IJLOlJL2XA1J JL JUJ NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL . . . $2'AOOO 8UIU'LUS NOV. 22,000 omcina : S , W , YATBS , A. K. TOOZAI.IK , President , VIce President. W.V.MoonB , JNO.S.COLUNB , LKWISS.HEED K , K.Unyden.Aaa't. and Acting Cashier. IIANKINO OFFICE ! The Iron Bank. OOE , 12th AND FARNAM ST3 , A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. INTEIIEST allowed on time deposits upon favorable terms nnd upon accounts of banks nod bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE , Government Bondi nnd County and City securities boutrht and Bold. In its treatment of custqmors the most lib eral policy Is pursued consistent with safety and sound banking , and wo Invite correspond. once or personal inquiry In connootion thoro- with. 'FINANCE AND CDNIffitRCE. ' Yonc , May 10. Money Eaay nt 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 40 ( per cent. Foreign Exchange Quiet nnd nnchangcd , Governments There was nn ndvanco of Jo in the quotations for 4a and 4Js coupon ; of 4c in currency G ) , and a dectinn of Jo in 3s , There were Bales of 3s nt $1.031 and registered 4Js at Sl.lli. Stocks-Stocks have not been active to-day , but exhibited a strong undertone for nearly everything oxcspt Vnnderbilts , which wcro weak , Gould atocka , Louisvlllo & Nashville , nnd Long Island nro the moat prominent for the inherent strength developed , The course of Union 1'adfic has been steadily upward all day , resulting In an advance of 2Jc. Loulsvillo & Nashville ia also Ijjc higher and Long Island , on sales of over 4,000 sharer , shows a gain of 2c. The other ndvancoa are for fractional amounts. The principal changes in prices this evening , oa compared with last Saturday , are an advance of 3&o in Union Pa cific ; Sgc In Louisville & Nashville ; 2Jc in Manhattan Consolidated , and Ijjo In consoli dated gas. Now York Central ia down 3c ; Lake Shore He ; Lnckawanna 2c , and Dela ware & Hudson 21c. cauroHS. ! ' . . . . 1(31 ( il'i Coupons IWS U. B. 4'a 12lf ' 95 1291 STOCKS AND BONDS , Control pnciho . . . . . . . . . 30J Chicago ft Alton * 135 do do pfd IE4 Ohloago , Burlington & Qninoy Delaware , Imckawana & Woatern 102JJ Denver &Bto Grande 0 Er'.a 101 do pld 20 Illinola Central 125 Indianapolis , Bloom , & Western 05 Kannns & Texas 18J Lake Shore ( L Michigan Konthern B2J Loniavllle & Naahvillo 341 Michigan Central CO Misaourl Pacific 9SJ Northern Pacific 108 do do pfd 38i Nor Ura co torn 9IJ pfd 128 Y Now York Oontrnl 811 Oregon Traae-Contlnontiil 13 * PnoifioMail 543 P. D. &E 99 Pullman Palace Oar Company 1174 Book Island 114 Bi. Loula & San Francisco 17 $ do do pfd 30 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul G9g do do do pfd 105 J Bt. Paul & Omaha. . . . , 20 do do pfd 724 Texaa Pacific 10 } Union Puclfio C3J Wnbaeh. St. Louia & Pacific 5 do do do pfd 6 Western Union Telegraph an. &N .7. . . . Ex. div. GENER&IJ IMIOOUCE. OHIOAOO. CHICAGO , 111. , May 1C. Flour Quiet and unchanged. Wheat Quiet and alow ; advanced S Io over yesterday ; 88Jo cash and May ; 00&90Jc June ; 92i@92fc July. Corn Quiet nnd slow , but stronger ; racov- ered moat ot yesterday'a decline ; improved ? c nnd closed | o over yesterday , nt 47'rfl7Jo cash ; 47Jo May ; 47J47ic June ; 47l@17lo July. Oats May l@Jc bettor ; June and July sold 8@Jo over yesterday , reacted i@Jc , but closed at the Improvement : Sljo cash and May ; 348@34ic Juno nnd July. Bye-Quiet at 72c. Barley Nominal at C5c. Timotliy Heed About nominal ; prime , 51 DOfcs 1.51. | IFlaxseod Steady ; No. 1 , $1.38 on track. ( Pork-Quiet ; ruled 21@T e higher ; SU.05 ® 11.10 cash and Mny ; S11.07A@11.10 June ; S1117411.20 July. t-Lard Quiet nnd about unchanged ; a trldo higher , but early improvement not sustained ; S(5.70@(5.72J ( ( cash and MaySti.75@G.77i ; Juno ; SO 85G 87o July. ( iBnllc Meats Shoulders , S.35'S)4.40 ( ) ; short clear , $0.10@C.1D ; short rlba , S5.r 74@5.CO. CBUuttcr Quiet ; cholcs to fancy creamery , 19ffl20c ; choice dairy , lli@17c. 52 Choose Weak ; choice Cheddars , 9c , Egga Good demand ; lli@12c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy groan salted , 7c ; light , S@3ici damaged , C@G c ; ealted , llfoillic. Tallow Unclianged ; No. 1 country , 5i@5gc. KeoAipti , fflonr , bbla 10.000 17,000 Wheat , bvwhela 11,000 131,000 Corn , bushels 101.000 80,000 OaU , bnahola 117,000 170,000 Rye , bushela 17,000 4,000 Bwlofi buthnla 9,000 9.000 MILWAUKEE FBODDOB MIUVADKEE , Wia. , May 1C. Wheat Quiet and firm ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 83Jc ; Juno , b'Jio ; July , S98o. Corn ICntlrely nominal ; No. 2 , 47c. ' Onta-Very little inquiry ; No. 2,31o. Bye Scarce and higher ; No , 1 , 75c. Barley Dull and depressed ; No , 2 , 57c. Provisions Quiet ; mesa pork ; § 11.10. NEW IOUK raonnot. NEW You , May 10 Wheat KecelpU , C7.COO bu ; oxporta , C9.000 bu ; spot lot * quiet ; options opened tveak. reacted and closed firm , ungraded red , 87@$9Gc : do o i f , 81.02 ; No. Z red , 81.03 ; store , 81,03 ; f o I and July closing at 81.0' ) , Corn Weak ; spot fairly active ; options opened weak and reacted , closing firm ; re ceipts , 65,000 bu : exports , 92,000 bu ; ungraded D3g65c ; No. 3 , 63Jc ; No. 2 , 01@54iaJ eleva tor ; DSJfSMlc , alloat ; July closing ut 54c. Oats Lower ; receipts , 70,000 bu : export * 34Qbu ; ; western , mixed 40g41ic ; white , 43s ( 4So. Eggs-Quiet. Barley Steady ; western , 13J@131o , Pork Quiet ; spot mess , 812.00 Lard-Western eteam Bpot , ? 