Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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KOTICK. Bpcctal a rerttttmentt , me at Lotl
lonnd , To Loan , For Bait , To Rent , Want ! , Board.
lag , tie. , will to Insetted In thll column al lh low
raU of TEN CENTS Pint LINE lor tb Brit Insertion
and nVB CENTS PER LINE lot each tabwqnant
ertlon. teavs advertisement ! at out offlo , Mo.
Foil Olreel , neat Uroadwav
T 03T-1U * 17 , bnnrli ol keys. Owners name
JLJ and Chlctgo address on rlni. Howard lor
their return to Council Bluffs Dec office.
"TX7ANTKD A good girl ( or general housework.
T ) MM J. W. Squlic , No. 202 , story ttreit ,
Council Blufl .
FOH HENT House , 7 roomi anil J lulls , corner
Harmonv and Ilcaton Sts. Apply S18 Harrison
F I OR SALE AT A BAIlOAIK-Tho desirable test-
dcnc or business property on Upper nroicl-
way , known i the Powcurlaco , Apply to duo. 11.
liiuitn , 82 Main ttrttt.
\\fANTS TO TitAUR. Uood Iowa or Nebraska
T ? land for a small Block ol hardwire or general
merchandise , well located. SWAN A WAtmm.
Ti O.l BALK A r roch ncotorct ( a One , well Itn-
JU pi o > oil ( arm ot 400 nores , within a few miles ol
Council Bluflg , at a bargain. Low price and easy
terms. SWAN ft WAUJIR
17 Oll BALK A good pajlDK hotel property with
' llyory ( table , In ono ol the best imafl towns In
wcntcrn Iowa will cell with or without furniture , or
will tiade tor a tmall ( arm with ttock etc.
FOIt HALK Lands Improved &ad unimproved.
It TOU want a ( arm In western Iowa , Harms
Nebraska or Dakota , Ictua boar Ircmou. .
TjiOH HALE A largo cumber ot business and rcsl-
_ T dcnco lota In all pane of Council Dlufls. Sco
us before j ou buy , BWAM & WALKSR.
f OU HALB I'artlos wishing to buy cheap lots to
1 } build on am buy on monthly paymcnta of from
$2 to 910. BWA.N h WAI.KHR
u HUNT Wo will rent you a lot to buJd on
with the prlt llago to buy II you wish on very
liberal Inrni" . SwAX & WALKKR.
jj'Oll HALE Houses Lota aud Laud. A. J.
J Ptoihcn | on , 503 First avenue.
AN'lKU tvory Dooy in Council iiluns o takt
Tinllii. red by carrier at only twinly
ta a week.
FOR MciKNOK No. 15 ? , 10,000 acres land ten
mllcsBoutb ot Sidney , Ntb , , lor Ccuncil IlluITa
No. 165. Airoad etcnin llouriiit ; mill In Cedar Co ,
Iowa , J jr a stock ot general merchandise or hard *
u-aro , value I0(00
Na 160 Hotel property In Tnjbr Co. , Iowa , lor
gerd farm moperly. value 1,000.
No. 1(0. Land In Hall and Lincoln Cos. , Nob. , ( or
Council Uluflj pro ) city.
No 101. Fine Improved ( arm ( or cheap western
land.No , 101. Ono n ( the belt ( arms In I'cttawittarah
count ; , Iowa , < 00 acres tor wild KanensorNcbraska
land.No. . 1GD. Hotel In Pueblo , Col. , worth JD.COO , ( erIe
Io o , K nia , or Nbbratka laud In par and long
time on bahnco.
No. 171. Uood ( arm , ( or stock ol goods or hard
No. 172. Wild lands In Ilocki Co. , Neb. , ( or stock
ol dry K > mj8.
No. 176. House and lot In Clarlnda Page Co. ,
Iowa , ( or Nebra'kn or Iowa Unl ; value Jl.WJ.
No. 177. Hotel In ons ot Dakota's Loit towns ,
viluo $3,000 , lor stock ot drugs for part and liud
Unproved or unimproved
No. 178. Splendid bargains In Klcth Co. , Neb. ,
wild lied ( or lands 111 western Iowa or Kocil stock
odiui ; < cr hardware.
No. 18' . A hall Intercut In a flrit-cliss plow works ,
well located , ( or lands Viluod 3,600.
No. 182. 200 i ere Improved ( arm In Ciss Co. , Iowa
also ono In Pala , Alto Co. , o ( 316 , ( or stock ol goods
No. 183. btoro bulging and stock ol general
merchandise , in a Hie uistcrn town ( or weitorn
land , Improve * or unimproved , value $14,000.
