Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1885, Page 7, Image 8

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Prosoouto the Swindlers ,
If when yon call for lion Bllters ( see
gicon olnater ot Hops on the white l bol )
the drnKglst hands out anyatufT called 0.
D. Warner's Gorman Hop Blttors or with
other "Hop" narao , refuoo It and ahun
th&t druggist as you would a vlpor ; nnd If
ho has taken your money for the staff ,
Indict him for the fraud , and nno him for
damages for the swindle , and wo will re-
waid yen liberally for the conviction.
"iHavoSufferafl,1' '
, -
With every disease Imaginable foe the three yean. Oar
Draggtst , T. J. Anderson , recommend *
. 'Hop Biltora" to mo
I nso d two bottles.
Am entirely cured and heartily recom
mend Hop Bitters to everyone.
J. D. Walker , Bucknor , Mo.
Counterfeiting Proves Superiority.
Although counterfeiting is one of the
greatest crimes ngainst the business of
any country , and in many coses
"Destructive to health andllt o "
"It proves beyond a doubt tho"
Of the article counterfeited ;
As no inferior article is over counter-
f cited ,
Proof of this Is to bo found in the great
number In
"Australia , England , Franco ,
"Germany , India , Belgium , Oanada
and the U. S.--
Of counterfeit ) * of the great remedy.
"Hop Bitters , "
Whoso name and merits are so well
known the world over that It Is a
"Shining mark and favorite 'prey
"For Counterfeiters til"
Beware of those that do not hiwo a
green cluster of hops on the whlto label.
Prosecute the Swindlers ! ! !
If when you call for Hop Bitters ( BOQ
cluster of Ifopa on the white lubel ) tqo drug
gist hands out nny ntullcallod O. 1) . Warner's
Goniitin Hop Bitters or with other "Hop"
name , lofuso it nnd fluui that druggist as you
would a % iper : nnd if ho hastaken your money
for the stuff , Indict him for the fraud and tno
him fur damages for the swindle , , nnd o will
oward voulibornllv for the conviction.
. llita tale of nnWU iUw , nw-oKd crtr ( kit
a nia
Df'lV1' . Jl.flW , uia , t U
wlolJwoll J , t t < i ' ' ) Tna An *
2teaJmBf til i lllttitln briuiA f inn tal t tMOxa Crc *
Er tU.1 ttfduTmpMs. , tidto .11 imniDir taelal T'J It , Nil
K ' . < > Ki fcl r A.jrmwc < * " , ,
Ci'v mumfattarilW Uli. J. 0. II blKamufA BOMS.
ci nicoAJur.iV y. r.
In order to enrich
, the blood. n(1 ( lhua
Impart fresh vigor
an enfeebled system
Etlmulato flagging
digestion with the
national Imlgonnt ,
Hostettor'a Stomach
Hitters , which , by
lolu'lrgcncrgj into
the operations of the
I stomach , promotes
J Bay , Iniuiei thor-
1 ougndigestion and
assimilation , and
ronicqneut nntil-
tl5D. A train to np-
jwtlteifoi and
flesb , la iuvarUUy
found to follow a
cdlv , popular tonlo
_ _ - which If , moreover ,
reliable ( .levenuto of rnnUiUl fever. For solo
by U Druggists and Dealers geierally.
The Mirror
is no flatterer. Would you
make it tell a sweeter tale ?
Magnolia Balm is the charm
er that almost cheats the
\ ron
Washing & Bleaching
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Wntor.
BAVE5 IIACOR , TIME mul boAr AiUzi.MJLY , and glvoi
universal ButlefacUou. No ituilly rich or poor ehoulc
be without It.
Sold hv all groccrr. BRWARK of IralUUong well tie
elgno t to inUloM ) . I'BABUMS Is the OM.T s * FK Ulioi
eating compound und alw ) B bears the above sym
bcl and name ot
pitrfect restoration to heultli , fill
inunliontl and soxiuil vluor million
HtniuiicU DriiKRlnKt should Bend for Trw
tlao on tlio Hurnloit liolu * . Young incnam
others who autljr from iiervouaaad iihysl
ciil ilolilllly , tixhuiialoil vllulltv. pro
Itnturo ( lerlliiu , Vurlrocolr. * vc. , or
[ iecUlly licneQted by consulting Its content !
niscascaof the I'rodiito Gliirul , ICIdiiD ) '
it ml IlluiUUr effectually cured todorso. .
