Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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    > ' m i
ChUJU Of TIM Wo. in un > Wi I * * * * * 8t.
Xim Tewt Omm , BOOM 8 Tw nm Burto-
* ' " ' *
-110.00 t U rt Montt * . I J"
I ° " * 8Bth . LM
Be , PabUh d rei7 W dncid r
rtuii , wm
ftnlTekf , wtthptemlara.- . . . . . . * ? J
n * T r , without premium . , .
BtxUontbi , wlthonl premium . 1J
One Monlb , on UUJ
A. H. ritoh , M n ger Dally ClrcnUaoa ,
g. O. Boi , * B8 Omahft. Neb. _
It la too cold even for clrcns lemonade ,
and not cold enough for hot whisky.
TUB most interesting circus perform-
anca of the season Is liable to take place
in the Illinois legislature this wcok.
WE understand that ox-Prcsldont
Hayes has directed his Omaha agent to
convert his saloon building in this city
into n hen-coop.
Tnn Mormon delegation obtained bnl
llttlo comtort from President Cleveland ,
His hardness of heart has caused nnotho
wail of lamentation throughout Mormon-
dom. .
THE attack of that French scandal
monger upon Gladstone has probably un
strung the nerves of that statesman mor
than the Soudan campaign or the Afghai
frontier problem.
So It appears that even the votcra :
Gladstone la numbered among the ad
mlrersof the Jersey Lily. Fred Gel
hardt should inform the premier that h
Is old enough to know bottor.
TiiEiir IB a now faho prophet in th
field of the Soudan , and ho proposes t
annihilate El Mnhdi. If the Englls
could have stirred up such n quarrel
llttlo earlier in the season It might ha\
proved moro profitable to thorn.
RIEL , who is now a prisoner , koepa u
his praying and talking in a wandorin
manner. Ho has laid the foundation fc
the insanity dodge. The government at
thorltios , however , may think there !
too much method in hia madness.
THE nee-saw game between the Brills
lion and the Russian boar is evident !
drawing to nn amicable ond. They wi
kiss and make-up , and then the czuin
will vltlt the princess of Wales in Lei
don to bind the ties of friendship ati
moro firmly. It seems after all to luv\ \
been but a llttlo family breeze.
THE Rlol rebellion has collapjei
Now that the Dominion government h
maintained Its dignity , It is hoped th
It will do generous justice to the hoi
breeds , who , it has been admitted , ha-
anbatantlal grievances. By prompt
pursuing a wise and just course the go
ornment can oislly restore order and i
away with the causes for any futu
trouble of a similar character.
ONE of the pretended specials of i
Herald announces to at a cocgrcsslot
apodal committee will investigate the i
fairs of the Pine Ridge agency. T
Washington reporter of the Herald , wl
ia looatoi in -BcraWoflico in Omal
tolls us that McGlIilcuddy Trill get
thorough ekaklng up and bo compell
to go. Isn't such bluster a llttlo bungll
on the part of a reporter , whom wo i
to imagine is located in Waahlngtc
Such talk sounds as if It wore insplrod
somebody who knows that the pretend
Investigation ia to bo a sham.
MoGllllcuddy must go to make room
some hungry oflica seeker , why
through the expensive firuo of an
vostlgatlon ? There la such a thing as
ganizlng juries to convict , but there is
need of Bonding congrefulonal comn
toes on junketing toura to ludlan sg <
cios If the only object is to find an exc
for removing an Indian agent.
THE Republican prints a letter vrh
nivocatos the drawing of the color line
public resorts , theaters and churcl
The Biiobocrat desires not only to fo
out mon and women of color from me
cal and dramatic entertainments
would oven wall in heaven to keo ]
from being contaminated by the Afrlc
whether ho ia &s black as anativo Nub
or bleached out to the color of a (
Catalan. In this ago and In this lam
equal rights acd civil and religions
crty , all such cisto prejudices are on !
reflex of Intolerance and Ignorance ,
this sinio high-toned aristocrat 1
mingled with the courtiers of Louis :
poloon ho would h vo considered him
highly honored by associating v
men and women whcsa African orl
wai beyond question. It shocks EC
people to sit In a pow next to a negro
to have tholr children taught in pu'
echoolfl where the girls and boys of
races are educated on a perfect equali
They revolt at I ho thought of travel
in the Barno sleeping car with Ft
Doughs , John M. Langitjn , or Blem
K , Biuco , but they have no objection
occupy the same berth In which the no ,
porler had bunked the night before , i
io taVo their victuals prepared by i
Lands ofnrgroes. What these pee
will do if , In iho world to come , tl
should bo consigned to the care of
eatsnio majesty , tha doul , It la dime
to Imagine. They might object to cc
ing In contact with tno dreadful larl
oven in hell.
Wo have never taken any stock in col *
lego farming. Wo don't bellovo men can
learn farming from newspapers acy moro
than they can learn to bo practical edit
ors by attending a college Icclura course
on journalism. For the same reason wo
Imvo never regarded the national bureau
of agriculture as nn Institution that can
very much benefit the American farmer.
At best the commustonor of agriculture
has boon on ornamental figure-head In
charge of the botanical garden from which
the rrlvcs and fcmalo friends of congress
men are supplied with costly bcqnots.
