THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , MAY IB. 1885 , AKONG THE COWBOYS , The life and Characteristics of This ' Class Indigenous to the Great West. The Most Marvelous Ilorsonicn In the World Mnrvclous Fonts With the Lariat , Etc. 1'oit Keogh ( Mont. ) Correspondence Cleveland - land Lender. The cattle indnstry of the northwest has developed a now race of cro&turea that are called by.aomo cowboys , by others cow-punchers. Thcao Indlvlrlaols , indigenous to the country , are totally different from their brethren a low miles further nonth , for there fa ai ranch differ- cnco botwooa the cowboys of Montana and the cowboys of TOIAS as there la be tween one Now England Yankees and our Now Orleans Creoles. In ahort there baa grjrrn on with the raarvelonslncreaio of ttio cattle industry another sot of bolngs that ate very much nnllko the herders of a few years ago. A dccado or BO back , cow herders on the plains wore regarded as the very worat class of mon In our country ; n flats who were always ready to make a gun fight , had marked to oaah ono's credit the "killing cf his man , " and who Invariably died with his boota on. In the vernacular of the fron tier , ho waa a b-n-d man altogether , and n cutter and shooter from away back. They looked upon a tenderfoot with becoming - coming acorn , bpio the nppoar.inco of continually thlrating for gore , and had no hopes of heaven or fear of hell , The typlcil cowboy of by-gone days should wear a largo whlto som brero , bound with a flashy gold cord and tasaol , high top boots , leather pants , fringed buckskin shirt , no vest , nnd a pair of Mexican spurs an big aa uaucerj. 11 o ehould also bo armed to the tcotb , bo well mounted on a fiery bucklog broncho , have a long sinewy larint trailing behind his steed , Indian fashion , and habitually bo half fnll of hla favorite beverage. Now aa a matter of fact IIIF. HEAL OOWBOy OF THE NORTHWEST. la & very different person from what ho b supposed to bo. Many of thorn are collfgu graduated who stood high with the faculty of eastern universities , and not a few lira able to solve a mathematical problem or parao n Latin sentence with ns much ease as they can throw a steer or punch a brand. I liavo observed in Miles City , ono of the headquarters of cattlemen in the northwest , all clesicscf individuals , from the boardlosa youth to the gray haired man , dressed In the style of and engaged In the occupation of cowboys , Miny undertake the bnalnecs f < r want of sonuthlng to do In the way of earning a living , but the majority accept their lives from eholco. A bottpr lace of fel lows than the true , genuine cowboy of the northwest .docs not exist on the North American continent. The average wages for a cowboy la not very good § 40 pr month nnd findings bnt the life is exciting , and the free , open oxorcisa as&uioj excellent health and perfect digestion , which is batter t'lan all the wages they could got. 11 o bompatilcd a round-up party last fall that conrcd the ranges north of Miles City , and on that trip learned many now paints regarding their Ufa , habits , and manner of living , heretofore unknown to mo. I found they endured hardships that would have cost many mon their lives , and therefore became , by continual exposure , perfect types of physical manhood. They are unquestlonablo the finest honomeii in the world ; and are con- Btantly practicing with rifles or revolvers In their endeavors to become dead shots , and tut-y generally succeed. Living In the saddle , they worship their horses , nnd are perfectly happy when on the backs of their animals flying over the plains. During the herdlug season , sixty or oorenty miloa Is an ordinary day's ride. They are bravo , will share their last ration with a stranger , never Ho nor chojt , and hate a horse thief like they do the dovit himself. It Is a mistake to im agine that cowboys are a dangerous sot. Any ono ia as safe with them as w > ta auy peopla In the world , unices ho ttoola a hone or Is hunting for a fight. In their oyoe , de.ith is mild punishment for a horse stoalor. Indeed , ic is the highest crlruo known to the unwritten law of ranching. Nearly every horse thief strung up last season in Montana , ( and there were fifly-nlno casualties of that Borl from April to October ) was sent to his last journey by cowboys. The nu merous vigilance committees wore com posed almost exclusively of cattle borders who wigod u never-ending war of exter mination ngalnst horoe-thlcving rascals , until nil the bands were either broken up or driven out of tbo territory. Their llfu , habile , education , and nosotslties breed this holing In them , and they delight In appearing rougher than tboy actually are , To a tenderfoot ( all east ern men or now arrival ! are called tenderfeet - feet ) tboy love to lell blood'Oiirdllng stories aud Impress him with the dangers of the frontier. But no man need quarrel rol with them unices ho seeks U , and then ho will find the cowboy ia always propnro'd to shoot quicker than chain lightning. They also have a slang pe culiar to the range , and it is astonishing how quickly eastern bred and educated people will drop Into using it. COW HOYS OFTEN HAVE INTERESTS IN THE IIEI1DS they are watching , and very frequently become owners of ranches. It Is the am bltlon of their lives to become herd owners themselves , and employ on a largo Bcilo as possible other cowboys to watch their cattle. Unless you want to Insult him never offer a cowboy pay for nay kindness ho has done or for a share of his ludo moat , Thoyprldo thomaelvoi on their hospitality , and are oxuaedlncly touchy on M matters rolatiog to It. Th rougher olemout of the class have boon in the west nearly all their lives and many of them are married to or cohabit with