MKJPV H IJRV millWWAV l 8 THE DAILY -SATURDAif , MAY 9 , 188 THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , May 9 , LOOAL BREVITIES , The csunty treaturor'i receipts yesterday were $377.32. The police taf that trampj ara commenc ing to get out of Omaha without delay , A number ol bad places In the pavement around town are being removed and replaced with new material. A uirgical operation will bo performed this morning on a little child belonging to Michael Holey , who swallowed a noodlo. Charles O'Banyon , cokred , who h s been confined at Iho pest Inuse for three w oks with the sina'l pot , was released yesterday. A member of the lower stratu m , known ai"Big Stollo , " attempted snioldo Thursday , by tsking laudanum , but failed to accomplish her purpose. Marriage llcentos were Issued yesterday by Judge McCullongh to Oscar Hagelln and Hannah K.kelson ; Mickol B. Jensen and Christian M. Hanson , Jnlltii Btovons , receives telegrams from the bisa ball boys giving results of games. The game ot yesterday at Hannibal resulted in a victory for Omaha , 4 tol. Thursday night was almost as cold as the night before , and several parties repotted yoi- terday that they were up In time to sea leo the IGth part of an inch in thickness. The funeral services of Mrs. Addio Will- lams will bo hold at St. Phillip's chapel at 3 o'clock sharp this afternoon , the R r , Dean Mlllspaugh officiating. AH friends in vited. The young people of tha North Presby terian church hold a bon-bon social Thursday evening In the parlors of the church , which wns well attended and pronounced to bo ? cry enjoyable. Henceforth the police propose to make it warm for hackmen who leave their teams standing loose in the streets. For this ofcnso Jack Koornoy was yesterday fined $1 and costs by Judge Stcnberg. Police Officer William Flynn , who waa recently suspended from the f orco f or wilful nogloot of duty and disobedience of the rules , has boon adjudged guilty by the committee on police and his discharge from the force rccom mended. The county commissioners were in session yesterday , settling accounts with Mr. Earnest Feige , who furnished the furniture for the now court house. Mr. Folgo's contract calls for (13,800 , but by reason of some extras pn : chased since It will amount to moro than that sum. Goo. Evans , a young thief in desperate straits , for something to steal nipped a pair of shoos , at noon yesterday , from A. Dormoan'i store on Fourteenth street. He was arrested , taken before Judge Stenberg and sent up for ten days. Mrs. Addio Williams , mother of the young colored girl , Mary Williams , who was abducted by unknown parties some four months ago , died Thursday of consumption , The mother's death was doubtless hastened by anxiety about her daughter's fate , of whom nothing has been board since her mysterious torious disappearanca , Yesterday morning , as a drunken man at tempted to descend the stairs leading from the Now York photograph gallery , he lost his balance and rolled down through the ball - war , landing in tha gutter. After remaining in a reclining posture for some time he recov ered sufficiently to arise , when it was found that although no bones were broken ha was badly bruised. A team attached to one of Fotdlck's delivery - livery wagons made two great efforts for lib erty yesterday morning , but hot ! times were captured and returnee to their owner. Strange to sn ; no injury was done , although th frightened horses dashed through several 1 crowded strooti. The borsos became frfgb't- eng while hitched on Sixteenth street , -and owing to a defective tie strap they easily broke away both times. If yon have a Sere Throat , a Oough era a Cold , try B. H : Douglass & S ems' Cap- Blum Cough Drops , they ara p/'loasanfc to the taste , poafootly harmless and will auroly euro you. 5 Smoke Bo l. o ! North Carolina To bacco. I'EHbON&U W. J , Wilson and wife , of Denver , are guests at the Paxton. E. E. Hudson and wife , of Yankton , Da kota , are guests nt the Paxton. Elbart Monroe and wife , New York , are in the city , and have