Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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jp - BEST TONIC , ?
Thto medicine , combining Iron with pure
vcRctablo tonic * , ijulrlcly nnd completely
C.'iirrft Ir P"P ln , lmll cMlonVrnkncM ,
Im i > lira HlnoiliilInlnrlniClilllH niul I'vveriit
nml Neurnlcln.
It la im unfailing remedy for Diseases of iho
Kidney * nml Liver.
It Is Invaluable for nison < os pccullnr to
Women , find all who lend eedcntnry lives.
11 dots not Injure the teeth , causa
produce constipation othn Iron mcttlctnti do.
cm the muscloi nnd ncn cs.
For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude , La.dc of
Energy ! Ac. , It has no equal , '
ffjTlio Rcnulno has nbovo trade mnrk nnd
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
Bud. o.i/V imimiuiEiiiut , < o.iimiioiii ; , im
urtiritlgiteJU the BROAD CLAIrV. .
oflToroil to tiio niibllo.
Clironle S : Nervous Disease *
< ' > ulrlc , Sure Cnrc-s. E57 A
a"'l > 'nntcn given f
clse , , niurl < ilti- .
in a stamp for Celebrated Jledteni
Worka. Adiiro 8 , i . 1) . UI > AICKi : , M. I ) . ,
ISO South dark Street , CuicAno , Ii.i-
Royal Havana Lottery 1
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac
tions pro rnta
UabJecJ to no nunlpaUtlon , col controlled by the
putieiln Interest. II Is Iho ( altoat thine la the
Bfrlure o ! chinso In eiletono * .
lor tickets apply to SHIPSK7 & CO. , 1212 Broad.
way.N. T. City ; SOLINOKR & CO. , IC8South 1th St.
BL IxjuH. Mo , 01 II. OITKNB * 00 , 019 Ualn St.
KuuaCltr. Mo.
Cor. G &l7thonUnoof itreetCAH. *
Croon house. Bedding Plants ,
Roses , Flowering Shrubbery , v
Evergreens , Small Fruits , Etq
Extras with every order.
SlornlBcslcns , Bouquets , Bnstets , rtc..for Parties ,
Weddings nutl runemls a specialty , uud
BO lit to miy part of the Stiito.
Bwcct Potato and other vegetable plums la their
Illustrated Catalogue free.
W. S. SAWYER & CO. ,
e Ko. 5(1 ( , Lincoln. Ncbruka.
Krlanger , . . . . , - . _ . . * - Bnvnriii.
Calmbaoher , , . . . . . w , . . . . .Bavaria.
Kaiser . . . . . . . - + + * . .Bremen.
BadTfoxflor . - . , . . . . . ; Louis.
Anhaasor , . - . - .St. Louis.
Best's. . - . . . , . .Milwaulcw.
Bolilitz-Pilunor. . Milwaukee.
Krnej'e . , . . . . . . . .Onrnhti
Ale. Porter , Domestic and Rhine
Wine ! D. MAURKR ,
1213 ForunmS
German Insurance
Freeport , - Illinois
' CASH CAPITAL , 8200,000
M. , Preet ,
V , GCND , Secretary ,
Policy holders pleaio call on or addrca
UuJb 4 Moos , Agents ( or Omaha , Nebraska ,
CK h T r bon cut * & lnd tj , o troncli IDT fait
Ulutillocr . will en4T 'c , BOTTLka PHUB
Fall ? , America's ' Future
Sanatorium ,
The Comclcga I/nllftby of "Wnnilcrlnj ?
"Waters Choruses the Mnslo ot
Twenty miles from Shoahono City
in Alturas
pronounced Slio-Shoo-ny
county , Idaho , on the Oregon Short Line
railroad , nro the
of Snake liver , the "Lewis Fork" cf the
Columbia river , which la the Amazon of
the notttmost.
