THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , MAY 11. 1885 ; I HANGING ON HOPE. More F&yfirablG Indicate Yes'erflay ' for Recovery , TIio Unfortunate Victim of Midnight MnrftndciR , Btlll Iitvoi Bnt Han Not Gained Oonsolonsnos. The physicians who are attending John . Wolgmau reported last evening that they considered bis condition .much im proved to what it was Saturday , and think that If ho palls through to-day and to-morrow ho will recover. Dr. Tildon Bald to A reporter for the BEE tbnt when ho visited the pnttont yesterday morning ho could see that Mr. Welgman know and rocoRnlzod him , bat was not nblo to apeak. John E. Woigmau is the man who was waylaid Friday night at his own door atop by a brace of black hearted vll- llans , and it li gonorallv supposed that they intended to murder him. . There is no other particularly reasonable theory , because ho is not a man whom any onn would ho likely to hit over the head for the pnrposo of committing robbery. It has been learned since the aiTitr occurred that ho was struck with a brick bat , and In the examination of , hla injuries Sat urday it was also discovered that the blow given him woo of snfllolont force to crush a hole into his skull so that the brain oozed oat. The doctors performed a surgical operation Saturday evening and took five places of bone from the wound. Ono of these 'pieces rested against the brnln'nnd wn'ilo that'was there the victim Buffered Intcnio agonies of pain and had several very severe convul sions. Soon aa the bone was removed ho brightened up and grew bettor. Qalto a largo section of thockullwiB found to bo fractured and required raising np. The patient rested easy most of yes terday , and for the first time since being hurt took n little nourishment , in the .shape of milk , yesterday morning. His friends , who are numbered by the score in Omaha , earnestly hope and pray for his final and safe rccoveiy. If they could got hold of the scoundrels who committed this inhuman outrage , it Is hard to predict what the consequences would bo. Hundredo of inquiries wore made yesterday - torday of the fluttering man's condition , And many called nt his residence on Ouming street to aoo him. Saturday the employes in the railroad shops where Mr. Welgmin worked , after learning of his misfortune , were very much cut up and in the afternoon held an indignation meeting. At that moot ing they passed , by unanimous vote , tbo following. Resolved , That the employes of the Union Pacific shops now assembled pledge ouraelves to pay the sum of five hundred dollars as a reward to any parties who will arrest the parson or parsons that as saulted .I.E. Wiegman on the night of the 8th inat , and that the citizens are re quested to oiler a similar amount. JOHN J. Cuims , Secretary. Whether Mayor Boyd will co-operate with these men and offer a reward for the bloody htnded outlaws , remains to bo soon , There seems to bo a general impression that ho ought to do so. This wretched act of villainy should Incite Marshal Onmings , to Increased ex ertions , towards ridding Omaha of such characters. It is well known , that Canada BUI , one of the most notorious doamons unhang , with his following of three card monte sharks , thugs , cat throats and thieves h ve been lounging In and about this city ' for some time past , their principal loafing places being three saloons ; one on Harnoy street , one on Douglas and one on Twelfth street. It la time now that their stay hero bo made ao unpleasant that they will have to hunt some other climate. The shop men , owing to his former affiliations with them demand that Marshal Oammings leave no stone nnturned in his efforts to ran down and bring to justice the wanton brutes who so maliciously , murderously , and cowardly way-laid John E. Welgman. A BOASTED TEAMP , Ho Maflo Ills Bed on the Top ot Brick Kiln , and It Bnrned. For a short titno yesterday morning , Tilery it Son's brick kiln was tranefotmed into B cremation mill and nlmcot rodacsd to ashes the nInter-boaton form of an old "butn tramp. Several days , recently , a ragged , -whiikeyaoaked ontcaet , calling himself Daniel Loary , had been hanging around the brick yard and at night waa wont to sleep uoar the furnaoo. Ono ireok ago , however , JJnnial got work on the grade and faithfully shoveled ditt until Saturday evening. Ho drew the wages duo him np to that lime , purchased an article or two of clothing , and to cheer np his spirits threw In several dugs of tbo "good old stuff" and was fooling quite lordly. But about 11 o'clock Saturday night ho went to his accustomed roost at the brick kiln. The weather was o chilly that Daniel concluded bo would make his bed on top of the oven , which bo did by placing two boards down and then stretching out on them. As the liquor In Daniel commenced to dlo ho slept soundly , and the watchman , P. E. Michoal , who went to work at midnight , buildup a roostng big fire , Ho had no knowledge of the sleeping guest. About 2 o'clock flames began to leap from the top of the furnace , and Mlohatl was paralyzed for a moment. Bo thought the whole kiln had split open. Then be aaw the man , who was still asleep , end tried to waken him , but had great clifli onlty doing it , By this time the tramp's clothing were on fire , and before anything - thing could be done vrtn burned nearly oil of him. However , ho was saved with' out being very badly blistered , and yes. tnrday loft the country. A I'lgootVa Good Imclr. A Kansia Olty commercial tourist fel a victim In this olty Saturday night to * ho wiles of a female bunko joint ant only retrieved his Joss through shoe : good luck. It seems that ho met a put ] of men in a saloon at the corner of Har ney and Eleventh , and after a few round ; at the bar yielded