THE DAILY BEE. Monday Morning , May ! ! LOCAL BREVITIES , Major Joseph II. Dill , inrROon o ! the "United SUtoi army. hw by ipecial order No , 100 been relieved from duty in the dopart- tnont of the Flatt. Mr. Win. Todd , of DosMoincs , Town , who h In the city visiting his brfithcc Oh&rlos , preildod yesterday M organist nt the Vlni Congregational church. The Rev. JJr. Ingrair , paitor of the Christian Church , who haa been nbicnt covoral wooka , occupied hl pulpit yoitorday , and pro chod to n Tory largo congregation. An army order lift * boon Iiiued making the period from May 16th to Augnit ICth , nod the month of October the "practice sea son" for this command , for the current target year. Jwflgo Stonberg propose * to make it warm for people who empty garbtgo and offal from their housoa Into the streets nnd alloy * . Ilot weather IB coming , cholera haa boon predicted , and unless the utroota and alloys are kept clean tboto Is plenty of reason to fear tcrlona res alts , Mr. Chan. Dickinson , superintendent of the Wilbor Mercantile agency of Chicago , la In the city for the purpose of establishing a I subscription department of the agency in Omaha , Mr. Dickinson has charge of the business of his agency in Iowa , Nebraska \Veatern Wliconsin and Dakota , and will ro _ main in Chicago until his office la In full run ] nlng order hero. A young'mulatto girl who recently be came the mother of an illegitimate child , Sat urday caused the arrest of n colored man named Albert Green on a warrant charging him with being the father of the babe. Green was brought botoro Justice Anderson , and the hearing of the case was sot for Monday at 2 o'clock. Bail was fixed at ยง 300 , which waa furnished for his appearance Monday , Complaint haa been rondo to Marshal Cummlngs by residents of south Seventeenth street in relation to a dog nuisance which Is ald to oziat In that neighborhood. Especial complaint has been made about the canines which congregate at n Mr. Giotcho's , in the rear of 822 south Seventeenth. A number of the dogs are Bald to bovicious , nnd both children and grown people are in constant danger of being bitten , The matter will bo Investigated. An entertainment is to ba givsn by the young ladies at Brownell Hall on Wednesday evening , May 13th , from 5 to 10:30 : o'clock , the proceeds to bo used as a nucleus for their now buildings. The young ladies will be di vided into parties , nnd have tables to servo. The ooffeo and sandwich table will bo presided over by Queen Elizabeth and her court ladies ; another table , where cakes will bo served , will bo in charge of ladies In Greek costume ; the ice cream table by ladies dressed in Marie Stewart style ; the flower girls will be dressed a such ; ladies In Gypsy costume will preside over n tent and toll tha visitors' fortune ; cakes , containing a ring , thlmblo and money , will bo sold by "Folly ; " HHlo fairies will Bell dance ticket ribbons ; Rebecca will ba at the well and servo lemonade , assisted by Jew ish maidens , and the daughters of a German fisherman will allure people to try their luck in a fish-pond. The gate-keepers will be Norman and Italian peasants , while the ushers will be dressed in Quaker style , at tended by pages in Henry VIII. style. There will also be an art gallery ol living pictures , and various other entertainments , A very pleasant time Is anticipated. PETTY TYEANTS , The Cry of Hungry Soldier * at Fort Omaha A Burly Sergeant , To the Editor of The BEE. Force OMAHA , May 8 , I hope the sol- diem around Fort Omaha will take notice of this. Oar captain , as every ono knows la not to blame for all onr trouble , for ho ia as good a man as over commanded a company. Neither la ho aware that our first sergeant Is the cause of BO much dissatisfaction among the men who have sworn to servo faithfully for five years. Ho will cause a good deal of desertion from onr company or else mako'good men soldiers in the guard house. Bach treat ment as Borne of the company receive from him only helps to make hard drink ers and prlsonora of them. I have heard Sergeant H - toll a man ho would either make