PRFr ; THE DAILY BEE -MONDAI , MAY 18 , 1885 , 8 THE DAILY BEE. Monday Morning. May 13 , LOOA.L BREVITIES , Mr. William Grenebautn is the happy father of a twelve psnnd bny. A young blood , by the name of Andrew Nelson , was registered at the city jail l st evening with "fMtdiiving" sat opposite his name. -AyoungBon of Hon. Henry T. Clntko school to the fell from the steps of the high basement below , Saturday afternoon , and bivdly fractured his arm. The street car company has completed its Thirteenth street extension nnd will make Iho runs through to Uascnll's park now. constructing n The company is also rolirf Btablo on South Tenth street near the tracks , Officer Tumbull recovered Friday evening 600 cigars which were stolen from Wothrick's saloon on Wednesday night. The cigars were found in the blnckamlth ehop adjoining the saloon , deeply bnried under r pile of coal. The cigars were valued at $70. George Williams , the thug who struck Alexander Boaacman ono dark night not long smco , in an alley on Twelfth street , then robbed him , was found by the pollco yester day , nrrostod , and lodged in jail to await the ploaauro of Judge Stcnborg this morning. At the bar mooting Saturday afternoon Judge Wakoly appointed W. J. Conn ell , G. W. Ambrose , W. A. llodick , B , K. B. Kennedy - nody nnd E. W. SImeral as a committee tenet net with the county commlsilonors In making nrrnngomonta for the formal opening of the now court house. -Two street cars of the Twentieth aid Saundora line collided 'about 10 o'clock Saturday morning at the Seward street switch , the accident being caused by the heavy grade nnd the slippery condition of the tracks. The driver of the down car was unable to check its upood , nnd before the up car could make the switch the colllilon took place , the corners - nors of tbo cars striking with considerable force. A MIsa Miller , who was riding in ono of the cars , waa thrown from her seat to the car floor nnd received severe injuries. Several oral largo gaahos were cut in her head , and she was evidently injured internally. She was carried by Mr. J. Nichols to the house of Mr. Morrell , on the corner of Seward and Saunders streets , nnd a physician summoned , The full extent of her injuries are not known as yet. yet.Mr. Mr. Kugeno Field , of the Chicago News , arrived in town Friday night on No. G whlcli brought Sells Brothers mammoth aggregation of curiosities up from Plattsmouth. "We violate no confidence when we remark" thai Mr. Field is o studious attendant or > Sell ! Brothers' show this year , having followed il since tbo opening of the season. Ho appearec In the parade Saturday morning ot top of the tiger wagon Mr Field is n ferocious animal him self in the costume of llorculoa cleaning th ( Augean stables. For the favor of Mr. Field' ) appearance In this role wo are indebted to thi Messrs. Sells , and the circumstances of the no gotiatlou by which ho was obtained were givei to ua in confidence laat night. Wo fool tba wo cannot betray them. Is may bo sufficlen to remark that when Mr. Field began life h owned three ranges of the Rocky mountalne noted for their wealth of minerals. All thesi Mr. Field laid at the feet of n bearded Al bino , who Boon afterward died. The infatua tion for the pink-eyed race still lingers fondl ; in his breast and ho ha'a been placed In abio lute control of the herd that goes with thi show. During the season the "Sharps am Flats" will , it is needless to say , bo edited n long range. Uoorgo Moran and wife of Now York , ar guests at the Millard , F. K , Booth , Arlington , and J. O. Ohosc Fairmont , are at the Millard. Mrs. O , H. Dorrence , who has Seen yisil inf friends in the south several weeks , wi arrive home this morning. The Hen. W. L. May , one of the state fia commissioners , returned homo yesterday fret Washington , whore ho had boon attending meeting of the national fish culture asaocio tion. Among other benotfia secured for N < braskn , Mr. May