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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , "Wednesday Morning , May 18 , SUBSCRIPTION HATES. By CanlM - - - - - - -10 oenl : p f week 87 Mall - - - - - - - 110.00 pat J'Oit MINOR MENTION ] Bricks for sale In largo or Bma11 lota by J , A. Weaver , No. 81D Seventh nvo- nuo. nuo.Oomo and see goods and pticoj at the now boot and shoo sloro of R. I. Bkiles , No. 102 Main slract. Children will bo admitted to the "Car nival of Nations" in Mhaonlo temple to morrow evening between the hours of G:30 : and 8:30 : for ten cents each. The posters announcing tbo tunning mooting to bo hold at the driving park hero May 20th to 28h ( , aio the most attractive soon hero in m&ny a day. In the nuporlor court yesterday , a motion fjr a now trial in the cssa of Scott vs. Richardson was heard and overrule J nnd the defendant given thirty days to prepare a bill of exceptions. T. Mower , of Cedar Rapids , was in the city yesterday , on his way to Vllllsca , to attend ; a meeting of the South western Iowa dairymen's association. Ho is vlco-prosldont of tbo state associa tion , and is an enthusiastic worker In that line. Miss Potter reads and Impersonates grandly. Her delineation of Sarah Bornhardt was as well received as her Impersonation of Charlotte Cnshman and John B. Qaugh. She is extremely ver satile and recites fluently in French. [ Now York Herald. Miss Helen Potter's impersonations were not merely good , they were remark able and fixed her rank as a character delineator second to no ono on or off the Btago. St. Louis Republican. At Do- hany'a , Thursday eve , May 14. AdniU- ulon , 50 cents ; children , 25 cents. At the last meeting of the council an important improvement was started upon , the city engineer being instructed to make the necessary survey for the pur pose of establishing a driveway from the end of Oakland avenue , through the corner of the cemetery , along the land of Mr. Rohrer , onto the ridge , where there Is a chance for a road a mile In extent , as level aa a floor , and presenting a splen did view of the Missouri valley , and con necting at ono end with Grand avenue , nt the other end with the lake road , thus giving two ways to circle about and enter the city. By this means the city wonld have ono of tbo most beautiful drives to IB found in the west , and the expense Is estimated not to exceed § 500. The owners of adjacent property are willing to glvo the right of way , and the whole expense can then easily bo provided for. As soon as the engineer can prepare tbo Burvey , further steps will bo taken , and It is thought that the plan can bo suc cessfully carried out. In making the toad , the ascent is said not to exceed SQVOU feet in a hundred , and the descent at the other end only four feet in a hun dred. " WILL NOT SUBMIT. * Tie Democratic Aldermen Declare the 6 Election o ( City Officers Illegal , The Mayor Vetoes the Kcaolutluu of the Council Moro Litigation Threatened , I - , , The election of city ofliors at the conn- oil meeting Monday night did not salt | | ' the democratic minority of that body , and they are preparing a grand "kick. " They claim that the election was illegal , and they propoeo to contest U , and in * tbis the little mayor proposes to take a hand Aa was announced in y OB tor day'a BIE : , Mr. Dalrymplo was elected as city olojk in place of the present Incumbent , Ed- 1 ward Troutman , and Capt. D. F. Etcher was elected chief of the tire department In place of 0. Walters. The chief point ruteod on the chieftain ship of the iird department in that the ordinance , passed just before Waltorawas olcctad , provides tint the ch'of eh ill hold Ills oQlco for two years , uu'cjs removed for cause , aa provided in the caao of the city officers chosen by the council , "or , unlcsi the city councilJibnll