Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1885, Image 2

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    WHJE 2C3m
At IhU > canon n rlr i rnTT ono m-fil t UTO fnmn
fortof tonic IKONrnlcra IntoBltmKt OTrrr phr *
tlc4 > n'i rrcccrtptloii ( or those oho need building op.
Tor WenlcnpM , T.nwtltmlfs l.nrlc nt
jnrw : , AT. , II IIAS , Ml ICmjAl , , an.1
In tlm unlv Iron madlrlnothattannl Injurlnlii.
It KnrlrliPH lltn lllnnil. Imlnnrntrn tlm
Hint rm , HmtnrciiApiirt IIP , AlimlJlRCMIon
It dooa not blMltm nr Injure tin troth , cunixi haul ,
fifho cr pttnluco cmwtlpatlon ottir Iran viedlctncHlo
"Dn. O. It ntSKt.r.T , n lonfllng phjulcliw of
Kprlngfirld , O. , Mfs :
"llrm n' Iron Dltten l ii tfcoronclilypoixl rnodl"
elno. Itipn it H my practice , nnil flnd its notion
eicpH nil othcrTormii of Irtyn. In wfl lmem nr a low
condition lit the fyftcm. Brown'n Imn Illrti-m l
tini llr&po UlTonecc iltr , It Is nil that in alarmed
for It. " rj
Ocniilnolnin tradnmark nnd rrofood rodllncson
wrapper. Tnltn no other. Mmloonlyby
1IUOWN ( Hir.MIUAI.Cd. , ItAITl.MomMI : > .
IiAMER'UANnltoOit OTcftil nnd ttr ctlTO , con.
tuminK ll tirf pHroH for rioliicii. InfnnniKon nbout
cotn , ntc. , irlTPii Awnytiynll rtralpmln mcillclno , or
taulod to airy Addrr aoB.Tocolit of 2c. '
OnU-lt. Sure Cure" ) . C5 > A
' - " ' " ' aiiarantrx f/Ji-t-u In
. 1 , . , . , , , . csn 1ntcl.tnien.
tr ? boua two fllainpi for C Iohratpd SIcdicn
Works. Adili-o-s. K J ) . CII.AKKU , W. D. ,
180 outh ( .lark Ki-eet , CIIICAOO , Iiu
Eoyal Havana Lottery \
Drav/n at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 : Days.
Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac
tions pro rata
Snbjocl to no m nlpaliulon , no3 coairolled by the
juticoln Intoroot. It lo Ibe ( tJreet thins lathe
ataie olchnnceln eiletonco.
Soi tickets pply to 8IHPSET& CO. , 1212 Broid
n yN. Y. City ; SOLING EK & CO. , 303 South < lth St
Bt. Louis , llo , oi II. OITKN3 ft CO , 019 Mala St.
KmewCltv. Mo.
Cor. ISth and Douglas Sts.
Capital Stock , - - - 8150,001
liability of Btoclcholdei-B , 800,00(1 (
Five Per CentlntordPal
JAUE3E.BOYD " . > . 1're ri
W. A. rAlTON. . Vlco llOBldoa
L. M. BENNETT , . UiinaKlni : Dlreo o :
Loalfer furjfame an ttit Stlts.
.J. . & T. COVSIXS ,
Direct Line for England , France
The iieiguhlpa ol th ! < troll known line are bnlll
ct Iron , In w ter-tlgbt ocmpartmonta , and are Inr-
nilhed with e\err rcqcUto to nuke the passige
bithufa and agrecablo , They carry the United
Btttea nd Kuropo u milU , cad le w tiev York
Tau j yi nd Saturdayi tor 1'lymoutU ( LONDON
Cb boug.PARI3 ( and IIAMBUIIO.
lUtoa , Klrrt tiiilu , ? * MWO. Steernfc. to or
Irom JUmburjr , 140. 0 , B UiCIIAKDfcCO.aon
r J IVua Agents , 61 Broadway , New Vork nd
WuhlntOD > u1 La Hello itreoU , Chicago , or Ileaiv
ruodt , ilatk Ilaiistu , F. K. lloorei , Hirry Dcuel la
ewltf i Hdjocucneu , In Council Uludu
Plattsmouth , Neb.