Incidentally the agricultural bureau fur
nishes "gardcn-sass" for the rural constit
uency of the tciutoM nnd representatives
who ] find this a very cheap method of
electioneering. From Lo Duo , who
raised tea at ton dollars a pound , down
to Lorlcg , nho took prldo In delivering
lectures on blooded stock at state fairs at
Uncle Sam's expense , thcso model farm
ers have been arrant humbugs. The new
commissioner , Mr. Colman , knows almost
as much about farming as Horace Grcoly
did. Ho has been a pnblhhor of a so-
called agricultural pnper which prints
wood-cut illustrations of prlza stcerc ,
premium pumpkins and blooded plge.
His farming Ins boon done principally in
Iho attic of a St. Lou\s \ printshopwhere
ho raised his crops on the elevator.
Mr. Colman , wo are gravely informed ,
ias called a convention of college farmer ;
; o meet in the rosy month cf Juno at the
national posy garden , for the purpose ol
discussing ways and means for makini
his department cf greater practica
benefit to the country. The idea of call
Ing together a lot of wild-eyed moon
ehlno book-farmers to devise ways am
means for making thn bureau of agriculture
turo cf great practical benefit to th
country Is decidedly refreshing an
original. If Mr. Golem an had called fo
an assomblyof commercial college student
to devise wajs and moan
of preventing Prof. Rlloy'a threatcnc
invasion of seventeen-year locusts li
would have done just as sensible a thin ;
Thcro la a refreshing simplicity in Mi
Column's composition , which entitles hii
to the admiration of the American poopli
and that is hio virtual admission that th
department of agriculture , as ho calls i
is sadly in need of some reform tbr
wonld make it of practical benefit to tb
country. In this at least wo folly agre
with him. Wo are amused , however , :
the bland and child-like credulity cf som
of the Missouri admirers Mi
Colman. The Globe Democrat , hlc
probably knowa a good dei
less about farming than Commlcslone
Colman , if such a thing could be , say
that "tho object desired is good , and :
Commhsionor Colman attains it ho wl
have done the best work of his life , an
ono that will perhaps bring forth frn
after he has been forgotten. " Yes , li
deed , this Is the chance of a lifetimi
Lo Duo's tea-planting experiment is not
circumstance to the fruits that the co
lego farmers will bring forth if they ai
only allowed to have their way at Unc
Sam's expense. It will for the first tin
in the history of the world afford pro
that figs may grow from thistles.
According to the Globe-Democrat tl
"farmers of this country have always hi
i a strong prejudice against agrlcnltnt
colleges. On the granger , an alluiion
one of theeo Institutions hss usually tl
same general effect as pralso of a dyn
miter would have on an Engllshma
The granger regards the agricultural ci
logo as an expensive plaything , Invent
In order that a few gentlemanly profe
sors may rldo about en good hortos ni
pretend to teach an art that ho and 1
father and his grandfathers back
| ( j
, Adam's boyhood learned without the i
sistanco of a college. But the fact tha' '
trade or business may be learned , at
after a fashion , practiced wlthont a
: d systematic training , does not prove tl
[ ts butinoflo might not bo much hot
done if its principles are thoroughly i
0 doratood , clearly laid down and carefu
. olio wed out. "
, ,
) r" Mr. McOulhgh , the edl
of the Globe-Democrat , has been i
.1 ccntly engaged as a lecturer on journ
ism in Harvard college at a salary
$5,000 a year. That may account for
conversion to theoretical agriculture t
college farming. Wo know , howov
that i ( Mr. McCullagh had a fn
in to cultivate ho would
biro a young dude ft
ICO an agricultural college , but would adv
tiso in the want column of his paper
o horny-fistoi farmer. The most abs
lit twaddle , however , about Colman's sohc
Is embodied by the Qlobc-Dcmocra <
m ,
an the following paragraph :
There was a tlmo when the doctors , i
body , scouted the ida of n medical colli
yet the medical college c mo ,
These primitive doctors were barbi
who also practiced blood-letting , toe
If pulling , corn-paring and nail-oloanl
ad The doctors as a body did not exist a
fa- profetslon until medical colleges 1
elf been established , but practical farm
Kit date way tack to Adam.
mo THE system of inoculation with ohol
or mlcrober , as discovered and adopted
Dr , Ferran , of Valencia , Spain , it i
all nounced to bo entirely successful. If I
is really the cato , it will provo as grei
blessing as vaccination to prevent em
id. pox. When Dr. Ferran made the i
he nouncomont of this discovery doctors t
to scientists were sent from all the provjn
; ro of Spain to study the system and wai
the results of the ] experiments , wh
bo seem to have been sat'sfictory. The
rut Inoculation produces a tumor on '
oy patient , who bucomes severely proatra
its from the effects In about twontyf
ill hours , but generally recovers entlr
a- within forty-eight hour * after the cpe
apy ( ion. That the people of Spsiu have fi
jn tbln inoculatlou system It shown by
fact that In ono province alone ever 4,700
persons have been inoculated , nnd it is
aald tha epidemic la rapidly dstrp3ftrlng. !
It would bo a wlao step for our govern-
jnont to aend a commission of doctors to
Spain to acquaint themselves with Dr.
