G THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS-TUESDAY. MAY 26 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE. Tuesday Morning , May 26 HATES ft * runlet " BiM 0 - . . 010.00 per yei i "MINOR MENTION. & Boston Boot & Shoo Store. For low ptices in boots and shoes o ll at R. I. Skilos' , 102 Main street. Lice curtains at Harkness Brothers1. Pool soiling , and headquarters during the riwos , at the Pacific houao. Bricks for sale in largo or small lots by J. A. Weaver , 81D Seventh avenue. Boston Boot & Shoo Stora. Buy a good carpet sweeper at Hark * ness Brothers' . There will now bo a scramble for the position of conttiblo made vacant by the death of Jack White. Roller , in order to close out his prcs cnt stock of tailoring goods , is putting prices at 25 to 35 per cent below cost No. 310 Broadway. Bargains in silk at Harkness Brothers' . Prices still lower at Boston Boot .X \ Shoo Store. Immense stock of "Now port" button ties , also other styles at unheard-of prices. Boston Boot & Shoo Store. Ei-justlco wants Omaha to pay him $10,000 for damages on account of his breaking his arm by falling on a slippery sidewalk there last winter. Brutsels carpets , tapestry carpets , In grain carpets , rugs , mats , matting , etc. in special bargains , at Harkness Broth era' . Yesterday afternoon Justice Shuiz per formed the ceremony which made two Omaha folks happy. They were Adolph Stohlo and Mary Looser. White goods and summer dreas goods at Harkness Brothers' . The case against Fred Gerlaenborg was dismltsed in the police court yesterday , ho having settled up the disagreement with his wife. Office matting at Harknots Brothers' . Permit to wed was yesterday given to Joseph Robinson , of Cook county , Illi nois , end Fannie Ranso , of Woodbury county , Iowa ; also , to Warren E. Kelley and Anglo Bay , both of this county. The "Why Nets , " a city club , on Sun day defeated the "Scotwood" nine , in Garner township. The least said about the Ecoro the bettor for the reputation of both clubs. The petit jury was called , and nearly all were present , a few being unable to make railway connections BO as to get hero. Two were excused for persona reasons , their business requiring their attention. The trial of civil causes is proceeding. Any person who knows of any graves of soldiers which have not been desig nated by the committee , should notify Wall MoFaddon at once. So far as known each grave has been marked by a stake , painted and numbered , and any one removing any such mark is liable to a fine of $10 , Still Bates has been let off on the as sault case In which Tom Steele was knocked senselees , the latter not caring to prosecute when ho came to his aonsos. It was at first thought that ho was seri ously injured , as in falling his head struck the curbstone and a fracture of the skull was foaied , but he soon recovered. In the district court yesterday iho divorce case of Sarah Ken nedy vs B. Kennedy was heard and a decree granted. The grounds alleged were drunkenness and cruelty. The woman testified that while- drunk ho once came for her with a butcher knife , and on another occasion smashed up the furniture with an ax. Mrs. Alica Graver has been adjudged Insane and last evening she was taken to the asylum at Mount Pleasant. Her case Is a peculiarly sad ono , and has called forth the sympathy of many friends. The causa of her mind being thrown out of balance seems to bo largely on acount of some family and pecuniary troubles. The woman'd Christian association moots this afteinoon with Mrs. Dr. Montgomery , No. G28 Fourth street , at 3:30 : o'clock. All those members who have made visits to the poor , either for Sunday tchool mission work or for relief purposes , are requested to bring a report to the secretary to aid In making up the annual report. All ladies Intoretted in chtlstlan or benevolent work are invited. Major George E. Cole , the mayor of PaciGo Junction , spent Sunday in the city , and Saturday evening was the vie- Urn of a happy surprise perpetrated upon him by tlio members of Abe Lincoln post , grand army of the republic , with whom ho Is a grrat