to tha lollclt&tlons o ono of his new acquaintance ] to call 01 Bomo nice and exclusive "ladles. " Th < drummer was taken to A house 30U Howard strett near Thirteenth , and li ' the course of a convivial hour wa neatly deprived of hla pooketbook , Ie shortly discovered the theft and , fearln , next lor his life , nude a hasty excuse tu leavo. At the corner of Farnam etree he met Oiiloer Henchey and related th circumstance. The policeman acoompa ulod the man to the homo > of tbo kleptc manlio fairies and , upon throat of pul ! Ing the place , forced thorn to acknowl ( dgo their gollt and return the purse. Crimes ot this character are of nightly occurrence but the Rsmo ii so quietly worked and the guilt to difficult to es tablish that the unwary , once a victim , has little redress. A Small Fire. Flro broke ont about 10 o'clock last night In the second story of Roddick's block , on Fifteenth street near Fatnam , In P. A. Oavliu book store , on the ooond floor. "When first discovered the flamed were iisutng from a pile of blblos undotnoath the counter. The depart ment was called ont , but with buckets aud quick work , several patties who had reached the scene , extinguished the bit 7.s before the department got ready to throw water. The datnago will not ex ceed 850. I'EHaON/VTj. / John Bcalty , o ! Ogdcn , Utsli , Is nt the Millard. A. J. Daura and W. B , Yale , Now York , are at the MlUard. S , J. Jamlflon and wife , of San I'mncUco , are guosta at the Millard , A. C. Albright , Lincoln , Is among yester day's arrivals at the Millard. Dr. P. M. Woodworth and wife , of Chl- cage , are guests at the Paxton , 3" . Macnott wife , and two daughters , of Newark , N , J. , are guests at the Paxton. A. S. Von Sandt , T. H. Bodwoll and Ed. Maire , of Olnrindn , Iowa , are at tha Mil lard. lard.Hon. Hon. A. J. Poppleton left yesterday for Cambridge , Mass. , to attend the bodsldo of his son who ii dangerously 111. Hon. J , M. Thurston , who bad hern at North Platte several days as council forStolle , the alleged bank embezzler , returned homo yesterday. Gen. Thomas Wilson , of the TJ. S. A , , once located in this department , arrived In the city yesterdoy and Is visiting his son-in- law , Mr. Swltzler. J. B. T. Mllligan , Helen , Kans ; M. W. Marsh , Newark , N. J , ; Henry McScotty , London , England ; N. H. Johnson , Oakland , Cal. ; Ed. A. Brown , Nebraska City , nro at the Paxton. At the Metropolitan : Isaac Whitesldo , Aurora ; W. H. Corey , Lyman L. Corey , St , Paul ; L. L. Shields , Springfield , James Chase , PlatUmouth ; Gcorgo H. Powers , Beatrice ; J. H. Rieharcb , NorthLoup ; Clark- Ward , Indianola ; Jihn Whitted , Blair , and J. E. Tyson , of Grand Island , Neb , The tough * and fast yonng men who im prove the night with revelry and dark deeds have recently taken a fancy to unloadirjg'Qre- arms on the streets. Not a night passes but that the decent wayfarer and weary police are startled by frequent pistol shots. The report of a revolver in the quiet streets nt night sounds like the discharge of a battery of ten pounders aud must awaken the sleeping res idents in all the neighborhood. The final lodgment of the bullets is also a matter of some solicitude as it might occur that , pierc Ing n window , they should strike a peaceful citizen in his bed. At any rate , such dem onstrations are violent disturbances of the peace and should ba rigorously punished. Alex. Baseman , a negro , was slugged in the alloy between Farnam and Douglas near Tenth street , about nine o'clock Saturday night. The thugs felled him with a blow in the back of the head , and rifled his pockets as be lay insensible. Ho was shortly afterword discovered and removed to his home. The report gained currency during the evening that the man was shot , but such , from the evidence of his wounds , which are mere bruises and contusions , is not the case. The mayor and county commissioners finally reached an amicable conclusion Satur day evening about rooms in the court house for city officers. The northwest corner base , meat square Is to bo Riven up for the city clerk And auditor , and just as soon as the apartments CAD be put in shape , which will require only a few days , moving will com- mence. mence.John John Logan , ono of Omaha's boss known and highly esteemed oitizens , has been lajicg at St. Joseph's hospital lor too p&st six days , a very sick man. But his friends will be gratified to learn that ho Is much Improved now will soon bo ono among them again. Officer Crawford took in a citizen of Eleventh street yesterday , who under the in fluence of too mnch red eye , was pouncing upou and trying to fight with every person he met. Ho will got his reward fiom Justice Steinberg this morning. "Will Contest AVea.ver'fl Election. CHICAGO , 111 , , May 10. A Springfield tel egram says that Leepor , the defeated dem ocratic candidate for representative in the thirty-fourth legislative district , has changed his mind and will contest the election of Weaver. Xlio Wonthor. WASHINGTON , May 10. The upper Mies- IssippI : warmer , fair weather , northerly winds , becoming variable. The Missouri valley : fair followed by partly cloudy weather , local rains , slightly warmer. And It Didn't Do MncU Either. TOLEDO , May 10 , The home nlno to-day defeated the Omaha base ball club by a score of 4 to 1 , i PAY YOUR PERSONAL TAXES. Resolved , That the county treasurer be and is hereby directed to proceed at once to collect all delinquent personal taxes duo Douglas county and a strict ad herence to the law in that respect will bt insisted upon. BOAUD or 1 RIUIIA.IID O'KEEPFE , Co. COMIIISVF. . W. ConiJss , 8IONERS. j GEO. E. TlMME. Pay your taxes and avoid expenses , JOHN RUSH , Oounty Treasurer. Gratton & Drammond fine carriages Sole