Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Tuesday Morning , May 12 ,
Ctrtltt . . . - . . - eonta ftt week
8/MaU By - . . . . _ - 910.00 p r yeai
arrested ycatcrdap for
Put Ryan was
impewonaling an officer.
Parka & Plainer are moving into tholr
now quarter * , 30 Main street.
Bricks for lalo In largo or small lots
Weaver No. 810 Seventh ave
by J. A. ,
nue.Mrs. . Molnlng , of St. Paul , arrived
yesterday on a visit to her cousin ,
Marshal Guanclls.
Charles Hood , Edward Harris nnd Fin
Caughoyworo yotcrday fined the usual
amount for indulging too freely in anti-
H. N. McGrow , the good-natured
apodal for the Continental Insurance
company , is in the city tolling the boys
aorao fanny yarns.
A deserter from the regular army
nnmod John Comings , was picked np
yesterday by Deputy Marshal Bates , and
taken back to Omaha ,
It is reported that Samuel Jennings ,
the shoemaker at 522 Broadway , has
boon missing slnco last Friday , and his
friends nro anxious about him.
In another column will bo found a
notice of the waterworks company , which
should bo read nnd noted upon promptly
by all who hold time orders against the
Alva McAllister left yesterday for
Philadelphia , to study muslo , nnd wes
accompanied by Miss Gaatella Lain , who
loft for her homo after a visit to the fam
ily of S. E. Mason.
'William Cullen Bryant considered
Mies Potter the best reader in the field. "
Boston Times. At the opera house
Thursday evening , May 14. Admission
50 cents , children 25 cento.
The case brought against young Mossier
by Miller , growing out of the trouble
Saturday night over a 85 bill , was dis
missed yesterday by Jndgo Shurtz , Mil
ler not appsaring to prosecute.
Mayor Vanghan has received word that
his only sister , Mrs. R. F. Smith , of At-
chlson , Kan. , Is very low with consump
tion , and Is hardly expected to long sur
vive. Ho will leave for her bodsldo this
A telegram yesterday received from
Deadwood by Henry Eisoman announced
the death of Mr. Elsemnn'a old partner ,
A. Bernard , by suloldo on Sunday morn-
Ing. No particulars were given , simply
stating that he "killed himself. "
Remember the chair sociable of the
Young Men's Christian association , to beheld
hold this evening , and send or bring
your chairs. This gathering promises to
bo a decided success. No efforts will be
spared to make the evening a most en
joyable ono in every respect. At the
now hall , southwest corner Main street
and Broadway.
Mr. Sander , the dlmo museum man ,
while in Omaha on Sunday night , was
returning toward the dummy depot , and
whrn on Tenth street was assaulted with
the evident Intention of robbery. The
assailant strnck at Mr. Sander , but the
blow waa warded off and Mr. Sander
laid the man out by a well directed blow
from Mr. Sander's strong arm.
William Steinkopf and a frlond were
enjoying a rldo Sunday afternoonwhon In
lighting a cigar a spark caught on the
laprobo , and just as Stolnkopf remarked
that the nun was getting very hot , his
frlond smelled the smoke and discovered
the firo. By that time it had burned its
way through to the skin , leaving a hole
through lapropo and clothing.
The Pharmaceutical society of Iowa
opens its annual meeting in the Mynater
block on Broadway this morning. It Is
expected that the mayor will deliver the
address of welcome , and the other exor
cises will bo of interest to many outside
of the profession proper. The displays
of goods will form an Interesting and In-
Btructlvo feature of the mooting , and all
are invited to attend any and all of the
The Wabash railway company has
opened Its now local depot near the other
passenger depots on lower Main street ,
and is already selling tickets , and Iran-
saoting the other necessary buslnons
there , so that the public may have the
Accommodations which have boon needed.
The improvement is ono which will bo
appreciated by the public , a * heretofore
it has been nocoisary to go clear to the
transfer to take the Wabash trains.