Bays that ho arranged t have near load of California 4-year-old rail bow trout sent hero during the summer. At the Metropolitan : Henry L. Youn | Brock ; J. A. Diels , Scribnor ; Henjy John son , Fremont ; F. W. Turner , Lincoln ; Thomi Leighton , Flattamouth ; Frank Lawronc Utica0. ; W. Drake , Denver , Col. ; Robei Flint ) , W. E. Andrews , Des Molnes ; Hall Weiton , Wninego , Kane. ; J. F. Curry , ICni BOB City , Mo. ; F. It. Aiusworth , Mlnn < npolisj C P. Ifnys , Malvorm , Io. , L. ] Cunningham , Peoria , 111 , , and E. C. Condi Kansas City , MB. Ilclfttin to Itnilroxls. S. W. Ecclos , Salt L ko City ; L. I Rhodes and S. M. Mason , Denver , a railroad mon , arrived in the city lai nlpht and are at tbo Paxton. F. B. Drake , assistant uupurintondei of the Western Division , with hoac quarters at Kansas City , of the Mfsaon Paciflo road , Is In town. A small cyclone struck the U. P. i Gothonborg , Saturday , and tore clew every telegraph pole there , but furthc than that the damage amounted to not ! ing.Tho The Union Pacific company has con menced build ing another extension i the Bolt line from the Woodman 0 works out to Dixou's and the Euclai lumber yards. Mr. John E. MoOlare , Northwester psfsaoger Bgtut for the Ohio & Mis Itsippi roads , called Saturday mornin and loft on our railway reporter's table communication by W. B. Shattuo , pul liohed in the last Railway Magazine o the subject of ticket comraiations ] eeoms that some tlmo ago the Iliilwa Kcclster at St. Louis credited SLattt with having stated to Its editor , M McArthnr , that the 0. & Al compan pees not p y out more thin § 16GOOC pi annum on account of ticket commltiiou : This Sbattuo eajs lie never furnishc end characterizes It as a deliberate nit Iclona Ho. Wnnicu in Iitwn. Sheriff Pointer , of Polk county , la was In Omaha joiterday searching fc ihreo notorlciu thieves , who are wautu at his plica for breaking open a frdl b i ar end stealing from it a lotol goodi r He was given ajmo gojd pointers abou ISr.i tbo scoundrels but fulled to ca'ch ' ttea nd wont back last ttveniag over to OJDII iil Bluu'j , Ono if the parties wanted , iran by the name of Smith , wss ate liere two cr thteo days ago by pirtlt ivban ho rocogn'zjd ' , and it U suppose that IH feared telug given away by ther. nud lirpod out. THE BLUE AND THE GfW. The Military Encampment at Mobil-- : Return ol Major Powell , the Inspector , His IIlKl Opinion of tlio Display Ho 1'nys A GrcAt Compliment to tbo Citizens of Mobile. Major Powell , of the fourth infantry , who waa appointed by the secretary of war as Inspector of the military camp at Mobile , returned to Oraaln on Sunday. Major Powell expresses himself as very muco pleased with the exhibition , which ho saya was really ono of the finest mili tary contests over witnessed in this conn- try , The grounds of the encampment were beautifully located on Mobile bny , within sight of the old Spanish fort. There were 30 companies In attendance. "Their Inspection satisfied mo as regards tholr efficiency and abllly , that they are composed of mon who are well fitted for ' " said Powell. officer * position , Major 'They have the material from which of ficers can bo made In case of war' They were thoroaghly organized In two batal- lions. Thcro were three batalllona , often ton companies each. I iras In vited to command ono of them , hlch I did. 1 was surprised finding among the companies many4 men that would make oed stall officers , adjutants , and nartormaators , owing to tholr ndnptn- illity to nnch positions. Mobile was rcssod for a vrook previous to the arrival if the troops In the greatest display of mntlng rod , vhlto , and bine that I vor saw. Southern mon , who had ought for the confederacy , said to mo liat whlto they had boon whipped they lad como to the conclusion that It was 'or tholr own good. " "How were the northern companies roatcd ? " asked the representative of the 3EE of Maj. Powell. "Tho first company to arrive , " said