ttato agents for Jones' colebratec mlky. Repairing a specialty , 1315 am 1317 Harnoy. For fine Imported and domoitio cigar RO to the Opera House Pharmacy. D. W. Saxo , Prop. Now Watches from 93.50 to $500 each at Edholm & Erlckson's. for fine Imported and domestic cigar > go to the Opera House Pharmacy. D. W , Bwe , U Prop. " BJgVhalo at the Old Museum. Big Whalont the Old Museum. Saxe'a celebrated Cream Soda now on draught. Size haa the best known Mlnen Water on draught. Try hla exoelaic ' fresh from Saratoga Spring * . Notbln - like tt for elck headache. GATHERING THEM JNI Xlio Gonlil Bjmllonto Makes Another Grab nncl Gobbles More Railroad , It was learned at headquarters , by n reporter for the BEE , Saturday , that the Union Pacific company Is negotiating for a lease of the Oregon Rail tray & Naviga tion company's line , which is an exten sion of the Oregon Short Line ( already owned by the U. P. ) from Hamilton to Portland , The Northern Pacific in mak ing the lease and the offer they make for the property , la said to bo 5 per cent , on the dividends for throe years and after that time G per cent , But the offer has not yet been accepted , though the differences to orercomo are so small that the lease ii regarded accom plished except as to the more details. A dispatch from Now York to the St. Louis Globo-Democrat dated May 6th , sayu : It is generally understood here that the Union Pacific Is nnxioas to complete the Ieas9 , which Trill give it an independ ent line to the Pacific coast , and that while some of the Northern Pacific di rectors prefer an exclusive lease others wish to build the Catcado branch ; and , moreover , the Oregon Railway and Navi gation company has refused to lease the property to either company separately. The method in which the lease may bo made and the guarantees by the two com panies rendered effective has not been agreed on. There has boon considerable discussion among the friends of the Oregon and Northern Pacific companies as to whether or not the Union Pacific can give a valua ble guarantee without the consent of con gress. Shortly after the Wilson report on the credit raoblllor scandal , congress , on March 8,1873 , passed an act restrict ing the powers of the Union Pacific com pany. The following is an extract from the act : "No dividend shall hereafter be mndo by said company bat from the actual not earnings thereof , and no now- stock shall bq issued or mortgage pledges made on the property or futnro earnings of the company without the leave of con- gross. No director or officer of satd road shall hereafter be Interested , directly or indirectly , in any contract therewith , ex cept for his lawful compensation os snch officer. Any director or officer who shall pay or declare , old In paying or declar ing , any dividend or creating any mort gage or pledge prohibited by this act , shall bo punished by imprisonment not exceeding two years and by a fine not exceeding $5,000. " However the company claims that under a section added subsequently to the original charter , they have a right to enter upon any kind of an arrangement with a connecting road. Talking with a U. P. official when this matter was brought up he spoke enthu siastically and in very glowing terms of the great benefits Omaha will derive when this scene is completed and the U. P. road runs Its own trains into Portland. Don't fail to read Motter'a price list of groceries on 5th page of this issue. A Serious Accident. Oeo. Kanffmau , a barber at the Goes hotel , met with an accident yesterday afternoon that may cost him his life. While driving along St. Mary's avenue his horse became frightened and started to run. At Zimmerman's saloon the animal struck a shed post , turned the vehicle np on ono side , and throw Kanf < 3maun violently on the hard pavement. He was carried to hla home on Twenty , second street , suffering very mnch and bleeding freely at the mouth. Up to a late hour last eight this bleeding had not stopped and the man was In great agony , showing that his injuries , which are Internal , must he very dangerous. Fears of his recovery were entertained. j The buggy was badly broken. Don't fail to read Motter'a price list ol groceries on 5th page of this issue. Bitten by a Dog. Yesterday morning two vicious dogs attacked Thomaa J. Lowery'a little girl while she woo on her way to Sunday school , and one of them bit her severely in the fleshy part of the leg. She was carried , almost frightened to death , back to her homo , and Officer Crawford dls patched both of the dogs. Mr. Lowery is agent for the U. P. company at the transfer. Mr. Jacob Shopooll , of Mfc Pleasant , own , Is in the city with a lot of fine draft horses. Fire broke out Saturday evening in thereof roof of the now U. P. car shops and burned a hole about two feet square. No alarm being - ing sounded , the department knaw nothing of It. Sells Brothers' advertising car , No. 2 was in the city yesterday , but has gone on its way up the river. The cold weather seems to have finally cut loose entirely and ia gone off for a summer vacation. Yesterday was extremely lair and pleasant. People enjoyed themselves and the churches all had large congregations. SNEEZE ! SNEEZE ! BNKKZE , until your head seems rtady to fly off ; until your nose and eyes discharge excessive quantities ef thin , Ir ritating , watery fluid : uotllyour head acbea mouth and throat iiarcbed , and blood at fever bait. This Is an Acute Catarrh , and li Instantly relieved by a tingle dote , aud perma nent ! ) cured bv one bet tl o Suiford'sIUJlcal Cure for CaUrrh , Complete Treatment with Inlmlor $1 , One bottle Radical Cure , one box Catarrhal Sol Tent , and one Improved Inhaler , In one { package may DOW bo had of all druggists fer 11.00. Ask to