The water works company has changed
hands , not in the immediate local man
agement as yet , Harry Birkinblno being
still the engineer in charge here , but In
the ownership. The now president of the
company Is Robert Sowoll , the prominent
Now York attorney , whoso reputation
has boon made national , and the new
treasurer Is Harry Allen , of the Now
York banking house of Allen & Stead
and who la one cf the well-known men in
financial circles.
It appears that the atatoment made
by the "Old Lady" In her "Sun
day morning Bcrapbook" that the
extra expense of maintaining separate
headquarters for the police was $ IJOOO a
year was a little too hltjhan estimate , the
only expense being two tons of coal l s !
winter and an extra gaa jet. Aid. Slraub
la aild to feel a little core because as
ohulrinan of the police committee , he has
been Ignored In the proposed change.
He thinks that ho ought to hare romo-
thlog to cay. The chief trouble scorns to
2 > D that tiia chief of polioa and the city
marshal cannot live and do basinets in
ho same building without quarreling.
The report comes from Harrison
county , that a fellow giving his name as
iVilliam Wiles , and claiming to bo a real-
lonl of Brownsville , Nob. , has been tak-
ng subscriptions for the BEE nnd other
> apera , and the complaint is made that
hero have boon no papers received for
the money which ho had collected ,
although throe or four weeks have passed
since ho disappeared. The BEF has had
no such man canvassing for it , and prob
ably the other papers which ho claimed
to represent , are equally ignorant of him ,
although the BBE speaks only for Itself.
If ho is a swindler , ho should bo paaiod
aronnd. An authorized agent has no
difficulty , or hoaltanoy , in showing hla
lapors. and none others < should bo
xustod , no matter what or whom they
claim to represent.
Artists' Materials at G. R. Beard's
Wall Paper Store. Send for prloo list.
An Itnliaui Jumps From a Train And
linns Into a Barbed "Wlro Fence , tj
On the incoming train , on the Chicago
& Milwaukee road Sunday afternoon ,
about a mile nnd a half west ofVcston ,
a passenger , an Italian , jumped from the
car , and started to run over the fields in
a manner that Indicated that ho muat bo
crar.y , and some of the trainmen put ont
after him. The follow got caught in a
barb wire fence , and was thus taken ,
brought back to the train , and Into this
city. Hia head was badly cut whore bo
had come in contact trith the fence , and
Dr. Macrao was called on to BOW up the
wound. Dotoctlvo Fore , of the Mil
waukee road , took the man in a hack to
the transfer , and when near there the
follow became very wild again and had
to bo overpowered by main force. Ho
was nt last taken to the county jail , it
being evident that ho was not in condi
tion to pursue his journey to San Fran
cisco , for which point ho had a ticket ,
which ho had bought in Plttsburg. Ho
had also 20 In money. The man Booms
to bo about thirty-five years of age , and
is unable to speak but little English.
Ho keeps talking about two boys whom
it appears ho oxpocta to meet in San
Francisco , and talks so wildly about some
matters that the suspicion has boon
aroused in the mind of some that ho may
bo ono of those who was concerned in
the ecoond trnnk mystery for which sev
eral Italians have already been arrested.
An effort was made yesterday to get
some Italian to interpret what the follow
was talking about , but it appeared thai
none could bo found nblo to understand
all that ho said.
Facts worth remembering when you
buy wall paper. 1st. That Board , next
door to postoffico Ima the largest tock to
select from. 2d. That his prices ar > as
tow as the lowest. 3d. That he is a
practical interior decorator and employs
none but skillful workmen.
The Public Library.
The regular monthly meeting of the
truatoos of the public library teak place
in the library at No. 14 Pearl street , yes
terday afternoon. Bills to the amount of
$189.26 were allowed for books and ex
penses. The committee on books were
ilrootod to procure n full collection of
books relating to the civil war , also that
teps bo taken to collect geological and
natural history specimens.
The report of the librarian shows for
the month of April a total of 2,868 visit-
ore , a daily average of 110.