700ff7,02J ( July. $7.13. Butter Weak and dull. HT. LODIS fBODlTCK. RT. Locia , Mo. , May 15. Wheat Falrlj active and but little chaneed ; 81.07J for cast ami June ; $1,08 for Jnlr. Oirn-Y.'ry slow ; 47i47io for cash ; 4GJ for M y170 : aikerl for .Time and July OaU Dull but firm ; Sfjo for cash ; SGJo fo May ; 8Gj for June. Bve Lower ; to sell. G5@CGc. Whisky SUndy at 81.14. Afternoon Board Wheat lo lower : cori declined J(3o. ( Call Board Wheat Closed l@Jc lower. Ci/rn Declined Jc. OinOIKKATT , CINCINNATI , O , May 1C. Wheat -Firmer ; No. 2 red , $ l.CBl@U < ! . , . Corn Dull nnd lower ; No , 2 mixed , 62j. Oats Qaist nod steady | No. 2 mixed , 39o , Ilyo-Quiet ; No. 2 fall , 73s. Barley Scarce and firm ; extra N , 3 spring , 70@75c , Pork-Dull ntSlUO. Lnrd-Dnll nt 80.G2J. Whisky-Steady nt § 1.13. KANSAS crrr. KANSAS Urrr , Mo , . May 1C. Wheat- weaker ; ca h , 82icbid.83o asked ; Jnno 8lo bid , 84Jo nuked ; July , SGJc. Corn -Weaker ; cash , 42c : Juno , 42o bid , 42Jc asked ; July , 423@43.Jc. Oats Lower at 3G&C. & TOLEDO , TOLEDO , O. , May 1C. Wheat-Dull nnd cosy ; No. 2 red , naih and May , 93Jc. Corn Dull ; No. 2 cash nnd Mny 49c OaU Dull and nominal. LtTEHrOOL , Ltvinroot , May -Whoat Flat ; winter , 7a Od@7 10J. Ooru- Quiet nnd aUndr ; now mixed west ern , 4s MVE HIOOK. OIIIOAQO , CniOAOO , 111. , May 10. The Drovers' Jour- nnl repertf ! Onttlo Kooiptd , 2,500 head ; alow at yes- torday'a decline ; ( hipping atcers , $1.0 > @ 5.80 ; bulkS5,00@5.25cowaand ; mixed , S2.40@l 03 ; stockore , S3.70@J.60 ; feeders , St.60@C.OO. Ilogs Hecoiptn , 10,000 liosd ; strong , fairly active and firm ; rough nnd mixed , $3.95 © 4 22i ; packing nnd shipping , 8 1.20@4.40 ; light , 84.1U @t40 ; skips , S3 00c < 94.10. Sheep Receipts , 1,200 head ; slow ; 82.40 ® 3.03 ; woolod , § 3.50@4 G5 , BT , LOCIB. Bi. LOOIH , Mo. , May 10 Cattle Rocoipta , 00 bond ; shipments. 1,000 head ; supply too sm.ill to make n market , Sheep -Hccolptg , 1,1CO , hood ; shipments , Donojpood local demand ; clipped , ? 3.00@4.25 ; woolod , S3.60@4.50. KANBAB CITY LIVE STOCK. ' KANSAS Crrr , Mo , Mny 1C. Cattle Rn- colpts , 1,300 bond ; alow , weak nnd n shade lower ; exporters , S5.15@5 35 ; common to choice shipping , 8i.50@5 10 ; feeder ? , § 1.00 ® 4.50 ; COWB , S2.80@3.75. Hogs itoccipts , G,000 head ; firmer nnd Cc @ 10o higher nt 83.80 ® 1,00 ; bulk , 83.90 ® S3.95. Sheep Receipla nothing ; quiet ; fair to good , 82.70@3.00. OIMA.Ua .MaHKETS. OFFICE OF THE OMAHA BEE , ) Saturday Evening , Mny 10 , I Trade Ilcviow. This week compares very favorably with last week la regard to business , nnd with the following exceptions prices remain about the tame : Sugars are all advancing nnd very strong , All grades are quoted at llc higher tlun last Saturday. The grocers report business excellent. The receipts of butter are increasing dally nnd the market ia weakening considerably , Buyers are becoming moro particular na to color nnd quality and only choice gradoa sell rapidly , The price is 2@5c lower. Spirng chickens are scarce yet nnd small but bring good price ? for their size. No old onions are coming in ; potatoes nre n good demand and market steady. New California potatoes soil nt 3@4c per pound , Receipts of wheat are about equal to the demnnd at 71c. The receipts of hogs wcro very henvy nt the Union Stock Yards this week , and the prices declined 20a23a ( } from last Saturday's quo tations. Sheep are 50@85c higher , nnd good sheep will bring still better prices. Butchers' stock in good demand nt 23@50c higher. Fat poney steers nro 15c higher than last week , The following pricea nre charged retnilera by jobbers , wholesale and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which ia quoted at the prices furnished by the eleva tors and other local buyers : a lock Hoga The market la So higher to-day. Re ceipts at the Union Stock yards wore liberal for Saturday and prices a shade higher all around and closed firm. The yards were all cleared. Common mixed packing , S3 55@3 G5 ; good to choices mixed packing , S3.70@3.80. Common roughhogaandukipsunsaleable. All alea of stock in thia market are made per