Forrnn's discovery , ao that it could bo in
troduced hero at nn early day and
thoroughly studied by onr physicians ,
THERE must bo some land in Texas
which has not boon gobbled up by monop
olies or given away to syndicates. This
evidently is the trno Inwardness of the ru
mor that the Ohiogo syndicate proposes to
throw up its contract for building the
Texas capltol. This great land ring
succeeded [ in putting through a scheme
nbcut three years ago for building a'cap
ital to co&t $7,000,000 , to bo paid for
with 3,000,000 acres of state lands , Up
to this tlmo the contractors have re
ceived patents for 438,000 acres ,
valued at about $1,000,000. They have
expended $500,000 on the building , and
by thrawing up Iho contract would cleat
n half million. But the Chicago gentle
men will not throw it up , if they know
thomtolvoB. They simply propose to plaj
the Bill Stout method on the legislature ,
which is to bo convened In extra session ,
There are 1,500 convicts In the TCXBI
penitentiary , nnd the contractors want tc
bulldoze the legislature Into a cocccasloi
that will allow them to use these convlcti
In the quarries. Their throws to thron
up tluir contract seem tons to bo a men
blind , but it may work If Texas logls
lators are na pliant at those of Nebraska
WHEN congress appropriated $4COOOI
as a Biiheidy for carrying the malls ii
American-built steam vesjola , it was gen
erally supposed that this wns intendei
for the solo benefit of the Pacific Mai
company. That company supposed BC
too , and was confident that it would ge
the entire amount. But it saems that i
was ellghtly mistaken , aa other claimant
have appeared in the field , much to th
eurprlao and indignation of the PaclC
Mall. The Alexandre , the Ward and tl
At'aa lines are , or may be , " mail" stoan
era , within the meaning of the act , an
they now have their egents at Washing
ton to Insist upon their share of tl :
money. Owing to the complication th :
has arisen the postcffico department
t puzzled as to how to carry out the la
within the moaning of congros ; . ]
would not bo surprising if , under the :
circumstance ? , the payments should b
delayed until the meeting of the nej
congress , in which case it is an ope
question whether the act would not t
THE Lincoln Journal is rather late 1
coming to the defonsa of Warden Nobci
That famcus dtfonder cf public plnn
dorcra and apologist for thieves can EC
nothing improper in the warden's crooke
vouchers for carpets end furniture whic
were shipped to his hank and opei
house for his own use and charged up 1
the penitentiary account. It strikes n
however , that the Journal at best cs
only maka a defense for Nobes , Ho
can that paper consistently uphold
. mercenary turnkey who bought his fu
niture In Omaha , when he could ha1
purchased It just as cheaply at Llnco
, with the state's monoj ? Hero la a ca
, whore the plea for patronizing home i
dustry should have come into play.
MR. EUGENE FIELD , the father of Dav
Dudley Field , was in Omaha on Saturd
. ' in consultation with Dr. Miller in rega
d to Iho prrposod tour of Samuel J. Tlld
to Oregon ever the Short Liao. Samt
d will stay ia Omaha long enough to ta
. some refreshments at Rutherford
, Hayes' Sixteenth street taloon.
a THE dominion government id said
3 ' bo much embarrassed by the capture
Rol. ! What to do with him is no IT tat t
question. Had ho been killed in bat
cr the government would have felt bet !
y TUE revised old testament in in gn
demand. Mcst of the paoplo who c
ma&d it will not bo able to tell the diil'
onco. They have never read the un
vised edition.
nd THE miyor of Lincoln Is about to is
a proclama'lon forbidding the clrcalat
' of the OMAHA BEE within the limlta
lot the capital city.
) m
Emerson has spread over the Butt cou
ird line ,
no Tbo not Indebtedness of Boone count
in $07OCO.
A. 115,000 elevator will bo built at I
9 a The are 2,019 books in the Doano Cell
BO , library.
A democratic paper will noon blossom
re , North Bend.
th- A methodiit church will be built at Nem
tils summer.
Blair citizens arn talking strongly of put' '
i a in waterworks.
ad The Headlight illumiuatoa the journals
proceeslon at Sturmaburg ,
iri The recent cold wave did no damage
fruit treoa in Snrpy county.
Hitchcock ? county voted , by a roajorit ]
> ra 321 , to suspend tha uerd law.
lixoterhas raised $1,000 of the $15
by neosisary to build an elevator.
ra- The Knighta of Labar of Plattsmoutb
ala figuring on a co-operativo store.
tn A democratic paper Is to be plented clos
the land office notices in Niobrara ,
Mike Moran , n farmer , died suddenlj
n- heart disease in Fulls Olty on the 14th.
nnd Jarrett Cox , a Webster county farmer ,
killed by the cars at Am boy , on : he 7th.
; es The fire in the nostoffico building at E
ch can destroyed 81,6vO worth of property.
ch The NirfoJk National bank , with a cap
of § GOCOO , has Hung Iti banner to the bre
'Gypsum Butte , " In the White HI
ho country lias been pre-empted by some epc
ed la tor.
Joe Thotnai , an Otoe county farmer ,
mr thrown from a horse last week and now wi
a crutch
ra- ( Jhadrou hai o rew bank with a capita
S 1(0,0(0. Busmoasup there as done on
ith brcad-guaqe plan.
ho . The Stata Dental Society tested their i
Inn on Lincoln beef , lait weok. The tooth
punchers are patient men.
Unimprovrd Ifintli in Dixon county Are
f did to have doubled in value In the past lix
year * .
Thrco hundred and fifty moro numes hove
been ndded to the eobcr list at Fremont. The
laloons nre drying up ,
Wceplnc Water * perU will not tolerate
fslurs uulofs they explain the combination to
make sure ol winning.
The engAging young Indies of Crelghton
oiler extra inducements for the establishment
of an lea cream parlor thcro.
The Grand Island firemen have raised about
twelve thounand dollars to defray the expenses
of the next ttnto tournament.
The editor of the Nebraska Olty Press con-
feiines that ho perfected himself in the art of
Ijlng by composing circus bills.
After n protracted tilting through four
n'ghtg ' , the city council of Blue Springs
granted one license to toll liquor.
An insurance company had been incnrpo
rated in Lincoln , with John Fitzgerald at
the head and SI Alexander , scribe.