Number of books taken out , 2,010 ,
divided as follows : Philosophy , 28 ; theology
elegy , 1C ; natural history , 75 ; fiction ,
1,159 ; poetry and essays , 324 ; history
and biography , 311 ; travels , 137.
Substantial abstract * of titles and real
estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squlto , 101
Pearl street.
DIxourslon Rates.
The Gorman Baptists of Dnnkard , hold
their yearly meeting at Mexico , Penn. , a
on the main line of the Pennsylvania
railway , 204 miles east of Plttaburg ,
May 22 , 1885 , Rates from 0 uncil
Bluffs for the ronnd trip la $28. Parties
purchoahing tholr tickets at the union
office , 507 Broadway , have choice ol
routes to Chicago. Ticket ] on Bale from
May 15th to 25 , good for return passage
till Juno 20th. J. L .DiBKNOISE : ,
Reitor , In order to close out hl present
stock of tailoring goods , Is putting prlcos
at 24 to 35 per cent below cost. No. 810
Wheat No. 1 milling , 70j No. 2 , C5 ,
No. 8 , CO.
Corn Now , 28o.
Data for local purposes , SOo.
Hay 8 00 per ton ; baled , 60 ,
Rye COo.
Corn Meal 1 CO per 100 pounds ,
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ®
0 CO.
Goal Delivered , bard , 0 60 per toni 10 !
4 0 per ton
Lard Armour's , wholesaling at 7o.
Flour City Hour , 150@2 00.
Brooms 176@3 00 per dot ,
Oattlo Bntohor cows S 253 75 , Butcher
steora , S 76@4 00.
Sheen 3 00@3 50.
IIogs-3 60@3 75.
Eggs-Dull nt lOc.
Butter Receipts are increasing ; choice
crejunery,22$24o ( ; choice country , IDc ; pool
12J. lie ; poor to fair , C@10c. Kace butter
should be wrapped In bleached butter cloth
and closely packed.
1'onltry Demand strong supply light ; live
spring chickens , good size , 99 00 peridoz.ihve
om chickens , light and medium weight ,
$350@3 ' 5 perdnz , ; live old chickens , heavy
wolfjht , $1 00 ; live turkeys , lO&lla per Ib ,
At present the weather Is too uncertain to
ship dreased poultry : however high prices can
be obtained ( or choice stoeK arriving In good
Gamo-Demand is only for fresh killed
ducks ; mallards.S''OO ; mlxedl BOj teal , 1 00 ,
OniotisNone .in market ; choice stock
would likely bring SI 78 ; sprouted and poor ,
8100@1 25.
Beans Clean stock in goodJJemand at 81 SO
@ 1 40 for mediums , and 160 for uayioei dirty
mock n dull at $1 00.
Potatoes The freight war his given ns
cholo Wisconiins and Mlnneaotas at C5@70c.
Good natlvec are going at tSOa in bulk ; tinall
lota of sacked , G5c.
Ureen I'esaNone but poor stock ns yet , at
f200d3 : < } 0 perlmiliel.
Scilog lioana 75c to $1 OO'per box of one-
third buitiel.
New Potatoes $2 61(53 ( 00 per buihel.
Sweet FoUtoea Table , 3@4o per Ib
Strawberries Fair Arkansa > ,2Qoper quart.
AsnarntruB Smalt u thT , 7Ca to 1 00 ; Gal-
'ifornla , 8160@2(0.
Spinach { 3 tO per bbl.
The Ladies Busy Prfparicg for the
Gaul OpiniDg This
IVIio Arc Who.
The ladles having the charge of the
"Carnival of Nations" were busy ns
may could bo yesterday , and will find
; holr tlmo well taken np to-day , com
pleting arrangements BO that the enter
tainment may bo successfully opened
this oroning. Masonic hall la being BO
transformed that Ita best friends wonld
not know the plnco. Booths and baeiara
arc bolng built and beautified , and the
arrangements throughout are very elab
orate , making it evident that the ladies
will have something worthy of the atten
tion and admiration of the crowds , which
ll surely visit them during the after
noons and ovoninga of this week.