And hundreds ot ether special rxcban o bargains
( or particulars , call and sco or write to
Council Lluds , la
ronNOTL ULFff ff ro w *
R. Eice M. D.
° ' 6)hst * OMOri MUOTXti ITlthOBt Uil
k&l ! or inrrlnc cf btwi.
Over tbirtr je&rs practical upcrltac * Ofil >
t. Purl street , Council Blafli.
In Couno Bluffs hu lag a
And all modern tmprovementa , call bells , fire
alarm belle , etc. , ia the
NOB. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street.
Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Etc. Etc.
Rugs , . , .
Careful Attention Given to Ou
of Town Orders ,
Upholstery anil Drapery Work (
Oar stock In the
Largest ia tie
end is being continually replenished b ;
nil tbo latcat and choicest novelties.
405 Broadway Council Biufis
NO. 2 ,
Is the Highest Acfilcvement in Writln
Machines in the World.
With cnly S3 keys to learn ai
operate. It print * 70 character
i Including caps and imall letter
punctuations , figures , tlgni an
tractions. It the tlniplMt an
mont rapid wrltlag inachlr
uudo at ell as tho'most durab
[ for free illustrated pamphle
Wyckoff Sernnns & Benedict ,
Uhlcago , 111. , Solo Agent
0. II. 8HOLE8 , Council Bluf
Agent ( or Western Ion
Prosoouto the Swindlers.
If whou jon call for IIou Blltors ( sco
green cluster ot Hops on the white Ubol )
the dragglat hands oui any a tuff called 0.
D. Warner's German Hop Bitters or with
other "Hop" name , reftuo it and ahnn
that druggist B you would n vlpor ; and If
he has taken your money for the stnfT ,
indict him for the fraud , and BOO him for
damages for the swindle , and wo will reward
ward yen liberally for the conviction.
" I Have Suffered,1' '
With ovcry disease tmaginablo for the
last three years. Oar
Druggist , T. J , Anderson , recommend
/Hop Bitters" to mo
I used two bottles.
Am entirely cured nnd heartily recom
mend Hop Blttora to ovoryono.
J. D. Walker , Bucknor , Mo ,
Counterfeiting Proves Superiority.
Although counterfeiting la ono of the
greatest crimes ngainst the business of
any country , and In many cases
"Destructive to health and llfol"
"It proves beyond a doubt tho"
Of the article counterfeiter ) ;
As no inferior artlclo ia over counter
Proof of this Is to bo found in the great
number In
"Australia , England , Franco ,
"Germany , India , Belgium , Canada
and the U. S.
Of counterfeit * of the great remedy.
"Hop Bitters , "
Whoso name and m or Ha are so well
known the world over that It U n
"Shining mark and favorite prey
"For Counterfeiters 111"
Beware of these that do not have a
green cluster of hops on the whlto label.
Prosecute the SwindlersI ! !
If when you call for lion Bitters ( sco green
cluster of llopg on the white lube ) ) ttio druggist -
gist bands out nny stuff called C. 1) . Wnrnor'a
German IIop ISHters or with other "llop"
name , icfuso it nnd elum that druggist OB you
would n viper : and if ho lina taken your money
for the stulF , Indict him for the fraud and BUS
him for damages for the swindle , and wu will
reward you liberally for tbo conviction *
Cr cxnllflnt ippft1lnr _ fexqolilu giver. Povvli nr
3lt wctU , rur.i Imp-put. Plinbtc * . ttt.r ujd Aru . fi I
' * lfc Iticitl * . Or | Di A IfwOrcf * Impwt d.nclcip.ct
f ctiwiiu1iii. | kal to 111 tumiu.r Jrioki Tr7
* 88U ! > .k jojr pwwr cr Cru il fJT 4M
DUU-'utunlby UK. J O. U. BUOIHTa bO.T"
S , W. WOTPS34IA1II. . _ , _ . - .
In order to enrich
the blood , and thus
Impart freelMIgor t
an enfeebled 8)6tern
stimulate flagging
digestion with the
national ImlgOK
Ilostcttor's Rtomach
Hitters , which , by
inluslcsc onercy Into
f- the operations ot the
T.Btomarh , promotes
- nay , [ rumen thor-
oifh dl ottloii and
assimilation , and
nonecqnent nutrl-
tbn. A. pain to P.p-
petlte , > lgor and
llcsh , U lavarlibly
found to follow a
course of thlsdof erv-
cllv , popular tonla
which It , moroo\cr ,
reliable rrcventlvo of malarial fever. For Bale
by all Druggists and Dealers generally.
