V H M 6 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS-THURSDAY MAY 21,1885 THE DAILY BEE. TN'fOT. WL1TFW& Thursday Morning , May 21 HUlKJCRlFTION KATKS. Pr" n1ri - - - - - - - 20 rente ] > ! week 11 It II - - - - 110.00 per rM MINOR MENTION , Bricks for Halo In largo or small lots by J. A. Weaver , 815 Seventh nvonuo. The procaodiogs cf the oily council last evening will ba found on another page. The funeral of Mr. Ohnrlcs Houck was held yesterday , under the auspices of the masons. The congregational folka have n social this evening at the residence of Mr. Phillips , on Bluff street. Miss Olmrlotto Thompion appeared at the opera house last evening In her now play , "Phllis Donhor. " For low pticos In boots and shoos call at II. I. Sidles' , 102 Main street. The now boot and shoo store. Fifteen more Injunction cases are said to ho on the paint of being started , and the papers will probably bo served this week. Halter , in order to close ont his pres ent stock of tailoring goods , is putting prices at 25 to 35 per cent below cost. No. 810 Broadway. To Clothing Dealers Wo are now prepared - pared to furnish Rubber Clothing in any quantity wanted. Z. T. Llndsoy & Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' ' J. G. Clark , the follow arrested on suspicion of being a burglar , and having in his possession a brace , bit and piano , is now Ivln ? in the county jail as a vagrant. The now clerk made another formal demand on the old city clerk , yesterday lj morning , to turn over the office , books , ' and papers , but the old clerk refused , and hold on. Wood Is so scarce for fuel at the fair grounds that , It Is reported , those who remain there with the horses are tearing down fences , etc. , to build fires to do their cooking , otc. Tom Horan , Tom Bonstoad , Stephens , Muring , Andrew Thomp son , John Mclaughlin and John Hoaon were fined yesterday for being practically autl-prohlbltionlsts. Thomas H. Paste , who has already been to the asylum at Mount Pleasant twice , Is again being examined by the board with n vlorr of sending him back , his head soomlncr to trouble him again. Throe carloads of horses arrived yes terday for the running meeting , making over flfty horses now at the track , and there is every assurance that when all are hero there will be over a hundred , the finest gathering of running horses over seen In this part of the country. The district court was to hive met hero this morning , but in accordance with a telegram from Judge Loofbonrow , who Is at Dos Molnos , the court will bo ad journed until Friday morning , and the jury will bo excused until next Monday , as there Is some doubt as to whether the judge will bo hero before that day , the judicial contest now occupying his atten tion , and it being uncertain when it will end. Little Fannie Gido , aged abont thir teen , died yesterday after an illness of nearly two months. Her case was a pe culiarly cad ono , the illness seeming to have been caused by jumping rope , she having gone beyond her strength in jumping the ropoovor twohundsed times without stopping to rest. The violent and continued exorcise seems to have af fected her stomach , and at last ulceration resulted , and finally death. There have boon many surjiltes abont the old well fonnd on Pearl street , The BEE learns from an old resident that the well was In use when the Bloom & Nixon hall WRS built , and tint afterwards it was covered , and a force pump sot In the sidewalk for public accommodation , the pipe loading to the well in the street , but after n while the pump was locked , so that it could not bo mod , and soon aftar was removed altogether , being con sidered a nuisance. The well was left covered over. This was In 1873. T. K. Stitolor , of Dos Molnos , the travelling pissongor agent of tha North ern Paclfis railway , was ono of the callers at the BEE oflica yesterday , and kindly the oflico with copies of two now \ publications , isiued in the In- tereat of the road , but con taining much Interesting reading matter. in