by thouaanaa who have been cured. Adoptoi
In Hoapltala nnd by rhyalclana in I'.uropo oui
Aaierlio. Bealoil TrcttUo freo. Addreaa
40 Woat 14th St. . Now York.
1JJ and 187
Hair Cloth and Win
Bustles. Hoop Skirts , '
Hair Cloth SUrtsJ
BLACK * t >
llji cut repn. cnu Th
lAiiBtry. the i o t iwpui
rolilliliiatluii ot lliullo an
llooi > bl > lrt ever inailo. A lad
vho l-a worn one will lien
ear any other ttylc. Uac
Hkirt l etaimwt ui > on II
liintll r tmtfJ JuorSI , 181
ka.110.411. tWAnyonom !
fc B'uVtylopf A . '
ttamiicHl , will bo diolt H
"rcDinlluittalaw. So d ty
Office , Utln Strwt , Iloomi 7 and 8 , Shujirt ft :
t'cuo block. Will pitctlcc In SnUuid tate ooun
sioux cirn SALOONS.
The Siloalion Tbere , as Slated by
One of Us Business Men ,
A [ Strong Alliance Organized ,
A BEE man had the pleasure of chat
ting with one of Sioux Olty'a business
men the other day , and naturally qncs
tlonod hm ! about the prohibition law ,
and how It was being treated In that
city. There have boon BO many and
such contradictory reports afloat concern
ing the recent action of the residents o
that city , that the statements of this
mnn , who Is n responsible , intelligent ,
and rather connarvatlvo business' man ,
are Interesting to these hero who are
wrestling frith the same question.
'There are saloons being licensed In
Sioux City , notwithstanding the prohibi
tory law , ate there notJ"
"Yes , there has been a sort of arrange
ment fixed up with the city council by
which the saloons are to pay $1,000 n
year license , but it Is not working very
satisfactory. Some twelve or fifteen
siloons have taken out this license , bnt a
number claim that they cannot afford to
pay any such largo amount , and that
makes trouble between the saloon men
themselves. Of course these who pay
the license con bo given no protection ,
and they are not in condition to make
any great fight ngainst their compatitors
who do not pay the license. Those who
do pay only p y a mouth at a
time , and all ihat they got for their
money is the assurance that the city
officials will keep their eyes closed to the
fact thst the state law ii being violated.
Any outsider can commence prosecution
and if a saloon IUP.U , who will not pay
the license is thut up , ho can got revenge
by commencicg against the fellow who
does pay. "
" What about the temperancu alliance
there ? Is It true that they have com
promised with the other aide , and
agreed to do nothing , if the saloons will
pay the 81,000 , license ? "
"Thoro Is no truth in that report at
all. They have not compromised or made
any promise of any sort. If any one
tells you that they have you trust not it
down for a Ho , sure. The alllanci has
ha < i not been taking any active otops to
enforce the law , and It is not thought
that they will right away. Like all or
ganizations , It takes longer to move , than
lor on Individual , and then the alliance
seems to bo following a different policy
from what U pursued ia some phcca. It
Is conceded that if the present saloons
are closed up by Injunctions , th&t will not
stop the business. There will bo others
started , and there will bo various ways
to evade the law. The nlllanco folks a ay
that they do not want to start in on a
fight to enforce the law until prepared to
fight it clear through , and keep up the
enforcing of the law , not for a month or
two , but year after year , so long as the
law Is on the statute books. This means
a long and hard fight , nnd they do not
want to open it until everything has been
arranged for three years , or during the
" '
"How far have they got along with
these preparations ? "
" Well , they have a pretty strong or-
ganizition. They have been securing
subscriptions , or shares , to bo drawn
upon , or assessed , aa the expenses
ariso. They claim to have secured
50.0CO to back up the fight ; that Is , a
un for Instance subscribes a hundred
ollarj , and if the alliance needs § 500 ,
assessment is made , say of one per
out of the whole amount subscribed ,
which would make his share only a dol-
"ar , and the man subscribing $200 would
lave to pay two dollars , and BO on. Of
onrse they do not expect that anywhere
tear the whole amount aubtcrlbed will
iver be called for , and so large sums are
ubscrlbed. The purpose of this Is not
nly to got a strong financial backing ,
lut also to strengthen the ecnttment of
ho public in the fact that they mean
lusinesa. "
"Howabout the statement that many
f the beat business men had s'gnod ' a
irotest nealnst the enforcement of the
tate lawl"
"Thoro were a good many who thus
gned , but a number of the moat promi-
ont , who still think high license pro-
brablo to prohibition , have , in thinking
vur the matter , retracted this action , on
ho ground that they do not like the idea
f going on record na openly favoring the
iolatlon of any law. Many who signed
n the impulse- the moment now want
o take It back on that account. "
" How has the prohibitory law thus far
fleeted the city ? '
"I don't see much dill'eroncD thus far ,
scepc that I think I never saw BO much
drunkenness in the city. This is accounted
'or , in part at least , by the fact that the
aw lies been enforced In some of the
mailer towns , and those who can't got
inythlnc ; to drink at homo , on coming to
.hla city got on a regular spree. Le
Mars , for Instance , has always bad the
roputat'on ' of being a rather fast place ,
and now a good many from there , who
cannot buy In that place any more , come
' o Sioux City and have their sprees. "
"Do you think that the prohibitionists
will commence cases against the ) saloon
men ? "
"I rather expect they will , but do not
know what they are planning. I have
hoard that some casea were being prepared -
pared , and I should not bo surprised at
any tlmo to hoar that the serving oi
papers had commenced. "
CkJuncll DlufTt ) Shoulil Irop ro nl
Once to llccclvo Tlioni.
