- ;
lated , 7Jo ( ; confectioners' A , 7o ; ( Standard
itraO , Go ; extra 0 , Ego ; medium yellow , Elo ;
ark yellow , Egc.
Gomes Ordinary gradoa , lOo : lair , 12 ;
oed , 11(3120) ) prime , 12@13o ; choice ,
6@17o ; fancy green and yellow , 16@16&c ; old
ovornmont Java , 202Gc ; Arbuckle'a roast-
id , 14Jc ; McLauglilin'a XXXX roasted , 14Jo ;
mltation Java. 16J@18Jo. .
ROPH Sisal , i inch and larger , 7Jo 8 Inch ,
: ; 4 inch , 8lc.
SALT Uray loada , per bbl , 1 25i Ashton ,
n sacks , 8 CO ) i sacks Aahton , 1 00 ; bbla dairy
60@2 76.
Hi-iora Pepper , 18o ; epleo , 14o ; cloves , 20o
, ssia , 15o.
STBDP Standard Com. , 27o , bbls : Standard
do 4 gallon kegs , $1,30 ,
DIIY JTBCUTB No 1 , quarter apples , bbla
loj N 0 sliced , boxes , Gio : evaporated , boxes ,
Jcj blackberries , boxei ; llo peaches , J.
x > xea , 9io ; poacnes , evaporated , 25o | rasp-
lorries , 32o
OANDT Mixed , 10@11 ; stick , fl@llcj twist
tick , Oc.
CnACKEUS Garneau's soda , butter and pic
nic , 4 } ; cieom > , 71 ; ginger snaps , 7J ; City
oda , o'i.
Kiaii No. 1 mackerel | half bbla. , 7 CO ;
Family J bbla. . S 60 ; No. 1 kits. 1 OS ; family
klta We : No. 1 whitetUh. half bb . ,6 (50 ; No.
1 klta , 96ci family hall bbla. , 300 ; family
kita and palls , GOo ; No. 1 trout , half bbla. , D 25 ,
BIABOH Pearl , 4Jo ; Silver iGlosa , 801 Corn
Harch , 8oj Exceliior Gloaa , 7o ; Corn , 7jc.
OANNCD Goons.OyateiB : (8tandard ( ) per
case. S 90 ; atrawberriea , 2 Ib per caae , 3 50 ;
raapberrloa , 2 Ib , per case , 2 60 ; California
? oars par case , 5 80 ; apricots , per case , 5 00 ;
[ > eacbea per case , 680 ; white cherries per
case , G 75 ; plums per case , 4 50 ; whortleber
ries per case , 8.00 ; era plums , 2 Ib , per case ,
890 ; greengages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 OOj pine
aples , 2 Ib , per case , 3 20@5 50.
CANRLKS Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16a , 12io , 8a. 12So ,
boxwa401bs , 16 or , 6e , 14o.
MATOBia Fer caddie , 85c ; ronndrlcas (
2D5jefio&rfl , caaea , 170 ; Oahkoah , rases grl.2 !
SODA In Ib papers 3 25 pet Jcaae ; keg , pei
Ib , 2Jc.
Pio&Lca Modlnm in barrels , 0 00 | do It
half barrels , 3 00 ; small , in barrels , G 03 ; do li
half barrels , S 60 ; Rherldnji in barrcli. 7 Cl
do in half barrels , 4 00.
TKAH Gunpowder , good 45@55ci choice
G0@7t > cj good Imperial , 40@43c : choice , 606
65c > Young Dyeon , good , 850oj ( choice , ft
@ 1 00 ; Japan , natnral leaf , 76o ! Japan choice ,
60A75o ( ; Oolon ? good , B540o | Oolong choice
4ii455oi Souchong , good , 3040c ; choice , 3t
© 45o.
Rtos Louisiana , prime to choicn , GiS7ic ( ,
WooniNWABE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; three
hoop pailc , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50j pioneer
wAshbonrdK , 1 75 ; Double Crown , 1 00 ; well'
buckets , 8 76.