regard ta the scenery and attractions of the far west , and needed information in regard to all matters concerning which any ono intending to take atrip would bo glad to learn. Ono Is entitled "Tho Wonderland Route , " and the other "Alice's Adventures in the Now Wonder land , " and both are very attractive pub lications , which may bo had by anyone requesting Mr. Statolcr to do so. Substantial abstracts nf titles and real estate loans , J. W. & E. L Squire , 10 Pearl street. Halu < il Honda. The csnnly bourd mot again yesterday morning and completed the sale of the bonis offered for sale to the highoat bid der. Woodbury & Monlton , of Portland , Maine , were the purchasers , their propo sition being to take the $30,000 j il honJs drawing five per cent interestat a pmnluin of $200 , thesa bonds b ing payable as folio we : $13,000 in tic ytats ; JO,000 , , id seven ; alike amount in eight , In n'r ' jnd the h t $0,0011 in premium uf § 221 * , draw- g duo In be PLASH IN THE PAN. The City Council Cnretnlly Avolrts Quorum. There were a number of intcreatcd ipoclators walling at the city building at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon for the promised mooting of the city council , which body had adjourned until that limo. Among the waiters were the members of the county board , and the county attorney , who doslrnd the council to take some Immediate action In regard to having a sewer laid on Fifth avenue , so that the now court hons3 and jail might bo provided for In this respect , the board not wanting to go ahead with the buildings until this should ba settled. Among the other anxious waiters was the old city clerk , Mr. Troutmsn , who was In his chair and accustomed plica , whllotho now clerk , Mr. Da rymplo , hold down a chair insldo the railing and buslol himself quietly reading nn old volume of the city ordinances , A mlnuto or two before 4 o'clock Alderman Myns- tor peeped into the building and de parted. About ton minutes later Aldor- manGolso put In an appearance and took his scat , patiently waiting , while the outsiders present put in their tlmo chatting and wondering whether the ab sent mayor and other aldermen were afraid to como together and hive another clatter. At half-past 4 o'clock Supervisors Rishton , Jones , and Ttutn put out so as to catch the train for homo , leaving Supervisors Klrkwood and Graham to wait tor and work with the counc'l. ' The clerk received n telephone message from the mayor about that tlmo , stating that ho had missed the dummy and could not got over from Omaha , and that the council had better bo adjourned until 7 p. m. On learning this , the waiting crowd dispersed and all business wont over to the evening session. Another attempt was made last even- log to SEcnro a quoroum of the council. The mayor and tire domocratlo alderman were present , but the republican mem bers did not put in an npperance. The council Is to moot again at 4 this afternoon. To the Public. My wife , Mary Gordes , having Itft my board and bed without canso or provoca tion , I hereby notify the public that I will not bo responsible for any bills con tracted by her. HENRY GEBDES. Con < ciL BLUFFS , la. , May 10,1885. THE PAEPY OBT , Those Who Kalso it Have Not the RlKht Sort of n Record. In the unpleasantness which Is now troubling the city council and oflislals , the cry has been raised that there being a republican majority In the council , an attempt is being made to use this power for party purposes. The BEE has never been pirttain in local matters , and regrets that the present attempt of some Is made to drag in party matters , but if this issue Is to bo the war-cry , the facts should bo understood fairly. The present council has had the choosing of four officers , and , although there are four republican mem bers and two democratic , an equal di vision has been made , two officers of the democratic persuasion being chosen , and two republicans , the newly elected chief of the fire department being a democrat , and also the city physician. The city