o , "was the ono from Mnscatlno , Iowa 'hey ' were received by two companies oi \Iabama troops and all the people of the ; own with open arms. There was noth- ng too good In Mobile for the visitors. The greatest demonstration wan made owarda the northern troops that came rom Iowa , Illinois , Michigan and WU- : onsin. They all fraternized aa if thej were brothers and had fought the blaodj war together. Although those companies were brought together BB Individual or ganizationa from different cities and tatea they united In batalllons and bar monized and oxosated ardors with snoli proficiency that It waa really .n groal pleasure to mo to bo able to bo presonl at auoh ari encampment. In order tc cement the fooling which was oxhlbltoc a reglmont waa organized consisting o : all the northern companies and i sufficient number of southern coinpaulci to form ono command In gray and ono h blue. It Is a remarkable fact that nearl ] all the southern companies were dresscc In blno , while all tbo northern companle were in gray. The organization wa called the Blue and Gray Regiment. Thi mayor of Mobile desired that It remain ; permanent organization. Bolng the senlo United States officer there , I was selectei as the drill officer and commandant unti such time as another election may tak place. The northern troops , in their ox preeslons of opinion , have boon vcr. gratofnl for the courtesies and klndnosso extended to thorn by the gentlemen am ladles of the south. " Thoao expressions concerning the encampment campmont at Mobile , coming as they d from Major Powell , the inspector , wll no donbt bo highly appreciated , not enl ; by the military companies , but by th citizens of Mobile. Seal of North Carolina Tobacco is th best. OEIME IN A CELLAR , Tbo Screams of a Female Voice nni Pistol Shots Heard Antonio 1'ayno Arrested. On Jonoa stfeot , extending froi Eleventh to Thirteenth , is probably th toughest and most dangerous locality i this entire city. The residents thorec are low Italians , and as many as twcntj five and thirty of thorn are known t shelter In ono small , rickety old buildin ; The police say that many dark nn dreadful crimes have been commltte there In subterranean apartments occc pied by these people , but they seem I bo Bach experts at covering np all ev dences of their foul acts , and as It is In possible to flnd ono who will peach < toll anything on another , It has alrrft ] been very difficult to got clews or cv donco that would load to the arrest of tl right parties. But yoeterday , on th Information of an American lad , Antonl Payne was captured , taken to the contn police station and locked up. The enl charge placed against Payne that of shooting oil' fire orn within the city Urals , but the boy to ] ; qnlto a sensational story about thitif that ho saw and heard , which if found t bo true T/lll develop on extraordlnarll inhuman and bloodly outrage. Whe questioned by a BEK reporter , ho sul that ho saw Poyno drag Lizzie Smith , white girl , down Into an old cellar , an afterwards went np himself to look In t the window. Ho could BOO Payne wit the girl and hoar her crying as thong calling for help. Pojno ordered him t leave the window and threatened t shoot him If ho did not. Young Amei lei , however , made no movomeni towards going , whereupon Payne wer to the back part of the cellar , opened box and took his revolver out of It. Tbo the boy made himself scarce , but on ] went a thort distance. Soon after li hoard ono cr two shots fired in the collai but don't know whether at th girl or only to ecara him. Ho wont In mediately and got an officer , Togethe they rqturnod to the plico , but by tbi lime the Italian had left his nndorgronn den and was out on the street whore th oflicer arrested him , A search was mad for the girl , but she could not be fouu nor the revolver either. When taken t the jail Pay no acted very sullen , an looked at tha boy as though ho woul liks to kill him. The bad weather