Soars Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 15) ) Kirk' *
Minet , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 8 66 ; Kirk's
White Russian , 4 85.
POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 cans in cato
3 -.Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. In CMS , 1 00 ; An
Uor'ball , 2 doz. in OMO , 1 60 ,
VINKOAB Now York nppls , 16oj Ohloap-
plo , 13o ,
Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70s ; Charm of the
West. COc : FonnUIn , 74e : Golden Thread ,
G7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , 5Jo ; Rocky Moun
tain , 50oj Fonoy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c.
Plug tobacco Climax , 44o per lb , { Horseshoe -
shoo , 4Gc : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead. 4Gc ; Our
Rope , COc ; Piper Ueidsick , GOc ; Punch , 40o.
Smoking tobacco O. ti. , 22o ; Moorsohanm ,
SOoj r eng Tom 30c , BUckwell's ' Durham , 10
ozClc ; 8 oz. , 660 ; 4 oz. , 57r : 3 oz. , GOo.
Seal of North Carolina , 1G oz. , 42c ; 8 oz. , 45a ;
4 oz. , 48c : 9 oz. , 60o , Navy Olippingi , 2Gc.
Ktlllkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 2Sc.
Dncus AND CiiBMiCALa Acid , carbolic , 41o
acid , tartario , 55o ( balsam copaiba , par Ib.
> 5o ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12o ; c lomoi , per
b , 90o ; cinchonidia , per oz. , 80 60 ; chloro-
t per Ib , 81 00 ; Dovors powders , per Ib ,
! 1 25 ; opsoin saltsi per Ib , SJo ; glycerine ,
mro , per Ib , 25c ; load acetate , per Ib , 20c : ol ,
castor , No. 1 per gal. , 81 GO ; oil castor , No.
par gal , , SI 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , , 81 40 ; oi
iriganum , 50c ; opium , 84 60 ; quinine , P , &
> V. . and R. & 8. , per oz. , 8100 ; potassium ;
bdldo , per Ib , . 83 50 ; salicin , per oz. , 40c ;
ul Imto morphine , per or. , 83 50 ; culphnr ,
ia b. 4o ; strychnine , per oz , , 81 80 ,
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
Oils 110 carbon , per gallon , llcl 160
loadlight , per gallon , lie ; 175 ° hoadllgnt
per gallon , 16o ; 160 ° water white , 15c ; lin-
eod raw , per gallon , 2o ; linseed boiled , per
gallon , 55cLard ; , winter str'd , per gallon , 70cj
Ho.1 , GOo ; No. 2 , 60 ; castor XXX. per gal.
on , 1 50c : No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon.l 00 ;
perm W. B. , per gallon. 1 60 ; fish W. B. ,
icr gallon , 65 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
Ho. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ;
ummor , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per pal-
on , S5c ; No. 2 , ' 2So ; sperm , signal , per gallon
Oo ; tnrpentino . per gallon. 4Co ; naptba , 74 ° ,
er gallon , IGc. ,
Spirits ,
COLOONE SPIRITS 188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101
iroof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof ,
9 : do , 188 proof , 1 18.
ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol 2 80 per wine
gallon ,
WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 1 0001 60 ;
rino. blended , 160200 ; Kentucky bour-
ons 2 00@6 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva-
la ryes , 2 00 < G 50.
BBANDIES Imported , G 00@1G 00 ; domes-
ic , 1 50@.S GO.
GINS Imported , 4 60 ® 6 00 ; domestic , 160
© 300.
RUMS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; Now England ,
00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 00.
CiiAMFAaNEs Imported , per case , 28 00 ®
4 00 ; American , per case , 10 C0@16 00.