The Iowa editors are to gather here or
the 9 lit of Juno , and from here atart oi
their great western trip. Aa they vril
spend nearly the whole day hero , then
should bo a general and hearty co
operation of citizanu to make their tta1
hero a happy ono. Those who hare car
riagea to furnlih , should offer then a
once , 00 tbut the committees can knov
just what to depend upon. Snch oai
hand their names to any of the news
paper offices , or to the mayor , or aoin
ono of the aldermen , or t
one of the officer. ! of the board c
trade , There has boon HUla doue ye
beyond the appointing of the aldermei
and members of the boaid of trade as
general cumulttoa to mrot and nrrang
for details. Unlets some action is take
apoedily thera n ill bo jutt such anothe
failnro aa once before pnt this city to
shame , a Inrgo excursion of o&storn edit
ors being left to nmnsa thomselrcs ni
best they could hanging around the plat *
form of ono of the auciont , broken down
local depots for eovornl honrv , with no
one to offer a word cf welcome or give
oven n hand-shako. They wont across
the river , and there the merchants served
a good dinner , and miulo the visitors
so happy that they wont on their way
fooling that Omaha was the only llvo
city in this part of the country. No such
neglect should bo allowed this tlmo. A
liltlo oxoctlon on the part of the citizens
can bring good returns , These men do
not como hero as beggars , expecting to bo
given any charity , but newspaper men
are human , and they are appreciative of
any courtesy or kindness shown them ,
and this city should take special pains to
show up Its advantages , give the vlcitois
a hearty welcome , make their stay en
joyable , and when the record of the ttip
Is made up It will bo found that Council
Bluffd will bo given dno credit for all that
It has done.
William Simpson , of Shelby , was at the
Pacific yesterday.
J. E , Ilarknois ! confined to his homo by
a slight indisposition.
A. II. Clark , ot Woodbine , was among these
at Bechtole'a yesterday.
Col. Baker , the fuel man of the Wnbaah ,
was In the Bluffs yesterday.
G , B , Scokcl , of Logan , was amonf ; yester
day's guests at the Ogdon.
3. It. ration , Fontlac , Ilia. , is viaiting his
daughter , Airs , W. 0. Gnrmnn.
I * . S , Davis , the Missouri Valley Insurance
man , was at the Pacific yesterday.
0. F. Mortis , of Missouri Valley , was
among thoan at the Pacific yesterday.
O. J. Kiug , of Corning , was in the city
yesterday , nnd stopped at the Pacific.
Miss Bella Hatchor , the artUt , leaves for
Chicago to-morrow , to visit and also study.
Miss J. D , Itehso will shortly give up her
pupils in painting , nnd RO east for the
Sid Drummond , the travelling passenger
ngent of the Fort Wayuo road , was in the
3ity yesterday.
Bill Cuppy , the Avoca champion , was at
the Pacific yesterday , and as it was too rainy
For races , ho spent the time in admiring the
plans for the now court house ,
George Herbert , of England , is among the
promlnonts attending the races , and no man
seems to have moro Interest in the movement
rod build of every horse on the ground than
iocs ho.
J. L. Craig and wife , of St. Louis , are ex
pected bore in a day or so ou'a visit to Mr.
Draig'a patents. Mr. Craig is connected with
the audttor'd ofQco of the Walmh , St. Loula
& Pacific railway.
II. S. Nelson , th 3 general passenger agout
of the Humeston & Shenandoah road , came in
yesterday with thirty excursionists who ex
pected to attend the saces , but who were dis
appointed by the rain ,
8. M. Nevis and wife , of Kearney , Neb , ,
were in the city yesterday visiting Mrs.
James Craig , their cousin , on their way homo.
Mrs. Nevis has been visiting in Wisconsin ,
and Mr. Nevis is accompanying her homo
from Chicago.
L , KInnehan , who several months ago was
injured at the Union Pacific yards , has so far
recovered that ho has returned to his homo In
this city , and hopaa that ono or two more
months will bring him into pretty good con-
tion again. It has been a long , hard siege ,
and his many fnonds have watched the result
with much anxiety.
