THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , MAY 12. 1885. A WOMAN'S ' FOOT. Startling Dioyery Mafle in an Alley Eon Thirteenth Street , Ilio Skeleton of a Human Foot Un it earthed by Clmrloy Oonixhtio Many Thrilling Theories > H to the Fate of IU Owner anil AVlio Slio "Was. A BomoTrhat surprising and rather son- national dltcovory waa made yesterday morning , by Ghnrloa Don hoe , In the alloy no r Ilolman'a Hvory barn on Thlr toonth street , . .between Harnoy and Howard streets. Mr. Donahoo and two or three other mon with him commenced to remove n pile of otnblo offal , and while at wbrk Donahoo struck same hard mbaUnco and ho pulled it out of the dirt with his baud. On clone examination Iho object proved to bo a woman's foot , or rather tbo skeleton of one , as all the fleah had decayed and fallen off. Dona hoe was startled at first and dropped the thing llko ho wonld a hot Iron. After wards it was gathered np , carried Into Charley JBonnot's black smith shop and remains there yet , Scores of people called to BOO the cariosity yesterday and of course each one had his own supposition as to how the foot got whore It was found , bnt none aoomod to think there was any mystoiy connected with the matter. The moat generally accepted theory h that it must have boon lost from some medical Institute. AH sorts of horrible Imagina tions however are advanced. That It la the foot of n Caucasian female goes with * > out donUl and on the broad basis of every thing that can bo said with refer ence to that member , there is foundation hero for an ex'ended and lively Btory. Evidently no great length of tlmo has elapsed since the foot was alive and well. Judg ing from Its shape , size , high Instep , neatly formed heel , and dainty too * , it must have boon the greatly admired foot of some fashionable society belle. No doubt but that It was well trained to trip the light fantastic and many a time chased the Hooting hours In unison with the fas cinating , soduoUvo strains of cheerful , soul otirrlng music. The reporter could not discover that it had over caused Its owner much agony by reason of burning , aching corns or bunions. Who knows bnt that It has trod the marble halls of palaces and kicked up dust on two continents. There Is room In the light of this discovery for an In vestigation. The probabilities are that the remains of some Dno lady burled , when she died , beneath the waving grass of Prospect hill , were raked from their sepulchral resting place by tbo ghoula of alleged anatomical science and crnally out to pieces on the dissecting table. It Is known that BUCU things have been done here therefore a great many Omaha people who believe that tholr dear departed frlonds are mouldering back to dust In their graves where they ware laid are la boring in Ignorance and delusion. Some months ago the Hmaha Medical College moved out ot quarters on Howard street , not a great ways from where this foot was found , and probably they lost It In the Bhuftle , LEGAL LOKE , Judge Brewer Completes His IJusi- nestj With tbo V , 8. Circuit Court. and Goes to Dc Moliies. Only a short i session , of the U S , cir cuit court was held yesterday. Jndge Brewer sat until noon , winding up the business which had of necessity to come before him , and left on the afternoon twin for Des Molnos , la. , where ho holds court this week. Following are the cases that were disposed of : J. T. Bnrkott & Co vs. Henry Beck- nan ot al. Dismissed for want of prose * cntloa. L. W. Tnlloys , trustee , vs. Henry Wassonborgor ot al. Judgment for costs. Same vs. Joseph Brown ot al. Judg ment for costs. Chicago , Burlington & Qalncy railroad company vs. Anna Waesorman ot al. Toitlmony may bo taken In term tlmo before master. The American Mortgage company of Scotland vs. Nathan Rumsoo ot al. Leave to file amended bill by July rules and continued , Now England Mortgage Security com i- pany vs. William Beacham , Exception to proof sustained. Both parties have till September rules to take testimony. American Frohold Lind Mortgage ; company vs. Venzel Hron ot al ; decree. Goo. S. 0. Dow vs. Comtnlcaloners 9.3f Barlancounty ; demurrer overruled. De fendant hat leave to answer In thirty days ; reply in ton days thereafter. The demurrer In the Nebraska Cattle Ranch coinpiny case was overruled. James Hosford vs. The Hattford Fire Iniuranco company ; judgment on verdict In favor of plain till for amount of verdict ; judgment to boar Interest from date of verdict. COUNTY count. Judge McCulloch and his clerk put In a hard day's work on tholr books , getting caught up , therefore no cases wore tried. However , the jndgosat a little wbilo and transacted the following business : Victor Llndholm vs. Hoons Young. Continued until Juno term. Dunham vs. Dellrance. Answer filed. Cannon vc. Taggart , ot al. Continued till June 1st at 2 p. m. THE TWENTY-EIGHTH That l the Tlmo Fixed for Formerly Opening and Dedicating the Now Court Ilonie. At tholr meeting yesterday afternoon the county commissioners adopted a res * olutlon which reads : Resolved , That Tuesday , May 28th , bo , and ii hereby designated a a day to formerly open the new county court house of Donglaa county , and the clerk ii hereby directed to invlta the Douglas county bar to appoint a committee to confer with the commissioners In regard to a programme , etc. Previous to the above named date It li desired by the board , county clerk , and everybody clue that all of the tax payen In Douplis county visit the court house and look through it. Of course thej will all come on the 28th , bringing will them their families , sisters , couiini , ant aunts , but