THEDAILBEE TUESDAY , MAY 12 , 1885 , Prosoonto the Swindlorsi If when you call for HOD Bitters ( see pfroon cluster ot Hops on the whlto label ) the druggist hands out any stuff called 0. D. Warner's Gorman Hop Bitten or with other "Hop" name , refuse it and shun that druggist us yon would a viper ; and if bo has taken year money for the stuff , Indict him for the fraud , and sue him for damages for the swindle , and wo will reward - ward jen liberally for the conviction , "iHavoSufferea,1' ' With every disease Imaginable for the lost three years. Oar Druggist , T , J , Anderson , recommend ing , 'Hop Bitters" to mo I nse'd two bottles. Am entirely cured and heartily recom mend Hop Blttora to ovoryono. J. D. Walker , Bucknor , Mo. Counterfeiting Proves Superiority. Although countorfolting is ono of the greatest crimes against the business of any country , end in many cases "Destructive to health and llfo ! " "It proves beyond a doubt tho" "Superiority" Of the article counterfeited ; As no inferior article is ever counter feited. Proof of this Is to bo found in the great number in "Australia , England , Franco , "Germany , India , Belgium , Canada and the U. S. Of counterfoils of the great remedy. "Hop Bitters , " Whoso name and merits are BO well known the world over that it IB a "Shining mark and favorite prey "For Counterfeiters 111" Beware of thoao that do not have a green cluster of hops on the whlto label. Prosecute the Swindlers ! ! ! If when you call for Hop Bittern ( BOO green Cluster of llopi on the white Ubol ) ttte drug gist bands out any stuff called 0. D. Warner's Gornmn Hop Uittcra or with other "Hop" name , refuse it and ehun that druggist us you would n viper ; nnd if ho hnatnlcen your money for the BtulT , Indict him for the fraud and BUO him for dnrnagea for the swindle , and wo will reward you liberally for the conviction * I ; , I ' al , voilil , em * . Djitvpuft. plmtiitk. ef.r tbd Ari * . n4 ti onlm of ih Dip-nit. Ore tnf. A f , At ol * Inirtrt t dclldoM flir Klutof chbDpuni. J 10 * ll miuin r JrILk , Try I ) . t . . ioni , uil IO'U'T pVr mitifiinlol BUU.umJietiu ltir MLJ U. D MlOIKTdfOJS. I. W. TTUITIEMilTlI , G3L3 iQSlTt ; Tr V V In order to on rich . the blood , nntl thus Impart frceh vigor > an enfeebled system Btlmnlato lltgglng % tion nlth the national iavlfjorant , Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , which , by _ . Inutl' ( oncrg } Into rr the operatloniot the 'L Btoma-li , promotes 1 nay , itmuoi thor- 1 OUKOdigestion and astlmllailon , and cooeoinent nutil- tlin. A Rain to ap- polltoU or and llosh , H I'i variably found to follow a ao ireo ofthlsdoMrr. ! cdlv , popular Ionia , , - - . which I1 , moreover , a reliable rrovcntho of maUrlal fever. For sale by kll Diuffglsta nd Doaleri generally. THE BEST THING OUT FOB Washing & Bleaching In Hnrd or Soft , Hot or Cold Water. BAVM Linen , Tin Hand SOAP AMAZINGLY , and gives universal satisfaction. No family rich or poor thould bo without It , , Sold by Ml grocer' . DKIVARH of Imttatlonn well do- slgno I to mislaid. PKARLINB is the OMT SAVB lubor Having compound and always bears the above Byrn- belaud Lament .TAMES PYM5 NK\V YOUK. A PERFECT SMOI3 FOR IADIC0 , MIBBEO A > CHIkDHCN , OUR PRODUCTIONS RCPRC8CNT THC PcnrrcTioN orSHOc-MAKiwo. IN THCM EVERY OBJECTION FOUND IN RtADV-MADC SHOC8IS REMOVED. THC 8UCCCSS AT ONCC ATTAINED DV OUR GOODS WHEREVER INTRODUCED 13 OWING TO THC rACTTHATTHCY ARC OLOVI-riTTINQ , ELEGANT IN 8TYIC ANDnNISHOFTHCriNC8TMATERIAL3 AND WORKMANSHIP. AND MODERATE IN PRICE. THE HORRORS OreREAKINQ.IN ARC AVOIDED : THIY ARC COMFORTABLE FROM THE VERY FIRST. WE MAKElSSIZEBl IN 14 WIDTHS ! AND 6 SHAPES Of TOES AND HEELS. Leek far cur A'n > e en the Salts , J. & T. COUSINS , VOH.IC , H.W.WETE-2ERELL , 1U and 117 Wabuh OXXXO.A.G-O. Hair Cloth and Win Bustles. Hoop Skirls,1 hair Cloth Skirts , ? AM > A nu , Lr K or / BLACK" " ) -S2L Thli cut rpr wnt in Lmjrtry. the iuo t popula JSAltlliitlun of Uuillo n Hoop bum CTCr road * . A lad who Ji worn one .111 nerir vroar ny other style. E c Skirt U tamp l 'upon th liindi Plinth J ' > t 'j _ jealt vrll . Bold by a L. . . - . . A victim of jouthfnllmprudenw I.