Decoration Day.
The headquarters of commander and
placa of forming columns will bo on the
corner cf Broadway and Fourth ( Ban
croft ) street.
Ilacoptlon committee tomoet comrades
at train : :
Main street depots E , J. Abbott , Joseph -
soph Cromer , John D. Nicholson , John
Metcalf , E. Bower.
Broadway depots William Roper ,
Gonhcimor and Sackott.
Comrades will present all visiting com
rades and soldiers at the Grand Army of
the Rcpublc hall.
All committees o ! the various organi
zations are requested to report their ac
ceptance immediately by letter or card to
John Lindt , commander , or to Joseph
Cramer , adjntant.
David B. Maltby will act as chief of
toll , and will bo obeyed and respected
JOHN LINDT , Commander.
Josri'H CiioMun , Adjutant.
Supper at C02 Brordway to-night at
1:30 : o'clock will bo served by the ladies
i the M. E , church. Charges 25 cents.
Nothing fllcnu Aleut Him.
"Robert , " remarked the wife of a penn-
bus man , "I am on iny death bed. ]
have tried to bo a good and faithful wife
and have bnt ono favor to ask of you bo
'oro I die. "
"What is that , Margaret. "
"You know I was born and reared It
Cleveland. It was there I first mot yor.
nd the happiest honra of our weddec
ifo wuro spent. You remember this
Robert ? "
"Yes , " uneasily ,
"My relatives are burled there , one
when I am gone I wish to rest besld (
thorn. Will you grant me this oni
favor ? "
"Thero will bo considerable expense
attached to It , " musingly.
"Oh Robert ! I will never rest easy li
my grave anywhere else. "
"Well , Maggie , I'll toll yon what I'l '
do. I dnn't want to bo mtan about th <
thing. I'll bury you hero first , and the )
if I notice any signs of restlessnrss oi
your part I'll take you to Cleveland after
wards. "
Travelled on a Fxeo 1'ubn.
Texas Sittings ,
"Can you tell mo the names of the rail
road lines In Texas ? " asked a Dallo
teacher of a pupil who was the son of
member of the legislature.
"I dunne , " was the reply. "
"On what does your fither travel whoi
bo goes from hero to attend the aeselon
of the legislature ? "
"On a free pass. " '
The two chief competitor * for the demc
cratia nomination for United Statex uonatc
from Indiana to succeed Senator Harrisoi
aioGov. Gray and ex-Senator McDonald.
"Hunt's Remedy la valuable and ll
benefits are permanent. Cured mo <
kidney dlseaso. "
R I.
Hunt's Remedy cures tpoedily bllioi
boadacho , oostivenets , dyspepsli
strengthens tbo stomach , and purifies tl
Swimming About In Stony Graven Fftr
Molow the Heft Tlio QneorCroa-
ttires tlilit aiako tlictrlloino
In tlio Urnnolica of
Oornl Trees.
N. Y , Sun.
"Too much ? " repeated a Conch , as ho
held up n big bunch of coral in the cabin
of a Bchoonor near Fulton market. "If
yon had to git It np you wouldn't think
BO. r.
"You know , " ealdJlio man after the
would-bo purchaser had crawled up the
compantenwoy ladder , "sotno folks gtt
the Idoo that I git this Bluff on for | fan ,
and give It away. I dlv a llko o' fifty
foot for that piece , and that chap wanted
to take U for 25 cents. "
"So yon dlvo for these specimens ? '
iked the writer.
"Yes , the best are fetched up that
way , " was the reply ; "but a good many
are taken with coial hooks. Mo and my
brother takes n trip , off and on. Ono of
us collects the stuff and the other soils ,
and between the two , and acting as cook
for the steamer , wo make It pay.
"Yes , wo aoo sonio curlona sights , bnt
wo git used to it. Wo go to what they
call the 'Markeyi , ' about forty miles oreo
oo the woat'ard of Key West. You cm
git coral any time , bnt the summer's the
best ; then there Is n little wind a-blowln' ,
and yon oan see the bottom in foaty foot.
In tho. winter wo use a'boat with n gloss
bottom , BO wo can sot and drift along
and look down through , and when , wo
BOO anything git over for ii.
"There's ' a half a dozen kinds of coral
that are common , and mostly they grow
apart and In certain places. What wo
call branch coral IB found all over the
flats , whera there la candy bottom , growIng -
Ing kind of low like ; but when It gits
along toward the etla of the channel the
br inches grow longer , and look like regu
lar branches of n tree , and matted so
thick that yon can't BCO the bottom or
git your fist In between 'em. Some
times , when -no want to git out a fine
pieca of branch , wo dive down into the
channel , and , I toll you , It's a One eight.