Breeder of tboroughbred and high grade
Hereford and Jersey Cattle ,
And Duroj nnd Jersey lied Swine.
ACbancoto Crnsh Lcc Lost by ttio
Union Generals ,
I'itlnblo Condition ot the Confeder
ates After the Seven
Murray in Wnshington lifpnbllcan.
Unlosa the Union ixrmy was worse
aVcn up nt Antlotam In realty than the
oflicial reports show , It vr&s ono of the
grand mistakes of onr war on the parl
of tha federal commander that ho did
not force the fighting Immediately there
after. The army of Northern Vliglnla
was fhen in woreo plight to fight a battle
than It over was boioro or 'afterward.
And this wao not'because ' of particularly
heavy losses in battle , but from other
reasons. When , after n brief period o
recuperation from the effects of the toven
d.-vyn' fighting in front of Richmond
Gen. Leo started out on his long marcl
to extinguish Gen. Tope , hia army was
In good condition physically , considering
the hot season , but very badly off in thi
matter of clothing , and especially of foot
gear.Althongh there was plenty of clothing
nnd shoes in the depots nt lllchmond th
BBslntne-quartermasters , Trhoao business
It was to have furnished the men Trlth nn
extra pair of shoos nt least , mndo no offer -
for to do so when the march was begun
nnd sent them to Gordonsvillo some dnyi
after the entire army had passed , tha
Now , the aoven days' tramping In the
mud of 'tho ' Ohlckahominy swamps bnc
pretty well used up the shoos of th
troops before the march began , and as 1
was necessarily n forced ono , there was n
largo number of the men barefooted oven
before wo nrrivcd nt the lj < ippahannock
As n good portion of the marching wa
made on turnpikes , which were In very
bad condition , those who ncro wlthou
shoes were soon lamed by cuts am
atonc-brnlfios on their foot , nnd , c
course , were compelled to remain in th
rear and would have boon of no nccoun
In a battle , oven under the supposition
that they could have managed to got ute
to where the line of battle was formed
This evil became of sorlons proportion
even before ire arrived nt the Rappahan
nock as above slated , nnd to remedy th
matter ns far ns possible Gon. Lee ordered
from each regiment to cut fiom th
hides of the beeves slnln each night
spocles of moccasins which would ailorc
some protection to the feot. When n
follow donned a pair of thoao nncontl
arrangements with the hair tide out ho
looked like a "rough-footed Scot" sure
enough. Now , as lung ns the hides ro
malnod green they vrcro easy to the feet
but when from contact with the hot fine
dusty roads they became dry and ns
hard ns shoot-Iron , they were simpl ;
Instruments of torture , nccommodat
ing themselves to the shape of the
foot nnd rasping oil skin and flesh
at every step. The only way to get thorn
off the awoolon , blistered ana bleeding
feet Tras to cut them off. The write :
was ono of the unfortunates who bac
painful experiences of this "improviaec
foot-gear , " as Gon. Leo styled It , and as
n conscqnence was so thoroughly dlen
bled as to bo nnable to take part in the
battles of Second Manaesaa , South Moun
tain and Antlotam , having been left behind -
hind when the army crossed over into
Maryland. These foot-torturers ma ]
have been a blessing in diigulso for me
however , for the Suventeenth regimen
lost heavily In these battles.
There was nnothor clrcumstanca tha
greatly depleted the fighting strength oi
Gen. Leo'a army. From the tirno ol
leaving Gordonsvillo to the battle o !
Manassas the troops were without w
tloiiB , except fresh beef , and very little
of that , and no salt to est with it. A
that time the corn-fields were in the
roasting-ear state , and the men freely
indulged themselves. A dlot of green
corn and freah beef is not conductive to
health , and hundreds nore prostrated by
diarrhiu ) and dysentery. The commis
sariat department was fully equal to the
quartermaster's department.
As a consequenc ? , when Gen. Lse
creased Into Maryland , one-fourth of his
atmy , I honestly believe , was straggling
between the Rippahannock and the
Potomac , and the bulk of Ihcae men
were not straggloro of their own accord ,
but simply becausa they were physically
unable t6 keep up with their regiments.