Banford'i lladlcal Cure. "The only absolut * spedflo we know of. " lied. Times. "Tee best we have found In a lifetime ol Buttering , " lUv. D' . Wlrgln. Boston. "After a long struggle with Catarrh , the lladlcal Cure has con quered.1 f < ev. 8. W. Monroe , Lewlsburch , Fa. I have not found a case that It did not relieve al one * " Andruw Lee , Manchester , Mass. PotterDruf nnd Chemical Co. , Boston. , For the relict and prevention the Instant It li applied , of llbea ra matUm , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Coughs , Ocldi , Weak Back , Htor * aob , and Bowed , Shooting Fains , NumbneM , Ilvstorla , Fe male Pains , 1'ilplUtlon , Dyspep sia , liter Complaint , Dlllooi Fever , Malaria , and Epidemic * UM CoUint Planters ( an MectrU Battery combined with a I'uroui _ _ Floittr ) and Laugh at pain U < everywhere. ral * IMU VmcaVMbiT f iir. 4T ' = " ottlKS ) Pa DS toilb.r UbaVALClBI.B7uiTlBHonJhUJUtu SPECIAL NOTICES. All adv tTtitemtntt in the tpetial column * iriU be charged at the rateo/10 tmti per line for tht fnt intertion , and 7 eentlper line far each tvbtt- Hirnt intertion ! 2fo adrtrtitrtntnt icill be interttd for Itn than SS ctntt for tht firtt timr. Thetcadtxrtitementt villbe initrted in both J/em- ing and Keating EJitinni , rtprctenting a circulation - tion oorer Eight Thotuand. Thit elan of ailcer- tiietnentt imutpotitirtlji be paid ( n mtranee. TO LOAN MONEY , rpo to-81,000 on real estate by Bollou Bro . , 817 X South 13th Street 191-11 TO WAN In amounts to mil , on chattels , MOMIT collateralsorMIT goodsocuilty. Omaha Finan cial Exchange , 1C03 Farnam it. , up-sUlr . ISSJOp TONEY To loan on chattels , Woolley ft Harrison , iVl Room 10 , Omah * National bank building 947-tf TO LOAK-On ioal estate and chattels MONEY Thomas. Otgtt. H/TONET / Loaned on chattels , out rat * , R. R LV1 tickets Donght and told. A. Forman13 8,18th 81 187-tt T\yf ONEY LOANED at a F. Reed ftCo's. Loan office 1.TJL on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , penonal property ot all kinds and all otho r iHoles o ( value , without removal. Over lit National Bankoorner 18th ted Farnam. All business strictly oonfldentlalWOU WO-U TO LOAN In Sams Ot BOO and Upward. MONKT Paris and Co. , Real Ettala and Loan Agents , 1605 Farnam Bt. 051-It WANTED FEMALE HELP. w AXTSD Girl for general house workalsoanurse ; girl 2114 Uoimlas St. 211'llp WANTID Flrst-clasj RUler ! cooking ami pen- oral house work. Apply on Monday forenoon at rcsldoneo of Goo. II Boggj , Slst and Dodge st. 233-9n YTTAXTSD Aglitfor gencnl house work 1712 Call- V' tornla. lOMlp WANTED Immediately , it Orst-r lug cook , mutt bo n good Uunclio s ndunder tmd making butter ; wages 85 per week ; apply at M. T , 1'airlok : , saundeis near Lake street Take 10th and ISth St. cars. cars.172Op * 172-Op W AtiTKD-aood girls , experienced cooks ; "maha Ki&ployraeut Bureau , 1120 Farcam St. 701-tl W 'ANIRD Good gltl at Pacific houao , good wages. AOTED-GIrl at 17101 Onmlng St. 181-11 Wi ANTED A good gtrl for general house work 1017 Chicago St. G32-tf Flrit-olasa dining room girl at the Met ropolitan hotel ; none other need apply. 821-tl ANTZD A good cook at 820 South 10th Bt. 7C5-M > ANTED-Qlil for general homework ; apply S W W oor. ; S3J and Webster , near Crclghtou college. 130-Sp TTTTANTED by Kensington Art Co. , female help TT Inallpartaot the country , to do our light , pleasant work at their homes. Hont by mall to any address , no canvasisncr , easy to lorn and any one can own from $ ' to 810 per week. For full Informa tion addro'8 Kenilngton ArtRcoms,35 Congrats bt , , Ioaton ! , Maes Box 078. tJOO-SOp 'ANTED Lidy agon ts for "Queen Protector WA . . daisy stocking and skirt supporters , shouldo brace ? , bustles , bosau forms , dieM ebb-Ids , safety belts , sleeve protector , etc. ; entirely new devices un precedented profits ; wo have 600 tgoots making $100 monthly. Address with stamp , EII Campbill & Co. , 9 South May St. , Chicago. 6I9-ml9p WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED- Immediately , 60 laborers for Valentine Neb. , wtgesl 76 to Si CO per day 1120 Parnam street. Office open Sunday , until 12 m. 233-0 A first claes wood tnrner ; none but a WANTED mechanic need spply ; Roronber'e Planing Mill , 16th and Mircy. 183-9p WANTED Flist-clisj craetlcal hou-e painter. Steady work and good wages for right klna of workman. Addrcal , L. Heffellnger , Red Oak , Iowa. 169-0 SITUATIONS WANTED. WAXTKD By an experienced gardner , garden work , or yards to keep In order ; Inquire N. E. Cor. 10th and Davenport. 244-11 WAXTKD Position as stenographer or bookkeeper by a young man , refercnccOfc to , ability and character good. Address " 11" M. D.4' Omaha Bee , 230.16p TTIJ ANTED Situation by n yonng man who Is * good VV penman and experienced book kreper , can fur nish references. Address "N. N. " Bee office. office.23M3p TT7ASTKD Situation by a jroang girl to do general VV house work In private family. Apply at 1610 Pierce st. 223-9p Situation by a lady as nurse to travel eras WAKTED keeper. Addreis 1913 earning St. ,238-lIp , WANTED By a respectable woman , work of any kind ; would not blict going to country. Ad dress Mrs "Q. H. " care Bee office. 210-9p WAHTSD Situation for 10 German girls to do hous3 work. Call at 017 S. 10th street near Jones. 203-9p WANTED A situation as coachman and gardener , by a reallablo , Intelligent mai ; references to Col Guy V. Henry , government headquarter ) . 178-Dp WANTED Situation by an experienced book , keeper to keep booki evenings ; can give good referencoiaddrcsj ; "E Clark" Bee otlloe. 