him clean up his ( Sergeant H 'a ) bunk or else ran him to the mill. I would like to know If such treatment will help to make good soldiers. On the 5th Instant the Dell rang as usual for supper at 4:30 : p. in. , and wo wont to the dining room. There was nothing to eat , and while we were wait ing at the table , the coffee which should have been boiled twenty minutes before. was being ground and live minutes later was on our tables , grounds and oil. At one end of the table was a bowl of watered syrup. Now wo would like to know how men can llvo on dirty water and syrup ? The roaton why wo did not have better food was beoinse Sergeant Hermann lor- bid the cook to use l rd in cooking any thing for the men. Now mujtwo itsrvo to please our first sergeant ? Or can wo got onr government allowance of bacon and , hard tack , etc ? Fellow soldiers at Fort Omaha , la it right for us to bo treated so by a foreigner with the diamond. There were at least twenty men this morning who loft breakfast and wont to other company's dining rooms for some thing to oat , while oifleri went to the etloons In the vicinity and tried to forgot tlut tbor era starving. SlEMUEuy Oo. D , 4th INFANTRY. Koao Ball. The Orelghton Oollego and High School irine ) played their first game of bate ball Saturday afternoon , the former winning by a ecoro of 8 ti 7. The gtma was cl > ao and exciting from the start , and had many features , ojpocUlly tbo fielding tf Rodlck and Durr , which would have done crodtt to older players. The eooro by Innlngi wai : 123 4G 780 Crelithton . a 0 0 ' 2 0 1 0-8 High School..l 2 a 0 0 0 1 0-7 * ATTENriONj WORKWOMEN. Hon. Henry E. Sharpe , of Now York ( " 1 deliver a free libar lecture at Bjyd'u open houB9 the 12th inn at 8 o'clock 1 > . in. Worklngmen tarn oat en raisjo uiid hoar tbo osuso of labor lo\ly pro- ponndcd. SIowEius > II the standard ni&kea * d all 'B85 ' ncl npwird ot JJ VANS' SEED STOKK , 14th and IXdgo. A RIDE TOUPORTLAND.I The OmaMes Force Westward and Go Joyonsly Rolling Along , Personal nnd Incidental AHoronndoj * t Sidney , the first acts of Mcssta. P. P. Shelby and J. W. Morao after they had snugly toated the Omaha Business Men's excursion in the two olcgant Bleeping cars which the Pullman oar company kindly furnished for the "Omaha-Port * land" trip was to toll every man personally and then toll the ontlro company collect ively to make themselves at homo and "ask for what you want. " And If n jol lier , happier party ever started from homo and business to view the myriad wonders of the far-away sunset land , that party and Its history have boon covered up , even In memory , by the dual and rash of the " rowdy west. " The " rowdy west 1" Poor diminutive sons of the " roGnod" east 1 If you could see the men of Nebraska's great motropo Us , whoso vim and pluck and manhood have placid In the heart of a continent , a great city of churches , schools , colleges , courts , smelters , shops , factories and branches of commerce , If you should ice the representative men of that "rowdy- western" city who are on the train whence those lines ore sent , hurrying ever the pralrlo land , to toll wife and little - tlo ones , sister and sweet-heart that hus band , father , brother and lever are all well and happy ; mingling together In social chats and social games ; singing songs and tolling stories ; free from thought or care , save the hope of aoon graiplng the open hand of their more removed brothers of that "rowdy-west , " and , filled with a spirit of professional zeal , creating and cementing bonds of personal and commercial rela tions that shall bind and benefit both. If you could note the absence of dude- ism and the presence of trao manhood , before you would lift your voice to repeat that oplthot , you would pray that the onrso of the Black Prophet might follow upon your track , and the muttered an athema of your lips ho changed Into a blessing ! This party , as it promptly answered to roll * call , consisted of the following well-known Omaha people : D. O.Adams , M. P. Bliss , W. J. Brooth , J. O. Cowln , John A. Crolghton , Charles H. Dewey , J. H. Don