Humors are current in Platte county that
the B k M. railroad will soon bo extended
from Columbia north through the county.
Contracts have boon let for the furniihing
of the lumber for the new stock yards at Lin
coln , A town will bo planted adjacent to
tha yards.
Nanny Clino. the 11-yoarold daughter ol
Peter Cline , a Webster county farmer , w i
burcod to death whllo feeding a cornstocli
fire , on the Uth ,
Plattsrrouth added two moro to Its Hat ol
bonrders in the penitentiary last week. Frank
'Williams , robber ; John \V. IMilcrt , fcrtrer
Five years each.
Mirage Data is thonamoof a section o
country near Huehvillo , in Sheridan county
where the phenomenon la eaid to ba on dec !
four duya m the weok.
lastings can have the proposed Scandln.v
vian theological seminary If proper eubstnn
tial encouragement Is given tbo promoters
The quoetlon will bo settled this week.
T. G. Foxworthy , of Lincoln , fell from i
scaffold twenty fret from the ground. Ai
inventory of his effects Bhowrd n dlslocatei
ankle , sprained shoulder and bruised hips.
N , D. nerds , n former resident of Scribncr
from which point ho suddenly emigrated Bom
two years ago , has boi-n nrresttd for hi
crooked ways at Granite Falls , Minn.
John Florida , who was sent to the count ;
jail at Madison from Norfolk , succeeded i :
making his escape Tuesday niclit. At las
reports no trace of the fugitive had bceu die
covered ,
J. Mai tin , democratic postmaster nt Alar
tlusburg , Dlxon county , was successful i
his fifteenth attempt to resign his otlico
t few days ago , John Shultz being nppointe
his successor.
Mika Healy of Lincoln , nnd John Drisco
of Chicago , have signed articles of ngrcemer.
to spar six rounds vlth culinary boxln
glove ? , the match to be fought in Lincol
thirty days from May 11.
A water spout burst over n family of em
1 grants named Scott , while camped two mill
from Kearney , Friday night , drowning two <
their children. The father , mother , arid or.
boy had a narrow escape.
t Three horses and eighteen hogs were crc
mated nt a barn burning nt Burnett on tt
10th. The stock nnd bajnbelorged to At
Stevens. A glass bottle focuseed the sun
heat on the hay nnd started the lire.
The golden rpportunity is archorcd at W ;
more. A freckled , bald-headed bachelor i
two score years i , wbofeo bunions no encase
in No. U's , offers S109 reward for a wifi
t GirU with cold feet need cot apply ,
? Mre. Mike Wnrifa collided with her hus
band wlno ! loaded with I'laUsmouth fort
rod , nnd out of the wreck with n blac
eye , a cut forehead , a split lip , and mimbei
luss bruises. An attorney will take her re
mains into a divorce court.
The bcma'patbic doctors of the state hel
a two days' discussion and banquet in Lincol
last week acd adjourned to meet in Hasting
next May. F. li. Uighter , of Lincoln , wi
elected president for tbo ensuing year ; 1
W. Winter , \Vymore , secretary.
James Wingate is nursing a timber claii
near Indianols. Joe Murphy ndjoins hii :
nnd pastures hia stock on the claim. Jam
kicked , nnd cussed the whole Murphy faml
and threatened to draw blood , wlim n youi
Murphy drew a gun nnd scalped Wingati
Mrs. J. n. Ynndermark , of Hasting
sportively mounted n bucking pony nt h
husband's ranche. The high-heeled plugr
eentod this new phase of woman's rlgt
bounded high in the air. came down on i
fours , nnd sent Mrs , Y. to grass with
sprained wrist.
Hnnk Johnson , a carnenter , invaded t
peaceful home of John Nordyke near Dnko
City , thirgltd the shanty and hammered Io
Into the willing ear of Mrs. Nordyko. T ,
fickle wife sickened , induced the old man
mortgage his farm Vr $1000 , nnd decamp
with Hank nnd the cash.
Patrons of the OMAHA DAILY BEE In tl
locality have been much surprisod'and gra
fied during the past few days at receivli
their morning papers in the forenoon. V
believe they are forwarded by the morn !
fast freight. It Is quito n stroke of entc
prise on the BEE'S part. [ Central Ci
Two tramp burglars scaled the battlemer
of the Castle dry goods store in Blue Sprin
ono night last week , and carried away enou
fo mi Line garments nnd ornaments to steel
bureau , together with notes for 5210. "S
to with nil this wealth in Roods nnd pnpor , t
burglarn were captured while enoring ir
freight car.
10 J. Y. Smitb , late of North Bend , w
Io sk'pped with the light of the last moon a
bomo $20,000 in cash , ii notified to appear a
er answer the attachment proceedings : institul
byCeorgoK , Lyon , of Wnukeegan , 111 , ,
whom ho borrowed § 33,000 , on "forged , frm
ulent nnd worthless promissory notes a
ate mortgages. " smith will take due notice s
e- keep shady.
er The preliminary examination of Mrs. Jol
rc son on the chaigu of killing her husband ,
c- Lincoln , resulted In her discharge from c
tody. There was absolutely no testimony
ehow that she did the killing bsyond
wild statement at the tlma that she kil
both her husband and Loner , which she
110 tracted almost at once , and the f&ct that
on revolver that did the shooting was hers :
was in her possession almost immodiat
of nfter the shooting.