favorite. Bis valiant comrades presented to him an elegant gold bidgo , Major Barnes mating the procontatiofi speech. The recipient re sponded happily , and now wears the now honors proudly. The grand jury was Impaneled and sot at work yesterday. Among the duties falling to this body is the examination of the jails of the couuty and the atcer- talnlng whether the prisoners are being properly fed and cared for. It is to be hoped that they will report on the com plaints irmdo that in tha county jail here old wooden buckets are used in the place of valor cloeota , and that there is no sort ofdralnogo. Even if the jail Isold and condemned , it sec mi that scmo temporary provltion could to made to b.ttor the sanitary condition. The district cou.t opened yesterday its business in earnest. The grand jury was ampanolhd , and Mr. A. Wheeler w s choion as the foreman. There was a rumor started that Capt. Kitssht , one of the beat-known Gorman cltlzeni , and ono of the most prominent business men of the city , had been excused from servIng Ing on the grand jury bocanso ho was supposed to bo interested In the liquor business , In opposition to the prohibitionists , and it was reported that the matter was to cause a little sparring In court , but It appeared on Investigation that the district attorney had objected to his serv ing as a juryman on the ground that ho was on the bonds of ono man whoso case was to bo considered by the grand jury , and therefore disqualified under the itatutca. The Injunction cases argued yesterday have been taken under advisement and a decision will bo given next Saturday. W. W. Wallace yesterday presented his wlfo with a fine carriage and team ol cirrlago horsos. S. H. Foster , ono of the firm of Foster Brothers , was thrown from his carriage yesterday evening and had hts collar bone broken. The ladlca of the congregational church are arranging to give a public dinner , an ICQ cream and strawberry supper c M July 4th for the benefit of the church. The office of the city waterworks wll bo kept open during the noon hour anc from 7 to 8 in the evening to accommo date thoeo who are engaged during the regular business hours. _ _ _ _ and fqatlvo mule coltcroatoc much excitement and fun last ovoning'b" ] charging up the stairway of Everett's hoick up to the second floor. By the time ho nan brought down again a groai crowd had gathered to BOO the fun. Substantial abstracts of titles and ran estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squlro , 10 Pearl street. THE BUNNEBS , The Meeting Opens To-day with a Good Programme. The running meeting opens to-day , and there is every prospect of much rare sport. The programme for to-day is as fol lows : The scramble , all ages , ono mile. Ladles' stake , for 3-year-olds , three- fourth mile dash. Club purse , for 2-year-olds , five-eighths mile dash. Brewers' stakes , all oges , one and one- eighth mile dash , 3-year-olds , to carry 00 pounds ; 4-year-olda and upwards 100 pounds , with the usual allowance. LADIES' STAKE. Birdie Almond , ch f , W. ii. Curl Humphrey , Mo. Mary Kennedy , bk f , Hilgert & Yehle Maryvllle , Mo. Suspense , ch f , John T. Stewart , Council Bluffs. Derby , b g , Nelson & Eaaton , Bedford - ford , Iowa. Lea , ch f , W. 0. Scoles , Council Blnffa. Jetse J. , s f , Jesse Crull , Atehlaon , Kansas. Boechor , D g , BUI Griffin , Kansas City , Mo. Oomanche , ch f , William Arnott , Sharon , 111. BKOWERS" STAKE. MoOrory , Jr. , ch s , D. Ramsey , Blanohard , Iowa , Dawn of Day , br m , Ira Platnor , Council Blufia. Belle K. , B m , James Lemons , Klowa , Neb. Ida's Pet , ch m , E. G. Butcher , Co- maucho , Iowa. Vidge , b g , E. G. Butcher , Comanoho , [ owa. Top Sawyer , b s , James E. Davis , Maryvillo , Mo. Biddy Bowling br mJohn | T. Stewart , Council Bluffs. Dakota Mold , g m , JohnD. Nicholson , Council Bluff * . Aristocrat , b g , W. J. SooIeSj Council Bluffs. Rushaway , ch g , 0. E. Malone , Atchison - son , Kan. Joslo , b f , William Arnott , Sharon , Ills , Ettlo J. , b m , John Kingston , Atchison - son , Kan. Trlx , b g , L. W. Benson , Maquon , Ilia. CLUB PURSE. Derry , b g , Hilt-art & Yohle , Mary villo , Mo. Clara M , b f , C. E. Mahono , Atohlson , Kansas. Panola , br f , L. W. Benson , Maquon , Illinois. Flora , William Arnott , Gousoo , 111. SCRAMBLE FOR ALL AOES. Trouble , b s , Nelson & Eiaton , Bed ford , Iowa. Atcbison , b g , Hllgart & Yohlo , Mary vllle , Mo. T < ix , b g , L. W. Ben on , Maquon , 111. Ella Rowell , b m , S. C. Williams , Oomancho , Ills. Lidy Tompklns , b m , W. J. Scoit , Council Bluffs. Redbuok , o s , W. E. Oakley , Elkhorn , Nebraska. Viola , bl m , ilarvey Pickerel , York , Nebratka. Little Fellow , b g , W. H. Francis , Grand Island , Neb. Lottie Komston , b m , WilliamArnott ] , Shnron , 111. On the second day of the great Council BluUs running meeting The following valuable horses will be offered at public sale by Mason Wite : Bay Doe , eight years old , has a record below 240j ; Bay Frank , six yeara old , can trot In 3:30 : ; Black Prince , seven years old , has paced in 2:30 : ; also one pair black carriage horses , tlxtjen hands , iiro years old this spring , weight 1,100 pounds and the finest in the state. The Above hortoj will bo sold to the nlghest bidder at ihe race courco Wednesday afternoon , May 27. DlftdcTongno Diphtheria , rmauuHQ , IV , May 25. The Chronicle- Telfgraph , Stubonville , (0. ( ) ipecial , Bays the epidemic which broke out a few days ego at Paris , Fn , , is thought to bo epreadia ? , two inoro cases being reported there. Tha disease broku out at llpulla'd ttation on the Pan handle , There are ecrl cairo there , A pliy- mciau from I'dleuie hospital. New York , la at I'lulu to-ilay and will hold a coniultatiou with physicians of tliij city thin afternoon. He pron mucadthe dUeata "Black TUIIKUU" dlplithfriu of tlie modt Moloot form. J'eard are * nterUicod that tha neighboring towcis will become infected , OPENING UP , XIio GninlilliiK Houses Unlocking tlio DOOM Hitd Proceeding to Arrangements have bcou made for opening up the Rambling houses again. These houses have been ostensibly closed for some tlmo , though ihoro have boon qulot little gsmcs of poker going on moat o ! the tlmo. It is now proposed to return to the "good old times , " whou it was free-for-all and go-ns-yon.ploaso. So long ns there is a city here , there Trill doubtlcts bo gambling of some sort and the citizens are prepared to submit to the inevitable , but there will bo a great howl raised on all sides 11 Council Blnllj is again to bo disgJnced by such open , unrestrained , skinning , cheeky games , as have before boon al lowed to run hero uudor the name of gambling. The moat conservative clti- zons will not submit to the gambling houses running ns they have run in the past , givlrg to this city the reputation of robbing the workmen and children. Pluggora and roporu-in have found occu pation hero , and that sort of business will not bo submitted to any longer. If there is any gambling it must bo con fined to sporting men , and not thrown open to ensnare the man who h.ij worked hard for a few dollars and the boy who has just begun to learn how to stand be hind a counter. Snob seems to bo the feeling of the bueinces men , and they are In earnest. Thcsa who are bound to gamble , and who are bound to run games , might as well take the warning , and so conduct themselves as to keep their basi nets In the dark , and not attempt to paiado it on the streets , and spend their tlmo in roping in youngsters and drunken men with baits of promised chances to get a fortune by chancing A few pennies. Real Estate Transfers. llio following are the transfer" of real estate as recorded in the office of the registrar , and reported to the BEE by A. J. Stephenson , for Saturday , May 25 , 1885 : F. M. Hunter to L , W. Talleys , part of lot 157 , original plat ; § 250. John Hanthorn to W. S. Koollno at al , lots 18 and 10 , block 1C , Williams1 first add. ; § 050. J. P. Casady to Cora M. Felt ot al , lot 20 , block 16 , Williams' first add. ; § 375. Total sales ; § 1,275. , AMUSEMENTS. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. 