6 THEDAIETBiiJE THE DAILY BEE. QOUNGXL BLUFFS , Tuesday Morning , May 19 , BUUJCIUITION HATKS , SO Simla t wwk - | ByCuitttl - . . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 \ > tt y &IINOB MENTION , The board of supervisors moot to-day. The now prcsbylcrian church has ito pipe organ in place , Bricks for sale In largo or small lots by J. A. Weaver , 815 Seventh avonno. The circus drew a good crowd yester day , and left hst night for Missouri Valley. The monthly buslncis mooting of the You Eg HenS ChrUtlon association was hold last evening , The running team of the fire depart ment hero has abont decided not to take part In the atato tournament. Some Interesting Ocuncil Bluffs news , necosiarlly crowded off this page , will bo found oliowhoro this morning. Judge Lyman and F. M. Hunter have formed a partnonhlp In the practice of 1 iw , making a strong firm Indeed. The congregatlonulists.nro to have a social , Thursday evening , at the homo of Miss May Phillips , on Bluffs street. Hugh Gosa finds tlmo from his labors as janitor of the Bloomer echool building to flirt with the muses , and haa produced aomo very creditable amatonr poetry. The bill to bo given to-morrow evenIng Ing , by the Fottawattamlo grove ol Druids , is to bo hold In Everett's hall. A jolly tlmo Is promised to all who at tend. There was a crowd on the streets yes terday , It being ciraus day. There was little disorderlies ) , and the police die not have sa much to do as they an ticipated. Max Hohn , who Is always doing some thing to Improve his Oroston honse , has now put a very neat iron railing arounc the doak in the office , and Is making other improvements. The district court adjourned over yes terday until next Thursday , the judge having other business on hand , promlnen among which Is the hearing of the judi cial contoit at Des Moincs. M. 0. Gatnos and G. F. Bordman who have boon associated in the selling of oil , have dissolved partncrahip. Mr. Galnes will continue In the business , and will continno to deliver to his customers by wagon. This evening there will bo a happy wedding at No. 814 Sixth street , the parties being Mr. M. F. McOuno and Mies Edith Leckwood. Mr. McOano is cir repairer at the tranafort and wol ! known among the railway boys. The Iron pipe for the oxtonalon of the water malna along Pearl stroe' ' has arrived , and ia being strewn along the street ready for the laying. Arrangements are also being made so that the supply may bo utllizec in running a watar motor In the BEG job rooms , for the presses , and the Heroic oQico also Is planning to do away with steam and uao a water motor. The Barbour dramatic company openoc at the dime museum laat evening , am Trill continno there thia week , and per haps longer. This afternoon the children dron have a free matinee , and this even ing the company glvo another of their regular entertainments , which , with { he other attractions of the museum , affords an excellent opportunity of getting great deal of amusement for a very little money. In another column will bo found some practical , interesting reading matter , fur nlahed by P. 0. DoVol , one of Counci BlnuY oldest and moat reliable bnslnoas men. Mr. Do Vol has been in business here since 1861 , and there Is probably n man in the city who haa built up a moro solid and clean record , and in hfs line o trade thoio Is none better posted , one knowing bettor how to satisfy the publi both in quality and prices. Thij morning the wide-awake dr ; goods houoo of Oocko & Morgan have something now to say to the readers o the BEE. The firm has jumped into i remarkably largo business for a comparn tively now honso , and the class of goodi kept by them and the wonderful bargalm ofl'erod indicate that thay not only pro pose to keep their trade , bnt to Incroas it. They are demonstrating that enter prise and fair deal will draw trade to thl city from a largo extent of country Each mill brings thorn many orders , in addition to their homo trade , and they take such special pains to satisfy thoai mall customer * , that this part of thoi business is rapidly Increasing also. It Is suggested that one of the way to stop the false alarms , BO frequent elate late , is for the council to amend the fir ordinance so that that the mlnnto men and others will not bo paid any extra amount if the alarm proves to bo false and then there will not bo any object ii any man connected with tbo dopartmen allowing any false