Alter a hearty breakfast nt the "Dowcy
Elouso , " thoOmnhaoxcnralonlato to Port *
land , Ore. , ot the Invitation of thoao
Noetora of their patty BIcssra. Oharloa
H. Dewey and Job a A. Orolghton , who
are the principal owners of the Falla
seated thomaolvoa In the numorona car-
rla cs which woto awaiting them at the
The morning wna bright and cool , and
the cclap invigorating air scorned to fill
each ono with that joyonaaplrlt of youth
ful fan and frcllc which the visitor to this
elevated aoctlon of .North America Invari
ably experiences. The line of travel
laid over a sagebrush prairie , along a
lava-bed road ns firm aa pavement and
almost as smooth , and the train of each
one's meditations upon the lovely acono
befoio him was broken , hero by a ringing
laugh , answered yonder by snatches f com
Bomo happy song.
The miles passed over were unmeas
ured , save by the flying hour * , until the
road was reached loading to
six miles to the woatward. These beauti
ful bodieo cf water , are surrounded by
green atrotchoa of undulating pralrlo and
rolling hills where wild dock and omnllor
game are nnmorons. The waters cf the
Blue lakes are so clear that the salmon
fiah of the trout variety , which abound
there , can bo aeon with the unaided cyo.
whlling away the yoara of a merry Ufa
as If nnconsclona cf life-long security.
The drlvo of a few miles southward
from these lakes , brings a signal from the
foremost party of voyagers trho , in a
moment after , seem to sink Into the
boacm of the vast plain before thorn.
They have entered upon the upper end
of the roadway , recently hewn by the
proprietors , in the aides of the great
solemn looking columns of honey-combed
lava and atone , that stand like grim
guardians of the aV > yas beneath , and
through which run the waters of the
Snako. 'Down thls winding , rock-cut
road , without jar or jolt , the carriages
move , and lu a few minutes' tlmo from
entering upon the descent of 500 foot
their occnpantsaro landed cafe and sound ,
but almost speechless from amazement at
the teen spread before them , at the Hos
pitable door of
bosldo the groan banks of the trembling
river. Hero the ladles of the household ,
led by the genial host , stand Hushed with
the roses of health , end welcome the
entering gncsto. The elegant meal they
have spread In anticipation of their com
ing can only bo appreciated by lovera of
good faro of homo preparation , over
which oven an Joplcuro would "amack his
lips" at the mention.
When It is remembered that the waters
that flow past this spot are gathered
from the molted snows of that immense
mountain section , which embraces largo
portions of Utah , Wyoming , Idaho and
Montanv , and wbich but the other day
was trod only by wild boasts and more
ferocious Indians , It will not be a matter
of surprise that its exact locality was not
known until within the past flvo years
when the Union Pacific railroad com
pany sent a path-finder to that region , with
orders to learn if the "Shoshono falls"
wore a myth or an existing fact. And to
that mighty civillzer Is the scone-hunter
of to-day indebted for the knowledge
that enables him to visit them.
Ihu country , for vast districts around
the falls , is high and broken. Hero life-
giving ozone dwells , and health has Its
homo. The sick man inhales it , and
health comes back anblddon and unpro-
cured. The air is life itself , and as health
comes on dlsoaao Is driven away , without
the use of the nostrums of modern medi
cine , for nature la her best physician.
At present good accommodations with
excellent food cm bo had thcro , but at 5
very early day the owners propose to
for the comfort of the increasing numbers
who Era flocking thither. This hotel
will be supplied with every modern com
fort and luxury , and the owners are de
termined that never In their lifetime shall
it or the privilege of visiting thoao natural
wonders bo
No charge for seeing thcso falls will
bo permitted , and they will bo held by
their owners , EO far as T i in casing their
wonderfnl beauty and grandeur ROOB , as a
trust for the worshipers of nature from
every laud and clime.
Their proximity to railroads , running
to every point cf the United States ,
affords opportunity for luxurious travel
thither and obtaining all the comforts
and delicacies of earth. And these ad
vantages of comfort , health end luxury
are increased by their offered opportuni
Every species of game abounds , from
the multitudes cf rabbits in the eago-
brush to herds of doer and oik which In
summer live in the hills and highlands
and spend their winter * on the snowleaa
pUlns. Besides game , the waters of the
Snake below the falls abound in
and the same fiih are found in plenty
above the Twin falls , three miles beyond
the great Shoshone falls.