6th Avc. and Pearl Street , ( Formerly Martin's Rink. ) PADIEU & SANDBB , Prop'ra & Managers. Engagement Extraordinary ! Two Weeks Only , commencing Monday even ing , May 18 , of the Eminent Young Actor , MB. EDWIN BABBOUK , uupported by his Superb Dramatic Company , in ono ot the following choice repertoire of standard plnye : Ul ck Diamonds ! Iron Will ! ( as played in Now York over a l.OCO times under the name of Hazel ICirke. ) OunBoial JOBIICAVUIXOOMB ! KATHLEIN MAVOUUNEEN ! &c. , & . In Our Carlo Hall : 55UMA. the wonderful living halMady. PROF. STEDDKLL , and hia wonderful Thaumascopa. PROF. E. M. DUNTON , the Illusionist. MADAME DEVERE , the bearded lady. A. Resort for Ladles. A Itesort for Children. Patronized by the elite , nothing succeeds Ilko suc cess. Museum open 1 to S and 7 to 10 p m. Thoitro performance e\ery Evening and Saturday Hatinea. Ladles can siftly visit thin popular place of amuse ment without an Cicorb as the minagemeut : person al guarantee that nothing will be done to o fiend the most fastidious. MANDEMAKEBS & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 TJopor Broad way , Council Blufls , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to On of Town Orders , Uphohlcry and Drapery Work a Specially , Our stock Is the Largest in and is being continually replenished by all the latest end choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Btufis THOS. OmCKIl , w. H. jj , fCBK Officer & Pusev. &EJ Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Ie&ler in J'oreifrn and Domeatio Exchange and llorce Securities. f , L. DxBEVOISB. Ion Ticket No. CO ? Broadway Council Bluff * . Hallway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS , The following are the tlmei ot the arrival and de parture of train ) by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln * ntei earlier and arrive ten minutes latei. DKMRT. Annnit , unoAeoand NOinrtmrnx , 0.25AM Mall and Kiprosa 8fO : * p > < 12:40 : r M Accommodation 4:10 : p M ESO : r M Kinross 9.03 A M CniOtQO AMD BOOK ISLAND , 95 : A M Hall and Express 0:53 : f M 7:25 : A Accommodation 6:16 : p M C:30 : p M Etpreis Bee : A M CniOAOO , MUWAURII ADD 81. rATJU 9.-20JA M Mail and Express 8:50 : P M J:25 r it Express 0.05 A M CTUOAQO , BDRUKdrOH AHD QU1KOT , 0:60 : A M 1U11 and Express 7:10 p M 30PM Accommodation S:00 : rCx :45 : r M Bxprem 8:60A : M WABAStT , ST. tOUIB AHD FACinO. 12:45 : r M Local St. touts Express Local liSOPM Transfer " ' Transfer 3.20PM 0.56 p M Local Chlcigo & St L Exp Local 8.55 A M 17:40 : rM Transfer " " " " Transfer 0:10AM : SAHSAB aTT , ST. JOI AND OOUltCIL tltJITS. 10,0fi A M Mail and Express 6:40 : r M 8:16 : p u Express 6.25 A u noux cm AND PACIFIC. 7SO : A M Mall for Sioux City 6:50 : r M 7SO : r u Express for St Paul 8:50 : A u UMON PAfliriO. 11:00 : A M Dsnver Express 4:35 : p M 1:05 : p M Lincoln Pots O'a & K V 2:35 : p u 7:65 : r M Oicrlahd fop-tea 8:30 : A M DDMMT TRAINS TO OMAHA. Lea\o Council Dluffa 0.55 7:55 : 9.SO 10.30 11UO X m. 1:30 : 2:30-3:80 : : 4:23 : 5:26 : 0.25 11:45 : p. m.j Leave Omaha 6.25 7:26 ttO : 10 11:15 : a. m. 12:50 : 2:00 : 3:00 : i : 0 4:60 : 5:66 : 11:10 : P. m. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD NO. 2 , Is the Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With only 39 koya to loam an operate. It prints 70 characters including caps and email letters , punctuations , figures , Blgn3 and fractions. It stho simplest and most rapid writing machine made aa neil as the most durable ree illustrated pamplilet , Wyckoff SertKJjns & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents. 0. H. SHOLES , Council Bluffs Agent for Western Iowa EL SCJEUEZ , OFFICE OVER AMKUIOAW KIPRKBS COUNCIL BLUFFS. TOW A. CANCERS , CHRONIC DISEASESaaw * * * * , Over thirty years jjrtctlaM ( xpiricatt ( MEM 1 t , Petrl BcFCOlt Council Bloffi. OTCeniulUMoa tit * . MO HER L Ilavinj ; fully demonstrated by years of successful experience that ho la nblo to euro a multitude of cases which ha\o balliod the skill of examination. The Doctor may be consulted by letter by patients at a distance who may send n cnrofully written history of tholr cases , ds- scribing their symptoms minutely ns jiosaible. And ho has boon successful in