wt live weight unices otherwise stated. ) ead bogs sell at lie per pound for weights f 200 pounds and up wards , and lo for under :00 : pounds. Pregnant sowa are docked 40 > ounda and stags 80 pounds , Sheep The market remains the aame , $3,50 (24.75 ( , but good sheep soil at fair prices. Cattle Butchers' stock , in active demand and prices fully as strong as yesterday. The market will not bo much lower until the grass attio begin to como In. Good to choice cows > nd thin steers nro quoted at $3.75@4.25. Fheboe's slaughtering house will be open nnd ull operation at' the Union Stock yard the Doming week when shippers may expect quick alea and fair prices for good cattle. Steera Fat poney steers , weighing 1,000 to . ,150 poundi , S1.25g4.G3. Flour jmrt Bill 1stutTa. Winter Wheat Firrajbest quality patent at S3 70. Second quality 82 40 , Spring Wheat Best quality patent at 82 70 , Second quality -8216@2 50. Bran70o per cwt. Chopped Feed-Per 100 Iba. , SOo-gSLOO Corn Meal 85c@Sl 00 per cwt. Screening No. 1 , COo per cwt ; No 2 , 60c. Ilominy 81.50 per cwt. Shorts GOo per cwt. Graham 81.75 per cwt. Hay S18.00@19.00 per ton. Hldea. Steady ; green bntchera' Go ; green cured , 'fc ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry aalt,10@llc : damaged - aged hidoe two-thirds price. Tallow 4i@5c. Grease Prime white , 4@4Jc , Sheep Pelt-2fic@75. Grain Wheat Cash No. 2 , 71o. Bwley 45@50c. , Rye-Cash No. 8 , 51e. Corn No. 1 , 35o. Oats-No. 2 , 35e , General 1'rodnoo Egga Steady at lOe. Becelpts are moderate Mid only just cover demand , still there are nc indications fora stronger feeling. Butter Roll shipment are mostly arrlyinp in poor shade and are not desirable any more , Shippers should take paina not to mix differ ent colors In one tub , It hurts the sale. Cream ery , 18@20o : fair to good , 10@12c ; chola dairy , 14@lGs ; inferior grades , 4@8o. Poultry Chickens are in fair demanc Sprteg chickens are ectrce yet and small , an bringing good prices , however , for their size chickens , according to size , per doz , 85.00(5 ( 6 00 ; old chickens , according to size , per doz S350@450.l Onions No more old onescoming in , Nov southern onions , large firm stock which sell a1 86 50 per barrel. Beans In liberal supply and sales dragging Navy , per bushel , SlbO@lGO ; medium , pe bushel , 81SOOU 40. Potatoes Demand good and steady nnd m trouble In closing out assignments on arrival Choice stock selling at 70o , and food tat Gl @ 05c. Very little difference ia made as ti variety. If only the stock la sound and of go < x size. Now potatoes nre coming in from Cali lornia , and selling at 3@4c per pound , Q mourn' filet Bccuas All grade * advancing and von strong ; powdered , 7jc ; cut lual , 7J'i ; gran- u ated , 7ui confe tlomrt1 A , fijc ; dt nd rc extra 0,6 jc ; extra C , f jc ; medium yellow , f Jo dark yellow , BJo. OorrEta Ordinary grades , 10o | ( air , 1 ? good , ll 12a ; prime , 1213j ; choice l6@17o ; fancy green and yellow , 10(316ic ( ; ; oU government Java. 202Cc : Arbuckle'a rout ed , 141o ; McLaughlin'a XXXX rousted , 14Js Imitation Java. 1618tc. Bora Sital , i inch and larger , 7Jo | Inch 8c : 1 Inch , Sic. BALI Dr y loads , per bbl , 1 25 ; Aibton n tack * , 3 60 ; i casks Ajshton , 1 00 ; bbli dairy 2CO2 ( 75. SPICM Pcppnr , I8o ; ( pico , He ; cloves , 20o in , 15c. Btarjp Standard Horn. , 27o , bblf | StnJtlntd do 4 gallon kegs , 81.30. DBT KnciTB No 1 , qnnrter npplea. bbls ; N 0 sliced , boxea , GJos evaporated , boiw , te ; blackberries , boxei ; Ilo poaches , 1- x > xes , 9s ; pcacnw , evaporated , 2oO | rasp- lerriea , S6o Fisn No. 1 mackerel f hnlf bbla. , 7 60 ; Family } bbls. , 3 60 ; No. 1 kit * . 105 ; family kits COc ; No. 1 whitefish , half bb . ,6 50 ; No. kits , 95ct family hall bbls. , 800 ; family kits and palls , COc ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , D 25. STABCH Pearl , 4Joj Silver jGloss , Set Corn Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 7ic , CANNED GOODS. OyatOiB ; ( Standard ) per case. 3 90) ) atrawborriott , 2 Ib per case , 3 50 ; Mpberrloa , 2 Ib , per case , 2 50 ; California tears par casn , o 80 ; npricota , per caaq , 5 00 ; > eacho < per CMC , B.80 ; whlto chorriw per case , 6 76 ; plums per case , 4 60 ; whortleber ries per cnno , 3 00 ; egg plume , 2 Ib , per cane , 90 ; green gages , 1Mb , per case , 2'JOjpino plea , 2 Ib , per coso , 3 20@5 60. OAUDLKS Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16i , 12)o ) , 8s , 12 Jc , joiof B 401bs , 1G oz , 6s , 14c. MATCH ts Per caddie. 