clerk and the poll-tax collectors are re publicans. J JSnch Is the division of the honors by the council , although having a republl- can majority. Last year there was a democratic majority , and there was not a single republican who was given anything , and ono of the last acts of the old council was to put into democratic hands the work of compiling and printing the or- dlnancas , although the work Is necessari ly ono which falls under the supervision of the new council , and must bo settled for by the now council. It does not como with good grace for anybody to thus try to make a party fight In these matters , but It comes with pecu liarly bad grace ftom the democratic members of the council , who were aho members of the old council with such n record , and they ought to drop this part of their squeal as being inconsistent and too biby like. PERSONAL. | Dr. Pouhon has roturnSl from California , and will remain hero for a few weeks. Fremont Bonjnmln , the Avoca attorney , was in the city yesterday , accompanied by bia wife. J. S. Goshoru , the adjuster for the Cedar Itaplds insurance company , was In the city yesterday. Mrs. E. A. Troutman and children have gone to 1'eorln , 111. , ( o visit her friend , Mrs. S , IFaskina , Constable Jack Wlu'ta u reported as very ill with pneumonia , and yesterday his condi tion WUB very alarming , I } . . \ [ . Hayes , who hyoa en Hifh School avenue , is now tbo father of a bright , now boy , who arrived yesterday , Frank S , 1'usoy left yesterday over the Wnbaah for St. Louis to meet hia family , who are en route home from Texas. Mrs , M. II , Tlnlpy aud oldest sou expect to start for California on Monday next on account of Mrs , Tinley's poor health. The many friends of Bob HuntiDRton now have a chance ta congratulate him in earnest , he having jtlst captured for his bride ono of Davenport's favorite daughters , Otis Lfaynea and hit son , 11 , A. Ilnynes , have returned from a month'd visit In Ne braska , Mr , Otia Hay nea being now connected with the western mutual benevolent associa tion. William MaxQcld , of Norwalk township , has been presented by hia wife with a twelve- pound boy. Mr. and Mra. Muxfielcl are ac cumulating much rich treaeuro for their old ago , having now twelve children living. Mra. R. V. . Adolf left last evening for Ken neth , Has , , to join her son Charles , who is getting hia utock farm well underway. Her other sou , Joliu W. Adolf , accompanied her to Omaha and caw her eately started on her journey , and then returned to remain here. Trio Atuoasment. Tie aestsiors have completed ( heir books and turned thorn ever to tbo board of equalization. The total aatcajod val " uation of the city , as It appears from 0 bookf , la $4,002.840 , and the total valuation as ahown for 1881 wai 30 , the lucrcaie over Its1 year thus being $130,000. This does not seem to bo much of an Increase , considering the building Improvements made hero nnd the rlso In the valno of property , but from the assessor ! It _ ls learned that some of the outside , unim proved property has boon reduced n little , the former assessment * on this class of propetty being doomed too high. It Is also thought that the assessed valuation Is not. on an average , more than 25 per cent of the real cash valuation , and if this Is trno the total cash valuation of the property In the city is over $10,000,000. In vlow of the city's needs the board will probably make a general raise , and bring the amount up to eonionhoio near what should bo. llottlccl LJccr , The elegant delivery wagon of Ed Manror'tf extensive bottling worfes of Omaha , was visible on the streets hero ycstoriay. Mr. R. 0. Lange , who Is manager of the now establishment , was showing up some of their excellent Tony Faust's bottled boor which in quality aud purity excels any beer made in the United States , and Is equal to any Im ported beer. It la made ont of the finest Canada barley and imported Ilarver hops ; not being steamed , It la the _ finest boor ever put up In bottles , It is for sale