The purpose of all this work is not
merely to give delight to those who at
tend the entertainment , but to ralso
money to help pay for the beautiful
church now in process of erection , and as
all citizens must lake prldo In having
such a building located hero , all should
gladly join In furthering the enterprise ,
In which the ladles are leading oil so
The American booth promises to boone
ono of the most attractive , and is a very
bower , adorned with flags , surmounted
by the eagle , and , In fact , covered all
over with patriotism. A regular Now
England supper la to bo served hero on
Wednesday evening , and refreshments
are to bo found hero at all times. To
morrow evening the supper will bo served
from G o'clock on ; so that business men
may partake early , if they are obliged to
return to their offices.
The Icelandic booth is ono which is
novel and pretty , now econory being
specially painted for It , and the whole
effect of its arrangement being attractive.
The other booths , each presents some
special attractions. There is a Gorman
booth , a Oypsy tout , a British booth , a
trio , England , Ireland , and Scotland ,
each having an ozhiblt , the Turkish
booth , the Japanese , French , Italian ,
etc , and a wigwam in which aomo cele
brated personages are to bo found , will
not bo overlooked by the visltora.
This evening the carnival will open in
grand stylo. At 0 o'clock her majesty ,
Queen Victoria , will hold a carnival In
honor of the emperor and empress ol
Austria , from whom she Is receiving a
visit , when the representatives of all na
tions , and historical and typical charac
ters , In costume , will pass in rovlow ba-
fore their majesties.
The following are the char
acters , and by whom represented :
Presided over by Mrs. F. M. Gault.
Goddofs of Liberty Mrs. r. M. Gault
General Washington Mr. B. Evans
Martha Washington Mrs. J. B My era
Uncle Sam Mr Geo. Thompson
Indian Chief Mr. W. Gronoweg
Pocohontas Mies Lou Tostevin
Ancient Costumes Mra. D , C. Bloomer
Ancient Costumes Mrs. A. T. Rice
Ancient Costumes Mra , H. 0 Cory
Ancient Costumes Mrs. II. L. Clark
Ancient Costumes Mrs. M. E. Smith
Ancient Costnmoa Mra. John Hanthorn
Anclont Costumes. Mrs. S. Street
Ancient Costumes Mrs , J. McConnell
Ancient Costumes
Miss Walker andMIss Chapman
Costumes of Fifty Years Ago
Ralph Martin and Mies Frankie Daily
Presided over by Mrs , Wm. ! * . Sapp and Mrs.
George Brown.
Queen Victoria Mrs. Murphy
Maid of Honor Miss Teal
Maid of Honor MLs Tostevin
Courtier Mr. Dave Stubbs
Francis Joseph , Emperor of Austria
. . . . . .I. Col.W. F. Sapp
Empress of Austria Mrs. Jan. Brown
Maid of Honor Mrs. Shepherd
Queen Elizabeth Mrs , Jus. Brown
Lord Leicester Col. W.F Sapp
Henry VIII Mr. D. Stnbbs
Princess of Wales Mrs. Dr. Macrae
Prince of Wales Dr. Seybert
Maid of Honor Mits Green
Maid of Honor Mrs. A. M. Jackson
"Gentleman in Waiting" . .Mr. Jas. Bowman
LordDulTerin Mr , Jas. Craig
Lady Duiferln Mra. J. Lyman
Maid of Honor. Miss Walker
Maid of Honor Mies Hatcher
Peasant Boy Mr. II. Bowman
Mary. Queen of Scots. .Mrs. Frank Connovar
Lord Darnley Mr. Mark Duryoe
Maid of Honor.
HighlandJPeasant GirL. . . .Misa , A. Bowman
ovrsiE CAMP ,
Queen of the Camp Mrs. Fred Kimball
Gypsie Costume Miss L. Brown
Gypaio Costume Miss Jones
Presided over by Mrs. J. L. Stewart.