befora the expiration of that time , elect a successor at the aannnl election of city officers. " It is claimed that under the statutes of the state , this annual election must beheld hold on the second Monday after the election of the nldermon , or , in other words , the election muet take place on the night of the first meet ng of the new council. This time having pissed , it Is claimed that that the council cannot now elect now men. The claim that tbo old city clerk Is atill to hold ou la based upon the same statute. The ordluanco under which the chief of the fire department propoioa to hang on , was pasted jest before Walton was elected , and was supposed to have been framed for ( lie special purposa of making way for his election , the old or Jl nance providing that the chief could hold unll * removed for cause , and as there was no cauta for removing Ohlof Temple- ton , the new ordinance was passed BO as to let Walters in. The mayor , of course , takes a hand In the low , ana the part t ikon by him is In the form of a veto. Tbo council at its list meeting passed a roiolulion that "Wo now procoid to tbo election of ft city clerk , " etc , and a slmlhr resolution was passed jaat previous to voting on the question of chief of the fire department , and those resolutions tbo mayor yetter- day vetoed , thus In his judgement miking the election of both officers illegal , Whether this prooeduro will cat any figure or not , is a question The whole matter is to be brought before a meeting of the council next Ttieiday evening , and the effort Is to be made to bnlldcm the rqmbl c n members Into backing down , 1ftMs Is not eilucted ( hen l.tlg tlon Is threntocod. It U claimed th t it will takofivo alder men to pa is the icaulutlons over the mayor's veto , end thiro are but four votes to two , THE KNIFE AT THE ROOT- The Operalioii of the Iowa Pharmacy Law as Shawn by an Expert , An PAppoul Tor .Ilepcal Iron-Clnil Tyranny anil Kcy-llolo Spies Grinding the Country Merchant , To the Editor of The liKt. The Iowa Pharmaceutical atsoclatlon will convene during this treok at Council Bluffs. This is a voluntary association of the diuggtsta of the itnto of Iowa , nod has for its object "tho elevation and exten sion of pharmaceutical knowledge , " and as thcso meetings have been hold since the year 1880 , the interest in them ii ralhor Increasing than othorvriso. Thcro is no doubt a very wide dissatis faction among the whole fraternity on ac count of the diversity of action , and the fearfully oppressive character of the pro hibitory law , and also the intolerant par tisan way In which the pharmacy law is enforced in tbo state. While the association la deliberating how to got the privilege of selling liquor and not allowing a man to drink his medicine , the writer would respectfully call tbo attention of the members to another field of investigation , and one which will repay tholr labors. No ono but a drngglst can bo directly Interested In the practical working of a pharmacy law , and thcso arc now awak ing to tbo fact that the silken flags of the first conception has been so re-spun and entwined ntjalu and again that as it now la meshed nroand the victims , the Iowa druggist find himself tied band and foot. The babe of 1880 has developed into the blustering giant of 1885. Let the dtugglstB ask for a special com mittee to report upon tbo practical work ings of the pharmacy law , and what will they find ? A four pointers will assist them in their Investigations. They will find that 20 per cent , of the druggists have left the state or the trade in disgust ; that the value of tbo stock in trada as property has depreciated in real mercantile estima tion over 50 per cent , so that If wo bad SIO.000,000 of drugs in 1880 , today they would not bring § 4,750,000 , If a man should die his widow would not conduct