Why , on the last forced march from
Frying Pan to Edward's Ferry on thoPo-
tomau. I had managed to procure n mule
to ride , and I saw hundreds of men fallen
i > y the wayside , many fatally struck , nnd
othora prostrated utterly by boat nnd f A-
Igue. No rear guard could have brought
.hoao men np except with a corps of am-
julancea. Although I was on mnloback ,
the torture of my swollen feet became
nnsupportablo , and I was compelled to
sock relief nt the first friendly house ,
which the certificate of onr surgeon gave
no permission to do in casolcanld not
coep up with the army.
Very few of the etrsgglors rejoined tbo
army until after it had recrosiod the Po
; omao from Antlotam , although a batal
on of cavalry was sent to gather np
these who had not a surgeon's certificate
of disability. They picked np many
such , but n man c&n't bo made to march
when ho is pbyalcally unable to do no ,
and the cavalry soon gave it up as A bad
pb , and thereafter simply dlrooted the
lick and lame men to report ai aoon as
josslblo to the rendezvous at Winchester ,
ily father , hearing of my whereabouts ,
: amo after , mo in a buggy and took me
icnio to Fairfax Courthouse , as there was
a truce then existing , while the federal
ambulances were passing up and down
conveying tholr wounded from the Ma-
nat-saa battlefield , And hero I may state
that Geii. Leo paroled not only the
wounded , but the prisoners taken , and
aent them off virtually under charge of
their own officers ( for only a half dozen
confederate cavalry were along as guide ; )
to crocs the Potomac at or about Will-
iniflport. Andith&a been charged that
these paroled mon ( the puolllng was
done very hastily nnd Ineffectively ) did
lot observe their obligation when once
.hey . were over the river.
The morning after I got homo I board
hera vai a company of federal cavalry in
ho village who were
under tha truce. I got Into the bugpy
, gilu , nnd , by driving ( trough back
anes , escaped unperceiv. .d. I wont to
ho house of Dr. W , P. Gunnell , In Up-
pervllle , Fauquier county , Va , , who
aredformo until I was able to walk ,
) arltiR nil the time I was there a con *
tant stream of stragglers were pasblng
on tholr way through Chester gap to the
meeting pltco nt Winchester. At that
> olnt conva'oscont camps had been eetab-
iahtd , to which the men were assigned
,8 , fist ns they reported. The homes In
Winchester were crowded with tick and
wounded , and there woto precious few
tents available ; but rations were served
rcguhrly , ns long ns wo were well fed
onr blankets were sufficient thcltor
at that season ,
When I rejoined the regiment the
many traces of the terrlblo cam
paign were plainly visible. Iho men
ircro as ragged ns they well could bo to
liavo any clothes at all , nnd in splto of
the ro t and rations they had had alnco
recrossing the tiver , tholr haggard f/cas
showed the fioiy ordenl through which
they had passed. The worst thing ,
though , was to BOO the dophtad ranks ,
and to learn how numerous
were the comrades whoso bones
were now lying on Maryland soil , Anc
the greater number of the other regi
ments of Longstrcct'a corps had aufTorct
us much or more. The batteries , too ,
bad lost , besides mon , n idoro than un
usual proportion of horses ; the places ol
the latter being difficult to supply , for
oven then good horses were getting
scarce in Virginia. Gon. Longttroct 1m
mediately sot to work to bring up his
command to the greatest possible
efficiency , but there were many obata
cles in the way , for n supply of clothing
and shoos , BO sadly needed , were not ob
If Gon. Lee had but had , like Napoleon
loon , the power and the will
of derelict quartermasters nnd commis
saries occasionally , his troops would have
been spared much hardship , and h
would bnvo baon able to have nccom
pliahcd greater raiultu. Ilowovor , th
work of bracing np the troops went oi
with nil dispatch , for it was oxooctoc
that the enemy would advance upon u
in short order. It appears now that n
this very tlmo Gen. McOlollan was com
plaining to the federal authorities tha
ula army was deficient in clothinp , shoo
and horeos , nnd that ho wouldn't mov
without them. Anyhow , Gon. Stowait
with 1,800 cavalry , made n raid com
pletely around McOlollan'o army , nm
the latter hadn't enough cavalry to catcl
him , or didn't make good lisa of wha
ho had.