Indian squaws. Lots of those follows who began life without a cent and lived In Indiwi tepooa for many year , wander Ing biok aud forth over iho plains will the vaiious nomadic tribes , are now roll ing lu wealth and control largo cattle In terrstB in the northwest. I know of om Individual woo has battle graz'ng all o > oi the 8 > uth Yellowstone ranges who dl not 0 none single steer five years ago Ho can scarcely wrlto his own name , ye li able to bay and sell some cf your NYnll street nabobs. Ho spends most of his time in the eadc'h , scouring the ranges and watching his various herds. A good many cowboys are exorcising much wis \ dom In taking up land under some of the government laud acts , A great denl ol Montana neil U classed as desert hnc c n bo btught for twenty-five cents per aero down and tbo balance of $1 oa cad acre at any time within three years. Homesteads 1 notice are being more freely entered of hto , and in a few ycnr < ho-whole tf the vastbuffilo ranges ol the northwest that were black with biion eight or ton years ago , will bo cut up In to small farms or fenced pastures NctrJy every cowboy has a claim of som sort. They begin to see that land wl' soon bo worth more than cattle , and the. are right , too. Some of thcso wild dare-devil follows have acquired a marvelous volous dexterity ( n their profession , am can , with a good latlat , mounted , pursue and pursued , going at fall speed , drop 1,000 pound steer at 30 , 40 , CO , am even GO feet as clean and aa nice aa I shot by a bullet. With the Mnssolshoi : ronnd-ap last swuon was A MODEL COWBOY named \Yllllam McGaigan. Ho Is ono o * ho boit riders in the world , and can with ease , going at A dead run , lassoany steer or bull with scarcely an effort , dropping the lariat snugly over the animal's nock. Then with n peculiar turn of the wrist , known only to himself , ho sends a cell , which runs In a successive ring down the line , r iiea the noose from the beast's nock , and whonIt _ ia about to slip off , with n sudden jerk ho tightens the line , and lol you have the atcor safely secured with n halter around his nose. McGaigan understands knifing , branding nnd wat tling to perfection , and from horseback can throw full grown cattle with as much ease as cilves. Ho dresses in trno cow boy style , and wears an unusually largo white sombrero with a half aero of brim and plenty of silver cord around Its crown , They tell of another cowboy a llttlo west of here who did a Rood thing whllo driving a steer through Door Ledge last summer. This story Is not Touched for as being strictly truthful , as the Leader correspondent only hoard it nt a round-up camp fire * last fall , told by ono cowboy to another ever a bit of roasting tenderloin. The cow boy roforrpd to was driving the steer along all right , when the lattergot scared at something , and dashed through the back door of a saloon on n dead run , fol lowed by the daring cow puncher on his broncho. As the steer passed through ho jumped clear over a table , around which were four cattlemen engaged In playing a friendly game of draw poker. When the mon siw the pony following the steer they dodged under the tablet which made the animal's paesigo easy in leaping ever the table. Fortunately the doora were wldo enough In both roar and front and the ceiling high enough to make n good place of entrance and exit for the fright ened stcor , who did his part of the circus to perfection. THE LAUIATS , AND 1IOW THEY AltE IIAN- PLED. I noticed a variety of lariats with this round-up party , nearly all of nhlch were made of the very best quality of hemp , twisted so extremely tight that it was almost impossible to untwist the strands. Others were made of sinew cordr , and were bialded very neatly , the ends , or lassoing parts , being greased so as to slip easily. Their lasscos were about sixty or slxty-fivo feet long , one-third of which forms the noose , and , when swingIng - Ing it , it is grasped n little abjvo the loop , so so to prevent the same from slipping until hunched through the air. The lasso is swung ever the head and left shoulder , nnd back ever the right shoulder , a peculiar turn of the wrist as It begins to return keeping the loop wldo opon. When flying through the ale the nuoso takes a sli/h'tly oval form , bnt re mains open , and settles quietly around the object aimed at McGaigan exhib ited to mo the modus opornndl of handling the rope , and some of his feats parformed in my proionco wore not only executed with marvelous precision , but were also beautiful to look at. This model cowboy Is certainly an expert in his profession , perhaps the best rider and laesoist in the whole northwest. What Slosaon is to billiards McGaigan Is to his profession. Ono afternoon while loafing around the camp fire on the Musilesholl , McGaigan and I got talking about the skill ho had acquired in throwing cattle , and I had little difficulty in persuading him to lot mo Into the secrets of hla won derful dexterity , and actually showing mo some of the finer points of the busi ness. Mounting our bronchos , wo rode off through the sago brnsh and out onto the open prairie it here numberless cattle were peacefully munching the luxuriant buffalo grass. My friend had hla best lariat fastened to the pommel of the sad dle , and first showed mo many fancy shots , throwing the lasso from or to any point over ci'hor shoulder , behind or in front. Ho caught a tremendous bull by the horns who looked up in surprise , and started off llko a steam engine , bnt the pony bestrode by the cowboy planted his forefeet in the ground and checked Mr. Bull in his mad career before the latter got well started. The enraged steer wont round and round in a clrclo at n 2:40 : gait , the pony acting as a perfect pivot and