alarm , and no one can charge that they may bo Interested in having false alarms , as Is now so often intimated , and perhaps unjustly. Lc the men be paid well enough for attendance anco at actual Bros , to that they ran of ford to tnrn out for fatso alarms without extra pay , and every man will then be directly Intereited In detecting whoever i guilty of sending iu a ifalso ono. This cUungo Is tatd to li ve been tried very Luccoiafully in other cities of this eize. To ilio I'ubliu. My wife , Mary Geidev , having left my board nud bed without canto or provoca tion , I hereby notify the public that I not bo mpinslble fur any bill * con 'rtrA by her. UENUY GraDEa. Co . 'NOIL Vivrrs , Je. , , May 10 , 1885. MUSTERED OUT , The IIcrocH to bo Itcmcinbcrcd on Decoration Dny , The commltteo having in charge the lesignatlng of the graves of soldiers to o honored on decoration day , have prepared - pared the following Hat : In Fairview cemetery Chris Wolrlch , Alexander Shoemaker , Dr. W. II. Os > orn , Joaeph Wheeler , A. B. McKuno , J. W. Phillips , Valentino Floak , William Cnox , Prof. Mualo , Louis Ilcnn , Wll- lam Springer , D. A. Cunningham , E H. 0. Mansfield , A. E. Stolnmotz , Jason lubbard , William Fuller , William J. duller , J. J. Jacklon , Thomas Seymonr , Tames Allison , H. Fisher , Rust , F. 3. Danlger , Otrln Hershey , S. H. Oasa- djr , Herman Boscho , Homer 0. Ball , Aiurtin Huffman , W , H. Tyler , H. Smith , Focob Betz , Dr. Cole , John Watts , John F. Dutcher , Fred Lord , Prof. George louaor , Allen Forbes , ( colored ) , Charles 3axley ! , Osbirn , Osborn , Tyler , - Tyler , Lieut. A. A. Ovorton , Thomas Long , Lorenz Fanl , 0. F. Overton , WI1- iam Stevenson , 0. H. B. Arnd Homer 3auqhoy , E. P. Oilman , SamuolWcirlch , 3oorgo Bowers , John Schorfield , John Slogg , H. 0. Packard , E. P. Golgor. Catholic cemetery Perry Smith. John Dally , Lon , Lon , and Walter 3urko , Ueorgo Zimmerman at Walnut hill. Ed J. Clark and Mndgo at D. B. Clark's comotory. Moaos Nixon nt Hazel Doll comotory. 0. H. B. Marshal and Jerry Wella at Earner comotcry. Any who may know of soldiora' graves lot named in this list will please report the same in person or by postal card to Wall MoFaddon or N. S. Rujsoll. NEA/TLYllABBED , A Pair of 1'lckpockcts Arrested on the Oirous Gronmlp. Yesterday a neat capture was made by Deputy Marshals Edward Bates and George Guanolla. They were watching for crooks at the circus grounds , and soon noticed two young men evidently trying to pick pockcti , and keeping closa on their track saw ono of them put his hand Into the pocket of a lady , but instead of grabbing the follow too soon , aa is generally the case , or else too late , they so managed It that just the moment the fellow had gained possession of the lady's pnrae , they nabbed htm and his compan ion. There was nothing that they could say In defense , and the ono in poeseesion of the pocket book frankly confessed that ho had taken it , but said that ho was out of money , food and wore , and that ho was too proud to beg , even If not too proud to steal. Tbo two were taken to the city jail and put Into the steal cell. They gave their nsmos as James Howard and William Keating. The lady whoso pocket was picked was Mrs. Lizzie Hasty , who lives at No. Ill Washington avonuo. There was only $1.10 in the pocketbook , so that they could have made no big haul for the risk of being cent to the pontten tlary. DELAYS OF THE LAW , Another illtoli in the Prohibition Case . Yesterday was the time sot for the hearing of the Injunction cases by Judge Connor at Glanwood , bnt Instead of the day developing any sensational features in the prohibitory fight , a continuance was granted until this morning , this be ing by consent of the attorneys on both sides. The eases brought before Judge Aylesworth hero seem to have been con tinued indefinitely , it being understood that they will not come up until the cases at Glonwood have been hoard. Come and see goods and prices at the new boot and shoe store of R. 1 , Skllea No. 102 , Main street , The Two-Thirds Majority , Once upon a tlmo a fellow who under stood human nature pretty well , and who delighted to play upon it , wont into the banks of the town in which ho lived , anc asked the cashiers and other skillful ac countants what ho represented to bo a problem that had baen Riven up by al the school teachers , It being : "Whal two whole numbers multiplied together would make