those who can make it convenient niont to do so will be gnatly benefittec by looking the structure through previ ons to that d y , There will undoubtedly I bo a jam of people here then , bnt it i > * proposed to make complete Arrangements ( or the enjoyment and comfort of the entire population. The bar association ii expected to act promptly In > this matter and got the necessary com- mlttees appointed 10 that they can go to work at once. Very few counties in the United States can boast of as Imposing , handsome and Gno a temple for the in dwelling of justice. It wonld do credit to the oldest municipality on earth , and by the citizens of Omaha and Douglas county , is pointed to with groit pride ; therefore its dedicatory services snoold bo on a scale of grandeur in keeping with the magnificence of the building. To successfully consummate the undertaking it requires harmonious and united action on the part of all citizens. Lot the farm ers como in and ieo their pride. OAPTURIN& A OBOOK , , Tbo Notorious John E , Bull Given Lodglnga "Where Ho Bo Safe. John E. Bull , ono of the most notorious crooks and confidence mon In this country , OfficerE was arrested about midnight by OfficerV Qrcon , taken to the police jail and locked up to await an Interview with his honor , Judge Stonborg , this morning. When captured Bull was just entering the Mlllard hotel and woa considerably surprised bnt wont along to the cooler without making any resistance. Before putting him behind the bars hii pockets were searched , and among other things found in thorn wns a square package which on the outside looked to bo money , but when opened proved to contain slips from newspapers cut Into square pieces. On ono side it shows $100 and on the other $50. This arrange ment is made by taking two counterfeit greenback bills , cutting thorn In two In the middle , then pasting a half of each denomination on a pleco of stiff whlto paper. This Is donbled ever the slips , a rubber bnid put around It , and when flashed up carelessly any ordinary poraon would , of course sopposo it to bo a roll of money. Ball was air/oatcd / as a suspi cious character. It Is bollovcd that the gang of thieves and thugs who have re cently como to Omaha , and are outraging the city with their nightly brawls and murderous deeds , are followers of his. Bull belongs In Denver , and runs a dis graceful joint there known as the Turf Exchange. ANOTHER OUTBAGE , Jim Bilk , Waylaid , HlugRca and Rou- bca-Baaiy Hurt. The thugs who nro infesting Omaha at this time with their dangerous presence , committed another atrocious outrage last night. Between 0 and 10 o'clock Jim Silk was attacked at the corner of Far nam and Twentieth streets , slugged and robbed. Ho was discovered soon after the villlans left him , by Alderman Bochel and Mr. A. Roaewator , lying unconscious and a stream of blood spntted from an ugly wonnd just ever his right eye. They Immediately reported the matti-r to police headquarters and Offi cer Honcho assisted the nnfortunato man to his homo , near the Union Pacific shops , on Ninth street. The city physi cian was called and dressed his wound. ] The man is very seriously injured and may not got over it. In addition to the out his head is badly bruised. When found , letters and papers that had been pulled out of his pockets wore acattoted on the ground , showing that ho had been robbed. Whether the scoundrels got any money from him could not be learned last night. A Confidence Orank. Officer Whoeland arrested a bad man , at the Southern hotel last night who said at the police jail that his name is Pat Gibson. Yesterday afternoon Gibson foil In with a verdant ctrangor at the Union Pacific depot and fleeced him ont of ten dollars. A boy who know Gibson saw the act and reported it to the polico. When Whoeland wont down to the hotel to arrest him ho ran up Into the garret and hid , but was soon found and dragged forth. Gibson , which , by the way , is not his name , is a well-known "con man" to the police here , and some months ago they had him in jail for being implicated in the robbery of a jewelry store opposite tbo pojtoflice , It is about time for him to bo sent a trip over the road. J. C. Westloy , who for a long time was shorthand man to J. T. Taylor , when that gentleman was connected ; ( with the Union Pacific road , returned yesterday and Is now acting in the same . capacity to Assistant General Freight Agent McMullon , The Burlington & Missouri pay CM started north yesterday and the boys along tbo line are smiling. It is rumored in railroad circles that Mason B. Starr , general baggage agent of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Is soon to bo succeeded by Mr. Sadd , A man by tbo name of Burrows has been put into Jerry Mollvohill'a old place at the Union Pacific freight depot. > Mr. Mollvebill expects to soon embark in business for himself horo. For the ulianipionahlp. A checker tournament for the cham pionship of Nebraska was commenced yesterday morning at John Kelkenney's saloon on Thirteenth street. The con testants are 1. 