quarters at tha Paxton , United States Senator Charles F. Mandcr- son arrived in Omaha yesterday and Is i quartered at the Millard , A. M. Hagar , supt. of the Missouri Pacific fj railroad and T. B Diake , supt. of the Sedalls diviilon thereof , arrived in this city Thurs day and are at the Millard. At tba Paxton : Miss Tillia Cook , Blair ; Dr G. 1) , Cleveland , San Francisco ; Harry r.S. S.N. Hotchklis , Walter J. Lamb , Lincoln ; J. N Keoly , Ooncordia ; I , L. Lyman , Lincoln , Mrs. J. V. S. Paddock and family , nd Mrs , E. D , Thomas and family , from For Niobrara , whoso husbinda have been orderec to Foit Leavenworth , arrived hero Thursda and are at the Paxton. At Iho Metropolitan ; L , M. Pemberton Gso. II , Powers , Beatrice ; Thee , Warrell L. E. Denney , Blair ; M. 0 , Barnes , Gordon T. L. Dale , Florence ; T. B. P.rker , Doi ) cheater ; M. K Lewis , Hastings ; J. 0 , Dav'u J. H , Naden , Lincoln , At the Metropolitan ; E. J , Bchoregf Norfolk ; G.W. Johnson , Beatrice ; M. K LewU , Hastings ; L , D. Woodruff , irk Frank Watta , Lincoln ; J. Smith , Valentini Uob rt P. Fuller , Crete ; J. F. Pattersoi Wahoo ; J , E. Tyion , Grand Island and .A. L , Hawsen , of Uotkinr , Neb. At the Can field bouse ; H. W. Zink and wife , NellgbjW. Cooper , West Virginia ; J Goddard , Lincoln ; Frank Wardwell , Omahi George Ilouseworth and wife , Plattsmoutl S. S. Waters , Marlon , la. ; W. L , Muitsrc Grand Island ; J , D. Patterson , Papillou 5J. ; O. Simpson. West Point ; E L , Eno , 'ra- roont ; Ed. Phenli , Laramia City , Wyo. ; 'raW. D. Younir. Council IKuffn ; H , Walrath , Al- bany , N. Y. The ( kin is of that delicate nature pen which tbo most improvement can I nude and by the nio of Porzml's Bled cated Complexion Powder , all rougbues allowncps and imitation can ba cor- come , leaving ( he Mn delicately whiti Bof. and tn > otb. This preparation haa world wide reputation , sn no frar ced bo entertained of t bo rceult. Sod ! 1 all SOCIAL S&MOABEE. Homo of tbo MoYOinentH of Omh Vooplo nd the Erjoymonta of Week , Thurtdny evening n very gont&l company f frentleuion were ontort&ined by Judge Jurncs W. Savage and hii ettlmnblo wlfo t holr residence , corner of Twenty-aecond and Chicago streets. The ovcnt WM given in ionor of Judge D. J. Brewer , and bolides ilm those present were , Judge Dundy , lion Jeo. II. Lambertson , Goo. E , Burchard. 'udgs Neville , Judge Wnkoly , Goo. A. Grant , 0. 8. Montgomery , and Hon. N. S. liar- wood , of Lincoln , After the enjoyment ot an excellent ipread , n pleatnnt hour was devoted to nodal convene before the party broke up and each departed to bis home. In celebration o ! her eleventh birthday Mls Nellie Smith entertained a number of lor young friends nt the residence of nor mother , 1812 Dodpo stroat , on Thursday eve ning. Among those prcaont worn Muses Mamio Morse , May Bunis , Birdie Itlclurdi , Jdlth Jones , Mabel Taylor. Jerala &Jooro , < ulu Bolnn , Nelllo Smith , and Maitcri Tyler Uelt , 11. Uichardeon , Jessie Richards , George tflnor , Walt Miner , Ed Horseman , Joroph ilorseman , Wood Allen. A most pUasant imo was enjoyed by the young folks , who departed with the devout wish that Miss fellio might have many happy returns of ho day , The ladles ot tha South Omaha M. E. hurch gave a very pleasant so .ial at the par- on'a resldonca Thursday evening. An ex- client supper was tervod , the proceeds of shlch went towards fmlihing nnoMutnuhjnr ho church. * . . . 11 viTHi M * * * * H. N. Wood , who has made Omaha Jus jome for the past two years , acting as otato gent of the North British and Mercantile in- uranco company , removed this week to DCS tlolnos , Iowa , A very enjoyable private social entertain ment was gUen last evening by Friendship jodgo , Knights and Ladies of Honor , at St leorgo's hail. There was a large attandanco if members. tiilJffi SlC _ 9 Ono of the most enjoyable social parties of ho aoa'on wai the ball given by the Pioneer took and ladder company Tuesday evening. Everybody present went away thoroughly pleased. D J There was a very pleasant social gathering