seven1 ? The expert ao conntants studied over It quito a while , and several gave It up , when ono slmpli fellow solved It by saying , "seven anc ono. " This is abont the way with the ques tion raised by the mayor , " what is two- thirds majority of a council of six mom bors ? " If there had boon no question raised , and such an air of mystery pu around the matter , any school-boy woulc say "two-thirds of six ia four , " but now ho has got the brains of two or throe ol his pots all mixed up and t'rad ' out over hla discovery that two-thirds of six ia fivo. This naw system of mathematics may do In some cases , but the people de mand a return to the Jefforsonlan sim plicity. _ _ Substantial abstracts of titles and raa estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 10 Pearl street. A Flftialnj ; Chariot. One of the meat unique adventures that over came to our attention was ro latod by John J. Vnndorvcor , who came In last night. John works the road for Von Brunt , Thompson it Co , , of Counci Bluffs , and yesterday took a team anc buggy to drlvo from Crete over to Dor Chester. Ho Is addicted to the weed ( the moral cf this will story bo found a itrong ono against the tobacco habit ) one beguiled the tedious hours of the drive by puffing a fragrant Havana. Tbo top of hla bugqy was down and he did not know of the combination which the breeze and his cigar hid formed against him until the smell of burning leather caused him to tnrn around , when ho discovered that the Inflammable buggy top was In a brisk blaze. Ho stopped and tried to put the fire out , bnt succeed ed in doinp nothing but burning hla fingers badly. Ho then got a wreuch and attempted to take the top off the buggy , but ho could not work it. Finally in despair he jumped into the buggy and Jaying whip to the team dl. rooted hli eff rta toward keeping the flame in the back part of the vehicle by rapid motion , The poole who mot him ? eve him the road without quarrelling for half , and the farmers along his route * dropped thofr Hues and started at the vision of tbo filming chariot in open- mouth astonishment , He finally pulled nto Dorchester with all the leather top jurned off , and bows burned In two. Ai a spectacular entertainment it nas a tno- cess , bnt ho says iho wear and tear on ho finances and nerves are so great that ho couldn't bo induced to repeat it. Lincoln ( Nob. ) Journal. Mr. Vandorvoor haa been at homo * ov- eral days with his hands tied up , and has ircscrved a mysterious sllenco as to how 10 hurt thom , merely saying that ho had mot with a little accident. .Now , that the mnds are abont healed , the secret comes out , and Van owns the corn , Ho saya that If the buggy top had boon of such material as on the buggies sold by him , netoad of cheap cotton , it would not lave caught fire , and ho will turn the ill uck Into an argument to clinch his own rado moro closely. J. J , is well now , and will soon bo after the trade In Ne- > raaka with usual liveliness. PEUSONAIj. John P. Organ , of Neol , reached Bcchtolo's cstordny. P. J , lIlnkaoD , of Glcnwood , spent circus day at liechtclo'a. F , Bartlett , of Binghamtoo , waa a guest of the Ogden yesterday. E. W. llaney , of Tabor , was among tlioao at the 1'nclfio yoaterday. J , F. Bnrko now starts on a business and pleasure trip to Canada , Bob Flynn , ono of Dca Slolnea' boat known tourists , waa at the Ogden yesterday. Joe La Ohnpello , the Glcnwood newspaper man , was at the Pacific yesterday. Miss Mabel Smith , of Hockford , is vialting her Bister , Mrs. George Thompson , on Sixth street. Will J. Trotter , the legal editor of Avoca , wna In the ctty yesterday , and a gucit of the Pacific. District Attorney Thornell arrived in the city yesterday to attend to his duties in the district court. The news now comoa that J , 0 , Morgan who formerly edited the Glebe hare , and who is now in tbo newspaper business at Kearney , Nebraska , has been appointed postmaster o that place. Mnj. Coon , of San Francisco , is at the Revera house. IIo has a brother living al Logan , and another at Avoca , and will visit thorn baforo his return , as well as go to Illi nois , where ho has aomo property interests. The major has in San Francisco a largo lodg ing house , with rooms furnished up elegantly , there not being ono furnished at a Iocs coal that $500 , and many of them still moro costly. S. S. Stevens , general ncjent of the Kock Island , has returned from