nelly , Luke Drake , W. J. Footnor , O. A. Fried , Ben. Gallagher , 3. B. Hayden , G. F. Hoagland , 1 . E. Iler , W. J. Jackman , M. M. A. Kurtz , G. W. LInlnger , E. Martin , Frod. Motz. E M. Morsoman , W , L. Par- rotte , O. N. Ramsey , Thos. Rogers , J. M. HOBS , Oapt. 0. B. Rustin , General Freight Agent P. P. Shelby , General Ticket Agent J. W. Morse , and the representative of the DAILY BEE , WHERE AND HOW THEY DO. These gentlemen travel ever the I Union Pacific , Oregon Short Line and Oregon Hallway and Nav gallon compa nies roads to Portland , Oregon , They are the invited guests of those companies , who have placed at their disposal mag nificent sleeping cars that literally invite rest and sleep by night and afford the ol- gant comforts of a parlor by day. They have done more than this , for every of ficial and attendant npon the train has already by his klndnes and polite atten tion won the respect and esteem of each Individual member of the company. Along this route among the places of note to DO visited per programme now , are Halley and Kotchum , Soda Springs , Shoshone , Boise , Baker Oity and other prosperous business towns In Idaho and Oregon. It Is expooted a day will bo spent at Shoshone that the "Falls , " twenty miles away , may bo visited and inspected , and the party will arrive at Portland at noon of Wednesday , May 13th. This "ride to Portland" Is not a more trip for pleasure. It Is not undertaken by the class of men who at this season of the business year can go on trips for more pleasure. The Union Pacific and the Oregon companies agree with the merchants and buslnecs mon of Omaha that a YOUNd COMMERCIAL GIANT Is sleeping In the Immense country lying along and contiguous to their several railroad routes. They see and feel that this great section now peopling and set tling up so rapidly will soon constitute a vast field for enterprise and business ven ture , and they know and earnestly rea lize that the facilities offered to this sec tion , by their routes and the businessmen mon of Omaha , are far superior to any others that exist to day In any other di rection. The supply point for this section is Omaha and the moans of transportation in quickest time and at cheapest rates are over the line on which those Omaha busi ness mou are now riding. They are going to aao the busy towns and tholr busy merchants and miners , and factors ; to become acquainted with thorn ; to BOO them ; what they can do and will do , and then to return to their homos and make ready to fulfill their promises. This ia tholr purpose , this their mission , this tholr ability , and this the welfare of Omaha. And this , too , Is the welfare of the settlers In this mighty now land , over whoso wldo-oxtendod face tbo great mountains east tholr dim and distant shadows , The ride so far has been , marked by everything going nicely , " as Win. Morse put it this moriiag when ap pro scuod by the DEE representative. The gentlemen of the party are a jolly sot of mon of travel and business , who know how to speed their biuincas and welcome tboir p'easures ' , and they pass tboir time in jokes and whist and song , barring the "twenty five minutes" , for breakfast , dinner and supper , wtiich witness tho. rush of hungry horde whoso appjtltos drive the tmtles from the faces , oven of the proverbial hotel sirl. Besides the party proper , Hon. Harry Oolrlchs boarded the train at North Platte and added uollttls to the pleasure of the rldo to Cheyenne where ho left for bis splendid ranch. A most pleating feature of the day's J happenings was a BKHENAUE AT KIDNEY. As the train rolled in f r dinner the band of the Twenty-first Infantry , Gen eral Morrow commanding , stopped upon tha platform and welcomed the to Omaha party wMi a splendid burit , f inuilc. During the dinner the pleas nt elriias contiued and when iho com psny filed out of the hotel , a general hsnd shaking vras bad ; mgat of the officers who attended the depot being known to the Omaha gentlemen. Tht > DKK acknowledges In the ninao of the ompany ( lie graceful conitrty of tht > oltlona of Sidney and the military mon , especially these of Oipls. Miles and Hopghey , Lieut. Oornmau , adjutant of the post nnd In charge of the band , Liouts. Palmer , Brooks , Bonostcel and Parko , whosa wife rode with htm to welcome the travelers and the members of the | band who stood in n chilly snow to greet the : westward pilgrims. At Ohovenno the putty found Denver papera and bid good-byo to friends mot along the ronto , and ai the train pulled off MR. J. W , MOUSE walked down the aide of the car , giving to each guest a brand now , freshly print ed copy of the "OMAIlA-ronTlAND TIlAVKIEn , " a dally pnbHcttlon of the excursion , Its Incidents and personals. It Is edited on the train , nnd modest as It may be , Is snnt to the BEE with these notes to show who and trhat nnd where these "tourists" aro. aro.Tho next station Is Laramie , where . .111 bo mailed this "train talk" of the journey daring the "evening and the morning of the first day. " D. 0 .R. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco. ODDS AND NDS , Things tlmt tlio Reporter Hears nnil Bcco In His Dally Hounds. "Boys will ba boys , and If the police should arrest every male juvenllo In this town , who swears , or calls his playmates bad names the schools would bo empty. I therefore , can do nothing madam , unless you doairo to swear out n war rant. " Those are the remarks that his honor , Judge Stenborg , addressed to wooplng old lady , Saturday evening , who had como to him with a plttfol story about the way a gang of street nrnbs , rough little roosters , had been shame fully abusing her son by calling htm voty hard names. After she had gene out the jndgo throw a bland smile into his handsome face as ho began eulogizing on the classes of people required to make up a world. "I will bet that old Blain and Logan hat of mine , " sold ho , "that ' in less than two' hours from now there will bo another woman In hero com plaining against this woman's senSe So you see it would bo Impossible to com mence arresting the boys who swear and' just then there was a rustle of silks and his honor lost all thoughts of bad hoys , giving attention to the fair , frail who glided up to his side and twittered that aho had como to pay her flno for wickedness. However , ho turned to the reporter again and said that these com plaints against the boys were of almost dally ocourronco. * * * A drummer , staying at the Paxton over Sunday , made the suggestion yeator day that there ought to bo & Bartholdl statue fond started , among commercial mon and ho believes that thousands of dollars could bo raised that way. "Why , " said he , becoming enthusiastic over the subject , "thoro Is not a man in the pro fession who would net glvo fifty cents era flb dollar and the way to do Is to have some hotel designated to where they can sand tholr subscriptions. This drummer of course lives in New York city himself and is very anxious tn see the statue erected , but wants the people outside of Now York to foot the bill. "I'm not in favor though , " ho con tlnued , "of giving anyone a chance to show off by donating ton or twenty del lars. Make the minimum 50 cents and the maximum $1. " * # # The fining of a restaurant keeper In police court Saturday evening , for beatIng - Ing his wife , was made the foundation for a general discussion laat evening among several gentlemen , and the v r Ions styles of punishment suggested by them for such a man wore certainly novel and amusing. Hanging was considered entirely too mild and imprisonment for life not half aovero enough. Whipped to death , starved to doatb , smothered by gas , torn limb from limb , break him on the wheel , tied to the hind end of a train and drag , Red and a hundred other modes for pun ishment wore suggested. What would you do with the wife who licks her hus band ? Was aakod. Praise her for it and have the authorities give him another licking , shouted every ono. * # # The outrages that have been committed recently by worthless dogs and still more worthless brutes In the shape of human beings , calls for a general wakening up among the puoplo and plenty of men were heard to Bay yesterday , when dis