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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1885)
THJS DAILY BEE- THURSDAY , MAY 14 , 1885 ; NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL $230,000 SURPLUS NOV. 1,1881 22,000 OFflCinS ! 3. W , YATM , A. E. TOUZAUS , Protident. Vlco President. "W.V.MooitE , JNO.S. COLLINS , LKWIS 8. line K. K.HaydonA 9't. and Acting Cashier. BANKING 6mCX : The Iron Bank , ( JOB , 12th AND FABflAM STS , A GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS TIIANSAOTED. INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon [ nvorablo terms and upon accounts of banks nod bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE , Government Bonds nnd County and City securities bought and Bold. In ita treatment of customers the most lib eral policy Is pursued consistent with safety and sound banking , and wo Invite correspond * cnco or personal Inquiry In connection thora- wlth. FINANCE AN 11 COMMERCE. FINA.NOI/UJ N W YOBK , May 13. Money Easy at 1 per cent. Prlmo mercantile paper 4@C per cent. Foreign Exchange Starling bills quiet at $1.862 ; demand at $1.882. Governments Received some attention. There were sales of 4 's registered atSl.llg , of 3's at $1,03) ) ; and 4'a coupon and registered at $1.211. The quotations show a decline of Jo for 4'a , nnd an advance of Jc for 3'a and Jo for currency Ga of 1895. Stocks Irregular , moderatolyactive and at titnoa feverish , with Lickawanna the leading feature. The market la growing moro and moro each day into a contest between the bulls led by tha Gould-Whito party , who con trol in a great measure the quotations for Union Pacific , Western Union , Missouri Pacific , and the grangers , nnd the leading bear operators , whoso most direct attack lifts boon against Vanderbilt until to-day , when they also sold Lackawanna heavily. The different stocks that make up the active list wore so erratic that a doscrlptlan of the mar ket can hardly be given without taking up the list seratim. The total sales for the day were 251,871 shares , of which Lackawanna alone contributed 01,000. During the fore noon Lackawanna sold down from S1.03J to 31.01. : , but rallied later In the day , selling In the last hour ntS1.02jj and closing at S1.G2J , a . loss of 1 per cent. Grangers and Gould stocks yielded a fraction In the forenoon ; were steady until late in the afternoon , then rallied , so that at the close Western Union Is down Jo ; Pacific Mail , ic , and North western Ic , while St. Paul Is up 3s ; Missouri Pacific , ic , and Union Pacific and Missouri , Kansas & Texaa unchanged. OOCEOHB , 'l - . 1031 4l' Coupons HVg U.S. 4's 121 ? Pacific 6's of'35 129i STOCKS AND BONDS. -Central pacihti - . 291 Chicago & Alton 137 do do pfd 150 Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 121 i Delaware , Lackawnna & Western 102 ; Denver < k Rio Grande 5 Erie lOi do pfd 21 Illinois Central 124J Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 9 Kansas & Texas 17j Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 52 Lonlsvlllo & Nashville B0 ( Michigan Central 48 Missouri Pacific 95i Northern Pacific 10 , do do pfd 38 , Northwestern 93 < pfd 125 New York Central 83 | Oregon Trans-Continental 14 ] P offioMail 61 l > . D. &E 9J Pullman Palace Car Company 117 Rook Island 112J Bt. Louis & San Francisco 16J do do pfd 29 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 69 , do do do pfd. . . . . 104 Qt Panl&Omaha , 20 do do pfd 71 Toxaa Pacific 10 Union Pacific 50 Wabasb , St. Lotus & Pacific 2 do do do pfd ' ' ' 6 Western Union Telegraph . . . 5Si O. R. &N . 75i onioAco. CHICAGO , 111. , May 13. Flour-S low and nominally unchanged. Wheat Active , unsettled , and opened weaker at iaic lower on warmar weather , lower cabins declined Jo more , ruled eteaJy later , DtroDgthonvd , udv.inccd tharijly on bad crop nowd , improving 18@l o over inside , re ceded Jo , fluctuated mnH' < rutoly , and closed Jc over yo terdny ; 894ft8ac ( ! ) , cishj 893@89c ! , May ; DOgffion o , June ; U @ 92jc , July ; No. 2 rod , ! ) lc@S1.00. ) Corn Only moderately active , steady during most of session , opened } @jo lo er , became stronger , advanced i@i' ) ' , eased oil , and closed jo over yesterday ; 472c. cash and May ; 47g@17fo June ; 18@-18jc , July. Oats Quiet and steady , about unchanged ; 31@lillo } c.i8li ; 3ll2ic , May ; S4g@31ic. Juno ; &ijjc , July Kye D'lrm at 73o. liarley Nominal at G5c , Timothy Sued Firm , unchanged ; prime , $1.40 u 1.50. Flaxseed Firm and unchanged ; No. 1. S1.S7C01.374. Pork Moderately active , trading chiefly in June and July , ruled 5 , < (10o lower early , later rallied I0gl2jo ( , mled quiet and steady to close ; 81105(3)11.10 ( ) , cuah ; $11.021@11.05 , May and Juiie ; 3H.121@11 15 , July. Lard Quiet , olTermgg somewhat limited declined 2i@5o early , later rallied , and closec steady ; $0 b2j@G 85 , cash and May ; 50.85 ® G.87i , June ; SO 924 * ' " ' 95 , July. Uulk Meats Shuuldem , 8l,35'ai.40 ; short clear. SO 10&0.15 ; short ribs , $5 G0@5 65 , Whisky Bloody and unchanged at $1,10 , Butter Weak ; good to fine creamery , 16 ® l3c ! ! good to choice dairy , 12@17c. Choose Cheddars , iJ&lOc ; skimmed died data , 12@15o. Eggs -Unchanged ! ll@lllc. limes Unchanged ; heavy grenn salted 7ic ; light , 8@ > flo ; damaged , G@Gic ; saltud IKflJllio. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country Kroeipti , Bhlptn Flour , bbls . 35.000 31,000 Wheat , bushels . 49,000 10.000 Corn , bushels . 231000 220,000 Oats , bushels . lit ) 000 178,000 Rye , buiheli. . . . 3,000 3,000 Buloy , buihel . 17,000 7,000 UILWAUKKI PBODDOl Wis. , M y 13. Wheat- Stronger ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 8So ; June , 89Jc July , 92c. Corn Valrly eteady ; No. 2 , 47jc. Oatt Steady , moderate demand ; No , 2 Sijjc. Sijjc.Rye Stronger ; No. 1 , 74c. Barley Bettor feeling ; No. 2 , Ola. Provisions Lover ; mi'ea ' park , $11.10 , KSM YOBK rilODCCJ , New YOBK , May 13 Wlnirt Ilecelpts 41.COO bu ; exports , 8 OCU bu , epJt lota dul options opened weak , later te.i ted , closin firm ) ungraded red , 87c@3l.OU ; No. 2 tec 31.04 : Blovator , 81 04 ; afloat , 81 03J , f o b and July cl KIII ? at 81.05JJ. Corn SXt and optionn opened lower , ant later rallleil , cloiing firm ; receipts , 37 000 bu eii-orta , 89,000 bu ; ungradetl. 65SC6CJc ; No 2 , 66@f 04a elevator ; 671 < D7io ftfloat } Jul cloaing kt 65 Jo. Oats Firm ; receipt * , 120,000 buj exports , none : western , 40@43c ; white , 45@49o. Eggs Steady , with moderate Inquiry ; western , 135@13jc. Pork Dull ; mess spot , $12.2) . Lard Moderately active , closing heavy ; western sic urn spot , $7 0. > ; July , 57.19S7.20. Butter Dull. Barley Steady , BT. LOUIS rBODUCE , Bt , Louis , Mo. , "May 13. Wheat Active and higher on bad crop reports , but closed about Jc under top figures ; $1.07@1 07i for cash ; S1.0i for Juno ; $ I.08for July. Corn A shade firmer , but slow ; 47jjo for cash , 47Jc for Miy , .Inno , and July. Oats Very dull ; SOJo bid for cash ; 30ic for Juno. Rye Higher ; 70o bid. Whlsky-Sttady at S1.14. Afternoon Board Wheat and corn firm and unchanged , CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , O , , May 13. Wheat-Easier ; No. 2rod.$1.07@1.08. Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 53Jc. Oats-Quiet and easier ; No. 2 mixed , 89 ® ity'o Stronger ; No. 2 fall , 73c. Barley Scarce and firm ; extra spring , 70 ® 75c.PorkDull Pork-Dull and lower ; $11.37J11,50. Lnrd-Uuiet at $6,70. Whisky-Steady at 51.13. TOLEDO. TOLKDO , 0. , May 13 Whet Closed easier ; No. 2 rod. Rash andMay. 95o. naked , Corn--Quiet ; No. 2 cash nnd May , 62c asked , Oats Dull ; no quotations , KANSAS our. KANSAS OUT , Mo. , May 12. Wheat- Steady ; ctt'b , 83@83io ; Juno , 8JJ@85e ; July , 86p. | 86p.Corn - Steady ; cash , 4l4@41gc ; Juno , 421 @ 43icJuly ; ; , llgc hid , 41Jc asked. Oats -Higher ; 40c , LIVEBFOOL. LiVKnrooL , May 13.Wheat Flat with no demand ; holders nre offering freely. Corn Dull and demand poor ; now mixed western , Ga per cental , lilVJB STOCK , OHIOAOO. CHICAGO , III. , May 13. Cattle Rowjipts , 4,500 head ; brisk , strong ; desirable grades to higher shipping steers , Sl.75@5.90 ; common to good butchers , S-.GO4 40 ; stackers IDc lower , S3.75@1.45 ; feeders , S4.50@5.00. Ilogs Receipts , 20,000 head ; slow and wenk , C@10o lower ; rough and mixed , $4 05 @ 4 30 ; packing and shipping , $4..10@4.45 ; light , 34,23 ® 1,60 ; skip * . S3.00@4.10. Sheep Receipt ? , 4 700 head ; slow , but steady ; common to choice , shorn , S2.75@3.90 ; woolcd , § 3.70 g4 80. 80.ST ST , Lome. BT. Louis , Mo.May 13. Cattle Receipts , 2,400 hend ; shipments , 1,300 head ; light to lair steers specially wanted , at S1.G3@500 ; good fat , ? 515@D,60 ; good butcher steers , $4.60@4.90 { cows and heifers , 53.25@1.25 ; stockers and feeders , $3.50@5 00. Sheep-Receipts , 1,000 head ; shipments , 200 head ; good local .demand ; common to cholco S2.25@4 00. KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK. KANSAS CITY , Mo , May -Cattle Re ceipts , 2,000 head ; firmer and lOc higher ; exporters , S5.25@5 40 ; common to choice shipping S150@515 ; feeders , S1.00@4.50 ; ows , S2.80@3.80. Hogs Receipts , 14/00 head ; weak and 10 IGo lower : $3.85@4.05 ; bulk , S3.90 , " - Sheep Receipts 1,410 head ; steady ; com mon to good muttons , S2.CO@3.75. OMAUA MALIKBIS. OFFICE or THE OMAHA BEB , I Wednesday Evening , May 13. J The following prices are charged retailers y jobbers , wholesale and commission mor dants with the exception of grain , which is uotod at the prices furnished by the elova- era and other local buyers : tilTO Stock Bfurkot. Hags The recolpta at the Union stockyards , louth Omaha , "were beavy to-day , and market