When you git down thirty foot , say , It's
as light as day when there's a good stm
right overhead , and ihoro you tire ia
front cf a wall of these 'ero coral points ,
n solid front , nil of a brownish or olive
If you git nay down to the bottom you'll
BOO crawfish-whips wavln' to and fro.
They llvo under the coral , and on top
and in between the black spots are sea
eggs , with spines six Inches long. The
coral Is covered with fishes of all kinds
parrotj , angels , yellow tails and grunts.
The fishes bavo a dozen or moro colors ,
and ono kind that I think boats 'em all
Is psra blue from head to foot. It's only
about slnchcs iong , nnd I novcr eaw thorn
away from the big heads.
"After practice you can etay down
three or four minutes , and by swimming
along with your eyes opan you can got a
look at the lot , nnd then try and break
off a branch with a boat-hook of iron.
Sometimes wo have to go down two or
thrco times to got a piece , then , if its
big , put a ropa around It and haul it up.
Moat of the small coral can bo picked up
with a hook that looks like a pair of
oyster-hooka , but it's apt to break it , BO I
generally go overboard when the coral
ain't too thick. There's cno place I
know where for a hundred acrea Its so
thick that there ain't a , plae to put your
foot ono big field of branch ccral. The
big heads generally grow on the odgoof a
flat that'll covered with grass , right near
tha odga cf the channel , and I can take
you to a spot where thoro'a coral heads
that are ten foot acrots and six high.
Some of the big ones weigh over 1,000
pounds. When they get big they often
die away on top , and finally got hollowed
out and look llko big vaios helping angel
fishes , crawfish and a little of everything.
You never BOO the big heads hero bo-
canao vessels can't got near them , and a
small boat wouldn't hold ono. In trater
about twenty or twenty-five feet deep wo
got the bast pieces , what they call roco
oral. I git them by dlvin' , aa they're BO
mall you can't see 'em hardly. I've got
unchos not bigger than your hand and
ot § 10 for 'em. Pretty ain't no uamo
or 'em. The last ono I got came near
"oanln" mo out. "
"How so ? "
"Well , " replied the coral diver , "wo
ave a fish on the roof called the stin-
areo ; it's as flat as your hand , with two
"do wings that move np and down aa it
wlms along. They are abont two or
irco feet Ttido and six or eight feet
ong. The tail is just like the lash of a
rhip , and right where it joins the body
hero are three strings of bones , ouo right
, bovo the other , five or tix inches long ,
ith edges like a saw. They have a way
f sinking down to the bottom , and wit1 !
shollb something llko that of a hen in
ho dust , covering themselves with Band.
This day I speak of I was driftin' along
'n about three fathoms , lay In' ( n the
ioit looiin" through the glass , while my
nato was at the oarj ready to atop her
when I sung out. All at once I clapped
ny eyes ou n , beauly head of rose coial ,
, nd overl wont. I reckon it was about
fifteen foot jest there , and I wont down
with such n rush that Ivout near the
lottom right over the little brown head ,
grabbed at what I thought w&s a bunch
f weed , to hold on while I picked np the
coral. I got it , and then let my feet down
on to the bottom to give myself a above
up , when , bllm ! bliml came comothlng
about my legs , nnd I'm dogged
"f I didn't think they were off
it the knees , and a big stingarco
flow up by mo , takin * mo on all
aides. The next I knew I w u In the
dingy , but how I got there I didn't know.
Bob said ho looked over and saw blood In
, ho water and the Cab , and thought a
shark had mo , The fish raised such a
dust that for n minute ho couldn't aeo
nothing , but ho grabbed the grains , then
seelu' mo on the bottom pnt 'em Into m ;
drawers , and hauled me up. I'd fainted ,
clean gone , as sure aa you'ro alive. ]
looked , llko that old fish market ovoi
yonder , all streaked with gore. Ther *
was a dozen cats across my legs , jlst like
a red-hot iron had been put on , and II
I'd been alone it would have been a gem
so. "
"Do yon ever have tronblo wltl
sbarkt ? "
"I never worry 'em , and they don1
worry mo , bnt they're as thick as fleas it
ily time on the reef.
"Yes , the coral business Is tol'ablo. Al
the echooh and colleges take collections
If they can git 'era cheap enough , and wi
sell a heap to the seaside resorts , Th
countiy people think they come pnt o
the water right along the chore ; it's al
the earn o to them. The kinds I deal li
Is brain carol , branch , pepper , leal , am
rose-shaped coral , FlontliV coral bring
a big price. It floats after It is bleached
and pepper coral tastes like pepper afte
it's dead. Then wo fetch sea fans , Be
eggs , sharks' jaws , gnlla' ef gj , bawkbl !
turtles , and n little of everything. Coral
sell by the piece from 25 cents to $5.