of Saturday aftotnoo and ovonlng prevented Sells Bros , aho from carrying near the niionnt of mone out of Omaha that they would have don had the weather been nloo. As it wj the afternoon performance drew & goo aodlonco , bnt at night the rain came down In such torrents thai It was nlmost Impossible for people to get out doors t all. Bat , notwithstanding this , there was croird enough for the show to go on , nnd in mud and water , al most shoo top deep , the performers went through tholr acts. The circus part of Soils Bros. ' show can't bi bsat , simply became they have the best ling people with thorn In the ojuntry. The bare back riding Is something wonderful , Wllllo Sells , Frank Gardner , Madame Oordona , Pauline Lee , William Gorman , and Herman Boll bolnsr , the artists with this show. Sells , Gardner , and Crodona are the champions. Mr. Willie Bolls has made , within the Rast two yp rs , most wonderful improvement aa n rider , and ho has the finest ring coitumo of any man In the bminoss. When announced ho always works up an excitement and Interest by coming ono dressed as a swell opera hat , hay market coat , high collar - lar , gold cano , etc. , and with a gaudily uniformodcoloredvalot ; ] loading his horso. That old white animal ho rides Is 22 voars of ago and has boon with Soils Brothers over since they first started on the road ns show men. Another good feature of the entertainment is Billy Burke , the clown , with his trained elephant. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BREAKING THE BEAKES. Two \V1U1 and Frightful Street Gar AccIilcutB but Nobody Injured. Yesterday was quite productive of startling street car accidents. The first centred to No. 3 , von the Thirteenth root line , Jim Hcgland , driver. While olng do-rrn the hill south of the railroad iridco , which croeseo Thirteenth street , ho brake rod became detached at ono md , which rendered the brakes useless , , nd the car began to Increase its speed at lively rato. Hcgland had presence f mind enough to unfasten his team and ; ct them out of the way. There wore lovoral men , women and children in the ; ar. The men all jumped off leaving the women and children to take a wild , dan- erona zido. The driver , however , was iravo enough to stay with them. Seven ir eight mon got hold o' the flying vehicle ind tried to stop it , but they wore jerked , nd thrown in all directions. The women and children made matters more Ively by screaming and crying at the top ) f tholr voices. But on wont the cai Iko a hurricane. It dashed under the valdnct bridge , across the bottom and nearly to the top of the north sldo slope before stopping. Then It started to gc back , but enough men got hold of it tc call a halt and lot the frightened , occu pants got out. They had a great ride , and ara satisfied beyond any doiiro tc over repeat it. The other ascldeut involved No. 13 Walter Scott driver , and happened on St , Mary's avonuo. It was much more dis astrous , and will probably entail the lost of a horse that was badly injured. Foi this Scott Is very much to blame. Befon starting down the avenue hill ho know that his brake was out of order and conic not bo nsed , but argned to hlmcclf tha inasmuch as the car was full of poopli and the grade not BO very stoop that th < horses could get along fast enough t < keep out of the way. The car ran Inti them , ono was thrown down , and drag ged , it is stated , half a block , over thi rough stone pavement. This cf coura stopped the runaway bat not before tin occupants of the car becsmo palid will fright. DISTINGUISHED VISITOES The Secretary of War , W. O. Enill cott , and Gcnernla of the Army Expected Here To-l > ny. The Hon. W. 0. Endleott , seereraty o war , Msjor-General John M. Soofield Adjutant-General Richard 0. Drum and Col. Thomas M. Barr , deputy jadg ndvocito general , are expected to arrlv in Omaha this mornln ? . They lei Washington the fore part of Ian week on fa tour of inspection t some of the principal milltar posts and reached Fort Loavonwort Saturday morning. There they wore me at the depot by Gen. 0. 