numerous cases ho has never aeon. long years of oxporlenca enables h in to matte n correct diognosis and judge very accurately of the curability of the caies , ana to apply the propsr remedies. Medi cine may beleent either by express or mall. lr. ) Mosher treats all long standing diseases without murcury or other poisons , which create disease of thenuelvcB , and all medicmo prescribed by him ia prepared under hie own personal supervision. The Doctor treats with success all affections of the Liver , Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , Piles , Fistula , Epilepsy , Dyspepsia , Sore Eyes , Deafness , Heart Disease , Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Scrofula , Diabetes , Dropsy , Sores , Ulcers , Skin Diseases , Female Diseases , And all kinds of private diseases , such as Syphlllls , Debility , Loss of Power , Impediments to Marriage , lawitudo. Djprossion of Spirits , Loss of Energy and appetite. Pain in the Back and Limbs , Timidity rand Indlci'.on ' , Pain in the Head , Dizziness , Impaired Sight and Memory , Bodily Prostration and Wretchedness , ciuaed by Spotnutorrhnea cr Self-Abnso. < * " " Don't give up In despair before you call and ueo what Dr. Mealier his to nay about your cito. Dr. Mosher is the only Physician in the Northwest who rejects all Poisons , and can propard and uss Na'.uras Remedies slontifically. Consultation , personally or by letter , free and strictly confidential. Office and residence , corner of Fourth and Jaoksoa Sts. , opposite Central School Building. Address , Dr Box 106. - - Sioux 0ity , Iowa , JfJfosher tvill l > e hi Council ISlujf's Thursday , Mat28 , Rooms at ihe Scott House. Consultation free , on day only. P. DeVOL. . 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs. TPJiolcsale and Hctail = T I W W A K & Charter Oak and Acorn Stoves neea no comments. Leonard's celebrated cloinablo Dry-air Refrigerator. These Refrigerators excell all othe r in cleanlyneua , A refrigerator which cannot bo cleaned becomes useless , it becomes a nuis ance instead of a benefit. with latest improvements , large and small. With this washer we do not ask you to rick confidenca or money. We know that a 1 that is necessary is a trial. TAKE ONE , and if after one or two fair tests you are not pleased return it and we will rehind your money. GOLD1N STil & 1SOLIK MIGES , These Ilanycs ore a complete departure from flie rcyular "Va per Stove , and possess ntany new and val uable features that will be appreciated. We have the exclusive agency of the celebrated Tie Point Steel in this city. Do not bo deceived by MISREI'UESKNTATION.S. Tie at bottom price ; . Mall orders solicited , * Ttfl ? ITfYf Pr . JEa V UiB , COUNCIL BLUFFS. W. F. A.YUBSWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. JEVarao hctu moved on Little Giant trucks , the boat in the world. W. P. AYLSWORTli. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs Norene & Landstrom , Suits to order in l..toat styles at cheapest possible Prices , No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluffs. TO Drs. Judd ? 5 Smith's liPROVEO ELECTRIC BELT. OlDco and Factory , No SO , Fourth St , Council Bluffs , Iowa. AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broad-way , - - Council Bluffs. The only all night houeo in the city. Everything served in first clan etylo and on ehor notion. Itnt and cold hniclion always ready. IJB Will Discount all JP MRS. B. A. BENEDICT , 3 Broadway , Council Blull'j , lena STOCKERS AA'D ' JWtiDKltS. Ilellcrj and onwe ol all . ARCS furnliboi ID any desired numbers ; ranchmen should correspond with us kcfcro imrchaslii ; elaawhero. WINDOW & GRAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa. SMITH & TOLLEK , ACTS , LKADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUPFS , . . . IOWA. AComplete Line of New Goods to Select From. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which wo will tell in roti.il or carload lots All Stock Warranted as Hearcscnteti Wholceale nd retail de lora In Grain md JU'.od liny , ( ontble B tlil ction Quirautccd. OSr/CTTJSJIR &o Cor. 5th Ay , and 4th St. , Couccil Blulle.