taming slowly around rrith him , but it was no nee ; the bull was a prisoner and would have remained DO had not McG Igan taken pity on him and passed the wonderful rlug down the line , upon which the rope leaped from around the horns nnd trll to the grumd. McGatgan remarked that It was no credit t j catch a bnll by the horns for ho cannot ba thrown by them , nno is simply hold as a prisoner , but the SKILL IN TllUOWIKO A LASSO h to pitch the nooeo jnst in front of an animal when ho ia going nt fall gallop , so that the next step ho treads Into it , Ho tried it on another bull while both of our ponies were jumping nlocg on n cad run. The eld fellow was going bent as fast as wo were , bnt the fatal oop shot through the air at a tangent nd fell , wldo open , In front of him or ho ground , The left fore foot plunged 3QUAUE INTO THE CIRCLE , quired the cicclo as it wore , tha rope waa tightened with a sudden jerk , ryid ho steer rolled over in the dust , as clov- rly caught as anything I over saw. The ironcho , too , understood his part of the business thoroughly , for ho bore at the Ight moment in the opposite direction , Ise he might bavo baen thrown insteac f the bull , to which ho was much in oiior In weight. McGaigan also caught great big steers galloping past at an angle by any leg ] umed. Not once was his judgment a1 ault. The noose whizzing throogh the ilr in every direction went as true to the mark as a ballot shot from a riflo. This wonderful fellow showed mo bis "boss rick , " as he called it , and I doubt if any other individual la the vest , bo ho native greaser , or Mexican , could accomplish 1 o neatly and faultier aly as my now mad rlend did. This was to laeso a bul around tha hindquarters when at full c&l .op at the Instant when his hied foe were both raised from the ground an 3cabled up under him. Ho did not d It the firtt lime , but succeeded en th third trial , although he assured mo that he toldom failed to accomplish it at the first whirl. After mleslng two chances which were by no mcsns favorable , ho tingled oat a tremendous bnll who looked up SB wo approached , evidently sniffing danger in the air , and startoi oil at the rate of forty miles an hour. \Vo were soon thundering at the now thoroughly terrified animal's heels , and got witMn easy range in less than five minutes. I saw the thing whisking about McGaigan'a head fjrnfow second * , the big cell becoming a set ova1 , when off U flew at precisely the right instant , pinning the animal's hind logs tight to ! Vs belly. Down came the great , big bull In the position of n sitting dog ; com p'otoly astonished and dnmbfonndoJ looking indlscrlbibly silly in hts awk ward and unusual position , It was a neat a thing as I ever saw. Volumes could bo written about tin exploit * : f this man , but the few Incl dents narrated above will provo to show that ho , in the hnguago of the camp "rras no slouch about Iho business , " 1 waa much taken with the free nnd easy oort of llfo experienced by thl round-up pirty , and enjoyed the trip and : amplng out experienced so hugely that [ was aim oat tempted to glvo up the pro- ojalon of a scribe and become a cowboy myself , bnt I thought bettor of U next day , and although I had lets of fun and onjoyoment , I concluded that cowboy Ifo must have ita dark as well ns Ita > rlght , sunny aldo , and so returned to civilization to eke out the remainder of ny existence by shedding greater qu anti- lea of ink than over. CARL. Mrs. R. Runnoila and daughter , guests if the Morgan house , DCS Molnos , from ileFalh station , Missouri , blow out the ; as on retiring Wednesday night nnd rero nearly suffocated when discovered Thursday morning. They will bolh ro- ovor. State Veterinarian Stalker has had hla Mention called to the prevalence of a atal disease among the cattle of Mills ounly. Fourteen head of stock have led there in the past few days , nnd oara are ontorlaincd by the farmers that bo disease ia contagious. . SVA.SSO.V. Auo Scuirrortiit G. 1116 Farnam , Bet Illli and 12th St , , Finest selection of Spring Suit ings , Perfect Fit , nnd complete sat isfaction guaranteed. THE BEST 31&ISS for aentlcmcn'a wear , In the world , for the money are made by Stacv , Adams & Co. _ A fnct thoroughly and unequivocally ostab- islipd by the unparalleled success and con- itantly increasing demand for thorn. Their shoes combine Comfort , { Style nnd Durability. ASK TOUR BKALER FOR TUB Stacy , Adams & Co. , Shoe. These goods are made of the boat French nd Domestic stock , Kangaroo tops , in Ntnt nnd Machine sowed , m Congress Button & ; , i M ANDEVER.Y PAIR WARKAN ) . Tirrell & Cook 9 1308 Farnam Street , Delimitffberger A. iercEiani 316 South 13th Street , 3 DOORS SOUTH OF FARNAM , Firat-clasa tailoring in nil its branches. ALI5SA E. BCESTH. Omaha'sPopularilliner ' AND IKAIft &HE8SJEM. Ill S. 15th nr . . . Opp. Postoffic If. G. STUIPE , LAW AND GEHERAL Type writing and copying of all klc da on thort not ce 1611 Farnam Street , Omaha. Telephone No. 05. MRS , L.J.DUNCAN , FASHIONABLE DRESSM AKER ! Peifect Work Guaranteed. Room 13 , Croun&o Block. Kttldence , 100 South 20th Street. PERFEOTION Vajwr Slaves are Warranted. In yection Invited. J OHN HUSSIE , 2407 Cuming Bt. , Sole Agent for Omaha. SPECIAL NOTICES. Alt atle trtitementt in the ( pedal eolumnt mil lie charged at the rate of 10 centt ftr line for th frtt interttm , anil f eentiptr line for eaek tubt * quent intertion : Jfo atlfertifemtnt will le interim for ttei than f3 ttnti or the firtt time. Theteadrtrtltcmcntt \nterteil in loth Morn ing and Evening Vilittont , repretenting a tircula lion of over Eight Thtnuand. Thit clatt of aAttr- titemtnti tnutt potitirtlii It paid in adtance. TO LOAJH-MONEY , TTOXRT to loan on furnUute , liorses , wagonsplanos ' personal property , oolliterals and anything eli value i , ! ever ) thing strictly conOdsitial ; Roods Kinan clal agency John PSchmlnkeCashier. 