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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1885)
8 THE DAILY -THURSDAY , MAY 11 , 188 THE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , May 14 , LOOAL BREVITIES. Wanted -Fifty ladles tor Congrcw of Natlonn , to travel. Address Immediately , 1) . b. Gerry , Ornnh * V. O , Mr. John U. WtigtnanV condition still continues to improve , nnd the doctors now hftvo Rtronpt hoircs of his ultlmnto recovery. The Oinalu Gloa Club , at LlncolnTTneT. < l y night , Appeared before one of the Urgent and flnott audiences over asaomhlcd In the capital city , A lot of barricading lumber and lignal lamp ) wera stolen by tramps TuosJsy mornIng - Ing from Mr. John F. galley on St. Mary's avenue , near South tucnuo. Mr. Shriclclen is makinc nctUo preparn lions for the opening of the Omaha tltcun next week. Ho can bo aeon moat any day training his educated pony on Thirteenth street , While n funeral procession was returning from the cemetery yesterday morning , one of the loams driven by a Mr. Bronnan became frightened nnd ran away , badly damaging the buggy , No ono was hurt. The examination of the young colored man , Albeit Grcon , on a charge of bastardy , woo hold before Judge Anderson Tuesday afternoon , and on the testimony of the girl bo was bound over in the turn of $000 , which ho furnUhed. tj II. K. Gunner , better known as the ' Harry" of the Grand Union Tea Co. , h-xi accepted a situation aa city salesman with the Omaha Flour Co. Harry Is to bo congratu lated upon this substantial recognition of merit by ono of the moat enterprising firms of the city. Monday night thieves viaited the 1'mmot house , owned by Mrs. Durgan , near thn Hock Island dopot. They entered a room occupied by Conductor Templeton ; of the Milwaukee , and n brakoman. The former they relieved of n wallet and $5 , the latter of a coat and veet No clue to the thieves , Wo learn that aomo benevolent ladles of ono of the churches in the city have secured from the Lyceum Bureau the renowned Stuart Honors to appear at Boyd's Opera Iloueo in hia role of mirth , art , pathos and sentiment , on Monday , May 25th. The receipts ceipts are for charities. Judge Stonborg was called upon for the fifth time yesterday morning by the mother of a boy who had been "insulted" by his employer. The woman was after "satisfaction , " and her demands wore quite importunate , which led the judge to remark that there ought to be a spec ial court for the complaints of old women and cranks , The funeral services of Mrs , Minnlo Drexel were conducted yesterday morning at St. 1'hilomena cathedral , nnd were very largely atlended. The remains were buried at the cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre , the follow ing acting nj pall bearers : O. H. Goodrich , K. S. Livesey. Charles Croighton' H. S. Smith , TA Crowell and F. B. Lowe. Complaints arc being made by people living in the vicinity of the nail works to the effect that all filth from Qualey'a soap fac tory and two or three slaughter houses m that vicinity is allowed lo flow down a sraal In I creek that passes there into the heart of the [ , I I city , creating n stench along the route that is extremely disgusting , Helief la loudly de manded. For the past week , J. K. House , a civil engineer , baa been setting stakes through that block of vacant property south of Leaven- worth street , near Twenty fourth , known as the Marsh estate , a body of land containing twenty-five acres. It is stated by those who know , that the youngest heir will bo of ago in Juno , therefore is going to divide his land into town lota , with a view to selling it. The Pioneer Hook and Ladder company hold a meeting Tuesday night in police court. Bill ? to the amount of $250 , covering the ex penses of the parade and ball of the Gthinst. , were allowed , and twenty-fivo honorary badges ordered. Several abort speeches were made by members and stories of former times recounted. It is the intention cf the members , although the company is disbanded , to keep up the meetings until July , when the city Is to pay $2 000 for the apparatus owned by them. This money