- * Immature Decay , Nmoui Debility. Ixul Manhood , do.bating tried la Tain ctery known rotuodi baidltooTf rca A ilmplo tncanaoi acli-curOi vhlch he will nd VUKK tobli ftUaw. > ufff > * rj M , J.lJ.lUJEV a , O CU.UiomBt.NeW i 0k COUNCIUmiFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL. PRACTICAL POINTERS , The Hcv , A. K. Bftts Touches Ux > UuHlncsBMctIiol | * , Ohnroli Collco * tions , and rroffrcMlvo Euchre. _ At the Presbyterian church Sunday morning thoJRor. A. K. Bates , the pni- tor , preached an Interesting discourse , speaking substantially as follows : Bat of hlmnroyo In Ckrlst Jesui , who of God l m do unto ui wiidom , and righteous- nosa and isnctification and redemption. " 1st Cor. ; 1-80. In this text there arc four great thoughts suggested for our consideration. The first is confidence in Christ. Another la work , and upon what great subjects. or In parsait of what great alms shall that work bo conducted. Another is pleasure ; what shall bo Its sources. And the final thought is death ; what kind of a death death do wo wish to die ? Pat yonr confidence lu a man , and after < tor a tlmo it dlsippoars perhaps with him. I supposed there are very few pee pie hero who have not pat thai , trait in an earthly ftiond. It is occasionally true , I thould bo glad to say , in the ma jority of caics , BO far as our earthly ro- latlons are concerned , when wo placa oar confidence In a friend , wo find that the confidence thus imposed is not abased , I should bo very sorry to think there was no ono on this earth whom wo could trust , but there are many whom wo sup pose to bo worthy of oar trust , who fall to keep It sacred. Patyour trust in the Lord God of Is rael. Remember It is the power of God that accomplishes results , and ho is the oamo yesterday , to-day , and forever ; the friend of everybody who will trust in him. There are two ways in which to pat onr trust in God. It is Impossible that a man can bo saved according to the scrip- tare I do not nay , according to the views of people or of ministers but according to the scripture , there is only ono way for a man to bo snvcd , and that Is by faith in the Lord Jesus. I do not under stand that Is a question whether God will allow anybody to ba lost. I under stand that wo are all lost. "I came to seek and save them who are lost. " I understand that wo have all come ihort of the glory of God. A man may say"I cannot aoo how ono man beara the tins of another , and moreover do not know what you moan by belief and faith. " God's way is to believe in the Lord Jeans Christ. "If a man believes in the Lord Jesus Christ ho shall bo saved. Ho that bolleveth not shall not see lifo bat the wrath of God abldeth on him. " "Trust in. the Lord and do good. " This Is all the way. Then with relation to our work. A child of God , in Christ remember , begin ning his work or endeavoring to carry it on In any department , should also work for Christ. For Instance , n business man who is in Christ and who haa a store , In which ho Is engaged , being called upon to perform some service for the church , per haps will say , "I know- is all right and a good work , and I am interested in it , bat I have a lot of business on hand , and there is a man hero representing a hoaso in the east , and trying to cheat me , and I must look oat for my own interests first , and got my business arranged and then I can consider the other matter. " I had an employer ono time who claimed to bo a Christian , but I am sorry to say ho did many things that lu my estimation hardly become a Christian cnaractor. On one occasion with reference to some goods ho told the man of whom they had been obtained that they were entirely useless , and could be used to no advantage whatever , while I had heard him say only the day before that they could bo turned to moeo excel lent account in ono way. But ho held up the matter in this light until the man came down to a largely reduced figure , and then of course kept the goods. This was dot in accordance with the teachings of Christ and tbo scriptures , and yet it Is the way In which business is largely car ried on at the present time by men who profess to bo workers for the Lord Josus. Those are some of the temptations by 'which you are sur rounded. It is thought that it is castor to bring up girls than boys because homo influence and domestic duties are fraught with , less temptations than these with which wo meet out in the world. But there are many temptations at homo , and wnen a woman becomes skeptical it is harder to convert her thin it is to con vert a man who Is skeptical , and for this reason it is a blessing that there are fewer skeptics among women thin among men. men.When the Lord was down hero on earth , what tras he doing ? It was the joy of his existence to load the people to bollovo on Him whom ho