2J3JI1 On rtal estate security , to Bums MONRTTOLOAH ofSlOto I40.01X ) , at reasonable ritf ! . 0 K. Mayne &Co , 8 W cor 16th and Far mm. 8CO-J11 S7CO , 81,000 and { 1,400 lo loan on real „ $500 , Uto. Money on hind. No ile'ay. Omaha Financial Kxchangt , 1503 Farnam Et. 255 Up TO LOAN In amount ) to cult , on chattels , collateral ) or anv goodtccutlty. Omaha Fin an : lat Exchange , 1503 Farnam it. . up-ttMre. IS&JSp . To loan on chattels , Woolloy & Harrison MONF.Y 20 , Omaha National bank building 9 7-tl 10NKY TO LOAN-On real estate and chattels M D. TJ. Thoniai. BIPtl. Loanoj on chattel ) , cut rats K. II MOKKY nought and sold. A. Fcrnun,213 8,13th 81 IJT-tf ATONEY LOANED at C. F , lleod ACo's. Loan ofllce III on furniture , pianos , horses , worons , personal property ot all klmh and all otho mtlclos ol vnluo , without removal. Cher lit National Ilank.oorncr 10th and Farnam. All butlncas strictly confldontlal9COtt 9COtt MOI7KT TO tOAH In sums ot 1303 and upward. 0. F. Davis and Co. , Heal Estata and Loan iKoott , 1605 Faroam St. 051 tl WANTED FEMALE BELP. WANTBD Oood girl for general hou'o wnrk. Ap ply nt Porter fires grocery , corner 1'hll Sher idan and Lcavcnwortli. 330 tf WANTED-Girl for general housework , none but a competent clrl need apply ; small limlly , good tagcs. S W Cor. 17th and Uas < , Grand Union Ton Co. 410-lBp W A glil for general house work , 2115 California Street. 408-19 WAXTUD Thoroughly competent second girl , also ncman to do laundry work Uocdav and Tues day , lira Horse , south wo.t corner lOth'and Canltcl a\o. 32 < 10p W A.VTRD Olrl for general house work at 676 So. 17th street , 17MO WANTED Two Scandinavian glilono OB cook an J ono to do gcncrtlhouio work ; apply Pacific ho tcl , 1'jiclflc strtot , between 0 and 7. 3iO-ISp WANTED A young gttl to do general hcusc worP ; Inquire at 013 Farnam it 37Mf W JAKTKD-At once , n good vet nuro 102 , 25th nt corner Dodgo. r4S-tf : T17AMRD Second cock , Emmet 1 oueo. W 3J7-lSp W NNTP.nGlil to nnah silver three times o day for bor board , Metropolitan hotel. 357-10 W - Olrl ti wash d'shcs ' and work la pantry ' at Arcade hotel , 1'2,5 Douglas Bt. 356-lOp TTITANTKD A girl for house work ; apply at Wi'to ' VV towlnir Machine office , 1U N. 15th .St. 338-tf Wi A d'l to do general honsi work at 30 $ Lorth 22d st , tmut bo a good plain cook. 254 IGp WANTED Lady agantj , 810 a day , with my won derful brand-now rubber undergarment for females ; la Jits go nlld over It Madam U. I/lttk'.Dox 443. Chicago , HI. 303-lOp W AXTKn-Gocd girls , experienced cooks ; Omaha Employment Bureau , 1120 Farnam St. 701-tI 7A\iKn ' A good girl for general houaa nork 1017 Cnlcao St. 032-tf First-claea dining room girl at the Ifet- ropolltan hotel ; none other need apply , 821-tl WANTED At once , a lid ; cook at Commercial i Hotel , Gcnoi , Nob- Wages 325 rcr month. 351.19 TTTTANTED by Kensington Art Co. , fem Ia help V In all parts of the country , to do our light , pleasant work at their homes. Heat by mail to any address , no canvaaiBnir , easy to leun and any cne can cam from § 'to $10pir week. Forfull Informa tion address Keuelnston ArtUcorns,35 Congrcua bt , , Boston , ITisa Box 6078. SOO-SOp WANTKD Lady agon ta for "Queen Protector daisy stocking and Bklrt supporters , shouldo brace" , bustles , boss 01 forma , dims shields , safety beltseleovo protector , etc. ; entirely nw devices un > precedent ( d profits ; wo bavo 6CO agoots making $100 monthly. Address with stamp , E U Campbfll & Co. , South Hay St. , GUlcago. 07B-ml9p WANTED MALE HELP. W ASTKD Oood man with 2 hundred dollars to toke charge of office , appoint agents and collect nroney , also half interest In a manufacturing bus iness. Address 28 Bee ofllce. 40/-22p / WANTED A > oang man to work In store ; refer ence required ; apply to John A Freyhan , No. 1303 Doughs street , Omiha , Neb. 388 If ) WAKTEF > Doy tc uork In drug * itore , one wlio spiakaQernmD preferred. Add'ess leek box 283 , Omaha F. O. 374-ISp WANTKD A good nun to Inko cha-go of our Omaha oflico. 1 * . F. Collier , room 57 , Parker block. 360-18 'AXTBD Flnt cliBl cigar salesman to travel In W Melraaka. ; It. Ortbam , Eco oineo. 327-tt WANTBD Five gocd paper hanger at 418 North W lath s'rtet. 312-tt TT17AXTKD Lit e energetic men wltb horsa ar.d car- V > rltgeto ha3(11 u flrst-clas article thinuzh tbe country ; call at once. C. M. Eaton , 111 S. 14th. 310 tf SITUATIONS WANTED. TTTAXTKD Situation by ayoung man of experience VV aBliremnnor watch rran , Is handy tt plpa fitting &o. , rangtvoiocunty If needed. Address 4 < B B" cae A , Grindbeck , earner Oth and I'icrco Y\7"AxtH ) A situation In a buslecsahouea or olllco \ I by a boy 10)ears old ; baa a good education lu German and Kni'lluhnod nemo knowledge of boiik- oeplog , | JF. O. " 1031 Cento/St. , Omaha , 3 SfS-lOp ASTr.n Situation bv bov of 20 , at anything ; W addreca D. Jonta , 1116 California St. 4CO-18U rrfAXTED- respectable > oungman , asltuatlon V * ID & private t.imily toraka cara of hones and actaindrher. Address "N L" Bco oEDos. 876-1 Op Avrr.D-Sltuitlon by a middle aged lair Wi houseke-per 20:2 Harney strtet. 352-ldp ANTKD Position In some business house by boy W Uyeuaold , AJdrcja "L.L. " Bee ollloe. 245-lflp MISCELLANEOUS "WANTS. -Furnished room and board In strictly private family near Caplt I hill , by a young lan ; addles ; , ttatog terms , J K , Eee olllco E76-lflp To Invest from ten to twenty thousand WANTKD In an ektabllsbod rating business. Ad Ircsa drawer No. B 2 , Omaha , Bee JOMSp ainlih rubber , 1409-1111 DoiJire Bt. W S4l-ia . Address Bt. Louis Electric lamp AonhTuwiNTin. for eircuhr , cut ! and terms ol the ] candle peer Ua-sh Xlectrlc Limp. 3I1-J12 To rent a house of 4 or 6 rocmr. J It W Wilkio. 