tmmmim jv w THJS DAILY BKE-SATURDAY , MAY 23 , 1885 FLY SCREENS ! For Window Screens and Ornamental Door Screens , leave your orders at W W. CHAPMAN'S JLOS and 1O ? Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. N. B. PICTURE FRAMES of anv description made to order while vou wait. Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizzesSwitch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaperthan ever. Call and see for yourself , t JLuUDLiKfe " " * \j < P Ju. < orAJLj.suJa " J. " JL Ju * 29 Main StreetCouncil BlufF. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special a vartlooments , eno is Lost Jound , To Loan , For Bale , To Rent , Wants , Hoard ing , tie. , will bo Inserted In this column at lha low lite of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the Oral Insertion and FIVG CENTS PER LINE for caoh subsequent rtton. Leave advorUaementi a oni offloj , No. Pearl Street , near Broadwav WANTB. II UENT House , 7 rooms and 2 halls , corner Hdimonr and Conton Sts. Apply 210 Harrison 5t. 5t.Tj'OK Tj'OK SiliE AT A BAKQAIN Iho dcbirablo real- JU dcnco or business property on Upper Broad- stay , known as the 1'owors place , Apply to OEO. R. BBAUD , S2 Main street. TO TilADK. Uood Iowa cr Nebraska WANTS for a email stock of hardware or general merchandise , well located. SWAN & WALKKR. SMjK A rare chamo to get a fine , well 1m- prated farm of 400 acres , within a few mllea of Council Bluffs , at a bargain. Low prlco and easy terms. bwAN & WALHBE Olt SALE A good paying hotel property with llyory Etablo , In ouo of the beet email towns in western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or will trade for a email farm with etock etc. SWAN & WALKER. tJALE Lands Improved aad unimproved. FOH you want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , lotus boar from you. SWAN & WALKKB. OU HALK A large number ot business and real- dcnco lots In all parts ot Council Bluffs. See us before j ou buy , SWAN & WALKKR. "TpOK SALE Parties wishing to buy cheap lots to E build on can buy on monthly payments of from $2toS10. HWAN & WALKER KEN i' We will rent you a lot to build on FOU the prlvllago to buy If jou wUh on very liberal term" . SWAN & WALKHR. fi'OU SALE Houses , Lots and Land. A. J. JP Ftephcnson , 60S First avenue. AfUKU bouy in council UIuUs o lake Tn Dii. red by carrlei at only twenty ts * week. TfjVii TACIIASOK Ni > . 158 , 10,000 acres Und ten JD inUoseoutb of Sidney , Nth , , for Council BlulTs property. No. 1E5. A good steam flouring mill In Cedar Co , Iowa , for a stock ot general merchandise or hard ware , value tB(00 , No. 155 Hotel property in Taylor Co. , Iowa , lor gecd farm property , value $4,000. No. ICO. Land In Hall and Lincoln Cos. , Neb. , for Council Ululla propcity. No 101. Flue lmpro\cd farm for cheap western land. land.No , 101. Ono of the boat farms In 1'ottawattamle cnunty , Iowa , 400 acres for wild Kaueos or Nebraska land. land.No. . 1CD. Hotel In Pueblo , Col. , woith S9.COK , for Iowa , Kaum , or Nebraska land in par and long time on baltnce , No. 171. Good farm , for etock ot goods or hard ware. ware.No. . 172. Wild lands In Rooks Co. , Nob. , for stock Of dry goods. No. 176. House and lot In Clarlnda Page Co. , low a for Nebraska or lonalinl ; value $1,803. No. 177. Hotel In one ot DaKota'a bolt towns , value tO.COO , for stock of drugs lor part and hud lmpro\ or unimproved. No. 173. Splendid bargains In Klcth Co , , Neb. , wild land for lands In western Iowa or good stock oldruutor hardware. No. 18) . A half interest In a fIrst-chsB plow works , neil located , for lands valued 83,500. No. 182. 