weak and lOc lower. Common mixed pack- ng , S3 65 ( < r3 75 ; good to cholco mixed pack- ng , S3.76@3.85. Common rough hogs , open own and skips unsaleable , The dockage here s the same as in Chicago. Sheep Good to ohoico , S3.50ff4.75. Cows Butchers' stock , 53.75@4.CO for oed to choice cows and heifers. Steers Fat poney steers , weighing 1,000 to ,150 pounds , 8425B4.03. Groin Wheat Cash No. 2 , 72s. Barley 45@50c. Rye Cash No. 3 , 46@47c. Corn No. 3 , 35o. Oats No. 2 , 35o. Flour and Mil 1st uffs. Winter Wheat Firmjbost quality patent at 1270. Second quality 82 40 , Spring Wheat Best quality patent at"82 70. Second quality-S2 15@2 6U. Bran 70o per cwt. Chopped Feed-Per 100 Ibs. , 95og8l.OO ( Corn Meal 85c@Sl 00 per owt. Screening No. 1 , 60o per cwt ; No 2 , 50c. Hominy $1.60 per cwt. Sliorta 60o per owl. O rah am f 1.76 per cwt. Hay-S18.00@l9.00 per ton. Hldo * . Steady ; green butchers' 6c ; green cured , 'fc ; dry Hint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@llc ; damaged - aged hides two-thirds price. Tallow li@5Jc. Groaao Prime white , 4@4Jc , Sheep Pelt -25c@75. General I'rnrtnoo Kgga Receipts equal to demand and market | uiut and steady at lOc. butter Consignments nro heavier and sales athor drnging on anything but choice grades , iulk packing moro advisable now , aj rolls do ; enorally not arrive in good shape. Cream- ry , 22@25o ; fair to good , 13@14c ; choice dairy , 15@17c ; inferior grades , 8@10o. Poaltry There is a strong demand for pring chickens , but none coming in. Heavy old chickens selling well at quotations. Spring chickens , fair size , per doz , 6 00 ; old chickens , according to weight and quality , ier doz , 3 50@4 50. Game The season seems to bo over as there s hardly anything coming in. Ducks , mal- ard , per doz , 2 00@2 50 ; ducks , teal and mixed , per doz , 1 5U@2 00 ; geese , per doz , 2 50@3 00 ; nnlpe , per doz , 50c@l 00. Onions Scarce and good stock will bring S2 00 per bushel. Beans In fair supply and demand moder ate. Navy , per bushel , $1 C0@l 60 ; medium , per bushel , Pi 30 140. Potatoes In fair supply , but demand quite teady and prices firm. Ohoice stock selling at 70o , and ( rood at 60S65o. Very little difference is made as to variety , if only the lock is sound and of good size. Orocur * ' List SCOABS Powdered , 7Jccut ; loaf , 74o ; gran ulated , Gj/o / ; confectioners' A. 6Ja ; Standard oxtraO.Wo ; extra 0t > jc ; medium yellowCjc ; dark yellow , 5Jo. Ordinary grades , lOoi fair , 12 ; good , Iir l2o ; prime , 12@13a ; choice. LC@17o ; fancy green and yellow , lG@lGJc ; old government Jnva , 20@2Gc ; Arbucklo's roast ed , 14Jo ; McLaughlin's XXXX roasted , 14ic ; Imltotton Java. 16S@18Jc. Rom Sisal , 4 inch and larger , 74 ° ! 9 Inch , So : 4 inch , Sic. B ALT Dray loads , per bbl , 125 ( Ashton , In sacks , 3 60 ; i sacks Ashton , 1 00 ; bbls dairy OC@2 75. Sfiow Pepper , 18oj iplce , 14o ; cloves , 20o nia , 15c. Bvncp Standard Com. , 27o , bbli ; Standard do 4 gallon kegs , $1,30. DBT FBDITH No 1 , quarter apples , bbls C o > ] 0 sliced , boxes. GJo : evaporated , boxes , 8joj blackberries , boxes ; Ilo peaches , 1- boxes , 91o ; poacnea , evaporated , 25e ; rasp berries , 85o FIBII No. 1 mackerel I half bbls. , 7 60 ; Family 4 bble. , 3 60 ; No. 1 kits , 1 06 ; family kits 60c ; No. 1 whitefUh , hulf bb . ,0 DO ; No. 1 kits , 96c | family half bbls. , 300s family kits and palls , 60o ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , 6 25. BTABCH Pearl , 4o ; Silver Gloss , 801 Corn Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Uloe , 7o ; Corn , 7jc. OANNKU UOODH. Oysuus ; ( BUndard ) per COM. 8 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per caao , 3 50 ; raspborrlas , 2 Ib. per case , 2 50 ; California pears per case , 6 80 ; apricots , per casa , 6 00 peaches per case , 5 80 ; wliite cherriea per case , 6 76 ; plums per cose , 4 60 ; whortleber ries per case , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 290 ; greengages , 2 Ib. per case , 290pine ; aplet , 2 Ib , per casa , 8 20@5 60. OAKDLKs-Boxe. , 40 Ib. , 16 , 124o , 81,124o boiw 401b 116 or , 64,140 , , MATOBICS Per caddie , S5c | ronndrle se 2C5j tqanre , CASM , 1 70 ; O hVosh , CMOS frrl.20 SODA In Ib paper * 8 25 per Jcaso ) ke , per . . , - * * Ib.Sjo. nl * . riORtxa Mcdlojn In burrels , 5 0"i do In hftlf barrola , 3 00 ; sinMl , in bnrreld.O OJj do In half barrels , 3 50 ; gherkin * in bnrrolt , 7 COde do in half b/vrrols , 4 00. TEAS -Gunpowder , good 4555ct choice , C0@76oj Rood Imperial , 40@i3o : choioo. 60 ® CCc | Young Hyson , good , SI ® 60c | cholco , C6 @ 1 00 ; Jnpftn , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice , G0r < 475cj Oolow Rood , 3j@40o ! Oofonf ? cholco 40 ( 65o | Souchong , good , B010c ; cholco , 36 © 4fio. Kiox Lonislann. prime to cholco , l > ) @ 7io. WOODJ.VWABK Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; three hoop pail * , 2 10. Tnbs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; pioneer washbonrds , 1 75 } Donblo Crown , I wj well- buckets , 8 75. BOATS Kirk's Savon Imperial ! 