0. Wbiteslde , of Aurora , and Richard Water , of Omaha barracks. : Fifty games are to bo played. With .yesterday's slego , which closed at 0 o'clock last night , thirty- Uro had boon completed , Of those Whltcsldo won eight , Waters ; five , and the remaining twenty-two wore draw games. The contest will bo renewed - newod again this morning. fctlt Living. John E. Wolgman Is still living , and at C o'clock last night seemed to be In an Improving condition. The attending physicians have great hopes now that he will recover. It seems though that hit organ of speech U entirely destroyed Qo recognizes everybody , andtmerjtandi what they say to him , but cannot epeal a word. The oflioera ore making diligent effoiti to apprehend the vllllana who way laid him but as yet have gained no good clues. A general row occurred about 9 o'clocl iMt night in Fred Kaufmann'a taloon on Douglas street , and a man by tha name onof Crawford had his head badly crushed. DECORATION DAY , Arrangements Being Mafic for Us Ob servation in Council BloiTs on Ilie 30tii , The Committees Appointed. Council Bluffs Correspondence. The following arrangements have been made for the observance of Decoration day , and the following committees appointed : 'Wallace McFaddon Is appointed chair man of committee on martial music and designating graves. Committee on order of exorcises Judge Rood , Col Sapp , John Llndt , Prof. McNaaghton. Finance J. M , Phillips , W. F. Sapp , J. 0 , DoBuvon. Invitations William Soars , E. J. Abbott , John Llndt. Carriages Theodore Bray , J. 0. Do- Haven , Mace Wiic , Paul BoquetGoorgo Wheeler , Theodora Lund , Schultor , Maxwell , J. Rogers , John Dohaney. Printing Stoadman , Bowman , Tilton , Spencer , Pfolffcr. Platform Henry Qonhoimor , O. M. Washbnrn , L. Hammer , Edward Mott , E. F. Holmes. Ice A. Gilbert , J , Mulholland. ReliglonsBorvices ComradoMcCroary , chairman , the Rev. Mr. Mackoy , Com rade Kllgcre , the Rav. Father Mo- Monomy , Comrade H. 0. Barnos. Flowers Mrs. W. F. Sapp , chairman , Mrs. Frank Poeoy , Mrs. A. 0. Graham , Mrs. Judge Reed , Mrs. Judge Lyman , Mrs. Prof. McNaughton , Mra. J. P. Gas- ady , MM. Col. Tulleys , Miss May Phillips - lips , Mrs. L. A. Casper , Mra. Foster , Mrs. A. B. Casey , Mrs. John Newton , Mrs. Spencer Smith , Mra. J. L. Formau , Mrs. George Pliolpp , Mrs. Dr. Stlllman , Mrs. N. M. Ptuoy , Mrs. Horace EvcJett , Mra. J. f. Evans , Mrs. O. M. Brown , Mrs. Henry Motcalf , Mrs. George Keollno , Jr. , Mrs. J. T. Stewart , Mia , A. B. McKnne , Mra. E. L. Shugart Mrs. J. W. Chapman , Mrs. Dr. Hart , Mrn. J. N. Baldwin , Mrs. N. P. Dodge , Mrs. Dr. Woodbnry , Mrs Dr. Green , Mrs. Joseph Oromor , Mrs. F. Smith , Mrs. Samuel Haas , Mra. J. W. Pcregoy , Mrs. Mark Dnryoe , Mrs Thomas Officer , Mrs. J. 0. DoHaven , Mrs. Capt. O'Nell , Mrs Zlm- mor , Mrs. John Epehnoter , Mrs. J. D. Oliver , Mrs. Robert Beecroft , Mrs. John Green , Mra. Bobhlngton , Mra. S. Eiseman , Mra. L. Klrsht , Mra. Walters , Mrs. 1 John Beresheim , Mrs , James Wlckham \ , Mrs. J. J Brown , Mrs. 0. A. Boebo 1 , Mrs. J. M. Palmer , Mrs. George Wheeler , Mrs. Odoll , Mrs. F. M. Gault , Mrs. S. S. Stevens , Mrs. F. Klmball , Mrs. Manrer , Mra. George Graves. Mrs. J. White , Mrs. Ann Stone , Mrs. Gilbert Taylor , Mra. E. J. Ab bott , Mrs. J. W. Kllgoro , Mrs. Rov. McCreary , Mrs. Craigmlro , Mrs. Goo. Wollver.'Mrj. MoBrlde , Mra. Goo. Ferguson , Mrs. L H. Mosler , MrB. D. Maltby , Mrs. H. 0. Barnes , Mra. 0. Geiso , Mrs. P. 0. DeVol , Mrs. W. R. Vaughan , Mrs. Mattin Hughes , Mrs. P. Lacy , Mrs. John Llndor , Mra. F. Meyer , Mrs. Chas. Barghausen.Mrs. Theo. Gult- tar , Mrs. L. Hammer , Mrs. J. Hammer. Vocal Music Marshall Troynor , chair man , Col. Tulloy , Ed Spoonor , Clarence Jndeon. Gen. Given , of Des Moines , has ac cepted an Invitation to bo the orator of the day. The Abe Lincoln Post , Grand Army of the Republic , In arranging for tbo day invites all civio societies to join with the soldiers. Also the city officials , the police and fire departments , the teachers of the public schools with the pupils and also all connected with the institution for the deaf and dumb and all other schools , In fact everybody. BLUFFS' COUNCIL , Now City Officers Elected at Last. At the meeting of the city council last evening A. Dalrymplo was elected city clerk , receiving four votes , while the present Incumbent , Ed Troutman , re ceived two. For chief of the fire department , D. F. Elchor was elected by a like vote , the present chief , C. Walters , receiving two votes. For poll-tax collector , 0. J. Beckman was unanimously chosen. Mr. Vincent , editor of the Tabor , lovro , Nonconformist , who has been In 111 health all winter , Is to-day to have his log amputated , this seeming to bo his lest chance for any relief. Amusements. Boyd's opera house was filled laat night with a brilliant and fashionable audience to greet and applaud the Omaha Glee Olub in their efforts to provide an ontor- talnment worthy of patronage. They wore assisted by the Mendelssohn Qaln- tott Club , of Boston , an organization noted the country ever for Its fine mu sic. With the combined strength and training of the two organizations you can readily understand , without any great s'rotch ' of Imagination , that they offered and rendered a programme filled with pleasing entertainment. Thn Fourth U. S. Infantry band also took part with the Glee Club In their Initial selection. The greatest treat of the evening doubt- lees was Mr. Fritz Glese'a violin- cello rendition of Fantalslo. Mr. Gloao la recognized as one of the greatett per formers on that instrument , in this country. His playing wag grand and elicited the wildest outburst of apprecia tion from the audience , The glee club sang splendidly and was compelled to respond to occores at the end of nearly every number. The event was a grand success and the club deserves much credit for Its entorprlse. WOODS' MUSEUM. This temple of thetpls Is becoming le of the most popular amusements ts that Omaha ever had. Moniger Wood offers such extraordinarily fine attrac tions for the price of admission charged ) that his theater Is crowded nightly. The company playing there this week la ( stronger than the average