00 icre Impiovod farm In CassCo. , Iowa also ono la Pala , Alto Co. , of 315 , for stock of goods. No. 183 , ttote bul.dlng and stock of gcniral morcb.indiao , in a Iho wisturn tovin for uotteru and , Improve-1 or unimproved , \n\uts \ $14,000. And htindrcdsof other special exchange bargains or particulars , call and see or urite to EW N & WALKKR , Council Bluffs , la a&afa tXmM IWy Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Hugs Etc. Etc , . , , Careful Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders , Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Our atock la the Largest in tie and is being continually .replenished bj nil the latest and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Biufls Prosecute the Swindlers , If whou yon call for HOD Bitters ( see green cluster of Hops on the white label ) the druggist hands out any stuff called C. D. "Warner's German Hop Bitters or with other "Hop" name , refute It nnd shun that druggist as you would a viper j and If ho has taken yonr money for the stuff , Indict him for the fraud , and sue htm for damages for the swindle , nnd wo will reward - ward yen liberally for the conviction. "I Have Suffered. ' ' With every disoaao Imaginable for the last throe yean. Our Druggist , T. J. Anderson , recommend ing , 'Hop Bitters" to mo I used two bottles. Am entirely cured and heartily recom mend Hop Bitters to everyone. J. D. Walker , Bucknor , Mo. Counterfeiting Proves Superiority. Although counterfeiting la ono of the greatest crimes against the business of any country , and m many cases "Destructive to health and llfol" "It proves beyond a donbt the" "Superiority" Of ttio article counterfeited ; As no inferior article is over counter feited. Proof of this Is to bo found in the great number In "Australia , England , France , "Germany , India , Belgium , Canada and the U. S. Of counterfeits of the great remedy. "Hop Bitters , " Whoso name and merits are so well known the world over that It Is a "Shining mark and favorite prey "For Counterfeiters 111" Beware of those that do not have a green cluster of hops on the white label. Prosecute the SwindlersI ! ! If when you call for Hop Bitters ( see cluster of Hops on the white label ) tqe drug gist bands out any etuff called C , D. Warner s German Hop Bitters or with other "Hop" name , refuse it and ehun that druggist as you would a viper ; and if ho has taken your money for the stulT , Indict him for the fraud and sue him for damages for the swindle , and o will eward vou liberally for the conviction * An * ief llenl pitltlog lonld t-t ex < iait ! [ ( Ufor , vomited orrr ( clioiifrteflfctDlKMtlviOrgui. cwropiunpftTai to ft etui f eli mpws , ad t 11 tumtcer drlala. r , t AiVosFiflferrr ! rt > ! rt far Uu Q-iiIllr.1 < ; , } v. WUPPERMANI'I i 51 jsiiQtLDirAY jr. r. In ordur to uurich the blood , and thus Impart fresh \Igor an ouf eeh'od system Btlmulato ll K'8l"K digestion with the national Invlgcrant , HostetUr's Htomach Hitters , which , by Inttuh't'cncruj Into the operatloniof the stomach , promote ! nay , Iniuroi thor < ODRbdlgectlon anil aitlmllailon , and ronecqneut nutil- thn. A gala to ap petite , igor and Heal ) , h iurariably found to follow o 0011 rso otthladeecrV' cdlv , popular tonic m M _ pp. which Ii , moreover , reliable rrounmo of uialart l lover. For sale by all IliugglBta and re ler generally. THE BEST THING OUT FOR Washing & Bleaching In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water. Siviu ) L IOK , TIMK anil SOAP AWAri.NOLT , na give uulvcrsiliatleticllon. No liinlly rich or poor eboul bo without it. Sola hy all stoceir. BKWARK ol ImlUUons w ll de elgcod to inlsionl. rcARLixit U the OSLV BifB Ube luvluRcompouna auJulwojsbcara the above tjrm UlwiJ niment JAMES PYTiR NEW YOHK. i : . Avii'Ilmof youltidiHniiirudenco cauiiug 1'roinature Decay , Isenoui Debility , Lo t JUnhooil , 4c.liMlnB tried In * in mer/ known tenicdv.liasiiiscovtireil nsiiupIoiuulnBotboK- vhlcli lie IM Mini rilKK lohl < ( ullo - utl * oUicsj , J.ll.UiUVib , JCuUiMttbUKevr ! COUNCIUMJFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL. THE MUSEUM MAN , Xlio Dtaappoftrnnoo of Sander , rtnrt lila Ilcportcil Troubles. The statoracnta la yesterday's BEG boat Sander , ono of the proprietors of 10 dlmo mnaontn hero , caused some snr- ) rlse , and to none moro so limn to his ) artnor , Mr. J. W. Palmer , The latter aid that ho bad Boon nothing of Sander nco last Wednesday , and hail hoard othlng from him. Sander bad started at to dlstrlbuto sorao tlckota to the chools , and not turning up again , Mr. 