07-13 W ASTKDPhortband pupils ; Pitman flutcm ; Mil Niln ; 10th and Hlokorj. BnocUl termitota - - 23M8p V\7AMBD To rcnv Aimall cettae la a coovenl Vcut and d eblrable nclzhbehood , with Improri meets preferred , Addreai with full pirtiulanl' 0. box 801 city. 223tf ITANTBD Boarders at 1815 Capitol ave V lSC-21p TjiTANTKIJ LAWKS AND OCSTLEUK.S to take ute , light , plo B nt work , at their own homes. Work Bent byreall any d'etinco ' all the ) > r round 82 to ( & day quietly made ; no canvaaalni ; , Addreb Itcliatrla Man'J'K Co. , Pbllidtl hh , 1'a. , Box 1693 , P9MBp WASTED Everybody to try our Prepared Corn lleal , ready for Initant us with the addlt'on ' ot milk or cold water , 1'ut up la 3 and 6 Ib. uackcica. Sold by grocera. W , J , Wtltbiak & 09. , Miuulict- urira 070 tf ANTIP Ainaoor woman In every country lull It U 31.23 imj.le free. 976 per month , taliry or oominlBslou. Bend ttamd. k'uul Tabel , Cbluaso 111. 810-ra.jtp NTED A cenlleman room-mate and two day bender ! lta re fereaco , ISUOillfo-iitatt , F84-18 ? W'ASTKD Krcry ady In nee < l of a Mln ( ( ma- chlng , to tee tha now Improved American No < P. K. Flodman fc Co. dint ; 220 N ICth. o&2tf JFOll KENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. FOR RF.\T-Nowhouio B room * . S o'o et , cellar , on VTalnut St. , enquire Alls' Haiidotr , 1S17 Chicago St. ISO-IPp i'OR RUST Small nemo013 Jones St. 1 418-lPp FOR Ritti Ne house R rooms lion ard Street be tween 20th and 2lltJ3,6CO , UK Mtyno&Co. , S. W. comer Uth and Farnam , S9M9 FOR FKXT Cottage S rooms Mil house 7 rooms. J , Phlrpi Hoc , 1512 S. 6tll St. 331-tl FoRRRVt A brick bajetrent on earner Jf3lh am Fierce Street , ? 8per month. 3IO-20f SLKSmall house wIth two lots In Walnut hil 1 nowroidy for occuptnoy 350 ; terms $ ! 0 down and $10 per month ; alioSroom cottage * la Wtlnu' 'till read)1 ( or occupancy , $1.760 terms , $50 down tn 120 per month. OEMiyno , SW corner 16th and Farnam Streets. 207-10 J OR RUST Oood brlek house 0rooms22 per month L1 HOPattomon , ISth ana r rnam. 324 tt 17VmsAt.ii 12 Rood lots M rlon plico three blocks JL1 ( rora strret CMS on city terms. W II Oreon , over 1st > at'lb nk. 80Mt FOR RKVT rhrco story brick store bulldlnfr ; en quireol KJward Norrls & Co. , room 19 Crouoso Block. 0531 ( FOR RENT Famished cottage , 1 rooms , with closets , pantry , uto.In best locality In City ein pay rout with board. Call In afternoon at 625 Pleas- ntBt 957-tf. 1100MS FOR RENT. T7oR'h'-d rooms vlth modern convcn- X ; Icncoaat 3 Wcorner 13th and Howard , up stairs. 3 < s3-20li FORRF.ST-A handeomolt furnished parlor ; modern coin cslcncss , 1720 Capitol ru o. 832-lBp . - rarhr with bo'l ' loom adJolnlCK ; 1714 California of. S77-18p FOR RKNT llantlsomo lurnlshtd room with bithlng F rocin Mtachf d at 2203 UoJge st. 411 X2p F Ion RKNT--A nicely furnished front room with dressing room 1510 Capitol avo. 412-lSp FOR riKvr V ploisant nloely furnished room with alccno , suitable for two ; hoard If required 2S25 Dodge. 416-tf I or. RR.VTOood IniMncaibi-cmcnt 18x40 feet N E F corner 13th oujCapitol avo. 413-lOp FOR HF.NT A pleasant front room , furnlihcd ; S. K. Cor. Uth and Howard. 401 tt TJOR RRXT Furnished room , 1023 Dodge street. T STO-lBp FOB UEXT KCW furnl'hcJ rcomslSll Cassst. 358-lOp FOB BNT A room for gentleman and wife Or for two gentlemen , flrst-clao beard 1822 Unit Bt. 703-tl FOR rtKM Three roomf , ccIUr , well aid cistern , 410 south aeth direct , $10.Vmli Monroe , Otn nJ Douglai. 373-tf Fen RKST Single furnished room ; apply at 1410 Chicago sticct. 301-lfln Tj"OR RKNT Lirgo front room on llrst floor with or Jc with board ; inquire at 1001 farnam St. 307-tf FOR r.KST-Two elegant rooms In beautiful location ; Apply 1910 Dodto at , 313 10p T70R RBXT Furulehed room , wltn board. Suitable J ? for two gentlemen. 1417 Howard. 770-lGp F EEST A plco3 nt furnished room at 2309 Call. J fornia tt S7 per month. 310 ICp FFOI FOI RKNT Two front rooms furnished , cheap. 1012 Padlla eL 285-18p F I OR RUNT Furnished front room 1902 Farnam , 2S022p FOR RKNT-Handsomcly furnUhod rooms onTloasant St. Address "J J"oire Bee 132-lSp iiRxr-FurnlahiJ rooms , 1818Dodge street. FOR 247-J10 FOR nmiT Ono laiga fiont room , bay window and mantle on first Ibjr ; rnndirn conveniences 20th , cor St. Mary's avc. Inquire at S. W. corner 10th uid Dodge Bt , 175-tf riOR BK.ST Furnished front room with board In ' private family 1017 Chicago St. 103-tt IOR RRXT Furnished rooms with or without L1 board , 2112 naruey St. , one block from street FOR HUNT Furnished front room with board In private family , 1817 Chicago Bt. 086-tI FOR BB.NT With board .nicely furnithcd front room gas and bath , 14C9 Jonca. D37 tf FOB HBNT Furnished rooms 1621 Capitol ave. 907.mSO F OE RUNT - Furnished room 1318 Jackson st. 842-m26p -Nloely lurnlshodroomslSl ? Davenport ROOas With board.doarabU I > r Bummer. Applj at St. Cbarloi Hetol. OJl-tf FOU P.ENT Several fine tUlccs la Crounao' block , Inquire Ed. Norrls , room 19 Crounso block 312 tf FOR SALE FARMS. FORBALK-Best fruit anda n southern California , hasy terras ; call and see stmplo of fruits , and nfornutlon ; I Jackson,2323 Chicago St. , city. S08.21P FOR BALI' A. 6)0 aero stock andgraln far 01 , o'l Im- pro\cd ; four hours' ride from the Omaha Stok Ifards ; seven mllea from the c'ty of Fromint ; two railroads nllhln ttiioi miles ; 300 aero ) under plow , the ro < t In pastuio ; b.mrd fonca , runnlne stream through pasture ; house with tea rooms ; will bo aId cheaplt sold immedlatclir ; on forms to suit. Far lurther particulars Inquire ol Qeo. C. Grodfrov , Vie- mont , Kob. 157 tf FOR 8Am Qood furm In Washington Co. ; 171 acres ; 0 acios o iltlvatod ; good buildings ; fine orchard ; running water ; all fejoed. Edward Norrls Co. , loom 10 C/ounso Block. 474tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. FoRHAi.B-LoteQilJOli use 2 rooms eouth 12th St , Hnelow , beautllul locatt.n , J1.300 , 850 down Mil 816 per month. Full lot unllib Ht. , beta-ten Center and Dorcai room house , 81,5(0 ( , S150 down and 81J per month. Half acrooaCaUforiiliSt. , < aet of Sasrod Heart ; houto4 rooms , good barn , well , cl torn , etc , , 81 750 , 8161)down and 816 per month , C K ilayno & Co. , B W Cnj. ] 5th and rarnam. 107,18 F'OR BALI General Mcrchanditotook of boots and ilioen , hate , caps , dry goods and notions , a nice B'Ick clean Hock of goods lu good Iccillon , a go-d trade and Rioslly cashbuslnon for prici and terms. Addrcta 1 * O Box 5 , Hiward Nebiaska , 387.22 IfOR BALE An acre of ground on 13thSt , S blocks ' scutli ol street or lluu $1,2CO ; thin la cheaper than a common sized lot , can bo bought In that lo calty. ! 0 K Uayne & Co. , 8 Vf earner 15th did Far nam. S3313 TVottBAtK-Alotln Weet Omabt , Will build house 1 ? on It and eell on monthly payments. O K Mavno t < 3o. , Uth n < Farnam. 402-18 FOR SiLK-Aoio lots in Norwood Park , $ ! 0 each , 21 icro lots In Bollalr , $250 each. Beautiful lots In Thoroburg 1'laco on Lcneuworth St , Wott Oma ha , 8v76 to$160 each. LoU In GrandvleH-$100ta 9300 each. Tx.taln . Darker & Majni/8 acb-dhldion , 8 13th St. 822Sto8300. ( Kostor'i ( lldltlcn ? i01 to 1310 , Donockct'd addition 8175 to 82CU. BunnTBlde $050 to $ SOO lldilles'Bub.dlvlslon , fouth Omaha , J50J taSSOO Walnut Hill 2jo to 8500. Panncntor Place 8276 to $310. Parker'H sub-dh Iilon , south Oth St. , 8359. Ha 'a addition , half are lots. $7(0 , Korbcseub-dlvltlon nuMhcf tbo lair grounds , and 10 acre lota , $750 to $1,000 each We are exclusive agerU for all the above ad dltluiiand well tell lota In any of them on erxal monthly piyraenta. 0. E. Majue k Co. . S. W. Cor 15th and t'ainam. 403-1S TTioa BtLE-eixeocorner 14th and Jackaon , $ iCOO ; I' tcrma easy. 0 K Uayoe & Co. , Uth and Fainam , 806-10 FOR BALK Floe neidenco property on Charles fit , one blockfrrmtfaundort , house 6 looms , well , cittern , ullar all conveniences , fruit treci , corner ot , ba'galn , | 3 00) eajy Urma. C. K. JI ) ne & Co. 6th and Faroatu. 40110 FrjRBiU Anlco two itory brick lioise , full corner Ijt north Omaha , 83,100 , $500 down and $25 per month , OK Jlajno & Uo. 400.18 JOR 8 L New 3 room cot'ajo ' with two lotj lu 1 Walnut III 1 , &WO 85) down and 810 par month Iso rottajoO rcouiu lcli two lots \Valaut 1IU , $1,7(0 ( CO doA-n and $20 per month ; both ready foi wx-upanot. ( J. E. Jlajm iiCo , , t ) . W. corner 15tti and Farnam C92 21 BALE A bargain on 11th St. ( H-HO gael -I FOR ojltige oa Urwt car line 8J.OOO , $10U dour and 816 per moi.tb. 0 E , llajuo , 199 IB BALK Abetutlful rlaceon 1'opletoa avetue FOR bliullu asdltltlou , Quo view ot city , new rot tageSroomf , good cUU , Urge lot ; $ i,76 ( > , c n termn. 0 EJUjuo tl Co. , Mi-IB - 1 J > OR * ILK On Sd street between Txaronwcrth and , 1 < M in , house 7 roorns , rtllar , well , cittern l.e full lot nle place ? l , 0. 'asr terms , CKS Tre Oo.1 S W coiner Uth aud Farnam. 301 IS T70RMLX Sjvcu room house , tnm , and two lot JL1 $2tliwmiUtako ( ; J5CW In rrst urant flxturei clears , elci.$503cAshlal ncoon time ; ap1y | Sin S. llth strut. 4U.m90 17'ORKAl.i ! Ittaullful uhutb n renldinre propcrt JL 13S\6i , nlcn home , flno barn , m erlflcint vie west Omtrn , 0COO cup terms. 0 K Mayne & Co. , W corner Uth and Farrjam , Si'-lO 70RSAW Oneol the flnrtt lot ! In Went Omaha 1 view cf Iho nhrla city , chop , or will build hour on it anil tell en monthly pijmrnti. C K Mavn * i Co. , S W CJincr Uth and Farnam. 83510 [ T'OR ALR-At asicrince , honne 7 reoini lot 50x18. L' at N W orncr Hiiiscom Park , $ ,600 tasr terms. 0 K Majnc & Co. , S W corner Uth and Farnann > JOR SAW NIce cottag * cl 4 rooms with lo ISxM 2 blocks from St Mary's iu < v , nrar Kon- ncttta baigain at $1,050 , ciuh (460 , balance to suit. Lobcck& Co. , 1SS2 Frnara ttn-tt. 218 tf T'OR salt Ten acre * cf land ltbln 8 blocks of Toil I 1 off co a Weeping Water , CAM Co. , Neb , will eel n easy terms or cxchanuo tot Omaha property. W , I. Green , o\erlit Nat'l lU'.k , Onnha , Neb. J40 t IT'oR BALK -Fho lots 4xl30 ; together on leaven I' worth street ; beautiful looition , o Oa One fourth cash , ImUici on long time , easy tcinu , Cralle&Jono. 210-tf TT'OR sAlu llotutlfnl and detlrahte lots at f MO each JL on $10 monthly payments. H. U Patterson , 13lh ml Fart > ani. 3-tf MARION \cn-12 goo < 1 lots In thll addition with laSMiCksof street cars , can bo had on cusy ' terms. W It Clrcen , over 1st N t'l Bank. 115-tf Iron BALK At a bargain , three goad houses 817 and 1 817418th , south ot I.eucnuoith ; rout $95 per per month ; pilou 85,500 uuy payments ; mu t bo aoll bcforo Juno 1st. Apply S. ifortensen , tailor , 1413 Farnani Btno' . 131-Jlp ! , - o full lot , uell , chtern , tnrn , all In 1 good condition , ono block from street cars 91.800 catytcrnu. W H Green , o\cr lit Nat'lBank. 041-11 170" . BALK Good 5 room lieu e , tot 50x132 fect.eas P front , $1300 ; 8100 cash , balance $16 per month. . W. II Grocu , ourlst National bank. S31U l ' 01l SALE , MISCELLANEOUS. " T5RICKS for sale at Meyer . < cKunz brick yard at 8. JD Uth St , , o.llco 2i)7 ) S. 13ta. 403-22 { ) . 10acrra\\lthln 3 miles of 1 > 0 with FORSAI.S unall house , $2 600 emery easy terms. O E Mnyno Si Co. 100-18 F R SALE No 1 lot ot milk Co < a25th and California attccts , Freeman & 1'nouy. 33E-21l > Fen BALK A hcrto , wotr n nnd harncsj choop. Apply to QJO. Johnson , Atlantic Hotel. 