Washing & Bleaching
< * * In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water.
universal eatlslicllon. No family rich or poor should
bo without It.
Sold by all grocer' . BKWARK of Imitations well do-
Blgno I to mislead. 1'r.AriLi.sK la the ONLY sAm Ubor
uvlog compound and always beam the above aym-
be I ail J nameol
This invaluable npcc'll : readily nnd permanently
curesall kinds ol ABihtrn , Tbo most obstinate and
long standing cases ileld promptly to Its wonderful
ouilng properties. It In kcown tbrougbcut the world
for Its unrivaled clllcacy ,
J L. cALUWELU olty T Incoln , Neb ; writes , Jan
19,1SSL U nco using Dr. Ililr'a Asthma cure , for
moro thin ono ) car , niy vtilo Ins been entirely well ,
aud not even a symptcm of the dleoisehai appeared.
WILUAM BENNETT , lllchland , IjWa.wrllosNov.
SJ. 18S3. I have been atlllcted with Hay Fever and
Asthma B'IICO 1859 I followed your directions and
am happy Io say that I never slept bitter In my life.
I am glad that I am among the many who can speak
so favorably of your remedies.
A valuable 64 page trratUo containing slrtllar proof
from e\cry State In the U , 8 , Canala aod Great
llrltaln ; will bo mailed upon application.
Any druggist not hulns It In stock will procured ,
to order. A k far Dr. Hairs Asthma Cure.
UIL IL W UAIK & BON. 1'rop's Cln'tl , 0.
The Mirror
is no flatterer. Would you
make it tell a sweeter tale ?
Magnolia Balm is the charm
er that almost cheats the
. . ,
185 and 187 Wabadi Avrnaii
Hair Cloth and Win
Bustles. Hoop Skirts , '
Hair Cloth Skirts.f
TIJ cut rcprvsenu Tb
Ijuitrtry. the moil ijopula
roiutilnatlun of imitlo on
Hoop blilrt ever roadt. A lad.
who lias worn one will ryrf
wear wiy other etyle. Lac ,
Skirt i itanii d upon th
luuid. r.lrotfJ J > tl. Mil
ho. 110,411. r Anrono el
intr fame vlylool oklrt hot
italuptHl , will bo dealt wit
apcortllDff to law. bold vj ft
"J5luisrttaJldrjrBOvxHUuiU (
Yonns , PMtly , Wealthy anfl a
Widow ,
A Talk with tliolUcli08t ; AVomnn In
thoStnto of Texas Tlio lulot-
CBtlnRStory of a Foundling ,
Philadelphia Call.
A notable llttlo woman la staying atone
ono of the hotola In Now York city ,
prior to her dopacloro for EnropD in n
tow dftya. She has bcod styled "tho
Texas Oftttlo Qaoon , " but this is a mis
nomer. She la a Texaa planter. She la
from near Houston , poll to and pretty ,
yonug , and she la said to bo the wealth
iest woman in the southwest. Daik ,
lustrous eyes , and a piquant countenance
nnd manner indicate htrcraolo , French
nnd Spanish parentage. She droeica
fi hlonnbly and In good taste , and , BO ( at
as appearances go , eho might have been
born and bred In Now York. Her edu
cation began at the Moravian school In
Bethlehem , Pa. Her story , as reluct
antly told by her In anawor to question-
ng , runs in an interesting fashion.
"I was loft an orphan at twelve , and
had to look alter my father a plantation.
I wsa married at thirteen , and at seven
teen I was a widow , Since then I have
looked after myaelf. Successfully ? Oh ,
yoe , I suppcso BO. I have two largo
plantations and raise cotton , corn and
sugar cano. Then I own aomo property
in Hontton ono of the opera houses ,
aomo etoros end a hotel , 1 had a fight
over the hotel. They wanted to make
out that there was a mortgage on it ahead
of mlno. Attorney-General Drowator
waa my lawyer , and ho'a just won the
casB. I'll make about 610,000 on It. I
thought at ono tlmo I'd move north. I
bought a property in Philadelphia with
the Idea of going there , but I found 1
could only got four per cent on money
up tero , ao I didn't como. I've cot a
beautiful llttlo homo down there , if I do
live in It all alone.
"Experlenct ? Well , I suppose I've '
had aomo. It isn't worth apoiklng ol
down there , but people hero might think
it interesting. I'vo travelled all over
Texas , Arkansas , Mlesouri and the In
dian territory , mostly on horseback.
Everybody knowa mo In the southwest.
This will bo my third tiip to Europe.
I'vo never bad anything that you'd call
adventures , that I know of ; bnt yon
people hero look at things so differently.