Dry Patnta
White lead 88c ; French no , Bo ) Fails
whiting , 24c ; whiting gilders , lie ) whiting
com ! , lie ; lampblack , Germantown , 14 65
ampblack , ordinary , lOo ; Prussian blue , o
nntramarino , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 80 ; urn bo
urnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burn4ctr
enno , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine. 25o
? aris preen , common , 20c ; chrome green , N. Y
3c ; chrome green. K , , 12o ; vermillion , Eng
5a ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian , red
3c ; ross pink , 14o ; Venetian , red , Oookson's
| c ; Venetian , red , American , lie ; red lead
Jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chroma yol-
ow , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle , 3c ; ochre , Frenh
| c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral ,
Jc ; lehigh brown , 24c ; Spanish brown , 24c ;
frince's mineral , 3o ,
VABNISKES Barrels , per gallon : Furniture ;
itra , 81 10 ; furniture , K o , 1 , 81 ; coach , ox-
ra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Domar , extra ,
1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; aspholtum , extra , 85c ,
hollac. 83 60 ; hard oil finish 81 60.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P.
Jo ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 60 ; Morseil
os screen , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc ;
rroen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ,
Trench zino , In varnish ftsst. , 20o ; French zinc ,
n oil asst , 15o ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b
lanj , 10c : raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke
; rown , ISo ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach
> lock and Ivory black , ICc ; drop black , 16o ;
Prussian blue , 40o ; ultramarlno blue , 18o :
hromo green , L. M & D. . IGc ; blind and
butter green , L. M. & D. , 16o ; Paris green ,
Be ; Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , Be ; Tus
can red , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & P.-
; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & P. O. , 18o ;
ellow ochre. 9o ; golden ochre , 16c ; patent
ryor , 8c | graining colors , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash , ICa
Dry Goods
BBOWN SHBBTINOS Atlantic A , 7c | Allan-
to P , 60 ; Atlantic LL , SJc ; Brnnawick , 74o ;
Joaver DamLL,61c ; Lawrence LL , 6o ; Pa
cifio H , 7 o ; Royal Standard , GJo ; Indian
Head A , 7o ; Wouchusett A , G o.
eroll R , 6Jc ; Salisbury R , Go.
BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon. 4-4 , 64ci Bal
on , 7-8 , 64o ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 74o ; Davoll DD ,
4c ; Fairmount , 4c ; Fniit of the Loom 4 ,
Jo ; Glory of the Wost,84c ; Golden Gate.Sjo ;
Hill 7-8 , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 74o ; Lonsdale , 7fo ; Now
York Mills , lOJo : Womautta , lOlc.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljot Bos
on , 10 oz , 104oBoaton ; , 9 oz. , 12ioj FaL River
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Polnt.8 oz. , llo ; West
Point 10 oz. , 124c ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie.
TICKINGS Amoakeaft , 13o Continental
fancy , 9a | Cordls. 13c ; Pearl River , 21c ;
fork , 12c | Hamleton Awnings , 124c.
DENIMS Amoskesg , 13o ; Beaver Creek AA
lc | Beaver Creek BB , 10o | Beaver Crook
CO , 9o ; Haymakers , 8c ; Jaffroy D & T , 12 o ;
Jaflrey XXX , 124c ; Pearl River , 13c ; War.
ron AXA ( brown ) , lie ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
llo : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo.
OAMBBICSFifth avenue glove finish , 4Jo ;
ioyetono glove finish , 5o ,
ICOBSET JEANS Amory , Tic ; Hancock , 8c ;
KearsaTgo. 7ic ; Rockport , 6c.
PBINTS Aliens , 640 ; American , 64oj Arn
old's Go ; Oocheoo , Go ; Harmony , 4Jo ; Indigo ,
'c ; Indigo 7-8 , 114c ; Indigo 4-4 , 14Jo ; Stool
: liver , 54c ; Charter Oak , 44o ,
PBINTS SuiBTisas American , 44o ; Oocheco ,
I4o Gloucester , 44o ; Sonthbr'dge , llo ; Waver
eys 44o ; Rosedale , 4 Jo.
Hoar Hardware last.
Iron , rates , 2 10 ; plow stool , special cost , 4c ;
crucible , 60 ; cast tools do , lBa20c ; wagon
pokes , per set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per sot ,
L 25 ; telloct sawed dryj 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 70o ; oxloa , eah , 76c ; square nuts per
b , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8o | rivets , per
b , Ho ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2c ; malleable ,
! o | Iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , Got barrow
eth , 4o ; spring steel , 7a8o ; Burden's ' horse
shoes , 4 30 ; Burden's muloahoes , 5.30.