of the St. Philomona temperance society at ha r hall Thursday evening ; a largo number of members balng present , Fred Sladon , who recently received the np- lointment to the military academy at West Point loft on Wednesday to enter upon his oourso of study , Thomas Bronnan is in Now York attending .ho national convention of the Oathollo Knights of America , as state deligfttc from Nebraska , The entertainment of the Homo Circle literary society at the Saratoga school house ast eveningwas highly successful and greatly enjoyed. Mrs , E. W. Ilarlow left Thursday evening to join her husband at St Paul , Minn. , at which place they will make their future home. Hon. John R. Porter is spending the first few days of his visit in his old homo greeting and being greeted by bis many warm friends Mrs. Carrie Eunts is on an extended visit to friends In Chicago and Canada. Miss Mary Lake left Wednesday for Cbl MPO , whore shu will spend the summer visit- tier sister , Mrs. Jay Morton. Miss Grace Ferine loft for Fort Leaven worth Wednesday , where she will visit the family of Gen. Wilson. Principal Lewis , of the high school , writes trom New Orleans that bis health is steadily improving. Saal of .North Carolina Tobaco is the best. _ _ _ THE MAYOR AND COMMIS SIONERS , Another Hoferoncn to the Matter ot Rooms lor City Ofllcors. Mayor Boyd cent his communication , the same one that was road in last Toes day night's council meeting , regarding" rooms in the county court honai for certain city ofticirs , to the board o commissioners , yesterday , hat that bodj took no action on It. la fact one o ] them said to a reporter for the BEE tha so far as the commissioners are concerned corned they stand ready to comply with every obligation oillod for In the contrac made between them and the city. Thi contract provides , that after all th county officials have been commodious ! , located In offices , then the city ca : have ita choice of rooms that ara lot The county officers have boon provide for and there are nine rooms remalnln _ vacant. The city troaaurtr , city clerk and engineer can occupy any of these nine rooms , and the contract further cayr , "And the sa'd county of Douglas also stimulates and agrees to famish and sup ply free of additional charge to the ci'y of Omaha the necessary heat and light required by the oily for said rooms and vaults for the said period ot throe years or so much thereof as the pity of Omohu shall continue to cosupy said premises. J net what would suit the mayor and city officials , who desire quarters in ho court house the board aay they have , ot - yet been able to ascertain , , The mayor's ' communication may 1)8 1 acted upon to-day. ° Oleo Olub Concert , * The second concert of this Q'fl series by the Omaha Goa ! club is an- nouncod for Monday evening the lltl r. , . Inat.Tho . , The club WAS never in as good di tlon as now , and a most enjojablo re rect gramme will bo given. A promlnou feature of the work of tbo club , hssbaer and is to glvo our citizens the oppor ; tunity of heating fiat-class musician from distant points , which they mlgh ; , not have , but for the agency cf the club It not being organized ai a monoy.mtk or- Ing institution , but for the promotioi , aud rendition of good music ; and no ex pcnso Is even spared to make all its en first-clus In every respect , Pursuing this plan , the club presents the public at the COM in ft concert Ihe ; famous Mendelssohn Qoartetto club o ; Boston , and Moao. Cora Glesa , soprano , ( rife of tbo otbebrated Cellolat , ilr. , . Fritz Gieie ) , with the club. Of the Mendelssohn's the Denver 2cms says : "The true muiician enters into the ! holy cf hellos irhen he sits down to Hi tent to a string quartette. It Is the per feotion of muilo , because the ; erfs' ; masters devote their chnisest thoughts i ii , form. With netrly paiftict unanimity a . toco , yet each with Its peculiar quality , - can expresi. all of the proud field c W. musical thought , It Is B musical micro ! - cosnm , and hairs tbo same relation to thn tymphcny that a vignette dees to an oil [ aiming ; or , o make the simile clotoi what a picture by MufaonnlerU , aim pare be to a cartoon by Raphael. Haydn it t * > , model quartette writer , as far as term i , concerned , bnt Beethoven took It Into the - nntrnddm regions , whore urne have evt , clued to fi How , With Its great compa1 a and rqnaUtv of tone , thira is ( uuthlti luaitlvu aid ) compU to about the slrln by quartette that no other form of moslo cat present. But bow t eld era cm we tear if. The nearest approach we have in this country to the string quartette it the oUylnfj of the well-known Mendelssohn lub , which opened at the opera house 'a.t ' evening. They nro consummate nr'- ' tsts , and their work h done so well that It leaves bnt little room for cri'ioIcUm. ' " This concert will undoubtedly ba the ijrt at musical event of the season , and every lover of music should hoar It. Reserved seats now on sale. ANOTHER"BBIDGE , The "BlR Muddy" to 1 > o Spanned nt Bloux City. It TTOS learned yesterday from authorlt- Ulvo lourcoa that a company coinposad of moneyed mon t bocn formed at Boston to build a bridge across the Mleaonrl river at Sioux city. They have already tout Gao. S , Morrison , an export engin eer onr thero'to look after thojmrvoy , make aoundlnga , and tike such observa tions ixt are necessary to bo had before proceeding with the work. In an intor- vioir with a Sioux City Journal reporter Mr.MorrlsDn says that tha altos there * ro of average goodness , there being tire ono at the foot of Karms atroot and the other at Sawyer's Bluff. Ho thlnka that a railroad bridge would help the city ' not only In facilitating the business' that now comes to It , but in bringing now business and the city could affjrd to glvo the real oatato needed for brldgo ap proaches. To connect with It A wagon-way ho states that the additional expense would bo $20,000 to $30,000 if Iho wagon-way were built on the uamo level as the tracks , and a good deal moro if a separate - ate wagon-way were made. This does not inclado the coat of approaches. At the Missouri liver bridges where there are wagon ways they are on the simo dock as the tracks. This does where thoio la not too much crossing of trains. It would not do , for instance , at Kansas Oity. Where a brldgo la practicable on the Missouii it can bo built for about $500,000. The ono at Blair cost less than that. But It does not inclado the approaches nor the rlvdr Improvement work. At Blair something lees than $1,100,000 was expanded on the bildgo , river rectification , approaches , four miles of track , steam shovel and flat oars. When asked as to the positive chances of a bridge being built at that point the speaker said : "Thoro is enough railroad business crossing at this point , if It paid the brldgo tariff charged elsewhere , to justify the expense of building a bridge. Tno foundation is rather deeper than wo had hoped to find it , and not as favorable as the llmo rock at Blair. But this foun dation would bo good if the footings o the piers are given enough area so as to divide the pressure among more equar feet. " POLICE OOUBT , The Old , Old Story Trampp , Vagrant , and Drnnks , Fred Rupp appeared before his honor , Jadgo Slcnbsrg , yesterday morn ing , on a complaint sworn ou by S. Rope , charging him with disturbing the paaco and using obscene and profane language. Fred owned up to using bad language , bat said it wan provoked by the uao of still vile : epithets by the man Rope. The judgi sentenced him to pay a fine of $1 and costs , and after planking down the cash ho Immediately entered a similar com plaint against Rope. The cass comes off this afternoon. Fetor Murphy was only a plain drunk and was given the usual tine. John Kelley and Andrew Kunlo wor arrested while engaged In a little persona onconnter , and owned np that they wer guilty. They were eactx fined $3 am costs. Andrew had a friend to help hii out with the cash , but John lacked th needful. Thomas Dougherty , Pat Hogan George Oarson , John O'Noll , H. Btronse , George Oralg and George Harris wore all charged with being common vagrants. Daugherty