Should the visitor deslro a change of
scenes , a few hours ride takes him to a
palace car and the clttoi and resorts of
the world are open to his selection. It
is to establish those falls as a gathering-
place for Invalids In search of health
without human medicine , and persons
who love and appreciate the wonderful
works of nature as here displayed , as well
as to provide for thamgolvoj and friends
a cafe , pleasant , homelike retreat from
the business of active life , If only for a
season of a few weeks at a tlmo , that tbo
owners , trho are men of travel and ex
perience , propose to ornament , open up
and build at thin future resort of the
Having glanced at these wonders in a
practical batiaosi-liko way , lot the reader
of pootlo and sentimental turn stand be-
eido them. Taking position upon tbo
great perpendicular rack-wall on the
north side , and looking up stream , ho
ecos a river moving calmly , but swiftly
toward him , gathering tpoed aa It ap- ,
preaches , until within n distance of per
haps two hundred fcot. Thcro tbo
widened waters , partly chocked in their
flow by a projecting point , eddy , and
seem to turn back , as if reluctant to
move on and dare the reckless leap that
lands thtm finally nearly 800 foot below
their point of departure. And indeed as
If preparing for the ordeal , the/ now
bresk Into cascades and separate channels
for half a hundred foot , passing around
tall , lonely rock ? , that look on unmoved
and glvo safe birthplace to the young
eagles that are born amid
the roar. Pasting over n series
of thcio glittering cascades , the separate
channels unite again , whore the whole
masi of wild waters , not like thoao of
Niagara in a smooth , steady ahcot , ut
leaping In broken masses from ridge
to rldgo , dressed in glittering foam from
the uppermost crest , with wild rush and
louder roar , plnngo headlong down their
ragged way , turned , twisted , bent and
broken a m sj of eoomlng foam-cloud
that falls with crash and mighty moan
Into the unmeasured gulf bonoath.
Lot the beholder now move down to
the projecting point of rock below the
falls and look up stream. Ho aces , as i' '
rushing down upon him , this great scat
tered mats of creamy waters , twirl
ing and whirling in agony and
despair , dashed right and left
by opposing rock walla , break
into spray which servos ns a cloudy ,
smoko-llko veil , hiding from this view
tholr wounds and writhing. Towering
his line of vision ho beholds eprond be
fore him an almost placid body of water ,
now as It wore , catching breath after such
a leap , and ns though danger lay in Its
path , eddying , and turning back towards
the hidden chasm , that just now Boomed
to swallow It up. Then turning again
toward the west , the waters resume tholr
accustomed flow towards tholr final restIng -
Ing place in the bosom of the ocoin.
Frcm the south tide , to which a safe
and easy paosago is had by boat , the visi
tor has , If possible , n grander vlow of
this mighty work of nature ; for there to
the splendors and grandeus enumerated ,
are added the advantages of sound and
light ; the ono speaking. In answering
echoes the wail of the wild waters ; the
other , in the shape of sunbeams piercing
and tangled In the misty threads of silver ,
painting upon the opposite rocks myriads
of shining rainbows.
In this manner did the Omaha-
Portland excursionists pass the ninth day.
of May 1885 , and as tbo evening hours
drew nigh resumed tholr westward way
with higher and better thoughts , with
loftier and purer sentiments , for those
hours had passed in the presence of great
Nature , and
"Ihoy spent thorn , not in toys , nor lust , nor
wine ,
But in search of true philosophy ,
Wit , eloquence and poesy :
Arts which they loved ;
And , good reader , they are thine. "
D. 0.R.
Special Correspondence of the BEB.
PORTLAND , Ore.Hay 11. The Omaha
excarjlon party reached this city at noon
to-day , having inn directly through from
Pleasint ralley , with only one "stop
off. " All are well ; all In high spirits and
enthusiastic over the magnlficlont sue
cess of that almost two thousand-mile
journey that has occasioned so many
nrmships , brought so much of pleasure
and instruction and impressed each one ,
If it were possible so to do , with the
magnitude of this , our common country.