162 12p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED A small cottage In a convenient and de sirable nelghbcrhood , with Iraproven/cnts pre ferred. Addreis with full particular ? , I' 0 bcx 8C4 , city. 223-tf W 'ANTED Boarders at 1015 Capitol ate. 196-Slp . -Dy a good tenant , llvo or six roomed WA.STKDDy good locality bv May 15th. Addrots "U D" Bee ofllCfl. * . 170 Op IIADIKS AXB OK.MXKMBN to t kn nice , WANTED pleisant work , at their own homes. Work seat by trail any dlsHnco all the VST round $2 to S5 a day quietly made ; no canvassing , Address KeltaMe Man'l'K Co. , PhlUdtlnhla , Fa. , Box 1553. Ml-lOp Koom and board not moro than eight WMiTKD from 1 > 0. Address " ( ) . " care Beo. 110-2 ' By good tenant , a cottan centrally lo cated , by tlie 10th ot May ; addrois Mo , this offloe. 100 9p W 'ANTKD-Evcrybody to try our Prepared Corn Meal ; , ready for Instant use with the addition of mllkoroolduater. Fut up In 8 and 0 Ib. pickiceR. Sold by grocersW. . J. Welibans & 03 , , iliuiufaot- urers. 070 tt janor woman In everycountry In TJ T f H 81,26 sample free. < 76 per month , salary or commission. Bend stamd. Paul Talcl , Chicago 111. 819-m-31p S3 60 will buy one doton Koger Bro's WANTED plated table knives at Uoody's ' china itorecorner ICthaod Cavecport St. ii5-U ANTED Every ady In need of a sewing ma W chine , to see the new Improved American No , F. E. Hodman & Co. agents ; 20 N leth. o52tf tfOB RENT HOUSES AND LOTS. FOR SENT Brick cottaice on Sherman avenue , fool of Claik it , has 8 room ? , closets , pantries and itone cellar , stable and carriage homo apd ipeclout ibaded grounds , all In mont complete repair. Applj to J. W , Paddock , 1017 Capitol ave. 2l2-12p Heen room cottage corner South ave and Leavenwoitb , $23 par month. Bedford fiouei & Davis , S25-12 Ioa RSSTA nice 8 room houle wltbln four Uoeki F of Postofflce , 8. B. Jones , Asst. Gen. Fen. Agt U. P. Uy 219-9 Fi I OR KENT A home , handsomely furnlihcd par lor , also two imill rooms , bath room ISZOConlto F Ion REXT Vurmshei ? cottags seven room * . Applj to U J tiaxe. Opera Ilousg Block , or on prtmlsei 4118 Hurt Bt. nentflO. 171-9 FOR RtsT-Qo d brick home , $25 per month. R 0. Futterson , 18th and Farnam. 101-9 IOK BKNT Two Blared , corner Uth and Capita a\enue , oppotlt * the exposition bull Hap to b erected this tumrner Marie & Urunncr , Taxtoi BulUIng , Uth and farnum. 148-9 Foa r.xr B rooms over a store with cttjr wate andail conveniences for house keeping 116 pe > month. Elegant residence 12 room most destratl part olcllr , 8SJ per month. OKUayno , IE Co. , a\ corner Uth and Farnam. 133-8 I T four room hoasawltu water : ocnvei FOB ttb and Hickory it. Itl-llp | 7oa Rixr-Three oottazet 4 , 6 aud 0 rooms. , I1 FblpplRce , 1612 Booth 6th it. WJ-tt Twoharnlctntrallf located J. Fhlppa Hot , 1BU south 6th it. tU-U CR RHKT two homes 7 ad 10 rooms 1611 south Cth st. J , Fblpps Hoe. 093-lf TpORSAW IS [ rood lots Bltrlon plico three Mocks JT from street oars on caiy terms , W II Orr c , o erlst at | bank. fioltf T70R RKXT 10 room house , modern Improvements. i < fiedfoid , Soutr & Davis , 211 a 14th St. 7SSII FOR rhrco story brick store bnll4loR ; en * quire of Edward Norrls & Co. , room 19 Cronnsa Block. BSStf FOB HKNT Famished oottace , 7 rooms , with closets , ran try , c to. . In best locality In City can pay rent with board. Call In afternoon at 6S5 Fleas * nt Bt S7-tf TT'OR RUT A store on Cumlne st. Aw'r ' John JD 11. Krck , 816 N. Uth St Z13-U UOOMS FOR BENT. "T7IOR RUT Handsome furnished room wlthbtthlni X1 room attached at 2209 Dodge st. 78-Ifp FOR RIOT With board , a neatly furnhhed room suitable for two gentlemen , wouM alia IIk one yourglady to room and board at South Wett corner 19th street and St Uary's avenue. S39-Up FOR RSNT Furnished front room 18 per month , 917 north SOth st. , between Cumlngs and'Ttaril Bts. 234rltp TTloR RB.TT 3 or 0 rooms , closei , city water , at 808 JP North ISth St. 229 12p FS RKJT Two e'eirantroomi ' In beautiful loca < J tlon. Apply 1010 Podge it. Sl0p Fen RKMT 2 w II fnrnlshtdrooms InHoJIck'sJ lock 1509 Farntin ; good locationpleasant ( or two or 4 g nt'emon. ' Inquire of P K Burnett , 2 IS south 18th street , Dlt-9p 170R RrmT One large front room , bay window and P mantle on first floor ; modern conveniences SOth , near 8t. Mary'save. Inquire at 8.V. . corner 16th and Podgo st , 176-tt T7 > OR RKXT Furnished room lor two with board,181E JP Chicago. OR nr.NT Newly furnlihed front room nt 013 S 16th street 177-llp FOR RUST -Three unturnlihed rooms , well fltuatcd fort mail family , and one nicely furnished and pleasantly situated room 710 8 15th. 179-9p. FOR RUNT a'go , w ll flnlthcd front room , fur- n thed orunfumlihed , ono block from St Hants ave ; inquire of Goo Hough , 1308 Douglas et 193-13p "I70R Furnished room , wltn boaid. Suitable J ? for t o gontlemem 1417 Howard. 770-lp TT'OR niurr Furnlihcd reams nrwlr renovated , JL' modern Impro\cmentsono block from Post odloo 15th aud Capitol ave. 147-9 F Ion HIEST A largo room on ground floor suitable for dr.BS making Mrs. A. Sorrel , 1610 Dodge Rt 120-7 TToRRENT-IUndsomely furnished rooms onFleasant r St. Address "J J" care Dee 182-llp FOR INT A room for gentleman and wife or for two gentlemen , tlth flrtt-clats beard 1022 Butt st. 703-tl Furnished front room with board In JP private family 1017 Chicago St. 109 ti REXT Furnished rooms with or without FOR board , 2112 Barney St. ono block from street car. 08411 [ /VCR BKST A stero cheap 809 n rh 15th. t1 B00-12p | T on RB.NT Pleuant room modern accommodations. V Inquire 1721 Capitol ave. 080 9p IORUKXT Furnished front room with board In prl\ ate family , 1017 Chicago St. 985-tf I OR RENT With board.nlcely furnUhcd front room gai and bath , 1409 Jones. 