0. Augur , Col Martin and Col. Glllias , and driven 1 : carriages to the fort , where a salute c nineteen guns were fired In their hones Secretary Endleott Is accompanied b his family , and on Saturday ovrning the wore tendered a reception at ( no rral donee , in Fort Leavonworth , of Gor Augur. Dispatches from Leaven worth to th Kansas City papera say that the dii tlnguished party would leave there fo Omaha last night , and that being th case they will arrive hero this mornln about G o'clock. The department con mandors here , however , stated last nigh that their Information , which the claimed to bo official , is to th effect that the party wi not leave Loavonworth until this ovonln and bo hero to-morrow. After spondln a day or two hero they go to Ilock Island 111. , then return to Washington. ] could not bo learned what arrangement ! If any , have been made to iccclyo th vlaitora hero. "Welgman Ciottlng Better. For the first tlmo since being waylai and Injured , John E. Welgmau was abl to talk a little yesterday. HIa utterance are rather incoherent and wild , bu enough could bo gatherrd from what h uald to ascertain that two men attacke him and first took what money ho ha then tried to got hU watch. Who they undo the brack fu that ho fought them an received the blow that crushed his skull This proves that the object of the villain was robbery. Ho s y that they wor standing by the fence of his yard who : he came up and started to go In. The shop mon have raised $500 , an they renew the offer made ono week ag to give that cum for the arrest and eec viotlon ot the parties. The Knights c Labor association keep two men cletallo all the time to attend the patient. H ii gradually getting better. Too Much Circus Lemonade. Tom McGregor , ( white ) , and Ltezi Smith , ( colored ) , notorious character ! who live together , down In the bjttomi as husband and wife , were placed undo arrest yesterday and given quartern i the city jail. Filled with an actraordl nary supply of redclrcm lemonade , To a Imagined that his black partner had b-e transformed Into a ferocious tiger , an proceeded tD brulss her he d with chtlr post. For choice fruit and fresh g Ito ] Heimrod'ff. Absolutely Pure. Thli powder never varioi. A marvel ol ( imoty , lronKth ndwholcaonicnc8S. MOID eoonoinlcalthan bo ordinary klnJe.tnd cannot bo Bold In compel ! ' Ion with the multitude ol low test , thort weigh ! lain ol rhynphrto powders. Bold only In etnt IOY. At UA.K1NQ POWDER CO. . 108 W ll 81 ; N.I HIS OWN HISTORY. Beirayer , Mnrtor , Forger , anil Fn- gi'iyc ' From Justice , His llonor Jmlgo StonborR Listens to tlio Story of a Man "Whoso Iilfo is Filled with Deeds of tlio Darkest Char acter. "I can glvo yon a good item of nowa. " The speaker was Jndgo Stonborg , and 10 nddrostcd himself to a reporter for the E who had droppad down to the city ail in search of Information , regarding ho fifteen Sunday sinners run in up to .hot time. The story aa related by his loner may bo given in those lines : Yesterday morning , H. 0. Phillips , the "ndlvidual who was arrested last Track 'or forging and trying to nogotlato a note if § 125 on D. 0. Soilfon , ncnt for Jndgo Stonberg and had him go to the jail. He wanted to say it was not him who com mitted the forgery but an unknown mys terious friend. The next was to request of Judge Stonberg that ho write a lettet o Ktrkpatrlck & Holeomb , lawyers at Brokenbo , Gnster county , where ho ( Phillips ) is under Indictment 'or grand larceny , and should bo there ; his very day to appear for trial. Kirk- istrlck & Uolcombo are his attorneys , md ho wanted them nttlticd that owlnf : o the pressing engagement here it wil bo Impoaalblo for him to got there. I Is presumed that this will make hie bondsmen fool worried. His honor ac commodated Phillips by fulfilling the request of writing to these parties. In