traveling com bination , and last night produced "Hazel Kirk" to the ontlra satisfaction of all who witnessed It. Kaufinnnn Dead. George Kaufmann , the man who was . thrown out of his buggy Sunday afternoon - noon and fatally injured , lingered until 1C o'clock last evening , suffering great agony , then died. Mr. Kaufman has resided sided in Omaha most of the time for re20 years past and was known as en honest , , uptight man. He conducted a barbei shop at the Gees hotel. SPECIAL NOTICES. All nrfr trtitttntnti in the tpttial column * ttitt t > t tharged at tht rate of 10 ctntt ptr line for tht fintinttrtion , and 7ttntiptr line for rath tubte- guent { niertion : A"o aivtrtitemtnt uilt be interted for left than ! S etntl or tht firit Unit. Thtttadvertittmentl irillbe intertill in bath Horn' ing and Evening Editloni , rtpretentinj a circula tion < \f \ ottr Eight Thoutancl. Thtt clan pc < lr < r- titemenit mutt potitivtly be paid in advance. TO LOAH MONEY , fl Kftfi W(0 , 81,030 and 81,400 to loan on real ci ( &OUUS Ute. Money on h ml. No delay. Omaha Financial Exchange , 1613 Farnam fit. ESS IBp npo WAX7,000 on teal citato by Ballou Bros. , 117 X South 13th Street , 18J-11 In amounts to suit , on chattels , MOMITTOIXMH collaterals or anr good security. Omaha Finan cial Exchange , 1603 Farnam It. ) up-tUlri. 186JJp \/TONBY / To loan on chattels , Woollcy & natttlon , 1Y1 Room 20 , Omaha National tank building 917.11 H/TONKY / TO LOAN On leal estate and chattel ! M D. L. Thomas. StPtl. fONKV Loaned on nhattels , out rati , 11. It LUoketoDOUghtanclsold.A.Foiman.SlSB.lSthSt 187-11 I TITONKY LOANED at C. F. Heed ACo'B. Loan office 1VJ. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property ot all kinds and all otho rittlcles of value , without removal. Over lit National Dank.oorncr ISth and Farnam. All business strictly confidential 060 tt In lumjot tSCOand upward. MONKTTOLOAN Co. , Beat KeUls and Loan , 1605 Farnam SI. 051-tf WANTED FEMALE HELP. ASTRO A girl to do Roneral houss work at f 38 W torth 22d St. , rnuit bo a ( jjod plain cook. TX7AN7BD A prl fer Renoral housework , iood wa- WROS and steady work lor a gooiglrl at & 09 N 10th et. 28l-12p WAMKD-OIrl 1719J c.-rncr Gamin * and 18th St. 250-lSp Oltl to work In county , Inn snnll fam ily , Apply 1118 Davenport. _ 278-18 TTTAtmtD-A strong middle igod woman to bake VV cakes andwafle8 ! , at the 1'txton hotel ! 77-12p AXTKD A nurse girl , must board at homo. In W quire room 9 , Oooa hotel. 103-12 TTtTANTRD Lady agents , $10 a day , with my won- VV dorful brand-new rubber undergarment for fomalee ; ladles go wild ever It Madam U. LittleUox 443. Chicago , 111. 303-iep WASTKD-Glil for general house uorkol30 ; annrso girl 2214 Dounlaa St. 211-llp W AMID A gill for gcncril house work 1712 Call- forria. lOMlp WANTKD-Good girls , experienced cooks ; Omaha Employment Bureau , llzOFarrmmSt. 70l-tt TEAMED Oood girl at Paclflohouso , Bood wagos. 137-tI "WANTED-GIrl at 17101 181-11 -A Rood girl for ijeneial housework 1017 WANTKD ! 932-tf First-class dining room girl at the Met ropolitan hotel ; none other need apply. 824-tl TTCTANTED by Kensington Art Co. , female help VV In all parts of the country , to do our light , pleasant work at their homes. Went by mall to any address , no can\aaisntr , easy to learn and any ono can cam from Sto $10 per week. Forfull Informa tion address Kcmlneton Art Rooms , 35 Congress ht , , Boston , Uaes Box 6078. UOO-SCp ts for " Protector WAVTKD-Lidy agon "Queen daisy stocking and aklrt supporters , ehouldo braces , bustles , bosa-u forms , dross fhlolds , safety belts , sleeve protector , etc. ; entirely now devices un- procedentid profits ; we have 600 agents making 3100 monthly. Address with stamp , BII Campbi ll & Co. , 9 South May et. , Chicago. 679-ml9p WANTED MALE HELP. A smart Scandinavian to travel tar a WASTKD . Address' ! 3 "Beo ofllco 250-tf A yourgmanto drive a delhcry wagon WANTED f rnatn St. Motz and Hcsensteln. 73-11. SITUATIONS WANTED. - by an engineer ot experience ; utcam management Included. "Steam , ' ' Bee office. 259-13p . SItiutlon as city salesman , wholesale WANTF.D preferred ; address Salesman. Bee office. Z87-12p Position In some business house by boy WANTKD . Address "L. L. " Bee offloo. 245-lflp - an experienced gardner , garden work , or yards to keep In order ; Inquire N. E. Cor. 18th and Davenport 244-11 Position a * stenographer or bookkeeper WARTKD young man , references as to ability and character good. Address "II. M. D. " Umaha Boo , 233.16p 231-lSp Situation by a lady as nurse to travel eras WANTID keeper. Address 1913 Coming St. 256-llp WANTBU - Situation . _ by an experienced book WAti . . _ , _ , , - „ keeper to keep book ) evenings ; can give good references ; address "K Clark" Bee office. 164 12p MISCELLANEOUS WAISTS. To rent A email cottage lo a convcnl- WANTID desirable neighborhood , with Improve ments prelerrod. Address with lull particular ? , I * O box 304 , city. 223-tt Hoarders at 1015 Capitol a > c. TTTANTED LADIKS AND OKNTLKMBN to take nice , VV light , pleasant work , at their own homes. Work sent by mall any distance all the year round (2 to ? 5 a day quietly made ; nn canvassing , Address KcllaUe ManTg Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. , Box 1693. 091-iep WANTED Room and board not more than eight blocks from P O. Addrcea " 3. " care Beo. 110-2 WANIKU Kierybody to try our Prepared Corn Meal , ready for Instant use with the addition of milk or cold water. Put up In S and 0 Ib. packages. Sold by grocers. W. J , Welibans & Cj. , Manufact urers. 