Since noon of yesterday the line of
travel laid through the grandest and love-
Heat cf country. Nowhere on this north
ern continent Is there so continuous and
vast an expanse of shifting and magnifi
cent scenery , and rich and fertile grass ,
farm and timber lands , and nowhere is
presented so gorgeous a panorama of
morning , noon , evening and midnight
At Unity , soon after leaving Pleasant
Valley , the excursionists received a party
of gentlemen , who stated that they came
on behalf cf the citizens of
fo pay their respeats to the men of No-
btaska's metropolis and Invllo them to
accept the hospitalities of their homo and
remain for a time In their midst. This
committee of representative gentlemen
c insisted of Messrs. J. W , Birtne , Isaac
Block , A. P. Woller , J. M. Swift , P.
Eassho , 0. W. Jatnoi , S. A. Hollnor ,
W. D. Abbott and J. B. Bowen , the last ,
like Col. Forney , cf Washington acd
Philadelphia fame , oditorof "two papers ,
both dally. " During th i ride of eighteen
miles from Unity to their city , thcso gen
tlemen mingled pleasantly with the
Omaha people , and while matters of Im
portant business interests wore discussed
and accomplished , the interchange of
friendly courtealos and civilities were
most gratifying , At Baker City the
crowd that mot the Omaha party was
astonishing ; men , substantial men of
business were there , heartily cheering and
welcoming the visitors and tholr wives
and bonny daughters stood beBidothom
with 'kerchiefs ' and lovely flowers , bidding
pleasant "good days" from lips red with
health and wreathed in amlles. A long
line of cartridges stood at the depot , the
Omahaltoj stepped into thorn and were
quickly driven over the pretly town of
2,000 Inhabitants , filled lth bright and
tas'y residences , fine ohurobos , banks ,
manufacturing buildings , and divided by
the awlft-fiowing Powder river that
waters a lovely valley filled with farms ,
aa It hastens from Its homo in the hills
among the gold minea , to add Its own to
the waters of the Snake.
This neat , elegant hospitality was a
gem of a reception , and will llvo in the
memories of the excursionists as ono of
the brightest events of their "ride to
Portland , "
Still westward the party proceeded ,
always through some widening valley ,
where the lovely green that clothed the
face of the outlro country was only broken
by ridges of ragged rocks , that lay zigzig
on cither side to add to the perfection of
a picture , part hidden in places by
blooming orchards and Gelda of wild
The train halted , having pasied many
pretty and thrift-appearing towns , like
Baker City , to enable the nntired tonrltts
to take sapper at Meacham's on the summit -
mit of the
This hostelry la famous as having been
Iho homo of the celebrated and trusted
Commissioner Moacham , who was mur
dered by Modoca In 1873 , with General
B. R. S. Oanby.
The route from Meacham lies through
hills and valleya , thickly set in mountain
timbers and presenting in the cloudy
night a picture of black t olemnity.