Now , there's the cowboya. People think
they're something dreadful. Why , I'vo
found moro Irno gentlemen among them
than anywhere else. Of course , once In
a while they got lively and ride through
town shouting nnd firing oil'their pistols
at eigns and chlmuoyp , but wo don't be
grudge them a llttlo fun now and thon.
Their work is hard enough. Do they
over kill anybody ? Oh , sometimes , of
conreo , people got hit by stray shots
when the boys are on their rackets ; but
that's only accidental , you know. It
doesn't amount to anything in Texas.
People north have such funny IdoKS.
Now , which had you rather do , steal a
horse in Arkansas or kill a man In Texas ?
Nelthoi ? Well , I'll toll you ; It's six of
ono and half a dozen of the other.
Homes don't amount to much in Ark an
sas , and men don't In Texas. They look
after the horsa thieves sharp in Texas ,
howover. They never get farther than
the nearest trco after they're caught.
"Last night I was going out with a
gentleman , and took out my revolver and
sold I guessed it wasn't worth while to
carry it. You ought to have seen him
jump. I've got a beautiful revolver.
Ono day I was standing in front of ono
of my buildings in Houston when a fight
bogsn in the street. A friend of mine
and Woollffo you've heard of Woollffe
wore fighting. Woollffe got ont his re
volver first and hit my friend. Then
my friend fired and mlssd. Woollffo
had the next shot and would have killed
him aura. There was a big crowd around
but nobody moved , and I jumped in
front of Woollffo and called out :
"For God's take , isn't there a man
here ? "
"WoolifLs shoved his revolver up a
llttlo and the ball wont over my head.
Ho said afterward that seeing a girl jump
In so quick ho couldn't help raising his
pistol a little. Then the crowd came in
and separated the men. My friend gave
mo the revolver 1 always carry. Ho said
I saved his life.
"I don't ' know how the newspapers
hear about mo. I know a good many
people here , though. The jowolcra all
know me. I have a paislon for jewels ,
and they say my collection is a fine ono.
I'vo jnst como from Philadelphia. I
bought the Blair diamonds there this
visit , and a beautiful cameo for $1,000 ,
You see this ring ? That big stone there
looks like a lemon-colored diamond ,
doesn't It ? Now , hold it to the light.
Wouldn't you think It was a ruby ? They
call it the 'hidden lisht. ' They are
found only in North Carolina , and I bo-
llovo there ate only a few throe or four
good ones in the country. Their beIng -
Ing BO rare , I uuppcao , Is what makes
them worth moro than any other gem of
the some slza.
"Neglecting business ? Oh , no. You
see down there wo bny everything early
in the season , and then there's no mote
paying to bo done , nor any money com
ing in until the crop is gathered. I keep
ono set of books myself , and
nobody could got the best of mo
if ho wanted to. I have a good su
perintendent too. I pay him 8200 a
month. I might get him for $150 , but
I'd ralhor pay $200 ; then ho won't have
to steal fiom mo. I dcn't know whether
It's because I'm Buoh a gocd planter or
because all the people help mo every
way they can , but for the last three
years I'vo taken the $500 priza for hav
ing the Grst bale of cotton of the season
In at Richmond. Texas.
"I stopped at Now Orleans on my way
np. The Mexican band and the Govern
ment exhibit are fine , but tbore'd too
much room for the rest of the show.
The art gallery looks as If they had hung
It up and forgotten to toke it down. Of
course it .won't p y. People want to
stay at homo in the winter , and to go
somewhere besides New Orleans In the
anmmer. I have some paintings in the
art gallery mjsolf. Oh , yes , I paint a lit
tle. You BCO 1 want to have scmoth 113
to fall back on ff I should evei
lose my m iiey , and I like art , and so ]
study painting all the tlmo. I have c
sort of art gallery In Houston. It was f
store that didn't pay me very well , co ]
turned it Into an art gallery for th <
public. Young people studying art ant
artists can go there and paint , copy tlu
pictures and got all the help they can
Then , too , they can bring their plctnrci
there for sale , If they want to. A gooc
many do. 1 buy pictures wherever I cai
got good ones.
"i'ubllo benefactor" ? Oh , no ; some
times people say that , you know , bnt 1
itn't ically that. It's only that I alway
like to please people. I want to ruaki
u ] laa much heaven as I can in this life , ant
thcn'if there isn't any ' vtnf r
shan't bo BO bidly ( r all , don
ion toe ? And 1 gn < tB , If there Is an.
heaven , making other people feel good I
nbout as good a way as any to got there
Don't yea think BO , now ? "
Educated nnd Experienced.