070 tl TTTANTID A man or woman In every country In U VV 8 $1,26 sample free 976 per month , salary or commission. Send Btamd. Paul Tabol , Cbitago III , 810-m-S4p 83 CO will buy one dczen Roger Bro'e WANTED trlpplo plated table knl01 at Moody's china ttorecornor loth and Davenport et. WANTKD Every ady In Deed of a sowing ma . chine , to eeo the new Improved American No , 7. P. E. Flodman & Co. agents ; 220 N 10th. I SOU KENT HOUSES AND LOTS , F OR RK-.T A nice 8 loom house , No 118 South 10th et. Inquire of S. I ) , Jones , gineial Passenger office , U. P. lly. 263 FOR RKST-3 room house , 2 clontta 1817 Chicago st. 251-13p TT'OR R T A No 1 brick yard all ready for work i J ? mile N. E. of Barracks. I , F. Potter. < 274-12p "T70R BUNT To small family well furnished cottage C of ee > en rooms In good location. Inquire of H J , Baxe , Opera bouse , or at 2118 Burt at. Bent 10. 28818 FOR KxiT A bouse , barn , good gaidon partly planted , south of Uansoom's park In Dwlght & Lanc'a addition. Alto a new cottage on Fierce St. , bet 20th and 22d Ht ; ca 1 2023 Pierce St. 25M3p It.m TJtOR RB.VT Cottage ol 6 rooms , furnished or un- JP lurolibed , with barn ; Inquire ot A. Murphy , m20 SlUhSt , ZSO-Kp T7oa RI.TT Five room bouse on south 10th street. JD near renter. V12 per month ; Inquire at 162C Douglas street. 208 13p 17 > OR IEVT Brick cottage on Sherman avenue , fool JD of Clark it. , has 8 room * , clostta , pantries and stone cellar , stable and carriage house and epecloui shaded grounds , all In most complete repair. Apph to J. W , Paddock , 1817 Cafltol ave. 21M8p TjV > RR J < T Seen room cottage oorcer South ave JL1 and Leavenworth , $23 per month. Bedford Bouo ; it Davis , 226-11 FOR HINT A home , handsomely furnlibed par lor , alio two small rooms , bath room lo20Caplto ave. 21T-11 | FOB. Risr Four room house with water ; conven leneos 0tb and IIloi ory it 141-11 IP GViR REST-Three cottaees 4 , 5 and 0 rooms. ) J ? I'hlppiKoe , ] 5 South 6th It. 992-tt FOR RUNT Two barns centrally located J. Phlrva Hot , 1(1 ! south 6th st. S3 tf T70R RRXT two houses 7 and 10 rooms 1511 couth JL1 6th tt. J , 1'hlpps Koe. 093 tt | 7VR silH 12 good lota Marlon plac * three blocks I1 from street oars on caiy term * . Vf II Orecn , over 1st Nal'Ibank. MZ-tl PR RIST 10 room house , modern Improvements. Bedfotd , Bouer & Davis , 213 S. Hth St. "OStt FORRRNT rhrMttory brick store bnllJlnir ; en quire of Edward Norrls& Co. , room 19 Crounse Block. OSSU U'OB ' RKNT Furnished cottage , 7 rooms , with f closets , ran try , eta , In best locality In City can pay rent with board. Call In afternoon at 615 rleas- nt St FOR R xr-A store on Cumlng st. Apply to John 11. rack , 815 N. 16th St. 213-14 1100MS FOR RENT. FORRXNT-Furnlihtd rooms , 1819 Dodge street. S47-J10 F I OR RKVT Ltrge , handsomely luinlihrd front rocm , 1017 C > i > ltot Are. 325-lSp IOR RiciT Furntihed rosm tor two with bo td,1615 Chicago. ISS-lgp Ion Rim Two unfurnished rooms lltfi north ISth F . S . Hetmnco required. S58 Up TTVjRRKiT A. handsomely furnlsncJ patlor ; ale r two small roomi , b th room on car Una , 1720 Cipltol avo. 241-Up T7V3 R RUT Furnished room 329 K. 23d stioet. X1 F OR RUT Southeast corner 17th nnd thlcnRO , plcaunt furnished room , touthcrn exposure ; references. 272-11 RBxr Handsome tarnished room with bathing FOR tocio attached at 2209 Dodge St. 070-I&P TTTIOR nnvr With board , a neatly futnlshnd room JT Bultable for two gentlemen , would also llko one yourcUJy to room and board t South West corner lOlh street nnd St Mary's ovcnuo. 230-lp FOR RRVT Furnished front room ? 8. per month , 017 turth 20th St. , between Cumlnga and Izard Sts. Z3M6p F IOR RRVT 3 or 0 rooms , closet , city water , at BOS North 13th St. 229 12p FOR RRnr One large front room , bay window and mantle on first floor ; modarn conveniences 20th , near 8t. Jary'sa\o. Inquire at S. W. corner 10th and Dodge et , 176-tl FR RR.NT Newly furnlihod front room at 013 8 ICthttrcet. 177-lSp Large , well finished front room , fur * FORRKM orunturnUhed , ono block from St Man 8 ov e ; Inquire of Qeo Hough , 1308 Douglas st. 100-13ji F IOR URNT Furnished room , wltu board. Suitable lor two gcntlemcni 1117 Howard. 770-12p t7ou nK.NT-lIatidsomcly furnithed rooms ontleasant i ? St. Address "J J" ore Bee 182-llp P < OR BVT A room lor gentleman and wife or for 1 two gentlemen , fIth flret-clacs beard 1022 Durtst 793-tt IOR RR.NT Furnished front room with board in F private family 1017 Chicago St. 109 tf RUNT Furnished rooms with or without FOR board , 2112 Barney Bt , ono block from street car. 004tf H\OR BB.ST A stare cheap809 n rth 16th , G00-12p [ OR itK.ST-Furnished front room with board In 1 prhato family , 1017 Chicago et. 985-tf F IOR RB T With board.nlcely furnithed front room gas and bath , 14C9 Jones. 007-tf F ° IR RUM FurnUhod rooms 1621 Capitol ave. 007'mSO FOR RK.-.T-Suite of rooms centrally located , well finished azltablo f or office or 11Ing rooms. E JI Eaton J , 111 south 14th St. 884 U . IOR RUNT Office and third floor suitable for whole , F ealo or manufacturing , at 1207 Farnim St.SfOtf SfO-tf IOR RENT- Furnished room 1313 Jackson st. F BiZ-mSOp POR RRST Nicely furnished front room for lady and gentleman ; Inquire 621 Pleasant St. 712 tt F OK UKNT-Nicely furnished rooms 1617 Davenport 722.j6p T > OOM8 With board.doblrable f Ji summer. Apply iXat St. Chailcs HetoL OU-ti TTIOR KENT Several flno offices In Croanso1 block. J ? Inqalro Ed. Norrts , room 19 Crounso bloot 042 tf FORSALE FARMS. stLi At a bargain socral suctions of land Ir FOR llouuid county , cb , near the Loup rUer ith In three totclvo miles of good railroad stations and near St Paul , the county scat , and ono ot the best growtiiKtouns in'entrnl Hebraska. Also lia > o one tract of 720 ucrca or rolling land , can cultUato tluco fou'ths , balance good crazing land. Fo r a stock farm this pleco cannot bo excelled , situated botuccn St. Paul and Fullcrton good rail road stations. ' Will sell In tracts of ICQ acres and upwards on easy tcrmsand long tlmo. Price , $3 to $11 per acre , nil ! bo glad to correspond vlth nnjotio wishing tc purchase , and to these thliikiae of seeming gooC und cither for a home or spcculatho purposes , J think I can offer a decided bargain. Address Oco. H , Hicks , P. O. Box 600 , Omaha. 