Is then to bo divided among the members. The following olHccra were unanimously elected to hold un til all accounts of the company are finally settled : President and foreman. Chas lustier ; treasurer II. 1'undt ; secretary , 11 G. Ilyley ; trunteos , W. J. Kennedy , J. F , Shooloy and Ed Wlttig. PEUSONATj. Harry C. Robinson , acent for the Sid G. . Franco dramatic company , was In town yes- toiday. C. G. Craig , manager of the Charlott < Thompson company , in at the Millard , Patrick 1'gan , the well-known land league of Lincoln , Is in the city , stopping at tin Millard. Mr. A. B , Davenport , of the Millard , is in Chicago in attendance at the annual conven tion of the hotel men's association. At the Canfield : George Jay , Randolph la. ; Mrs. II Garrison , Plattsmouthj M. W llyerson , Grand Island ; Jumei Sweet , Nebraska braska City ; T. J. Taylor , J , M. Harmon , II. S. Colby. Sheltoii ; William Armstrong Lincoln : 12 1C , MoMichaol , Ord. George II , Button and wife , Auburn , Neb. Dr. I. M. Barker , Grand Island ; W. H Lit tie , T. M. Marquett , Lincoln ; T. R , Orr 'Poucaj James Reed , Nebraska City ; T. W Lowroy , Thomaa Caucherau , Lincoln , are a t the Millard. Henry D , Boyden , Grand Inland ; John II Roe , Kearney ; J. II. Colling , Cheyenne ; T C. Hitchcock , Gibbon ; Charles Lever , Bowden don , England ; II. G , Hand , Cheyenne ; I' II. Nicholson , Lincoln ; J , N , Dryden , Kea uey , arant the Paxton , At the Metropolitan ; A. G. Hastings Lincoln ; W. J. Biles , Aimworth ; M. J Tolle , Kmeraouj A. 0. Spandia , Grofton ; P E. Ruth , Pouc ; H. O. German and wife , Blair ; A. D. Allen , Rising City ; George J , S uirei , Grand Island ; Henry Stain , Mo- Cook , and John S. King1 of Hastings , Neb. State people at the Metropolitan yesterday : D , A , Seare , Albion ; L. Kryger , Lyons ; W A. Harding , Oakland ; I ) , A. Allan. Rulnp City ; B , W. Hoyle , I'onca ; M. Ljoholm , Oakland ; J. K , Adams , Teluinah ; J. P. Hj- mer Stockpile ; Bernard Dolan , J. M. K Martin , Llucoln ; J. W. Comb ? , Rising Citj 3 , L. Jobneon , Stromeburg ; V , L. Hick * , Coleridge ; J. W. Hitchcock , Harington ; T R , Leighton Platttmcuth ; H. D , Aihlej Dcciturd , Mrs , J. Collln * , Grand Island ; 1) M , O'dulllvan , Humphry 0. Davit , Llncoli A. J. Kenny , Red O'oud ' ; G , W , Gulp , Ne' main ; Mlts A. Stcphenson , Mils J Bartlett VorV , and M. I'uhlcr , of Nebraska City .Neb. THE PORTLAND PARTY , From Pocatello. Iflahd , to Pleasant Val ley , Or.gfln . , "Soda " ami " Springs" tlio "American Frills" Picture of Snake Itlver Valley. Special Correspondence of The BEE. ON BOARD THE Tium , HUNTINQTON , Oro. , May 11. To wiito n lotlcr on board a fait movlngtraln , nuild the gossip of the jolllcst company cf business men who over mot together , is not by any moans an easy task. Through mountain gorge and canyon , over flowor-cirpcted valleys and rnohlng streams in Idaho , the train aped at a forly-milo gait , hearIng - Ing the Omaha excursion party to the soa-klsicd city of Portland. There is no rcotion of ( ho United States yet scon by the writer that In all the elements of natural bnantyandattraotlvcnots of scen ery , of foothill and vnlo , lofty , snow capped peaks and far-reaching grcon plains , relieved by rushing , crystal streams , whoso pathways , like the track of a serpent , wire In and out among the willows , cottonwaods and flower- brash that fringe their either border , and < n groou and gay costume present a foreground to the lovely picture , in which the great line of palc-blno mountains loom up grandly In the distanoa. Surely nature COEIUS to hayocreated this sp'ondid country with a smile , and the emtlo has crystalized Into a landscape 1 THIS 18 A OHAZIMl COUNrHY principally , and equal to the boat on the continent. As far as eye can reach all Is green save the ash color of the sagebrush. Ddincatlo stock In herds mingle with the timid , hiding rabbits , that absolutely in fest this region on the lowlands , while deer , antelope and boar are found In abundance in the higher lands , and mountain Ho in , nhcop and the stately elk are seen in numbers among the crags and peaks that tower above