The faculty of the state uuiveraity will h
entranca examinations nt tha following pla
and dates : Omaha , Tuesdav , Juno Iti ; Fi
City , Wednesday , June 17 ; Tekamah , Thi
day , June 18 : Kearney , Saturday Ji
20 ; Red Cloud , ' Monday , Juno
ity Bach of these local examinations will &ff
opportunity to th * youth of a largo sectloi
Ms test the question of their fitness to enter
latin school of the university without the
lue pense of a journey to Lincoln.
The notei Blacklaw-Bocker case , tried
Pawnee City , terminated last week. ' .
juiy failed to agree. This was the seci
trial , both of which resulted tn n disagi
at meat of the jury , and at tha close of this ,
prosecuting attorney dismissed the cwo ,
tha seem ) that BlackUw waa out in front
Becker's house one night about 10 o'clc
Ing whoa the latter shot him , Hia defense '
that he took him for a burglar. The prose
itlo tlon tiled to provo malicious intent , but
not rnnke a case.
The Gordon mode of salutation ia to |
to your gun and fire into the ground , oil
neighbor's house. Failing to do this cai
of your friend to feel slighted , The ciutoi
peculiar , having grown Up with the to1
900 Accident } nre. of cjurse , expected , but
always apologize 1 for , The last of this k
. . . I occurred last week when , according to
Press , James Palmer met Charles Butler i
said good morning , Charles waa pleasec
11 ° see James , whom ho honored with
fashionable salute , but unluckily shot
of friend through the foot , giving -him a 1
The stock raisers of Platte county h
been fighting the Union Pacifio for the i
two years nnd the struggle still goes
un- Ninety cur loads of cattle have been dlyei
to the B. & M , the present spring , and n
tal will follow , A prominent farmer , i
ze. chaperoned a stock train from Colum
irer to Chicago a week wo , informed the wr
that the union Pacifio company has pel
teutly refused to give farmers the rame n
for car lots as are given thlppers at Columl
cas Argered at this uujuit discrimination in
ara farmers have combined aud shipped tl
stock direct to Chicago over tha u. k
of Why the middlemen ihould bo given an
the vantage in rates over the stock ralier is on
the intricate problems which Platte cou
10-1 farmers have as yet failed to solve. ,
Tie MR REOT--UC Logar , Lonp
ana Ripnltlicas V&llbys & ,
The Hush for Lund In Nortlicnst nml
SouUi\vcst Ncbriekn Itullaiis
B KnrmcrsHnvrd
Uounty Afl'nlre.
There wai a graat crush at the Niobrnrn
land cflico last Friday , the occasion being
the evening of the Santee Indian reserva
tion lands. These lat.da were made sub
ject to the homestead , pto-ompticn and
Umber culture laws , and when moro
than ono filing wai made on any ono
piece of land It was pot up at auction and
given to the highest bidder. The ralo of
the land office prevented what threatened
to bo a cloriny time , and many choice
pieces of land brought high prices ,
Several Omaha land.hunters have boon
prospecting in the reserve lately , and
were not favorably Improtsod with the
lay of Iho country. Mr. Woodman , of
this city , returned Saturday from an ex
tended rldo over that country , and pro
nounces it the poorest that has yet boon
put on the market. The Indians have
selected the best of the bottom and high
land , and sro widely scattered. If a
white man takes a claim batwocn the In
dians he ii shut out from his fellows and
must bear bis oharo oi
the taxoa without the benefits ,
particularly echcol facilities. The
greater portion of the high land Is broken
ivnd gravely , end Its productive qualities
must ctr'ainly bo limited. A largo group
of Ohio and Illinois farmera bed squatted
on n choice pleco of laud , previous to the
opening , and had organized for the pur
pose of holding tholr claims , even II
arrardcd to other parlies by the lane
officers. Mr. Woodman was ngrcoablj
surprised at the intelligence and activity
of the Indians They have neat frame
houses , all painted whllto. Many ol
them speak good English and have learned
tbo UBO of toola. Quo Indian was fount
building a house and wielding the eavi
and hammer lika an expert.
The Logan Vallty , in Mr. Woodman'i
opinion , and In faot iho outiro country
botvrecn Douglas and Knox countlcr , litho
the farmcia' paradlso. Yet In this fa
vored region , blessed with Incomptrabli
soil and market facilities , great bodies eland
land are hold by speculators and unculti
vated. The favored membora of thi
school land ring gobbled up , undc :
twenty and twenty-five year leases , see
tlon after section cf tbo land. The ring-
stors now demand and frequently rocolvi
a bonus of $2.50 an ace for the leases
boudpu having the interest paid by then
on appraisement refunded. The pur
ohaeor generally go's ' the worst of thi
bargain , for as teen as a lea-.o change
hands a new appraisement is had , anc
under the present law it cannot bo lea
than $7 an scro. This 35 stem of losso I
a great detriment to Dlxon and Ceda
counties. '
In the Omaha reserve Mr Woodmur
f jund a few Indian farmers at work. Th
general rnlo Is to do as little as poaelbls-
Iho hzy and ehlftlcss living off the foi
active worker ; . Each adult buck am
tquaw baa been allotted eighty acre
nach , acd the children fotty , These al
lotmonta are not taxable , and cannot b
tranefcired for twenty-iivo years. Th
Indolence of a majority of the Indiani
and their doslro to trade , has Induce
ecvcaal stockmen to bargain for rang
privileges. Ono enterprising atcckma
proposes to take a section of the trlbo t
Washiotttcn , hoping thereby to indue
the Interior department to grant the In
10 dlans the right to leasn their claims. ]
this privilege Is given'the lucky stockma
will obtain a luxurious langa for the !
hearda for almost a song.