Hood's Sftisjparilh Is prepirod by 0.1.
Hood & Co. , Apothecaries , Lowell ,
Mais , , who have n thorough knowledge o :
pharmacy , nnd many' years practical ox-
porlonco in the business. It Is prepared
with the greatest skill nnd carp , under the
direction of the men who originated it.
Ilcnco Hood's Sareaparilla may bo de
pended upon as a thoroughly pare , hon
est , and reliable medicine.
Ucmnrknblo Article of Raiment that
Will Grace the Wlilto Honao
Chicago NOWB.
Colonel Patterson tolls us that before
leaving Washington ho presented the
president with the famous ooonskin.ovor-
coat , whoso singular architecture nnd un
approachable resplendence has nude Col ,
Patterson's name a household word in
every city , town , and hamlet between
Monotony Water Tank on the cast , Utah
State line on the west , Rontt county on
the north nnd Otto Moars'a loco-weed
farm on the south. This beautiful over
coat is composed of skins of 250 coons ,
captured in the fastnesses of Missouri
when Col. Pattenon was n resident of
that state prior to his emigration to Col
orado. These skins are alternately cf
the male and female coon , thus producing
an eitect that it well nigh dazzling , for it
should bo understood that the hues of
the male nnd female coon In Missouri
differ radically , yet each is startlingly
Col. Patterson tells na that the coon-
akin .coat , when worn with blue-joins
trousers , constitute the only attlro that
Is Arcadian in Ita simplicity , it is essen
tially nnd emphatically democratic. '
"Take this coonskln , " said ho na ho
handed over the remarkable garment to .
President Cleveland , "nnd when you
have thrown it about your shoulders you
will bo ivostsd with a virile dignity ,
neither the toga of a Roman senator nor
the bespangled pnrplo of n Tyrian mon
arch could impart. Yon will feel your
bosom thrill with patriotic emotions , and
the inspirations which courted through
the veins of Thomas Jefferson and An
drew Jackson and Thomas H. Bontpu , ;
will permeate your system , fortifying
and equipping you for the heroic task of
Arcadian renaissance you have under
taken. " Upon ncoeptlng the coonskin
overcoat President Cleveland thanked
the donor cordially , and Bald that ho .
would put on the garment the same day
ho were for the first time the pair of
boota recently presented him by Miss ;
Phcubo Cczzona.
Ono of John M. Tlmratoii's Cum-
paitiu Stories ,
Every Other Saturday.
The proprietor of a tannery having
.reeled . a building on the main street for
ie ealo of his leather , the purchase of
Idea , etc' , began to consider what kind
fa sign would be most attractive. At
what ho thought a happy idea struck
1m. Ho bored an nagnr hole through
ho door post and stuck a calf's tall into
, with the buthy end flaunting out.
fter a while ho noticed a grave looking
erson standing near the door , with spoc-
.aclcs on , gazing intently at the sign. So
ing did ho gaze that finally the tanner
topped out and addressed the individual :
"Good morningl"
"Morning , " replied the man , without
moving his eyes from the olgn.
"You vrant to buy leather ? " "No. "
"Want to sell hides ? " "No. "
"Aro you n former ? " "No. "
"Aro you a merchant1 ? "No. "
"Lawyer ? " "No "
"Doctor ? " "No. "
"Minister ? " "No. "
"What In thunder are yon ? "
"I'm a philosopher. I've been stand
Ing here halt an hour trying to decide
.ow that calf got through that augur-
.olo , and for the life of mo I can't make
t out. "
Throw Away Trusses
, nd employ the radical , now method ,
uaranteed to permanently euro the
ivorat cases of rupture. Send two loiter
tamps for references , pamphlet and
orniB. World's Dispensary Medical
tasoriation , CCS Main Street , Buffalo ,
"I am so glad to know you , Mra.
ohtiEoa. I am an old acquaintance of
our husband. "
"Yes , long years sgo , twonly yoara
ago , before ho knew you. I waa his first
"ovo. Wo were Indeed betrothed. "
' 'Yea , my dear , " puts In Mr. Jolm-
ion. "Yoa , that was very Ion ? ago. "
"Bnt you have not forgotten it , John ,
have you ? "
"No , no ; but - "
"Do you remember our parting ? 0 ,
"Yee , Itwac ; but - "
"Wo can talk about it now , for your
wlfo must know mo as a friend of hoia as
well. Lot mo give you this. It was the
ing John , your husband , pressed upon
ny finger when his heart was free , when
wo pledged our troth. I give it to you
because - "
"Why , John ! I declare. If this hn't
ho ring yon said yon lost ; the ring
gave you when I was engaged to you li
1805. "
There's a coolness among the three
now ,
A C * F ? D. To Ml who are suffering from error *
and Indigestions of youth , nervous weakness and
decay , loaa ol manhood , eta. I will Bend a recipe
, hat will euro you FIIUK Of CUAUOE. Thles great
emedywas discovered by a mleelonar to bouth
America. Send icl'.addreesod envelope Ksv. Jo-
ru X. UUUM Station "D " New Tork
The Correct Shade for Sealskin ,
Hatter and Furrier.