'aimer naturally gave orodonco to a root report that ho had been suddenly called away by a telegram announcing 10 soiions lllnots of his wife , and longht nothing seriously of the matter mill ho road the article in yesterday's JEE. JEE.Mr Mr , Palmer Bays that ho bad charge of 10 money taken In , and Mr. Sander at- ended to the bills payable. Ho does ot know exactly what bills Mr. Sander > ald , but ho can find no unpaid bills of , ny amount , and says that they hava > eon doing a profitable business , and lore scorns to bo nothing wrong at this nd of the routo. Ho Is inclined to the pinion that Sander has gone back to obrnska to aottlo up the trouble thoro. LO finds that Sander has given chocks on to bank for a number of bills , and that .1 . these have been honored except wo. Ho sayo that the museum business s hi good condition , and whllo ho does not enow jast how matters stand batneon limself and Sander , yet ho thinks that if ho latter has gone for good , ha has not ; ot away with any great sum , and thit 10 ( Palmer ) has not lost anything by ilin. Mr. Sander his boon known hero or a long time before ho wont into the museum , and the reports about him triko his friends with much surprise. PERSON A Jj. N.U. [ Wray , of Ojkaloosn , was nt the Ogden 'esterday. 0. N. Hays , of Griunell , was among those , the Ogden yesterday. Mrs. Philip Anrons and children have gone n a three-months' visit to relations in Kansas. Travelling Passenger Agent Merrill , of the hicairo , Burlington & Quincy , was in the ty yesterday. T. Y. Micklo , of Ottawa , III. , known mont ; the agricultural Implement mou far nd near , was at the Ogden yesterday. S. S. Tuttle , of Burlington , who has been [ siting his son , Roy S. Tattle , ehipping erk of Keeline & Pelt , has returned to his lomo. Lena Pauiiger has returned from Now rIoinB , well pleased with her trip , and will omain with her Council Bluffs friends about , wo weeki. There was quite a delegation from Logan at to Pacific yesterday , among them being L. . Bolter , J. 1C , MoGa\on , S. I , King and elm V. Evans. N. W. Miller , who has beeu In charge of . T. Lindsay & Co.'s branch house at Cla- nda , is here , preparing to go out on the oad to sell goods for the same house. Charlca Banghan leaves this morning for IB east , to bo gone about four weeks. Ho will visit Ohio , Pennsylvania and New York , ratting in a large portion of the time in Now York city. Real Estate Transfers. The following are the transfer0 of real state as recorded In the office of the ogistrar , and reported to the BEG by A. J. Stephenson , for Monday , May 22 , 1885 : John Anderson to Peter Jergens , part o i so J 28 77-43 ; ยง 350. J. N. Oasady to S. S. Keller , put lots and 5 , block 18 , Mill add ; $2,000. Caspar Foster to John 0. Bloom , lot 8 , lock 8 , Minden ; $8CO. Total sales , $3,150. The members of Abe Lincoln post Jrand Army of the Republic , will attend eaviccs in a body at Broadway methodist piscopal church to-morrow evening. A crmon appropriate to the occasion will a preached by the piator. The church wlllba handsomely docaratod with plants nd emblems. Services at 8 o'clock p , m. Mandcrmakcr & Ban's carpenter shop lad a narrow escape from fire last night. n opening a box of matches they caught in lire , and being droppad in a pile ol , caused a blazo. In extinguish' ng it Mr. Ban bnrned his hand so bidij is to disable him for two or throe weeks W. M. Hovel , a farmer living cast ol Caraon , was almost instantly killed bj ono of hfs horses kicking him while hi was stooping to fix something about tin plow. Ho is over sixty ynars of ago. HONEY FOK THE IJA1 > IK3 , All shades of green are in favor. Skirts are no longer mads narrow at th top. Fancy mock jewelry are moro worn thai ever. ever.Waistcoats Waistcoats , real or simulated , are vor narrow. It is fashionable nowadays to be unfaihion ablo. Byzantine models are sought for in fane ; jewelry , Gr y woolen dresses are trimmed with gar net velvet. Mantelets and short vititoaateequally f&sh [ enable at the moment. Daffodils , tulips , white hlnc and wistaria ore popular artificial ( lowers. Brocaded stuffs grow more and more il vogue as tha season advances , Pekin satins in all colors and combination are used tor millinery purpotes. Braids , galleons , and strings of big bead ore the favorite dress trimmings , How can n woman with her bands full o trouble be expected to hold her tongue ? Skirts , tunics , and polonaises are all mad with pleats or gathers at the waist line. Two fabrics are generally used in the smal mantelets and visiles now so much worn , Sun umbrellas have very elender sticks an1 are seen in all colors , oven in red or blue. White woolen canvas , with colored boui ette stripe ! , is uted for plaited or plain skirb Cupid does not shoot arrows at pretty pirl any more. He leads them to a cookin mhool , Hainan ribbons in dull colors , with fane figures at each end , take the place of ccarl lor bat trimmings , Summer woolen dresses will be trlmme with silk cord instead of the gold , silver an mohair braid so long in vogue. flll'olon&Ieea remain In vogue In spite of a tlie eflotts to Introduce moro fanciful nova tie ) in the form of basques and tunics , Corsets and pitticoats , at present , ccmbin o set off the slondornois of the waist to th < erorUc't advantage by exaggerating the a' * of the hips. When two girls kits , ot coursa it is called t t\tf , but it might as well bo called "nothing,1 or it i > wholly devoid of yum-yum. [ Ken ucky State Journal. A Baltimore woman fired three shots at hoi msband when only four fen from him , but ot one took effect. She would ba a poor on < 0 send out to shoot cats , "A woman's tongue goes the fastest whor. bo is on a railroad train , " says a Matsachu- Qltt editor. Well , yes , if its an express it may go fifty miles an hour. The "Problems ot Our Time" is the title ol n article In a prominent magazius , but il oes not explain why 75 cents' worth of ma- orials should cost $10 when made Into a bon- et. et.There There is no hat moro becoming to the young ; ul than the spring style now prevailing. It ias been tuggetted by many , however , that ibbons would look bettor than the invaiiablo nd Inevitable feather now to bo seen. Court-plaster on ladies' faces In public > laces is becoming fashionable In the cast. In 10 wett the girls use the old style of court luster , which consist * of a mustache mixed with a loud noise. [ Pittsburg Chronicle. In come of the Now York skating rinks a level feature is the presence of boys dressed 1 female attire. Young America is cuto. lo soon learns that it is moro comfortable to it down on a bustle than on a pair of dude > ant > , Linen finish percales nnd prints are novel es for summer wear , They are very like ilk In their glossy finish , especially the ehop- lerd's plaids. For those who like wash ma- jrjal fur theno costumes these fabrics , when tripod , will be found extremely suitable. The young daughter of P , S. Thrall of Os- wcgo , who was reported to have had her hair ut off by burglars , who said it was for ro- engo on her father , cut her own hair and ooncoctod the story , bscauso her parents ob- ccted to her cutting her hair as nor friends iad dono. A pretty and ladylike fancy tills season Is _ o have the traveling drois , long French pu ss , and bonnet or toque to match in mato- al , This idea is remarkably pretty carried ut in pale gray pongee , or summer cash- nore , or shepherd's check In serge or summer Ik. Ik.The The handles of parasols were never moro aried than now. Great rings , largo enough > pass over the hand tcnnis rackets , horse- 10 s , balls of carnoliau , hammered silver , ainty cameo clnssand crystal , painted porco- ain , silver stag's horns and chamois horns are few of the many designs. A New York actress has "leaped atone ound into the realm of fame" by _ appearing n the atafjo before an audience in her bare eot. This fashion of nudity on the stage eems to have reached the other extreme. ydin Thompson , a score of years ago , also eaped at one bound Into the realm of fame , " ut we believe she were shoos and not much Iso. [ Norristown Herald. Tunics and overdresses of Madras muslin , 'useore , cream colored pongee and Pompa- our veilings are all pretty and appropriate or the surumor season , while the ever-useful nd always elegant black velvet undordress upplies a luitablo foundation for each alike. V cluster of black velvet loops scattered about ere and there upon these overdrecses add to heir bccomingness and tuegest a connecting nk between the upper and lower portions of : io costume , and a broad velvet dog collar rorn around the throat dotted with Roman earl beads gives a pretty finish to the whole. Ribbon garnitures will be worn In the reatcEt profusion upon spring and summer ollets , especially the latter , but an immense uantity is even now being used by leading ressmakers on costumes both for day and vering wear. They are employed as stripes , laced horizontally or vertically on the skirt , s a finish to wide or narrow flounces , as ows and ends supporting drapery , border- ng3 to panels and tablierp , with butterfly 3owa down the centre of either of these , as oop edgings to basque , tunici and equare-cut creates in every way , m short , that fancy ictates. Lace will ba equally used , from eaguos of the "fancy" qualities put on with a rodigal hand from to skirt hem , to a ew yards of the costly , real patterns uted nly upon the corsage and sleeves of rich and xpensivo eilk or satin toilets , Angostura Bitters , the world renowned ppetizer and invigorator. Used now over the whole civilized world. Try it , but beware of nutations. Ask your grocer or druggist for bo pcnuino artlclemanufactured by Dr. J. C , 3. Siegert & Sons. PEPPEKMINT DROPS. The Mexican dog is made without hair , therefore he cannot flea as a bird to the mountain. [ Boston Post. Forepaugh says that elephants have a atural liking for whisky. There must bo o Centucky somewhere In Africa. Water is found in the most solid substances , lot even excepting granite. Then why mar- el when you encounter it m milk ? "If Necessity knows no law , " it is a won- ier that Necessity hasn't gone to some western town and hung out a shingle. A roller-rink and an ink-roller resemble ach other ; when pressed too hard they arc to deface forms. [ New York Journal. "Ho who has pic has friends , " says an old luasian proverb which might have added and in nine cases out of ten a funeral , " Boston Post , General Sherman is the champion kisser in he United States. It takes a man who is not afraid of cowiltr to preserve such a title , Yonkers Statesman. . A cowboy in a recent Montana cattle case estlfied that "a muvorick Is tomebody olso'f alf that you get your brand on first. " - [ Butte Montana ) Inter mountain , A piano player should ba strong fingered , A pickpocket should be long lingurod. There may bo other small differences , but they can not be called to mind just