350-13 | > ri'OR BALK A good bored , harness and wagon , flno 1 outllt for peddler oroipicssman 213 north 12th St. 354-lOp FOR 8ALK Sind , boitqiulltya nd for Maton's use ehoap ; pit tear south Omaha Wiicr Works , opened In flrst-ch ° seliarc ; apply for tickets at com pany's olllce , 210 south 13th st. 21 A Upton , AsMa- tant Scc'y nnd Manager. 351-tf FOU .SAI.E-KIg-itiuarblo top restaurant tables A. J. Mandcl , 325 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 353-tf F iOU SALK-A 12 months leaao of the Union J photo rooms. Hoomslocated In the best busi ness portion of the cl'y ol Hastings , Nob. , and are the beat photo roorrn ( n the city. For putlculars call on or addrogf , Uulju 1'hoto Rooms , Hastings. Neb. 320-10 FOR SALK Cheap olegantsldo bar l.uggyono cait , room one , Omiha Nat'l Dank Building. ] j'OR8tLE A magnificent new upright piano celo- 1 brated makc.ali the latest Improvement * , beauti : ful tone , fitch and finish , an Instruction book free ; no charco for delivery ; a great bargain$255 ; 1012 Pa. clflo. ISMSp ( TT'OR SALE Bay piring mare , Sytars oM ; can vaco [ .1 ? onom'Irln ' S mliutee ; ( jentlo niil quiet. TH.O nice ponies ; good saddle pimcsuill ; drive single or doubUtwo ; sma'l dell > ory mules ; light express wagnn.and uarnEsj. John I > , Schmlnko , room 3 Hoi- lei block. W > tf ( FOR SALS Two No 1 fecond hand bug gy. Apply 1400 and 14111)odu st. 145-tf F I OR SALK-300,0:0 bil llevuo or Omaha II. T. Clarke. 2CO-tf FOR BALK A pair of ponlts with alluht spring wa gen and hirucas > cry cheap for cash 1217 Howard street. 130 tf [ 'OR SALE riano , a $7CO upright piano at a bar gain , 1719 Douglas. 733-m21 - TO EXCHANGE , KXCIIANOK-TWO splendid forunfor merchandise To hotel for farm. It. 0. Patterson , ISth and Far. nam 162-tf Tpo RxciiAsan 410 acres well Improved land J mlla .L Irom Es'ex , Iowa , for a stock of general merchan dise or hardware. Addros ) Johu Llndcrholm , KJSOX wa. 634 tt FOR SALE-Or exchange. Wo hare for silo the exclusive right In tnla state to eell the coal tuiomlzer and soot deetroytr , destrovs the soot and will save twenty per coot on ooal , will soil county rlghti or the state , or will exchange for real estate or ; M j rood property on application will send sample lit al and glvo pmtlculsro. Rca-on for selling ) vu r cancot irlve It hit attention ; a rare chance for ho len : Bedford , Scuer & Darts. B45 tf ! ' i BOARDING. F IOST-CLA93 Bed and board 1212 Capitol ave 12-a35 ) GROCERIES. PKICE LIST Of W. II. Mottor'a Grocery Iloueo. 10 lha Qraniiltt'd Sugar $ 1 00 12 " CutbafSugnr 100 11 "Flno p3HdoiedSujiar 100 COFFEE. ! 8 Ibigood 1'lraccffoo 1 00 7 " Golden Klo Ojffeo ICO 7 " U'rfod roasted coflco 100 0 " beak roa'tod coHeo 1 CD 4 " extra Ja\a asffco 1 CO 3 " ttsi Ja acolfoo 100 21 " best Ja\a and Jtocba coffio mixed 100 TEASi 1 Ib good Japtn 2U 1" beat uncolo od Japan M > I " bust Keg 1th breakfast f6 1 " choice gunpowder Oj SYUUP3. 1 keg best Hcmydrlp 2 00 Ikcehcf.t llcneydilp 160 liral Now Orleans 8i 1 Oal Strictly puio niarlo l 00 1 Oal Vermont nmiloln cans DO lOal Hook candy 1 00 WOE. U Ihsbcs'iCarolioirlfO l 00 13" " Lculsiauailoa i CO SOAPS. 4 bora German Mottled 20 B " 1'oirl . . . 2i ( B " P lm 28 CANNED (100D3. loan31bTabl9 1'eachei 16 l ii M a a . , , , t 2C ' Standard Tomatoes 1C i' ' Pumpkin la ' " Apples 10 " corn 10 " llaipborrles 25 French Teas Si ' Mushroom 3 ( rest Oootbeiriot b-st niackbcrrlcs 26 26 SUNDRIES , I bottlachotOH I'.olles , 2 ! 1 em Hweet I'ota'oes ' , 16 3 IU Jelly , ( choice ) , . 26 S Imej I'ltUblirif. Lye , 26 2 Ibs liaklng Powder M 26 J 41 II II . , . . . . . „ , . . , . . . . . , . . , 7l 2 " new Valencia Italaons 2i vo 4 dried tlackbeirlcs 21 ' dried apj'lej ( evaporated ) 21 dried poichcu. , , V 4 Navy betua , 25 Ciackeraby the box 0 UB&T.8. Suzorcurfd breakfaetbioon , . , 1 Hufar cured Hams 1 Dry salt OTIIEU OOOD3. 1 Lrooin I 1 good ncuao broom lutttcarp't broom 4 papo'B Natlonol jtatt 1 Krrub brush 6 Ibs Silver glcsa Btirch 3 boxci corn starch 1 B11) box clo/B etaicli Ikltfamly maceial 1 gal t inegar Iwaeh hoard iNo. Itub 1 1 No. 2 tub INoS. tub 65 1 imp Btlok- 20 1 hue dotlica baaVct CO lean oondcDB-J ml k 20 21bJellyln jui IS ThUltonlr \cryBinatlll8t of the very lirzo ttock Icarry , bivlug the Uiifs-t block to Btloct from In tlu o'ty.I can and will i Ivu bitter Induoimtn'B ' than anvothtr houielnlhecity Call and sec me and I vlll save yon from 10 to25 per cent. Ituuicmbtr the pluce 1110 Far nam St. W. H. Hotter , Huccctsor to JI1. FrcnchdiCo. N , V. our DVW and complete price llvt mailed free PERSONAL. nt * M ! , ? „ . .1..IIloori" ' ' Tr noi c'alrvojant ' , an.l hrU > rotnl S . "Wf' f ' ° r ' " ' " ' "M No 023 S K corner I etii and VU-b ttr. Terms rrwonnblo. 4SJ mio REAL ESTATE BROKERS. ItAbMTATR BROKXILI-Lobeck A Co" , 111 ] Karnam , ttnet corner ISth , real e.uto lnu ht and on commission , o - J.v. ejccrunite9 ot real or personal . tv effected : the jntr na o.f partita \inVre rorvoriu tifonot. lMUto or .tocVs of BOCK' , to sell or iwh.nee at Yeton\blo pilcw , It solicited , ana will have ur best attention. 04 Ml BUSINESS CHANGES. -iftrarj tootled on ISth street be- twconlarnimamt Harnov , known a * KVencli e.l s. " * " on ' " "derate conjltlons , pply at 311 S ISth tttcel , K. lllcry. 37 < M8p l OR Atn-Oo Hiu liiPM lii Omalm ; uronu 00 i > cr . * „ ' " ' Pl | * ' ' i lrnll three or four thortminl i , , lcr 1" " incanlnB buslnrs * , mMroM I * > ck box 301 , DCS Mollies , lown. Sitl-jll T7 0RgAMi- * . well ostabldhMtallora bm'lnois be * 18Ul l MUb'"hoJ ' n'ORgaiioR ittriUNoIn ( raH ) for rotUunnt , V Jurnltuf0 ' ° , o'"oJ ' house , biro and t o lots. Ap" ply 319 soillh llthtt. _ P'OR 8AMIn Oakland Nob. first-class moat market I o the fiirnl'nroot ' them I'AUlhotol. Koit'ir- Mctiliirs , Inqulio or wrlto Wingers & UeUllnp.OaVUna fr'- B74.ml9 FOR BALK Uriii store In a doslrahio loMlltv , wU luvolco about ifl.