and beyond them Babbits ere a nuisance in Idaho , and men make a business of killing and capturing thorn for food and the terri torial bounty paid for each pair of rab bit's ears. Lot the reader go back for twenty four honra and take a good look at SODA Sl'IUNGS. It is impocslblo to do more than glvo an outline of the myriad objects of interest that rush and crowd upon the eye as ono moves joyously on. On Friday afternoon , before the tips of the surrounding hills had been made to glow by the gorgeous rays of a setting sun , the train reached the Idaho foun tains of beauty and health. At Soda springs station , on the Oregon Short Line railroad , In Bingham county , Idaho , ono thousand nnd twenty miles from Omaha , the visitor will have no d'fficnlty in pro curing carriages , or , if ho prefers It , in walking a mile or little moro to the Soda springs. A llttlo more than a milo north of the track is found the celebrated Hooper spring , bubbling and boiling In the midst of a cluster of moro than a score of lesser tprlngswhich ccsnpy a space beside the waters of the clear , swift-running tributary of Boar river , Into which , just a llttlo ways below , It empties. This stream is filled with trout of the finest quality , and of Itself is the fisherman's paradise. The par ty gathered about those won- dare , first in amazement , then In ad miration , and presently , each with goblet filled to the brim , was quaffing the learning , crystal waters to the frlondsand loved ones at homo. And surely no men over drank deeper draughts of bettor and sweeter irator than they did on Friday evening last. The chemical elements of these waters are soda , iron , snlphnr , arsenic , magnesia and carbonic acid gas In proper proportion tion to make them what they now are known to be not only a delicious bevor- ngo , but one whoeo health and beauty giving properties entitle them to rank among the wonderful waters of the world. They have proved a cura and restora tive In numbers of instances where men , women and children suffered from all sorts of billons and irrojular liver trou bles. They are Invigorating to an extent that Is simply marvelous ; they are cleans ing , purifying and appetizing , and their arsenic properties operate like magic on the complexion and good looks , as the roses that mantle the cheeks of the ladies of the vicinity give highest evidence of. They are remarkably palatable and pleas ant to the taste ; gently laxative in their effects , and can bo drank In co pious quantities without any unpleasant consequences. Located In a gent'y ' In clining basin , whoeo surface is clotlud In lovely green , surrounded by an almost circle of beautiful hills whoso snow bon neted crests shone like silver in the evening sunlight ; close beside a rail road station on a continental highway and in a most plcturotquo locality , the Soda tprlngs possotsos a present that Is wonderful to contemplate , and promises a future that will give them rank with the celebrated and popular watering places of the oatth , "Forward for supper , " cried out the two captain-generals , and then boqau that WILD , DUSKY HIDE of which your last letter told , a rldo that will make no less memorable the smooth- noes of this now track than the lightning speed of which the company's engines are capable. Mercy , how wo did "skip the country" to o tch the west-bound passenger train at Pocotillo , where a sumptuous supper awaitoJ the hungry party , to which they paid the compll moats to the cook of nearly eating the landlord "out of houaa and hems. " That train was overtaken. "AWAY FOR THE AMEKIUAK KAILS , " rang out the conductor's voice on the gathering darkness , and again the train sped on to the crossing of Snake river. "Look , yon newspaper follows , hero are the falls , " said an Oinaba gentleman , and out upon the platform crowded the ln < mates of the "Merlin" and "Bagota" forgetting for the mom nt tbo merrj chat of the teveral groups of gostippors to Hitfii In unspoken awe to the roar o rushing waters. The tapd train "slowed up" as [ tin uroat Diiortlng engine first set foot npon the bridge that spans the Snake , directly over American