007-tf RENT Furnished rooms 1021 Capitol ave , FR OOT.mSO FOR RENT-Suite of rooms centrally located , well Ilolshod anltablo for office or living rooms. G M Eaton , 111 south 14th St. 834-tt F ( OR RENT Office and tblrd floor suitable for hole , solo or manufacturing , at 1207 Farnam St. St.880tf 880-tf F I OR RKXT- Furnished room 1313 Jackson at. 842-m26p TT'OR RENT Nicely furnished front room for lady y and gantloman ; Inqulra 621 Pleasant St. 712 tf FOKEENT-Nlcely furnished rooms 1617 Davenport 722.J6p TJOOMB With boartLdeblrabletu summtr. Apply JtVat St. Chailes BeteL 011-tl FOR RENT Several fine offices In Crounse' block , Inquire Ed. Norrls , room 19 Crounso block 942 tf FORSALE FARMS. TJTOR BAtB A 030 acre s lock and grain farm , all Im IJ proved ; four hours'ride Irom the Omaha Stojk Tards ; seven miles from the olty of Fremont ; tao railroads wltbln tbrea miles ; 800 acre } under plow , the re > t In pasture ; board fence , running stream through pasture ; house with ten rooms ; will bos Id ohiap 11 Bold immediately ; on terms to suit. For further particulars Inquire ot Geo. C. Grodfrer , Fie mont , Neb. 167-tf TTViR SALE Faim and unimproved land lots and J ? house on long credit B&M Land office , 620 H , 13th St. Vadloka & Qoantner. tOS-mlSp JOR SALi Good farm in Vlaehlngton Co. ; 171 acres ; SO acres cultivated ; good buildings ; fine orchard ; running water ; all fenced. Edward Norrls Co. , room 19 Oiounse Block. 474tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. FOR SALB Houses , nice oettage ot 4 roerai with lol I3iOS 2 blocks from St Mary's ave. . near Knn netts , a bai gain at 81,050 , caeh 1460 , balance to suit , 218-tf FOR BALE House of fl > e ro jms and lot. Inquire on prealscs , north 19th stnear Bhirman St 2t4-Up | 7 < OR SALE Ton acres of land wltbln B blocks ct Poet JP of ce at Weeping Water , Cass Co. , Neb , will sell on easy terms or exchange for Omaha property. W. H. Green , ovcrlst Nat'l Back , Omaha , Neb. ! 40-tf BALE-Flielots4'xI30 ; together on Leaven- FOR worth street ; beautiful location , 000 One- fourth cash , balaco on long time , easy termi. Crallo & Jones. 210-tf F OR BACK OR LKABE For lease , brick block , corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , ono block from pest- offici , two t tores und batement , SO rooms with mod ern lmpro\cmonts , rooms renting from $15 to $25 per month. Furniture for sole : The exposition building , being constructed , Is on the opposite cor ner , Morse & Brunncr , Paxton building , 16th and Farnam. 207U 170R BALK A h'usa 28x12 and lease cheap , on the I1 alley correr ol 14th atd Center. Inquirn on the protrieei. S01-0p BILE-Six beautiful lots la Hawthorne , ten In Fen place , six In Wcat E nd add and tun In llanscom place ; all easy terms. U. 0. Patterson 13tn and Farnam. ICl-lf Tea SALE Beautiful and desirable lots at t203eaoh _ l ? on (10 monthly payments. It. 0. Patterson , 13th and Faraam. 103-tt Halt Interest of a well established cen. Jt ? trally located grocery business for sale cheap on account of 111 health. Choice lot In Arbor place $350. 6 acres , 4 room house north Sounders street SSCOO. 6 acres near Fort , tO 0. 2 lots , ea > t front , Dwlaht & Lyman'i add. , 9760. Corner Shirley and Phil Sheridan ave , Burr Oak add. , $300. 2 lots In Arbor place , 6 room bouie and stable $1000 , Lot 76x140 east front , 7 room bouse , barn etc. , In Bedlck's Sub-division add. near car line $1000. Corner lot 27th and Dodge 4 room house ( IB&O. 4 lots In Burr Oak add , { 2200. Paulson & Oo. , 1B18 Farnam st. 117-11 run IS good lota In thli addition with * MARION of street cars , can be had on easy terms. W H Green , over Irt Nit'l Bank. I18-tt TTOR SALE At a bargain , three good houses 817 and .T 817118th , south of Leavenwortb ; rent W per per month ; price 5,600 easy payments ; mutt be Boll belora June 1 > L Apply S. Mortenseri , tailor , 1418 Firnaoa street. 131-Jlp - full lot , well , cittern , barn , all In good condition , one block from street cars 11 00 cwy terms. W H Green , over lit NatlBank. 041-tI TOR SALK Good 6 room houw , lot 60x131 f eteas P front. tlSOO ; 8100 ouh balance J1& pot uonth , W. H Green , overlst National bank. BSltf FOR SALE , MISOELLANEOUB. IOB aim-Two mules at Max Meyer & Bios. , lltl and Famam sts. S66-12 iron 8 ALE-A pal rot eitra good woik noise > . JL' weighing about 1ICO pouodi each ; five years old sound aud will broken , lleoson for selling , toe valuable for my butloeu. Inquire at Oeo , lleaton 8 623 Broadway , Council Bluffe. 10J-lt T70R SALB-SOO.OJO brick , on can at Bellevue o er Jb Omaha. H. T. Clarke. 2(0 tt fjlORBAM A good eaddlo bone gentle and sound Jb Apply J01S Douglas It. FA Fox. 09 ? Op SAU Two No 1 phieton.oneteooni band bug FOR . Apply J4C9 and Itll Dodge st. - r J. F siLi-An elegant puloriet nd mlrrcr , , 710 1 TTtoR SAM A pair of ponUs with a llcbt swing wa JP goo and harnpss very cheap for cath 1117 Hewtrd "I7V3R SALK Piano , a $7lO upright pluno at a bar * J1 gain , 1719 Douglas. 7SJ- PERSONAL. "OsRSOXAt , A young gentleman of some means , JL whohasa trry llmlttd arqualatance among the fair sex , wouM like to flnd a br'ght , lively and rood lonkln young lad ; to help him pats lelrute hours. X , Bee office , Slt-Pp T > KRsos t-lf yon want a detcotlTMicnd your ad- I address to th Omaha Detective Agency , P O box 5 4 , oniccsSU south 14th li. MM oirciAMD midwife receives ladles In her nouns for confinement , No 143t South ISth 8t.Omaht MRS E. M Hoomtt. Tronos clairvoyant , and heat. Ing rceilum ready for business over No 013 S K corner 18th and Webster. Terms reasonable. 4SS mlo REAL ESTATE BROKERS. EAIESTATE BROKERS Lobeck k Co' , Ul Farnam JL\ > street corner 13th , real estate bought and sold on oomtnlraion , exchanges ot rtMor personal proper. TO EXCHANGE , rpo xsciiA.son-Two splendid fatmi for mtirobamllto ; JL hotel for farm. U. a Patterson , Itth and Far nam. . TpeR riCHANOK Nebraska land and Improved bu - JP ines property In lo , about 87,609for , a stock of Mcrchandijo or liutlncss. Address R Wllkcs.rare Bee olBco. 