3 U > ! Kirk'g Kfttinct , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 55 ; Kirk's White Russian , 4 85 , 1'OTASH I'onnaylvanta cnn , 4 cam in caao 3 35 LBabbitt'a ball , 2 doz. In coso , 1 90) ) An Uior ball , S doz. in caeo , 1 50 , OANDT Mixed , 1 stick , 9allc | twist stick , Do. VINEOAB Now York opplo , ICfli Ohio ap ple , ISo , TobRcco. Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm ot the Vest. COc : Fountitn , 7-lc : Golden Thread , > 7c ; Fftvorlte , COc ; Buds , 50o ; Kooky Moun- ain , DOoi Fancy , -15c ; Daisy , 40c. I'lug tobacco Climax. 44c per Ib , ; Horse- hoe , -It'ic : Star , 4Cc ; Sponrhcad. 4Gc ; Our tone , 50cj 1'iper Iloidsick , GOa ; Tunch , 40c. Bmoktng tobacco -O. U. , 22m Mooritohanm , SOoj I > onR Tom 303. Bhclavell's Durham , 1C ot. , Clo ; 8 or. , 55c ; 4 oz. , 57c : 3 or. , GOo. Seal of North Carolina , 1G oz. , 42o ; 8 oz. , 45o ; i or. , 48c : 3 oz. , 50o , Navy OlippioRi , 2Gc. Ktlllkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28c. DBBUS AND UIIKMIOALS Acid , carbolic , 4 < o acid , tartaric , C5c | balsam copaiba , per Ib. > 5c ; bark , Bossafraa , per Ib , Uc ; calomui , per b , 90o ; cinchonidla , per oz. , $0 CO ; chloro- arm , per Ib , SI 00 ; Devon powdore , per Ib , 11 25 ; epsom galtsi per Ib , Sic ; Rlycorlno , rare , per Ib , 25o ; load acetate , per Ib , 20c ; ol , castor , No. 1 per cal. , 81 GO ; oil castor , No. per gal. ' , $1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , $1 40 ; oi iriganum , 50c ; opium , 8100 ; quinine , P. & V. , and R. & a. , per oz. , $110 ; potassium ; Iodide , per Ib. . S3 50 ; solrcin , per or. , 40c ; ul hate morphine , per oz. , 83 50 ; julphnr , po b. 4c ; Btrychnlno , per oz. , 81 80 , PAlnts Olla nnd Ynrnlslion. OILS UO carbon , per gallon , lie ) 150 leadllght , per gallon , lie ; 175 ° hoadll ht ier gallon , IGc ; 150 ° water white , 15c ; lln- cod raw , per gallon , 52c ; HuBoad boiled , per gallon , C5c ; Lnrd , winter str'd , per gallon , 70a ; tfo. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX , per gal. on , 1 COc : No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweat , per gallon. 1 00 ; perm W. B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. B. , > er gallon , G5 ; neatafoot extra , per gallon , OOa ; tfo. 1 , 75a ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; lummer , 16o ; golden machine , No , 1 , per galen - on , 35o ; No. 3 , 28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon DOe ; turpentine , per gallon. 4fo ! naptba , 74 ° , rer gallon , 16c. Spirits , COLOQNE SpiniTH 188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101 iroof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , . 9 : do , 188 proof , 1 18. ALOonoii 1U8 pooof alcohol 2 30 per wine ; nllon. WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 1 00(91 ( 50 ; Tine blended , 1 50$3 00 ; Kentucky bour- ions 2 00@6 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva nia ryes , 2 00(20 ( 60. BRANDIES Imported , G 00@1G 00 ; domes- ic , 1 C0h.3 ( 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domostlo , 1 50 © 300. RUMS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; Now England , 2 00 ® 4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 28 00 © 34 00 ; American , per case , 10 CO@1G 00. Dry P lntB White lead 889 ; French EC , Co ) FatU whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , lc | whiting oom'l , lie ; lampblack , Germantown , 1455 ampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , o nntramarlno , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4o ; umber , raw , 4c ; elonna , burn -let ; ; ienna , .raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o ? aris greoncommon,20c ; chroma ( jroen , N. Y ! 0c ; chrome ( rreon , K. , 12o ; vcrmilllon , Eng ' 5c ; vormilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , red .Oc ; rose pink , Ilo ; Venetian , rod , Gookson'u , ' . { a ; Venetian , red. American , l c ; red lead , 'Jcj chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ; chrome yol- ow , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle , 3c ; ochre , Fronh ! Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter a mineral , 2jc ; lohigh brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown 2io ; oince'a mineral. So. VABNISHES Barrels , per gallant Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; coach , ox- .ra , SI 40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Damar , extra , U 75 ; Japan , 70o ; asphnltum , extra , 85c , shollac. S3 CO ; hard oil finish SI 50. PAINTS IN Oii > - White lead , Omaha , P. P. > Jo ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 50 ; Marseil os green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc ; rroen seal , 12o ; French zinc , red eeal , lie , ? ranch zinc , In varnish Mat. , SOo ; French zinc , n oil east , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b mtu , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke crown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach ilock and ivory black , IGo ; drop black , IGc ; ? nissian blue , 40o ; nltramarino blue. 18c ; chrome green , L. M & D. . 