86c ] ronndrlca e U55eqaaro ; , cases , 170 ; Oahkosh , casoa grl.20 SODA In Ib papen 8 25 per * ca e ) keg , per b , 2ic. win " " "iUCXa PICKLES Medium In barrels , 5 0(1 ( ; do In lalf barrels , 3 00 ; small , in barrels , G 93 ; do In inlf barrels , 3 50 ; gherkina in barrolp , 7 00 do in half barrels , 4 00. TEAB Gunpowder , good 46@55cj choloo , GO@7Cc ; good Imperial , 40@43o ; choioa CO ® 65c ; Young Ilyson , good , 300c ( ; choico. C6 © 1 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice , 6076c ; Oolonjr good , 35@40o { Oolong choice 40@55c ) Souchong , good , 3040c ; choice , 86 @ 45o. RICE LonisinnA , prime to choice , Cl@7i& . WOODENWABK Two hoop palla , 1 85 ; three hoop pailf , 2 10. Tnbn , No. 1 , 8 50 : pioneer washboards , 1 75 ; Double Crown , 1 00 ; well- mckets , 3 V5. SnAta Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 IB ; Kirk's satinet , 3 30 ; Kirk'a standard , 3 65 ; Kirk's White Runslnn , 4 85. POTASH Pennsylvania cant , 4 cans in case 3 35 ; Babbitt'a ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; An tfior ball , 2 doz , in case , 1 50 , CANDY Mixed , 1 stick , 9allo | twist stick , 9c. VINEOAD Now York npple , IGo ; Ohio ap ple , 13o , Tobacco. Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the West. GOc : FounUln , 74c ; Golden Thread , G7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , 50c ; Rocky Moun tain , 50c : Fancy , 4Bc ; Daisy , 40c. Plug tobacco Climax , 44o per Ib , ; Horse- ahoo , 4Gc : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our Rope , 50c ; Piper Heidsick , GOc ; Punch , 40c. Smoking tobacco U. S. , 22oi Moorscbanm. SOo ; Long Tom SOo. Blackwell's Durham , 10 oz. , Blc ; 8 oz. , 65c ; 4 oz. , 57c ; 3 ot. , GOc. Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz , , 42c > ; 8 oz. , 45c ; 4 oz. , 48oj 2 oz. , 50c , Navy ClippinR § , 2Gc. Killikinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28c. DBOUS AND CHEMICALS Acid , carbolic , lla acid , tartaric , 55o ; balsam copaiba , per Ib. G5c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 13o ; calomel , per b , JOe ; cinchonidla , per oz. , 80 50 ; chloro- 'arm , pec Ib , 81 00 ; Dovors powders , per Ib , 31 25 ; cpnom salts ) per Ib , SJo ; glycerine , lure , per Ib , 25c ; lead ncotnto , per ID , 20c ; ol , castor , No. 1 per gal. , 81 GO ; oil castor , No. per gal. , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. . 81 40 ; oi iriganum , GOc ; opium , 84 50 : quinine , P. & W. . and R. & S. , per oz. , 8110 ; potassium ; Iodide , per Ib. . S3 50 ; aaltein , per oz. , 40c ; Bui hate morphine , per oz. , 83 50 ; ( ulphur , > o' b4o ; strychnine , per oz , , 81 80 , Palnta Oils and Varnishes. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lie ! 150 headlight , per gallon , 13c ; 175 ° headlight per gallon , 16c ; 150 ° water white , 15c ; linseed - seed raw , per gallon , 52c ; linaoed boiled , per gallon , 55c ; Lard , winter atr'd , per gallon , 70e ; tfo. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX , per gal. Ion , 1 50c ; No. 3,140 ; aweot , per gallon , 100 | sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. , jer gallon , 65 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90a ; No. 1 , 75o : lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; pummer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per pal- on , 35c ; No. 2,28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon 90c ; turpentine , per gallon. 4Po ; naptba , 74 ° , per gallon , 16c , Spirits , COLOQNE SPIRITS 188 proof , 119 ; do , 101 proof , 120 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , L 9 : do , 188 proof. 118. ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol 2 SO per wine ration. WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 100@J150 ; Fine blended , 150@3 00 ; Kentucky bour- aons 2 00@6 GOi Kentucky nnd Pennsylva nia ryes , 2 00(2010. ( BRANDIES Imported , G 00@1G 00 ; domea- tio.l 60d,3 GO. GINS Imported , 460@600 ; domoatlo , 150 © 300. RDMS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; New England , 2 004 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 00. CnAMPAONES Imported , per case , 28 00 ® 34 00 ; American , per case , 10 C0@16 00. Dry Palnta White lead 88c ; French no , Co ) Farij whiting , 21c ; whiting gildora , Ifc ; whiting com'l ' , IJcj lampblack , Germnntown , 1455 ampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian bine , o untramarino , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 80 ; umber , Durnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4c ; sienna , burn 4ct ; ; slonno , raw , 4c : Pana green , genuine , 25o Paria greencornmon,20c ; chrome green , N. Y 20c ; chrome green , K. , 12c ; vormtllion , Eng 76c ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian , red lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , rod , Oookaon'e , 2So ; Venetian , red. American , ljjc ; red load , 7Jo ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel low , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle , 3c ; ochre , Frenh 2c ; ochre , American , 2c : Winter a mineral , 2jc ; lohigh brown , 2ic ; Spanish brown 2io ; Prince's mineral , 3c , VABNISKE3 Barrela , per gallon : Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex. tra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70c ; oapholtum , extra , 85o , ahollac , 83 50 : hard oil finish 81 50. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. 5Jo.whlto ; load , St. Louis , pure , 6 60 ; Maraeil lea green , 1 to C Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc ; green eeal , 12c ; French zinc , red aoal , Ilo , French zinc , In varnish asat , , SOo ; French zinc , In oil asat , 15o ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 'b hatu , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOo ; Vandyke brown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L , M & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L. M. &D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18o ; Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , 9c ; TUB- can rod , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & P.- ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L , M. , O. & D. O , , 18o ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , lee Dry Goods BHOWH SHEETINGS Atlantic. A , 7Jo ; Allan , tie P , 5o : Atlantic LL , Blc ; Brunawlck , 74o ; Beaver Dam LL , 51o : Lawrence LL , 61p ; Pa- clfio II , 7 o ; Royal Standard , Gloj Indian Head A , 7c ; Wauchusett A , G o. FINE BROWN SHEETINGS Argyle , Go ; Pop- perell R , Gc ; Salisbury R , Go. BLBACIIED COTTONS Ballon. 4-4 , GJci Bal Ion , 7-8 , 6Je ; Cumberland , 4-4,7Jc : Davoll DD , 8Jc ; Fairmount , 4c ; Fniit of the Loom 4 , 8c ; Glory of the West , 8&oj Golden Gate,8Jc ; Hill 7-8 , 7c ; mil 4-4 , 7o ; Lonsdalo , 7Jo ; Now York Milla , lOJc ; Wamautta , lOla DOCKS ( Oolorpu ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljoi Beaten ton , 10 oz , 10 0) ) Boston , 9 oz. , 12Joi Fall River Jc. Jc.DUOKB ( Gray ) West Point,8 oz. , llo ; Woat Point 10 oz. , 12ic ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , llo. TIOKINQS Amoskeaft. 13o Continental Fancy , 9o ; Oordla. 13c | Pearl River , 21oj York , 12ic ; Ilamleton Awnlnga , 12Jc. DINIMS Amoakevg , 13o ; Beaver Creek AA 12c ; Bearer Creek BB , llc | Beaver Creek CO , lOo ; Haymakers , Sot Jadrey D & T , 12t'o ; Jatfrey XXX , 121o ; Pearl River , 13o ; War. ren AXA ( brown ) . 12o ; Warren BB ( brown ) , Ic : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAUBBIOSFifth avenue glove finish , 4Jo ; Keystone glove finish , 60. I ; COBSET JEANS Amory , 7ic ; Hancock , 8c eanarge. 74c ; Rockport , 6o. PBINTS Aliens , Sici American , BJoj Arn old's 6c ; Cocheco , Go ; Harmony , 44o ; Indigo 7o ; Indigo 7-8 , lllo ; Indigo 4-4 , 14Jo ! Stee , River , 6Jo ; Charter Oak , 4 Jo. PBINTB SniBTiHas American , 4Jo ; Cocheco 4Jo Gloucester , 4 Jc ; Sontbbr'dge , 4jo ; V/over leya 44c ; Rcaedale , 4ia Gl.voilAliB Amoikoeg itaplei , 8ci Bate * itanled , 7c ; Lancaster utaples. 8c ; I'lunku plaids 9a ; Hudson checks , 84c ; Ainoskea ? Penlana , 9c , D&Esa GOODS Atlantic alpacca. Sic ; Per elan cashmere , 23Jo ; Hamleton caanmerei , IBJc Uamleton Fancun , 114c ; Uoicloton brocades 15c ; Arlington brocade , IBc , Hear Ilartlivmro List. Iron , rates , 2 10 ; plow steel , special cast , 4c crucible , Be ; caat tools do , 10a20c ; wagon ipokei , per tet , 2 25&S 00 ; hubs per sot 135 ; lellocs sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70o ; nxltyi , cash , 76c ; aquaro nets per Ib , 7ixllc ; wnahera , per Ib , 8 18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6nl2c ; mnllonble , 80 ; Iron wedges , Gel crowbars , So : harrow teeth , 4oj spring steel , 7n8o ; Burdcn'i horia shoes , 4 SO ; Burden's mnlcshoos , 6 SO , BABBKD WIRE In car lots. 4 00 per 100 , NAlUJI-Rates , 10 to 60 , 2 40. SHOT Shot , 1 50 ; buckshot , 1 85 ; oriental powder , kegs , 3 50a4 00 ; do , half kegs , 2 00 ; do quarter kpga , 150 blaating , kcgi , 8 85) fuse , per 100 fcot , 50o. LEAD Bar , 1 CC , COAL Cumberland blackxmUh , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltcbrcast lump , 5 00) ) Whitobreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 ; Iowa nut , 5 001 Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra- clet , 11 2511 601 Canon City , 7 00 per on , Dry Lmmljcr. Wholesale On Board Cnra at Omaha. BATTKN8 , WELLTDBINO , FICKETS , O.G. Bats , Slnch 8 ,80 O. G , Bats Silnch 70 J inch Bats , a. 1 35 3 Inch well tubing , D. & M 21 00 3 inch well tubing , Bov 21 00 Pickets ! D. & U. Flat , $21 00 ; D & H. Square . . . 22 00 DIMENSIONS AND TIMBERS , 12It. Hit. 10It. 18It 20It 22ft. 24U- 16.60 15 CO 15.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 16.00 U 00 U.OU li.OJ 16.00 1(1,00 ( 19.00 19.00 xS 15.00 16,00 16.0 10 CO iiWLio.uu 10.00 xlO 14. 