276-llp FOR BALK A 630 acre stock and grain faro , a'l ' Ira pro\od ; four hours' rldo from too Omaha Stol < Yards ; sq > onmlles from the city of Fremont ; tw railroads within three miles ; 300 acroi under plow , the ro't In pasture ; board fence , running : stream through paiture ; house with ten rooms ; will bos. ir chcaplf sold immediately ; on terms to suit. Fo further particulars Inquire of Oeo. C. Orodfroy , Fie moot , Nob. 157 tf T7 < OR 8ALK-Faimand unimproved land lota and X1 house on long ci edit D&JILand offlco , 620 . 13th St. Vadlcka & Ooantner. 103-nlBp FOR SAL ) ! Good farm In Washington Co. ; 171 acres ; SO acres cultivated ; good buildings ; Qno orchard ; running water ; all feacod. Edward Norrla Co. , room 19 Giounso Block. 474t ( FOR SALE HOUSES-LOTS. FOR SALR Nice cottage ot 4 rooms with lot I3i68 2 blocks from St Mary's ave. . near Knn- nottsa bargainatl,050 , cash < 4CO , balance to suit. Iobcck& Co. , 12 > 2 Farnam street. 218 tf f POR SALK House of five rooms and lot. Inquire en 1 preulaes , noilh lOthet.nenrShsrman St. 214-llp IT'OR BALK Ten acres of land within S blocks of 1'oft r orfce nt Weeping Water , Casg Co. , Neb , will sell on easy terms or exchange for Omaha property. W. U. Green , over 1st Nat'l link , Omiha , Neh. 240tf FOR BALK Five loin47x130 ; together on Lcircn- worth street ; bcauttlul location , 000 One- fourth cash , balnncj on long time , cosy term ] Crallo & Jones. 210-tf F 'OR ' 8ALR OR LEASH For lease , brick block , corner _ 15th and Capitol Avenue , one block from post- olllca , two ( tores and batement , 20 rooms with mod ern Improvements , rooms renting from (15 to 826 per month. Furniture for tale : Tbo exposition building , being constructed , Is on the opposite cor ner , lloreo li Brunncr , Faxton building , ir > tt and Farnam. 207-U Six beautiful lots In Hawthorne , ten i la Kllby place , six In West B nd add and ten In Hanscom place ; all easy terms. 11. 0. Patterson 13th and Farnam. 101-tf TTVm BALI Dciuttful and desirable lota at 1203 each Ju on 810 monthly payments , U. 0. Patterson , isih and Farcam. 163-tf i Ualf Interest of a well established cen- JD t rally located grocery business fer sole cheap on account of HI health. Choice lot In Arbor place 8360. 5 acres , t room bouse north Saunders street 83COO 6 acres near Fort , ( S 0. 2 lots , east front , Dwlgbt & Lyman'a adj. , 8750. Corner Shirley and I'hil Sheridan ave , Bun 01 add. . $300. 2 lots In Arbor place , 5 room homo and stabli , Lot 72x140 east front , 7 room bouie , barn etc , , Ir Bedlck's Sub-division add. near car line 81000. Corner lot 27th and Dodge i room liouno 81650. 4 lots in llurr Oak odd , $2200. Paulson & Co , 1518 Farnam st. 117-11 MARION riaci 12 good tots In this additions Ith In 3 ll.cksol street can , can be had on cast terms , W U Oreoo , over m Nafl Bank. ! U-tf F 'OR ' BALK At a bargain , three goad houses 817am „ 817118tb , south ot Lca > cnworth ; rent $05 per . per month ; pilco 85,500 easy pajmecU ; mu t bo sold before June tat. Apply 8. Mortenttn , tailor 1113 Farnam street. 131-jlp FOR BALI House full lot , well , cistern , barn , all In good condition , dbe block from street cars f 1 BOO < easy terms. W II Qreen , over Itt Nafl Bank. BOOMl OR BALK Oood 6 room house , lot 60x182 f eteu Jj frout , $1800 ; $100 cash , balance t5 p r month W. H Green , overlst National bank. SSltf 1'OR SALE , MISCELLANEOUS. " - T7 < o > BALI Oood ieo nd hand piano at K liargali J ? 218 north lth. 270.18 ? IOR BALI Two NO 1 second hand bui F gy. Ap | ly J C8 and 1111 Dodge Bt. 145 tl TT02 BALI An elrgtot pailoreej and minor , ION .tf Stth stiect. II Ton MALI-Two rrraleitt Max Meier & Bros. , llth JT and Fatnam at * . 136-12 Ii"OIl flATjK A palrof extra Rctx ! work homr * , 1 weighing about 1,4CO pounds each ; flvoTetrs old , onnd BLd Kill broken. Reason for gelling , too > alu Meforrny business. Inquire at Oeo. Hcaton's , 023 Uroodway , Council Bluffs. 19M4 OR KUJ-SOO.OCO bilck , on carl at Bellevue or Omaha , U. r. Clarke. ICB-tl FOR BAtR A pair of ponies with llthl cprtnR wa- Ron andharnrcs wry cheap for oath 117 Howard street IJfMf TTVm SAtH-riano. $7CO upright piano at a bar gain , 1718 Douglas. 733-nrtl PERSONAL. f iDiuyoucangttan elf jrant silk dress made tor JL/only elgbtdcllarf , 1414 Dodge U 205-llp PHRsov AL Tattles wishing a seamstress , guaran teeing rutting and ntllnjf satisfactory : sddrew 313 North 10th it , Mrs. J , Arnoll. sis lOp If jou wants , detective , ( end your ad. I address to the Omaha Detecth o Agency , P O box Ml , offices JIB south Uth il. S69 m7 MRS K.M HoornR , Trance clalrvoant , and heal. Ing rcollum ready for business over No OiS S K corner 18th and Webster. Terms reasonable. 