trusted. Ho blessed the poor woman who gave all that she had to the Lord. This reminds mo of the matter of collections concerning which I wish to speak. Mr. Spnrgoon was talking with a gentleman concerning the church when the gentle man B id , "My dear Mr. Spurgoon , I thak | it IB inappropriate for a collection to bo taken up In the church. " Ho wai referred to the passage in Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians , in which ho says , "Therefore my beloved brethren bo ye steadfast , unmorablo , always abound ing In the work of the Lord , for asmuch as yo know that yonr labor is not In vain in the Lord. " The colloo- tions go right along with all that is most holy in our religion. Christ blessed the poor woman not because she throw in such n small amount , bat because it was all she had. Hadfeho had more and given more ho would have thought more of her , but she did all she could , and that Is what is required of us. Christ did the work allotted to him on this earth in the spirit of tenderness and kindness. Lot us go about our work In the same way , and if there Is anything outside requiring attention ut the tame time 'with matters pertaining to God's service , let us remember that to lay the latter aside for the former Is wholly out keeping with the Christian character. Now with reference to pleasure. There is a good deal of tlmo that wo would like to devote to pleasure. Wo need some sort of recreation. Wo cannot stand a continual round of duty without amuse ment of some deccrlptton. Straugo the apostle Paul stood U BO long. Ho foraook the pleasures of sin and devoted hlmsol entirely to God's service , never from them for the take of light amusa ment. I care not what yonr pleasures are when you come to sickness they seen like dross , but if you pro in the Lord Jesus , the brightness of his ccuntenanc shines through thodarknesaof oxpertenc and the strength of hli right arm wi ! bear you up in your trials. As to the Kind of pleasure , let m peak of progressive euchre , This is p'owuro that is taking fast hold upo society and la being bold up M a healthfo ani harmless amuiement. I do not se tttat It atimulatoa the mind or bestow upon the body needful exorcise. I do not co that It servos to draw us any nearer o God ; I do not BOO that it leads us to lolp our neighbors ; I do not see that it ; lvos ua an opportunity to speak n word or Christ ; it does not put us in a prayer- nl frame of mind , or in any manner makes us spiritual minded. Onr joy whatever it be ought to bo in Christ. Make all pleasures subservient o him , and If they DO of a sinful nature , and you are In Christ , they eannot enter nto yon except through him. Now what comes after all this ? Trust , work , and pleasure are followed by some- hing. The faith , Work , and joy what henl We suppose death. What about hat ] Lot us die in the Lord. Wo have rusted In him , worked for him , sought > nr pleasures in him , and found onr joy n him ; lot us d-o In him. "JDlosaedaio tliodcad that die In the Lord.1' 'Ailcop in .Toms , blessed sleopl From which none ever wake to weep , A calm and undisturbed lepoao , Unbroken by the last of fooa. " Let our death bo like that. FBIISONAU J. W. Berger returns to Topekn , Kim , , this vening. Miss Uirtio Gould is visiting friends In .iGgan nnd Missouri Valley. The Rev. Robert A. Hayes , of St. Patrick's lurch , St , Louis , and the Rev. 15. C. Lena- mn , of Sioux City , are in the city , the guests f the Rev. 13. P. McMonomy. 1101 Estate Transfers , The following are the transfers of real state as recorded In the oflico of the ogtatrar , and reported to THE BEE by L. J. Stephenson , for Monday , May II : B. P. Clayton to R. E. Williams , a 75 41 , $3COO. Thomas Bowman to John Sklnklo , lots and 10 block 27 , Beers sub. , $350. J. A. Chimplon to Delia A. Taylor , art sw } at J 2 77 4-1. $500. Total sales , $4,450 00. Fruit Growing1 , rick's Magazine , There Is too much Indieerimlnato ad- ice given by the press in regard to frult- atsiug. Again , tree-deal era and nursery gents , Booking a market for their wares , Irculato wild statements about the profits f the industry , and at n tlmo like the ircsent , when the prices of grain are err , it is not difficult for them to Induce umeroas poisons in almcst every com munity , who have not special fitness or ixperienco for the work , to undertake , at east in a small way , the planting ot rchards or email fruits. It requires no ilghly gifted eoer to porcelvo that test of thcso