Correspondence of The BEE.
Lour CITY , Neb. , May 13. Xestorda
waa witnessed the large sl gathering eve
known In Sherman county , the peopl
taming out to pay tribute to anhonorabl
chrlatlan gentleman , Mr. Anthon
Thoiss , who died Sunday evening th
10th inst , aged nearly 73 years , aftf
several weary months of Buffering froi
n heart and liver troubles.
As a forornnner of the railroad thei
are locating In oar midst , and fast hi
coming prosperous clti'zjtm , loan and co
lection agents , hisaracoo agents , pnn
and windmill agent ? , life Insurant
agents , and lastly comes the loqaacloi
lightning rod tgcnt. Glad to hive the
comp , as sorely ono c f the main agoncl
of civilization will teen bo cstabllshi
and depot.
A party composed of novoral cf o
loading business men are In St. Paul t
day conferring with the commieeioncrj
Howard county in regard to ratltoi
matters. It seems that justice , if nong
o'se , owes this county a railroad , for
there { a a settlement or a class of pionoe
uny where within the boundary lines
our state that is deserving of a succosaf
crowning of their efFurtj to civllieo ,
build up a county , that settlement
people la tbo ono known as Shormi
county. Every mon in the county w
bo personally benefited , and wo hope t !
day lu not far distant that shall wltne
the crowning of our labors by the eve
of being connected wlth'tho outer wor
by the iron horse.
I intended to have -written aomothli
last week wbllo court was In cession , yc
though my time was limited , I concludi
that these district court proceedings a
( lie same always and everywhere , diffc
Ing only in name and locality. T.
prayer for divorce , alimony and dlvlsii
of property , cts. , with now and then
criminal cane , bringing out truthful y
ludicrous ovidcnco , more times than 01
die playing a painful Ignorance on the pa
cf wi'neissea , which Jotds us to thii
justice mast indeed have a tcrious tlr
weighing scmo of her budgets of o1
Ever tinco the IIOWB came of the elf
tion of a republican etito senator In 111
noU , republicans hereabouts have stcpp
mighty nigh , and with heads elevated t
most beyond mortal endurance , ha
been Ihtening to the strains of entbu
asm waited to our ears coemlngly fro
that strongly democratic district , No. S
ol tbo sucker state. It his really be
with great dlfiictilly that our marshal b
prevented onr whole town , including t
villtgo pampr , from being painted re
Such news is certainly evidence that t
republicans of Illinois have buckled <
their working harnou , and Item now i
liitend to make it exceedingly interest !
for the democrats If not tudiclent
strong to elect a republican United Stat
senator , they can defeat the election ol
democrat ; then after adjournment it
not Uko long for " Undo Dick" Ogl shy
to appoint John A. Login to succeed
himself , If only for a year , s possibly In
that tlmo n few mcro dpmocn ts m y ho
prevailed upon to lay teido thtir burdens
o ! this lllo nnd Ho down with their
fathers , thereby crabllng their republican
brothers to step in and reclaim n few
moro dunocrtio districts by surprise ,
making poulblo the election of a United
Slates senator by unanimous voto. Yours
truly , MAX LKNHAUT.
Correspondence of The DEB.
MoCooK , Neb , Ma15. . With a
doubt in my mind as to the great value
of the land in western NtbrAtka nnd
Kansas , I started from Bloomington lait
Saturday morning for the purinso of
vloainij that section , accompanied by two
of Bloomington'o Illustrious loKiismon ,
ono a truthful land agent who always
attends Sunday tohool and votes the pro-
hlbltlcn ticket , the othir a liveryman
with opposite proclivities.
Arriving at McCook , the metropolis of
far-west Nebraska , wo were boslt'ged by
liverymen at $4.00 a day , and by locators
nt § 10 n claim.
From McCook wo traveled overland
through lied Willow , Hitchcock , Dnndy ,
llayucs , and Chase counties , Nebrntka ,
and through Kawllua and Cheyenne
countle ? , Kansas Some vciy nlco gov-
crnmont land tony bo found in Ilayiios
and Dundv ccuntloa , Nebraska. The
disadvantage of these counties Is the
great depth of water act ! prospect oi
sinking n etrata of rock , which cannot beget
got through. In lUwllns nnd Cheyenne
counties , Kansas , tome ct the finest lend
can bo foand , and especially to In the
latter county , where , on the divide be
tween the north and south fork of the
Republican , is & fine tableland extend
ing from Wnno , near the center of the
county , for 60 miles wtat. Wane , named
from the poitoftico formerly located a feM
miles below the preeont site , Is on thc
rich , level bittomland of the Republican
river , and possesses many advantages foi
a town olte , not the least of which is thi
fact that at a depth of 12 to 15 feet , pun
and excellent water is found.