the meantime he succeeded in getting the prisoner tc glvo up something of tils career , and it It dortalnly black enough to suit the in ssclato , depraved fancies of any ten con novel reader. Thirteen years ago in n little Mla-aouri town Phillips betrayed and ruinei the girl who had loved him. After re fusing to repair , in part , the outmgo com mltted , by marrying his victim , hoi father aworo to avenge the wrong am sought Phillips for the purpose of killing him. They mot , but It was the fa the who died. The girl had four brothois and each of them pledged hlmsel to protect her honor , and rnak all things even by shooting dowi Itko a dog , and shoot 01 Bight the villain who ha < wrecked her fyouDgSlifo. The narrate declares that [ nrapidsuccaaaion ho cansei three of those brothers to blto the dnnt and since being confined In jail hero , h discovered that his mysterious friend who induced him to attempt the negotla tion of a fraudulent noto. is the fourtl brother. The story goes that thra nights ago this man appeared at Philip : cell window , and made himself known then gave it out that ho had played th game with only ono end in view and that is to get Philips safely landed li states prison. Phillips declares tint h was a school teacher in Custor county and among his papers the judge foun two teachers certificates. The plea h sets up about being Innocent of th charge now preferred against hin hero , is rather gauzy an that ho forged Soltfons name to th note Is very clearly shown In the Idenl ficatlon of his writing. The ponmanshi of the letter ho wrote yeetoi day and gave to Jndgo Stonborg coi responds exactly to the writing on th note. note.To To secure Solnfen's name from whicl the forgery conld bo made , Phillips wen to Selnfon's house , representing hlmsel as being a newspaper correspondent sent thoto to get a dctcrlption of th promises for the purpose of ombodyln them in a wiite up of suburban place around Omaha. After taking down sketch as given him by Seinfen , ho thei induced the latter to sign It as a gimr antoo to his employers that the dessrlp tlon WSH correct. Brindi adrcrtlred absolutely purs THE TEST : riire c ntop < lownon n. Ijotetoie until . rumors the porer and intoll. A cliemlit will uot b r jutr d to dettct th prownco of mmonli DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. 'ITS jitiiTiircuieB * ma NEVER " > i Ink million bomti for imrUr of a ctoturjr It t it Ml tbl con uDi rV reliable Uit , THE TESTJJFJHE OVEH , PRICE BAKING POWDER CO , HIKEHJ or Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Genii tor light , llcaltby lrd , Th Vrjr 11 up Ycut la th. World. FOR 8ALK BY GROCERS. CHICAGO * i ST. LOUIS , 1312 U 1312 You -who have looked In your iutoreM- , and still hold tlio thought thab you can not wonr fine clothing nnd mvo them look na well as the neatest , without paying the oxhorbituit prices ol $45 , § 50 , § 00 and Sb5 > er suit , ought to pay one visit to the Misfit Parlors , 1312 Douglas Street , and see the sum3 goods with n guarantee of a perfect lit , in ony style of cut itua from all tin prevailing styles in fibric9 t prices less than half the nbovo , or to say , about the cost of rnw matsrial which the garments are made ot while in every case the Misfit Par.'ors exercises all pains in satisfying the custoimr , sud foal it no troubh nit purely do their DU [ n order you mny feel yourself at homonnd invite your frioiiJs , you arc co'd/ally / received ; nud oveii if you only wish to inspect , you are treated with the aauie courtnsy ns it you cnuit ' * . : purchase the Garments , consisting of Suite , Spring Overcoats , Cents and Vests nnd Pantaloons , which nra nrndo by the hading merchant tailors of the country , consolidated iuto oie ktock , will prompt ; o say it is the most elegant seen anywhere. The Parlors remain opsn iniie evening-v ? lite as 9 o'clock o your benefit in case you should be detained at your business , and nude as lilit aa day by electric light. One call will satisfy you that the Parlors have nothing but bargainsand , that thy nra deserving of the libenl pit- ronage of Omaha and vicinity , at least a visit. The FIT 1312 DOUG-LAS 3TREETUFAIB8. . 