now. Camels sometimes live to be 103 years old , This h unquestionably because they drink B < seldom. We give this as a pointer to th ( ieinperance reformers , [ Lowell Citi/en. It is said that late hours tell on a man This is especially true if the clock strikes 1 when ho is attempting to get into the hout > < without his better half discoveiing it. | _ 15os ton Post. "Is land hieh in Vermont ? " asked a specu liter of an old Green Mountain farmer. " ' . should think It was , " was the reply ; ' 'if tin trees weren't so stunted , the clouds couldn' get by at all. " "What is the first thing to bo done in casi of fire ? " asked the teacher , "Sue the Insurance company , " promptly an swered the boy at the foot of the class , whoet father had had his house burned out twice. "Prohibition is a good thing. " remarked i business-like passenger ; "I believu in it anc would like to see it adopted in every etato oi the Union. It's good for my business. " "What business are you in ? " "Manufacturing pint and half-pint flasks. ' " "Lots of thhipa are coming this summer There ere the grasshoppers , Doth of the sev enteen year and the thirteen-year breed , anc then there are Prince Albert Victor and Sii Arthur Sullivau , not to mention the choler : and several other little things. Oh , wo'ri ; olngto have a lively summer of it , even il It is an off political year , [ Boston Globe. My ion , if you would bo an editor , lei your paper ba on organ. It saves no end o : worry and thought to write for an organ You are never at loss hour to treat any vexec question which comes up , It Is much eastei to look upononasidethan upon both sideianc ever to much easier to have your way markec out for you tluu to be obliged to think ic ou yourself , [ Boston Transcript. "Jim McSnifter , " said a Galventon schoo teacher to the worst boy in school , "youhav been behaving yourself much worse than usun for the past lew days , " "I know it , but I've jmt got to behavi bad , " responded the boy , ' Why have you to behave woree lha usual ? " "Because the mumps are going the roundi and I v/ant to make up for the time Ian folng to lose when 1 oatsh 'em. ' [ Text Sittings , "Hunt's Remedy is valuable and II benefits are permanent. Cured mo c kidney disease. " SULLIVAN FENNER , Provldenci II. I. I.Hunt's Remedy cures speedily bllioc headache , coativcnees , dyspepel ; strengthens the stomach , and pnrities tl bleed. "That tlrod fooling" from which yon lufTer eo much , particularly in the morn ng , is entirely thrown oil by Hood's araaparllla. The City of Mexico has sixteen daily pa * > ors , inm rZ M YOUNOMENt-KKAl > Till. TUB VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. , iffor to send their celebrated ELSCTno-Vot- AIO BELT and other ELKCTOIO APPLIANCES on rial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ) ikfllictcd with nervous debility , loss of vitality nd manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also or rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and nany other diseases. Complete restoration to loalth , vigor and manhood guaranteed , No isk is Incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. Vrito them at onoo for Illustrated pamphlet roe. Muskrats destroy the levees and alligators cstroy the muskrats. _ _ _ _ _ _ A C A RD. To all n ho Me suBorlrtff from crrori nd Indigestions ot youth , nervous ncukncss and coiv , loss ol manhood , eta I wilt Bond A rccipo hat will euro von FHEK OP CIIAUOK. Thlss Rloat cmoJywia discovered by a mlsslonnr to South Virjorlm. Bond soK-addrcssod envelope Iliv. Jo- sru T. INMAN Station "D " New York Immcnsn swarms ot grasshoppers have np- eared in Panola county , Texas , on the Louis- ana border. In the Paris Sewers , s possible for a short time to the robust , at the majority of refined persons would refer immediate death to