50 U.50 14.60 15.50 I0.50ll7.60 18.60 2x12 16.00 15.00 16.CO 10.00 17.00lt8.00 19.00 1x4 8x8. 1(60 15.50 1550 1860 17.60l8.60 | 10.M FINISHING .st and 2d Clear , lllnclUa , 2s $50 00 Int and 2d , Clear , li nnd 2 inch , s. 2s. . 50 00 3d , Clear , 11 Inch , a. 2s 40 00 3d , Clear , iJ and 2 Inch , B. 2s 4900 1st and 2d , Clear. 1 inch , s , 3a 00 00 H Clear , 1 inch , s. 2s 4400 A Select , 1 inch , B. 2s SO 00 B Select , 1 Inch. B. 2a 29 00 Clear Poplar , I inch , a. 2s 35 00 SHIP LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch $10 50 No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch 14 DO , 0. G 11750 FENCING , No. 1 , C inch , 12 nnd 14 feat , rough. . . ? 1G Oo STo. 1 , Cinch , 10 feet , rough 1C oo No. 2 , G inch , 12and 14 foot , rough. . . 14 00 Mo. 2 , C inch , 1C feet , rough 15 00 tfo.1 , 4 inch , 12 nnd 14 feet , rough. . . 10 Oo STo. 1 , 4 Inch , 1C fee' , rough 1C 50 So. 2 , 4 inch , 12 nnd 14 f ot , rough. . . 14 00 No. 2 , 4 inch , 1C feet , rough 14 60 BOARDS. No. 1 boards , 12,14 nnd 1G ft 31C 00 No. 2 boards , 12,14 and 1C ft 14 00 So. 8 boards , 12,14 nnd 10 ft 11 50 No. 4 boards , 12,14 and 1C ft. ( shipping cull ) 10 FLOOBIKQ , 1st Com. G Inch , white pine 53G 50 2d Com. C inch , white plno S3 50 Id Com. C'inch , white pinp 27 00 Sol. Fence Inch , white pine 18 GO 1st nnd 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-G inch. 24 50 BID1KQ. 1st Com , 12,14 nnd 1C feet 821 50 2d Com. . 14 nnd 16 feet 19 60 3d Com. , 14 nnd 16 feet 1450 Fence , 14 and 1C foot 1060 BEADED CEILING. -at Com. 3 inch , white pine $22 CO ! d Com , | inch , white pine 20 50 3d Cora , f inch , white pine 15 60 1st Com. jjinch , Norway IB 00 2dCom , g Inch , Norway 1400 Clear Poplar , panel , 4 Inch , e. 2 o 27 00 STOCK BOABD3 , A12 Inch , s. la. 12,14 nnd 16feet 45 00 B 12 inch , B. 1 B. 12,14 and 1C feet 41 00 0 12 inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 1C feet 36 00 D 12 inch , B. 1 a. 12 , 14 and 16 feet 23 00 No. 1 Com. 12 in. , B. 1 s. 14 nnd 16 ft 17 00 No. 1 Com. 13 in. , a. 1 B. 12 ft. 18.60 No. 10om.l2in. , B. Is. 10,18 and 20 ft 21 00 No. 2 Com. 12 in.B. 1 B. 12. Hand 1C ft.14 75 BUNDLES AND LATH. 16 Inch , Clear S3 60 * A Standard 2 GO 5 inch , Clear 1 70 No. 1 125 Lath 2 35 rosis. White Cedar , C inch , halves lljo White Cedar , 5J Inch , halves 94a White Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 9Ja White Cedar , 4 inch , round H4o Southern Rod Cedar , 6J feet 15Jc DENVER , MAHKET.l HLOUB Colorado. 100 Ibs , 1 50@1 76) ) pat ent , 100 Iba. , 2 7G@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 75 @ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Iba. 150 ; rye , 1 00 > Ibi , 2 25 ; buck-wheat , per bbi , 7 50 , GBAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheati 100 Iba , 8100 corn In sacks on track , 100 Ibi , CC@70j oats , in sacks on track , 100 Iba , eastern white , 1 151 20 ; Colorado white , 1 20@180 ; mixed , 110@115 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 S0@l 35 ; bran , ton , on track , 14 0016 00 ; chop , corn , 100 Ibs , on track , 70o76 ; chop mixed , 100 Iba , on track , 100120 ; corn meal , 100 Ibi. 1 SO QUO. HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 00@15 00 ; upland , looao , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; second bottom tom , baled , 10 00@1100 : alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00@15 00 } ztrikW , baled , on track , ton , G OC ® 8 00. BCTTEB Creamery , fancy , Ib , 41o creamery , fine , Ib , 36 < 338c ; dairy , choice , Ib 20@22c ; dairy , stood , Ib , 18@20o ; dairy , fair Ib , 16lCo ; cooking , Ib , 6@8o. Eaos State , candled and warranted , doz , 636c ; ranch , doz , SG@37o CHEESE Full cream , 15@17c ; half cream b , 10llc ) akim , Ib , So ; Swiss , domestic b , 22@23c ; Swiss , imported , 80@32oj flm- burger , 18c. POULTBY Live old chickens , doz , 500@5 50 ; dressed ducks. Ib , 16@lCc ; dressed turkeys , Ib. , 15lCc , POTATOES Colorado , 100 Ibi , 95@105) ) awoet , for Ib , , 4o. VEGETABLES Onions , yellow , 100 Ibs , 226 ; cabbage , 100 lb . 250 ; bocta , 100 Iba , 110@1 25 ; turnips , 100 Ibs , 1 25. FnniTS Lemons , per box , Meoalnn , 4 03 ® 4 50 ; orangea. Florida , per box , G 60@7 00 pplea , fancy bbl , 5 006 60 ; apples , medium W. 360. OnnED MEATS Hams , snpar onred , Ib , 11 | llc : baoon , breakfast , Ib , 12@12o : dry It ildea. Ib , 71@8c ; lud in palls , 9i9o rd in tierces , Hjfc , ITiiitsii MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per Ib , 7i@8o ; hoga , Ib , Gi@Gic ; mutton , Ib , 7 @ 7Jc. LIVE STOOK Colorado steora. pos lOO lba 4 10@4 60. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , lll@13o No. 2. Ib , 9 ( < lOo ; green eteers nnd braudec calf , Ib , 4@5c ; green calf.lb , 8@10c ; green kip Ib , G@7c ! uhoop skins , dry , 810o ; deer flkins Ib , 15@20o ; antolopn okina , lo , 12@15 | tallow lb,5@6o WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 1416c buck , Ib , So ; Mexican , 710c. FISH Mackerel , No. 1 , 140 , kit. mess 1 C02 00 : California islmon , half bbl , 10 EO Holland honing , keg , 1 60(31 ( CO ; trout , f.)0 lB(216o ( Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco , \E\Vfll'Al'Iil OUTFITS. TO PDBUSUEI13. The Western Newspaper Union , a Omaha , in addition to furnishing al sizes and styles of the best ready printcc sheets in the country , makes a specialty of outfitting country publishers , both with now or second-hand material , sell ing at prices that cannot bo di.scouutcc in any of the eastern cities. Wo handle ahont everything needed in a moderate sized printing establishment , and arc solo western agents for some of the bos makes of Paper Cutters , Presses , Ham and Power , before the public. Parties about to establish Journals in Nebraska or elsewhere are invited to correspom with us before making final arrange mcnts , as wo generally have on hunt second-hand material in the way o typo , presses , rules , chases , etc. , which can bo secured at genuine bargains Send for the Printers Auxiliary , a monthly publication , issued by the Western Newspaper Union , which gives a list of prices of printer's nnd pub Usher's supplies and publicly proolaimu from time to time extraordinary bar gains in second-hand supplies for news paper men. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UKION , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO 0 RAILWAY. THE DKST KOUTE AND Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago. Thoon y ole take ( or Des Moinos. Mlfshnll. own , Cedar IlaplJs , Clinton , Dixie , Chtoa o , Mil wnukoe and kll point * call. To the people ol No- > raska , Colorado , Wyoming. Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and California It otters superior advantages not possible by any other line , Among a few ol the numerous points of superior ly cnjojcil by the patrons ot this road between > maha and Chicago , are Its twottalns a day ot DAT : OACHE3 which nro thonncstth.it human ait and ngcnulty can create ; Ita PALACE SI.KKPIKQ OAKS which ro models ot comfort and defiance ; Its PAH LOU DRAWING II 00 II CARS , unsurpassed by any and Us widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING ) CARS the equal ol which cannot be found elsewhere. At Council Blufls the trains ot the Union PaolBo Ry. connect In Union Depot with tboso ol the Chlca ro & Northwestern Hy In Chicago the trains ol thli mo make close connection with those ot all eastern Ines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Clnclnnitl , Niagara Falls. Buffalo , Plltsburg , Toronto , Montreal Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash- ngton and all points In the East , ask the ticket agent lor tickets > la the NOllTU.WESTKRrT , ' f von wlsn the bi-st accommodations , All ticket agents sell tickets via this lino. ii. uuaniTT. R. s HAIR , General Manager. Qei. Piss. Agent. CHICAGO W. N. BMJCOCK , Gen Agt , 141 ! FarnamSt , Omaha , Nob. CHICAGO , ( SIM THE SHORT CU And BEST JROTJTE. * ROU OMAHA TO THE EAST , TWO TOAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND 3hicago. Alinnoapolia , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar Knpida , Davenport , Clinton , Dubuque , Rockford , Hock Island , Freeport .TnnEBvillo , Klgln , Madmen , La Croaao , Boloit. Winona , And nil other Important pointa East , North' ' eoat and Southeast. Ticket offloo at 1401 Farnam street ( In Pattern Heel : el ) , and at Union Faolflo Depot. Pullman Slcupora and tie Finest Dining Cara In .ho World are run on tnomaln lines ol the CHICAGO kliLWAUKRR A ; ST. PACLll'Tand o\ cry attention la paid : o passcneora byoouitoous omployot of thocompaDV. H. S. MEUUILL , A. V. II. OAUPKNTEU , General Manager , Gcn'l Paesoneer Agent. R. MILLER , QEO. F. UEAFFORD , Aes't Oon'l Itantfior. ies't Qcn'l Pass Agent J. T. CLARK , Ocu'l Superintendent COOK'S EXCURSION PARTIES aall from Now York In April , May , Juno and July by first class stoimsblps. SPECIAL TOURIST TICKETS for INDIVIDUAL TRAVELERS at reduced rates , by tbo boab reutes 'or ' pleasure travel. COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , with mapa , contain ull particulars ; by mall for 10 cents THOSCOOK4SON , 81 Bmdwar , S. Y. OrlOfl Donrbo rn St. , CWoaifo , Ills , nodsatlOwmn Railway Time Table , In Effect April 6th. 1885. The attention ot ( ha travelling pnblla Is called to tbe fact that this Ia the only complete and kbiolntely correct time-table published In the city , All trains trrho at and depart from Omaha b ; Central Standard lime. Trains of the C. St. P. U. fe 0. arrive al and de part trem tbelf depot , corner of llth and Wobstei Btreots ; trains ot the B. 4II. , C. B. A Q. , and K , 0 St. J. i C. D. from the B. fc U , depot ] all other ) from khe UnlonPaclflo depot. & , Dally ; b , oioept Satordayj o , except Bnnday ) d , except Monday. OWIAMA BRIDGE TKAINO Dummv Trains Leave Omaha at 00,7 50 B CO , 10 00,1116 a ml60 , S 00 , Z 00. i 00 , 165 , 6 5 ( 1110 pin , OnBundaystbe 7 DO and 10 00 a in an ; S CO and i 00 p m trains do no ) ran , Arrive at Irano fer depot 13 mlnntos Moil Broadway depot SO rob ntes Uteri Leave Council Blufls ( Broadway depot ) ai 7 1C , B BO , 10 80 , U W a m ; 1 80 , S SO , 8 80. 