PLATTSMOUTU , Ntb , May 1C. To th >
Ediior : My last letter to your valuabli
paper appears to have created a desiio ii
the mluda of the good citizens of Plaits-
mouth for reading gcod literature , as '
heard moro Inquiries for a copy of thi
BEE on Tuesday last than I have for anj
other publication , "Mosas and tin
Prophets" not accepted. Even clcrgj-
mon were known to to about the strcoti
saying , glvo ua the true gospel ai record
ed by "Mol. " in THE OMAUA BEE. Anc
there wai no supply ovfaii with the de
mand. Now I did not mean to txproei
any personal liken or dislikes , nettho :
have I done so. Nor have I meant an ;
personal cffonao to Dr. "Hooton'a' '
chaise , as my mall is not eo extensive bu
what tno facilities of the ciTica will b
sufficient to accommodate It at all times
bvtwhen a man Hko Dr. Miller , wh
has nothing in common In thi
matter , who has no other motiv
than to display to the people of the atat
of Nebraska that even If lie was not re
warded with the position cf pr.otmaiter
general under the "partlasn" corvil
administration that ho at least has beoi
appointed tenth corporal ( wlthont payii )
general "postmsstera" division of thi
well organized army. And also that th
petition bolng oven without glory , b
can achieve tno same on the bloody fiel
at West Point In Jnne. What a glorlou
contrast that field will present. Dr. Ml ]
Itr of Nt-bratka , a ticketed visitor , th
cadets in full dress uniform , "visitor
undress uniform , sime woin at PJattt
month during the campaign of 1884
Now If Dr. Miller had wished to oxhibl
his "inflooenco" with the admin'str-itlm '
could not ho have done so in a way 1 :
which the will of net cnly republican
democrat , but even mugwump and prc
hibitlonlst thonld bo thwarted ? Let u
illustrate. The city of Omaha has a re
publican postmaster , Mr. Cou tint ; it ale
has a domocrat'o editor , Pr Miller. Th
city of Plattsmouth has bee
decorated with the aam
article. Snppctiug Mr. Cjutit
ehoald resign , as Uaptsin Marshall ho
done , supposing the citizens of Omali
should potlti n the administration , dun
ocrat and republican alike , to appoint a
excellent gentleman , ono of Omaha
olaoat and most popular cit'zena , ono wh
has the confidence and friendship of th
pooplo. both great and small , for thirt
years , who bas been in cllico of publ
trust during moat of that tlmo and wt
has boeu fonnd faithful under all , an ;
and the most trying ciicumstanccs , as hi
been the case in Pjatlsruouth. To flnic
the hypothesis , supposu Mr. Shtrmai
> f 'our democratic editor , should assort h
d "Inflooencb" wi h the administration ( at
it certainly ho is entitled to moro than D
if Miller , for ho waa the choice of the doc
ocracy last fall for senator from this d ;
if trlct , and wo have never heard of Orcal
il honoring Dr. Miller so ) should stop I
andisay ; "Nay , my friends of Omaha , 3
cannot have as yo wleh. I will appoii
n some man as your poatnws i
11 who is the select friend of eon
four or five , a royal cotorlo who donom
s uato'thomselvos the 'Grand dntrlbutlr.
it machinery of political patronage In N <
d braska , with our democratic editor as tl
general master'mechanlo. ' " What , goc
people of Oinrha , would bo your verdlc
t , The similitude is correct , and I line
d that tbo Indignation would bo In con
parlaon with the size of the cilioa. 1
show that I am not at all prejudiced. I
o this matter , BO far as oar political pr
n cllvltloa ore concerned , I can state an t
a absolute certainty from rr.y own know
it edge , as many as a half dozen of ole
o tlmo friends of Dr. Miller's paper wl
: t have discontinued it.
k Laying aside our suggestions with r
ia gard to Dr. Miller , lot us recall the grt ;
promises of reform and c f civil servii
which la t fill bora such a potent part I
achieving I ho great "unwashed" victor ;
Dow G rover Cleveland was held up <
ua as lincions a morail even as a iiSs beef
of straw berries ( two In a box ) by the o !
line democrat ] , who have stood tbo brui
of battle Io those many year * . llo
quickly his this "milk and honey
I , turned to "gall end wormwood. " Thoi
n whom I saw on the ttreotlait fill lifth
is up tholr voices and aaylng , " now lot n
io die that mjj'son .Joseph la alive and
I. have seen bis face , " are lifting up the
ID voices to-day and cay Ing , " Babylon h
n fallen 1 Babylon has fallen 1" but Inste :
n of " putting on sackcloth and asbci
g they go about the etreetu murmurli
y one with another , Baying , "glvo i
i ) the republican ileeh-pots of
a rather than tliia "peiiahlnK in the wit
nccs" cf domocratlo mnchtcor-y. There
is another vacancy which vro hope the
doctor will bo klcd enough to m ko
whole at hli CMllest convonlonco , "work
it there. " Raranry la patiently Trailing
for the shoulder strap ] of Surgeon-Gen
eral Stoponson , nnd wo hope ho will not
bo kept long waiting. There la ono of
the appointments wo hunger for , as this
will bn the last straw whfch nill down
the "animal sf African descent , " which
has bcon bearing Mich n poncrons toad of
domestic fertilizer in this country. Llko
the children of Israel of rl < 1 , wo ciy unto
our high priest , Miller , "Glvo us King
Katnsoy. Yours , Mol.
Taking Cnro of Itlltul Tom.
Columbus ( Georgia ) I'oiior.
Few people , perhaps , know that with
the exception of short absences of two or
three days , Blind Tom , thn musical pro-
Igy , has spent the last four or five weeks
t Columbus , lie vai brought hero at
10 instance of Hon. L. F. Oirrard , coun >
11 for General Bcthuiie , in order to tott
10 right of the woman who claims to bo
ho widow of the late John Bothuno to
ho management of Tom. Showan hero
or oovcrol days , but took no stars in the
oarts t } obtain charge of Blind Tom , but
t was oviduct that she was considering
uch a couwo.
She \isltud Tom'a mcthpr and nttomp-
ed to persuade the old woman to glvo
cr con'rol of him. She Miccooded In In-
Aiclng the old woinau to travi 1 with her ,
, nd they ara now nbront from Columbus ,
t is thought likely that her object Is to
, y quietly at mine place outside of Gcor-
la , and when Tom comes within her
'each ' , nnko his mother demand possess-
on and control cf her ocn.