Mrrnlng , for the attentive porters
awakened for an early breakfast , broke
upon us well woit of the Ourade range ,
whoso mow-capped topa were beautiful
to look upon , and seemed but a little way
off and behind us. The splendid , hlghta
on either aide are clothed In green ard
the forests of great , tall firs , and pints ,
and cedar reminded one that the Pacific
coatt was near , to which the moist almos-
phcro and the rapid waters ot the mng <
added their testimony. It ia impracllca-
able , yea Impossible lu a newspaper letter
to picture the grand , pvorchanglng econoe
along this grand river of the great
northwest. Rapids , deep , wide ; here
smoothly running through the high , roll
ing hill that guard the green valley
throuch which It is hurrying ; yonder ,
torn , tumbling and dashing in doapira-
tlon over huge rocks , and gathering
again its snow-liko , foamy wavelets at
the foot of cascade or cataract , resuming
its majestic march onward , beyond great
cities , to the briny waters of the Pacific
Thirty-two miles cast from Portland
the train halts in a wild , weird doll. On
ono lido the deep , dark green of a great
forest confronts the visitor ; on another
the stretching expanse of track just
passed ; on another hills nnd blnlla of
awful steepness are soon , with the eternal ,
hoary head of Mount Hood away elf
towards tbo south , while under the very
track on which the Pullman cars are
standing , flow the clear , merry waters
a foam-cloud to and beneath the ruttlo
brldgo which spans the awful chasm
down whlca they pass , are caught in
a circular basin below , that Is half hidden
in firs and mountain growth , presenting
a romhntlc hiding place , that the poetic
Greeks would have named the bathroom
of the
Again the snorting and Impatient en
gine starts , the happy party gather coats
and traps , and [ before the spoil of the
falls and the fountain has left them the
porter calls out "Portland , " and after
four and a half days of plotsant journey
ing across inoro than half of a mighty
continent , wo are ferried over the river ,
passing tugs end steamboats , sailing
craft and fishing smacks , and landed at
a magnlficeat hotel lu the metropolitan
city of the great northwest.
I { Looking from the level of the railroad
brldgo this stream leaps downwards from
a rocky point so high that the white water
presents a perfect plotm-a of an airy
line of powdered snow , or clean , white
smoko. It breaks iuto myriads of mist-
llko threads that are swayed and twisted ,
turned and tumbled in their descent by
the breath of the spirit of the air ,
Whllo the train was yet speeding to
this city n mooting of the party was held
in the Pullman Begota. Hon. John A.
Creightou filled thd chair , and the scribes
of the BEE and Republican wore unani
mously chosen secretaries. Resolutions
w ro drafted and adopted , expressing the
hearty thanks of the party for the conrto-
sies shown by tbo Union Pacific , Oregon
Short Line , and the Oregon Railway &
Navigation companies , Pullman Saperln-
tendont Bennett , aud Meserj. Morse and
To-morrow the excursion party go to
Victoria , returning Friday. They start
for homo Saturday , stopping at Boise
"y , the Wood river section end Salt
Lake City. D. C. R.
"Her face so fair , as flesh it seemed not ,
But heavenly portrait of bright angel's hue ,
Clear as the sky , without a blame or blot ,
Through goodly mixture of complexions
dud ,
And In her cheeks the vermeil red did
nhow. "
This Is the poet's description cf a
woman whoso physical condition was in a
perfectly sound and healthful state ,
with every function acting properly , nnd
ia tbo enviable condition of Its fair pa
trons produced by Dr. Plorce's "Favorite
Proscription. " Any druggist.
A Sample Shopping experience.
Brooklyn Union.
"Oh , Clara , aren't theeo pretty ? " ssid
a stout , well-droseod lady to a small thin
one as she examined the silver bracelets
on the bargaincounter in a Fnlton street
"Yes , they're altogether too pretty , "
piped out the little one.
"How mnch are they ? "
"Eighty cents each , " said the sales
woman , pointing to the sign in very large
figures on the tray.
"Is that for a pair ? "
"No , for a single ono "
"Eighty cents each ? " in an accent of
surprise. "Havo yon any prettier than
theeo ? They look awfully cheap , don't
they. Clara ? "
"Yes , Indeed , " Clara piped.
"Hero ore acme for ? 1 60 , " said the
saleswoman , as eho passed them a trny ,
meanwhile attending to then ants of a
couple of ether customers.
"They ore sweet , aren't they , Clara ?
How would they look on me ? Bow do
you put them on ? Would you mind put
ting them on for me ? " This to the sales
woman , who quickly adjusted them and
attended others. Afior a moment's ad
miration of the cilvtr-oncircled wrists , she
resumed :
"Aro thcso really silver ? "
"Warranted , " was the brief response.
"How can they sell thorn so cheap ? "
No answer.
"How much did you Bay they wore ? "
"A dollar and a half. "
"I'll take the pair. "
"That will bo § 3. "
"What do yon mean ? You Bald they
were $150 a pair. "
"I don't think so. "
"I know you did. Didn't she , Olara ? "
"Yes , " piped CUra.