For the first tlmo during the war th
small-pox broke out in onr camps , and
to make the situation moro serious , th
surgeons were not supplied with vnccln
points. By shifting : the camps and stiio
attention to policing thorn , and by iso
latlng the unfortunates who had taken
the disease , it was confined within limits
and very few died of the malady.
I recollect that wo had horoour'scconc
aristocratic rovlow ( the first was hold a
Centrovlllo the year before in honor o
Prlnco Napoleon ) . Some English noblemen
mon visited Gen. Longstrect'a head
quarters and , of course , wanted to see
the troops pass in review. Longstrect's
corps , though good fighting material , was
not much to look at. Thorp was scarcely
n man who had a whole suit of clothes
and rags fluttered on the breeze In oycry
direction ns the mon moved about. However
over , by picking and chooalnc , enough
mon were gotten for the fronh rank to
make a respectable appearance. The leas
said about the rear rank In thla connec
tlon the better. You sse , wo were al
fools enough to bo nshamod of our rags
when wo ought to have been proud o
them. Perhaps the memory of how the
"racked Continentals" fought iuihellar
ohitionary war gave onr visitors some re
spect for UB , their descendants , At any
rate , they were pleased to compllmeu
Gon. Longstraet on the good appearanca
of his corps after BO arduous n campaign
But my allotted space warns mo ta
halt. Wo rested at Winchester until wo
heard that the federal army was In motloi
beyonnd the Blue ridge , and wo movct
on a parallel line until wo stood face to
face with Gen. Barn.s'.do at Fredericks
Don't Eat in n Hurry ,
A health journal says that people
ought to take three-quarters of an hour
for dinner. This Is well if there is
enough dinner to hold out co long. The
penalty for hurrying meals , as most pcc-
plo do , is a greivous attack of dyopepsla.
In such a case yon will have to resort to
Brown's Iron Bittern for cure , as did Mr ,
J. R. Plnkston , Shortor'o Depot , Ala. ,
who writes , "I found relief In Brown's
Iron Bitters af tar years of suffering from
dyspepsia. "
Froyer is not satisfied with the pound
ing ho received at Kllrain's hnnda , nnd is
nnxloua to got at Mitchell cr McOaflory.
William Cumlnge , of Prottpn , England ,
champion from one to ton miles , challen
ges any man in the world to run him for
: ho whole or any part of that distance for
Torn $500 to $5,000 n side ; George and
Myers preferred.
The Marquis of Qusonberry ia in Now
York. Ho aays the boxlnp rules bearing
ils uamo are not so called for hi ] father ,
3iit for himself. In speaking of then bo
eald : "Tho rules were natuod after mo
lecanso some twenty years ago I put up
some cups to bo boxed for , and that was
; ho lirat time that the boxing was con
ducted by those rules , It was n shame
-hat ouo of your judges should have stop
ped boxing according to thorn , because.
There they were strictly observed , It la
mpoesiblo that any ono could bo badly
lurt. " Ho thinks of visiting Boston for
'ho purpose of seeing John L. Sullivan.
Aden Bailer , of San Francisco , Cal , ,
ho light weight wrestler , having offered
to put up § 100 In n purse of $400 or $500
and wrestle any four or five men at 135
> ounds , either in San Francisco , Omaha ,
or Chicago , W , W , Montgomery , of La-
conla , who defeated Bntlor in Eist Sagl-
naw , Mich. , some to years ago , will reply
as follows ; "If Butler will pnt up 81501
will pnt up ? 2oO , and thus make the
) nno $400 , nnd I will meet Butler in
Dbicago and wrestle him for the light
weight [ championship , and further than
that I will give him $100 to pay his ex
penses to Chicago from the Pacific const"
Angostura Dtttors Is known as the great
regulator of the digettive organs all over tha
world. Have It in your house , Aak your
grocer or druggist for tbo genuine article , manufactured -
ufactured byl > r. J. G. 13. Slegert k Sons.