efforts will bo abortive , 'ho ' fact is , the wrecks of Ill-conceived rult plantations are strewn over the hole country. Wo have no csiro to say a word that nay discourage any ono from ongag- ng in frplt-cultnro who will attempt it n a ratienal and bnalnosa-llko manner ; nit vro would warn the Inexperienced to ook on both sides of the subject , and it ms two sides , ono of which Is not the : oao-colored ouo that Is usually painted > y newspaper writers. Orchards and vineyards require con- dorablo land to bo devoted to them , vhlch usually needs special preparation o fit it for the purpose ; and its after ultlvation lor successive years , with the dded interest and necessarily attendant sxpsnscs , make a heavy outlay by theme mo the bearing stage arrives , and it Is aly with fair crops and prices that suit * bio returns are received. Tbo remark- bio Instances cf largo profits in fruit- growing , It must bo remembered , are the xceptional ones , while the history of 10 ordinary cases are seldom written , ad the failures are burled from public low. Crops of small fruits can bo ob- alnwl the second and third years from tlantlng for this reason , and also locauio with a comparatively small mtlay the stock plants can ) o procured from which increase m bo ruado as desired , and because icso crops can be moro generally raised iroughout the country , many moro on- oge in raising thorn tkan thosa kinds of rults that require a longer tlmo to come ) a bearing state. For the same reasons bore are greater fluctuations of the nantltloa of theao fruits sent to market n a fresh state , and of the prices they ring. On the other hand , the oaao and apldity with which , with the exception f the strawberry , these fruits can bo riod , and thole valno la this condition ro points greatly in tholr favor. Fruit- rying Is a necessary part of profitable mall-fruit culture. In regard to raising fruit beyond the ccessary family supply , as a part cf the arm crop , it may bo said that this is iratiaed to a considerable extent , and nth moro or lees success. Unless , ho\v < vor , it is a predominant Interest , or at east ono of considerable Importance , t is too frequently neglected , when ether farm work Is most pressing , often eacrificing the crop , r at least the profit of it. Some farmers ave the genius , if it may bo BO called , to manage a few acres of fruit very cleverly , nd do It without injury to the rest of bo farm ; but , aa a ralo , fruit growing is oat conducted ns a business of itself. Wo would not bo understood that every arm should not , If possible , rats3 enough rult for Its own supply , and there nra ew farms where it cannot bo done , the amo as there are few parts of the coun ry where a plentiful supply of fruit can not bo raised In the garden. The dis- inctlon between fruit-growing for the amliy and fruit-growing for market is ery clear , and while universal attention o tie former cannot bo urged too penis ontly , the latter should bo undertaken nly with the moat intelligent propara Ion. BKIN DISEASES COKED. By Ut , Frazlor'a Matrlo Ointment , Cures f by magic : I'implea , lilnck Heads or Grub ilotchea and Eruptions on the face , leaving he skin door and beautiful. Also euros Itch , Salt Rheum. Bore Klpplea , Sere Lips and old , Obstinate Ulcers Sold by drugfrlata , or mulled on receipt price. 50 cants , Sold by Kubn & Co. and 0. F. Goodman. Not Worthy. Arkansaw Traveler. Col. Hotimidoa Hobson , a prominent citizen of Arkanaaw , is dissatisfied with DlcToland's administration. "Let me tell yon , " unid ho to a party of friends the other evening , "that fellow Cleve land Is A fraud. " "A fraud , oh ? " some ono Bald in reply. "Yes , dlr a consummate fraud. I called on the gentleman. Ho received mo very graciously , I rather liked his appearance , A trifle fat , but ploaiant. 'Air ' , Cleveland , ' said I , 'suppose wo slip out and take something. ' He looked at me strangely , but made no reply , 'Mr , Cleveland , ' I repeated , 'suppose vre dodge around and take a snort. ' 81111 he did not reply , That ended it with mo. A mm who can act so discourteously to < ward a gueat Is not woitby of a promt' ' nent position. ' Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bscco. The O so or Ilmrry Ijtohrtrlcd Who Heads Or til nary Print by Touch , An Emporla ( K s. ) dispatch to th St. Louis Globe-Democrat cays : Th Harry Llebrfrled case continues topazzl everybody. Ho has bben examined dur ing thn last ton days by Drs. Moore Longnocker , Jacob ! , Burke , and Shop pord , all of whom agree that ho is in i most extraordinary and Inexplicable con dition , and that ho is not using any do ceptlon. If ho can sep or hoar ho is no conscious of the fact is the most skoptl cal medical theory advanced by the phy slclana who have Boon him. Ho has bo cone a human electric Instrument , A Borloa of thunder-storms which lias oo cnrred hero every few days since the firs report of Llobrfriod'a case , have throwt him each tlmo Into such convulsive agony that several men have had to hold him ard ono severe a term last week loft him BO prostrated that the sense of recotvlnj communications by writing in the pain of his right hand loft him , and for two days the only spot on bis body through which ho could bo communicated with was upon his right aide. Ho could hardly write on his slate , and hla sufferings at each flash of lightning is as great as if ho was connected with a powerful electrical battery and was receiving icrrlblo shocks , ot ho can evince his Bufferings only by its contortions. His physician , Dr. Parr , proposes , at the next storm , to run c wlro from Llobtfrlod's ' body to the earth to BO it his system cannot In that way dis charge the electricity which eooms to strike it from the atmosphere. Insulation of feather pillows and glass does little good. Thcoo electric shocks have BO prcs tratod him and increased his paralysis that the BOUBO of touch In his finger-ends is greatly dulled , but improves as bis strength revives between each storm. If tbo present prolonged scries of storms will cease before Liebrfrled dies or bo- comoj entirely paraljzcd from the oleo trical effects upon him , the question ol his power to read print by the touch ol his finger-tips will bo thoroughly tested Llobrf rled is a Gorman by birth , about Sa years of ago ; a good character ; lives with his wife and family in his residence , corner of Cottonwood street and Seventh avenue , Ho has a reputation as n dog fancier and breeder , and took some first premiums last yearat the St. Louis bench- show. Ho was stricken completely un conscious by paralysis March 30 ; began to revive April G , has since boon blind , deaf and dumb , but mentally clear and vigor ous ; able until almost killed by each suc cessive thunder-storm to racelvo commu nications through the palm of the right hand , and write on his slate as readily as In full health ; and is believed by his phy sician , family , and dozens of bis friends who have seen him to have no uao of his cars , eyes , or speechyet to bo able by the tips of his right-hand fingers to rocrgnizo auy of his hundreds of acquaintances , and read print , pica alza , by touch alone. Every doctor who has seen him says there is no conscious deception , if there is any deception at all. No object for fraud la apparent. His dumb agony in thunder storms is palnfal to witness , and ho is certainly tbo psychological and electrical marvel of the day. The Bicycling Ncivs _ , LondonEngland , eays that St. Jacobs Oil is without doubt ono of the moat useful articles a wheel man can have , in case of a sprain or bruise. Midgets to AVetl , Philadelphia Press. The two atoms of humanity known as Lncta Zarato and Gen. Mite , whoso com bined weight is Icaj than 14 pounds , and who look moro llbe a pair of dolls than human beings , are contemplating matri mony and are engaged to bo married. Both were seen at the Dime Museum at Ninth and Arch streets last evening , and each acknowledged the interesting fact to ba true , Miss Lucia with a blush and glgglo , and the microscopic general with all the pride of a successful lover. Ha drew himself up to his full height , about two feet , and , looking the reporter straight In the eye , remarked , in a voice , so small as to bo scarcely audible : "Yes ; the rumor wnlah has gained currency concerning the matrimonial al liance which Miss Zarato and myself are contemplating is quite correct , and I have no objections to your giving it pub licity. I have known the young lady for about ten years , and although she is not BO beautiful as aomo ladies in the profea slon , aay , for instance , Mary Andoraou or Mrs. Langtry , yet to mo she is tbo most lovely being in the world , and I adore her just as much aa if I were as big ao Jamba and oho treble tbo slzo of the champion fat woman. You must not think that because 1 am diminutive n stature I hive not the power of feel' ng the deepest and most intopso offeo ion , for if you do yon are decidedly of ] four base , is bo not , Lucia ? " and ho nrnod to his tiny fiance , who had "boon Istenlng to the conversation. "What that general says is absolutely lUthonttc , and when he gives you the tip 'on ' can rely upon it that it la straight , ilpod his mldgot lady love in reply , and little pair wore then carried up to ho exhibition hall for tholr evening re option. It Is probable that the marrlaqo will take place in Philadelphia during the next throe weeks. Several of the moro etald of the guests loticod with dlsploaauro the undignified iroceodiugs of the high contracting .lartioa at the close of the rocoptlon. The fatare brldo flourished a glass of wino in a manner of the punch eong In Glrcfla , and called in shrill tones to the eneral , "Come and take a drink. " "I've had some , " the military hero quoaked back , but nevertheless ho con- lented BO drink again , and the noies of he couple pretty nearly met across the diameter of a baby wineglass out of which they simultaneously sipped. Then .ho general chued his Intended around ho waste-paper baiket of the museum iffico , and kissed her repeatedly under he shadow of a towering ohalr leg. Farm Hand * Wanted. Doa Moines Leader , While there are yet thomapds of lab' ' orora idle In tbo cities and mining villages of Pennsylvania there Is almost an unprecedented procedented icarctty of farm hands In that state. As the spring advances the demand for labor Increases , but the sup ply , aa accounts from all parts of thi state indicate , to be very limited. It li said that the supply of ekllled farm labo is very far below the demand , it boln | almost impossible to obtain men whi know how to chop , plow , hoe , milk cow and mow , although the fanners kee ; standing orders at the omplcymen agencies In the different cities and advor tlae In the various local papers. It seems that the idle laborers and me chantcs from the cities are slow to ava the opportunity to secure places on th farms , They dislike very much to loav their old haunts and go Into the country The wages of the farm look very low t men who have been aonutomod to go from $1 to $2 per day. Besides , thei men are unaccustomed to farm labor , an cannot command the wages of first-rato farm hands for three or four months. They are generally able-bodied , Intclll gent men , however , and would make i very superior class of farm laborers. It IB said that those who have loft the Foundries and mines and gone to work on the fauns are very much pleased with the change. While the wages appear to bo low , when it is considered that the men got free board and are not exposed to daily , almost hourly , temptations to ipond money uselessly , they are much bettor offthan when they receive twice ; ho amount in the cities. The healthFulness - Fulnoss of farm labor IB another thing that commends it. Men who leave the cities palo and debilitated from vitiated , old and irregular habits , soon become ruddy and strong on the farms. The chances for accumulating money and bo soming tenant farmers , and eventually land owners , ate easily Improved by in dustrious and frugal laborers , and after awhile they are charmed with the free dom and ether blcsilngs of country llfo. No doubt the rural population will bo argoly added to from the ranks of the die laborers during the spring and summer mor , and the farmers as well as the laborers ors bo greatly benefited by the ohango. AW All BALLOON. A Monster Air Carriage to Bo Built at the GoYcrumontft'a Expense. Philadelphia Special. The Ordnance Board of the United Stains army has recommended the con- tructlon of a monster war balloon for the [ BO of the Government , and Gen. Russell ? hftyor of this city , the inventor , has re ceived instructions to begin work. The ) oard recommends thata balloon of seven ons ascending force be constructed , and hat trials bo made with it. It will bo ho largest balloon ever cons'rooted ' In his country , and will have a diameter of ixty foot and a length of 185 foot. The "dirigible war balloon" as it is ailed Is a cigar-shaped machine , pointed at both ends , and , unllko ordinary bal- pens , sails through the airlongltudinally. t is about three times aa long as it ia wide. The bag is made of oiled silk , and .horo . is a wooden dock in place of the rdlnary wicker car. There is a tack vlthln the bag whereby the balloon Is nwdo to ascend or descend at the will of .ho . aeronaut. When ho wants to ascend 10 draws the air from the sack and fills ho bag with the hydrogen , and when ho wishes to