falls. It was an hour o nore after twilight ; the evening longs o the yellow-breasted willow birds were Irowncd In the deep bass notes of the ailing river ; and es the long line of care crep as If In dread , over Its slondn ron pathway , the deep blue aky , tlecket with patches of the evening mist-cloud , oaned tha light of its stars , that oact tBger eye might behold the ruihlng nmincr , tangled waters as ( boy broke li vlld disorder from shore to shore In theli ( valstless daring , The mofst breath o he inlet was blown npon each wa'.che : 1 vhllo the airghij ; waters , crotted will : creamy foam , gave n sigh of relief when | all unharmed , they gathered their broken fragments to continue a l&ng , winding journey to the great Utah lake ol mysteries. Once over theso/alls , the Omaha party retired to sloop and 'dream of beloved ones and lion trout and soda springs , rushing streams nnd the pleasures of the morrow , and awoke at G on Satnrdaj morning , side tracked at Shoshone City , twenty miles from the famous "Falls , " of which yon will bo told hereafter , As this sentence -written the train rolls into Hnntlngton , the POINT OP juxenox of the Oregon Short Line and the Or egoa Railway fc Navigation com pany. It Is a pretty little village , important because of being the connect ing point of those two railroad routes , and pretty because , now and clean , it nestles upon awide , green level , aat amidst broken and plcturotqno hills. D. 0. R. B. II. Douglass and Sons' Capsicum Cough Drops are manufactured by them selves and are the result of over forty years experience in componndlng cough mixtures. G A GEEA.T INVENTION , By Which the 1'coploTIll Have But Ijtttlo Uao for Goal or Gasoline , Yesterday evening a reporter for TUB BEE saw in operation at the Omaha itovo repair works , 111 North Four- lOenthstreet , a great Invention , which is catlnod to bo an everlasting blessing to .hoeo . who use coal or gasoline for fuel do their cooking or heating , The Bangs patent , the Invention ro- 'erred to. Is manufactured by the Na- loual Heat and Light company , of Boson - on , and Is a process by which ono part of oil and throe parto of water are de composed and formed Into n hydra- carbon gas for cooking and heating pur poses , It can bo used In all stoves and anges , and is destined to be the fuel of the future , making a great saving in , Imo , labor and money. Tnp stove , as soon at the Omaha Stove Repair Works , win a common cook stove , with the grate taken out and the attachment put in its place. Its sim plicity and perfection are simply marvel ous. The oil Is lot Into the attachment by moans of a valve , through which It Is only possible for a certain amount of oil to pass and by which the amount of fire required Is regulated. The water is fed to the burner by an automatic valve. All the obj actionable features of a steve ara avoided. No kindling wood , no ashes , no dirt , and no odor or replenishing of fire , Turn the cock , apply a match , and pour frre Is made , and before your kind- ing wood was formerly well lighted , your oven is ready to bako. For broiling It Is far superior to coal , bakes in one- half the time , and it will do anything an > ll stove or a coal stove will do , and has ha advantage In the summer cf not glv. ng out any extra heat when not wanted , 'or as soon as you cloio the valve the itove begins to cool , where with coal It ikes a much longer time. It ia the jroatost Itibir and money saving Inven- ion ever offered to woman. No invon- lon of any ago has been of such uni versal interest , and the most practical ixports have unqualifiedly endorsed it , > ud predicted It would work a revolution .a heating. Everybody who ban used ono is onthu- lastio in its praleo. It appeals not only ; o the pocketbook , but to the taste for : leanlinoES and convenience. For cookIng - Ing the work can bo done moro quickly > nd moro satisfactorily than with coal or wqod so say the ladles who have used hem , and for no consideration would , hey have the attachment taken out. An irdlnary cooking steve can bo run by this process at a cost of one-half to ono per : ont per hour , according to the amount