was minus ono of his lower limbs , and the judge allowed him to go , nnder condition of leaving tcwn. O'Noll , StrouBO Craig and Harris were also dis charged with various warnings from the court , but Pit Hogan and George Carson nill spend the next five dajs reflecting on the error o ! their ways , being aided in this direction by a diet of bread aud water. COUNTY COURT. The following cases were dlEpcseu of , yesterday by Judge MpCnllough. " Frerzir v . Soverling ; continued to May 1C , at 9 a. m. iirsiwa va Ch'csgo ' , Burlington & Qiiaoy and Bnrhngtun & Missouri Rlvoi railways ; continued to May 10 , at 10 a. m. State vs. Flunagor ; adjudicated ciao all costs were paid In ynstorday. Wakcfiold va. Spostit ; default entered and judgement for 8311 21 and costs. L. Uluebey & Co. VB Sarah Bonatotn - continued till January 8 , at 2 p. m. Hallway HumbUnRe. Claim Agent Manchester returnei homo yesterday from Denver. Ho to ports having mot tha excursionists beyond ceon yond Sidney and Donnelly was riding 01 the engine , having a great plsnlc. The U. P. depot force h s on to b dressed in uniforms. Tha suit will b ht similar to that worn by train conduc tors , J. H. Stafford haa been appoinfti ( raveling agent for tbo U. F. ttoro de- paitment , vice William Anderson , lot out. out.B - B , 0. FargCEon , of Suporlntondon . Dorreaco'a < > flico , felt a dtalro the othe to evening to walk in iha paths of rootitutci and show his rapentent spirit and wen of np tu the Y. M. 0. A. Hall. Whil t'jore eomo tinner with a worn-out heai : . covering and no money to gat nnothc wltb , lift his ragged derby and wore n Ferguson's brighc now hat. The y ing mau'a iptrlt of repentance has gone glim moring. - ' An invoice of seven magnificent spool mens < f the sea Ken ii now on rout inol from San Francisco via tbo Union Paclfi ol railroad , conalgned to President Robot it i Oarrettcf the Baltimnro & Ohio rail ol r ad , by whom wo understand they vl - bo prfDented'to the Xjologlcal Bociut of Baltimore. , no.Salrt HoVn Ilobbcd , . Ohsrles Clemens , who raildea 1 li Omaha , drove into the city Thursda evening from a trip into the coantrj ; but as he felt "qultu cald , " ho conclude he wouldn't go home , but stopped : iat i ihe Occidental hotel on streo After sitting in a chair Lr a while 1 /ill / asleep , and when hq woke np t ffiST YOUR BAKIK& POWDER MAI' Brandt < 1rertl - > d ai atwotUMIj pur * TllTESTJ Plte * ean t pdown on a hot > tnr nntllh t dth lamer amor * th * eoT r and im il. A chemist will not M r * luLrta todtUet th pre > < nc of ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAIN A3IMOM1 * in nuLTurcuua ms NEVER In K million homei for a qnart r of a tintury It ho Itood th conium n * nllabl * tut , THE TESTJJMTHE 8VEH. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO , , UIKKU or Dr , Frico's ' ecial Flavoring Extracls , Tbtitrotf tttn il dttleloM and Ur l 'crl ow.ul Dr. Price's lupulin Yeast Gem ? For Light , Iltalthy Bread , Th B it Dry Hop Teut la th World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIfe claimed to have boon robbed of $180. Previous to falling asleep , Clomonta claims to have counted his money In the presence of the hotel clerk and two or three othora who wore in the hotel at the time. Other parties were in and out of the room during ( ho night- , and the pros pects are that the money , if lost , not bo recovered. Absolutely Pure. This powder never Y rl 8. A. marvel ot purely , strength and wholesomcoesa. Mote eoonomlso ) than tbo ndlnary kinda.and cannot bo Bold In competl tioo with the multitude ot low test , ehort welgbl alnm ol phyaohrto powders. Bold only la cans ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. . 