BABBED WIBE In oar lota , 4 00 p r 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to GO ; iron , 2,25 ; steel ,
2,65 ,
SHOT Shot , 1 60 ; buokihot , 1 85 ; oriental
powder , kegs , 3 60a4 00 ; do , half kegs , 200 ; do
quarter kegs , 1 50 blasting , kegs , 3 85 ; fuse '
per 100 feet , 60o.
LsAI > Bar , 165.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor-
rts run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreast lump ,
5 00) ) Wbitebreast nut , 6 00 ; Iowa lump , 6 00 ;
Iowa nut , 6 OOi Rook Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra-
det , 11 S5all 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 per on.
Dry Jjumlicr.
Wholesale On Board Oars at Omaha ,
15 it. lift 18 It. 18 It. 20 It 22ft. 2ilt-
10.60 16 CO 16 00 17.00 18.00 1000 29.00
16 00 16.00 16 09 16.00 17,00 19 60 1D.60
10.00 16,00 160 17.CO 18,00 19.00 20 00
1600 16.60160) ) 16.00 17.00 IB 03 19.00
1600 16.00 1600 17.00 13.00 20 00 21.00
1850 16.60 1660 17.60 18.60 10 60 20.50
No. 1 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft ? 1G 7li
No. 2 boards , 12,14 ana 10 ft. . , 14 7C
No. 3 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft , . 12 7C
No , 4 boards , 12,14 and 1G ft. ( shipping
cull ) , 10 7
No , 1 , G inch , 12 and 14 foot , rough. . . .817 5 (
No , 1 , Cinch , 1G feet , rough 17 D !
No , 2 , 0 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . 14 3 (
No. 2 , 0 inch , 16 foot , rough 16 5 (
No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . 17 { X
No , 1,4 Inch , 10 feaV , rough , , , 17 a
No , 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough , . . 14 61
No , 8 , 4 inch , 10 feet , rough 15 61
8ID1NO ,
1st Com. , 12,1 land 10 foot $2201
2d Com. . 14 and 1G feet 10 Ol
HdCom. , 14 nnd 10 feet 16 ( H
Fence , 14 and 10 foot. 11 01
1st Com , J inch , Norway IB fit
2dCom , g Inch , Norway 14 6t
lit Com. G Inch , white pine $38 CC
2d Com. 0 inch , white plno 35 00
3d Com. Glncb , white plno 28 00
Sol. Fence G Inch , white pine 20 00
1st and 2d Clear yellow pi no , 4-G inch. Ul 60
No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch 818 00
No. 2 , Plain 10 inch 10(0
No.l , 0. G. 1 ! ) 00
1st , 2d and 3d Clear , 1 JInch , s , & 2a 850 00
1st , 2d , and 3d Clear. 14 and 2 inch , s. 2s HO 00
B Select , li , 14 and 2 inch , s. i's SG 00
1st , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , s. 2 4 J 00
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000
B Select , 1 Inch , s. 2 30 00
A12 inch , s. Is. 12,14 and 1C feet 45 CO
B12 Inch , s. 1 B. 12,14 and 16 foot 41 00
O 12 Inch , s. Is. 12,14 and 16 feet 3G 00
1) 12 inch , s. 1 B. 12,14 and 10 foot 23 00
No. 1 Com. 12 In. , s. 1 s , 12,14 and 1C ft 18 00
No. 1 Com.12in. , s. 1 s. 10,18 and 20 U21 00
No. 2 Com. 12 in.s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft.14 75
O.G. Bats.Slnch. . . $ ,85
O. G. Bat21 Inch 75
4 inch Bats , B. 1 a 40
8 Inch well tubing , D. & M 23 00
3 inch well tubing , Bov 23 00
Pickets : D. & H. Flat , 821 00 ; D k H.