if fire required. The oven is heated quickly , and above all evenly. Danger 'a impossible , or oven accident. The most ; lrnid lady can easily be convinced that it Is a thousand times safer than a kerosene lamp , and that it la eafcr than oven coal or wood. Mr. W. A. Ruhe , of New York city , and ono of the firm. Is In the city and tias this great invention on exhibition , at .ho Omana Steve Repair Works , where ho is making his headquarters at present. Thosa who would like to BOO It can do so by calling there this week. Mr. Ruhe ixpecta to have an agency established in his city in a few days for Douglas iounty , when the attachment will bo placed on sale. Ho is now simply on- agud in selling county and state rights. Ifwo are not mistaken coal bills this Ummer and next winter -will bo consid erably les than last year , as every ono > vho sees the invention Is perfectly taken iVith it. See Dr. Panglo's caicl on the fifth Page. OHEYENNE EEDDY. Xho Crook who Calls Himself Fat Glhson , a Well-known Char acter Sent Up , Judge Stenborg put Fat Gibson througt the mill yesterday , and sent him up in default of $1,000 bail , to await the action of the grand jury at iU next mooting. Pit Gibson Is the man who was arrested ast Monday evening for fleecing en un suspecting and verdant country youth out of § 10.50 at the Union Pacific depot. He at fust tried to got his victim cash a chock of $300 on the Omiba National bank , drawn by J , 51 , Skinner & Co , in favor of J. W. Howard. Previous to this racket , how ever , Gibion bad hired the young man to herd cattle for him on a ranch out in the western part of the state , and repre sented that he hadn't enough money to pay his hotel bill. The victim turned over his pile , $10 50 , where upon Gibion slipped aay , ahot up an alley and disappeared. In an hour afterwards he went back to the do- put , supposing of COUMO that the bry was gone , but In this ho found himself mista ken. The confiding lad was there , saw hit "friend , " and stayed with him until they run across an officer , and then had him arrested , This man Gibson Is well known throughout tbo wast as one of the most notorious toughs living. His right name , and the ono by which everybody knows him , is "Oheyenne Ruddy. " Ho was arrested at the state fair here last fill , along with eovoralother scoundrels of his stripe , for pickinc onckets. His chances now for a term in the penitentiary ate good. Ho fs held on the charge of attempting ta pans forged check. Buy gasoline and oil from Omaha 0 > Co. Cans furnished and dt live red. Of See 1400 Donijlai it. A.M. Kotchen , Mgr , CHEMICAL COMPOUNDERS. Annnal Meeting of the Nebraska Phar maceutical asccialioo , Representatives 1'rcscnt from All Parrs of the Stuto Mostly In. for m nl Mutters Ycitordny A Visit from the low * Brethren. At 't o'clock yesterday afternoon the Nebraska State Pnarraacatlcal association convened In annual session at Masonic hall , corner of Sixteenth street and Capitol tel avenuo. The association will continue Ui meetings through two or throe days , and In the meantime return a visit made to them yesterday by tholr Iowa breth ren. The oflicers are : Norman A. Kuhn , president. H , H. Whlttlosoy , secretary , 0. M. Lighten , treasurer. The meeting wns called to order by Mr. Kuhn , and the secretary proceeded to read his annual report , It stiows that the membership of the association at this time numbers 250 druggists , and of these tifty-ono have addad their names to the list dnrlng the past year. The roll call yesterday was responded to by 0. A. Goodman , James Forsysh , N. A. Kuhn , F. H. Oroshel , A. M. Onjonl , Charles J. Dantach , 0. 