Educated nnd Experience.
Hood's Sataiparilli is prepared by 0.
flood & Co , , Apothecaries , Lowol
Mais , , who have a thorough kn6wledge <
pharmacy , and many years practical ex-
pcrlonco In the business. It is prepared
with the greatest skill and carp , under the
direction of the men who originated It.
Hence Hood's Sarsapnrllla may bo de
pended upon as a thoroughly puto , hon
est , and reliable medicine.
She Didn't Act an If Her Husband
\V B Dond ,
Merchant-Traveler ,
"Somebody dead across the way ? " In
quired a traveling mm of his wife , jutt
after coming In from n trip , and noticing
sorao crape on the door.
"Yes , she replied , "it was put out
this morning. "
"Who Is It ? "
"I don't know. Mrs. B.'a hnsband
nnd her pug dog were both sick yester
day , but the nndoi taker hasn't called yet ,
and I don't know which of thorn died. I
don't think It was her husband , though , "
"Why not ? "
"Because I aaw her at the window n
while ago , nnd aho scorned to bo crying as
ot her heart wonld broak.
TUB VOLTAIO BELT Oo. , of Marshall , Mich. ,
offer to send their celebrated ELEOTno-VOL-
trial for thirty days , to men ( youug or old )
afflicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
and manhood , and all klmlrod troubles , Also
for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
many other diseases. Complete restoration to
health , vigor and manhood guaranteed , No
risk is Incurred as thirty days trial is allowed.
Write them at onoo for Illustrated pamphlet
Tlio First Colored Under ,
There Is n page or iwo of United
States history on which will always bo
recorded the uncouth name of Flipper.
It was notorious and prominent n few
yoara slnco as that of tno iirat colored
cadet to graduate from West Point. It
is told by n gentleman who had a letter
from him last week that ho signs himself
"Honry 0. Fllppor , Oolonol Mexican
Volunteers. " His friend said : "Fllppor
is an exceptionally bright colored nun.
Ho ia a voracious reader , and his letter
to mo was to nsk about book a. After his
Donrt-rnnrtlal and discharge for irregu
larities ho went to Mexico , where color
Is not an obstacle to ndvancsmont , nnd
now has a high position in the Mexican
irmy , with a handsome salary. Ho wrote
m autobiography in 1&78 , which Is n vnl-
liable addition , though n aomowbat crude
mo , to the hlatory of the colored race. "
A G A RD. To-all who are Buffering from orron
mil Indlifcstlona ot joutli , nervous noakncsa and
Iccay , loss of manhood , cto. I will Bond A rccipo
hat will euro jou FltEi : OF CIIAIIOG. Thins great
cmody was discos orod by a rnlesionar to Uouth
Vmcrlca. Send Bclf-addresscd onvclopo RUT , Jo
8FU T. IMIAM SUtlon "D " Mow York
Not n Strong \Voman , Nutbcr.
"Yes , " said Farmer Jonas to a traveler
who wns staying with him over nignt ,
; 'I'vo got as Roccl n wlfo aa any man In
; heso parts , If I do say it "
"I am not married , myself1 returned
the traveler , "but nevertheless I can ap
preciate the pride which a hnsband might
take In a good wife. "
"Why , ttranger , " went on the old
Farmer , earnestly , "I1 vo known that wo
man to git up at four o'clock In the morn-
in1 , milk six'toen cows an' git breakfast
for twenty men , an' have the hull thing
3ono afore sunrise. "
"You don't aay ool" exclaimed the
"Yes , sir ; an' not once only , but week
In an' week ont ; an' you kin see as well
as I kin that aho ain't n strong woman ,
To cnro rhematlsm nso St. Jacobs Oil.
To cure coughs and colds use Rod Star
Cough Ooro. Safe , pleasant , cheap ,
Tha plumbing establishment of S. W.
Adams , Des Moines , was attached Mon
day for $17,200.
NOTICE. SpcolJ , ! ft vertlsementi , luo s Lost
rnin $ , To Loan , For Sale , To Bent , Wants , Board-
log , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column t tbo low
te ol TEN CENTS FEU LINE foi the first Insertion
tnd FIVE GENTS PER LINE lor each subsequent
ertlon. Leave Advertisements it our offloa , Vo.
Pcul Street , near Broadwjw
A Hr'tcla s cook , at the Crcston
Uouso , Council lilultj.
TTTANTED Three flcnt clasj tailors on pants and
vests. Heller , 310 lirnidnay.