Sealskins have of late boon dyed even
darker than before. Four or five year
ago the fashion of dark fora cot in In
Parl0 , and London had to follow , al
though there was considerable opposition
I o thedopartlrg from the waya of England
The public demanded the darker goods
sorao of the dyers in the British metro
polls took the trouble to furnish them ,
nnd then the hrgcr ones had ultimately
to exert themselves in the same dlrec
tlon. For some inexplicable reason at
tempts are now being made to produce
surface oven darker than has yet boo
seen. The latest products of the dyer ;
are nearly black aud shade downwar
into a corresponding brown , often at th
cost cf the , in the Eoilakln so much ad
tailed , gold-brown background.
Ita fffost Is magical , is what all thoeo
say who try St. Jacobs Oil for pains.
BnrronniTctl I > j0tmxury run ! Itcllnc
mont UnvlMtcil hy
or Mr. Bccclicr ,
New York Latter in Nnshvillo Union ,
Once in awh.Uo the question la heard
"What haa become of MM. Tllton ? " The
ittlo woman , who was a few yoara ago
; ho most widely known American woman
n the world , lives with her aged mother ,
Mrs. Morse , on Pacific street , in Brook
yn , In comfort and quiet. Ever since the
remarkable scandal trial she has lived in
ho s mo way. At no tlmo has she in-
tabltod a garret , taken in sowing for n
Ivlng or lived in any of the poor nays
utnor frequently declared aho did. Mrs.
Morse , her mother , la the ivlfo of the
otornn Judge Morse , ono of the first
irealdonts of the Union ferry company
ind now a retired honored member of
Lie same wealthy corporation.
.Tho homo cf Mrs. Tllton with her
mother ia ono of taste , refinement and
leganco , Many of the pictures that
iroro made famous by the oft repeated
nrns in the court rooms of how Thoo-
ere , in hta night shirt , used to go around
10 hpiuo rohnnglng them at all hours of
10 night , nro to bo seen on the walls of
or present brown atone homo. In the
oya' bed room la a lif a sized photograph
f their father , taken when n very young
inn , with hla arms folded , his head
rapped upon his breast , his eye a closed
nd his poottcallockscurllnguponhlsnock.
co attitude and the facial oppression
ay : "Look nt mo and do aught bnt ad-
niro mo if yon can. " Rare books and
aclous art works embellish and beautify
10 homo. Mra. Tilton la still the same
ulot , plona llttlo woman that she always
as , ouly a shade or two sadder and
inch older. She haa n rare faculty of
rylng to bo always cheerful and believes
illy In the efficiency of prayer , and
hat what "God wills Ho will , " nnd His
reatureo must follow His law to bo saved
icroaltor. Her hair ia snow-white , her
figure n llttlo moro robust nnd rounded ,
tlthough still childish in stature nnd
Mr. Tllton has never stoppad across
.hat threshold since the trial. Certainly
lot Mr. Boochcr. It would not bo very
veil for either ono to make the attempt.
Che two sons , Carroll and Ralph , are
? oung men now , both occupying good
slorkshlps , and live with their mother.
Jorroll , the older , la a Tilton In look
ind nature. Ralph is a mother's boy , a
ine , promising yonng character. The
wo daughters are both married and both
mother * . Alice , the younger , lives in
Chicago. Mrs. Tllton visited her not long
linco. That MM. Tilton was "forsaken
) y her friends , " as the newspapers would
lave it four and five years ago , is not
Iruo either. The fact io , there is moro
.ntellectual company entertained in Mrs.
niton's house in the course of a year
ban that of n dozen families "best
amllles" all told. Nothing would bo
ileasanter to Mrj. Tilton than to know
hnt the ontsldo world had forgotten her.
Fo a certain extent it hns , bnt still she
lias a largo circle of friends.
Hereford's Acid Phosphate.
In Night Sweats and Prostration.
Du. R. STUDIIALTEK , St. Louis , Mo. ,
mvs : "I have need It in dyspepsia , nor-
roua prostration , and in n'gut ' owoats ,
with very good results. "
Dime Museum
Cth Avo. and 1'earl l Street , ( formerly Martin's
Ulnk. )
PALMER & SANDER , Prop'ra & Managers.