"I wouldn't pay ? 3 for them. That's
outrageous. I really bollovo they are
only § 150 , " with a Rightly Indicative
emphasis. "Tako thorn off , pleaao , "
They were taken off and the couple
turned to go , end the saleswoman smiled
"See hero , Olara , " raid the stout shop
per , pointing ti eorao oxidized chain
bncolets at a cheap piice , "wouldn't that
fit Fide ? "
"Yes , " piped Olara.
"Do you think they'll fit a poodle , Oh ,
aay , would you mind trying It on ? " And
the saleswoman mojkly submitted to an
attempt to fasten the bracelet about her
"Oh , 1 don't think it would look nice.
Let's go. "
And the twain walked away , and The
Union reporter , who had been an inter
ested watcher , made a couple of purchases
In as many minutes , and congratulated
himself on his success in that direction.
Ho took the articles home , and hlswlfe
said :
"Dear mo , yon couldn't have looked
about v > make such selections as these.
Lot's go down tonight and look around. "
Wbon lUliy was lck , wo g ro ter Cutorla ,
When ehe MM a Child , nhe cried for Caatorla ,
When Bhe became MUa , elio clang to Cattoria ,
tVTieu the hid CUlldrsu , eho giro them CoslorU
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
NnroTltrnnt.Swell lnc .St > riiitii,1triiUc %
Hum * , NrnlilB , fi-nut Itllon ,
AW > AM. ( mini iimni.Y rim AMI Ainn
PolJ If UrujtUli ml l > r lfr M rrT Ijtre. Ftnj Outt UiU ) < t
IMrecilonfltQll fauRnftrf.
Tin : CIIAUUS : A. vour.ixit en.
( SuotiHM lo A. T CO tun * CO J Uilllrnorr , MiL , f , B. A.
C17 St. Clmrlci St. , SI. Louis , Mo.
( regular ( rA < 1uftt of two He die * 1 Co tie ten , lit * tiara lostftl
D * g illn tliciJ'fUnltrc-ntmenlor OROHK- , Nit H r
jtal ntoov Pui * Mib n IBT ethr ibiteUa la 8U1 LooJA
M city ptperi h w unit nil oM reMdmm kaow ,
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Montrl
Physical Weakness t Mercurial and otn , '
lions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Pn
Old Sores and UlCCrs , * r * tr-cntel * hb entitftlle t
icreejii , on lMcilMfntfi3 ! principle * . tU'tlr rrlvtldr *
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Execs *
rendering Mnrrlngo Improper or unhappy , MJ
permRDtitlycurcJ. raWfhletSft ( ftgeOcnibo iibvve.ittrf
It icftlcd envelope , free In nor ftddrrt * . CoQiultMlon tt *
dee or by mMl frof , ft.nlturUtd. Hrllo for qucttloci.
A , Positive Written Guarantee ?
lrc In > ll cnr b1n rmoj. Mnllelnel > cnl etcrTwh" "
I'lunpliloti , J-ncllsli or Ocrm n. 04 pncet
Krlblnic above dmeaBci , In mala or fomalt , i1.
WO ftpt. Hoe r' ' te . Illuitrat * ] In tilth nd | IH > lalofc
10c.nonfy rro < l g t urn.l > tf r oorerit , 2ja. TttK t cft
t niftlci all ike cutleoi , doubtful or tuiuliUlTi vu > ( M
---T. A toot if treat In' rwl to rJI KlUUi '
e r- - -
tr Yoir HMD inn EOUM. or
L V.\s. moLnmfuaiM _
mil be band * ! GOOD T'rTwiiy.
Irttl * 9 , CO & 02 Wiibuli ATGU8 3 |
'Ihls brand Is & hnppv combination of One , young
irlsp red , burly lorg illlor , with a
and It just mcota the taste of a largo number of
chen era.