I OR RENT Uousa of 5 rooms , 28 N. 6th St
Apply A. Louie , 625 Broadway ,
FOR KENT House , 7 rooms and S halls , corner
Hirmonv and Beaten Sis. Apply 210 Harrison
BlLE AT A BARGAIN Iho deslrnblo real-
donee or buelnets property on Upper Broadway -
way , knownaa the I'owura place , Apply to Quo. U.
. " 82 Main street.
TO TrtADH Uood lena cr Kobraoka
land Cor a small stork ol hardware or general
icrcb an disc , \ \ ell located. Sw AN A. WALKBR.
J-Oft SALB A rare chance to get a line , well iin-
JD protod ( arm of 400 acres , utthln a few miles ol
"ouncil Eluflj , at a bargain. Low price nnd easy
HAtiB AgoodpajlOK hotel property with
llTciy ( table , In one ol the beat email town ) la
cstcrn Iowa will cell with or without furniture , or
111 tiada ( or a Bmall ( arm with etock tto.
| 7OR 3ALK Lands Improved aad unimproved.
JD II you wont a ( arm In wcttcru lovta , Kan Una
"cbtiaka or Dakota , lot us hoar from } ou.
itK SALK A large number of Imslneea and re l <
JL ilcnoo Iota In all parts ol Council UIutTs. Sco
ua before you buy , SWAN & WALKRH.
, ll 8ALB 1'artlea wishing to buy cheap lota to
! ; build on can buy on monthly pajmenta olfrorn
! to 810. BWAM & WALKBE
1,1011 KKNt Wo u 111 rent you a lot to build on
JL ? with the prhllngo to buy II jou with on very
"beral terrn . SWAN & WALKBB.
j ui HALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. 1.
* Rtepton on , 603 First avenue.
cotiyiu Council lilufle u laka
WArViliU . red by carrier at only Iwtnly
ti week.
N . IBP , JO.OOO aoiei lind ten
mllesiouth o ( ldney , Neb , , lor Council Blufla
No. 155. A good etcam flonrln ; mill In Cedar Co ,
owa , for a stock oi general merchandise or hard ,
are , value 16/00
No. 1SD Hotel property In Tailor Oo , , Io , lor
sod ( arm property , value 4,000.
No. 1(0. Land In Hall and Lincoln Cos. , Neb , , tor
ouncll BIufI property.
No 101. 1'lno Improved larm ( or cbeap western
and.No , 101. Ono ot the bolt ( arms In 1'ottawattamlt
> umy , Iowa , < 00 acres ( or wild Kansas or Nebraska
and.No , 109 , HoUJ In Pueblo , Col. , worth 89.C03 , ( oi
ova , K > nfa > , or Nebraeka land In par anil long
1mo on baliuco ,
No. 171. Oood ( arm , ( or stock ot goods or bard
aro.No , 172. Wild lands In Ilooki Co. , Neb. , ( or stool
ot dry goods.
No. 175 House and lot In Clarlnda Page Co ,
own , ( or Nibratka or lena Iin1 ; value 81,000.
No , 177 , Hotel In one ot VaKola'd bolt towns
value 8,000 , ( or stock ot drugs for part and hue
rnprovedor unimproved
No. 17S. Srloadld bargains In Kleth Co. , Neb.
wild laid ( or lands In wistcrn Iowa or good Btocl
oldruu'ior hardware.
No. 18) . A hall Interest In a flnt-cl 8i plotr works
well locatedor landstlued (3,000.
No , 182. MO icro Implored larm In CiesCo. , low ;
also ono In l' U , Alto Co. , of 315 , ( or stock ol goods
No , 183 , tloro bul.dlug and stock bl fcntra
mercbandifo , In a ll\o ueetoin to n ( or wetten
and , Improve- unimproved , \olu > $ Uli09.
And hundredsct ether epecUl rxchanxe bugalni
or particulars , call anil see or wrlto to
Council Uluile , Ia.
And all modern improvements , call bells , 2
alarm bells , etc. , in the
Nos. 210 , 217 and 219 , Main Street.
'UMAX ' MOON , - _ r PHOriUETQ
One of lie Beat and Largest Stocko ra the United States
To Select Prom :
Remember These Important Facts
The Mutual Life Insurance Company ,
1. It B the OLDEST acllvo Ufo Incurunoo Coinniuir In thli nountry.
2. It lathe T.MtURST Llfo Insurance Company by many millions of dollars In the wotlJ.
3. Its rates of premiums nra LOWEll th i these of any other company.
4 It has no "etockboMors"tocI Im ny part of Hi urolHs.
6. It offers no SCHHME3 under the immo of luiuranoo for speculation by tpcclnl cUsses upon th
rnsllottunoe of each otter.