16c ; blind and shutter green , L. M. & D. , 16c ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , 9o ; Tus can red , 22c ; American vermillion , I , & P- ; yellow , 9c ; L , M , , O. & P. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , ICc ; patent Iryer , 80 ; graining colors , light oak , dork oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , lee Dry Goods BBOWN STIEIMINOS Atlantic A , 7Jo ; Allan- .Ic P , 5o ; Atlantic LL. Clc ; Brunswick , Tic ; leaver Dam LL , 5 c ; Lawrence LL , Clc ; Pa cific H , 7 c ; Royal Standard , 62d Indian Head A , 7c ; Wauchusott A , GJo. FINK BBOWN SHEETINGS Argyle , 6c ; Pop- perell R , 6Jc ; Salisbury R , Go. BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , 6c ; Bal Jon , 7-8 , 5ic ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 7jc ; Davoll DD , ilc ; Folrmount , 4o ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , 8c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gate.8o ; Hill 7-8 , 7c ; Hill 4-4. 7c ; Lontdale , 7io ; Now York Milla. lOJc ; Wamautta , 10 Jo. DDOKB ( Colornd ) Boston , 8 or , , lljoi Bos : on,10 or , 10 io > Boston , 9 or. , 12Joj FaU River DCOKB ( Gray ) West Polnt,8 oz. , llo | Woat Point 10 oz. , 12Jc | Point Boar , 8 oz. , Ilo. TIOKINQS Amoakenft , ISo Continental Fancy , 9o | Oordls 13o ( Pearl River , 21cj York , ISicj Homloton Awnings , 12ip. DBNIUS Amoske g , 13o ; Beaver Oreok AA 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Crook CO , 10o : Haymaken , 80 ; Jaflrey D & T , 12Jo ; Jaffrey xxy , isjo ; Pearl River , 13c ; War- ren AXA ( brown ) . 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , Ic ; Warren CO ( drown ) , lOc. OAMBBIOSFifth avenue glove finish , 4 c ; Keystone glova finish , 5o. COBSET JjzANfl Amory , 74c ; Hancock , So ; Kearearge 74c ; Rockport , Gc. PBINTSAliens , 61c ; American , 6ici Arn old's Go ; Oocheco , Go ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo. 7c ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4 , 14iot Steel River , 5fco : Charter Oak , 4 o , POINTS SHIBTINQS Amerlcan,4a | Oocheco , 4&a Gloucester , 4&o ; Bonthbf'dgo , 4io ; Waver- toys 4&c & ; Rosouale , 4io. GINQUAMS AmoBkeag staples , 80 : Bates Btaples , 7c ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plnnket plaids 9c ; Hudson checks , BJo ; Amoskeag Persians , 9c. DBXBS GOODS Atl&ntio alpacca. 9Jo ; Per sian cuhmero , 23)a ) ; Hamloton cashmere , 16 c ; Uamloton Fancus , llioj Hamloton brocades , 15oj Arlington brocade , 18c , Hoar Harilwaro liltt. Iron , rates , 2 10 ; plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible , 5o ; cast tools do , ! Ca20c ; wagon spokes , per set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per sot , 1 25 ; telloet , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70o ; axles , eatb , 75c ; square nnta per Ib , 7allc | washers , per Ib , 8al8o ; rivets , per Ib , Ho ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2c ; malleable , 8c | Iron wedges , Got crowbars , Cci harrow teeth , 4os spring steel , 7a8o ; Burden's horse eboes , i 30 ; Burden's muleshoes , 6 80 , BABBKD WIBB In car lota , 4 00 per 100 , NAILS Rates. 10 to 60 , 2 40 , SHOT Shot , 1 60 ; buckshot , 1 85 } oriental powder , kegs , 3 50a4 00 ; do , half kegs , 200 ; do quarter kegs , 1 50 bl&tttng , kegi , 3 85 ; ( use , per 100 feet , Mo. LlAD Bar , 165. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 1000 ; Mor > rls run Bloisburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreast lump , S 00 ; Whitobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 6 00 ; IOV/R nut , 5 00 1 Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra- ciet , 11 25&11 CO ) Canon City , 7 00 per on , Dry Immuer. Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha , UATTXNB , WELLTDBINO , riCKKTS. O.G. Bate , 3 Inch . 9 ,80 O. G. Baf , SJInch . 70 i inch Bats , s. IB . , . 35 3 Inch well tubing , D. t M . 21 00 3 inch well tubing , Bov . 21 00 PlckeU : D. & U. Flat , 821 00 ; D & H. Square . , . , . . . , , . , . , . , 22 00 niMKNSIONS AND TIMBERS. Kit. MIL 19 It. 18 It 20 It 22 It Ult tx 15 CO 15.00 10.00 U.OO 1800 isloo 2x8 U CO U.0l 11.00 15.00 1C.CO 1000 1900 2x3 1B.OO 15.00 15.0 IB 10 17:00 : 18.00 ID 00 SxlO 14,50 li.50 14.50 16,50 18.50 17.60 18.50 2x12 16.00 If.CO 15.CO 18.00 17.0018. OC 10.00 4x4 SxS. 1850 1S.SC IS 50 1050 17.50118.5 IP 50 snir LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch $16 CO No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch 1460 No.1 , 0. G. . . , 817 50 1st and 2d Clear , 1J InclUs , 2s $50 00 1st and 2d , Clear , 1 } and 2 inch , s. 2s. . 