Orders for "Plowshare" are coming In rapidly
'mm nil pnrts of the country , demonstrating how
quickly tlio great army of chewers Erllo a good
combination of Tobacco , both us to quality and
quantity. Messrs Loiillard < t Co. lm\o exercised no
little tlmo and labor In endeavoring to reach tbo
Acme of reflection In Plowshare , acd eeom to have
done It. Besides the TKN CK.NT curs ot Plowshare nro
Which la n point not to bo overlooked by dealers
who " 111 dud it to their Interest to order some and
glvo their customers an opportunity to try it.
Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare
Dealnrs supplied by
liionewetr & Sctoentgen , Couucil Bluffs.
1'oregoy & Moore , " "
"i. ICirscht & Co. " "
tewart Bros. ' "
1'axton & Gallagher , Omaha.
McCord , Brady & Co. , Orunha.
Fcr tale in Oiuaha by
. Yincllne : , 518 S 13th Street ,
Henry Ditzen , C01S 13th St.
Heimrcd & Co. . G02 S 13th St.
Gee CarisiaDl015 Farnam St.
Kaufman Bros. , 207 S 15th St.
Kaufman Bros , 1009 Farnam St.
Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Farnam St.
August Flotz & Co. , 1509 Douglas St.
Geo. lloirnrod , G13 N llith St.
Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Cum.
ing Sta.
Van Green Bros. , N. W. Cor. Division nnd
Cumlng Sts.
Z. Stevens 913 N. SletSt.
J. II. Spotman , Cor. Douglas and 12th St.
Geo. Anderson. 318 S. 10th St.
Charlie Ying , 712 S. 10th St.
Mrs. G. M. Lnwley , 800 S. 10th St.
II. Mnnfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th nud Howard.
Mrs. G. M. Lawley , 800 S. 10th St. . Omaha.
Geo. Anderson , 318 S. 10th St. , Omaha.
J. H. Spotman , corner Douglas and 12th St ,
Chas. Ying , 712 S. 10th St.
ail VIGOU of YOUTH JJjn-
pi'flite ' ii *
i > ( StruiifiUi.
, . ' iHiKlromcomplalnti
n f * rt - - -
Pn tJLP Ei iO ; > . . , jl arto llielract will
/nil lu DTI. 1 ; rttl'KU'S ' < UON aONIO it mt nd
ilj1 cure vulri'B a rK.u , lieu'Jliy rutuplnlii1
-Iu.j.i. , . . at ic ui | ils ato" - " " % UliiK onlyaifr
, iiliopupularlt ) ot HID oil liiHl. JJo out exuurt-
, Ki'Ti'urii'tJre ) jto'lbnlir HnrlorMn.1 < o V
tf'-I.Jxiuli. ' Molor or.i "DJtJ'JVU HOOK B
i Siii'Ulor dliuaur luid \ vlKi.ivlutionui .Lst > * Jtf J
I am an old mau. For 28 jcars I differed with
ulctrs on my right leg as the result of typhoid four.
Amputation AM eugEeatod M the only meats of pro <
Bertlrgllle. The doctors could do nothing for mo
and thought 1 mint die. For three years I never hao
aebeoon , Suilt'u HreclOolus made a permanent
euro and added ten jeira to my ll'o
\Vu 11. UMD.IUllCo.a ;
I hate taken Bullt's Spccllio for blood polaon con
tracted tt a mtdlcul college at a direction ; while !
n as a medical stuileot 1 arn trratelul to nay that It
gave mo a ( pcedy and thorough cure after my pa-
rei > U bad ei'tnt ' bundled * of dollari for treatment
AfOUflEUWu.MiiI , , M D , Newark , N. J.
Sly wife from eaily plrhood lias been Budding
from rheumatism. Klio hai tried many rcmedlei.
and I mint frankly § iy haa derived more benefit
from Swlft'i Srecllo than from all the otberi , a'tor
lou ? ar.d faithful trial. a
Ilxv. Jis. Ii. I'IKRCE , Oxford , Q
Rwllt'i Bpeclfle le entirely \czcUble. TreatUe on
lood and Bkln Ulgeaces mailed free ,
The Swirr Sricinc C . , Drawer t ] Atlanta Oa. , or
t > 9 W. fc&l St. , N. Y ,
Real Estate
213 S. 14th STREET ,
Have a large list of inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the cily.