bis business , not oven to soil oil the stock to the best advantage , unless she paid some fledged registered pharmacist 875 per month , BO as to sell poisons ot put up prescriptions when the whole year's sales would not cover § 25 in any country town , and those are the drug atoris which are the most numer ous. Although drug stores were eagerly sought after SB a good investment before 188U , to day they are the very worst property to have. No ono but a pharma cist can buy and they have not always got the money. The law may benefit the city trade in preventing small capitalists from inveat- Icg their funds in tbis class of business , bat it works direct damsga to all country trade. It is directly oppoaad to the freedom of our institutions in that It builds up a , of legislation which is only equalled by that of tha Hindoo caste- system so re volting and abhorrent to all true Americans. This law has boon of great advantage to these wealthy druggists who have the capital to invest in several stores , and Eomo have throe or four such stores run by yeung clerks with little bits of paste board Tti'.h throe chosen names upon it , which qualification fits them for all the responsibilities of pharmacy. The wealthy druggists are tbo ones who desire to keep this law in foice ; It ia a gold mine for them and for the com missioners who hold this sinecure office. The writer is compelled by his profes sion to travel all over this state and visits most of the leading drug stores ; nlno out of ten would hold up both hands to repeal it. There are others who are making the most strenuous ondotvors to create more colleges of pharmacy of couno they would enforce it to the very utmost ; it is money and position for them which their own natlvo talent or their education wonld not give. These commissioners in five years have purged out some dczon of the licensees , several of whom never violated a law , and certainly If they had done were not iiura guilty than the majority of tholr fellows , not one of whom can truthfully say ha has not got his own chcson coterie of trus'od ' friends. Ono gentleman told the wiiter that all ho had to do to keep solid was to buy a good bill of the interested manufacturer and "it fixed him. " This may , or may not , bo true , buc It is true tbat discriminations are mi da in enforcing this law ; a republican , although ho pleads guilty , retains his certificate , while a democrat is not allowed to prove his Innocence and loses his cer tificate. One infamous thing is done In the carrying out of this odious law. The spy system of the old country has been introduced and men are employed to lay traps for , and convey sly and perverted judgment upon thoto aqalmt whom ac- tlou is desired to be maintained. How long Is this manner of legislation to continue ! Liberty lies bleeding at the altar of popular misconstruction and fanatical fury , blinded by old mots- covorid b'gotry , still holds away. Tis no wonder men resort to secret retalia tion , for it makes no difference whether the opprcsor bo the people under tbo name of a state or a crowned king with his royal mandate , manly liberty trill assert itself , hcmau rights must bo main tained and the privileges of citizenship shall bo oDJoyul , In conclusion , lot the druggists enquire If these things are not so , then move on- masse and petition for.tho total repeal of the law whtoh now enthralls them. The people are the best judges as to whom they will trust their proscriptions , and not the few monopolists who have rained tto drag business tot tholr own agrandizjment. JOUN THOMPSON. DBS MOINKS , May 11 , 1885. Real KstMO Transfers. The following are iho transfers of real estate as recorded In the office of the registrar , and reported to THE BEE by A. J. Stephenson , for Tuoiday , May 12 : W J. Williams to H. J. Hose , part s w J 11 , -14-S500 J. A. T. Bates to Robert Twigg , part nw 1 nw 113,75 , 40-8225. James D Parker to Boiritt Morton , se iuwfrl4,7-l 38-l,010 IS U. Hnrrjs to J F. Klmbill ot si , se > e 123 , 74 , 38-8100 E 0 HaniitoJ F. KlrobUl nt al , n i no J and aw \ no 11 , 74 , 38-lOO. Nut's ' HoneiMi to ilans Ager , part no ( 11 , 7 , 43-5300. J F. Pau'sen ' to Hano Honzen , sw I 1. 