0 , iold , M. Parr , George W. Parr , Carry Klttlo , H. T. Olark , 0 car Grcsiholl , T. J. Smotsh , Omaha , Nob. ; F. A. Brainard , Genoa , Neb.j 0. W. Doty , Friend , Neb. ; W. A. Ver Bryck , Alma , Neb. ; Will Oalhaway , Fu'lerton , Nob. ; D. B. Weber , Arlington ; T. 0. Morgan , Hardy ; W. A. Harding , Oakland ; James Racd , NobrAtka City ; Hobert Brash , Ashland ; M. E. Shnllz , Beatrice ; George El. Bailer , Anburn ; L Krygor , Lyons ; Frank P. Zlmmor , Grand Island ; A. C. Spiudan , Unfton ; M. Sjoholm , Jakland ; A. J. Shepard , Kearney ; H. E. Wells , Junlati ; George L. AllonDambar , ; R R. Shoror , Red Cloud ; Edward W. Boxten , Hastings ; W. D. Hasoor , Blair ; J. N. Barker , Grand Island ; M. W. Ryeraon , Grand Island ; E : K. MoMichaol , Ord ; J. A.daoia ( Tekamob ; H. Cook , Red Cloud ; T. R. Orr , Ponca ; E. V. Roes , Detroit ; E H. Port , Auburn ; H. D. Bogdon , Gramd Island ; Ohas. Chlnu , St. Paul ; T. H. .Davis,1 FJrth ; Wil- jam Widener , Lincoln ; A. W. Atwoid , 'Inttimonth ' ; G. A. Brown , .North Bend. A great many moro were expected to rrivo on the night trains. The treasurer road his annual report , nd from that it ia learned that the re- etpts of the association , since ts last meeting were $333 83 nd expenditures $13814 , leaving balance on hand of $195 G'J. This would Indicate that the association is In flourishing condition. The following congratulatory message was oil'ered , adopted and telephoned ta ho Iowa association , which Is in soesion t Council Bluffs : The Nebraska State Pharmaceutical issoclation sends greeting to the Iowa State Pharmaceutical association , and xtond a cordial invitation to visit us , now in session at Masonic hall , Omaha. N. A. KniiN , President. GEOUOE W. PARK , ED F. CIIINN , Committee. An hour or moro was then devoted to a lonoral off hand dlscuesion of cocoaino as .n anaesthetic , which is at present eqt- ating the apothecary fraternity of the ntiro world. The Iowa association , coming over from CquDcil Bluffs in a body , was unnonnced , ocelved , and given seats in the hall , ' 'hoy were headed by their president , 'bo occupied a chair on the plattorm with President Kuhn , of the Nebraska issociatlon. The visitors were : iWm. 0. BryantCedarFullsTa. ; A. D. jommon , Guthrlo Center , la ; Frank V. 'orry , Des Molnes , Ia. ; Norman Llchty , Des Molnos , la ; VV. T. Crawford , Das rloine-J , la ; 0. A. Weaver , Dos Moines , a ; John B. Webb , Do Witt , Ia. ; J. H. Hanlper , Davenport , Ia. ; S. G. Funk , "V-ularo , la ; Rasa M. Upson , Marshall- own , la. ; C R. Wallace , Independence , "a. ; F. E. Halghton , Adcl , la ; W. S. McBrldo , Marshalltown , a. ; J. G. Stooley , Dexter , la ; A. V. Peun , Sidney ; HenryThormahlen , Boone , James D Stuart , Mondamla , Fred Lax , Cole ; W. J. Snmraervillo , Odebolt , R. H. Limonenx , Sac City : I. P. Moroy , Storm Lake. After speeches of welcome and ro- ponees thereto , tha balance of the after noon was given np wholly to social chat and becoming acquainted. Mr. Robert J. Brown , Loavenworth , president of the Kaunas association , Is a Jsltor , and yesterday extended a warm nvitatlon to the Nebraska association to jslt their aninul meeting , which will bo iield at Lawrence , beginning on Juno the 15th. 15th.At At G o'clock the moct'ng adjourned until 9:30 : this incrnlng , and the Iowa visitors returned to their own nido of the river. _ Every lady uses Pozzoni'a medicated oomplexiou powder. It la a houtoholo roasnro. The madam finds It impossible o go down town without first rubbing It on. If the baby cries aho goes for the .roll box. Jf the"old man" comes homo ruffed or chafed , because business Is dull , otc , Pt zz ni's powder cools and allays 'its troubles. Then all Is gladsome jay. No family should bo without it. THE OLD TEMPLE , The haul ; County Olllccr Has Moved to His Now Qututcriton the Hill. The old district court room received a parting farewell yesterday from the list of those who have heretofore bton its cfliclal In- heritants and gives way to much finrr grander , and moro modern quarters , for tbo indwell ng cf justice. But to the old temple , while it otandr , will tliaji memories of past events , identified with Us history , that furnish food for an avalanche of thought. With n its walls have rolled and echoed the touching dequeue- of gen'lomen ' richly endowed wi h nature's greotes1 gifts and deeply versed i. the Intrlrao'os ' of legal lore and l < tarn ng ; men who have trod the bill-lop of fame and loft their mark ehtnlng among tht stars A. history of the litigations that had t'uir ' beginning In this old cdilici would fill volumes It might also ba in teteatlng to note the