50 00 3d , Clear , 11 inch , r. 2s 40 00 3d , Clear , 1 ? and 2 Inch , s. 2s 4900 1st and 2d , Clear , 1 inch , s , Ss 60 00 3d , Clear , linch , B. 2a 44 00 A Select , linch , t. 2 39 CO B Select , 1 Inch. s. 2s 2900 Clear Poplar , J inch , B. 2s 35 00 FtNCINO. No , 1 , C inch , 12 and 14 feat , rough.$16 Oo No. 1,0 inch , 10 foot , rough 1C 00 No. 2 , C Inch , 12and 14 foot , rough. . . . 14 00 No. 2 , 6 inch , 1G feet , rough 15 00 No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 foot , rough. . . . 1G Oo No. 1 , 4 Inch , 10 f col , rough 10 50 No , 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 00 No , 3 , 4 inch , 1C feet , rough 14 CO BOABDS. No. 1 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 51000 No. 2 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 14 00 No. 3 boards , 12,14 nnd 16 ft 11 CO No. 4 boards , 12,14 and 16ft. ( shipping cull ) 10 FLOORING , 1st Com. 6 Inch , white pine S3G CO 2d Com. G inch , white plno 8350 3d Com. G'inch , white pinp 27 00 Sol. Fence Inch , whlto pine 18 CO 1st and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-6 inch. 24 50 BIDINO. 1st Com. , 12,14 and 16 feet $21 50 2d Com. . 14 and 10 feet 19 50 3d Com. , 14 and 16 foot 14 50 Fence , 14 and 16 feet 10 CO BEADED CEILING , 1st Com. J inch , whlto pine $22 CO 2d Com , | Inch , white pine 20 50 3d Com. g inch , whlto plno 15 50 1st Com. J inch , Norway 15 00 2dCom , p Inch , Norway 1400 Clear Poplar , panel , i Inch , B. 2 a 27 00 STOCK BOABDS , A 12 Inch , a. 1 B. 12,14 and 16 foot 45 00 B 12 Inch , B. 1 a. 12 , 14 and 1C foot 41 00 C 12 Inch , a. 1 a. 12,14 and 1G foot 36 00 D 12 inch , s. 1 B. 12 , 14 and 16 feet 23 00 No. 1 Com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. 14 and 16 ft 17 00 No. 1 Com. 13 in. , s. 1 B. 12 ft. 18.50 No. 1 Com. 12in. , B. 1 B. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00 No. 2 Com. 12 in.a. 1 B. 12,14and 16 ft.14 75 BIINQLES AND LATII. 16 Inch , Clear $3 50 * A Stondard 2 GO 5 inch , Clear 1 70 No. 1 125 Lath 2 35 POSTS. White Cedar , 6 inch , halves 11 io Whlto Cedar , 5J inch , halves 9Ao White Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 9J3 White Cedar , 4 inch , round llo Southern Red Cedar , Gi f cot 15c DENVEU MAKKET.l Fiona Colorado. 100 Ibs , 160@1 76j pat ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 763 00 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 5 75 © 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs. 1 60 ; ryp , 1 00 Ibs. 2 25 ; buck-wheat , per bbl , 7 60 , GBAIN , FKED , Em Wheat 100 Iba , $100 corn in sacks on track , 100 Ibg , 65@70 ; oats , in sacks on track , 100 Ibs , eastern white , 1 15(91 ( 20 ; Colorado white , 120@1 SO ; mixed , 110@116 ; barley 100 Iba , 1 S0@l 85 ; bran , ton , on track , 14 OOSflG 00 ; chop , corn , 100 Ibs , on track , 70c@76 ; chop mixed , 100 Ibs , on track , 100120 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 130 © 140. HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 00@15 00 ; upland , loouo , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; eocond bottom tom , baled , 10 001100 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00@15 00 ; straw , baled , on track , ton , 6 00 @ 8 00. BUTIEB Creamery , fancy , Ib. 41a creamery , fine , Ib , 36(338o ( ; dairy , choice , Ib 20@22c ; dairy , good , Ib , 18@20o ; dairy , fair Ib , 15@lGc ; cooking , Ib. 6@8o. Boas State , candled and warranted , doz , 5@j36c ; ranch , doz , 3G@37o CHEESE Full cream , 16@17o ; half cream b , 10@llc ; skim , Ib , 9a ; Swiss , domostlo b , 2223c ; Swiss , imported , S0@32c ; Pirn- burger , ISo. PODLTBT Live old chickens , doz , 5 00@5 50 ; dressed ducks , Ib , 15@16c : dressed turkeys , Ib. , I516c. POTATOES Colorado , 100 Ibi , 96105 ; sweet , rqrlb , , 4o. VEGETABLES Onions , yellow , 100 Ibs , 225 ; cabbage , 100 lt , 2CO | beets , 100 Ibs , 110125 ; turnips , 100 Ibs , 1 25. FBDITS Lemons , per box , Messina , 4 00(3 ( 4 60 ; oranges , Florida , per box , 6 607 00 ; apploa , fancy bbl , 5 00@5 50 ; apples , medium , bl , 360. b OTOED MEATS Haras , sugar cured , Ib , Hi life : bacon , breakfast , Ib , 12@12ic ; dry oelt Bides , ib , 7i@8c ; lard in palls , Oj9go ; ® rd In tlarces , 8 o. Fnisn MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per Ib , 7i@8o ; hogs , Ib , CKgCJo ; mutton , Ib , 7 @ 7Jo. LIVE STOCK Colorado steore. per lOO.lbs 4 104 60. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , lll12o ; No. 2. Ib. 9@10o ; green steers and branded calf. Ib , 4@5c ; green calflb , 8@10c ; green kip , Ib , 6$7c : eheop skins , dry , 8@10o ; door akins , Ib , 15@20o ; antelope skins , Io , 1215 ; tallow , Ib , fXKGo WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 1416c ; buck , Ib , 80 ; Mexican. 