AiiothorkGl nce Backward ,
< iTew York Sun ,
Wo tender our compliments { o Maj. *
en John Alexander Logan , of Illinois ,
m bis ro-election as senator of the
Jnlted States for six yents more. It has
> oen n fair fight and Logan has won it by
superior generalship. If the democrats
tad put up Lyman Trnmboll against
ifm , they might have mot with bettor
George Smith , of Dawca county , was nr-
aUod and taken to the Sidney jail last week ,
hareed with the malicious enootirg of a
neighbor's horse ,
"Hunt'd Remedy \ahnblo and Its
loidits are permanent , Cured mo of
cldney disease ) . "
SULLIVAN FENNER , Providence ,
Vi 1.
Hunt's Remedy cures tpeodily bilious
loadscho , coativcnesr , dyspepsia ,
troDgthens the atomscb , and purifies the
Waterings With WtHtet Among
Flowers , Frnils , aofl FDD ,
Forest nnrt Stream Pngct Sound ixnd
Fiica StraltB-Good Bye "Unolo
Snm. "
SpecIM.Corrospondonco ot The I3KE.
Portland is a splendid city , ultuatod on
the west bank of the Willjxmotto tlvor
where the blowing of whistles , the short
perb puffings of tags , with a multitude o
sailing crafts , nnd the usual buatlo of nu
almost Boapork city , remind of these
who go down to the sea In chip : . It has
a population of about forty-five thousnm
souls , consisting of men and women from
every section of this nnd foreign hnda
who nro characterized by the push am
pluck that mark the west , nnd filled wltl
the big-hoartodnosa that brands the Pn-
cICio slope man the world over.
Few cltios of America can boast encl
an nrrny of fine publio and private baild
ings , of masslvo mould nnd grand design
though for the present the effects of the
Vlllard failure , which took some ton o
twelve millions in cash from this bcnutl
ful city , ore to bo seen. Bat the crip
pling Is temporary only , na the vast ship
ping business and Interests clearly do
The traveler from the Nebraska section
will find much of Interest and luotructloi
In the queer Chinese quarter , whore curl
osltles nra BO numerous that it wonli
fill a latter to nnmo them. Evcrythiuj
from nn automatic watch to a machine fo
irmklnc ladies' ' bangs wore examined , am
n lunch of biraV-ncat soup nnd fins o
fiahoj was ono of the courtesies cxtendec
by n pollto celestial , whoso voice was the
voice of Abel ( no beard ) , nnd whoso
drapery was the garb of llichol.
Over the massive , broad-gnapo style o
Portland buildings let the reader throw
ono broad , gorgeous mantle of fruit
tree bloaeoms nud variegated flowers
with n surrounding of diversified land
Rcapo , where struggling sunbeams battle
with misty fogs that iloat among dee ]
green forests nnd hang nbont the bosom
of the waters , and then enter a cafe t
feast on luscious strawberries and rid
yellow cream , to depart with eomo big
hearted citizen nnd stroll olong n atroo
where pretty girls go moirlly by , and h
will have an outline of what Uraaha'
visiting children saw there.
Leaving Portland , wo flow along the
cast hank of the Columbia and Wtlla-
moeto rivcra , a distance of forty miles to
Hunter's Point , where the train boardot
which convoys three trains of cars am
engines across the broad river at one
time and lands them without jar or jol
upon the track on the Washington terrl
tory shore , at the pretty village of
This steamer is 350 feet lone ; and can
without labor convey twenty-seven freight
and fifteen passenger coaches with their
engines at one trip over the ocean cban
nol of the Columbia , crossing in Its pass
age the track of the awltt paesonger
boats that glide gracefully past on route
to Astoria , at the month of the river ,
whoao feet are washed by the surf of the
great Pacific.