for medicinal purposes at all the favorite resorts. Dr. Cross Not Dying , The report that Dr. Cross Is lublo to die , If kept In confinement at Glonwood a month longer , seems to bo without any foundation in fact. Ho Is naturally a llttlo bleached nnd some thinner , but his frlcnda declare they have no fear of his dying , and as they have no alarm there Is doubtless no occasion for others to feel auy. Horsford's ' Aoid Phosphate. IN NIOHr SWEATS AND 1'KOSTRATION. .Dr. R. Studhalter , St. Louis , Mo. , says : "I have used It in dyspepsia , ner vous prostration , and in night sweats , with very good resulto. " GrAiuI Army of the Republic. The Lincoln post , attention 1 All members bors are requested to moot at the Grand Army of the Republic hall on Sunday , the 24th , at 7 o'clock p. m , sharp. JOHN LINDT , P. 0. JOSEPH OiiOMcn , Adjt. Proceedings of the city council yester day will be found on another page. A. slight cold , if neglected , often attacks the lungs , BnowN's BRONCHIAL TROCHES give sure and immediate relief. SOLD ONLT N BOXES. Price 23 eta. OOBlMKllOIAli , COON'OIL BLC1TS MABKZT , Wheat No. 1 milling , 70i Nc. 2 , C5 No. S , GO , Corn Now , 28c. Data For local purposes , 30a. Hey S 00 per ton ; baled , 60. Kye OOo. Corn Meal SI.50 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prlcea at yards , 6.00 ® 6 60. 60.Coal Coal Delivered , bard , 0.50 per ton ; soil 4,00 per ton Lard Armour's , wholesaling at 74 i. Flour City flour , 1.50@2.90 , Brooma 1.75@8.00 per doz , UVB STOCK. Cattle Butcher cowa ? .35@P.7S. Bntohor steora , 8.75@4,00. Sheep 3.00@3. GO. Hoga-3.60@3.75. PEODUOB AND JUDITH. Egga-OJc. Butter Receipts are increasing ; choice croamory,22@24o ; choice country , tlCc ; good 12i l-lc ; poor to fair , G@10c. Roll butter should be wrapped in bleached butter cloth and closely packed. Poultry Demand strong supply light ; live spring chickens , good size , $6.00 per doz.live old chickens , light and medium weight , $3.50@3.75perdoz. ; live old chickens , heavy weight , 51 00 ; live turkeys , 10@llc per Ib. At present the weather la too uncertain to ship dressed poultry ; however high prlcoa can be obtained for choice stock arriving in good condition. Game Demand ia only for fresh killed ducks ; mallards2,00 ; mixed,51.59 ; teal , 1.00. Onions None in market ; choice stock would likely bring $1,76 ; sprouted and poor , S1.03@1.25 ; Beans- Clean stock in gooddemandat $1.25 @ 1.35 for medtuma/and $1,50 for navies ; dirty slock IB dull at $1.00. Potatoes The freight war has given us choic Wisconaina and Mlnneaotaa at G5@70c. Good natives are going at 60c in bulk ; email lots of Backed , G5c. TII03. OmCKH. W. H. M. FUSE ? AMUSEMENTS. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. Dili A\o. and I'earl Street , ( Formerly Martin's Ulnk. ) PALJinn & SANDKII , Prop'ra & Managers. Engagement Extraordinary ! Two Weeks Only , commencing Monday evenIng - Ing , May 18 , of the Eminent Young Actor , Mil. Emvix liAltBOun , supported by his Superb Dramatic Company , in ono ot the following choice repertoire of standard plays : lilack Dlkmnndft ! Iron Will ! ( as played in Now York over n 1,000 times under the name of Hazel Kirko. ) Oun BOYS 1 JOSHUA WIUTCO.MB ! KATHLEEN MAVOUHNEEN ! &c , , & . InOur Gurlo Hall : ZUMA , the wonderful living half-lady. PROF. STJ2UDKLL , > and his wonderful Thaumascopo. PROF. E. M. DUNTON , the Illusionist. MADAME DEVERE , ttio bearded lady. A Hesirt for Ladles. A Resort for Children. 1'atroiilzed by tha elite , nothing succeeds like suc cess. Museum open 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 | > m. Thoitro performance e\cry Uxunlnj ; andSiturday Jlatineo , Ladies can sifofy ilalt thli popular place of amuse ment without an o.cort as thu imnagcinent : person si guarantee that nothlcg will bo done o ofaud the moat fastidious. Officer & , Pusev. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange and llome Securities , THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TVPE WRITER NO. 2 , la ( he Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in ( fie World. With only S3 koj B to learn an operate. U prints 70 charactvrt Including caps and email letters , punctuatlorm , figures , signs and tractions. It a the simplest aud must rapH wrltlog machine made ai well as the most durable for free illustrated pamphlet , Wyckoff Sor-Ms & Benedict , Ulilcogo , 111. , Solo Agents , 0. H , SHOLKS , Council Bluffs Agent for Western Iowa BUCKEYE WROUGHT FENCING AND CRESTING. Beautify your homes by using the abovo. Over COO designs to select from. CHEAPER THAN WOOD FENCES JBenuti/nl , Strony and Lastiny. Estimates given on any Btylo either nut up or delivered here , by applying to KEELIME & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock. 117 Mniii Street , Council Bluffs , lown. SMITH & TOLLER , ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS . , - - - IOWA. AComplete Line of New Goods to Select From. W. P. AYLESWORTH , Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and antiefaction guaranteed. Frame hcu moved on Little Giant trucks , the beat In the world , W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 Minth Street , Council BluDa Keep Horses and Mulca constantly on hand which wo TV ill cell In retail cr carload lots IIS toe arranted as Renresented Wholesale and retail dealers In Grain and Baled nay. Prices rea sonable Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. P. DeVOL 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JVholesale and Kef ail - T T N W A. JU J67 Charter Oak and Acorn Stoves need'no comments. Leonard's celebrated cleanable Dry-air Refrlgoratnr. These Refrigerators excell all others in cleanliness. A refrigerator uhich cannot bo cleaned becomes useless , it becomes a nuis ance instead of a benefit. with latest improvements , large and small. With this washer we do not ask you to ri-k confidence or money We know that a 1 that is necessary is a trial. TAKE ONE , and if after one or two fair tests you are not pleased return it aud we will relund your money. GOLDfN STAE GASOLIFE EAMES , jTJicse ttanycs are a complete tl cjp a r ture from t7te regular 'Va per Stove , and possess many new and val- ualtle features that will be appreciated. We have the exclusive agency of the cclohnitod Tie Point Steel M Ire in this city. Do not bo deceived by MiSHEi-iiESENrATiONs. Tin Roofiw and Job at to'.torn prlcet. Mail orders solicited Broadway , EC. ; COUNCIL BLUFFS. For Window Screens and Ornamenta Screens , leave your orders at -A.IRT STOIRIE , 1OX ami 1O7 3I in Street , ' \ COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. MT. B. PICTURE FRAMES of anv description made to order while von wait. Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch es , etc , , ready made and made to order , Prices cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE. 29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff" . Good Agents Wantd TO JSHSXiT. ! Drs. Jiiclcl fc Smith's W , IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office and Factory , No 30 , Fourth St. , Council tlutfs , Iowa. AND "THE ENGLISH " KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The only all night house in the city. Kvory thing sened in first clan Btylo and anchor notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready. Will Discount till Prices. MRS. D , A , BENEDICT , 3 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa LIVE STOCK. STOOKERS AND FEEDERS. Heifers and cows of all . ages furnisbcl in any desired numbtrs ; ranchmen should corrcenondlthua before purchasing clsewhoie. WINDOW & CRAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. flpoolal a verttcemcntt , luo as Lotl found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kant , Wants , Board- In ? , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINK lor tha lint Insertion nd FIVE CENTS PER IJNE for each robwquonl trtloo. Leave advertisement ) at oar offiot , Jo. Pearl Street , near Broadway V7AHTB. FOK KENT House , 7 roomj and 2 halls , corner Harrnonv and Beaten Sts. Apply 216 Harrison FOU S LK AT A BAItGAIN-Tho desirable jcsl- denco or buslnef a property on Upper Broad way , known as the Powers place , Apply to Ota. It. BXARD , 82 Main street. W'ANTS TO TrtADE.