Square 23 00
1C Inch , Clear $3 25
* A Standord 2 GO
5 inch , Clear 1 40
No. 1. : ISO
Lath 2 0
White Cedar , G inch , halves 11 o
White Cedar , 54 inch , halves OJo
White Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 943
White Cedar , 4 Inch , round 12o
Qulnoy white lime ( best ) 9Pc
Cement SI. 75
Plaster ( Michigan ) 2.40
Tarred felt , per cwt 1.70
Straw board , per cwt 1.50
FLOun Colorado , 100 Ibs , 113@2 20 ; pat
ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 76
@ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 GO ; ryp , 1 00 Ibi.
2 3R.
GBAIN , FEED , ETC. Whnat 100 Ibs , $135
corn , 100 Ibs , 11501 2oats , Nebraska
mixod.lOO Ibnl GO@1C5 ; Nebraska oats white ,
1 C3@l 70 ! bran , ton , 17 00 ; chop , corn , 100
Ibs , 1 20@12575 ; : chop mixed , 100 Ibs , 1 60
© 1 GO ; corn moo ) , 100 Ib * . 1 40ftl GO ,
HAY Loose , ner ton , 10 0012 CO ; baled ,
second bottom , 10 5011 00 ; baled , upland ,
12 0014 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00@15 00 ;
straw , ton , G 007 00.
BUTTEB Creamery , finest , Ib. 27@28 : ;
creamery , rgood , Ib. 2425o ; Illinois and
lena dairy , Ib , 18@2o ! ) ; Kansas and Ne
braska dairy , Ib , 15@lo ; common , lb,6@8c ;
butterino creamery , Ib , 20@22o ; butterina
dairy , Ib , 16lEo.
CHEESE Full cream , Ib. 13lBc ; halt
cream , Ib , 10@llc ; skim , Ib , 9c | Swiss , Im
ported , S2o ; Swiss , domestic , Ib , 20@22 ; Lim >
bargor , 20o.
Eaas State , fresh candled , 'doz , 14@15c ;
fresh ranch , doz , 15@lGc.
POULTBT Live old chickens , doz , 650@G 00 ;
dressed chickens , Ib , 15@lCo ; dressed turkeyr ,
Ib. . 2022c.
POTATOES 100 Ibi 1 6f @ 1 95 ; Salt Lake ,
100 Iba , 2 00 ; now California , 100 Ibs , 2 ? 5&
VEGETABLES-Onions , 100 Ibs , 400 ® 125 ;
turnips , 100 Ibs. 1 76 ; cabbage , now Califor
nia , 100 Ibr , 3 C03 25 ; lettuce , doz , COc ;
raddisbes , dcz , 40c ; young onions , doz , 20c ;
parsley , doz , 40c ; pie plant , doz , 20c ; oyster
plant , doz , f Oc ; spinach , doz , 8c ; asparagus ,
Ib , 40o. rallflowcr , Ib , ISc : cucumbers , doz ,
GBKENFBUITS Apples , bbl , 850 ; Messina
lemons , ertra , ' box , 5 00@G 00 ; cranberries ,
bbl , 12 00 ; Messina oranges , box. 5 7o@GOO ;
California osanges , box , 2 25@2 75 ; bananas ,
bunch 2 00@4 00 ; pine apples , doz , 4 00@
5 GO ; Strawberries , California , 15c qt , B 00ft
3 25 box ; strawberries , eastern , crate , 3 Ru@
G GO ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25 ®
3 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots , box , 3 25.
CUBED MEATS Huns , sagar oured.'lb , 104
lOJc ; bacon , breakfast , Ib , 10J@114o ; salt
sides , Ib , 71@7o ; lard In palls , 92 < 9o ; lard
In tierces , 80.
TfBisn MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per
100 Its , 7 Oo@7 25 ; hogs , dressed , 100 Ibs ,
6 25@6 76 } mutton , 100 Ibs , G 10@6 60.
LIVE STOCK Beef gross cattle. 100 Ibr , 4 00
@ 4 60 ; bogs , 100 Ibs , 4 50 ® 4 75 ; sheep , 100
Ibs , sheared2 75@S GO.
Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , ll&Uo ;
No. 2. Ib , 9@10c ; green steers and cows ,
Ib , 4@5c ; green \ lf , Ib , 0@8c ; greenlklp ,
Ib , 5a6c ; branded calf , Ib , Ga : shearlings , Ib ,
lOglGci sheep skins , dry , Ib , 5gGo ; deer skins
Ib. 12@lGc : antelope skins , ID. 1215 ; elk
skins , Ib , @ 10c ; tallow Ib , 4@4io
WOOL Colorado choice , per Ib. 14lBci
heavy , 12@lScii Now Mexican , averajre , 7
@ 10o.
Fion-Mackerol , No. 1. 140 , kit , 115 ©
135 ; mem. 1602 00 ; California salmon ,
halt bbl , 9 GOr Holland hnninff , keg , 1 25 ;
fresh lake trout , bbl , 15@lCc ,
Bear Creek Lime , Louisville Cement
Portland Cement , Iowa and Michigan Plas
ter , Hair , Etc. Etc.
Cor. 6th & Douglas St
Direct Line for England , France
nnd Germany.
The lieamthlpa of this well known line are bulll
ot lion , In witer-tlght compartmenta , and are far
olihed with every requisite to make tbe pasaigc
bithsafe aod agreeable , They carry tbo United
ktktea and European nulls , and loav * Now Yort
Tauadayi and Saturdays foi Plymouth ( LONDON
Oberboug , ( I'ABtS and HAMBURa.
lUteu , Flrtt Cabin , $60-8100. Steerage , to 01
from Hamburg , J10. 0.1) . 1HOIIAIID& 00aen
er&l Pass. Agents , 01 Broadway , New York BIK
\Voahlniftou f n i La Belle itroeU , Chicago , or lion n
Pundt , llurk Hauion , F.E. Moare > , Harry Dcuel Ir
Omaha ; OrontwIg&Schoenegen , la Council illuffi
I b v apoiltlra rom 0rforthjtbgrcdlle > ; trUi
CIS thoatftajiofcaieiof tht vorit ktudtiiid { ( ( ou
UQdloKliaviit > crueur 4. iDdkvd.roilrnnBlimTralt
talll < mc TtliatI will l nTVO FllBB
( Th |
Council Bluffs
and Chicago ,
The oa y lo take for DCS Itolnn * . MmhMI-
town , Cedar Raplda , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil
raukpe and all polnta eait. To the people of No.
iraika , Colorado , Wyoming. Utah , Idaho , Nevada
Oregon , Washington and California It offers suptrloi
advantages not possible by any other line.
Among a few ot the numerous polnta of superior'
ty onjo ) od by the patrons of this road between
> maha and Chicago , are Its two trains a day of DAY
XMOHESnhlch ore thoflneat that human art and
ngenulty can create ; Us PALACE SLEEHNQ OAR3
which are models of comfort and elegance ; Ita PAR
LOR DRAWING BOOM OAKS , unsurpassed by any
and Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DININCJCAK8
ho equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere.
At Council Bluffs the trains ot the Union Pacific
Ry. connect In Union Depot with those ot the Chic *
to & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trams of thlt
no make oloae connection with those of all eastern
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati.
Niagara Falls , Buffalo , Piltaburg , Toronto , Montreal
Joston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Waah-
ngton and all polnta In the East , oak the ticket
agent for tickets via the
-NOami-WESTERN , '
It vou wtan the boat accommodations. All ticket
agonta soli ttcketa via thla line.
General Manager. Oo . tits. Agent
Gen HlZFarniraSt. , Omaha , Neb.
Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Oodar Rapids , Davenport ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Rockford ,
Hock Island , Freeport Jancsvillo ,
Elgin , Madison , La Crosse ,
liololt. Winona ,
And all other Important points Eatt , North-
coat and Southeast.
Ticket office at 1101 Far n am street ( In Paxton Ho
tcl ) , and at Union Paclflo Depot.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dlnlnj Cars In
tbo World are run on tnomaln Hues of the CIIICAOO
MILWAUKKK & ST. PAUL n'r anU every attention ia paid
to passengers by couitooua employe * of thocompony.