77 , 38-85.COO. Levl D. Bnell to H. P. Brisbeo , lot 12 and 13 , block 10 , Macedonia $050. D N. Mognoder to G. W. Smith , lo 7 , Bsunhn's sub $825. H. J. Moss to Minerva Mots , lot 0 Danthorn's edit Ion to Loveland SCO. Total tales , $9.070. POP GOES THE POP. functions Asked Against Six Conn oil Bluffs Saloons , Hope Hanging on the Alleged Dofcc In the House Journal Saloon Men Starting Cases , The war opened on the saloonlsts yes tcrday , the sheriff portonally serving no tices in six cases iu which injunction ! nra to bo asked for before Judge Connor , at Glonwood , on the 15th. These thus notified to appear at that llmo and place were : Charles Barghaneen , Smith & Moyera , William Lacy , Mike Nolan , F. Bokempor , and John Cramer. The person asking that injunctions bo iisuod against those parlies , to rottrain thorn from soil ing intoxicating liquor * , laCapt. A. Over- ton. This move was not wholly uuex pected , and as thcro was no attempt to seize stock or to compel immediate clos ing of buslnots , the serving of the notices created no special excitement , and there were no such scones to record as charac terized the attempt of the Macedonia officers to clojo the falcons here last sum mer. mer.It Is understood that the saloon men propose to make a legal fight , and ono of the attornoya retained by them , said to a BEE man yesterday , that no stone would bo loft uaturnod to defeat the attempt to make them closo. Every possible hook will bo searched out , and taken advantage of , and if there is any possible way of escape , the saloon men will try to find it. This threatened long fight in the courts will ba a surprise to some , who thought that if the first move was made the saloons would bo closed without a struggle. The report of the recent decision of Judge Lootbonrow has given hope to the saloon men , it being virtually that there Is a fatal mistake in the present prohibi tory law , from the fact that the journal of the honso does not show that the law ever passed the honso , tbo record show ing simply recording the fact that such a bill was introduced , and afterwards that it was pasted by the senate. This newly discovered loop hole Is looked upon as a way of cscapo from the penalties fixed by the law , and if the defect proves to be as claimed , it will be a tad blow to prohi bitionists , and will put a stop to further proceedings until a now legislature meets , and then there will be a fight to prevent any prohibitory legislation. The fact , as stated by responsible per sons in a position to know , is that Judge Loofbourow has not decided that there is a defect in the passage of the law but in deciding the oasss , ho simply stated that ho wonld Issue a temporary writ of in junction , and that ho would reserve the decision on that point until the cases came up on a final heating , BO that iho point Is still to be battled over. A strange move was started yesterday on the anti-prohibitionist side of the camp , It being to head off any moro cases on the prohibitory sldo by getting up totno cases themselves. Accordingly there was some strange sights presented of saloon men Retting out papers against each other , the cases to como up before Judge Ayloaworth to-day. Just what is expected to bo gained by tbis point is not apparent , but they have a point in view , doubtless , which they hops will result to the advantage of thobusiness. Tbo saloon men complained of ore : Dave MoAdams , John Kramer , Rapp & Allen , Fritz Moyera , William Laoy , Smith & Meyers , P. Bechtelle , J. Neumeyer , Wagner & Sherlock , Mary White , Theodore Lund , L. Kaahlo , F. Bokompor , Max Mohn , Hoist & Spotman , Forrest Klnnoy , Oliver Lowell , E. T. "McKin , some on the list being well known hotel men The petitioners getting out these papers are , McCarthy , 0. Sohllmmo , and John Coylo , and G. A. Bergman. The myt- terlons move is recognized to bo and en couraged by those who are not in favor of enforcing tbo prohibitory law. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street. The Harbour Company. Next Monday evening the Barbour dramatic company will appear at tbo dime museum and theatre for a two weeks' engagement. They are now playing to crowded houses in Omaha , and their suc cess in Dia Molnos is thus stated by the press there : "Mr. Barbour appeared at his best in the character of 'Joshua Wbitcomb , ' the quaint old farmer , and his support was excellent. All in all , the Barbonrs are the best company that over played an en gagement in Lewis' opara house , and wo , -oioo the sentiment of all who heard ; hem in expressing Iho hope that they will visit DOS Momes again in the near future. " Facts worth remembering when you buy wall paper. 1st. That Board , next door to poat'jflico hai the largest itock to leloot from. 2d. That his prices ar < as low JIB the lowest , 3d That ho is a practice ! interior decorator and employs 10110 but skillful workmen. To the rubllc. Owing to the advantage my opponent in iho Bill Posting business has over mo .n controlling the work fur shows he has in his opera house , I am compelled to give up that part of the work , but I ahtll still contlnuo to do Local , Dime Museum and Circus business. And I wish to say to those parties tbat own ground whore I bavo my bill-boards , all of whom have treated me very kindly , that in ciso my opponent tries to maVo arrangments for said ground or billing places they will pleaao lot mo know before doing so , for which I shall be under many obligations , Yours , respectfully , W. 0. UKTHANK. Reitor , in order to close out hi ! proiont stock of tailoring goods , Is putting prices at 21 to 35 per cent below cost. No. 810 U road way. FEKSONAU Mrs. 0 , M , I'ogle has returned from a visit torolatlveaiu Nebraika. A. Poland , of the Mills county Journal , w s a caller at the BEB of lice ywterday. Dr. Snyder , of .Mnlvtrn , ii attending the wrmAcentical meoclation , lietldea being an excellent drugRlst , ho is en old newipaper man , HARKNESS BROTHERS , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. CARPETS , CARPETS. CARPETS. 'A large stock and choice patterns. Prices clear down. Dry Goods , Dry Goods All the novelties in Dress Goods , Silks and White Goods , Always Lowest Prices , We make a suecialtv of Store Sliadmgs- Office Mattings , the furnishinp- churches offices and public buildings , | Excurslpti Rates. ThoGcrman Baptists , or Dunkarda , hold heir yearly meeting at Mexico , Ponn. , on the main line of the Pennsylvania railway. 204 miles east of Plttsbnrg , tfny 22 , 1885 , Rates from 0 unctl Bluffa for the round trip , § 28. Parties mrchaslng their tickets at the union iffico , 507 Broadway , have choice of outos to Chicago. Tickets on sale from May 15th to 25 , good for return paissgo tillJ uno 20 th. J. L .Di ; BE vojsE , Agent. Artists' Materials at G. R. Beard's Wall Paper Store. Send for prloo list. COMMKUGIAU , COUNCIL BLUrrS MARKET. Wheat-No. 1 milling , 70j Nc. 2 , G5 ; No. 3 , 60. Corn Now , 28c. data For local purposes , 00. Hay $ 00 per ton ; baled , 60. Rye COo. Corn Meal SI. 60 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , f .00 ® 6 60. 