O-clio San Mn > . Baldwin
O-IIsnna San Mrs. J. L. Stewart
O-Moino San Mrs. H. Berkinbine
Japanese Costume
. . .Masters Neddie Everett and Floy Smith
Presided over by Mra , Epeneter.
German Lady Mrs. Eponctor
Gorman Peasant Miss Ella Stubbs
German Peasant MUs C , Zermelin
German Peasint Mist H. Kpeneter
German Peasant Miss -Eponoter
Presided over by Mrs. Ormond N. Brown.
Empress Jos phino Mies A. Zermelin
Marie Antoinette Miss E. Kirsch
Princess do Lamballe Mrs. Jameson
Mml Rolando Mr > . O. M. Brown
Charlotte Corday Mra. Bebbington
Nnrmaede Peasant Miss Clara Beck
Cancalaise Peasant Mrs. A , Rookwell
Alsacienne Peasant Miss Lou Dellavcn
Bratonne Peasant Mls May Davenport
French Lady of Eighteenth Century
Airs. Benson
Zenobia , Queen of Palmyra.Mies M. Forman
Neopnlitun Woman Misa Stella Bullard
Campagno Peasant . . .Mrs. Gee Keoline
Tamborine Girl Misa K. Connover
KloworGlrl. French Miss Lillian Demon
Flower Girl , French Miss Alice B naon
Flower Girl , Italian Miss Hattie Smith
Flower Girl. Italian Miss Nellie Moore
Singing Girl , Italian Miss Pearl Rogers
Presided over by Mts. Barnoa ,
Ladle * in Costume Mits Hattenhauer , Miss
Spooner , Miss Howe , Misa Leonard , Miaa
Troupe , Mies Potter , Mrs , Banes , Miss
Lottie Armour , MUs Van Geiion.
Presided over by Mrs. Champ.
LvUes in Turkish Costume Miss MollIeRice ,
Mil * Nellie Backet , Ml.s Nellie Chapman ,
Mrs. Hancock , Mrs , Tyler , Mra. Thompson ,
Mr. Duquette.
Refreshments will be served each evening
from American booth. Second night , New
England supper ,
Japan will i rve her tea each night ,
Germany will servo coffee and cake ,
From Iceland enjoy your ice cream and
cake.Go and know your ( rood or ill-fortnno fioin
tbosa clmming Gyuaiea.
From the Turkish booth you can select a
beautifully decorated chuich shingle , tobacco
and Turkish articles , or get a cigar and pass
iuto the smoking room and enjoy It.
At the French peasant cottage will be
served hot chocolate and wafers.
In Marie Antoinette's bower , by her , as
sisted by Prince do Lambolle , will bo served
strawberries and cream , goat' * milk , cheese
nd crAtkeis ; olio bon-bons and perfumery.
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch .
es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices
cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself ,
29 Main StreetCouncil Bluffs ,
Pass to the Italian booth for macaroni , hot
and delicious , and the native fruits.
Ba In time for Now England supper n
Wednesday night.
Ba on hand for the costumed dancers the
last night , and dance with them.
Bo nt Masonic Temple Thursday night for
the coitumor's march , nnd some other attrac
tions yet to bo announced ,
Council proceedings and other Inter
esting matter will appear on another
& Navel Fair Attraction.
A Noah's Ark race was introduced at a
recent Madras fair , and was a handicap
for all animals bred In the country , the
competitors Including buffaloes , clephanta ,
a goat , ram , emu and oik and other
creatures , besides ponies nnd horses.
The elephants were as placid na If mov
ing In a marrlngo procession , and wont
over the course at a quick walk. The
ram and coat , ridden by llttla boys , ran
well , and the buflalos went at n good
gallop ; but tto oma would not stir ,
neither would the oik nntll the end of
the race , when it toek fright and darted
down the course at great speed. Finally
a ram was the winner , a horse coming In
second and a buffalo third.
Mammoth Dime Museum
Gtb AMJ. and 1'carl Street , ( Formerly llirtln'a
Wnk. )
PALMER & , SANDER , 1'rop'rs & Managers.