101-0 o KXCIIANOH-I hive fifty thousand acres of Obey. JL onno oounly land which I can exchange at figures which will be proQUble tor eastern property. Come and see It , W. J. Vannlce , Sidney , Neb. 804-tf po KTCIIANOII 440 acres wtll Improved land 3 tnllt L'rom ' Essex , Io a , for a stock of general merchan dise or hardware. Addrosi John Llndorholm , EJSCX Iowa. FOR SALB Or exchange. We have for sale the exclusive right In this state to sell the coal etnomlzer and soot doatroyi r , destroys the soot and will save twenty per rent on coal , will sell county rlghti or the staU , or will exchange for real estate or M j rood property on application will send sample 1st al and glvo pa > tlculan. Reason for selling ) TU r can tot clve It hi * attention : a rare chance for Ivn lent Bedford , Si.ucr & Davis. 046 tf FORSALK BicnANOs In part for rottaurant , fur- iilturo and stock , clgtrs 0. 7 roomed hou o , barn , arid two lots. Apply 319south llth st. 100-mSg BUSINESS CHANGES. FORSALB < well c tiblt hcdtailors business bo- tweed now and Juno 16th , low rent ; good loca tion ; ho'd lease of strro for two yrars ; only small cip- Ital required. Address "N. O. " Bee office. 182-J-4p FOR BALK A well established bakery. Address " 1C , " this office. 126 J-4 FORSALK on KVciiASOR-dn p.itt ) for restaurant , furniturn 7 roomed house , barn and two lots. Ap ply 810 eou' h llth tt. 109-mRO FOR BALr.-Iu Oakland Neb. tlrst-classmeat market nlio the fiirnl uro ot the St Paul hotel. For par ticulars , Inquire or write Wlggerri & UehllngOakland Nob. ( )74-ml9 ) FOR a\Lic-I'rtu store In a desirable locality , wtl involco about 51.000 RO Patterson , NE corner 13th and Farnam 486-tt TjlOlt SALE Or exchange a full stock of clothing J ? boots and shoes , gent' furnishingicoods , will ex change for Nebraska Lands. Q , H.Peterson,804 S loth St. Omaha , Neb. 9 6-tf GROCERIES. P HICK LlsTVOt W. II. Motter'a Grocery Home. 10 Ibs Qmnuhtid Sugar $ 1 00 12 " CutloafSugar 100 11 "Fine pawdeicdSugar 1 00 COFFEE. 8 Ibi good Rln colfco 1 00 7 " Golden Rio ouffeo 100 7 " good roasted coflee 100 C " best roa'ted ooflee 100 4 " extra Java oifloe. . . 1 CO 3 " best Java colTo 100 21 " host Ja\a and Mocha coffee mixed 100 TEAS. 1 Ib good J.lpln so 1" bestuncolo ed Japan 86 1 " best Eng'Uh breakfast 85 1 " choice gunpowder 90 SYRUPS. 1 kcghett Homey drip 2 00 Ikeebcst Iloncydrlp 150 Igal New Orleans OS 1 Dal Strictly pure maple 100 1 Gal Vermont maple In cans 90 1 Gal Rook candy _ 1 00 RICE. I ? Ibs best Carolina rlco l oo 13" " Louisiana ilos 100 SOAPS. 4 bars German Mottled 25 6 " Poxrl . . . . . . . 26 8 "Palm. 25 CANNED GOODS. IcanSlbTabla Peachc 15 20 < Standard Tomatoes 10 " " Pumpkin 10 " " Apples 10 " corn 10 " Ratpberrlei 26 French Peas , 30 " Mushroom 30 belt flootberrles 26 bretniickbcrrles 26 egg Plumbs 25 SUNDRIES. 1 bottle choice Piobles 26 1 cm Sweet Potatoes 16 3 ID Jelly , ( chulce ) 26 3 bixei Pittsnurg Lye 26 2 Ibs Baking Powder 26 g ii ii . . . . . . , 78 2 " new Valencia Ralsons 26 3 " ncwl'iunos 26 2 " dried Clackbcrrlcs 26 2 " dried apples ( evaporated ) 26 3 " dried poiches 26 26 " Navy lo.ns 26 Oiackers by the box , 07 MEATS. Sugar cured breakfast bioon 11 Sugarcured ll iin , . . , 11 Dry ealt 0 OTHER GOODS. 1 broom 10 1 gcodnouso broom 20 1 best carptt broom 26 4pape sNatlonol yaast 25 1 dcrub brueh 15 6 Ibj HiU er gloss starch 26 S boxes corn sUrch 25 1 Olbbox iclois ttaich. . . . - . . 65 Ikltfamly macoral 09 1 gaMlnegar 25 1 wash board 25 INaltub 1 09 1 No. 2 tub BO 1 No 3. tub Or 1 mop stick- 21 1 larrfe clothes basket Cil. lean condcnsidmllk. . . SO 21bJellylu jar 1" This Is only a very small list of the very Urge stock I carry , hivlngtholaigeit stock to selcol from In the clty.I can and will * lvu better Induo nienls than any other house In the city Call and BOO me and' will save you from 10 to26 per cent. Remember tb place 1119 Farnam St. W. II , Mottcr , Successor t J.B. Frcnch&Co. N. D. Our new and complete prloo list mailed free on application. hiB purchased the grocery stock NHBLQUKST belonging to Chas. Hetgieiat No 714 Ni rth 10th St. , > here he will continue the but- Ines8 and will be pleased to see ill bli filends The choicest trocerles II1 be k < pt oouitantly on bond T get blts In season. 281-16 BOARDING. Nicely furnished south front r com to HOARDING rdnow ; residence with modem oon- venlenoeaterms ; reajonablo ; gentleman cretened 636 rleasantet. 083-Op TTHRST-OLABB Bed and board 1212 Capitol ave. Jl 12-a35 LOST AND FOUND. * s'lvtr watch and fob and locket , charm In LOUT vicinity ol Vlifc'lnlaaye , or Park ave. Tim finder will bo bandsoiuelv rewarded by leavlngat 13 8 B. lltn Bt. 2iS-12p IOHT At Skating rink , Tuesday evenln ; > polnt lace L , lunukerchtel mull center. Finder will be ro- warded by leaving lame at Bee office. 227-9 Saturday , a red , 10 Inch pockctb'ok , o n- LOUT ; penilon papers for John II , K. Jacobs. U t bet , Capitol Ave , and Mth and Cumlng ets , A liberal reward.wlll be paid for Iti return to this ol- flM. T OST IhlsKrlday ( ) roornlnir between 730aoilB:88 ; JLlt gold w tctt chtlu , K of 1' . Kinder wllll eivo t Piclflo Bxprots offlco ana roooluo $ S.oareward , a. A , Aberconrnbe. _ _ S0-14 | ) ' Y OBT AKnlnhllumplar Jeiril. TheDnder'wil JLJ be rewarded by leaving the same with 0. N , , Et. Paul lumber jard , ISth and Callnruli 216-U IOE CREAM. 