8. 8. MEimiLL , A. V. IF. CAHPiCNTER ,
Oeneral Manager , Oeii'l Paesontrer Agent.
Ass't Gca'l Manager. Aes't Gen't Pass Agent
J. T. CLARK , Gen'l Superintendent
Bail-way Time Table.
In Effect April 6th , 1885 ,
The Attontlon of the baveUtoff public la called lo
Ibe fact that thla la tbe only complete * nd b olatelj
correct tlme-tablo pnbUahed In the city ,
AJltialna Hrlio at and depart from Om h by
Central SUndwd lime.
Trulna ol the a St. P. U. ft O. rtlv at and d
part frem their depot , oornor ol llth and Webetei
slreeta ; tralna o/ the B. & it , O , B. & Q. , and E , 0
St. J. & 0. B. from the B. ft U , depot ; all otljeri from
the UnlonPaclDo depot.
a , Dally ; b , except Bataiday ; o , exoepl Sonday ) d ,
exctpl Monday.
Dummw Trains Leave Omaha at 010,7 CO
B EO , 10 00,11 IE a tnlS60 , 2 00 , 8 00 , 4 00 , 4 EE , E EO
1110pm. On Sandayathe 7 CO and 10 00 a m and
> 00 and 4 00 p m trains do not run. Arrive at trans
fer depot 18 mlontea later : Broadway depot S3 mln-
ales Utor ,
Leave Oonncll BlnDa ( Broadnay depot ) at 7 IS ,
B SO , 10 80,11 to a m ; 1 SO , 2 SO , 8 80. 123 , 625.
and 1145 p m. On Uandaye the B 80 and 11 40 am
and 8 80 and fi 26 p m trains will not ran. Arrive at
Transfer 7 minutes later , Omaha 20 minutes later.
TranaforTralno-Leave Omahaat 8 IB , 8(9
m , 12 BE , 4 20,8 IE and 7 OOp m , dally.
Anlve al B 4E and 11II a ra , 1 20 , 8 CO , 7 li and
IE p. m.
To and horn Chicago via the Tripartite Alliance Linos.
Moamna. I BITUBDAT 171.
I Mil. | 1U. | N-W I N-W | U-I | Ml
'obniary. IE 1-22 81 21 7-28 U
March . . . , 8-28 IE 1-S21 14 21 7-28
Apr 11 IB e-28 12 I 4-25 II ie
May . 10-81 17 8-211 19 2-28 fl-so
Sunday evening and Uonday morning trains arilr
In corresponding order. 0. li. ft Q. trains ran ova
Leave Union Pacific depot at 0 40 a m and C IE
Arrive from Stock Tarda at 7 Ea m and 0 28 p m.
Seventeen years Kxperienco ,
Ueader of Discuses ol Men anl Women. Uleotrlc.
Magnetic and UerbalUt Physician Now located at
1210 Deunlis Bt Omafca , Neb , up etalra.
A correct diagnosis given \tlihout any explanation
from the pat leu I. Consultation free atothoe ,
/ Treat the Following Diseases.
Catarrh of tbe Head. Discuses of tbo Eye and
Ear. Heart Dlseaie , Liver CompUlr.t , Kidney Com-
plamt , NoMOUsDebllltv , Mental Depression , L ° 8icf
Manhood , Olabelti , Drlght'a Dlacate , Bt Vltuo
Dance , Itbeumat'sm ' , l' ral > tliHilto Bwcllloga
Scrofula , Fcier Borea. Oanccri and Tumoia remote
edttlllmut the knife , or the drawing of a drop of
blood. Woman , ulth her delicate nrganr , Itcetoredto
Ilealtn. Dropay Cured Without Tapplrf , Bpccltl
Attention Uiven to 1'ilvate and Venereal UUoaseaol
til Klnda , Tape Worms Hcmt.vcil In two cr three
houra or No Pay , Hommoriholds or I'llo j Cured 01
NO Clurnos Made.
Those who are allllcted will tave lha and liua.