4 23 , C 25. and 111C p m. On Hundaya the B S3 and 11 40 an and 8 20 and 625pm trains will not run. Arrlvo a Transfer 7 minutes latar , Omaha 20 mlnutei later. TransforTralnq-Loavo Omaha at 816,81 a ro , 12 85,1 20S 16 and 7 OOP m , dally. Arrive at B 45 and 1119 a u , I 20 , B CO , 7 ti an B 16 p. 10. | SUNDAY TRAINS To nd If om Chicago via the Tripartite Alllanoo Lines , SUNDAY mumrao. | BATDBDAT iva. I Mil. | 111. | N.W I N.W I K.I I Mi Bnnday evenmirand Monday morning trains arrlv. In oorreepondln ; order. 0. It. k Q. tralnx run ever. , div. ' STOCKYARDS TRAINS. Leave Union Pacific depot at fl 40 a m and 6 S5 n. Arrive from Stock Yards at 7 26 a in and 0 25 f m. FRED W. ( SUCCESSOR TO ) FOSTER & GRAY , LUMBER WHITE PINE , YELLOW PINE , OALI FORNIA HEDWOOD A8U , OAK , 15LAOK WALNUP , SPANISH OEDAU. Bear deed Lime , Louisville Cement Foitland Cement , Iowa nnd Michigan Plaa ter , Hair , Etc Etc. Cor. Of/i & JDoiif/las CHAS. SHIVERICK , FURXTITURF UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , Passenger EIovMor to ntl floors. 1200 , 1203 ft nil 1210 Kfttnum Street , OMAUA , NEBRASKA BER \ . Full Assortment of Air and Kiln Dried WMnnt , Cherry , Ash , Butternut , Yellow Poplar. liedH-ood , oto. Hnrdwood ixnd Poplar Panel , Hurdwooil KloorinR , Wngon Stock. SUU liullderv Mntorinl , Iwd Codnr Posts , Common Oak Dimension and HrldRo Timbore , Codnr Boards for moth proof closets , Etc , Vcncors , Fancy Woods for Scroll S.wnfrKtc.Kto. ! S.W.Gor.Qtli and Douglas. - - Omaha. Nob. * JUMtr T. H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , SUCCEEDING CLARKE , f ARQK3T Jobbing Drue house between Chlcapa anil San Francisco. CAPITAL STOCK , $200,000. Wei LJ BlullbaatthabJttomof thomukot stall times. Will dupllctto Chlc go nil St , Louis prices with rolKht adJod , Our Bpoo'alty will bo Paints , Oils and "Window K9 ImatcB clvcn on pltio RI&SS. To those about to omlnrk li the drug business will ilo well ton 1 1 our Interest by o lllng'on us or send lor our prloo list which will aypo r bout January 6th , MM1 onlj ollcltod. 1H HARNBlf aTREKT. DEALERS IN FIRE AND BUEGLAB PBOOF it > j SFKU1AL of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It Is'lho boat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound Ia cans , three pom da oforn. . Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall nnd Win instead of rtinafi down , will Increase In weight and bo In good marketable oo Ion In thoip.'la ; Dairymen , &s well es others , who use It , can testify to Ita Ita. Try It and d o for yourselves. Price $24.00 per ton. No charge fora Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , N THE * . L. STRAETG COMPANY ; Double and Single Acting Power and 'Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hoeo , Brr.sa and Iron Fitting at wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHDKOH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. Mesale Druggists AND DEALER IN Rile Vopiii PointD , UiiD , fdllll OMAHA , NEB. M. HELLMAN & CO. 1301 AND 1303 FAIINAM STRa'ET , COB. 13TH , ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Are the Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest in Size and Lightest in Weight. Wlthnohay pressoi ninny kind can tile amount of work proceed , such little expense ( ton tona of hay and otortoloailrtllroid box car , ) ns can lo dona with the EiUl Improved Macblura Warranted or no sale. Kor Illustrated new tlrculiraddress , EUTEL & CO , , Oulncy , lllmola. Mention Onnba Bee. allem Entablleho4 In 1683. A. TULI.ODK , Kng , & Supt. o. r. N. HADLED , Aaat , Eng. n. w , DIAMOND , Aast , Socy MISSOURI VALLEY BRIDGE AND ] RM ( WORKS WOI1KS LUAVEW011T1T , KANSAS. Man'/g'a / and liullders ol WouM Iron , steel , Howe Trust and Combination BRIDGES For Ballroada and Highways Turn Tablcj , Draw Spans , Itoot TIUSKOF , Piers ana Hub- utructuros. Ins'ey.Siiiie ' . & Tull PROPKIHTOHB , A , Jlcl.outli , Ayent H.A.Wlie , " HeiteiecU b totlco clollLildgo work to be let. Ccrrcfrcndenteeclldk-U Iiom crglutcisana LiMe | contractors. fc StOJLTJE , Msnufai-turcre of Ornamental Doimer Wlndovts , Window Caps , HtUlIlc Sky-Lights , &o , Tin , Iron and elate IloofcrB , 316 Boutb 12tb Street , Onah , Neb. Woik dene la any paitol the country.