&OO K 0 1'attcrton , N K cornef 13th aud Fainaui. 430-tl IpOll HAI.K Or exchange a full stock of clothing 1 boots and shoes , com1 furnlshlngcoods , will etch - ch nRo for NobruLft Landi. G. 11.1'ctcraon0l 3 , ICth St. , Omaha , cb , 01D-tf IOE OREAM. "n nKSii Ice cream iilei and cake * every day. Orders JD promptly attended to. Carl Sahrald , 301 south IfithSt. U9.J5 DRESSMAKING. I hlnK a ecvmlrosn , Rtiaran- tcolnprouUlnitaud flttlnif satisfactory ; addrcnj B18 North 10 h st. an. J , Arnol ) . 243 16p MHH JI DCAnuou , , > t7irmorth ISih street , do- sires to call attention ot the Indla , that she ls < IntroduclncNU .Vnrmon'a sy > t infjr oiilllni ; ladles' , frcutlomon'fl and children' * clothing. This syotoin In icrycay tilearn , Imjoiia will bo g' > on during all hours ot thediy. 3S8-18p MISCELLANEOUS. r Anyone ha\lng taken up a roan oiw Ivwkhln tha list ten iliys nlll iiletbo notify John. . Uaumor , at 1314 Farcam St. 3SO 10 Bnooii MARIS Parties wishing to piircha'o brood marcs for ranch puipopes plcaao oall at Homan'n Livery ( table , 413 goitii 13th street , Omaha , f 02-lt TJRICK $3 per m. T. Murlay. cei-it rilAKB.\Mir-Abrown mire marked with letter T X and half circle nn left diouldcr ; oncinllo wcat of he reservoir on military reid ; owner eau hat a Futno liy pijing C0318 , Jauii'8 K. DoDloy. :05-18p IIEWAUD Str&jed. achowut pony hrandoJ on loft shoulder with n"V" and a , fOKinetit of a lrclo ; return to Win Stnbllng , ISllthcrraan et. SiMOp IIIKW SII.VKR T.\O , docs n 't glvo you heart hum. Wragsicdtcmoilat one cent , each by the dealers. 'cyokoUros. , Agcut' . 053-tf ) ASIUKB On Elkhorn ana Datto. T. Murray. SuO-tf MiKW SILVER TAU , Its fruit lUvoroJ , tairi redeemed L/at cne cantcachby the dcaloru. I'eycke liroe. , igonts. 088-tf rNSiuuciiox on banjo glyon by G E Oollou- 1. beck , nt 1110 Capitol avc. 4SO-tf plimw VKR TAO , It Hoesnot taint the breath , tags wredoemcd at one cent each by the dealers. I'oycko * Dros , Agents. BSU-tf 73H1VY , raulta , sluka > nd ccsflpnola olcmi l at the -L shortest iiDtlco and satUfactlou KU rantcvd liy F. 9. Abel. P. O. Box 873. 4M.ln2p PiiiVY vaults , and ccs9nrls cleaned at shortest no- licoany timool thodiy , In nn entirely nrdorlcss ivayvlth our Improved pump aud denc n appara tus , all placas clanno-1 by us dlsenfoctod free , Lhartoi cisonablc. A. Evans , 12l'8 Dodge street up ( Halra. 248-JlO ARMY SUPPLIES. DKI-OT QUARTKRMASTKI'S OFFICK , I Omaha , Neb , May fcth , IgbD. f Bcoledprop'sala In duphcaio will bo rociHcil nt ihl i olllce ui tl 11 o'clock n. in .Monday , May 18kh , 18S5atnli'ch time they 111 I o opened lath ) men- ncool bidders for government supplies of the follow. Tg kinds. Belting , machinery and water supp'l ' is , bolts , steel ind wagon material , cut nailr , hudnood lumber , . rdwarc , hoie cart ( balanced ) , paliitcr'n suppllog , 'paints and oilplno ) lumber , steve supplies , z'no ' to , linger Benlng machine , eaddlcrs tuppllea , Btatlctio-y Sea. , & 0 Lints gMng quantities cni other InformUlon our. ilsliedon applicallou : bc t quallliei of all artl.'loi required ; preference Ivcu to articles cf domcstlo production. UlddoMarercqUEBtcd to attach copies f advurtbement to their proposal ; . 0 A. II. McOAULEr , av.l3-14-l6.1fl _ raptoln A Q. M . U 8 A. Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jr , Will btand for ttock at "maha l-'alr grounds the season of 1R85. lloli 10J hiiiJahlgh , weight 1286 bs , his fire JACK SunrrAitu I * full brother In blood to DKXTBR 2:17 : ] , aim to UlCTATORtlio tire ot JAT-KVE-BKH. :10. : FALLAH , 21 ; J and DiHBcron 2:17. : Call at the Fair grsutids and eeo him and got hla pe'-Igrru la n full , terms $25. for the ecason. A. TUOMSOH. Seventeen years Kxperienco. Uottkr of Uisoisos cf VTcn nrrl Women. KIcntrk , Jlagnetlo and HcrbalUt 1'hyulelan Kow located ot , 1210 DeuuliB fit Omabn. Neb , up etalrn. A correct dUenosiSKlvin wliliout any uxplanatloii from the patient. Conuultallon free at ollicc. / Treat the Following Diseases. Catarrh rf the Head. PIsEimes of the Kj and Ear. Heart Dlsca'o , Liver Corophti t , Kidney Com- iilamt , Ner\ousDebllltv , Mental Ueprcssllu , Ixalo Manhood , DlabeUa , llrlght's Ulecxe , ht Tltu Dance. Itheuuiat'sm ' , 1'nralyilVtilto bwclllrg Scrofula , Fever Boies. Oanccra and liunyia icmov clwilliout the knife , or the drawing cf a drop o blood , Woman , with her do.lcato u'ganp , Rcetcrod to Health. Dropay Cured W thou Tappli ( , ' , Special Attention Uiven to 1'ilvato and Ycnorcal DUcases of til Kinds , Tar o Worms limntud In two < r thrcn bourn or No Vay , Ilcmmorrholdg or 1'lles Cured erNe No Charges Made. Those who are allllrted will rave llva aiU ) mn > ( reds of dollars by ct'llcg on or Ublog DK. G. W. l'ANOI.K'8 Htrbtl Medicines. H , S. ATWOOD , Plattsinoulh , Neb. Urccdor of tborougbbrod nnd hifh Rrado Hereford and Jersey Cattle , And T'nroo nnd Jersey lied Bwiuo. auteaaaeeanu ta Msal Institute Chartered by thcStateofllli- 'noiu ' for theexprcsii purpose 'ofijivinnlmmcdiatcrcliclln j , all chronic , urinary and pri- ffvato diseases. Gonorrhoea , laicctandSyphilialnallthclr complicated forms , also nil diseases of the Skin and Ulood promptly relieved and j-crmanentlycured by feme- cliC8testcdinoV''or ( ir hjH'TiHll'rurtlct : Bcmlnal ' , , . > K > Losses by Dreams , 1'imples on the Facs.Loat ManhoodJ < os Jrtl/rir | < . Tlu-ra in n i cjci > erlmrtitliKli The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Conbultatlonu , per- ,01-1 or by letter , sacredly confidential , Mcd. .clnci . cent by Mall and Express. No mark * on * to Indicate contents or Lender , Address nn.JUlES.No. 204 Washington Si.ChIcagolll. , llebllllr T * > * ' Munliood and A ftvorlla preicrlptlon of * uolcd bclall | l ( now r - trvd. ) DrucKlttt c > a fill U. Addreia DR. WARP CO. . LOUI6UNA.UJU.