long llnu of judicla dignitaries who luvcjfrora tlmo to timi expounded and dispensed thn lair here In its most general aud comprehenslvi teneo. Some of them still live ; other have crossed the dark river. When tint constructed and opened t the public there was not a more com mo lions or Imposing court room to bo found , ny place a'ong the "Big Muddy. " But ivlllzstlon'a progress and developments have made It possible for something hotter , therefore thu old Is dlicardcd for a now structure , which stands without an qnal In any western city , Mr. jams , clerk of the court , nnd his deputy have boon very busy Inoo yesterday morning , moving their docket' , papers and records , and Air. Crowoll Is just ai busy getting the effects of the elionfTs office truuferrcd , A alight hitch occurred np at the now building , " ut nothing of any particular moment. The sherifl merely objected to taking the oomasslgnodhitn because of its Inconvon- once to the court room , being on the leer below. This Is remedied bv allow- ng him to take what -was first Intended 'or a jury room , Immediately over the north entrance and off from the court oom. The only creatures loft with the old uildlng now to keep it company are hcso who ( jot run In , for violations of municipal regulation , the basement still being used by the city for jail purposes. IEST YOUR BMINB POM MAI Drjtndi Adrortla it ai Mitotut/ ] * TllTCST : P I M o n top down on A hotttotnuntl htftttd.tnfii otnova thecoTer and ninoll A UierntH will no * b * rr ulrid to d t ot the pmenco of ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAIN AJIMONIA. ITS lIElLTIlFtLJESB JUS NEVER U1.E1 ( In K million liomei for * qunrter of century It bil taoil the consum n' rellablo tnt , THE TESTOFTHE OVEH. _ _ PBICE BAKING P01VDER CO. , UiKCR * Or Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , TbtiroPVMtnioitdt1eloDi ( fcndDttartl flavor In Dr , Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems lor Light , II althy Bread , The Doit Dry IIop Ye&itln the Uorld. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIS ; CAMELLINE FOR THE ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The undersigned physicians of San ranclaco are fumilfar with the composl- ion of the principal articles used for the iomplexlon , and freely certify that 0AM ELINE Is harmless and free from all loiaonous or injurious substances. 0 Lane , M D OF Coepor , M D H H Tolanu , M D S W Dennis , M D R A McLean , M D J M McNnlty. M D. 0 B Brgham , M D J O Shaffer , M D Benj J Dean , M D W Carman , M D H Gibbons Jr , MD W * yer , M D J Clarke , M D T Bennett , M D W H Bruney , M D W Hammond.M D ' M Lorye a. M D W F McNutt.M D C L Bard , M D A J Bowie , M D H L Slmms , M D J C Shorb , M D H Stallard , M D F A Holman , M D O McCaettonM D J Rostmstirn , M D 0 0 Keonoy , M D J D Whitney M D M Wilder , M D T Boyson , M D H Powers. M D C G Konyon , M D R Swan , M D I S Titus , M D L Door , M D J L Meares , M D W Keeney.M D T Price , M D Holland , MD H Gibbons , MD Madame Adelina Patti , Writes ; " 1 shall have to repeat the ralros of your CAMELLINE heard from all sides For sa'o ' by H. T. CLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha , And nil first class druggists , Apollinaris ' . "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " > "f/s purity offers the taf security against the dan eis which a re common to most of the ordinary drinking watos , " London Medical Record. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. OfallGrfccn , Druggists , &Mlu. llrat. Dealers , BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. C OWING & GO , JOBUKII3 II WROUGHT IRON PIPE , .nf.lle ndl .tlruo Load Pipe and Sheet Load. uorrrmsJioSTKAJI rinrs , IMIJI1LLJMHI1HFHH.L I inl g , Haute'Das and steam Filters' IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUf" > * IES , 14lh&DodaeSls. OMAHA.IIEB DE , PUHEK , Urnduato at the University Viemm , Aus tria , Law to the Military Hospital , of Vienna. Will do a general Medical and Surgical practice , AH calls in city or country promptly attended. Olhco at tha Oirmha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner 13th Street and Capitol