4SJ mlo REAL ESTATE BROKERS. . Loboofc A Co1,1SI1 Farnam JL\j itreet corner 13th , real estate bought and sold on commission , exchanges of real or personal proper , ty cBooted ! the pair nagoof parties having'real estate or Blocks of good * to sell or ozchingo at reasonable pilcoo , li solicited , ana will have our Vest attention. OU-tl TO EXCHANGE , To RUciiAjiOR Two splendid ( arms for merchandise ; hotel for farm. H. 0. Patterson , ISth and Far * nam. loUt trio RXCIIASOR 1 have fifty thousand acres ol Chey < JL enno county land htch 1 can exchange at figure which will be iiroDUblo for eastern proixtty. Com and see It. W. J. Vannlco , Sidney , Neb. 804-tf po RJCIIANOR-410 acres well Improved land } mlla .Llrora Ksscx , Iowa , for a ( took of general merchan dise or hardware. Address John Liudorholm , Kieox Iowa. DS4 tt F iOR SALK Or exchange. We ha\o for sale the exclusive right In this state to sell the coal etnomlior and soot dostroyt r , destroys the soot nnd will gate twenty per cent on coal , will eell county rl hti or the stat , or will exchange for real estate or ki J rood property on application will send sample ici aland giro particular * . Ilcacon for Belling 5va rcancot eUe it bin attention : a rare cbanco lor l\n ten ! Bedford , Souor & Davis. 915 tl FORBALit Rxcn ( NOR In part for restaurant , fur niture and stock , clgirs o. 7 roomed hou < o , barn , and two lots. Apply 310 south 11th st. 103 mSO BUSINESS CHANGES. FOR SALR Ilcslnurixnt located on 12th street be tween Farnam and Harnov , known as French Dining Hall , on moderate conditions , apply at 314 S 12th street , K. BIcck. 270-lBp FORBALB Ooodbuslni-ss In Onnlri ; oroflta 03 per cent ; cif Hal minimi , three or lour thouinnd dollars I'ureniis meaning business , address Lock tiox SOI , DCS Unities , Iowa 2CZ-J11 FORSALK \ well eitablt < hcd tailors business bo- twoeu now and Juno 16th , low rent ; good loca tion ; hold leosool store for twojears ; only email cap ital required. Address * N. 0. " Bee olllco. ISi J-4p FOR BALK A well catabliehod bakery. Address " 1C. " this office. 125 J-4 Foil BALK on KXciiANOK-Ia part ) for restaurant , furniture 7 roomed house , burn and two lots. Ap ply 319 soul h llth Bt. 100-mRO FOR SALR In Oakland Nob. first-class meat market alto tbo turn ! uro ol the St Paul hotel. For par ticulars , Inquire or wtlto Wlggcra & Uchllug , Oakland Neb. 1374 m9 ITlOR BALB UruK store In n desirable looollty , wll X ; Imolco about 81.600 RC Patterson , NB corner 13th and Farnam. 4SS-U OU SALK Or exchamo a full stock ot clothing boots and shoca , gent1 furnlshlnggoods , will ex change for Nebraska Lands , a. U.I'ctoreon.SOl S. 10th St. , Omaha , Nob. OIG-tf GROCERIES. JJIUUK LIST Of W. II. ilottor'j Grocery JL UOUEC. 10 Ibs Orinuht-d Sugar $1 00 12 " CutliafSugir 100 It "Flno psndcicdSugar 1 00 COFFEE. 8 Ibi Rood Hlo coffee 1 00 7 " Golden Rio o.flco 100 7 " R od roasted conco 100 6 " best roasted coBce 100 4 " exttaJa\a caffeo 1 CO 5 " best Jaa coffee 1 00 21 " bejt Ja\a and Mocha coffco mixed 100 TEASj 1 Ib good Japtn Si 1" best uncolo od Japan 81 1 " best KDg'lth breakfast 86 1" choice gunpowder So SYRUPS. 1 keg best Hoisydrlp 2 00 1 keenest lloiey drip 160 Igal New Orleans 81 1 Gal Strictly pure maple 100 1 Gal Vermont maple in cans 90 1 Gal Keck candy 1 00 RICE. 19 Ibs bcfl' . Carolina rico 1 00 13" " Louisiana lies 100 SOAPS. 4 ban German Mottled 25 5 " Pearl . . . . 26 B "Palm 25 CANNED GOODS. 1 can 3 ll > Table Peaches 15 1 , , , ,1 ' " ' " . . . . ' ' 2 1 " standard Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . li 1 " " " Pumpkin 11 1 " " " Apples li 1 " " corn li 2 " " Hajpberrlos 2 , 1 " French Peas 3 1 " ' Mushroom S 2 " test Ooosbeirloi 2 2 " bfst Blackberries 2 2 " eug Plumbs SUNDRIES. 1 bottle choice Pickles 2 1 cm Sweet 1'otatoca ] 3 Ib Jellyi ( cbclco ) S 3 b > xcs Pittstmrg Lye 2 Ibs Baking Powder g , , , i 2 " new Valencia liaisons 3 ' new I'/uucs. . 2 1 drlod lilackbcrrlca 2 ' dried apple j ( evaporated ) , . 3 ' drlod poaches 25 * Navy boo8i biackcrs by the box 0 MEATS. Sugar cured brokfaatbacon , , Sugarcured Hams . Dry ealt OTIIEll GOODS. - 1 broom , - 1 Rood noueo broom , 1 best carptt broom i. 4 papoi s Natlonol'ygajt 1 Bcrub brueh , . , 6 Iba Silver gloss starch - 3 boxes corn aterch 1 filhbox clo < aetarcu 1 kit lam ly maceral Igalilnegar 1 wash board 1 No. 1 tub . 1 00 INo. 2 tub . BO INoS. tub . . . . U 1 rnopellok . . . . 20 1 large clothes baekot . . . CO 1 can condensed milk . 20 2 Ih Jelly in Jars This IB only a > cry email list of the very large stock I cany , having the Iaifet * tock to eelecl from In the cltyt can and will Ive btttcr Inducements than any othtr house In the city Call and leome and I will sate you from 10 to 25 per cent. .Remember toe place 1110 Farnam St. W. II. Mottcr , SuooeBtor to J.U. Fiunch&Co. N , V. our new and complete price list mailed free on application. . , N HKLQUEST hts purclnecd the grocery stock and , building belonging to Cha > . Ucagien at No 714 Nor 111 16ih St. , vhcio he will continue the hui- Inesa and will be pleased to eceallhli ( r lends JIhe cholceu groceries will h ktpt constantly on hand vegetable In ea on. 22116 BOARDING. , , -pMllST-CLASS Bed and board 1212 Capitol ave. - LOST AND FOUND , L OHT Sunday o > cnlnf ( , Ifay 10th , hctSand 0:80 : o'clock unetk chain uitllthric Daniel fcittln i. or will bo icwaulul \ > ) kuUiifbaniu at the llitk- , nun Oazar LU'B. 27Mlp T OHT-On Frldaj tvenlug list , on Siuodtrs Bt " a JUpucket hook oontalnUg 81.76 In I Ills and cheek pa } able to M. Tolt or bearer lor $50. Will treat with Model about reward through mail. Address f. Beg- gan , caret. I'earoacorner 12th andFaroam. , LOST \ s Iver watch and fob and locket , charm iln the \lcintty of Vliflolaoio , or 1'ark ave , Thu finder will btthandsoinelvieoarded byleavIngatlSli 8. lltn st. 213-12 [ , L Our ( This ( Friday ) morclrih' between 7M ; and 8:81 : n gold watch chainK , , of 1 * . Finder wllll eave a Pacific Kxpreca olllce tiid reccluo iiooreward. 