( "reds of dollars by cVllc ; on or unlng
JDlt. O , W. l'ANOLK'3
Herbal Medicines.
S JUTVOU. % I Ixiit
Uebllltjr - Muubood nod Xlecay
A f rorlte jirncrlptlon of a noted ipeclallit ( new to-
Lrtd. ) DruKBliU can fill It. Addren
Passenger Klovntor to nil floor , 1200 , 1203 nnd 1210 Fain urn Stront
A Full Assortment of Air nnd Kiln Dried Walnut , Cherry , A h , Buttsrnnt , Yellow Poplar ,
Rodwood.eto. Hardwood and Poplar Pjuol , Hardwood Flooring , Wagon Stock , Stair
Builders' Material , Rod Cedar Poiti , Commbn Oak DImonaion and Brldgo Timbers ,
Oodar Boards for moth proof closots.Ete. Vunoors , Fancy Woods for Scroll S wlngKto.Kto ,
S.W.Oor.Oth and Douglas. - - Omaha. Nob.
T. CLARKKrreit. and Trta * . frulttn
JOUX T. Ct.AllKK , Secretary.
T ARQBST Jobbing Drug homo between Chtonio mV Snn Francisco. CAPITAL STOCK , $200,000. Ws
JLJ shill boat the bottom of the mitkot t all tlinoj. Will dmilloUo Chlc go and St , Louis pricoa with
( mightadded. Ourspoo'alty ' will t > o
jPtcre l > rtigs , Paints , teilsand Window Gflast ?
Es.lmatcs cl\cn on pUto glass. To tlioso About to embark In the drug liuilnois will do well to 1111
your Interest by calling on us or send foi our prloa tab which will aupoar out January 6tli , Mill onla
of Live Stock
Our Ground
It la'lho boat and ohoapost food for ntook of any kind. One pound ia oqnsl to
throopoaida of o orn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall and Winter
Instead of nnla down , will Incroaao ID weight and be In good marketable ccndi-
ion In the Dairymen , aa well oa others , who uao It , can testify to Ita mor-
Ita. Try It and' d To f or yonraolvoa. Prloo $24.00 per ton. No charge for Backs.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hano
lEoglne Trlmmlngo , Mining Machinery , Bolting , llooc , Brasa and It on FltUnga
at wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILL3 , OHDBOH
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Hob.
Wholesale Druggists
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STRuIET , COR. 13TH ,
A. IDLLOOK , Hng. & ; Supt. o. r. N. BADLED' , Aast. Eng. n , w. DIAMOND , Assl. Socy
Van'/g'a / and HuiWsis ol
WroDeMIroD , Steel , Howe
Ttusj and Combination
For Ilailroads nnd Highways
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Boo
Tiuseer , Piers ana Bub.
| lnsIeySiiiie , & lull
JA , MoLonth , AfrcnL
III. A. Wlee , "
rieaso send us notice of ell bridge work to let. Oorrcspondenco solicited from onglnoera and brldg
13th Street , Set. Farnam AJIarney
Fbcsnli InsaranM Co. , London , Cub
Ataott. . . . . . 15,881,000
Weitcheater.N. Y.A eota 1,000,000
TbeMorohanta ol NewarkN. J. , Assets . . , 1,576,000
Olraid m , PhUadelpbla.Aaseta 1,200,000
New Uamj'ihlio CMS. Awtl , . . . _
Polar , Dry Air , Self Ventilating
Manufactured la the moil perfect mannei
from kiln-dry oak luraheT barooal Oiled ,
tlno lined , nlvanlzed ron ahtlvoa. hand ,
eomcly paneled and dealgned for th * wants
of a clasa of trade that want ths belt goods
that can be made.
Parties wishing tpectal tlzea can
Save from 15 to 20 Percent
By orders DOW ,
Mendelssohn & Fisher.
Itooraa 33 and 290mah NaU.Bankfllock
aDccuiots TO
Dufrene- & Mendelssohn
Oeo. L. .tbi' , ( timerr vrilh W , t > . 0. Jiaa