710o. FISH Mackerel , No. 1 , 140 , kit. mess , 1 G0@2 00 ; California salmon , holt bbl , 10 60 ; Holland herring , keg , 1 CO1 60 ; trout , Cper 16(2160 ( ( SuccEsson TO ) FOSTER & GRAY , LUMBER WHITE PINE , YELLOW PINE , CALL FORNIA REDWOOD ASH , OAK , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH CEDAR. Bear Cieek Lime , Louisville Cement Portland Cement , Iowa and Michigan Plas ter , Hair , Eto. Etc. Cor. 6th & Doualas St BAIBUEG-AIERICAIf PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , France and Germany. The Headships ol this well known line are ballt cl Iron , la water-tight compartments , and are fur- nlihed with every requisite to make the passage botb sale and agreeable. They cany the Unltea S tit es and European malls , and lea * a New York Tausdays and Saturdays lor Plymouth ( LONDON OberbougPAHia ( and HAMBURG. Hates , First Cabin , tdO-8100. Steerage , to or ( torn Hamburg. 110. 0.1) . U'OUAKO& ' U0.,0eu tral Pass Agents , 61 Broadway , New Yoik and Washington n I La Belle etteets , Chicago , or Henry inmdt , Uatk Itauien , F , E. Moaree , Harry Deuol In Omaha ; Oronewltr & Bchoenegen , In Council Hlufla Jirtvel on Ilorllck's Fowl. " vrrila hundred * ol jttlul mowers. Mother's inilk contains no tarcU. An artificial food for ItifintH should untr'a > nUrcn. TDe beat Mill iu t nutrittou * iKxl in luialib UK BO MS , VKAksffiiJSsU.faB : lBftB/ ( ii t t iln t for \ ALiikAUY DIOESTED. free f r a March uud reimlrts no copklt-K , Itccnnuueiidca br 1'briilnsa * . HUUiy baiefldJ -Nuninf Mcitlicru aa a drink. Price 40 , . , _ _ ud7rioenU. llralldniwtrtA , icndforHookouUIB 1 reatmeutol UhlldreuItw. "Fullr dlftlUJ 10J u U-lll4Ui. " O.V. Siultl , H U..XltlalllkHJ. - ' ' U < ll tb i ul4bo4 < iliel.-KM * ' . 'U. "So biilluoT la t'tooounclni It op njr to in tkiicntui. ' Jt tuum , jr. xi. , rtn. A r , A'tll U unt bj mail on receipt of price In Ida ] HOULH'K'H FHOU CO. , Harloe , WU. WUsi IIOBUCK'I Cut tiTJucr o MJO.T * - THE CHICAGO * RAILWAY. THK I1EST nOUTK AMI Omaha Council B uffs andC iicago. tr i..u t .uAti . The on ylnolo take for On uoinm , ai gnau. toirn , Cedar lUpltls , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil waukee and Ml points oast. To the people ol No- braskaColorado , Wjomlng , Utah , Idaho , Nexada , Oregon , Washington and California It odors superior advantages not possible by any other lino. Among a tew ot the numerous points ol superior ity enjot ed by the patrons ol this road between Omaha and Chicago , are Us tn'J trains a day ot DAY COACHES which are the finest that human ait and Ingenuity caa create ; lt PALACK SLEEflNO CAI13 which are models ol comtort and elegance ; Ita PAH LOU DRAWING IIOOM OARS , unsurpassed by any and Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS the equal ot which cannot bo found elsewhere. At Council Binds the trains ol the Union Paolfle Ry. connect In Union Depot with those ot the Chlca go & Northwestern lly In Chicago the trains ot this line make cloee connection with those ol all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati , Niagara Falls , Buffalo , 1'lltsburg , Toronto , Montreal Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash , mgton and all points In the East , ask the ticket agent lor tickets via the NOani.WE3TKRN , ' Ifvonwtsntho b st accommodations. All ticket agents sell tickets via this lino. si. Huanrrr. a s nAin , General Manager. de . P/ss. Agent CniCAOOW.N. . BA.BCOCK , Oon Agt , 141 ! FarnamSt , Omaha , Hob. 0 Eail'way Time TaWo. In Effect April 5th. 1885. The attention o ! tha travelling pnblla Is called to the tact that this Is the only complete and absolutely correct tlmo-Ublo published In the city , All trains arrli o at and depart bom Omaha b ; Central Standard Time. Trains ol the a St. P. M. A 0. arrive at and de part Irem their depot , corner cl Jltb and Wobstei itroots ; trains 01 the C. & M. , 0 , IX & Q , , and K , 0 St , J. A 0. B. from the n. b U , depot ; all others Iron the UnlonPaclflo depot. a , Dally ; b , except Saturday ; o , except Sunday ) d , xcepl uonday. WESTWARD'AIUliVK. DEPART. 'AIUliVK. OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS Dummv Trains toave Omaha at 810,7 60 B 60,10 00,1116 a ml60 , S 00 , S 00.4 00. i 65 , 6 CO 1110 pin. OnSandayatne 760 and 10 00a m and 100 and 100 p m trains do nol ran. Arrive at trans fer depot 18 minutes later : Broadway depot SO min utes later. Leave Council BlnOs ( Broadway depot ! at 7 IS , 980,10 SO. 11 m ; 1 BO. S 80 , 880. 