cussing the brutal assault made on Mr. Wolgman Friday nightthat they would bo willing to help run every0 suspicious char acter In Omaha out of it. No citizen Is safe on the street after dark. Any man Is llftblo to be approached by foot-pads and have his brains beaten oat , without any provocation. Seal of North Oirolina Tobacoo Ia the beat. t A BAPTIST COLLEGE , A Committee Appointed to { Select a * Site Oman * Should Secure * the Institution , aa ab At the semi-annual mooting of the Baptist atato convention , held at Central Oity , May Gth , a committee was appoint ed to visit different important cities and towns in the state to examine locations for tbo purpose of learning what place would offer the greatest advantages for a first class college. It Is the doairo of the denomination to establish a college of higher education , which will offer advan tages equal if not superior to those offered by the state university at Lincoln ; to place at Its head n leading educational man from the east , and to secure processors from cattorn colleges. To start with , it will bo nccfssrry tn have a suitable site and a building for temporary use , casting 825,000 , BO constructed that additions can bo pin on whenever necessary. The de nomination will Book an Immediate en dowment of 8100,000. The committee appointed consuls of S. Richardson , Omaha , Itav. O. A. Holmes , Blslr ; Rev. Mr. Whltehead , Nobnska Oity ; Prof. Hicks , Lincoln ; Rev. L. W. Terry , E-Jgar ; Rev. B. P. Ruisell , Ord ; Judge Miller , Albion. It is hoped that Omaha will endeavor secure the institution , as wo need It , and hero Is the pUce for a university , In the metropolis of the stato. It is surprising to BOO the amount of good an advertisement in the BEB will do. T , N Bray , the Djoglas street shoe man has just received an inquiry for Roods advertised bv him from Sherman , Wyoming. Printer's Ink pays well , Don't fail to read Mo tier's price list of groceries on 5th page of this Utue. THE RAIN BELT UNBUCKLED. A Large Section of Dry Prairie Taken In tiy Mart's ' Sprinkler , The Pilgrim's Promise Lnnd In Cltoy- onno County Crowding Out the Knnoboros Growing Great ness of bodgo Polo. Correspondence of The BBS. LODOK PetE , Neb. , May 8. The old saying that "wonders never coaao" Is ex emplified hero In a marvelous acgreo Whilst all our Nebraska people are con vlnced that the rain-belt extends west ward with the cultivation of the soli , none accepted the faotso rolucantly aa the local stockmen. The "pilgrim" in search of a homestead was first lectured , then threatened , nnd finally shot at , bnt ho steadfastly refused to bo driven off , and to-day more than n thousand shanties , dagouta and houses deck the plains of Oheyonno county , where last year at this date there were nono. HOMESTEADS , tree claims , and pre-emptions are yet .plentiful , hue ore going llko snow before tbo summer sun , and by autumn will bo gono. The trains each day bring dozans of men with maps , and plats , and grip sacks , each on a wild scurry after laud , Thoio already settled nro busy plowing and planting and otherwise Improving their beautiful acres , which n few years hence must bo valuable , for when the last of Nebraska's cheap lands are gene , "whoro next ? " At this llttlo vlllogo all IB bustle and confusion. Mr , Nash , a now-comor , is hard at work building a now hotel , which when done will bo an excellent house for this western town. Mr. Crane is build ing a now drug store , and will soon bo dosing the people with pills. The lumber yard has sold several train loads of lumber already and "moio coming" is the cry. Real catato agents arc plentiful and qnlto a number of trades are represented , yet wo still need a good general store the stock of which should be varied enough to please these who would naturally trade horo. .Prof. Eastorday , late of the state university follows the dual occnna- tlon of land agent and editor of thoLodgo Polo Times , a paper of rccont birth. THE FAXL OF RAIN this spring has boon unprecedented in ths ] section of the country , the ponds and water holes being filled to the brim , and no