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays itil 10 o'clock. COWING & „ „ , JOBBERS IV WROUGHT IRON PIPE , e and Catt Iron Lead Plpo and Sheet Lead , WOttTIIISOTOX bTKAJl I'tlPS , Plumbers' Gas and siteai niters' IRON & BRASS GOODS. ENGINEERS' SUPPUES , 14lh4DodaeSls.-OMAHA.NEB. o nuno aa well , Invalid will fla bcntfit In the occasion il use cf Rtdg'a Food md especially at night. Belaf at easy o dl uJ- lion , It does no pte- \cnt sloop comity at once , and at the same time will Impait strength as lew other tilings will do. His a preparation ol wheat , and all Ita etrocgthen- lngi > ropertieiato routuod. Try It nurses. Sold by artiirtlsts and Rrooera. Four sizes , 85 : onta to 61.75. Send for paniohlct containing information on the subject.Voolrleh& Co. , Palmer , Maes. HAMBURG-1IERIGAN PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , France and Germany. The siumghlpe ol this well known line ue bnllt cl Iron , In water-tight oorapartmonto , and no fur- nllbed with cncry requisite to make the paBaago both eafe and agrcenblo , They carry the United Stitoa and European malls , and Icavo New York Thu d ya and Saturdays ( or Plymouth ( LONDON Gberbou ? . ( PARIS and HAMOUUO. Hates , First Cabin , 80-5100. Steerage , to or Irom Hamburg , $10. O.It IliCIIA.lU > &CO.acn eral Pass Agents , Cl liioaiivay , Now York and Washington tnl La Scllo btroettf , Chicago , or Henry Pundt , If ark Hanson , F. K. Moore e , Harry Dcuol In Omaha ; Oronowlg&Schocncfien , In Council IlluUa DB , POHEK , Graduate ot the University Vienna , Aus tria. Late Surepon to the Military Hospital , of Vienna , Will do a general Medical and Surgical practice. All calls in city or country promptly attended. Ollico at the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner 13th Street nnd Capitol Avenun. OintiJia Medical &fnr- fjical Institute. 13th St. , Oor Oauital Av ? Chronic and Snrgica1 Dise ; DIsfaaa * ol Kennies , ol thu Nervoul Syttjj late UUeasrs of the Urinary and Sexuil orj , Diseases ol the Head , Throat and Luugs , er ' - ' Diseases treated by an experienced srcc/)3 ) dUeaecao ! the Heart , I.U or , Stomach , Hid/ der , Neuralgia , IKieumithrn , I'llrs , Cannf. ' And all other diseases ol the Throat nd od byMidloitoil Vapors Send lor or clnulir on Inhalation. . ] Or All dUcajej ol the DUod. Uiloary ft'i"ay ' gain , 1'rhato Uiaeatca and I'ilei Cure/ / K Ycart HosplUI nod I'rUate Vi&d CoDiultatlon and Kiamlnatlj jcorm | CillorwrltolorcircuUiaonclironbdls „ ( , , Itloa , DlioiBca cl Feoialo , l'rlvateloea tjcr. Urinary aod Sexual Organi , Scmlnali ou'rnew oun DehUity or Kxhtustlon , eta. f rostoratUc treatment , i All letter ! and conaulUtlontGon , , . . HV ex. MedlMuea tent to all pans ol VII tuH do. pruu. ae-utelr packed Iroinowieu | nttrrte icrii > tlon t MHO la given , One n I.refer'edllco.n . nlejit. Open roomg j ratlenti Irom a dlttanoe can Tl board , Addreei all lettcn to Omaha Medical & ' 140 / ( E/A.BLISHED / 1805. ) I Only Iporters in Omaha of Y ' ARTICIiES , Guns , Spring Goods and Notions , FIREWOBB , FLIiGS , BALLOONS , Balls , Fishing Tackle , /HOLLER / SKATES. LISTS. OmaJur , Neb. that when you buy n lot in South Omn'ia you get 9.00D ? ? 113' CQUfl1 , tothreo , lots 60x00 , or six business lots 26a Wi this you have the advantage ot alleys 30 feet wide and a strP" icot Wldc- JL Jti , 1. 1 are buying realf estate ; ascerfain hov much IA.ND you are getting for your Ti , Eccuro these larpo lots while they nro clienp. You can get ground v at couts a square foot that will be worth five times Unit amo aut three yearn. &end for a l lap of South Omaha. ddress , 216 S. 13th t , Omaha , Neb . ? A. Uuton afiiss't Seo'v and Manager. IE LEADING CARRIAGEFACTORY 9 and 1411 Douglas Stress ? " ! Omaha Nebraska