0. A Abercoombe. S04-14p L1Ioal A Kutiihllcuplar Juwcl. 'Jbo Under vrlllN be rewarded by leavlnit the same with 0. N UUtz , et , Paul lumber > ard , 131U and UalUoiul 8U. S1B-U IOE CREAM. RMII Ic CMam pV ; and \kr every day. Orders ' > pllrtUn'iMl ' * ' CarlSchmld , Muth 143-J5 BOOTS AND S11OK8. BMT ifirallly gents h nd sewnl ihoes only $ i.50 at T. Is. Cray's. 2JI7lg MISOKLLANKOUS. mv SILVKR Tn , docs ni Rive you hoart-hurn , fags lodfcrrrtil at one cent , each by tha dealers. Peycke Bros. , Agents. 6S3tt On May 4th , two mnleo , one black and the other * datk krown ; finder will 1 cave Information at II ns Hook , 2 blocks south from rndot street cars , on 13th si. SffJ 11 > A Ti'RR-Oii Klkhorn and flute. T. Murray. eOO-U nxw BILVRR rAO , Its fruit flavored , IARS redf m d V atcno cent each by the dealers , Pejcke Urcxi. , agent * . CSS-tf < < on ban > riven by Q K Ocllen- IHSTRCCTIO 1110 Capitol are. 450-11 It does not taint the breath , tan V redcomedatonocont each by the dealers. PejcVa Bros , Agents. CSS-tf , vault * , sinks and cxtwpools cleaned tt the JL shortest notice and satisfaction guaranteed by F. O. Abel , P. fl. Box S78 490-m2p vaults , snd ccMpods clcnnl at shortest notice PRIVY tice any time ot the day , In * , n entirely erderlcro nar'lth our lmpro\rd pumr and denogan appara tus , all places clrano-1 by us tlltontectcd tree , charcci reasonable. A. Evan * , 12 ( > 8 Dodge street up stairs. 24S-J10 Stallion , Jaok , Sheppard Jn Will stand for stock at < > maha Fair grounds the season ot IRSi lie Is 16 } hands h Igh , weight 1286 lh , his ( Ire JACK SHRTPARD li full brother In blood to DKXTRR 2:17 : } , also to DicTATORtho slro of JAV-HTR suit 2:10. : PALLAS. 2:11 : } and DmncroR-tn ? . Call at the Kalr crtunda and see him and Ret his po < Igreo In In lull , terms $25. for the season. A. TIIOUSON. WeakNervousMen Becking prrfcrt restoration to lirnlth , full innnliooil nud sexual vlucir ; without Sloiuarh Drugging , should send for Trea tise on the Uliirmon Molux. Vouun men and others n ho eufTiir from iirrvniiRaml physi cal debility , xliuii li < ( l vitality , prc- tmttiru ilcrltiiK. Vnrlrorolo. tvc. , are vpcclally benefited by consulting Us contents. Clscascaof tbo 1'roMuto Gland , Kidney * iiml lllndilor effectually curod. Kmlorood by thousands who have been cured. Adopted lu Hospitals nrul by Physicians In Knropo and America. Sealed Trenttso free Addrmfl MARSTON REMEDT 00. or DR. H. TUESKOW. 40 Woat 14th St. . Now York. ( SUCCESSORS TO JOHH O. JACODJli UNDERTAKERS i At the old irtand 1417 Farnam Bt. Orders by t U- graph solicited and prompt ! attended to. Telephone No S25 German insurance COMPANY. Freeport , - Illinois CASH CAPITAL , - - - - 5200,000 M. IlETTiNGEn , . Frcat. F. GUND , Secretory. Policy holders please call on or nddres Geib & Maas , Agents for Omaha , Nobraakn , 1505 FA.KNAM STREET , UilBUEG-ilEEKM PACKET COMPANY. Oirecb Line for England , Franco and Germany. Tha steamships ot this well known line ore ball ! ) t Iron , In wator-tlgbt compartments , and arc tor- olebed with ovcrv requisite to make the passage both safe and agreeable. They carry the Dnltod States and European malls , and Icavo Now York Thnsdaysand Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON Oberbong.PARIS ( and HAMBURG. Kates , First Cabin , 850-8100. Steerage , to or from Hamburg. 810. 0. B R'CUAKD& ' CO.Gen eral Pa a. 'Rents , 01 Broadway , New fork and Washington nd La Bella streets , Chicago , or Henry Pundt , Mark Ilanten , F. K. Uoorev , Harry Dcuol In Omaha ; Oronewlg & Sahnonegen , lo Council Blnffa. L/irw nvttw * KSuccEsaons TO DAVIS & SNTOBB. ) QKNEBAL nEALKIiS IN 1605 FAENAM STREET. - - OMAHA. TJave for sate 200,000 acres carefully selected lands In Kaetorn Nebraska , at low price and on easy terms Improved farms for Bale In Douglas , Dodge , Cclfax , Platte , Hurt , Gumlng , Sarpy , Washington , Uerriok , Baunders , and Butler counties , Taxes paid In nil parts of the stato. Money loaned on Improved form1 Notary Public alwaya In office. Correspondence Idled UNITISD STATJEB U. B. DEl'OSirORY. S. W. Cor , Farnam and 12ih Sts Capital , - $100,000.00 0 , W. HAMILTON , Prea't. M. T. BARLOW , Owhlei DIBEOTOIIB : H. M. OA.LDWW.I , B. V. Sunn , 0. W , HAMILTON , M. T. BABLOW , 0. WILL HAMILTON , Account ? solicited and kept suboct | to sight Certificates of Deposit Issued i > nyablo In 3 , 6 and 12 months , bearing Intercut , or on do * mand without interest. Advances made to customers or approved securities at market rates of interest Ths Interests of customers are closely guard ed and every facility compatible with princi ples of sound banking freely extended , Draw eight drafts on Kngland , Ireland , Scotland , nut ? all parts of Europe. Sell Kuropean passage tickets , Collections Promptly Mado. United States Deposito OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. The Oldest Banking Establishmant in Omaha. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZK HHOTIIEI1S , Organized in 1858 , Organized as a National Bank In I860. - OBPITAL . . , $200,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS. . . . 150,000 OrriMRH ANP IilRECTORS ; HERMAN KOU.VIZK , I'naUlerit. Juim A. CRiiaiuON , Vice I'retldcia , At'aiHTi's t-ouMiK , 2d Vloe tiesd : nt. A. 3 , Foj-fucrox. V. A. 1U\I8 , Caibler , W.I I. ME CIRB , Ana'etant Cashltr , TraDnacU a seucral banking Uulnce * . IMUCI tlmo rertiaratti bearing Intcrebt. Draws dralii m Bui FriucUco and { irlnclpal tltlei lu the United Htatm ; alto London , Dublin , Kdlnbur * , and the irlaclpal , cllloj ol the ocutmuit aud Kurope. 'COLLECTIONS ' PUOMPTLY BIADK