California , whore ho has been spending some time In the better ing of his health , which has improved some , but ho is thinking of soon returning to the Pacific coaat , and making his permanent homo there , the climate seeming to agree with him better. Council Bluffs will regret losing him , and bis friends hope that his health may BO improve that a permanent stay may not bo necessary. Itoal Estate Transfers. The following are the transfers of rea' estate aa recorded in the office of the registrar , and reported to the BEE by A. J. Stephenson , for Monday , May 18 , 1885 : Thomas Kearney to town of Oakland , lot 1 , block 13 , Oakland , $75. Sarah M. Hare to T. Hare , lot 2 , block 8 , Hall's add , $1 000. J. G. Carter to Henry Sieffert , lota 11 , 12 , 13 and 14 , block 2 , Curtis' add to Hancock , $200. Philander Judson to Pottawatttamle county , so J , so , 2 , 76 , 44 , § 50 50. Andrew J. Farrls to James A Bonham , part of so J , no | , 25 , 77 , 4s and part w 4 , sw | , sO and part nw I , nw i , 31 , 77 , 43 , 83,000. Herman Plopor to Otto Schnack , tot 4 , block 8 , Mlnden , $1,500. Charles W. Nelson to Nettle J. Hunt et al , part of 27 , 75 , 4s , $225. Young Men's Christian Association , The weekly literary and social of the Young Men's Christian association wll bo hold aa usual this evening at 8 oclock Both ladies and gentlemen are Invited to bp present. The largo hall has been nicely seated and there Is plenty o room. MOCRAMME : General Singing Talk on "What I Did With Ono of my Del lars" By a Number of the I3oya Song E. D , Stscy Recitation Miss May Warburton INTERMISSION. Song , with guitar accomp't { \ * J W Reading J. L. Boyco Solo MUs Lizzie- Racer Reading L , M. O , Meyer COMMERCIAL , COUNCIL DLOrrS MABEKT. Wheat No. 1 milling , 70 ; No. 2 , 65 No. S , CO. Corn Now , 28c. Oota For local purposes , SOo. Hay 8 00 per ton ; baled , 60 , Rye MJo. Oorn Meal SI.BO per 100 ponnaa. Wood Good supply ; prices nt yards , f ,10 ( ( ) Goal Delivered , hard , 9 , EG per toiij aol 4.CO per ton Lard Armour's , wholesaling at 7J > , Flour Olty Hour , 1.50@2.00. Brooms 1.75@3.00 per dor , Live BTOOE. Cattle Butcher cows 8.25@3.75 , Batcher ateera , 3.75-J,00. Bhonp S.OO@S.BO , Hogs-3.60@3.76. rnoDuoa AND moire. Eggs-Oic lluttcr Receipts are Increasing ; cholci CT8amory,22@2-lo ; choice country , 15c ; goot 12illc ; poor to fair , C@10c. Roll butter should bo wrapped In blenched butter cloth and closely packed. Poultry Demand strong supply light ; live aprioR chickens , good eio , 56.CO perdozlive old chickens , light and medium weight , ? 3.60@3,70 perdoz. ; live old chickens , heavy weight , 5-1 00 ; live turkeys , 10llo per Ib. At present the weather Is too uncertain to ship dressed poultry ; however high prices can be obtained tor choice stocK arriving in good condition Game-Demand ia only for fresh killed ducks , mallards2.00j , inlxed.Sl.fij ! ) tool , 1.00. Onions-None in market ; choice stock would likely bring 51,76 ; sprouted and poor , 8l.00@l.20. Beans Clean stock in good demand at 81,25 @ 1.30 for mediums , and § 1,60 for navies ) dirty stock is dull at 81.00. Potatoes The frelpht war haa given n § cboio WieconiiiiB and Minnesotas at 65@70a Good natives are going at 60o in bulk ; email lota of sacked , COc. THOB. omcKn. w. 11. M. i-cssi Officer & Pusev. BANKERS Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established - 1865 Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Home Securities. S . elf , u jS'u ' P' riptloo of noted ptcltllil ( nowi - . Uied. ) nruEnUti c a fill II. Addren OR , WARD 4 CO. . LOU FLY NS ! , For "Window Screens and Oruanienta Screens , leave your orders at W. CHAP S 1O5 and 1O7 Main Street , COimCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. N. B. PICTURE FRAMES of anv description made to order while von wait , Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizzesSwitch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE. 29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff. W. P. AYLESWORTH , Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed , Frame laiu moved on Little Giant trucks , the boat in the world. W. P. AYLSWORTIi. 