Ono week only , commencing
Our great specialty with the following principals
11. F. COOPER ,
Tlia latest Musical rbeDOmoner.
QymniBt andContortlonl't
Will contain ITreaks of Nature , Curiosities ,
and Mechanical Wonders , principal among
which will bo found the world reputed won
der ,
Prof. R. A. Stcndcll , who la a whole show ot him
self with his wonderful electro musical lhaumascope.
PROF. E. M. DUNTON , Illusionist.
MI3S A PATTERSON , Tbo Lightning
Wonder ,
MADAME HOWELL , the Bohemian Qlaea Blower
A Resort for Ladles. A lie-sort for Cli Idron.
Patronized by the ollto , nothing succeeds like suc
cess. Museum opeul tofiand 7 to 10 p m. Tlmtro
performance e\ory ErcnlngtndSatnrday Matmet
Ladlca can sitclylslt thh popular place of amnao-
ment vlthout an otcort as the minagcmont : person
al guuantco that nothing will bo done to offend the
most fastidious.
Offlco of the )
Council Bluffs Glty Water Works Company , }
Ko. 20 Pearl Street I
To Whom It Ifav Concern :
Persoos holding time ordorcs against this company
must present the earn * at the above office lor pay
ment on or before the tenth day of Juno next , as
alter th&t ate the construction books will be ten )
to the New York ofllco. Time orders will not to re
ceived In payment ol water rents alter this date.
Oen'l Mgr. & Cht. Engr.
Curtains. Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades ,
Mattings ,
Rugs , Etc. , Etc.
Careful Attention Given to On
of Town Orders ,
Upholstery and Drapery Work a
Oar stock la the
Largest in Ho
and is being continually replenished by
all the latest and choicest novelties.
405 Broadway Council Biufls
No. 201 Hoper Broad way , Council Bluffs.
Mice of tiie Pence
Attorney - at-Law ,
Offloe , Kfain Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Bhugut ind
Eeco block , mil practice In Buteund tate court * .
E , Rice M. D.
nO ot U Ituton jra T 4 vtthod Vu
lU ) , kU ci 4rawtc ot UtU.
NOTICE. Special a Ttrtlsementi , sue M Lenl
round , To Loan , For Bale , To Itonl , Wants , BoardIng -
Ing , eto. , will bo Inserted In thli column at tht low
rate o ! TEN CENTS PEIl LINE foi tha first Insertion
tnd riVK CKNT3 PER LIME ( or etch lubwqneni
rtlon. t av advertisements at our offlo * , Ko.
Pearl Btroot , near Broadwav
WANTED Situation by n jounir manhatlrifr.
limited experience as dark ami book-kcerer.
Audic , K. K. , liKR office , Council Dili IK
TjVJUND A pocketbook oinUinlni ; vnltublo
JP papers. OMIatBRR office , proM > profeity ,
and pay for thU adxcrtlicmcnt.
FOR SILK AT A 13\UOALV-Tho desirable icsl-
dcnooor buslnoisprofcrty on Upper Dread-
nay , known the roueraplaco , Applj to Quo. K.
IlBARD , 82 Main street.
WANTS TO TrtADK. Uood Iowa cr Nohtaska
land for a email stock ot hardware or general
mcrohanOHo , well located. KwiN , t WALKER.
"TJIOR SALK A rare Chan to tORCt t > flue , well Ira-
JU proved ( arm ol 400 acres , utthin a few mlles ol
Council UluUj , Dt ft bargain. Low price and easy
terms. SWAN & WALKSR
T701t * BALK A good pnjlntf hotel property with
JL llycry sUblo , In ono ol the best small towns In
western Jown will Boll with or without furniture , or
will trade ( or a email ( arm with ttock eta
FOR SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved.
II you want a farm In western lena , Kansas
Nebraska or Dakota , lotus hoar from you.