58 , 625 and 1115pm. On Holidays the980and 11 40 am and 8 80 and 6 26 p m trains will not run. Arrive at Transfer 7 minutes later , Omaha iO mlnntos later. TrunnforTralnU LOOVO Omaha at 8 16,81 ! am , IS 86,1 20,816 and 7 00 p m , dally. Arrive at B 46 and 1116 a m , 1 20 , 8 80 , 7 85 and 8 16 p. m. _ SUNDAY TRAINS To and from Chicago via the Tripartite Alliance Lines. BPSDIT MOMirHO. | BATOmUT 1VK. I Mil. I lt-1. I N-W I N-W I B-II Ml February. . | 16 1-22 81 SI 7-28 11 Match . . . . I 8-Z9 16 1-221 14 21 7-28 April 18 6-20 181 1-25 11 IS liay 110-81 17 8-241 18 9-28 0-80 Sunday evening and llonday morning trains art lv > In corresponding order. C. B. i Q. trains ran ever. , day. * STOCK YARDS TRAINS. Leave Union Faclflo depot at 0 40 a m and B S6 m. Arrive Iron ] Stock Tards at 7 25 a m and B 25 r m. CHICAGO , THE SHORT M JGT And BEST EOTJTB. OMAHA TO THE EAST , TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar llaplds , Davenport , Clinton , Dubuque , Itockford , Rock Island , Freeport .TanfBvillo , . . . La Crosse , Belolt. Winona , And all other Important points Ka > t , North east and Southeast. Ticket offlco at 1401 Farnam street ( In Paxton no tel ) . and at Union f'aclflo Depot. Pullman Slocporaand the Finest Dining Cars In tbe Warld ara run on tnemaln lines ol the CIIICAOO HILWAL'KB Si ST. PAUL K't and e\ery attention Is paid to passengerD bycouitoous employe ) ot the company. 0. a. MERRILL , A. V. II. OAItPaNTKlt , General Manager , Gcii'l I'aRsoniror Agent. It. MILLEll , OEO. F. IIEAKFOKD , Aes't Qen'l Mantger. * es't Gen'l Pisj Agent J. T. CLARK , Oen'I Buperioteudent The nutso at will aa the Invalid will flnd lioneQt In thoocca'lon- el use ol Hidg'a Fncd , anueapecUlly at night , rtclnu 8 > ea < y o ( tllges- < ) ocs not pro * vent sleep coining at once , and at the lame tlmo will Impact ittengtb as few otho : things will do. His a j reparation ol wheat , ndall Its sttengthen- K' K unjiiiuo [ u ig.uiuuj , 'fry It nureci. Sold by tugglsti sn > l Grocort , Four slzoa , SScouts to 11.76. t-'oml for I ampiilola CDntilnlng Inlormatloa on the subject , Wool rich & Co. , Palmer Mats EUROPE. COOK'S EXCURSION 1'AUTIKS sail from Now Voik In April , May , June and July by first claaa etoi m&hlpB. 8PKOIALTOUBIBT TICKETS lor INDIVIDUAL THAVKLEUS at reduced rates , by the best routes lor pleasure travel. rOUK'd KXCUILSIOKIST , lth tnt,3 , contain lull particular * ; by mall lor 10 cents TIIOS COOK i 81V , 61 l'rr dway , n , ? . Or 109 Doatbu to St , C'alci < o , llli. H. S. ATWOOD , Plattsmouth , Neb. Breeder of thoroughbred and high grade Hereford and Jersey Cattle , And Puroc acd Jersey Ked Bwiuo. CHAS , SHIVERICK , FURWITURB UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , : Pftisaojat ElavMot to nil floori. ? 1208 , 1203 and 1310 Fatnvn'IStrwt. OMAHA , NEBRASKA IEIMDWOOD H.MBER A Full Assortment ot Air and Kiln Drloil Walnut , Cherry , Ash , Butternut , Yellow Poplar Redwood , eto. Hardwood and Poplar Panel , Hardwood Flooring , Wagon Stock. Stair Builders1 Material , Rod Cedar Posts , Common Oak Dimension an < l Bridge Timbers , OPUar Boards for moth proofcloaets.Etc. Veneers , Fancy Woods for Scroll S winREte..Eto. S.W.Oor.9thand Dougl-as. Omaha. Nob. ni'T. CLARESrmtand Treat. A. 31. CLARKRVic PraMtn JOUK T. CtjARKK , Sterttar/ ] . H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY. SUCCEEDING LEIGHTON & CLARKE , T AROESI Jobbing Drujj house between Chicago and San Franclsoo CAPITAL STOCK , $200,000. W JLJ shtll beat the bottom ol the nuikot at all ttmos. Will duplloato Chicago and 8t , Louis prices with freight added. Our specialty will bo Pure Drugs , Paints , Oils and Window Cttasv Es Imatos ( riven on plato Rlosa. To these about to embark In the drug business will ilo well tot > 11 your Interest by calling on us or send lor our prloo list whlchwlllaooou bout January 6th , Mall ord solicited. 114 IIAIWKV DEALERS IN FIRE AND BUBQLAB PBOOF CTtaroot. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil It la'lho boat and cheapest food for Block of any kind. Ono pound la equal to three pom da of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako in the Fall and Winter Instead of running down , will incroaao In weight and bo In good marketable oondl Ion In the spring. Dairymen , aa well a others , who uoo It , can testify to Ita mot Ita. Try It and judge for yourselves. Frlco 824.00 per ton. No charge for saoki Addreaa WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Neb , THE A. L. STRAJSTG COMPANY ; Double and Single Acting Power and Hano pan osa { tEoglno Trlmmlngi ! , Mining Machinery , Bolting , iloso , Branj and Iron Fittlngi at wholesale or retail. HALLADA.Y W1ND-MILLS. OHDBOB AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. Wholesale Druggists AND DEALER IN OMAHA , NEB. M , HELLMAN & CO , , a 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TD , S3O THE LEADING Gi 1409 and . .n indication famished f i 111113113 H Edholm & Erickson WIIOL 'SALE ' A1V-D RETAIL JEWEL S AND MUSIC DEALERS. Steinway , Weber and Jlaincs" Packard Orchestral Organs. Jewelry Edholm & Erickson Corner 16tli and Dodge , Opp. Postoflico ,