In this , however , she will bo thwarted ,
she attempts It , as Tom has now n low-
ul guardlau. At the term of the Ordl-
inry'a court th's ' week ho was tried for
unacy nnd fonnd to bo an idiot , and Gen-
ral Bothuno appointed his guardian ,
'his ' was probably unexpected to the prc-
ended widow , and what slips oho will
cxt take is not known. Tom will glvo
hreo public corcorta hero next week for
ho berufit of the public library. llo is
a much a wonder how as ever.
To show the rapid growth of the tnrrllory
.ributiry to the Ynlcntino Innd otlica , the
'ollo\vlDg olllcial figures are Riven. During
, hn first nlno months of the present fiscal year
, ho entries were na follows : Boloiors' homo-
.toadileclarntoryBtiiteinontB.DS . ; pre-emptions ,
1,281 ; hoineetoadfl , 171 ! ) ; timber culture cn-
vrleB , 1.-115 ; -J.fill-reprcseritiBfr ft dia-
peal of the jmblic domain embracing 718,020
ncrcs. CoiiiicR down to the month of April
ust past tha rush for laud wna unprecedented
n this ilisUict , The number of entries for
mo month reached the enorwoui number of
.052 , comprising 1C coldieru' liomtRtead do-
ilarntcry Blnti'ments , 447 pro-cmytions , 3B5
iiomeiteads , 230 timber culture entiles , Be-
lides thn o thcrocro Inttlntod duriuc tha
month Gil contest' , nnd 24 final proofs were
: akeu. The cash locoipts for the month
.mounted to S1
Form ) , the Harvard poker oharp , was fined
SG5 and jatlcd for initiating the youth of the
' ; own into tbo myeteiises of u cold deck.
Sanford's Radical Cure i
ibo Oroat Balsamla Distillation ol Witch Ratal ,
American Pine , Canadian Kir , ilarigold
Clover UlOBSom Eta ,
Far the Immediate Itellef and Permanent euro ol
every form of Cntarrli , from a Simple IIoiJ Cold oi
Influenza to the Loss of emcll , Taste , and Hearing ,
raiifrh , Dronchltlfl , and Incipient Consumption , lie-
let In flvo minutes In any aud every cue. Notlilng
ikolt. Grateful , fracrant , nholoaomn. Cure be
gins from flra' application , and U rapid , ladloal , per
manent , and never falling.
One bottle Cure , onr box Citarrhal Sol
ent and Sanford's Inhaler , all In ono 1'ackago , tat-
mlngncomplete trcotnicu of all druggists for SI-
Ask for Sandford's Hadlcal Cure. Potter Drug and
Chemical Co. , Bostou.
Uolllnu' Voltalo Kloctrlo I'lasta
Instantly nflocta the Norrou
System and banliihea Pain. A
period Kloctrlo Pottery com
bined wltn a Porous 1'laetcr tot
IS THE CRY 5 ccnta It annihilates l' n ,
or A \-italIies Weak and Worn Ont
SJFFERINB NaVc FartH. stronsthcus Tired Mui-
clos , I'revontsJJibcaso , and tloos moro In ono balf the
tlmo than any other piaster la tbo world. Sold every
10OHS tt. ! ACOr ! l
At the old E-tanri 14)7 ) Farnam ES. Orders by tel -
Krijih ( ollcitml and prompSl Utamlod to. Tclophoo.
No 22S.
ALIST , 3C3 l' < uith btrcoti , ht'wcoii 1'atnKm nd II | .
neyvilll , wtxn tho''d of p.uanlLsr. iiclilU , ohUlnlng
for aryuno ilanco In tau putt > ad piracnt , Mid on
cottiiln conditionj In tuo future. Boutu fcDd Oio < to firmer ! ' rfnrt nituiartlrm 7n > r > nt > 'i *
Notice to Property Owners erIn
In purcvaiicicf the provisions ol ordinance No
83' , n 1 propert ) owners or levcoj of real ontata
nbuttliit , ' un or uluiik ! t ho ' rretu or poi tloiuof etieota
hertinaltreptcinei ) tuo hcrcbj uotlllcJ to mtVoall
ncoinsiryir coi t nip'ated oonnictlona Illi sewer
gas and water maina , or tatterata and to complcto
nrhconnections on or Itljre thoBth dty f June ,
A. I ) . 1838,88 It la the purpose ot too city to pa\osaIU
ttrccta or poillonx thoreuf dccilbcdaa follows , viz :
Cuinlng Htrott from the east eldo of SOIh street to
the cattu'de of Division street and Furnam "trcct
'from ' the \tcst tldoof 15th street to the east side of
20th ttrect.
No permits for excavations or connections will be
litucil to any pr. ] > erty holdtr or losaco on said portions
tions cf Baldstrcets after the u eve date until such
contornpted pivlni ; is comp'eted and aconlcilljy tno
Chairman IliarJ of I'uUlo Works , City of Omaha ,
in 12-10-iil
o. H07 Jontl St. Office , Ho.
nam tr . Office booi8,12 m. to I p. m. and fiora
o A p. m. To'enhap > .or office DT.iaoldeoM 1U ,
817 Doda St * Omaha ,
Carpenter and Builder ,
No 631 South I7th St .between J cV * > n and Ulvcn-
worth Omaha , Nch. I m prepirM > build houtoi
| q any btils and todo all kind * of oarinU > r work *
leasuuabl ) prlcoc , alsa ropuliliij duue en ihort no i
213 Noith 10th St ,