7 ran lee cieam plos and rales every day. Ori'cn I * iircmptly attended to. Ctrl tichmld , to ) > 'utl Ut hBt. HO-JO BOOTS AND BUOK8. IEST quality euti band tewed iboei only | an a OLOTOING. Otosiio otT - Dl3 < ollllil Sals. Al we liava been unable to dl eve ! onr co parti rrshlp m prerl * ouslj anno.nod , we will offer our entire wholesale stoc * at Hich prices AS ha e never been cqailltxl In the annali of clothing ntles. To mention prices wrnW Irok simply fab.ilom , but wo my to one and all trot were jou to puithaie ettn on jour e n Jndrfmcnt jou would raj * wfar more money ttan we will ark. llem mber , w * will M > ! ( you a bettersuitfor J2.50thaneT rwarKtil for (9 AJlwool lf > oA , ROd st-V for from W to (3 sult that cannot ho bsuoht oyllnMlly for twice the moner- lie Of * Bui Is. ' Siitf * . Kilt Suit * . YouthV Suits. White Skirts. OoUred 8hrt . Under Sbtits. Over Shirts Item' HatsL liots' tuts. Ohlldrcns' I7 ls. Trunks. Valises. Handkerchiefs. Iltslery. AndlnfMtaUaod crSMec In our store 'win bo 3ld regardless of * "st or valuo. To call ami exam. ' Ino Is to be oonjlrt.'cil.p Ifrllmau & Co , the ikitlilcrt. Cor. 13tn- nil Karntm. . 1818 MISCELLANEOUS. /1IIBW BIIVIIR TAG , dots-nnt Rlvo jou hokrt.hurn. V TORB icdecmed a one c nt , each by the ileiUon. Feyoka Bros. , Agent * . OS3-U TBiTrtD OR STOWS On May 4thr two mules , ono lilick and tha other dark brown ; Onder win' lo vo Information at Iltns Dock , 2 blMks south from- cndot street cus , ou ISth it. lol 11 > ASTURR On Elkhorn and Flatto. T. Murray. 800-U fM\r.v \ giLYKit TAD , Its fruit flavored , tiuts V atone cent eadi by the deolcn. Pijcko Bros. , agents. 63S-U on banjo Riven by 0- Ocllen- INSTRDcnox Capitol ave. iSO-tf / 1n w SILVER TAO , It iloesnot talnttho breath , tag * VAodectned at ono cent each by thlr dealers. 1'cycko Bros , Agents. C33-lf PRIVY , vaults , sinks and ccsupools cleaned at the shortest notloo and satisfaction guaranteed by F. 0. Abel. P. O. Box 878. 490-m2p Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jr , Will stand for stock at "maha Fair eroundt the season ot 1R8S Uoli 10 } hands h IghJ- eight 1235 Ibs , his tire JACK SIHSH-AUD It full brother ID blood to DxxTKn 2:17 : } , alto to DlCTATORthe sire of 3AY > KYX-sx8 2:10 : , FALLAS , 2:1'J : and DmitcroR S:17. : Call at the Pair cr unds and see him and got hlsToIgreo In In lull , terms $25. for the noason. A. THOMSON. DE1ZEL A inUOOE330UB 10 JOHW a. JACORKI UNDERTAKERS I At the old stand 1417 Farnam EL Orders by lelt- graph oollolted and prompt ! attendnl to. Telephon * This Invaluable ppco'fio rcaillly and permanently cures all kinds of Asthma , The mont ibatlnata and lei > ( f standing oases ilold promptly to Its wonderful cuilng properties. It Is ktown throughout thi world for its unrivaled efficacy. J L. IALDWKLL , olty T Incoln , Nfb ; writes , Jan 19,1881. S nco using Dr. lUlr'a Aethma oure , for moro than ono year , my wllo has boon entirely well , and not even a symptom of the dleoisohas apptarod. WILLIAM BFNNETT , nichland , Iiwa.wrltosNov. Sd. 1883. I have boon afflicted with Hay Fever and Asthma stneo 18S9 I followed your directions anil' ' am happy to say that I never slept btttcrin inyltlo. I am glad that I am among the uiiuy who cau speak so favorably of your remedies. A \alunblo 64 pogo tr'allso containing slirllarproof from every State In the U , S , Canada and uroat * Britain ; will be mailed upon application. Any drupglat not hiving It In stock will procured , to ordor. Ask for Dr. Hair n Asthma Cure. DR. B W UAI11& SON. Prop's Cln'tl. O. Oerman Insurance COMPANY. Freeport , - - Illinois. CASH CAPITAL , $200,000. RI. HBTTiNami rest. P. Sunn , Secretary. Policy holders pleaio call on or address- Geib & Haas , Agents for Omaha , Nebraska , 1505 FA.RNAM STREET , BAIBUBG-AIERICAH. PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Firance and Germany. The steamships of this well known line art built of Iron , In vrater-tlght compartments , and are fnr- alshed with every requisite to make the passaga. both safe ana agreeable , They carry the United States and European malls , and leavn Now.Yort rhnsdaysand Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON OberbourPARI3 | and HAMBURG. Rates , Flrit Cabin , $00-3100. Steerage , to or from Hamburg , 810. 0. B R > CUARD&CO.Gon. era ! Pa s ' gents , 01 Broadway , New York and Washington n't La Belle streets , Chicago , or Henry Pundt , Mark Hauion , F. E. Moores , Harry Dcuel In Omaha ; Oronewlg& Schoencgen , In Council Blufls. NEBRASKA UMD ABEffC ? [ ( BDOOESSOBB 10 DAVIS & SlICDBQ. ) J QENEOAL DEALEBa IN 1B05 If AKNAM STREET. OMAHA , Dave for sale 200,000 acres carefully wleot d lands In Kastern Nebraska , at low price and on easy torms' Improved farms for rale la Douglas , Dodge , GoUax , . FUtte , Burt , Oumtng , Harpy , Washington , Merrlck , Baunden , and Bntler counties , Taxes paid In all i > arta of the stata. Honey loaned on Improved farms' Notary Public always In office. Correspondence IclterfEUR COOK'S T XCUIISION 1'AHTIKS nail from New York In April , May , Juno and July by first claea steimsblpi. SPECIAL TOUniST TICKETS for INDIVIDUAL TltAVELEIlS at reduced rates , by the best rentes. tor pleasure travel. COOK'S KXCUllSinNIST , with uupo , contain full partlcularsby maSl for 10 conU TII08COOK4 BIN , at Drttdnar , X. 1. OrlOfl Dearborn St. , Chicago , Ills. H. S. ATWOOD , Platlsraotith , Neb. Breeder of thoroughbred and high grade Hereford and Jersey Cattle , And Duroo and Jersey llod Swine. THE AMIflUOAN DI8TIUOT Oflice , 1304 Douglas St. Lojve order * , call by district box or telephone ; no charge for mwengera to order ourlage or transfer Baggage. 7 'cihoco Ho. 177 , J , UO.VMXI.Y , Jr. , Manager BtgRaKO checked to and Irom tbo depot to any part of ths city , Canlaiton furalshtd for funerals ou ibort notice Ofllco open day and night ; . A victim of routbful lmwud nce cauiiog Praraature Vocar , tiervoui I ) l > ililr , l < o t Maubood. 4o.liavluif tried la vain evorjr koown remudrlia dii < XV r > .S liuilera v or l-ouro | , which , he will ncnrt FIIKK tofiU f Uow-uiIer r .