BALK A lanro number of business and rosl >
dcnoo lots In all parts ot Council Dlufla. Bco
us bcforo you buy , SWAM & WALKIR.
"TJOR BALB Parties wishing to buy cheap lota to
JJ build on can buy on monthly payments ol ( torn
82 to $10. SWAN & WAIKBB
FOR KEN r Wo will rent you a lot to build on
with the prlrilago to buy K you wish on Tory
liberal tormi. SWAN & WALKBR.
TJOU * RKNT Deslrablo residence 007 Fourth tit
Apply J. W. Damon.
j > OR HALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J.
J 8tcptcn on , COS First avenue.
ANTKD Every body in Council lilufta o U
. . TnnBii. Delivered by carrier al only twenty
eenta a weelr.
FOR HCHAKOB N'1(8 ' , 10MO acres land len
mllw south ot Sidney , Neb , , for Council Bluffs
Wo. 166. A R0o4 stoim flooring illl In Cedar Co. ,
lown , f r a stock of general merchandise or hard
ware , raluo W/09
No. IBS Ilttel property In Taj I or Co , , Iowa , for
g fd farm property , valoo (4,000.
No. ICO. Land li Hall and Lincoln Cos. , Nob. , for
Couicll Bluffi propeity.
Ho 101. Flis ImproTei farm for cheap western
Ho , 101. One ol the best farms In Pottawtttamta
oinnly , Io a , 401 aires for wild Kaaias 01 Nebraska
lam.No. . 169. Hotel In Pueblo , Col. , worth J9.C03 , for
loira , K > nra , or Nebratka land In part and long
tlmo OB biUnw ,
Ho. 171. Good farm , for stock ol geods or hard
Ho. 172. Wild lands In Rooki Co. , Neb. , for stock
of dry Kn d" .
No. 175 House and lot in Clarlndn , Par.o | Co. ,
Iowa for Nchraika or lowalind ; ralue $1,800.
Ho. 177. llolcl In ona el Dakota' * belt towns ,
T lu $1,000 , fur stock of drugs for part and lind
Imprortd or unlmpnmd.
Ho. 178. Splendid bargains In KIcth Co. , Neb ,
wild laid for lands In western lotva or good stock
of diufn or hardware.
No. 18 > . A halt Interest In a flnt-class plow works ,
well located , for lands vtlucd 83BOO.
No. 182. 200 cre improved farm In Cans Co. , Iowa
also ono In P la , Alto Ooof S1G , for stock of Rocds.
Ns. 183. atore bui.dlng and stock of general
merchandise , In a li > o weatcrn torrn for western
land , Improve' * or unimproved , value8UGOO ,
And hundredsol other special exchange bargains
for particulars , call and see or write t *
Council UluOi , la
Met Agent ,
Ho. 507 Broadway Council Bluff * .
Railway Time Table.
The following aie the times ol the arrival and de
parture of trains by central standard time , at the
local depots. Trains leave tranifor depot ten mln-
atea earlier and arrive ton minutes later.
onoiooand soarawmma.
0.25 A u Hall and Kxproea Bu'O'r V
12:40 : r u Accommodation 4:10 : r M
6:30 : r M Express .OS A u
9:25 : A u Mall and Express 0:53 : r u
7:25 : A u Accommodation 6:15 : r M
6:30 : r u Exprcte 0:00 : A u
cmoAoo , KiLWAusn Aim R. rAtn. .
9:2oA : u Ma'l and Express 0:50 : r
6:26 : r M Express 0.05 A
craoAoo , lanLmaros Aim qtraai.
0:60 : A u Mall and Express 7:10 : r u
12:30 : r Accommodation 2:00 : r.M
6:15 : r it Exprcu 8:60 : A u
From Transfer only.
1:30 : r u St. touls Express 2:15 : r u
7:40 : P u Cbloigo Exp via I'eorla 0:10 : A u
100' ; ' > A u Hall and Express 0:40 : r u
8:16 : FII Express 0.25 A u
nooz cm AND rActno.