60.Uoal Delivered , hard , 0,50 per ton ) so't 4.00 per ton Lard Armour's , wholesaling at "i ) . Flour City Hour , 1.50@2.90. Brooms 1.75@3.00 per doz , HVH STOCK. Cattle Butcher cows ? .25@.76. Butcher toors , 3.76@4,00. Sheep 3.CO@3.60. Hoga 3.60(23.75. ( FBODUOK AND TBUITS. llutter Receipts are increasing ; choice creamery2@24'j ; choice oonntry , lOe ; good 2J < * 14c ; poor to fair , G@10c. Koll butter hould be wrapped ia bleached butter cloth and clofely packed. Poultry Demand strong supply light ; live print ? chickens , good eire , S6.10 per doz. ; live old chickens , light nnd medium weight , " ? 3.50@3.75 perdnz. ; live old chickens , heavy weight , ? ! 00 ; live turkeys , 10&llo peIb. . At present the weather is too uncertain to hip dressed poultry ; however high prices can > o obtained for choice stock arriving in good condition. Game Demand is only for fresh killed ducks ; mallardB.S2.00 ; mlxed.Sl.fiO ; teal , 1.00. Onions None in market ; choice stock would likely bring S1.7S ; sprouted nnd poor , $1.00@1.25. Beans Clean stock in gooddemandat S1.25 5)1.35 ) for mediums , and $1,50 for navies ] dirty stock is dull at 81. 00. Potatoes The freight war has given ua choic Wisconiins and Mlanesotna at C5@70c. jiood natives are going at 60c in bulk ; small ota of sacked , C5c. Green Peas None but poor stock aa yet , at 12 00 * 3 00 per bushel. String Beans 70c to Sl.OOJper box of one- Iiird bushel. New Potatoes $2.50(3 ( 3,00 per bushel , Sweet Potatoes -Table , 3@4cperlb. Strawberries 30@25o per box. Asparagus Small native , 75a to 1 00 ; Cal- forma , S1.502.(0. Spinach § 2 0 per bbl. For/jot Detroit Free Press. "What ! Yoi In mourning 1" she ex claimed , as she entered the car and caught sight of an acquaintance. "Yea " "Some ono dead1 ? "Yes " l"Dead and buried , oh ? " ? . - "Yes. " "Well , that's too bid ! Died of pneu monia , I suppose ? " ' No of brain fever. " "Dear me , but that's awfnll flow do rou like my now hat ? " The newcomer rattled on in this fash- on for twenty minutes , and then leit tbo car. As it started again after leaving her on iho crosswalk she made a vigorous notion to the conductor , and when ho ind brought the vehicle to a halt eho aid : "Won't you plcaioosk tbat lady friend > f mine if it was her husband or ono of lor children who died. I forgot to find out. " She didn't find out that trip. AMUSJEMJEWTS. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. 6th Ave and 1'sarl Street , ( IToimoily Uttttn's Illnk. ) PALMER & SANDER , Prop'rs & Managers. One week only , commencing MONDAYMAY11TH Our great specialty with tbo following principals II. F , COOl'EU , Tin latest Musical fhooi metier. J. B. 8ANUKKS , Jtmntft * nd Contortionist bJGNOK DKL , FUKGO.The King of Fiie- Citera OUR ODRIO HALL. Vill contain Freaks of Nature , Curioiitiei , and Mechanical Wonders , principal among which will be foucd the world reputed won der , Prof. 1L A. StcnJeM. who U a whole pliow of him- elf with his wonderful e'ectrnmuflcaltliaumagcopc. ' PIIOF. K. M. DUN TON , Illusionist. MISS A PATTERSON , Tco Lightning "L&'WANDO BALDWIN , The Armless Vender , JUUAUK n DWELL , the Dobemltn Qla'S Bloucr A Hfaort for Lidloo. A 1 1 fcort for Ch Idreu. 1'atrnnlzed by the ulltc , nothing tuccccda like euo- cue. Museum open 1 to 6 ami 7 to 10 1 > m Tlioittu loiloimiDceeven Kicolot ; mdHilutcaj Matmeo Ladleacan gtftljrltlt thl < p pularpUce of amuse. tnent ullhoul an o.cort M the m nageinoct : perarn I guaraoteo that nuthlrg will be done to ofltud the loai Uatldluua , Office of I he ) Council Ilua * City Water Works Ccrai any , > l < o. 28 Pearl Street ) To Whom It May Concern : I'irsonttoldlrg lima crdera against thli company lust present the lam all Im above office IOT p j- mentcnor brfore thu t nth day tl June next , as Iter thin ate iho oonitructlon Vooktvl ! loiuut o tae New Voik office , Ilini ordeis will not I ore- civ tJ ID jajmcut of water rcnUafter thU date. lliRM OlXKtVBlSK , Cen'lJlgr , iCbl.Ergr. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special n vertlsemont ! , no a Ixxt round , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , etc. , will be Inserted In thli column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or the Dn Insertion ind FIVE CENTS PEH LINE tot each enbaoquonl rtlon , Leave Advertisements al out offloo , Ho. Pearl Street , near Broadway WANTS. FOK RBNT 7 room house , corner Bcnton and Harmony Std. Enquire 218 Harrison St. FOR HsLE AT A lA.KGAIN-Tho doslrablo resi dence or buslnoi a properly on Upper Broad way , known s the I'OVTOIS iilaco. Apply to GKO. U , DKAUD , 82 Main street. "ANTS TO TrtADK. uood low ft cr Nebraska land for a Email stock of bardnaro or general merchandise. cll located. SUAN& WALKHR. TJiOK SALE A rare chance to get fine , well 1m- J ? pro > od farm of 400 acres , within a few miles of Council Bluffs , at a bargain. Low prlco and easy terms. t-WAN & WALMU T7 > 011 BALK A good pajlntc hotel property with J ? livery ( table , In one of the best email towns In western Iowa will sell with or without furnltnro , or will tiado for a email farm with stock etc. BWAN & WALKKR. FOK SALE Lands Improicd aad unimproved. If > ou want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus heir from jou. SWAN < s WALKKB. TfOll SAl K A lareo number of business and reel. JU denoe lots In all parts of Council BluOs. See ua before j ou buy. SWAN & WAIKBR. HlOlt SALtc Parties wishing to buy cheap Iota to build on can buy on monthly paymcnta ot from 82 to $10 HWAN & WALKER " 17011 KEN I We will rent you a lot to build on J ? with the prlvllage to buy If you wish on very liberal term" . SWAN & WALKBB. "TfOK KENT Desirable residence 007 Fourth tit Appl ) J. W. Damon. LilUU HALE IIOUBCS Lota and Land. A. J. J Btcpren on , 603 Kiret avenue. ' > tveiy oouyiu council Bluna u ikke WAfl'lKL . Delivered by carrier al only twenty conta a week. FOR KTCIIANOK N . 163 , 10,000 acres land ten mtlesBouth of Sidney , Neb , , for Council Bluffs proncrty. No. US. A go3d steam flooring mill In Cedar Co , lena , for a stock of general merchandise or hard' ware , value 10'CO No. 169 Ilotcl property in Tajlor Co. , Iowa , for gacd farm property , \aluo 44,000. No. 1(0 Land ia Halt and Lincoln Cos. , Nob. , for Council Bluffa property. No 101. Fine Improved farm for cheap western land. land.No , 101. One of the best farms In 1'cttawattamle oiunt ) , Iowa , 400 acres for wild Kancas or Nebraska land. land.No. . 169. Hotel In Pueblo , Col. , worth $ D.COO , for Iowa , Kama' , or Nebraska land In part and long time on baltnce. No. 171. Good farm , for stock of gooda or hard ware. No 172. Wild lands In Rook ) Co. , Neb. , for stock of dry B' > eds. No. 176 House and lot In Clarlnda Page Co , Iowa for Kcbra > kaor lowaltnl ; value SICOO. No. 177. Hotel In on * ot UaKO'a's bejt towns , viluo fa.uoo , fur stock ot drugs for part and linci improve d or unimproved Jso. 178. Sjloadld bargains In Klcth Co. , Noli , wild latd for lands In western Iowa or good stock ol dint ; , or hardware , No. 13' . A half Interest In a flret class plow works , well located , for lands valued 88SOO. No. 182. MO icrci imp-oved farm In CisaCo. , Iowa also ono la 1'ala , Alt > Co , , of 316 , for stock ofgocdt He. 183. tlore bul.dlng and stock ot general mcrctandlec , in a Iho wistejn town tVr wottorn land , Improve4 or unimproved , volu $14,609. And hurdrcilsof ( ther special rxcltan o bargains for particulars , call and see or n rite to faWAN & WALKRIt , Council bluffs , la Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders. Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Our stock is the Largest in tie and is being continually replenished by all the latest and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Biufts E , Eice M. D. ° ' othr tswori r nCT a wltbeil Iki b Ut tr dmrtcj cl Uwi. CHRONIC Orer ttutjr ! " practical ipirlMU BUM f , Peat ) lUeet.OorucllIUcfil. Int. W. P. A.YLESWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AID RAISER , Brick buildlrma of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. JFraino hcuso moved on Little Giant trucks , the boat in the world. W. P. AYLSWORTir. 