Wo h&vo business property on Capitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Doiigln ? , Fnuinui , Ilnriiey. Howard , ltli ) , 10th , 13th aad
IGth streets.
Wo linvo fine rcsideuco property on Fnrutuu , Douglns ,
Dcdge , Dnvcuport , Chicago , Cuss , California streets , Slier-
innu , St , M nrys i nd Pork Avenues , in fact on all the host
residence etieets. We have property in the following ad-
Hawthorne , McCormick's ,
Millard& Caldwell's Kountz & Ruth's ,
Lakes , Impr'ut Association.
Elizabeth Place Wilcos ,
E. V. Smith's , Burr Oak ,
Horbach's , Isaac & Seldon's-
Patrick's ? Hanscom's
Parker's , West Omaha ,
Siiinu's , Grand "View ,
Gise's , Credit Foncier ,
kelson's , Kountz' First
Armstrong's ICountz' Second ,
Godfrev's , Kountz' Third ,
Lowe's , Kountz' Fourth ,
BLirkwood , Syndicate Hill ,
College Place , Plainview ,
Park Place , Hill Side ,
Walnut Hill , Tukey & Keysors ,
West End ,
Boggs&Hill , Clark Place ,
Capitol , Mvers & Richards ,
Heed's First , Bovds , T
And all the other Additions to the
yndicate i
Adjoins the stock yards property in South Omaha
These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo
cated and will make convenint , cheap , and de-
sirabIG homes for the employes of the ttock
yards and packing honses.
Tukey & Keysors Sub-division.
Located in West Omntin , two blocks south if Ijanveiiwotth street ; , a
fine location a d the cheapest lots in Omaha ; $135 for iusido lot and
$150 for corners ; terms10 down , balance S5 per month ; dent fait to
see those if you want a bargain.
We have a few lots left in Klkwood addition , which we oiler ai low
I.rices , teru s $25 downbalnnce § tO per month. These lots are on high
level g ouud aud ate de.-irable.
Hawthorne ,
This addition is mere centrally located than any other now addition
near the best Schools in the city. All the streets are being put to gr4de
the grades have oeen es'ablifhed by the city council , nndis very desira
ble residence property , ou'y ' 16 blocks from t'ost oilice , prices lower than ,
adjoining j-ddilious for a home or investment. These lots cannot bo
Lot on Davenport with line
1111 ,010.
1'oit SALK Full lot 2htand Clark street , G
room houBO , $2,300 ,
I'ou SAUS Uc&utful ! octo lot in Gino'a add ,
Foil SAI.K- } lot on Chicago street between
13th and 14th , § 2,000. ,
BKALTli'ur , lots corner lrtrnam end 20th
street cheap.
Ton SAin-Lots in Walnut hill , 3200.
Foil HAl.K-4 lot withG rociu housa 21st
street easy paymuntB , S2.000 ,
Foil SALK Lot 23th and Farnam etrcet ,
good property , $1COO.
Foil HAI.K - J acre on California , o.-wt of
Sacred Heart : hotmp , barn , anH cietern , cheap
Foil HAI.K Lots In Ilanecom place each.
Fan BALE 109 foot front on IDth streetwith
umall IIOIIBO just south of llartman Schoolon ,
ly 81,700.
Foit HAr.K Full lot end D room house corner
llth and Cft8tollarS2'100 ' ,
FOK HAI.K Lot and 2 housoa 18th and Nlch.
ohs , 85.UW.
jffi We will jfiirnisJt. conveyance free to any
part oftJie city to show property to our friends
anil customers , and cheerfully yiue informa
tion rcyardhifOmalui JProperty.
Those mho have Itaryaint * to ojf'cr or
property tit a barf/a in , tire invitctl to see ns
Real Estate Agents
213 S. 14th St. , bet. Farnam & Douglas ,