1010 Ninth Street , Council BluOs Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which wo will cell In retail or carload lots AilStoc arranted as Reoresented Wholesale and retail dealers In Grain nd Baled Hay. Prices toi- eonablo Satisfaction Guaranteed. &o BOLE'S" Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. p. DeVOL Wholesale and Retail Tinware. Charter Oak and Acorn Stoves need no comments. Lpnard's celebrated cleanable Dry-air Refrigerator , these Refrigerators excel ! all others in cleanljneas. A refrigerator which cannot bo cleaned becomes useless , it becomes a uuis * anco instead of a benefit. with latest improvements , large and small. Fort f ayne With this washer we do not ask you to risk confideuca or money. We know that a 1 that is necessary is a trial. TAKE ONE , and i after ono or two fair tests you are not pleased return it and we will relund your money. GOHM STIR GASOLIFI EMGES. These llantjcs are com plete departure from the regular Vapor Stove , an possess many new acd val- uahle features tltat ® & will Ite We have the exclusive agency of the celebrated Tto Point Steel Barb fire in this city , Do not be deceived by and Job at bottom price ; , Mall orders solicited. * TITS' TTftT 601 Broadway , Ff . UJ2I VJlSt COUNCIL BLUFFS. 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Dry Goods Must Go * * Cocko & Morgan will make prices this weak that cannot bo duplicated. Como , See and bo couvlnc d. Bargains In ovcry department , Dress Goods. Brocades , all colors 4o worth 8.\o. \ Plaids , Brocades and plain goods ) 8Jo worth 12&c. & Manchester cashmeres lOc wo rth lOc. Elegant line of Drees Goods at 12Jo and 15o worth 20o and 25. Wo have picked out and marked down , a lot of dress goods to 25o per yardworth from 35c to 50o. Thia is the best bargain over offered In Council Bluffs. COTTON DRESS GOODS , WASH FABRICS , ETC. This department has never boon BO complete and never have such goods been offered for the money. Ginghams 7A worth lOc. " Dress Plaids" , all now , boantlfnl designs and patterns 80 and lOo , other merchants are advertising these goods at 12Ao and 15s. 15s.Do Do not got those goods mixed with the ehoddy auction goods or old patterJB out of style , advertised by others at 3o anil < lo , as our sleek contains all now goods and now styles. Seersuckers nt lie worth 12Jc , Seer suckers ot 12Jc worth IBo. r > Ohrambaya" Scotch Chovoits , French Ginghams , Sateens. 3000 yards Lawn , 3o north 8Jo. 2000 yards Lawn at Ga worth lOc. A most beautiful line of lawns at 12jo actually worth worth and would bo cheap at 20o. Sateens 8jo worth 15o , Great reduction la Domchtlcs. Calicos at half price. Muallna 25 per cent cheaper than you can buy anywnero. Wo will tavo you 20 per cent on 8-4 ahcotlngo. , Wo will save you 20 per cent on 9-4 shootings. Wo will eave you 20 per cent on 10-4 sheetings. < s Cream Table Linen IBo worth 25c. " " " 28o " 40c. ' ' 42c " COc. ' " " C5c " 85c. " " " 85c " . $100. Pure Whlto boantlfnl patterns. See tbom and yon will bo convinced they are cheaper tban you over bought. Turkey Red 32o worth 40c , " " 42io " DOc. " " 50o " C5c. " " COo " 85c. " " 75s " OOc. Gents Furnishing Cloods. In this department wo bavo never offer- such bargains. Gents Gauze Shirts 15c worth 25c. H" " " 25,3 , " 40o. ' " ' 35o COc. ' " 50o " GOo. Gents Lisle Thread Shirts 75o would bo cheap at $1.25. Gents bleached drawers 60s Trorth 75 2 11 " ' " . 75s SI. Gents Socks in endless varieties. Socks at 5o worth 8Jc ; Socks 8Jc worth 12c. Seamless Socks Oa worth luc. " " 12Ao " 20c. ' " 20c " 30c. 41 " 25j " 40c. Gents Lisle Thread Socks 50 cheap at 75c. 75c.Gents Gents Ties , Job lot at 25o cheap at OOc. EMBROIDERIES AND LA.OES. Never in the annals of the dry goods business have these goods boon offered so cheap. Irish points Magic and Swlao embroideries. Colored embroideries , como and look at thom if yon want to BOO somothlng pretty and pot the worth of your money. Pure Linen Laces 15o doz. yds worth 25c " 20o " " " 30c ic ii 25c ' " " S5c K n n 3oc 4Qo K < i u 4oc 11 < i eec it ii d goj " " 75c We want people to know bow cheap we can and will sell goods , to find out , you musb come and see for yourselves , and do not take our word for it. We advrtise nothing -we do not do. Remember the place , 347 BBOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Leaders and Maintainers of Low Prices , ladies who wish to look around we invite to come to our store aa wo will show yoi goods with pleasure. All will , bo treated pleasantly and politely. You will not be urped to buy goods but will have our belt attention and efforts to maUeyourvisittoour store pleasant and profitable OOOKE & MORGAN , 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa