THE DAILY BEES-SATURDAY , MAY 23 , 1885 Kntert th ayM m from unknown cniiftc * * til nil HCftsotiH * Shatters the Xcm * . Impair * Digestion , and Kitfrrblnlho Musclei. 1 BRQM5 THE BEST TONIC QalcVtrandcomp1Hnl7cnroiti > InlnrlnKn < lClilllfl nndl'ovrrn. Forlntcrtnlllrnt PrirrHi I.ruj- hlltiur , I.ncK nf Kncriry , It han no oqnal. It nnricIiM and pnrtHni tlm l.lwxl. . rtlmutatm the ap- petltn. and etnmirthen * the mn clM and MTM. It data not Iniara the teotb. cause headache , or tiirjunco eon < tlpMlon nil otlitr Iron mfl/ffnM iln. . , J. UEiLr.T , the palriotlo and scholarly n , nf Arkaniian , ays ! "I havn unod Ilrown'n Iron ntltcm with the mat i t mtlftficflon for Malarin , find M pn-TontlTB of Uhllln and lllin dlmMot , unit will nlwaj-s kocp It on h ndMntwulr friend. " . , ( Jonulno lias nlmvn trade tntk And rrocrcu tea lines on wruntwr. TnUn nn otlirr. M iln nnlr bj ; JJIUt\VS : llr.\IIUAI. I'll. . HA1TIMOUKMI > . IiADrr.n' llA n IlooK-omfnl nnil attraetlro , oon- lAlninR list nf priZM for roelnnn. Infornntlnn noout cotnf , nto. , Klven Aw y liy all dralon In raealclneo ( innllcxl to nnj Addmiu nn receipt of So. m mp. OiiU-lt , Stiro CurcH. fST ; \ Kslnhllfihcil lV'il. ! I , , , . , . , . , , rS "Hond two Rlnmni for C = lehrAteil Jlcdioa Works. AO.Iro-n. * ' . 3) . OI.AKKU , W. 1) . ISO youth Clark Street , Cnic.uio , ILL. 13 OONDUCTED UZ Eoyal Havana Lottery I ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba Every 10 to 14 : Days. Tickets in FifthsWholes $5. Frac tions pro rata BnblocJ to no manipulation , col ooatrolled by II rartloaln Interest. It la the ftlroet ( hint In tl Mloio of chinooln exlstonoe. Bor tickets apply to 8UIPSE7& CO. , 1212 Brob w yN. Y. City : SOLINOEK & CO. , 103 South 4th S BL Louis , Mo , 01 U. OTTKN8 fc CO. 819 Main St EtnuaCltT. Mo. Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts. Capital Stock , - - - 815 ,00 Liability of Stockholder , 300,00 Five Per CentlnterestPaid oBBeposl LOANS MADE ON HEAL JBSTA2. JAUK3K.BOYD . „ ; " " ' W. A. PAXTON Vlc Presldo L. II. nENHKTT M n glnc Dlieol JOHNS. WILBUR Octhl OHAB. F.MANDEUSOtC , TH03.L. KIMBALJi 3. W OANNKTT. MAI MBYKU. 0GNKY PUNDT K L. BTONK. I For the Cure of ( ill diseases o Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , HOGS , POULTHY. Used Bucccssfully for 20 ycnrs byl'ar micrs , Stockbrccacrs , Horse U.H. , &c Unilorscd & nscill'tho U.S.Gorcnini'l T3-l'iinplilpls .tCImrls Bent frco.-ffi : " ' MEDICINE CO. HUMPHREYS' . , 109 rulton SL , Now Yorl Humphreys | Homeopathy J UBO 30 jrnani. The onlr eaocomful romoiljr f i Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , And l > ro < tri > tloa , fium over-work or oilier caunn 91 per vial. nrfiTlali and largo vial powder , for * HOLD UV IiiDl < ilBT8ur wnt pontnaiii oil receipt ) prloe. A4ldreMlliiniiliroyMf Iloiut iiiitlil DliHllcluuC'o ll'J VultoiiHt.uvYorJ AlfSorts of hurts and many sorts of ails c man and beast need a coolin lotion. . Mustang Liniment. German Insurant COMPANY. Freeport , - - Illinc f. OASfl CAPITAL , § 200,0 Tret 1' , GDND , Secretary. Policy holders please call ou or add Geib & Maas , Ageuta for Omaha , Kebroak 1605 FARNAM STUEE1 TRACK AND TRAIN. An ItlenstiDg Cclleclicn of Railroail News PrE-pareil - for "Bee" Readers , Genie ot the Now Improvements doIng - Ing On Sovornl Old Tlmo Ilnlt- rontlcrs Fromotc * ! 1'cr. son l Mention , Etc. A well known nnd qato ! prominent railroad man , took a ropottcr for the BEK by liia largo , left aide oar yesterday , and blow Into tt Bomothlng that sounded like "Union depot. Why don't you say that the railroads running In to Omaha ought to pool Isaacs long enough to balld a union depot ? " The idor&a acooptod as bolng worthy of origin In any colossal brain , and the reporter agreed to "write It up. " There la not the least glimmer of doubt , on earth , continnod this ono tlmo ear puller , that Omaha should have a union depot , and the railroads center ing here are perfectly able to build ono , and would probably if oomo ono of them had nerve onougli to commence agitating the schema. At it la now the depots are scattered all ovoi creation , and some of them stand in rather Inconvenient , out-of-tho-irnj places. Kansas City never boomed as II haa slnco the union depot was built there , As stated in the BEE yesterday , the Chicago cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omahr company ij compelled to erect a pas1 songor depot here right nway , and the Union Pacific la spending moro money in repair * on Its old edifice than the building Is worth. The Burlington & Missouri Ii cramped for room , likewise every othoi road running In here , therefore it wonlc scorn sensible if nil should club togothci and put up on the grounds a union depot , Omaha would hall such an Improvement with special delight. > * A walk among the Union Pacific shopi at this season of the year is an enthusi astically interesting pastimo. The force of men employed now , in shops and yards , number , eo a reporter for the BKI has been Informed , about fourteen him drod ; therefore it Is easy to understand that the amount of work performed dailj Is simply immonco. It bolng at tbo close , too , of a long , hard winter , during whlcl : a great deal of rolling stock Buffered mucl by reason of numerous cold weather acol dents , the shops and yards are full ol engines , cars , etc. , brought In anc stacked up to bo repaired. AH the over hauling and rebuilding of locomotives ii done here , and there are no lesi than olght or ton undergoing ropairi now. Among them Is an immensi old passenger engine , No. 410 , from thi Kansas Pacific branch. The carpcnto shop ia also thronged with cars , being refitted fitted throughout , and every otbor de partment has a fall force on , worklnpful hours. The shop offices have been re painted and fixed up In elegant shape. it- # ' Henry Loud , a workman In the Unloi Pacific carpenter shop , sustained a ver ; painful and disastrous injury yesterday When engaged at sawing a piece of tlm her , a splinter flow up and struck him Ii the eye with such force as to knock bin senseless. Ho was carried to his horn 9 and placed under the treatment of Dr Bryant , who is oculist for the company The doctor stated last evening that h didn't think it possible to save Mt Loud'ay oa. * * * Noah Roblaon , the dirty tramp , wh killed George T. Sean , alias Frank Wll liams , last Monday , was arraigned yestoi dsy morning for his preliminary trlt before a justice of the peace at Dakot City , and held without bail for trial a the next term of the dlttrlot court. Da vis , his accomplice , was discharged. * # # Col. Griffiths , assistant freight ogor of the U. P. , will return homo from Oh capo to-day. J , J. Dickey , superintendent of telegraph graph for the U. P. , lefc San Francisc last night on his return homo. Frank Reardon. late master mechanl for the U. P. at Pocotel , hos been a ( pointed general foreman of the shops a North Platto. Mr. Reardon Is wo known In Omaha , and has a great man friends hero who will bo glad to hear c his success. H. J. Allen , formerly train agent r this city for the Union Pacific , bat lal torly agent at Shoshonc , has been aj. pointed to the moro lucrative position c city ticket agent at Bute. * * * Jay Gould , by > jroxy , of coursa , wi in the United States circuit court hoi yesterday , the case being Gould , ot al v the Hastings & Grand Island , and S JoEoph & Western railroad companie The St. Joseph & Western filed a politic asking leave to withdraw the defense fo marly tot ap in answer to the bill ' complainant , iu order that the complali ant may have the relief ho prays fo fho leave to withdraw was grantei Plaintiff was also alvon leave to dlsml the aiilt as to the Farmers Loan & Tru company , and a decree was entered. Very I'oor Economy. Some people make a business of chei Ing themselves , either by eating ve mean and cheap food or else by call too small a quantity of good toed. Eltl way Is a bad policy as it would be too b a coffin instead of a suit of good cloth' ' just because the coffin would coat le Poor diet means Impoverished blood ; a that moans misery. Brown's Iron tors enriches the blood , gives It the Ii it needs and tones up the whole eysto Cures dyapepiia , Indigestion , woaknt niklarla , uto. EDUCATIONAL NOIE9 , Eight hundred thousand colored child werq taught in the Motbodltt schools I year , Hobert Green carried oil the honors in freshman declamatory contest at Coe colle Cedar KapiJa , Iowa , Harry Garfleld , ona of the eons of the 1 pretldent , haa engaged a position aa teac m St. Paul's echool , Concord , N. II. Yale college , founded in 1701 , now ninety instructors , between eleven and twe hundred students , and property valued $5,000.000. Prof. A. S. Hill , speaking of the tedf mediocrity which characterizes the coinpi tlons of college studentH , eats that one y < after reading two nr three hundred comix ticca on "The Story of the Tempest , ' IS found himself in such profound ignoranci both plot and character .that be had tor the play to set himself right ( gain. The ehina of the Training Squadron i the Naval War College at Newport are be inspected by Commodore W. 8. Schley , clef of the bureau of equipment , Te college ' eatablithed October ( ! last , on Coasters' I ] bor Island , with Actine lleur Admiral 8 , : ea I.ucs as iU president. The course of instr tlou , cpen to all clQcors of the navy ab tbo grade of naval cadet , embrace the big branches of professional study , and la ( sldcrtd a valuable adjunct to the service , The board , or faculty , have regular meeting ! once a month , at which nro diicuieed varioiu subjects of interest to the navy , and a com plete journal is kept. Tbo most practical slop that has jet been taken to moot the danger of "over-pressure" at Its most menacing point namely : In the case of pupll'teacheis is the movement late ly sot on foot for providing the London pupil , teachers in a systematic manner with outdoor sports , A mooting for the purpose ot forming an athletic association has been hold , to which eleven out of the twelve pupil-teacher "cen ters" sent delegates , nnd which WAS attended also by most of the hcad-maators of the schools , A cricket committee WA appointed , a series of matches between the dllforent cen ters was arranged , and the inevitable ' 'chal lenge cup" was duly forthcoming. The necessity of having children taught to swim cannot bo too strongly impressed upon the mlndo of mothers , There is sure to bo n tlmo when the knowledge wilj bo of important service. A child trny begin at six years of ago. 'Iho motions are very easily taught. A swimming school is , nf course , the most con- vcniont place in wine to learn. If , however , the child Is taught In still water with a rope fastened about tbo waist and secured to a pester or some object on terra firm ( there Is no danger , oven in deep water. A life preserver gives n feeling of security to the timid be ginner. There are few German , children who cannot swim. Prussian soldiers have tolearn , swimming ns a part of their military training. The moro nrdent advocates of universal "higher oducatlon"for women in the sense in which "higher education" is usually taken will hardly be pleased with a recant article In the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal , which draws ono jr two pointed morals from the physical weakness which too largely pre vails among "higher educated" women. While educators generally nro apt to Insist that the young women graduated fiom the colleges nro no ICBB healthy than those who have stayed nt home , yet close observation of the class which Dr. Ilolmcii , in his "New "Portfolio , " has nptly individualized in the "Terror , " will , in many cases , controvert their strcoping statements. As the Medical nnd Surgical says : If the girls of the high nnd normal echoola on their way to nnd from school , or if the freshman classes nt our female colleges , re cruited from the training schools in different parts of the country , nro attentively observed , the query forces itself upon the mind of the thoughtful as to whether our present civllizix tlon , which prides herself so much on nt tempt at intellectual developments , is not rosily ns barbaric as the social state of the flatheadcd Indians who attempt to increase their ' ' " the 'long-hoadodness" by tqueezlng nntero-postoricr diameters cf tlicii crania , Wo fear the educator , in his the orotlcnl zeal , haa overlooked the most important factor ol all the making of good citizens nnd good pa rents. Such n system of education may pro duce , in some instances , good results nnd glvo us future George KliotP , Maria Mitchels , Mnry Somorvilles , i'utuam-Dncobig , etc. , yel the records of the nervous wards nnd the list ! of the nervous prostrationlsts show that tin success of n few individuals has been bsughl for the public nt the ptico of many shatterec lives of successful imitators. Stiro 81 118 of Spring. Ash barrels , tin cans , lots of Cats ; Girls in poke hats , boys with lists ; Painters , soap-suds , froeh bock- Beer ; Bold assessors now np- Pear ; Tenants slylv take toWing Wing- Can it no it yes , it's Spring ! ! [ Las Vegas Optic. Summer 1'Icnsurcs. As the summer time advances ; From his ialr the picnic joke Of the ants and new spring pants is Got off on the country folk , While the city pnragrapher , Who more dignified would seem , Tries to pleasa the urban laughter , With n chestnut on Ice cream. [ Siftings , MUSICAL AN0 DRAMATIC. Charles Mapleson will remain in this conn try this summer. Rose Coghlan is in negotiation for Mod jeska's play , "Nadjezdn. " W. J. Florence has secured a now play ai adaptation from the French. Frank Aikon and Genevieve Rogers hav descended to dime theatricals. Theodore Thomas will eivo three concert in Cincinnati thU month ia lieu of the custo mary May festival. Rubinstein will write nn opera for nex year's festival at Leed * , England , nnd nil lead the performance in person. Miss Hattie Eddy , n promising I'hiladel phia soprano , haa Keno to Europe , where sh will complete her musical Eddy-cation. The law against the appearance of childrei of tender ago on the stage is being vigorous ! ; enforced. After the present season Lottn i to retire. [ Philadelphia Call. Frederick Paulding has been engaged t support Margaret Mather at the Unlo : Square theater next season , playing Home to Miss Mather'd Juliet. Lewis Morrisom and Marie Prescott wi ! play the loading roles in Maubury & Over ton' * play , ' The King of _ Iron , " which wil shortly bo produced in 'Fruco , Our popular American song bird , Mia Clara Loulso Kellogg , is at present under th management of Major Pond , nnd is givin , concerts in the interior of New York state. The Fanny Davenport "Fedora" coropan ; closer ) its season of thirty woekf * at Minneapo 11 ; , Minn. , Itst Saturday week. The profit on the season have been nearly 850OC ( Miss Davenport and.Mr. 1'rica go to Cahfnr nia , und the company returns to Now Yorl Next season Maurice Crau brings Madat Judio to America , She is to tnako n tour ex tending over eight months under his managi ment , giving 200 performances , for which th manager gives her $200,000 , Of this in menso cum she haa already been paid $23,001 Five now comic operas are announced f < production in Vienna In n short time "II Chaplain of the llegimont , " by Mlllocko "The Bell llingers , " by Suppe ; "Tho 1'osl master , " by Xellerj "The Bohemian Baron it by Strauss , and another as yet unnamed I Genee. Mme , Modjesika will open her season und the management of the Frohmana at tl Columbia , Oct. 29 , She will nppoir in tl latest Parisian succets , "Prince Xlllab. " Tl Frohmans manage tbo tour and pay Mm MoJjeskn n certain salary. The season w comprice thirtyfivo weeks , Lawrence Barrett line signed n contn 8 with Arthur B , Chase , who will assume t personal direction of Mr. Barrett's theatric id tours from July 1,1885 , until July 1887. wi a third year if mutually agreed upon , It w tm Mr. Chase who took up Millo. linen after h ta. failure with Harry Sargent , and made t a. one of tha leading stars m this country , ' DIstresBini ; Dentil of a Child. At a coroner's ' Inquest in Phllsdolpl recently over the body of a child t jury returned a verdict that ) death w cnnscd by the administration of a pate ist ea cough sjrup , containing morphia. I Sam'l K. Cox , of Washington , tUI he that not ono cough medicine In ton free from this objection. After carol aualysea and practical tests ho ondort ito lied Star Cough Core aa being pure vegetable , absolutely free from oplati poisons and narcotics. ITo regards it as a mott happy and valuable discovery , ve nt Myron Whitney and John Gilbert ha been engaged as casts for next season by I us Americau Society of Operatic Art , which p , " poses to give English opera. IIbe beef of ad Tnicn Biby was sick , wo gave herCastorla , Iff When aho was a Child , die cried for Castorla , When she became Miss , she clnng to Costorla , B , HHiou ilio had Children , oho giro tUom Cast orb 10- ive lern > n THE HOME EUN , The Otnalin Excursionlsta Tack About , Tired nntl Travel-Sated , Special Correspondence of The BEE , Surfeited with vaiied econlc wonders In woodland , vale and waterways , the Omahn excursionists tinned their fnccs eastward , tited nd travel-sated , TACOMA Is par excellence , a finely built , clcnn , showy and well arranged city of C,500 inhabitants. It has nmplo , completed preparations ( or thrco times that number , nnd them lies before It n future that no man can now calculate or determine. To the thoughtless observer it seems that to much expenditure of largo sums of acnty was a waste or lack of judgment , but the nrured eirly completion of the Cana dian Pacific railroad will Hood that rich em * piro West of the Cascade ronpo with thrifty people , and the cast will then bo compelled to look to Its laurels , That day is not distant , either. _ Between Tacomn nnd Scuttle , both well situated , well surrounded , equally worthy , and with common futures of prosperity , n childish , unworthy rivalry exists ; etch jeal ous , foolishly jenlouc , of the other's certain early success. Kach trying to secure the ter minus of the Northern Pacific railroad , and each most foolishly slurring the other by nau seating gossip and nbueo. A careful glance ever the several papers published lost Satur day and Sunday In the respective towns re vealed this fact to an extent thnt was abso lutely _ disagreeable to the people who were traveling through that country. No favors wera asked of either of these cities , and yet the pastago of n party of private gentlemen was seized by the schoolboy journalists of the tectlon , for a most disagreeable outbreak and dispute as to the "sido-tracking" of ono town by those gentlemen at the expense of the wounded vanity of tlia other. The fact is , these gentlemen passed through Tacomn be cause they chose to , paid their bills because' It was right ; passed by Seattle bo- causa they chose to , and returned via Tacoma because they saw fit. If ono were to have an opinion of the people of those two beautiiul nnd thrifty towns , based upon the style nnd character of their newspapers , the vast numbers who visit them would leave , not with the admiration and respect they In variably do now. But It is a matter of con gratulation that these thrifty , prosperous , nnd enterprising peoples , who nro pushing that lovely section to full settlement and prosper ity , are not to bo judged by or hold responsi ble for the ncts.aud say ings of silly notvspnper scriblers. The ride from Tacoma was made on short time , through as lovely a country as suoligtit ever shown upon , nnd at 6 o'clock ou Satur day afternoon once moro the Omahn people wore welcomed nt Portland , "Your Omaha business men's trip to Port land has boon worth n million dollars to your tectlon nnd the Union Pacific railway , sir , " said Capt. George D. White , chief business manager of the immense importing firm of Murphy , Grant & Co. , of Portland. And then this far-seeing gentleman , with others standing around , told how and why , nnd pre dicted n speedy opening of trade between these cities that would revolutionize the pres ent plans nnd modes , OMAHA AND PORTLAND ara naturally commercial friends. Omahn offers all tbo staple articles which Portland needs nnd has not. Omaha's smelter finds ore in Oregon , Washington nnd Idaho ; her dis tillery cnn be supplied with rye , her breweries with hops and barley , her cuatomern ( Ne braska nnd Missouri valley farmers ) with sheep , hcrsas , mules nnd cittle of highnnd low grndo , her markets with vegetables and finest fruits and other articles known to n great inter-stato commercs , and within sixty days , now that the frt-ignt question has been I put upon a basis of liberal adjustment. The Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line railroad companies will offer the shortest , cheapest , quickest and surest line of transportation upon the continent , Tbo BKE , it ia known , is not given to man- worehip , nor is it accustomed to praise corpo rations undeservedly , but justice demands moro than a passing notice ot the good work done on this trip by - MK3SB3. 31OK3E AND HHKLr.Y , general passenger and freight agents of the road. The former gentleman , witti nn ordoi nnd discipline resultant from a careful study and thorough knowledge ol bis profession , has not only prepared for but regulated the large increase of travel over these great routes , and all without n jar 01 misconnection ; the latter , the silent , pains taking official , has remained for several dayc In Portland , mot and talked business to Iti heavy shippers , importers and merchants , and secured a thorough and satisfactory basis ol freight rates , which will redound to his credit and the company's nnd merchants' ' interests. In his "rates talk" before the chamber ol commerce , or board of trade , Mr. Shelby showed himself the thoughtful , intelligent , far-seeing man of business , and he and Mr , Morse left the Pacific coast and moro eastern territories bearing the approval of their busi ness men and good news for their companies , What n field for progre sive trade and pros , polity this consummation opens up ! Among the many lines of industry exclu. sivo to the section just visited , nonn is greatei than SALMON FISHING. Uapt. White , before spoken of , gave the BEE representative substantial figures about this. Ho is part proprietor in the great M'LXOD FISHING cosirANY , at Celilo , on the Columbia riynr , near the rail road , and ICO miles east of Portland , Here the "catch" Is always large , often two tone per day. Those lieh are canned generally tor export , but a great quantity is shipped an caught to different inland point ? . Ono of Omaha's largo hotels andsoveral of her dealers are supplied from the "traps , " ns they are called. It may interest your readers to know ; hat salmon nra token by an immense revolv ing wheel placed in a narrow race along the river , and supplied with brackets which lifl the cupturod fish and dump them into n re ceptacle near by ; thence they nro prepared foi shipment , When caught nt a distance froit the canning place , n string is passed undei the gills of a largo number , then made fast tc an empty barrel , which is set afloat upon tin tlver and carried by the rapid current dowr stream. When these bobbing barrels oppea : off the factory , men paddle light boats ou among them nnd turn them nthoro , thai gather the "golden meat" and start it on th journey to the interior or the far-away easier ; countries , In this connection , also , it will be interest Ing to know that some of tbo Omahaltea c this paity have formed a company to construe and operate a SALMON CANNEBV ' nt Salmon Falls , on Snake river , below Shi shone Falls. Hero , upon a largo scale , th business will at an early day b ? carried ni The full como up there fa great numbci often , it ts said , in bodies many feet In thicl nets and can be taken by the ton each da during tbo season. When one considers tl low freight rates just agreed upon , the in menso quantities of fish to bo secured , and tt fact that the salmon TRANSl'OKT TJIEMSKLVEH COO miles eastward by swimming up the rive some idea can ba formed of to _ enormoi builncss that will follow upon this assure undertaking , The cost of capture and piepi ration is light , the fiih sell readily for tlm and three nnd n half cents par pound , and , i an old fieharman told the BKK correiponden "each year proves that thev thrive nn chicken under man's restless efforts to catc them all. " At half-past 1 o'clock Monday the excu slonists bade farewell to the hospitable , pusl ing people of Portland , and boarded the grei ferryboat that transports men and freight I the eastern shore of the Willamette rive which courses thence 200 miles through valley unsurpassed in beauty , thrift and fci tility , till it empties finally into the Columbi near the ocean , PORTLAND , It n impracticable now to tell the readi wha-i a splendid city Portland Is , Its ma live public building ; ita wide , well to ] streets ; Ita tlulft , trade nnd commerce and water ; It * elegant private properties at reildencoj , sitting , generally , in Bhrubbei that "Shenstono inl ht envy , " and bathed I the reflected bluahos of oceans of flowers tb bend and bow to the paster-by ou every sid Portland Is a lovely city , worthy of all th has been said of her. Conscious of brr mei 1 and the worth of her pwple , * ho sits the dignified and orderly , active , wearing wl calm eerenity a crown of prosperous pow ( And ornamented with a wreath of lAi'rel am of roses which fitly grace the quern of n notth western empire , Again seated in the sleepers , the moil o Omaha sped homeward , along the bcnnt.'fu touto told of when fitit passed over. Agaii they stop to ndmlro the fairy Multnomni Falls ; again they gaze on Columbia's cascade ! and tbo green hills along that rushlna river , until the dim white peaks of the Cascade Range fade from view , ns night gently places her sable mantle about the form of earth nnd bids the travelers take rest , D , 0. II , The first ledge of the kntehta of honor was organized in Louisville In 1872. free front Ujitiitca'mrftcvt nntl 1'olsoii.i. A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE for Coujli" , Here Tliront , IlonmrntM , Influenza , Cold * . Ilronehllln , C'ronp , Whonplnit Cough , Afthmn , Qulnnv , I'nlnt In Cbfnt , nJoth r arVctloni of Ilia Throat n l lunr . Price 5O cents n tiottlp. Sold by Drneclits nnd Deal ers. J'arttfi unable to Induce thttrattiltr to iirnmplly ptt Ufor them irtll reef Ire tiett lotae Ktfrets charge * paid , by finding onetlotlar la . . . . . , Sole Uwtieri an I MAnurnctnrrrn , U llliui > rr , il > rtamtr.B.jL. 017 St. Chnrlcs St. , St. LOIIH , Hie * . .i TcRQlar graduate of two. MedlsM CcVlf nt , bn\ lit pa l9rt-4 4C2&fteil In thnapeclaltreitttaeacof CfluovH' , IKTOVI , UvK flol ItLocD DiRitiKitliAB mnr rtlhef l-fy lfnn fn ot. MC'J u t\ij \ f fcpcri ihew itml all ull reiMents Lbow. Nervous Hrosiratlon , Dcblllljr , Menlrl " ' ' Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otn r r. ' . . ( ions ol Throat , Skin or Rones , Blood Pohs x-u , old Sores and Ulcers. o trut < 4 viih Borim" . . - lueeuion l > tcit irlcDtiac rrlnclnlti. e.vir , : * rlv ttl Dlscnsou Ailslmj from tnrilscrcllon , Exct , Exposure or Indulgence , which troJnes rcm > or tbj ollowlnt efftctil _ _ _ . nctiou _ _ . aeis . _ , . _ iJclllilr . . , < llmnei oftU'J _ ted liefectlrr ranncrjflmplei oa tto fjj , pcjitcsl acc j , rrilf > ntothc iocl l7 of foreftl iccnluai , B orlJcaa.ctA. rcndcrlncr MnrrlfiitB improper or unhappy " ptrirnV.Vtlyourcil l' mpVier < i * 'figt7)on ) tie abote' - . I ticaled envelope , frrn to OT 'MrPi. . Coosuiutlon < t J L'i orbjtoaUrrc < ! , ani > lnTlte < l. Wtlto furqueiUoo. A Positive Written Guarantee ttlpca la all car&blaeRAes , Modleloestcnt ercryvbere. I'nraph'.cti , SnjllsU or Herman , 04 purer , df- Jcrlblnc above diseases , la inalo or fomal * , Fll'Ef. G5JGDE5 iV ) pnges. doe pl ' * . U'titrat ) I ta rlclh anl ( III bt&L'&t frJc , money r ra < ; ' tfcoie , l > pw tufcrs , 2M. TIiU ti4ic tict&l l all tbo urloni , daubtrul cr liQUUlU a ? < uit 11 l. ov. i t ot > oreat Int rul to 6'J. ElUtft 3ur i v ioJ 6yi" ' - James lldioal Institute Chartered by thcStateof 1111- inois for the express purpose of glvinglmmcdiatc relielln nil chronic , urinary and prl- ; vato diseases. Gonorrhoea , GlectnndSyplnlls in nil their complicated forms , also nil diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly rclievedand pcrmanentlycured by reme- dics > testedlna2 < "ur/lVifa { , Spectull'ractlcc. Seminal m < Weakness , NiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Ihc FaceLost Manhood , ; ( ) { ( it't'l/enroll.37 > ro l.iiocJt-iKrlincntln < i. The appropriate remedy is at ones used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to indicate contents or sender. Address DR. JAMES.No. 204Washinglon St.Chicagolll. ruriry , lc EL , -itu tic ! LIVEfl . " . .I KIDNEYS. und VIGOR of TTQUTH ! , * , iypslu U'jnmr Ain-tlte | | dlicostliiii , I.aci < il - - nc -iiK cured , Ho.ips. muscles ani ITVCS rcsclTO niiwtorcr. Kr.ll\cn3 thu mind IILJ RHijlc3 | | liraln 1'owcii Hnllorlnmroiu complaint' ym JT a iax 11 cm * * ' iteuuliortu tlielrecx "Wil pad In DB. -JjrEll'O IRON TOOTO i fnf an.i ccdy cure iilvcaaclcar , liuallhy complculoi JTreiinont ittcmptsnt f"rTf"liiK ! only atf ' Uo ootetiie nit - : it KOtlllutHlIOINAI. tM > llhST , HendyourwMri hjtoThB Dr. ] lRrtt-rM * i.Oa V ; 4UIoa ! . Mo. , for tint "DKEAM , BOOK "ftl j F3NE LSHH OF THE ONLY KXOIiUfalVEi IN OMAHA. ' NEB , thrives on Uorllck'i Food , " -writo hUEdrodn ol iTJttful mDthcrt. Motbcr'a milk contains ijo vurch. An artificial Jood for Infauti should jont-Ju no etarcu. The bent unil weal nutritious - " " " * a food In health nr KlcknrxH toe INt'ANTH.and the lx" t diet for _ _ . . . tlrtuV. fScnd"7orITook"ou tUB'Trcltnicut ' of L'Ulldfen.'frtc ; "Failli dlceilnl and nufltloui. " O.lf. Bni < VD..lHl3 > tt > > , NJ. B-H-R " riod U all tbat could fce dulrii , " " * ' * " * " - i . ? "eV ' ' ? " ' " 'clnl"'l ! ' Iir 5J ' ? C'0 , thief extant. ' A 0 < te&urt , , V. / > . . Trov , > V , AT' he ent hr m ll nn receipt of price 1 IIOItMOK'S l'Oll ) CO. , Kiirlne , ' . . . ? KiTliOT 01 1UI.T-U GANGER GURED I have had c Dccr on ray luce lor years. I bat rled a creat many remedies , but without relief , * lmoBt gnu up hope of ever Lolne cured. Di. Han nan , my son , recomtrended bwllt's Bjiedflo , which have tatcn with Kreat rtSJlt ? . llyUceJj nowHcl and It Is impoeelhlo for me ta cxprces mr thaaki I voidt lor what thli luodlduo ht > done for me. Una , Ol.HK IlABUJiAX. Monroe , Oa. , Sept. 2 , 1881. S Kt's Specific lias euro J a cinccr on my face , an has almost nado a new man of m . T. J. TEiin , Wacista , Ha. I have had a cancer In my right car for three year I tilud every remedy the phytlclana practiced , to i permanent good. H Ill's HpcciOo las wrpujht wet den toruio. U U the list tlord purlflcr In tl woild. JOHNS MoiiROW , ilonnts , Ala , Swift's Bpotinoll entirely vcicUtU , andiecmsl euro onccrj by thronlni' out tliolinpuillloilromH Hood. Trcatliscn Blood and SUa Dlseascra mailed fret. TuKSwitrBfitim.Co ! , Dr wcr8 , Atlaota Oa. , i W W. 85d bt. , N. Y. Real Estate SOUER 213 STREET , I * > BET. FAENAMAND DOUGLAS.I Have a large list of inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the city. We have business property on Capitol Avouuc , Dodge , Douglas , Fat-nan ? , Hamey , Howard , Jth , 10th , 13th imd 10th sreets. We hnve fine residence property on Fnrnnm , Douglas , Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , Cnliforain streets , Sher man , St . 'Marys nnd Park Avenues , in facfc on nil the- heat residence streets. Wo have property in'tho ' following ad ditions. Elawthorne , McCormick's , MiUard& Caldwell's Kountz § c Rutli s , Lakes , Impr'nt Association Blizabetli Place Wilcos , B.V. Smith's , Burr Oak , Isaac & Seldon's ? Patrick's ? Maiiscoin's Parker's , West Omaha , Grand View , f t 9 jrise s , Credit Foncier , STelson s , Kountz' First Armstrong's ; Koimtz' Second , . Kountz' Third , Lowe's , , Ilountz' Fourth , , E irkwood , Syndicate Mill , College Placer Plainview , Park Place , . HiU Side , Walnut HilL Tukev aSc Mevsorsv West End , Tliornburg , Clark Place , Capitol , Mvers & Micliards , deed's First , Bovcls , And ail the other Additions to the City. i \ yndicate Hill Adjoins the stockyards property in South Omaha These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo cated and will make convening cheap , and de sirable homes for the employes of the stock yards and packing honses. Tukey & Keysors Sub-division , Located in West Omaha , two blocks south r > Leavenworth street , . fine location aid the cheapest lots in OmahaJ125 for inside lots and $150 tor corners ; terms § 10 down , balance 85 per month ; dent fail to see these i you want a bargain. Kirkwood. We have a few lots left in Eirkwood addition , which we oiler at low I.rices , terms $25 dowubalnnce $10 per mouth. These lots are on high level gtound and are desirable. Hawthorne. This addition is mere centrally located than any other now addition near the best Schools in the city. All the streets are being put to grade the grades have oeen established by the city council , and is very desira ble residence property , only 15 blocks from Post oflico , prices lower than adjoinhie odditions for a home or investment. These lots cannot bo beaten. Let on Davenport with fine Foil SALE Lot 28th and Fnrnam street , , COO , good property , S1 , < X)0 ) , 1'on SALE Full lot 2Ut nnd Claik atreet , 6 Foil HALK-i ncro on California , ea t of room hauso , § 2,300 , Sacred Heart : house , barn , an-1 ciilorn , cheap Foil SALE Beautiful aero lot in Giuo'a add , only SI.COS , . I'oit HALE I ots In Hnnscoin place each , 51,200. . ? 500. Foil SAi.K-i lot on Chicago atreet between 500.Fon 100 tout front Ifithatroot.with . Fen SAIK on 13th and 14th , , . $2,500. Broftll lioiiao just south of Ilartmon School , on. UKAUTUTL . lota corner ITernam nnd SOtli ly 81,700. street cheap. Ken HALE Full lot and D room housoeomor Fen SALE-Lots InWnlnut hill , 3200. llth and Caatellar , S2'100. FOB SAiE-S lot withtt rociu house 2Ut Foil BALK Lot and 2 houses 18th nnd Nich street easy payments , 92,000 , olas SS.tOO. TFc will jurnisli conveyance free to any part of the city to show property to our friends and customers , and cheerfully yive informn * tion rcyardiny Onmha Property. Those who have hart/ainn to offer or wish property at a fatryain , are invited to see us. Bedford < fe Souer , Real Estate Agents 213 S. 14th St. , bet. Farnam & Douglas