108 Wall 8t ; N.Y CAMELLINE THE MPLEXIO ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The undersigned phvsiciins of Sal Francisco are familiar with the compos ! tion of the principal articles nsed for tb complexion , aud freely certify that OAtt EL1NK is harmless and free from al poisonous or injurious substances. L , C Lane , M D G F Coepor , M D H H Tolonu , M D S W Dennis , M I R A McLoin , MIX J M McNnlty , M D 0 B Br ghain , M 1 > J O Shaffer , M D Bonj J Dean , M. D W Carman , M D H Gibbons Jr , MD W * yor , M IX J J Clarke , M D T Bennett , M D W H Bninfy , M D W Hammond.M D A M Lory * a. M D W F McNntt.M D 0 L Bard , M D AJBowio , MD H L Slmms , M D J 0 Shorb , M D J H Stallard , M D F A Holman , M D 0 McCaatton.M D J Rcsjustirn , M D 0 CKeeney , MD J D Whitney M D A M Wilder , M D T Boy son , M D G H Powers M D 0 G Kenyon , M D B R Swan , BID I S Titus , M D L L Door , M D J L Meares , M D J WKeeney.MD T Price , M D GHolIand , M D H Gibbons , M D Madame Adelina Patti , Writes ; " 1 shall have to repeat the praUos of your OAMELLINE hearcUrom ; all Bldce. For sa'o ' by H. T. CLARK DRUG CO. , Omaba And all first olaas druggists. ; mjorncxU od - - All Sorts of be bo hurts and many sorts of ails of - man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. - Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " "Apollinaris Water is an artich nff ] which is produced by Nature and it not the handiwork cf man ; it is a - Natural , and not an artificial Wafer. " U.S. Treasury , 28 Jan. , 1882. - ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS O/altGrectrr , Druzc'iitit'Mi * . Wat.Dttlin BEWARE OF IMITATIONS- 111 ! TIMILEN in niJci ai east f > " " 35e J - wlUion pen - , V - " ' -'The . on at two Sprff | lengthen and thorttn icccrdlng loth * weigh ) ( hi be Cirri. Equally well adapted to rough country ro 'i ' ' t ilrivca 9 ! ciUea. Manufactured and f o < 4 t he ARTICLE 13 r SE 1312 THE SOURCE OF SAVING IS AN Assurance of a Making To see is to realiza more strongly than to hear of , and to see those Merchant Tailor Misfit and Unonlled Clothing Garments now on sile at the Misfit Llothing Parlors , 1312 Douglas St. , up-stairs , the source of k ; " * rm'1 snvinc in easilv refill'//1. See that $25 00 Merchant Tailor Made sold for. . $12 GO 35 00 " ' " . 18 20 > 40 00 " " ' . 20 30 45 00 " " u . 23.00 SO 00 ' " ' . 25 70 ' GO 00 " " " . . 31' ' 25. 05 00 " " " . 35 00 PANTALOONS. $ G 00 Pair Merchant Tailor Made sold for , . $ 3 00 8 00 " " " ' . 430 10 00 " " " . 500 12 00 " " " " . 6 20 15 00 " " " ' . 8 00 SPRING OVERCOATS , Cut , made and trimmed in the-highest art to be found in elegance unsurpassed outside of the ORIGINAL MISFIT OLOTHI ft PJ BL' ' DBS 1312 DOUGLAS STBEET-UP-STAIBS. 1312 , . Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock. COWING & GO , jonusits M WROUGHT IRON PIPE , and Catt Iron Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead , uommscnoT BTKAB rtni-s , WISDHILLASUDRITKHKLL nnrS , rimntcrs1 Das ail steam Fitters' IRON & BRASS GOODS. ENCINEERS' $ W"V/ , 14ltli0odaeStS..OMAHA.NZB. DE , PUHEK , Uraduato ot tbe University "Vienna , Aus tria , Late durcocn to the Military Hospital , of Vienna. Will do a genqral Medical and Surgical practice. All calls in city or country promptly attendodi Office at the Oicaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner IStb Street and Capitol Avsnsifl. Oinalia M edical & / Surgical gical institute. , 18th St , , Cor Cauital Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases I DlM ao' ot Female ) , of tbe Korroua Bjitom , Pri vate DiBoas-B of the Urinary and Sexual organ ) and Diseases ol tbe Head , Tbroat and Lang ) , specialties Di at n trfatfli * bv an experienced Breo'alltt ' , alia dloeaseaol tbo Heirt , Liver , itnmaci , hlduej > , I31a/l- der , Keuralgta , K eumttl m , IM e , Cannera , etc , And all other dUeaeeg o ) the Throat and Lunta , treat cd byMidicited Vapora tJenl far Inhaler or circular n Inhalitloa , AH dlr cases ol the Blood , U.lnary and Sexual Or- Irani , Private Diieateg and Pilra Curetl or no Fay. IS Yran lloapltaland I'rlrata Practlof CorsulUtlin and Examlaatlon Irea 0 II orwrtte loroirculaii on chrunl o dlseuea aod deform Itlca Dljeiwa of Foiolca , f rivato Dl oaie oil I Urinary and HexnalOrgana , Seminal WcaknM , N r rout liebility or Kxh.ustlon , eta. tto , and our new nutontlre treatment , . . . , , All letters and consultation * Confidential. Medlrtnee ent o all parti of tbe