One week only , commencing
Our great specialty with the following principals
Ths latest Musical f honcmener.
Gymnast and Contortionist.
Will contain Freaks of Nature , Curiosities ,
and Mechanical Wonders , principal among
which will be found the world reputed won
der ,
Prof. IL A. Stcndcll , who is ft whole ehow of him
self with his wonderful electro musical Ihaunuscope.
PKOF. E. M. DUNTON , Illusionist.
MISS A PATTERSON , The Lightning
Wonder ,
MADAME HOWELL , the Bohemian Glaus Blower
A HcflDrt for Ladles. A Hesort for Children.
Patronized by the elite , nothing succeeds like suc
cess. Museum open 1 to 6 and 7 to 10 p in. Thoitro
performance over ; Evening and Saturday Matlneo ,
Ladies can sifely Uslt thin popular place of amuse
ment without an oicort as the nunagoment ; person
al guarantee that nothing will be done to off end the
meet fastidious.
j. L.
No. 507 Broadway Connell BInfJfl.
Railway Time Table ,
The following ere the times of the arrival ind do
tiaitareof trains by central standard tlmo , et the
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot too mlo
ntos earlier and arrive ten minutes later ,
tuicioo and nOHiirwMTiaa ,
0:25 : A H Mall and Eiproes 00 : r M
12:40 : r M Accommodation 4(0 : r M
6:30 : r M Express ' O.OS A u
0:25 : A u Mall and Express 0:53 : r u
7:25 : A u Accommodation 6:16 : r u
630 ; ! u Kxprets Pee : A u
0:20'A : M Ma'l and Express ( JCo : I * u
625 ; r M Exprcsi 0.05 A u
cmaloo , BDBtmarcs AMD QUIMOT.
0:60 : A M Mall anil Express 7:10 : I11
12:30 : r M Accommodation fr:00 : iu
6U5 r u Exprebs 8:60 : A u
1 ! : < 5 F u Local BI. Louis Express Local
1:80I'M : Transler " " Transfer 3:201- :
6:56 : r u lMetChlcigo \ & 8t L Exp Local 8:56 : A u
i7:40i-M Iramfer " " " TraniffrOUOAM
CAJIIA * Cltl , BT , lOt AST ) CDUEdt ILVin.
100h ; A u Mall and Express 0:10 : r u
s:15 : r u Kxprees 0:26 : A u
7:20 : A a Mall for Bloux City 6f : > 0 r u
7:10 : r M Kiprets for Bt Paul KM A u
UMO.V rAoinc.
1:00 : A M Djnver Kxprcs ) 4:35 : r M
1:05 : r M Lincoln I'ots O'a &R V 2:35 : r u
7:56 : v M Overland f xprees 8:30 : A u
Leave Council llluffi 7:15 : 8:20 : 5:30-10:50- : :
, l ! 0 a. m. 1 0-2:30-8:80-4:28-5l6-fl:25- : : : :
11:15 : p. in. Leave Omihi 6:10 : 7:6C : etO : JO
11:15 : a. in. 12:50-2:00 : : Sco-4co : : 4:56 : 6:55 :
11:10 : p. m.
No. 201 TJnpor BroadwayCouncil Blnfli ,
dttorney at-Law ,
, Ualn Street , Itoorr.i 7 and 8. Shugart am
lltuo block. Will practice In Stateand Utu oouiti
Ono of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States
To Select From.
DUFFY'S Pneumonia ,
TVastinff Diseases , '
WHISKEY Positively Relieved and Xatiirt
, _ _ _ _ _ aitlsteiUnreilortngritalpotcert
DO NOT 1115 DEClttVKD. llany Druggists and Grocers who do not Imvo UnllY' * 1'urfl
Malt TVlilskoy In itoclc , attempt to r > nlrn off oncu tomcrsvlu hey of UiclrownboUUng , which
bclncof on Inferior crtvdo end adulterated , pays them nlnrccr profit.
Send us your address nnd wo will mall book contalnlnR valuable Information. Satnplo Quart Hottle-t
sent to any address In the United States ( East of the Rocky Mountains ) , securely itaeJcetHnytatn
ca e , Express charges prepaid on receipt of & 1.2B , or Sis Bottles Bent for &O.OO
DUFFY. MALT WHISKEYCO. _ , Baltimore , iM.U.J.J.
Sellint/ Agents , OnuiJia , H. T. ClarJee Drug Co.