7:20 : A u Mall for Sioux City 6CO : r u
7:50 : r u Express for St Paul 8:60 : A u
DMON rAOirrc.
11.00 A u Denver Express 4:35 : r u
1:06 : r 11 Lincoln I'ats O'a &R V 2:35 : r u
(7:55 ( : r 11 Overland Express 8.30 A M
Leave Council Bluffs - 7:16-8:20-9:80-10:30 : : : :
11:40 : a. m. 1M-2:80-8SO : : : 4:28-6:26-0:26 : :
11:16 : p. m. Lcavo Omaha 6:40 : 7:81 o:60 : 10
11:15 : a. m. 12:60-2:00 : : 8:00 : 4M : > 4:56 : 6:66 :
11:10 : D. m.
In Couiio Bluffs baIng a
And all modern Improvements , call bolla , Cro
alarm bolls , etc. , u tha
NOB. 215 , 217 and 210 , Main Street.
NO. 2 ,
J the Highest Achievement in WrUing
Machines in the World.
With only 89 keys to learn aa
operate. U prints 70 character *
Inclodlrfr caps and small ietttri.
punctuations , figures , signs and
fractions It I the simplest and
most rapid writing inacblnti
made u wellastbe mott durable
for free illustrated pampMet.
Wyckoff Ser nns & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111. , Solo Agenti.
0. H. BIIOLES , Council Bluffs
Agent ( or Western Iowa
omcBB. w. H. u. I-CBKI
Officer & Pusev.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Established , - 1865
Dealer * in foreign nod Domestic Urchango
and Home Secuiluwa.
105 and 107 Main Street.
Now .took of FJl AMES. MOULDINGS , Pictures , etc. , hnvonrrUod nnd cannot boor
nlravfDR8l0llllftlntlnR'lWftt0r C ° l0" ' Ctc" wi * aolTnl SaS
See the Following Prices :
Btocl EnRravInp ) . 81.GS worth $3.00 Stool .
Engravings ? 2 CO worth S3
ftoelJTOnnon. . . , . . 2. GO worth 4 fiO Stcol Engraving. . . . . . . ,4.60 worth 9 m
Water Colored Panel . 2.20 worth -1.00 Oil Paintings In deep ellt >
Oil Paintings InI Inch gilt frame , . 32x5. . ! . at $2.50 fSmTtfc ? 8 llf t0 T prf < * MlTC
irftmn tTS , Bra98olllto ? > d" ' ? 5ra'a Urnokota , Picture Chains , Urasa Nalla
oto , will bo sold at hard timoa i . If
price * you have picture * to frame , call and oxammo my
now styles of mouldings , which will bo sold nt wholesale prices.
1O5 and JtO7 Main Street ,
Beautify your homes by using the above , Over COO designs to select from.
Heautijul , Strong and Easting.
Estimates given on any style olthor put up or delivered here , by applying to
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock.
117 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Vegetable Plants and Fruits.
Orders from abroad promptly filled. Sweet Potat
riants a specialty. Plants will bercady for shipmeo
by May 10th. Orders should bo placed early.
2181 Pierce St. , Council Bluffs.
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed , Frame bcuao"
moved on Little Giant trucks , the boat in the world.
1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
The enly nil night house in the city. Everything served in first tlaes style and on shot
notlco. Hot and cold lunches olways ready.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 0 Main St. ,
AComplete Line of New Goods to Select From. , '
IVill Discount nil Privus.
37 Broadway , Council Bluffs , low *
Good Agents Wanted
TO J3333LiXj
Drs , Judd & Smith's
Office and Ftctorjr , No 80 , Fourth Bt , Council Huffs , low * .
Keep Horns and Mules constantly on hand which
wo will tell In retail cr carload Iota
All S too arranted as Represented
Wholtealo and retail dealers In Grain and Baled liar. Trices re * '
sonable Satisfaction Guaranteed.
SOHCI/CTTIEJIB. &a BoDm"sr : :
Cor , Oth AY , and 4th St. , Council Bluffs ,