sign of Its abating. It rains too often. Grass Is fine already and fully two weeks ahead of the wild grass In the eastern part of the stato. Some apprehend a scarlty of water hero and argued that good drinking water could not be found under 200 feet , but all who have tried have foui.d water at a trifling depth. One homesteader on section 30 , township 13 , range 46 abont six mlles south of here on the table landdug { eight feet and has throe feet of water , and dips it out with a bucket and halter strap. Others have found water at forty to sixty fcot. The old stockmen the big graziers are aboutgono from here ; only a few range cattle are to bp seen. A few small breeders , thoao with herds of from throe hundred to five hnndrod , still remain , but generally are grazing on fenced lands. CHOPS J HERE LAST YEAR were confined to small grain and vegeta bles , and all who caw them unite in BayIng - Ing that the produce excelled anything ever shown. Potatoes that rivaled the celebrated Salt Lake " " "Murphies" in size and Qavor were raieod in abundance , whilst oats , barley and rye did as well. The coin crop was limited to sod fields , but it was fine as far aa is known. Come np , Mr. BEE , and look at us. Buy a land exploring ticket for $18 , good for round trip. LODGE POLE. TO THE WOBSHIP OF GOD. Ibo New M. E. Church Edifice Ded icated in tbo Presence of a Largo Audience , There was a very largo attendance yes terday morning at the Seward street Methodist Episcopal church , the build ing being crowded to Its utmost capacity. As that church was to bo dedicated , the other Motoodi&t churches of the city had no aorvlcea In the morning , but joined with the Seward street congregation In the t dedicatory exercises. The church was beautifully decked with flowers , and the services were particularly Impressive. Tbo sermon waa preached by the Rev. R. N. MoKalg , and was listened to through out with the closest attention by the largo congregation. Then followed the dedication of the now church building to the i or vice of the Lord. The following ministers were present and participated liI tno services : The pastor , the Rov. Robert Marsh , the Rev. 0. W. Savldgo , the Rov. Dr. J. B Maxfield. the Rov. E. G. Fowler , the Rev. D M. Morquotte , and the Rov. R. N. McKalg. Services are to bo held each evening this week , to bo conducted by the Rev , RN. / . McKalg. G , A. Weldon will sell the host single harness for the money in Omaha , For Sale or Rtnt Two Flvo room cottages , 11th and Bancroft Sts , M. Moxhom , Pacific Express office , L " m ed to Absolutely Pure. all Tbli powder never mtt * . A mirrel ot pniotj itrenirtb ted wbolttomeoeM. iloio economical thi the irdtoury klodj.uid cannot be told la comp U tlon with ( be multitude ol lav tott , ( boil welgt tlain ol pbjrtchrte powdeis. Bold only la e > m ROY& & ilAKlHQ POWDBII 00. , US Wkll Si ; II.T 1312 1312 THE SOURCE OF SAVING IS AN Assurance o a Making To see is to realiV.9 more strongly than to hear of , and to see those Merchant Tfttlor Misfit and Uncalled for Clothing Garments now on sale ab the Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1312 Douglas St. , up-stairs , the source o ban li ing your saving in easilv realized. See that $25 00 Merchant Tailor Made sold for. $12 CO 35 00 II 18 20 40 00 1C 20 30 45 00 II . 23 00 50 00 u 25 70 GO 00 Cl tl 31 25 05 00 II If 35 00 PANTALOONS , $ G 00 Pair Merchant Tailor Made sold for .3 3 00 8 00 " " " " . 4 30 10 00 " " " " . 5 00 12 00 " " " " . G 20 15 00 " " " . 8 00 SPRING OVERCOATS. Cut , made and trimmed in the highest art to be found in elegance unsurpassed outside of the m lFTT11 . . lAuUlJtilJtftjr JcAKiMKa " > ' 1312 DOUGLAS STREET-UP-STAIRS , 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock. COWING & GO , jonnzns r WROUGHT IRON PIPE , IUll ( > ftt > l and Cut Iron Lead Pipe and Sheet Load WISDHlIXinD Dim R HULL rilirS , Plmntes' Gas and ateam Fitters' IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUP"UES , 14th & Dodae Sts-OMAHA.NEB. DR , PUHEK , Graduate ot the University Vienna , Aua- tria. Late Surgeon to tbo Military Hospital , of Vienna , \7illdo a general Medical and Surgical practice. All calls in city or country promptly attended. Office at the Omaha Medical and Surgical Inetitnto , Corner 13th Street end Capitol Avennn , Omaha Medical & Sur gical Institute. 