descend ho replaces the hydru- ; cn in the bag with air. The descent can jo made without the us a of ballast. The mlloon has a speed of thttty miles an lour independent of the irlud , The mo- ivo power is compressed air. Tons of yuamito percusiion bombs may bo cared - : od into the clouds , and dropped while 10 balloon sails ever a camp , or fortlfi- atlons , or fleet of ships. The work of onstruotionUon Thayer eays.can best bo ccompllehod when the balloon is at a light of COO or GOO feet. When the jlloou Is constructed a trial will bo made ; some inland point. Itwill cost the overnment $10,000 to make this cxpor- ment. lu { Natural Inclination [ to Runaway Matches. owling Green Critic. Speaking of the natural inclination of many girls to run away and got married , in opposition to their parents' wishes , on dorly friend says the trouble can bo omedled easily enough If ono knows howe o do it. " 1 had to steal my wife , " ho amarkod , "and I afterwards found out 10 old folks put up a job on us. It worked BO well that when my girls grow ip I played it myself. Now , there was m. , oho never would have married as 10 did if she thought her mother and me wanted her to. I took a fancy to Jim , rho is a likely follow , and wanted him son-in-lavr. So I to or a - - got running Im down before Em. ; told her aha wouldn't go with him aay moro , and inally forbido him coming to the house Itogothor. " "And what did she do ? " Interrupted 10 listener. "Sho ran off with him the next night , ast as I knew aho would. I tied the dogs ip myself after dark to keep them from rolling the fun. I played the same trick a Mollie when Bill was coming to see ler. The night they went away , though , forgot abaut the dogs , and Mollie dosed very ono of 'em for fear they'd blto Bill when ho came for her. I got another good on-ln-law , but I lost every hound on the laco. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Electricity In the Courts. Electrical interests are coming to a load. The inventors have proceeded far nough to put their discoveries into the calm of property , and there aomo inter- sting contests are in progress or pro- tosad. All overt So world people are coking to BOO how the trial of the Daft nd Edison ByateniB of running trains on bo Now York elevated railways will eanlt , nnd when it Is demonstrated that wo can operate railroads by lightning , .hero . will no doubt bo a legal battle oncht as to patent rights involved. But tending that contest , Thomas A. Edison ias opened another onoof national inter ost. The Edison electric light company iavo begun suits in the United States circuit court at Now York against aliened cfringors upon Edison's patents for ncandeacent electric lighting. It will be eon by the nowa elsewhere piintod that ix light companies are to bo sued , and hose suits are accompanied by others irought against New York city people who are using lights that are said to bo nfrlngemonts on Edison. It is claimed bat hla patents have been f ally sustained o Germany , and Ills lawyora talk onfi- dently of making the other- companies pay tribute. Of course they do ; that Is fhat they are hired for. Tee great legal ight that was invitablo in this business ' uu begun , and'Edison hat fortified by mllstlng great capitalists on the nldo of lis claims. liaising Millions Prom the Boa , Philadelphia Times. John J. Boyle , general manager of the Ylgo Bay Treasure company , Balls to-day or Liverpool on board the ( steamship joid Gough , From Liverpool , ho says , 10 will go direct to Vigo bay and resume active operations to ralso tbo sunken treasure which has lain burriod beneath , he waters of the bay slnco 1702. Ylgo jay Is a deep Indentation of the Spanish coast , where In 1702 fourteen galleons , oaded with doubloons weroannk to avoid capture by the combined attack of the Dutch-English fleet. Millions of wealth are supposed to remain In the holds of these sunken vessels. Repeated attempti bare been made to recover this treasure but all have signally failed. The Ylgo Bay company has a contract with the Spanish government to attempt to re cover It , one-fourth of the proceeds to belong to the government. Mr. Boyle visited the locality laat year , and re turned with such cheerful accounts for raising the galleons that money has been raised to make this now attempt. Seal of North Carolina Tobaoso U the best , THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY EU"KFnl T xs DEWEY&STONES One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States To Select From.- NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELKQANT PASSENQES ELEVATOR R I I un M UN n , water marked with ttto name of thotor nJ , Richmond Straight STRAIGHT CUT No. 1 each l-ictro.ta , 4Mii > ji * iinuiMd ) * riiiiuja. imlttttltina ot inn brn i li vo ooaa mil on tala dOlK roUa nkorj ) ra nvitlonoj tht thMi the ot.l and orlzloM brand , mi'i ' to objotvo tn t o 0h ckagooruoxol Richmond Straight Cut OitjMottjjboua the signature ot „ anufacturers , Richmond. Virginia , WHEN SOLIOIT12U TO INSUKK IN OTHKIl COMPANIES , Remember These Important Facts CONCERNING The Mutual Life Insurance Company , OF NEW YORK. 1. Ilia the OLDEST nctlvo Ute Insurance Company In thli country. 2. It istho LMtOKSV Lllo Insurance Company by many million * ol dollars In the wotU. 3. Its rates of premiums arc LOWEU than tlioso ot any other oouniauy. i. It haa no "itockboMor8"toclttlm any part of Its tnoflta. 6. It offoia no SCIIKMBa under tbo naino o ( Insurance for epcculatlon by Bpcclil dissolution the mlifortunca of each otter. 0. Us priBCut MalUbli CASH. UKSOGHCES exceed thoeo of any ether Life Ineurinoi Company In the It has rccehcd In cnsh from til source * . from February. 1843 , to January , ISFfl , f 270fOSr > F4.CC. It haa rctuined to the people , In cash , from February , 1843 , to January , 1S85 , $ ! ie,03ill,03. Itscish Asactsontho let ct January , 1885 , amountto more than W. J ? . ALLEN , MERUILL A ; FERGUSON , Apcnt for Gen. AgtB. for Nebraska , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa Utah. and Minnesota , Offica Cor.Fnrnam and 13th StOvcr 1st Nat'l. Detroit , Michigan , lianlc , Omaha , Neb M. K ROIIRER. Special Agent for Iowa , Council Bluffs , lown Pneumonia , Consump tion , Wasting Diseases ; Fosltlvely JteUevod and Naturt PHIS WHISKEY SHOULD BE POUND ON THE SIDEBOARD OP EVEBY FAMILY IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. ENTIRELY FREE FROM FUSEL OIL. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Many Druggists and Grocers who do not have Duffy's JPurO Halt \VUI Itoy In ntock , attempt to'palm oft oncustomers , whiskey of UiclrownbotUlng , wliicll being o an Inferior grade- and adulterated , paya Uiem a larger profit. ASK FOR DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY , AND TAKE NO OTHER SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS. ' Send us your address and wo trlllinaU book containing valuable Information. Sample Quart Bottles sent to any address In the United States ( East of tlio Rocky Mountains ) , securely paekeilin plain ease , Express charges prepaid on receipt of & 2..2C * , or Six Bottles sent/or S3CJ.OO DUFFY , MALT WHXSEEYJJO. , Baltimore , Hid , , MJ , /Selling / A.gents , OmaJia , JX. 3T. Clarlie J rug Co , A. rnnooK , Enpf. & Supt. o. r. N. SADLER , Asst. Enfr , n. w. DIAMOND , Asat-Socy MISSOURI VALLEY BBIDGE AND IEOK WORKS A. McLOUTII AND II. A WISE , Agents. Agents.Man'lg's Man'lg's and Dealers In Wrought Iron , Steel , Howe Truss and Combination BRIDGES For Railroads and Highways Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Boot Tiusiar , Piers and Sub- Btructurce. & Tollock PUOPIUETOUS. Office and works , i , KM. Please send us notice of all bridge work to bo let. Corretpondencesollcltod from orglnoers and bildgo contractors , etc. ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Are the Cheapest. Most Durable. Smallest in Size and Lightest in Weight. With no liny presses of any kind can tile amount ol work pro uco'3 , such little oipetieo ( ton tons of day and o\or to load nllroau box car , ) as cai be done with tli o Eilel Improved Maebln's Warranted or no sale. For illustrated now circular address , KHTKli li CO. , Qulrcy . . . , Illinois. . . , " " l > * ! - - . i.n Mention Omaha Bee. all em K.tabllt.hollnl80S. &A&mjK0m&8mmt I have an entirely new utock of " * | Choicest Woolen Clothing Pants for ? d , 85 nnd 80 , Worth Double that Amount. Suits for 810 , 812.5(1. ( $15. 817.50 njid $20 , Workmanship and 1'it Guarnntood , This offer should bring us many new cudtomoru. [ ( gutter's Mammoth Clothing House , 1001 Karnam , Corner 10th Sts. MendelBBohn & Fish.or. MNITUBE REPAIRED Ut AND UPHOLSTERED. Mi'wjeiinadoom. Carpctilald , Gano. ( hairs to. Room * 23 and 20 Omahe.Natl.Bank Clock KiUxl. All work uuar Mitwd to p.lvi eatU' Buccuaou TO faction. Dufrene & Mendelssohn. Ball Brothers Qco. L. .Uber , fermery with. , W. L. D. Jenu. > „ . . , „ . . , „ . . „ . , IrcbUoct.ChioaVo. JanHelm 21SJ Xoitb 16th St. Oisoha ,