country bv ex. presi , le-urely packed from ooeervatlon , If full de- Jcrlptlonnf oa e Is nlven , One persoaal Intirrtaw preferred U couvenleol. Open at all noun. Patient * from a distance can obtain roomi and board , Addren all letter * to . . , . . , Omaha Medical & Surgical Inshtr/te 13th St. , Cor , Caplto Avo. , Omaha , Xob. O SAHA , , SAVINGS MNK - Cor. 13th and. Douglas Sts. Capital Stock , - - - $160,00t Lmbilityof St jckholders , SOO.OOC F.YO . Per Ces'tintoe Palfi onDoposi ! ) LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTA2I /JUE3E. HOTP . , * ' / . A. PAXTOH Vie * PiofWroi - . , U nKNKKTT , .Uaaajlog Ulreato ( onsu wamm , \.rfJ. / I CIUS. r-.MANDEESOH , TUOS L K1UDAI4 * J. W OANNKTT , MAI MKYKH. UENUY VUMOT L. STC.XB , MAX lYlEYER&CO , fEsfca"blishQ(3. ( 1365 > Jewelers and Dealers ARK NOW OFFERI&G , * Pianos and Organs AT FACTORY PRICES Either for Cash or Easy Payments GREAT BAB .GAINS IK- DIAMONDS WATCHES , t , WARE , ( Full Lineof Sb eet Musicnd Books. NortfiBast Cor. Farnam ar d I llh Sts , , OMAHfl , NEB OUTH OMAHA. The Advaj .tage of Settling in the NewTowa The title "South Ora * > .a doosnot mean thoBouthern part of the city of Omaha.but is th'a name of the thriving towq commencing at the Union Stock yard ) on the outb , and extend ing for a mile and a naif' north , nearly connecting with thecity limits of Omaha. The company oav t again concluded to putonealo 1,000 lots , and let the purchasers of tha fume realize the j > rfjt which the enhanced value of these lots ia sure to make. It now being an astured fait * out South Omaha is destined In the near future to bo the larffeit live Block market weal of 'Chicago , there can be no doubt that this property In a few yours will ba worth five or even U a times the amount that it can bo bought lor to-day. Some may aik $ If this Is to , why dc not tbe company keep it and realize this profit The answer if , tbv > ' , In order to make lota valuable , there must Ixi improvements on or BUT rounding them , av d a * is the case in all new towns , special inducement ) must bo offered first to et the p ope ] to take hold and build. There are | > r obtibly more such inducements offered by South Omaha than were over pa forth by any nr a town. Tbo large biuiness done by the etoolc yards company and the im. mense slauKbt/ and packing houses together with their anzilaiies are no small feature mi i > aggregate of t vents that are destined to make South Ornab * a large pi ice. Agtln , the town is not an ad ? Ition to Omaha , and is not liable for city UXOB , altioiigli It enjnya all tbe bsnofita from the gr * jwth of Omaha that it wo-jld if It were just iNsinu the city limits , but being Just OUTSIDK , nly county taxes are collected , which nra mornly nominal. Tn town owns and operates -its own water works , which furnish an aimndtnt supply of pare spring water , Dam. my train a will rnn on the 13. k M , aod U , P. railways every hour , n topping at tha north end of tbo V > wn site as well as at the stock yards. The Thirteenth street horse cars will run to HaBrVJ'g park this spring , and to the stock yards at no distant day. The high altitude aod. the location a healthy ono. Of course there are those who do not believe that South Omaha will amount to much , rf his kind of people didn't believe Chicago would aver ba anything bsttor than a cranberry ; > atoh that Oninlia would ever outgrow her village clothes that there never could ba any fruit r ited In Nebraska , etc. . etc. Who made It win ? The sceptics , or those that had an abiding faith m the energy , intelligence and resources of this great country ? For Information , maps , prices and terms apply at the company a office , 21C S , Thirteenth Street , Merchant's National Itank Building , first lloor , 3f.A. UPTON , A.sst. Scc'y and Bfanagcr. KUJEMPItfG & JBOJSTJE7 , Manufacturers of Ornamental i Eoiiner V/lndows , Window Caps , MetillloSkv.LIslitB , da. Tin. , Iron and elite ItoofMf , 3188outh ; IMhBtrect.Ooaha.Neb. Woik done In any fattof tbe country. LLMAN 13)1 ) AND 1303 ITA.UNAM 8TREBT , COR. 13TH , XCTX133