-Oood Iowa cr Nebraska land lor a small stock of hardw arc or general merchandise , acll located. SWAN & WALKBR. IjiUlX SALE A rare chance to get a fine , neil Ira- JU proved farm ol 400 acres , within a few miles of Council BIuHa , at a bargain. Low prlco and easy terms. bwAN & WALKHB iTtOU SALE Agoodpajlnif liotcl property with ' llyory etible , In ono ol the best suiall towns In western Iowa will eell with or without furniture , or will tiado for a fcinall farm with etock etc. SWAN & WALKER. I OH SALE Lands Impiwcd aad unimproved. -L1 If you want a farm In western Jowa , Kanstd Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus boir from \ou. SWAN & WALHKR. TJiOll SAl E A larce number of bUBlnees and icsl- JU dcnco Iot In all parts of Council lilufls. See us before j ou buy , SWAN & WALKKK. [ 710K SALK Parties H lulling to buy cheap lots to I" build on caubuy on monthly pajmenta of from ! 2 to 810 UWA.N & WALKKR JjlOU UENl Wowlllreut jou n lot to builtl on J ? with the prltllago to buy If } ou with on very Iberal term * . SWAN & WALKKR. < i 'OK HALE Houses , Lots and Land. A. J. JL1 Ptepticn on , 603 Kirnt acniic. . j < veiy tiouy lii I'uunui lilunu u take wa . icd by carrier at only twenty ta a wsck , FOR rxciUVOK NII. 16R , 10,000 acres land ten miles south of ildnej , Neb , , for Council lllulls iroperty. No. 165. A good steam flouring mill In Cedar Co , Iowa , for rv stuck of general merchandise or hard- are , \alue fO.'CO , No. 163 llottl proptrty In Tatl.r Co. , Iov , for gaoi ] farm property , \aluu $4,000. No. ICO. Lvnl In Hu'l ' and Lincoln Cos. , Neb. , for Council UlulT.4 pro ] eity. No 101 , line Impimed farm for cheap western anil. anil.No No , 10 ? . Ono of the belt farms In i'cttawattainla county , loua , < OD arna for wild KauensorNebraska and. and.No. No. 10D. Hotel In Pueblo , Co ] , , uoith 9 CO } , for Iowa , K ma , or NebratKa laud In par and long .Itro on buhuce , No. 171. Hood farm , for stock uf good ) or hard- war u. No. 172. Wild lands In Hock ) Co. , Neb. , for Etock of dry goods. No. 176 House and lot In Clarlnda Page Co , Iowa , for Ntbra ka or lonalandaluo ; 81(09. No. 177. Hotel In ona ot Uaxo'a'd loit towns , rilue 0,000 , fur block of drugs for pare and liud mprovrd or unimproved No. 178. HiIoadM bargains In Kfcth C.\ , Neb , wild laid for lands In western Iowa or gocd stock ofdrng < or hardwaru. No. 181. A half Interest In a first chss plow works , well located , for lands wlued < 3,600. No. ] 82. iOfltcro iimtou'd farm In Cms Co. , Iowa o ono la i'tli , Alt' ' ) Co , , of 316 , for fctock of goods No. 183 , tioro budding and utock of general norcbandleo , In a llvo wibturn ton for wintcrn and , lmpro\o- ' unlmjiroud , M > lu > SN.IOX Arid hurdreilsoff ( her ejicclil fichan e bargains or I tvrllculais , call and ute or write lo tu IN i. UAUrn , Council blutft , la J5J. J30HUH2. OTKK AWrtftlOAH BXmKB3 HOUNOIL BLUffFfl TO W * MJCMti , Attorney - at-Law , COUNCIL DLUF1B , IOWA. Office , Vfaln Street , Itoomt 7 and 8 , Bhugirl and Emo block. Will practice In Blatt and tats oourte. OWLY HOTEL In Couno Bluffs haIng a And all modern improvements , call bolls , fire alarm bolls , etc. , is the CBESTON HOUSE Nos. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street , MAX MOUN , - PROPRIETOR Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Hugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders , Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Onr clock IB the Largest in tie lest and ia being continually roplonlahocl by all the laical and choicest uovoltlea. 405 Broadway Council Biufts MANDEMAKEES & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Upper Broad way , Council Ulufljr. , E. Eics M. D , ' 1 oielbMtuion r ctOT J wtlboil Ul CHRONIC DISEASES- ' * " < * * Ortr Itirty ytari [ iractlcal eipirUau 6RM KA i , 1'eirl tlrett , Ooonctl Blnflt In * .