existences in tiolr recking atmnnphero. How much moro revolting to bo in ono'a self a living cwcr. But this is actually the CMO with thcso In whom the Inactivity of the vor drives the refuse matter of the ody to cscapo through the lungs , roath , the pores , kidney and bladder. t is astonishing that life remains in such dwelling. Dr. Piorco's "Golden Mod- cal Discovery" restores normal purity to ' 10 system and renews the whole being. The champion poach tree in the Delaware cglon , according _ to Iccal fame , is a tree eight r ten inches in diameter and hoary with ago. ast season It yielded eight crates of morcau- le fruit , besides a bushel and a half picked rom the ground. Hereford's ' Acid Phosphate. IN Mdllr SWEATS AND lUlOSTKATION. Dr. R. Stndhaltor , Sr. Louis , Ho. , ays : "I have used It in dysponsla , uer- ous prostration , and In night sweats , 1th very good results. " J. L. DoBEVGISE. No. 607 Broadway Council Bluff * . COUNCIL BLUFFS , The following ire the times oi the orrlTal nd do- Mturo o ! trains by central standard time , at the ooil depots. Trklns leave transfer depot ten mln- tea coillor and arrive ten minutes later. DEPART. ARIUVS , cmoJLoo and xoniuwuiuxa , 0:25 : A M Mall and Express 6:50'r : M 2:40 : r M Accommodation 4tO : r M 6:30 : r M Express 0:05 : A II CHICAGO AilD BOOK ISLAND. :25 : A M Mall and Expicsa 6:53 P M 26 A n Accommodation 0:15 : p M .30 r il Express 8:00 : A H amoiao. HILWACKII ADD ST. PAGI > . ZO'A M lla'l ' and Express 6:50 : P M :25 : r M Express 0.05 A M OnlCAQO , DUBLUIOrOS AND 4DIZOT. 0:50 : A H Mali and Express 7:10 : r it SO r M Accommodation 2:00 : O < ; 45 P M Expreua 8:50A : H ttABASB , RT. LOUIS AND PACIFIC. 3 : < 5 p H Local St. Loula Express Local 1:30 Transfer " " Transfer 8:20 : PM : p M ) ; 55 ! si Local Chlcigo & St Ii Exp Local 8:55 : A M TMOrn Transfer > Transfer 0:10 : AM IASSAS OIIT , ST. JOI AND OOOS01L JLDTTS. 0OH ; A > [ Mall and Express 8:40 : P M 8:15 : P M Express 6.25 A H ( aonx cm AKD FAtnnc. : ? 0 A H Mall for Sioux City 6:50 : P M :80 : r M Express for St Paul 8:50 : A M CMOS pAeiric. 1:00 : A H Denver Express 4:35 : p M 1:05 p M Lincoln Fats O'a < tR V 2:35 r n 7:55 : p M Overland Express 8:30 : A M DUMMY TRAI2.S TO OMAHA. Loove Council Blufls 7:16 : 8:20 : 9:30 : 10:30 : 1:40 : a. m. 1:30 : 2:30 : 8:80 : 4:28 : 6:26 6:26 : 1:45 : p. m. Leave Omaha 6:40 : 7:60 : tGO 10 11:15 : n , m. 12:50-2:00 : : 8CO-1CO : 4:65-6:56 : : 11:10 : D. m. THE RECEbTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD NO. 2 , lathe Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With only 39 boys to learn an operate. It prints 76 characters including caps and email letters , punctuations , figures , signs and fractions. It a the simplest nnd most rapid urlttng machine ninclo as well as the most durable for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Sermons & Benedict , Chicago , 111 , , Solo Agents. C. H. SIIOLES , Council Bluffs Agent for Western Iowa H. SOHUES. tort OVER AMKUOAS BXPRESS 'OTTWOTL ' RTJTTi'F.-a TO A SIMS , OOUNCII. DLUFia , IOWA. Office , Main Rtrcxt , Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart and Ucuo block. Will prartloo In Sutcand tate courte. ONLY HOTEL In Couno Bluffs hiIng a And all modern improveraenta , call bolla , fire alarm belle , oto. , is the CRESTON HOUSE Nos. 21D , 217 nnd 210 , Main Street. MAX MOHN. - PROPRIKTOR _ MANDEMAKERS & VAN , A.ROHITEOTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Unpor Broad way , Council Blnflis , or clbtr tnnori r i OT * < l wllhost Ui" knU or Drawing ol UM * . CHBONIC DISEASES" * " " " > Orer Iturty yian practical eipirl&au ftCot K * I , Pearl itroet , Ooondl Blalfc fit * . TII03. OmOEIt. W. H , M. 1'1'HBl Officer & Fusev. Gounoll Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Kxchang and Home Securities. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY DEWEY One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States To Select From. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELKQANT PASSF.NGES ELEVATOR DUFFY'S Pneumonia , .PURE . Wasting Diseases : WHISKEY Pottttcely Jtelteveil and Xatnrt . , , "iT4intir' ' asiiatetHnreitortngTitalpotftrt THIS WHISKEY SHOULD BE POUND ON THE SIDEBOARD OP EVERY PAMUjZ IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. * ENTIRELY FREE FROM FUSEL OIL. DO NOT ME DECEIVED. Many DrugEtsta nnd Grocers who do not hnvo Duiry X'nra malt TVUl Iccr In stock , attempt to palm off on customers , wlilskoy of Uiclrown bottling , nhld ] being ot an Inferior p-ado and ndultcrntod , pays Uicrn n larger profit. ASK FOR DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY , AND TAKE NO OTHER. SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUC ' TS ANn Send us your address and wo wlllmnll bookcontalnlnpval ; > iarJJo ' l sent to nny address In the United States ( East of the Iloi i. n..u u . - , AUk-nu-ijT. case , Exprtts charges jirrpadl on receipt of &DL.S28y or Sis Bottles scut for ) < 3.OC3 DUFFY MALT WHISSEY GO. , Baltimore.Mil , , U.J.Jl Selling Agents , Omaha , H. T. Clarke Drug Co. WmN SOLICITED TO INSUIIE IN OTHER COMPANIES , Remember These Bmoortant Facts CONCERNING insurance Company , OF NEW YOKK. 1. It Is the OLDEST active Life Insurance Company In thll country. 2. H Isthe LMtUKSTUfo Insurance Company by many mill Ions ot dollars In the world. 8. Its rates of premiumsnro LOWF.Uthim tlioso ol any ether company. 4. H has no " 6tockhcldors"tcclalm any part of Its profits. D. It odciH no SCHt.MKS under the name of Insurance for Bpcculatlon. by special cUssca upon the mittoitnncs of each otter. 0. Its present maUiblo CASH HESOCHOES exceed these ot any ether Llfo InsurancJ Company In tha It hoa received In cash from til source ? , from February. 1813 , to January , IBffi , 1270C02,6f-I.CC. It has returned to the people , In cash , ffom February , 1843 , to January , 1S85,82ie,091ll,00. Its cash Assets on the 1st ot January , 1885 , amount to moro than W. F. ALLEN , MERRILL & FEUGUSON , General Agent for Gen. Afrts. for Nobr.iska , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa Utah. and Minnesota. Oflics Cor.Farnnin and 13th St.0ver 1st Nat'l. Detroit , Michigan. Bank , Omahn , Neb M. F. IIOIIUEU , Special Agent for Iowa , Council Bluffs , Iowa HI. JP. Graining , Gliding , Taper Hanging and Frescoing , 110 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Good Agents Wanted TO Drs * Judd Sc Smitli's IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office and Factory , No BO , Fourth St. , Council fluffs , Iowa. T ; AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The only all night houeo in the city. Everything served in first class style and on ehor nntlco. Hot an J cold lunches always ready. "Will Discount all Prices. , B , A , BENEDICT , 3 Broadway , Council Bluffa , STOOKISBS AND FEEDEJIS. Hollera and cons of all ages furnlihei la any desired numbers ; ranchmen should correspond v > Ith U9 cfcrc purchasing cUcwlicrc. WINDOW & GRAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa. SMITH & TOLLER , ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . IOWA. AComplete Line of New Goods to Select From. W. P. A.YLESWORTH , HOUSE MOVER RAISER. Uiick Iniildlrjps of any kind raised or moved and Bntlefaction guaranteed , Frarno hcui moved on Little Giant trucks , the beat lu the world. * ti i At Jjo\VOICJ-Iit 1010 Mntb Street , Council UluQa KIEL BALE STABLES Keep Horn a end Mules constantly on Imnd which we vill tell In retail cr carload lots All Stock Warranted as Reoresenteil Wholesale aud retill detlcra In Grain and Holed Hay. I'rlcea rea sonable Satisfaction Guaranteed. _ Cor. 0 h Av , and 4th St. , Council Blutla ,