1010 INinth Street , Council Blnffa AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broad-way , - - Council Bluffs. The cnly nil night house in the city. Everything served in firet class style and on shor notice. Hot and cold lunchoa always ready. Sill ill & TOLLEK , AGTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA. AOomplete Line of New Goods to Select From. AJCIR TF/71 Discount all Prices. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , 37 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa TO JSS3DIJXJ Brs. Judd & Smith's : W IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office and Factory , Mo SO , Fourth St. , Council Huffs , Iowa. Keep Horses end Mules constantly on hand which wo will tell in retail or carload lots All S toe arranted as Renresented AVhoIesalo and rotall dealers In Grain and Baled Hay. 1'ricoe rca- sonililo ( Satisfaction Guaranteed. So BOLE'S" Cor. Dth Av. and 4th St. , Counc'l ' Blutfa. J. L. DrBEVOISB. tet Apt , No. 607 Broadway Council Bluff * . Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the arrival and de parture ot tralna by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depol ten mio- ntei eatller and arrive ten minutes later. DKMUT. AilBIWt , tuiciooand NORTUWUTUN , B:2i : A M Mall and KiproM flj'O'r M 12:40 r u Accommodation 40 : r M 6:30 : IM Kxpioea 9.05 A M OBIOIOO ABD BOOS ISUHD. 0:26 : A M Mall and Express 8:53 : T M 76 : A u Accommodation 6:16 : r M 5:30 : i > u Excreta 0:00 : A u CTIIdOO , MILWACKII iHD ST. riUl. 0.20'A M Ma'l and Express 0.50 r 62S ; v u Kiprest 0.05 A CHICAGO , BUEUSOro 1KB QDIBCT. 0tO : A ) ( Mall and Express 7:10 : r M 12:3i : ) r ti .Acconmodatlon fM r M 6:45 : iJ Exjirtus fc:50 : A u WA i U , BT. LOOTS AID rAOinO. Krom Transfer only , 1:30 : r H St. T.ouli Expreea 2:16 : r u 7:10 : r u Chic if o Eii | via Teorla 9:10 : A M KAKIAS CITT , BT , 10 * AHD OOmOIL ILOTTI. 100h ; A u Mall and Rxpreis 6.40 F U 8:16 : F tl Kiprua 6.26 A U I10UI CITT AKU rlCTTIO 70 : A M Mall for Sioux City 6 50 F M 7iO : F u Expre a for Ht Paul 8:60 : A u L'MOS' FAOiriC , 11:00 : A u Dinvcr E > preu < 35 F M 1:06 F u Uncolo 1'tu.i O'tt t H V 2.35 F u 7:66 : F u Overland txpriva 8.SO A u TRAINS TO OMAHA. Leave Council llloll * - 7:16-80-9.30-10SO ll : < o a. m. 1:30 : 2:80-8.80 : 4:28 : 6:26 6:25 : 11:16 : p.m. Leave Omaha 6 10 7:5t e:80 : 10 11:15 : a. m. 12.60-2.00 S.OO-tikO 1.66 6:66 : II. 10 1) , m. ONLY HOTEL In Couuo Illunn hulnf a And all modern improvements , call bells , fire alarm bells , etc. , is the CBESTON HOUSE Kos. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street. H. SOEUKZ. OTT70E OTXB AUKBIOAfl BZPBEfiB POUNCEL BLUFFS. IOWA. JACOB SIMS , COUNCIL BUJF1B , IOWA. Offloe , Main Btre't , Rooms 7 and 8 , ShURart and Ileuo block , WlllprantloolnBlate nd tatu court * , THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TVPENO. NO. 2 , lathe JJiylicBt Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With cnly 33 keys to learn an operate. It prints 70 cliaracture Including : caps and email letters , , fluurca , elgng anil ractlons It a the elinplest and moit rapid writing machine made an well as the moat durable for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Sff nns & Benedict , Chicago , 111 , , Hole Agenln. 0. II. BIIOLES , Council Bluffs Agent for Western lovra MANDEMAKEES & VAN , AROHITEOTS. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Tipper Broad way , Council BlnlTs. TI1OH. CUVJCKIl. W. H , M. 1'UHKY Officer & Pusev. CounoU Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Dealers in Foreign and Domwtio