From Knloma , the ride contlnncs
through n section of beautiful forests
wherotho busy lumberman cuts and pre
pares the great trees for sawing , selecting
the long Btem-Ilko pines for masts and
spars , up valuable and sought after by
ship-builders. The train moves on , now
hidden In the greenish gloom of the a 3
mighty forests , again with a warning yell
to the feeding flocks of sheep and cattle ,
bursting upon a sunlit pasture to plunge
again into the depths of n great wood'
land , along the banks of the Cowlitz and
Nlscatly rivers , to Tenino , where cjn
nectlon is made with thn
railroad , to the city of Tacoma or Poget
From Tacoma the steamer
dipt. Wilson , takes us down the botutt
ful sound , where all the lovely scenery of
green hills , and deep forest , point and
promontory , spotting fish and dirlng
wild-fowl , rolling wave and crested "tide
breast" nro beheld , until from the North
Pacific , near the city of Port Towcsend ,
near FortTowncond , wo bid adieu to its
heights and grassy gardens to cross the
riding Its rolling "white-cap" waves , so
suggestive of the dreaded necessity of re
tiring to a stateroom , wbllo Mr. Charley
Dewey , the traveled "Due do Shoshone , "
and die irrepressible Motz laugh nt the boys
whos9 "oca legi" were loft behind them ,
and githcr on the upper forward deck
that they may in a moment moro give to
the quickening sea-wind the notes of
"God Save the Qaeen , " upon whoso im
perial dominions now looms up the city
of VictoiU , with Its green hills and
drives over level roade , and Its church
iplres piercing the floating foam-clouds.
P. 0 , II.
Is very prevalent at this BOBEOD , the
symptoms being bitter taste , offensive
jroatb. coated tongue , alck headache ,
Jrownlnoss , dizziness , loss of appetite.
[ f this condition Is allowed to continue ,
serious consequences may follow. By
promptly taking Hood's Sareapurilla , a
'ever may be avoided or promatnro
death prevented. It Is n posftivo cure
'or bllllonsncss. Sold by all druggists.
The National Game.
Kansas City Times ,
Senator Logan was given first , went to
second on a low throw , went to third on
t wild pitch and tame homo on n poised
Composed of Smart-Weed , Jamaica ,
Singer , Camphor Water nnd beat French
brandy , Dr , PJerco'a Extract of Smart-
Weed Is the best remedy for 'diarrhea ,
cholera morbns , dyscntary or bloody-flux
colic or cramps , and to break up colds.
The Hattsraoulh cunning company has a
tock of 30.000 ready for the fa !
lack , and Is adding about 1,000 n day to the
Vten Baby iraa lck , wo gave her Caatorta ,
IVhen ahe was a Child , ibe cried fur Contort * ,
Then eho became Miss , ebo clang to CuMoria ,
ITben eho had Children , eho gare them Caatoria
rrre from Oflnlcs , Jinnltci antl 1'otsont.
for Couahx , Pore Tliront , Honrncnns Influents ,
Cold * , llrourlilll * . Croup , Whooping Conch ,
Aclhmn. CJutn v , I'nlnn In Chmt , nJether
ffoctlon of tin Thronl nit I.lins * .
Trlco no cents n hottlp. Sold by Ilrnpelnts nnd Df !
cm. J\irtlr unable to Induce thttr iltnl -
pet It far them Mil recrlrr tire botlltft : ,
JKIIJ , lileniltna one dollar to
HIE nunm A. Tonrt.rn roitriM ,
S l Owlifr > n I Mitnuhclnrm ,
JUIttmorf , Sirj i < ) , t. 8. JU
G17 St. dairies St. , St. Yonl ( . Mo.
1 It SUl t 8r it t of l o JlpJIfn ) Gellrtn , IIM btra I H
, n ,
aid laocc DuiiiMlh n ur thtr tt > r llinla Si. Url *
11 M ] | ipctt ihow nnil nil oM mlJdnti to .
Nervous Prostration , Debility. McnlM wii
Physical Weakness j Mercurial and other A e
lions nlThroat , Skin or Bones , ninod Poltoric : : ,
old Sores and Ulcers , are trmtcl with nr - " - *
iafee 9on Utpiil icltuttuo principles. PfcVlj , 1'rltaUl
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Exc'cu ,
t'xposuro or Indulgence , hich im.i c .on. oral
Mloitlnt elTeelll umoniam JpHMr , Jimntji of ilcU
3j Jcrtcllie ratmorj. rlrapl-i en th free , natnlctl dcc ,
milnnlolbe toclrtor remit ! * ! , < tnniiii at Hem , tti ,
rndcrlnc Mnrrlaco Improper or unlisupy , H
Kriflaneilfyeiircil , ramphlct < Art pnpeOnn the IDO > * , Mrt
lealcil cnielnp frrdlu not ( .J.lrrs. . ConsullAtltnctj.