13th St.V Oor Capital Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases DU < nue < of Females , ot tha Korvous Syttem , Pri vate Dlaeagm of the Urinary and Bcxuil organs and Diseases of the Iload , Throat and Lungs , ( pocUItlca Diseases trratert by an experienced specialist , alao dbcosesottbe Heart , Liver , stomach , Hldnoys , Blad der , Neuralgia , lt"eumtll m , 1'il'g , Caurwra , etc , And all other diseases of the Throat and Lungs , treat ed cyllidloitod Vapors Send far Inhaler or circular un Inhalation , All dltcases of the Blood , Uilnary and Sexual Or gans , Private DIecatcs and Plica Cureil or no Pay , 16 Years Uoepital and Private Practice Consul tition and Examination free O'llorwrlteforclrcularsoncbronladlseaaes ' and deform Itlcs DUeises o ( Fo talcs , Private Di emo ol ) I Urinary ai d Kexual Organs , Seminal Weakness , Ner vous Debility or Kxhiustiod , eta , cto , and our new restorative treatment , All letters and consultations Confidential , Medicines cent to all parts ol tha country br ex press , securely packed from observation , If full do ecrlptlon cf ciso la given , Ono personal Inttnliw preferred If convenient. Open at all hoars. Patlenta from a distance can obtain roomj and board , Address all letters to Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute 13th St. , Cor. Caplto A\o , Om hi. Neb. Proposals for Lumber. Sealed prriorali w'l' ' bo received by the underlin ed until rrlda ) , Hay 16th , 1885 at 4o'oook p m , for all Untie ot lumber that may be needed by the city ol Omaha for one ) ear ; talJ bldi thill rpeclfy thu juice" lndittland | hallbe nccoorp anUa with the mo of pr-i > osed tutcty who In the event ot tke warding of the contra t , will enter I to a toad with the city of Omaha , for the true performance of laid contract. The City Council recenca the right to reject any icd alibi la F nvcl' pe > Ulnlngsuld pronoial ) f hull be marlo4 "Proposals for Lumber , " and add roust d to the utdcr- tlgncd r-UKN K LONH , umaha.Nph.Maygth. 1681 Auditor , m 8-0-1112 18 14 OITY STONK FOU BALK. Sealed proposal'will be received by the under- dgnej until Tu'8dav , il v IVtn , 1835 , at 4 o'clock p. for thi purchasect all lootu t'ono Lchuglci ; to the city of Off ah . Knveloivs containing laid proposal"bbkll bo mark "i'0poml lor Purchase of Stone"and delivered underlined not lattrtbtn thitlme above speci fied Ibe city reserve ! the ilg't to reject any and bill J. D. UOUTIUEU , City Clcilc. U8 S-ll 8 NCPTOUI UebUltr - Uauliood A fiTorlle prescription of a noted ipecUlUl ( ubw tv * tired. ) DruceliUraarllllt. DR. WARP * C W" * M"BBBIBfclWlir'B'B"qk ? * * % f * WtoWfe , * " % , XM1YER&BRQ ( ESTABLISHED 1805. ) Only Importers in Omaha of SMOKERS' ARTICLES , Guns , Sporting Goods and Notions , FIREWORKS , FLAGS , BALLOONS , Base Balls , Fishing Tackle , ROLLER SKATES. SEJ3ST3D IFOR DPRIOE LISTS. Sfaoc Sleyer Co. , - Omaha , Neb. .Remember that when you buy a lot in South Oma n you get 9,000 fq'iare ieet of ground , equal to three lota 50x60 , or six business lota 'iSxGO. With this you have the advantage ot alleys 20 feet wide and a street 80 feet wide. THINK OF THIS When you are buying real estate ; ascertain how much LAND you are getting for your money. NOW IS TIME To secure these largo lots while they are cheap. You can get ground now at 2 cents a square foot that will bo worth live times that amount in throe years. &end for a ftflap of South Omaha. Address , 216 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. M. _ A. Upton Agp't SeoV and ESTADUSHCD 1060 FIRE , LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. _ _ Con 14iH 4 Orricct DOUGLAS STB. COMSTOCK & ANGELL , Agents. JKUJEJUJPTNGJiOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Dormer Windows , Window Caps ; UctillloSkr-tUbti , ba. Tin , Iron and tUto Rooferl , 319 South UtU StreetUzftbtMtib. , Work dene In toy paitcf the country.