C'CARETTE ' Smokers whoarowllHnlop r ali tl
for Clir rott s thin the nrloo clnreotl for the ordinary tr ilo o.f
tttM.flin nmi the RICHMOND STRAIGHT cmwo. .
SUPERIOR to ail others. They are mvlo from the brlghtont ,
west delicately Ilirori lnnd hUhoit oostKOld loaf grown iu Vlrvlnl.i , nnd are abiJlatoly umioar ADULT
RATION or drus. Wouo the Qonillno French Rico Paper of our o < vi 'llr.ict ' Iniuortnthn ,
hlch IsroadooapccUlly for m.w tor mirku.l with tnonainu of thojrnnl , Richmond
Cut No I
IT ilo. 1
each i { a > v ui v n ui i > u t a < i . u u ( Wcatl Jfl i Jl " ' Unii n > u ojj i put jn * li >
d ! hvMU > < IIIKOM in nvitljaol thitth ill the ollaiil orUltiil braid , ail to observe tn t o oh
ckagoor bat ' > t Hlo 1 11 S id Stralg'l ' t C Jt Ci UJttJi boirj th * aljnaturo of
Manufacturers , Richmond , Virginia.
Whohavc trilled nw v their vouthrnl vigor nnd power , who arc
BiifTerliiKfrom turrllili ! DRAINS unil J..OSS1JS , who arcuunk ,
IMPOTENT nnd unlit for ni
Athomc without exposure. In LESS time , and lor I.l SS money than
nny oilier method liithe world. Went Imck , headache , EMISSIONS ,
lassitude , lossofsplrllsand ambltlnn. plnnaijr thoughts , d r a d 1 ui
dreams , dcfectltu nirmnry. inil'OTKNClS , Ills , Impediments to
in.-irrluL-f , nud inxnyuihcr eyniplonis Ic.iUlnt ; to CONbUMtTlON or
INSANITY , nro promptly rciuoMid hj this treatment , ana \lKorou8
manhood restored.
Married Men , or those who intend to marry ,
HEMEMHEn. perfect ncxiril strength means , health , Tlporous olF-
sprlnpr , lonpllfo and the loroand rospcet of H rnllhful wire. Weak inuimhuulil be restored to Ufior &
manhood before marriage 1'rnnfH. tuhtlniniiiiilH anil Miln.ilile Irc.itlsc U stamps.
3Sstab.i8770Addrcss The Climax WJodical Co , 5O4 , St. Louis , Wlo.
Remember These important Facts
The IfuluaiLife insurance Company ,
1 It is the OLDEST active Lite Innuranca Comnany In thli country.
2. It lathe Ii.MlUKSTLIfo Insurance Company by many millions oldol'ara ' In the world.
3. Ha rates of premiums are LOWEH ttmn thone ot any other ojmpany.
i U has no "ttocktcljora"toclilm any part ot Iti tirollts.
B. It offers no SCII KMEa under the name of Insurance for speculation by apodal clisaoa upon tbo
allortunea of each otter ,
fl. Ita present'Ul/1) CASII HESOUUCES cxceo 1 those ol any other Lite Insunnco Company In the
orld.It bos rccclted In rash tram til sources , from February. 1843 , to January , IBfF. (270,02 08).CC.
It has returned to the peopli , In cash , f'om February , 1843 , to January , 1680 , $2ie,094ill,00.
It9 cash ABsetsonthe 1st ot January , 1885 , amount to moro than
W. F. ALLEN , MEHUILL & FEHGUSON , Apunt ; for Gen. Aata. ; for
ebraska , Dakota , CiloradoVyominj ; and Blicli'pan ' Indinnn , Illiriois , Wlaconaln , Iowa
U'nh. and Minnesota ,
ffioa Cor.Farnnm nud 13th St.0ver IstNat'l , Detroit. lillcliigan ,
Bank , Omaha , Neb M. V. IIOHIIEU ,
Special Agent for Iowa , Council BlulFs , Iowa
Beautify your homes by using tbo above. Over 000 designs to select from ,
lf Strong uul JLasthty.
Ketimatci Riven on any style either put up or delivered here , by applying to
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock.
117 Main Street , Council Bluffs , lown.
. / . K.
Veqelablo Plants and Fruits.
Orders from abroad promptly filled. Sweet Potat
Vlanlii u specialty. 1'lauta will beready for uliipmou
by May lOtb. Ordera should be placed early ,
5U81 Pierce St. , Council Wui.s.
505 Broad-way , Council Bluffs.
The cnly all night hswo in the city. KvcMtlurK cemd in firfct cltti style and on shoe
notice , liotand cold luncliea alwajs ronJy.