D. Us present a\allibl OABU UnSOCllCES oxcooi these of any othof Lllo In ur nej Company In tb
HOt Id.
Id.It bos rccoUcit In cosh from ill sources , from Kefcnmy. 1843 , to January , 18SB , l270.t92.D84.CO.
It has returned to the people , In cish , from February , 1813 , to January , 1888 ,
Its ca h Assets on the let ot January , 1885 , amount to more than
h Tlireeliliisot
Gonocnl Agent for Gen. Asia , for
Nebraska , Dnkotn , Colorado , Wyoming and Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa
Utnh. nud Minnesota.
Office Cor.ltarnam nnd 13th St.Over 1st Nat'l. Detroit , Michigan.
Bunk , Omahn , Neb M. P. K01I1U3K.
Special Agent for Iowa , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Pneumonia ,
Dyspepsia z
Wasting Diseases ;
Potltlvelu Jtellcvcd and Ifalurt
DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Many Druggists and Groccra who do not have DnlTy Pnrfl
Malt \VlUfilccy In otock , attempt to palm off oncustomers , whiskey of their own bottling , whleU
being of on Inferior grade and adulterated , pays them a larger protUX
Send us your address and wo will mall book containing valuable Information. Sample Quart Uottlet
sent to nny address In the United States ( East ot the Becky Mountains ) , securely pac7ie < Hn plain
ease , Express charges prepaid on receipt of g > 1.25 , or Six Bottles sent for SjJS.OO
Selling Agents. OmaJia , M. T. Clarlte Drug Co.
( Will pay customers Draft with Bill of Lading attached , for two-thirds value of Block. )
JlErKRKXCEs : f\ . _ _ _ | _ _
Merchants & Farmer's Bark.DavidCity.Neb. \J 1713,113 ,
Kearney National Bank , Kearney , Neb.
Columbus S into Bank , Columbus , Nob.
McDonald's Bank , North Platte , Neb.
Omaha National Bank , Omaha , Neb.
The Advantage of Settling in ths NewTown
The title "South Omaha1 'doesnot mean the southern part of the city of Omaha.but is thff
name of the thriving town commencing at the Union Stock yards on the south , and extend
ing for a mile and a half ttorth , nearly contiocting with the city limits of Omaha.
The company have again concluded to put on Bale 1,000 lots , and let the purchasers of
tha same realize the profit which the enhanced value of these lot * is sure to mako. It now
being an assured fact that South Omaha is destined in the near future to bo the largest live
stock market west of Chicago , there can bo no doubt that this property in n few yean will bo
worth five or oven ton times the amount that it can be bought for to-day.
Some may ask : If this is BO , why do not the company keep it and realize this profit
Clio answer is , that in order to mnko lots valuable , there must bo improvements on or Bar
rounding them , andas is the case in all new towns , special inducorrontu must bo offered
irst to cot the psople to take hold and build ,
There are probably moro such inducements offered by South Omaha than were over pu
forth by any new town. The largo business done by the stock yards company and the im
mense slaughter nnd packing houses together with their auxllaries are no small feature m. u
ipgrcgato of events that are destined to make South Omaha a largo place. Again , the town
a uct an addition to Omaha , and is not liable for city taxes , although it onjoya all the benefits
rom the growth of Omaha that it would if it were just INSIIJK the city limits , but being just
ODISIDK , only county taxes are collected , which are merely nominal. Tha town owns and
operates its own water worka , which furnish an abundant supply of pure spring water , Burn-
ny trains will run on the B , & M. aad.U , P. railways every hour , Htopping ut the north end
of tlmtown site as well as at the stock yards. The Thirteenth street horse cars will run ; >
[ laacall'B park this spring , and to the stock yards at no distant day , The high altitude
and the location a healthy ono.
Of course there are those who do not believe that South Omaha will amount to much
This kind of people didn't beli&vu Chicago would ever bo anything hotter than a cranberry
iatch that Omaha would o\or outgrow her village clothes , that there naver could bo any fruit
aiced in Nebraska , etc. . etc.Vlio made it win ? The sceptics , or those that had an abiding
iaith in the energy , intelligence nnd recourses of tills great country ?
] ' 'or Information , maps , prices nnd terms apply at thu company's office , 21C S , Thirteenth
Street , Merchant's National Bank Building , first iloor ,
M.A. "UPTON'A.88t.8e < ? y and Manager.
Edliolm & Erickson
Steinway , TFefcej' ami JSaines"
JLm * mMma * imfOtummnmm minT V bi at * 0 m
Packard Orcliestral Organs.
iaiofluS , Sol Silwiore al Jewelry
Edholiii & Erickson
i Corner 15th and Dodge , Opp. Postoffice.