Avenue. TIMILEN SEEING EASIEST . . . . Uttt. ludei M eaty wllhontpcr too at two. 6prlnS lengthen nd shorten according loth * vi lght thay CStrjr , EqusUly well adapted to rough country rod = d tee drives ol dtlc § . Manufactured and told bj til ItiiiM ojiUai Builder * and Dealsra. AUctlraof joutlifuHinprudeaco I'romatura Decay. Nervoui Uobilltr . . , . ] , oit Minhoud. ' ' ' - - ' ' - ' - v.n rer _ AftrorlU ireicilplloa of & Doled ( poclalUt Hied. ) nrujeliU ! uflllK. AddreM OR. WARP * COn iRoyal" the only absolutely pure baking pow der made , -Action of the New York State Board of Health. * Under the direction of the Now York fctntc Hoard of Health , eighty- four different kinds of baking powders , embracing all the brands that ould bo found for sale in the State , wore submitted to examination and analysis by Prof. C. F. CiiAxmisn , a member of the Stnto Board and President of the Now York City Board of Health , assisted by Prof. ED- \vAiu > G. LOVK , the well known late United ? lutes Govumnont chemist. The official repoit shows that a largo number of powders examined were found to contain alum or lime ; many of them to such an extent as o reudnr them seriously objectionable for use in the preparation of hu man food. Alum wns found in twenty-nine samples Tins drug is employed in baking powders lo cheapen their cost. The presence of limo is attributed to the impure cicam of tartar of commerce use ii their manufaclur Such cream of taitnr was also analysed find found lo contain limo and other impurities , in some samples to the extent of 93 per cent of their ntiro weight. All the bnkiiig powders fcbo market , with the single exception o Koyol , " ( not including the alum of phosphate powders , which were long since discarded as unsafe or inefficient by prudent housekeepers ) are made from the impurecieam of tartar of commerce , and consequent 1 contain lime to a coiresponding extent. The only baking powder yet found by chemical analysis to bo entirely free from limo and absolutely pure is the "Royal. " This perfect purity results from the exclusive me of cream of tartar specially refined and prepared by patent processes of the N. Y. Tartar Co. , which totally re move the tartrate of lime and other impurities. The cost of this chemi cally pure cream of tartar is much greater than any othcr.aiid ou account of this greater cost is used in no baking powder but the "iloyal. " Prof. LOVE , who made the analysis of baking powders for the New York State Board of Health , as well as for the Government , says of the purity and wholesomeness of "Royal : " "I have iested a package of "Royal Baking Powder' which I pur chased in the open niaiket , and find it composed of pure and wnolesonio ingredients. It is a cream of tartar powder of a great degree of merit and doss not contain either alum or phosphates or any injurious sub stances E.G. LOVE , Pn.D. " * [ NoTK , For full details of the official fiction of the Now York State Board of Health on the subject of Baking Powder ? , sco Annual Report of the Board , transmitted to the GOT- crnor , February 8,18S2 , paRoa 559 to 080 inclusive. " Established 1865 > Jewelers and Dealers ARE NOW OFFERING Pianos and Either for Cash or Easy Payments GREAT BARGAINS IN DIAMONDS WATCHES , Full Lineof Sheet Musicnd Books. Northeast Cor. Farnam and 11 Hi Sts , , - OMAHA NEB fc JiOLTJD , Manufacturers of Ornamental Dormer \Vlndrms , Window Caps , irctillloSkv-tltlitB , &o. Tin , Iron nutl elila Itoofora , r'l 316 South 12th StreetOrr atu Nob. Work ilono In any part of the country. .Remember that when you buy a lot in Soutli Oma a , you got 0,000 fqnare teet of ground , equ.'l to three lots 50x00 , tr six business lots < J6xGO , With this you have the advantage ot alloys 20 feet wide and a street 80 feet wide. When yen are buying real estate ; nscerraiu how much LAND you are getting tor your momy. To secure these largo lots while they are cheap. You can get ground now at 2 rents a square foot that will bo worth five times that amount in three yearH. &ond for a K8ap of South Omaha. Address , 216 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Ne b M.'A. Upton Ass't Soo'v and