Bee ort/iuallfrocauillDilipil , Writ ? forqucstloLi.
A Positive Written Guarantor ;
rivet In all corabl9ea el. iicJIalnt ) rent ircrtTh
j'nmph'.oti , Kn/tltMi or Oorrcan , 4 roeoi
JW | i fci , Cue ftdci. lllailntcd tc fil
SOt , mouev r IM ! iaaiM < ap v tiler * . J . Vblu
aontalcl kit tba urloci , diubUDl ot ICDVUIUrt ti
I/cow , A book I 'rent Inluwl do .a Litlii txxtfs
James Heiioal Institute
Chartered by thcStateofllll
Inols for thecxprcsd purpose
of giving immediate rellelln
all chronic , urinary nnd pri
jvato diseases. Gonorrhcca
Gleet andSyphilla In alt the !
complicated forms , also al
diseases of the Skin am
Blood promptly relieved am
pcrmanentlycured by rcmc-
dicstcstcdlna.For//rerirs (
Spcclall'i-adltc. Bemlna
weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
Ihe FaceLost Manhood , 7/usl/ifffy mmTiero
lsnocxi > crlincntln < i. The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon SI.Chcagolll !
arln tlic
anil Itr.sTdiiS Tint , 1W&LTU
se ! VIGOR of VOtTTH.
p-sla. Want nt Aiipcllto ,
ion , l.acic ol atrcnjUK ,
lr ' " - ' " ! liiKalisoliitely
cured. Bones , muscles anv
ncrvps receive ncwlorcc ,
.Iirllvcns thu nihiil ar.O
aupi-dlei ) Uraln J'owei.
i complaint !
- -
5nd lnDR.El'tSTEK'SIROM TONIC iimto aid.
liccily cure 'fllvcs a clear , l.u'.ltliy complexion.
i'reiKcnt | &ttcnipti < al c""t'aM > 'fJrip onlyadtf
1 } 'lie popularity of Hid orlchm ! . Do
KCtlllf OI1K1USA1. AM ) Ul.ST ,
jt benilytiurrddreKoto IbBDr. Hnrtnr ttiJ.C'O V i
0 t.Jx > ai , Mo. , for nar "DKEAM UCX3BI. " a. .
* "tt jnllnf n > f
All Sorts of
i , i"
hurts and many sorts of ails of
man and beast need a cooling
lotion. Mustang Liniment.
Summers& Jennings
Oenl. Western Apte. Iron , Steel1 IIr , OtJvanliod
Iran , I' t. Store Ilpo WB , Etc.
Crowl's Patent Iron Itooflne.
Only double capped corrugated roofiogand ; the
only one prepared by the manufacturers ready
or laying. Plain and corrugated Iron lloof <
ing , Paint , Etc. Send ( or circulars ,
1511 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb.
I bavo bad acincer on my faoo loryeare. I have
rled a Krtat many remedies , but without relief , I
klmoet go up hope ol ever belni ; cured , Dj , Hard
man , my eon , recommended Bwllt'a Speclflo , which I
lave taken with irrfatrteulti , My face la now well ,
nd It la Impossible ( or me to cipieea n.j thanks In
woiJs lor what tbla medicine hia done for me.
11K8 OUHlJiBDlllX ,
Monroe , Oa , , Sept 2,1881. ,
BwKt'd SiieclBobu cured a oncer on my lace , and
tad almost nado a new man of me.
T. 3. TKATB , Waclua , Fla.
I bavo bad a cancer In myrlzht car lei three jeara
trlude crr remedy the | ihtlclana practiced , to n.
lermanent good. Hllt'n Bptclflo ) aj wrought won-
lers lor me. It la the best tl < * d jiuilflcr In thu
worlJ. JonvH MOKROW , Uortnce , Ala.
Bwllt'a Spoelflo It entirely M'pctalle , nndtecmato
cureoinccrg by throvi log out the linpuiltlei from rlia
Tteatiia on Dlood and Skin Diseases mailed ( ret.
TUHEwiiTEuciFlcCo. , Drmer 3 , Atlanta Oa. , or
W , ZW St. , N. V. |
Real Estate
213 S , STREET ,
Have a large list of inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city.
We Imvo business property ou Cnpitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Doughip , Farnnni , Haruey , Howard , 9th , 10th , 13th nnd
IGth sreets.
We hnve fine residence property ou Fnrunm , Douglns ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cuss , California streets , Slier-
man , St .Marys and Park Avenues , in fact ou nil the best
residence sheets. We have property in the following ad-
McCormick's ,
Millard& Caldwell's Kountz & Ruth's ,
Lakes , Impr'nt Association.
Elizabeth. Place Wilcox ,
E. V. Smith's , Burr Oak ,
Horbach's , Isaac & ; Seldoa.'s >
Patrick's ? Hanscom's
Parker's , West Omaha ,
Slmm's , Grand "View ,
Gise's , Credit Foncier ,
Nelson's , Kountz' First
Kountz' Second ,
Godfrev's , Kountz' Third ,
Lowe's , Kountz' Fourth ,
Kirkwood , Syndicate Mill ,
College Place , Plainview ,
Park Place , Hill Side ,
Walnut HilL Tukev &Kevsors ,
West End , 7Z Thornburg ,
Boggs&Hill , Clark Place ,
Capitol , Mvers & Richards ,
Reed's First , 'F
And all the other Additions to the
Ci ty.
Adjoins the stockyards property in South Omaha
These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo
cated and will make convenint , cheap , and de
sirable homes for the employes of the stock
yards and packing honses.
Tukey & Keysors Sub-division , ,
Located in West Omalia , two blocks south of Leavonwotth street , u
fine location at d the cheapest lots in Omaha$125 ; for inside lots and
150 for corners ; terms $10 down , balauce 55 per mouth ; dent fail to
see these if you want a bargain.
We have a few lots left in Kirkwood addition , which wo offer at lo\v
Ibices , terms 525 down balance § 10 permonth. These lots are on high
level giound and are desirable.
This addition is mere centrally located than any other new addition ,
near the best Schools m the city. All the sh-eets are being put to grade
bhe grades have neon established by the city council , and is very desira
ble residence property , only 16 blocks from Post ollico , prices lower than
idjoiniuc additions for a home or investment. These lota cannot be
Lot on Davenport with fine Fen BALE Lot 28th and Faraam street ,
,000. good property , $1,000.
Fen SALE Full lot 2htand Clark street , 0 Fen HALK-J acre on California , eaat of
room house , 82,800. Sacred Heart ; house , barn , an-1 cistern , cheap
FOR BALE Beautiful acre lot in Giae'a odd. only $1.COO .
$1,200. 8500. Fen HALE Lota In Hanscom place each.
Fen SAIK i lot on Chicago ttroet between 8500.Fon
13th and 14th , $2,500. Fen BALE 100 feet front on 15th streetwith
small house just south of Hartman School , only
BKADTIKUL lots corner F rnam and 20th , .
street cheap , ly 31,700.
Fen BALE Full lot and 5 room hoase corner
FOB SALE-Lota In Walnut hill , ? 200. llth and Cutellar , $2'100. '
Fen BALE- ! lot withG room house 21st Fen SALE Lot and 2 houses 18th and NIch.
ttreet easy payments , $2.000 , oUs S5.000 ,
We will furnish conveyance free to any
part of the city to show propertyto ourfriends
and customers , and cheerfully give informa
tion reyardiny Omaha Property.
Those ivlio have Itaryains to offer or wisJi
property at altaryain , are invited to see its.
Bedford & Souer ,
Real Estajte Agents
213 S. 14th St. , bet. Farnam& Douglas